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Brave Witches

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Thread replies: 111
Thread images: 42

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Witches are not for lewding.
>Creating threads when the old one hasn't even died or reached even 500 and linking them in previous one.
What the fuck is going on? Did some retarded newfags find their way in?
That's what I was wondering about.
Anyways, no-loli, shit tier fanservice, bad CGI Witches a shit.
Why another thread? The old one isn't even dead yet or hit 500.
>this mad because the old one was at 496

kys hiro
>m-muh precious four posts

Don't worry precious little neckbeard, I'm sure anon really was a girl and was definitely about to show you his cock in those remaining four posts!
>newfag trying to justify being newfag
Jesus Chrysler
I want to take Naoe on a date to a nice, fancy bookshop.
>o-only one person can realize I'm retarded

You are the single most entertaining newfag I've met today, please continue.
Such cute retardation.
not-miyafuji is very fuckable
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>Creating new chained generals when the old one isn't dead yet and took over a day to reach bump limit even.
Sasuga OP, sasuga. No one is even discussing the episode here for there is par to none left to discuss.

Kys anytime retard.
Fuck off back to >>>/v/ you shit cunt retard.
More like Brave Bitches, amirite?
I'm starting to like Hikari. What should I do?
>in tears

Only one (You) lads. Am I the new boogeyman?

Romantically or as a protagonist?
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Be proud of yourself. Don't end up like a hardcore faggot loathing her existence because she came into the story when the only existing material took place over the course of one day in universe.
>endless stamina
>10/10 breeding body

Too bad she's a titty monster.
I want lolicons to leave.
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What's this you got against titty monsters, eh?
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So since they directly mentioned "ground based" witches. Are the chances raising for Aurora and animated tank witches in general?
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There are chances for Aurora to appear this season definitely, at least shortly for a cameo, yes. As for animated anything after this, no, I don't see any correlation there. It's all up to producers to do whatever they want to and greenlit stuff. Tank witches seem highly unlikely to me.
I guess it depends on where Aurora is currently stationed, if Kauhava, then the chances are slim, if Värtsilä, then it's far more likely.

I'm hoping Aurora becomes Brave Witche's Marseille

Would love to see Rudel though, if only for her to get more artwork and lewds.
If there will be another anime I hope it's about a new cast.
There's only so many seasons they can do without the whole thing getting repetitive.
Would be nice if they tried to develop the plot.
I'd be very content if going forward if they just went down an OVA route.
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I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed Sasha getting a face full here.
Best girl.
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Nipa seemed to like it a lot too. This episode was fun, if only it wasn't for the shitty cgi ruining every combat scene ever till ep13.
Hikari had roughly ten lines in the entire episode and was just 'there' not interrupting with the Sasha and Nipa moments, which made it this good.
Where the fuck is the fanservice
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In your butt. This episode had plenty of it, but I guess fanservice differs person to person.
I guess you're the boring ecchi type, just reminding that this show isn't even listed as ecchi anymore genre wise.
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>Expressing emotions by wagging tail
Is this a new thing? I like it.
Even the yuribait is weak as hell, I don't know why I'm still following this franchise at all.
Why no pants?
Those are the pants.
Why no panties?
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As far I recall, no. Miyafuji wiggled her tail in one scene cheerfully, or at least my brain wants to remember it like that. Perrine had startled tail in some scenes.

Well, yeah, it really is weak as hell, I can't deny that either. This episode just shines a lot in comparison to all earlier ones, which of course isn't saying much.
How do I win Rall's lovely heart?
Own a corset shop.
I want to be Trude's Hijikata
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You need to beat me in a fight first.

Why can't me and Helma be both Trude's servants? We could talk all day about how wonderful, Trude onee-chan is.
Who is truly, undeniably, best witch out of both SW and BW?
I'm up for Sakamoto. Everyone else has nice bits of them, but Sakamoto is the only one that's overall best.

And tank witches when?
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Tank witch in four weeks. Got some insider info, enjoy.

Best and sexiest? Trude in 501 tied with Perrine, Rall in 502 tied with Naeo.

Heidimere the best and sexiest non 501 or 502.
Impossible to decide.
>Aurora checking Nipa's development in the sauna
SL please deliver
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The fuck's wrong with your names?

That would be a fun scene to watch. But I'm not holding my hopes on anything with SL at all anymore.
Is 501 JFW OA still going on?
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No? Why is googling so hard these days? It was three episode series, released last year and no further announcements.
I'm talking about the radio, you cunt.
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I hope she shows up. Time is running out if this season is just 12 eps like the first 2.
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With how much lately there's been grammar mistakes in replies I misunderstood, my bad.
But yeah I thought that ended. I remember an announcement stating it's over and done with, like some while ago. There were twitter images with the cast lots too about it.

Marseille appeared by ep10 of S2. There's half of a season left and they still need to do the character episodes for all of the remaining 502nd before even thinking of cameos.

Fucking firefox and me typing too quickly but I wonder if there is some correlation with my taste on preferring Trude and Kanno and Rall and Clostermann.
Well that's too bad. I guess I'll start listening from the beginning anyway since it's been a while.
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>references to land witches


Also stop bullying Nipa, i'm having flashbacks to the copy pasta where it turns out she's immortal due to her regenerative powers and she just gets to watch all her comrades die in various ways

Nipa is the type of Witch you really just want to cuddle, comfort and never let go. Would tenderly love forever.
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So there are ground-based witches working near 502 as well? Why don't we ever see them?
How did she slip the swimsuit straps off her shoulders without taking her shirt off????
Who says she didn't take her shirt off?
Witch magic?
thats probably the best answer I'm going to get.
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Because animating them and including them into the writing is a pain in the ass that takes away from already short appearances of 502nd that have short episodic stories crammed into 20 minutes.
Geeze anon. Just let the season get to episode 10 first, then we've seen everything there's to surprises before the final big bad neuroi battle arc they're gonna have.

When in doubt, it's magic. Always magic, don't question magic.
Witches are made for anal.

Vaginal penetration is strictly verboten.

>Marseille will never ride you silly then collapse on top of you where you get to play with her delicious breasts
Keiko is a lucky woman

null gave me a maebari fetish, just so i could suffer since theres hardly any of it out there

Has null drawing any Trude or Heidemarie? I'd like to see his Minna.
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Would you eat blueberries then stick your tongue out for the cat witch?
This Trude is safe for cuddling.

What if I want to have rough loving sex with Trude where she completely dominates me then we can have cuddles after?
Autoneuroi, roll out!
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Oh, HS subs are finally out? Thanks for telling, took only a day of them.
Still waiting for [Eila].
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It's LNAF.OA now since we've moved from just 501st and onto World Witches.
Three episodes so far, Eila is still the host. So far they've had Hikari, Naoe, and Krupinski as guests with Nipa coming next week.
Thanks for the information man. I was worried because the usual unofficial guy hadn't uploaded for a while, but it was a different playlist. I feel dumb.
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Holy crap, really? Thanks anon, you made me and the other anon happy with that. But what does the LNAF stand for?
I hope the radio show isn't their way of trying to justify lack of ova though along with the short appearances in the end of ova.
Sasha is cute. She's one of my favorites along side Naoe and loli sensei
Forgot my pic.
I want to take her home.
I want her to slap my balls with her little pointing stick.
I want to headpat her
I want to rest my balls on her head.
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She's home.
>marry Krupi
>take Rossman as a pet

So when do they git gay?
Would you rather be Trude's imouto or Krupinski's kawaii koneko-chan?
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>The Eila and Krupi interview.
It went pretty much like this comic in the start. Silly Eila for not accepting Krupi's invitation for some hot coffee in her room.
Krupi has such a nice seiyuu voice, I hope she gets more roles after this.

Not soon enough and probably not in the anime at all, because SL is the real gay here..
Is it not possible to be both?
I don't think Trude would want to share her imoutos.
I want Naoe to be my loli imouto.
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Need more witch discussion!
What is your favorite magical ability and why?
I like the one where she casts Fist.
Obviously Trude's. Super strength is always cool.

Shirley's first time going mach speed is one of my favorite moments so probably that. Minna and Eila have good ones too, even if they are more utility
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Yoshika performing healing magic on my dick after Hikari bounces on it for 16 hours.
Seeing the thread is up for some reason still, just reminding that the together watch stream for episode 6 starts in roughly 40 minutes as always.
Hope to see some of you there.

You think yoshika's magic would refill your balls?
Is there a witch with a squirrel familiar?
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Yes, Hikari. Are you even watching the show?
Awesome. I haven't started watching BW yet.
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>watching anime
Sorry I'm not a fucking faggot.
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Not that it matters, it looks pretty much like any other tail. Not enough fluff for squirrel familiar, should be more like Makoto's from Blazblue or the tails from Utawarerumono series. Now it's just kinda wasted.
Episode 6 stream starting in a bit, get in here if you like Sasha and Nipa;

Thread posts: 111
Thread images: 42

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