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I found out my friend has a bimbo fetish. She likes to dress

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I found out my friend has a bimbo fetish.

She likes to dress up in corseted outfits, stuff her bra and wear thigh and butt pads and look at herself in the mirror...

Is this behavior healthy? I don't know if its... right? I think its a case of massive amounts of internalized misogyny or just the media making her feel she needs to look and act a certain way to be appealing... but she says its what she wants and its a pipe dream but its her dream... I don't know if she has toxic ideals of what a woman should be or not, I'm just very... confused.
Who cares? I mean, people with rape fetishes by definition will never actually like to be raped, they like to keep it in their control zone. Probably the same with her, she likes how she looks even if it's forward and sexualized.
a lot of the thrill of sexual stuff is the taboo. I suspect a lot of women in authority positions would love to be used as fuck toys and degraded.
She doesn't normally look like that, she wants to though. She holds it as an ideal, like she would love to look like a giant breasted, giant assed bimbo... so she dresses up in a costume and just fantasizes about things. It all seems very unhealthy, as if she isn't happy with how she looks, but its not a healthy ideal to hold.
Also a girl, also enjoy bimbofication. I don't think it's internalized misogyny... I think it's just sexy to be sexually free and uninhibited.
This is the best fetish. Don't look the gift horse in the mouth
somehow this clip just came to mind when I read this...

Body escapism is definitely unhealthy.
At least she still wants to have the same set of genitals and still be a human individual. Maybe encourage her to take prenatals and get fitfat.
No she wants surgery to morph herself, she wants a boyfriend to asexually dominate and abuse her, she has an unhealthy obsession with these things.
Gift horse? I am a straight woman
I don't think she should morph herself into a gross porn star
Harmless unless she goes out in public in costume, and even then probably harmless.

10 year old boys imagine being Superman because they are pretty powerless in real life.

Your friend is a "good girl" in real life, so she enjoys dressing up as Superslut.

There are far worse things to be upset about.
This is a perfectly healthy fetish and you should give me her number.
Its not just that she wants to be sexually open. She wants to look like an overdone porn star and dress like a hooked, she feels like that's what will make her attractive. That that's the ultimate aspiration instead of being an independent woman she wants to be a trophy slut.
I guess saying its s fetish was under playing it... Its more of a lifestyle she wants to adopt.
>internalized misogyny

Actually, isn't it your own internalized misogyny that makes you believe a woman is incapable of determining what it is she likes and wants? Women are people too, you know.
Your friend sounds like a total babe.
Jokes aside, I understand it. There's something appealing about it that makes no sense; hence, it's a fetish.

The problem with most people who have it is that they usually lack the income to go through with the procedures and whatnot.
If friend is having fun that's fine. She should know that dressing as a fucktoy may not have a useful effect on some men who are, well, horny assholes.

How OLD is friend? That matters.

If she is gonna do it, she should do it with style so she avoids looking stupid. If she can pull off looking sexy it's a weapon, but that requires doing it with style.

She shouldn't look to Anons for feedback on what's sexy because a lot of this population is horny and desperate. It's a balancing act for women who can pull it off.

She should probably ask faggots what's sexy as they have a better eye for it than desperate neckbeards.

I'm a straight guy so my fashion advice is not applicable, but I'm older than most Anons and quite observant socially.

Shoot for strong and sexy and feminine. Avoid "retarded Juggalo white trash" at all costs.
Stop labelling.

Unnecessary surgery is always a bad idea, so if that comes up again talk her out of it.

That aside it all seems pretty harmless. I know a guy who likes to dress up in toohoo cosplay, shoot guns and make men question their sexuality. He does it because he finds it funny.

He's also incredibly level headed and smart with money, and will most likely live a happy life.

People can do what they want. Unless you fear for her happiness or safety, don't intervene.

Her fetish, her business.
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