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You've just inherited a gorillion dollars, and you decide

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You've just inherited a gorillion dollars, and you decide to use them for the sole purpose of producing a worthy adaptation of Berserk.

You can hire any studio and any specific animators, directors, seiyuus etc that you want. You can impose any stylistic choice, and choose whichever parts of the story you wish to adapt. You can't make huge changes to the story, but you can change or cut out side characters, alter some dialogues, etc.

How do you do it?
david production
Studio: GoHands
Scriptwriter: Gen Urobuchi
Director: Hideaki Anno

Make it a very loose adaptation.
My god. You're a sadist. Somehow I still think it would turn out better than what we have going on right now though.
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Studio: Passione
Director: Satou Yoshiteru
Scriptwriter: Oh!Great
>anno in charge of directing a man like guts
If I had a gorillion dollars I wouldn't animate it, I'd make a live-action adaptation in the vein of GoT on HBO. The story would translate pretty well I think.
Who would be guts?
Studio 4°C comes back to continue making movies. Same staff, same composer, same everything. They were better than the putrid shit we have now.
idk. I would audition rather than cast for publicity.

The real challenge would be finding a suitable Griffith. You'd need someone who was feminine looking but still had an athletic build and exude charisma.
Disney, imagine Berserk made with Frozen's budget and quality.
A proper adaption in the form of ___OVA's
>berserk getting the hellsing treatment
would watch 2bh
>You've just inherited a gorillion dollars, and you decide to use them for the sole purpose of producing a worthy adaptation of Berserk.

Why would I do that? Don't tell me how to use my money.
That's pretty brilliant. No time constraints. Quality is the only goal. No censorship. I want you to win the gorillion dollars.
>and you decide to use them for the sole purpose of producing a worthy adaption of Berserk.
I'm not that much of a faggot.
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I use the money to make a proper classic Birdy the Mighty series that finishes the OVAs.
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My nigga
Keke Palmer as Casca
Studio: MADHOUSE and making ufotable take care of effects and shit.
Director: Tetsurou Araki
Key animation: Imaishi
Script: Nakashima

I would make the fuckers finish every episode before airing to avoid schedule problems.

No idea about the voice actors though.

The problem with a live-action would be the fucking gigantic monsters though.

Rather see tasty OVA animation like >>144373161 wants.
If I had that much money, I wouldn't use it to adapt "Babby's First Dark Fantasy".
>Key animation: Imaishi
This has me worried.
>Billions of dollars spent anime makes it halfway before funds run out
> still stuck in the damn boat
He can do pretty good stuff too. Who would you rather get?
As long as based Okada is heavily involved I don't care who the director or studio is.
Name a better one
You can't
Manga of fantasy in general?
A better Dark Fantasy Manga
I don't know to be honest, but someone with a less cartoony style. Anno himself is a pretty decent animator, I might take him to do effects (he's good at explosions and fire).
Vampire Hunter D
Just make another dark souls desu

My wet dream that will never come true
You fucking tripping? I wouldn't hire a single fucking studio out there, I'd make my own, get the best fucking animators out there, fuck even foreigners and shit.
Why did you even name a studio if you already chose a director, a scriptwriter, and one guy to do the entirety of key animation? What are you even expecting Madhouse to bring to the table? Also, why the fuck would you want Araki, Imaishi, or Nakashima involved?
You realize you can hire freelancers and shit, right?

OP here, I basically just mentioned that you can get any studio because I figured many of the people answering would rather just pick a studio instead of handpicking the staff, but obviously you're not actually bound to any one studio given that you can choose any person for any job.
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>Anno director
>It's just Guts and the new party having mental breakdowns constantly while on the boat
>Holy See symbols everywhere
Kyoto Animation
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like this
I'll get square enix to make it.
What's this from? Google gives me nothing.
Try this.
Personally I'd want Production I.G and Kenji Kamiyama directing, I feel like the current Shiro Sagisu score could be good as well. I think it could be cool if it was in OVA format as well.
Studio: Madhouse
Director: Araki Tetsurou
Key Animation: Ishihama Masashi
Sound Director:Mima Masafumi
Script: Gen Urobuchi
Would be an OVA adaption with a budget of 1 billion yen per episode with 24 key frames per second.
I will make the worst adaptation ever so people will understand that in fact it can get worse.
>Hire studio Madhouse
>Put Shinbo from SHAFT in charge of the key animation
>Put Hideaki Anno in charge of directing the story and work him into a serious depression
>Have Ai Nonaka somewhere in there so people will watch it, even though its not that kind of anime
>Everyone else is all white people with Japanese as a second language
>Have the animators use rotoscopy, then cell-shade only the background
>More time on Puck than any other character, because we gotta let the viewers know Puck is in it!
>Ad-lib all of Griffith's lines, his voice actor being someone who read the manga once about a decade ago
>Cameos all around, open to anyone who wants in
I spend a paltry sum and make it a CGI shitfest and spend the rest on a proper Blame! and Dorohedoro anime
Step 1:
Pitch this to Netflix

Step 2:
Spend zero dollars of my own money to hire the best talent that the West Coast can offer (not that there is much these days)

Step 3:
Put Ralph Bakshi in charge, even if he doesn't want to do it he can't turn down that much money to do animation

Step 4:
Sean Bean is Griffith
Honestly I would just make it a game. With that money I could hire the best composers and artists and programmers to really nail the feel and atmosphere.
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I would pay Miura all of that money just to get off his ass and finish the manga.

No more hiatuses.
No more idolshit.
No more only one chapter every x months.

Just finish the damn thing.

I would put a portion of the funds towards getting him all the assistants and drawing supplies he would ever need.
If I had a gorillion dollars, I'd just make it a reality with me as Griffith.
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Can /v/ get the fuck out of this thread please
>Studio: Gainax
>Form: 4 movies
>Soundtrack: Shiro Sagisu & Ryuichi Sakamoto
>Directors: Hiroyuki Yamaga, Kazuya Tsurumaki (Kitaro Kosaka would be great, too!)
I'd commission Capcom to make a game instead.
Samuel L. Jackson
I would hire David Production and Madhouse for the animations and character design, Silver link for the scenery and finally Trigger to save anime once again.
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>All Berserk in 4 movies.
Hey, I didn't say I'd do the whole thing.

Oh well, let's make that 5 movies. Each about 2 hours and 29 minutes long.

Your idea is stupid
>Scriptwriter: Oh!Great
Oh God, please no.
That would be Guts' dear childhood friend.
I'm more concerned about Yamaga and Tsurumaki. Neither of them really fits Berserk that much in the first place, and they also haven't done anything good in a long time.
>>Studio: Gainax
>>Form: 4 movies
>>Directors: Hiroyuki Yamaga, Kazuya Tsurumaki (Kitaro Kosaka would be great, too!)
What the fuck. Are you some kind of 2005 newfag who just time traveled here?
Same, but I'd rather have Studio Madhouse or WIT. After what they did with kabaneri, I want the kind of animation quality they're putting out
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All that experience with CG, historical research, actual artistic skill because its a proper studio, passion because they created the pilot to get Miura's permission in the first place, gone. What could have been, what a waste.
>The Berserk game will come to PC
>It covers Berserk-Guts vs. Grunbeld
Why even care about the anime anymore
I'll still watch it I guess
>Dorohedoro anime
Muh nigga
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> Anno directing
> Falconia tripled in size and Holy See symbols every second, Guts bawls his eyes out after every fight.
>on a proper Blame! and Dorohedoro anime
great taste anon
No fucking joke: I'd hire Pixar and force them to do a faithful adaptation over six movies.
They could use an alternative name so it doesn't "blemish" Disney's pure image.
Musou aren't games, anon.
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We all know whos the only ones that can do a proper berserk anime
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>the show is now about puck
you can thank the berserk references in the souls series for the current influx of /v/irgins
good berserk discussions won't be possible for a while
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>implying it wasn't already
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>How do you do it?
I don't.

I use my money to adapt the Malazan Book of the Fallen instead.
I would watch it because it's berserk and we should be glad it's getting adapted at all.
I would replace the dragonslayer sword with a dragonslayer frying pan.

other than this , leave it like this
Ugh. Get their character designer instead then.

WIT will just apply a brown filter on everything and call it a day.
Uhm yes they are??
As an anime. Would eat that shit up like a 2d girl's ass.
What, with all of Pixar's experience directing despairing rape scenes and massive fights?
That was my genuine reaction, anon-kun.

Kabaneri looked good because of the character design, not because of WIT.

>guts making the pixar face

It has everything. Great setting, insane power levels, self insert(s), power up arcs, giant invincible rape warriors, waifus, EVERYTHING.
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Are you sure you can handle the true man's world anon?
Please take your shitty typing habits back to social media and stay there.
Precisely why I'd hire them.
They need to do more different stuff and starting it with Berserk would be the highest difficult you could have. They are insane engineers who thrive on challenges, can you imagine the crazyness that would be they trying to animate berserker or Zodd in a realistic way?
So you've sent out to adapt a manga and your first thought is "Hey, I could help this Western studio get better at diverse things by using this manga as practice"? What?
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Berserk manga MUST be finished before anything else.
Only problem I see is that it would have to run longer than Naruto and I doubt even my hypothetical gorrillions could keep a decent production value across all of that.

Fujiwara Keiji as Fiddler.
Daisuke Ono as the one dark elf with the soul-consuming sword. Anomander Rake?
I'd rather use it to produce a pure fanservice fate/kaleid sol
pay him until he finishes, then. He has no pressure and all the finances he needs.

Studio SHAFT
Kazuhiro Furuhashi Urobutcher.. nah
I want blood dripping down his face as he does the head flip. It'll all be worth it.
Shinji Hashimoto in animation for fight scenes
Jouji Nakata as Guts.
SHAFT, with Shinbo and all the trimmings.
Give them enough money to actually animate it well, but have them keep the more important scenes as slideshows on purpose. Lots of head tilts.
Plenty of Inucurry in scenes where it makes zero sense.

Guts is a loli.
Voiced by Omigawa Chiaki.
Textspeak and shitty punctuation aren't acceptable, end of story. Read the rules.
>loli gattsu
>not voiced by Yukinori Ishizuka

Don't be a pleb now friend.
Why not get some big guy impersonating a loli as guts?
Shit taste.You always do mad house or fuck off
What was the last edgy shit Anime that madhouse did right? Overlord was supposed to be edgy as fuck, yet they managed to make turn an elder lich into a moe spaghetti spiller.

They can't animate for shit anymore too. OPM looked good, but it was mostly bones artists anyway.

Madhouse is dead.
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If I had a gorillion dollars for the sole purpose of making a superb adaption of Berserk, I would actually and unironically attempt to make a live-action TV adaption from the beginning to the end, with no regards to profitability, and it would have superenthusiastics actors who must all have read the manga and become fans of the source material. Part of the money would of course go into training them into becoming great actors.
After all, I have a gorillion dollars. It would be my entire life's work. I would go maximum autism and make it as perfect as possible, and if necessary prepare a will that should I die during production, somebody else must continue this epos.

Now if you had given me a far more reasonable amount of money (a few million dollars or so), I would of course try to make a good anime adaption (or rather, hire good consultants that can get me in contact with people who know people who are friends with people in the anime industry) with whatever production committee that wants to join into the effort.
Studio: Madhouse (They did an amazing job with Mahouka, Kiseijuu and Death Parade and i really like their artstyle)

Director: Noriyuki Abe & Watanabe

Sound Direction: Aketagawa Jin & Hiromi Kikuta

Soundtrack Composition: Shiro Sagisu & Hiroyuki Sawano

Opening: Super Beaver (Something Dark)
Ending: Nano & Spyair (Something more happy, maybe Rock)

Guts: Shinichiro Miki (really liked him on Assasin in F/S/N would fit pretty good)
Griffith: Hayami Sho (Perfect voice for villains, aizen from bleach is the best example)
Casca: Touyama Nao(liked her on Asterisk, she can do a girly voice but also a more serious and intimidating one i think that would fit casca)
It's been SEVEN FUCKING YEARS since Fantasia Arc started.

Nah, I'd want more One Punch Man.

Gotta get my fix of Saitama acting like a total clueless noob while disentigrating godlike beings with a swipe.
I'd be fine with one chapter a month until he finishes.
I don't, instead I pay miura to actually fucking finish.
They do technically have Kawajiri left, and if they could get him to direct something again he'd be one of my top choices for Berserk.
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Yoshiaki Kawajiri (Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust; The Animatrix -- Program; Ninja Scroll)

>Key animation
Tetsuya Takeuchi (End of Evangelion; Kara no Kyoukai)

>Series Composition + Screenplay
Ichirō Ōkouchi

Shiro Sagisu & Susumu Hirasawa

>OP, ED, and Insert Songs
Susumu Hirasawa

For the cast, bring all of the original seiyuu back. They were all fucking perfect:

Nobutoshi Canna (Original Guts; Lancer -- Fate/stay night)

Toshiyuki Morikawa (Original Griffith; Sephiroth -- Final Fantasy VII)

Yuuko Miyamura (Original Casca; Asuka -- Evangelion)

Bring back Marc Diraison, Kevin Collins, and Carrie Keranen for the English voices as well.
I skip the animated medium entirely and turn it into the broadway rock-opera it was always meant to be.
Black Swordsmand and Lost Children OVAs
animated by Sunrise Studio 1
directed by Kazuma Tsurumaki
music by Susumu Hirasawa, as god intended
Boring cg instead of just shitty cg?
Studio - madhouse
Director - Yamada/tsurumaki
Key animation - iso
Whenever this sort of question is asked, my answer will always be Xebec.
Sometimes it's the most appropriate studio, usually I just want to see the product.
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Does anyone know where in the story the anime will end? I feel like this would be a good place And would be happy to see Guts vs Zodd.
>up to Grunbeld
Oh come on, they already covered up to there in the PS2 game.
Good taste, anon.
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>24 key frames per second
Is that even possible ?
>Keke Palmer in an edgy movie

I'd pay money
Have you never seen anything animated on ones in your life? Go watch Akira right now.
Sorry anon I didn't know, and it's been a while.
Did one person really draw all the movie ?
Yeah, his name was Yamakan Tezuka.
>not directly paying Miura to get his lazy ass to finish the damn thing
Thatd be fucking dumb cause anything that is even mildly fantasy-like becomes absolute trash in live-action.
Nigga, please, with a gorillion dollars, I can also of course hire the best special effects studios of the entire world to make the best rape trolls and rape apostles. I could in fact hire all of them and have them work on each single monster or fantasy location individually.
epic meme dude
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Sounds good, but I don't want the Eclipse or the battle with Mozgus to end up like D's Wood

Scriptwriter:Mari Okada

Drawing style:Rotoscope style

Guts:Tomokazu Sugita
Caska:Kugimiya Rie
Hisidro:Sakaguchi Daisuke
Serpico:Nakai Kazuya
Griffith:Hiroshi Kamiya
SkullKnight:Daisuke Ohno
What if Polygon was given the amount of money Lucasfilm and Netflix backed with Clone Wars?

Why is the animation framerate of Sidonia so awful, but the animation from seasons 3-6 of Clone Wars was great?
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>the 2016 anime has such low production values that even the shitty ass jrock opening theme of all things doesn't have a full/extended version on the official CD single release
How the flying fuck is this even possible. Out of all 24-minute anime series of the past two decades, never before have I ever seen a show with this low of a budget. What the hell were they thinking? Literally the Farnese VA Yoko Hikasa and the Shiro Sagisu soundtrack are probably the most expensive things involved.
>tfw the soundtrack won't even have a regular CD release
Lord of the Rings?

Or were we just talking anime?
How anyone would choose any studio other than Bones is absolutely beyond me.
I believe it'll end with this very same fight.
That looks amazing indeed.

If besides that, they used "make-up artists" for some close-up shots, like WIT did in Kabaneri, it would look completely perfect.
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>a worthy adaptation of Berserk.

So i guess the rumors of the new one being crap are truth then?

More than true. The only things that are coming from it are the memes and the steady supply of threads here.

Trying to end anywhere else is going to put them mid-arc or completely fuck the pacing...

Who am I kidding, there's no pacing to begin with...
I would give it to the exact same team as Code Geass.

This meams Jun fukuyama as guts, and character designs by CLAMP.
Fuck Berserk.

I rather have a proper anime adaption of Bastard, Berserk's predecessor.

Before Bastard went on hiatus, the prior battle was fucking gorgeous and insane.
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10 minute ONAs
Inferno Cop style
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Wait, hold on, so Griffith is still Griffith? Because I can't fucking tell. The Griffith on the Hill of Swords wasn't the Griffith that raped Casca, and the Griffith in Falconia isn't the Griffith on the HoS either.
>every line is screamed
>Puck is super smug and voiced by Mayumi Shintani
>Griffith voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama
>Some cameo of a character from an obscure short that trigger made and nobody cares about

Would be entertaining at least I guess.
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I'm imagining it being like Ninja Slayer where they switch to actual animation for 5 second scenes for important action and fanservice, then back to a cutout of Guts smashing against the cutout of an Apostle while screaming at each other until one explodes.

It would be better than any current Berserk adaptation, at least.
>tfw new chapters never
that part where darsh unloads on michael's face was amazing
If these 5 seconds are full of over-the-top and even unecessary sakuga it could be good.

>YEAAAAAAAAAAART every time Guts makes something
>They keep the CLANG everytime Guts touches his sword because Trigger loves memes

Studio Ghibli
Director: Shigeru Miyamoto
Co-Director: Hideo Kojima
Animation: Pixar
During the conviction arc. femto( what griffith turned into during the eclipse ) managed to get his old body back. next arc sets up falconia . So the Post conviction girffith,( the one in the picture) is the same one in falconia Rape griffith would be femto, the black hawk.
Actually Godhand used Guts and Casca to open the door to facilitate Griffith getting a physical body. Hell! I believe they sent the message to Guts on where to find Casca while he was sulking in the Elf Cave.
Berserk has been cursed to never have an accurate adaptation, so at the very least I want it to have a fucking weird one.
Henry Cavill is the only good choice.
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