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I don't know who's the more autistic, the lead

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I don't know who's the more autistic, the lead girl or the MC.
Well I know that its a shit manga at the least.
Lead girls friend is up there as well.
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cliffhangers and nothing happens as usual
Isn't that par for the course in the genre?
The reader.
How the hell did this get an anime so quickly?

I mean, half the series so far is just teasing and generic romance hijinks.
>gals harem

You're a shit.
It'll probably be one of those filler that they always make to fill a time slot.
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>""""harem"""" with piece of shit MC
You're a double nigga
What's funny is that it's getting an anime
They are all idiots, so you can't just target the MC on this one.
Others being autistic doesn't justify him being a 0/10 non-character. That's like saying Black Clover is good, because Fairy Tail is shit too.
I never said it's good either.
It does when the girl is always confusing him being hot at first, then cold the next which just confuses him on what she wants. Then you have main girl's friend who cock blocks both of them before anything can happen. And the uncessary childhood friend/Yandere who's just to add drama.
Why are you just counting exterior reasons when I'm talking about him on his own? Tell me one genuinely goo thing about him. There isn't. And with good I obviously don't mean good in a moral sense. Every Romance/Harem/SoL MC gets into misunderstandings. Doesn't mean all of them are absolute trash like this one.
>One genuinely good thing
For one he had the balls to ask someone waaay out of his league
To add, this series had potential when it was the MC and the main girl both starting their relationship and progressing as it showed during the date chapter. But then the friend came along which sparked drama and misunderstandings, and I can only imagine what the childhood friend will bring to the table.
I know it's a wish fulfillment manga but it kinda bugs me when you have a romance series like this and the MC does absolutely nothing to justify having an amazing girlfriend. He's even a bit of a shit to her so he doesn't get the "he's an ultra nice guy" pass.
Do we know whether the anime will be your usual ~20 minutes long or short ~5 minutes anime like Galko-chan?

Because it only had 25 chapters, pretty short if you ask me. And the devil mangaka-san made contract must be a powerful one.
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There are series which have steady progression
Truly a defining characteristic. What an original MC. I bet he'll be remembered 10 years from now.
imouto best girl

short stacks are cute
New chapters when?

Yuiko is a cute! A CUTE!

You mean in looks? Because she has many faults on her own as well, especially when she teases the MC with her body, but gets pissed when MC actually reacts. And the MC had the courage to ask her out, which she accepted and was a little suprised by it also. He also showed he was loyal to her when her friend tried to expose him by seducing him. That and of course he was looking to get laid, but he was starting to really come to the possibility that he was actually falling for her also when the kiss happened and that she wasn't just teasing him.
It's over, anon.
It went up to chapter 48, right? But I couldn't find any translation os the last 2 or 3 chapters.
Steady progression into nothing.
Because they effect his mindset when he was actually progressing in his relationship during the first part of the series.
Looks like they removed them from batoto. It's up to 46 there but I read 47 Which seemed to be the last. And nothing happens.
>discussion is about what makes him a good character or not
>yeah but i-it's everyone's fault that he didn't score yet!!
He can be someone with all the bullshit, but he isn't.
The concept is good, the MC ruins it though. If he was even slightly less of a scumbag this would be great.
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The fact that it's getting an adaptation
Which is wierd that plot of being in different classes could be a really good arc. It ain't an usual cliché. Is there any reason for the author to have ended it without proper ending? There were a lot of good characters who had good premises for arcs

At least they were direct about their objectives. If it were more popular, doujin artists would go crazy over it
It was boring.
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I'm a huge Gyaru fan and was pretty happy when a series got announced but after so many chapters shit is getting boring and I really dislike MC and the girl is rather boring too.

I'd wish that one-shot with the Gyaru that supported MC from the backlines all the time to confess his love for some generic girl got an anime adaption.
>one-shot with the Gyaru that supported MC from the backlines all the time to confess his love for some generic girl

I'm sure this is a hentai doujin
Nope, its Nisio's oneshot.
I was actually talking about Henshin Ganbo. What is the hentai one named.
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>>152779866 (checked)
>>152779377 (checked)
This and Batsu-gyaru are too good to be left as one-shots. At least a volume or two would be nice. Dubs don't lie.
>Henshin Ganbo
Nisio is such a tease.
>monthly issue
jesus this gonna takes year
The lead girl. MC is just a dumb horny virgin you can find anywhere.
Now tell me someone, how does a manga with only 20+ chapters get an anime?
>two gyarus
>one is a lesbian
You forgot childhood friend Gyaru
Not a genuine gyaru. She's trying to be a gyaru and failing.
This manga has the worst MC I've ever read, and that's saying a lot.

None of the other characters are good enough to make up for him either, and the story is so barebones cliche throwing every trope at you that it has nothing unique to distract you from how shit the characters are.
Its bad but not manwah bad
or is it h-tonns
MC is fine
Only hardcore self inserters hate him
>He doesn't know about the ritual
You're not wrong, but those are a very large part of the demographic that harem mangas appeal to.
Funny enough the reason I don't like the MC is because he's written spot-on. He's a horny high school kid with shitty friends trying to come to terms with a relationship with a very attractive girl he's now and he's awkward as fuck about it. It's kind of annoying because I have been there (not the whole dating a gyaru thing) and I understand what he needs to do to make the situation better but instead he acts like you expect.
Thats true all he has to do is bang that oppai loli
He's a scumbag in the wrong way. A character can be scummy, but they need a certain combination of scumminess.
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Whatever, they are cute togather and that's the only thing what matters.
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My Nigga
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It's funny because in one chapter BG does what this series has kind of floundered in doing.

>Boy is approached by Gyaru despite being rather plain
>boy has hesitation about relationship because of past trauma
>Gyaru is actually a maiden and not a slut
>guy is apprehensive about relationship. Girl insists
>Date, guy still holds her at a distance. Hurts her feelings and realizes she is more than a stereotype or figment of his past
>apologizes, sees her for more of who she is
>still gets teased in the end.

It's a better telling in my opinion.
>with only one girl
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I really hope there's more to come from this one-shot.
>"Gyaru" is a term given to flashy, outspoken Japanese girls who embrace Western and Modern Culture
I see.
Japan loves to make everything about misunderstanding. Just gets old and boring. Not to mention modern tsundere hot/cold is just horrible.
The MC was bad because his super shitty friends kept giving him bad advice and were originally planning to ruin his relationship.

Good thing the author got rid of MC's friends who keep giving MC advice based on the porn they watched or read since they think porn is real life.

They're still around and giving dumbass advice. I think the last we saw them they were hoping he'd use his gyaru girlfriend to invite a bunch of gals over and they'd hit on them. Imagine their mixer with tittymonster fake imouto gal and brown lesbo gal.
I'd sooner read Immortal Regis or SAO over going through this again.
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