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Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 522
Thread images: 251

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How many of you hate this emblem?
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I for one welcome our new stasi overlords.
CIA was behind stasi
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>that little laser-kun
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Have fun with that...
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I do because it's inaccurate as fuck
That Stasimouto smug face is hilarious.
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The stasi in ML are more like nazis then RL stasi.
Ok, that justifies the fasces, but what about the american eagle and the eye of providence
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Posting best girls!
Disregard that, the fasces have little to do with nazisim
>Ok, that justifies the fasces
>German Nazis
>using the fasces

Pick one.
I realized my mistake see >>143783022
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The eagle is literally the oldest german symbol.
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I'd have my eye of providence aimed at Beato's eagles
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>tfw no Yugoslavia front VN

Tito never let Yugoslavia become a USSR satellite state
It got the wrong kind of eagle.

Too much american.
The Eagle was associated with Prussia, Imperial Germany and NS Germany, all regimes the DDR wanted to distance themselves from.
Doesn't mean anything
Honecker did catch a bit Prussiabooism in the 80s though, but it only influenced official policy by giving some names to medals and so on.
The one used on the Stasi logo doesn't look like a German eagle
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I for one hate it and everything it stands for, though Beatrix was right to use it to her advantage for the sake of Europe and mankind as a whole.
Nice sameface
The eagle was a symbol during Polish history, but the DDR searched for its own identity
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That's normal.
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All apart of Stasi indoctrination, uniformity in mind and body. Ribbons optional. Smug required.
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>I for one hate it and everything it stands for
Then you should definitely hate Beatrix, because she was the only one who was genuinely fighting for the stasi and not just using it. She wanted the country to be less equal and more cruel, just because "muh nazis."
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Who /NVA/ here?
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>because she was the only one who was genuinely fighting for the stasi
Fuck off, Theo.
t. Moderate
>She wanted the country to be less equal and more cruel, just because "muh nazis."

Unless she just wanted to crash the country with no survivors, because "muh Jurgen".
Is that you, Beatrix=Hitler-fag?
>muh "nazis"

do you even know who nazis were? Beatrix doesn't care about nationalism.
>do you even know who nazis were?
Why would people who invoke Godwin's Law understand who they are comparing the subject matter to?
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I'd offer some sort of convergence theory here; as the brutality/totalitarianism of a regime increases, it's similarity to other such regimes increases. So even if her ideas aren't at all national socialist, she still looks a lot like a Nazi.
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While the Horseshoe Theory is a real thing, around these parts and after such a long time discussing her, such a superficial interpretation of Beatrix is simply bait or stupidity.
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Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart
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Who's ready for all the assorted /v/tards and newfags who are going to invade our cozy little threads in about a week?
I got my CHOMPED pic ready for when Alternative comes out, but I still need something to bash the newfags with for when they get frodo-y. Anyone got the saved infographs? Also the Beatrix and Lise bashing is going to increase again when the animeonlies from outside /a/ come along. Well we've got Martyrs to free us from that. Hopefully.
Is it coming out in English?
Nah, the steam release will probably kill SM posting until Martyrs starts coming out. The few comments referencing Beatrix and Lise would be derogatory.
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>implying I would stop NVAposting
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The NVA circlejerk comes to an end ;_;
>the steam release will probably kill SM posting

I doubt all the memeposters would stop. And thats a easy way to derail the threads. But hey we will find out in a week.
Remember that ML thread /v/ had a while back? That's what we're looking forward too. If they catch even a whiff of Beatrix, Lise, or even SM, they'll drown your post in fecal matter.
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>going to /v/
Let them come.
I get the feeling that we should have let the old thread die without a successor until there was actually anything to discuss.
Discuss this

I don't know if it was supposed to be funny, but it certainly got a laugh out of me.
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Wow Sumika got downgraded in the boob department.
More like her breasts are now the size Takeru described them.
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Does it even matter? What can they do that we have not done?

>but I still need something to bash the newfags with for when they get frodo-y. Anyone got the saved infographs?
There is only one picture that I know of that "bash" frodos. But why do you need pictures to bash frodos? Why not just write a post with your own words to counter them?. It is not like we have several times in these threads talked about how strange muv luv world is and that the soviets would totally not use MiG-25's to breach lines in the BETA attacks and then have tanks rush in and kill them all from the side right?
Who'd be the best boyfriend: Jurgen, Walter, or Theo?
Are we talking pre-war or during?
Jürgen or Walter. theo doesn't come even close.
Martin, because he's the only one who managed to save his waifu.
Anyone got the picture of Gretel done by the Monmusu Quest guy, the one where she's licking her lips? I can't seem to find it, and Google is being a bitch right now.
Even in the best of days, Theo was someone who'd crumble whenever his loved ones needed him. He's always crying on other's shoulders or boobs, but doesn't really support anyone else.
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But young Theo still had innocence, and could play the ladies!
>zoom in on random corner, goto Yamada
>mouse cursor is right on Beta Yamada

Well. ;_;

You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? You're just trying to rile people up? Good job, you got me riled up.

>assuming we haven't already been dealing with a mini invasion
>mini invasion
You mean the people that keep on talking about how bad the stasi was and Katia is great?
Trust ML of all things to generate this sort of horror
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why is her autism so cute?
This chart isn't entirely accurate because it judges expy based more on appearance than characteristics as a whole.

Also some of it are just stupid jokes.
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Beatrix and Jurgen.png
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>tfw no stasi gf to cuddle next to for warmth on a cold Winter's night
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She's been a lab rat all her life. Can't be helped.
Why? She'll inform on you as well. You're not safe. She can't be trusted.
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>but doesn't really support anyone else.

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Because Cryska already too cute and beautiful.
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Why do these two always get featured in red? Is it an allusion the Soviets?
So if Katia's the canonical heroine, why isn't she featured on everything like Yui and Cryska were?
>"Scarlet Twins"
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They're called the Scarlet Twins. Also Cryska, Inia and Yui are my precious waifus.
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>having more than 1 (one) waifu
indecisiveness leads to a bed end.
Not just them, but all the various forms of ignorant shitposting. I like to pretend it's just someone trolling, since they know what buttons to push.

I dunno, it just is. When she's ignorant of basic concepts, yet still does them, it's beautiful. When she says what she feels because she never learned to have a filter, it's beautiful. When she shows her inner heart, it's beautiful. And when she actually does smile.
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Harem end is best end. This way I can take care of the three of them and make them all happy.
that's a delusion. You can only give each of them 1/3 of your attention. so they can only get 1/3 happiness each. i rather give one full happiness. you are just thinking about yourself and not them so you would make a shit husbando.
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Nonsense, giving Yui, Cryska and Inia all of my attention is a simple prospect. Something like giving each of them 3 times more attention is not a challenge.
each of them ask you to go on a date with her on the same day. and each wants to go alone with you. what do you do?
How about this then

So how would Jurgen react to adult Beatrix?
this one is the best.

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Take them each on a date no matter what. Even if it means I get no sleep.

Lots of crying, cuddling, and awkward sex would ensue.
and each of them wants to go first. what do you do?
Nothing ever changed between them.

Well I'm assuming you mean Jurgen never died. Well he'd probably be even more pervy than before, like trying to spy on her taking a bath, even though he really could just walk in if he wanted.
>try to look intimidating
>goofy ass boyfriend ruins it
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Take turns going first with a series of dates.
>We're called the "Were-Potatoes"
you already failed. BAD END!
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Being stupid.jpg
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I don't think that scary-sexy facade would survive an encounter with Jurgen. As for Jurgen, he probably wouldn't survive seeing Beatrix in a skintight fortified suit.
they wanted to go on the same day and they wanted to go first. so you fail.
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lower body seems too beefy.
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Irisdina having a fat ass is a good thing though.

The overhanging hair on her right side (viewer's left) just feels wrong. Makes her look like she has Downs or something.

Honestly thought it was Latrova
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Here's another one.
i like this one>>143797598 much better than this one>>143796381

The eyes look like a Picasso. Honestly, one's way too low.

Doesnt bother me a whole lot because one of my eyes is maybe 7mm lower than the other.
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And another one.
Slutrix would have cucked Jurgen and turned him into a drunk deadbeat first chance she got!
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>still faithful to him years after he's dead
you tried
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pretty good
Look at that face. That's the face of NTR slut who deserves to be be punched on the nose!
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She should let her hair down more often.
>asian Beatrix with Fortunate Son blasting in the background

Nobody's got this?
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Oh look it's trash day tomorrow.
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The party provides
>you will never cuddle with Pham

Thank you.


>you will never marry Pham, impregnate her repeatedly, and provide the DDR with almost a dozen new TSF pilots

Why even live?
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>giving your apex breed to commies
>you'll never be Theo
>you will never plunge yourself into her warm insides, making her bleed and moan
>you'll watch the light fade from her cruel eyes as she dies

why live?
>>you'll never be Theo
Good. He's the SM equivalent of Anthony Burch
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>you'll never be Theo

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And yet, Theo was drowning in pussy. So many bitches were throwing themselves at him that he had junk a few with a combat knife. Theo is the most alpha man in SM. I don't see girls leaving a trail of vaginal fluid in their wake for Walter or Jurgen.

>he kills them all and friendzones the rest

Nah, he's too much of a retard.
>I don't see girls leaving a trail of vaginal fluid in their wake for Walter or Jurgen.
That's because you're blind.
This, all that good pussy, all gone and never penetrated.
>Theo - Pham, Annete, Kirke, Katia, Lise, Iris (?), half the girls at his highschool, RLF girls

>Jurgen and Walter - only one girl
Jurgen and Walther maintained faithful to their girls so that makes them better
also, Martin stayed loyal too so they all are better than Theo

Walther is probably the best husbando in the show except for the dying thing. If every SM had a Walther of her own, there would be no problems ever.
But we're talking about who attracts more pussy, and that person is clearly Theodor. More pussy = more virulent. More virulent = more alpha. Ergo, Theo is the most alpha male in SM. He's so alpha that he's suffering from pussy OD and thus, even some of the most beautiful women in Europe aren't enough for him.
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Pity handjob from the Major!
I'd rather she give me a pity head pat to be honest.
I want to run my hands through her hair.
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Theo is way hotter. No homo, but I'd fuck him the same as any of the other girls.
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Vivi CHECKS 'EM!.jpg
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Who had better ideals: Katia or Vivi?
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I want to protect that smile!
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Two best girls
Good man!
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Two worst girls
>I'll crush the 666th
>big smirk

>halfway into next episode
>everything has fallen apart
>Theo's ontop and inside of her

Didn't work out too well for her, did it?
try harder you fucking normie. you don't deserve those 666.
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Who had the better ideals? Katja or a girl other than Katja

The answer is never Katja.


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What makes Beatrix and Lise so perfect?
what? he is quite right. Beato, Lise are best.he forgot about Pham thou
i would say sacrifice. one is willing to sacrifice herself for family and the other for humankind.
Their LOYALTY to the point of self sacrifice.
Their high head pat levels?
They're both the only girls with wild, wavy long sex hair.
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Kagami Sumika.jpg
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Happy birthday Sumika!
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Walther discussing with Theo.png
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Jurgen was a pussy magnet even though he was a goofy induvidual. It's just there was something about Beatrix that intrigued him. And when their dance finally began, Jurgen would never wander astray.

Walther is more or less an old man in Muv Luv's time (even though he's still 20s) - that said, it's not like he isn't regarded as very handsome. It's just he basically carries himself and looks like someone in his forties or fifties. Also, unless it's revealed Walther was magically ugly in his youth, he was acquaintances/friends with Jurgen, so a lot of the crowd after Jurgen may have also been after Walther. We know little of his past, but presumably, nearly all of the girls who would have liked him are dead. ;_;

As for Theo, I'm not sure where it's mentioned he was SUPER popular in his highschool, but he was above average in any case. You have to remember he had a dark childhood, so he may have unintentionally had a badboy image. At the TSF Academy, I don't think he was all that popular, or if he was, girls lost interest seeing how dejected and hateful and morose he'd become (though that's not to say he had no friends).

And a lot of the cases mentioned were a preexisting condition, so it's not like he just picked up all these girls suddenly. Pham and Inghild both knew Theo had a tucked away kindly and loving nature, and Pham seems to have adored him from the start. Anette and Inghild were his friends all the way back in TSF Academy. Kiirke is a mystery since she's clearly in love with her CO Balck. And Lise is, well, Lise. And Iris, it's complicated with her, since we don't know whether she actually loves Theo, and if she does, how much of it has to do with seeing him like Jurgen, and a chance to fix the miserable regrets of her past.

>RLF girls
Still unconfirmed, and in any case, the Master is a cult leader, of course they revere him.
Irisdina is for bullying
And Lise is for raping.
Blondescum is too disgusting for rape.
All blondes should be beaten up and dragged by the hair.

I'd rather rape Beatrix while telling her that Jurgen was a complete scumbag.
I want to sing her this
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Lise is for loving.
>deserve love
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That's exactly right anon, very good! Whose a good boy? You are!
Kill yourself.
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Happy birthday Sumika!
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I want to get Iris all wet and horny and refuse to fuck her until she follows me around and literally begs for it
Would /a/ try to fix a overheated S00mika for her birthday?
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How much happier would Extraverse Anette be?
Her friends would still be alive, so quite a bit happier, thats for sure.
They're both for hugging, fuck off.
Sure why not, although a cake seems like a more appropriate gift for a birthday.
I want to poke a Werewolf
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I want to defile that girl.
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happy slut day sumika! hope you get a lot of alien cock.
Irisdina is a disloyal sociopathic whore who would NTR you at the first opportunity. Jurgen should've strangled her to death.
How much Twizzlers can you buy on that money?
about 500 pounds of twizzlers

100.000 yen = 1000$
2 pounds of twizzlers at walmart(where Gretel is working) is 3.74$
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This was my favorite Cryska scene.
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If I win the lottery on Friday

I'm going to fund the Extra/Unlimited and Alternative anime.

Then I'm going to fund OVAs of the long lost Yuuhi route.
if i win lottery on Friday i will buy age soft and make it great again by making TE and SM +18
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Which one would you headpat and call a good girl?
Make sure you put in the contract 'no CGI' and OVAs for alternative to get around censors
>"You're treating me like an idiot, aren't you?"
>"I am not! You were an idiot to begin with, there's no point calling attention to it now."


Also, not long after, another beautiful moment.

It's fucking adorable watching her grow out of her little shell.

>implying Koukhi will sell completely
If I win the lottery friday, I will do the same thing anon!
Too bad it's very unlikely. Not like fans could have expected anything different however.
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Sumika is love, Sumika is life. Except in Alternative.
Will you redo SM? Get a better studio for one.
Oh she's love alright.

Superior certainly thinks so.

If I win the lottery I'll make sure the Lise route (and secret Beato route) are everything we could have ever hoped and dreamed for.

Also 50 episode SM anime with branching plotlines, BiS flashback arcs, and the full love scenes on the BD (and uncensored in the international version).

Plus SM Extra and Annett Maniax.
how much is the jackpot? you will need a lot of cash for that.

half a billion dollars.
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Literally disgusting.
>Kiirke is a mystery since she's clearly in love with her CO Balck
>cruel eyes
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Kiirke a hand.jpg
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Not but look at how they interact. It's pretty easy to see.

She could have gotten him deep sixed in trouble a very long time ago.
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Literally wrong
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why is Gretel such a shit?
Why are you posting a boy?

No. We don't need you TortureAnon.

>eyes open during kiss
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pham snow.jpg
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More like my heart going doki doki you mean!

You do know the backstory to this, right? Part of that is her personality, but at the time, she'd already resigned herself to having a terrible life and believing she deserved no one, and thus kept rebuffing his wooing of her - because she hated herself. The kiss happened when she realized she had been running for so long, she didn't have the energy and willpower left to say why she didn't deserve to be loved too.
she should have been smothered as a baby.
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Smothered in love, I agree.
and if by love you mean a pillow, i agree.
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And if by a pillow you mean sex with young adult Beato, I agree.
and if by sex you mean inserting a dick into a baby beato mouth to choke her to death, i agree.
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That's not awwright anon.
Ketchup pls go
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Vivi is beautiful and cute.
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But have Jurgen and Walther done this?
Jürgen did this >>143819474 though.
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Cakes are delicious!
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That's a tiny tub.
>swimming in the same pool with Katia
I hope they don't mind urine in their pools.
>that look of defeat on right
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I want to sell Gretel and Katia to ISIS to be used as a sex slave in a rape dungeon
>Gretel ends up in ISIS territory
>ISIS defeated on Syria and Irak
How would Baathist Gretel differ from Communist Gretel?
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So now we have 24/7 SM threads on /a/, and I haven't seen a traditional Muv Luv thread(with sumika's window as the OP) in quite a while. Are we over the main games now?

I am slightly upset because I haven't read SM, so all my knowledge from it comes from the show.

Sort of looking forward to the game coming out on Steam, but it won't be a good until MLA is out. Witnessing the same tears I had from reading it the first time will be delicious. Can't wait for the reactions.
Not much since Baathism was about one party state, secularism and socialism
I want to murder Irisdina slowly and painfully
not even once
>buying into the bad adaptation meme
No one cares about slavs
>Are we over the main games now?
Nope, but it seems that we, roughly 50 regulars in these threads, have nothing left to discuss about the trilogy.

>sucking dick for a living
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waifu list.jpg
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Don't talk shit about mai waifu.

I didn't imply it was bad, but I can't understand half of what's discussed here because the show doesn't cover it.

Well, at least it's not dead slav posting.
>and I haven't seen a traditional Muv Luv thread
I have made a couple but these guys only flock to the one that let's them ctrl+ f muv luv.
Lise, Irisdina and Inghilde are scum simply because they're blondes.
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Lise, Irisdina and Inghilde are best girls among best girls because they're blondes.
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That looks like a Monolith patch
How many beatings would it take to make Suzy not a bitch?
Enough to cause a brain hemorrhage
None. Just let Watanabe rewrite her character like he did with the two best girls.
Hello anon, I need your help. Now that I've played and enjoyed Muv-Luv and Alternative, should I play this one and/or Chronicles ? Are they even worth it ?
Chronicles. Then, if you can read Nip, you can go for TE and SM to see what you missed. And post screenshots for us.
her death was bullshit.
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Heroin addict posters pls go
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you go away.
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Would you leave your waifu with this noble and nice man?
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He's a dumb dumb so no.
Already happened once and she barely survived, so no
Please don't use Lise for bullying.
Lise is an angel.
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Lise is a bully to Katia.
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This is bullying?
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Lise is an angel sent to Earth to be bullied!
It's not bullying when it's Katia. It's karma for getting Vivi killed.
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Well damn that's a good looking Iris.
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Lise nuzzle.webm
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No she's not, she's just aggressive in the way she shows affection. If she likes you you're definitely gonna know about it.
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Iris is always good looking, just like Lise.
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Asking Anette out on a date
Irisdina is an NTR queen and deserves to be beaten up for that
>Pham looking high as fuck

erry time
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Irisdina is a ice queen and deserves to have her heart warmed up
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Of course, aside from the height difference they're quite similar especially when she lets her hair down. Its good to see Theo maintain his refined taste through the years.
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>Blonde Beatrix
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Pain killers anon. Having a broken arm comes with some perks.
And what ever else they hop these soldiers on.

No one ever talks about Fortified OJ
I know
Opioids time!
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This is how a mature, intelligent woman signs things
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Looks like waifu material to me.
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Its called hazing, something Katia should come to expect in the military. Lise is just doing her civic duty both as a comrade in arms and as a Nee-san.
Anett trying not to chuckle out loud is the best part.
>that signature is on official Stasi papers
>Katia never got to experience the "Musikbox" or the "Staubsauger" or even the "Schildkröte"

She was never truly a member of the NVA.
Video related
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>This adorable little angel knows how to suck, fuck, and kill you in over 300 ways and is one of the top spies and pilots in the frontier guard force.

Its a mad, mad, stasi world.
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>you will never have week long sex with Lise
She wasn't Grenztruppen she was part of Dzerzhinsky Guards Regiment (now with TSF)

Yes it pisses me off that they didn't use the correct units
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You were so close Theo, but you went full moderate. Never go full moderate.
she deserved better anyway.
The only reason she hasn't committed suicide is because of him. Her loyalty to Theo is astounding and frankly inspiring.
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Bless you wandering Skeletheo
Where the fuck is that from?
Bless you wondering Skeletheo
Bless you wandering Skeletheo

Stay away from Bea-hime.

The BD release.
>Lise blushing and closing her eyes when Theo kiss her while fucking.
Beautifull Lise.
>She deserved better
That pretty much sums her up.

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Fragile handle with care.jpg
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Bless you wandering skeletheo.
Bless you wandering Skeletheo.
Not that I would mind some revolutions if you know what I mean.
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How can one girl be so much better than others? only 2 come even close Lise and Pham. BeatoxLisexPham yuri doujinshi when?
Iris is pretty good too.
Iris just like Beatrix is only good for skinning alive.

>BeatoxLisexPham yuri doujinshi
>omake is them triple-teaming Lead Belly with strap-ons


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I want /u/ to leave
Irisdina is a filthy whore who deserves to receive a death by thousand cuts.
Irisdina's a beautiful woman who deserves to receive love with a thousand kisses every day.
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How can one person be this useless? Poor Vivi was first to suffer from her retardness and later the whole Europe. Katia is the only SM character who truly deserved to die. If it wasn't for Katia there would be much less suffering.
Based Poland breaking that delusion of Katia's.
Too bad Katia is too delusional for that to work.
Is Bridges being such an edgy autist on purpose? He's literally picking fights with people over nothing.
>You will never team up with Beato and help patch up her relationship with Iris, thereby ensuring the best future for Germany
Katia can get a collar and live in a shed or something
Does Vivi survive? That would decide whether Katiadog gets treated well or gets abused at every opportunity.
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>giving Vivi power
Dangerous, but enticing.
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I think we all know which girl would be most likely to become addicted to Herion in this series. Though it's probable Annett, Lise, Sylwia and maybe Inghild would all be chasing the dragon when they weren't fighting BETA and the only thing that would keep them from nodding off in the cockpit on mission would be the massive doses of Pervitin they took while suiting up.

Walther would be trying to get Sylwia to stop or at least cut back, with very limited success, while nobody would really know about the others, or rather, nobody would bother to ask.
I want to save her life and make her blush
Those girls are not for that.
Their only drug should be a warm shoulder to lay their heads on when they're sad.
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Happy birthday Sumika~
If she did, there were plenty of chances before she got back together with Theo. And that's just under Axmann in her swallow days.
Another maybe, but she's a polack so it's more likely she drank 95% 190 proof engine cleaner shit.

But the thing is, that's what Heroin feels like. It's like sitting in front of a gentle fire on a quiet autumn evening wrapped in your favorite blanket with a bunch of puppies sleeping on your lap. It's not a "DUDE! LIKE... DUDE!" drug at all. It feels like the loving caress of your most precious person. So something most of the characters in SM badly want to feel in the midst of the hell they are living in.
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>So something most of the characters in SM badly want to feel in the midst of the hell they are living in.
Chairforce woes are not real woes
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And yet Iris still reminds the most popular by far.
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>most popular by far.
this is the latest poll where Iris and Beato were in it.
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Popularity doesn't matter, it's who the girl is.

>You'll never cuddle with Beahime and Iris under the moonlight
lol, Katia in second to last place
I'd rather punch both their faces.
So is General Heim related to Sharon? They both have the same last names.
>Those sunglasses
they couldn't figure out how to make his character more of a twat than Yuuya so they just came up with spiky glasses instead
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Oh Lise has an addiction alright. The only drug she ever needs.
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sharon heim cowboy.jpg
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No, Sharon is his wife's daughter.
He's not that bad.
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I want to get Axmann addicted to Crocodile and have Lise mock a pathetic husk of rotting flesh that was once her tormentor as he begs for another dose.

So the Infinities are basically an American version of Werewolf, right? Only instead of killing their countrymen they kill uppity vassals? It would explain why people are initially suspicious of Yuuya.
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Theo hunting him down like an animal through the woods and beating him to death with a rock. Perfect end for her route.
Nice face o.O.
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Inia and Kasumi.jpg
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I'm not disagreeing with you anon.

Slowly, but I've been playing the VN. There IS something there, I feel it, even this early.

Isn't there one where Katia has a downcast face, because she realizes she has no chance of comparing?

I want to pet Anette on the head and tell her it's alright.

Live with hope anon. The OP clearly says Muv Luv in addition to Schwarzesmarken and Total Eclipse. Trilogy discussion, just like the other things not mentioned in the OP like TDA, Photonmelodies, etc is always welcome, it's just lately there's been one arsemuncher who spergs on about how everything is garbage, everyone is garbage, and we should only talk about the trilogy now until the end of time.
Don't you insult muh Dead Slavs!

>This is how a high level state functionary, top skilled pilot, and quite capable of cruelty woman signs things
You better believe it!

Is that ACTUALLY her signature?
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as expected of refugees
Cryska, do you even know what fapping means?
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There's more than just the Dzerzhinsky Guards you doofus. Their mandate and power expanded, along with the BETA war. There's way more divisions the NVA os fielding than they ever had in real life.

That's across the world in general.

But Skeletheo stops betraying of waifus and moderate revolutions. You want Skeletheo to protect Beato.
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Cryska is for taking home and taking care of.
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Latrova is for marrying and raising a family that she always wanted with.
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You would know, you made them this way.
So what do you mean by people? Yui? Or later on, like Leon?

The fact that you can't grasp why he constantly fights with Yui leads me to believe you're the edgy autist. Yes, there are irrational reasons, but you don't know that off the bat. Most of it is because of what you see in front of you.

>420chan is here

It was inevitable, I guess.

>pasting a billion logos and shit everywhere
It's only next to watermarks on list of things that piss me off when on dA or other shit.
>Fortified OJ
Redpill me on this and the other things they put in the food.
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Tarisa calendar.jpg
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If you can live, that would be nice too.

It's just that certain dead Slavs get to roll for Eternal Warrior.

I like the calendar shots. Maybe it's because the girls rarely get to doll up, but it's nice.
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Cryska's figure is even better. Still one of my favorite figures.
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>there will never be a Latrova figure
>or any fortified suit SM figures
>or a Beato swimsuit figure
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kaiser 0.png
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y'all niggas need more of dem Kaiser
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Quote walls are bannable.

Opioid addiction in the sort of setting SM takes place in is incredibly common. First of all, with people being seriously injured and outright dismembered all of the time, there are just copious amounts of pharmaceutical grade opioids lying around that aren't being as closely accounted for as one might expect in a peacetime, civilian environment.

On top of that, people who don't expect to live much longer don't really worry about the addiction or long-term consequences of drug use.

Their commanding officers don't have the time or energy to really enforce drug policies as long as it isn't seriously affecting their performance on a mission, and they can't seriously punish a person for doing drugs if they don't have a person to replace them lined up. That's why Annett was sent on a mission despite being broken to the point of psychosis, because there was nobody else to take her place. If she's dipping into the medicine cabinet as well, Iris can't really do anything about it.

Lastly, Heroin and other opioids are dangerous for two reasons, first of all, because they can stop your breathing, which is usually how people die when they overdose on Heroin, they just stop breathing completely. Second of all, because Opioids manage to replicate a feeling everyone longs for, that feeling of quiet satisfaction and peace and comfort and belonging. That's why it is so addictive. It's wrong to look at every different drug as a sort of variation of drunkeness. Heroin in particular is dangerous because it mimics the best moments of life and makes them available on demand, whenever, wherever.

Also to one of your other replies, I thought Yuuya was a bit of a cunt, but he was by and large acting rationally given the situation he was in, and Yui was the one who was mostly responsible for the friction between them. So I agree with you there.


I'm not sure what he means given the context, but you can make booze out of orange juice, which is nice to have.
You're a bit late today
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>Not posting the real Kaiser
Sieg Kaiser Reinhard!!!
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willy glorious empire.png
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>blond long haired faggot
no thx, id rather waggle my willy with willy himself
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Pity paizuri from the Major!
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willy portrait.jpg
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Beato pleases old German aristocrats for money!
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Fuck off Wilhelm II, you ruined the Kaiserreich

Wir wollen unseren altes Kaiser Wilhelm wieder haben
Wir wollen unseren altes Kaiser Wilhelm wiedergaben
Aber den, mit dem Bart! Den langen Bart.
Aber den, mit dem Bart! Den langen Bart.

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You're already dead.
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cmon Beato, we all know you got gangbanged by Otto von Habsburg and his Ottoman friend last night...
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his only mistake was approving the unrestricted submarine warfare and approving he schiffen plan instead of focusing through alps
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Cui calender.jpg
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Stop it. Please.

It hurts.

She is bretty good, isn't she? What does yours look like? How much was it?
Like I said, 420chan is here. I never asked, nor said anything otherwise, one way or another about opiates.

Also, you're largely pulling out of your ass the rampant drug use. For one, they'd be really hard to get as it is because they're so much in demand by medical corps, but there is also the matter that the prime opium growing parts of the world are now chomped. Look, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but most frontline nations still have a semblance of order. The only ones who would maybe, maybe be able to shoot up are the expected to die garrison troops, like at Fort Neuhagen. But they don't even HAVE the heroin to shoot up with.

Anette wasn't sent on the mission despite her being broken, Iris flat out refused to take her, but Anette begged and begged to until Iris relented.
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>even getting near a fraulein like Beatrix
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Thoughts on Nekopara Alternative?
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You are right, Ibrahim of the East is too good for damaged good like Beatrix
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Bad dog.jpg
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It should stay in the garbage can.
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>an exception proves the rule
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
he also led sucessful raids on BETA hives and destroyed rebel scum, which Beatrix fails to accomplish
>an exception proves the rule
well aren't the exceptions that made you stomped like a bitch?
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the wall just got 10 feet higher.

You can get opium from places other than Afghanistan, in the Vietnam War, much of it came from Burma, in the Opium Wars of the 19th century, it was grown in British India. Colombia and other Andean countries are also a modern source of it, but their Cocaine production overshadows it. Which is to say, not all, or even most of the poppy growing regions of the world were chomped in 1983.

Heroin addiction was rampant in Vietnam among american servicemen. A specific example would be Ron White, who started his career on stage taking about his own heroin addiction.

In World War 2 it was more common to use Laudanum, and it was especially common among medics.

The TSF units would also get better access to supplies than line units because they're more important and easier to get to, they are less likely to experimence shortages of anykind.

Anyway, I started by mentioning that Annett would be most likely to get a heroin addiction, I never stated it as fact. It's just an fairly plausible possibility given the conditions she's in.
Scratch that, according to that map I suck cocks at geography.
>yfw Beato votes Trump when it turns out she wasn't killed by Theo and escapes to America
thanks doc
Would it not be more likely that they would use drugs made by the military?

I would assume they are using heroin made by the military for military purposes. It's basically just morphine but more powerful, and Heroin is originally a trade name owned by Bayer.
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Anette hears abut Pham stitch.jpg
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Reminds me of the Anette and Theo in London type stories

I think both anons had their Anette being a party girl (hint hint doing some drugs).
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That's Sven, Yuuya's CO when he was with the Ghosts, you cockroach loving mouthbreather.
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Fourteen Fifty-three.
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Latrova real reason.png
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>you will never grip those hips as you pound away and place twins in her uterus
Remove Kebab
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>Theo will never be reverse-raped by Beato and Iris

>dem trips

Also, where are the doujins? There's like one and that's it. Series like this, you'd expect to see many, many more.
There's like three or four doujins, most of them for Iris and not that well drawn though.

And only one seems to be available anywhere.
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Because the people who buy this shit never scan it.

There was a Katiafag a few weeks ago who said he bought some Irisdina stuff but wouldn't go the extra leg to learn how to scan large items.
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Lise Scan Big.jpg
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Katiafags tend to be pieces of shit for the most part, no surprise there.
>buy non-waifu items
>don't scan it because they are non-waifu items
I mean, I guess someone somewhere gets the last laugh.
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The Iris poster came with the Katia merchandise.
>barely any ass and/or feet SM images
>the few that do exist are forever samples
Just kill me desu senpai
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Fortified Stasi is good for you.png
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No, SM loves to tease ass, but never shows it.
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Maybe someday someone will buy and scan this one
Well in an insular community like Yukon, any new arrival would be warily regarded.

I wouldn't say they are the same, seeing as how Werewolves are a very in your face atm of the Stasi, while the Infinities are very much a secretive unit that has fame (something like, say, Delta Force), they are similar in some respects. The Infinities, while being an Army testing group, seem to have some connections to the CIA or other alphabet agency groups. I wouldn't say they ARE the CIA's TSF team, but they do do black ops work.

It's curious too, Yuuya's relation to all this, since it seems he is also involved in dark ops business without even realizing it. Or maybe he does. He was stationed at Area 51 for one, and it seems quite a bit of his record is not actually written, or some of it is even falsified. At least what was posted about the vn, it seems Tarisa thought he was a nobody, but Stella found out through her sources that he was something more than what he was sent as.

That and according to scuttlebutt, he has a general watching out for him.
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Who's hotter?
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Who did i forget?

Where's Inghild and lead belly?
>not worse than Katia
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anyone else? don't have images of all the Farkas.
sorry but Katia is the biggest pile of shit. you will like irisdina once you read VN.
And why is she such a pile of shit?
Because she is an optimistic idealist whose ideals are shit(power of friendship) and is too stubborn to be persuaded that her ideals are crap. which leads to Europe being BTFO. And she didn't save Vivi.
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I think we can all agree that this is the correct order.
How come that the cutest Sanitäter in the NVA ranks so high when she is a very minor character?

Inghild deserves to be higher. Also more Werewolves.
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I don't really dislike any of them, except Suzy. Its a pretty good cast of waifus overall. Farkas should get there own category.
Irisdina should be punched in the face until she stops being an unlikable cunt.
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Would you let this dog sleep on your bed?
i would take this bitch to the vet to be put down.
Stasi scum not welcome!
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We don't need Stasi
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But you certainly do, Katia.
Why Iris so low?
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defend kebab
She's not low enough.
And her whore former friend is way too high. They're equally shit and both worse than Katia.
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I already do.
Why'd you take away the glasses?
Rape the girls
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Ground Gretel doesn't need them.
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I want a palm sized Fort-Beato to keep in a terrarium. I imagine her being roughly nendoroid sized.
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Reminds me of this for some reason.

Them some fighting words, son.
>tfw no muvluv where BETA are replaced by ayylien snek army
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Any moonspeakers on?
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Stream is up!


Like always, post screenshot for our less fortunate fellows.
I can't tell the difference between this one and the real Chizuru!
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Beautiful entrance kouki-sama
Let's see what Kouki brought back from Eagle Land.
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They also bought Hilary toilet paper

So age is in favor of MAGA?

What happened? Missed the first ten minutes.
they played star spangled banner
Directly from twitter.
>Olive drab everywhere

This is all your fault Watanabe
Did they goto a gas station in the ghetto?

That's where you get that swag.
That Homu a qt (Madoka too)
Is this the new season of Attack on Titans ?
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here.
To be fair rain drop in animation would be a nightmare.
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Nekopara soldia.png
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I understand his hatred of Japs or the general edginess but damn, Yui's his CO. What ticks me off is his pride that gets in the way of logic all the time.
>Want to do your best in XFJ plan
>Have difficulties piloting Japanese TSFs
>CO's a Japanese Eishi who obviously knows how to pilot Jap TSFs
>Constantly quarrel with CO instead of getting the info necessary to excel at piloting Jap TSFs.
So Soldier-kun is Kawaii now?
Maybe because animation today is QUATLITY as fuck
But even then why not use the correct Steingrau colour
>no Kei in Rei coloum
One job comrade.
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It's not the first time they ignore BDU's and bitchin' aviators.
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Cookie confirmed Trump voter
It's not that simple. He, being a test pilot, knows for example the giant flaw in their idea - if only elites can pilot the things, they may as well be flying metal coffins.

He is the projects test pilot. A team lead who refuses to even consider what the projects pilot raises, is, as he put it - 'what kind of TSF are you planning?'

You miss also Yui's monologues. As Yui herself says repeatedly, she knows she has a pride problem. And yet can't help herself obeying that part of her.
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Rev up those Muv Luv Trump images lads, we've memed Koukhi into possibly making it a reality.
Voting time!

So in the end you have a pilot whose pride prevents him from asking for CO's assistance and a CO whose pride prevents her from providing said assistance.

As Vincent said, they really are alike.
President Trump will win the second lunar war!

Prevent Bakayuki from getting a Birthday pic!
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I wonder how she got over the fact that they were blood relatives.
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Not exactly, but the conclusion is correct, even if the prognosis was off
that Bakayuki tho
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muh dik
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Titty marine.png
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Semper Fi
So which girl(s) will they use for the final volume?
Even better, Gingrich may be his VP. We're gonna get our moonbase after all lads.


Also, best girls soon!
>Lilia 3rd

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>Ellen second last
>Anette beat Marimo
Didn't expect that.

Also Muhreen Corps strong, eh?
I was pretty sure Ellen would beat her.
The one who will NOT grow up to be a psychotic sociopath.
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>Anett first


But no, really, did not expect this.
So neither?
So you don't want to help prevent that development?
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BTW, they've started updating SM's product page with Martyrs shit. Nothing too significant yet.
Was there anything after the Waifu vote? My internet shit the bed.
Jack Bauer won a poll
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Why not both?
It's good though, isn't it? We may get something really cute.

I for one want to see her girly side.
Too be fair the soviets should not have BDU since the need for it would not be there.
A BDU is at a basic level just a camouflaged fatigue, dude. You wear that basically all the time as far I know.
>see thumbnail
>"Is that Lis-"

It is a good thing. Just surprised, that's all.

And I want to see that too anon. Something warm too.
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Soviet uniform.png
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And the soviets did not have these in 1973 as the standard for their soldiers. They had KLMK suits but otherwise they had just plain khaiki uniforms. It was in afghanistan that they started to change.
You imply nip storytellers give a Fuck.
Yes, and? TE takes place in 2001, in real life the Russians are still using surplus from the 70's and 80's and maybe even older. I don't see how soldiers on the frontline can't have camo BDU's.
>I don't see how soldiers on the frontline can't have camo BDU's.
Camo is useless against the BETA. Drab would be cheaper.
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So? It doesn't mean they can't use it anyway, and they do.

Even for TSF's.
Its a waste of time and money though. Especially on TSFs.
>Yes, and?
There is no need for it and no reason to use it.
>In real life
In real life the Russians are facing human opponents (like people from chechnya) whom camoflaged uniforms works against. Not the BETA.

It is stupid and there is a difference between TSF and giving uniforms to millions of people. Think about it.
>being this upset about camo
I want drab purists to go. WW2 is over guys.
Yeah he will sell land to China like we have already been doing.
Irisdina is a cute girl
>I want drab purists to go. WW2 is over guys.
You got a laugh out of me, but stil. Camo is useless in Muv-Luv.
Not really. Just want to tell you that it should not really be used if you think about it.

Everything has a reason why it exists IRL. In muv-luv some of the reasons dissapear which makes you ask "what are the authors smoking?"
>1 off
Anyone know if the chinks and japs have talked about camouflage too?
Beatrix is fat!

You can safely assume they don't care just like they don't care about summer DDR uniforms in winter
In all the right places.
Not a single complaint? Jesus christ they are lost.
How are they lost? You realize it doesn't ultimately matter if they save 30 bucks a uniform by making it one color?
But it does matter if they are likelier to die from hypothermia than BETA.
He can't even vote.
Well, in that case I don't know. I know people on /a/ were talking about it for a bit. I'd assume some armchair commandos in moonrune land noticed it too.
r u dense

New one. Old school this time.
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