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Thread replies: 480
Thread images: 96

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Choose one.
300 year old vampire loli.
1300 is best.
10000~ please
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shinobu ages.jpg
1MB, 1517x1019px
598 year old loli is best loli
Which is the one less likely to put things up my urethra?
The one that won't hurt me.
The only correct answer is all of them, at the same time.
Why can't I pick all?
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cute anime pic 1120.jpg
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i want to give those lolis a skirt

for them to share together with me
But they are women, they will all hurt you
I'm going with 200, she seem like fun. Plus she seem tan/brown.
But you'd die with that.
Obi loli
I'll be taking the who's more likely to put things up my urethra, then. Even better if she's an expert prostate masseuse.
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They're sluts. I choose pure Hime-sama
>tfw Scarlet Order is cancelled
>no new lewd outfits for Mina
So I recognize 2 of them, but where are the rest from?
So where is that thing from nanashi that people were saying it would be released soon? Is it related to this?

Also 3000, fluffy tail the best.
What if I want to go through them all?

In the end no matter who Araragi pics she has already won huh?
All of them. Eternal lolis are the best.
He's stuck with her for the next 100 years atleast.
>cute anime pic 1120.jpg
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That they are.
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the best one of course
It's that one guy.
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Immortal Loli.jpg
2MB, 875x5049px
774's planned design for a loli BBA book he might work on in the futre.
Could they have used a worse pic for Eva
Me who's in the middle.
So I wonder, should Hitagi pass away would he go for Hanekawa? Or would he go for Snail goddess?
I still think Yotsugi fits more as familiar than zombie.
Alright, I'll move her.
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Look of them look evil except fox.
I'll take fluffy tails
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Inb4 someone complains about feet in pic related
He'd probably kill himself out of grieve.
Which would make Shinobu follow alternate timeline route.
And we all know what happened afterwards.

If not for killing himself he'd break entirely.
Making him unable to pursue any other romantic interest.
Koneko was removed?
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1300 > 3000 > 300 > 10000 > 200
none, because none of them have a dick
Kitsune are known to be deceiving, if anything she's probably more evil than the rest.
Aye, she's only 15 so there's still chance for her to grow so she's not really an eternal loli.
Why is the Vanilla from Monmosu Quest on there? She talks about how she's going to grow up someday and even has an adult form.
Or we could end up with THAT doujin.
Like Tamamo, she can change forms.
Who blessed me with those sweet digits?
Then how come the other three loli bandits aren't on there?
The silver kitsune.
Because they are just young? Only the vampire loli won't be growing up,
What do you do with a loli if you live in the west? All of your neighbors will notice if you suddenly start hanging out with a little girl 24/7. Would you just hide her inside all day? That's cruel. Maybe make up an excuse that she's adopted? No one will believe a 20 something year old shut-in adopted a little girl.

And god forbid you still live with your parents, I mean they would flip out if they found some loli in your room.
That's her name
>Vampire Girl's name is Vanilla
>Dragon Pup is Papi
>Tiny Lamia is Teeny
>Goblin Girl is Gob
I thought it was the kitsune.
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More of why is she wearing 2 different socks. Look at the length difference in them, if the mashed down one was to be pulled all the way up, it would easily reach her knee. While the other one fully stretched out is not nearly that long.
Then the goblin girl would be as big as she's going to get, right? Goblins don't keep growing into anything else, I don't think.
1300 is from a few years ago and 300 is upcoming. I think this is the only pic of the other 3. Maybe they're plans for the future.
Thanks jackass. Now I won't be able to fap to that picture anymore because instead I'll be stuck thinking about the stupid length of her stupid socks.
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Muh long lost relative
Fluffy tail. Always pick the fluffy tail, no exception.
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Add Myuug-fanan next to Euphoria and Temuorin.
Where do i get my own familiar loli?
Wasn't Yuki Nagato on there as a program and Cirno as a fairy?
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Tsugumomo Azami.jpg
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You can't.

Could add the Tsugumomo loli's on there under Objects.
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Would you let Suzuka play with your urethra?
Has this been released yet? What's the name of it when its released?
It's 774, she'll probably eat your dick or something.
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Vampire is coming out next week on the 30th in the loli BBA magazine.
My DICK is ready.
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If i'm going to be a wizard one day, i must get my own familiar.
Any more translated concept arts with notes like this?
I can't find any other concept arts so I can't translate anymore.
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Please add Kurma aka Kuu-chan from Mondaiji under Dragon Lolis. She's supposedly as old as Shiroyasha and form have no meaning to her, but she sticks with loli form in LE because it's ideal to the events that's unfolding.
140 to 150 is best loli height. 774 has the right idea of being cuter by making her bigger. She'll be sexier too.
>he might work on in the futre.
What? I thought it was being released this month!
>I only know Wash,Saria, Tatsumaki and Hiyori Are they really loli though?) and Nymph out of that whole list

>Not knowing the wonders that is Tsugumomo
>google image gives me cartoon network links

c-can I have some sauce, sir ;_;
Only the Vampire, the rest are just design concepts.
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I'll take the one that can stir a mean cup of coffee.
how about you learn to fucking read you cum-guzzling idiot
your sauce has LITERALLY already been posted in this thread
christ almighty I hate you all so much
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So is this meant to be a sort of series? I hope it ends with them all getting together to destroy their slaves.
774 just said that he want/plan to do a book with all of them in the future.
>774 BBA gathering
How horrifying.
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I wish he never wasted time with that vanilla Naruto shit so we could be closer to this wonderful gathering.
Oh I'm sorry I don't EVERY SINGLE FUCKING POST even before the image was posted you stuck up cunt
I now have more reasons to continue living for.
>probably won't do anything painful
It's okay. As long as you understand. That is the first step.
Things like this which make me have to wait a while longer are the only thing that keeps me from an hero.
A great example was the Liru Seismic game.
She looks pretty normal compared to Shizuka bitch
Not really, the first step is lurking for a minimum of 1 year beforeposting anything at all.
I did 2 years of lurking before making my first post which was telling another faggot on /b/ to kill himself.

Fluffy tail please
>Not really, the first step is lurking for a minimum of 1 year beforeposting anything at all.
/a/ will die then.
>you will never post in elite /a/ with peple who watched 500TV+
How disappointing.
Time to fap.
Oh my lord
>not telling him to google it
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i love Mina
>I'll never have this

Why am I still alive?
>not wanting to tease a immortal loli instead
I'll never understand subs.
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Maybe someday
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Immortal Loli.jpg
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I can't find any image of this Myuug-fanan.
For the promise of more eternal lolis in the future. Maybe when technology is advance enough.
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My bad, I meant Myuugi-fanan. Anyways, the pic I posted with is her. You can this this if you like.
She's from Seinarukana, right?
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You really need to remove Ravel, her earlier flatness was an artistic mistake.

She's still best girl though
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Plum, loli halfling you can waifu and impregnate from Agarest War
vampire loli doujin when
I think it's later this month.
Depends which one can make me immortal too?
Be a taboo child posessed by a hateful dead god. You may be able to make a tsugumomo.

tfw my computer would become a tsugumomo
She'd know everything about me and my kinks

How kind of horrifying.
She's from the third sequel and reboot to EIen no Aselia which is called Euphoria the Everlasting, but under The Spirit of Eternity Sword 3 title. Under Transcendent, you should probably rename all the lolis from Eien no Aselia and Seinarukana and label them as Spirit of Eternity Sword since it's all in the same universe.
I seriously can't wait for this shit.
She'd know how to make you happy too.
If any of them make you immortal, it'll only be so you have to go longer without cumming.
Vampire, but you'd be their slave

wew, salt to the wound
>tfw even if Tsugumomo were real you own no heirlooms that could become one
>no pubes
Who cares
I've got a whole house full of them, You can have some Anon.
You're a good person anonymous.
Why isn't there a girl as old as the Earth yet?

Those nips are getting uncreative.
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Immortal Loli.jpg
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Alright, updated.
>As old as the Earth
>Not a loli who is the Earth
You're getting uncreative, anon.
There's the mermaid loli from Muromi-san.
>Not a loli who is the Earth
wouldnt that be kagari.
W-What about >>143113278?
You forgot the twin of Azami, in object.
The world needs more girls with short hair
>10 days left
We're almost there, boner.
But she's there.
What's her name?
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2MB, 1443x1022px
Oh right. Didn't noticed you used the color illustration instead. Good call there.
Where the hell are the updates? Is it on hiatus? Nothing since April.
>Tsugumomo is in my top 10 manga
>But I don''t wish for it to have an anime adaptation
Am I the only one? I fear exposure and attention from certain organizations will influence/pressure the author into censoring the work.
That's pretty much normal. As soon as anything get an anime adaptation it becomes impossible to talk about it on /a/ as well.
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you wouldnt an obi.jpg
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You are not alone.
>want to see favorite manga animated
>don't want it to become popular and attract the wrong people
I want a primordial deity older than the universe, one that would eviscerate the sanity of any mortal who would look upon it, to take the form of a cute, smug, little girl and have its way with me.
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That Nazi loli is doing fucking everything to my dick right now. I absolutely need her to tie me down and ride me until I'm nearly dead from exhaustion.
It's alright.

I'm worried about that happening to some of my favorite older series. I'm not ready for a Battle Angel Alita Reboot.
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There are probably plenty of girls who are even older than the universe.
I'm not autistic so I want to see my favorite artists make big bank.

An anime would have inferior artwork in every way though
I feel the same. There's also the issue of attracting shitposters and normalfag trolls in our Tsugumomo threads. The fanbase is good already and all the lolis in Tsugumomo are top tier so there's no waifu war, but an anime adaptation will change that due to the aforementioned reasons. Plus, bad seeds within the fanbase tend to pop up becaus anime.
The one with the Best Hair, i.e. the 1300 one.
Think of all the garbage doujinshi.
I bet no one would put in the effort to match the author
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Tsugumomo Kiriha and Kukuri.jpg
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I'd like an anime if it brought Hamada more money. He deserves it. At the same time, the quality would be nowhere near as good as the manga, they'd censor all of the best scenes, and it would turn the fanbase into complete garbage.
I wish 774 went back to drawing masochistic/exhibionistic females. I don't like any of his sadistic ones.
Hime cut a best.
who's the 10000 yr old chinese loli?
ur mum
some old hag
Hopefully the one in the second issue of Towako.
Whichever one won't bust my balls too hard.
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How hard is too hard?
What's difference between a loli and a semen demon? Any expert around to explain?
I want one!
A loli is always a semen demon, but a semen demon doesn't have to be a loli.
china dress
literally like 6 updates last week you fucking pleb
What is left supposed to be?
>Batotofag detected

There hasn't been an update since April. Batoto got updated with all the chapter released this year like a week ago because the scanlators don't update batoto themselves anymore since it's full of moralfags who hate loli.
Not that guy, but where do they come from? I've always been using batoto.
literally tsugumo.moe
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Lolis and semen demons are intersecting but not equal sets.

older obi is best obi
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I'll have another option
Looks soft.
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The master of soft
>All that lewd on his pixiv
He's great.
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Lewd, great art, has all you need
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I don't know, anon. All the semen demons I see are lolis only.
>choosing only one

what are you a faggot?
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Bahamut (dragon) still isn't immortal stalker. The Leviathan girls clearly grow as normal.
A lot of ageless lolis stops growing after a certain stage in their development. It could be like that.
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It's possible, but I doubt it and there's no evidence suggesting that. They started as children and grew to where they are now, Leviathan in particular going right past loli. If I remember correctly it was said that women in general had magic while men had brawn, and the scaling was something related to that and older girls were seen with scales and wings as well.

It's almost certain that Bahamut will grow up one day, the only thing we're missing is actually seeing it happen to her.
Bakamut sure "grew" up.
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It might not have been by much but she grew
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None of them. This is the best girl.

The manga is called Teikoku Onanies if anyone wants to read it.
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I feel like Guu should be included.
Thanks for the sauce, man. I couldn't find the name in your image and I was about to start hyperventilating.
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Wait. What?

I need sauce on the source because google thinks that this is just line art.

There's a download link on the page.

Found the english version here:

Chapter 1 is what they posted from.
Thank you anons for helping me.

Some other lolicon gender bender stuff:


This one's pretty good, it doesn't contain nudity though:
>Choose one.
It's not that hard.
That's what she said.
Well maybe she shouldn't have put a small rod down my urethra.
"pieru" means fart in finnish though
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china and finland.png
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sasuga finland
Add Hestia.
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I don't prefer oppai loli, but I'm still honestly surprised she isn't already on there when she's very popular.
Where did you get the colored page.
>araragi killing himself
Shinobu's the only one he'd do that for.
Volume 3's chapter 8.5.
Oppai loli isn't a loli any more than a killer whale is a whale.
Still loli, bro. They're just not loli of JUSTICE.
Loli is a bodytype. "Oppai loli" is very specifically a bodytype that is not loli.
Oppai lolis are lolis, Hestia is not an oppai loli.
Next: Popura is a loli too!
She's more like a curvy Midget.

I like Curvy midgets.
If oppai loli were loli you wouldn't have to call them "oppai loli".
Hestia is like 138cm. She's described in the series itself as an Oppai loli.
Fuck off, LRD. We don't need you in here.
>Oppai LOLI is not loli
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patiently waiting.gif
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Is it out yet?
thechnically, oppai loli i just a loli with breasts. Loli's point is that they're more sexualized than actual kids, so them having breasts isn't that insane.

But still, midget works better than oppai loli.
>otokonoKO is not a girl
she's not even loli, she's shortstack at best
They still have a sexualized body that looks like a little girl. The only difference is that they have tits. I hate it when idiots call loli midgets, so it's the same for oppai loli since they are not mdigets, which implies they look like adults but are just short, which is far from being the case for either.

That's retarded and not even the same thing. A trap shota would be a better example, but that example works in favor in that it looks like a loli so it's a loli until you see the dick.
>Hestia triggers LRD's autistic engine
Every time.
Oppai loli is "loli" minus defining loli characteristic (small/flat chest) replaced with explicitly non-loli characteristic (adult chest).
Traps are "girls" minus defining girl characteristic (female genitalia) replaced with explicitly non-girl characteristic (male genitalia).

Traps are not girls. Oppai loli are not loli. You cannot be a subcategory of something when your defining feature inherently contradicts the conditions of the thing you're trying to categorize under.
Cross-board scum pls go.
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You seriously gonna do that again?
If white people were people you wouldn't have to call them "white people"

>loli = height
And then there's this retard.
Ko = child, not girl
The only retard is you, LRD. Seriously fuck off.
>Oppai loli is "loli" minus defining loli characteristic (small/flat chest) replaced with explicitly non-loli characteristic (adult chest).
>Flat chested adult women are lolis
Stop being such a fucking moron.

Apparently we are since you faggots don't know when to fuck off.
That's as bad as calling any loli a midget. Quit throwing that cancer around.
>娘 means child
Hurr durr
>If you don't think this is a loli you're LRD
You said "男の子"
>LRD seriously being this retarded
See that? That is what LRD sees when he sees a legit oppai loli like Hestia. It's not even close to being comparable. Hestia looks like a child, that cow does not.
>>Flat chested adult women are lolis
He is saying it's a necesary, not a sufficient condition.
>Hestia looks like a child
Tall and flat not being loli is precisely the point. You cannot be "childishly proportioned" and have tits while being considered a loli any more than you can by "childishly proportioned" and be tall while being considered a loli. Either you meet all the conditions or you do not qualify.
We know it's you, LRD. Seriously. You so obvious.
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Deal with it.
You're confusing the terms. 男の子 is a normal way to refer to a boy, 男の娘 is a pun on that word referring to traps.
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Shuten needs to be added.
Wrong, she's called a loli kyonyuu by other goddesses as some sort of provocation. For some reason or other, loli kyonyuu and oppai loli are treated as different things, and in any case her proportions are way too big for her to count.
If this:
doesn't count as loli, then Hestia who has even bigger proportions shouldn't count either.
>anyone who disagrees with that dumb loli = height idea is LRD
What the fuck.
Here's a 14 years old loli before you start accusing me as well.
Ibaraki too.
He said it's the defining characteristic. If it's required, but not sufficient, then it's not the defining characteristic, not is it?

>Tall and flat not being loli is precisely the point.
I thought the point was that flat = loli. If you don't want your argument shat on, then don't have a shit argument.

Yep, it's so easy to tell, because anyone who disagrees is LRD.

I will if you admit to Asahina being an oppai loli as well.
My Kanji reader must be on the fritz then because it doesn't give me any "Ko" reading of "娘"
>the defining characteristic
I thought so too when I first read that, but there is no "the" in that sentence. It is one among others, hence necessary but not sufficient.
Might seem like nitpicking, but I think it changes the meaning here.
>A girl who's physically older than Hestia by at least 4 years
Asahina would hardly even be considered borderline oppai loli. Your comparison is still shit.
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Too young, everyone knows lolis have to be at least 30 years old.
A dictionary isn't going to contain otaku slang.
>I thought the point was that flat = loli.
Well now.
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You mean Mimi since she's comparable, LRD. And yes we do consider Mimi an oppai loli. We've been over this and you seriously got btfo a long time ago.
Hey man, The only time someone's given me a source of Hestia being considered an oppai loli was a page containing Asahina.
Hestia isn't 14. Bell is 14 years old and he's considered small and young for this age, shota by some and Hestia is even smaller and looks like a kid when they are side by side.
Hestia is even smaller and arguably less developed than Mimi. LRD is seriously retarded.
In the absence of an "a" the correct reading is that "defining characteristic" means "the thing that defines something as a part of the group being talked about". The addition of an "a" would indicate the existence of others, but as it stands the sentence only indicates that there's one defining characteristic.

That was his point not mine.
Out of context quotes aren't an argument.
>Using the anime to make your point.
Kuro looks pubescent in the anime, so it's a really shit source for an argument.

See this is why people keep pulling out the midget thing. Because you see short and think kid, despite there being nothing about her body to suggest childishness other than height.

And what did I take out of context?
I would have assumed ESL and asked for clarification.
But actually, "defining characteristic" always means "sufficient" by definition, at least according to wiktionary. So your "flat chested adult women would be lolis, then" argument works, unless someone wants to debate dictionary definitions and pulls out another, which I have no interest in doing.
Of course, I just pointed Koume out because one of the people who love calling everyone LRD said that anyone who can't accept older lolis is LRD.
And why the fuck are we seriously trying to discuss if Hestia is an oppai loli or not if we already beat this horse to death a year ago, or what exactly defines an oppai loli since not only everyone has their own definition of loli for some reason but the whole idea of a loli with huge tits is controversial enough to make the whole term undefinable? Here's some great research material to help anyone who's stubborn enough to continue.
>Tall and flat not being loli is precisely the point.
Either address the entire post or don't reply at all.
She's not loli
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which one has a dick
I don't understand people that are scared of urethral insertion...

It feels extremely good.
When a post starts with a false basis all that needs to be debunked is that point.
Time-skip when they are older, but still loli for comparison's sake since comparing when they are really young lolis isn't comparable, numbnut. Try again.
Oh yeah and here's a definition of loli as well:
2D female who looks like a kid. Physical age doesn't matter, only the apparent age of 12 / underdeveloped 13 years old and below.
The more you rage, the less convincing you sound, LRD. It's like you only see what you want to see in agruments that supports the fact she looks like a kid. It isn't a matter of height only.
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Please stop reminding me that this shit isn't out yet. I need my vampire loli fix.
The basis was clarified by the content of the post.
I have no idea what point you're trying to make. What the hell does any of that have to do with the anime making the characters look older?

Then please, detail how exactly she looks like a kid. Because she has adult hips, full breasts, and a curvy adult figure.

>It's like you only see what you want to see in agruments that supports the fact she looks like a kid.
Please point out where you've said anything other than "She's a kid" as a pure bold assertion and "She's short".
Reminder LRD also thinks high school aged Rin isn't loli anymore even though she still is body-wise.
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There are lolis many times older than Earth. Or the universe.
When the argument is over a previous post, the basis is the previous post's content. You can't change that and act like it's a counter argument.
Which is why I am seriously confused why people think I am LRD when I post this >>143129237
I didn't change anything. The original point still stands, I just expanded on it.
Can you not read and assess logical connections? The anime was inconsistent at times, but not for that shot of Mimi. That colored spread is to support that.
You said one thing, then tried to change it in the second post.
And what did I try to change? Where?
There's no logical connection between age differences within a series and misrepresentation in an adaptation, anon. And Mimi clearly has less defined adult features in the spread.

You started saying "flat = loli" then you started the next post with "that's the point, flat is not necessarily loli"
Who are you quoting?
Your posts. >>143128934
>defining loli characteristic (small/flat chest)
i.e. loli is defined by a flat chest
>Tall and flat not being loli is precisely the point
i.e. Flat is not loli
>>defining loli characteristic (small/flat chest)
>i.e. loli is defined by a flat chest
Where did I state that it was the sole defining characteristic?
You should get your eyes checked. Mimi was already nearing the normal stature limit for loli, and she got older in the skip that had the girls in their late middle school years. Mimi is a lot older than the Rin and Kuro. She is actually taller and simply less childish in appearance than Hestia.
Go back and read the other splinter from this conversation. I have no energy to rehash that fight.
Who's worse? LRD or THK?
That's pretty cheating. Eternals transcend time and space. They don't even exist on the axis of time anymore. They experience instantaneous and eternity at every moment by existing. Of course, for the sake of keep track like Eternals do have their own measurement to show how long they have been around, and that doesn't go by unit of time like seconds or hours or years, but by historical events that have come to pass in their time.
He'd go for Shinobu, how is this even a question?
Objectively THK. But loli is sacred and LRD trolls loli, so LRD is a bigger faggot.
LRD became this everlasting presence who's apparently everyone who says that any character ever isn't a loli, so I'd say he's far worse. At least people will only accuse you of being THK if you hate a tsundere.
>Mimi was already nearing the normal stature limit for loli
She was an oppai loli.

>and she got older in the skip that had the girls in their late middle school years
Serious question, why the fuck are you bringing that up? It is entirely irrelevant.

>Mimi is a lot older than the Rin and Kuro.
That is just straight wrong.

>She is actually taller and simply less childish in appearance than Hestia.
Nope, Hestia looks noticably older than Mimi.
Mimi still has an overall childish stature, but there's nothing childish about Hestia other than the fact that she's short.
I guess you shouldn't have tried so hard to pursue a technicality.
And you should have made a clarification rather than trying to double down.
The latter by being actual cancer. The firmer us just an autist that's easy to deal with.
The other anon understood my point just fine.
She still is before she grew up even more during high school.
>entirely irrelevant.
It isn't. It's for context.
>That is just straight wrong.
No, she is physically older. Saying different makes you factually wrong.
>Mimi still has an overall childish stature, but there's nothing childish about Hestia other than the fact that she's short.
Wrong. Hestia still has just that, overall childish appearance on top of already being short. Mimi is the same, which is the point, but she is taller and just less childish.

Mimi looks like an oppai loli in both anime and manga examples given You can't reject Hestia without denying Mimi is an oppai loli too for the same reason.
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Well, I am off to bed. I look forward to my inevitable ban because of butthurt people on both sides of the argument reporting me. Have an actuall oppai loli and her friends.

Sometimes there's a difference between what you're trying to say and what you said, and you'll never improve if you don't have it pointed out.
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Post toplolis
Since when? Could anyone enlighten me?
>She still is before she grew up even more during high school.
That's what I meant by "was"
>It isn't. It's for context.
How is "She grew up at the end of the series" important context for a discussion of a difference between the original and the adaptation?
>No, she is physically older. Saying different makes you factually wrong.
No, she isn't physically older, she has just started maturing earlier. She has the same childish features as Rin, but slightly more pronounced hips and some developing breasts.

>Hestia still has just that, overall childish appearance on top of already being short. Mimi is the same, which is the point, but she is taller and just less childish.
I keep seeing you say "Hestia totally looks like a child" but you never seem to substantiate it in any way.

>Mimi looks like an oppai loli in both anime and manga examples given You can't reject Hestia without denying Mimi is an oppai loli too for the same reason.
But that's wrong. Mimi looks substantially more developed in the anime due to a number of subtle changes between the anime art and the manga art, and this makes her anime appearance more debatable and a poor comparison point for Hestia's oppai status.

Also see >>143130043. I won't be responding again.
Both are equally shit. It's pure derailment and shitpost hell when they are active in same thread (happens too often than it should in Raildex threads).
Once again, the other anon understood my point just fine. Communication is a two-sided process, and my side was verified.
>LRD is gone
Good riddance.
Huh, >>143129827 was meant for >>143129544
>only a week
I haven't lived enough to die so soon.
>around 311-412 years old
Does this actually make a difference?
Only if you want to interview her about a war in that period.
Choosing is impossible here. I don't care if my mind snaps or my body never works properly again, I want them all.
If they all came together don't you think they'd start fighting bout the importance of various historical events?
>If they all came together

I think they would be to exhausted for a debate.
Machine: Mahoro from Mahoromatic
Program: Yui from Sword Art Online
Zombie/Youkai?: Nel from Bleach
Mahoro is not a loli, fag.
Most of them are old enough that a single orgasm isn't enough to knock the wind out of them.
No? How old you think she looks like? I hesitated, but there are a few examples in that list that look as "old" as her or more.
Shes clearly your average middle/high schooler, in the range of most of the main cast for Saki. Did you even watch the anime?

Ohh god, I just actually looked at this list and immediately spotted non-loli charcters who fight in to the jailbait category i juts listed.

Well if 50% of this list passes for loli in the head of the dumbfuck that made it, so does Mahoro.
Shouldn't the ones that are Japanese dragons be devine and the western dragons be mythological?
Yep. As I said, I initially hesitated to suggest her, but she definitely belongs there among many others. I'd say that Mahoro looks 12-13 (and "officially" she's 9). Suguru is 14.

Then again there's no actual rule stating a maximum age for a "loli" so there's lots of subjectivity.
it somehow makes it hotter
300, also has the most smug face
Borderline at most, so it depends on preference. Minawa is certainly a loli though, but she's not a real android, sadly.
She was a loli, not one anymore.
Could be, or shes high out of her mind.
>LRD didn't go to bed like he said
>Still raging
Hypersmug through the sex, droopy otherwise.
Only 9 days until we see her too.
Yeah Minawa is a poorly made cyborg. She eventually gets fixed and definitely grows up. As for Nel, I'm almost positive that she can revert to loli form at will and in fact that's the shape she prefers to be around Ichigo. Not sure if that counts, though.
What kind of weird fetishes do you think a loli picks up after living for 1000~10,000+ years?
All of them
If one is into urethra insertion at 1200 at 10000 she's probably in to urethral scat unbirthing.
Nel's true form isn't a loli, unfortunately.
>chemical janky's loli abortion on the 25th
>this on the 30th
Is a new age of loli violence dawning this month?
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orcas literally ARE whales

thats like saying "Oppai loli isn't a loli any more than a goldfish is a fish"
Well an orca belongs to the same family (or rather parvorder) of the dolphins, rather than that of the beings normally acknowledged as "whales". That said, the technical name for that parvorder is "toothed whales" so... it's complicated?
I remember this artist was going to publish a doujin with the vampire girl?
Which magazine and when?
Regarding the list, there's other lolis from VNs who may or may not be eternal, but I haven't played the titles to find out. Silverio Vendetta, Gears of Dragoon 2 and Tokeijikake no Leyline, for example. /jp/ may know.

Also, some that can be confirmed are
-https://vndb.org/c44102 (spoiler for the VN Komusume)
-https://vndb.org/c17738 (she's not completely flat, but still a loli for all intents and purposes)
yeah, I just looked it up to make sure I dont talk out of my ass

and now I wonder what is the difference between a whale and a dolphin because to me it looks like there is no clear cut off
They are completely different parvorders of the infraorder Cetacea. While it seems like merely a degree of separation, at that place in the taxonomical tree the distance is huge.
It seems simple to me really.
Fuck the orca.
If it's as intimte and pleasurable as a dolphin then they're dolphins.
Isn't the destination that whales have a proto-anklebone?
One of many. And toothed whales are, well, toothed.
If this says there's 5-6 of them in the world, does that mean there's a secret final boss aside from the 5 in the OP?
well, the sperm whale has the same parvorder as the orca

so the distinction seems to be based on whether they have teeth, not on whether they are dolphins or whales

that's what I mean with no clear cut off

so either those taxonomic categories are a bunch of crap and should be changed or there is not that much of a difference between them
Is a brontosaurus a whale?
Your mom is.
Hah taxonomical categories are extremely clear-cut. Sometimes is just hard to accept because in our common imaginary things are different. For example, a sperm whale "looks like a whale" while a dolphin doesn't, and an orca looks more like a whale than like a dolphin, etc.
so what is it? are sea dolphins whales? are orcas dolphins?
/a/ - Biology

It's probably the worst vampire lolis series around. There are much better doujin series.
>all those walls of text
This is real autism
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We already know.
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Which one?
I'm conflicted

Sluten Doji is about 20 times lewder.
How would urethra insertion-sama respond to headpats?
Jack because biggest ass
Shuten seems the type that will cuddle and tease you after a fuck.
With. more urethral insertion.
Gonna fap a lot!
its 5(five) minutes early but it is !out!
Wait I thought Dr Necro used body posession, does that count?
Also Fairy Tail should be reclassed (maybe even removed) but it's somewhat major spoiler.
Gonna get raped by eternal loli until it hurts to cum.
I'd be all for an anime adaptation when the manga is over. I know it will never do the manga's art and action justice and it will be censored to hell, but at least the manga will be finished and perfect.
There are other major spoilers in there. I think it's worth it.
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It's funny that you guys (presumably) sexualize innocent-looking lolis in other manga/anime.

On the other hand, I want to just cuddle and hug deliberately sexualized lolis like Suzuka-sama. I want to take her home and watch movies with her, teach her to cook, and pat her head.
You would have to defeat her in battle first anon.
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Aslong as the body is a loli and doesn't grow it's fine. Speaking of which, now that I added mobage lolis from F/GO, I should also add loli Balthazar Gelt.
How about >>143131706?
Either way, we all thank you for your work on this list.
Must've missed those, thanks. I'll work on them in the morning.
I don't want to have sex with them. I just want to be dominated by them.
I want to break her, and make her beg for the Dick.
>teach her
That's pretty presumptuous of you. She has forgotten more than you will ever know.
>all those blondes

Why is this?
In the west, vampires usually have dark hair.

Is it because vampires are seen as being european or something?
Also because black hair=japanese to them
the Vampire loli craze in Japan was started by the one in Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice. Charlotte I think? I don't remember her name exactly, but she was Blonde, a loli, and one of her big character things was that she was mentally a grown woman, but trapped in the unaging body of a child.
Interview with the Vampire was really popular in Japan, not surprising considering it's basically the textual form of every vampire related Yaoi series ever and Lestat is a super handsome vampire rockstar.
Neither, holy shit. For fucks sake, why to their limbs look like inflatable balloons?
>Yep, it's so easy to tell, because anyone who disagrees is LRD.
LRD is the only person who talks exactly like this. Begone, spawn of darkness
Who is LRD anyway?
>Im not man enough to safisfy a thousand year old loli.

Good, you can pay the bills, ill keep her well trained vagina busy. But I will let you watch and cuddle her every night after im done.
Lurk more.
To be fair, no mortal is. But you can at least try, instead of treating her like a child and pretending there's anything you can "teach" her in order to cover up your inadequacy, like >>143134117 does.
Exactly, that's the point of lolibabas. The few mortals they don't kill, they use as their playthings.
Some morals are more willing to put out the effort than others. If thousand year old lolis were a thing, I would devote my life to the art of cunnilingus and deep core thrusting.
This anon gets it.

And you still wouldn't reach a fraction of what immortal shotas can do.
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Why are there Touhous but not the Touhou fairies? They are literally immortal and just go PICHUN when they die to come back.
Cirno and Daiyousei missing from this image.
Go back to your /ss/ thread.
I disagree. Of the men that love vaginas the are perhaps 5% of the male population. And whats the immortal shota population, .00000000001% perhaps? That leaves a like one every billion years you get an immortal shota that works it.

Also lolibabas dont take playthings. They tend to get over that after the first 100 years. Teaching gets repetitive. Then they start looking for alpha males who already know the machinery.
Keep telling yourself that.

>Of the men that love vaginas the are perhaps 5% of the male population
Not sure whether to grin or cringe here
>They tend to get over that after the first 100 years.
Nope. Plenty of examples to the opposite, Suzuka being just one of them.
Is your head screwed on straight?
Anime is a rather poor sample. In anime the MC is almost always a beta faggot and the object of every females desire, for no other reason than he exists. There are plenty of loli side kicks that attach them selves to alpha males, Yachiru from bleach for example, which is not even the list despite being more loli than Hiyori.
Suzuka-sama isn't from an anime.
Tease to bite off your dick.
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Oppai loli babas are a miracle of the universe.
Could be worse i guess.
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What about loli grannies who look identical to their loli granddaughters if they put on a wig?
That's just a hag
3000 year old fox?
Well that thing already should have lost all tails except 4 which should have been upgraded to devine tails.
I cannot even imagine how much such a Kitsune would shit on gods.
1300, 3000 and 10000 are all great beings which I would gladly serve.
I'd pick the fox girl because she looks nice, but its probably a trick...The 1,300 domo-loli is a good choice I think. I'll take her.
Why does no one seem to like the 200 bottomless succubus with the great fashion sense?
She is the most boring looking one, at least the 300 one is smug.
Enma Ai from Jigoku Shoujo is more of a yokai/god/demon than a ghost if I remember correctly, despite being human once.
As fun as she looks, what makes her better that the other four?

Same question does apply across the board though. I can't find a good reason to choose any of them specifically over the others. They're all so wonderful.
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seems like she would be smug for being 200 years old, yet lacking in experience in front of the other lolis.
notice how she is wearing the uniform and carrying the horsewhip, as if she wants to make clear what´s the deal with her, as if to clam the authority and charisma that she lacks
anons subconsciously notice this in their search for a mistress to prostrate themselves upon, and so they avoid her
Overcompensating, so to speak. Well said.
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I want to cuddle Suzuka-sama and tell her she doesn't need to kill and devour humans anymore. Sure she'd resist at first, but eventually she'd realize she prefers hugs and snuggles to being an evil semen demon.
Gaworare was such an underrated harem
such is the life of the lolidom
Assasin of the black for sure.
Which is why I shall go for her, so she can train on me.
Actually, I did. Good to know LRD is just a boogeyman you pin to anyone who disagrees with you.
That's a rather weak term for devouring you.
I like my immortal lolis more submissive myself.
Dominating at first. but becomes submissive after they lose themselves in pleasure is best.
>loli Balthazar Gelt.
>picking just one
>not plowing them all
Fuck yes.
I just can't say no to a lolihag succubus.
Why is NTR so good with lolis?
Because you are a cuck.
only when its tentacles. >>143111743
Only if it's netori
Will tentacle monster take responsibility and be a good father?
I know what you mean man, my go-to fap fantasy is a loli guiltily sobbing and diddling herself while peaking through a keyhole as she watches her onii-chan screw her onee-chan, aware that her inexperienced loli pussy will never be able to satisfy him.

Cucking lolis is the best
My major fantasy is an eternal loli submitting to her assailant, helpless to protect her dignity, but without crying or complaining because she's been through worse before.
>inexperienced loli pussy will never be able to satisfy him.
Onii-chan sounds like a faggot.
How about you use that brain of yours for once without begging to be spoonfed you baby
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good taste
I know most of /a/ are little girls but there's no need to get so hiney heated that you aren't old enough to be skilled in adult things~
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This is missing quite a lot of Touhou characters. Like the fairies, which are immortal embodiment of natural phenomenons.
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You can only have one
19 has a hime cut and modest clothing.
37 has a really pretty dress.
10 is hot.

I think I'll go with 19.
Which one is the most S? My inclinations based on designs are 37 (Mostly because it reminds me of Piririnegi's stuff), 17 and 20
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No Dlanor? She stopped aging when she killed her father. I'm not sure what category she would fall under though.
I'm getting a world of darkness vibe from this...
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>None for helena
What kind of list is that?!
What is left supposed to be? Its too old to be a Nazi.
19, 28 and 37 are clearly the best girls, but I have to go with 19
Succubus > vampire > youkai > some sort of really powerful kitsune judging by the age > some Chinese demon
>bathalzar gelt
200 is pretty weak compared to the others.
If she's 200 years old she lived through the time of the Nazis and could have been one of them anon, it's not necessarily something from around when she was born but any time between then and now.
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Do 2 or 3 come with the bear? This is important
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This anon is correct.

Her category should be doll.

Seriously, she's likely an angel. She's an archbishop and came from heaven, although I can't recall anyone calling her specifically an angel in the VN.
Can Ibaraki and Shuten-doji from Fate/Grand Order be acceptable for this list?
>>But I don''t wish for it to have an anime adaptation
no studio could do Tsugumomo without heavy censoring. and those that do. (xebec) wont do justice to the art
does that flame with a face have a number? seems like a chill guy
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Needs more Earth-chan.
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Updated. Should I seperate Legal/Natural Loli into their own category from Strange Existence?
Should I really add all the Touhou lolis? They're going to eat up a lot of space.
27 is nice, mixture of very traditional and extreme genkiness.
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I haven't read these series ever since around the werewolf gay rape, I should go back to it

>sequel canceled
for fucks sake why?
Get out.
>Updated. Should I separate Legal/Natural Loli into their own category from Strange Existence?
define Legal/Natural Loli.
>Should I really add all the Touhou lolis? They're going to eat up a lot of space.
you already have touhou lolis on the pic (even 98 ones), might as well go all the way trough
the fairy line only has one loli, you have 5 spaces before needing an extra line. put the 3 fairies of light in one single space (they rarely show up individually anyways) and then add Cirno, Dai, Clownpiss and Sunny Milk. no extra space wasted. If you really want to save space, just put touhou fairies as a whole entity.
So sad. Mina was beautiful in loli mode
>a virgin
>want to quit his job
>lolicon tendency
>masochist traits

Man, he really know us
Princess Leia at 9.
I heard Anons saying that the sales was doing fine, it's just that the mangaka wants to do something else.
>define Legal/Natural Loli.
As in characters that ages naturally but still retain their loli form like Komoe, Hitomi, Utage and Mihoshi.
Cutest loli of the season.
>As in characters that ages naturally but still retain their loli form like Komoe, Hitomi, Utage and Mihoshi.
Sounds fair enough, but then what kind of loli would be within the Strange existence category without being a Legal/Natural Loli? lolis which normal natural growth has been halted by a non magical, non construct method like time paradox lolis or genetically modified lolis? and what name would this new category have?
That distinction exists, so if you want to divide them in two categories for added accuracy, that'd be great. But IMO the only problem is that for some of them it may be unclear. In Banshee's case, for instance, we get zero information for why she's like that, but I seem to recall that she's pretty old, which probably puts her in the magically young category. No idea about Sakuya, either. From what I know of the less known ones, Saki, Alice, Ageha and Lucy are natural, while Rikka and Rino-Reno are magical.

Just girls who happen to maintain a loli bodytype into adulthood, without any supernatural factors affecting them.
The girls I put or get recommended into Strange Existence are usually just loli that became Eternal Loli for unknown reasons.
If the reason is unclear then I'll just leave them in Strange Existence.
Sounds good, if we don't have enough info then there's probably something supernatural going on anyway.

By the way, is the gap in the Ghost category intentional? Also, I should have mentioned this, but Didio is a dragon, not a demon.
>The girls I put or get recommended into Strange Existence are usually just loli that became Eternal Loli for unknown reasons.
Oh ok then. you should probably change the subcategory Strange existence inside the Strange existence category to unknown tho, it would probably be more clear once you add the Legal/Natural category.
I can't wait for the /ll/ doujins.
That gap was not intentional, thanks for brining it up.
Alright, I will.
Would be really nice if we'd get some.
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Especially with brownsister.
Splendid, thank you.
Might as well add Hestia since she's a loli. Or is that too much of a trigger for a certain autist?
theres no dog days category?
>still so few pixiv R18 works
Witchloli is dead.
Stop sperging out.
I dont want to fuck an eternal loli tho, i want to be one...
That would result in thousands of hentai shinshis wanting to prpr you.
You are not nearly smug enough.
File: 1456963314518.jpg (26KB, 500x366px) Image search: [Google]
26KB, 500x366px
I was gonna autist the fuck out, but then I finally saw someone remembering this term.
Thanks senpai
To tell an oppai loli from a shortstack, it's actually really easy: simply remove the boobs and leave everything else untouched. If what's left can be considered a loli, then the original was an oppai loli. If not, the original was a shortstack.
This thread is silly. There are multiple definitions for loli. There's the petite body type, and there's the pre-pubescent type, etc. It's not simply black and white anymore, there's a bunch of gray.

Arguing about whether an oppai loli is or is not a loli is also stupid. An oppai loli is a paradox, a conundrum, an oxymoron: they are simultaneously both loli and not loli. You're all getting butthurt because you can't accept that everything in this world isn't mutually exclusive.
What if you don't actually get to have a choice?

The choice is pretty clear already
There is no choice, you only have to wait patiently while your masters decide what to do with you

Goddamn, I need to make a Shuten folder.
You have double youkai instead of yousei.
>no machinedolls
Yaya and Komurasaki must be there.
I hope it'll be!
I was really excited about the designs, but then I remembered the Shizuka doujin
it's not pedophilia if they are older than you

Seriously though, imagine how grumpy and cute she'd be.
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