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Dragon Ball Super

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Thread replies: 597
Thread images: 165

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Vegitto time.
nice double trips
Just a question.
Was Vegito in any way retarded like Goku in the Jap Dub?
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too bad the anime is hot garbage
Of course Vegitto gets double trips.
I thought in the manga they couldn't fuse twice with the earings, or was that a translation error, or does it mean once fused they can't fuse with another.
They will find a way to unfuse
Canon Gogeta never ;_;
It means they can't add more fusions on top.

Also it was said that fusing as Super Saiyan makes it the default state, so Vegitto might be a permanent god if they fuse as SSJB.
I'm sure, but I was wondering since they fused once they can't fuse with the earings again.
the preview showed him normal
he already got wrecked in the preview
>slightly bruised in preview
>meanwhile zamasu gets fucking deformed into a purple heap
He is supposed to be the strongest character, he is now a mockery.
>tfw arrogant and undefeatable vegito will never come back
Vegeta is wearing his armor, shouldn't that reflect on Vegetto's clothes?
Lazy shits.
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shit fusion tbqh
His armor apparently gets destroyed, which is hilarious.
Please, Buu did the same, then Vegito got serious
Its funny though, It would have love to see Vegito with the armor.

whats the ETA for crunchy?
Fuck you for killing the torrent culture
Vegito was always in control, he never even got a scratch even if he took hits.
Horriblesubs is crunchy
Crunchy IS torrent culture
>double trips
>vegitto episode
Holy shit.
Next Week.

He acted exactly like he did in the English dub. Don't fall for the "Goku was always a retard in Japan" meme, it's not true
But now he's fighting an enemy who is also fused with Potara
It's because when you are fused you can't unfuse at all. That's what the Old Kai meant when he said they wouldn't be use the potaras again.
>Jap Dub
not as retarded as you
horriblesubs is out
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Why can't our commercials be this fucking cool.
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Vegito was in ONE fight where he was vastly stronger than his opponent.
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How about a new transformation to the only ultimate form instead of vegito
>using his old design instead of the outfit changing with Vegeta's armor

I got a boner
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>post yfw you saw him in the preview
Sorry you didn't get your deviantart donut steel costume faggot
Scale in Dragon Ball has become such shit. Compare that to this.

Wtf? Where did they find extra earrings?
kaioshin and gowasu?

that's literally their only purpose here.
>double trips
>vegito comes back

what's with the red highlights
his opponent was the fusion of buu, mystic gohan, piccolo, gotenks, and trunks.
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Bra Super thread when
Old Kaioshin said the earrings only worked once in a lifetime, but I guess they kinda forgot it (during the Boo saga itself), because once Kid Boo appears, Old Kaioshin asks Kibitoshin to give his earrings to Goku so he and Vegeta can fuse.

Either he was wrong, Toriyama forgot, or it's that "a set" of earrings only works once for two people. Vegetto's first appearance had Old Kaioshin's earrings, that's probably why he asked Kibitoshin to give them HIS earrings. They can't fuse with Old Kaioshin's earrings again (and either way, Vegeta broke one).
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..b..bb..but muh ki control
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thanks doc
Crunchyroll has posted the episode with subs
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>mom's gonna freak--mind

>potara fusion is permanent
>the resulting fusion cannnot fuse again
that's literally all it meant
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>we're never going to see smug Vegito taunt Zamasu
>going to get edgy Gogeta 2.0
Is this OST as good as Z?
They explained this in both Freeza and Cell sagas. You can have a huge planet-destroying attack even if you have a low power-level, but you can have a smaller attack (although more powerful) at a higher power level.

If you have the Cell saga episodes, pay attention to the episode where Cell powers up in front of Gohan SSJ2. I think either Vegeta or Goku say pretty clearly that "Cell is flaring up all his power, so he can contain it at once". When Cell is "flaring up", the whole Earth shakes, but once he contains all that power, he throws a "normal" (albeit more powerful) punch.
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Gogeta will live on through him
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Post otps
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Is this the best arc for characters in literally anything
>Brown hair

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That guy is just being retarded, hell in BoG they explain this same exact thing
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Gohan will bring back the mafuba seal im sure
He just acts smug.

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You do realize that process of adding voice to video is called dubbing right? Dub doesn't mean English you phenomenal shit head.
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So how are they going to unfuse this time?
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He got smug too quick
Someone needs to make a vegitto comp photo of him smuggly wrecking people
So Vegeto>Beerus right?
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Dragon Balls
Ask Boo to absorb them
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>pic and filename
Why does Gohan suck so much at everything?
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dragon balls
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Why is Mai's face so red all the time?
Zeno or Whis shenanigans.
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Why is he so shiny?
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>kill la kill
If powerlevels made any goddamn sense in Super, even Kaioken SSB Goku would be stronger and Vegetto would be Whis level.

As it stands it's probably more like Vegetto being close to Beerus level.
>the final Kamehameha shot from the fusion of two god saiyans looks like a raditz attack
Why do attacks look so weak in super
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I just want Smug Vegeto to end Zemasu's stupid ass already. It'll maybe make this show worth it.
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Videl deserves better than Gohan
Trunks and Mai deserve each other though
>Dragon Balls
That's fucking boring.

>Zeno or Whis shenanigans.
And that is just gay.

There is no interesting way out of this scenario is there?
>Gohan first fucked Videl at age 17
>Trunks became a wizard
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Why would anyone expect this ...dance fusion is weaker and over all just not as useful seeing how it has a time limit and one good shock can split you and cant be done again for yet another time limit
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>no one hugged this anon back
I got you, friend
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Thinking too much about saiyan cock.
It's brown
Vegito had always had brown hair for some reason.
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>However this saga ends Zamasu will be reused under the control of Towa in the dlc for Xenoverse and in DB Heroes so he will feel like a general villain.
>This is inevitable.
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They're more powerful, but more concentrated.
Hell, King Piccolo in DB could destroy a whole city with a single attack, and his power level was 200 and something.
But yeah, we need more planet-sized attacks.
Wow another kiddy pool level - multi city block level fight
Zamasu looks really mad at the end of the preview
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Did they get married twice?
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she's a bit of a prude
What did he do?
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The reason why Vegito seems to be struggling
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>all this shitting on Gohan
That does it. I'm putting an end to this right now.
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Thank you anon, everyone is just a NINGEN

Videl is cute as fuck here
>Trunks restrained himself long enough to unlock his wizard powers
>now can fuck Mai without worrying about losing his powers
Gohan did everything wrong.
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How mad will Zamasu be when he sees Goku and Vegeta use the potara
>GT Gohan hasn't retired even in GT
>Super Gohan retired already
>Final Kamehameha
You've made up for this, Toei.
Being Whis, and have showed a bit more of Toriyama's multiverse
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Of course
>Knocked her up at 18, probably sex before 17
>Trunks is literally a virgin at late 20s
RIP that guy
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You're going to love this, trust me. What you're seeing now is my normal state.
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I just like Whis, and putting the cat glove on Zamasu was pretty good too

I really want to see him and Beerus interact with Vegito though
Raditz himself didn't show anything as big as Piccolo Daimao.
>still lost a beam struggle to Goku
Why didn't he fire another shot?
Didn't old Kai offer them another pair to refuse after they got out of Buu? At least in the anime he did idk if that happened in the manga.
See >>149447524
At first but later you see Vegito beating his ass
brah when?
nice vest nerd. what are you fuckin' gay.
I'm surprised Toriyama even remembered Vegito
Every anon knows that once you eat the forbidden fruit, then your powers is no more after having done the act
>yfw Vegito won't be canon in the manga and instead they will pull Zeno without the fanservice
Thank God Toei didn't add Vegeta's gay armor
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Why didn't they give him his EoZ outfit?
>Trunks kisses Mai
>unlocks new form
How do you explain this anon?
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So can Goku and Vegeta ever split apart? Im assuming they will but the whole "never be able to unfuse" thing with the earrings.
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Why do you think they had it destroyed?
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No that's not how it works. A fused person cannot fuse again with someone else to make it a 2:1:1 ratio of people. Old Kai assumes that defusion would not come into play, as he believed it was impossible.
I think something bad is happening to his fusion. Maybe that's why he's half a deformed monster in the next episode
Meant for Super, already know he is canon in Dbz.
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Man, would he be disappointed to meet a God of Destruction
>entire preview is Vegetto beating the shit out of Zamasu to the point that Zamasu has an autism meltdown


What the fuck am I reading.
Dragon balls exist anon that's how KibitoKai defused
>first time I ever saw or heard Final Kamehameha was in DBGT Final Bout for PS1
So fucking glad its being animated
Those kids are so fucking annoying.
Fucking bullshit, it should have been gogeta
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>shorter than Videl
What a manlet
I'm sure "Vegito happens" was written somewhere in Toriyama's outline.
at least they have good animation anon-kun
wow its really happening
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He has Future Gohan's hair
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This is a cuck.
They already explained about 40 episodes ago that the dragon balls can break up a potara fusion
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vegeta should just wear pic related.
it's his best attire by far
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Wizard powers allow kissing, just not fugging and unprotected hand holding
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Double dubs..
>Tights looks younger than Bulma
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And this, this is what is known as a cuck that has ascended past a cuck
Something probably happened prior to the part we're shown. See how Zamasu doesn't have the ring of light behind him anymore.

It was probably everyone's first time, although I'm not sure if it ever appeared in Hyper Dimension (the SNES game).
>Vegetto not playing around in his base form

Fuck this
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When the fuck are they going to have time to practice a dance they havent used in years? Zamasu aint going to let that shit happen. let alone time to use the earrings.
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It's literally his regular outfit minus this armor
Compare getting hit with a dodgeball to getting shot with a 9mm handgun.
Why should it? Gotenks wears his vest regardless of what Goten and Trunks have on.
This picture triggers me.
Vegeta's brother should've married Bulma's sister instead of that alien child.
He never fought in his base form in the manga
Galick Gun is one of the coolest beam in DB.
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That was Toei filler.
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Guys I want Vegetto/Vegitto to win
they already robbed me my Launch, Goten, Present Trunks, Tien

please don't let them ruin him
please just let him have an awesome victory
just let me have this one
any dank new Gowasu memes
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Has he really found a way to surpass an ascended cuck?
i know
he looks better without the armour
What kind of midget did King Vegeta fuck to produce two manlets?
Dance fusion always has that weird vest. I guess it's the Metamorus' (the race that invented the dance) clothes.
I thought I was watching the anime
Give him time, anon. He's still in that Saiyan mindset
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Hope you're joking.
Base Vegetto wouldn't be able to do shit to Buu Gohan.

That was anime only filler.
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Tights is gay, anon.
because it was an okay casual outfit
and we can't have that happening
He's fighting the Supreme God. If anything Vegeto is internally screaming with joy.
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Saiyans have a thing for tiny women.
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>Vegeta has been relegated to fusion-fodder
>that camel toe
>Vegeta and Bulma's mom that tall
So is Super
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This episode was pure shit.

It looks like all its budget went into the next one. Oh well.
Vegito is love, Vegito is life.

The same we could say for Goku since he can't handle immortal being as well
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And this, is to GO, EVEN FURTHER BEYOND.
If I remember the wiki right, something in there said that Vegetto could have won the fight against buu in his base form
Now that I think of it, smug is a good combination of Goku and Vegeta's personalities.
But this is the anime and it's Toei
they won't
>Vegito decides to transcend existence and become a full time god, ultimately writing them off for a while
>now its up to the rest of the Z Fighters to fight the next threat for the next arc
KEKAROT always wins
Because Gogeta would only be a temporary fusion that would break apart on it's own, and in addition add some drama that they now have a time limit tio beat Zamasu
For fuck sake nigger we've seen 3 fusion which 2 of them aren't fused anymore. Dragon Ball and fucking Buu
They took multiple photos dumbass.
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Then Tori's outline specifically states Vegito goes Blue immediately.
Guess he didn't want Toei to drag it out.
>Trunks and Vegeta combined barely beat Zamasu's blast.
>Goku's single Kamehameha somehow not only beats the blast, but will actually hurt Zamasu

Toriyama you asshole how could you make Vegeta train only for him to become Fusion fodder for Goku
He's also not as muscly as he was inz so i might not looks as good.
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Its not, though they are similar as fuck. On closer inspection the Buu one isn't that nice, in my head it was a training gi. You've fucking ruined Buu saga Vegeta for me
Zamasu was weakened by the Father-Son Galick Gun.
>trunks is tall as Vegeta
Fanservice from Toei. And obligatory Goku "powered up by mc power" kamehameha, don't ask.
it's anime. I'll take what I can get. all the bigger budget animations are just moe blobs with tits and ass
I aint saying i dont dig that i'm just saying you fags whine a lot. Take it with a grain of salt.
Makes sense Goku is leagues above Vegeta and Trunks
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Yeah he's about to jump in and kill Zamasu
>Bulma literally turns into Hilary Clinton
>Goku is leagues above Vegeta and Trunks

He is weaker than Vegeta now.
Toei's fanservice fucking up powerlevels again.
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>all the bigger budget animations are just moe blobs with tits and ass

LOL. Okay
>Goku is leagues above Vegeta and Trunks

Even Whis himself said that Vegeta was stronger than Goku.
No he wasn't he was just angry because they were still resisting and he actually sounded worried when saw Goku
If hillary looked like bulma there wouldn't have been a sex scandal
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>doubting Goku
Never doubt Goku even if it's shitty Toei Goku.
Is piccolo thinking about administering the dose into that hole
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well, the time ring isn't broken, so the ring of light is his halo
>Supreme Kai and Gowasu fuse to Gowasushin and defeat Zamasu Black forcing him to make tea for him for the rest of eternity
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Honestly, what is it with the Japanese and forgiveness
How?ssb vegeta> Ssr>ssb goku
Goku is stronger than Vegeta deal with it
That's not what this episode showed us
It was mostly Vegeta, in addition the kamehameha has always been stronger than the galick gun, the galick gun is just faster, it's like the middle ground between the kamehameha and a finger beam
>happy Raditz
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The buu saga one looks great
that picture is not the great tho
sorry to break it to you bud
>he will fight Zamasu
>can go 1 to 1 against him but can't win
>Trunks has another asspull
>they still can't win
>they press the button and Zeno fixes everything
I know why zamasu is all fucked up like that it's due to black not powering down before fusing which is why he is all fucked up and is overloaded on power but thanks to being immortal negates the effects somewhat
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...why is her hand wrapped around raditz's thigh?
Goku's Kamehameha caused actual damage unlike Vegeta and Trunks' combined Galick Gun. So it's obvious who's the stronger one
>That's not what this episode showed us

But the previous episodes did.
Toei is fine with contradicting themselves for the sake of fanservice.
See >>149448110

Stop Daydreaming
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Just another reason the manga is miles better than this shit anime.

Stop being in denial and admit it.
What if the Kai portion of zamasu is rejecting black's rage?
Using rage as power was foreign to black and when he used that energy it had abnormal results.
I'm pretty sure the only reason why only half his body is mutating is due to black and immortality.
Theres a reason why the Kai have so many rules
Toei won't take the risk to create a new outfit for Vegeto,DB Super is a massive fanservice,they'll use Vegeto as we know him
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She doesn't want him to feel left out since he's a momma's boy.
Buu saga Vegeta will always be "the" Vegeta to me. Though honestly I really like his Whis armor.
Just a little motherly affect anon.
why is the manga in the inferior moonspeak
What exactly is the endgame here? I'm pretty sure they can't come up with another villain that is stronger than immortality + ultimate strength.

Well, the sex with Bulma and Chichi will be very awkward.
>previos episodes
well of course things would change
You got that from a video game, vegetas Galic gun was equal to goku's when goku had a higher powerlevel. Kamehameha < garlic gun
I'm glad Grandpa Gohan is included here, everyone always forgets him over Bardock. Goku's never even met Bardock.
>>that reply.
>> that lol
LOL XD. Fuck off. Cunt. Your a fucking loser. Honest to god.
Gohan and Videl have different clothes
>forgetting that Vegito is better than Goku and Vegeta in every possible way
Vegeto has better ki control than both Goku and Vegeta. If Zamasu does go SSJR, then Vegeto will go SSJ3 Blue. It's bad enough that you fags doubt Goku, but doubting Vegeto is excessive.
Some people are just born to be stupid
Whatever you say Trunksfag
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>The transition has Black
We have a dozen people in the story already stronger than him. This is just a stepping stone for Goku to finally reach Beerus, and then Whis, and that other guy as well.
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My feelings

Why the fuck is this nigga purple.

Aspie pls.
don't you get tired of shitposting?
Endgame is Goku flying off to train Uub. Everything else is just a side adventure where Goku picks up who knows how many techniques.
There was no explanation for it.
Vegeta suddenly overpowering Black was explained with the time chamber training.
Goku is all of a sudden able to fire a kamehameha stronger than Trunk's and Vegeta's combined galic gun for no good reason.
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>been shitposting about DB since I was 11 years old
>now 25

Why can't I get enough of this?
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>Buu saga vegeta will always be "the" vegeta to me.
vegeta is one of the only characters to not have any bad clothes.
even pic related looked good on him
The endgame is to create more forms to keep DBZ fanboys happy.
>People were actually doubting Goku
How can you when we've made it this far. I refuse to believe people actually thought Vegeta could accomplish anything
Jelly Zamasu.
No one remembers that Goku was using kaio-kek to win.

he's 2face.
Vegeto will unleash SSJB2 for the sake of it
If you like him so much why don't you MARRY him. Hahahahahaha nerd

Well we all knew it was coming when they said they were recording goku/vegeta lines mixed
You're the one sperging out though
Can someone post the father son galick gun?
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>v-vegeta is the strongest fighter now! h-he beat up black
>vegeta won't job
I like Trunks, but his powerup was a fucking bullshit all along.
Goku always holds back in the beginning
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>No actual dialog other than stating the most fucking obvious
>No real reason to be there other than to give earnings

you literally post the same shit on every thread,
did you forgot to take your autism pills?
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Now I really want to see Vegito and Beerus interact
The ultimate goal of mankind is to fire a kamehameha
Vegeta's powerlevel = 18,000
Goku's powerlevel = 8,000 (normal), 16,000 (kaiokek x2), 24,000 (kaiokek x3)

Either Vegeta's Galick Gun made him go to 24,000 (since it was equal to Goku's), or Vegeta was weakened. The former seems more obvious, since Goku needed another boost (kaiokek x4 = 32,000) to completely overpower Vegeta's attack.
>vegeta won't job
He didn't job. He did well to be honest. It's just that his rival is based Goku.

Goku beat the fuck out of Black and Zamasu when he got angry
>my feet hurt
>the fighting is too loud
>I wish I was at home drinking tea
>Goku always holds back in the beginning

He wasn't holding back when Zamasu told him how he murdered his Family.
He was not as dominant against Black as Vegeta was when he became serious enraged Goku.
>inb4 people ask if SSJB Vegito is stronger than SSJ4 Gogeta
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Endgame is going to be the end of Z stuff with Uub.

Uub standing up to Goku after he's gone through all this shit is honestly even more impressive than him standing up to post-Buu Goku.
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what went wrong?
Nope. That's why Gogeta would be the better choice.
>be strong enough to beat him
>unfuse in a timely manner and be on our way without any hassle
If Bleach is "I'm right behind you" the manga
Naruto "It was a shadow clone" the manga
then Dragon Ball is "haha I was holding back the whole time" the manga.
Who /pol/ here
ningens happened
Trunks looked like he was going to piss his pants at the end
He needs his dose.
>No real reason to be there other than to give earnings
But he won't because Vegito has Potara on that look like Supreme Kai's
Black didn't power down before fusing he is having an overload.
Generally, fusing with yourself is a bad idea because souls and whatnot. Time doesn't it like it when you interact with yourself.
>burning hatred for ningen
>manifesting by melting his merged ningen cells

>Someone used to make the tea for me
>Oh yea ...
>Maybe they'll stop fighting so he can make some , that was some bitchin nice tea

Vegito smacking his shit so hard he is disintegrating
Goku's was over 8000
Vegeta's was 18000 on Namek after taking several beatings during that fight. I want to say it was 15k at that time but I don't know for certain what leads me to believe that so I won't
Not that any of that discredits the actual point of your post, but just saying
This. Old Kai told Goku not to fuse as SSJ afterall.
Anyone else not see this
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Will be Vegito really be enough to get rid of Zamasu?

Will the Zeno button be used afterall?
Maybe they'll actually bring up "You shouldn't fuse while Super Saiyan that will fuck you up", which I'd expected Toriyama to forget about (because I did until people started mentioning it).
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Know what would be hilarious? If none of this is in the manga. As in, the entire battle gets a 1 page summary as the manga skips ahead to the next arc

I would laugh so hard at all the "manga is better" people
If this is the explanation I'll legit be impressed
They use the supreme kai's earnings

maybe they're only temporary or something
>all the bigger budget animations are just moe blobs with tits and ass

You are correct. There are exceptions but, too often this is the case.
Just fucking realized this
He can't power down
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CTR reporting in
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holy fuck, more accurate than I expected.

Do you have an image as clean as that without the gogeta text?
Fusing a mortal and god body is probably having side effects
Yeah that's the sort of callback that Super occasionally has that you wonder if it's intentional or not.


Vegito seems like he is in control of the fight
Vegeta's power level was 18,000 when he went to Earth, because Cui/Kiwi had the same power level, and was his "rival" (one of Frieza's soldiers mention this). When Vegeta reached Namek, he was stronger, and thus completely destroyed Cui.
In a sense that's something that might be good about having a bunch of Toei writers working on it as well. They were always ones for trying to keep the old stuff relevant. Fuck, They tried to keep Oolong relevant as late as the Broly movie that I can recall.
There's a good chance it's all going to be solved in one Future visit.
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so when is Brah going to be anounced?
z fighters are with her
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>ywn not be in a family full of ningenlets

Doubt they're temporary but not like it matters, they can always use a wish on one of the dragons to reverse.
He's lucifer at this point it seems

An arrogant kai who wanted to become the one true god, ended up getting beat down, becomes more of a devil at the end in form.
Where the new chapter at, why is niggastream so fucking slow
His body is liquefying to cope with the amount of ki he's stored. If he weren't immortal he would have exploded at this point but this is the next step since he can't die
Lmao who is this Marik from Yugioih?
Didn't you wonder why they brought Bulma to the future with them? As soon as Zamasu goes down the entire planet is going to have an orgy. And Vegito is going to sow some warrior seeds.
Ready for daily dose
He looks like he's about to cry.
Fuck off Gokufag
Vegeta totally took that hit for Trunks to avoid a repeat of the Cell saga
i don't think i've ever been as hyped for anything dragon ball as i have been for this
wew lad, seeing 8-man again was hype
wew lad, this arc might rate second only to DB in my opinion
It was actually Dodoria that confirmed Vegeta's power level. He said Vegeta wasn't able to defeat him at first because "everyone knows you have a mere 18,000". When they fought, Dodoria saw Vegeta actually had 24,000.
>Traveled through space and time just to yell ZAMASU again
Reminder for dumb faggots who suddenly hate Gogeta for some reason that if it weren't for Fusion Reborn Vegetto wouldn't exist

>mfw when the King just seems to be giant
>he is actually normal sized man
>he just looks so tall since his family is full off manlets
Anyone have any ideas what the fucked happened to Zamasu to make him deformed? Why the fuck is his fusion dependent on the Ring of Light anyway? Vegito doesn't fucking need one. Logically nobody should able to be pushing Zamasu back. Especially not fucking Trunks and his ass beam. They really dropped the fucking ball with Zamasu..
a couple of upstart ningens are using the god's potara and are kicking his ass
You do realize Vegetto appeared in the manga before Fusion Reborn was made
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If I had to fight Vegito, I would too
Oh fuck me then, I thought he read it as 18000 at that time.
>still lost a beam struggle to Goku
We never actually saw that. I have no idea why they decided to end it on that in the first place, since it was established literally two seconds earlier that winning a beam struggle wouldn't do shit anyway.
I was just about to ask that.
Gine is cute
isn't trunks supposed to be at least as tall as goku in comparison to vegeta tho?
So what bs excuse they will find this time to have them infuse?
What if Trunks got the Mystic upgrade as the manga hinted?
Wouldn't he have buttfuck Black the first time as he is barely stronger than a SSj2
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Glad to see Best Boy is coming back
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SSB Vegito>Beerus?
I believe that Zamasu is turning into a Mah-kaioshin. And his Ki is flactuating like fuck from the transformation. His god side can take it, but his Saiyan cells cant.
>Making assumptions
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You know what's funny?
Why Vegito would be stronger than Zamasu+Black fusion?

I mean what if Z+B is stronger?
Super Goku's base is way stronger than even DBZ Vegito so no mystic upgrade wouldn't do shit
Merged Zamasu is nowhere near as entertaining as Black holy fuck

When someone would overpower Black, he'd just either smirk or no sell it with a serious stare. Merged Zamasu spazzes out immediately. I fucking miss Black and all his smugness.
Smug Bastard's looking as magnificent as ever.
are you retarded?
The real questions here are:

>Does Berus(and Whis) get to meet Vegito and what if yes what are the reactions.
>What if Trunks got the Mystic upgrade as the manga hinted?

He didn't.
Elder Kai never got out of the sword and went straight to the otherworld once the sword was destroyed.
>tfw hated the frieza saga due to re runs on cartoon network
>tfw re-watch it on youtube
holy fuck dbz at its best
>tfw the pic looks West Supreme Kaioshin
I guess we'll find out next week, won't we? :^)
I'm more curious about Chichi and Bulma's reactions
>His god side can take it, but his Saiyan cells cant.
I think its the other way round, reg Zamasu made an astronomical jump in power in a relatively short amount of time compared to Goku Black
Wow Trunks is going to join the peanut gallery next episode
At least he's immortal!
>We have a dozen people in the story already stronger than him
Name them.
But Towa gets killed at the end of XV 2.
It's not an assumption, it was proven by the episode description leak that Goku breaks the Halo and that's why Zamasu has the twisted face.
You aren't being forced to rewatch it replay from Ginyu to Raditz three times, for starters.
He essentially did what Gohan did for him back then.
it's clearly Lord Boros, senpai
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what did he mean by this
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Fusing while on any of the Super Saiyan forms causes too much stress on the body, hopefully that's the explanation and Toei won't shit on canon again
"heard you killed our planet, nigga"
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Are you, faggot? This episode was shit. That beam clash Zamasu had with Trunk was lame and shouldn't have been possible. Trunks cuts through Zamasu Blades of Light with absolutely no recoil from the explosion too. What the fuck is this shit?
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He breaks it in a "life-risking attack." A mere Kamehameha doesn't put Goku's life at risk.
No, it shortens your lifespan. Zamasu is immortal so it shouldn't have any effect
The normal Dragon Balls seem to work fine.
All other destruction diety most likely
Zeno Henchman #1
Zeno Henchman #2
Main angel guarding Zeno, who's called one of the five strongest fighters in creation

Also whoever they fight in the multiverse tournament next arc most likely
Chi Chi will be pissed and start shouting. She's completely unreasonable
Shitposting is a hell of a drug
Based Goku unlike Vegeta and Trunks he's brave enough to risk his life
is Turtle.Fish.Paint. still doing more doujins?
>king vegeta as tall as piccolo
He's risking his life by challenging a beam that can one shot him, how is that not life risking? The entire episode was them saying they're going all out and betting it all.
>Main angel guarding Zeno, who's called one of the five strongest fighters in creation
Grand Priest or something
Just revive King Kai already
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dadgeta always makes me lose it.
toriyama must have been taking the piss with that design
>SSJ2 Trunks being equal or stronger than SSJ3 Goku
Yeah no
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We need a scene with Vegetto smugly telling Zamasu he fucked up by merging as a SSJ
Toriyama hates Vegeta he only kept him around because he was popular and useful to have around. There's a reason why Vegeta always jobbed
I'm sure Toriyama made those GT designs so shitty on purpose.

Its probably considered a risk cause he really shouldn't be able to push it back , makes no sense to be fair, zamasu should be slapping them around like flies without any actual effort. Maybe their fusion is weaker than Goku+Vegita, cause of the level difference between Black and basic Zamasu or some shit like that.
>forced to take part in a shitty filler continuation
i wouldn't be surprised
I doubt Vegetto will be as smug as he was against Buu. He was only that smug to ruse Buu.
For those of you who are curious, an anon already spoiled it.
>Vegito will get his ass stomped and wont be strong enough.
>Rips off the ear ring and throws it to Trunks.
>Vegitunks or Trungita.
>Wreck the ever living holy shit out of Zamas to the point he cant even recover from the damage and constantly leaves him in a pool of goo.
>Only one that can split them up again is All King.
>Push button, fixed, Trunks time line zapped, Trunks becomes Time Cop, Gang plays Mario Kart with Beerus.
Toriyama likes Piccolo, so what's his excuse?
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>Trunks has Senzu beans
>Vegeta injured
>Doesn't give one
>Toriyama hates Vegeta
So who does he like?
Saiyan/Human hybrids have always been bullshit. Take a look at early Gohan.
Fake and Gay
I wish Vegetto BTFO Zamasu using the normal Super Saiyan only
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>Fake and gay.
Vegito was confirmed episodes ago and everybody said the same shit, the only thing they are lacking is the pure anger of Trunks.
Kill yourself.
His favorite character is Piccolo
Anon, he has a smug face in the preview right before he transforms.
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Pretty sure it's more like radiating energy
Potara doesn't stack like that. It only works for one fusion
A fusion can't fuse with someone retard

sounds funny but a fusion with an already fused being with the earnings was said to not be possible. Maybe it was the old kai or someone also not sure if it won't work with the dance.
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What did they mean by this?
Will SSB Vegito vs Merged Zamasu go down as the best fight in Dragon Ball history?
>Another dimensions Porta will however.
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I still don't understand how a fusion made Goku cool
"god damnit father not again"
A literal burning attack done by energy alone would be pretty cool.
I didn't say he wouldn't be smug. Just not "as smug."
I'd like to at least see Vegito and Beerus fight once this whole issue with Zamasu has been dealt with.
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Leave Zamasu to me.
I knew Zamasu would just stand their talking for 20 minutes straight. I knew they wouldn't fuse until 66. fuck.
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Does Potara just make people smug?

It needs to be really consistent with its animation, and it will be great
Where is the 720p HS release?

I ain't watching this shit in 480p.
>what is the Dodonpa

dbzonlyfags get out REEEEEEEEEEEE
Will Merged Zamasu/SSB Vegetto be DLC in Xeno 2 or will we have to wait til' Xeno 3 for that?
That's how Vegeta would be like if he wasn't a joke character.
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still the most arousing fight in dragonball
>Does Potara just make people smug?

Enormous powerups have always made people in Dragonball smug.
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>Does Potara just make people smug?

Yes, in these two instances. KibitoKai was smug too.
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And yet he has been reduced to saiyan babysitter since the Buu saga
That's not what I had in mind. Think of a small sun in your hands, emanating heat.
Broly is a big guy.
Even Cuckhan fans are cucks.

He sucks to no end.
But he's not present with them, so?
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for ur mums cunt xDDD
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At this point it is close to the the worst build up to a fight in the series.

It won't even be nearly as impressive as Saiyan saga Goku versus Vegeta.
>"A Visit from the Omni-King! Bye-Bye Zamasu" is literally one of the upcoming episode titles
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I miss pre-succubus GohanxVidel
Brah Super! I like the name of it.
Read his fucking question. Where do they find the time to practice the dance they haven't done in years?
He made Gohan go to a conference so Piccolo could be in the tournament
>that tall
because they lost ww2
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Gohan would be the dominant height.
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Why wasn't Gohan allowed to have his revenge?
in 1 hour
Fuck no. Goku vs Cell is still the best to this day.
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I honestly expected a gogeta fusion then them fucking it up into throwing earings at them.
That only applies to the dance fusion. You retards seriously need to pay more attention.
He won't, he's being beaten by a ningen, a fused ningen to be exact.
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You are fucking retarded.
still better than english retarded dubs
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That's some nice steel donut that is.
Is he stronger than Beerus?
Yet he couldn't win a single fight
v. good
So whatever happened to the guy who said he'd paint himself yellow and go into Starbucks yelling ZAMAS if Vegito came back?
Fucking twink, this nigger should have been demoted.
You look like you can barely handle the buffet table, fatass.
I hope Toyotaro gives Vegito another clothes.
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I'm surprised Kaioshin hasn't got killed yet

new >>149449575

Didn't those two manipulated mofos explode from the inside ? The most "revenge" he can take on is piss on the remains.
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Delete this
>implying there won't be another bullshit power up
That zeno button is happening
I'm gonna assume you did cuz you never responded back. I win this internet argument, ya cuck faced cheeto laced neckbeard faggot. :D
You know, it would have been great to somehow see Raditz redeemed.
>page 1
This speech was bad ass. Fuck off.
>drawing naked Vados
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How the fuck did this Turtle climbed the house?
>Vegetafag mad Vejobber couldn't solo Zamasu in a beam struggle and had to get his kid to help
He could always take a trip to hell.
Gonna need sauce on that.
It was inaccurate to Goku's character.
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I bet you he'd train but would mostly not fight those who outclass him
When the old Kai told him that they could only fuse/ use the Potaras once in a lifetime, it was because of the assumption was that the fusion was permanent.

This was later shown to be only partially correct, as (in universe) methods of de-fusion were later discovered (Absorbed by Buu being one, and using the Dragonballs to de-fuse being another).

So long as one can defuse, there shouldn't be anything that stops them from re-fusing again.
Sauce pls
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Leave Hit to me.
>Goku the manlet a full head taller than Chichi

What's with Toriyama Chichi tiny?
Already a new one. Delet this
maybe for gringofags, for the rest of the world is awful
If the turtle is alive and the house is still intact, that means that roshi is still alive? Se he can make another mafuba seal?
Kys weeb
Is that guy Hugh Mungus?
>Goku is a 6
>Beerus is a 10
>Whis is a 15

At this point it would be nothing more than shit writing if SSJB Vegito wasn't stronger than Beerus.
vegeta and his dad have been drawn with brown hair in the past so i guess its sort of a thing
her body moves but her mouth stays still.
Likely because Beerus erased Zamasu and the only reason black lived was his ring, so the ring probably got partially broken so it's screwing him up.
The bullet that Mai shot at Black damaged his potara and made the fusion unstable
Hugh Mungus what?
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SUPER BEJITO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDM0SOsylNg&index=66&list=PLkNZidrhpz0wg0nUbiB8N0VC7E7FmeYld
This appplies to both you moron, on one you get less time fused and on the other shit happens all around
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What did they mean by this?
I love that BGM that plays when he transforms
8 going to rebuild
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Yeah, the shot to Android 8 was pretty random.
>Leave Black to me? But I don't want to hurt Goku...
in one game he gets with princess snake.
in another there's a route where he becomes good.
it'd be nice for him to settle down and have a good ending after being treated as a joke for so long
callback to nostalgiafags
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>tfw trunks will never be the legendary super saiyan
If both Kaio Shin and Kibito were at least as strong as a Super Saiyan then this fusion should have been at least Gotenks' level and the useful against Buu.
Against this plothole.

Didn't gotenks prove to be ultimately useless against Buu ? I mean I understand they'd have no time limit , but what could they do ?
Original Toei Animation
>Goku is voiced by a granny.
>Pretty Cool Music
>Serious dialoug

>Goku sounds fucking awesome
>Bad Ass Bruce Falcouner music
>Serious but somtime inaccurate dialoug.

Team Four Star
>Goku sounds like down's
>Cool original remixes
>Inaccurate and self parodying dialog.
Imagine not watching Dragon Ball and seeing this
the premise of the buu saga is really stupid.

why would the kaioshin let them steal the energy? wouldnt they have to go back to babidi regardless of whether they got the energy or not? they were being controlled by him for fucks sack
bruh that's what happened to me
Kaioshin is just a retard
Will Vegito be goofy and serious at the same time?
Helpless in a 1v1, but not Piccolo-tier helpless
But he could have helped alongside the others.
What is the point if Trunks is stronger than the both of them? Goku and Trunks should fuse instead.
>Bad Ass Bruce Falcouner music
It really isn't all that great. Outside of a few tracks, I can only see people that grew up with it enjoying it. That said, it's not totally terrible.

>Serious but somtime inaccurate dialoug.

I'm glad Kai exists. Funimation's improved a lot and it shows well in Kai.
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Watch it (or read the manga of it) at some point
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The only reason that Goku was able to push the blast by himself is cause Vegeta should've used a lot more energy fighting Black , seeing how he was a much stronger opponent , while Goku was fighting basic Zamasu who if we ignore his immortal body is pretty much a bitch that even Trunks could slap around.
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>Vegeta starts crying when Goku says something mean
It's too easy
Not him, but you should. It's great and a lot more consistent than Z.
You know what's really awesome about this reveal, they're ending this saga in a similar route to that of DBGT.
>saiyans obtain a new form ssj4
>final villian is a fused form of other villains, Omega Shenron
>Goku and Vegeta have to fuse in their new form, ssj4 Gogeta to rival the power of their villain
I'm actually really looking forward to this episode now. The last few episodes have been nothing but annoying exposition that hasn't gotten the characters anywhere, so for this to be the penultimate game changer makes me feel a little better.
It's a pretty fun thing to experience, helped me appreciate some of the characters more
That scene is great just for smug Goku
You mean Z
If trunks can just do the mafuba, they can do the dance, vegeta has solid dance skills, it was set up by the bingo dance
Probably why they showed it, also he has a submarine man
>Team Four Star
Why are you comparing an abridged parody dub to actual official dubs made by big companies with more resources?
Calling it now yajirobe uses the broken sword to stab through zamasu to save the crew for a moment before being blown to bits
Are they just copying Gilgamesh now?
I bet Yajirobe will use the sword to cut off his tail
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Leave Zamasu to me.
He likes little women.
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Original Toei Animation
>Goku is voiced by a granny.
>Pretty Cool Music
>Serious dialoug

>make ooc characters
>shitty music like
>shitty dialogue

Latinamerican dub
>Goku sounds fucking awesome
>remains intact the japanese music
>faithfully translated dialogues

Team Four Star
>internet parody... what is the point of this
If vegito jobs, then im dropping dragonball forever
>internet parody... what is the point of this
It's the only way I could stomach most of the movies
he will job.
>what is the point of this
You answered yourself.
DBZA is basically a fan retelling at this point

also, where the hell is hellsing abridged?
>Vegito seemingly gets the upper hand
>mukmasu goes full berserker mode, drunk with power
>Vegito jobs, getting his shit pushed in
>right when it looks like Zamasu is about to kill Vegito, Zamasu implodes on himself cause too much power
>"geez, this zamasu guy sure gave us a run for our money! lets go train with beerus more to improve ourselves! xD"
> Zamasu arc END.
Even if Vegito is retardedly strong, how is he going to beat an immortal guy?
What about Trunks?
Well they canonized final kamehameha
He's only half immortal now though
But not fused by pothala, the pothala increases power multiplicatively.
How are you half inmortal? How do you half die?
That's an oxymoron nigga.
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what else are they gonna rip off
I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.
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is he ok?
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