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Thread replies: 530
Thread images: 88

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>Skips OP and ED most of the time.
>Licensed at once by Kadokawa
>Instant 2-cour anime with little to no expectations from people
>Halfway through the season, pre-screens the 3rd Arc's first episode.

Does anyone know who from Kadokawa is funding this show?
>Skips OP and ED most of the time.
except it does not they still use the songs
And it's flopping hard.
The animation, obviously.

To have the money to make three more minutes of scene is a lot
Yeaaaah, no.

>***,*39位/***,*43位 (**2,221 pt) [*,*23予約] 2016/06/24

>***,*81位/***,*87位 (**1,299 pt) [*,*40予約] 2016/06/24

The only shows that have more pre-orders than this show is Hanaberoso, Macross Deltoid and Jojo.

Which honestly, is quite good considering this show was only hovering at top 600 for 7 weeks. Then episode 7 happened.
maybe check some sources before you take that dick out of your mouth to talk.
how early?
The author is a very skilled prostitute
What happened at episode 7 to the pre-orders?
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This is a man who knows how to suck a lot of dicks with ulterior motives. The very embodiment of evil.
Can we hope for a S2 then?
I'd be willing to suck cocks for S2. The other alternative is learning moon and that would take way too much effort.
>The amount of prostitutes in this thread.
it pretty much adds up to an extra episode over the two cours
I can only hope they'll adapt it completely
male elf
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Why are the witches so adorable but in reality, not as kawaii as the bishops, especially Betelgeuse?
Rem is best girl.
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I wonder within how many posts till this thread is turned to shit by memers and contrarians.

That's why all of the fans went into hiding.
After episode 7, Re:Zero's rank jump from 600 to 300. After a day it went up to 200. After episode 8, it went up to 100 and the rest is as you see.
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>Instant 2-cour anime with little to no expectations from people

The anime only has 12 episodes
It has 25 anon.
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That's incorrect, what do you think this is shitty like crapeneri of the iron cucktress?
Research things before you talk retard
I bet you 20 posts
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I hate anime, first it's One Cour Man, now kabeneri only has 12 episodes, but every other shitty slice of life garbage gets 25

Time for me to grow up huh?
Wait are you serious? Hahahahaha
See this? This is called bait.
Yeah boy, 1 cour then it's gonna be forgotten about forever
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The contrarians aren't even the main problem, it's the autismos that shitfling at whoever criticizes the series instead of having a structured argument against it and responding to bait.
> Criticize
> indicate the faults of (someone or something) in a disapproving way.
> Faults.
The so-called faults they make are the ones we make a structured argument. Most of the time, their faults are just opinions and subjective.
You say that but you've already started name-calling.
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you called?
I'm another anon, not the one you think you're talking to.
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Are we really doing this ?
a shitty one.
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nah, I just wanted to fuck with anon. going to bed since its 3 am soon
>Reminder that Rem is Stella. She only looks like emelia because she was jealous of her and took her form.
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Bait that doesn't even make sense.
Actually it was a compelling enough theory we had a strawpoll for it. It was explained more in greater detail though.


Ultimately it was voted that Emilia was most likely Satella but there are still some solid points running about.
My bad then.
>rem is satela
Gluttony would like a word with you.
If rem was satella, why is the witch of envy still a thing.
>Rem is Satella.
>the Witch of envy
>crazy and broken
>loves subaru
>looks like emelia
>jealous of her
>is actually rem shape-shifting to look like her.
> Universe where rem and Subaru got married she didn't do anything bad to them

Considering that she became Subaru's "second woman" because the idiot can't tell the difference between love and obsession.
well, could sell your soul yo yen press.
Learning moon it is then.
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7 deadly sins~
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I don't blame you.
summary of arcs 4, 5 and 6

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There are alot of holes in that summary for arcs 4, 5 and 6 anon.
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Ekidna, the one with endless sexual curiosity.
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No clue but I hear that the directors are big fans of the series.
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Typhon, the unforgiving.
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Well, you're not wrong.
Satella moved the checkpoint after Rem died. Also she didn't always love him. That universe is non-canon and the author just wanted to make money
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Daphne, the bondage, I mean hungry witch.
Would the Witch of Lust rape me to death ?
Because that would be a good way to go.
>This author
>Wanting to make money

No not really, have you seen how many people dropped volume 4? Not to mention the shitstorm that was Naoru when he dropped the bomb on us and then posted that chapter? People wanted to burn him at the steak.
The witch of lust is actually a really shy girl and is quite monogomous. The only problem is that people are really attracted to her because she the equivalent of a really cute, small, frightened animal.
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Sekhmet, the too-lazy-to-even-fucking-breath witch.
>hungry witch
>Not anorexic cannibalistic loli

You fucked up.
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Camilla, the heart-stopping (literally, you forget to breathe) but really really average shy puppy.
Dammit, I thought the bondage- I mean hungry title worked.
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Minerva, the crybaby.
I don't know why but, Daphne seems to be the worst of them all (behind Satella) since she is the one who unleashed a world of monsters even though it was for good intentions.
Well all of them had good intentions at the start, they're just like Subaru though, they fuck up. But unlike him they cant reset and get it right.
Subaru caused no harm other than acting like a fool.
May be that checkpoint causes her to revive back with a crazy and broken soul. Maybe it's the sate she wants to be in or something.
But don't all of the Witches act like tools as well? Maybe except for Ekidna. But who is to say that Subaru won't cause harm in the future? Not to mention he unwittingly caused harm just by existing because he got targeted by Rosewaal.
But remember who gave him that shit in the first place. Yeah, I'm looking at miss sexually curious.
Just want to point something out.

In the spoilers Subaru's supposed to have met a super yandere Satella that looked like Emilia and only got away by using Return By Death. When that happened Satella was at a loss on what to do and didn't do anything to ensure he'll come back to her the same way.

If Satella is controlling Return By Death then why didn't she move the checkpoint to after she got free? The mechanics are unknown but the checkpoint moves according to whomever it is that wants it moved and there doesn't seem to be anything so different about that situation that should have stopped her.

Subaru stinks of her and the checkpoints line up with advantageous outcomes for her but is there really any undeniable proof that she's the one moving the checkpoints?
Technically it was Satella as she "killed" Mr.sexually curious for her powers
>What happened at episode 7 to the pre-orders?
lap pillow happened.

the japanese otaku collectively blew their load and declared Emilia the perfect "waifu" and the rest was history.
This series would get pretty fucky if trans-world causation gets confirmed. The following should give you anons some comfort I guess.
Subaru sees worlds continuing after he dies. If those worlds continue on due to modal realism or some shit then classical modal ontological argument could be applied. If there's trans-world causation and all possible worlds are actual then Satella being an almighty being in at least one world (which she has to be due to there being infinite possible worlds and "almighty" being taken in a restricted sense that allows transworld causation) would mean she could make herself free in all of them. The worlds shouldn't be continuing after Subaru dies due to this.
Don't know.
Its all speculation at this point right now.
Motives, and everything.
I assume that she can't move the checkpoints freely, as his "return by death" is more of a curse than a blessing. Therefor maybe the checkpoints were preset and set in stone.
That's actually rather comforting. I can now hope for an actual happy ending.
I'm just hoping the author knows that as well
Or she could be in a different plane that transcends other realities.
Bishop killing seems like it could be preset but meeting Beako feels like saving after getting a rare drop . Also, getting free seems like something you'd want to put down for an autosave.
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Why did this loli angel have to be voiced by that shitty voice actress that makes my ears bleed ?
Because they thought it was a good idea.
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A = Annerose, Roswaal's niece who lives in Roswaal's another mansion
R = Lewes Meyer, used to be the person in charge in the sanctuary, she has many clones and I think Echidna possesses one of them and roams away
R = Roswaal, needless to say
B= Beatrice
R = Ram
O = Otto, used to be a merchant, now an internal affair officer in Emilia's camp
P = Patrasche, the earth dragon Subaru got from Crusch in White Whale's battle
G = Garfiel, probably the strongest combat force in Emilia's camp so far, Subaru's disciple
K = Clind, butler in Roswaal's another mansion, good at everything but a lolicon
P = Petra, become maid at the beginning of arc 4
R = Rem
S = Subaru
E = Emilia
P = Pack
F = Frederica, Garfiel's sister, a maid working in Roswaal's mansion before Subaru gets here
M = Meili, monster tamer, return in arc 4 with Elsa but Garfiel beat the hell out of them and capture Meili
I'm going to need you to further elaborate before I can respond. If the seal is undoable then there is at least one unsealed Satella with powers to undo it.
>Perfect waifu

Well, until episode 13 airs.
You forgot to add that Meili also refers to Elza as her mother, and that she got recruited due when Subaru started sewing animal plushies for her, which caused them to have a very uneasy alliance with each other.
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You're talking about best girl right?
Oh it will be a shit show in America as well
You think sales might tank after that because nips can't handle their waifu not taking shit? I hope not.
Good dog. Best girl.
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Of course

It probably will, and it probably will tank even further once Betelgeuse gets introduced. Depends on how many people will pussy out. But I doubt that considering that they probably will massively tone it down and censor the shit out of it.
It's torture. Every time she's on screen I get excited and then she opens her mouth and I have to get my IV drip. It's a whole new kind of meta suffering.
“Since you’ve got your most beautiful wife in the world then you would never think of cheating right. Well, Emilia-tan is a bit cuter in my opinion though.”

“No, my wife is surely the cutest.”

He meant it as a joke but received a firm reply, Subaru unintentionally winced. He gave a sharp look as the fake smile he had been making was slapped down by Wilhem’s declaration

Don't fuck with the old man Subaru.
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Fuck you. Kuroko makes the best Beatrice.
It was an utterance that sounded unusually seriously, but if he wanted to stick his nose any further he’d have to have patience. Subaru made his head spin trying to delve into deeper topics. In some way or another he could use this, if he could play off of his human emotions he had a feeling he could make this work somehow――

He is definitely trying to anon.
Not that I don't like Arai but I would have really preferred a cuter voice for her
She should stick to mascot characters
i.e. characters with no lines
Wilhelm is best boy
Reminder that Ekidna got out.
I'll be optimistic and say that sales will spike instead. If the opposite happens, oh well. I'm used to being disappointed when it comes to this kind of thing.
Well the elevens are known for having shit taste so they will probably drop it

I concur with this guy. The drama is what most of the people watching this show are in for.

Viewers on going to be more enthralled and addicted to the show as the plot progresses - assuming white fox doesn't stray too far from the source material.

Point being, I forecast memeboy being around for a while.
Well, parts of her.
It skyrocketed up the rankings when the suffering started, so I'll take that as a sign they'll get even better when Arc 3 starts.
Her spirit but not body.
u dont like episode 7?
forget it i've actually went through the trouble of reading this thread
You fucking stupid? He means that when ep 7 happened, that's when the show exploded to popularity in Japan.
So what do you guys think will happen when Subaru decides to go and sleep with Rem?

Will there be a shitstorm or no?
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Given the circumstances probably not, as what he is doing is understandable. You kinda want to be by the side of the person you are committed to protecting.
Far as I've heard, nips have fucking loved Rem recently almost as much as Emilia, possibly as much, so they may not mind.
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That scene is gonna destroy me
I know this is bait but reading that made me legitimately upset. Please leave.
Which faction is the largest at this point?
>WN only
Keep dreaming.
Emilia's faction is by far the largest thanks to Subaru, this isn't even counting all of the independent connections and alliances Subaru has.
i was rating the show a 7/10 until that point, and it jumped to a 9 in my books.

I thought the despair was delicious.
It's also from the LN anon.
Apparently, what I heard from a dude that read the LN, it's in there.
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Fucking hell.

Need I be reminded so soon?
If it wasn't the largest, people wouldn't eventually be inclined to unite against it.

Subaru's behavior is kinda worrying.
Since when has it not been?

Considering he has a number of baddies under his war banner I wouldn't be surprised.
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Are we going to have a fucking problem, asshole?
So will we actually get a scene of Subaru keeping his promise to Rem in episode 9? Trying to talk about the curse and shit?

I feel like this might be something that might be easily overlooked.
‘Tehehe’, showing off her tongue, she bonked her head with a fist. Subaru’s throat froze over in fright, this was a completely different kind of horror than before.

―Not only a head bonk, but sticking out her tongue + winking!?

This was a classic rarely seen even in his own former world, the overly done legendary ‘cutesy-girl’ routine. He wanted to beat up anyone who dared attempt this overly cheeky routine in person, however―

“Now that I’m in front of the real thing the destructive energy of it… it’s too much, I can’t do a thing…!”

Ferris please.
I'm pretty sure they do but i could be wrong
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Reminder that this man's job is to spread love and diligence. He did nothing wrong.
Well, nobody cannot love Ferri-chan

Reminder that this man was actually a person who had the best intentions and even cared for Emilia. But time and magic contorted his own mind into madness.
>But time ... contorted his own mind into madness.

How much time would you estimate Subaru experiences relative to everyone else?
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A couple of years under his belt more compared to others.
Probably not.

I pray that the overzealous Remfags don't go overboard with that and make us look bad.
Let's face it, they probably will. Along with he butthurt Emiliafags who will be screaming for vegetables once it happens.

At the rate it's going this can only end in two ways for Subaru.

Either we get a volume of him getting mentally reconstructed via Emilia laps and Rem hugs.

Or all those theories of him are true. Subaru goes from being the man who wanted to make everything better via his returns. And instead goes full circle and becomes the most twisted being in the world.

I wouldn't mind the latter one bit.
How about both, and he's mentally reconstructed via corrupted Emilia laps and Rem hugs?
Q: Do you like falling into darkness? From now on is there a possibility of someone falling to darkness?

A: I really like it

Heartwarming story he says
Since they were about the same height, her face was now right next to Subaru’s. Her voice whispering directly into Subaru’s ear, his whole body felt like it was being tickled. His face turned red from the sensation. He looked to his surroundings for help, finding Rem loitering near the mansion’s entrance he instantly turned pale.

She had on a blank face, one could see from afar she was unconcerned with what was happening. Towards the now gasping Subaru, Rem gestured her hands in a small mincing motion. It wasn’t like this gesture had any meaning in particular, but the intent was clearly conveyed to Subaru.

“I’m going to tell Emilia”


Good to know that Rem still kept her personality despite liking Subaru.
Have you just started reading or something?
I picked up the WN after I got good enough with my moon. I'm reading arc 3 right now.
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I just see him checking his machine gun, and saying: "rememeber, hearthwarming series" before the bloodbath

But don't worry, we have Rom
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Good to know that we are attracting fellow moon readers, I'm happy you are enjoying the series enough to talk to us about it.

We need more of these.
The fuck? This wasn't in the manga for the third arc.
It's because the artist and editor doing the third arc is shit. I want artist 2 back.
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Rem will nevre be this cute. Accept it, remfags
I want that poster in the background
Well, good thing there's a fanfic of arc 3 in the works. Honestly, I was planning to try learning moon to get to that point, but it's nice to have it there. I think I'll still keep trying to learn moon anyhow.
Can't wait to see her sex hair after she just got done with Roswaal. What are the chances they'll cut that?
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When will DGB make these threads shit again?

Hopefully never
Don't tempt him
Okay, no.

Since have us Remfags not consider Ram cute? They're twins for god sakes.

Though Ram makes my blood boil a bit but that's a whole other issue.
Heavily implied but isn't completely canon yet.
Reminder that he knew where it was going, and it's just like Konosuba and SAO
I wonder how much damage control he'll have to go through after episode 13 and especially after arc 3 ends.
If it DOES become popular and since it's good, he'll probably try and latch onto it and say how it was just a joke, to fit what was once a joke on 4chan, or some shit like that.
We know he's wrong and pony buttfuckers should only stay in their circlejerks of MLP lovers (bronies to be exact).
So he's gonna backtrack on his bullshit? Seems just like him. I am still angry from that podcast that his butt bandits had. At least one guy was somewhat tolerable but even he had the wrong idea about the series.
She is hot, it's a pity that she wants my guts.
Is it possible to discuss this series here without getting spoiled?
Alright then. What are the chances they'll remove some of the heavier implications? I already noticed one scene with Ram and Roswaal was missing.
You're in a fucking /a/ thread about a series that's already a manga/LN, are you that retarded?
Nope, sorry friend, but we do try to keep bars on everything.

Come on now.
Yeah, i hate most youtubers who do these anime "analysis" or long ass hard look "reviews" because they always tend to have the shitiest taste and predictions of anime.

Though, because it's retarded Digi, he might just get so mad about being wrong about it, that's he'll make a series of videos of why it's shit and just like konosuba/sao.
She slid over next to where Subaru was sitting on the carpet, acting as if it was completely natural she presented her head, careful not mess up her blue hair he pet her head while showering her in praise.

daily reminder to learn jap and read the WN and LN

do NOT give your money to yen press
Great right?
Good dog. Best girl.
She deserves a treat. Maybe some veggies.
I already know Jap and I'm reading the WN right now. It's taking me fucking forever though.
But anon, what if i can't learn jap because of being to retarded?!
What kind of sick freak would give veggies to their dog? Nah. Subaru should just give her his bone.
Of course.
kill yourself and pray that whatever deity you believe in reads the story to you
Is there advice on this? I think I've gotten a good start and have the two basic alphabets memorized, but any tips would still be nice.
Not him but there should be a daily japanese thread that will help you when it comes to learning nip. It worked for me as I was able to read basic nip in a short amount of time after simmering in those threads.
The things that I imagine him arguing is Subaru being an idiot (which isn't much considering even fans agree) and make it into something that labels the series as shit or calling the series "edgy" (Never should critics use buzzwords, ever).
They probably won't But here is to hoping Gaaf will take Ram away from Clowndick. She deserves someone who actually likes her for once.
>Subaru being an idiot
To be fair though, it is just a facade, a personality he created to deal with stress and his depression.
>short amount of time

How short are we talking about?
I can either practice drawing or Japanese, I don't have time for both. In between spending hours on videogames and cartoons, that is.
Not really, sure it's a facade but Subaru really is an idiot.
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Reminder that becoming the Demon King and ruling with Satella is the best end
Ah. Never really noticed those before. Thanks for pointing it out.
Yeah. I mean, would an idiot be able to introduce a fantasy world to wondrous inventions like mayonnaise?
Took me six months to be able to read anything and everything comfortably so.
Fuck that condiment. It should have never been invented.
Have a dry salad and sandwich then.
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I want to think better of Subaru but I always keep getting reminded of that sour shit. Subaru is a god damn idiot.
Don't tell Rem
>six months

Only using the resources in those threads?
I'm also interested in learning moon, but I don't really now where to begin.
Just ask them if you don't know
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lap pillow was episode 8, 7 was Rem dying Ram getting mad Betty being based and then suicide to insert music.
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not that anon but i learned Hirigana in like 2weeks-month with not much dedication, didnt know what to do afterwards (learn katagana or kanji) so i stopped but i really should get back to it
Absolutely heretic
I'd probably go with the Katakana, but I only started this a few weeks ago. Still, I learned that in a day.
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They look so soft in that picture.

>That clown hand for Ram
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>I like it when Subaru pats my head. When your hand brushes through my hair, I feel like we’re connected.
>I like Subaru’s voice. My heart feels warmer every time I hear you speak.
>I like Subaru’s eyes. I like how even though they’re usually sharp, when you’re gentle to someone, your eyes will be the same.
>I like Subaru’s fingers. Even though you’re a boy you have such pretty fingers. But whenever you grip them it lets others know that they’re undeniably a boy’s, those thin, strong fingers.
>I like Subaru’s way of walking. I like how whenever we walk together, you always tilt your head back to make sure that I’m following you.
>I like Subaru’s sleeping face. It’s defenseless like a baby’s, and the eyelashes a little long. When I touch your cheeks it becomes an expression of relief, and whenever I playfully touch your lips you never notice…my chest hurts when I see it, but I still like it.
>Subaru says he hates himself. Looking at it this way, then Subaru has many good qualities. Rem wants Subaru to be aware that she knows these points.

I wonder how viewers will react to this and how much of an idiot Subaru is.
yeah thanks i think work on that next after i review my hiragana again, im taking it one step at a time, don't like moving ahead until i mastered the thing im on
Oops, accidentally replied here.>>142628135
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Is Wilhelm right?
Well it's a better place to go next than Kanji. From what I've seen, Kanji is much more complicated. I expect to forget some stuff along the way, but I think that's fine. It actually helps me remember if I review it when it comes up again.
There´s any translations of the WN? the only ones i´ve seen only translated the prologue and the first chapter, can i hope for more?
There's a fanfic with four chapters of the third arc.
Which episode did they prescreen? 12 or 13?
Hope it's former. Has to be some payoff.
Thanks anon.
It's actually being updated pretty fucking fast, so you should be thanking the translator.
Yeah, not even a full week per chapter. Based translator

Lets hope he doesn't puss out when the suffering begins
I think you misunderstood me, i AM thankful, im just anxious for more. xD
Don't ever use emoticons here. For your own safety.
You need to be at least 18 to post here
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>tfw she's only reappearing in arc 4
I can´t wait, her voice has awaken my inner masochist.
Why the fuck is Regulus so OP with that ability? Subaru was lucky.
The world is lucky that Regulus is shitty at fighting.
The only problem is, how to deal with Capella and Sirius. I don't even know about the witch of apathy or acedia.
Some people are now saying that the torture scenes with Betelguese will be entirely cut because it doesn't happen in the LN. Is that true?
They happen in the LN. But, it's entirely possible they'll be cut or censored due to the subject matter.
Don't know.
I wonder if it is a kid friendly version or something, a reprint?
For every 7 episodes without an opening and ending, you've effectively got another entire episode's worth of content.
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The scenes will be cut because you can't show that in the anime. For example, here is the anime version of Subaru being viciously mauled to near death by doggies.
My dogs have played with me like that before.
Tokyo Ghoul got away with it kinda.
re zero in the top 50 on mal this is not more than a sesonal normie sao fag tier anime
> Going to MAL.
> Can't write a proper sentence.
You belong in that site.
Goddamn this fucked has one of the scariest faces i've ever seen in an anime/manga. What's his deal?
The MC is the worst MC I've ever seen in a show, and I've seen the first half of Naruto.
While he recognizes the world he was "summoned to" as a "parallel world", he constantly treats it like a video game, and he belittles the other people living in it, calling them NPCs and such, despite having no evidence it's a game. He has suffered pain, and there are things he takes seriously about the world, but then he has 0 care for how others view him.
He is also rather dumb, as it took him awhile to figure out something that was made immediately obvious to the viewer. With countless signs, it still took him forever to pick up on things.
As mentioned in the first part of story, he is given 0 past in his real world, so his character feels rather empty.
>is a top 50 on some site
>this means it must be bad
Your contrarianism has transformed into ignorant stupidity.
To be fair, the author purposely wrote him as incompetent, which is stated in a Q&A interview where he says the premise of the story was "incompetent male mc saving the white-haired princess", or something along those lines.
>it's not a game
>he has an autosave and continues
this show is pretty boring really.
it reminds me of endless eight.
Re:Zero is basically a Japanese version of <Edge of Tomorrow>. Or harem version of <All You Need Is Kill>.
What if Re:Zero -> Respawns: 0 and actually hints at something that will happen at some point in the story (most probably at the end)?
Denial, delusion, you name it.

He already started breaking (lap pillow), he'll break fully later and stop being an annoying overactive fuck.
>he constantly treats it like a video game, and he belittles the other people living in it, calling them NPCs and such, despite having no evidence it's a game
It's pretty obvious that he's been indulging in quite a lot of that sort of escapist fantasy of being transported to another world. Being a NEET by choice, it's obvious Subaru didn't want to continue living the life he had. Why do you think he's so excited to have been summoned?

It's probably the sort of thing he's been dreaming of for ages, a new world and new life completely disconnected from his old one where he'll get to be the chosen hero. A world in which he can live out his heroic fantasies, or so he thinks, and he very much tries to play it out as does in the stories he knows. Many of them probably about being brought into an actual game world. There's even a main heroine to serve as an objective, just like in all his manga, anime, and games.

It's obvious that this behavior is delusional, disrespectful, and downright arrogant, as it assumes everything exists for his benefit as the MC, but he's not supposed to be a flawless character.
That would be pretty clever.
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Love and diligence. Also, he's the wise magical negro for our Subaru.
and you guys still reply to obvious bait..
Here's your (You).
Memes aside, there's something I'd like to ask a WNfag.

How is the idea that Subaru might be the Bishop of Pride brought up? I've been thinking about it a bit and I think it might fit.
Supposedly it is a mistake. I call Subaru the bishop of Envy as more likely or Hope if you make him out to be.
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>Instant 2-cour anime
It's a 2-cour anime? I'm excited to hear that. I was afraid that this show would end without resolving anything.

It's certainly one of the better shows this season.
> Resolving anything.
You might get the biggest tragedy fuck you by the end. Leave the thread before you get spoiled.
i said that in an earlier thread and retards said that it showed the op/ed almost every episode
fucking idiots
I don't know. A lot of Subaru's actions seem driven by pride, even if it's a wounded pride. If he didn't have a strong sense of pride, then he'd have been able to handle not being as great as his dad. He's also got a power that makes time/events revolve around him, casting him as the MC because his death alone sets the entire world's progress back to his savepoint.
Alright, I'm outta here then. Bye!
Is it just a characteristic of anime and light novels for, whenever "factions" are involved in anything, for these factions to have the most boring descriptive names possible?

Like, it seems that it is a trend to have shit like "the Royal Faction" and "the commoner faction" instead of something like "Monarchists" and "Reformists". Or having "the pro-war faction" versus "the peace faction" instead of something like "warmongers/interventionists/warhawks" versus "pacifists/isolationists/doves". Or "the moderate faction" against the "radical faction" instead of something like "Traditionalists" against the "New Way" or whatever.

Emilia's supporters should have some interesting and snappy name like "Emillians" or "Emilites" or at least something that isn't just "the Emilia faction".
The artist doing the third arc of Re:Zero manga is not very good. They fail to capture the gore, suspense, and thrill of the series compared to the Artist who did Arc 2.

The style is more commercial tho very "kiddy". It's almost as if Disney is doing art for Tim Burton.
But the author isn't even finished with the web novel yet.

So how will the anime catch up to the author when even the LN hasn't reached the web novel yet?

Currently, web novel was on hiatus because the author was in Taiwan promoting shit.

Either we get another season or movies.
Talking about the anime and how it will end on arc 3. That's the biggest fuck you to everyone.
That's just the way the Japanese language works.
It's a shit language
Can anyone tell me what chapter it is of the WN? This is the only thing I've been spoiled on and I have the LN downloaded. I could compare the descriptions for that scene. Very interested in knowning if the LN version is milder so I can decide what to read.
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I hope you're not planning to pussy out and read the LN, anon.
The other way around. I'd rather read the LN since editing probably guarantees better sentence flow, but I'm going with the WN if the LN cuts on the gruesome stuff.
>Towards this obstinate girl Subaru smiled bitterly, putting his hand in the air, If I return safely, I have something I definitely want to tell you

What did he mean by this
WN has shit pacing but lots of worldbuilding
LN has good pacing but cuts stuff out

like this scene
When Subaru runs off from the mansion, his first instinct after deciding to kill himself is to stab his throat with the pen he had. Stained with his own blood, that pen is the same pen he used to scratch at his own hands. Subaru is eventually unable to do it.
Subaru eventually notices that someone was following him. It's a pack of wild animals that look like huge wolves. Since he can't kill himself, Subaru has the bright idea to have these wild beasts finish him off. It was a bad idea. Instead of finishing him off quickly, the wild animals decide to rip and tear his arms and legs first to make sure he doesn't escape. Subaru notices how bad of an idea this is and fight backs. In the ensuing fight, Subaru manages to kill one of the beasts by tossing him off a cliff. This action causes the other beasts to back off. Heavily injured, Subaru passes out on that cliff.

that didn't happened in the LN but both WN/LN are great
More like that's how shitty literal translation works. There is no good reason not to use "royalists" instead of "royal faction" or "pacifists" instead of "peace faction" when translating into English.
Does Subaru ever get gud with his Shadow Magic?

How does he always find Beatrice's room with ease.
Thanks for the overview. Pacing is certainly important, but I guess I'd rather read all there is to read so going with the WN.
>Respawns: 0 and actually hints at something that will happen at some point in the story
He dies and steals his other worlds self
He breaks his managate so his only form of magic is fucked. He relies on his sword skills more.
I doubt it. It was understandable given the situation.
She doesn't go moeblob which is good.
subaru is the guy beatrice has been waiting for for 400 yrs, there is some fate connecting the two, later in arc4 subaru makes a contract with betty and becomes a spirit user
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>Posting the poorer quality one

Poor form
So is Subaru saving her and Ram the reason Rem falls in love with him or does he do something else?
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Well that and something else.
Where the fuck do you people find colored versions of the LN illustrations?
Places, and from the LN itself.
WN writers are not very imaginative.
That scene made my heart melt like putty. This sweetness is my only weakness.
some chinese remfag has been coloring all the pages with rem

What did he do, spoil pls.
Well to be fair they don't need faction or party names, as all of the camps either belong to the three factions Kararagi, Volkaia and Lugnica.
A lot of emotional pillaring and headpatting.

Won't spoil further as there will be an entire episode dedicated to this. Episode 11 labeled "Rem" I believe.

Not in the way you are probably thinking but yes.
He gently walked her home.
WN and Naoru Emiliafags are still pretty salty about it. But they were salty ever since arc 3 and the AU chapters existed so.
You forgot Gusteko you shrew
Sounds like a rampant case of good taste
So whatever spoiler is is happening next episode!? Exciting!
Yeah but it might not feel as slow and natural as the WN due to the pacing. Plus they might leave a couple of scenes out regarding that.
True as that itself spanned four chapters but I'm sure they will do a good job, probably.
If they do it well enough you might end up like anon that had his heart like putty by the end of it.
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“No. My evaluation of him is not so different from yours. He’s an amateur, an amateur who hasn’t even starting to grow hair yet. He has special talents either. It’s undeniable that he is an average existence.”

“Then why? Trash like that, wasn’t that what you hated the most in this world?”

“His eyes”


“That boy’s eyes, they caught my interest is all. They were the eyes of someone who’s faced near-death many times. There are many who have returned from the brink of death. However…”

“Coming back from the brink of death, not just once, but multiple times. I don’t know of any existence like that. It’s for that reason, that he’s caught my attention.”
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thank you senpai
He certainly knows how to peel a potato, too!
who said this to who
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>that wheelchair
It would just take a moment of Subaru not paying attention for it to pivot and Rem falling face flat on the ground.
Immersion breaking illustration.
wtf is that abomination
Wilhelm talking to Ferris about Subaru.
ur mum
New VA announced.
Al: 藤原啓治 Fujiwara Keiji
Priscilla Bariel: 田村ゆかり Tamura Yukari
Crusch Karsten: 井口裕香 Iguchi Yuka
Ferris: 堀江由衣 Horie Yui
Anastasia Hoshin: 植田佳奈 Ueda Kana
Julius Euclius: 江口拓也 Eguchi Takuya

wilhelm when
Magical negro sama
Who knows

Its hard to try and find an equivalently sexy voice for that sexy grandpa.
Who's stronger, Elsa or Beako?

Also, what type of magic does Beako use?
Beako is stronger than Elsa.

She is attuned to Yin magic, that's why she can remove curses.
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Tyvm for the help senpai.
>Yui Horie gets Ferris
Why am I not impressed
depending how much mana beako has stored, she can probably one shot most characters in the story
Overwatch is shit, the only thing that COULD save it is to put Rem into it.
>>142641337 (Checked)
This kind of thing makes me wish the light novels were translated.
she uses time and dimensional magic, so unless you have plot armour like reinhart, its instant gg if shes at full power
I want to see Onii-sama vs Rein
OST release date when?
Speaking of Elsa, how would episode 3 have gone if it was the middle of the day (when Puck can stay out longer)?
She would die.
I have a question myself. Will it be revealed what Elsa needed the insignia for? Did she ask Felt to steal it because she couldn't come up in daylight in the city due to her being or is there another reason? Is it linked to Reinhard suddenly becoming restless when he saw the insignia but somehow choosing to take Felt with him and not the item?
She was hired to get the insignia for someone, as stated in the first episode.
So, someone who was hired to get an item decided to hire someone else to get said item? Sounds quite far-fetched.
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She has the same VA as that annoying girl from Shimoneta, Saotome was her name I believe. Also she has the same VA as Ranko Hata from Seitokai. I find it funny rather than annoying.
For comedic characters she'd be okay. Though for Betty a more elegant and smooth voice would have fit better, in my opinion.
Nah, she was gonna kill them anyways, look at the first episode.
It's pretty smart honestly, that way you can cover your tracks.
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MC is a fucking tard
Yeah, I was thinking about it. It's pretty possible the first act comes from some high-ranked person who decided to arrange a "chain-hiring" in order to camouflage their identity in case things were to backfire. That way, their heads wouldn't roll.
He was just trying to help, even if what he did was stupid.
Odd, the chapters after 15 aren't available translated but that image must be from a later one.
arc2 is translated 15/16
arc3, where the image is from is translated 7/13
Two thieves is pretty smart. The first will probably get caught, so she's killed by the second thief to leave the trail cold.
More like Emilia is a cunt
What is reinhart's deal? Why is he so OP?
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Nah, MC is braindamaged
If mana is the same as one's life energy, are there other side-effects to his mana flow being stopped? From what I've seen from translated stuff so far, he really should have been more focused on getting that fixed.
What is this chink shit ? Why aren't there normal scans in nipponese ?
He actually tried once, but he had more important things to do which broke his mana gate completely.
Was it just him being a dumb piece of shit, or did he actually have more important things to do? Maybe a combination of both?
I hate daphne for creating the vegetables meme
No, this time he was being a badass
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You people are fucking ruining me
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Why didn't Subaru protect this smile ? ;-;
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He tried to, he really did.
He went through hell and high water for that, and still is.
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An anime doesn't reach top-tier status without a Wakamoto character, amirite?
Every time he tells us about it I just want to sack him in the nut for making it.
Yes. That man would be absolutely perfect.
If that was all the MC did then Emilia is the biggest cunt ever.
am i the only retard that's confused as fuck after watching the anime until now and then trying to pick up the manga
am i doing something wrong? should i read the LN?
i dont really think that wakamoto fit wilhelm
Well you can't red the WN or LN unless you know moon so. Not to mention the only good manga rendition was from the artist who did arc 2.
so it's best to just keep watching the anime then?
Basically. That or learn moon like we did.
>Onii-sama vs Rein
They both have the same VA.
Will Emilia ever go through intense suffering like Subaru ? That would really make me satisfied.
Never as much as Subaru but Arc 4, Rosewaal trials
she breaks a couple times because she can't even get past the first trial
Spoil me, what kind of suffering ?
Didn't she also develop a split personality during that as well? Or did she have it all along?
artist who did arc 2 was a god send, his art and scene composition fits re:zero
then arc 3 manga artist came along ruining everything
You do it to yourself~
>She'll never collapse on you, rendering you immobile
>You'll never have her soft, NEET body writhe on your pinned frame
>Never have to sustain yourself cause magic keeps you alive and she can't be bothered to clean up a cadaver
>You'll never give her breath cause she's too lazy to even live

God fucking damn it.
no its Satella that has the split personality due to being unfit for the witch's essence, Emilia is just mentally weak
You usual, non gory kind
So is there any indepth summary to arc 4? We know its about the Gay Clown trials, but does he just throw Emilia into a dungeon to solve Legend of Zelda style puzzles or what? I want to read EMT suffering after she hurt poor subaru
Who even cares about Emilia anymore? The author fucked up and he knew it so he just stopped pretending she's worth anything.
When will it end?
When will you spoil that shit?
Subaru deserved what he got though, even if his intentions were noble. That's just what it means to be a fuck-up.
>8.6 on MAL
>Ranked 49
>Rating airing shows
Will this become as bad as one punch man?
Did that actually happen? I mean, I'm not getting a strong impression of her relevance in the anime, manga, or spoilers I've read.
Who cares what people on MAL think?
After arc 2 Rem becomes the main girl.
Just forget her. Focus on Beatrice and Rem.
So far my main complaints with the show at from the second arc, with Subaru being a giant faggot.
He went from a pretty enjoyable MC to a retard that kills himself for people he just met, tells them "I LOVE YOU ALL" and stops running away from danger to say "PLEASE SMILE".
Does this go on or does he realize how pointless everything is?
She's literally just a background trophy that occasionally does shit sometimes
Oops I meant IMDB
Is this anime worth watching?
Reminder that Rems' [Spoiler]Lifeless body get pillaged by a bunch of thieves during one loop.[/spoiler]
Isn't Beatrice purely brother/sister though? Not to mention Klind has got his eyes on her.
Autists on /a/ won't watch it because it's popular on there
Isn't that for every show though?

let them contain themselves
But aren't these the same autists who like Jojo?
That's because Klind is a lolicon
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That is why she is second best girl. 3rd best girl is this cat.
I wanna pound that ass~
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Don't diss the sexy butler

It's just in general, people hates things that are popular because they are popular. Period.
Nothing much happened, they ran when they thought she was dead. They weren't exactly necrophiliacs.
You're in a thread for the series, so of course people are going to say yes.
Is this an exaggeration, or does she mostly just serve as some motivating objective/excuse for Subaru? I want to get as unbiased an answer as you can give me.

Is the "Emilia Faction" even really following her, or is it actually Subaru's and he's just fooling himself about it?
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> Sexy butler
> Klind
Shit taste. What a disgrace.
>people hates things that are popular because they are popular. Period

Reminds me of the NGNL threads, even though it had what most normies hated, people still kept on calling it "Leddit shit"
Most of the faction is following under the her flag solely because of Subaru alone. Most of the party would probably defect if there is ever a chance that Subaru leaves Emilia's camp.
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This author has problems
arc 4 onwards its heavily focused on emilia and betty since rem is still asleep
He doesn't stop at kicking a dead horse he goes to the level where he kicks the spectral remains of said dead horse.
I see. Well, that was the impression I was getting.
Is it actually heavily focused on them? I'm not talking about who Subaru is fawning over, but who actually does stuff relevant to the narrative.
Literally nothing wrong with that
the narrative is always going to be on subaru, but the female mc goes back to Emilia, Betty becoming significant again from around 3/4 of arc4 onwards

basically the whole arc 4 is background information and development for Betty and Emilia
Is Subaru Guts 2.0 or something?
All he needs is a magical negro trainer and he will be.
Don't even know how to accurately answer that.
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Truly a great trainer
I guess? I mean his Authority of Greed could be the equivalent of Berserker Armor if you think about it.
>Wakaba Girl director
P-pin pon
Why isn't her expressing more consideration towards him, then?
>the narrative is always going to be on subaru
I don't expect that to change or anything. It just seems most of the WNfags aren't very interested in Emilia compared to the other characters.
pls reply to my post
What do you mean?
Is Subaru aware about this?
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Didn't it also focus on some parts of the seven stooges of sins?
Maybe, if can somehow pull off Gut's Beast of Darkness being somewhat similar to the six ghosts that are following him.
Subaru doesn't have six ghosts following him though, it's just one ghost pretending to be six ghosts.

Because apparently having someone sane and normal is too much to ask for in this series.
subaru had a little tea party with the witches, i don't recall narration leaving subaru
wasn't there actually a novel about emilia past ?

Well Subaru isn't exactly a sane or normal person so, it takes one to know one and all of that.
The only people who's somewhat sane and normal is Otto and fruit vendor.
What sepperates this anime from other generic isekai/chuunipower/harem animes? I'm not shitting on it here, or being faceous. I'm challanging you to put it into words.
I don't think "Guy suddenly appears in a different world" is enough to call it generic. That's just how the story starts.
The author hates self-inserts, harems, OP MCs, and wishfufillment. There is also a big chance that we might be watching a villain protag right now.
It may appear generic to someone who hasn't seen it. But unless I'm mistaken, the way I wrote 'generic' doesn't neccessarily stick apply to zero in that sentence anyway
>The author hates self-inserts, harems, OP MCs, and wishfufillment

Watch the show?

Find it yourself. But I know it has been asked here.
Oh hey, digi, how's your butt buddy BGE doing?
What I mean is that this is not like "generic magic school battle harems" were they are all literally the same.
You can't compare me SAO with NGNL with Grimgar with Konosuba with this.
You can just watch the show and that's all you need really. Also wait for arc 3 to start as arcs 1 and 2 are just the prologues. The real story starts at arc 3 where we meet the main cast.
Proving one can make a compelling show/series without those things does not mean you hate them.

To bad i don't speak/understand moon
The series has gotten so bad/depressing to the point nips had to drop it by volume 4 and there was a massive shitstorm in Naoru of people wanting to burn the author at the steak once the end of arc 3 hit.
The character has no special powers of his own, except the ability to "do-over", every time he dies. However his deaths are painful and awful (aside from one so far?) and seriously traumatise him.

He kind of sucks at everything, but is technically invincible- though if he fucks up and gets to the next respawn point, his previous fuck-ups can no longer be undone.

He starts off overcompensating for his perceived failings (he DOES suck), and this rapidly gets him into trouble.

He eventually manages to befriend some characters by sheer force of will and perseverance.

The systems of magic and curses and fairies are also fairly interesting, but a lot of other stuff does well in that regard while being utter shit at everything else- see Mahouka.

Also, he's kind of a total failure at women, and even the ones who have shown affection towards him have done so grudgingly and he has to work hard to earn their respect instead of having them wet themselves at his mere presence.

It's very neat and one of the episodes I watch as soon as it comes out each week. I hope you like it if you check it out.
Some people in these threads will defend it like it's the last bastion of good anime and the greatest thing since sliced bread- it's not, but it's still pretty good.
Well, for one, they are adapting a WN not a LN so.
Spoiler or non-spoiler?
MC actually has to work his ass off to gain the trust and respect of others.
There's a good balance between male and female characters.
Not every female is pouncing after MC's dick.
World building is actually relevant to the story.
The same basic elements are there, but they're all delivered with a bit of a twist. Some people have described it as being a monkey's paw version of the typical wish-fulfillment.

From a distance you could say it's a story where some otaku NEET is summoned into another world by a goddess, granted a special power that makes it impossible for him to ever really lose, saves his main heroine, and has a decent number of other cute girls around him.

Of course, just putting in random twists just for the sake of having a twist wouldn't make it good, but the twists are kind of what the whole narrative is based on as the assumptions fall apart and you can see what's really being aimed for. Even the idea that his respawn gives him the ability to do everything perfectly and fix everything is proven false. It seems quite a bit more cynical than what you'd expect, though it seems to lead you to that point gradually.

Oh, and the MCs flaws are all genuine flaws. They aren't good things in disguise or really charming in any way.
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He crawled out of hell only to get plummeted deeper into it.
His power is OP in a sense but it's not a pleasant one for him to live with and it's not a harem. Also MC is punished for assuming he's in a game world and that everything would be easy.
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Well you cant really show what they did on television so.
So who is gay for Subaru?
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Gaff, Reinhardt, Wilhelm, Julius... The entire male cast actually.
I want the femanons to leave
where is ferris baka
I hate you

So much
I gave up trying to name the entire male cast. There like a good dozen of them out there.
>that little hat

Is that what I think it is?
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He isn't jewish or close to anything like that if that's what you are thinking.
Subaru is a good dad
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It will happen one day.
Why does everyone, male or female, want Subaru's D?
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Just run to the bonfire JACKASS.jpg
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>Nameless accursed undead, unfit even to be cinder,
And so it is that ash seeketh embers.
Just male, not female. He is shit with women.
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>shitty voice
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He worked his ass off to gain that respect you know. Manning up does things.
Remember, heartwarming series.
I'm really enjoying this series because it uses the do-over plot device really well.
Its too perfect for a dunce like Subaru. He's my favorite MC of the season, easy to root for, doesn't cringe at stuff, and a constant butt end of every joke.
Like absolutely every other character is more useful than him and I love that. I usually download the episodes with a meh attitude and end up really enjoying each one.

And the maids helped
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Sorry if I broke your heart.png
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And he still dresses like a slav
Good to know you are enjoying the series, it will only get better, prepare for heartbreak though. Also you might want to avoid this thread specifically as this is a WN discussion area.
Well all his butler outfit got fucked up so he had to wear the slav outfit for awhile.
I already read the detailed spoilers. It made me like the series more. I especially like how lighthearted this series can be even when its so dark.
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The fool.jpg
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> Light hearted.
> This series.
The reason the dark parts work so well is because there is a lot of cuteness too.
The author knows well for readers to keep reading there needs to be some light hearted moments.
Well you cannot have suffering without happiness. And this series does a great job providing both.

This series can get very light hearted at times, don't kid yourself.

For those who haven't seen episode 9's breaktime yet.
Is the character in the middle a boy or a girl?
I'll assume it is a boy so I don't get disappointed when it is.
Are these gonna be like the Monster Musume specials where no one translates them until a handful of them come out?
Well we translate them whenever it comes out so not really.

break time 8 is still not translated though

Someone just has to edit the damn thing into the video
Arc 3 is a sausage-fest.
I got a few questions:

>Which arc are we currently at?
>How many are there by now?
>Will it end properly or are we getting cliffhanger / anime-original?
>How fast is the anime (in terms of episodes per LN volume)?
>Are there translations that aren't summaries?
>Which arc are we currently at?

Arc 2.
Arc 3 will start by episode 11, arc 3 is bigger than arcs 1 and 2 combined.

>How many are there by now?

six and ongoing

>Will it end properly or are we getting cliffhanger / anime-original?

Definitely not going to get an anime original ending, but prepare for some suffering.

>How fast is the anime (in terms of episodes per LN volume)?

Pretty fast but good enough, though it would be better if the series had at least two extra episodes.

>Are there translations that aren't summaries?

I wish you the best. Most of us here had to learn moon.

Were entering Arc 3 by the 2nd cour

I think there are 5/6 arcs I think atm

Probably cliffhanger


Not that I know of, thanks to yen press
A maidenly thug could've been nicer, I suppose.
>Are there translations that aren't summaries?
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>Most of us here had to learn moon

>he thinks most of /a/ knows moon
>he thinks most people here aren't anime/summary shitters
Are you actually retarded?
We are in arc 2 going into arc 3.The end of Arc 3 will be the end of this season. We also have 6 arcs and ongoing, with each arc fluctuating in size, arc 4 is twice as big as arc 3 but arc 5 is just as big as arc 3, vice versa.

The pacing is good enough, but like the other anon said an episode or two would help it even it out, but it is still good.

No translations, you are either a spoilerfag or a WNfag.

Read nigger, read.
How good are Arcs 4-6 in comparison to the first 3?

I guess this is another anime where I'll get blueballed by a lack of a second season.
>How fast is the anime (in terms of episodes per LN volume)?

Haven't read the LN but I do know that in WN terms the pacing the anime fluctuates 5-8 chapters per episode.
Lot more world building. And more OP villains.
Arc 3>Arc 5 = Arc 4>Arc 2>>>Arc 1

With that said, I am a Remfag so arc 3 will always be my favourite.
What about arc 6?
We are barely into arc 6.
Arc 6 is still ongoing so I can't properly scale that yet.
Hey man, I look for the best in people.
Hated villains list(In my opinion):
Pandora> Baten Kaitos=Magical negro>Capella>Regulus>Sirius>Rui=Roy

This guy has started the arc 3 translation
Sounds about right

What did Pandora do
Baten Kaitos, cannot forgive him.
Everything. She's the Daiz of that world.
Fucking thank you
What about Rosewaal?
Oh yeah, him. I put him also on the second tier.
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big clown cock.webm
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Roswaal isn't a villain, he's just responsible for everything bad that happens.
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make it stop
There is no end to this ride anon. Just wait for the literal hours long headpat sessions.
People who work for villains are usually still villains.
You've got that backward, the villains work for him.
Oh my bad Ekidna.
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