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Thread replies: 310
Thread images: 154

Best girl thread
That's not Mei, Tracer, or Widowmaker.
we have an overwatch general thread, just put this shit there
> That's not Mei, Garbage or Trash.
shes k but my fav is Mercy
Pharah is without a doubt the low key best girl. Underappreciated and top tier bae material.
>That's not Disgusting Global Warming Believer Chink, Needs Duct Tape for Mouth, or Widowmaker.
I find it funny that no one has posted porn of pharah
Probably cause there really isn't much good stuff around
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>that's not Plump Thick Juicy Asian Perfection, Needs Some Long Dick To Shut The Fuck Up, or Weird Divorced Purple Disfigured Body For Call of Duty Modern Warfare Players
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starting dump
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> That's not fat, annoying, ugly retard.
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All I can think when seeing that is if the claws are tearing her armor apart like paper it really would be doing a lot worse to her...
pls post more Overwatch my bros,
i'm about to literally empty every drop of thick, creamy, drug-free sperm on this glass plate
Pharah is my waifu and none of my friends understand
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more muscular phara
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>Pharah is my waifu
Anybody that likes Pharah doesn't have friends.
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>Most of the armor is missing

What's the fuckin point
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You guys actually like nugget porn?
>nugget porn
Yes. If it is Pharah its okay.
totally. that kid, gorgeous. i'd throat fuck that kid. absolutely.
Finally, a good armor break picture.

Armored girls getting their fancy suits ripped apart is the best.
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Who drew this one?
A talentless piece of filth with shit taste.

Just feel good that it doesn't. Armor/clothing destruction and shedding are top tier without guro elements.
Anything of her as an amputee?
Why does McCree have a wrinkled grandpa dick?
D.Va best girl
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your friendly reminder that 97% of egyptian women are circumcised, so most likely your waifu doesn't have a clit

To be fair, dude is like nearly fifty, isn't he?

That shit-eating grin sells the webm, though.
I want to be pinned under her armored weight as she has her way with me
>implying I just won't fuck her in the ass constantly
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pick one and only one.
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Of pic related? OF FUCKING COURSE!!! What do you take me for, a retard?
bump, post more
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Pharah obviously has monster tits squished up inside her armour
>both heroes staring you in the eye
>mcree winking at you

I mean i'm used to being cucked by mcrees ingame but come the fuck on

mah /k/ommando
>your post
>pic related
> No Pharah-Samus R34
> No angry armor chick sex
> Pharah is not calling Samus has-been
> Samus is not calling Pharah poser.

But..... but y tho?
Not sure if i'd want her holding my cock with the cold metal cyberhand. I know there are some here probably into that shit though
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Blizz also thinks that Mercy is both 34 and 37, thought having two different characters named Gabriel was a good idea and there's several places where the timeline makes zero sense.

They don't know shit about their own game.
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Thanks man. there isn't nearly enough Pharmacy in the world
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I got an amputee thread open in another tab, so if you're tryna make me feel weird step it up nigga
Pretty top tier
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he said pharah not reskined mei.
fucking disgusting
Those nipples look like they're about to start asking me to feed them.
Someone who plays mei doesn't have friends
This is next level autism
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"Best girl"
Comming right up
>implying those are Mei's proportions.
Best girls don't need to fake it. Best girls also aren't attention whores.
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What the FUCK is wrong with her hand???
Looks like the fucking claws of a raptor.
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But anon, if you have Pharah you don't need friends.
Because this planet is fucking gay

boi, you don't even know how much I am
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I like tracer more
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>Mei having most votes, especially over Mercy
Fucking disgusting.
She's a sand nugget. Get your shit straight.
That look on her face was enough to get me to finish. Man Pharah is so beautiful.
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The tiny feets ruins it.
Chocolate milk
>That wink
It's like I'm actually being cucked!
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Why is Pharah x Mercy 34 so hard to find compared to the rest of the porn.
That's true, because Pharah is better than either of those overrated bitches.
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>naughty older sister Symmetra corrupts naive tomboy Pharah
This is my fetish
Fucking HOT damn
>that face
Looks like she wants to literally fuck me to death
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here here
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stan's stash.png
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Is that you, Mr. Pines?
its 95% nigga get your shit right
What have you done with my delicious brown waifu!?
That's not tracer
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Liking shitskins, chinks, and limeys when you can have true Aryan perfection.
>Implying that's not your cue to take her backdoor
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mei concept art.jpg
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here's some official concept art, my dude
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>Being fucked to death by a horny Pharah
I could think of worst ways to go...
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new sparrow art of pharah/farah (from LoQO)
>not widowass
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Hey man, I've had Asian girls (from all over), South American girls, European girls (from all over), and they all are pretty nice. But I only ever REALLY want to buttfuck and cum inside a nice slightly-fat pink white girl. But curb the hating on the other races. Except niggers. They are bad news.
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Get out of here with that We Wuz Kings bullshit.
he's referring to the fan-theory that Pharah is missing her arms and legs and the ones we see are just part of her power armor
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Been working on a 3D model of Pharah so i can use for ref and set up lighting how i want etc... The first one i made (left) was based on the SFM version but i noticed that something was off about the face...like it was too long or something compared to the in-game Pharah. So the second version was only based off of screenshots and promo pics from the actual game. Just a fyi for anyone considering using the SFM version for drawing ref... These aren't meant to be perfect btw...just close enough for ref use.
Fuckin' A, dude. Keep that shit up!
that pic is a clever use of character name and race XD
To me the left looks pretty accurate to in-game. I'd like to see an update with hair / horus tattoo if you can. And please make her proportions realistic to the game
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Messed around with it a bit more and did a quick hair paint/horus tattoo. The SFM versions eyes are too far up, the outside of the eyes need to be angled up more, the eyebrows are too high, the nose is too long, and the lips are too big. And the face overall needs to be shortened slightly. That's what i attempted to fix in my version. I need to work on the nose a bit more to get it right...the game and SFM versions have this weird ridge laterally along the tip and nostrils probably to give the nose a better read with their shaders in game.
Wow that is super good and looks pretty damn close. Don't understand why the SFM version would get messed up from the original model, maybe it's using an earlier version and Blizzard redid the face before launch? And I know what you're talking about with the weird chiseled nose tip on the women in the game, notice that. Pretty obvious on Mercy as well.
for the love of dinkun, SOURCE
Does Pharah not have an official suitless design? I hope it stays that way.

The Zero Suit ruined Samus because nobody had to use their imagination anymore and it made all of her fanart samey and boring.
who wouldn't want to impregnate that body?
They made the game how the fuck are you going to pretend that anyone knows more about it than they do? Christ do you look as autistic as you sound right now?
Excellent work mate, keep it up!
You have clearly not been dealing with Blizzard for more than 1 hour. It's fine, little one. You'll learn in due time.
Fuck off /pol/, get fucked by a russian.
>Clearly not dealing with Blizzard for a long time
>Played WoW since '06
>WC3 since release
Fuck outta here, kiddo. I grew up with Blizzard titles like most other people did and I'm well aware how much of a cringy cuck Jeff Kaplan and his goon squad can be. What you don't seem to get is that they're the ones designing the lore from start to finish, so how are you going to assume you know more about the game than the designers do? C'mon now.
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>there are some people who are this retarded
>they vote
it means that blizzard cant make up their mind cock goblin
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Mei is better
Get the fuck out.
yea, mad
What the fuck is wrong with you?
How's progress going?


I have not heard of this insult for the French. Please, elucidate.
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*gasp* I need this!
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>They probably vote for bernie
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Fresh stuff.
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>early concepts
>more canon than recent cg
Because it's shit
>implying voting for bernie is a bad thing
are your parents related?
B-but MAGA
if your into sucking on al gore
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Damn shiny egyptian tittys.
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Namely Roadhog
>heal slut
>Aryan perfection
Sweden standards,I presume
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alright then
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i came
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those two are really something. Fuck...
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1MB, 1552x1117px
Here is bigger size.
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Here's the alt.
i just shmomorped my shniggy in the wingy jingy and gone dorped it in the weynonberry
nobody's voting for him now, faggot. :^)

go ahead and pull the lever for Cankles McWarmonger... you're Dem property, you don't get to think for yourself.
You have to elect either a jackass or a jackass who could disrupt global stability. No, we don't get to think for ourselves.

Why are we talking about this here?
Got any photos of real Egyptian women to compare? History and inaccurate smut make it surprisingly hard to find them in searches.
Modern Egypt or Ancient Egypt which Pharah is based on?
If you can find photos of ancient Egyptian women, be my guest. Modern will do.
Beautiful. I definitely see it.
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If you aren't trolling I strongly suggest you go kill yourself right away. Your autism is anime convention level.
So hawt
>'dat Marathon reference
Her little pout makes her ao sexy
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Source for this full webM?
Haven't been able to find the webm but it's 720p on pornhub


time to fap
It's true.

Pharah is my favorite and I don't have any friends.
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That's a SFM render made by a fan.
this is one of the few pharah pics I've seen that doesn't completely butcher her face
What is it about her that makes me think she is buff as fuck under that armor.
She's a pretty good size at 5'11" and all serious about her job which likely requires a good level of physical fitness
I think just because she's a Stargate / Unreal Tournament / Metroid inspired warrior woman. She's probably buff or atleast attractively fit. Military-style and all that.
>Stargate / Unreal Tournament / Metroid inspired warrior woman
Oooooohhhh now I understand why I like her so much...
Yep, love the Anubis/Jackal skins just for the Stargate reference
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Thats hot as fuck, thank you
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pls god post more
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She's basically the new Samus since the old one kind of became a Japanese schoolgirl.
no.. no... what... what have you done?!
Pharah made Samus obsolete.
secazz the maker has a link on his tumblr
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pls no beastiality

Lucio is basically Louis from L4D. Prove me wrong.
This is my favourite
The young Ana Amari skin. Hnnng.
Still not as hot as Pharah imo, although that one strand hair poking under her beret is cute.
Cant wait for the incest SFM
pics please
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>Ana Amari
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>tfw she'll never put you to sleep
>tfw you never wake up to her riding you for all you're worth.
I'm done.
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;//// I'm in love.
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>There will be sfm porn of Ana and Pharah double teaming Mercy
I will literally come with the force of the thunder of Thor
Same here. I'm planning to grab a raft and stand atop a hill so I can raft down the river of my own jizz
I'll just jack off
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1925228 - Overlook Pharah.jpg
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I want her...
He's 37, only 5 years older than pharah.
Here's a good one
Im adding that to my list, expect something in a long fucking time.
Its more zone of the enders seeing how much kojipro influence a lot of the OW designs have.
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>You guys actually like nugget porn?
Do I!
>Why does McCree have a wrinkled grandpa dick?

Excessive tobacco and alcohol use over the years coupled with excessive amounts of stress and regrets over all the people he's killed.
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>Blizz also thinks that Mercy is both 34 and 37,
A mistake was made. She was originally 34, but the first little video listed her age as 37 on Winston's computer. So they just changed it to 37 because updating their website was easier than updating a movie.
Not that her age even matters, since her nano-machines give her the body of a 22 year old.

>thought having two different characters named Gabriel was a good idea
Gabriel is a very common name among Hispanics.

>and there's several places where the timeline makes zero sense.
It's not fleshed out yet.
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I just love that so much Pharah art depicts her as muscular. It's the first thing I thought when I saw her, and I'm glad so many artists agree.

Fit is life.
>implying a wink is a clear sign that cuckery is going on
Get your minds out of the gutter
where is the porn of Ana getting fucked in her missing eye?
i need this in my life.
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