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New autistic britbong writefag thread With complementary porn

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 138
Thread images: 89

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Horny ahahaha killmepls.jpg
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New autistic britbong writefag thread

With complementary porn pics

Last thread--->
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Let me know if you guys are lurking
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Feet and insertion guy here
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Fuck me you really want that scene huh?
Well anon I am happy to oblidge
>pic semi-related

>lily is standing nervously outside a rather clean looking hotel room. She has her hands to her side and her legs positioned close together as she reaches to knock on the door.

>her childhood friend is visiting the city for the next few weeks, and lily has asked a favour. As usual, lily needs to feed, and her friend seems to be one of the few people who would be happy to help.

>before her knuckles hot the wooden door it swings open revealing a cute, rather innocent looking human. Her blonde hair straight and conditioned, her clothes casual and her eyes a light blue.
>"hey lil's, c'mon in. I was just getting some course-work out the way." Amber says cheerfully as lily enters the room. The entire area dimly lit by a single desk lamp.
>lily takes a moment to take in the room before the two sit down; amber on a desk chair and lily on the edge of the bed.
>amber begins to shoot small talk and before long the friends begin to catch up on each others lives...

>after nearly an hour of talking amber looks at the clock on the wall. It is clear to see she has much course-work to do and lily almost feels guilty when she asks amber if she could...
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>"oh okay then lil's... do you want to do it like usual? I sit next to you and just-" amber trails off as lily's eyes wander over to the huge workload amber has to finish.
>after a few secobds of thought lily comes up with an alternative idea.
>"I...uh don't want you to fall behind so, how about I lay on the floor and... uh... you can just use your feet?" Lily says, growing quiet at the final part. Amber looks puzzled but soon twigs on to lily's idea.
>"that way you can study and I can still, ya know..." lily continues, trailing off as amber swivels in her desk chair.

>lily sits on the floor, pulling of her trousers while amber slips her thin, white socks off her feet.
>lily lays flat on the soft carpet looking towards the ceiling while amber stares down at her. She feels her cheeks go warm as she presses her soft, small toes on lily's lips.
>lily stifles a gasp as amber begins to massage lily's lips and clit, her big toe slipping between lily's wettening folds.

>while lily writhes on the floor, amber turns to her textbook and begins to concentrate on the tasks set before her.
>she stares at the numbers before her as if they are hyroglyphs. Lily's soft skin and small pants seem to be gaining more of her attention by the second.
>she shakes this from her mind. She knows she is not into girls. She knows she is just doing lily a favour as a friend. She knows.

>but why is this so distracting to her now? It wasn't a year ago...
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>lily is in absolute bliss. Her best friends toes pressing down on her swollen clit, her toes slipping between her lips and her soft skin teasing every nerve.
>for ambers sake, lily tries to keep quiet. She knows how amber needs to study as well as not want to hear another girl 'get-off'.
>but keeping quiet is hard when amber presses her heel down onto lily's sex and grinds it up and down.
>lily can feel her gruel begin to coat ambers sole.

>amber however has started to pay more attention to what she does with her foot as oppesed to her text book.
>the numbers on the paper are now less important than how lily's delicate body responds to her touch.
>she seems to like it when amber uses her heel on her lips so...
>amber presses the ball of her feet into lily's clit and applies some of her weight, twisting her foot as she does this.
>lily has given up on holding in her moans as they come out in long, drawn sighs and gasps.
>amber is now looking down at lily's body. The dim desk lamp illuminating the room makes the thin droplets of sweat and juices glisten.

>amber has now completly discarded the textbook, instead choosing to use the rest of her thoughts into using her other foot.
>she lifts up her legs and holds it towards lily's dazed face. Lily looks to her friend as if askinh for permission; and when she prods lily's lips with her toe, lily opens up her mouth.
>she begins to run her tongue between ambers small toes while her lips grip around them.
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>Already ROCK HARD

>lily lets her eyelids drop as she takes ambers toes out from her mouth and holds her foot close to her face. Amber sighs and looks down just in time to see lily lick up the length of her sole.
>amber sighs in pleasure as lily does rhis again and again, covering ambers foot in her saliva.
>amber has fallen for the sound of lily's voice. She wants to hear her moans, suppressed and desperate. So amber then lifts her foot and presses the sole flat on lily's mouth.
>amber then begins to push her toes from her other foot inside lily's sex. Lily releases a drawn out and quivery moan as amber penetrates her friends vagina. Every moan lily lets out is muffled by ambers foot.
>after a few moments of this amber pulls herself from her chair and sits opposite lily.
>lily herself sits up while amber strips off her shorts and underwear.

>amber, still sat on the floor, positions her feet between lily's open legs. Lily waits for amber to finish her actions before asking...
>"wha- what now?"
>amber smiles as she takes lily's tail in her hand and presses the flat spade shape on her clit. She also presses a foot on lily's pussy, her big toe softly on her clit.
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oh yeah
Any lurkers besides tail anon?
Yes thats your name now.

>lily begins apply preasure to the tip of her tail, sending small muscle contortions to make her tail gyrate on ambers clit.
>amber grabs lily by her sholders and looks into her thristy eyes, grinning as she bucks into lily's tail.
>amber has not stopped penetrating lily with her toes. But now she has also positioned her other foot above the first. From here she presses her heel into lily's clit.
>between being penetrated and having her acheing and sensitive spot being teased, lily has trouble keeping her actions steady.
>as a result her tail slips past ambers lips and into her warm, gready pussy.
>amber gasps, looking doen to see her friends tail inside her. Lily looks worried for a second, but her fears are washed away when ambers shocked expression turns to ammusment.
>she both gasps and laughs as she talks...
>"c'mon lil's, push it in deeper..."
>lily happily obeys and begins to slide a few inches of her erogenous tail inside amber.
>amber has begun to use the weight behind her legs to forcefuly press her feet into lily. She grins as she watches lily's eyes roll back in bliss.
>"c-can you move your tail? Li-like around in circles?" She asks smiling that innocent smile.
>lily can barely nod as she starts to twist her tail.
>the spade shape twists and grinds on ambers walls while simultaniously moving in and out of her sex.
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I think im the only one
oh, we're here, really.
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Well then tail anon... looks like you get a tailored chapter

>lily and amber both gaze stare deeply into each others eyes as their faces burn red and trickle with sweat.
>amber's sex begins to constrict lily's tail as het movements increase in speed.
>however, lily appears to be over stimulated. Her erogenous and sensitive tail being inside her best friend, her clit being forcefuly crushed and her insides being penetrated by ambers toes.
>"ah- amber I think I'm go- going to cum..." lily says as her body racks with each gasp.
>amber can feel her self second away as well. Lily's tail reaching up to her womb and grazeing her fleshy walls--

>amber unleashes a small cry as she grips lily's back and pulls her close for a kiss. Lily is taken by surpirse at first, but when ambers tongue slips past her lips lily finaly reaches climax.
>her tail coils and retracts, writhing as it slides out from ambers sex. Lily's can fel her whole abdomen throb and quiver as she leaks onto the rich hotel carpet.
>they both hold onto each other, gatting their breath back before they then lay side by side on the carpet.
>after a few moments amber begins to talk
>"you know... you're the first girl I've been with. I knew you always liked me, even before you confessed you had a crush on me... but now it think we can-"
>she turns to see a sleeping lily, her hand on ambers chest, her lips on ambers ribcage and her tail laying across ambers shins.
>amber sighs and stares at the ceiling...
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Well thats that one done...
Kinda sappy but I like yuri shit

So you guys still want the one where amber uses her magic lessons to grow a dick and have missonary sex for relationship reasons...
I mean thats pretty lewd...
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>that pic
>ywn be grill living in a factory that abuses all your holes for sexual energy.

>lily once again finds herself inside ambers hotel room. Amber has insisted she spend the next few weeks living with her instead of living on the filthy streets of london. And lily can hardly complain, after stepping out of the warm shower being clean for the first time in weeks.
>she poorly drys her hair and leaves her skin still wet with the warm water as she steps out of the bathroom to find a set of clothes.
>instead she finds a panicing amber, franticaly flipping through one of her textbooks... naked...
>lily is frozen in place holding the small towel over her own naked body as amber notices her presence. Amber stands mortified at being discovered, making no attempt to even try and hide her shame.
>"uh... hi lil. I uh... messed up a little..." amber says in an emvarassed and awkward tone. Lily only nods before looking down ambers tanned body to see a sux inch cock hang loosely between her legs.
>lily stares dumbfounded before breaking out into laughter.
>"aha wow, did a spell go wrong? Looks like you need some 'tips' in magic."
>amber grows red faced while lily bombards her with puns.
>"don't let your magic skills 'go to your head'... or would you rather become a 'member' of a non-magic school instead."
>amber chuckles at her incoherant jokes, most barely making sense.
>lily calms down enough to allow amber to look for a solution to her 'spell gone wrong' as lily begins to get dressed.
>upon letting the towel slip down to the floor amber begins to feel herself grow warm
*six inch
I really need my PC up and running again...

>lily opens a draw and pulls out one of ambers underwear, bright pink and made of cotton.
>"hey amber can I borrow one of your-"
>lily stops to see amber staring at her naked body. She sub-consiously raises a hand to cover her mid-riff while raising an eyebrow at her friend while smirking.
>amber blushes and waves a hand in dismissal, not noticing her cock becoming slowly erect. Lily however, does notice. Each twitch and throb making it harder and stand more upright.
>next it is amber that finds lily blatantly looking at her crotch. She is prepareing to tease lily for looking when she see's herself hard and erect.
>amber goes to cover herself, but her small hands do little to cover her cock. Lily wets her lips before taking a deep breath and looking up to amber.
>amber moves her hands away before talking with a breathy and nervous voice
>"do you... uh want to try 'it' out? I mean it is supposed to go away after use and we already... had sex before right? So its not weird?" Amber says as lily nods in conformation.
>amber takes another deep breath before letting it out then walking over to lily, her cock swinging slightly as she moves.
>lily and amber lock their fingers together as they kiss, pulling back only to take a gulp of air before resuming the assault on each others tongues and lips.
>lily can feel the tip of ambers cock brush her mid-riff, the pre-cum sticking to her skin.

>lily and amber pull away to move their actions to the bed. Lily jumps on first, laying flat on the puffy duvet as amber crawls on top.
>amber begins to chuckle to herself as she positions herself between lily's thighs.
>"I have always wondered what a penis feels like... apparently its so intense a guy can't keep going after he cums because it hurts..." amber says in a wisper.
>"c- can you go slow? It looks pretty big..." lily says nervously as amber positions her six inch muscle on the entrence of lily's sex.
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>I really need my PC up and running again...
When will that be
>lily groans as amber slides her penis inside lily's pussy.
>amber gasps at the new feeling as she presses every inch of her new equiptment slowly into her best friend until she hits the base.
>"oh god lil's... its gripping me. Its so wet and warm..." amber is awestruck at the new perspective, gently pushing her hips back and forth while gripping the sheets near lily's face.
>"its... tight. Like really tight. Oh lily, you feel so good." Amber coo's as she brings her self closer to lily, her torso pressed against lily.
>lily begins to gyrate, feeling amber inside her while her breasts push against her friends. Ambers larger bust completly dwarfs lily's chest, but the soft feeling of skin against skin is no less amazing.
>"I- I can't wait any longer amber. Pl- please start now... start fucking me... please..." lily practically begs. Amber is more than happy to obey and starts to thrust her hips, pushing lily into the bed as she feels lily's fleshy walls milk her new cock.
>amber leabs down to nibble on lily's soft neck while using a hand to cup her breast. Lily melts under ambers touch, her nails lightly grazing her pale skin.

>lily's tail is curling up between her legs and behind amber as it sways in the air. Lily brings her tail down sharply, smacking against ambers tanned and full rump with a sharp crack.
>amber lets a muffled cry, her sounds being blocked as she suckles on lily's neck.
>lily bring the tail down a second time, getting a similar reaction from amber. The thrid time is much harder and amber pulls away from lily's neck to curse in lustful pain.
>as revenge she bends down and digs her teeth into the flesh or lily's colar bone. Lily moans in delight as amber plants a love bite on the succubis neck.
When ever my poor ass can scrape the money together.
I will most likly just get a new one as my current one is both fucked and at least 9 years old
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Godspeed OP
>amber thrusts faster and harder, causing lily to release small cries of pain as her thick girth presses lily's walls.
>amber can feel herself getting closer to climax, but lily is clearly still a while away.

>"lil's... bring- ah fuck- bring your tail up to my mouth..."
>lily curls her tail around the side of the two and holds the tip to ambers mouth. Amber sticks out her tongue and lily places the flat of the spade shape tip on ambers silky tongue.
>amber then takes the whole tip inside and begins to rub her tongue against the bottom of the spade while pressing up and pushing it against the roof of her mouth.
>her rough actions cause lily to quiver and tighten around ambers cock, both of them now seconds away from cumming.
>amber runs a hand through lily's hair as lily places her own hands on the small of ambers back.
>"are- ah...are you close yet lil?" Amber gasps as lily shakes her head 'no'. Amber furrows her brow, feeling herself about to-
>"damn it" she cusses as she bites down on lily's tail. Loly lets out a squeal as her insides contort and shiver, climaxing as amber digs her teeth into her tail.
>amber shoots her seed deep into lily's womb, geeling the load seep down the sides of her cock as she fills lily up.
>lily almost pulls an aheago expression as she climaxes, milking every drop of cum from ambers cock, her muscles pulling at her as amber pulls out.

>amber collapses beside lily, watching as the fully fed succubi falls into typical sleep...
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Oh my
>imagine having two cute girls either side of you, both filling your two holes full of a toy or maybe their futa cock. Their chests pressing against your smooth skin as they thrust in sync causing your body to jolt with each thrust.
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This will never happen.
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Fuck I might just do a first person yuri/futa cyoa short if you guys want

Just as long as you post cute yuri/futa/trap/demon etc
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Yes want
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Right then

>what do 'you' look like
>'your' personality
>who you wanna fug
>futa or yuri
>slice of life or smut
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You mean my real me?
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Also will it write like

>I walked over to her
>you walked over to her
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Well the 'character'
Hell if you want you can just genderbend yourself and use that or make up a girl you want to 'insert' as...
You know what a cyoa is right?

Welcome to my magical realm
My character is a skinny girl like jinx with short blonde hair
Her personality is a crazy lazy slut
She fucks with a clone of herself
Her kinks are licking playing with tits and french kissing
It will be a yuri story with smut
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Thirsty anon gets personal porn fic from even more thirsty writefag
>feat: the same set of porn images because I can't organise my porn folders on my phone
And maybe the clone has a double dick
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And her name is Julia

>insert paragraph of backstory and build up

>You stand before a 6ft mirror admiring your body. For as long as you can remember you have always touched yourself infront of a mirror, be it looking at your whole, exposed body as you finger yourself. Or a simple hand mirror, watching your crazed and lustful grin as you cum looking into your own eyes.
>Porn never had 'that' feeling. The feeling of masturbating rou your own body. Touching yourself as you pull the sluttiest faces in the mirror. Even thinking about the time you let the drool spill from your tongue as you stuck it out while your eyes rolled back...
>You take a moment to breath and calm your self, for today you finaly fufill your dream. In the next room, an exact clone of yourself waits for you. Just as crazed and sex manic as you. You grip the handle of the door and swing it open...
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If you need a name that is
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Clone has a dick or two dicks or? Help me out here
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>Before you stands a lithe, skinny, pale girl with short blonde hair. Her eyes wide and grin even wider. You look down her skinny form to her crotch, which instead of a copy of your own smooth, slick hole is instead two thick cocks.
>you can't help but grin as well at the sight of your clone. Both of you take a step foward, clearly not wanting to wait. Lets not kid yourself, before you is the single mist perverse and dirty thing in the world, yourself.
>you pull in your clone for a kiss, feeling her tonge and yours thrash and brush agaisnt each others. Kissing your clone is a whole other level of kinky. You never knew how soft your lips really where, or how they taste. Your clone clearly knows what you like, as she slides her tongue across yours while slipping a hand to cup your breast
>to feel anothers hands on your tits... is so much better than squeezing your own.
>you move your own hands to your clones chest, feeling the soft skin and delicate mass cave slightly under your touch. God you feel so amazing. If only squeezing your own set felt as good as squeezing your clones.
>you hate to do it, but you pull away from your soft lips and silky tongue...

1- are the cocks one atop the other or side by side?
2- what next? Dick sucky sucky? Sex?
One atop the other and sucky sucky with the upper dick laying on her head
>you look down to see your clones two cocks, each seven inches long. They are both quite hard, each one twitching every few seconds. You can't help but wonder if you had been born with a cock, would it be as big as your clones? You're a pretty skinny and pale girl... huge cocks are probably not on the genepool check list.
>you may not posses one, but now you can taste one. You practically fall to the ground, positoning your face inches from your clones duel cocks. They are as pale as your breasts.
>you take a moment to hold the lower cock in your hand, feeling the weight of the member before pressing it against your cheek. You breath in, feeling the warm muscle against your skin before taking the head in your mouth.
>your clone seems to enjoy your mouth as you swirl your tongue around the tip while your lips movee up and down the first half of the shaft.
>you are taking care not to swallow any spit or pre-cum, instead choosing to let it build in your mouth as you suck your own cock... well clones cock.
>you can hear your clone moan as she lifts her upper cock and lets it drop onto your forehead with a thick sounding slap. She repeats this several times as you moan like a gready whore. Your clone leaves her cock to rest on your head as you bob up and down, your movments basically pleasuring the upper cock as your mouth works the bottom cock.
That's exactly what i had in mind, you're a fucking god
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>the taste of cock, the warm feeling of it as it begins to push into the back of your throat. God never have you felt more intoxicated by something. You wish you could be on your knees all day just sucking on this slab of meat...
>but you can feel your clone nearing its first climax. The thrusts become shorter and her cock begins to pulsate against your throat and lips. You bob your head up and down faster and faster, making sure ro look your clone in the eyes like the hungry slut you are...
>the upper cock and lower cock cum in unison. The upper throbbs as ropes of cum coat your face and hair, while the lower cock fills your mouth (which is already full of unswallowed spit and pre-cum)
>your clone grips your short blonde hair for balance as you take the last of her seed into your mouth...
>when she is capable to stand oh her own you pull away, face and hair coated in cum with a mouth full of nectar...

What next nig
Now sex with anal and vaginal at the same time
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And lots of body contact with sweat
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Happy to help anon
I live for the small praises

Takes a few paragraphs or even chapters before I actually get into a good flow.
Thats why a large portion of my writing doesn't have the same feeling as some of the others. The first lara and blondie story was great as well as a few after that but alot of them was 'lacking' in lewdness.
*inhales meme* righty then

>you look to see your clones cocks become soft. You know full well they can last at least another round...
>your clone looks down at you and sees the corners of your dribbling mouth curve into a grin. You spit the huge collection of saliva and cum onto the duel cocks, watching as the semi-clear liquid trickles down from one shaft onto the next.
>your clone begins to harden once again as you stand and press your hands against the empty wall, pressing your perky ass outwards while one hand reaches round to pull at your pale ass cheek. You feel shivers shoot down your spine. The feeling of presentinh yourself like this... its almost mind breaking. You even envy your clone, getting to see you spread yourself.
>you stare at the wall as you feel two seperate cocks press against you. One is grinding your sex while the other is wedged between your ass cheeks. Your clone spends a few seconds simply grinding before aligning her cocks with your ass and pussy.

>its really happening. Your going to be fucked by yourself. You are finall going to be fucked in both your holes.
>"beg for it..." your clone wispers
>your body shivers again as you lick your lips and say
>"fuck me... fuck me like the useless, filthy slut I am..." you feel your heart skip a beat as you say those words.

>then she enters you
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Selfcest is god-tier fetish anon

>you can't wait to feel your own self fill your gready holes-
>you gasp as the lower cock slides between your lips, the head proving to feel bigger than it looks. When your clone slides her spit and cum covered cock into your ass however...
>you did expect resistance, but this is insane. You can feel both your holes stretch to their limits as your clone slides all seven inches of both cocks inside you. They fill you entirely and you can even feel them rub against yohr inner walls and grind each other.
>you grit your teeth and let out small grunts and groans as you clone thrusts and pumps. At first it hurts but as she gains speed and your insides begin to loosen it starts to feel good. Really good.
>oh god it feels amazing.
>to be filled like this, your warm, contracting pussy gripping so tightly around her cock, and your ass putting up so much resistance...
>you decide to go all out, tongue out, eyes closed, moaning and begging for your clone to drill your holes faster and harder. To ruin you.
>its not long before you feel her cum. The loads shooting deep into your womb and ass, filling you like the toy you where alwas ment to be.
>but she does not slow down at all, instead speeding up, causing the cum inside you to act as extra lube. The most perverse sounds are coming from this...

>you start to thrust back, bouncing on your clones cock as you suck on your fingers.
>your clone also wishes to taste you, leaning down and running her tongue between your sholder blades, licking up the salty droplets of sweat as she make you hers.
>you run your hand from your neck, down your chest and to your stomach, feeling the thin layer of sweat coat your hand. You then press your hand on the underside of your pale tits to get more fluids on your hand before using it to touch your clit...
>Phallicmalegenetalia currenttense dodecahedroncarbonbasedmineral
>you are close to cumming, the sensation of tightness becoming more intense by the second. Your clone also appears to be near another climax as she is pounding your ass relentlessly. The sound of slick skin slapping skin echos through out the room along with grunts, moans and gasps.
>you are now close, so very close. The edge of cumming.
>but you hold out. You want to feel your self seed her seed inside you again until it leaks out onto the floor.

>your clone reaches down and grabs your tits in her hands, gripping them as best as she can with such clamy hands. You can feel her chest press on your back, slipping up and down your arch with each thrust.
>three... two... one...
>you feel a warm, sticky liquid coat your inner walls as your clone emptys themself inside you.
>you also reach orgasm, your cunt and ass clentching around the duel cocks, squeezing them almost painfully as your muscles forcefully contract around them. You squeak and moan as your clone pulls out, cum seeping from both holes and onto the floor.
>you almost collapse, your vision bluring for just a second as you regain your barrings. You turn to see your clone panting, a huge smile across her face...

>as soon as you get your breath back, you are going to let that girl use you till you pass out.
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>>as soon as you get your breath back, you are going to let that girl use you till you pass out.
Well thats all from me tonight anon(s)

As usual leave suggestions of you want to see in the future.
If I dont post at 7pm brit time then check again tomorrow.

Any other anons lurking then post a lewd.
Post lewds because why not.

Will hang around for a short while then sleep
>hardcore rape

I can write that but it usually ends up both edgy and very abusive...
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Thank you very much for the story.
We could try
>could try
Well if your fine with crying, assault, non-con, actual pain and injuries then by all means I can write a short on that.

But no guro
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>no guro
Thank god and yeah why not
Thanks for doing the sweet love story.
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Upon further... review, you forgot the leg locking.

As for a future request, how about something involving:
>tall muscle girl
>amazon position
>standing 69

Can't decide if the bottom should be a trap or futa. Do whichever you'll have most fun with.
yo britbong u there my man
>If I dont post at 7pm brit time then check again tomorrow.
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So do you want the hardcore rape story first or the muscle futa?
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Yes I'm alive (still)
>post lewd faces if lurking

Also with lily or someone else? If so who?
And yuri or futa or trap?
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With lily and a futa
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Get those tissue's ready cos you're about to get cut by my edge...

>lily's breath was rapid and addrenelin was pumping through her veins as she ran down the dark alley's of the city.

>not a few moments ago a woman approached lily, asking for her services as a succubi. Lily obviously agreed, needing the money and the bonus of some sexual energy. However when the woman started to pull at lily's hair and slap her face red raw... lily ran. Scared of the aggresive woman.

>lily turned a corner, daring a look back as she ran. But this only caused her to loose her footing and she tumbled to the ground with a thud. She quickly tried to pick herself up only for a foot to slam into her back.
>she cried out at the pain as the mystery woman pinned lily down to the cold, hard ground with her knee digging into her spine.
>lily struggled and tried desperately to worm her way out from under the womans weight, but her petite and weak body could not shake the woman.
>"...run from me you little whore..." the woman spat as she flipped lily onto her back.
>During this action lily tried desperately to kick the woman. She landed a direct hit across her jaw, and the woman cursed as she pinned lilys hands above her head.
>"you bitch! I will make you regret that... you're going to be screaming so hard your throat will burn..."
>"n- no please... i'm sorry just let me go..." lily begged as the woman fumbled at her jeans. After a few seconds lily heard the 'zip' of a zipper.
>"wa- wait please..." lily begged once again as the woman pulled out her cock. A long, thick thing that was throbbing with both lust and anger. The woman gave a wicked grin as she prodded lily's panties under her skirt
>she should of never borrowed ambers clothes...

>the woman began to tease the head of her cock against the soft cotton of lily's underwear, forcfully rubbing the red tip between the crease of the panties.
>after the woman grew bored of the foreplay she then pulled lily's panties to the side and placed the head of her cock between lily's lips.
>lily, not seeing the size of the muscle yet as the skirt blocked her veiw, felt the huge size of it. Her eyes widened in terror as she began to plead to the woman.
>"wa-wait no... please I'll do anything. Pl- please not like this..."
>lily's cries were heard, but ignored as the woman forced the first six inches inside lily's sex...
>lily let out a sharp gasp followed by wimpers and "no's" as the woman slid in the last two inches inside lily.
>the pain is almost too much for lily, her succubi privates reformed as if she was a virgin. To feel her cherry being popped every time she had sex... then to feel this woman eight inches inside her.
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Well those last two sentences are confusing as fuck

Side note. Lily can regenerate and regress her privates to that of a virgin so the sensation never dulls.
Why? Because why not.
>lily's sobs match that of the womans thrusts, her girth pulling at lily's sex and stretching her out with each swing of her hips.
>tears begin to trickle down lily's face as the woman leans in close and takes a handfull of lily's pink hair. The woman pulls lily's hair away from her, tilting her face to the side, allowing her to stick out her tongue and run it up lily's flushed cheeks.
>lily moans and sobs at the womans licks, but this does not deter her. Instead she pulls back and spits on lily's face, then moves down again to lick her clean.
>lily squirms under the womans actions, closing her eyes and muttering 'please stop' after every lick.

>the woman takes a moment to feel just how tight lily is. The warm walls gripping her cock and pulsating ever so slightly, as if lily's body is sub-consiously trying to get the woman to cum as quick as possible.
>she chuckles at the thought, and decides to make the succubus ask for her- no, beg for her to finish.
>"okay whore... you want it to stop? Start grinding on me... make me cum and I will let your pathetic ass go..."
>lily shakes her head, eyes clenched shut. The woman slaps her hard across the face, cutting lily's lip and leaving a red mark on her pale cheek.
>"don't you dare shake your head at me. You will do what I want or I will give you something to cry about..." the woman hisses.
>lily nods this time and starts to buck her hips slowly and gently, taking care not to cause herself too much pain.
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>the woman starts to buck her hips in time with lily, but with alot more power behind each thrust. She grunts everytime she pumps her thick member inside lily, and lily responds with crys of her own.

>"I want you to beg for it girl... beg for me to cum..."
>lily is on the verge of a break down but manages to mutter a few lines to satisfy her rapist.
>"pl- please fuck m- me..." lily mutters between sobs.
>lily hears the woman sigh as she slowly pulls out her cock from lily's insides, tilting the length upward so the head grinds along lily's walls as she slips out.
>"not good enough whore... not good enough" the woman growls as she finally pulls out her length with a small pop.
>"you didn't convince me you wanted it..." the woman declares as lily lays near-motionless on the concrete.

What next guys?
>eight inch cock inside loly's virgin ass
Why do you have to be so mean to lily anon?

>lily stares at the night sky, the womans voice is a distorted mess as lily feels herself loose touch with reality.
>but that feeling soon leaves as reality comes crashing down on her. The woman begins to press the throbbing head of her cock on the rim of lily's asshole, slowly pushing the length inside her.
>lily is now in a full panic. Her legs thrashing as she tries to turn her body and push herself up from the floor. But turning on her stomach only resulted in the woman gaining easier access to her hole.
>the women forces her hands down on lily's lower back as she pins her knees onto lily's thighs. Lily crys in pain as the womans weight crushes her petite legs.

>"stupid. Fucking. Idiot. You want to get fucked in the ass?" The woman teases. Lily responds with the usual "no" and "please stop".

>the woman practically drools as she presses the tips of her thumbs on the ring of lily's ass. She then pulls lily's hole apart with her thumbs and positions the head of her cock against lily's hole a second time.
>lily does not have time to struggle again as the woman plunges into lily, all eight inches in a single thrust.
>lily lets out a hardh scream as she feels her ass being penetrated by the womans cock...
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I ment *lily

>lily's whole body is racking as she sobs, feeling her muscles tear as the woman begins to fuck her ass.
>the woman is grunting with the effort of pumping her cock in and out of lily, the succubi's ass being much more tight than she tought. It even feels a little uncomfortable for the woman as the walls of lily's ass try so desperately to force her cock back out.
>but the thought of hurting the girl alone turns the woman on...
>she begins to increase her speed, lily's sobs causing her body to tense around the womans cock. It appears lily is too tired to try and fight back or even scream at this point.
>but the screams are what the woman wants to hear.

>the woman reaches under lily and takes a handfull of fabric and breast. With cruel hands she squeezes as hard as she can, being sure to twist her entire wrist as she takes lily's sensitive breast in her hand.
>the woman can hear small moans of pain as she gropes at the girls chest, but still she wants to hear that scream again...

>she pulls back to grip at lily's hips and starts to thrust as fast she can, lily's ass tensing and pushing against the womans advances. Lily does cry and moan but still no damn scream...

What next my edge lords?
>eight inches down lily's throat
You're so mean anon...

>the woman grunts and grots her teeth as she thrust and bucks her hips as she tries to get the girl to scream...
>"fucks sake..." she cusses as she pulls out of the girl again and stands above her. Lily, teary eyed, dazed and too weak to try and run, lifts herself up on her hands as she wonders why the pain has stopped.
>she turns to see the womans cock inches from her face. The woman grips her ragged pink hair and pulls lily's face back.
>"open!" The woman demands as lily parts her lips a tiny fraction. The woman brings her cock down with a smack against lily's face before lining the tip against her lips.
>before lily can try to suck the woman forces every single inch down her throat. She gags violently as she feels her self begin to retch. Before she can the woman pulls out with a trail of spit connecting lily's lips to her cock.
>lily gasps and takes in as much air as she can before the woman slaps her across the face. The slap is much harder than the last, causing lily to see stars as her brain racks in her skull.
>lily can feel her bloodshot eyes weap more tears as a small cut on her cheek forms from the slap, the womans ring on her finger catching lily.
>the woman pulls lily back once more and forces all eight inches down her throat again. Lily tries desperatly to stop herself from gagging as the woman grinds her hips.
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>the woman pulls lily back once more and forces all eight inches down her throat again. Lily tries desperatly to stop herself from gagging as the woman grinds her hips.
>"if you throw-up I swear I will keep my cock rammed down your pretty little throat untill you pass out..." the woman warns.
>lily can only shake as she tries to keep herself both consious and still, gagging every time the woman jolts her hips.
>the woman presses her hands on the back of lily's head, crushing her face against her pelvis as she moans in pleasure.
>lily can feel herself slip into unconsiousness as her vision dims...
>suddenly her airway is clear and she breaths the cold night air into her starved lungs.
>lily breaks into a coughing fit as the woman prepares for her last act of the night...

Well guys?
Pretty fucking good
I ment what is the chick gonna do next anon.
Ride isn't quite finished yet
Knotting please
>being this cruel to lily
I'm going to write a small scene after this anon...

>the woman pushes her foot aginst lily's sholder and gives her a hard shove, sending lily to the floor. She then positions both her legs either side of lily and squats down untill her ass is inches from the tear streamed face of the succubus.
>without warning she plants her ass onto lily's face, the girls mouth between her ass and balls.
>"lick girl... lick everything" the woman demands as she begins to stroke her cock.

>lily curls her tongue upward and begins to lap at the womans smooth balls, feeling them move around her tongue as her nose presses against her asshole.
>the woman begins to grind on lily's face, her ass cheeks getting soaked by the crying girl.
>lily sobs are muffled as she moves her tonge down and begins to lick the wet lips of the womans pussy, lily's lips pressed against the womans clit as she penetrates her with her tongue.
>the woman is stroking her shaft faster and faster, feeling herself near climax as the succubus works her innocent mouth on her vagina and balls.
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>"fu- fuck stick your tongue in my ass... as I cum-" the woman says as the tension builds within her.
>lily rims the woman before slipping her silky tongue inside her ring, and as soon as she penetrates her-
>the woman gasps as ropes of cum shoot out of her throbbing and acheing cock onto lily's clothed body. The juices from her slick sex leak out onto lily's face as she forces her ass against lily's mouth.
>lily pats her hips, needing air, and for the first time all night the woman allows lily some mercy and stands up.
>lily gasps and grips at her chest as the woman gets her breath back.

>she takes one look at the succubus and snears, zippung up her jeans and leaving lily in the darkness of the alley, coverd in her seed and juices as well as the girls own tears.
Sorry I quoted the facesitting guy by mistake and deleted my post.
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Don't get me wrong, I'm degenerate enough to like anthro, but i'm pretty sure fur is banned on aco... also other anons might not want to see fur stuff either
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Yeah it's banned
What about rope knotting?
Huh... well did it turn out okay anyway?

Also for being so mean to lily...

>"hey Lil's, some anon was in-charge of deviding how that last one turned out" amber says not looking up from her book as lily steps out the shower
>"wa- what do you mean?" Lily asks confused.
>"I mean... some random guy decided how that futa-cunt raped you. Decided what she did and everything." Amber replies.
>lily stands there, her eyes glimmering with tears.
>"wh-why? Why would someone do that?" She asks amber, clutching her chest as she feels her self-esteem and confidence pumet and shatter.
>"that HURT, it took me ages to clean myself and... and..." lily covers her face with her hands.
>"I know no-one really cares about me but I thought they atleasr didn't want to hurt me..." lily mumbles as she drys herself with the towel.
>lily takes a deep breath, thinking about how the anon probably dodn't mean it and still likes her after all anyway...

Why anon?
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What? Shoving knotted ropes inside lily? The fuck is that?
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He wasn't mean tail anon was hehe
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*at least

Fuck from this point on if i have left an error just pretend i write good like dem history guise
Well any still wanting another story?
If so did you want the muscle futa, amazon position,standing 69?
Amazon position with a trap
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Original requester here, should be a muscle girl dominating a trap or futa.
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Trap and futa or girl and trap?
this dominating a trap
Right gotcha
So original characters or pre-existing?
If origonal please give any features you want to see
Could the muscle girl be futa maybe?
Muscle girl = short blond hair with brown skin
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And the trap?
[Insert paragraph of build up and shy awkard flirting]

>a small figure lay with their back flat on the floor, their soft and smooth skin completly exposed. Naked besides the black cotton panties they wore.
>her name was sofie, and she was ready to be the girl she always wanted to be, being ravaged and used by a powerful cock...

>her wandering mind snapped to attention as figure walked through the bed room door.
>a tall, muscular frame towered over sofie, her naked body flexing as she stood over the 'she-elf'. She ran a hand through her own short hair as she bit her bottom lip, bending down to kneel on the floor.
>sofies black lipstick covers lips parted as the naked woman examined her. The elf, holding her legs up and apart, felt the muscled woman run her hands down her thighs. Sofie sighed at her surprisingly soft touch, then gasped as she began to pinch her soft skin.
>mfw these bland names

>the hung and muscular futa, ana she calls herself, began to stroke her seven inch member, feeling the shaft grow and harden in her hand.
>ana lifts sofies legs over her hips then pulls sofies black panties to the side, exposing her tight and twitching asshole. Ana can't ake her eyes away from sofies hole as she aligns her cock against the opening.
>she bends down to take one of sofies pink and erect nipples between her teeth, pinching them as she prods and teases sofies hole.
>sofie is breathing slowly, her flat chest rising and falling as ana pulls back
>"wa- why did you stop..."
>sofie just stares as ana lays herself flat on the floor and raises her legs up, her erect cock sandwiched between her tonned thighs.
>"I was thinking..." ana wispered slowly "that we could try a different position... come over here and kneel"
>sofie followed orders without wasting a second, kneeling down oposite ana. Ana then pushed her cock away from her and towards sofie, a small drop of pre-cum at the tip of her cock.
>"hold my legs against your chest and slide my cock inside your tight ass... babe"
>sofies eyes lost focus at the word 'babe', but she soon regained her senses and stood up, sliding her panties down her-
>"no, leave them on. I want to see your cum leak through the cotton as you climax from my cock." Ana says in a sultery voice.
>sofie nods and slides her panties back up, her hard, 4 inch cock pressed against the fabric. Sofie positions herself over ana's penis, holding the tanned girls legs against her chest as she bends down onto her cock.
>she spits on her 'nail-painted' hands and reaches down and around to grip ana's shaft and lines it up with her ass. She rubs the shaft a few times to coat it in spit before pushing the head inside her hole.
>sofie closes her eyes, her ears arch down and her face contorts into that of focus as she squats down the length of ana's member.
>as she reaches the base, sofie presses her knees to the floor, feeling the throbbing cock press against her prostate. Her mouth opens as she moans, eyes closed in indulgence.
>ana's voice snapes her out of it.
>"well? Move! Start bouncing up and down, I want to feel your insides grip me..."
>sofie nods at the order and starts to gyrate her hips while moving herself up and down the length of ana's cock, feeling it pull against her due to the position they are in.
>ana grips her large bust in her hands, feeling her firm tits as she runs her other hand down her abbed midriff. When she gets to the base of her cock she pushes down, feeling it resist against the inner walls of sofies greedy romp.
>sofie is not holding back any moans as she cries ana's name between gasps and sharp wimpers.
>the only time that filthy voice of her's is silent is when she sucks on her fingers, her black lipstick coating them as she attempts to deepthroat her index and middle finger.
>ana hooks her feet behind sofies head and starts to gyrate against her ass, feeling her cock prod and press against sofies very hard prostate. The stimulation results in a small stream of pre-cum leaking through sofies panties before falling down onto ana's abbed stomach.
>ana wipes the pre-cum onto her fingers and holds her hand towards sofie, who leans down to clean her mess from ana's fingers. She moans like the eager girl she is as she tastes her own juices.
>this looks to have pushed the she-elf to the limit, as sofie bucks her hips more wildly. Ana begins to squeeze her shins together, trapping sofies head between her legs as she feels the elfs ass coil around her cock, her prostate pulsating as a stream of cum leaks through the black cotton.
>sofie's cry of lust echos through out the room as she jolts and shivers, ana's cock pleasuring her sensitive spot making her orgams more and more intense.
>heat radiates through out sofies body as ana's stomach is coated in the traps cum...

>"my oh my... look at the mess you made you dirty, dirty creature."
>sofie stands up, ana's cock easily sliding out of the elfs ass. She looks at the muscular, almost ebony skin, of ana, now covered in sofies cum.
>sofie bites her finger with a coy look in her eyes as ana stands onto her feet.
>sofie opens her mouth to talk but is taken aback as ana lifts her by her waist and spins her mid-lift.
>before sofie can even tell what is happening, she is being held uoside down, her mouth a few inches from ana's cock
>sofie's eyes roll back as she feels her cock being swallowed whole, ana's lips pressing firmly against sofies smooth balls as she takes every inch.
>sofie, being the greedy and needy girl she is, puts the tip of ana's penis in her mouth. Ana pulls her hips back, sofies lips making a 'pop' as ana's cock slips from her mouth.
>"oh no you don't... see that mess? That cum sliding down my stomach and onto my cock? Clean it!" Ana firmly orders.
>sofie feels butterflies flap in her belly, being told what do do just like the useless girl she is

>sofie cranes her neck and presses her lips against the flat base above ana's crotch and begins to drink the small river of cum dripping down ana's abdomen.
>she is sure to make eager moans as she cleans her mess.
>ana feels the need to reward sofies behaviour and begins to suck sofie's petite and semi-hard cock once more.
>almost instantly, the sensitive head begins to leak pre-cum, and ana can feel the sweat elfs seed dribble onto her tongue and down her throat.
>she takes all four inches easily, and envys how this must feel to sofie. But the jelously vanishes when she hears that cute voice call up at her.
>"all clean miss... can I please take you in my mouth now?"
>ana allows it and sofie takes half her length in her mouth. She pours all her effort into her actions, licking down the shaft, forcing the tip against the back of her throat, making sure her lips coat ana's shaft in lipstick and spit.
>but ana decides to enforce some more dominance and violently bucks her hips once. Sofie gags as she coughs up spit, her throat feeling like she got hit with a sledge hammer...
>sofie... likes it. Loves it even.
>she takes half of ana's length once more, allowing gravity to work as she swings in ana's grip.
>ana takes a moment to realise what it is sofie wants. When she does she is both surprised and turned on.
>"oh you want more? Just can't get enough of being a hole for me to use?" Ana teases as sofie moans in answear.
>ana pulls back her hips until the head is just resting on sofies lips. Sofie closes her eyes in anticipation as ana thrusts foward violently and aggressively. Sofie gags as ana's cock punches the back of her throat and wreaks havoc on her gag reflex. But sofie is a good girl. And good girls take any length of cock as deep as the other wants...

>ana pulls back once more to repeat her actions, her hips smashing into sofies delicate face. Lipstick prints coat the base of ana's cock like an impact site as ana thrusts again and again, all the while assaulting sofies cock with her tongue and planting kisses along her shaft.
>ana can feel herself about to cum and starts rapidly pumping sofies tender throat, making sure to feel sofies nose press her balls and her chin to smash against her pelvis.
>smack. Smack. Smack- ana grunts as she emptys her load into sofies throat. Sofie begins to swallow the steady river of cum as it drains down her throat.
>sofie herself cums, the action of drinking ana's cum bringing her over the edge. Ana pulls away from sofies cock, spitting the load out as sofies cock dribbles down her chest.
>"ugh gross..." ana mutters as she spits the taste of sofie's seed from her mouth. She never did like the taste of cum. Sofie however...
>once ana had stopped cumming, sofie began to clean up her shaft and milk every drop from her cock by squeezing her lips down the shaft. Once she was sure ana was drained, and ana had put her back down, she leaned up and began to clean her own seed from ana's muscular chest.
>sofie ran her hugry lips and tongue across her abdomen, between her muscled abbs, up her torso and under her breasts untill she reached her sholders. She kissed from one sholder to the other, lapping uo the cum that coated ana's collar bone.
>once ana was clean sofie stood back and places her hands to her sides. Smiling innocently...
>"hehe, what a good girl you are..."
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Well I hope you guys enjoyed

Never did muscle girls before but thanks to you anon I now have yet another fetish. God fucking damn it.
Enjoy and thanks for the story as always.
>tfw no delicous brown amazon to push you down and ride your cock while pushing your legs against her chest
...fuck me amarite?
Such a shame it's a rare position.
Anyway you nigs know the drill

Will post at 7pm brit time-
If not here check back same time next day-
Post what you want to see-

Also if this thread does die then I will actually make a thread on /trash/ instead

The reasons for this is because
1) writefags are much more common there and therefore the audience for my autism will be larger
2) it suits the thread theme better than /aco/
>3) much less chance of breaking the board rules
4) it moves much slower than /aco/

So when this thread does die then just search the usual 'britbong, writefag, autism' on trash
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Wonder if anyone uses the position where one person goes doggy style and bends their cock between their legs. Then the other person also goes doggy style and positions themselves oposite the first person. From their they just smash their asses together while the cock from the first penetates the seconds ass...
I think I've only seen that once and not even sure if it has a name.
>mfw your are a stacked and endowed futa that uses the amazon position on traps.
>instead of the cute trap taking your futa cock, you instead ride theirs instead, riding them untill you cum and shoot your seed over their slutty and open mouths and flat chests...

Also see you tomorrow (probably)
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See ya
page 10
Well shit...

Sorry I couldn't post lately, been way to busy.
Will probably just let this thread die and make a new one at some point on /trash/.

That way I have some lee-way on the time between my posts.
So I will probably make a new thread on /trash/ tomorrow.
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Well the new thread is up on trash

See you guys there
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Don't leave me hanging niggers...
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I made the thread
If it fails and you guys actually still want my ass around then I will just return to /aco/ and make a new thread
Otherwise the new thread is on /trash/
someone send a like to the new thread
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I can't make a link because I get banned everytime I try to cross-board-link

Just search for the usual key words anon... or look for pic related
/trash/ thread is rip
>this thread is still alive
>trash thread is rip

No-idea if anyone else still in this thread but I will make another thread at some point
Not today because I'm strapped for time...BUT if enough people are in the thread then I will just post from my phone. Just be prepared for slow responses.

Will make it here on /aco/ if I do make another thread as its more 'comfy'.
Let me know if anyone is still lurking in this thread and I will try to post later
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>trash moves faster than aco
How tho
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Thread posts: 138
Thread images: 89

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