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Shingeki no Kyojin 82

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Thread replies: 516
Thread images: 105

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Mikasa won the Erenbowl.
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I want Bert to be redeemed.
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I want to floss Berty between my XXL ass cheeks while I munch on complex Bertgers.
Reminder that Eren and Mikasa will kiss next chapter over Armin's burnt carcass.
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This. Piggy is roasted.
I love that artwork, but since it was drawn by a Bertfag and not Eren standing in the center or someone likeable it came out incredibly cringey and ew.
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>Mikasa/EMfags being disgusting as usual
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F U C K when?
I'd go tongue deep in Mikasa's bowl.
>Arminfags desperately holding back tears as usual.
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But Bert is the MC and mascot of the series to be honest Fooverfam. He is also complexer than you.
Hahaha you funny.
I'd put a couple bucks in her wallet, and by wallet I mean vagina.
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I'd take her hand in marriage.
Don't let this be forgotten.
Mikasa isn't in love with Eren though.
Mankasa a shit.

She's in love with me
Isayama says otherwise.
Delicious tears. Best girl is still alive while the coconut head is fried.
Piggy nose
MikaQT still QT
You don't need to be an Arminfag to see how crass all this rejoicing is. ;_;
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Armong a dead steaming shit.
I'd go nut deep in Mikasa's butt
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You got it backwards.

Eren's the one who isn't in love, and that's what counts. Mikasa will never win
What does Mikabooty smell like?
Shit. Like every ass.
MikaQTbooty smells like fresh strawberries and roses unlike Annie's shit smell.
That is Annie and Historia you are describing, Mikasa's is a very pure and exotic smell.
You do desu
Landwhale pls. Some QTgirls inherently have a fresh smell.
Annie pls. MikaQT washes her booty unlike you.
Confirmed for not an ass lover
Why do you keep saying this?
>inb4 more responses than IPs
>he's never smelled a butt before
Mikasa has a very fresh and clean smell. It's her natural smell.
Why are Mikasafags so degenerate?
The is absolutely nothing "degenerate" about wanting Mikasa to sit on my face, alone, in our house while she holds my hands.
EMfags and LMfags are the same. Disgusting.
literally this
Armin > Mikasa
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For Eren, rather than a lover, Mikasa’s presence is more like a mother to him. The love towards a mother is considered valuable [precious], however at the same time, there are annoying parts as well [laugh]. Just like towards one’s actual mother, Eren will start to grow up when he becomes independent [move away/not dependent on] from Mikasa, I might draw this scene one day
Same, but holding my cock.
At a cook off, maybe.
My fetish is scat.
You cunts done samefagging the living shit out of the thread?

Fuck off dude, seriously. You're a virgin.
This. I want Mikasa to take a dump all over my chest.
Kek no
Properly cleaned buttholes don't smell like shit.

>inb4 mistranslations meme
>Properly cleaned
You are too late.
No you rub that on her abs later. Don't you know how to enjoy being her seat properly? Geez.

Mikasa is a good girl. She cleans herself properly.
>it's an "Mikasafag acts like a retard" episode
Why is this even a meme? Do they provide "proof" that it's a mistranslation or they just blindly call it a mistranslation?

Mikasafags sure are fast when it comes to damage control
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Does anyone have the character chart updated with Armins BBQ status?
>or they just blindly call it a mistranslation?
Mikasa is the worst character.
She's a cock guzzler with a gaping cavern.

Annie didn't want to spar with her because she is greasy and shit stained.
Just one autist.
It's literally a false translation fags insist on shot posting about
>Its a Mankasafags go full autist thread.
Pretty sure they are all the same.
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Mikasa is only good because sex between her and manlet would steamy.
No proof that I know of: the translation is legit.
Mate we're talking about Mikasa not some other slag.

She's a beautiful lady.
How can people possibly like Annie in 2016?
It's a mistranslated, no one has ever proven what the actual translation is but it definitely is.
>Unironically liking Cuckasa
>You will never feel this ass grinding against you in a teasing manner almost daring you to put it in
>You will never grip it as she rides you as fast as she cans or you pump as fast as you can
>You will never just lay there covered in love juices and post orgasm glow.
Which of the 104th cadets do you think has the smallest dick?
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Right on, brother. Can't believe how many people don't at least try fapping to this superior fetish. They will most certainly enjoy it, if they have any sort of inclination towards femdom.
Mikasa sits on dildos that gape her every night.
Bert is shitty like Annie's butt
Who is this very special young man?
I hope it's Reiner
I'd ruffle her hair.
>There are people posting on the same board as me that unironically dislike Mikasa.
>These same people claim to have taste.
Connie or Armin.
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It is according to Isayama. Look at this sad excuse of a dick
Mikasa is the only chink so go figure.
When will the Ackershits finally be finished off?
I noticed that Landwhales from bumbler tend to hate MikaQT the most.
I like Mikasa AND I have taste. Too bad Mikasafags always get triggered by my taste.
I feel like I saw 'art' of this once. It was Connie I believe. Poor Sasha.

When they reach the village and Mikasa is about to strike the finishing blow, only for someone to say something that triggers the Ackerman brand, rendering her dead.
Never. You should be asking when the literal Bore Berthole Foover be finished off since hes a jobber with no development,no characterization,no complexity, a static fucking character.
Mikasa is actually very popular on dumblr.
Liking Mikasa the most means you have taste, yes. That's what my post implied.
Mein fucking sides. You can't say this when there's 40 Bertfujos in each thread at a time.

Shattered dreams >>142827818 >>142827937
Mikasafags still get triggered because Mikasa isn't the only character I like.
Actually no.
Please stop using Mikasa for your shitposting.
Doesn't trigger me though.

I like Ymir too.
Reinerfag delusions never counted
Mikasa is worst girl.
I don't like Ymir though, she's probably the only shingeki I genuinely dislike.
Better their favorite than falseflagging.
You and I are enemies now.

That's fine. Mukasa is still the best girl.
Good taste.
>Mikasa is present close to the mother for Eren
What does this mean?
Eren wants to fuck his mom.
>inb4 mistranslations
I just wanted a big muscle bound hunk to plough Rico's tiny parts.
Good taste anon

Mikasa and Ymir are my favorite shingekos.

inb4 cuck meme
It means its literally a mistranslation you fucking moron
I'm sorry anon. At least Rico is safe from being ruptured/torn.
It could mean that Mikasa is as close to Eren's heart as his mom was.
Mikasa cucked yet again. This time by Carla.
Best girls.

I want them to bully me. But only to make it up to me later.
Nothing new. We all know they love each other as family.
Not that anon, but Ymir is best boy. Also only if you are a short blond girl.
>Not being a brunette
Makes me kind of sad.
SnK should be a 18+ show/manga with hyperviolence and sex. And titan rape
Ymir is shit.
Well if you are a grill then you could just dye your hair blonde.
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something about that drawing
Bert pls

There are no girls here
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Did the second opening foreshadow Armin's death?
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Especially now that Armin is dead

That means its just Mikasa vs Historia

That also means Jean and Sasha can happen now that Jean's gay route is gone.

Just die already Connie.

I would hate Connie less, maybe even had rooted for him, if his name wasn't fucking Connie. Thats a girl's name, why didn't they name him Connor?
Is the author stupid and in typical Jap fashion think english names are unisex like Jap names.

So many crossdressing misunderstandings happen because of Jap names being unisex and or ambiguous. Like in OHHC her fucking name was Haruhi, a girl name, and people didn't bat a fucking eye.

If you don't know how western names work, don't use them.
I'm looking at you Olga from Luck and Logic
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Bert likes Ymir.
Fuck off tripshit.
I can't believe you made me read this with my own two eyes.
BRA only care about each other. Well Reiner wanted to at least keep the promise.
I would be all over that.
He doesn't. and he has no reason to like her either.
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>he has no reason to like her
I'm not talking about shipping, and he does.
delete this, then delete yourself
Connie was originally a man's name.
Nobody with taste likes Ymir.
Not that anon, but BR are just grateful, nothing more. BR only like and really care about Annie.
I wasn't talking about shipping either.
Uh excuse me?

Mikasa is my favourite girl and you're going to claim I have no taste? That's weak.
I like Mikasa too but Ymir a shit.
Armin was one of my favorites. I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be if my actual favorite died.
I already expect my favorites to die.
Mikasa is fine but Ymir is for tasteless shits.
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>Armin is dead

Praise Historia.
What's wrong with Ymir?
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Would you?
Raise a hand if your Shingeki-Soulmate is potentially in peril.
Same. Except Historia. Historia is immortal.
What ps2 game is this
The retarded qt fag only likes Mikasa obviously.
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>literal plot armor
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The danger is real.
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They deserve it.
>What's wrong with a pile of shit?
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*hand goes up*
I said Ymir not you mr gay fujo ship.
I'm talking about shitmir too
Yeah, she is one of my two favorites actually and this arc gave her a double armor. Only wall titan could become dangerous now, but I doubt that. But just to be sure, I don't feel completely save about her.
No one is going to die.
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You are just not a nice person.
Except the character I hate the most.
>Armin's death
Probably he will end up crippled at most.
Not to shitmirfags no
Ymir is smelly.
Can anyone link me to any good meta or theories relating to SnK? Gonna be on an 13 hour flight tomorrow ;_;
Just out of curiosity, who is your other favorite? Mine is Ymir.
Why do Ymirfags make such a big deal out of favorite characters?
It is very sad that there will never be a scene of BRA all fighting in their titan forms against the SL at the same time
>Mine is Ymir
Good taste anon. She's one of my favourite as well.
We could be friends.
Very nice. I'm not worried for Hanji's fate either since she already survived 4 attacks that must have realistically killed her. Erwin ispretty much a goner though.
>Armin gets the serum (you know he will)
>they get him to eat either Bert or Reiner
>Armin emerges from his titan for the first time, eyes closed and blond hair flowing in the wind
>Eren, paralleling what Mikasa did to him, goes to him and checks his heartbeat
>he cries tears of joy
>Mikasa is on the sidelines watching all of this
>anons add it to the Eren and Armin leaving Mikasa out collage
Ymir is worst taste.
Hanji feels like she is immortal at this point. Isayama seems to be making a mystery about Erwin's condition, so I'm still a little sceptical.
Sure thing anon.
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Royal couple.
Related question - shingeki girls bra sizes?
It could go either way with Erwin. I'm expecting the worst for him. I won't get my hopes up.
I refuse to believe that there is more than one fan of Rico in here.
Ricofag is one thing, but come the fuck on people.
Which of the 104th cadets do you think has a baguette?
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She's too everyman to be killed off.
Nah. Mikasa will cry and will hug him even more. Eren will hug him and maybe make some joke with tears in the eyes.
>I refuse to believe that there is more than one fan of Rico in here
Me too. Like what the fuck is going on? It is one thing not to like the main characters, it's another to be too damn fucking contrarian.
So has Eren been useful or less of a bitch lately? I eventually stopped reading because he went from entertaining to a lazy Shinji.

Has he stepped the fuck back up yet?
Rico is good, but I already have my favourite who.
They would have beat them too easily. But I agree it would have been hype as fuck.
We could be friends.
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To be honest, sometimes minor characters can seem more appealing because of how much you can make up about them without canon contradicting it.
No. He just forgave BR last chapter for their crimes.
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I don't know about the other two Anon's, who have fantastic taste by the way, but I've been the Ricofag long before you lot started calling me that.

Your favourite shingeki is blessed by the trinity.

Good form, Anon's.
Fuck off.
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Why do anti-Ymir autist(s) give so much of a fuck about what other people like or do?
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The good form was meant for you Anon's, my mistake.

You should calm down, Anon.
We could be heroes.
KEK. Speaking the truth anon.
>all this triggering
Ymir a shit.
Why are Ymirfags such autists from Reddit?
I hope Zeke kills her from afar with a big stone.
Just ignore it.
>all this falseflagging
Perfect reaction image for your face right now.
Ymir a shit.
kill yourself
Yeah, I noticed after the MT pic.
Shouldn't you continue whining about Armin?
Do you think she's a prude?
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What? Why? Their reasons were fucking retarded, there's no justification for what they did. Why would Eren ever forgive them? What the fuck happened to him? Sure he was a bit edgy, but at least he was entertaining and not a bitch.

So he's completely lost his bloodlust and internal struggle. That just leaves him as a bland, lifeless character. Not really worth picking back up, then?
BR just killed Armin. Now Eren is finally free from Armin constantly forcing his dream on him.
So it's an Arminfag? Makes sense.
Indeed. Just drop it forever.
So an Arminfag and a Shitmirfag? Makes sense why they're such a manchild.
Most likely.
Except for the fact that you're the triggered faggot, desperately trying to defend your safespace as soon as someone mentions they like Ymir, cancer.
You're too easy to fuck with Anon.
Bert having his asshole pulled up through his mouth next chapter.
The last chapter triggered them beyond help.
Go back to Tumblr.
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That's not nice.
But if she does die, I hope it's quick, painless and a worthy sacrifice.

I don't think Rico would be a prude, but I do think she would be very modest and reserved. What goes on behind closed doors is anyone's guess, but it would be as pure as virgin snow.

>all this frantic, triggered, butthurt shitposting

Thanks for the (You)s, dumbfuck ;o)
Yeah, it was funny seeing them shitting on every character out of butthurt. I enjoyed it after all the character hate and falseflagging, especially seeing how they are still doing it right now.
Why you want to rip the poor little Rico in half so much?
You sure showed them, anon
>everyone is laughing at me
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Posting what actually happened in the chapter. Bert and Reiner are about to get butchered.
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This is why I left the last thread!!
Don't speak to the deviants please. It only encourages them.
Okay. My Eren is back. Picked the fuck up.

Also, IIRC the mangaka said he thought this would end at around 100 chapters. Does that seem possible at this point?
1-arm-erwin pls
Armin a feces
No. Now it's ending in volume 25.
Do you not have any other pics of Eren btfo Blort, Erwongfag?
>my Eren is back
>believing that edgy shit of a picture
C'mon anon.
Simple reason really. I like big things going into small things. And if its hentai we're talking about, I like it to be violent.

Sorry ricofag your shingeki is just more cute than Historia, so I went with her by default
That's the only pic I could find. Do you have any others?
Armin is a dead shit.
Yass I can reply 50 times within a minute
But only when it's about shitmir
Kill yourself, Shitminfag.
It seems to describe Ymirfags more.
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>people unironically hate Mikasa, Armin or Ymir
Why Eren is yellow?
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Rico is very cute, but she isn't for your lewd fantasy. Do some laps and pray for forgiveness from the Wholy Trinity.
And don't be gross.
>people unironically like Armin or Ymir
Sounds like Tumblr senpai.
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>Volume 19 released, 4 chapters per volume
>Next 4 have yet to be volumeified, so effectively 20 released
>5 more volumes of 4 chapters
>~chapter 102

So absolutely nothing's changed, then.
>ironically Arminfags ad Mikasafags hate each other more than otherfags
Don't forget the chunk of the sentence that triggers EMfags, please:
>Eren ni totte, Mikasa ha koibito toiuyori ha, okaasan ni chikai sonzai desu

Freaking translation:
>"To Eren, rather than a lover, Mikasa's existence/being/presence is closer to that of a mother"

Seriously, it doesn't mean anything else, and that mistranslation meme needs to die.
Doesn't you replying 50 times in a minute to someone calling you out about caring way too much about whether people like Ymir entirely validate the original point you were sperging out about, though? I'm confused. Do you realize you're a fucking idiot or are you honestly so retarded you don't even see it?
Armin is shit.
Only Ymir is good out of those characters. Armin is bacon and Mankasa a shit.
No it isn't.
Not even reading your whiny ramble. Ymir a shit.
Ymir is the worst one out of those three by a landslide.
Armin and Ymir a shit
Pretty much.
Rico a cute. I would give her a hug
>being this triggered
Hey Ricofag, do you got any more pictures of her?

I want to use her for character art in a IRC game I run.
Are you going to call us all a samefag from 5 devices now or what?
>Implying mangakas don't get forced into shipping and reviving characters all the time because they're easily manipulated by fans
>even more triggered that someone called it a samefag
Armin a feces.
Armin a thankfully dead shit, stop pretending to be a Ymirfag.
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Hugs are SUPER appropriate. Hands above the waist though.
Good form.

I have a lot of pictures, is there anything specific I can help you with?
Well if the Mikasa ship has sunk, what about the SS Historia? It seemed like that might become a thing, IIRC.
>Eren creates enemies throughout the scouting legion for taking everyone's goddess
Mikasa would kill Historia desu.
Just general character art of her would be fine.

Doing normal things. I'm not asking for lewds.
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Just report that retarded Arminfag.
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EH look nice together
>being this much of an ugly Ymirfag
Kek this.
Bert is Eren's new lover after he freed him from Armin.
My post implies nothing of the sort, anon: just that there's no mistranslation.
Why are Arminfags and Ymirfags such cancer?
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Normal Rico things include training, obeying her superiors and being pure.
I'll give you some nice Rico's, starting with training.
It comes with the shit taste.
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That's what I was thinking.
I suppose those are EMfags. I actually love both of them.
Reminder that Mikasa has no chance and Eren is canonically in love with Historia.
Why are Bertfags and Ricofags such cancer?
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Seriously, dude. If you're gonna get so triggered like this and samefag up and down multiple threads, you really should stop making it quite this obvious, retardfag.
Just EMAfags.
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Be nice, Anon.
Just Arminfags. Ymir is good.
In general, the less specific the art is, the better it is for character art.

Because I just want to use her for a preexisting character who wears glasses. But whatever, thanks.
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Pretty dick move from her to use Armin's death to get laid
Ymir is even more shit tier than Armin.
Well, technically that's the only popular straight Eren ship Isayama hasn't felt the need to sink yet. (probably because there's nothing ambiguous about their friendship... either that or he plans on a Erekuri end)
"retard" and "faggot" are the most overused words on 4chan, retard.
I feel bad for every other character that are also liked by Shitminfags.
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I see.
Well, Rico's are Rico's and that means they're special. The preexisting character would be very hard pressed to live up to such standards.
It can't get more shit than Armin, he is the definition of "shit tier".
I like her serious, determined look. It fits the character I have.
He never sunk EL either.
I feel bad for any character that is liked by Stinkmirfags.
You used the exact same excuse last thread, faggot. Instead of pretending you're multiple people who are somehow as easily triggered and thin-skinned as you are, why not just take a break from the computer?
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Then you should like this one too!
Rico's are brave and loyal!
I don't know what you're talking about, but if anyone here is thin-skinned, that's you.
Ah, well, the only problem is the character in question isn't a warrior. She's a merchant.

But hey, who knows what fate holds in store?
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Then why does she see him through a husbando distortion filter?
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A successful merchant needs to be intelligent. Rico just so happens to be exceptionally bright.
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So he wants to fuck himself?
Please help me by posting cute Sasha/Connie pictures or cute pictures of Sasha farting. If somewhere there exists in image of both things at once, please post it.

I need to remember my queen as she'd want me to.
All shingekis are good except for Armin and Ymir.
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Found another one with the determined look.
Only Ymir is shit.
That's why I said "straight", anon.
If he wanted to sink all ambiguous ships regardless of gay/het he would've started with EAr.
A bit stylised, but all Rico's are beautiful.
He actually only sunk EA, because people asked him about it, because of the guidebook. Otherwise he wouldn't have done it.
>I suppose those are EMfags
But to be fair, it's really hard to be a Mikasafag if you're not an EMfag
Thanks. I'll definitely use these!
My favorites usually end up dead so it doesn't bother me. It's just fiction, senpai.
>The bald egg
>The Ragetard
>Retarded Potato Hick

Include those and you're golden.
How many characters have viewed Eren through a husbando distortion field now?
This but thinking about it, didn't he pretty much took the opportunity to sunk all Eren ships at that point by saying Eren has no romantic feelings?
Only Armin a smelly turd
Every single one of those characters are better than Ymir and Armin.
A particularly good close up!
Let me know when you would like me to stop.
Yes, but Eren shipperfags are generally in denial.
>Eren will never eat Annie and have shifter voodoo turn him into a cute girl
So does it mean EM is the only ship he actually felt the need to sink?
I guess it would make sense if he really thinks of childhood friends hooking up as gross.
>Eren shipperfags are generally in denial
Tbh it's Isayama inserting this romantic implications but by denying that Eren has no romantic feelings, he pretty much cop out from giving an answer. Or at least that's how I see it.
The only good characters are Hitch and Rico.
B-But that only leaves Jean and Hanji
Hanji is best. Jean is meh.
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Another good one!

Good form, Anon.
It's okay if you stop. Or keep spamming, I got enough for now.

Thank you for indulging me, though.
But anon, those romantic implications usually never come from Eren's side, so can we really call it a cop out to state that he doesn't have feelings for anyone?
WOW i honestly thought i was the only Ricofag all these years, brings a tear to my eye
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I wouldn't want to undo the thread for the other Anon's. If you have enough for now, that should suffice.

Good form, Anon.

You were never alone, friend.
>those romantic implications usually never come from Eren's side
I fully agree, Eren has no romantic feelings whatsoever. But saying Annie only has mutual respect seems contradictory to the manga when she wanted to teach Eren 'how to talk to girls'. I can't think any of Mikasa but I'm sure there's something as well
Eren looks good with shorter blondes.
>reading a manga when the only two characters you tolerate are likely to die before the final arc
That last one was the best one!
>liking Shitmir
great minds think alike as they say, carry on Kami-sama's work anon
>tfw he lost 1/3rd of his harem this chapter
Hanji seems to be stealing some of Reiner's immortality, so she'll be fine.
All Ackermans do that. It can't be bred out of them no matter how hard you try.
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>Eren looks good with shorter blondes
>this blonde harem dream will never come into realisation now
You're very welcome, Anon!

Good form, Anon.
I don't think Isayama's ever been quite clear when it comes to how the girls feel. I need to find the Eren/Annie one, but I'm sure Eren is the only he said had only respect for Annie.
And of course, as for Mikasa, the entire manga speaks for itself.
Another third of his harem is stuck in crystal. He only has one blonde left.
he had gtten a harem? i never kept up with the manga

Good, i like eren
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He'd be the cutest girl
I love Mikasa and dislike EM.
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Her tsun will never rise :(
>love Mikasa
>dislike EM
I didn't say it's impossible but it's really hard. If you want Mikasa to be happy, she'll likely be if she gets her dream man which is weird if you don't want it to happen.
I think that's the contrary.
>He only has one blonde left.
Reiner it is.
Mikasa x Eren is obviously best choice.

Mikasa is great and should be happy with the man she's always loved
Reiner's hair hasn't grown back yet. Its over, the dream is dead.
I hate this show/manga
....but I love mikasa's underwear line
>male PC would have been better as a girl

Why is it always like this?
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I want to know what her nipples would look.
Inverted or I'm not interested.
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>inverted nipples

Worst fetish. It's like fetishizing outie bellybuttons.

Normal nipples and innies are best. Anyone who has inverted nipplies, outies, or is left handed should be gased.
I doubt she loves him romantically.

I think she's just incredibly confused and is mistaken familial love with "i mst make eren my husbando so we can be real family"

Historia is in love with Eren and it looks like that feeling is returned
She looks so tight
Low quality opinion, but that cutie in the bottom right of the picture prevents me from caring.
Fucking adorable.
Carla wasn't that hot
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To be honest, I don't even know what is even the difference between inverted nipples and regular ones. So no opinion.
It's the truth

Mikasa will soon realize she doesn't love him in a romantic way.she will give Eren and Historia her blessings and get together with Jean
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Carla was beautiful
Googles you're friend.
I have. I still don't understand what the big deal is.
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She was, just not when we see her old and stressed
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Why did Isayama give Mikasa best boobs?
It's all in the general aesthetic. It's a preference is all.
Keith a shit. His waifu was too good for him and he throws a tantrum.
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Bullshit. Carla was still best girl until she got chomped
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Don't you have a funeral to go to, Jean?
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>implying bust is better than no bust
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Was some blubberingbumblerina really so triggered by Mikasa's physique they had to make that shitty artwork? My pic related is a reminder.
>also implying I'm a hissy fan
Mikasa is just shit mate, Hisu is better, but not best girl
Hisu is WORST girl, Mikasa was already declared best girl according to nips.
>according to nips.
Yes according to nips, since Mikasa is always first place girl in EVERY poll and Pisstory is always D E A D L A S T. KEK
>always first place
>forgetting best girl Hanjo
Hanji is irrelevant and is widely considered transgendered. So yes, Mikasa is first place BEST girl.
>The bald egg
>The Ragetard
>Retarded Potato Hick
These are actually gud characters.

This. Add this literal bore of a Berthole.
I hope by the time the next popularity poll happens, Armin will be already at the bottom and Mikasa will take his place or even higher. Armin a shit.
Xe's a literal who? mad scientist bore only put in the story like Armong for SJWhales.
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>liking Hisubananabimbong at all
Better than liking Mongwong and Mikass
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Hanjob a cute girl
What a QT name. Too bad your Blorty bloat stole literal lines from MikaQT because he is unoriginal and boring.
Kek. I love /snk/ and their nicknames.
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I like this anon
>Blortwhale detected
Jesus that's a cute Hitch.
Post 'em if you've got 'em
I think the same about Mikasa's feelings. I do not know if Eren will live at the end but she is going to be happy if he gets married or something.
>widely considered transgendered

Perhaps by the wide and easily upset
Hitch a bitch.
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May as well post the full thing.
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Jesus, if Annie keeps making my heart go doki-doki I'll die of a heart attack soon.
Cute tier dedication
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Bert will survive, right? Right?
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The poetry here was out of this world.

All this shit, because Eren failed the first time.
Yeah, I think Reiner is going to get eaten instead.
The only reason Eren could cut Bert out was because he'd exhausted himself and wasn't focused.
Yep. Reiner will be eaten because his life is already forfeit. Remember, if he fails again he's to turn in his armour? ie- get turned into breakfast.

>implying Zeke was only talking about Reiner's life

Even if they eat Reiner Bert has no way to escape.
This is so wrong.
Genderbend Eren would by a petanko and Armin an oppai loli.
Bermb has no way to escape, but they have no reason to kill him, which is what Reiner would be protecting him from.
Zeke WAS only talking about Reiner though. He fucking specified it.
Bert is a goner. Reiner already had a near death experience.
I don't know if that's Armin or Historia.
Aside from the left handed part I agree with you.
Some of the greatest minds ever were left handed.

Also disgusting is super huge or long nipples.
That's a Hisu
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Bye bye Blortyhole.
He was talking to Reiner. It doesn't look like hardening is a super unique ability since we have four titans that have it. To contrast, there is only have one active CT.
>To contrast, there is only have one active CT.
Come again?
Bert is the only CT that is running around. If the warrior village had more CTs, why not use them? Several CT bombs would be more useful in toppling walls than a few ATs.
Head canons. No proof but Bertyhope.
>CT bombs
Wow that's mean coming from an Anniefag.

BRA a best. EMA a shit
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Annie will break her like a dry twig.
Blortywhale you don't fool anyone to be honest Ackerfamily. Everyone else finds Bort a literal bore with the chemistry of a cold fish with Annie.
>mushroom cloud
>kills nearly everyone in the area
>not a bomb
Regardless of what Mikasa does next, Annie does have the upperhand in that scenario.
She goofed with the hook, stepped in too far and there's no way on earth she could twist around for another swing, step back for evasion, or even attempt an uppercut.

Mikasa's gonna get mounted.
Hot and sweaty.
>implying a massive displacement of air doesn't create a massive pressure vacuum that must be filed, but is instead filled with a materialising mass. Two objects cannot occupy the same space, that inward force must go outwards.
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Why are you so cruel, shitposter-kun ;_;
I stopped correcting them.
Retards can't be taught new things apparently

>h-hey guys let me tell you something. it's actually a massive displacement of air not a bo-
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Which reminds me of why Armin was so annoying. He reminded me of this shitty smurf all this time, that's why I always wanted to punch him.
Look, just get your shit right. If it was a Bomb, then why the fuck would he kick the wall?
If it was a bomb, why didn't he stay where he was and shift?

Artistic license was applied for dramatic effect, and rightfully so. But the FACT of the matter is that it's displacement, not explosive force. And the two are not the same.
Too many shitpot theories come from people not understand simple things. It's the same as Anon's that say shifters "can't" change underground.
Sorry for blogging, but come on man. Fuck.
Alright dude we know you're a genius in physics or a genius in everything and we're not as smart as you. Cool?
>then why the fuck would he kick the wall?
Because he doesn't want to wake up the wall titans, only a retard would want that.
Now cut the smartass autism out, even the characters in the manga called it an explosion, it's a damn bomb.
Excellent analysis, friend. Annie has always been implied to have the upperhand in hand to hand combat anyway.
Just stop talking nonsense, and I'm content

>Because he doesn't want to wake up the wall titans
That implies her either has Pre-Wall knowledge or knows the exact location of the Wall Titans. We have evidence of neither, so take your headcanon elsewhere.

>even the characters in the manga called it an explosion, it's a damn bomb.
Artistic licence applies to the spoken word too you idiot. Plus, displacement can be used in ways similar to a bomb. Isayama called it a bomb because prats like you don't know what displacement is. QED, this entire fucking exchange.
I want you to punch you almost as much as I want to punch Armin.
What was it Armin said about retards lashing out in violence because they're too stupid to understand?
>Isayama called it a bomb because prats like you don't know what displacement is.
Kek. You actually think you know what Isayama thinks. Even if it isn't a bomb, it does comparable damage.
>You actually think you know what Isayama thinks.
Funny enough, I said no such thing. He evidently called it a bomb because it acts like one. Don't be obtuse.

>Even if it isn't a bomb, it does comparable damage.
I didn't say it doesn't. But comparable damage doesn't mean the damage is applied in a comparable way. An explosion operates differently.
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>the exact location of the Wall Titans
The walls are filled with them, of course he knows. And yes he has Pre-Wall knowledge, he's a fucking warrior. He knows what the "cursed history" is about and also exactly what he's doing.

If anyone is about headcanons here, it's you.
The retards were in the right to beat him up, tho
i cant get over how cute Mikasa is
He died to be quite honest with you family.
>The walls are filled with them, of course he knows.

>And yes he has Pre-Wall knowledge,
Safe to assume, but it remains an assumption.

>He knows what the "cursed history" is about and also exactly what he's doing.
Literally the worst way of thinking.
He know's what he has been told. Whether or not that is the truth, only the Author knows.
Facts =/= Headcanon.
Fanmade assumptions = Headcanon.

Debatable, but I see what you mean.

That he did, but the kids that where swinging at him probably ate shit too.
Armin was fried by Bert, who he constantly provoked.
Mein fucking sides you are embarrassing.
Are you joking?

>it remains an assumption.
Better than your headcanons.

>He know's what he has been told.
Sure, but I meant that he knows stuff about what is inside the walls and why he shouldn't explode on them. He only kicked the gate for a reason.
The provocation had nothing to do with his death and you fucking well know it.

For pointing out the retards that are quick to anger?
Why didn't Mikasa go for the nape while Annie's hands were busy climbing?
No. Show me that the walls are full of them and that he knows this.

>Better than your headcanons.
Which are?

>Sure, but I meant that he knows stuff about what is inside the walls and why he shouldn't explode on them. He only kicked the gate for a reason.
Again, you say this with no evidence whatsoever and it's purely supposition.
The reason he kicked the gate is self evident. He kicked the gate because it's a structural weak point. That's also why Reiner targeted the gate.
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Mikasa bounce.gif
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Got this hot new exclusive Armin figma.
hyuk hyuk hyuk
My fucking sides. Good job anon.
I like you smartarse anon please don't ever leave
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>tfw don't want to go to work tomorrow
>just to stay home, get comfy with a cup of coffee and shitpost
Same. I envy the neet life.
Satan calls it Smartarse Anon

I know that feel.
But my job is baller and I nearly always want to go to work.
>stay home
Me too anon, except I got to go on an 13 hour flight alone for the first time. I'm scared ;_;
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>I'm scared
Fuck I was hoping for Annie but I guess Mikasa would do. Thanks anon, <3
RIP in pieces
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>mfw they will go soft on Bert/Rein and will allow them to transform again into titans

You know it will happen and it will suck.
20/10 would drop like a bertbomb
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Kek nice
Fucking nice anon. Doing God's, wait I mean Bert's work
You walked straight into her trap
What's your job?
Video Game Media.
Not getting any more details than that.
>Video Game Media
I wish I could make tons of money spouting off dumbass opinions about video games on twitter and facebook. Nice "job", m80
I would love it.
Ha! You don't even know what I do! Video Game Media is a broad fuckin' spectrum.
But you go on ahead being all salty man, you do you. While you're busy grinding away the hours, I'm enjoying my life.
Remember that time when a hardening serum appeared out of nowhere JUST WHEN EREN NEEDED IT?
Good times.
>tfw you're probably some progressive degenerate at a Gawker owned publication that gets paid to write clickbait
I already hate you.
>even sounds like a punchable numale faggot who blogs about "problematic" games

Holy shit, I actually believe you now. One of your horrible human garbage coworkers will give you AIDS at some point, and good luck finding work in a couple years when the people paying you money come to their senses and you have to find work with "proficient in facebook" as your main qualification.
Gawker is bankrupt because of based Hulk Hogan. Hulkamania ran wild all over their faggot asses in civil court. Kotaku and its ilk will be closed within a year.
Stay mad faggots!
You don't know what I do and none of you are even close to being in the mark.
100 bucks says he's an EHfag.
So will we be getting the basement next month or will the entire chapter be levi centered?
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I would bet good money you're the Ubifag. Lead Concept Artist?
You said "G'night!" in a kill la kill thread once before.
Is Rico the most perfect Polish woman ever?
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Rico's are the most perfect women ever.
That explains a lot
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