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What would happen if the Anime industry collapses, and what

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What would happen if the Anime industry collapses, and what would you do?
I'd just start playing more vidya instead.
alternatively i'd spend the rest of my days shitposing on /jp/
Thank the gods
Finally go through my backlog.
Probably nothing, Ill just move full time to VNs.
China and Korea would take over
Find a new hobby.
I would have more free time for my other hobbies.
Read some books.
Watch unfinished animes
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>What would happen if the Anime industry collapses
Only big studios would survive and continue to produce anime.
Read manga. Also shitpost like usual.
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Even got light novels if you want something anime-ish.
Transcend my human nature by becoming a cyborg.
Stick to VNs
I already enough know japanese to read them.
Fucking finish my backlog and be glad that I won't have to feel compelled to keep coming back to this abusive relationship I have with the trash, animu.
I will play all types of galge and read manga
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Watch western cartoons, where you get to watch a writer take his waifufagging to extremes on TV
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>make nu-anime
>It's art!
I just looked it up and there are not even 12k anime made.
I could finish that in a few years
Eventually someone would pick up the pieces and rebuild it somehow, either smaller studios scraping by or some other media corporation deciding to take the leap.
Wait for the inevitable news from japan about mass otaku suicides
draw my own
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>Will never finish my backlog, much less completing every anime ever, as long as there are 18+ new shows every season

I hope the industry dies desu
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Anime is the last thing I need to get over to attain illumination. I can't fucking wait for it to be destroyed.
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I also need to overcome my ESL disability because I meant enlightenment.
stop avatarposting
God don't speak english anyway
Continue reading manga of course
Nothing. I still have my manga industry
Manga sucks
I still have games and VNs.
Anime is getting shittier and shittier anyways.
move along and find a new hobbie?
Shit taste desu
Sorry I just cant deal with ongoing manga, got burned too many times.
I dont keep up with western cartoons anymore but jesus christ new PPG is wreck
Good `ol imaginary.
There are plenty of series that are complete.
>18+ new shows
More like 50+ new shows
Lets be honest, only about 1/20th of anime is even worth watching and that's being very generous.
Stay pleb, animeonlyfag
There's only a handful that are worth watching anyway.
>What would happen if the Anime industry collapses, and what would you do?
It's already collapsed.

Nothing good in the last few years.
I'd finally be free.
I'd probably go outside, interact with 3dpd, contribute to society, start a family, buy a house in a nice quiet suburb, have a couple kids, raise them with strong moral values, retire somewhere comfy down south, and finally pass on knowing that I'm leaving the world a slightly nicer place than it otherwise might have been and with the knowledge that my loved ones will cherish my memory and hope to follow my example of a life well lived.

I pray every day that the anime industry never collapses.
I'll be able to start judging existing animes objectively.
2020 will be that year. Mark my words.
go outside prob
>being anime only pleb
Good, the anime industry needs a hard reset.
Start my own studio in the US.

There'd obviously still be a huge market for it.
Find another source of porn
>anime dying when all the weaboos are in town for the olympics.
I don't think so.
They don't care about the weebs, they don't want tourists associating japan with lewd lolis.
People have been associating Japan with tentacles hentai since forever and it didn't affect Japan in any way
watch cutscene movies of Squeenix and ATLUS vidya
Read manga
Watch better Anime.
^This. I've got a large enough backlog to work through.
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Laugh in the face of all you nerds.


Fucking NERDS!!
I would just play video games
I haven't finished a show in a couple years, no l so not much would change.
What would happen if all loli characters were purged and outlawed from all forms of japanese media?
Kill youself /v/edditor
I'd be alot more comfortable watch anime
I fucking hate lolis
I dont exactly hate them but they are pretty bad characters usually only around for pandering and are usually annoying or are giving deus ex machina powers because otherwise a little girl could not do anything important in the big plot
>this man gets to be with his waifu and it is canon
Discover hidden gems from yesteryear.

Honestly, there are so many great animes that were slept on.
Keep making threads on /a/ about my favorite anime.
Read more manga. Play more eroge.

I would finally be free from this place's curse.

Also, video games. There are a lot of good books to read too.
I have enough anime for 20-30 years.
I dunno. Maybe start reading manga.
Lolis will always exist, even if they're not in a lolicon context.
I'd read Manga or Light Novels
literally impossible

>Haven't watched a new anime in years

Honestly I don't know why I still browse /a/ but considering the flood of shit coming out of the industry maybe a collapse is needed.
I keep watching mostly because I have no idea what else to do with my time, but I rarely enjoy it, is just something to fill the hours with
He's like a successful Chris-chan

Watch Korean and Chinese cartoons instead. They're already pushing into the anime market as it is.
Why exactly isn't everyone saying that they would just read manga?
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theres actually one other man I know who became anime and gets to be with his waifu.
Because Id rather read books
Why not both?
Manga always drags on and have shit endings
If the anime industry collapses the trash wont be animated and nips only release good series; and finally the animator would be better paid.
Start reading books, hear it's a respectable hobby.
Start buying all those IPs on the cheap and start my own studio.
i also saw the reddit post today anon
/lit/ looks more /a/ than /a/
Read manga.
>Wanting to fuck 3DPD is /a/
Fuck off
welp, time to burn my book collection so I don't become a degenerate
I meant how they seemed like real nerds
This place today is filled with ironic weebs instead
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This is worse than the waifufag writer for Persona.
finish my backlog
praise Vishnu
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Go full /tg/ since videogames don't satisfy me anymore
Good luck /tg/ is even worse.
Enjoy light novels and manga.
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star making anime inspired comics to tap into that new demand
You meant manga inspired, right?
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Read more manga
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yeah sure, comic inspired comics would had sound strange tho
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Go find a time machine.
read manga and work on backlog i guess.
I don't i imagine a large portion of /a/ would start getting arrested for being a pedophile.
Catch up on the backlog.
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a bring a new question

>what would need to happen for the anime industry to collapse?
ew what were you doing on /co/
Currently sitting at 294 shows in my backlog...

In the 8 years I've been keeping record of my watchlist, I'm on 606 completed shows. I've got at 4 more years of watching to do if I kept at the same rate. And then I could just watch some of it again. 10 years worth of shows on repeat wouldn't be too bad.
Sell bootleg anime Blu-rays of old shows with dual audio mkvs
I don't even watch anime anymore, so I'm good
Most anime is just shit manga
>comics are better than movies
continue on it's current trajectory
actually at the current trend, h-anime will replace ecchi and make it into more televised slots, only to be heavily censored to promote sales

Literally season long h-anime airings will be the norm, and it will be glorious
This, also play more video games
So, they would?
what would happen if i slapped illyas butt?
id have no choice but to make my own anime using mspaint
I want h-anime to be animated in Kyoani levels of quality.. I'm waiting for that day..
This. Japan has resisted before; hopefully they'll continue to do so.

Nothing wrong with having a significant other who's into anime and manga. Well, as long as they aren't diehard fujos or unironic weebs.
And most manga are just shit books
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sell all my smug anime memes and invest in anime VR/holo waifu stocks
play video games until i lose interest, browse 4chan a little more frequently and then probably kill myself
Watch the rise of the chinese and korean anime industries. Will also watch the numerous netflix original and autistic anime fans creating their own stuff for their own little niche's and crappy little android/digital console/pc games.
Will probably be big studios producing barely animated trash with the few decent animators being even worse paid and smaller more nimble studios releasing focused good work aimed at well paying sub niches at home and abroad with many being simply the advertising arm of toys and games.
Nothing would change. I don't watch seasonal anime anyway and have enough anime to watch that I'll be sick of it before I'm done
There wouldn't be any islamic lolli fans in 4chan anymore
Just end myself
I thought co was tumblr. Or are all three of them the same now?
We can always watch RWBY
read manga, watch old animes, play anime related games and normal games and then ........... kill the president ?
at the very least Comiket will be affected by olympics, but not for the "better hide dem lolis from the brits" reasons
Every day we stray farther from God's light...
I will finally be free to commit to my life's calling, igniting the fires of proletarian revolution.
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I guess move over fully to /co/

Nothing really changes.
I wish they made more anime that panders to my interests and desires.
I don't get why people say pandering is bad.
Kill myself because my whole reason for living is gone.
Buy few more 5-6 TB HDD and download all the shit that might be good or is good.

I'd spend roughly $300-400 extra so I'll never run out of anime again.
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