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Was killing her off that horrifically REALLY that necessary?

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Was killing her off that horrifically REALLY that necessary? What stupid edgelord wrote this scene?
I felt the same way about that death. They make a point to say she'll suffer infinite death and then promptly forget about her. Fuck FGO.
I know! It's like they came up with the most horrific way imaginable to kill someone off who we barely got to know for no reason other than to show that the bad guy is not a nice person.
And the worst part is that the main characters who saw it happen in front of them don't even really care and move on like it never happened!
Even if they weren't that close to her they should at least have some form of PTSD from that shit.
That was the most pointless and stupid death scene I've ever seen.
Isn't she freed in the Melty Blood manga?
I don't think so.
She was already dead anyway
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Well, what else do you expect from FGO?
About that: how the fuck did her spirit materialize like a Servant, and what was the point of that twist if they were just gonna kill her off again like that anyway?
They could've made her fuse with another servant and become a Demi-Servant like Mashu, but they completely wasted her character.
How can she experience an infinite number of deaths if she was already dead to begin with?
Yeah, she died in Fateverse and she's part of Tsukihime now
Well seeing she was a carbon copy of Tohsaka rin was anything of value really lost?
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It could have made sense somewhat had they made this into a big turning point in the story and used it to develop and flesh out the characters affected by it, but it just ended up being disconnected and gratuitous instead.

They should have either killed her for good instead of subjecting her to eternal agony, or, if they really had to torture her, made her predicament an integral part of the story and source of distress/purpose for the rest of the cast.

As it is, it just looks like a significant oversight and bad writing.
Basically her soul is obliterated and her very existence is gone.
This seems to be what actually happened, she is eternally dead (whereas normal deaths do not destroy the soul) rather than actually experiencing some kind of eternal torture.

>She will experience an eternal death akin to be absorbed by a blackhole or the sun, where she is disassemble on the molecular level. She disappeared, leaving no trace of her behind. The girl called Olgamally, is no more
My question is why they would waste such a horrific death scene on a character that we barely got to know and execute it in such a contrived matter.
What that was from her point of view in reality Lev just shift back to Chaldea erasing her for good.
Fucking this. Everything about this scene singlehandedly ruined Fate/Grand Order. If Nasu actually wrote this scene, then he is officially a hack.
The worst part about this shit that happened to her is that neither the audience or the characters even care.
The story never even gave us or them a reason to care.
And it will have no effect on the story whatsoever. It's a complete fucking waste.
Does she die this early in the game too?
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To make the situation seem hopeless. The only humans left are Gudao, Mashu, Roman, and a bunch of unamed staff, they're completly cut off from any outside help, and their leader just died a horrible death.
Yes. In the fucking prologue.
I get that, but there's a much better way they could've handled that.
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>people acting surprised that Fate/shit has awful writing
He did actually the only ones that are complaining are tryhards who want to make sense of everything just don't think.
Fuck off.
>it's another "secondaries complain their waifu died" thread
Hey, the original Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero were legitimately well written. If Nasu actually wrote Grand Order according to >>151872393, then it just means that Nasu is officially a has-been.
Well they needed some way to show the antagonist of this shit means business, because his character design is too god fucking awful to take seriously.
Nasu didn't write Zero just accept people die for no reason
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Who's the best servant and why is it Tamamo?
I assume the director of the studio really hated her, because her death didn't had these touches of cruelty in the game.
That only works if the story and character behaviours change to reflect that. If you're going have horrible things happen to induce an overall sense of dread, that's perfectly fine, but it can't be accomplished by simply shocking the viewer with a one-off scene. You need to show that the characters feel the same way as well, and show how this affects their actions. Here, the supposedly relatable and human cast immediatly forgets about something that would give anyone a bad case of PTSD, which goes against any kind of emotional connection to the story and breaks any sort of credibility it could have had.

Do these look like hopeless people who just witnessed the gruesome death of their companion? Not really.
The antagonist literally could've killed the main character and Mashu right there.
But instead he kills waifubait and then skiddadles.
If that's what they call showing he means business, I'm not impressed.
He co-wrote it with Urobuchi, numbnuts.
The whole time it happened I wondered why the flying fuck were they just WATCHING. They don't even give enough of a shit about her to try and save her.
I feel like she just had more of a character arc in that one episode and her breakdown as she was going to die than MC and Mashu are going to have in all the seasons too.
I don't think anyone was impressed, its a shitty villain with shitty motives in a poorly written show.

To top it all off his character design screams mad hatter wannabe, the only way the assholes writing this apparently could think to give him any tension at all was to have him do the most edgy mustache twirling thing he could have possibly done.
She was something like teenage Ilya.
So long overdue to be killed.
Really now? That's fucked.
How was it in the game? Same thing but withouth the eternal suffering part?
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>implying Grand Order's story is related to the original visual novel's story in any way
he isn't called "the butcher" for nothing after all.
Exactly. And that's what pisses me off about this shit so much.
everyone should be proud to be a F/GO secondary, because if you fall for fucking gatcha mobileshit you only have yourself to blame
Wow, I didn't know there was so many kids on /a/ complaining about a literal who's death.
For me it's mostly about how she died rather than the fact itself since i wasn't caring about any character at all prior to that scene
Also she was cute, nice uniform too
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Porco Rosso is for bullying only
Fucking this. The scene singlehandedly ruined what could've been an otherwise mediocre show, and turned it into a steaming pile of Komodo dragon shit.
Truly, what a horrible fate/grand order!

No, only idiots who can't read think that. There are two Olgas in that manga, neither is from FGO. One is from Case Files and the other from an Extra timeline where she died earlier (she's a child). It's not FGO Olga.

I don't know why idiots repeat this bullshit. There's even two different Levs there who aren't from FGO because they aren't full demon yet.
Meh, not really. She suffered just as much in the game. You can read the translation here:

>Lev: Yes. It's no different to a blackhole. Or perhaps the Sun. Well, regardless.
>Lev: It's the incarnation of hell that'd disassemble any person who touches it on the molecular level. Please, feel free to savour living death for an eternity.
>Olga Marie: No---No, no, help, somebody help! I……I, I don't want to die in a place like this!
>Olga Marie: I haven't been praised yet……! No one, no one has acknowledged me yet……!
>They could've made her fuse with another servant and become a Demi-Servant like Mashu, but they completely wasted her character.
They can't, Mashu isn't human, that's why she is a demi Servant.

The story was adapted from a mobile game, so it won't translate that well into a proper medium.
Yes except Urobuchi's death scenes for the most part carry weight on the story and the characters, and actually emotionally affect his audience.
When Mami died early in Madoka Magica, Madoka and Sayaka were horrified and emotionally scarred by her death, and it shocked the audience since we generally weren't expecting something like that in a show about Magical girls.
When Rider died in Fate/Zero, the audience was crying just as hard as Waver.
But then how can Waver turn into a demiservant?
Or Rin?
If you have watched or read enough typemoon, death by being incinerated isn't a big deal for a magi, it's simply that Olga wasn't suited to be one.

Still had more personality than that cardboard cut-out called Mashu
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Gudako saves the director in the manga. This manga is canon, right?
>Pseudo-servant =/= demi-servant

>Dr. Roman: So the reason why we could not contact the outside world wasn't because of a transmission fault, But that anyone who could have received our calls have been erased.
>Lev: Heh, smart as always. It's regrettable that I didn't kill you first.

How did anyone overlook Roman figure it out but was trying to keep hopeful?
I mean if the intention was to show how high the stakes were and add weight to the bad guy, then why didn't the remaining characters seem that affected by her death? It was kinda just like they shrugged it off.
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And Gudako doesn't fuck around like Gudao.
He's a Pseudo Servant. See Shirou and Angra Mainyu, same example.
>kills useless dumb bitch
>but not the guy who can stop him

Goetia should have fired this retard.
The worst part is that this was a one off OVA to promote a few smartphone game. So we're not gonna get any depth for MC-kun and Mashu.
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Manga Gudao is kind of an asshole
The characters were a bit busy surviving and noticing everyone is dead besides the few fuckers in Chaldea.

Might be a little too occupied to give a shit about a stranger. Roman did bring her up a few times later, so he cared, but he had to become the leader and not fuck around anymore.
type moon stuff bad writing as always.

A stranger? They've all known each other for the same amount of time. If anything, Mashu has known the director longer than bland insert-kun.
We're complaining about the death scene itself for being fucking stupid and pointless. We couldn't give two shits about the character when we were never given a reason to care about her.
Because they didn't have any strong connection with a literal who like her? To (you) and Mashu, she was simply "the director of Chaldea", to Roman, "the daughter of Marysbilly". Also Olga didn't have the right mindset to be a magi in the first place.
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If anything she's been damned to a life with Gudako.

They go as far as sending her the stone age to get of her.
The director avoided Mashu because she felt guilty about how her father treated her. She doesn't know her all that well. Lev had more interaction with Mashu than Olga.
Seriously. Lamest fucking villain since Exdeath from Final Fantasy V.
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They had a very interesting setup though with her being dead, except of course for the complete lack of foreshadowing.

They could use the 3 minutes of screaming about not getting praised and father issues for some emotional "passing on the mission" for the MC/Mash instead. That would work much better in all aspects for what you're saying.
It may as well be. This is far more enjoyable and well written than Grand Order.
To be fair, Roman did care about what happened, but many people died and the world is on fire. He couldn't believe Lev would do that to Olga either, he brings it up in the last Singularity which confirms the Lev who was their friend wasn't the same Lev who betrayed them.
I like his design and Sugita voice though.
>killing her off that horrifically
>no spiked, edged or sharp objects colored with dark and red colors were used to kill her

it wasn't edgy.
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Even if (you) weren't around to keep him busy, Flauros miscalculated in believing that Roman was in his office and not hidden eating cake in a room which would make him arrive late to their explosive appointment anyway.

Skirting out your responsibilities save lives kids.
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Who are the Servants besides Mashu that do security duty for the Master to protect them from unwanted mana transfers?

Yeah but MC kun they knew for like 5 minutes.
Doesn't matter. They should at least feel traumatized with PTSD or have at least some form of human emotion after seeing someone get horrifically killed right in front of their eyes.
Sugita's voice is literally all Flauros has going for him. His design looks like some generic mustache twirling mad hatter shit.
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Of course not, it was Flauros by then, in other worlds Lev killed himself before becoming a demon god.
Yes? And MC kun ran into the fire and stayed to die by her side. Which was more than Olga did to her by avoiding her for years. He touched her hand and treated her like a person, something only Roman did.
annoying bitch dies a horrific death, how are you upset over this?
Lev design is great, so no. And he was a really good person. ;_;

Are they both gay in the comics?
I love this meme.
Ads don't have human emotions
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That's an impressive character design for post-Zero/Melty Blood Type-Moon.
They are gag comics, but yes.

They should have had RomanxGudao instead of Astolfo though.
Ghost aren't people

anon pls
>yfw you realize the FV suffers the same fate
Pure pottery.
But protagonist reacts strongly after Roman dies. They even hallucinate him in their room and is unable to join the celebrations, holding up the tears and shit.
>Villain put a bomb right below her for no reason except raising the chance of the actualmasters being alive.
>Reveals she is already dead
>Regadless of that creates a wormhole through another space and time just to slowly throw her soul that had a few minutes of "life" left in a black hole for "eternal death"
>Then just leave the only left master that already realized a contract and his servant alone
>No one cared about the character anyway, but they still made it the climax of the OVA.

It was not only edgy, but also really stupid.
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GO is a shitty mobage I really don't know what you all expected.
Or better yet, they could've merged her soul with a Servant and made her become a Demi-Servant/Pseudo-Servant like Mashu.

What if Cu-ster was still there when shit was going down? She could've made a pact with him and got powers like Mashu.

It could've been a good setup for a transition of her character, and they wasted it on a fucking edgy death scene.
Waifufags and pussies, you don't need to think too much about that.
Everyone loved Roman, hardly anyone even remembers Director Orgone energy
Flauros, quit shitposting in /a/. You're a shitty villain from a shitty story.
Roman was his closest ally with Mashu. He barely knew Olga.
Olga actually seems like a rather nice person, even if she is a bit spazzy.

>Marie was afraid at first, though.
>Yeah, it’s understandable.
>First her ideal father passed, then it turns out that he had been conducting cruel experiments in secret.
>She became anorexic for a month from the shock.
>She was three times as hysteric, too.
>When she took over the director’s position, she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
>With her already being a worrywart, giving freedom to the sole successful example of the most shocking secret… the merging ritual, was nothing short of terrifying.
>“Mashu will avenge herself upon me!
>She’ll kill me gruesomely in the restroom or something! It’s only natural!”
>So she often shrieked.
>However, despite her fear, Marie didn’t look away from Mashu.
>A good quality of hers. She’s an earnest person in spite of appearances, and so she can’t do wrong no matter how tempting it is.
>Thanks to that, Mashu was accepted as a person of her own right and attained freedom within Chaldea.
Yeah, if only she had a real living body, it would be nice :^)
He barely knew Mashu when he rushed to save her ignoring former orders, tried to lift a giant block with his hands and accepted died next to her in the start of the OVA.
She would die within hours, Mashu is a test tube made human she can handle it. Merging with servants is different from being possessed by one
He left them because he assumed the Singularity would collapse on them and will cease to be. He underestimated Roman's determination and skill to pull them home safely. Underestimating Roman in general was literally how this shit was solved.
Quit spiritshaming you shitlord.
>death by being incinerated isn't a big deal for a magi
It wasn't just that, though. She suffered eternal agony. Whoever it happened to doesn't matter, the sheer magnitude of it is so beyond anything else that could ever happen to any other character in the story, that it both dwarfs any possible chance for drama from her death onwards, and makes it impossible to believe that the remaining cast would just shrug it off like nothing happened.

There is literally no worse conceivable fate, and yet it gets casually ignored both by the story and by characters who we are supposed to root for and perceive as humans. It's fundamentally broken.
He knew she was his waifu. Actually in the game it's hilarious he wants to know about Roman first before her when he awakes after Fuyuki. OVA had him go to meet Mashu first, but he asked for Doctor Roman in the game even if Mashu was in danger a moment ago as far as he remembered.
We're upset over the stupidity of the death scene itself.
But he bothered to kill someone in a grandly way who had literally nowhere to go back and even if she had would pose no thread ever?
He was doing his best to get his dick wet.
Then why didn't he try to kill Roman instead if he was the biggest threat? His motives make no fucking sense.
He was angry because Roman didn't obey and die with the rest, angry Olga didn't notice she died. He was taking it out with her. The cruelest is that Olga believed the demon was her beloved Lev and all those years he was using her and betrayed her when that wasn't truth at all.
He did he was hoping that Roman would get caught in the blast, but MC-kun saved him by being sent to the infirmary.
>no worse conceivable fate
>Crushed by singularities correction
>blackened by chaos tide
>killed by your most trusted friends for "necessities"
>erased from existence
We didn't expect it to be THIS fucking bad.
Why are we assuming a demon has to have the mentality of a normal, non-psychopathic human being? Why wouldn't he take advantage of the fact that she was super attached to the human Lev and that she was already dead to rub in his sadism even more?

Doesn't that seem like something a demon would do?
Why are you retards complaining about a non-issue? You're trying too hard to be an anime critic, a gruesome death for a minor character is not strange at all in film and tv.
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As someone who plays the game the anime was better than I expected so take that as you will.
Well, that would explain why he took so much effort trying to remove the block from her lower body.
Why not kill everyone then? What better way to take revenge against Roman than finishing off the only master left in the organization? Why kill the one who was dead and clearly unloved by everyone, minimizing his own damage to anyone using such a large amount of mana from the grail in the process?
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He was in Chaldea and couldn't go there anymore. Anyway, he still assumed that even if Roman was smart, he was just a normalfag doctor. At Final Singularity, he realized Chaldea survived time and time again because of Roman. While he found him suspicious, he hadn't realized how dangerous he was.

Even when he admitted that, he hadn't actually seen the scope of how dangerous Roman truly was. Because it's Roman who saves the day in the end. Most of the early Orders have Servants bullying him or disregarding him as a 'coward' or a 'weakling', so not even (you) realize how just damn pivotal he is until Da Vinci scolds (you) and starts naming how without Roman, (you) would have died because he needed to tirelessly check your life signals in every singularity and ascertain your existence. How he barely sleeps or eats or does anything except throw his life to save history and humanity, how he makes a superhuman effort despite not being a genius, to Da Vinci he's the reason why she stays in Chaldea, because she wants to help Doctor Roman.
You literally just described everything that happened to Olga. And once again, the characters and story shrug it off like it was nothing. This scene singlehandedly ruined Grand Order's story.
>but MC-kun saved him by being sent to the infirmary.
He wasn't sent to the infirmary, he was sent to his room where Roman was camping. So chances were Roman would get too late when he would have called anyway.
No it didn't fuck off.
Rome ruined Grand Order's story no one outside of /a/ and MAL is complaining about Olga's death no one in Japan even mourn her death they moved on and cried about Roman's death
In game it was the infirmary because he passed out for being a weak ass mage
Roman was still in Chaldea and Lev couldn't invade Chaldea anymore. He was killing everyone else, the singularity crashing would have killed him.
>In game it was the infirmary because he passed out for being a weak ass mage
Nasu kind of retconned it because his epilogue has MC recalling how he met Roman in his room, unless he was always In My Room.
A demon with a mission could simply kill everyone. A dumb anime villain would kill a pointless character and leave the main characters alone because they "are no threat" anyway.
OK well even if he had a little bit of suspicion of him, he should've acted on it rather than wasting his efforts on killing Olga if she posed no threat whatsoever.
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Ushiwakamaru is a treasure. 2017 Beach Event better include her.
>He was killing everyone else, the singularity crashing would have killed him.
On the contrary, he was killing a dead person and leaving those alive to their own chance.
>2017 Beach Event
I hope they give us another chance of getting swimsuit welfare Scathach though. I missed her the first time.
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She's a big girl
He did try to kill him, that's why he called him to the mission room where he would have gotten blown up. He killed everyone who have potentially dangerous.

Roman was delayed because he talked to MC Kun and the bomb exploded without him there. Which made Lev mad when he saw he was alive.

Anyway, it's better he didn't die there or there wouldn't be any Fate work any longer considering Goetia erased history and was remaking the planet and everything if it hadn't been for Roman stopping him.
They do reruns
>and leaving those alive to their own chance.
He said he was ending the Singularity, which would have killed Mashu and MC. They survived because of Roman.
Yes it fucking did.
It's not about mourning her death. It's mocking her death for being pointless and stupid.
Ans yeah people cried for Roman assuming people stuck around and not dropped it after the stupidity of Olga's death.
No one cares about Olga, inside the story or outside it.
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>Ans yeah people cried for Roman assuming people stuck around and not dropped it after the stupidity of Olga's death.
Nobody really dropped it for Olga. She wasn't anybody's waifu.
Why are you so mad? Get over it.
Couldn't have said it any better. Flauros is such a poorly written Looney Toons villain.
>Da Vinci

Don't tell me the madmen did it again?
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best boys
Yes, but like I said. He went and killed the one who was already dead, and left the main characters on their own. Why take the course of action that maximized his risks and minimized his gains?
Low effort Nasu when they make him work for a mobile game.
Da Vinci messed around with his summoning ritual to be the Mona Lisa and he's gay.
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They did, except this time Da Vinci did it to himself because he wants to be as pretty as Mona Lisa.
I'm mad because it was fucking stupid and I wasted 2 hours of my life watching this shitty OVA.
It was the prologue though. It wouldn't be dropping, it would be not picking the game.
I think Merlin is one of the few new characters that I actually like. His design is nice too.
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This is Miyamoto Musashi
Flauros liked Mashu and sympathized with her. So he probably gave her a few seconds with senpai and removed the third wheel before they died.

Look, realistically speaking, no matter what they did, even if they survived and went singularity hunting, nothing they'll do was going to change the history and humanity incineration. The game made this clear. Goetia was unstoppable. Except for Solomon out of nowhere showing up, which was exactly what happened, they would be still doomed. Lev couldn't have fucking guessed Roman just happened to be Solomon after he wished to be a human which completely fucked them over.
Are you not even fucking getting what I'm saying?
Yes nobody cared when Olga died. Not even the characters or the story cared. THAT'S the fucking problem you shitheads.
Why give a character such a horrific death scene if the story, characters, and audience aren't even gonna care?
Do I have to spoonfeed this to you dipshits?
No one cares, stop wasting time of our life with your shitty opinion, I'd rather watch the OVA.
The most sadistic murders are the pointless ones. Like defiling someone's body after they're already dead, or in this case killing a character who already died. Demon psychopaths don't have fun by doing the logical thing.

And the MCs really are "no threat" in this case. It's not like other animes where the villain just underestimates the MC and MC ends up destroying him. If it weren't for the big Roman reveal in the final fight MC and Mashu still would have lost. Literally no one in universe saw that coming except for a few characters with clairvoyance and da Vinci. There was no way he could have foreseen that.
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Da Vinci is a guy, but turned himself into Mona Lisa.
Lets not forget Goetia already tried to kill the MC when he stared at them back in London. Dantes just saved them from death.
No one cares, don't you get it? No one cares about Olga to care that no one cares.

Only you care, get over it already.
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>Build a castle.
>She declares herself your Queen by default.
The fuck is her problem?
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It's kind of hilarious to think of how FGO's memetic writing will be looked back at in 5 years or so.

>Hey guys, remember than one time when King Solomon won the only Fuyuki Grail War, and chose to become a lazy human scientist in modern times?
>And when Primate Murder was raised by Merlin into a cute dog-squirrel, only to later sacrifice everything for a talking pair of tits he liked?
>Me neither
GO is canon.
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Ironically she's also the character that bitches about gender bending.
He didn't really 'try'. He just looked in his direction and that placed a curse. That wasn't 'trying'.
>Wasted 2 hours of his life watching OVA
>Now wasting his time talking about OVA on /a/

sasuga anon
Roman and Fou are the only good things with Da Vinci design and Arturia's tits.
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GO has plenty of great stuff.
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Sure, just like Prisma Illya is. Doesn't mean it'll ever be taken seriously or that its more ridiculous parts will be relevant to anything ever again.

Bitch about it how?
In Japan where it matters the most yeah it would be taken seriously, Every where else is a joke to Nasu since he only milked Fate because Japan told him to do it.
All of the things you mentioned are awful. GO has a few cool Servant designs, but Da Vince and even more dumb AU Artorias are certainly not it.


The Ushi she knows is a guy and she bitches because the Ushi in Chaldea is a girl.
Bitches that Ushiwakamaru isn't a hot bishounen samurai.
Everyone knows GO's story sucks, it's not worth getting angry over. Calm down, anon.

Funny. Be even funnier if a character had a like "WHAT THE FUCK I WAS MALE WHY AM I A GIRL" moment.
>The most sadistic murders are the pointless ones.
That really doesn't make any sense. Sadism has no correlation with pointlessness or meaningfulness. If he threw Olga, Mashu and MC on the black hole the impact on Roman would be much larger than just a character he was probably aware wasn't that important to anyone.

>And the MCs really are "no threat" in this case.
They are always "no threat", that's the point. Until they aren't and the villain is defeated. Would humanity win if Mashu and MC was killed right there? I assume no.
Literally who gives a shit what the japanese think, I'm not gonna be interacting with one anytime soon.
Well, Goetia has Solomon Clairvoyance but he was too stupid to see it, Merlin and Gil guessed it right, Holmes doubted him but I don't know if he realised Roman's identity.
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>Thinking Western opinion about Fate matters at all
>Literally who gives a shit what the japanese think
the people who write Fate? Retard.
It's not because nothing anyone did was going to make a difference. The only thing that did was Solomon being around which was something Lev couldn't have known. Flauros even says they had the time of their life laughing at their struggle.

Again their effort was in vain if Solomon hadn't been there.
Nasu and everyone in the anime industry does.
>Eternal pain
>Like dying for all the eternity
>Goes blank after a few seconds of shouting

That was the only thing I found disturbing, shouldn't she have shout from pain until she was completly sucked into the giant ball of nothingess?
See >>151871676
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I think the issue was that Goetia knew Solomon in life, and he knew he was an empty desireless system who wouldn't act unless he's commanded. He was full of himself thinking he had become Solomon in his place. He also never understood humanity.

Merlin and Gil are also assholes, but they are more connected to humanity than Goetia because they aren't a Beast like him. They know people can change.
She was kinda annoying. She seemed fine at the start, and when she showed up in Fuyuki I honestly thought it was her younger self or something. How can they expect me to care when they make her so annoying?
But it doesn't matter to me wether they takes this garbage seriously, because most of the world (people who I actually discuss it with) never will.
I don't care if that means they'll keep making more jewish waifushit (which is already happening), I'll just keep ignoring it like most people did with FGO and enjoy anime of pre-FGO shit, while waiting for Nasu to do something good again.
Spin off Caster Gil, Merlin and Solomon as flatmates like Jesus and Buddha when?

It can be called Clairvoyant Men.
>Sadism has no correlation with pointlessness or meaningfulness.
Sure it does. A completely logical course of action for a murderer would be to slit someone's throat and get out of the crime scene. A sadist would take pleasure in staying and defiling the corpse at risk to himself. Why should a demon take the totally logical route?

>They are always "no threat"
No, they're not. If the MC ends up killing the villain of his own power in the end, then they were never "no threat." Here, the MC doesn't kill the villain. Roman does. Goetia still would have won even with all the shit that MC did.
Well Merlin is a lazy neet who shitpost on the internet all day.
Ok have fun in death Nasu will never work on anything other than Fate ever again because Takeuchi is his boss and wants more Saber.
Then why are you posting in a thread about it? Idiot.
>Crushed by singularities correction
>blackened by chaos tide
Do these involve an eternity of suffering? If so, they're at best just as bad.

>killed by your most trusted friends for "necessities"
>erased from existence
I would take any of these any day over being paralyzed in agony for a duration of time unimaginably longer than it would take the universe to reach heat death several times over and then more. She will literally live to experience time on a scale beyond human comprehension, all the while being senselessly tortured. I don't think you realize how truly abominable that is.

It's just a matter of logic. If such a thing doesn't even have the slightest influence on the story, it means the writers had no idea what they were doing. Coupled to the fact that nothing else after it can possibly top it, it just makes the rest of the story pointless. All they had to do was simply kill her off, and it would have at least made the rest of the story somewhat credible.
MC does end up in a fist fight with Goetia and won so he killing a half dead Goetia
>I wondered why the flying fuck were they just WATCHING. They don't even give enough of a shit about her to try and save her.

Things would have been different if based Cu was still there.
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Are you guys ever gonna shut up about this
Well Goetia would have died anyway as his existence was disappearing and so was the dimension they were in. The punch was just a final "Fuck you"
Cu would've jobbed, Flauros in his demon form is too much for him to handle, Atilla can kill him because she's an alien super weapon that was suppose to destroy Earth.
Stop shitposting Magi*Mari.
Well I'm glad the designated representative to speak on behalf of most of the world is here. Sasuga anon.
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I don't really know senpai, I guess I just wanted to make sure FGOfags realize 100% that they're the ones helping jews kill this franchise.
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Still prefer GO's story over this trash.
>A sadist would take pleasure in staying and defiling the corpse at risk to himself. Why should a demon take the totally logical route?
Did you see the example? If he was angry at Roman, he should have chosen a way to actually hurt him instead. Like throwing all three in the black hole. But now we are discussing about characters being whimsical and pointless when the purpose was purely a combination of trying to get some cheap impact on viewers while making it so the important characters are left completely without effort.

>No, they're not. If the MC ends up killing the villain of his own power in the end, then they were never "no threat."
It's the same as always. Main character was a lvl 1 kid, how could the villain ever expect he would actually become the legendary hero lvl999 chosen by the gods as the only one who can wield the sacred sword that can beat the villain. Just cheap cliches.
Why does everyone hate Apocrypha?
Yeah, well, in the near future one is getting a fully adapted into an animated TV series and the other is not.
Explain further
Nah, at least it's mostly fun until it fumbles in the ending. FGO is a turd with a handful of golden nuggets mixed in. I'd rather the former.
Because none of the characters in that key visual is actually the main character.
And? It's Nasu's job to make cash for TypeMoon.
Darn, I was going to watch this but if there's a bunch of edgy "suffering just to have suffering" going on I'll probably not bother.
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> just wanted to make sure FGOfags realize they're killing this franchise.

Mission accomplished!
Literally anyone could have taken his place there, but let's suppose Hassan could make Goetia mortal like Tiamat and by some genkidama asspull with all Servants trying to fight him, he's killed (nevermind the game literally said nobody could beat him), this still wouldn't have changed the fact history was incinerated and humans are gone outside Chaldea. Only Solomon's removing the miracles and legend of King Solomon as "agent of God on Earth" (note: this is a special clarification, nobody actually notices - his soul was not erased or anything like that, nobody in Japan thought so- he removed the miracles to leave the age of man and reason as the legacy of love he has for humans and free will, hence his name Doctor Romantic, of Romanticism which praises free will vs Goetia who wanted to impose a fate and choices on men) could have undone the damage that has been done.
Astolfo ruined the story
Mashu? More like mashed potatoes
Altera literally backstabbed him. Lev still survived that.
> Nightingale
At least i think so.

Otherwise, Command Seal usage.

actually, in her world, she was born as a girl.

But when summoned to Chaldea, the Musashi of where Chaldea is, a male.
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And? I don't care if Nasu is making more or less, I care if he makes worthwhile stuff. When he wastes time on shit like this for maximum profit, you just know he doesn't really care anymore.
But if it makes money then it proves that's what people want.
This is worthwhile stuff to him, blame the fact that Mahoyo do so bad in sales expectation that it caused of all this in the first place.
>the only one who can wield the sacred sword that can beat the villain
Are you being purposefully this dense? The MC doesn't beat the villain and could never have beaten the villain. Lev was 100% right that this guy was not going to be the one to defeat him.
Even if it didn't have the edge it's not worth watching at all.
Why doesn't Goetia body jack Gudao?
But he's flirting with a cute girl, why do you call him gay?
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Actually, Next Order was confirmed with First Order, for Fate/Grand Order.

They just didn't have a teaser because they teased it already during the ending sequence of the 1hour long OVA.
Of course, the fault is on Japanese otakus and western waifufags who don't particularly give a shit about Type-Moon and just want a good fap. I never claimed otherwise.
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>a cute girl
Why is there no art of her braining assassin Kojiro
>western waifufags who don't particularly give a shit about Type-Moon and just want a good fap
>Literally who gives a shit what the japanese think
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Wasn't he a piece on his downfall? The story would end the same if he killed he and Mashu there? Was not killing them the wise decision?
Of course!
Ahahahahaa this dude is mad online, what an idiot.
>western waifufags
They don't count as a fanbase for Type-Moon stuff no one buys TM stuff people who read the VNs had to pirate the english translation and Nasu got pissy enough to kill the EVO stream of Melty Blood because they were probably pirated copies
Dr. Roman refused our offer in favor of yours. We ought to find out what he told you!
Sounds like you don't watch liveleak regularly.

Desensitization is a hell of a thing.
They still play the game, adding to its userbase, and many pay for quartz. Those are the kind of retards on this thread.
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Nothing, I said nothing
You're right, I don't.
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>Danganronpa memeing
>Team America and how it built up Karna's character more
That's all I can think of for good things from GO
Her death is literally the only "suffering just to have suffering" scene in the entire OVA
So I guess you're one too huh.
>People complaining about GO
>We are not even in Septem

Here we go leddit :d
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>Y-you too!
>If he had killed them then he wouldn't have been able to get any entertainment from their struggle. Like I said, Goetia and Flauros are having fun with this. The thing that kills him was not something that he could have predicted, and no one could have predicted it unless they have clairvoyance.

I thought she was a hybrid of Rin and Luvia?
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Olga's canon death was a mercy compared to her Riyo fate.
I thought I had found my waifu and then those bastard killed her like that.
Here's some advice, by around the tenth beheading you don't really care anymore.

Chinese killing dogs still upsets me, but I go out of my way to avoid those.
Yes, but the point is valid for any villain. There is not any villain that leaves the main characters alive (they obviously don't know who is a main character in-world) that would predict that they'd be key parts in their defeat. If they did know, they would have killed them unless they really want to lose.

But the point is that they left someone who is known to be on the opposition alive for basically no reason.
Did she get sent to the shadow realm?
Being stalked and attempted rape isn't that bad
Who is that pirate qt?

What girl has Gudako not tried to molest yet?
Mary and Annie the lesbian pirates
But Olga was killed in Riyo comic, Gudako just pulled her soul out
Is it scanned yet?
I don't get it.
Does food have anything to do with summer?
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Anne Bonny & Mary Read. FGO's dynamic slut duo. They're gay as hell.
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>Unironically watching this shit and enjoying it
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Reminder there is only 3cms of height difference
>Slut duo
>Gay as hell
Nah they're just Bi like in real life.
And then there was Red Dragon, where he beheaded a side character for shits and giggles, then never mentions it again.
I did it to feel something, anything.

Now I feel nothing.
I see what you're saying, but the only solution to that is to never have final boss and MC meet before the conclusion ever. If there was ever a valid reason for leaving someone alive in an initial meeting (by now I suppose it's obvious you don't think there's ever a valid reason), it is that you know that this guy will literally never be able to beat you, but you enjoy seeing him try. And that decision is shown to be true, it's just that Goetia got screwed over by the dead guy whose body he took over thousands of years later because no one could guess what Solomon's Grail wish really was.
Urobuchi was assuming direct control. Only explanation I have for that over the top ridiculous scene. Nasu usually doesn't relish pointless death scenes that don't really do anything but establish "HEY THIS CHARACTER IS A REAL MEANY YOU GUYS", but I guess he's getting old.

Like even when Nrvnqsr devoured that entire hotel, they were largely faceless mooks that the narrative didn't even bother to establish as characters, it wasn't like you got to know any of them just enough to be interested, and then they get slaughtered as the other characters just sort of watch on in minor amusement. Really out of place.
She was already dead, doofus.
Nasu also can do that, even in FGO. Look at Camelot or Last Singularity. He just didn't care about Olga.
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I'm glad she died, whiny ass bitch
>That Design
Okay you know what I quit Type moon.
What excuses is Nasu using for the genderbending now? Chaldea ran out of male servant containers or something?
Depends on which instance of genderbending you're referring to.
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Literally. Infinite universes + incorrect historical records + magic doesn't have to explain shit you.
>Jeanne d'Arc chopping vegetables
>holds the knife in her left hand
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>tfw you will never do sweet, gentle, and vanilla mana transfers with Boudica as she tries to cook dinner while in an apron.
She probably shouldn't be wearing her armor in the kitchen either.
How big are Mashu's Mashu's? Sometimes I see them be mid tier and sometimes they are in cow tit territory.
Was it really that horrific? People actually cared about her?
There are many ways to do that. Easy way is having a villain that doesn't kill indiscriminately, but they made the point to show that the villain did exactly that.

Or the villain has no reason to kill someone, but here he already incapacitated or killed all masters but one and was wasting time slowly "killing" someone who didn't matter.

Or the villain literally can't, in this case if Mashu could hold against him. Which was an option, but they probably didn't want to make him seem less powerful.

Or even if the villain has motives not to want to do that, backstory together, they aren't opposing yet, or following the laws, or the villain has plans for them, public opinion...

It's just stupid to have a villain make a grand performance at killing someone irrelevant and leave alone those that actually matter for no particular reason. And to expect that it shows "seriousness" in any way is even more stupid.

At least as big as Sakura's.
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Take a guess.
Nobody gave a shit about Olga until last weekend, then suddenly a bunch of waifufags attached themselves to her because she has a voice now.
Well I would if Takeuchi wasn't fucking shit at drawing. Remember how Sakura's breast size? She was never a cow tit until recently. It looked like she had either a C or D before.
Nothing is stupider than idiots who think this. The complains are not coming from waifufags but writing fags. They all deemed her death as horrible writing and not must shitpost about it.
That seems logical considering most people on /a/ aren't playing japanese only mobage games, while many people would watch an anime with Fate on the name.
For it to actually be bad writing it would have to exist as more than a line or two of dialogue, as it is it's basically nothing, but they tell us it's super duper bad!
I don't even understand how anyone can like her. She was fucking useless the entire time.
She was only used to explain summoning servants in game.
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Raping Mashu.
So she is an E cup?
The anime cut down drastically on her griping and bitching throughout Fuyuki, which had the effect of making her more appealing. They also excised Mashu trying to warn Olga that something was seriously wrong with Lev, and Olga ignoring those warnings.
I didn't understand what they said in the game, but it was obvious she was always mad and biting her nails. I thought that was cute.
I find that scene really hot and fapped to her suffering.
Is there a webm of it?
>if the villain has motives not to want to do that
>the villain has plans for them
Yeah, the plan is that he wanted to enjoy watching them struggle. And he has the perfect setup to do that - Chaldea is crippled, all masters except for the one most useless master is incapacitated or dead, the only servant they have access to is not even a real servant and doesn't know how to be a real servant, and the highest ranking member left is a random doctor who likes slacking off. There is literally no better setup to watch someone struggle against you in futility than that.

And we know the demon wants to watch us struggle because he says as much in the game, but also because here we see that he takes pleasure in killing someone who is already dead. There is no logical reason to do that, he just likes the suffering.

It's only stupid if you don't get it.
>Was it really that horrific?

No, it's just retards who are flipping out over them misunderstanding what happened to Olga.

She's just dead for good instead of returned to cycle of rebirth, which ultimately isn't much of a difference for mortals who aren't going to be summoned as Heroic Spirits anyway so her soul would just get washed away and recycled. However people like >>151880239 want to bitch about something, so they keep going on about that misreading because it gives them an excuse to bitch about it.
> To make the situation seem hopeless.
but their leader was fucking useless, Romani is so much better than she could've ever been it just makes her more pathethic in retrospect
and then they get da vinci chan as a shopkeep
and around 10 minues in the next arc they get like 3 servants that help them like Cu did
Yes, Fuyuki is the tutorial stage/prologue
Although it does last around 2 hours of gameplay, give or take, and there are more scenes, also involving her.
>It's just stupid to have a villain make a grand performance at killing someone irrelevant and leave alone those that actually matter for no particular reason

They don't matter either as far as he knows. Literally everything you do throughout the entire story would not have mattered in the end without the intervention of something else Goetia could not have even known was even a possibility. Goetia is barely paying attention to any this, it's already working on something else while the individual pillars are doing their own thing with the knowledge that even if they fail it doesn't change shit. That's the whole reason the truth is kept hidden until the every end, the only reason Chaldea wasn't nuked completely from day one was because they were banking on the fact that Goetia could not have known you were ever a threat until it was too late.
>like 3 servants
Jeanne, Mozart, Marie, Liz, Kiyo, D'Eon, Sigfried, Martha and George are a lot more than 3
Sumanai he's useless
>Do these involve an eternity of suffering?

Neither does this one. You realize your whole post is you sperging over a misreading, right?
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>Being a prude.
>Confusing the Emperor with some island chieftain.
>Yeah, the plan is that he wanted to enjoy watching them struggle.
First he was in a bad mood and took it on Olga to take over the top and pointless revenge for Roman being alive, but he liked Mashu and MC enough to "give them a few seconds" until the singularity close. Now he actually wanted them alive in the first place to struggle and entertain him during his plan (until he lost of course).

>It's only stupid if you don't get it.
You can always read too much to find "deepness" in characters doing stupid and pointless stuff for cheap impact with no build up or consequences to the story.
>Everyone knows GO's story sucks
no no, i had guys telling me it had deep meanings and great writing, that people subjected themselves to hour of mobage grind for the great dark fantasy fate story
Well yeah, if i recall is Marie the one who sacrifices herself to kill Fafnir or some shit.
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>Fighting while wearing heels
at the beginning you only get followed by Jannu, Amadeus and Marie
the others join much later on
Let me ask you one thing: do those guys telling you have a job and a stable relationship?
let me ask you one thing: do you know where you are?
Well I'm not that anon, so that's not my point of view.

>You can always read too much to find "deepness" in characters doing stupid and pointless stuff for cheap impact with no build up or consequences to the story.
Or you can choose to ignore the build up and consequences and then say there's no build up or consequences.
See I can suspend my disbelief for anything, but the one thing I want more like the real world in any story that will have it is the randomness of people dying.

Like just once I want a well written story that could some incorporate someone of actual importance dying by choking on dinner.
>posting in a board for little girls
>being smug about having something like a "job"
fuck off, ogi-san
She just stays back to hold off Sanson, Jeanne Alter, and Fafnir so everyone else can run away.
Why kill all master then? Certainly he doesn't care about things that matter though, killing ghosts with large shows. And why decide that it's good with some masters right after?

But the point is that, it's the same as always. Villains don't see threat in main characters so they leave them alone even when they are clear opposed to him, and sometimes the writer add throwaway characters to show the villain is "serious",but then he isn't that much serious by being a whimsical killer while still leaving his true enemies alive to "struggle for his entertainment",
What's the build up and consequence of that scene then?
Doesn't D'Eon and Mozart comes with a 3x1 pack with Marie?
Then you find Martha, Siegfried and George looking for dragon killers
And Liz was trying to become a idol or that was in America
her death left no consequences to the story
Romani is a better leader than her in every possible way and her death has no emotional repercussions on ANYONE that isn't Romani, and even he isn't exactly crying over it, just gives a throwaway line once in a while

and the buildup was just Lef showing up, she didn't get sniped out of the blue while they were talking but that doesn't make it any less sudden
D'Eon, Mozart and Sanson make up some sort of harem around Marie, but d'Eon and Sanson are hostile in Orleans.
i don't think you get d'eon together with amadeus and marie
also siegfried is a bit further than "5 minutes into the arc", you might be confused with when you kill berserker saint martha, which is a bit earlier (but not super early in the arc)
She's actually from a alternative timeline where she actually is a girl.

Holy fucking shit you people are still chimping out over something that isn't even true?

The fucking ball just disassembles her down to the molecular level.


"Taste infinite deaths" is just a fancy purple prose referring to the fact that it'll just keep breaking her remains into smaller bits forever. Taking 生きたまま as "you will remain eternally conscious forever like this" instead of the much more obvious "while you live (which is not gonna be long)" is so idiotic I have to wonder if you're all doing this on purpose. You can't even take that literally since she's not even actually alive even before that, her remaining lifespan was counted in the minutes anyway since her body was already dead and her consciousness would fade with it.

The line before it is him wondering if it's better to compare it to a sun or a black hole before shrugging since he's just being flamboyant. Only reason he does it is because he thought it was funny that she'd get ripped apart by her own all-important machine.

It's not even REMOTELY the most fucked up death in the game and over a year and a half of the game's existence, nobody flipped out about Olga being consigned to any sort of eternal torment. This is the first time there's been a shitstorm over this, probably because some of you really want that endorphin rush from being angry and are deliberately looking for something to sperg out over.

They just watched most of Chaldea's staff being murdered, that's why Olgamarie's death is not particularly more traumatizing since there's otherwise nothing more especially horrid about it than being exploded to bits.
How does anyone know that Roman is a better leader though? We know that because the story is now finished, but to everyone else he is just a random doctor who no ones takes seriously. Multiple servants make light of him at multiple points throughout the story. To everyone at the time, the director and leader of the whole operation just died.

And the buildup was Lev planning the whole thing. He planned for everyone to be in the control room when the bomb went off, which mostly worked. He was even keeping tabs on attendence and called Roman to the room when he saw that he wasn't there. He also knew it would take him exactly 2 minutes or whatever to get there from his medical office. He just didn't account for screwup MC and lazy doctor. Then when he showed up we know that the explosion wasn't just an accident, it was a betrayal. And who better to further that theme than the director who had complete trust in and looked up to Lev?

Considering that this was meant to be a self-contained tutorial level, that's a lot of buildup.
>Why kill all master then?

Because the incineration of history needed to happen. It's not just Chaldea, the whole world was wiped out and Chaldea was just one of the components needed to mess up the age's foundation enough to have it all go tits up. The fact that you're going back and undoing it each time is irrelevant since Goetia already got what it wanted out of it. You can't reverse shit exploding in 2015 because it's not a singularity you can Ley Shift to.

>leaving his true enemies

There is only one true enemy for Goetia and it doesn't even know it exists.
He probably meant there was no foreshadowing to her being dead all along, or for her sudden over the top trans-dimensional re-execution, when the villain had no reason not to do that, in the same way he had no reason to left everyone else alone.
Sure, true enemies in the sense of "being powerful enough to enable his defeat". They are still true enemies in the sense of being the main mechanism for the opposing plan to fix history. Sure, he might want to defeat them but just not too much, since it would be boring, and then eventually gets defeated by the sum of events that could've been prevented at that point. Nothing original or deep in that, just a normal overpowered villain setting up his own defeat by the underdogs.
>Romani is a better leader than her in every possible way

Which nobody, least of all Roman, had any idea about. Nobody expected Roman to take the lead or be any good at it, especially not Roman. It's a good while before everyone realizes that you're all kinda doing a competent job of the whole thing since you're all winging it.

Also, Olgamarie is better acquaintance with most of the facilities and at that point and is better at responding to the crisis. The only reason some of the people in the Coffins survived is that she shouted at him to turn on the life support mode while he was panicking wondering what to do about them.
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>Neither does this one. You realize your whole post is you sperging over a misreading, right?
I'd be ok with that, I just can't see it in the quotes from >>151875612 and the dialogue from the anime.

>Ikita mama mugen no shi wo ajiwai tamae
It makes the whole "experiencing living infinite death" pretty explicit to me. If it wasn't for the "living" part of it, I'd actually agree that she was just eternally dead as opposed to eternally dying.

But then >>151882039 does make a good and detailed point so I guess I did get it wrong. I actually like that explanation a lot better.
>Sure, true enemies in the sense of "being powerful enough to enable his defeat". They are still true enemies in the sense of being the main mechanism for the opposing plan to fix history. Sure, he might want to defeat them but just not too much, since it would be boring, and then eventually gets defeated by the sum of events that could've been prevented at that point. Nothing original or deep in that, just a normal overpowered villain setting up his own defeat by the underdogs.

Do you have an actual response that isn't repeating the same thing over and over?

You didn't raise to find a weakpoint it did not anticipate. Its weakpoint was the only thing that was not in range and he knew nothing about. All of this is you just going on like a pretentious twat.
> there was no foreshadowing to her being dead all along

Well, we didn't see anyone alive except for Mashu in the control room when MC ran in. But after shifting they find Olga Marie is there and somehow completely unhurt. The only way that could happen is if it was only her spirit that shifted.
>It makes the whole "experiencing living infinite death" pretty explicit to me.

Except 無限 and 永遠 are not the same bloody thing at all and if you think that's anywhere near a clear translation, you're using google translate. The overly literal translation of the phrase is "Without reservations, while alive, taste infinite death."

>If it wasn't for the "living" part of it, I'd actually agree that she was just eternally dead as opposed to eternally dying.

She's not "eternally dead" either. That's not a translation, it's making shit up. The black hole keeps disassembling the elementary particles that compose her form forever, that's what it means. If this were about an "eternal state", the word, again, would be 永遠. There's absolutely nothing to indicate she'll be conscious forever, nor any possible explanation for how that'd be possible considering she was about to fade into nothing in a matter of minutes anyway.
>It's not even REMOTELY the most fucked up death in the game
it's the first fucked up death that is in a complete whole level of fuckeupness compared to the other deaths, which were all (aside from offscreen explosion) just barely sentient shadow people going up in puff of smokes, and then Cu basically saying "see you later" to MC
>They just watched most of Chaldea's staff being murdered
no, MC at worst saw a bunch of dead people while rushing to Mash, he didn't see anyone screaming in pain as she was being decomposed
and if the reason he doesn't care about Olga is because he didn't know her well, how would a bunch of guys whose name he didn't even know compare to someone he just went through his first battlefield experience with?
> o everyone at the time, the director and leader of the whole operation just died.
to everyone who? to the nameless chaldea staff that barely exists in the story or to the actual characters that saw Olga being an annyoing useless thing while Romani was actually helping while not even being there?
and im assuming when people criticize Romani the first thought is about how the useless womanchild would totally have done a better job, right?
> the buildup was Lev planning the whole thing.
which we only knew about right before Olga got chaldeas'd, so again, not much time
buildup to Olga being actualy dead was since MC saw control room being on fire and Romani later stating it was alost impossible to survive, but Olga being already dead isn't the same as Olga dying while screaming for daddy as she's slowly decomposed
and if Olga had just disappeared when Romani leyshiften everyone back to base, instead of the shit written scene we got, i don't think there would be people criticizing it much now
it was badly written shock value, i'm aware there's a bunch of people that are way too obsessed with this one character, but i'm still unsure why anyone would defend this scene
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>It's not even REMOTELY the most fucked up death in the game
Oh man, if people are bitching this hard about a secondary character designed to be killed, i wonder how will they react to Nero and Tamamo deaths
I dunno, check /wsg/.
The more logical explanation would be her being transported first though, and maybe there were more people somewhere. I really doubt someone would see that scene and think that was a girls soul materialize, or expect that following death with no purpose.
>He probably meant there was no foreshadowing to her being dead all along

She was unable to Ley Shift before yet inexplicably made it through. Mashu is the only person conscious when you enter the control room and she only survives her wounds thanks to Galahad, yet you find Olgamarie completely unharmed after shifting.

"Foreshadowing" is when you want to hint at something you wouldn't know otherwise. This is the opposite: something that should be obvious if you stopped to think about it, but you don't because you're distracted by what's going on on a first viewing. It's the fucking 6th Sense twist.
>The more logical explanation would be her being transported first though

The Unsummon program doesn't boot until you're in the control room.

>I really doubt someone would see that scene and think that was a girls soul materialize

The whole point of a twist is that it shouldn't be obvious on a first viewing.
>The more logical explanation would be her being transported first though
Olga wasn't in a capsule though.

Normally, there'd be no way for her to leyshift without being in one to begin with, and the only reason she could was her death.

There's no reason for her being there while still being alive, it's just that it's easy to gloss over until Flauros throws her into the sun.
>it's the first fucked up death that is in a complete whole level of fuckeupness compared to the other deaths

I direct you to:

>This is the first time there's been a shitstorm over this, probably because some of you really want that endorphin rush from being angry and are deliberately looking for something to sperg out over.

Given that you're still chimping out over this despite a thorough explanation of the fact that the whole chimpout is grounded on wrong information, I take this as an admission that you fit the above quoted line to a T.
What happened to that saber, and which saber is that even? From how she's "dressed" I'm guessing it's nero.
Nero borrows the power of an ancient alien and turns into a divine spirit called Saber Venus
Christ dude, stick to PG-13 shows if you're this traumatized over one character dying. You've already been told it's nowhere near as horrifying as you say it is, and yet you're clinging to it like you want it to validate how disturbed you seem to be.
Well, that's a possibility. But do we even know if there were any transports? It looked like the whole thing just blew up before anything happened. We're shown the machine selecting Fuyuki as the destination, meaning it hadn't been chosen before then, so likely no one had been transported. She probably got there with MC and Mashu.

And again, the fact that the death had no purpose IS the purpose. Why would you kill an already dead person unless you were an evil asshole who enjoys it? Well, now we know that the enemy is an evil asshole who enjoys it. There you go.
worst death is from Babylonia where Gil's assistance literally becomes a monster and you put her down and she doesn't attack you at all
>Why would you kill an already dead person unless you were an evil asshole who enjoys it?
Because Leff was still inside him and Flauros wanted to kill the woman he loves to make him suffer?
An asshole sure, but it also kinda set the tone of the story as one that fishes for shock value while glossing over proper character development.
>it also kinda set the tone of the story as one that fishes for shock value while glossing over proper character development.

Only if you're a pretentious twat looking for excuses to act like one.
Red Dragon was a D&D game. That was just Urobutcher going out of his to fuck over everyone and everything.
>while glossing over proper character development.

That very succinctly established Flauros' character. This is the fucking prologue and the shortest section in the game by a mile. If you're wining that the prologue doesn't have fully fleshed cast already, you're either an idiot or trolling.
Well character development happens over time. For the tutorial level, all you needed to know was who was going to be with you for the journey, and who you were up against. The tutorial established that just fine.
>Yes except Urobuchi's death scenes for the most part carry weight

You have never read anything by Urobuchi except the two anime you mentioned, didn't you?
>You've already been told it's nowhere near as horrifying as you say it is
you're confusing me with someone else
and i'm not traumatized, i just recognise cheap shock value when i see it

i don't even like tsundereshit
>"Taste infinite deaths" is just a fancy purple prose referring to the fact that it'll just keep breaking her remains into smaller bits forever. Taking 生きたまま as "you will remain eternally conscious forever like this" instead of the much more obvious "while you live (which is not gonna be long)" is so idiotic I have to wonder if you're all doing this on purpose.

I was under the impression that the whole "black hole" piece referred to how time slows down when you get close to the event horizon in a black hole. Hence, although her death would seem like an instant to the observers, she would experience being torn apart for infinity.

Although unless I'm mistaken, it actually should work the opposite way with Olga's life ending in an instant while the observers see her getting frozen in time.l
it was chuunispeak for "it'll hurt real bad"
>When Rider died in Fate/Zero, the audience was crying just as hard as Waver.
Nah, Rider was a jobber cuck
>you're confusing me with someone else

>it's the first fucked up death that is in a complete whole level of fuckeupness compared to the other deaths

What "complete whole level" is that? The fact that she got to shout a bit before it makes such a terrible, traumatizing difference to you?

The fact that you are tarting this as if it where so much more horrifying is precisely why it's best that you stick to lighter shows if you think this is mean to look so shocking. You're having a far stronger reaction to this than reasonable and seem frustrated that we're not sharing your oversensitivity.
Wait what? Are you talking about Type Venus?
>Except 無限 and 永遠 are not the same bloody thing at all and if you think that's anywhere near a clear translation, you're using google translate.
That's interesting. I'm still learning and didn't know about that, so thank you for specifying.

>The overly literal translation of the phrase is "Without reservations, while alive, taste infinite death."
I can still see this be easily misinterpreted, but I understand what you're saying. Would "while still alive" make sense in this case?

>There's absolutely nothing to indicate she'll be conscious forever, nor any possible explanation for how that'd be possible considering she was about to fade into nothing in a matter of minutes anyway.
Since they used the term of "black hole" to describe the device, it seemed to imply, despite the physics of it not making sense, that it would basically warp her subjective perception of time and make her death feel like an eternity. That's what some people including me understood from it, at least.
Beheading random side characters for shits and giggles is a pretty common thing to do in D&D. Depending on the DM, you don't even get punished for doing it. They don't call the player characters murderhobo for nothing.
That might explain why it's called Saber Venus.
>had sex with all sorts of women and men during his conquest
>somehow a cuck
You are funny.
it's a standalone OVA at this point. It might work in a setting that has an immediate continuation, but at this point that was what was left. It poorly introduced the plot and characters, spent a very significant amount of time on a character that was basically a joke to be killed right at the end, and said death that was very emphatic barely had any impact on anyone or anything.
>I was under the impression that the whole "black hole" piece referred to how time slows down when you get close to the event horizon in a black hole.



Chaldea is a fucking ball of swirling information and energy that is used as the core of the predictive computations. Unless you think someone could confuse a black hole for a sun and not be able to tell the difference on sight, it's blindingly fucking obvious Lev is just being a large ham. He flat out says he doesn't give a shit about either being accurate.

"It sucks you in and rips you apart if you get near it." That's it. You all overthought a throwaway line and have been sperging over it for days. The fact that nobody gave a shit about any of this in the last year and a half should clue you in that none of this is correct.
hon she literally screamed for a minute before her impending death, having the time to plead for help, repeat multiple times how she didnt want to die there and cry about how her life was pointless and shit and nobody ever praised her, which was a way to put gravity on her death so overblown it fringed into comedy
im sorry im not as edgy and mature as you and still have empathy, thankfully it does not seem like the mc shares my predicament

hell the prologue only had 3 death scenes? alter saber and cu were cool and composed, then comes olga getting slowly carried to her doom while screaming for help to an impotent mc
totally same thing
>Since they used the term of "black hole" to describe the device
I understood something along those lines, but it's very confusing when it also compares to the sun which wouldn't do that much more than throwing someone in lava. But at the same time if it was just about burning, why bother creating that gate back to chaldeas and all that speech about eternity.
>But at the same time if it was just about burning, why bother creating that gate back to chaldeas and all that speech about eternity.
Demons can't help themselves when the option to chew the scenery shows up.
>it's a standalone OVA at this point. It might work in a setting that has an immediate continuation

It has one. It has had one for over eighteen months.

>but at this point that was what was left

So you're deliberately treating this as a complete story that was supposed to have an entire fleshed out cast and be complete as a standalone, despite the fact that you bloody well fucking know it's not and the only reason the rest of the story is not available is because this was just because anime adaptations take longer to do.

If you're treating the animated adaptation of a prologue of a complete story as though it were a standalone, and demanding that it function as standalone merely because they haven't released the other chapter yet, you're just a complete moron. The prologue can be finished in like an hour, reading and battling included and even when the game first came out, Orleans was available from the start.

Have you never watched any story in any context that is not Netflix binges or something?
>im sorry im not as edgy and mature as you and still have empathy

You're fucking underaged and wandered her from tumblr, didn't you?
But then we have to actually suppose that he was talking gibberish for it to make sense?

It was simply normal death by burning (of someone who was already dead) but using a very complex spell, in a device so complex that the observes the fate of humanity and with a very long talk from it's main engineer that meant nothing?
Yes it was nothing her death is literally nothing to everyone no one cared for her death she had multiple warnings about being careless and she didn't take it. Olga had what was coming to her in the end.
>"while still alive"

まま her is just "while in state X."

Japanese is not that explicit, you can take it however you want, except the other explanations make no sense.

>Since they used the term of "black hole" to describe the device

See >>151883965
chaldeas was directors familys achievement, thats probably why he did all that space warping shit
> muh tumblr boogeyman
I was talking about setting of the tone of the story. The start of the story does help defining your expectation for the rest. If it starts with pointless over the top killings with no kind of emotional response from anyone there, it makes me think the rest will be like that.

And as a marketing tool, it certainly didn't convince me of trying this rest of the story that might be better but doesn't seem so.
>But then we have to actually suppose that he was talking gibberish for it to make sense?

The line is literally "This is no different from a black hole. Or is it a sun? Bah, either way." Does that sound like someone concerned about sounding scientifically accurate?

CHALDEAS is neither thing anyway, beyond the "you'll fucking die if you get close."
It's poetic.

She was obsessed with the Chaldeas globe and gambled everything she had on being recognized and praised for her work with it.

He was simply giving her the chance to be reunited with her pride and joy one last time.
Why didn't he say that though, instead of all that black hole and eternity nonsense? Lots of those arguments seem to involve what was told in the story and creating a better explanation than the writer actually wrote.
>I was talking about setting of the tone of the story.

You literally said

>it's a standalone OVA at this point. It might work in a setting that has an immediate continuation

It does. It was written and delivered with a very long stretch of story bundled. This is a fucking animated adaptation. If they had delivered the entire first chunk of the story as it was supposed to be experienced in the game, the chapter would still be airing.
>Given that you're still chimping out over this despite a thorough explanation of the fact that the whole chimpout is grounded on wrong information
youre mistaking me for someone else
feel free to actually adress my points anytime soon
Battle with Herakles?

Yes please.

Gudao summoning his set of servants? even better.

Unfortunately, it didn't work that way.
>Why didn't he say that though, instead of all that black hole and eternity nonsense?

Two lines. Literally two lines. You're flipping out over literally two lines. He didn't spend any time monologuing about the device, he gave two flippant lines in the topic, half of which is going "ehh, whatever" and tossed her in.

>Lots of those arguments seem to involve what was told in the story and creating a better explanation than the writer actually wrote.

No, these arguments are you misreading shit and getting pissed at the author for it.
the black hole thing just sounds cooler, Nasu got famous writing chuuni stuff, this is actually pretty reasonable
What the hell does this mean and what does it have to do with you treating the tiny prologue as if it were ever meant to be a standalone, and then backpedalling when pointed out how stupid that is?

>Battle with Herakles?

Doesn't happen until Okeanos. You sidestep Herakles since Cu tells you to stay the fuck away.

>Gudao summoning his set of servants?

Has never been part of any of the orders. It's just you, Mashu and the strays.
Are you the guy weeping because nobody is a disturbed by a character dying and bitter that the main character is not as traumatized as you?
The sun/black hole comparison was referring to the fact that she'd be broken up into her constituent parts, much like how if you died from getting too close to the sun, you'd bifurcate repeatedly and then be vaporized.
no im the guy saying that having a badly written, overly dramatic death scene with the charatcers present having no notable emotional response is just piling shallow writing over shallow writing
the whole eternal or endless bullshit doesnt even factor in on this
im glad we could finally put this misunderstanding behind us
It's kinda easy to misread when it's so convoluted you have to ignore what's being said and shown because it's just the characters being chuuni, and not the author being chuuni but actually somehow meaning it like usual.
I really don't remember in FSN any case so extreme of characters saying something that was supposed to be ignored. I always assume that there is a in-world truth for what being said unless it's clear he is lying out of his ass.
Next episode when?
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I still don't know why everyone is so hung up on this.
Do people actually expect Fate writing to be more than an excuse to see your favorite (and possibly gender swapped) historical figure fight each other? Especially in GO whose main selling point is just having a fuck ton of servants.
iirc it was worse in knk and tsukihime, black holes decompose stuff and that was what was going to happen to her, what is to ignore is all other aspects of a black hole
thats how similitudes work
Do black holes even decompose though? It would probably slice because of different gravitational forces in each distance, but it would probably compress instead, fusing the atoms and it's components. That's not considering any aspect of time dilation that would match with the talk of eternity.
He looks like Hopeman
Fou is Primate Murder
Roman is Solomon
please stop
Night of Wallachia was the worst about it.

"Those 27 can not be said to exist, but they still exist and have bodies. Night of Wallachia does not exist in any sense, but more than being immortal, he is eternal, but a circumstantially dependent eternal that will one day run out, although the phenomenon of TATARI does reach that goal"

Holy shit that is a fuckton of meaningless chuuni bullshit.
South American gods are alien offsprings in Nasuverse
You would be stretched out like a spaghetti noodle towards the center of the black hole, incinerated, irradiated, then decomposed into molecules.

Unless it's a big enough black hole, in which case there's the possibility that physics stop working correctly inside of them and you remained mostly safe and unharmed until you either die of natural causes or kill yourself from the lack of human contact or auditory stimuli driving you mad.

Either way, from the perspective of anyone outside, you die quickly and horribly.
and attila is a brown alien girl with a beam sword
I wasn't serious on that one.

Regardless, I still think it was the worst prologue of any of his works, and I also read Tsukihime and watched KnK a while ago, and it was the first time that all that "you should ignore what is being said to understand it" came as a problem. Especially with actually shown over the top events that don't seem to match how people should react to it, especially someone who was supposed to be a normal guy.

It's better to just wait for a different spin-off or new story to give it another chance.
this... The only enjoyable part of the damn ova was OlgaXCu.
ancient alien super weapon actually. She's the Nasuverse version of Galactus
thats just because Gary SCu was the best part, Olga was just there as discount Rin since the original is kinda busy
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I don't know anything about gravity or time dilation but that seems to be what Shuu is saying
i can't denied that. But still better than shit mashu. Even with Emilia voice. Mashu is a shit Character.
Mashu would be better if we had Gudako interaction instead of fucking Gudao.
Blame the fact that her first one is still sick
that is fanfic.. The story is the same. So Mashu still a shit.
The power of memes would make it a reality.
Literally every Fate entry other than Apocrypha and GO is much more than that, you faggot. Quit lowering the rest of the series just because your current favorite only did Servant fanservice right.
Hopefully never.
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Gudao won, get over it.


>and it was the first time that all that "you should ignore what is being said to understand it" came as a problem

There is no such problem here. You've been flipping out for like an hour over a line where the character is just going "ehh, anyhow" and making a vague comparison.
nah, Riyo Gudako wouldnt work with plot heavy stuff, she only works on mostly contained sketches like, say, after the ED, instead of previews
Prisma Illya is fanfic, Grand Order is what happens when Nasu decides to explore the original roots of what Fate would've been
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Look at him, he is Mashu's senpai now.
Yeah, except it was "ehh, anyhow you will experience living infinite death". Are you really going to continue on that discussion?
I'll fucking murder Nasu for this.
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That doesn't exactly answer your question, but the video (and the whole channel really) are quite informative. Just ignore the pony shit.
Which has already been debunked as a mixture of retard translations and people sperging out over nothing.

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You can't breach his massive wall comprised of salt extracted from yurifag tears.
>he believes marketing bullshit
Yeah anon, GO is truly the REAL Fate/Stay Night. Why do we even need that old porn game anymore? This mobage has so many more waifus, and its main cast is clearly above the likes of Prisma Illya shit!
Having a female MC is inherently better since she's also waifu potential
Which was his interpretation, he mentions it as a fancy prose that said something different from what is being said, which was my point. Besides of course, even if it was just her screaming while slowly going to her second death by burning, all the reactions to the scene is just too abnormal.
>explore the original roots of what Fate would've been
by having other people write half of it? humble
no yurifags, just people whorealized how superior fgo husbandos are to its waifus
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>no yurifags, just people whorealized how superior fgo husbandos are to its waifus

Too bad the best waifu died early.
He got mad they couldn't make it more Fate like so he decided to take over writing everything now
European Dead Apostle War Theater (Advance Notice Lie)
A story where the True Ancestor curb stomps Okita and Nobu.
Eh? Worlds from Fate don't have the Twenty-Seven Ancestors or the happy-go-luck vampire princess? Nevermind then!

>Mashu getting tag-teamed by both her senpais

I need this doujin.
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It's finally his time to shine.
Yeah, shame it went into the trash can the moment they decided on a self-insert protagonist, a mobage game, and Mashushit as a heroine.
Oh well, too little too late Nasu, better luck next time!
best waifu wont appear for a long while
Mashu is actually really popular
he finally managed to write a big titted kouhai moeblob that doesnt get outshined by everyone and their grandma
>Koha ace

This touches upon another thing I don't get about MC and Mashu.
They don't seem to care about all of those other dead/dying.
MC barely seems to care about hearing the words "all of mankind is going to die." How does one have such an underwhelming reaction to that news?
They don't give enough of a reaction to purchase two flying fucks at discovering that everywhere/one else on Earth is dead.
They don't care about Olga's screaming death happening right in front of them.
What do they actually care about enough to elicit an emotional reaction or some empathy towards their fellow human beings? Are these people psychopaths? What the hell is wrong with these people?
Everyone they ever knew and loved or had the tiniest emotional connection to less than 24 hours ago has died a screaming burning death of what can only be presumed to be twisted agony. They just watched a person have a slow agonizing death as they screamed in terror complete with monologue about their regrets in life.
Nothing at all?

>Uwaaa.. The sky is blue!
Seriously? THAT'S what elicits a reaction from you?
Why is Okita a better wife for Gudao than Mashu, Kiyohime, Tamamo, Nero Bride, Serenity, Shuten, Raiko, and Oda.
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We'll never get to see her 4th dimensional titties because Next Order's first season won't reach that far, and season 2 will be forgotten about for the next Fate/Whatever that Nasu's become obsessed with.
Because Gudako already has dibs on the ones you listed, so Gudao is left with the garbage-tier leftover.
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That's not Raikou.

Raikou is both a mother and a wife to Gudao. She's also a little bit screwed in the head in that regard, but she has big tiddies and ass so it checks out.
Fuckin' hell, SFW stuff between the two is very hard to come by.
Melty Blood Manga.

This is the new canon.
Not that hard when "everyone and their grandma" is garbage tier. Even a talking pair of tits will be more appealing.
There's more fanart of Goetia than about her.
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The kid can get along with anyone, from egotistical tyrants to mass murders and even nicknamed a death god. He either has a few screws loose or balls of steel.
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I'd think just have to deal with RGudako would be horrible enough
Nasu is going to be busy with Grand Order until the end of 2017 and into the beginning of 2018

My best bet:

Grand Order Season 1: France - London.
Grand Order Season 2: America - Babylon.
Solomon Temple Movie
Grand Order 1.5 OVA
Grand Order Event OVAs + Riyo Comic Shorts
Grand Order Season 3: 2018 Q1
Grand Order Season 4: 2018 Q2
Grand Order Final Movie 2019
DAA still exist in new nasuverse. The organization doesn't


Gudako is so best.
some artist draw this as I remember
GO anime not even announced what are you talking?
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>they actually believe there'll be more anime
HAHAHAHA sorry but it's over, GOfags, just enjoy your mobile game while it's still making money. "Next Order" will never even be brought up again, they can't oversaturate the market with Fate BDs when Apocrypha and HF 1 are coming soon.
Besides, why would you even want more when it's just gonna be more of the same shoestring budget crap from the same studio?
Better artist. It was top on pixiv

I fucking love all the Gudako comics. Is there a place to go to see the newest ones?
WELL shit nigger search then
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And more.
So good.

Based Gudako.
>your waifu get killed
>mad as fuck

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some april fools avatars are cute
>Gudako is "Hero"
>Brutally murder Barbatos who only wanted to be our friend
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You're an idiot.
More FGO isn't announced. This was just ad for the mobage.
Can't have Rin and a poor Rin clone running around at the same time. Kill the clone every time and hope she suffers for cloning a shitty character.

If only we could kill the Sakura clone as well.

There's like four Rin clones, which as the stray further get increasingly more slutty and yet also become increasingly less gay.
Are you retarded?
this has like 6 seibah's and 3 jeannes
Can you list them all?
Lotta things have clone


That's most of them
I wish OVA made it more clear that MC didn't take Olga seriously at all and teased her all the way throughout the singularity.

Aoko as well. Don't forget her.
List of all Sabers.

Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lancer, Saber Lancer Alter, Sakura Saber, Saber Lilly, Saber Santa Alter, Nero, Nero Bride, Mysterious Heroine X

Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, and Jeanne Alter Lilly (Count as Saber faces)
Missing Okita, and swimsuit and Mordred and her swimsuit
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>Sakura Saber

So this shit is actually canon?

>Saber Santa Alter

What the fuck?
Missing Ultra Heroine Z as well
I just realized I missed Mordred and Mordred Rider along with Swim Suit Saber.

I already got Okita (Sakura Saber)

Proper List: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lancer, Saber Lancer Alter, Sakura Saber, Saber Lilly, Saber Santa Alter, Nero, Nero Bride, Mysterious Heroine X, Swim Suit Saber, Mordred, and Mordred Swim Suit

Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, and Jeanne Alter Lilly (Count as Saber faces)
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That's a lot of Saber.
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Devil Saber should be added
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>thread about to hit 500 posts
Jesus Christ, this shit pissed people off more than I thought.
Has it gone too far?
There's still Grand Saber, Arthur, one of David's wives, and Whore of Babylon. Morgan may or may not be a Saber face
No. We are probably going to get Grand Saber Saber along with Saber Prototype.

All those Sabers want the mana transfer.
>So this shit is actually canon?
It's just Okita, I'm not sure why it wouldn't be.

>Saber Santa Alter
Just Saber Alter in a santa suit after she put on a few kg from christmas candy.

Not in F/GO yet iirc

Most of it's just general F/GO discussion, with only an autist or two whining that the movie wasn't doubled in length so that there could be enough time to weep for their dead waifu.
Don't be retard. You think threads ever stay on topic of the OP? This becomes just Fate thread after the first few posts.
>one of David's wives
He says Atlanta also looks like her

Then David said in Solomon's temple that any women may as well be that same waifu he keeps mentioning. Doesn't matter what they look like.

You can't count Morgan yet
But Fate and Tsukihime are in the same universe dumbass. In fact, all of Nasu's works take place in the same universe. It's called the Nasuverse for a reason.
Karna is love, Karna is life
>Be Guado
>Write a note to Saber to come to your room later for private Mana Transfer.
>13 fucking Sabers show up.

It's not just about t-they don't exist as organization, they are blatantly stated to be weaker in Labyrinth.
Nasu retcon that he said Arc and DAA don't exist in Fateverse. even said lol Arc doesn't exist in Fateverse just recently
Still missing Ultra Heroine Z.
From the recent Koha-Ace
European Dead Apostle War Theater (Advance Notice Lie)
A story where the True Ancestor curb stomps Okita and Nobu.
Eh? Worlds from Fate don't have the Twenty-Seven Ancestors or the happy-go-luck vampire princess? Nevermind then!
>Serenity dyes her hair blonde.
>Calls herself Dark Saber just to be part of the group.
Labyrinth shows Manaka world hopping. Arc does the same shit. MB manga has Melty Sion being summoned to a parallel dimension (Extra's). Crossovers are possible, but they are kind of officially SEPARATE FRANCHISES now.
Manaka went into Shiki's apartment
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I know. I've read it. But KnK world seems affected by Fate worldline anyway. See FGO. Void Shiki might be a Beast. So we might have to put her down eventually.

I don't think you guys understand why he 'retconned' it. In the past, where his shit wasn't going to be animated, he could do as he wanted, but as soon Fate/ got popular and animated stuff and games and expanded media became a thing outside of Type Moon, it turns very different. It also because the world rules he always wanted to do for Fate (since Proto days) would clash with what he wrote for Tsukihime, so he separated it just like how KnK was separated from Tsukihime to explain some shit from KnK (Arc doesn't exist there too).

Right now, Sony is on Fate and KnK (and have zero interest on Tsukihime), so it's natural that he doesn't want to mix it as the same because it'll breach copyright if it's animated or something. I think for the same reason, he restarted the Extra franchise with Extella which will not contain Arc as Gatou's Servant. Tsukihime is another franchise.
Anon. DAA - Dead Apostle Ancestors.
27 strongest vampire beings with The Dark Six as dead "leader".
In F/GO their organization doesn't exist, but those vampires exist. They're still strong. Nero Chaos fucked some crusaders for example.
Shit should have been obvious when he published GoA and Excalibur was listed as Gaia's greatest creation. Arc can still show up as visitor, but yeah.
>Nero Chaos fucked some crusaders for example.
This is just speculation. And anyway Narita has been repeatedly BTFO by Nasu that he actually had to stop writing Strange Fake for a while.
Labyrinth says they are weaklings. Labyrinth = Nasu+Sakurai, the main writers of Type Moon right now. Word over Narita, who isn't even part of Type Moon.
>Excalibur was listed as Gaia's greatest creation
Rhon is empirically better though.
Rhon wasn't made by Gaia.
>And anyway Narita has been repeatedly BTFO by Nasu that he actually had to stop writing Strange Fake for a while.
>Labyrinth says they are weaklings.
Post this part
There are numerous examples of how Strange Fake is now directly contradicting what Nasu established as lore. For example, Narita made Gilgamesh stare into the past using Clairvoyance and Nasu, in FGO, established Gilgamesh can only see the /future/ not the past or the present with Clairvoyance. And this was a big deal because he was compared to Merlin, who can only see the present, and Solomon who can see the future and the past (and has the most perfect Clairvoyance). How he used Edison and Dantes fucking him up too.

Please don't use Strange Fake as a source of lore because Narita is obviously not warned or corrected of his mistakes. Because he has made mistakes. Him trying to make vampires relevant in a pro-history setting is another one. You can like his work, but don't consider what he establishes as close to canon lore when he fucked up already with Gil.
Narita has put Strange Fake in the backburner because in general was waiting the direction of FGO will take, he's stopped writing it for months.

His assumption Gil could see the past was a huge fuck up.
What about Saber Lion? She doesn't count?
Not in FGO.
Didn't he specifically said that he wasn't looking in the past?
Iirc, he said he was looking in the past. Narita assumed that Gil could look in the present too (not in the book, but judging for afterword about Clairvoyance). I have no fucking clue why Nasu didn't sit him down and correct his mistakes. I don't think it was an intentional dick move.
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