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How does /a/ feel about Outlaw Star?

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How does /a/ feel about Outlaw Star?
I feel like Aisha and Ryoko irreparably shaped my tastes in women.
A flawed show, but probably the best space western in anime.
Oldfag garbage
I think it was probably the first anime I watched, and I still think its cool.

I wish there were more anime about adventures in space.
Yeah there was alot of weird anticlimactic choices made with the story. Still love it though.
>nips same color as skin
Better than Cowboy Bebop.
I know I masturbated to Aisha like a madman, don't remember much else.
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Ignoring the fact I shipped Gene and Jim like a moron for the entire series, the magic gun is still my favorite anime weapon of all time.
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Ryoko is far superior
I dig the episode where the kid kills the love of his life and he doesn't even know it.

And the one where the super assassin stages his own death and becomes a nomad.

The rest, especially the end was pretty forgettable.
My one and only since the mid 90's.
That first one was fucking ROUGH.
>I dig the episode where the kid kills the love of his life and he doesn't even know it.

That episode is pretty great. I hate how a lot of the episodes end really abruptly. They have some cool storylines but they're never fully realized by being constricted to 22 minute episodes.
Solid 8/10 series.
-The OP was fun and energetic, giving you a quick glimpse of what the show was about.
-Gene is the kind of MC we need in shows today. He is strong, confident, has sex, and paves his own path.
-James is the side-kick everyone deserves. A bit emotional due to his age, but his resourcefulness and role as comic relief definitely added to his character.
-Ice-Hot Hilda was definitely the kind of strong woman that Gene needed to drop his balls and get over his insecurities, her ultimate fate was necessary and well times to bring the MC out of his shell.
-Melfina is 10/10 waifu material and clearly one of the best girls to come out of anime in a while.
-Suzuka is a bit cliche, being your OP Swords-Woman, but her cold, and somewhat suave, demeanor is a good balance for the goofy antics of Gene and James.
-Aisha is great also, her genki attitude and her "baka" character is another good balance to the overall serious disposition of Gene.
-The antagonists, The McDougall Brothers, are depicted not as mindless criminals, but careful, scheming, almost super villains. Their presence and opposition to the Outlaw Star crew is definitely a memorable conflict.
-The series was episodic at times, with a minor case of flavor of the week villains, the overall feel and pacing was a bit underwhelming. A lot of the "filler" was made relevant by forcing some type of plot into it. Like your WebM of the Hot Springs episode. They are after caster shells, but hi-jinx and fan service is due so the episode is usually overlooked for it's relevance to the plot However, if not for Gene's overall quest of obtaining caster shells his meeting with Hazanko later would have gone much, much, worse.
-Both EDs were amazing, which gave an overall comfy feeling of space and the tribulations hiding in the void.

Definitely a series people should check out.
I've never seen another girl in anime that captivated me as much as Ryoko. Not sure why. She's just the perfect package. She's hot, seductive, strong willed, powerful, and has her flaws like being too hotheaded, lazy, stubborn, etc. I guess she just has a more 3 dimensional personality than most anime girls.
It has excellent momments and episodes, like >>150585742, but also quality drops lower than Mariana, like that shitty end.
The characters are mostly great but not many have enough screen time, although they are randomly too one dimensional sometimes and sometimes they are not.

I can't rate this because it's quality is too conflicting
I just loved how free she was. Even how she just floated about was sort of a fuck you to laws like gravity. I really loved her perspective of time too. I'm really hoping the new OVA has some quality Ryoko time in it.
Did the director and the writer ever make any other anime?

I thought she was really annoying and it's colored my reception of anime heroines ever since.
I really like the ED's too. Something about them is kinda haunting.
I don't recall it being bad, but I don't recall it being good either. In fact, I've entirely forgotten what it was about.

The other space operas, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop, I remember vividly.
I feel like you are proof that not everyone can get along. I respect your opinion, but I don't think that we could ever see eye to eye. Did you like any of the tenchi girls?
I didn't even consider the macdougals villains by the very end anymore. They were outlaws. They made their own rules. The brotherly love was strong enough for me to look past them being bad. I wish they had a show based on their previous exploits that marked their rise to infamy.
Agreed. The artwork that was coupled with the ED added to this effect in my opinion.

I did try to use "antagonist" when describing them. They weren't really villains like you said. Not like Hazanko or the Kei Pirates in general. But you have to admit, their careful plots and conniving schemes hardly made them "good guys."
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>I thought she was really annoying and it's colored my reception of anime heroines ever since.

Ayekafag detected
I felt pretty much the same when I saw it, was left with a lot of 'if only's' at the time.

This is my all-time favorite toonami promo desu.
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Shit character designs
60's and 70's look great
I should have listened to TOM more
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>that shitty gif

Have faith in yourself anon. I hope you're able to find some of your dream.
>the episode where the kid kills the love of his life and he doesn't even know it.
That rustled my jimmies just enough to drop the show.
Loved it as a kid but when I watched it I realized it didn't age well.

Are you underaged?
Well, it got one of the best BluRay releases for anime so far.
I actually liked Mihoshi most.
At episode 13 and having a hard time resisting the urge to drop, tbqh. From what I can gather, it's the epitome of nostalgia goggles anime.
It hasn't held up that well desu. I loved it when I first saw it back in middle school on Toonami. Awhile back I decided to rewatch all the 90's anime that I loved back then. Out of all the shows I watched, Outlaw Star held up the worst over time imo.
It wasn't all that hot but it damn sure deserved a better sequel
delicious brown is always a respectable choice.
Dunno what show you watched, but it held up perfectly fine.
It's shit. It's overrated shit, blinded by nostalgia from people who likely watched it on Toonami and loved it.

It has the mood of a western fantasy sci fi but it goes to shit after the assassin with the backpack.

The problem is that it's a decent setting (although vague and not really that unique), all the characters are the best of their class.
From the beginning, Gene has the best gun in the show, flying the best ship, with a master swordwoman and the cat girl is the strongest in the galaxy (as she won that fighting tournament), a unique android that can integrate with the ship AND a fucking AI in the ship.
It's like playing a D&D game with everyone at max stats. Before that episode with the assassin with the backpack, you got the sense that there was more to the galaxy, more people, stronger people, full of legend and wonder. But no, the assassin guild is weak, the two brothers are mostly already on par with the heroes and they were considered legends already.

And by the time the show rushes to the end, it goes for the final mission. The 'save the world/galaxy' mission out of nowhere and it's rushed to shit.

The only people who like this show are nostalgiafags, people who really really like the opening and ignore the show, or just go DUUUUDE, SHIPS WITH FUCKING ARMS YOOO.
>-The OP was fun and energetic, giving you a quick glimpse of what the show was about.
Irrelevant to the overall quality of the show but I will agree that it is a good OP.

>-Gene is the kind of MC we need in shows today. He is strong, confident, has sex, and paves his own path.
That doesn't make him a good MC, only that he is a better MC than the average. Better than shit does not mean it's greater than shit.

>-James is the side-kick everyone deserves.
Boring kid.

>-Ice-Hot Hilda was definitely the kind of strong woman that Gene needed to drop his balls and get over his insecurities, her ultimate fate was necessary and well times to bring the MC out of his shell.
Also boring.

>-Melfina is 10/10 waifu material and clearly one of the best girls to come out of anime in a while.
Wasted potential character.

>-Suzuka is a bit cliche, being your OP Swords-Woman, but her cold, and somewhat suave, demeanor is a good balance for the goofy antics of Gene and James.
Cliche and only given some character development at the end when it's too late.

>-The antagonists, The McDougall Brothers, are depicted not as mindless criminals, but careful, scheming, almost super villains.
Wow such deep writing. They're also the only major players and show how empty and lackluster the galaxy has in terms of enemies.

>Definitely a series people should check out.
Shit opinion.
Everyone should watch the OP and never watch this show.
Cool opinion bro.
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Jim's like 10 though.
I've never seen someone work so hard to be so wrong.
>Be the strongest of the big bad squad
>Go out like a bitch in a fanservice episode

Is this what suffering feels like?
the wrestling episode was GOAT

actually any antics involving their flaming friend
It's weird, I remember watching Outlaw Star on Toonami as a kid, but I can't for the life of me remember what the plot is.

I need to get around to rewatching it.
It's just a generic white male fantasy story about a young twenty something straight dude running around getting laid and gathering harem. Nothing special. If you want to space adventure, stick with Cowboy Bebop.
Space ships.
With arms.
Holding guns.

Grappler ships were pretty goddamn silly, now that I think about it.
Outlaw Star >>>>>>> Bebop
When will this come out on Blu-Ray in the US?
They go on an adventure to find out the truth about Melfina, avenge the dyke and become rich.
Thanks. Better than yours.

Says the guy without a rebuttal.
No it's called a shit show unable to make use of him so might as well use this fanservice gag comedy episode to do whatever
Gene Starwind and James Hawking find themselves on an adventure after dealing with a suspicious person asking for a bodyguard. Running from notorious pirates, they discover a spaceship that is the offspring of mixed technologies. Working together with their rag-tag crew, the Outlaw Star chases after the elusive Galactic Leyline.

Holy shit dude. These spaceships fucking box and have knife fights.
Oh look it's fucking the same thing.

Stupid people thinking if anime becomes 1080p they will magically see pores on people's faces and more detail that hasn't been drawn.

480 lines of resolution is all you need.
Is this some new meme or are you literally this retarded?
No, it's called a show that doesn't take itself seriously decides to have a thing called "fun."
You are literally this deluded.
Yep. Just retarded. Not even the cute kind. This is the "chain behind the shed" kind of retarded.
Alright I'll give you a little slack on cell drawn stuff but anything since 2005? Nah.

Just move on.
No, you're still retarded.
Whatever you say buddy boy. Keep wasting time, bandwidth and resources trying to get more detail from nothing.

Lol. I remember what it was like to be a kid once.
Yeah. I rewatched it about a year or so ago. I still love it but i can recognize that it is flawed. Cowboy Bebop aged better in comparison.
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>tries to pull the age card
>types "Lol"
This your first week outside leddit, son?
>cartoon network cut out an entire episode that partially explains what gene's caster is all about
>saying 480 lines is all you need
>trying to deflect looking like an idiot
>still responding with underage typing because you think you're trolling
>still not even cute retarded
Fun is subjective and this show is neither good nor fun.
Yeah well, yer mum was both last night.
Million times better than Cowboy Begay.
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>zone's flash
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>that new image of Jim x Aisha breeding

good outlaw star lewds are hard to come by

Aisha is so good

GR8 B8 M8 8/8
My favorite animu and has been for about 15 years now
If you ever have the time(and means) find the high res version and watch it on a really good monitor or TV
Still one of the most beautiful shows I've ever had the pleasure of watching
>Implying best episode isn't the first where Gene keeps having flashbacks of his dad
>made relevant by forcing some type of plot into it. Like your WebM of the Hot Springs episode. They are after caster shells, but hi-jinx and fan service is due so the episode is usually overlooked for it's relevance to the plot
I hate this Bs cliche high brow garbage everyone always spews
Yes fanservice can be annoying and is a bit overdone
But if done right(like it was in OS) it actually settles the tone of the show and keeps the pace going well while also giving a reprieve from the overall plot so that you don't feel like you're reading a go here, here, here, then it's over kind of story(which is why entire comic relief/fanservice) episodes were created for
underrated, but not by much
it's just a comfy fun show
Opinion discarded
the issue isn't HD, the issue is GIF vs. WEBM
The best, thank you for posting this.
It all depends on what you like in anime hombre
I am a die-hard western/pirate fan so for me it hits all the great areas needed for a dank space opera and western.
You also didn't start watching anime until the early 2000's which more than likely has a lot to do with your taste
Older anime isn't seen the same by people who got into it late as it is to those who watched anime back hen these things came out.
Sure some people like them because of nostalgia but for the most part it has the hallmarks that make a great show and most of all it's got great music which any shoe needs in order to be worth a damn.
I also find that most people who decry the art styles of older generations also find the same trouble liking the plots of them because their concepts are too complex or don't have enough T&A for them because to them anime is more about their boners han about the content(which is fine and I am also not saying this applies to you)
Watch it all the way through no matter your judgement, one of the worst things is getting through a show and then just stopping because it doesn't resonate with you, sometimes shows hit you differently through out and an ending can completely rewrite what you think about the thing as a whole.
t. someone who watched Evangelion all the way through despite hating Shinjin so much it became unwatchable by episode 4
There is no sequel
>Everything I don't like can only be enjoyed by nostalgia goggles
What a sad world you live in neo-animufag
he's talking about Angel Links
>Grappler ships were pretty goddamn silly, now that I think about it.
Shows what you know about history anon
Hand to hand settling of disputes have been around a very long time and even today it's still regularly used
An entire space civilization built upon Japanese mythos and ancient history deciding to make ships that operate much as fists do makes perfect sense.
What makes even more sense is that they became obsolete and discarded eventually just like any other tradition if you remember
Was it really a sequel though?
if i saw those tits when I was 12 i would've creamed my shit instantly
Watched it on Toonami when I was in middle school. I remember liking it, but I've been putting off watching it again for fear of breaking the nostalgia.
But the more progress I make into the Dark Tower novels, the more I find myself wanting to rewatch it.
I enjoyed the manga
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>Best girl dies in the first few episodes
It's trash
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