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Shingeki no Kyojin

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Thread replies: 561
Thread images: 138

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Spoilers in 5 minutes.
Armin a shit.
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Annie is love
Annie is life
I just want Annie to smile again
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
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BRA a best.
BRA are best shingekis.
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BRA are the best.
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>Spoilers in 5 minutes
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So what part does she play in Night Owls plan ?
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Best trio.
Stabbing Eren in the back and taking her rightful place as the Marleyan queen.
Fucking kek. Also, BRA are disgusting. Only Reiner is fine.
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BRA are the best.
Artist, pls?
I only have to look at that picture to know you are pathetic. BRA a shit.
*a best.
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Jealous anon?
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BRA are amazing.
Of what? They aren't even a trio.
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BRA thread?
LM soon.
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Animation team disagrees.
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Annie p-pls.
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Oh wait you're right. They are a group, which makes it even better.

Also BRA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EMA.
Happy birthday Armin.
That pudding song is now stuck in my head. Thanks for that.
Fucking kek.

Nice headcanon. Only BR were a group and friends.
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Anything for you, Mrs. Smith
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BRA thread.
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Closer than anybody else in the warrior team sure, but in the end they still wanted to rescue their comrade.
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Not only that. Isayama, editor, Chuugakkou chan, hounori, smartpass, all the games, everyone involved with snk in any way disagrees with that retard. Something about BRA being a trio upsets him.
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This is fine, contributing with some cute Annie.
I dont have that many pictures of BRA
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Together, separate, any BRA is top tier.
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BRA flashbacks are almost upon us after all this time.
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This. A trio doesn't have to get along 24/7 but just team up for a common goal.
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I'm so happy.
It only upsets how pathetic some are to like such cliché and boring characters. Reiner is the only one who did something himself. But most of you are self inserting faggots.
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Sadly Bertolt is fucking dead and Annie who? I hope Zeke or Reiner tell everything.
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Anally devastated much?
God I fucking hope so.

I only pray we get more background into the Ackerman family after.. I know it'll never happen but I want to believe.
YH is canon.
Not at all. Good for you to like such a pathetic character who died like shit.
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I miss her.
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>Expecting a glorious death
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>They left Marco at the mercy of monsters
>BRA took Marco's only means of transportation and left him for dead.

Really makes you think
>expecting a good death in SnK.
It's like you don't pay atention.
Yeah, you have to comfort yourself with Bertolt dying crying for help to the people he wanted to kill. That was amazing and pathetic.
Armin's sacrifice could be passed as glorious despite the pain. He got a better death than anyone could ask for then Isayama decided he should be resurrected from it just to fluff him up some more. It will always be total bullshit how much Isayama loves that turd
I'm so happy.
>Dedicate half a chapter to his death.
>Have every character go on about how great he is.
>Asspull him back to life.
Armin don't count. He's way too deep into the Sue pool.
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Yet everybody with normal functioning cells weren't cheering at his death. Clearly it wasn't intended to be like that.

Agreed. If SnK was comedy I would've laughed my ass off.
This entire arc was an asspull. At least Reiner had an excuse.
Doesn't matter if the character died crying in such a pitiful way. He deserved to die like that though. I would like Eren to hit him but it wasn't necessary.
Now that the arc is said and done, how would you rank it among the others? For me its tied with Uprising for the worst.
>Clearly it wasn't intended to be like that.
It was. Isayama didn't like Bort at all. He deserved to die like an insect. Eren was right when he said he was only good at being big, big foreshadowing.
He's not the only one. Only JCS may be out the list.
Uprising is still the worst to me. I like the arc in general. The chapter of the Unknown soldiers was amazing and the Sun in the midnight with those speeches and reflections.
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>He deserved to die like an insect.
Eren pls. You're too obvious.
>Isayama didn't like Bort at all.
How many times does the phrase "only drawings in a paper" must be repeated?
>Eren the Hypocrate ever being taken serious.
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Endgame right here, brothers.
Jean is also a drawing in a paper and you can notice how much Isayama likes him. He didn't like Bort and that's all. Erwin had a good dead and his final moments were glorious.
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>Jean and Ymir are is faves
>Jean who
>Ymir sidelined and probably dead
Erwin is the literal exception dimwit. Second most popular character but still dead.
>He didn't like Bort and that's all.
That explain why he posts about him in his blog and talk about the warriors in a good light in the databook.
In the end Erwin's corpse got dragged back out so everything could be more dramatic for Armin
Considering how he treats his favorite characters Bert is likely in his top three now.
He also post about Marlo and Sasha. Just move on Bortfag.
This arc is asspull after asspull. First half of Uprising bored me to no end but after reread at least the foreshadowing was somehow entertaining.
The characters interactions in this arc was pretty sweet but the strategies are absolutely retarded from both side.
So he likes Marlo and Sasha as well.
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He also killed Marco and made Sasha irrelevant after chapter 36. Being killed in a cruel fashion isn't a sign of author hating their characters.
I don't know but Bort's dead was pathetic and if he was thinking of drawing it that way, yeah he didn't like him.
Why didn't Marley back up BRZ with a couple thousand soldiers?
Armin is worst shingeki.
He did that for Levi. For him to understand Erwin's motivations and everything.
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Isayama said he also didn't understand Eren yet draws him screaming like a ragetard for MUH OCEAN.
By your logic I guess he hates Erwin as well.
Isayama never drew a death who wasn't "hopeless". Even stoic badass Mike and hardened Grisha couldn't scape it. Bertolt's death wasn't a especial case.
Marco was a secondary character. Just think about how Isayama dedicated pages to Levi, Erwin, Eren, Armin and just left Bort die like an insect.
And also hates his favorite characters.
I an talking a about the closure of his character. Bort said he wasn't afraid and he died screaming like a baby. If that was intentional, Isayama wanted to prove he was a coward. Erwin died with dignity.
Literally every character except Erwin and Kenny has had a horrible death.
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My bad, I didn't know instinct of survival was cowardice.
>muh ocean
Just a prove of his selfishness. Nothing new from him.
Virtually every soldier that died is a coward by this logic.
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Actually Bert is shown side by side with them.
Ymir also looked pretty chill when she almost died during Utgard.
Marlow died peacefully
It's been like four years, has there been any plot progression? Seems like everyone's just talking about the same old shit.
Not even Mike died crying for help. He cried but not wanting for others to save him. Bort was a coward.
Who died crying for help? They died crying because they didn't want to die but they still did it. That was brave.
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>This is peaceful.
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He didn't scream because he didn't have time to.

Mein fucking sides, the insane logic.
He died with dignity and accepting his fate.

But he had time to cry for others to save him. That's even more pathetic.
Why wouldn't it be?
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There isn't any dignity in Erwin's death. Isayama prived him of that when he didn't let him die instantly. Kenny pic related.
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Hold on. I guess that means Carla is a coward for screaming for help too?
>Not even Mike died crying for help.
He did though.
There's dignity of course. He abandon his dreams and used himself as bait along with the other soldiers. Who the hell do that?
I felt fucking awful for Nanaba though, her death upset me.
>They died crying because they didn't want to die
That's the same thing Bert did.
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She didn't want Eren and Mikasa to go but still she didn't scream. She covered her mouth. Move on Bortfag.
It isn't just about a character getting a cruel or hopeless death. Who made it onto the cover of the last volume that Bert lived through? How many pages did Bert get in the chapter in which he died, and how many of them weren't him begging for his life? Who got more fleshed out in the lead up to their death, the minor character Kenny, or the colossal titan? Isayama went out of his way to show Bert's thoughts about how he wanted to kill characters the readers are supposed to like and then have him beg for them to save him in direct contrast to earlier development of the character, he obviously didn't want anyone feeling sympathy for him when he died. Bert was written like trash this arc and went out with less spectacle than a redshirt.
It isn't the same. Bertolt wanted someone to rescue him, the soldiers died crying because they didn't want to die but didn't scream for others to save them.
But them he got dragged on a shameful display of SL's true nature, was shitted on twice and dragged again away like fodder.
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How to be a coward according to your insane logic
>Have selfish thoughts
>Eren fits the three of them
Wow. Lots of characters fit your fucking bill. Find new brain cells.
Isayama did that for Levi to realized Erwin's dream was selfish.
Titans are humans that got an injection
Shifters are titans that ate another shifter
King of the walls has the power to control titans and alter peoples memories
Grisha ate the intended queen and Eren ate him
The false king of the walls was deposed and Historia (descended from the king) installed as Queen
Ackermans are superhumans the kingdom tried to exterminate
Bort died
Erwin died
Armin is a shifter
Walled kingdom is north korea + israel on madagascar, humans live with early 29th century tech on the mainland
Monkey Trouble is Eren's half-brother by Grisha
>Cry because you don't want to die makes you a coward .
So 8/10 of the SL are hopeless cowards. EMA included.
The Eldians deserved what they got.
You are not even reasoning. Just want to excuse Berthold's pathetic dead. No character died that way. It was also justice for Marco's death.
That's a difference of crying because you don't want to die and crying for others to rescue you. The first one is a human reaction, the other one is dependency and cowardice.
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>Isayama literally said no murder is justified
Damn, Eren. Somebody should pry the keyboards away from you hands.
It isn't justified you are right. It only e Bertolt was a coward who needed Reiner's protection.
>No character died that way.
>Frieda's siblings
>Eren's squad
>Almost Armin
>Almost Eren
>Trost countless fodders
>Almost Sasha
>FT's arc countless fodders
>Nanaba and wine guy
>Almost Reiner
You saying?
>crying because you don't want to die is different from wanting someone to save you
Okay anon.
RIP Mike, you were wonderful.
I miss the veterans.
None of them "died" screaming for others to help them, they just cried.
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>Saved Reiner from a titan in Utgard
>Threw himself as CT over AT
>Dragged Reiner away from his titan when Zeke BTFO'd him
>Made sure Reiner was okay while aborting the barrel
You're damn right he's a coward!
Why do retards still think the story is black and white? There's no good or evil side. Everyone has their own reasons for fighting.
Half of these indeed died crying for help.
It is different. If you don't want to understand, that's your problem.
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This. Except BRA, because they're 100% evil
But not wanting to die makes you a coward.
No they didn't.
What actually makes Bert's death mostly pathetic is how acted all though seconds before and he even asked his enemies to save him.
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What I understood from your posts is that several pieces of your brain are missing considering the circumstances of his death.

Eren pls.

Isayama's writing doesn't match his words and there's nothing gray about the story anymore. Apparently now, one side is defending their home and the other is trying to take their resources. How is that not black and white?
Tell that to Isayama who drew him screaming for help.
So you're saying a person crying because she doesn't want to die don't mean she wants to be saved?
Mike, Auruo, Erwin, Gelger, Nanaba, Petra, Gunter, Erd, Dita... Best characters are dying...
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mike and someone.jpg
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Auruo and Mike <3
What I understood is that you are desperate to find a justification but failed.
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>Bert needs protection from Reiner
>Shows he can handle himself
>Still cowardice
You sure love to get hard on that word.

He accepted his fate and it was instant.

Better than screaming in horror while getting eaten alive.
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Even though they were who's, I still miss the Levi squad.


>that file name
mein sides.
I am crying because I don't want to die and that's a fucking normal reaction. I am not crying for my prince or princess to save me from death.
Eldians have death and destruction hardwired into their DNA. What Marley did to them was right.
>Background character who appeared in order to die (some of them even without drama)
> The best
That's frustrating
>Normal reaction.
So is crying for help when you feel your life is in danger.
Tell that to Isayama. I don't know if he was a coward but he even asked his "enemies" for help.
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Nobody wants to know how pathetic your life is anon.
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>Asked enemies
>Realized he was in enemy territory
>Asked allies for help
Wow the retardation you're going with this line is amazing.
It's different. Soldiers are trained for that, they knew their lifes are in danger but not of them died screaming for help, only Bertolt.
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KEK prove you've been in the military?
I would still love to go on a shingeki seaside holiday. All are welcome but Zeke has to stay away from stones so he doesn't throw them at anyone.
Armin also has to refrain from biting people as he has picked up a habit of doing so recently.
>are in danger but not of them died screaming for help
Actually there's more than enough situations when this happens, Trost and FT's arc. Saying no one ever died screaming for help but Bertolt sounds like you haven't read the manga at all.
BR are evil, Annie is not.
>tells them he's going to kill them all
>begs them to save him, when he's the one about to die
Definitely the worst and moth pathetic death.
Keep whining because they don't like my favorite character.

>allies the people you want to wipe out.
That logic. I don't expect anything better from a BRAfag.
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U fucking wot m8

>Cowardfags being this self-centered
KEK. Never change, retard.
Tell me my friend. Who died screaming for others to save them?
155 replies and still no spoilers.
Everytime I read something like that I remember that it isn't Bert who don't want to kill an entire race, it's someone else.
Screaming for their enemy to save them you mean which is even worse. And after having a fucking edgelord streak going too on top of that.
Do I really have to read all the manga again because of your match 22 reading?
Too early.
No I don't like Bort kek.
Don't the spoilers show up on the 5th the earliest?
Reminder Eren shouldn't never ask anyone for help since he plans to kill every last one of them.
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Cowardfag pls. I hate Shitmin yet you don't seem me whining how shitty as a character he is.

You don't need to because no one other than Bertolt died like that.
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That sounds adorable.
I assume there's a camping trip right afterwards?
>U fucking wot m8
BR are evil, Annie is not.
Keep proving you are even more retard. Just stop replying me. I don't care about your characters and don't care about Ymirshit. I don't know why are you mention her.
Levi didn't care whether his dream was selfish or not.

Erwin passed away peacefully surrounded with people who gave a shit about him. For fuck's sake, half of his side is missing and you didn't even see blood anywhere on his body when he died. He even gets to rest on a bed with a flower on the side.
That autist called you an Arminfag, retard.
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Keep trying

Who do you care about, cowardfag?
And you would just ignore it like you ignored any canon proof I ever posted.
Kek my bad. That's even worse but who the fuck cares about a Bortfag.
So far I am considering a seaside trip, camping trip, city break (probably museums and some light shopping), a trip climbing up a mountain and a theme park!
I'm sure everyone would have lots of fun.
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(You) apparently.
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What canon prove? You didn't post shit.
Why did OP lie?
He didn't. Armin is a shit of worst proportions.
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Why it have to tell truth?
You do, apparently. And very much.
Oh, you.
>being thrown into the serumb owl for cheap drama
>Erwin died with dignity
u wot?
How dobyou think Annie/Reiner will react to Bert's death?
Better than Eren and Mikasa to Armin's """death""".
It is when the main characters are so shit you have to cheer for background fodder
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Not so well.
Eternal suffering.
b-but Zeke has blonde hair, not gray.
They'll kill Armin once and for all.
You can't be that delusional.
>You apparently
>Ten Bortfags replying to my post
Kek just let it go.
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Which one would you walk home gently, /a/?
Ellen of course
Then accidentally trip and go grab her boob for extra support
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The only answer
Just the one boob or would you spread both hands out and gain maximum support by grabbing the two?
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Cubs are Titans
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Post your best Ellens!
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>Eren will never be a girl
Armin should have died.
Is Zeke our guy?
All Yeagers are shit.
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Marleyans > Eldians
Only Eren and Grisha. Faye, Zeke, and Grisha's parents did nothing wrong.
Historian a much cuter version of Armin. Would pound that boipucci.
I'll give you Faye, but Zeke and Grisha's parents a shit as well.
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>tfw 5 hours left for yonkou

what do I do to pass the time?
Masturbate to your shingeki.
I agree with >>149357263. It's a fantastic way to pass the time.
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Excellent advice.
Good luck finding your vagina under belly apron, cow.
Where did you find this?
a-absolutely not!
Letter soon.
Gas all shipper fags
Eren is kind of handsome. I like him very much.
>humans live with early 20th century tech on the mainland

FTFY, Wall Dwellers would be 100% doomed if the mainland is in the 29th century
Dear BRfag stop posting this carcinogenic art
Fucking heathens. This is Christian board don't forget this!
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Ship of the devil
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>Also BRA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>EMA.
That's not saying much since EMA are among the worst characters
Who went out like a bigger bitch?
Bert or Mike?
Ymir is alive.
Ymir a shit
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EMA will soon be a duo. AM will be alone and for the shipperfags, maybe a couple.
Of course.
Guy Annie whew
But I don't want to sex my shingeki anon
spoilers when????????????????
when you pray to the Wholy Trinity anon
Why are AoT threads by far the gayest thing on /a/
Next week
Over half of the fanbase are fujos
That's sad...The world is becoming degenerate.
Isayama killed his own manga, and turned his fanbase into morbid shipperfags and whofags.
Maybe I am the only Isayamafag here but I still have faith in him. He is amazing.
How is he amazing? I can say I really like his style, the way he draws, but when it comes to the story, is pretty lazy, and trying to develop characters and the big topics are not easy to him. At least he doesn't want to drag the story too much, but the basement and the Colossal's death were executed in such lame way, and those two were two important points in the manga.
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Ymir is beautiful
Ymir a shit
GTFO bortfags.
That she is.
Annie never gave a shit about him
Reiner will be sad/angry and try to avenge him but at this point he's just a useless jobber.
I think the death of the Colossal titan was a big irony and he intentionally did it that way. Eren said he was only good to be big. The explanation of the origin of the titans makes sense and Grisha's story is good.
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you forgot Hannes
I still can't believe ErwL is dead and done for. I can't tell you guys how happy I am.
Why are u even trying?
That ship still lives
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Because I can.
No anon that is clearly Ymir.
You wish.
I guess since Bort is dead those Reiner have no other option that have fun on their own. Own
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bort 4ever
Mikasa > Eren > Armin
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Member when Annie used to be in the story ?
BRA unironically did nothing wrong.
She'll be back again soon anon.
8-12 chapters.
Who's Annie?
People still trying to justify their actions.
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But BRA did nothing wrong. EMA is shit, deal with it.
Then, if he did nothing wrong, how come Bert is dead?
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>Assuming the SL is righetous
KEK EMAfag pls.
cause fuck you, thats why.
Nothing gives more (you)s than insulting Bert.
It's time to celebrate my brother, now that Erwrong is out of the way our delusional ship finally might stand a chance!
>Implying anyone can replace Erwin in Levi's heart
>Implying Levi won't die after killing Zeke
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He's 2cute2live
Levi will continue to live a happy life with hange
Bert was ugly though. Jean and Eren are better looking
You're delusional and annoying.
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Whose balls will levocat clean now that erwoncat is ded ;_;
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Kill yourself, spic.
And you're blind not to see the love tension between levi and hange
Levocat has canonically been cleaning Hange's for a while now, so I guess he'll continue doing just that.
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Can't you see how cute he is?
Kill yourself.
The only manlet I like is the cat one. The real one is shit.
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>Anon doesn't know what balls are
Still can't believe bert is dead. I mean he was the fucking colosial titan, the face of the franchise.
Are you implying Hange doesn't have balls?
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>See this
Would you join the kitty corps?
I was sooooo happy to see Bert crushed beneath Armin's teeth. A bitch titan was killed by a titan. Love it. I haaaaated Bert more than any other character. SOOOO STOOOKED
Yes, because I love cats.
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Levocat a cute!
A cute!
So was there any point in making Eren and Monkey Troubles brothers?
Please kill yourself
All cats are cute. Even an Armong one.
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>the edgy edge
The fact that you like butthole proves you're a faggot hahaha
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>see this
What do?
>Armong's birthday.
>Literally no one gives a shit.

KEK did all the Armongwhales finally go back to Tumblr? Even Mike had people celebrating his birthday.
Bert was an edgelord too. I don't actually understand either how anyone liked this character.
Pet him and wish that the actual Armong was replaced by him.
You're a day late anon
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He was a cute edgelord.
They don't tolerate people insulting their favorite.
They aren't innocent either and they did wrong.
Because they're insecure, knowing that he is genuinely a steaming pile of shit.
You are the loser that come late to the party don't you?
I really enjoy when Eren cut his neck.
Only samefagging Arminfags cared. No one even bothered to make an OP with him. Kek.
Not sure if shitposter or genuine Arminfag
Hey faggot kill yourself. The last thread was full of birthday wishes and allahfag.
Hi newfag. Glad to see that you're unaware of how literally no one gave a shit about Armong.

MikaQT didn't even bother to try to ruin it, that says something.
>full of
It wasn't, that was nothing compared to most birthday threads. Not even drawfags cared.
>full of birthday wishes
>implying it's not samefagging
If that makes you feel happy, Arminfat when that was really crap in comparison with the drawfags on other birthdays.
Fuck off Bortfag. Literally what is the point to mention that a day late? I don't care about him but I don't hate him either but you guys are so obvious.
>anyone that disagrees with me is a BORTFAG!
MOOOOOMMMMM. Also facing the truth is triggering huh?
I don't know if that was samefagging except for Allahfag but they won't come if they know people hate them here.
>I don't care about him
Sure, that's why you're so butthurt.
Come on anon you are so obvious. Anyways your discussion isn't with me.
Or more like because no one wanted to draw that shit character. We even had a birthday drawfag who has drawn for every character.
Who the fuck is that?
>implying the drawfags themselves don't hate Armong
ohhh woowwww, you're literally a super genius detective. why haven't the fbi hired you yet????

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This. I still remember this gem from Reiner's birthday.
What else would you expect? Most Arminfags are lazy complainers who'd rather waste their energy trying to convince other characterfags to do their work for them. This year, I've seen nip Arminfags harass Marcofags and Bertfags for the crime of active artists who'd rather circlejerk over a dead character than produce anything featuring Armin.
Why should I? Stating the obvious when this thread was is full of retards Bortfags.
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Levi is going to survive this and open up his tea shop.
Care to provide source? Was it on 2ch? I've seen mentioned before that even nip Shitminfags are obnoxious cunts.
>ohhh woowwww,
Fuck Armin and you Bortfag.
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God these are cringy as fuck.
I hate Bort and I hate Armin, but Armin is far worse of a character. I didn't like Bert because he was overhyped, and became an annoying shitlord in his final moments but Armin is the worst because he's an unapologetic Gary Stu.
yes yes I'm a Bortfag. I love Borty's complexity so much. what are you gonna do?
I don't fucking care fat.
Yes you do. You can't deal with the fact that your tumblr Gary Stu has haters who don't think he's a precious coconut that should be coddled.
Don't even waste the effort on Arminfats. They're pretty much braindead.
Disgusting. Stop being triggered if you aren't a Bortfag and I don't fucking care about Armin either so fuck off.
Yes you do. You keep replying so abrasively that I bet you're even crying.
This. I probably wouldn't hate Armong so much if it wasn't for his cancerous fags that get immediately triggered and start sperging the moment people start shitting on him.
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Must be hard hating fun.
Armin was a mistake.
I've always hated him and EM.
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Fucking kek.

No I didn't. I just gave my opinion and I don't care about Armin but literally I have no reason to hate him either. People just can't accept the fact that some are here for the story and not all of us are fanboys or waifufags.
Nip artists' twitters. It seems like the main strategy is to completely ignore/shun Arminfags and keep trucking along out of spite. A few artists have made disclaimer tweets that basically say "I might like Armin too (and enough to draw him once in a while) but I swear that I'm not an Arminfag".
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Someone's gotta do it. Doesn't change the fact that those pictures are pure cancer.

Yes, yes he is.
Every time you post this an Armongwhale commits suicide.
You're what you eat I guess.
Arminfag, we fucking get it you're a thin skinned pussy. It's time for you to go back to Tumblr now.
>literally abloo bloo bloo muhhhh Armong
Don't get so triggered.

Suicide watch hotline: 116 123
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It just won't be the same ;_;
Your little brain can't get it I see and fuck dumblrinas posters. I don't waste my time hating non existent characters.

Literally when? I already said I am fucking indifferent to him. This place is like hell.
>shitting on him
You don't even have to do that much to get an Arminfag to react. I've seen them go apeshit on people for saying that Armin is alright but some other character is their favourite.
>ErwL fujo
Fuck out of here with that shit.
If you're so indifferent then why are you this buttblasted replying to us when you can simply ignore?
>This place is like hell
Thanks to retards like you. >>>/t/umblr is where you belong.
I didn't start this shit but you keep replying to me when I didn't have the intention to start a fucking fight.
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>Buttblasted LHfags
You would like me to come from there so I would keep posting cancerous images in every post.
I'm guessing you're probably going to kill yourself tonight because you seem very upset.
Why didn't Erwin leave someone more competent than Hanji in charge?
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>dislikes ships
>considers ErwL cancer
>immediately labeled as an LH fag

You shipperfags are the fucking worst.
Fucking fujos.
Can you just post spoilers so I can leave this cancer infested general?
Arminfat on S U I C I D E W A T C H

116 123
I'm so glad Erwin is dead.
So glad, I honestly hope you cried for chapter 84.
You're disgusting
Wish Levi died instead of Erwin.
Why do you hate the handsome Erwin, anon?
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Don't underestimate the power of fujos.
Erwin might be dead but those autists will continue their delusions for the rest of time.
Uninteresting fujobait. Brewed the most obnoxious of fags, and most of them have given up after chapter 84. Only self-loathing faggots are rooting for his corpse kek.

I want him dead too.
I wish you were kidding pinkguy.
The most obnoxious fags will always be EMAfags and Levifags, but Erwinfags can get pretty awful too.

And the obnoxious ones right now are the LH fags and Armongfags, and the MKQt.
Just fucking let it go for God's sake.

Triggers the hell out of me to be called an Arminfag when I am not even fucking mentioning him. Why are you people like this?
Armin is shit.
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Wish I could say the same. Unfortunately it is no joke.

The Levifags are the worst when they get started with shipping.
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It was a sad sad day.
Erwin > shit > Armin
Good for you.
Yes, but hell I would take even Grisha over Armin.
>Erwongfags still blame Levi.
Not an Erwinfag just think Erwin was a better character in comparison.
Utgard was best arc because no EMA or Levi
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If he was really better he would be alive right now, don't you think?
Utgard was the worst for me. Except for Connie and Reiner.
Fuck off frog poster
Being dead somehow makes you worse? Nah, his time was up. He did what he had to do and I am okay with that but if I had a choice I would kill Levi over Erwin any day because he's boring and typical.
We can be as vocal as ever now considering Erwin and Moblit are gone. There's nothing standing in the way to endgame city.
Actually, because he was better he had to die.
This manga's gonna have a bad end, with Erwin, only the good end is possible as he would know exactly what to do.
There's nothing interesting in Erwin.
I mean if people can find Mankasa or Eren interesting they can sure as hell find Erwin interesting.

Or Armin
>Arrogant Erwongfags.
I would like to see your face when Hange makes a better job.
I doubt anybody finds Armin unironically interesting.
I like Hange, the ones that are gonna job hard are EMA.
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Good thing he was freed from his hell
Wongfags do have good reason to brag about their character. He was probably the most thoroughly developed and had some very BASED moments. Erwin really surprised me in the long run, when initially I thought he was just going to be stoic and creepy.
He is not that interesting but I like him. Don't hit me please. Of course he isn't the only one.
My brother in arms!
Hange and Levi also had BASED moments and none of them lost a limb :^)
Armin ruined Eren.
The retarded manlet is a Stu just like Armin so unsurprising and Hanji could lose an eye. Giving Erwin a handicap made him even cooler desu.
Armin ruined snk.
Arminfags ruined /snk/.
Meme magic seems to like LH a lot
We fucking get it Shitminfag, we could all tell by your third world English whining that you like him.
>Giving Erwin a handicap made him even cooler desu.
Only idiots would think a stump without a proper replacement is cool. An eyepatch, now that shit is noice.
The only development he had was dying before accomplish his dream.
Eyepatches are cliche but I do like Hanji. Erwin was great besides his fanatic fujos, stop being so contrarian.
Only a stupid motherfucker would argue with those quads I ain't fuck with them damn.
So your whole beef with Erwin is because you think he overshadows LH?
They only like him because he is good looking.
Well as per usual, manletfags are retarded whales who are easily buttblasted like Arminfags.
>Erwin was great besides his fanatic fujos
You're wrong. All he had going on was
and that's about it. A rat, that's what he was.

Hange is cool. Manlet can die for all I care.

>stop being so contrarian.
Suck my cock.
Actually, Erwin looked weird as hell even by Isayama standards. Still thought he was cool though, you're probably going to sudoku when he gets a ton of attention in S2.
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Pls. At least he gets to spend quality tiem with his dad in heaven ;_;
And Hange has even less going for her but you still like her.
How do you ruin what was always trash?
>You're wrong. All he had going on was
You need to reread the mango if that's what you think.
Also Hange is cool, so is manlet. He is actually a nice character with actual depth.
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I find him fucking ugly. Only retards would watch the anime.
Manlet is on par in staleness with Eren.
That's a loaded comment coming from an Arminfat.
>He is actually a nice character with actual depth.

Appreciate you.
I've re-read that shit so many times it isn't even funny. You're giving Erwin too much credit but he's a stale character.
Stop finger pointing Erwongfag. Deal with it.
Erwin has accomplished more than most other characters.
I dread to ask you who's your favourite shingeki.
It's Armin. This fag gets so butthurt when Blort or Erwin are mentioned.
Your wish. Even Connie is better looking than Erwin.
I don't have a favorite, but I do dislike certain characters more than others.

Armin is boring and his current shifter state was the biggest ass pull in the history of manga.
>I don't have a favorite,
Connie isn't ugly, but it's hard to care about his existence aside from his village's tragedy.
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>5 hours till Yonkou

Fucking erenfags we would have had it by yesterday
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Stop lying
Pretending to hate your favorite isn't doing you any favors.
Don't be delusional. It's still a couple more days to go.
Believe what you may, but I guess I like Jean more than others. He's come a long way.

You're wrong.
>meme magic

It's RNG god blessings, not meme magic. Meme magic is when it becomes canon because of this. Get ur shit straight.
>deflecting onto Jean
Nice try arminfag.
Flocke > EMA
How come you're this fucking dense? I dislike Armin as much as I dislike Erwin.
Not him but why do you like to fingerpoint that much?
Can't argue with those dubs.
>comparing Armin to Erwin
I just can't see the logic in this statement.
>All of this fingerpointing

Any spoilers out yet? Fake or Real.
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They'll open a tea shop after this war is over and procreate
As with each month I come here to read the spoilers as soon as possible before fucking off in my whole until next month. With that said I just want to say one thing.

Ymir a stinky shit and hope she is alive so I can witness the village burn her alive with lots and lots of pages full of details.
Stinkren was always a smelly shit. There was nothing to ruin.
I'm with you there.
He's just overvalued just like Marco and Ymir.
Just like every character.
>overused garbage that edgelords and 2kool4skool retards love wearing
Ow the edge
Yeah, yeah, whatever you say but certainly putting aside your butthurt there are some characters with good development.
For example?
While all characters are stale, the most overvalued characters are EMA, manlet and Marco, going by the last poll.
Jean for example. You can even see how has he grown up through the chapters even if he's level of importance is the same as Connie and Sasha who haven't had any great development since 30 chapters ago.
if that poll was run among /A/ anons I'm not amazed about those results.
Has Isayama ever said that shitlet likes women at least? I meant manlet clearly isnt a gaylord but it seems that he isnt really interested in pussies. He was a dick to narrow minded fags like Eren or disliked indecisive idiots like Hisu, and also seemed to find Hanji annoying.
Hes loyal to his comrades though
He's pretty overvalued as well and only got his spot because of fujos. Just like the other top 3. Well Eren also got the MC bonus.
I was talking about the official nip poll.
Jean is your typical character. I like him but he is so normal that meh.
I disagree. As a fellow SNK fan from the start of the manga and apart of the fujoshit side of the fandom I think it's obvious how many character have great development. But if you only want to complaint about the fujoshits and such I get why do you think everyone are overvalued. Why are u even reading this manga, m8?
Since last official poll Erwin (1 place) and Levi (2 place) seems to be the most overvalued characters of the story.
Because I read it for the mysteries and there are still two characters I at least like a litte.
This. Every time a Jeanfag is asked about why he likes him, it's usually "b-because he got some development". His development isn't even that interesting, so I don't get his popularity.
I agree. Jean's been written with care and you can tell that reading the manga, that's why I like him in the first place.
He's the only character with any form of development so there's that.
Jean is the normy of the group that provides contrast to everyone else's super special snowflake abilities. I doubt he's going anywhere. I'm thinking Sasha gets a slow death just to demonstrate that that shit happens in war, and I imagine Connie is going to get titanized at some point, just like mommy.
There are others as well, so that argument to like him doesn't work anymore. And like I said, his development is not that interesting anyway.
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In all honesty, Levi is more than likely asexual with no interest in either men/women.

Considering is background, and his current position as captain I highly doubt he cares about developing any kind of intimate relationship with anyone.

He also just doesn't seem to give a shit.

That is some top tier cancer right there.
>Erwin above Levi

I don't understand.
>Erwin (1 place) and Levi (2 place)
Maybe you should check that poll again.
His development is practically stop to be and asshole.

Fear of intimacy because PTSD isn't asexual. He probably has a normal sex drive, just obviously doesn't want a relationship because he thinks they will die and he's tired of losing people.
>Erwin (1 place) and Levi (2 place)
>citation needed.

Last poll had Levi almost doubling Erwin's score.
On that note, was there ever a popularity poll that Levi hasn't taken first in?
Maybe Levi was at 1 place, I don't remember but those two were the most loved character according to the official poll.
Manlet was 1st, but the top 4 in general were all shit tier.
Yes, it's your cliché jackass with a heart of gold.
The normy of the group is the less interesting. Everybody love him because they can see themselves.
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I wanna know who's your favourite
>tfw is Levi
I agree, his development it not quite interesting but the development is there. BTW I'm not a Jean fan but he was the first one that came to my mind when it's about SNK character development.
>fear of intimacy

I never said that, but ok I guess. Again he really just doesn't seem to give a shit about intimate relationships with anyone.

There's not enough background to even say he has a normal sex drive, at that point its just baseless assumptions.

He's loyal to his comrades and that's about it.
When they say "see themselves" I kind of doubt many readers actually relate to jean's personality especially if they're a faggot reading manga.
Jean was set up to be Eren's foil, but then Eren went full retard and that pushed Jean into a more level-headed damage control role because the protagonist keeps being a useless fuck up.
The shitty top 5 would be complete if only Ymir and Annie were included.
They like to self insert as Jean but of course they aren't like him at all. I find him annoying with his moral but he can't even say "thank you" or "I am sorry".
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>but the top 4 in general were all shit tier.
I only like Jean and Hanji from top 5. I'm glad Mikasa didn't make it, she doesn't deserve any popularity.
>They like to self insert as Jean but of course they aren't like him at all
Only fujos like him, the rest think he's annoying.
I don't really find Jean as realistic as others. Yeah he's not a special snowflake but not many can also relate to his personality either. I don't mind him though, I wonder how he will be as an adult.
Only Hanji is ok, the rest of the top 5 are overvalued.
I find it weird how he's the fujo bicycle when he's arguably the straightest guy.
I can't believe Marco made it to 8 place. Just what the hell?
I'm not fujo and he's favourite. Only insecure arminfats don't like him.
Fujos, man. Well it is interesting to compare the first poll to the newer one in my opinion.
Armin and Jean are both shit.
I remember an Arminfag who gets really mad about Jean.
Why would Arminfags hate him?
It was basically a shipping poll.
I remember a JMfag who hate Armin with passion. Maybe because of AM.
At this point there's no hope Erwin will get down next poll.
Nobody gives a fuck about AM besides the samefag Shitminfags here.
LHfags are cancer.
Why so butthurt?
Because EMA pairings are cancer.
>People who like Jean are normalfags.
Jean's fanbase is mostly fujos.
I remember a nip saying he wants Jean to die after the OVA, because he's annoying.
Makes sense.
I remember as well.
>People who like Jean aren't austistic.
Explains the lack of jeanfag shitposters

>Caring about a non canon OVA
Now that is sad.
>People who like Jean aren't austistic.
Kek. The few that exist here are pretty autistic.
>lack of jeanfag shitposters
This newfaggotry sure is something.
You mean your average Jeanfag that is easily triggered?
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All ships are cancer.
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Late but still on time.
>easily triggered
Arminfat pls, that's you.
Stop fingerpointing with your dirty fingers.
I think you're onto something there
جايك من حوالي 15 سنة، ليلا ونهارا في المخيم على السرير استيقظ، انظر إلى السرير المجاور و نفك فتح النافذة، نافذة أيضا، مع بصمة الكبار؟السرير المجاور و نفك الناس عبودية لا تريد هي استعادة إل ضياء إرسال بقايا الحزب، ولكن ما نفك الغذاء في الجزيرة دون الدماغ، الدماغ مع الدماغ هو غير معقدة، و قوة تحمل
جايك وهي إرسال شخص إلى جزيرة
و في البحر و انظر إلى الذين رأيت بصمة لا تحدد المقصود.يعتقد العملاق جيك الخوض فيه الشهادات على البحر، جزيرة، مع قوة محرك رقم لا الدماغ، ثم في الليل في جثة أيضا الرفيق هو بداية اليوم عند الفجر، فولدمورت لا رؤية.......أبو جريشة • الملابس، مرآة العين
In my restless sleeps I wonder if love like this can exist in the real world, but then I lament, because it never got to born in the fictional world either.
The love that hurts the most is the unspoken love.
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I can't wait for every ship to ultimately get BTFO'd.
I don't like Jean but I like JH. How is that possible?
>Shit pairing, shit girl, shit taste.
You forgot shit boy.
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I can't wait to make the word cloud of this thread.
inb4 the top word is armin
No, Jean remains best boy.
They can't stop talking about him kek.
He's shit.
He is pathetic just like you.
Even if it gets BTFO that does not stop people
Glad you fat fingers allow you to type that.
Nice argument.
Nah Jeanfag I am not an Arminfag. Stop fingerpointing and find a girlfriend.
Cancer truly is something that's hard to kill off completely.
Just stating a fact.
I'm a grill, fatty.
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You faggots really will argue about anything.
So find a boyfriend ugly fat and stop fingerpointing.
>50 kg
You're not convincing anyone, arminfat.
Fuck with your Arminfat pathetic fanboy. Get a life or kiss a photo of Jeanbo.
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