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My Gf sent me this screenshot - messages from her ex ( Badly

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My Gf sent me this screenshot - messages from her ex ( Badly translated from our native language). How does one respond to this?
1. Of all - that guy has absolutely no hobbies, smokes weed many times a day and is just , well i dont know the word

My gf was talking with him yesterday and he was fine actually, but in all of sudden ... this
>talking with him yesterday
dumb the whore
wtf, who does immature stuff like this? why would you keep contact with an instabile ex like that? you tell her to delet his number and block him now. that's how you respond.
well you need to tell your gf to choose between your or her ex and by that i mean, if she wants to be with you, she should completely cut all contact with her ex. She should also contact his parents in case he is serious about killing himself. her ex will never be able to get over her if they carry on speaking.
he sounds beta but you do too.

make a threesome everyone wins
Her ex is manipulating her. Call your local authorities and forward them this set of texts along his name and address. He's making suicidal statements you'd rather be safe than sorry.

A visit from the police and 24 hours in a mental facility under observation should sort him out.
I see that you're the piece of shut creep that takes away people's girlfriends.
I hope he gets her back.
My advice: do the right thing, and leave her, before she inevitably leaves you.
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Yeah, no chance her ex is the whiny creeper sort who makes suicide threats via text and she left him for the OP of her own volition.

Fucking autist.
Calling the cops would be the biggest bitch move.
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> hurr durr OP is so special she isn't going to leave him just like she left her ex
It's a fucking cycle. And OP is the low life piece of shit creep who comes in and takes the girl even though she belongs to someone else.
Nice autism, but try again.
Making a thread to seek validation?
Comeback when you need advice, not a circle jerk, you fucking creep.
the fuck are you even talking about? not sure if this is bait or retardation.

>And OP is the low life piece of shit creep who comes in and takes the girl even though she belongs to someone else.

you know fuck all bout the situation. you are making stupid claims.
Eeh, she dumped him because of me 2 days ago, the day after i fucked her while he was sleeping in next door room, soo hes the main cuck, not me
Thanks for supporting me, I just couldnt stand how he was treating her like shit so i had to step in. I know its really bad to steal someone elses girl
Usually I side with these >>16972945 types but >>16972958 is fucking right.

You sound like a bitter faggot, his gf's ex sounds like a whiny cunt. No wonder she left him.

OP, you need to tell her to drop it because hes just trying to emotionally manipulate her. Personally I'd tell that nigga to fuck off, and if he text her again that you'll fuck him up and he won't have to kill himself.
wait, you've only been dating two days... and she just left him? And you cucked him with her, him being in the next room?

I retract >>16972983.

All of you can eat shit, this sounds like some highschool musical tier drama, fuck off.
This isn't a great situation to be in. If you want to try to do the naive nice guy thing, try to convince him to get some therapy, since it sounds like he's willing to consider it. If he won't, then tell her to contact his friends/relatives and tell them she's worried about him, and suggest that they talk to him and see what they can do to help.

Then send him a text like "For both of our sakes, I'm blocking your number. You need serious help, go and get it. Goodbye, anon." You can just skip straight to this if you want.

And frankly i agree with >>16972990.
So she's a whore. Congrats, sounds like a real catch.

Saw it coming from a mile away, and I rest my case.
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Nah nigga, lying about being suicidal to get your girl back out of pity rather than manning up and earning that butch back? Way bigger bitch move.

People would do this shit a lot less if they had to undergo the consequences of making suicidal threats in a civil society (i.e. temporary commitment and arrest).

And coming from a pd: fuck you, punk ass bitch.
Gentleman this is why you dont date girls with shit taste in men.
I've been here before. She's going to do the same thing to you. I know you want to take the high road here, but you should really just drop it, and enjoy whatever time you have with her while it last.
>arresting someone for a victimless crime

I mean, OP did cuck his girl friend's ex.
And by your logic OP didn't "man up" and wait until they were out of their relationship. If you want to talk about manipulation and trickery, OP is more guilty then the ex.
I don't agree with either side, I just don't think OP is the Saint in this situation, and calling the cops would just esculate the situation to the point where people are getting a criminal record over high school drama.
Why the fuck would you date a girl that literally cheated on her boyfriend with you? It shows she clearly isn't above cucking you if some other guy smooth talks her.
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Don't know what country OP is from, but you're a cunt in any language. Let me count the ways.
>>criminal record.
It's not a crime to be a beta shitlord who makes manipulative suicidal threats. Dipshit wouldn't be arrested or get a criminal record from this. He'd be detained for his own safety until professional psychologists could talk to him. Making suicidal statements is a cry for help, and when you do that, the consequence should be that you get that help.

If that means you are suicidal and and your life is saved at the cost of your reputation, great. If you're not suicidal and your reputation is ruined because everyone thinks you were or that you're a manipulative bitch, great too.

2. Girl is the victim here, of manipulation. OP is too, he didn't do shit wrong besides see a pretty girl and be more of a man than her current beta ass boyfriend.

The mentally ill who actually need help are the real victims from shit like this. It's because of cry wolf motherfuckers that people don't take truly ill people seriously until they cut their wrists or shoot up a school somewhere.

Ol boy did that when he threatened to off himself over some bitch. Hasn't been an acceptable reaction since Romeo and Juliet, and quite honestly it sucked then too.

It's attitudes like yours that keep cops from helping people who need help and instead having to deal with the aftermath of mentally unhinged people finally giving up.
Okay, now I know you're baiting hard, but I'll bite.
I'm from the US, so many it's different then where you are.
>detaining someone over high school drama
And when he goes to a psychoanalyst at a mental hospital, it will forever be on his his record that he was institutionalized. He loses his right to purchase firearms, and many government employment opportunities.
>OP is too, he didn't do shit wrong besides see a pretty girl and be more of a man than her current beta ass boyfriend
see >>16972967
OP is obviously the real antagonist in this situation.

>cops from helping people

I think this might be getting down to a more personal level for you. You might want to walk away from your computer, and take a breather.
Fucking hell i should have written the whole backstory. Im on my phone so sorry for typos.
>3 months ago
>get introduced to her
>"holy shit shes awesome"
>we have same hobbies and shit
>her mom adores me because her family family is full of intelligent engineers and Im myself studying university while working as a metallurgic engeneer while the sucidal ex hasnt even finished highschool and has like 4 times lower salary and as i mentioned smokes a lot of weed and is a fucking sociopath
> last weekend
>party at her house with her family
>im also invited
>ehat the fuck
>im drinking and chattin with everyone from her family, even grandparents
>they love me
>her slighty drunk mom says "femanon, why are you with anon and not with anonB (me)?
> i hear her whisper to her mom "i dont know if he wants me"
>drag her to other room
>confess to her about my passion for her
> sex happens while her bf is stoned like shit sleeping in another room
>now were here
You ever talk a parent or spouse of someone after their loved kills themselves?
I have.
I'm talking about the minutes or sometimes seconds after. They are devestated, utterly gutted. It's like watching a switch turn off inside them and talking to the hollow space where they were. Even while they're still trying to keep that person from dying, holding a slashed throat together with one hand while holding the phone with another and frantically pleading with the EMTs and dispatcher to save someone, it's like a part of them checks out right there.

Fuck absolutely any bag of shit who'd threaten to manipulate you or anyone else in that way.

I am entirely okay with someone who thinks it's a good idea to fake having a mental disorder being denied the right to own a gun or never rising in life beyond the position of fry cook. Quite honestly, I'm not sure I trust their judgement around the fries.

As to your assumptions about U.S. cops, how about instead of blindly believing everything you get spoon fed by mass media, you go out and meet a few. Sign up for a ride along and actually talk to a couple of them. I think you'll be surprised by what you find and see.
Don't worry about it dude, you did fine. She probably owed it to dipshit to tell him it was over first, but these kissless virgins are blowing this shit way out of proportion.

I still say forwarding his texts to his local police department are worth it. If he's actually suicidal, he gets the help he needs and you might have saved his life (also possibly yours and your new girl friends). If he's not, consider it the well deserved consequences of emotional manipulation and an abject lesson in cause and effect.

Honestly OP, it'll be fine. Worst that happens to him if he's lying is he gets put on a 24 hour hold, has to talk to some doctors and gets a stern scolding from an irate cop.

If he's not, this will help him.
>I am entirely okay with someone who thinks it's a good idea to fake having a mental disorder being denied the right to own a gun or never rising in life beyond the position of fry cook.
Harsh, anon. What if they grow up and become a decent, hard-working, contributing member of society? Would they still deserve to have fewer rights than the rest of us just because the mistakes they made as a kid got written down on their permanent record?

And the US laws discriminating against people who've ever had psychiatric treatment aren't helpful at all for public health and safety anyway. Just think of all the psychopaths, paranoid schizophrenics, and other real whackjobs that don't get help because they know they'd lose their right to own a gun / keep a security clearance / etc.
You may not be aware, but there are three different judgements you can get in the U.S. to restore your right to own a gun and have a mental adjudication expunged.

All they require is a clean bill of health for 5 years and a psychiatrist/psychologist to give you a clean bill of health.

If someone is a complete and total dipshit and tries to prey upon the sympathy of better people, and has it blow up in their face when they called on it, 5 years of limited opportunity isn't harsh.

Also, what ifs are nice, but completely unreliable. I deal in what is. What is the case is some dumbfuck deserves to face the consequences of his shameless and pathetic actions.

What if he straightens up later? Then good for him and he can talk to a lawyer about filing motions to unfuck his life from the mess he made of it.
Where do you live OP?
Oh, and while we're on the topic. Those discriminatory laws keep depressives from seeking help. People who understand societal norms and consequences. And that's unfortunate. Eventually they have to make a choice, to accept help and give up their independence temporarily, or to keep struggling on in their misery.

Psychopaths, paranoid schizophrenics, "whackjobs" are beyond that. They don't give two fucks about the laws or consequences of seeking help because they live in an altered state where laws and consequences don't make any sense. They wouldn't obey laws that stopped them from doing what they want at the moment anyway. Don't pretend that restrictions on their right to bear arms stop them from getting help about their habits of mumbling to themselves on the subway, throwing shit at passerbys or shooting out windows with a gun they found in an alley. The idea of the future and abstract restrictions just isn't in their consciousness right now.
When I was a teenager I did the same thing to manipulate many girls.
I made sure not to have a record of it, because fuck the cops showing up at my door, but one time they did.
>"A little birdy told us that you're having suicidal thoughts."
"I have no idea wait you're talking about, officer. Is there anything I can help you with?"
>"No, that'll be all, sir."
Now I'm a successful computer engineer. Never had a suicidal thought in my life. Never been institutionallized, and I got to fuck a bunch of insecure girls as a teenagers :^)
My advice: of course people get sad when someone dies, but it's not like they're going to live forever whether they overdose on a shotgun or not. And btw, the teens who actually kill themselves aren't the ones who threaten to kill themselves over a break up. If they wanted to kill themselves, they wouldn't go around telling others.
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