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Star vs. thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 309
Thread images: 183

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I'll help with a bump and pic OP
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How can Star even compete?
>finally pregnant heka

I don't want them to be real fangs
Finally star thread with actually Star in it
Don't jinx it

Plus the first post didn't have Star
Still hoping this will ever gets finished!
Looks like a lot of stuff was deleted. What happened?
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Corrupted Mewberty Star.jpg
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You and me both, anon. That POV is excellent...
Anyone have the third bit? It's been up on jlullaby's patreon for a little now but shadman's fucking site is still down because lolroblox of all things, so it's not out yet elsewhere until that comes back.
Link to the Patreon post with the 3rd part is


You'd need to spend a $1 to get access.
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Why are you posting this poorly drawn trash?
>That dialogue and cum

Goddammit, they're so good about almost everything else.
Hell no get the fuck out of here not spending even a dollar on porn
I should have stopped at part 2
We need more moon porn
>Part 2 says next part will be pussy/impregnation
>3 panels of pussy/impregnation and the rest is anal

I don't know what else I expected from JLullaby
She's dead now
There was more but the mods deleted the rest. Can't show lewds with Star here but the Trap Marco pics get to stay even though their both the same age.
>fangs mentioned

>post deleted

I suffeeeeeeeeeeeeer
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>Shadman's site is back up

Here's the high resolution of Part 3.
More on-model/ show-accurate, desu
That's Aval0nx you can find it on his Tumblr.
Thanks for the info!
Lol that chick is just a meat tube >>1299125
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Bust Dark Firefighter Bodypaint.jpg
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There has to be more

Marco cucking Star with her own mother?

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No star, go bare back. We've waited too long for this
They tend to ban people on these treads cuz they're teens. Especially if you post Star.

Cause mods seem to only register SOME characters as 'in the wrong' currently in a Rick and Morty thread where they got rid of Morty pics, then left up all the Summer, Annie and Jessica pictures.

Looks like they've done the same here with Jackie too, she's the same age as Star
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If that's the case shouldn't the original post be removed since it's just Janna and Jackie?
>They have breasts son

If they look grown up it's kinda ok
Totally canon since Eclipsa is trapped in that crystal.

So they just have to look older, lel why don't the allowed underage btw? I mean lolicon and shota sure that's more anime rather than rule 34 but I wonder why it's not allowed
Almost all the characters people care to draw are the same age
beats me since kimpossible is way younger, and it is allowed to post rule34 pics of her, even if she looks as a very underage kid.
Star's so petite on the show as to practically be flat, so I guess people post art where Star was given huge boobs (as r34 artists are wont to do) and try to claim that it's an 'older' version of Star.
anyone know this artist?
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Not porn, but I mean, come on
Do you think she'd be so keen on using her wand like that if she knew Moon used it for the exact same stuff?
Wouldn't know, but muh dick is harder with that in thought
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I'd love to dump but it seems to be /aco/ hates any form of non huge tited female character so I'd rather not get banned
Then all this bump will get deleted!

Quick! Gotta save them all!
HNNNGH, Was wondering when the non-cropped version of this would show up.
havent seen the show, who is the brown guy and why does everyone want his dick?
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Princess Marcoana Sketches 12&3.png
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Main character's male friend. He crossdressed one time, and people thought he made a better-looking girl.
Marco is basically the secondary protagonist of the show. He's the normal everydayish dude to star's manic pixie dream girl. Everyone wants his dick for weird reasons (though only 3 of them are DTF for sure, the others are just kinda hinted at.)
The girls are as follows:
Jackie (skater girl) is Marco's girlfriend and the one he'd been crushing on since kindergarden.

Star realized at the end of the last season that she's in love with Marco

Hekkapoo liked the man he grew up into after trapping him in a pocket dimension for decades (and gave him a way to bootycall her)

Janna (girl with the beanie) has a weird fixation on marco and his stuff, but hasn't made any overt advances.

Tom (star's devil ex) is often paired with him because Yaoi but they hate each other... slightly less than they used to but still there's a burning hatred.
StarFan13 probably wants his dick by proxy now that Star does.
>It has been confirmed that StarFan13 has cameras in every room of the Diaz Household.
i dont get why some characters get the pass
finn almost always looks like this super young kid but thats perfectly fine
i normally love her biting her wand
but the first pic is scary
the fuck?
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Requesting Marco eating star's ass while they are in the suit (so probably an xray view), with star's arm out of the head biting her wand like on the right
Well Finn looks the same since S1 and in this recent season he got past his 18th birthday.....so technically he is allowed, again because his design hasn't had any changes.
that seems like really backwards logic. "hes 18 but he still looks like he did when he was underage so its okay"
No one wants to see cuck porn
no bully pls
Trips have spoken.

Cuckolds, end yourselves.
Dude what
>no qt trans girl marcoh

i thought this thread had good taste?
Yeah we have good taste, that's why we hate the retarded idea that Marco is a trans.
>Low battery on that phone
whats so hard to understand
you can crossdress and not be trans
i mean isnt crossdressing called that cause you cross the gender line or some shit implying you arent the other gender
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This was posted in /co/ saucenao gives me nothing, and I can't pivix very well. It's probably on pivix, but I'm guessing the title and tags may be entirely in moon runes. Anybody have a sauce?
Power to the artist and all, but I don't think human anatomy is a single tube from mouth to ass,,,
You have shit taste and you are an attention seeking anus.
That's a Big Boner
who's the artist?

He also posted this today https://www.imgur.com/a/8lGMJ (in case mods)
Somebody shop a dick in there please.
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Gates of Hell.png
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Not for guro.
That right there is technical pedophilia. I'm not complaining.
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I say we war against the mods.
yeah cause that would go well.
I know, I know, it's wishful thinking. You can't reason with those who's sole purpose is to take down good ol' Star.
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Deep Blush.png
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Oh shit, that's the best porn of Star I've seen since Tarakanovich's.
Although I wish her hair was longer and a lighter blonde, although whoever drew this took a more realistic approach.
We need more realistic art of Star and Marco. I feel this is one of the few cartoons today that actually work with it.
Holy that's good
Is there a chance for some very submissive Marco porn?
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Anyone on here interested in helping out with the development of a trainer type game for svtfoe?
I am currently looking for people who can provide art/color (I have some but they are just rough sketches), and music (any skill level).
This game is in it's very early stages (I am currently finishing up the introduction to the game).
Feel free to join https://discord.gg/VDDAM if you are interested in helping out!
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what with this?
https ://exhentai.org/g/1052388/ff2a9ee33c/
you are welcome
thats not guro you retard
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Croc's got a good art style but I hate how inconsistent style-wise the guys and girls faces look. This one is looking better so far
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In english, that is
more plz
I second the sauce.
Is there a full comic, or is it a WIP?
>He also posted this today
I think I've seen that around before, are you sure it's new?
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There are few more pages in beaner
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If somebody could translate into english that would be great
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>M: Dang it! That was humiliating!
>"Do you wanna go out with me?" I only had to say that!
>Why can't I control myself in front of her?

>S: MARCO DIAZ! Why didn't you tell me you were heading back home?
>I've been waiting you for hours with this heat!

>M: Have you not laughed enough? I want to be alone...
>S (thinking): Uh-oh.. seems like he took it very seriously back there. I think I shouldn't have laughed at him.

>S: But it was so funny! HAHAHA!
>Well, enough fun... Now it's moment to look some way to help him out with Jackie!
>But first I'll take a bath. I sweated a lot out there.

>S: Mmhh... maybe there's some kind of spell to strengthen his confidence.
>Or maybe something to make Jackie get interested on Marco...

>Nah. I think this time I'll leave the magic as a last resource.
>If I end up turning one of them in an ugly monster, Marco wouldn't forgive me.

>S: Why do things have to be so difficult in this world?

>S: Umh.. Now that I think of it...
>Marco is a nice looking guy.
>If only Jackie would know what he feels for her..
>I bet my wand she would jump into her arms.

>S: THAT'S IT!!!
>I'll go with Jackie and I'll tell her everything personally!

>S: I don't need any magic to let Jackie know it!
>But I'll finish taking my shower first...

There. Enjoy it. Now I'm heading off to bed.
>kimpossible is way younger

They might be the same age in the first two seasons, but after that, she's definitely older. Never mind that she actually graduates high school at the end of her series.

Goddammit, this is the worst backlash against the mods I've seen since the Loud House threads. Put some fucking effort into it instead of just whining about your precious lolis.
My Man !
I do appreciate that Star isn't completely flat here. I like titties.
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From the previous drawthread and based on Satoshi Urushihara's Ragnarok City
I'm so happy this thread happened.
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Living Condom by area.png
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She draws some great stuff.
It's a commission for a latin american site called "Vercomicsporno", but somebody is working on the translation on e-hentai
Anyone know where to find this?

But will she have that face when Marco cucks her?
>First I was like
>but then I was JUST
Thank you
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[raicosama] kelly x tad.jpg
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>Heart shaped nipples
I like this canon better than the cross shaped vagina shit.
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Kelly Lewd by BlueJr.png
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oh fuck, my heart.
https ://exhentai.org/g/1050973/4e03b525cc/

You are all welcome
fuck you and your sad panda

Love that he's holding her by her wings, very nice touch
Any new Princess Marco?
I don't know, I think that'd be painful, as I think of insect wings being extremely fragile, but then again, I'm kinda joking.
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That Wand is Not a Sex Toy.jpg
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I'm happy I've never seen any of that, it doesn't make sense, character design wise.
asking for sauce on this
it at least looks like Star
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Star Considers exiting.png
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I know this thread started a while ago, but can I just say that OP's opening picture is FUCKING SHIT?
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Negroid, if my eyes don't deceive me, half of her left arm is missing. Where's the other part? I don't see it under the table. Either way, this pic is shit-tier.
The artist is Calico, it's not cropped.
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Well, dear anons, I believe we're near the end for now. Thanks for the new material. Hope we get one like this again. I leave you with my last lewd, courtesy of plagueofgripes. Later, lads
Pleb taste go somewhere else
Pshh, it's not even colored. 3/10 at most.
I can't be the only one who thought she was a sad giant buff dude with a turtle neck on and huge pecs to match his biceps.
...cannot unsee...still kinda hot...
Rainbow screen, that's the only star art they've ever done
I like how Shads answer to complaints about his art is to hire a better artist.
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This is the only hope for Star
At the end to reach the milf levels of Moon
Really hoping this one gets finished in my lifetime.
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Anyone know who this artist is? Reminds me of simon, except not as anorexic.

I have another pic, but it isn't lewd. Unless you like tears from Starcuck's.
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Angie Diaz Anal.png
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Queen Moon nude in the Hot-Tub.png
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Janna steals Marco's Hoodie Lewd.jpg
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Brittco Lewd 1.jpg
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>Brittney likes anal.

I'm ok with this.
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Does anyone have the sound version of this?
full version?
What the fuck is marco's face. Holy fuck
There is no "full version" only thing that's missing is the sound, which is the version that anon is trying to find
New stuff.
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There's an updated version of that comic with the dialogue corrected,
where can I find the latest of this comic?
I'm talkin pateon ones
Holy shit, what are those leggings called
I always loved the idea of fluffy garterbelt made from the same material as socks but I had no idea what it would be called or what it would really look like
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They sometimes leak over here but janitor deletes them
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They pop on on /pco/ at plus 4 chan fairly often, I think you can get one newer pic there right now.
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Do they have Next Summer up to date ? That shit is way behind patreon and she lies to people on tumblr that she couldn't get pages on time lol
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What's cute and funny about this is that is actually what it's like to shower with your SO.
pretty disgusting how Area lies about the comics

the next 2 star vs pages are already online but she is having "tech issues" or whatever.

fucking stupid
>Still reading BF
I've had enough of that bitch with her blueballing comic a long time ago.

I mean, it's cute, that's for sure, but it went too far with it for me. Not dicking = not worth my time.
Uh well, it is actually, but there's a lot of twists and turns and valves in between
She keeps a buffer of (I think) two pages for patreon people and doesn't release a free page until she's finished the third page after that to maintain that buffer.
I didn't know I needed more of this.
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>Those nipples look like volcanos
I find a new comic: https://youtu.be/xE0jVn64q8k
Stomachs not a tube you fucking idiot
Damn! A lot better than Shad.
It's still up. I would've expected it to get taken down sooner
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Nude Hekapoo by Haich.png
3MB, 1093x1498px
Haich is a god among men
More marco
Need thread.
Thread posts: 309
Thread images: 183

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