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>Take Nen leaf test >Turn out to be an emitter Would

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>Take Nen leaf test
>Turn out to be an emitter

Would you kill yourself?
nah you just gotta be creative
why? emission is fucking broken
>Can use Enhancement and Manipulation at 80% at best
I would say I am alright, suck to be Conjuration and Manipulation
just make my hatsu DBZ

I can do moves from DBZ and their effectiveness depends on how many episodes of dragon ball I have watched in the last month
Yet every emitter in the series is shit
So wait a minute, hold the phone. Let me get this straight. Kurapika can only use Chain Jail on the Phantom Troupe, but he can use Emperor Time on anyone?
>who is Razor
the only impressive emitter.
I would want enhancement.... but someone like me who just stays inside all day watching anime and playing video games would never get that nen

I'd probably get something stupid
Can I use it to emit and detach my spirit from my body then use it to take over someone?
That's manipulator based.
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Yes, Kurapika is broken as fuck despite the apologists.

He can use Emperor Time as long as his eyes are scarlet, which he can now do at will thanks to training.

He can use his healing cross (a full ability in and of itself) and his dozing chain (a full ability in and of itself) on anyone, and i don't even judgement chain has a troupe-only limit. Only chain jail is confirmed to have the limit.

Keep in mind that he did all this in the span where Gon and Killua, natural geniuses, were barely able to use the basic nen principles and had no idea what real hatsu was.
Emission is the one I want the most. Highly proficient with both manipulation and enhancement. Extremely balanced Nen category that can develop some pretty crazy hatsu. What's not to like?
>tfw conjurer
Can I become as good-looking as Kurapika now?
Goreinu created a personal teleportation device that doubles as an offensive ability and displacement ability used against opponents. Netero created a shiva statue through emissions.
You simply lack imagination.

Personally I would go for conjuration.
where can i take this test?
Where? Well... in Hunter x Hunter.
Netero was Enhancement.
The Bodhisattva was a 3 type hatsu
It really pisses me off how enhancement is treated as by far the best type. EVERY fight is going to be using enhancement most of the time, so having a poof affinity for enhancement just fucks you over. What it means, in affect, is that if you have less than 80% affinity for enhancement you're fucked. Conjuration/Manipulation are objectively garbage.

And of course, specialists (the one who should have the poorest affinity for enhacement) aren't actually restricted to 40% like they logically should (because that would make them worthless). Of fucking course.
Yes, however emissions composes the primary aspect of it because the ability needs to be able to retain aura strength while disconnected. Nen constructs or creatures all fall under emissions as a primary component.
Emission + Manipulation = bringing your sex dolls to life.

I'd be pretty happy with that.
More like, the rest of types I couldn't be bothered to categorize
It's rare and ruins the hexagon so no one cared
But isn't Pika also basically a genius though? It's only Leorio that's the scrub
Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio are all really talented. Leorio is probably the least talented of the four, and he hasn't had the time to nurture his talent.
That's basically what specialization is.
What the fuck is the point you're trying to make? There's barely any Emitters in the series in general.

Besides, who wouldn't want to fire out amped up ki blasts?
>what is Killua's grandpa
It actually has much to do with the hexagon, as manipulators and conjurators can become specialists later in life. Such thing wouldn't happen to a transmuter or emitter, much less an enhancement type. Nen nature is not a constant.
a transmuter
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Who /specialist/ here?
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>Silva hurling two large balls of energy at his openent is Transmuating

Bull fucking shit, he is an Emitter

Shit like this is why I cant HxH seriously.

If it's a """deconstruction""" manga that it's 2deep4u fans claim, it's a half-assed one.
Imagine being a Manipulator/Conjurer with no Specialist ability, one of your adjacent 80%s is completely worthless.
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You'll master one, be highly proficient with ONE other, and mediocre at the last. Until you're as old and strong as Netero and Zeno that the differences don't even matter for certain enemies.
Yeah, but he took a very, very long time to charge those things up. An actual emission user might not have needed that long.
I'd be mad if I was an Enhancer
Specialists affinities are wild cards.

Hell you can be 100 enhancement/80 conjuration + transmitter/60 emitter and manipulation or some wack ass ratios

> If you're a transmuter and want your aura to be something cool like lightning/fire/any other kind of elemental force, you'd literally need to torture yourself for years to do it.
Why? Conjuration is the shit one.
>emitter apologists implying their category is good
Shooting bullets has never been good. Yusuke is a jobber, Gon does better punching, and even DBZ has actual beams and fire that do the real work.
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Reporting in.
Isn't Specialists not really a category but a "wildcard"

Like make a pentagon with each category but put specialist in the middle of the shape with a line from only conjurer/manipulation going to it.
Damn thinking about it, being a fire transmutator is virtually impossible. Even if you don't mind burned skin and the excruciating pain, that skin will eventually decay and shorten your lifespan severely.
>Imagine being a Manipulator/Conjurer with no Specialist ability, one of your adjacent 80%s is completely worthless.
Wow, I never thought about that. Manipulators/conjurers really are fucked, aren't they? They basically only have one build each:

>Conjurer + 80% Transmutter + 60% Enhancer
>Manipulator + 80% Emitter + 60% Enhancer

What garbage.
You need to realize that you can use nen types outside of your own, and that you can mix multiple nen types into one hatsu.
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Which are you, /a/?

I'm a pretty simple dude but can be charismatic and take a leading role when I need to so probably either Enhancer or Specialist
I don't know what's more hilarious. The fact you think Yusuke is a jobber or the fact you think Gon isn't one of the biggest jobbing MC in battle shounen.

It's more that you need to deeply understand that thing in order to recreate its properties with your aura. Remember, with transmutation nen it doesn't literally become the thing (That would be conjuration), it takes on its properties. Unfortunately the best way to understand something like what flame or electricity feel like is by directly experiencing it.
I don't really like it, since a person can change radically from their childhood to adulthood.

I would expect myself to be Transmutation as a child and more like Conjuration now.
Manipulators can be fairly broken when combined with emission. It's conjurers who tend to be fucked and need to work hard and sacrifice a bunch for a good ability. Kurapika gets by because he stuck tight restrictions on himself and abuses his specialist ability to be good at everything.
>not just transmuting water and becoming a waterbender

I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Possible but then Man/Conj would have no reason to be more likely to become specialists.

That's the price they have to pay to the balance the system.
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What does it mean that you detach an aura from your body? Like Negative Man from the Doom Patrol or Raven from the Teen Titans? Or do you just start glowing from having so much power like a Super Saiyan or Kenshiro?
It is fucking Hisoka that came up with the descriptions but if you categorize people into them, it's 90% right on the money
Emitter in its basest form is pretty much a ki blast

it's sending your aura out from your body
Just listing faults.
Yusuke lost in the end and Gon always relied on help from his friends. Gon can't be called a jobber if you never expected him to win anything special on his own.
If you try and reduce the effectiveness of an ability based solely on on numbers you are missing the point. Plus you can just add restrictions to increase the percentage of your hatsu in other categories.

Just like horoscopes there is too much overlap in personality types for this to be reliable.
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Conjuration or Specialist.
But everybody wants to be an specialist so my answer is obviously based on what I'd like instead of what I really think I'd be. I'm a charismatic and independent person though,
As in you have the aura surrounding your body, and you start forming some of it into "something" but it's still connected by a kind of strand or lifeline of nen, and then you sever that connection in order to launch it or send it away from you.

When something you made out of nen detaches/disconnects from your main body of aura, it normally begins rapidly losing power (And I believe the further away you stretch it the weaker and harder to maintain it gets as well). This is why every nen user isn't just running around throwing enery blasts at each other DBZ style.

The Closer you are to emission type, the slower the rate it loses power, and if you are an emitter, the loss is negligible to the point it basically doesn't exist. The are called emitters because the emit their aura away from their bodies better than other nen user types can.
>everybody wants to be an specialist
Reinforcement is where its at. Just punch things and not get hit.
If you do get hit, well then you can survive it or tell somebody how their shit works. Becoming GigaNigga would be amazing.
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>Be enhancer.
>Enhance your lungs and through.
>Shout enemies to death.
>Combine it with emission to compress and throw your voice like a bomb.
>Become Zebra.
>Combine it with transmutation and shout thunder and fire and god knows what else.
>Become dragonborn.

I feel like there are a lot of missed opportunities with Enhancer types.

Exactly, you need to experience it, apparently for years to be able to do it properly, so if you want to transmute a fire aura get ready for some severe burning torture, buddy.
>>Be enhancer.
>>Enhance your lungs and through.
>>Shout enemies to death.
Uvo did that.
Proficiency > Practicality in the world of HxH

Pretty much why every baptized Chimera Ant went to Pouf to get their nen counselling. He was excellent at reading their personalities, emotions and habits. Discovering what hatsu could be best realized by each individual.
Now imagine basing your entire fighting style around that and taking it further.
Yeah but Uvo died. Like a little bitch too.

Only because Kurapika was OP and had an ability that was literally crafted just to kill spiders.
>Your nen can now flow and move like water and using some manipulation you can now control it.

This doesn't sound that different than regularly controlling and shaping nen.
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OH SHIT /a/!
You're a specialist!
What does your water do to indicate that you are a special snowflake?
It calls me a faggot.

It gains the ability to access the internet directly and shitpost about video games
It turns into Pepsi.
Uvo is basically the best enhancing can get
It's turns into cyanide because the glass is just for me.
>can't punch at .00001 seconds
He was good from a "normal" standpoint. But he isn't "trained in the mountains for 40 years" good.
This makes me think about how Pitou has such relative difficulty healing Komugi. Pitou's leaf withers and breaks, which could have meant that Pitou's very nature was not so compatible with being able to heal than it is to destroy. Hence, the process consumed more energy and attention than their usual hatsu.

thats transmutation. Specialist effects are something extremely specific wierdo effects that more than likely wont be detected with the water test.
Stil a little bitch.
>be giant black man with fuckhuge gains
>fight twink boy/small girl
>get the shit beaten out of
>buried in an unmarked grave ignored for a while
>never found
>your friend died anyway
>your dancho still got fucked despite seeing it coming
Uvo had no excuse. He was a faggot for going up against a no skill shitter and losing.
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Reminder that Netero is an emitter
He went general with his abilities and spread them out. Imagine if you focused on just one physical aspect to enhance. And then contracted, sacrificed for it, etc.

Uvo was the best a general purpose enhancer could get not enhancers in general. Netero showed what focusing on something could achieve with enhancement with his punch.
Fine. The water gets lighter or. The particles in the water slow down. I don't know.

Like, seriously, it's hard to even think about it. Do you suppose Chrollo's water disappeared and ended up in his hands because he was meant to STEAL hatsu?

Pitou's leaf broke which kinda went along with their obsession with dissecting things, breaking them apart.
Reminder that the average grunt on the Dark Continent is probably stronger than Meruem
The leaf started to burn and caused a fire in my place, everything is fucking ruined and I'm almost burned to death. What happened to water? It ran away.
Killula dad and grandpa are both emitters
You're just a retard, it withers and breaks because she's a specialist

Killulas test turned the water sweet, it's not because his ability is transmuting his nen into honey
Netero's bio says conjurer
I had the impression that specialists have an effect that is unique to them and only them. Making a comparison to another nen type that has consistent effects is hardly fair. In any case, I wouldn't rule out a possibility on something only the author truly understands.
they're not, they're transmuters.
Are they stronger than a B Class Demon?
>I had the impression that specialists have an effect that is unique to them and only them
well you're kinda pulling that out of your ass because there's no indication of such a thing in the series whatsoever, and it doesn't help that we've only seen one specialist perform water divination.
Yes, because they're rare. If they're common, we would see a lot of muh rubber nen tier characters.
I would try to recreate shadow clones in order to pull "The Naruto" training, where my clones and me train over in over to use our nen and shit.
Regarding what you quoted, the documented effects are rather specific for all except specialist. It just says that something else happens, not that the leaf always breaks. So, I think it's very much implied that specialists unique effects which makes it hard to document.

Nen always comes from the subconscious. The water doesn't have to turn sweet for everyone who is Transmutation, but Killua has a notable sweet tooth - and I think this was an obvious callback to his water divination. It doesn't have to do with their hatsu in the end, just their psyche. That psyche would determine what they would work best or worst with.
There are at least two ability thief in HxH. They have unique ways of doing it but at their core both of them are taking the hatsu of another person.
Razor, Netero and Franklin are shit?
according to hisoka's personality test everyone on /a/ would be conjurer
If you're an autist like Knuckle you could always make an APR-like ability.
The fact that Knuckle was a genius at mathematics seemed to be obfuscated except when his ability had to count interest.
Was there ever another time when it was relevant? The only one i can think of is when he counted the time it'd take for Cheetu to fall into their ambush.
Explaining his ability to Gon and making Gon's head steam as a result? My memory is fuzzy.
>not wanting to have ki blasts and stands
Netero has cool guy points from being an enhancer and having the best emission hatsu in the series anyway.
Could've sworn it said enhancer.
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it does.
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>this little bitch is actually an manipulator type

what is he gonna control? his dick?
>kurta are the less edgy uchihafucking shit

take note, people who can change their eye colors are broken.
You don't seem to have read Tokage no Ou.
That's just a literal color change
Is Netero the strongest human in the hxh-verse? Would he have beaten Meruem in his prime?
To be fair, there should be plenty of "utility" hunters good at conjuration or manipulation that can do impressive shit. Reinforcement is only a must if you are planning to fight shit (and since this is a shonen battle manga.... yeah)
Beyond Netero yes
Is Feitan a transmuter?
we don't even know what his power is
a conjour most likely. He can conjour a pain packer armor and a miniture blazing sun. I doubt the blazing sun is a type of emission anyway.
He's obviously transmuting his aura into a star.
i'm gonna be honest, the ability to make a virus type emission attack would be way too good to handle, literally have your aura invade someone elses aura and fuck them up from the inside.
it would be insidious as almighty shit and fuck people up something fierce.
Knuckle is cool.
yet when bonelov create that Jupiter thing, it was conjour, not emission.
Knuckle is a conjurer.
that would require some transmutation, manipulation with it

>transmutation: change your aura properties to some sort of poisonous bacteria
>manipulation: moving and guiding your "virus" inside a persons body
>emission: self-explanatory
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The water summons an undine.
It would still be primarily emission though, so that's alright since most of the really good abilities use multiple things anyways.
Can't be a star, it was just fire.
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so if I want to make a STANDO POWAH in HxH, the closest I need is manipulation, emission, transmutation and enhancement right?

manipulation for controlling the "stand" figure
emission for separating it from your body, enhancement from strength the stand and transmutation for shaping the stand.
No, he's an Emitter. Says so right here: >>147097335
essentially uvo spread out his stats and netero is a min/maxer
It was a literally a fucking sun
Shizuku is a specialist.
>meru meru

>tfw you could never summon a cute vacuum monster and have it suck up your cum
no she is a Conjurer
All you need emission and manipulation. Just look at Goreinu.
Looked like a sun. It was literally too small to be anything remotely resembling a star.
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So I'm finally getting to the end of the 2011 anime series. For the manga should I start from the beginning or what?

Any reason to watch the older series?
old manga chapter is shit since togashi is a lazy piece of shit. Watch anime for the early chapter then read the manga for the new one.
Nice try samefag-kun.
not me>>147098949
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It's not very clear what exactly Bonolenov's hatsu type is, but I feel like his dances make more sense as a restriction to conjure shit like a fuckhuge boulder when it was previously established that conjurers need to put in a lot of work to form things.
Thanks, I'll probably just start off where the anime ends then, because I'm lazy.
Read the manga, repent for having watched 2011.
judas is not a traitor
Techinicaly this is true
>transmutation: silvia taking his time to pour his aura into his 2 growing ballz
>emission: silvia thrust the ball at his enemies

and that's how killua, alluka, kalluto, illumi, fat kid was borned
Bisky best sensei.
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Is Ging the worst dad in History?
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