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bestiality porn watcher

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File: disgusting_dog_on_woman.jpg (39KB, 1093x589px) Image search: [Google]
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I need advice from girls here. I watch a lot of porn involving females with animals but I would never tell any girlfriend I have to do something like that. Do you think a guy like me should hide my habit from potential partners to avoid scaring them or most women would understand
it's just a preference about porn and nothing more?
it is a little bit sick preference. im not judging tho.

other than that, how do you think it would go if you told your gf, that you watch this shit? do you really think she would be amused? best case scenario, she breaks up with you and tells her friends and family that it "didnt work out"
I'm getting real sick of this 'all fetishes are okay, everyone has weird fetishes' meme. No, stop that shit. It's not healthy, and not good for you.
>you'd never

Yeah, you would. You'd tell her to fuck a horse or she isn't pretty, because you're a stupid cocksmack.

No I wouldn't
why would you tell anybody about this? isn't watching this shit illegal to begin with? i can imagine this would completely ruin your image anywhere its told.
Watching beastiality porn is illegal? I've heard it's illegal to make (so most is shot in Europe) but have never heard it's illegal to watch.

I wouldn't mind if you watched it, OP, but I wouldn't watch it with you most likely, I'm only slightly interested in the hentai variant of it.
Not were I live. It's only illegal if you fuck them. And I don't want to tell anybody what I do. I am just curious of what girls here would do if they discovered a guy they are dating watch this kind of porn.
I wouldn't want to know at all. If my partner told me he likes to watch animals fuck girls I'd leave the relationship.

A part of me would think you would want me to fuck animals even if you constantly reassured me that you didn't want that.
Each person is different. I would not leave my husband, but we have an open relationship. I would watch it with him if it sexually aroused him, I don't think it wiuld turn me on as it's not my kink, but seeing him turned on turns me on....
instant deal breaker. I work with animals and would always fee like I would have to keep an eye on him if he came to my place of work or one of the many many public events with animals we have. I wouldn't even want to talk about with work with him. and wouldn't feel comfortable having any animals that might be "fuckable" in the house, which is a no go since I have two dogs that are medium/large. most girls (outside of work) I've heard talk about this stuff had utter disgust and distain as their reaction.

remember, most people outside of 4chan or deviantart would think that shit is horrible. your only chance is if she's a huge furry, but that's bad for a lot of other reasons. don't tell her, and maybe go to therapy
Best case is she is into it too my man
Sadly you're gonna have to keep this one to yourself.

I am into beastiality as well but I think I am one out of a hundred and I've never told anyone. Even if a guy knew and was okay with it, its not like we are gonna get together and fuck a dog. So its better to be safe and us sickos will have to be alone in this regard.
>tfw turns out both gf and me are into it
We talked about each others fetishes and kinks and it just came up. She browses /d/ though so that probably was why i didn't hesitate bringing it up.
>one of a hundred
I think you're understating a bit

But I don't feel any attraction to the animal. I feel attracted too the idea of a girl fucking anything. I wouldn't rape an animal.

I wouldn't tell. I'm just asking what would you do if you discovered that.
why should anyone believe you when they say that though? anyone who actually wants to would say that so people would view their paraphilia as even slightly less dangerous. even IF it is true, you're getting off to animal rape porn. anytime you put "animals" and "sexual arousal" in the same category, the vast majority of people are going to be immediately be suspicious of you (and rightly so). it's like someone who gets off to kids in porn saying they would never actually touch a kid. you gonna take their word for it? obviously not.

she literally said she would leave the relationship

Why should you doubt me if you knew me and think I am sincere in every other aspect of my life? Prejudiced much?
getting triggered?

think about it. If you had a kid, and you knew someone who got off to porn with kids, would you REALLY be comfortable with your child being around them, even if they assured you they "didn't actually want to touch them?" no, you fucking wouldn't. maybe that person is lying and maybe they're not, but the risk is absolutely not worth it. it's pretty simple. a pretty big risk factor for someone being an animal fucker would be, "getting off to videos of people fucking animals". that's just how it works

>Prejudiced much?
cry me a river, no one is required to respect or tolerate your paraphilia. and sorry to say it, but it would make most girls run for the hills and gossip to their friends about "that weird guy I dated that jerked off to dogs". the girls on 4chan who are into/respective of it are an extreme minority.

But I don't jerk off to dogs. I jerk off to women getting fucked by dogs. Do you think I'm evil or something?
I think most girls wouldn't want anything to do with you after, unless they're from a disgusting place like this, they'd probably be ok with it. But not your fb / street / normalfag whore.
>But I don't jerk off to dogs. I jerk off to women getting fucked by dogs
you are jerking off to animals in sexual situations. do you really think that makes a difference to anyone?

>Do you think I'm evil or something?
no, I think you're just incredibly whiny and acting like some sort of victim in this situation when you aren't. again: no one is required to respect or tolerate your paraphilia. you're not entitled to it. keep it to yourself. that applies to a lot of shit, even though I do find people who jerk off to beastiality especially repulsive. but that comes with having to euthanize dogs who were used for sex and had such fucked behavior they couldn't be realistically rehabilitated
Because that is a totally different situation you're trying to compare it to.

Let's say he gets off to thinking about women fucking little boys, are you inclined to believe he wants to fuck the little boys himself?

Let's compare this to something normal so we can ignore obnoxious morality forcing you to jump to paranoid knee-jerk conclusions.
Let's say he likes watching normal porn of adult men and women fucking, and he identifies as straight. Are you inclined to believe that he wants to fuck men, because the porn he watches includes men?

There are plenty of reasons why dudes jerk it to women fucking animals that everything to do with the women and nothing to do with the animal. But since the issue personally disgusts you, it interrupts your rationality.
>do you really think that makes a difference to anyone?
Clearly it does or no one would be arguing with you. You are simply not being reasonable and are directly exposing your own bias.
unless your /gf/ has spent extensive time online and on /b/, you should never tell her. just keep it to yourself and always browse incognito. personally i am fairly vanilla ( i call my bf daddy and like to touch his penis with my feet ) but if he asked me to shit on his chest id do it because i've been on 4chan since i was 12 (now 21) and im so desensitized to the idea of anything being abnormal or weird.
>Let's say he gets off to thinking about women fucking little boys, are you inclined to believe he wants to fuck the little boys himself?
I'd be inclined to believe he would be a risk for wanting to involve the gf with fucking little boys since that would be a fetish for him

>Let's compare this to something normal
you can't because beastiality isn't "normal porn", it's an extremely specific paraphilia, so just comparing it to normal porn is ridiculous. are you this defensive over child porn too? it's the same issue. or should we just let that go to? no, because it shows they're a liability and/or risk of trying to bring that fetish into real life. you're trying to argue that the porn people watch has no connection to things they may try to do irl, but that's incredibly unrealistic and naive. I never said that every guy who jerks it to beastiality would try it irl, but why SHOULD someone believe them when they say they wouldn't? why should they take that risk when the person's actions and/or fantasies are so contradictory?

>Are you inclined to believe that he wants to fuck men, because the porn he watches includes men?
I would be inclined to believe he would be interested in being involved with men and women fucking, which he would be. you literally just proved my point

>But since the issue personally disgusts you
and the majority of the non-4chan population m8

the guy I've been arguing with before you replied is THE ONE JERKING OFF TO BEASTIALITY. of course he's going to try and justify it

Really, I wouldn't fuck an animal. You wouldn't even be my friend because of my paraphilia?
>Really, I wouldn't fuck an animal
I don't really care, because you're an anonymous person on the internet and don't have any personal connection to you. I'm just telling you that even if you say you wouldn't, you're still going to be committing social suicide by telling anyone you actually know. the sooner you accept that, the better.

>You wouldn't even be my friend because of my paraphilia?
define "friend"

but regardless I wouldn't be your friend because you wouldn't have enough sense to keep that to yourself. that's not something you tell people, just like if you got off to kiddie porn or videos of people shitting into melons and eating it.
>I'd be inclined to believe he would be a risk for wanting to involve the gf with fucking little boys since that would be a fetish for him
so this is your beat around the bush admission that he isnt going to fuck dogs, he just wants his girlfriend to fuck dogs, in which case she can simply say no and he can deal with t.

>you can't because beastiality isn't "normal porn", it's an extremely specific paraphilia, so just comparing it to normal porn is ridiculous.
yes i can. all porn is voyeuristic inherently, IE fetishistic. you are the only one being ridiculous here, in fact you're being so ridiculous that now you're trying to attack me over discussing the child porn point THAT YOU BROUGHT UP FIRST.
yea, how dare i try to engage with you over your own fucking talking points.

>you literally just proved my point
your point was that you think he wants to fuck dogs, not that he wants women to fuck dogs, which he freely admits to, you disingenuous spastic.

>and the majority of the non-4chan population m8
so you dont deny it
It's under the same fucking branch as CP, bro. Illegal to make and illegal to watch.
Nope. I don't know where you live tho.


I wouldn't tell. I just want to know if my hypothetical gf would be more understanding if she discovered it by herself.
in the UK maybe, in the us and most other places watching bestiality is completely legal, just illegal to produce.
got any dolphin stuff?
can't you just fap to 2d bestiality or better yet furries instead? That way no animals are being abused.
Why are you making stuff up? It's legal to watch it in all 50 states, not legal to do it in all 50 states though.
>so this is your beat around the bush admission that he isnt going to fuck dogs, he just wants his girlfriend to fuck dogs
he wants to involve dogs in sexual activities. However I did even say in a previous reply that even the fact of him associating "animals" and "sexual arousal" is what's going to make people run for the hills when he tells them. that doesn't change that fetishes also grow and change over time, something that starts out as a fetish of a girl and a dog fucking eachother could easily evolve into something more "direct". again, WHY should someone take that risk, because he's a special snowflake?

>in which case she can simply say no and he can deal with it
you really think most girls would just say no and not be concerned at all whatsoever afterwards? as >>17145160 said, it's commonly grouped together with CP. it's not something to be taken lightly for a reason

>all porn is voyeuristic inherently
so you're admitting that it's not unreasonable to be concerned about him trying to bring beastiality fanasies into reality, glad we agree.

>you're trying to attack me over discussing the child porn point
how exactly did I attack you? is disagreeing attacking now? you're the one who is escalating quickly and resorting to petty name calling and being a bit over dramatic. I just asked if you would be this adamant in defending someone who jerks it to CP but claims to not want to bring it irl.

>your point was that you think he wants to fuck dogs
I never said that I specifically thought he wanted to, just that it would be a major concern for anyone he tells irl and that they're entirely justified in that reasoning, and that I personally wouldn't take that risk, and neither would most girls. having fun twisting my words? and even if it WAS just a possibility of him asking girls to fuck dogs, that would make most very uncomfortable and not want to associate with him because how they hell do they know how far his fetish really goes?
>so you dont deny it
and no, what I'm not denying is that majority of people outside of shitholes like this are disgusted by any form of beastiality and won't tolerate it. your intense defense of it is interesting though

but I want to do more with my night than argue with you about why someone might be concerned about finding out their bf jerks off to beastiality. have a good one

feck off christfag.
Best way I brought something like that up to my gf was in a second hand manner like
"What do you think of people that are into tentacle porn?
"I think tentacle porn is hot" she says
"Yeah same, glad we both like it"

And then we mope about how expensive tentacle dildos are
i'd be fine with it and be happy to watch it together sometimes.
My boyfriend told me that he likes beastiality and i do to so its nothing wierd really. Its just a frtish and nowadays, theres way worse shit that that.
Just make sure that she'd be cool with this. Maybe write a list on all your kinks/fetishes and give it to eachother
I think you didn't ever see animalporn.
Post your list as an example?
I'm into zoo porn and it'd be nice to have a bf who's into it too, but it doesnt seem like a thing to do together. just something to silently be satisfied in you both enjoying
Told an ex I had jerked it to beast porn in the past. I regretted it. She took it poorly and was judgy about it, implied I was encouraging animal abuse. She was a total nympho who liked to call me daddy, get fucked in the ass, get pissed on etc.

Unless there is some benefit in this risk/reward scenario, I'd just not tell her. What does she need to know anyway? Self righteous posters itt are a indicator of the potential tone you can expect.
Sorry to hear about your experience Anon, it seems based on what I've seen there's a lot of "guilty until proven innocent" type of deal with this sort of thing.

The potential "benefit" to this risk/reward scenario is unconditional love, ie the girl in question loves you despite this. But really, she doesn't have to know, and some girls would prefer not to know. Your own private thoughts belong to you, I don't believe OP should feel like he has to justify it to anyone (unless I feel like we'd be going in "thought crime" territory).

If acceptance of this is so vital to OP, I think he has to find a girl that likes the same thing. People who are vanilla or "normies", not exposed to this type of thing, usually have preconceived notions and will push the person in question away. Personally, I think that if I loved my boyfriend and he told me this, and he said he wouldn't fuck dogs/whatever animal, I'd trust him. Relationships are built on trust, and there's a difference between fantasizing about something and actually doing it. If I previously thought of him has a great, intelligent, caring, and understanding boyfriend I don't think that this would change my perception of him.
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>I just want to know if my hypothetical gf would be more understanding if she discovered it by herself
Nah, not at all. That would make it even worse.

If I found out my boyfriend was into bestiality, pic related.

I don't know on which planet you live that this is an acceptable, normal sort of fetish but it isn't. Sure, homosexuality used ot be not okay and now it is, sure, 50 shades of graype happened and now everyone is into BDSM, but even then those are still fetishes where one human wants to bone another fertile(-looking) human. You know, as is sort of expected.
You need help OP. Not all fetishes are equal.
Stop being a poor porn addict and your weird preferences will vanish. This will solve your do I hide it or not problem.

I am not an addict. I watch it like once a week.


I don't want to change. I just don't like the idea of saying it to women I just met because they can take it as me proposing them to do it.
Male animals can give consent with their dicks.
Goat fucker kys
Yep. Not like they are trained to do it. They definitely not whipped/beated/starved if they don't. And they are not euthanized when they are done making the video. Not fucked up at all. Continue supporting this harmless fetish OP. Before you jerk it, watch some of those puppy mill videos and decide if you support that.
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I forgot to mention the women. I'm sure they arent sex slaves op. Nothing wrong with that am I right?

Kill yourself OP. You are supporting filth
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Bestiality means your brain is sick. Kill yourself, faggot.
3 problems with your post:
>I'm not OP (but there's no way for you to know that, ok)
>not giving sources for your animal abuse and killing claims
>getting paid to degraded yourself = slavery
This nigger likes to watch dogs fuck girls. A reason why he shouldn't does not need to be 100% valid.
Yes, it does. And I actually prefer horses.
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It's an animal fucking a human. What else reason does OP's thick stupid skull more need to realize that this is sick.
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