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Does this show have potential?
To be yuri? Yes.
Yes, and it will fulfill that potential every single episode. Episode 1 was great, and 2 looks even more fun, colorful, and imaginative.
Stop being an annoying retard.
Does Papika have lights dancing in her eyes?
Honestly, he's right. Episode 1 screamed Yuri.
>muh sakuga
Prediction - by episode 5 or 6 the main complaint made against this show will be that it is DEEPshit.
Can't wait till this gets popular so I can start shitting on it.
She has lights dancing in her soul, and you know what they say about eyes being the window to the soul.
Warning: The first episode is not representative of what the show is going to be like.
I'm already annoyed that their cute designs will be almost entirely replaced by the transformations we've seen.
Thanks, I live for (you)'s
>almost entirely
Doubt it, that will probably only happen for a few minutes an episode, fights and such.
As much as I was anticipating it, the show doesn't have a point yet, no reason to care about what's going on. If it weren't for the fact that I was looking forward to it I would have dropped it by now. Obviously it wasn't "technically bad" but the fact that the show has not presented a single reason why we should feel invested within its opening 20 minutes does not bode well for the rest of the series.

Also the sakuga is massively overstated but because that's what people were hyped for nobody is going to concede that the animation wasn't particularly good. Some of the action was fine and I like the artstyle quite the bit, but idle animation such as characters walking or expressing emotion is choppy as fuck and almost hurts my eyes to watch.

The impression I'm getting so far is that it would have been a great deal better if it were just a film or short.
>the show doesn't have a point yet
The point of every show is to get the viewer entertained. You don't need more than that.

You're just confused because the show did not give your sorry ass enough exposition in the first ep and you feel lost.
Plot is just an excuse, a fake justification, what matters is the execution.
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Your judgement on the animation is terrible, everything in the show for non action scenes was at least as good as your average TV anime or better and the action scenes were indeed notable, if you have a series with animation of that quality in it weekly it will make it something quite special.

>not presented a single reason why we should feel invested
Because it was really fun and there are so many questions about the interesting world to be answered? I swear unless the whole explanation is handed to you on a plate anime viewers can't handle 5 minutes. There are films that haven't even introduced their main characters 20 minutes in.
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Apparently they grow taller/older when they transform. No 13-year-old girl fanservice for us.
Anime fans seem to basically want to have everything that is going to happen explained to them upfront and then to watch it happen.
>No 13-year-old girl fanservice for us.
More leg service for us is what you meant.
Shouldn't Cocona at least be around 17 since the beginning of the episode implied choosing a college and whatnot?

It's a vocal minority.
It's Sailor-Moon tier.

So thats why its called Flip Flappers
first episode didn't really grab,ill give it two more.
>there are people that don't get all the obvious set-ups for future episodes and the copious amount of ominous symbolism in the first episode
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Middle school second-year, so they are 13-14.
Word on the street is episode 3 is where the plot really kicks in and the blonde childhood friend from school and papika fight for cocona.
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I still find the hair switch confusing.
I could deal with it better if they didn't also switch eye colors.
>but idle animation such as characters walking or expressing emotion is choppy as fuck and almost hurts my eyes to watch.
How do you even deal with watching TV anime then? Even the most well-animated TV shows will have animation downtime with obviously limited animation.
Anon. There are two people with hearts point to Cocona on this chart.
Not to mention that speculation is that Yayaka will be part of the evil organisation with the robots and want Cocona to join them to go to Pure Illusion together instead of with Papika.
Promo artwork loves showing Papika barefooted
>Flip-Flap Flip-Flap
It makes her give off more of a natures child kind of naivety I think. Wild forest girl, untamed force of nature.
True, junior high is the end of compulsory education in Japan. From there you need to get into a high school like you would get into a collage.
so you can decide just not to go and start working from there?
If you want to bring shame to the family.
I can hear the end theme playing in my head.
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Unless you come from a farming village in the sticks.
Middle schoolers are the best~
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The organisation that Papika escaped from is called Flip Flap

So the translation was accurate when calling the exams Cocona has to make a choice for "Mock Exams"?

I guess she is practicing for the real entrance exams next year. Seems odd though.
>using heterosexuality as an insult
>not even a single mention of it on that post
>inverted hair colours upon transformation
Why is this allowed?
Papika is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. Would daughteru.

>the show doesn't have a point yet
>the show has not presented a single reason why we should feel invested
Great character and art design, and an interesting world were enough for me.

Stop being an annoying faggot
15 really isn't that odd or backwards. School finishes at 16 in the UK then you have to choose to go to something else.
She looks like a frog.
The brain in the robot gag got me good, I'll say that.
Wait the good guys organisation are called Flip Flap and thats where the name Flip Flappers comes from? I just noticed you already wrote that in your post but I feel like I am going to post this anyway because I felt a small sense of accomplishment when I realised it by reading the image.
It was very much played as a gag, he is right. They opened the thing like they might stand a chance to fix it, made some what in the fuck faces when they saw the brain, then closed the lid and noped the fuck away from it.
First episode was okay but it felt more like yuribait than anything.
Some of the side characters look interesting but they don't get a lot of screentime so I'm waiting until the next few episodes before judging.
It's all style no substance. I would say that if the next episode isn't ADD ridden then they may be able to pull it off.
>good guys
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>he uses the phrase "all style no substance" unironically
Yayaka will get a lot of screentime.

The twins are a magical(?) girl/boy couple.

There's another pair waiting in the wings. One of which you can see in the army of robots in the op.
They were presented as being good guys in contrast to the people with the robots. Whether that turns out to be the case or not though who knows. The way that dead girl was just left laying there in their lab was kind of dubious though.
>Hillary is going to win
>if she doesn't Trump will
>glorious year

Pretty much the worst year ever.
>I have no argument and I must meme

Pathetic. I don't even like the show.
All style and no substance is meaningless in art. Style literally is substance. Meaning is conveyed to you through visual information and the style of that visual information creates substance in and of itself. Using the phrase style over substance makes you seem like an invalid. There are much better ways of saying what you are trying to say without looking dumb. For example, "They seem to have put a lot of effort into making it look nice but the story seems a bit lacking".
>The point of every show is to get the viewer entertained. You don't need more than that.
Then it fails completely because so far it isn't compelling.

Also not that guy.
>so far it isn't compelling.
I disagree. I am thoroughly compelled by what the show is doing even if we haven't been given lots of details about the plot itself.
But the show doesn't communicate anything through its art style other than Papika is genki and the robot being shitty at its job. Assume your last sentence is true if you can't argue and have to rely on technicalities.
That's stupid, just give the audience something to care for.
It was 20 minutes of girls playing in the snow and then one of them go super saiyan. Cocona is compelling because she obviously has some worries about her future but that's it so far.
Ok, change it all to stick figures, it will certainly be the same show;.
>implying 20 minutes of girls playing in the snow is a bad thing

Boy do I have news for you
I'm not, I just didn't care until the ending when plot finally happens. You can deliver the same basic story of the first episode in a way that is more entertaining.

Anyway, I'm not gonna drop this yet because I know some good shows start really bad, also the art direction is great. But I'll give it a few weeks without watching it and then marathon what is there.
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Not really, the only draw for this thing is sakuga and yuri. I think that pic related sums it up.
>didn't like Papika.
Oh you poor thing.
Fuck off, Miyazaki. I don't care about your borefest movies about nothing just because they have cute girls. I'm not that braindead
I found it quite highly compelling, lots to be interested in and amused by and entertained by.

Girls play in the snow for about 3 minutes and the whole point of that scene is to help establish their relationship in order to give you something to care about when Papika risks her life for Cocona's glasses as the established a friendship. Don't you think if they didn't have that bonding scene it would be utterly nonsensical that Papika would almost get herself killed for some glasses? It is hardly sensical even with the snow scene.
What's going on in this pic?
>not really
Indeed I am correct, style is substance, if you got rid of the art style, character designs, animation style and changed the backgrounds to something different the entire show would feel different there wouldn't be those wierd magical looking worlds, the whimsical feeling character designs and so on. The style creates the world and the feeling that world and the characters give off. That world and finding out more about it is one of the most interesting things about the show right now.
>I'm not, I just didn't care until the ending when plot finally happens.
Then I think you have very poor taste.
>You can deliver the same basic story of the first episode in a way that is more entertaining.
If you don't find this Precure-goes-to-wonderland entertaining then there's no helping you.
I'm neutral about Papika so far. She's cute but I'll wait to see what her character is about other than typical innocent kid that doesn't know about social boundaries.

>Girls play in the snow for about 3 minutes and the whole point of that scene is to help establish their relationship in order to give you something to care about when Papika risks her life for Cocona's glasses as the established a friendship. Don't you think if they didn't have that bonding scene it would be utterly nonsensical that Papika would almost get herself killed for some glasses? It is hardly sensical even with the snow scene.
I got that. I just didn't care for it at all. When Papika went under the water and Cocona went SSJ it didn't incite any emotion within me because it's familiar territory. Dunno, it's very newbie screenwriting. I'm just not fascinated by it.
>Then I think you have very poor taste.
Sure, whatever gives you a bigger sense of self, anon.
>If you don't find this Precure-goes-to-wonderland entertaining then there's no helping you.
Oh please, I love the concept and visuals. The execcution was the boring part.
>I'm just not fascinated by it.
There's plenty to be fascinated by in the episode.
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Visuals, yes. Story, no.
>The execcution was the boring part.
I really don't get why you would think that.
I wasn't particularly invested in the characters at that point but all the threads left hanging and clues about the wider world setting have me intrigued and interested. I don't think it was supposed to be a huge emotional pay off as much as making solid their relationship. Prior to that cocona was still trying to refuse to let papika in and remain detached.
Visuals can convey Story too.
I think that letting the visuals do the talk in the first episode and managing to pull in the viewer into this magical/fairy tale type adventure is a bold move that needs to be praised.
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>I really don't get why you would think that.
Because people have different taste in entertainment
In my case, I have better taste though.
Oh, I am sure it will get better, or at least I hope so because the show is so damn pretty and the world building is just starting. But I didn't crave immediatly for more after it ended. Let's see how it goes and let's cross our fingers for it to become more interesting and become the evangelion of madoka.
>Visuals can convey Story too.
They definitely can. Maybe if Pure Illusion was more intriguing, besides the giant monsters, the dreamlike feeling and sense of wonder conveyed would have been greater. In this case, I found myself being more fascinated by the ending with the fairy tale iconography than the show itself.
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I'm hearing things about SW, Flip fappers, Regalia, and Ping pong saki. Is it blatant or average subtext? I need my homo fix after Pandora.
>Because people have different taste in entertainment
Taste is something, but arguing about whether or not something is well executed is something else.
Where are the rumors that Iso is working on this coming from? I can't find shit on 2ch.
>But I didn't crave immediatly for more after it ended
I did because it seems to have a sincerity and energy about it that the majority of seasonal anime sorely lack. My reaction upon finishing the episode was that it was pretty much everything anime should be. I really hope it can become a solid show too but I think I will be able to forgive it quite a lot just based on that sincerity and energy if it still feels that way. So much anime just feels so intrusively commercial that it is hard to take seriously as a creative outlet in the grand scheme of things as a show rather than appreciating individual craftsmanship. I didn't get that vibe at all from this rather it feels more like something lovingly crafted with intent to create a certain world and story. Even if that story isn't particularly subtle or nuanced that still counts for a lot in my book.
It might have cool pictures, but it is a confusing mess that fails to provide any context. The characters aren't even anything special. Very little is being communicated by the "art" beyond what already exists to pander towards our enamored friends from /u/.
>Maybe if Pure Illusion was more intriguing, besides the giant monsters
It's pretty obvious that what Pure Illusion looks like is going to be different every week. The intriguing part is wondering what it's going to be next.

I also found the ruined buildings and tramcars mysterious, are those related to what we saw in the real world?
Ping Pong is literally gay.
Not explaining everything to you immediately and deliberately doing so is not a confusing mess. The plot of the episode was quite straight forward and easy to follow. What you are confused by is thinking you should be able to understand everything you see when the show is clearly withholding that information currently.
While I don't agree completely, I truly respect this argument anon.
Though the yuribait and Papika's costume felt completely commercial IMO.
Yeah, it is exactly what you are looking for. It seems like a missed opportunity that Stella and Vivid Strike aren't super homo as well.

So the visuals actually aren't communicating a plot or anything substantial and the writers just haven't decided to actually explain anything yet? Glad to hear.
>when the show is clearly withholding that information currently.
Not that anon but while I'm ok with withholding information for the sake of creating a mystery, I found that what we got while we wait doesn't create good intrigue. I'm not waiting to see what is going on, like in, say, Punch Line. It just has this feeling of filler. A way to introduce the characters in a very dull way.
I was addressing your point of things being a confusing mess. Which I assume was related to the plot and world itself. The plot was quite straightforward. There are lots of things about the world though that weren't explained. The art itself served to create an intriguing world around the characters which seemed alive and gave you the feeling that there was a lot to be explained in that world. This is really a much more subtle approach than a lot of anime take to world building, they have just dropped hints and clues for you to piece together and speculate based upon rather than ruining the intrigue and mystery by having one of the characters spend 5 minutes of the first episode explaining the world to us under the pretence of explaining everything to the newbie in the show.
I guess that is just a difference of opinion then as I am highly interested to learn more.
You seem determined to suggest that a show must explain literally everything that's happening on screen and if it doesn't, then it has no plot when that is clearly not the case. Call it generic or shitty, but it's there.

Perhaps some more context would have been beneficial, but the lack thereof does not in any way harm it's narrative. You might not find it entertaining and that's ok. Many people do though
it's really lewd which is kinda gross when it's pretending to be innocent and fantastical but w/e I still liked it good art direction I'm going to keep watching it
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Does it help to know that her head is thoroughly messed up? After all, in the third image in this pic she must know that Cocona will probably die, just like all her other partners, but she seems completely unconcerned.

Papika is a bit of a psychopath in some respects, although she shows plenty of empathy later on towards Cocona and very briefly in regards to her previous partner.
There are a million ways of developing a world without infodumps and similar methods. As I hinted earlier it isn't unlike the Star Wars prequels in that it refuses to present the world in an organic or human way, forcing you to put the pieces together because of how it lazily presents everything. They aren't even going back to the snowy Pure Illusion next episode, so snow covered buildings and giant snow monsters hardly herald anything beyond lol magic.

Take the show that >>148312793 mentioned. It opens up the world not through infodumps or backdrops, but one by one showing you terrorists on TV, frequent outages, and frightening advances in technology all while the MC stays optimistic and dorky. The style in FliFla does none of that, and works as a poor replacement.
Pandora has a vastly different setting and so will establish it's world in a vastly different way.
FliFla starts in a mundane school setting which we can assume does not differ drastically from our own.
Then we find out that there is a secret organization attempting to enter an even more secret dream world that may or may not be real.
Pandora's narrative revolves around operating in an established world while FliFla appears to be focused on establishing that world and it's characters from the ground up.

There has been a single 20 minute episode and while not a lot happened, the way it happened and my desire to see what happens in the future will keep me hooked.
>There are a million ways of developing a world without infodumps and similar methods.
Yet anime rarely choose any other method.
>forcing you to put the pieces together because of how it lazily presents everything
No this isn't lazy at all it is the complete opposite, they have deliberately shown hints of some things and not others. It is far more effort than most anime go through.
>now covered buildings and giant snow monsters hardly herald anything beyond lol magic
Yeah it was pretty obvious that would be the case from the get go. I assume there will be similar occurrences in the future too. It is the kind of thing that happens quite often in MOTW anime (not that this is one) but it seemed on that level of importance, it was there for a function to advance the plot. You could speculate that those were part of the test referred to by the Flip Flap. Some kind of purposeful putting them in harms way to try force a transformation from Cocona.

>one by one showing you...The style in FliFla does none of that
I'm not entirely sure what you are getting at here but there is quite a lot that is just shown to you in Flip Flappers. For example we know that what happens in Pure Illusion has effects on the real world because Cocona's glasses were still broken and they made a point of demonstrating that whilst not making it obvious that they were trying to convey that underlying property of the world.
Are the later episodes going to be full of suffering?
I feel the episode actually failed to do its "show don't tell" thing properly. They had so little to actually say, it ended up feeling empty and shallow. They had this crazy girl and robot in this magical fantasy world but all they in it did was fairly mundane and not interesting enough.

They had a snow fight, explored for a while, gave some /u/ pandering and a bit of foreshadowing before the main action scene and then it was over with the usual cliffhanger.

I won't give up on the show yet because it's the director's debut and he has tons of room for improvement over the course of the show but, as it is, the first episode wasn't much different from your typical seasonal fantasy show and that made it a lot less interesting than it could have been. Of course the visuals are still a good selling point even if the story isn't great, but that depends of them not wasting all the budget into the first few episodes.
I didn't understand shit in the first episode. I like the art, animation, character design and pretty much everything but it not explaining much in the first episode.
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So is
>dude I didn't understand they don't explain anything lmao
the new le epic troll of the season?
If you were going to criticise the show don't tell thing, I think what you are trying to say is whilst you don't think that its a bad thing they just didn't "show" enough to grab your interest in the first episode?
I can't even begin to imagine how these people genuinely making this complaint would handle the Black Rose arc of Utena.
I feel like you're giving the show too little credit.
There's plenty of easily missed little details or implications and subtle touches thrown in, probably foreshadowing too but we can't be 100% sure about that until we see the rest of the story.
It's truly on par with Studio Ghibli scenery.
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I don't usually frequent 4ch let alone /a/ but I think you're all missing a lot of things in the show. Please check out the opening, the ending sequences, the characters that appear, the PV, the animals and insects in the top half of the ed, and you might be very, very surprised. I think this show is going to have a lot of surprises, and it's already leaving a lot of ominous details that might require a keen eye to pick up on.

This is one that struck me after I saw a Japanese person point it out.

That's a skull.

Some of you are even selling it short, saying it did not convey enough information. No, it really did. There is a lot to put together. The show is already making heavy use of framing elements in its scenes to tell their own story.
Some people hate having a show have to gain interest over a long amount of time. If capable why not hook us from the beginning?
This is going to end up being DEEP isn't it? I can feel it.
hey this reminds me of another anime about little girls that got really grim all of a sudden...

The show clearly has something to say but I think it's still legitimate to complain about how articulate it's being in doing so.
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>going to school until you're 27 years old
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>this is a skull
Usually I'd wave this kind of thing off as coincidence, but the ed has a dark fairytale aesthetic so I'm not really sure.
Show is fun and cute. Surprise of the season.
Yep, the show has subtly been develoing the theme of Illusion by inserting famous opitcal illusions in a way that most wouldn't spot.
So far there's the clock/cup with 2 faces, the young lady-old woman during Cocona's dream and that skull.

Now that I think about it, the panning shot over the rows of robots during the OP certainly did create the illusion of movement, so it qualifies as an optical illusion.
there's also strong elements of deception going on, the prelude reveals a possibly dead body wearing the same clothes papika is, the opening features people who make brief cameos in the show having battles with one another (these same characters are even paralleled in the ending sequence.) The entire OP presents two distinct styles too, one dark and even featuring the characters being haunted and killing monstrous entities by burning them alive, and the bottom half cheerful, exciting animation that may draw viewers attention from some of the imagery above. But even the way it's framed, as almost two separate halves of the picture.

Really, keep a close eye out for these things, even go frame by frame at times if you rewatch it. There really are many, many little details that are telling their own little story. Hell, considering there's three distinct moments where near kisses happen (I'm counting the hourglass in the first few frames), the show is really trying to get people emotionally invested, and I think it's done a good job by being such a high energy production.
>thinking an undergraduate degree will land you a job
Complaining that the plot is a mess or that it didn't explain anything in a 12/13 episode series is like complaining
that a 2 hour movie doesn't make sense 20 minutes in.
It is the laziest criticism for people who have no understanding of story progression and just want to complain.
You don't have to like it, but finish the damn thing if you want to comment on it's story. Right now that is impossible.

If it weren't for the promo material, we wouldn't even know these fuckers' names. Does that mean they are non existent? Of course not.
the entire ED sequence features two distinct styles**

also the e-mail field being called the options field throws me off. Gotta get used to that, haven't posted here since 2014.
a bachelor degree can get you great jobs here in the US. and you don't need 27 years of schooling minimum
The ending feels familiar, like the Jinrui ED
the problem is that all of these details don't actually add to up to much that's coherent in the first episode. Maybe they will later and it'll be great but for now they're basically decoration until the show substantiates their meaning.

I was emotionally invested insofar as Cocoa's POV was well-realized, but there's a pretty big disjunct between that and all of the lore the OP and ED are currently implying.
A creator doesn't insert all that imagery without having intention behind it. I haven't seen 3hz's other productions although I'm definitely interested now. I'm just saying they've put on some clever shots already, they've shown some important information and had just enough dialog touching on it to draw some conclusions. Of course things aren't going to make total sense yet, but there's plenty to see and pick up on. I'm very curious if any of you even noticed the skull until I posted it? I didn't the first time.
just to be clear I don't actually mind that the show didn't explain anything in the first episode, and rather enjoyed it because it added to the sense of wonder and disorientation that Cocoa was obviously experiencing. But I can understand why someone would be irritated that a series of seemingly arbitrary events was occurring into which they were supposed to invest. I think if the show has fastidious writers who pay attention to plot mechanics and temporal details and such (like Madoka's) then the show could be really good. If it's just a bunch of disconnected visual ideas it might fizzle into nothing. so who knows.
Clench your rectums and hold your jizz for a couple more episodes, people.
It is so easy to miss that little blue haired girl in the OP amongst the robots literally never noticed that after watching four times over.
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>A creator doesn't insert all that imagery without having intention behind it.

I think they definitely do, if by intent you mean "something other than a simple aesthetic/tonal decision". Especially if the show is written largely incrementally.
This is harder to draw a conclusion from, but the clock tower clearly looks like it has eyes and
combined with the twilight and the bell ringing, it gives off a very creepy vibe as well.
I see it so far as the creators trying to get the viewers emotionally invested, considering how much emotionally charged events happened, there was a clear feeling of being taken up and down on a rollercoaster. This to me does hint at a sort of Madoka style deception, what with some of the flat out deathly imagery shown.

To me, some of the best ways to get people engaged is to make them have fun and treat them to things they like. Everyone likes a bit of young romanticism, cute girls, exciting moments of tension, fast, smooth feeling animation that gives a sense of weight and momentum that makes the viewer feel like they're on a little ride, and the first episode had it all.

I was even cynical at first checking off some things that felt a bit cliche in the opening, but by the time they were eating the sweet snow I was happily going along with everything going on.
>characters being haunted and killing monstrous entities
I can't see this at all in the OP? Are you talking about the PV?
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You should have seen Horizon's threads.
>a series of seemingly arbitrary events
Unless you're watching your super artsy fartsy stuff that isn't going to be the case. So whoever is irritated because he fears he is just watching nonsense is a moron.
We're talking about a show made to air on tv, not a weird art project OVA.
>inb4 flip flap ruins christmas
there's a difference about not understanding because it didn't deliver and not feeling investing because nothing of interest was presented in the first episode
compare to madoka, which has a ton of intriguing questions while being an excellent first episode where characters and motivations are introduced everywhere. It's attention grabbing, and interesting.
VERY likely to be intentional. Look closely. at the top half.

Anno himself is a man of playful deceit
Shown as in presented with a full package, rather than entirely through backgrounds as FliFla did. What happened in Pure Illusion had no bearing the the setting as a whole other than showing that she can make magic rocks when she gets excited. Again, it is pretty pictures rather than any substance in the form of actual plot. Hardly any of what happened in Pure Illusion mattered as it would just cycle away, so the backgrounds don't actually communicate anything beyond the fact that there are fantastic elements

>B-but Utena
Utena had actual symbolism which depicted everything from the emotions of characters to foreshadowing later events. It established real context through dialogue as well. Giant trees and tons of snow and a chick flying around on a hoverboard don't show anything beyond that the director thought that it would look cool. Buried buildings aren't hinting at a post apocalyptic future or latent regrets, they are just there as visual padding.
I posted the same screen in the other thread. It looks to me like the school is watching them, and if that were the case there might be a connection between the School itself and the Organization. It wouldn't be the first time a school was used to recruit magical girls (see: Symphogear)
>the clock/cup with 2 faces,
You know it looks like it could be a sand timer too that shot and there is also one in the OP.
I meant in the ED. That was my mistake. Lack IDs make it hard to keep track of individual posters...sorry, really not used to 4ch.
The hourglass is on Cocona's windowsill.
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I'm astonished you can give such trenchant analysis of this show after one episode. Tell me more, senpai.
I called it a clock because it has numbers on it, but yeah it is also a sand timer.
I enjoy watching this
out of all of the releases
man theres gonna be a bunch of idiots taking that shitty bait
The ED is just a visual retelling of Hansel and Gretel. I don't think there's any ambiguity on that part.
>What happened in Pure Illusion had no bearing the the setting as a whole other than showing that she can make magic rocks when she gets excited
I just explained to you that it did, they demonstrated that her glasses get broken in there and then they are still broken in the real world. Implying there are real stakes in pure illusion. If the characters get harmed they are actually harmed. That is information that has been explained to you without ever saying anything in an attempt to explain it. It is like you didn't read at all.
Yours may work a bit better
The animation is typical show-off webgen shit where you immediately the transitions between cuts. They are flashy but many of them are not even very well animated on a technical level. So it's basically sakutard fapfuel since identifying obvious animators is their raison d'être and they think studio pablo backgrounds make it special and different even though the characters and writing are even worse and more generic than typical yuribait.

Compare it to Yuri on Ice which despite obviously targeting women has real characters that are well established in the first episode, as well as an interesting plot that doesn't rely on pulling a million threads of tropey developments just waiting to make the stage collapse in the middle of the play.
I was using Madoka just as an example of a kind of writing style where everything fits together like a machine and there isn't any aesthetic crust. The first scene in that show is completely arbitrary when you first see it but by the end of the show all of the character drama going on in the scene makes perfect sense and thus has the emotional weight it was originally just coldly depicting. If the show can do something similar wherein all of the unexplained fantastical elements of the first episode: Pure Illusion, the robot with a brain, the crystal, and especially the star-crossed nature of the relationship between Papika and Cocoa, then it'll be really good. The alternative is that it just turns into this melange of elements that are explained as the plot demands and otherwise ignored, and Cocoa meeting Papika was just in service of getting the plot started rather than having an emotionally resonant lore reason.
I'm pretty sure Anno was not being deceitful in his multiple comments about the Christian imagery in Eva. Not that I think those elements are bad but they're obviously beside the point of the show.
Eyes and a mouth here as well. I would guess it implies the girls are constantly being watched.

Papika's board also very clearly resembles a feather. It flies yes, but it could be related to a yet to be revealed element of the story.
>praising Okada anime on its writing
Seriously. It was hammy as fuck just as expected. If that is your bag though go for it.
>What happened in Pure Illusion had no bearing the the setting as a whole

you actually don't know this yet or even really what the setting is because the first episode gave so little exposition. best to just wait.
Or maybe they're just fun visual gags.
also the first episode is largely an allegory of that story.
>young lady-old woman
Nice one. It's not trying to achieve the same effect but is a definite reference.
I guess you could say so, but what I'm trying to say is that what they did show was too basic and the background details other anons have mentioned aren't enough to make it exciting (yet).

This could be true but I'm skeptical. It wouldn't be the first show that has tons of "subtle hints" that lead to something disappointing in the end, or that only made it in because the animators thought they looked cool.
Or it could be even worse if all that shit is actually relevant but they reveal it in some shitty hamfisted exposition scene.

But whatever, I'll just wait for the next few episodes. I was disappointed but even I think it's too early to assume things.

It's the same composer. Any ED by Masumi Ito is automatically EDOTS.
Yeah this is pretty obvious but I don't see a lot of people talking about it in these threads unfortunately.
Isn't this an anime original?
why are people talking about this like they know what's going to happen?
Just watched the first episode. Visually, fucking incredible 10/10 stuff, would probably keep watching for that alone.

However story-wise I can kinda agree with the general sentiment of this thread? Kind of. Usually I love first episodes that leave a bit to the imagination and also tell their own story; Sora No Woto comes to mind. You definitely shouldn't expect everything to be explained to you by the end of the first episode. That's infodumping and hopefully we don't get one of those in the second episode as they often are.

I think the main complaint though is that there was a lot of clues and foreshadowing, which is great, but not a lot of hooks. Take this shot >>148313971 or the short scene with the twins. Sure, they show some likely soon to be introduced characters, but they don't really mean anything or tell us about them. Even shots like >>148314023 which is SUPER FUCKING COOL by the way are cool and foreboding but don't really give us a reason to be invested besides maybe a sense of atmosphere or a vague idea of something bad happening eventually? Most of the episode was presented in this way with strong foreshadowing and imagery; but the only real story hooks we got were during the prologue and epilogue (also the brain in the robot? and a few other tidbits). The rest of the episode was pretty much just 20 minutes of two cute girls having visually fascinating adventures in the snow together and character introductions, which is nice and all, but there definitely could've been a little more to chew on.

Which isn't to say it was bad or anything, I'm definitely gonna keep watching. This show has probably the greatest potential of this season and I'm very much expecting this episode to have a lot more to it as we get further along.

I don't know the story.
I paused on that scene trying to figure out what it's gimmick was but didn't get it out myself.
Exactly. That's what makes this so interesting to me. It stimulates the imagination and prompts the audience to think about what happens on screen rather than just consume the dialogue that explains everything for you.
also two faces kissing
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If Cocona's green pet is a rabbit, is the robot looking like a duck a reference to the duck-rabbit illusion?
Anon, I don't know where you've been, but we've had this conversation multiple times now. Aside from the fact that there's really nothing to discuss about it.
All my wat.
I didn't actually catch it when I watched it because I know very little about fairytales; the last review here gives an analysis using the show's use of fairytales in the first ep.
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really wish I could post more than 1 image per post. 4ch feels so outdated compared to 8ch. Either way this is post 1/2. I'll have more written in the second.
I knew it by episode 4 or 5 everyone is going to be calling this anime DEEP and quite possibly edgy and everyone will say it has pulled a Madoka on us.
by "here" I meant ann: www.animenewsnetwork.com/preview-guide/2016/fall/flip-flappers/.107332

I basically only noticed it with Cocona dropping those things that Papika kept eating.
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this is 2/2.

The organization is absolutely looking for people to recruit (I don't think its just girls, judging from the white haired siblings featured in the op and in a brief shot) and it seems some of them don't make it and may either be failed candidates or possibly dead candidates. Dead would not surprise me in the least considering the imagery like the skull.

It goes without saying that it's just one episode, obviously not all the info is conveyed yet and there's a lot to learn. I'm seeing a lot of little things that are adding up to be something very, very interesting.

the same green rabbit appears in the opening at 2:44.
That is it I am going to go and download the Grimms Fairy Tale Classics anime series from bakabt right now and watch it.
I find it odd that some people are thinking there is a chance it is going to remain just a whimsical adventure with girls having fun, even just paying attention to the OP you can see that probably wont happen.
>4ch feels so outdated compared to 8ch.
Then why don't your faggotry and fuck off back there.
The rabbit is Cocona's pet literally. It looks like it might be a bit more intelligent than it first appears to be in the anime though unless that is just a cute animation?
>the same green rabbit appears in the opening at 2:44.
You didn't see it during the episode?
Leave him be, he is actually making interesting posts and discussion about this show.
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oh yeah of course. You see two people fighting in a very heated battle in the opening. I do really appreciate the light hearted elements however, and it really captures a feeling of sweetness at times.

Also who else noticed this twin tailed girl? Is she in the show at any point so far? I don't recall her from the PVs too well.
Must've missed it. I see a lot of people talking about fairy tales in general but not this particular one.
those subtle motherfuckers
I think the worry is just that the show isn't going to live up to the potential of its art direction and how much room for exposition was left in the first episode. Like it degenerates into something really generic and uninteresting and doesn't capitalize on all the oblique aesthetic decisions.
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I have only seen her in the fan arts where she seems to be friends with the two twins.
another aesthetic decision the show had better justify thematically with lore: the glowing emblem being on Cocona's inner thigh and the transition to Pure Illusion being precipitated by imminent tentacle rape.
Sorry I shouldn't have said fan art, that was taken from the twitter of someone involved in making the show
what's their handle? I'd like to follow them.

I get what you're saying, but I want to add that the little robot guy, forgot his name, seems to be checking out her thighs probably exactly for the stone.
Dropped. Why did you lie to me?
>someone involved
Sorry not someone involved literally oshiyama
Another little detail.
Is the girl twin hiding a robot arm under her cast?
the way cripplechan is setup is superior to 4chan. The only reason it hasn't been changed yet is because hiro is afraid to do anything other than create new boards
Look at her magical girl form.
I really like this show. My only complaint is that there seems to be no romance nor romantic interests for the two girls. Like, usually the boys who are their classmates or something. I don't see any romances.
That Pure Illusion is another world with fantastic elements rather than just a dream? Yeah that was pretty clear, and that was about all that the 'Style' communicated.
Besides how often it breaks and how slow it can be but lets stop talking about that here.
That one has a more simple design.
Having a weird robo arm in magical girl form is something, but keeping it in her normal state is weirder.
I am hoping to see them expand on everything with the next episode my self. The killer robots in the OP looked neat.
Obviously because its in the background anon.
What are you even talking about now? The discussion moved on from style about 5 posts back. The glasses breaking is a plot element that has been deliberately shown to us without explicitly explaining it. In the same way you were talking about terrorists on TV in Regalia or whatever, they just show the terrorists and it helps build the world. If you are paying attention you notice Pure Illusion has impact on the real world.
Not really, at least for the setting. Cocona's grandmother's wheelchair looked pretty hi-tech from what I remember.
If it wasn't weird she wouldn't hide it in a cast.
My claim was and always has been that there is no significant substance shown through the backgrounds and visual tools, with the style being more of its own thing. Glasses breaking to show that it wasn't a dream is about as minimal as it gets.
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Why are they playing it like Yayaka is the third wheel in a lesbian relationship?
She's the third wheel in a lesbian relationship.
>childhood friend
Its like she was asking to get NTRd.
Yes. It is Ghibli-type of weird which I like.
>no significant substance shown through the backgrounds and visual tools
I already told you if you truly believe that it would be exactly the same show if you removed all the art style and paired it back to barely representative lines with voices. But that isn't the case at all. My argument isn't that the style of depiction creates the substance but that those are the same thing. Anime literally doesn't exist without style.

>Glasses breaking to show that it wasn't a dream is about as minimal as it gets.
No that has literally nothing to do with style. It is an example of showing and not telling.
This better not turn out to be some shallow 'fairy tale ripoff of the week' shit. Would it kill elevens to be original instead of 'muh references to look smart' shit?
What if its some shallow magical girl shit?
I hate that, seriously. I can't even take Pandora Hearts seriously.
It wouldn't be the same show, as the pretty pictures (Though definitely highly budgeted and well produced one) and girls squealing over how good they smell is the show so far. Glasses breaking is about as far as the show gets, nearly everything else has no bearing on the greater plot (If there will be one) or setting.
Can you stop sperging over the fucking glasses already?
Its also clear from the bruises on Papika, and the sparkly stone that PI is not some consequence free zone. We get it. Nevermind the obvious reality that getting there is potentially fatal.
What's wrong with her face?
Originality is overrated. Everything is remixed.
Those things are all the substance of the show the plot, the art style, the backgrounds its inseparable really this is the root of what I am getting at. They are all the substance because it wouldn't be the same story if it were different. Separating them out as if the art is some frivolous topping to some underlying plot which is what really matters is just nonsense.
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>it's a "anon has problem with show not tell" episode
I think you mean uniqueness, not originality. You can be original without inventing new things.
And? Some of the actions do show things like was established, but almost everything in Pure Illusion was pure nonsense. Everything is thrown together without context, and the entire reason that Papika chose our protagonist is that she smells good and isn't dead rather than something substantial. The little plot that the show is able to piece together is still subpar, and the so far it is entirely carried by sakuga.
I wasn't the one who brought up the glasses first, I was simply addressing an example that was used
>and the entire reason that Papika chose our protagonist is that she smells like the wish granting treasure

She also appears to have been raised in some type of facility, so its possible she's not a normal person, but more like a bloodhound for specific girls.
Everyone the about it seems great except for the premise.
'Normal high school girl who is dragged into a new world and gains magical powers with a very strong subtext of yuri' is so overdone that it makes this otherwise wonderful and fun show seem dull.
>the entire reason that Papika chose our protagonist is that she smells good and isn't dead rather than something substantial
It's almost as if you weren't paying attention at all. She smelled "good" to Papika because she smelled like the treasure in Pure Illusion. That was the whole reason Cocona was selected by her and the reason she smelled that way was because she had the capacity to be a Pure Illusion candidate.
>almost everything in Pure Illusion was pure nonsense
The whole point of that segment was to establish the relationship between the girls by first having them bond over playing in the snow and then having Papika do something self less for Cocona in order to cement the friendship. Not nonsense at all some of the most "substance" critical part of the show, drove the plot forward a lot.
papika chose the protagonist because she was looking for candidates for the organization that captured her at the end. It's spelled out in the first minute.
The organisation that captured her at the end isn't the same organisation as the lab she escaped from I don't think. I think they are separate and the organisation that captured her has all the robots and the guys dressed like KKK people with the lab that Papika came from being separate. Otherwise I don't think it would have made sense for Papika to be concerned about them stealing Cocona.
Those cyborgs work for those KKK fuckers. As far as we know they have no connection to Dr. Salt.
The robots that attacked them belonged to the pointy hat faction. We don't know what their relationship to Flip Flap is yet.
>having Papika do something self less for Cocona in order to cement the friendship
More like repay the favor.
Papika did put coconuts in mortal danger for her own purposes.
>It's the same composer. Any ED by Masumi Ito is automatically EDOTS.
Shit, I was wondering why it sounded so familiar!
Actually I had the same reaction when watching Jinrui as well. Always a nice surprise to see her stuff in newer shows like this.
I see you missed out on getting there.
Did Masumi Ito do the ED? Some people are saying not. I can't find confirmation otherwise.
She's the composer but not the singer.
No, just fat fingers.
So you weren't in any of the early threads then because you are wrong.
She smelled like the treasure in Pure Illusion, but very little of the cause behind that was established at all. Can she just inexplicably smell it on people and know what it is like? How did she find Cocona out of the many other people in the area, does it stink that much? Cocona walking into the storage area was out of coincidence entirely. The entire "Development" in Pure Illusion (Most of the episode) was questionable as well. Papika only went forward because "It was fun" (Mcguffin was in Cocona after all), and Cocona only followed out of confusion and stopped asking questions after 3 minutes. Papika may get a free pass because she is the standard genki character, but Cocona barely acted like a human being. Instead of being a coherent at the very least, much less a substantive story, we got shots of snow banks and trees.
>Would it kill elevens to be original instead of 'muh references to look smart' shit?
Do you hate Jin-Roh too, anon?
It's shallow like Rolling Girls
Who wrote the script?
What are his other works?
Rolling girls felt more original
The first episode of Rolling Girls was so incomprehensible I couldn't even finish it.
>How did she find Cocona out of the many other people in the area, does it stink that much?
Uh, that would be the logical conclusion.
what wasn't there to get? If you paid attention everything that needed explanation was explained.
>Another meme comparison with Rolling Girls when both shows are not even similar or share staff
This really rewards the rewatch. So many things I missed the first time through.
I actually thought that she had staked the school out and took a while to find out. It wasn't specific with how much time passed between Papika leaving the lab for the pipe, and actually meeting Cocona face to face.
Can you say specifically subtle stuff you noticed? A lot of people (me included) probably missed them also.
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It was fate
It was love!
Just do the work yourself and combine the images into a bigger one
Does Papika classify as a yuri dork? Are there any this season?
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There's too much to keep track of without a piratepad or something.

Papika probably got her first wiff when she ran straight past Cocona at the train crossing, which is also what prompted her to turn and lock eyes with her, and then follow Cocona to the school. Meeting at the pipe may have been a coincidence but Papika's lines suggest that it was not.
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Dorkier than Nene.
It's not really subtle, just good little hints I didn't pick up on. Unfortunately I'm pretty inept when it comes to symbolism.

Just stuff like Byu dowsing for the fragment, and getting confused when it was led right to Cocona- originally I thought it was just confused as to why she was on her phone.

Papika seems surprised that Cocona is alive, and the girl from the start was "another bust", it also seemed like it was Papika's first time in Pure Illusion, so I think that going to Pure Illusion can kill people who aren't "attuned" to it or some such thing and reject both of the "partners."

Then there were some nice touches like the ducks floating around Bu's head when he got knocked out, and general architecture porn.

Hopefully further episodes can keep up.
>How did she find Cocona out of the many other people in the area, does it stink that much?
You would assume either that or that Papika has some ability to smell these things, which living in a lab wouldn't be all that out there.
> Cocona walking into the storage area was out of coincidence entirely.
It was but Papika being there wasn't, she was following Cocona, you can see that in the basketball scene where she is looking in the window.
>Papika only went forward because "It was fun
That doesn't really have much to do with the end result even if it is accepted that was the case
>Cocona only followed out of confusion and stopped asking questions after 3 minutes. Papika may get a free pass because she is the standard genki character, but Cocona barely acted like a human being.
Yeah that is true, Cocona's reaction was a bit off. That was one of the things I pointed out when I first saw the episode.
>Instead of being a coherent at the very least, much less a substantive story
It was completely coherent and substantive, there was nothing illogical about it at all and it established important relationships, so I don't see how it couldn't be. You can explain what happened plot wise all the way through fairly simply. The thing that is missing is explanation of the various elements of the world and that was done deliberately to relate the viewer to Cocona I believe.
It's a shame

I would think the Hansel and Gretel parallels would be the most telling part.

The question becomes: Who is actually the wicked witch? The scientists at the start seem more like the neglectful parents.
That lack of context is exactly what makes the entire show lacking substance, compared to pretty much anything else airing this season. It is like the Daicon animations. They are very smoothly animated bits featuring a girl flipping around on a hoverboard, and while they look cool, are bereft of anything that adds consequence or meaning. They were entirely carried by the flashy visuals. We have a bunch of pointless scenes in another world, detached from the actual questions at hand like what is going on with the lab and the killer robots.

That said if they do the second episode right, then they could easily salvage something from it. It is like Sasami-San, where the show did bob above the standard of coherency after the first episode.
The KKK people whose robots stole Cocona at the end?
Best girl.
I don't think so, actually.

Unless we're jumping between fairy tales every episode
>first episode
>already lost
>It is like the Daicon animations
what an inane and stupid comparison
>Cocona barely acted like a human being
Somehow I thought she was like that because PI works like a dream. You might notice her personality was completely different inside of it, so it might as well be like an usual dream where shit happens and you're like "This is fine".
Just notice how she suddenly started liking Papika a lot, not because of any logical reason, but just because she was there with her. You might relate this any random dream in which you notice you're familiar with even the strangest things you would never consider being friends with.
And then, when she woke up, she told a straight "no" to Papika because she came back to her full senses.

While watching the episode, I was theorizing they were inside Cocona's mind. With how everything was blank and bland, but still had its own touch of sweetness. Still, with the direction the show is taking, it might end up being just a random fantastical world.
Here's the high angle of that same scene. All the details are fairly consistant, like the slanted glass forming a sunroom at the bottom left of your image. So the steel shed at the topleft of your image would be just out of frame at the bottom of this one.

Note that all of the girls in this image are paired up except miss foreveralone looking out over the edge.
Also, she's a slut that wants to get gang banged at an all boys school.
I wonder i the painting girl will show up later. She was also conspicuously alone. Not in the cast list though, so I doubt it.
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All this symbolism talk is pretty interesting, but I wonder if they can pork when Papika is the aggresive one but chances are she's so dumb she doesn't know what a vagoo is.
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>except miss foreveralone looking out over the edge.
>ompared to pretty much anything else airing this season
Did you watch Occultic;Nine yet? Now that is difficult to follow.
>That lack of context is exactly what makes the entire show lacking substance
Explain exactly what you mean by substance? I think establishing characters, character relationships and the setting is very much substance. The lack of a full explanation for everything you see immediately doesn't negate that.
>It is like the Daicon animations. They are very smoothly animated bits featuring a girl flipping around on a hoverboard, and while they look cool, are bereft of anything that adds consequence or meaning. They were entirely carried by the flashy visuals.
You seem obsessed with the fact that there was some good animation as if that is a bad thing? There definitely was consequence to it though it established the relationship between the main characters and the fact that things occur in pure illusion have impact on the real world.
>We have a bunch of pointless scenes in another world
They aren't pointless, I have explained to you what they achieved multiple times in terms of both developing the character relationships and establishing the setting.
OH SHIT yes she is.
She is on the character page, in the character chart, and in the PV talking to Cocona.
She will show up later, she is in the PV looking at the painting in the corridor at the school with Cocona.
>what a vagoo is.
You mean a flip flap?
That's Cocona's Senpai. Name is Senpai.
It was Girl Meets Girl: the episode. And it didn't lack anything.
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thats the senpai
What's her name though
That painting is from her dream isn't it?
The first episode was bretty good. I didn't like the SSJ crap though.
Pai Sen
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Seriously, the other characters in that chart that we have only seen briefly were given names. But senpai is senpai.
>being on a first name basis with your senpai
Its like you don't even want to be noticed.
That blue haired girl in the OP and in this
Is the only one we haven't actually seen in the first episode and isn't on the chart so I am guessing she might be an important character related to some mystery we shouldn't know about yet.
It lacked purpose. The first episode was pretty much a string of random scenes, with some that were animated in a fun way.
It lacked originality. Normal girl goes to a different world, unlocks a secret magical power and there's yuri, has been done so many times that its become dull. With all creativity they've put into this, you'd think they'd come up with a better plot.
>It lacked purpose
No, it was entirely about Cocona and Papika.
>its become dull
No. Those stories will never become dull.
>The first episode was pretty much a string of random scenes
I disagree. Every scene was important to the story that the episode was telling.

Also, please list all these other shows with yuri in alternate worlds. Apparently I've been missing out all these years.
This thread reminds me of why I love Flip Flappers. It's more interested in evoking mood and a sense of wonder rather than adhering to some sense of narrative structure and telling a story. It's even more unique and risk taking than Space Dandy if it can keep that up.
I just hope there's more fun antics. I liked the first episode because it didn't feel like an urgent plot point, except at the end. To compare it to another series /a/ loves to hate, I hope the organization that caught the two at the end is as "serious" as Nudist Beach from KLK; dopey as fuck, full of jobbers, and only threatening in morals. This could be one hell of a fun series if it stays away from being too serious, considering the colors and animation style.
>No. Those stories will never become dull.
they just did
>The first episode was pretty much a string of random scenes
It didn't seem random to me, the plot progressed in an easy to follow logical way. The motivations aren't entirely clear of all the characters yet though that much is true.
It's too self-indulgent, though. I wonder how it will sell. Probably badly.
Thanks m8 I didn't know.
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Pretending to be above liking anything doesn't make you cool; desperately arguing oversimplifications and untruths to say those things are bad makes you a loser.

Who are you trying to convince that the first episode of an anime was simply not up to par, us or yourself?
remember to RSS
Actually on closer inspection, these two images are either of completely different sections of the building or there is very little consistency with the detailing.
It's already pretty morbid so far.
Iluminati vs Ku Klux Klan confirmed
How are the meme subs so far?
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Oh shit, she's back!
>people writing huge, paragraph long posts criticizing it when only 1 episode is out

Hold in your autism until episode 3 please. Great writers like Dostoevsky told critics "Read part 1 of my book (first 100 pages, or 1/6th of the book". You've just seen 23 minutes, calm down, Anime Experts.
Listen here kid the entire thing was a nonsensical excuse for yuri and animation, there was no discernible plot at all and nothing happened that has any consequence for sure. There is no explanation of anything at all because it doesn't explain absolutely anything. There is no progression of the plot at all because it is just an excuse for animation.
Do you think she can see her pantsu?
Why does Papika's outfit have so many holes?
Oh boy.
Art over commerce. I'd be perfectly fine with the show just being about exploring different worlds with the story remaining secondary but whatever.
>this entire post
Is this post-irony?
Are these meme subs? Not familiar with the group.

Either way, they seem normal. Not seeing any real differences from HS.
That was supposed to be the indication that I was mocking the guy.
She can sure smell them.
Actually, it was the indication that you were asking to be mocked.
To put more things into them.
But instead it's an indication of your butt hurt
Of the top of my head theres YKA, Kutsukiboshi, and if you consider the pair in Simoun to have gone to some alternate world since who the fuck knows where they ended up.

Beyond that the idea of a sort of closed space that two girls share privately is a pretty common yuri trope.
Same thing really.
>there was no discernible plot at all and nothing happened that has any consequence for sure. There is no explanation of anything at all because it doesn't explain absolutely anything. There is no progression of the plot at all because it is just an excuse for animation.
I can say the same about every anime ever. You don't make any sense.
>You don't make any sense.
That was the point. I was stating this guys >>148320042 arguments in a ridiculous way on purpose.
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You fooled me.
Honestly anon people have been posting that shit unironically so it's impossible to tell whether or not you're serious.
>flap flap fags can't the difference between shitposts and not shitposts
And you wonder why these threads are shit.
this thread's been pretty great.
How long until they flip each other's flaps?
But what does that mean
Anime is saved.
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Which flapper would you flip?
I need to know what it means before I can decide that
Which flip would you flap?
You need to elaborate this concept for me
cocona and Papika
What part of flip flap don't you understand?
Either intense whining or grandiose praise in this thread. Same old flip-flopping fops flapping off as they fap to Flip Flappers.
The whole thing
Its not that complicated anon. There are flip flappers, and they do flip flapping.
See you've got nothing. The alternate worlds in Kutsukiboshi was only shown at the end and had no relevance to the plot. Simoun was timetravel shenanigans and again not the focus of the series so it only spent a few minutes in those other lands. The first few eps of YKA never explored alternate realities and besides which that series was not everyone's cup of tea.

And no, closed space is not particularly common in yuri. The only example I can think of is clamp's Miyuki-chan shorts and that's ancient, wierd, and effing Clamp.
The previous thread was lovely.
Their hair colors just
>flip flap
keep forgetting there's no IDs here. I wasn't on this site for it.
>we don't have a reason to care
have read this a bunch of times in this thread and it's the most babby tier non-argument you can possibly come up with. What even is a "reason to care" for a television show? it doesn't mean anything. You could as well say "please be better" and it'd have the same amount of substance as an argument.
Up until the premiere I was sure Cocona was blue and Paprika pink in their magic forms.
Probably not a good idea to eat sweet snow. It could have been toxic watermelon snow.
>substance in the form of actual plot
plot is not substance, it's just another variant of style. one way of many for the artist to convey their ideas/agenda to the viewer. if you think only plot can be meaningful then you're a very shallow, unobservant person.
Seconding this question.
Frankly said the only potential I saw in ep1 was doujinshi.

The series seems uninteresting, but it's prime doujinshi material.
>but where is MUH PLOT
jesus christ you are so fucking boring and inferior as a living being
Welcome to /a/.

the entire show is building up to a metaphor about smartphone addiction in society
In that case we would have seen some Pokémon GO references, and we have not.
The KKK just wants that articuno
Who says they're not experiencing AR?
well the PI seems to be a fantastified version of the actual places they inhabit in the real world, since we saw all the fences and buildings and trams from the 1st half of the ep in that snow world.
A flip flap falls in love with her cellphone.

Unable to confess...

>Note that all of the girls in this image are paired up except miss foreveralone looking out over the edge.

>It looks like a ship
>An outsider wants to jump off a ship
>Just like in 7th Dream (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Nights_of_Dreams)

I want to feel her cute butt
This is a middle-school girl.
Who was this?
Someone in the same uniform as Papika. Messed around with color / brightness some, couldn't get any detail. Androgynous, blueish hair, no facial features seen.
A FlipFlap candidate that couldnt handle Pure Ilusion.
Tell me /a/. Why does she wears the watch? She is the only one who does.
A girl who was abducted and killed in an effort to cross the dimensional barrier.
hour glasses/time are a very, very common symbol in the show.
Hourglasses in the OP, her house and at school.
But why does she has the watch?
I love anime original stuff, so much discussion.
How much flip can a flap flip flap can flap flip flip flap flap?
She is going to jump >tfw no gf
What a shameless pantsu shot. However that's ok because SYMBOLISM!

>In Japanese mythology, this flying creature is a raven or a jungle crow called Yatagarasu (八咫烏?, "eight-span crow")[15] and the appearance of the great bird is construed as evidence of the will of Heaven or divine intervention in human affairs

>Yatagarasu as a crow-god is a symbol specifically of guidance.

i mean it's just the same outfit shown in the rest of the episode

I'm not complaining, just wanted to point out another possible allusion.
When will they flip their cunt flaps?
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Help me out here /a/.
>bright colors
>yuri baiting
And the autists go wild!
There is lots of wavelength stuff too. In the OP and the machine in the lab.
From last thread, rabbit's name possibly reference to this
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I don't really have a clue what was going on in the first episode, but god damn was it pretty.

Best show I've seen this season over only Keijo and Classicaloid. Still waiting for Luger code and Fune wo Amu.

Papika a qt
I don't think it has a high chance of selling a lot currently despite loving it. There just isn't enough obvious target market for it. The designs are not conventionally moe, the yuri element wont make sales, its not particularly DEEP and even if it was DEEP shit never sells.
Watching this show felt like watching an anime movie. It is difficult to understand the plot at first but the visuals explain more than the narrative.
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I normally wouldn't say this, but god damn does that sound pretentious.

It's the first episode for fucks sake.
I cant believe the best animated show this season is from a literal who 3Hz studio
>studios matter
kiyotaka oshiyama is the only name you should see to know this was going to be sakuga
It just goes to show that the studio name matters very little compared to the staff you get working there.
also 3hz is like a second-hand fork of BONES, it was founded by kinema citrus people... it's an animation-oriented studio to begin with

>In the semiotic theories of Jakob von Uexküll and Thomas A. Sebeok, umwelt (plural: umwelten; from the German Umwelt meaning "environment" or "surroundings") is the "biological foundations that lie at the very epicenter of the study of both communication and signification in the human [and non-human] animal".[1] The term is usually translated as "self-centered world".[2] Uexküll theorised that organisms can have different umwelten, even though they share the same environment


I supported them from the beginning. Who knew they would eventually save anime?
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Mitsuo Iso retweeting flip flappers post by the shows director Oshiyama.
Seriously he must be talking about episode 1 not whole series itself. Use your brain for once.
i wonder if he'll actually do something on the show besides some throwaway 2s effect cut

him directing an episode would be the dream
I'd agree with him though.
Shame it's going to sell really badly.
Explain how that is a pretentious statement?
>they could easily salvage something from it. It is like Sasami-San, where the show did bob above the standard of coherency after the first episode.

I really hope they don't do what Sasami-san did and give us a full 5 minute explanation flash backs and all with no new animation whilst they explain everything we saw last episode at the beginning of episode 2. That would be dissapointing.
You better get used to it, that'll be how the threads are going to be from now on.
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For you
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What is the name of the rabbit?
Shit, I didn't even notice there's a tram. And that one clock tower.
>12 friends

You know who else had 12 friends? That's right, Jesus H. Christ himself. And one of those had betrayed them. Which means Yayaka will betray Cocona or something.
Just realised that the girl the robot it turning back to look at in the OP is that Sempai painter girl.

How important is she?
Why does she feel extra important even though she doesn't have a proper name.=?

I think she'll have the ability to paint worlds that you can Pure Imagination into. That, or she painted all the words they were going into. And Cocona's dream as well.
What was on Cocona's phone when she woke up?
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see >>148311374
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Last one for now. There is some stuff I could dig into with the reflections but I'll keep it at this.
>There just isn't enough obvious target market for it.

But otaku loves girl meets girl stories
laughed, thanks anon
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Considering how far gone she is mentally, could I get away with raping her?
You could probably rape some sense into her desu
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Is this the SPECULAH show of the season?
It really looks like it. It is kind of similar in that way to Sora no Woto so far, a cute happy go lucky adventure with hints of other deeper things in the world all over the place. I wonder if they will actually make use of the setting though rather than building an interesting world and hardly using it.
This one and the anime about gay shotas turning into magical girls
You are funny people.

Visuals and direction are fresh and good, plot and story consist of juggling of clichés. It is obviously intentional, people who can do the former can't not care about the latter. The main question is: is that juggling intended to just deal away with uninteresting explanations and world-building while central story happens on different planes, or are they going to squeeze *real drama* from those *evil organizations*, *enigmatic characters*, etc. It will be a great waste of potential if they are.
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I want to fuck Cocona.
Though I believe authors are not *serious*, given that roughly half of the first episode *resembles* first episode of Diebuster *a bit too much*.
Explain any resemblance?
Get in line
— That's our Cocona. We call her “Cockona” because she is a bit too relaxed about whom to sleep with, but she is a good girl.
Director only worked in Ghibli movies. It would be lighthearted stuff.
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I want to fuck Yayaka.
Get in line
Sora no Woto didn't have any hints of shit going on, though. And in the end fucking nothing ever happened.
I'm not entirely sure what you are trying to say? As an animator the director has worked on all sorts of productions with Ghibli and elsewhere.
> long red hair, gleaming eyes, air acrobatics and running on a monster during the fight

If you don't feel the Gainax vibe… They knew what it *looked* like, even if we forget the whole yuri theme in Diebuster.
I want Cocona to NTR Papika by fucking Yayaka
That really doesn't seem unique at all to that. Space Dandy had the exact same running on the monster scene in it, a production the director actually worked on.
>air acrobatics
>long red hair
You could just as easily call this obviously resembling Birdy Decode based on that stuff.
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>gay shotas
you piqued my interest.
>You could just as easily call this obviously resembling Birdy Decode based on that stuff.
At this point the show is a huge mix of influences, Diebuster, Birdy, Nausicaa, Space Dandy etc...

No point in trying to just pin it on one thing only.
I just don't think some of those elements being picked out are obviously from anything. There is a scene in Yozakura Quartet for example where a girl literally runs along a monster in a fight then flys off of it on a surfboard.
>the anime about gay shotas turning into magical girls
Is that Nanbaka or something?
A show can have things that look good without them being ripped off from other shows
That was my point. You can say there might be an influence from those things on the creators but saying something as strong as >>148332852 seems a bit off the mark to me. Especially when those kinds of elements can be found in all sorts of other places as I pointed out.
Why is everyone so pretentious on Flip Flap threads, doing pseudo-analysis despite the show only airing one episode so far? Both people who are appreciative and critical of it. Do any of you even know the principle of completion/completeness in artistic objects? What a bunch of pseuds you all.
It's the cheap madoka rip-off of this season so most people are speculating it's gonna be "deep" somehow
They just get told to murder each other by the admins

's on Wikipedia, even, so speculah is a bit silly.
Probably because there are clearly hints and clues at things left all over the show. It is only natural to try to figure out what they mean. That isn't pretentious at all. People doing this aren't making these things out to be more important than they are but rather exploring if they actually have any importance by trying to find patterns and meaning in them. It is one of the funnest parts of original anime threads as compared to adaptations, especially when there are clearly clues to deeper mysteries sitting around in the show.
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Don't look at me, I'm just here for the cute flappers.
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>tfw cute flappers doing cute adventures is going to become super saiyans and conspiracy theories
We should probably just stop talking about the show until it has finished then right? Can't form a real opinion on it until its done or attempt to interpret any meaning from it besides that which is obvious and surface level. That would be pretentious pseudo-analytical nonsense.
You sound awful pretentious there, anon.
> one complete episode is not complete
Because people are trying to justify why they liked or disliked the first episode, dumbass.

If you present an opinion you usually back it up with an argument.
It's an AOTY contender.
Only if you're a yurifag.
>This show that's one episode in doesn't have a point
>I'd drop it but I'm looking forward to it
Serious question, are you retarded or just pretending?
I like the art and animation, the symbolism and where the story might go.

Yurifags are fucking cancer and will hamper any good discussion of the show.
It's not as though there's much competition.
It is hilarious how so many people are mad as fuck about this show and somewhat baffling.
Not even a yurifag, but Cocona and Papika have great chemistry together. I don't care whether they end up loving each other or just friends, it feels like it'll work well either way.
Then I am.
>have great chemistry together
Come on now.
Do they not?
This show is more Danganronpa than Madoka
That, and it's an adaptation, so you can't have speculah
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Sakuga was a mistake
Cocona is just dragged along at the whim of an airhead. Not exactly my idea of chemistry.
Plus they barely know each other, it'll get better but right now it's basically nothing.
They bounce off each other nicely. Cocona's maturity and sense of responsibility has her trying to protect Papika, but we also see it the other way around, like in the igloo. Cocona's world is empty and quiet, Papika fills it with music and colour. You can say that they barely know each other on a purely technical sense, but it's impossible to say there's no connection.
I thought there were two organizations. Dr. Salt's and the KKK?
Found on 2ch


>On 4chan there is amazing discussion and speculation.
>Compared to that, Japanese Aniota stop thinking and only rage about like "Explain this!" "I can't understand!"
>They blame the script for their own low intelligence and complain, pathetic.
Obviously they do bounce off each other simply because their personalities are so different. I think 'chemistry' is less shallow than that.
You clearly have some very different idea of what chemistry is so let's just leave it at this.
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>2ch called us smart
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>2ch called us amazing
It just used what I saw in the first ep.

I also made a newer one.
>amazing discussion and speculation.
I wouldn't call sperging out over every obvious detail, speculation.
>Hiroyuki is in this thread RIGHT NOW
Why is that shallow?
Time to start Daily English Thread there.

2017, the year remembered for The Invasion of ESL Anons
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So obviously written by a westerner living in japan just to anger the japs

No way japs are capable of self-criticism
>all these newfags that weren't here when /a/ cracked meguca runes
We've always had better discussion than elevens on 2ch.
It's good.

That's all. Follow my blog.
>I need the entire plot laid out for me in point form in the first episode, and am incapable of simply enjoying events unfolding without a prior frame of reference.
Can somebody explain to me where these guys come from? What nationality breeds this kind of autism?
>tfw no gay gf
Anon was just freaking out we didn't have a voiceover detailing the thoughts and relationships with every character.
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Being unable to accept other people's opinions is the true autism because lack of empathy though
I don't have time for that.
whether or not pleasant to watch
Not everyone enjoys mystery anon.
Considering that most anime have disappointing resolutions anyway, I kind of don't blame him.
You guys get triggered way too easily for nothing.
Some of them do.
Senpai noticed us.
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That's not a fair comparison, anon. Anno is the true Buddha of our times.
It's the ears
Reminder that we translated Madoka's runes first.
Well, unlike all the other shows that people claims to have yuri this actually qualifies. The girl tried to kiss her, there is no subtext or room for interpretation in this one
jap make fun of /a/
Rather, not interested in /a/
>The girl tried to kiss her
I thought she was smelling her
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Yes anon.
That was the joke, anon.
You just figured it out.
The comment was based on the observation you just made.
It was, indeed, the ears that conveyes the comparison to Buddha, anon.
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It does. It has a lot of potential to be something bigger in the story department. It could be love, loss, whatever, I just hope the director knows what he or she is doing. Flip Flappers has all the pieces but! buttcheeks! they need to be put into place properly in order for it to be great!
Hiroshima is viraling 4chan on 2ch now?
You always smell someone before going in for the kiss.
If you had thought about this before you posted it you probably would have realized that makes no sense whatsoever
http://anidb.net/cr15765 (wait, there's half of the biography missing… fuck, AniDB has probably lost too much power) https://myanimelist.net/people/40830/Oshiyama_Kiyotaka

The director coming from animation crowd is usually a warning sign, but he worked on Dennou Coil (for a novice, quite a lot!) and Studio Ghibli movies, and must know something about creating otherworldly, fairy tale atmosphere.
Oh gosh.
If only they knew this thread is just disorganized theories thrown randomly.
He wrote and directed the best Space Dandy episode too.
Wow, did you have to be so mean about it?
He's a total newbie. I hope he proves himself with this show. Seems ambitious enough.
So this is SPECULAH power?
Can we agree that the point where everything hits the fan in this show as it likely will should be called the flip flappening?
I'll try to remember that.
Was that the loli episode or the fishing episode?
Get on my level nips
Nice, that always was my favorite one
You mean, they flip their flaps, or do they flap their flips?
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