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Masamune-kun no Revenge

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Thread replies: 327
Thread images: 80

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I know it will suck, but I'll watch it anyway and I'll hate myself for it.
>Best girl loses like half way through
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Only one reason to watch.
Anon, don't. I know people love saying this is shit or that is shit on/a/, but this really IS shit. Don't suffer through it.
Thank god it's finally ending.
What levels of bad we're talking here? Nisekoi?
Yes, literally zero plot progression and never ending drama.
Its just bland. Nowhere near as much of a ride as Nisekoi. You will figure out how this is going to end before you even start.
Pretty much.
Nisekoi is twice as exciting.
Revenge-kun has the better Tachibana
Actually you're building up to hate it because you really want to impress Anonymous posters
>it's a "the maid fucks up everything for everyone for no real reason" episode

Is there a lot of drama?
maid disguised herself as heroine and told MC she hated him

it was all a misunderstanding

you're welcome
Soap opera drama.
>Aki was a good girl she dindu nuffin

Hate this development. Ruins the show's premise.
Since no one seemed to have an opinion on it, back when I asked about it, I went ahead and read the manga and was surprised at how much I liked it. I enjoyed it more than, say, Nisekoi, as it doesn't seem to overstay its welcome. It seems to come to an end after 40ish chapters and it progresses nicely, when read back to back. Certainly not the stallfest that was Nisekoi, as some here seem to think and I had tons of more fun with this mc than I did with Raku. Has its weaknesses, but overall, a nice romcom. The animu doesn't seem very high budget though from the PVs.
As much as it pains me to say it Nisekoi looks hood compared to this.

This one doesn't even has comedy to save itself.
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Neko > Yoshino > Aki
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Commando-Girl > all
Chapter 39 out
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>gets his ass beat by a girl after landing a sucker punch

Masamune is such a faggot.
Nice, chapter revolved around boobies. Going by his reaction at the end, I'm curious how their talk ended.
The fat probably absorbed the impact. Also, Fakemune was also just getting a stealth attack in before the phone rang.
Especially after him working out all the time.
Literally back to status quo.

He said he is the real Masamune and that he likes her.

Then after the whale runs away he says " just kidding you thought that was for real? XD" l. Later on home he was almost dead worriee for almost exposing himself.

Author is a fucking coward.

And maid reveal lead to nothing relevant yet.
Even her fake fiancee has bigger tits than her. I wonder where all the food goes that she stuffs herself with. Clearly not to the hips or chest. She must shit like a buffalo.
forced and really badly written drama
>Literally back to status quo.
Why the hell did he do it when they already announced that the manga is ending.
Looks like fatty is finally exposed. Thank god, took fucking long enough.

Fuck this series. What is even the point of keeping it from her anymore?
>fake fatamume was a girl all along
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This is going to have such a shitty ending.
The manga is ending. Of course he'll get called out on the stuff he blurbed out, even if he goes into tsundere denial for the moment.
Likely rush because it's being axed.
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Only good thing about this shit is the mom and the pic related yaoibait character. The writing is fucking horrible forced drama. What a fucking shame, I actually liked the premise that this fat little fuck comes back /fit/ and is out for revenge. But that quickly gets ruined as it turns out the MC is a spineless fuck who has no idea what he's doing.
The thing is it doesn't make sense to go back to status quo now if it's ending.

Please tell me you already knew it before this chapter.
I liked the art. Aki's hair and pantyhose are glorious.
>neo /a/nons needs a ",jk" at the end to know when someone is being sarcastic
maybe plebbit or MAL forums are a better place for you, pal
They were people in other threads that really didn't know about her.
>loathes the series
>but keeps making threads to talk about it daily
Real life tsundere?
>who has no idea what he's doing

I thought he was entertaining enough. Besides, what did you expect? He spent 8 years becoming becoming unfat, but a great body doesn't bestow magic social skills on him. He got some additional leeway for social fuckups and made the best out of it. The rest he tried to fill in with battle strategies lifted from shoujo manga.
Is it safe to say the maid is the best thing this series has to offer?
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Does it ever explain the lolibaba or is it just part of the strange setting that has been thrust upon us?
No, Neko is.
It's my first time making a thread for it though.
And first time talking about the adaptation since the announcement.
I liked her backstory and her moment of weakness made her more relatable. I hope the author will in some way make her come clear with Aki, since her life atm still more or less sucks.
Are you baiting right? Or are you really that stupid?
God bless Tiv.
Nope never gets explained. Mother is just mother.
why the fuck the publisher wasted such a talented artist with this trashy manga?
Her legs and feet are her only redeeming qualities.
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Married life dojin when?
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>draw a girl
>call it a boy

They can't keep getting away with this.
She looks like Yukino. Best girl?
Character on this are cute, that's all that matters to me.
The one with dark hair? If so, no she is objectively worst.
That's the main girl and she's also best girl. Although she might look a bit like Yukino, her personality isn't like hers.

Conflicting opinions, which one is it?
and she is voiced by Rina Hidaka
notYukino is the only good thing about this shit.
Nah, d
Misquote >>151496592
what a heartless monster
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Aki is best.

Worst is either Yoshino or Neko.
Do not listen to these men of inferior taste and standing>>151496592>>151496678
It's better. The manga is going to end in a couple of months. Unlike Nisekoi, Masamune-kun avoids dragging out the plot and romantic development.
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>Rina Hidaka
Neko isnt going to suffer r-right ?
>Masamune-kun avoids dragging out the plot and romantic development.
Say that to the latest chapter.
This confirms that anime won't have fatso (and french girl) which means they make anime original ending aroung play.
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What about it? MC found out the truth that it was the maid who deceived him and pretended to be Aki. No more revenge, and now it's time to pursue her for reals and kick off the fatso.
>No more revenge, and now it's time to pursue her for reals and kick off the fatso.
Yea until he backpedals HARD
Why would he do that? The official sited reported that the next chapter will enter the climax. In manga terms that normally means the final arc.
Because gotta drag it out a little longer>>151494190
I'll take it with a grain of salt. But at least the ntr-ing fatty was exposed. The manga still has to be in its final arc, so the manga is ending soon. One way or another, MC and Aki are going to hook up very soon.
Unless Masa, consumed by his vanity, decides to go for fattymune instead.
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Everyone suffers except for best girl who's going to win the bowl.
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>Everyone suffers except for trash who's going to win the bowl.
You made a slight mistake there but don't worry I fixed it for you.
>except for trash who's going to win the bowl.
Neko isn't going to win though.
>sexy and dainty legs
>high class ojou
>feisty bitch
>super cute
Picked up.
Maid is going to win?
I'll watch it for the pantyhose.
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You guys are on the right path.
I have absolutely no interest in this show but I'll have to watch it for her. Her design is perfect.
>>high class ojou
No, she is just rich. She lacks the aura and character of an ojou.

Meanwhile frenchie and beko act like ojous despite not being rich.
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Well despite being a fucking trash this manga I must admit that I fapped hard as fuck to those legs and feets.

I still remember I did it twice and was incredible.
The good taste definitely goes the left path.
>Then after the whale runs away he says " just kidding you thought that was for real? XD" l. Later on home he was almost dead worriee for almost exposing himself.

Stop spreading misinformation. After the whale runs, Adagaki asks if he really is the Masamune she knew as a kid. He confirms it. He then complains to her about how bad her eyes are for never noticing Kanetsugu was a girl all along. Then she switches topics, acting all bossy and saying "If you insist that much, I'll let you date me".

A little bit of explanation: Masamune said "If you're going to date this thing, then date me, the real one!" on the spur of the moment. Aki understood it as a confession, but Masamune didn't realize it could be interpreted like that. Again, he didn't think it through.

Adagaki tops it off by saying "The one who confessed is you, so my standing is higher than yours", and at this point he had already started dozing off because he realized he fucked up.

So yeah anon, fuck off.
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Not true. She has the haughtiness and smug personality like many ojous.
>feet fetish
>uses based assman as reaction face
as expected from a retarded akifag
>Legs + feet fetish
>Retarded shitposted doesn't know that comes with a nice ass included

Go back to >>>/v/ you fucking virgin fat fuck.
This sounds more believe given Aki's reaction in her panel.
Don't you dare drag the glory that is ass down to your level you disgusting peasant.
>japanese girl
>nice ass
as expected from a retarded akifag
If the mango is ending in a couple months, are they aiming to do something like what they did with Golden Time, Erased, etc and have the anime end at the same time as the source material and actually cover the whole series? Or is this too long to cover in one season now?
It's not hard to be more believable than someone who made shit up.
>not liking delicious leg and feet
You are gay.
>Masamune samefag posting on /a/
Truly dark times comes ahead.

Why so mad anon? Did the half assed spoiler trigger you?

That's exactly what ojous aren't, what you are talking about is a warped idea thanks to tsundere influence.
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She does have nice ass. And also child-bearing hips.
39 chapters so far with a lot of fucking around so probably not.
Why are you so mad, Nekofag?
Looks like a plank to me.
Better grain of salt here. The manga is in its final arc, so this makes a lot more sense.
>Did the half assed spoiler trigger you?

Because it's shit like that that brings false expectations to people and kills discussions before they can even start. The false spoiler was the absolute opposite of what happened in this chapter except for Kanetsugu running away.
It's Silver Link and the PV animation shows it's going to be cheap as fuck and it seems the or budget will go to that fighting series that has Kaze no Stigma's clone as MC.

I expect hilarious cases of QUALITY and shut posting that will die after the first episodes and became a dead series of the season.
Literally everyone has, even the trap.

Any non feetfag who read the series hates Aki, not just nekofags.
>DFC, legs, feet, hips, dat everything
Literally perfect.
Shit spoiler for a shit series.
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Just marathoned that mango. It's pretty decent and not that long as goddamit Nisekoi.

Also Akis ultimate legs works is the best.
Explain it then cause Rin and Luvia are real ojous and they are as described.
>I expect hilarious cases of QUALITY and shut posting that will die after the first episodes and became a dead series of the season.
I'm afraid you are wrong. Fuuka is airing this winter so I am going to be in full shitpost mode. This show will not die on my watch.
This will be the next Saekano in terms of shitposting. /a/ has been dying for a new high school romcom to shitpost.
>/a/ has been dying for a new high school romcom to shitpost.
I hope they target this and not Seiren.
It's either this, Seiren, Fuuka, or Kuzu no Honkai that will be shitposting central.
As shit as it may be I expect it to appeal to many, iirc:
>loli mom
>tomboy friend
>girly boy
Calling dibs on a maido.
Fuuka is a really easy target. It's Seo.
Seiren will have Amagami fanbase.

>Kuzu no Honkai
But the shiposting and rabid fanbases for these are going to be terrible.
Fuuka will be. Coming off of the latest chapter into an anime it is to be expected.
That must be one of the most saddest excuse for an ass I've seen in 2D.

Post that scene where she's in the bathtub.
Anon, Fuuka shitposting is because the show it's so bad it's good and meme worthy.

This one isn't memorable and only will have feet service.

Even decent series can go to the drain when the author fails to do their only one job, look at Shomin Sample, no more translations, author's career is as good as dead and he had the power to be memorable because he wrote god tier girls like maid and sword baka yet he failed with the bland first girl who was the second worst option after Eri.

Of course they will

There is plenty of shitposting shows next year
3 with NTR
>Netsuzou Trap
Even yurishits will be mad because one of the heroines is a promiscuous bitch who has sex with her boyfriend almost often
Yuri ntr
>Kuzu no Honkai
Okada tier love polygons with ntr included
SEOOOOOOOO and Truck-kun climax

Seiren will be probably the only comfy thread
Not really they have minimal screen time and the script writer for the anime usually reduces the secondary cast screentime.

>accurate portrayal of a japanese ass

I'm not even an ass person but godamn do 3D jap women have terrible looking asses. I'd even go as far as saying their asses are worse than their faces.
>I don't know the source from the reaction faces I post
Gee I wonder who should go back to that shitfest of a board.

>loli mom
But she and loli imouto are very very secondary chars, not enough to pander to pedos.

>tomboy friend

You mean tomboy imouto?
>the sexiest, most beautiful girl won't win

A damn shame.
>Kaze no Stigma's clone as MC.
The troll ass motherfucka or his generic tsundere fire-type?

>linking pantyless whore
It's harem crap so what do you think.

Wait, it's a harem? Who's in it, ritch bitch and trap?
The troll one.
Everyone, I'm not joking.
Tiv's art is godly
What show? Only other thing by Silver Link this season looks to be Chaos;Meme.
>It's Silver Link and the PV animation shows it's going to be cheap as fuck and it seems the or budget will go to that fighting series that has Kaze no Stigma's clone as MC.
You are retarded shows have separate sponsors, commitees and budgets.
About fucking time they started dating, now I can start buying the magazine again.
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Are you stupid? That's not an ass shot.

But Aki is going to win.
Disgusting. Total washboard.
Wasn't there a friend in his class with quite a nice rack? I might have mixed something up tough.
Trap-kun likes her
Fuck off nigger.
>implying they will date ever
That will only happen at the epilogue of the last chapter.
Not really a harem since Masamune rejected girls who confessed to him
Best body and personality.

>Not liking DFC
Get the fuck out.
They're a couple now, officially they're dating now.
Normalfag pls go and stay.
>trying to get a dieter to break their diet
Only absolute fucktwats do this.
>Fuck off nigger.
Says retarded nigger who doesn't know how anime industry works
Yeah just like when the series started right?
You are clearly a butthurt Nekofag. Again, why are you mad?
They weren't a couple at the start.
>still triggered
Stay mad negro
We have a real shitposting troll here.
>if someone doesn't like Aki he must be Nekofag
>That will only happen at the epilogue of the last chapter.
>See >>151498540
So you agree that Neko is worst girl then?
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Flat is justice.
Stay mad sandnigger
You're the one who is assmad that some fags shits on Aki and keeps on replying in all these threads though.

Neko is dead btw. But have it your way and keep calling everyone a nekofag son it won't hurt your ego anymore.
You clearly care a lot for this shitposting series.
Flat chest + nice ass + sexy legs is best.
Don't try to turn this around now when I was the one asking why you are mad enough to shitpost like a butthurt little kid.
>Yuishitposter/Lishafag is here
Well, shitposting is here and won't go away.
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>this series
Called it.
>Get btfo by >>151499975 and can only insult with nigger comeback
>Be an apologist to a Neko shitposter
This guy.
Where is the butthurtt here on >>151499046 or do you have mental deficiency and lack reading comprehension because it clearly triggered an autistic reply from you accusing other from being nekofag.
You forgot >>151498612 >>151498777
Not my posts, so I don't care.
>Not my posts
Oh sure. I wasn't the "other" guy either.
>this thread
Any fanbase that is unfortunate enough to have THK will have extremely autistic shitposting. Case in point this fanbase. That means Scum and Fuuka will also suffer the same fate.
>That's not an ass shot.
Obviously not, Aki's plain ass cheeks can barely be considered an ass at any rate.
I have like 10 thread to post and you think I care for forgettable characters from a shit series? Wew lad
If you don't care then you wouldn't have responded defensively, much less care to offer your own thoughts.
Dude, you already got BTFO by >>151500036 and >>151500236. Take it like a man.
There is no tsundere on Honkai or Fuuka though. The shitposting is earned on them.

There was nothing defensive about it though, I am not the one calling others butthurt and Nekofag though?
You are blind, gay, and have shit taste.
>not wanting your girls to be skeletons means being gay
>There was nothing defensive about it
Even you don't believe. And still you are caring and are defending yourself.
>perfectly healthy girl
>a skeleton
Oh, you are the shitposter from Bahamut thread.
Hi, Stellafag.
No, this is healthy.
Because your are accusing me of some bull you pulled out of your ass after being triggered by the assposter, don't try to deny it.
Not because I defend this writes or anything related to it as you mix them.
Quit being a faggot. Aki is physically perfect. I don't see you offering up other girls in which you think has a better body.
>having tits means healthy
>somehow skeleton shots prove she has a great ass
Aki, and most female cast, has a cute design but saying she has a nice ass is a plain lie.
Disgusting cow.

>it's ok to be fat
>b-but that wasn't me!
Stick with that. I'm sure you'll persuade someone.
>anyone who doesn't agree with me is Stellafag

This is why no one likes you guys.

>t. landwhale feminist
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>implying this is healthy
Dude, you can even see the fucking ribcage. A body that's just bones and zero meat isn't healthy by any standard.
Yeah keep your boogieman so you can sleep well.
Go away Stellafag. Everyone knows your tryhard skeleton meme.
Yoshino looks skinnier than Aki. The only difference is chest size.
Wow all shitposting now goes about looks since true culprit was revealed it took away major argument for haters.
>having tits means being a cow

Absurd. Breasts are a sign of being feminine.
Back to plebbit faggot
>Doesn't deny it
>Nitpicking when all of Ayumu girls are like that
You're not even hiding the samefagging me lad.
And there you are, Stellafag.
And there is a literal land whale in the series
How about you stay there lebbitard
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>all of Ayumu girls are like that
Not true.
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They are. Girls with flat chests look like boys.
It's funny because Misuzu literally gets BTFO on her own about tits.
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>random thic increases for fanservice that isn't true to canon design
Post discarded.
Cowtits are disgusting too.
>Misuzu is best girl
>Tomo is worst girl
Par for the course.
Wow, Krul is the only disgusting washboard in there.
Krul > Yoruka > Lisha >>> Celes >>> Phi
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Shit taste.

Oh fuck i've been found out!
Fuuka has one on both the female and male side. Either way, despite the moniker, THK contradicts himself and has liked some tsundere or cunt characters. When that happens, he just shitposts at whatever is a threat to his ship.
Add Airi and make her equal to Krul, then you'll have my ranking, more or less.
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Does everyone else hate maid now?
I never liked her.
Yoshino did everything wrong.

She's a fat cunt.
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Throw left into the streets. Make right into a sex slave.
Throw right under a truck.
Have procreation sex with left after marriage.
What she mean by this?
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Still love maid. Aki a bitch. Waiting expectantly for her come-from-behind victory.
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Tell me again, How did she survive giving birth to her pig of a son?
I don't like her at all, but she's still more interesting than boring ass Neko.
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Will Masamune gorge up and become a piggy again in the last chapter?
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>Add Airi and make her equal to Krul
This anon knows.
pls no
His fat belly fucked up her pelvic bones, thats why she walks in a funny way >>151495493 >>151492111
Manga starts out fun and interesting and then it changes to shit generic harem less than half way through.
The synopsis just makes it sound like The Count of Monte Cristo.
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> I was taken in by my grandfather on Nagano.
> It took 8 years until my body became firm.
> Just when I thought you'd slimmed a bit,
> You're back on the snacks...
> Is it the stress?
> ...I'm sorry.
> How about giving up?
> If you don't want to get in shape
> then you can still...
> No...!
> I...
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> I still
> Have someone I must get back at...!
> thirty-ninth chapter: Yearning for the time lost
So in the end of this chapter...
>Fake masamune exposed as a girl
>Masamune accidentally asked adagaki out
>Fake masamune feel glad that she doesn't have to pretend anymore and looks like she is falling in love with masamune? She even said that maybe she will asked masamune to take responsibility for what he done to her.
>Masamune feeling empty after he finally get adagaki to date him.
Keep going.
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> Fuuuck!
> I'm an idiot.
> If you really were to honestly face Aki-sama,
> She wouldn't hate you, you know?
> Master's also an idiot!
> Every last one of them
> Is a big idiot!
> You damn idiot!
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> Makabe.
> If aren't you in a hurry.
> Good timing.
> You three.
> Do you know where Kanetsugu and Adagaki Aki are having their date?
> Who'd ever tell you?
> You cheater!
> We already know that you have a pretty intimate relationship
> with Koiwai Yoshino.
> What do you think you plan
> to tell Aki-sama?
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>Masamune-kun is not actually Piggy.
>The trap is Piggy.
M. Night Shyamalan intensifies
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> That's right.
> What should I even tell her?
> Look.
> You can't even talk back.
> For her, I am...
> Just stop coming close to Aki-sa-
> Shut it.
> What did you say?!
> I don't give a damn about such misunderstandings anymore.
> If you call me a piece of shit, fine, so be it.
> But!
> Who would reveal Gasou Kanetsugu's lie?
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> Lie...?
> If you really think "Aki-sama" is important, then answer.
> Where are those two
> right now?
> Aki-chan,
> here you go.
> Thanks.
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> You finally smiled.
> Was I really that grouchy?
> Oh, no, it's not that.
> You were deep in thoughts for a while, weren't you?
> I'm glad you cheered up.
> Cheering people up, being nice...
> You're pretty good at this.
> Am I?
> Might be because I have a little sister.
> Your sister
> still hospitalized, isn't she...
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> Good, good.
> I have to make her catch the bait.
> Yeah.
> Is there anything I can do?
> Don't mind it.
> I'm already giving you enough trouble as is...
> And I have nothing to give you back.
> That's not true.
> Kane... Masamune,
> You finally came back to me.
> Of course I'd help you.
> Ah... It's that talk again.
> I'm starting to get lost.
> Thanks, Aki-chan.
> You're a big help.
> Ask me anything.
> Then,
> it's about the costs of Sumire's hospitalization-
> Whah!
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> Makabe!?
> Don't...
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> Go around using someone else's name!!
> Ow...
> Hold on! Makabeee!
> What are you doing!?
> And you, about you!
> Even if you make it all a misunderstanding,
> I still can't forgive how you have such a shitty personality!
> Shi-
> Even so!
> If you're going to date this thing,
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Forgot pic.
It doesnt drag nowhere near as much as Nisekoi but overall its worse.
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> Then date me,
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> the real one!
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> Ugh!
> Shit.
> Even for a fatso, you're still fast.
> As if I'd just let myself be punched!
> You shallow bastard who's got nothing but a pretty face!
> Who's shallow!?
> Haven't you got enough popularity?
> But Aki-chan is not being swayed by you, so got you pissed.
> It's not about me being pissed!
> So what is it?
> I'm not going let you use Aki-cahn
> just so you can keep your pride as a "handsome boy".
> My pride as a handsome boy...?
> If I had anything like that, I wouldn't have...
> I'm not trying to be popular.
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> What?
> It's bad to play dumb.
> I'm telling the truth.
> When I was really young, I was bullied for being fat.
> classmates would toss rocks at me,
> and then,
> I'd run away to a haughty girls house,
> and be saved by her.
>But fatty avoided the punch
Damn it.
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> ...Masamune?
> ...huh?
> Makabe...
> Masa...
> Masamune...?
> That's right.
> The fatty who ran away from your house 8 years ago
> was me.
> Not him.
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> Do-
> Don't fuck around!
> Don't make stuff up
> so you can make up to Aki-chan-
> Aki-chan,
> Are you really going to believe what this guy's saying?
> He's made you cry so much until now!
> Me or him,
> who are you going to believe?
> Kanetsugu...
> Yes,
> yes, that's right.
> I was right to believe in Aki-chan!
> You...
> Why do you have boobs?
That's what I was hoping for going in. I had this image in my head of MC seducing this girl and then going for the ultimate "le ebin 420noscope #rektoning of all time" in front of a couple hundred of her closest friends. Maybe ditching da bitch at the altar for added style.
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> Boobs?
> Huh?
> Wait,
> Wha...!?
> Oh,
> oh no.
> I just never told you.
> And it's true that I'm the head of my family.
> Ah!
> I get the feeling I might get a call from the hospital any time now.
> Excuse me...
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> You...
> Are Masamune?
> That's what I said.
> How far from eachother should we be now?
> Sigh.
> Good grief. Just how thoughtless can you be?
> What were you doing, dating a woman?
> Wha!
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> As if you are one to talk! You didn't notice either!
> No, you see,
> The time we spent together is different.
> What kinda eyes do you have?
> is your sight that bad?
> Shut up already!
> So I'm thoughtless, had bad sight,
> Am haughty, and have a shitty personality.
> So she's just going to hold those against me.
> But even so
> If you INSIST,
> I won't mind at least hearing to YOUR wish.
> What?
> What wish are you talking abo-
> Then date me,
> the real one!
> AH.
It's Happening.
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Mai dick.
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> I said it?
> I really said it?
> I don't mind dating you,
> is what I'm saying.
OTP is happening.
>OTP is happening.
>Implying this isn't all a setup for the to realize they actually don't like each other causing Makabe to end alone because he rejected every other girl
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> ...Huh?
> That's what it meant?
> Really?
> Don't forget.
> You were the one who confessed first.
> So my standing is higher than yours.
> Are you listening?
> Ye-
> Yes, I am!
>causing Makabe to end alone because he rejected every other girl
im still mad at him for rejecting qt tomboy class rep
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> Ah,
> haha,
> ahahaha
> Kane-chama!
> You were the one who confessed first.
> So my standing is higher than yours.

Am I reading fucking Kaguya?
You know blondie still wants him, right?
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Looks like Aki is on the same school of thought as Kaguya and Shirogane.

Cute smile.
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> Hey.
> Wh,
> What happened to your face?
> I got hit.
> With like, "kapow"!
> Huh!
> That's awful!
> Seriously.
> He's seriously awful,
> that guy...
> Kane-chama?
> Kane-chama,
> are you crying?
>Implying trap kun isn't tapping that ass already
He's filling her with his whipped cream.
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> Oh man,
> cat's out of the bag!
> This is such a good feeling.
> Kane-chama?
> What to do.
> Maybe I should make him take resposibility for this debt?
> Responsibility?
> Ahahahaha!
> You're too loud!
Aki will win and I'll celebrate.
That's retarded. Author is a hack if he does that.
>Maybe I should make him take resposibility for this debt?
I swear, if she starts falling for him...
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> Onii-chaaan!
> Food's ready, come on.
> The miso will get cold.
> Earth to onii-chan!
> Ah!
>Not instantly a hack
Is this your first manga series?
>Running on the treadmill barefoot

The fuck? Does anyone actually do this?
the author doesnt know a shit about a routine, not even what being fit means
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> So laaame.
> Onii-chan?
> Mom,
> Onii-chan looks like he's dead!
>Side: Next chapter will be a side story.

And that's it for this chapter.
>Side: Next chapter will be a side story.

Trap-kun trying to woo Neko again?
I'd probably do it if I had a treadmill at home and if they're not that uncomfortable to walk on barefoot.
>Side: Next chapter will be a side story.
If it's not trap kun fucking pantyless we riot.
None of them do. They seem to think running 10km will get you ripped. Look at OPM; 100 sit ups/push ups/pull ups wouldn't even match up the average olly lifter.
Imouto is cute.
Her and vice prez chan's designs are the cutest in the series overall. Shout out to Kanetsugu's imouto for having the cutest smile.
>>Side: Next chapter will be a side story.
so this is nowhere near going to end soon
I'm an Aki fan, but I agree on that. Imouto and vice prez are just too cute. They are lolis, so I suppose it's only natural they are naturally cuter.
Hasn't rejected maid.
What? They are both horrible people and seeing /a/ implode would be fun.
It would get you ripped though so long as you manage your calorie intake. You won't be the Rock, but you'd look like they do in the manga.
You know what? Masamune x Landwhale. Because fuck them both.
Hell, have the land Whale exercise to become thinner and try to do to Masamune what he wanted to do to Aki.
>tfw I actually hope Master wins
Fuck Aki, I can't stand the whole dindu nuffin scheme this hack of an author is pulling to have her win.
It's not about the material being uncomfortable. It's about 'traversing' long distances without supporting the arch of your foot.

It's doubly bad when you consider that unlike earth/dirt/grass/etc treadmills have a solid flat surface that doesn't bend/absorb force and instead reflects it.
That was the joke anon, I thought Genos continually snapping back at Saitama and saying that the routine wasn't even that intense should have tipped you off.
>Masamune x Landwhale
this would make most of their readers go fucking nuclear
I hope this shitty author does it
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> You were the one who confessed first.
> So my standing is higher than yours.
>Masamune x Landwhale
Thing is, Aki is still sort of a cunt even after being absolved from all that.
I never thought she was likable beyond clumsy exposition from her groupies and admirers.
I do hope they come to the conclusion that they do not fit each other and he ends up with someone completely unexpected just to piss people off and give us something memorable out of this trainwreck.
That meme doesn't work when Aki literally didn't do what the MC thought she did. Aki deserves to win on account for best girl.
At no point was anyone other than Aki was going to win. It's shown throughout the manga as gets softer towards her on multiple occasions.
She is cute and their moments together were somewhat cute with stuff like the fist bump and their mini comedy routines.
She will never win after having the main source of conflict in the story pinned 100% on her though.
I like Masamune. Better than Raku ever was.
I'm only gonna watch it because of those legs, is there plenty of leg service?
That plus Masamune and Aki has goid chemistry and cute banter. The story was a setup for them to hook up, so it only natural they are meant for each other.

Drama and conflict builds character and are the main source that drives Masamune and Aki's development. Once that is resolved, there's nothing stopping them from being together, especially when that's what each wants.
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It did really went to shit when it stopped being about Masamune wanting his revenge as if when the harem shit kicked in wasn't bad enough
Any chances Master will have a talk with Aki, so they get to start a more friendly relationship rather than mistress and maid?
Aki has treated Yoshino like shit her entire life, I don't see any kind of simple talk just changing that.
>>Aki has treated Yoshino like shit her entire life, I don't see any kind of simple talk just changing that.
>people will still claim Aki is best girl
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That's horse crap. Aki doesn't have any strong negative feelings towards her servant, much less treats her like shit. Yoshini is someone who serves Aki and Aki sees her as what she was raised to be. That is all.
Where did you get that out from? Aki is sort of a mean girl who hurts others in order to avoid getting hurt herself, a coping mechanism that Aki is fully aware of but can't help it. But we never seen her do that to Yoshino, who usually is aware and even helps Aki with that.
>Aki doesn't have any strong negative feelings towards her servant
Because for her thats treating employees like shit is a natural thing to do.
Would you say a cat has negative feelings towards a mouse or a bird for hunting them? No because they behave like that because of intinct.
Aki is as basic as a pet.
You're saying a lot of crap. Post scans to back it up or shut up.
Work on your analogy and comparison skills, anon. They don't make sense in relevant context.
I'll give an episode a try just for those legs.
if nisekoi had rough intercourse with kimi ni todoke, the condomn used would be Masamune-kun no Revenge.
Thread posts: 327
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