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JoJo Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 559
Thread images: 214

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> http://pastebin.com/CJPJP2Hi
1st for best boy
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Post and r8 charts
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>ywn strip Lucy naked and fondle her pregnant belly
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4th for Best Boy
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Buy EoH!
Now with 100% more FAST
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6th for best JoJo
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How much does Bandai Namco pay you to post this in every thread?
The thread has already submitted to Giorno.>>144260882
They've given me the joy of playing the game since release
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How did we go from P6s discussion about heaven with Pucci and P7s Jesus to this?
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We need to spread his greatness, anyway.
Do wikifags really exist?
Hato confirmed for complete moron
I like how Josuke is off-panel thinking "the fuck is wrong with these people?"
What are they?
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post yfw this sounds at the end of SO
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>yfw Araki names a stand after something by __ICP__
People who skim through the wiki without reading / reading very little of the manga/anime
>I like how Josuke is off-panel thinking "I wonder if I can convince Yasuho, Daiya and Hato to have a four-way with me... one testicle for each, eh-heh!"
>mfw Turkish coup failed
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22th for Best JoJo
>not the opening to this
You dun fucked up
I just watched the new episode.

What the fuck was going on at David where they decided that the freaking rat episode would be the best looking episode in the entire series? I can only imagine how great the censored bits looked, too.

All in all these last few episodes have really been impressing me, good shit.
I'm a little surprised he hasn't yet given how famous they are. Honestly there are a few decent Stand names in their discography.
>[Riddle Box]
>[Hokus Pokus]
>[Under the Moon]
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New opening is so shit. Standard shonen jpop/jrock schlock. Every opening has been unique and memorable up till now.
Why are song, album, and band names so fitting for Stand names? It's such a random thing to name something after but it fits so well.
Only when they add local multiplayer you fucking shill.
If Dio met Kars would he submit to Kars's will ?
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>not this
Anon, we can go forever like this
It had lots of QUALITY, anon
They were just smart enough to save the good shots for vital moments and close ups
Why does everyone name their stands after music, except the people in P3 who had their stands named by Avdol/Enyaba after Tarrot Cards, or after Egyptian gods, with literally no overlap.
Too bad anon. That's how every opening is gonna be for now on.
And besides, chase isn't even that bad
They'd talk about bread
I want a part where stand names are based off of Lotería cards.
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Oh, yeah, totally.

I used to be one myself for quite a few series in my early teens; I'd get interested after seeing them mentioned on here and then read the tvtropes page, followed by wikipedia if I was still interested, followed by maybe skimming a few chapters/episodes before inevitably losing interest since I used to have depression and found actively consuming media instead of just summaries weirdly tiring.

I still post in Fate threads fucking constantly but all I've really seen of it outside of the wiki/tvtropes is doujins, carnival phantasm, 18 episodes of Zero, a few episodes of UBW, and Extra.

In that EXACT order.
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When are they going to replace stands? Went two parts with hamon/ripple, four parts with stands, one part with stands and the spin and spin didn't stick so we went right back to stands only. Stands are great don't get me wrong but it'd be cool to see another gimmick. Araki's been running on stands for six parts now.

Then again, if it's not broke don't fix it?
When are anime-onlys going to stop having such a huge boner for Star Platinum? Everyone I know doesn't want to give Crazy Diamond a chance because "it's not as cool as Star Platinum". SP is overrated as fuck.
Stands are here to stay. Even if Araki said otherwise at the beginning of a part he'd forget and write them in later.
I like Star Platinum because of how simple and 'rule of cool' it is. Just a big aztec warrior lookin' dude that can punch fast.

The Hand is way better though.
Why asks a question when you already know the answer?
>Then again, if it's not broke don't fix it?
Yup, that's exactly why.
examples plix

i need more animeonlies to feel superior to
They're simple minded retards who refuse to read the source material, of course they're basic bitches too.
I'm a mangafag and Star Platinum is my second my second favorite protagonist Stand after Tusk
The Hand looks better in Black and White than in Color honestly.
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Damnit, I don't have "Bait the Dust" anymore. Can anyone help me out?
>Dio y El Mundo
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Here I come Anikiiiiiiiii
Actually I think I might have a thing for overpowered stands.
Why did they tone down the general volume of background music after the first season?
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s-sauce for pic?
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This thing?
i know you're just jokin with this but it'd Beto Za Dasuto
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I prefer this color scheme.
I just wanted to make the fact that it said "bait" more obvious
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My mom started watching JoJo and she is currently at the end of part 3.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing /a/?
Am I colorblind? I thought this was black-white. It's a creamy-white but a shade of white nonetheless.
>My mom
Nigga das purple
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2nd's a great color scheme, I love it. But I still wish that The Hand's SAS came with at least one "erasing" accessory.
How old is she ? She probably needs medical advice or a better son/daughter.
It'd be cool if Josuke and Okuyasu reappeared at the end of Stone Ocean to help fight (and then get killed by) Pucci and this would be the color scheme for The Hand
Why does Araki keep slut-shaming Yasuho's mom
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HEY (You)
My mum watches Jojo too. She got really into part 2.
Yeah it's pretty dumb to not have one. I reeeeally want to pose them like this
It may not be unique but it's definitely memorable.

After hearing it twice I had CHASU CHASU stuck in my head for hours.
out there in the cold
Getting lonely getting old
Can you feel me?
Why doesn't Johnny ever mention to Jonathan that they have the same name? Did CC2 forget?
It's fucking weird.
Because they exist in separate works of fiction and shouldn't actually be able to interact
Because they don't.

Jon is short for Jonathan, Johnny is short for nothing - it's just a variation of John.
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To each their own but I prefer the hand to be blue

Also how would a Keicho/Bad company SAS look?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who reads it like that every time, despite the picture.
It was a tribute to Stroheim. Araki fucking nazi.
>you will never watch Yasuho's mom force alcohol on Yasuho and then violently rape her in a drunken rage
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I'm talking about Eyes of Heaven.
They spend most of the game together.
>Because they don't.
what's her stand name?
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If Yasuho was real, she would probably look like that. Japanese women are ugly as fuck.
Was he masturbating while eating?
and same for her mom.
He was feeding his pet mouse.
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I dunno I think Araki did a good job of making his characters look vaguely asian this time around
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this ?
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(You) did it!.gif
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Where can I find the new chapter leak?
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Ugly as fuck (and she's probably a japanese model)
Even without makeup caucasian women are far prettier than japanese women.

>talking about 3d women

It's like you want to be called gay
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>Also how would a Keicho/Bad company SAS look?
Accessories would probably include a bow, maybe an arrow (though Part 5 Silver Chariot already has one).

Bad Company SAS wouldn't look good unless it came as a separate release with the Apaches and tanks (and obviously that's unrealistic thinking). Otherwise it'd just be one or two static soldier accessories for Keicho.
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Who was in the wrong here?
>Caucasian women
Asians are objectively cuter and more attracted to white men. White man + Asian woman is the ideal. White women can fuck blacks or whatever the hell they're into these days.
ayy lmao
That's a trick to avoid reality anon.
Yonkouproductions on tumblr
But the faggot made it viewable only to tumblr users so you have to make an account
They were originally posted at yonkouproductions' tumblr, but I think he removed the post and made his account available only to other tumblr users.

There's an alternative album here.
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On a scale from one to GUREAITO, how good will Rohan be in the next episode?
You must be ugly as fuck too.
who is the best JoJo and why is it Giorno Giovanna?
>that pic
context? I never read the Rohan spin offs, does somebody ask him to go into H-manga?
That's a great question.
Why is he good? Do tell.
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Will an OP music EVER top end of the world ?
He is the prime example that evil is not inherent.

He is the what-if DIO.

He is the JoJo that brings out the good in everybody else and finds the true potential of even hardboiled criminals.

The savior of men, quite literally Jesus
It's an edit.
So,why did jolyne not get her stand naturally?
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It's an edit from the 7SU2 page.
Every single other OP.
They did twice so far and three times before that :^)
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Get a load of this guy
probably gureito, since it's an actual plot episode
Probably because the Joestars got their Stands unnaturally from Dio.
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>nice-bodied onee-sans
Who are those girls surrounding Josuke?
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who are these women josuke is desperately afraid of?
me on the right
They're actually the Stand「Oh, Pretty Woman」
Because she wasn't alive when DIO pierced himself with the arrow.

>Joseph and Jotaro
Explained in SDC
Got it in a fever during SDC
Around 3 years old around SDC time
Unborn, therefore she only had Stand potential

This is fact
His pins
thanks doc
End of the World was fucking cringey garbage with no sense of rhythm. Animation was sweet though.
At least try harder with the bait anon this is old hat
Holy fuck they are.
Is this the work of an enemy 「stand」?
>Jonathan's body got his stand after being pierced by the arrow
>Joseph got his stand after Jonathan's body was pierced by the arrow
>Holly got her stand after Jonathan's body was pierced by the arrow
>Jotaro got his stand after after Jonathan's body was pierced by the arrow
>Josuke got his stand after Jonathan's body was pierced by the arrow
>Giorno probably got his stand after Jonathan's body was pierced by the arrow
>Donatello probably got his stand after Jonathan's body was pierced by the arrow
>Ungalo probably got his stand after Jonathan's body was pierced by the arrow

>Rikiel didn't have is stand in Part 6 yet because he was born after Dio was killed

> Asians are cuter than Caucasians.
You should indeed look like shit. Eurasians are pretty but that's it. You should stop reading mangas.
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because she didn't read the fucking manga
Is Lets Go Poaching With An Italian confirmed or are we only getting the manners manor one.
Why didn't Weather Report use his Mary Sue OC to insta-kill Pucci before it undid the power of Bohemian Rhapsody?

They haven't said yet.
That's just a front, at the end of the day he's still just a spergy 15 year old kid that was in way over his fucking head
>reading The Mystery of King Crimson for the first time in years, first time with the new scans

Fuck I teared up when Best Girl swam after them at the end.

Bruno is the true MC.
That's not a bait fag, that's a fact. But it seems like you disagree. Go on, post pics of japanese models you find "prettier" than caucasian.
it's only been confirmed that we are getting the manners manor arc thing, so who knows
What the fuck are you talking about?
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fem giorno a CUTE
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Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe.
He's talking about the OVA, which comes as a benefit for buying all BDs for Part 4 anime.

The OVA is based on one of Rohan's spin-offs, Millionaire Village.
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That was pretty good anon you're getting the hang of this
Fuck, yeah I realised it must be about that. I still haven't read any of the spin offs for some reason.

In the end, he's still a vulnerable kid. Although he's serious in most situations and acts like a white knight, he's just a teenager trying to survive. This shows most in the White Album fight, where Giorno is seen giving up and just asks Mista to save himself. Giorno at that point was actually scared for once and Mista was the one who had to carry him through.

Giorno is a good boy. I wish we could've seen a mature, stronger willed Giorno before the universe reset.
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Why is Tonio a ginger?
because Tumblr
Why the fuck do you care where someone gets an image from? The world isn't gonna fuckin' end because someone decided to get an image from a site that you don't like. Shut the fuck up and allow people to do things you don't like for once.

And fuck off with this too, you post this every thread for no fucking reason.
Blackmore in a Heritage of the Future-like JoJo arcade fighter when?

ASB was clunky and felt like dog shit
>Joseph is now a senile old man
>Jotaro is now a loving father
>Josuke is now a golden hearted protector
>Giorno is now a strong-willed gangstar boss
Holy shit. Look how far JoJo's have come.
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>You should stop reading mangas
Said on /a/
I can't stop laughing
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Look out anon! Gay priest coming thru'
I was surprised he posted it in the first place after that guy on Twitter reported him to Ultra Jump.
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I happen to agree
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I hope a demo or something of that comes out soon; it looks pretty cool.
especially the stands, they're a step above the original's.
Bullets don't work like that

The casing is much lighter than the round itself, and if it was fired from his hand like that the casing would have simply ruptured and the round would have traveled a few feet at best

T. /k/
You new here or something?
Is there a good one out there? I really want a Part 1-8 arcade fighter.

HotF was amazing, being able to throw out your stands remotely and it would be amazing to do that with Aerosmith or RHCP.
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But /k/non, these are special anime bullets
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post yfw you faintly hear in the background

>She keeps a Moet et Chandon
>In her pretty cabinet
>Let them eat cake she says
>Just like Marie Antoinette
>A built-in remedy
>For Kruschev and Kennedy
>At anytime an invitation
>You can't decline

>Caviar and cigarettes
>Well versed in etiquette
>Extraordinarily nice
>She's a Killer Queen
>Gunpowder, gelatine
I've been here for two years. I don't understand the point your making, that it's okay for someone judge someone else for the sites they visit?
Fucking Kira man, he's the best
There's actually a video someone made showcasing the chapter of Shigechi's death while Killer Queen plays.

It was bretty gud.

damn kira was a lanky mofo

nigga just get outta auschwitz or some shit?
You're on 4chan, nigga
It doesn't matter if it's "okay" or not

Getting mad about it is just giving people what they want
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Would be the hypest adapted moment in JoJo so far if David were to get Killer Queen as the new ED. Won't happen though unfortunately.
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>And fuck off with this too, you post this every thread for no fucking reason.
Why the fuck do you care if someone posts an image? The world isn't gonna fuckin' end because someone decided to post an image that you don't like. Shut the fuck up and allow people to do things you don't like for once.
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>defending the tumblr boogeyman complex
absolute cancer
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The character development is one of my favorite parts of JoJo, which is why i felt shortchanged with Giorno and (to a way lesser extent) Jolyne (but that's understandable).

>tfw you will never witness a friendly Giorno mob boss, who greets the people of town but hammers down on unnecessary crime
I don't think you read that post properly
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Getting closer to that 144444444 get
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What happened to goofy Giorno from the early chapters?
Days away
what is this mista meme i keep seeing
I don't know if I'm autistic or something but I keep hoping for David to use Killer Queen as the insert song when Kira first reveals his stand
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He's afraid of 4s
Goofy Giorno best Giorno.

Araki changed him to be a springboard for Bruno (the true MC) and the rest of the gang, but also because the tone of Part 5 changed more seriously.

It would've been nice to see Giorno crack a sarcastic one liner and smile at Baby Face before absolutely destroying him. He was so charming when dealing with Koichi and then suddenly he became so serious
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best skin.jpg
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Would you consider Kira to be the most balanced main villain in the series?
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>arena fighter
No, Funny Valentine is.
But i am, i just finished reading part 7
"And that is why, before you talk to anyone else..."
"I, will erase you!"

I'd be happy if David did this
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This is much worse than the censored version
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Next post is going to be a 4
By far
>only two true allies
>own son is his enemy
>hounded by an entire group of users
>time shenanigans are complicated and restricted
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There's one in the pastebin, it's okay but missing a lot of character it should have
shut up
>you will never take both of Jolyne's massive dicks

Life sucks.
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How would I go about making the sound effects move like that?
i didn't remember his neck looking like that
I'll take whatever Jolyne futa I can get, thanks anon
I don't think the Killer Queen theme is fitting for scenes like that.

What would REALLY be awesome is if they played Sheer Heart Attack during the SHA fight.
>Funny Valentine
You have to one-shot him in order to kill him in his base form. And one he has Love Train, the only way to kill him is by using the power of infinite rotation.
Animating each frame.
You just need to destroy D4C desu.
There is only one and he'll move to another Valentine.
I wanna hang out with Suzuyo and play video games and drink and bully her daughter together.
That's exactly why she hates her mother.
>drumroll for echoes act 3

even though it's a shitty ghetto stand
Was Bruno a pre-Gyro non-Joestar MC?
He's massively underpowered, which is even better
If it was that easy, he wouldn't have killed Diego and Hot Pants.
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Post more, please
> Blaming black guys
You have no success with white girls. That only means you must look like shit, have no charisma at all, and maybe you are a fatboy or a skinny fag. Just blame yourself and keep dreaming of 2d japanese girls drawn by mangakas who have an inferiority complex.
It seems like it'd be fun though.
Now i think about it, isnt stone free a pretty shit tier stand?It can barely bend a coin iirc.
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How big is Jolyne's penis really?
Did Araki just suddenly decide to give Bruno hairclips on that page?
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Are you that same guy from before?
You're digging up old posts to feel self-validated

Too cute
Yeah, but Jolyne came up with so many creative uses for the stand that its strength didn't matter.
>"I can even turn a rock into THE Rock."
Fucking lost it
She has no penis, you numbnut. She's a woman.
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Can golden experience create humans?
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OH MY.gif
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As big as she wants
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>Not having feminine penis
Come on anon you fucking loser
Are you the one who thinks asian woman + white man is the ideal ?
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so I'm caught up on JJL and have a few questions...

1. Where the hell is the story going to go from here?
2. Didn't Norisuke say that he was going to fuck Josuke up when he saw him getting it on with Daiya?
3. Who's this flashback guy everyone talks about?
4. Why is Gappy so amazing?
i have a huge futa folder that would like to disagree
It made human flesh, so I don't see why not
It probably can't make human souls, though
Pretty much.
Nope, wasn't even part of the argument
Personally, I like black girls
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post smug Gio
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1.tweests and bad writing incoming
4.he's not.fucking lame nothing character
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What would the stand power be?
1. The Matriarch of the Higashikata House will be a rock person
2. He's bipolar and has reason to like him now
3. Main villain
4. It's the testicles
Lowers enemy stand's power to 3/5 of their original power
I'm in love with a cute gangster.
Heh, that's pretty neat
Speed King
He runs real fast
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So is Jobin an enemy or ally?
Isn't that pretty much what happened with Bruno?
>1. Where the hell is the story going to go from here?
Probably gonna set up the main villain, and they have to find a cure for the curse.
>2. Didn't Norisuke say that he was going to fuck Josuke up when he saw him getting it on with Daiya?
He forgot
>3. Who's this flashback guy everyone talks about?
This guy, he was in the Fun Fun Fun arc.
>4. Why is Gappy so amazing?
I don't know
Neither am I. Anon is blaming black guys for being ugly.
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I have to disagree since i find it rather enjoyable.
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1. Kaato's probably going to fuck Norisuke up at some point, Jobin's role in the plot still hasn't been wrapped up, we still don't know who exactly the big bad is or who the mystery flashback man is.
2. Yes.
3. He shows up in one of the earlier chapters, I think it was either chapter 4 or 5. Gappy remembers the guy's face, but that's it.
4. Because Gappy is a quality jojo.
He was upset at Damo's death, so yeah he's evil. He and Kaato are up to some shady shit
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That tongue looks fucking stupid
Josuke is the only Jojo who's progressively turning more and more into a giraffe
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can do
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Fuck you
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All I have is a happy Johnny.
Don't know
Norisuke is a straight up bitch, he's not stepping up to Josuke lmao
Who? Josefumi?
He's the best JoJo
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Here ya go.
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>Has a good relationship going with Yasuho
>Daiya dotes on him whenever he's at home
>probably gets BJs from Karera on the side

how does he do it?
What do Kyo and Hato do?
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>Who? Josefumi?
also this post >>144265907
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God Damn I had nothing but dreams of Thick KC all night
Please Kill Me.
I'm in love with a stand.
Fuck off
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git gud
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Do you guys have the comparison of the part 5 mistranslations?
Why was Shigechi screaming while going to Heaven?
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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Heaven's Door Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Manga Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
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I thought you liked Thicc King Crimson
He wasn't.
Going to Heaven, that is.
Soft & Wet because he steal things.
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>tfw Yukako never kicked Kira's ass for punching a hole in her man
Because exploding sucks, man. Rohan is also screaming when Reimi sees his ghost-cloud.
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Well the other parts aren't about a serial killer trying and succeeding to kill teenagers and children.
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How the fuck did the kid know about Josuke's limitations on his stand?
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he didn't
this kid put all his money on chance
this poor fucking kid is the real hero
He was in the middle of screaming Josuke's name.
he's a real fucking asshole who stopped kira
I want to hug Jolyne
I want to kiss Jolyne
So how about that SP's The World sound effect?
I like that it wasn't just the same as DIO's.
I wonder if your logic made any sense to you when you were writing this post.
>forcing yourself as a meme
get a trip so I can filter you please
No but I mean I was playing the role of commentator for Josuke vs. Kira

He knew all about this complete stranger's Stand
Get off 4chan Yoshihiro
You too Anasui
calm down annasui
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I dont get how blood drops work against king crimson
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Will Okuyasu ever find love
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Because he is The Absolute Madman
yes he will marry a beautiful woman and live a happy life
and that beautiful woman is josukes mom
When time skips the number of blood drops on the floor / on Giorno's hand will suddenly increase because they keep dripping even in the skipped time
A drop of blood drops every second. Watch the blood drops and count them as they drop. If suddenly there are more drops of blood for seconds you have felt pass, then that neans King Crimson erased time.
No, he's too stupid to find love.
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>getting into a cosplay outfit only to slosh through muddy water
How horrifying.
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No, he ded
he willingly gets himself blown up to trigger the effects of Killer Queen
So you guys think 39 episodes will be the final count?
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>as a STONE on the ocean floor
It's been confirmed for months.
That's been confirmed.
>The hand face
what is that expression trying to convey
not to mention he's willing and ready to fucking kill himself to save these random strangers and defeat kira
>Japs don't know what the fuck subtlety and realism is when cosplaying
>Westerners don't put any effort in and are usually obese
Are there any good cosplayers?
shock with just a hint of fear
D: or :<
I meant as in there won't be an additional cour, I know 39 eps is confirmed on the site but that doesn't mean they won't announce 13 more.

Unless you mean they specifically confirmed 39 is final and there will not be another cour, I didn't see that if so.
>aw fuck! 8<
They confirmed the entire anime will be 39 episodes dummie, not that 39 episodes are confirmed as a minimum
39 is final.
Looking at the pace they're going that should also be fairly obvious.
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Do any of you guys have the comparison of the part 5 mistranslations?
honestly pretty much all of Koichi's fights could have been solved if they just strapped Yukako to him with a leash.

Yukako wouldnt put up with anyone messin wit her man.

>hey yukako? its josuke! yeah how you doing... yeah... Koichi, got kidnapped by a gay comic book artist.
>*mushroom cloud made of hair erupts in distance*
Yukako would also be blinded by rage just like Josuke.
I don't remember the exact tweet but it was mentioned when they confirmed Part 4 was going to go until December/no breaks.
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>they confirmed Part 4 was going to go until December
>no breaks
no breaks on the jojo hype train
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here's one
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brakes. i really wish those words were spelled the same
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what's the sex like, I wonder?
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jesus christ, it hurts to imagine how much more i would have enjoyed part 5 with good translations. it's got to be easier to translate italian to english than it is japanese to english, right? what's the fucking holdup?
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I don't know, but it seems like things would get pretty HAIRY
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I really love his statue. I wish it would get a rerelease like everyone else seems to be.
I might be wrong, but is part 5 Italian's translation official or is it just a fan translation of the Japanese manga?
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Say what you want about Araki being pure, but I can't believe this was made by accident.
This and the fact that he came at least once inside a woman, saddens me.
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>Did you cut off my d

What did she mean by this?
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Yeah, same here.

There's probably time to give him a rerelease, but it sucks that the recent rereleases seemed to leave him in the dust.
Guys I think I've discovered 『Heavenl』right no-◕ͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥ◕ͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥ◕ͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥ
Which part is the lewdest?
Trish used to be a futa before giogio cut her dick off with Gold Experience, duh. learn the lore
chillinfan829 sucks
pls no bully
Is this an insult or an advertisement?
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whats his stand called?
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Who the best character in part4?
Fuck off redditor
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no contest
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Hey yaaaaaa
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>Not automatically knowing who the best character is.
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What did he mean by this?
I forgot how much pain his soul looked like it was in. Do you think its gonna be yelling in the adaptation
I'm reading Part 4 for the first time right now and I just got to the rat chapters (which I guess is coincidentally where the anime is, but I'm not watching that).

So far this cast is great. Koichi is my favourite, although Josuke and The Hand are close behind.
I like Jotaro far more now than I did in SDC.
Rohan is an asshole.
Haven't been introduced to Kira yet.
Man, I'm not sure if I want to see Shigechi's death in the anime. It's going to be more devastating than in the manga and I'm sure they are going to use the acustic version of chase.
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I hope so, I want to hear the little fucker suffer
Kira is probably the best character Araki has come up with
He is an asshole and no wear near as cool as Josuke.
part 4.
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Stop lying Josuke, you can't fool me
Josuke is just Joseph-lite with the delinquent archetype worked in, he's pretty generic and boring honestly. I don't dislike him but he's a low tier Jojo.
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With sad/intense music and everything
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He's not a delinquent, he's a good kid trying to be a delinquent
I didn't notice before now how his fingers come flying off. Very nice.
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>implying his wife wasn't impregnated just by being in his presence for a prolonged period of time
Shigechi did nothing wrong.
What is the power of [ALESTORM]?
He's a crime against nature, just look at him

How is it possible to be that hideous
Ask your mother.
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Where is Gappy reeeeeee!
>acoustic Chase song
I don't think it's fitting for Shigechi's death. It was meant to be sudden and gruesome.

If anything, acoustic Chase (maybe just an instrumental) could be used for saying goodbye to Reimi.
Making obnoxious music
In the middle ages thieves got their hands cut off
No fun allowed.
But really, I guess he wanted to make sure people didn't compare him to Josuke or something.
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Im both looking forward to and really don't want to see this animated
He's hideous, annoying, and stupider than Okuyasu. I'm glad he was the first character to go.
I just wanna know what those things on top of his head are. Is it hair? Damo kinda has them too
>He doesn't like Pirate Rock.
I'll foight ya IRL mate. Swear on me mum.
I mean after his death. Maybe using it in the credits with some images of Shigechi being happy for extra feels.
somebody save kira! he's being attacked by vitamin c!
Why do they make his hair skin colored in everything?
That doesn't mean a middle school kid deserved to die extremely painfully and without his family ever figuring out what happened.
If I were his parents I'd be glad to be rid of the little bastard
like a gold experience punch, it slows down people's perception and reactions, maybe in an aoe ?
Don't cut yourself on that edge.
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How would the main casts of each part have sex with you?
>Dio make nag you bite the pillow, if you're Jonathan he'd let you into his ass
>Jonathan would do you missionary then apologize
>Speedwagon coolly withdraws
>Erina would have the purest most tight virgin pussy on Earth
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>hating a fictional character is edgy

edge is officially meaningless
Reminds me, I hope the next song used in their ED will be a longer one, so they can use it from several points.
Similar to how Roundabout would start either more upbeat or sad - that was some ingenious shit.
Yukako tops and Koichi learns to like it.
>Joseph would crossdress and roughly fuck you
>Caesar would prepare a nice bubble bath for you before getting in "to rub you back"
>Strohiem would just scream about Germany
>Erina would domme the shit out of you

No, wanting a young character to die a horrible death moments before trying to save the gang and his family, just because he's annoying is what is edgy. I disliked Shigechi just as much as anyone else, but the kid didn't deserve to die like that. He was in fucking middle school.
Kira > Rohan > Okuyasu > Hayato > Too lazy to do the rest, but Yukako, Koichi, and Josuke are probably Top 10.
>Shigechi dies
>https://youtu.be/n2MtEsrcTTs is the ED
How hard would you cry
I don't cry to anime/manga deaths.
In fact, I don't think I've ever cried to an actual death.
I would cry hard. Cry tears of joy that is.
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It took 58 chapters of SBR to say that the corpse is, in fact, from Jesus Christ.
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Erina is a pure lady, she wouldn't do that

Ok I'm changing the topic a bit. How would The Part 6 cast fuck you.

Pic is Valentine learning the Spin
>Josuke would make you caress his hair
>Okuyashu would go "WRONG HOLE"
>Koichi would sodomize with oral so you fall to the floor 'cause he's too small
>Rohan would use HD for fetish purposes
>Kira really really likes handjobs
>Reimi can do weird shit with that phantom body
Yeah, that was pretty stupid. Like it's so painfully obvious when they keep going on and on with the whole
>I wonder who this totally super duper important sacred corpse might belong to :^)
so I couldn't help but notice the wiki removed the Scan page for Gyro's eyeball and just listed Scan as one of his abilities? Was it ever established as an actual Stand ability or not?
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Post your favourite panels
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Jotaro uses Za Warudo a lot in Part 4. You know what happens? Star Platinum's defense drop to E-Rank and he becomes fragile as shit because Jotaro fucks up his heart from using that power too much.

Also Joseph is a lazy American.
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They better not fuck this up.
Anyone said JoJo's to be continued meme of the week? NOW STARRING NICE:
Scan is definitely a Stand ability, though it's never said outright. Whether or not it's its own Stand or if it's a sub-Stand of the robotic Stand Gyro sees is never answered.
What the fuck happened to the budget this arc? I know it wasn't always great but I swear this season almost every fucking frame is QUALITY. They had better be saving that budget for Kira.
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Any Eyes of Heaven players here? How do you perform heart attack specials? Not dual heart attacks. Idk how I did it but I performed Caesar's "lens to lens" special he had in All Star Battle and it's not listed under his moves list in the menu and I can't replicate it. All I know is I have easy beat turned off.
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>After Kira dies, Josuke sits down at home
>is glad it's finally over
>his mom comes in and turns on the radio
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Honestly I totally agree. Everyone's jerking it to the new OP but the only thing I really enjoyed was the visuals. Musically speaking, I even preferred Stand Proud. It probably grow on me a bit over time, but its probably the worst one thus far. If it wasn't for the teaser at the end I would completely write it off
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Don't kid yourself. People kept saying the same thing about Dio's World and look how it end up.
It's probably because DiU isn't that popular. We'll never get first episodes Stardust Crusaders' tier again until Vento Aureo.
>Giorno would use GER to make you orgasm for the rest of eternity
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If Kira's episodes are going to be QUALITY then we will know David fucked up.
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>Saving the budget for the shit filler part
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Will we even have a second ED? I thought that they will put a new one after the Achtung Baby, but they are still at it with some changes.
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trish is a cutie. I havent read part 5 in like years, did she actually do anything?
holy shit. Josuke looks like he hit every branch falling down the autism tree. At least Yasuho's well done.
I don't get it
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No, anon, they are saving the budget to the targeted audience's favorite part.
I want Dosuke to take off his hat
She's just kinda there for most of part 5. Then she gets Spice Girl and defeats Notorious B.I.G., and later helps defeat Diavolo. I think that's all she does.
We're working on it, geez.
does anyone else notice how part 4 has so many more bad or weirdly drawn shots compared to part 3? i didn't notice a single thing in part 3 up until the FAR shots in dio's world, and it was nowhere near as jarring as the many times josuke's CLOSE-UPS made him look like he had downs.
I fucking love this panel
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but we already know what he looks like without it
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Because they are focusing on the important shit, look at the Niji bros arc, italian, second part of RHCP and Rohan.
Unlike SDC were the blew their budget on shit like Wheel of Fortune,Dark Blue Moon, Tower of Grey,The Sun, The Devil, etc and when we got to the finale it was full of QUALITY
The close-ups are fine, better than a lot from SC I'd say, it's everything outside of that that's iffy.
Part 4 is supposed to be not very liked in Japan, isn't it? They're half-assing it a little bit in comparison to the previous arc, though, if they can make the Sun a full episode and add gags but cut down on stuff like Ratt.
Dosuke is NOT a NIGGER
tell us story spoilers
The villain is a guy named Kira.
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Last Stardust bluray out? They clean it? Phantom Blood/Battle Tendency was phenomenally better on bluray when compared to its broadcast version.
Nope. The "STAAAAR PLATINUM!" alone makes it top three easy, and the more I listen to it, the more I like it
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/r/ing for someone to post the rest of Okuyasu's Dream monologue.
So far what I've noticed they cut
>a gag in the Surface arc
>Koichi talking about how it's his first time with a Stand in The Lock arc
>like 1/3rd of what josuke says and thinks in Ratt

I'm going to be honest, I'm a little unhappy. Davidpro has been very faithful so far and the series is most definitely paced better than SC is, but literally every single one of the things I mentioned would not have added up to more than a minute to include for an episode.
So faggots? Here I thought this was a series for individuals who thrive on hot blooded shonen.

Part 2 best part btw.
>Part 4 is supposed to be not very liked in Japan, isn't it?
That's something made up by the sort of western fans who always feel the need to be in the minority so they can feel like they're above the plebeians. It's actually right behind 3 and 5.
what is this
>Tonio mentioning why he only serves two people at a time
>The explanation of why RHCP sucks up all of the electricity at once to kill Josuke
>Koichi trying to run away from Tamami to call Josuke for help

These too.
This. 100 times. This.
>phenomenally better
Not really, it was just a few tweaks here and there.
The BDs for SC weren't terribly expansive in that regard. They removed some of the worst quality from DIO's World and only very little outside of that compared to Part 1 & 2.
We probably shouldn't expect more from Part 4.
...why. Some of these are genuinely kind of significant, even the littlest bits that were cut kind of add character to their interactions, I don't understand.
Kakyoin dies
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This entire couple part is fucking rad. Almost fucking cried when I thought best brojo was killed.
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Broadcast vs home release
I'd have preferred it if those thing had been in of course, but I really don't think it's a biggie. Really, adaption wise I think we're pretty lucky if all we can complain about is the odd panel here and there.
the fuck kind of name is that
No idea why people like it. It is habds down THE worst Op.
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Meant to reply to this >>144271106
Gets me every time ;_;
thanks m8
Try to pronounce the word 'Killer' with a japper accent.
Wish they could've done this for 3 & 4.
I guess it's easier to fix when the show was much more slideshow-ey.
Why are they different?
That is sad. Thought they'd give the home release as much care as Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency. Guess it's just not worth owning then.
Bananas are the perfect fruit anon
I wouldn't buy them if that's what you're saying, especially since they're so ludicrously expensive and will come without subs. But you might as well get the rips, at least for no censoring so you can watch D'Arby the Gambler without Jotaro having a black hole in his face.
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Because they have more time to spend on the home release to make it look nicer.
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>Jonathan on the front page
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I like it, but it's not really what I wanted from a Jojo op.
No wonder. I was really disappointed at times because pt 1&2 looked so shitty.
every time araki draws someone yelling or crying it's like a challenge for him to draw their mouths to be as far open as possible
She's a hermaphrodite
That colour cheme makes The Hand look like it's dressed in a bondge gear.

I love it.
delete this right fucking now
>Jorge Joestar OVA series
would you fund it?
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Maybe for the memes
I more seriously want a 4th Another Day OVA though
i just noticed that part 2 is pretty gay
>consistent colors
Just now you realise that?!
does japan use the same word for mouse and rat?
I would fund a Clamp in wonderland OVA first
>funding Kars fanfiction
Yeah, I'll pass
But he has freckles
Yeah, but it comes off better in english since it's a joke
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Gay? Whatever do you mean?
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Was testing EOH on RPCS3.
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>emulating it at 30fps
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The straightest thing ive ever seen
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「mickey mouse」.png
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Yeah. Josuke's comment about Mickey Mouse is more of a small aside, though.
how is kars holding the mask
It only displays this screen.
it sucks that they cut those things, but honestly this reaction was our biggest loss

fuk u david
wow nice blue ball faggot
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he has sticky fingers
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wait so why the hell does it still say "a beautiful duwang" in the newest scans

i thought the entire memetic value behind that line was because it was a poor translation
they keep a few duwang lines like "get a feeling so complicated" and "i feel you deeply"
I asked this same question here once and people called me an idiot, and then said to read the duwang scans.
because memes
that's all
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Not gay at all.
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Meme preservation or some shit.
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>Josuke's reaction
literally hits in the feels everytime because I went through the same shit. Okuyusa best brojo
I really feel what Okuyasu was going through with his brother. Probably why I like him so much.
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Would you say you feel him deeply?
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How dare you take my opportunity from me.
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yeah man, I had my IRL brojo go through something last year that was basically a "he's either gonna die or be severally brain damaged"

He was in a coma for a whole month, and I basically already came to terms with losing my best bud And hell, if I wasn't with him when his situation happened, he would have been dead for hours before anyone found it, thankfully I was with him to call 9/11

But other than some minor damage to his left side motor skills he made a full recovery So Josuke's reaction really hit close to home, because that's basically how I felt when we got the good news
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It works but at 12 fps max in game
okuyasu's face is what makes this so good
I want a screenshot of actual gameplay above 30fps before I believe you got it running
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Rate my terrible taste, only finished parts 1-6 so far
So it's exactly like the current state of the game's online? not bad
new bread?
I got it running but it took me some time. I'll test it with DX12.
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>favorite fight
The latest versions of RPCS3 aren't compatible at all with EOH.
>favorite voice

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patrician taste.png
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>pesci worst fight
pretty solid taste except for that. what the fuck
Joseph's VA in the dub was Numbuh 1 from knd

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you have shit taste, and should not be trusted
That's sad as fuck, anon. I'm glad to hear that your brojo made it. I hope his recovery was as cool as Okuyasu's.

My brojo is 1000 miles away and never talks to me anymore ;_;
at least you guys have had brojos...

I am alone 24 hours a day 365 days a year
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I just want one good close friend, all I have are acquaintances I barely talk to that I share little in common with
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At least you have 4chan to sympathize with you.
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Post JoJo lewds
Buy a cat.
>watching Garo
>he fucking used an arrow on himself
>gets new form
Move when ready
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>no doujin where Foo Fighters tries giving a blowjob, then slowly becomes addicted to cum instead of water
Good,except Least/favorite fight and voice
i have a cat

he likes me, but he's scared of everything and spends most of his time hiding under the couch
So you have company every 4 years the 29 of February
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Rohan's so weirdly chill here. I would have appreciated this version of Rohan for the rest of the series.
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Because he knows if he tries anything on Koichi Yukako will suplex him with her hair
i think it's more of him not wanting to awaken the yandere
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