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Those of you who live in US, particularly western (CA) HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET AWAY FROM THE HEAT?!!?! I live in Fresno, CA. While it's dry here (thank for for that at least) the heat is unbearable, staggering right now at over 105 FUCKING DEGREES. FUCK. What sucks is that it barely rains, too. I want to go somewhere where there's rain, but not have to spend over $200 fucking dollars.
Any ideas? The heat makes me lethargic and angry. It brings out the worst in me.
I was just thinking of taking a trip to the bay, but it's expensive to stay there so unless I couch surf I'm fucked.
tl;dr where can I go that is cloudy or rainy around CA but won't cost me an arm and leg to head to?

nowhere really, there are no 200 dollar vacations even at hostels.

just invest in AC. mine was 275 bucks, and its a 'floor unit' that i just stick the tube out my window and its all good. not sure how much its gonna fuck up my bill but my room is small enough taht i dont need to run it all the time.
buy an AC like everyone else does. Yeah its expensive, but its that or live at the mall like all the other pisspants.
Thank you for responding, anon.
I live in a big house with my family, though my room isn't that big. My dad said an AC takes up a looot of electricity so I'm skeptical. Where did you buy yours from? I'm on a budget because I'm trying to move to San Diego soon, too.
The thing is I wanted to be somewhere where it rains, just for a day. I want to feel the rain drops, and be surrounded by cloudy skies. I am getting anxious thinking about how that won't happen for a long, long time here due to the heat.
Here's where I live:

Sucks to suck, op

i got mine from amazon. they can take up a lot of electricity depends how you run it of course, but yeah.

if you are trying to save money this expense wont help

My window unit (like anon above mentioned) doesn't really affect my bill at all, then again I only run it when I get off work. Just be smart about it.
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It gets to be 95 in my room in norcal. I'd get a fan if I were you, a good floor fan. Set it on high, and put it in front of you 25/8. That's what I do, and it abates the misery a bit.
An AC unit in your room might help though, like a swamp cooler or something. Just don't ruin it for like more than an hour or it'll add up fast. Godspeed.
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>where can I go that is cloudy or rainy around CA
try portland
but you're close to the coast , go to santa cruz or sf
or go to the manchester mall
you can wash your face with cold water every few mins
keep ice pack near by
keep ice pack by the fan so it blows in cold air
or even a cooler full of ice and leave it by the fan
leave all ur clothes off
get a job and help pay the bill
I also wear all black outside in full goth mode specifically to spite the sun. It makes me feel strong. Maybe try channeling the anger into prideful defiance?
go swimming faggot
or are you a fattie ashamed of his body?
weak pussy ass bitch. My area is hot but I learn to adapt to it and I don't need to use the air conditioner anymore.
Just take your laptop to the mall and jack the WiFi. You don't even need to buy a drink.
OP, I live in Modesto. My room is 90°. Learn to suffer and wait for Autumn.
also i live upstairs where it gets extra hot as shit.
True, I could also go to the library... but I want rain or clouds :(
... o-okay man. Here's your bad-ass medal lol
our pool is disgusting and the local pool is full of annoying kids pissing everywhere. That doesn't stop the beams of the sun, either.
you live in fresno?
that mall is ghetto af who goes to the mall to study lol
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Seek higher elevation, at least for the day. Here in Las Vegas Mt. Charleston is the spot to go.
Pic related!
>but I want rain or clouds :(
well you're not going to get it in california dude, you gotta go farther up the coast. can you drive to washington? then do it. if not, then look at the options you do have instead of complaining about the ones you don't have. then pick the option or options that seem the most feasible. beyond that, all you can do is live with it.

here's a rainfall map by state:


maybe you can distract yourself by making plans to move somewhere with a rainier climate.
>live in Colorado
>no air conditioning
>regularly in the 90's

I open the house up at night to really cool it off, then I close up the house until the afternoon, trapping the cool air in. After that I spend the day opening and closing Windows and blinds, depending on what side of the house is in the sun and which direction the wind is blowing. Keeping the Windows covered is a big part of keeping the house cool.

I also avoid cooking on hot days. This is when a crock pot is handy!
that's right i could go to yosemite area, just an hour north
It's why I love living in Seattle. We got like 4-5 months of blistering sun and then it's just muggy (not even that cold) and sometimes rainy.

It's great. 10/10
true. I have to move to san diego, though, for personal reasons... where it's sunny but not disgustingly hot. I hate how it never rains there though.
I'm surprised colorado is so hot right now.
I'm in my parents house. They open the windows/door during the day, tell me to fuck off when I suggest closing blinds during the day. They took off the blinds in the major/living room wall-sized windows. Angers me to no end but more reason for me to gtfo
i thought seattle is known for being toooo rainy? is there a lot of humidity?
If I was an hour away from Yosemite, I would be there ASAP
It gets rainy towards October to the Spring usually. But we don't have a large volume coming in. But yeah, it's humid as fuck in the Summer depending on where you go.
I live in AZ where it is a wondrous 111 degrees out right now. Get a big fan and put a bowl of ice behind the fan (be sure that it won't melt into the fan) or freeze some wash clothes in a U shape so you can take them out of the freezer and hang it around your neck.
I'm at 7,000', so the sun is intense.
Southernfag here, I actually kind of like humidity with my heat. Makes me feel alive and reminds me of the summers of my childhood.
Norcal skeez Plz go. Sac town represent, plebs.
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OP you're only about an hour away from some of California's best nature, including Sequoia, full of redwoods that create a temperate rainforest.

Even though you won't find rain or clouds right now, the trees create a cool, shady, moist environment on even the hottest of days.

I just got back from a costal redwood area, and I didn't even realize it was actually in the 90s because it was so much cooler in the forest.
559 passin by
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