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/adv/ help I'm fuckin' stumped mang. Does anyone

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/adv/ help

I'm fuckin' stumped mang.

Does anyone with a gf actually have any meaningful conversations with their girl?

I am fucking bored of mine so much, I literally just feel frustrated and angry when she tries to talk to me, nothing is ever fun, it always comes off as if she's pretending to care about the topic just to please me or try get attention out of me, but it never feels genuine.

When I talk to my friends it could be about the dumbest shit but it's still hilarious or stupidly serious.

My girl recently tried talking to me about UFC fighters, a topic I mentioned I talk about with my guy friends and she literally started the conversation with "Would you fuck Ronda Rousey?" and as a dude; alarm bells just ring out like
>if i answer this as 'Yes' will she get mad? if I answer as 'No' I'll have to justify why I said 'No'
So I ended up just getting annoyed and disregarding the question.

But this is just one lame as example, it seems every fucking time there is some attempt at conversation, it feels forced and arbitrary..

my question to you /adv/ is have anyone with a GF consistently have meaningful, interesting or even fun conversations with their girl that aren't about dumb day-to-day shit or feelings?

>update: we're literally fighting over this right now, she's going off about how little attention I give her and I'm trying to explain I feel bored.
the worst part is, i don't even know if I'm right, I am totally lost atm.
I've never had a girl that could talk particularly intelligently about most subjects, and it's the #1 complaint I hear from my friends about their women.

Granted, some of these girls are pretty smart, its just their scope of knowledge is very, very, very narrow. Try talking to her about something she's passionate about and ask her questions about it. She's trying to talk to you about UFC shit because she likes you and wants to try and relate and talk about stuff you like.
Flip it around, try talking about stuff she likes.

This is by no means a guarantee. I fucked a girl for awhile where we basically never really spoke about anything other than how short a skirt she was wearing at work that day. I tried to get her to talk about something and she just made references to LOTR for two hours.
well, recently broke up, may get back together, but still counts?

to answer your question, yes. i even have meaningful conversations with girls that im just casually seeing. I wont engage with people who can't. They don't stimulate me, and not worth my time when there are 7billion other people on this planet.

stop going for the girl that you find cute, date because you find her cute, and tolerate all that "flirty shit" just because she gets your dick hard.

girl i was together with was able to talk with me about a wide variety of things. i genuinely enjoy her company. she's funny and college educated. set your standards a bit higher than "yeah id fuck her" only date girls that have what you're looking for, dont accept less than what you think you deserve (i am NOT talking about looks at all here folks)


I'm a girl who feels about guys the way OP feels about his girl. Turns out most people don't spend 4+ hours a day researching everything under the sun or coming up with ethically consistent worldviews. So I date the ones who can keep up.
She can be smart but I've tried asking her about shit she's passionate about and she just sits there with nothing, asked her what she talks about with her friends and the answer is the same dopey shit she says to me.
it's infuriating I could pick any guy off the street and riff with him about anything but you pick any random girl and it's hit or miss.
The worst part is relationships start out amazing, you can have fun, fuck around and you get tricked every time into thinking that's how it's gonna' stay, you both get too comfortable with each other and the urge to impress or the passion just dies out, now I'm left with "what did you do today?" which, if I didn't do anything, leads to silence.
I could read some super fascinating shit, send her the article and i get "that's cool" and that's it.
so I figure it's just a differing interests thing, but she literally tells me nothing about what she's interested in, even the things she is interested in she knows NOTHING about.
You're playing bullshit games with your girl instead of being honest with her and you wonder why you feel disconnected?
Gosh man, I dunno.
You mean to say you spend 4+ hours a day researching everything under the sun?

Bruh, be honest about what? I've brought it up several times, it leads to bickering, ironically the arguing is the only time we communicate for long periods that I actually feel engaged in.

I feel like I've been married for 20 years.

And stuff not technically under the sun, I guess. But yeah. Usually the topics are science or history.
Guys like you need to chill out and learn to have fun. Not every conversation needs to be intellectual.
Why are you with her, surely at some point you guys had shit in common.
Music, movies, shit you both liked, talk about that shit. Ask her interesting questions and don't be a bitch about thinking criticaly and developing arguments about topics you both like
Take her to see art or some shit.
Ask her about pop culture, have convos about shit that matters like plans for the future and the specifics.
is it really that hard to find guys that can hold a conversation about either of those topics?

I met girls that say they're into that shit all the time but never really know much about the topic, not asking for a historian but damn if you don't know who Hitler was you can't claim to be into it.

Believe me dude I love to fuck around and have fun but that get's boring and you don't feel as connected with a person when you're watching TV gameshows and talking shit about people on it.
I just really enjoy meaningful conversations also, I feel like politics is the easiest route to go but when your girl doesn't even know who's running you kind of lose that option, I guess I'll try ask her more about what she's into.
The art thing could work, but that's a band-aid on what I feel is a more rooted issue.

I ask her interesting questions but 'interesting' is subjective and she wont tell me what she considers interesting and even when she does like I said, it starts to feel like it's only a passing interest not a compulsive, passionate interest.
how long have you been together? less than a year?
also, why are you together? is she super cute/sexy etc? or is she all you can get?
I decide if I want to be with someone based pretty much on three criteria:

1. Attractive enough for me to want to fuck. Most of my friends think I have no standards at all here which isn't true, but yeah I'm not picky here.
2. Good person with a positive outlook. This is extremely important to me and it's something I greatly admire and respect.
3. I can have a conversation with her about pretty much anything. This encompasses having a good sense of humor, tolerance, a reasonable amount of intelligence, and intellectual curiosity.

Who the fuck doesn't know who Hitler is...?

It's hard because most guys I meet are like most people. People like to look into topics in a shallow Cracked-article way, not a fact-check and then seriously think about the issues and context around the fact way. Most of the guys in my (stem field) department don't even really know very much cool shit about our own fucking field. It's like they go to class, maybe read popsci and that's fucking it. Not interested in doing it outside of class.
DESU most of the guys I've been interested in are casual as fuck about most topics and just regurgitate crap they think has support. Or they don't do that at all and play video games all the fucking time. I play games too, just...jesus christ.
What does your girlfriend do? Does she study?
lol if they don't know who hitler is they might be retardedly ignorant. in that case i guess it's justified.
Been togetherrr about a year and a bit, I don't keep track, she does.
she's pretty hot yeah, also she's not annoying like a lot of girls i've been with, I have almost a PTSD like reaction to girls who are insensitive, vindictive or naggy, so her biggest personality merit is what she doesn't have, she's really kind and generous though, I'm 20 she's 25 so age could play a factor?

Paralegal, wanted to be marine biologist then switched to wanting to be mortician/pathologist.
What STEM is it?

Do you ever also find that some guys get kind of intimidated by the fact you are studying in such a complex field and it maybe hits their ego to where they feel less than you mentally so try argue about things to compensate?

I've had guy friends tell me they hate it when their girl is interested in the same stuff as them and it gets to a competition of who actually knows more..
Dang op she sounds cool. I love girls that study shit. Maybe she is not a talker, just try to see what she comes up with and be interested in that. Here's an experiment:

Go to her and say , hey babe how was your day? Listen, then ask a following question about what she did/happened to her, don't agree or disagree with shit, don't pass judgement.

Before you assume she didn't do shit or even if she says she didn't just ask about her drive, listen to everything she says and pick some shit you find slightly interesting, and follow that rabbit with open questions. Still try to keep your responses to a minimum. See how far that goes and try to get some insight on what she experiences as fun or interesting.
Shit is a two way street

Lmao been in this exact rutt, OP.

Ended up dumping her for a feminist purely because I KNEW we'd have something to talk about. We did, but the sex(Unsurprisingly) sucked ass and beyond feminism she really knew fuck all.

Focus about what enjoy with your girl and do that, you don't NEED to enjoy talking to her at all. You don't owe her anything in that regard. If she keeps giving you heat about it, then do your chores, talk to her about some shit and pretend you enjoy it. If you wanna actually enjoy it, watch a TV series with her. It'll give you something to silently watch for an hour and then talk about for an hour before you rinse and repeat.

So, tl;dr summary

>Realise what you do enjoy with your girl(Be it sex or eye candy, I won't judge)
>Accept that maybe thrilling conversation aren't part of that package(They very rarely are)
>If she keeps giving you shit, watch a TV series with her like GoT or something and then move onto stuff you're more into and she'll follow suit.

Here's the thing though dude, the golden rule. And I KNOW I'll get called a pig for this.She wants to be lead, she wants to love what you love and watch you love it more. She wants your leadership here. Don't wait for her to interest you, interest yourself and she'll follow quickly behind. She's already tried it with UFC.
Yeah, it happens. I pretty much gave up on guys in my department because they're either sexist (for whatever reason, could be ego reaction), insecure about my competence, or some variation.
It doesn't have to be a competition. My current BF and I have some similar interests and we either don't try to one-up each other at all, or we compete in a friendly way. Different fields, but identical hobbies and interests. Just different "levels" in said hobbies, so we can always share stuff with eachother.

Are the two of your initials TF and MC?
I just can't believe there's guys out there like this.

I box and the best competitive boxer at our club is a 16 year old girl with literal olympic potential. Not a single one of the guys is anything but proud and supportive?

You go on 4chan and you can't believe that there would be both peers and faculty in a physics department who feel that even a very capable women is still somehow below the average male in the field?
No lol

I'll watch stuff on TV, she'll sit and try get all cuddly etc like chicks do but it gets distracting sometimes lol but she doesn't get any more or less interested, its whatever, to have a conversation about that specific sport you need to go deep into to get all the back story etc so, I'm not mad at it.
Kek, this April fools.

I don't actually see many outright sexists on here, just feminist haters and racists.

After all, every guy has a mother.
>I don't actually see many outright sexists on here, just feminist haters and racists.
Clearly haven't been here long enough then.

Having a mother who does mom stuff is not the same as having a member of a sex you don't have great experiences with outpace you at something that is supposed to be your domain.

The boxing example was cool. I powerlift and the gymbros are fantastic to me, and not in like a come-on way. Great atmosphere. The majority of faculty are cool with me and the like 4 other girls but probably 70% of my male peers are awful.
I don't wanna get into an oldfag/newfag argument but there are definitely more racists than sexists and even then they're rational about their racism.

A lot of the shit they say about black people I've seen in myself and my peers. As for sexism? Maybe I just ignore it because it doesn't apply to me. Whatever.

I still think with most ism's it's us who choose to read things that way.

Like when I get in a lift and a woman holds her handbag tight to her body despite there being lots of space, it could be sexism and racism cause I'm black and male or it could be because I'm wearing a hat over my eyebrows and a bomber jacket to boot.

In other words, maybe your peers and faculty treat you a certain way because you're arrogant or something?
Meant for Barry>>16984288
>What 4chan does to black people

I'm gonna avoid suggesting this place to my friends.
>Does anyone with a gf actually have any meaningful conversations with their girl?
All the time, until I married her. Now I have meaningful conversations with my wife. Still pretty much all the time.
Why would saying you would or wouldn't fuck Ronda make her mad? There is a bad thing about dating and relationships in that the couple can't have fantasies about someone else once in a while. And it's not like Ronda would be sleeping with you anyway.
You might want to stop dating stupid bitches. There are maybe not plenty but some intelligent/attractive women out there. But you are maybe in a social group that only includes stupid women and you need to get out of that.
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