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Dragon Ball Super

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Thread replies: 592
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Are you hype for Future Trunks in the next week?
Are you expecting something good in the episode of today?
And, will you miss pic related right?

How did they manage to fuck up hard enough to kill the dragon ball franchise for good? Super is worse than GT desu.
No, not at all. Posting about dragon ball should be a bannable offense on /a/. You guys are just too cancerous.
>Are you expecting something good in the episode of today?
Most interesting part of episode will be preview for next episode.
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At least we will always have the original!
Super isnt worse than GT stop memeing
Is that a meme? I though it was the truth.
The only thing I hope is much needed sense of urgency that so far Super lacks entirely.
I want a more serious arc (I don't mind if it has some humour on the side as long as the main plot is serious) with actual stakes on the line and with a sense of urgency.

Unfortunately what I hope for is not what I expect.
I expect it to be just as shitty and slice of life-ish as rest of Super has been so far.
Can someone resume me the plot of super?

I dropped it after the second movie.

what a piece of shit
No, I am not hype for Future Trunks arc.

I don't expect something good in the episode of today, because it's stupid.
Goku could instantly defeat Vegeta with Kaioken.
BoG Arc and RoF Arc are the same as the movies with the exception that in RoF Arc Tagoma doesn't get killed by Freeza and instead is used as his punching bag during training which makes him end up becoming Freeza's strongest henchman in history. Once they invade Earth, Frog-Ginyu bodyswaps with Tagoma and fights Gohan and then Vegeta. Vegeta kills Ginyu-Tagoma in 1 hit. Rest is same as the movie pretty much just more drawn out.

Universe 6 Tournament Arc has Beerus' twin brother Champa, who is the God of Destruction of Universe 6 (Beerus is from Universe 7) challenge Beerus to a Martial Arts Tournament because he wants to eat food from Earth but Universe 6 Earth is a lifeless husk so he proposes the tournament to win U7 Earth from Beerus, in exchange if he loses he offers to give Beerus his Super Dragon Balls which are planet-sized Dragon Balls that can grant literally any wish with no limits whatsoever.
U7 is represented by Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Monaka (a total wimp that Beerus invited and said is the strongest person he ever thought in order to motivate Goku and Vegeta), Boo was also supposed to join but he failed the entry test. U6 is represented by Winnie the Pooh on steroids, Robo from Chrono Trigger, Blue reskin of Freeza, an asian saiyan reskin of Tarble and purple penis-head serial killer/assassin called Hit.
Goku beats Winnie the Pooh but then loses to Blue Freeza who cheated by using poison.
Piccolo then also loses against Blue Freeza due to the poison cheat.
Vegeta then proceeds to obliterate Blue Freeza, followed by also beating Robo and the shota Saiyan from U6.
Goku is reinstated after finding out Blue Freeza cheated.
Vegeta then loses against Hit who turns out can Stop Time (like DIO from JoJo).
Goku then knowing about Hit's power manages to counter against it by just predicting his movements but then Hit Stops Time for longer and Goku is on the ropes.
To be continued in next post.
But is there mudamudamudamudamudmaudmaudmaudmaudmaumfuamdhamdua

And za warudo? If not then this is literally worse than gt
Goku pulls out his trump card which is Super Saiyan Blue (renamed version of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan) + Kaioken x10 and manages to fight Hit evenly.
But then Goku realizes Hit isn't fighting at full strength because of the tournament having a no killing rule and asks Beerus and Champa to get rid of said rule.
Champa and Beerus start arguing for so long that Goku's body spasms out from Kaioken and Goku forfeits the match, thus Hit taking the win.
The last one standing is Monaka (who can't fight and is utter fucking weakling that Beerus lied about being strong as I mentioned earlier) who enters the ring to fight Hit.
Hit catches on that Monaka is trash and in an effort to repay for Goku forfeiting, pretends to fly out of the ring after Monaka attempts to punch him, thus giving Monaka a win by ring out.
This results in Universe 7 winning the tournament.
Champa gets assmad and wants to kill his fighters but then THE God of Everything intervenes and says he enjoyed watching this tournament and will hold one of his own and that all the fighters present here are to join the next tournament thus preventing Champa from killing his fighters.
Champa gives up Super Dragon Balls to Beerus and leaves.
Beerus then takes a pity on his brother and uses the balls to wish for Universe 6 Earth to be restored to life along with its population, thus giving Champa his own Earth with delicious food.
The end of U6 Tournament Arc.
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Did Black Goku fuse with someone? He has potara rings on him.
Why are you spoonfeeding a retard?
Nope and nope.
Hit's Time Stop is completely silent, but it does have similar visual effect to Za Warudo, inverted colors and all.
Though initially you don't see it and it's mostly silent.
Because it's 1AM and I'm terribly bored and lost control of my life.
That looks like Demigra's earrings.
There are tons of earrings throughout the franchise that look like that. Zarbon had some, Gohan worse some during his mystic training, Chichi was wearing some in a recent Super episode.
Their only distinguishing features are color and Potara are silver and yellow. The only character to wear gold and green ones is Demigra, and we don't know if they hold any special power.
Yeah, he was the only character so far with Green Potara.

Question is whether or not Toriyama is insane enough to tie in Super into DBO and Xenoverse.
because fuck your memes
> kill the dragon ball franchise for good?

Seems to be alive and well to me, What with it's anime lasting up to at least episode 70, It's mobile game and it's new PC PS4 Xbone game coming out.
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I'm just done reading your response anon, thank you very much.

I don't know if it's the way you wrote it but it actually sounds kinds fun.

Thanks again.
DBO wouldn't surprise me since he wrote the backstory for it and supervised the in-game plot, so it wouldn't be all that weird for him to reuse ideas he still likes.

Xenoverse is a little more iffy though. It depends if Demigra was created specifically for the game or if he was an unused character from Toriyama's DBO plans.
Watch U6 arc at least, it's decent. Starts at Episode 28.
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I will actually do it right now, not much to do this Saturday night.
thats a cute ass cat
DBO was axed before the story was finished so it wouldn't surprise me if Demigra was unused from it
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>black goku
>not tullece
Of course it's a meme, GT was a pure unadulterated rehash.
And not even a good one.
Vegeta is best boy
>Black Goku
>Only Black thing is his clothes
Anyone got a stream link?
I don't know the policy of posting link here directly, but the subreddit called dbz has links up.

vaughnlive dot tv slash wgg100
Demigra is enjoying quite the big bad role in that carddass game, Dragon Ball Heroes.
I kinda would have preferred an Dragon Ball Online arc (with Dragon Ball Heroes characters in place of the OC characters maybe) instead of new Future Trunks arc.

But muh Mai so I'm okay with it.
thx bb
Yeah, I found it quite strange that they chose him of all people to be the villain used to introduce SS God Beat. Didn't realize he was all that popular.
How many time until the ep?
12 minutes
12 metric minutes
If you're in a stream, it should start when the clock hits 9:00.

thanks my man. DESU I only want to see the preview
>GT was a pure unadulterated rehash
I guess Blue and Golden Frieza was too original for you.
>Not watching Purple Vegeta's death or defeat
Come on anon, give it a try
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> Dragon Ball Heroes characters in place of the OC characters
Unless you're only referring to characters such as Adult Gotenks (now comes in both GT and Xeno flavors), the avatars/characters of Heroes is practically the same with Online's OC characters.
Can anyone spoonfeed me the stream?
I hope I haven't missed the Disney commercial where they pull the rope yet.
Already posted it
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It is literally in the thread
Thanks mate
These fucking milk spots
wilsonjj DOT me SLASH jptv/#
Thank god, I didn't miss it.
I'm probably being foolish for this but yes I am hyped for next week. The whole Future Trunks Arc is looking to be the most exciting thing out of Dragon Ball Super so far. And I'm willing to bet that there are actually quite a few people around here whose inner child is screaming for Joy at the return of Future Trunks and the very fact that we are actually getting an evil Goku. I mean let's be honest here people this is something a lot of us have been dreaming of since we were children.

Better than Dragonball:IN SPACE!!! featuring Tuffles, hell and reality are connected again like in that one movie we had before and super saiyan is totally a big thing still right?

Seriously they tried making regular Super Saiyan a grand reveal even though it's the most common thing after Goku became a kid again.

Also it's funny how you cherry picked the parts that were Z rather than Super.
Fucking reddit trolls
I'm kind of hyped for Trunks and Trunks interaction and the possible "WOW I GET COOL" from Kid Trunks.
Goddamn, how to stop these trolls from slowing the stream?
>Adblock not blocking VaughLive ads

Well in Super we had, a new Goku recolor, two new Frieza's recolors, Turles 2, Trunks' arc 2, SSJ with white hair because evil.
register and then ignore them
So who's looking forward to the end of episode preview more than the actual episode?
Any moonspeakers here willing to give some tl;drs on dialogue? I can't understand ancient asian rune languages

block them yourself and contribute to a blocklist
People on stream keep saying that Herms98 on twitter will give summaries
Later once I'm done with the EP. Then again, this is DB so just enjoy the fisticyffs
What's wrong with Baby and the Tuffles? Baby was pretty cool and his motives make sense.

his actions were retarded at best
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Vegeta is angry at both of these chumps.
>Well in Super we had, a new Goku recolor, two new Frieza's recolors
For starters SSB and Golden Frieza are new concepts and Golden Frieza isn't just a recolour if you had been paying attention they were also introduced in the Z movies and not Super.
Frost, especially his final form, clearly has a different design to frieza and was introduced in a different way to frieza as well as having different methods of domination.

>Turles 2, Trunks' arc 2, SSJ with white hair because evil.
You mean arcs that haven't even come about and we don't know much of other than the characters that are in them?
Yeah because those are rehashes.

Meanwhile there's an episode of GT that's literally a rehash of the Oolong episode.
The Saiyans destroyed his planet and killed all his people and he got revenge and not only did he get revenge, but he got his planet back and people to live on it.

Seems to make sense to me.
Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z.
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baby veggie :3
>Vegeta chastising Goku for not showing his full power and fucking around

That just looks odd.
I mean, I guess it makes sense but I don't like it.
>Vegeta with a pacifer
>Vegeta, the most serious character in Dragon Ball, reduced to sucking on a baby toy to stay alive
This is a comedy gag gone too far.
>SSGSS Purple Vegeta
I don't know if like it or not
>those corsets
Jesus christ, they look like they could hurt someone.

baka gaijin
It looks odd because originally his hair was the same color as the rest of his body and now it's not. Doesn't make much sense.

Why is Vegeta purple? Is Super supposed to be like Spaceballs and he just went plaid?
Baby Vegeta
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>For starters SSB and Golden Frieza are new concepts
Yeah, because Goku getting a power up and killing a Frieza that got cocky and died because of it so a fucking new concept.
>Meanwhile there's an episode of GT that's literally a rehash of the Oolong episode.
Don't be a hypocrite, Superfag.

Some QUALITY shots
This whole story is garbage, does it end today?
Here comes the QUALITY.
Yep. Preview for Future Trunks arc is why everyone is here. GET HYPE

Wait a sec....there are TWO Gokus in that picture. Look in the back of the car.

Could black Goku be his twin? Tori hinted at it way back then!
>Yeah, because Goku getting a power up and killing a Frieza that got cocky and died because of it so a fucking new concept.
Now you're just nitpicking and changing the subject. It doesn't change the fact that the forms that were the topic of the conversation, were a new concept.
And again, that part of the story was from the Z movies you retard.

>Don't be a hypocrite, Superfag.
Sorry but I don't see anything from super that's on that level of rehash. I'm pretty sure you're the only one that thinks it is.
>Not knowing Black in Japan just means Dark

In Smash 4 in Japan, Dark Pit is known as Black Pit.
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>Preview for Future Trunks arc
Please have decent art and animation.
And he's even black(!!!) and white!
Quality post

fucking monaka saved the day
>monaka beat the antagonist again
truly the strongest warrior in the universe
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Did Monaka just save Vegeta?
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>implying Toei will deliver decent art and animation
>that the forms that were the topic of the conversation, were a new concept.
Sure, RoF is just a rehash of Namek arc in the worst way.
For what purpose?

What did Monaka do?
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Based monaka did it again

copy vegeta got rekt
QUALITY at it's finest
Purple Vegeta did nothing wrong
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He really missed Trunks's infancy.

he crushed the "core" of the goo

also veggie wasn't aware of pacifiers until he saw pan :3
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future trunks
Blue hair.
> Future Trunks arc preview
> Serious as fuck music

Shit's getting real, guys.

>Sure, RoF is just a rehash of Namek arc in the worst way.
And a recolored image proves your point, how exactly?
In fact, what point do you have?
Animation in the preview looked pretty damn good
This stream quality is fucking trash
Did Mirai Bulma die?

Trunks was crying...
maybe it's god mode
ge dyed it like buma dyes hers
>had pink hair in cell saga
>suddenly blue hair
Uh, what?
So this means that SSJ3 Gotenks lost to base Vegeta?
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The animation of the first episode of this arc looked pretty good too. Look at it now.
Because that is his actual hair color. The anime had different hair colours for Bulma and Trunks because the manga wasn't colored in a lot of situation and LOL TOEI QUALITY consistency with the source material
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>good animation
different timeline
I think a better question would have been why was it purple in the first place?
I mean originally Bulma's hair was purple but it was changed long before Trunks came along.

And the second Goku is in the b(l)ack of the car!
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>Are you hype for Future Trunks in the next week?
With that preview? Of course
>Are you expecting something good in the episode of today?
SSB Purple Vegeta was fine, that's enough
>And, will you miss pic related right?
Goddamnit Monaka

Bunch of daltonic fucks I swear
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cute, CUTE
>Toei in charge of not dropping the ball
His hair was allways blue, same as Bulmas since the first fucking chapter. Glorious Toei consistency
Is that Pan or Mai?
best Bulma
monaka confirmed for best boy
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pretty sure the episode descriptions confirmed it's mai.
>Because that is his actual hair color
why kid trunks have purple hair like 10 seconds before they showed blue hair future trunks
confirmed Mai
Toriyama draws Trunks with blue hair.

Already confirmed to be from the same timeline as the Cell arc.
bulma/mai dead
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>MaixTrunks is canon

God you guys are fucking morons. He DYED his hair blue because all likelihood his mother was killed thus he's doing it to remember her.
>Mirai Trunks is hitting dat
>Our loli Mai has a crush on our Trunks


It's fucking Mai from Mirai Trunks' timeline

Toei, that's why.
Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo and Co fight Frieza's minions, they get owned. Then Frieza fights them, they get their asses kicked and ready to cry in fear, then the almighty Goku appears, get a power up, Frieza tricks him, then Goku has no other choice than to kill him.
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But how would Mai be so young?
Did they go to Namek to get their dragonballs?
purple is bulmas natural hair colour
future trunks previously had his natural hair colour
bulma dyes her hair blue
it's obvious that trunks obviously has dyed his hair for whatever reason
They're probably going to keep the greyish purple for kid trunks so it'll be easier to differentiate them
>pan existing in FT timeline
where can i find the description of the episode?
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It is Mai.
That is already confirmed.

>The key visual is pretty mysterious, but I will give one spoiler and say that the person next to adult Trunks there is Mai. During this nonstop series of desperate situations, with Goku and Vegeta forced into tough fights, expect to see Mai play a surprisingly major role together with Future Trunks!!

maybe Pilaf and their gang screwed up their wish on this timeline before?
poor piccolo
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How the fuck would it be Pan?
hell yeah, harvest moon super
>But how would Mai be so young?
You'll get your answers next episode. Can't you have a little patience?

Are you fucking blind?

That's Mai.
GT reference? Toei confirmed for bros.
Why the hell is she so young?
Time Travel.

>Chichi making Piccolo do the chores

Classic Chichi
No, because it's fucking stupid.
hm yeah forgot about that
Still Gohan could have had a babby daughter before he got killed
Is there's a set think for when they had there wish.

Is there a reason the wish couldn't be in the area between Freeza-Android Sagas?
Goten is like 12 and still looks like he's 6. Toriyama gives no fucks. In the scan that previewed Future Trunks, Future Mai and Black Goku you can see that she has a tad older face but still looks young.
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fuck goten still a midget, no time skip
You don't even know anything about her you fucking idiot
because she has the same age as trunks

It's actually very likely that they made the wish for young before the Android stuff. Remember that if they had more than one wish, they could have fixed it right afterwards. So, they probably became babies before the Androids appeared, so it'd count for both timelines.

Maybe they had the fucked up wish during the 3 years of training before the Android Saga. The ages still match up.
gohan died before meeting videl in that timeline so it seems unlikely
Don't even fucking joke about Mai dying.
...that he didn't tell anyone about? Or that he never visited?
>Time Travel

Pan doesn't exist in FT timeline because Gohan is dead.
Why is there always a clock in the picture?
You fucking moron, Pan can't exist in that timeline. Videl is dead and Gohan is dead
Mai is a 40 year old lady in the body of a 12 year old
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I expect, much like Freiza's special training or the Pilaf crew wishing to be young. Super will completely gloss over what the deal with Mai is.

You people know it to be true.
Japanese television.
It really surprises me Toriyama is giving this attention to a human character.

Is Mai his waifu?
But you'll have to wait anyway, egotistical twat.
that's how japanese television works
>expect to see Mai play a surprisingly major role together with Future Trunks!

They're married! Calling it. Perhaps we'll even see their children. Please let this happen, based Toriyama.
Cell arc had 4 very different time lines interacting. Should could be from a new 5th time lines.
"Hello, this is Trunks. It's been a long time. After defeating the androids, the future was at peace...until he appeared!"
if Mai is alive, Videl might be too. but yes, Gohan definitely is
>God you guys are fucking morons. He DYED his hair blue because all likelihood his mother was killed thus he's doing it to remember her.
How the hell do you know about something that hasn't happened yet?
Also, Kid Goku was 15 when he beat King Piccolo.
Are you implied that she has her actual age and just looks younger? That's beyond retarded. She obviously got younger.
Gohan could have saved Videl from the androids and got her preggers, just she wouldn't have been as old as Trunks. There could well be a younger Pan.
>Bra will end up being Trunks and Mai's child instead of Bulma and Vegeta will just be raising her instead
Is this cucking?
No, it seems to be some kind of shadow monster thing. There was an episode summary that kept talking about "Black", not "Goku Black" destroying Trunks' future. And the preview scenes showing "Black" not looking like Goku at all.

Now, It seems like we're basically going to get a Baby Saga where "Baby/Black" is going to possess Goku.
It doesn't matter, because in any case that person isn't Pan at all.

We know she won't die that soon because her VA said she will appear in a lot of episodes of this arc, at least.
>Toriyama draws Trunks with blue hair.
How long are we going to hold on to this excuse?
Is this the same future Trunks from the Cell saga, or a different one?
Different Time Trunks? How can Mai exist if she was dead in the original?
restream for those who missed it

bulmas hair is purple in the manga
Could die and Trunks could have flashbacks numbnuts we don't know jack shit yet so shut the fuck up.
Why the fuck do people keep asking this retarded question.
"Mom, hold on. I'll make the future peaceful again, no matter what!"
Actually I like this idea. Maybe the rest of the cast will finally do something.

Cell Saga confirmed by previous leaks.
he probably was mad that toei scrapped the mai/trunks stuff from super

>if she was dead

Except she wasn't shown to be dead

Most likely the Pilaf Gang made their wish to be younger in the Frieza-Android Sage timeskips
The beginning of the arc will in episode 47, titled "SOS From the Future! The New Black Enemy Reveals Himself "which airs on 12 June.
The episode's plot will start in the future when the earth is free from the domination of Androids. A man named "Black" suddenly appears. Even Trunks in Super Saiyan form is no match for the new enemy. Bulma decides to make a time machine and ask the help of Goku and Vegeta's past, but after half a year, it only has accumulated enough fuel to the time machine just make a one-way trip. So Black appears again before Bulma and Trunks.
The episode begins when the gang pilaf, 17 years after the tournament events between universes, still searching for a way to rule the world, find the magic, an alternative to the Dragon Balls. Thus, Pilaf, Shu Mai and go in a submarine to the ocean floor, where they find a sealed box with the emblem of Kaioshins. (This is a bit like the classic series, when they find the Piccolo sealed in Mafuba) to break the seal, a woman appears Kaioushin and beside her a person "apparently harmless" that attacks Pilaf gang. Startled, May the last survivor, manages to escape. At that time, Trunks was known and respected for defeating the androids 17 and 18, also for helping in the reconstruction of the planet, Mai then swallows his pride and ask for help. Trunks faces the mysterious person whose strength was far superior to his, so our hero sees the need to flee and seek their last resort, Goku.

>Trunks love interests is someone who's older then his mother
>Trunks is a cub that looks for cougars
>Goten is like 12 and still looks like he's 6. Toriyama gives no fucks.
Nah, Saiyans just shoot up at some point in their life.
Got a version with sound?
Upload to pomf.is

He has always lived Pilaf's gang, but he didn't have an idea on to how integrating them back to the cast.

De-aging and making a combi out of Mai and Trunks was definitely his idea.
>i was born blonde
>my hair is now dark brown, and my beard has some blonde patches

>but Trunks is not allowed to have blue hair
black/dark are interchangeable everywhere outside of post-mid 20th century anglosphere, ie "black magic"
this is anime so it is actually really normal when compared to a lot of characters
no ove ever said that she died, maybe she was always part of the resistance
Maybe it's because they've set the Pilaf wish as being sometime before BoG, so since this is like future from where everything androids didn't happen and Piccolo died early this seems weird. Of course various time shenanigans but still. Odd to have a BY THE WAY THEY GOT THEIR WISH AGES AGO LOL
Damn Dragon Ball fans really know what filler is. There was barely any discussion for the Copy Vegeta arc, but the moment an AT storyline gets even a mention, tons of interest picks up

I'm proud of this fanbase
Trunks has a flashback and remembers that even in the Cell saga, was found in the laboratory of Dr. Gero, clones of all Z Warriors, including Goku himself. Upon arriving at the laboratory, Trunks awakens clone of Goku, who appears to have the same ingenuity. After explained the situation, he decides to help, but in the meantime, to awaken the clone, Dr. Maki computer also awakens two clones of Goku, this time with a different look.
Upon returning to the battlefield, Trunks and Goku clone suffer another defeat, however, the Kaioushin that had been sealed by the warrior (whose name was not revealed) awakens and disbelief with the situation, explained that had been sealed to prevent the mysterious warrior never come back to life. In a desperate measure, she throws her two Potara earrings, so Goku and Trunks to merge (just so they would be able to win), but one of the two clones that had awakened simultaneously, followed everything closely and intercepted earrings, fundindo- thus with each other malignant clone. The merger of the clones attacks and destroys the Kaioushin with the creature with her had awakened. In an attempt to protect Goku is also attacked, Trunks sees as the only alternative to escape and get help. Bulma carries his time machine and Trunks travels back to the past for help. Thus the episode comes to an end.
Recalling that Akira Toriyama said that besides the Gods of Destruction, the Supreme Lord Kaioh will also be very important in this arc.
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Forgot pic*
Because just because the seires is pushing Trunks/Mai, her being in the future, young no less, makes things complicated?

She'd have to have access to them before the Androids appeared but after The Gang stopped using them to wish everyone else back.
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>freeze frame and record scratch
>"I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation..."

Really, Toei?
This. It was something he specifically decided to try despite admittedly not being good at writing romances, and then Toei just drop it entirely in the movie retellings despite having more than enough screen time to fit it in.
Toei filler has a distinct mark.
>4 very different time lines

3 time lines.
Future Trunks Time Line.
Cell Time Line.
Current Time Line.

> Should could be from a new 5th time lines.

This time line business can get crazy, so you have a point, but it doesn't matter much because that was already confirmed to not be Pan.
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You never know.
Translation of the Toei site summary for the next episode: https://twitter.com/Herms98/status/738762291370295297


That's an illustration for an anime-only series though. Look at his hair color here, completely different from that one.

Either way, what Toriyama always keeps consistent is that Bulma and Trunks have the same hair color.
>There was barely any discussion for the Copy Vegeta arc
Well there's not much to discuss to be fair, pretty much everything was explained.
RIP Future Bulma.

>Mai then swallows his pride and asks for help

preview on youtube


Except there are 4 timelines, retard

The last timeline is a timeline where Cell never threatens the Z warriors because Krillin and Trunks killed him as a fetus

Does that count as abortion

To be honest the filler wasn't that bad and compared to Z interval filler, this at least feels as if it integrates better. I enjoyed it and I loved that they finally gave people a grasp of just how powerful both BSG form was for Goku/Vegeta compared to SSJ3 Gotenks.


It's canon, but not in the timeline.
why so scared for future bulma to die? i for one welcomed it if were to be "dark" arc. it's not like death means anything, anyway
>The last timeline is a timeline where Cell never threatens the Z warriors because Krillin and Trunks killed him as a fetus
That's the regular timeline anon.
It would mean a lot in the future line.
Black Goku = Evil Goku android + Evil Goku Android

Source? Something about it smells like a fake.

Future trunks timeline is the only place where death means something.
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He drew Bulma originally with violet hair though. I always thought that's why they gave Trunks that haircolor - as an homage to Bulma's original haircolor.
Prequel to xenoverse?
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>it's not like death means anything, anyway
how can you be so wrong?
Assuming what you said is true, why are the potara green and not yellow? And if two clones of goku fused together would they double up his voice tracks to express such or just leave him with his normal voice?
It literally can't happen.

The only universes it can occur in is 6 and 7 because they're the only universes with the Super Dragonballs and the Dragonballs were made from them.
We know that it can't happen in 6 because of the major differences.
We know that it can't happen in 7 because SSB is a thing and stronger than SSJ4 and Kibito kai is no more.
>The last timeline is a timeline where Cell never threatens the Z warriors because Krillin and Trunks killed him as a fetus

This happened in the current timeline. It isn't a separate timeline interaction, idiot.
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>clones of all Z Warriors, including Goku himself.
If this is true, then Super is literately a fanfic and worse than GT:
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Some extra translation from me (from here: http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/dragon_s/news/news2016060301.html) that isn't translated in this tweet:

From the producer at FujiTV or something:
Pretty much just saying "Future Trunks saga will have a different atmosphere to the rest of Dragon Ball Super so far." so pretty much this is the dark saga you fucking DBZ kiddies wanted.
It confirms that the one next to Trunks in the visual is Mai. And "Goku has fought Freeza and then Buu and this new enemy is... Goku!?"

If anyone has a source for:
I'll see if anyone is bullshitting.
>goku clones
who made them, gero?
Why are you bringing up universes? GT is an alternate timeline.
The different universes are literally physical places existing together, like galaxies but on a larger scale.
The different timelines are seperate places where events happen differently.
Cell's timeline also had a Trunks that traveled to a different timeline. That would be the fourth.
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>Truck's hair color isn't this
>Truck's hair color isn't that
Truck's hair color is whatever they say it is.

The second longer summary is completely false.Just watch the episode preview.

What I don't get about the future of Future Trunks is that Bulma keeps building Time machines instead of just building another spacecraft, fly to new Namek and wish Piccolo back.

Also: what happened to Buu?
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Try harder, mexicano!
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They don't know where Namek is. Goku is too fucking lazy to tell them through King Kai.

Buu never awakened in Trunks time. Not enough energy.

no, I'll explain it look

The original timeline was the Timeline for Trunks where he defeated the androids somehow and then Cell killed him and came back in time, branching into a 2nd timeline

However, in another timeline Trunks and Bulma created the time machine before, prompting an earlier travel to that branched timeline.

That means that there's a timeline where Trunks never travelled or travelled without engaging Cell, 17 and 18
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So we have those fused Gokus and that thing with the red eyes in the preview?
>keeps building Time machines
It's the same time machine. They just had to wait to refuel it.
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because it's time to get serious in DBS
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Also, look at this shot of Black's hand. He's clearly some kind of monster that will possess Goku.
but that's not an spanish word
>GT is an alternate timeline.
That would imply that the black star dragonballs are a thing in the regular universe.
Not to mention how many canons it draws on and crosses despite making zero sense at all.

It's not going to be canon ever anon.
>So we have those fused Gokus
No, because that's bullshit. None of the information released so far has indicated any of what was said in that post.

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My theory is that it is an abstract being that shapeshifts into Goku.
Do American TVs not do this?

Australians TV do it too...

We always say because they put cartoons on in the mornings for kids, and you need to know when to leave for school.
Can we take a moment to appreciate the musical score here?
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So why exactly would a fusion Goku be that much of a threat? His base stats are still shit compared to what the current Goku & Vegeta can pull.

> black
> double Goku
>That would imply that the black star dragonballs are a thing in the regular universe.
No, it would imply that GT's timeline diverges much earlier; back when the black star balls were made.
If Trunks's hair is blue, will Toei keep Kid Trunks's purple hair or change it?

You people said the same thing with RoF.
Fool me once Toei. Shame on you
Fool me twice-you can't get fooled again!

>Do American TVs not do this?
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Except that isn't true! Here's one with him with purple hair!

Trunks hair has always been purple! And even if, Trunks has already started off the series with his hair purple. Shit, the Trunks in the series already has purple hair, so why does Future Trunks have blue hair? They're the same guy!
Unless he dyed it that color, then yeah, this is an inconsistency.
>So we have those fused Gokus
>That means that there's a timeline where Trunks never travelled or travelled without engaging Cell, 17 and 18

This timeline never interacted with the others, though.
You said "4 very different time lines interacting". Just being born from Fetus Cell being killed doesn't count as an interaction, in my opinion.
It'll become more blue as he ages. So it'll never change because they'll never fucking age.
Can someone add the last scenes with trunks from the episode to the nep?
Just give it up now.
Superfriends are on full out defense mode.
it's not uncommon for hair color to change.
You've got a point.

yeah, it doesn't "interact" interact outside of a random event but there are 4 main timelines, you just need to use logic
IIRC they don't know the new location to Namek in their timeline.
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Literally nobody cares.

>he thinks drgaon ball z is serious business

fucking edgy muricans
>Except that isn't true! Here's one with him with purple hair!
I'm not saying that he never drew him with purple hair. I said that there's at least one example of him drawing inconsistent hair color for him before. What he always keeps consistent though is that both Bulma and Trunks are supposed to have the same hair color.

Ever since Battle of Gods, he has always drawn Trunks with blue hair, but Toei changes it back to purple hair in the animation. This time they didn't for some reason, although I guess it's because we're getting a scenario where Future Trunks will be stuck in the past. So they want something to differentiate both Trunks after they do an eventual time skip in some later story.
>was found in the laboratory of Dr. Gero, clones of all Z Warriors, including Goku himself
Toriyama has fucking done it again.
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Dragon Ball walked down the dark path with Piccolo
Because Potara is OP as fuck
Okay, okay. 4 timelines, but only 3 of them interacted directly with each other during the Cell arc. Is this acceptable for you?
So ultimately
>Trunks is getting his hair color changed because Toriyama said so
I guess JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is serious business because died there as well.
a bit of extra footage
Trunks's World devastated again

well, I wasn't making a big deal about it, just wanted people to understand there are at least 4 timelines in Dragon Ball
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Get this blue armed bandit out of here!
Did Roshi say something different? I swear he did in another scanlation?
Did you even fucking read/watch Piccolo Daimao Saga?
It was 100% dark and gritty with the exception of Yajirobe comic relief which lasted whole 2 episodes.
And Ma-Junior Arc right after that was full serious as well.
I doubt that Future Trunks & Pre-Cell Goku would be that strong though. The Vegito we know is from Buu Saga Goku & Vegeta.
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>implying the Goku vs Chi-Chi fight was serious
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Someone get CWC over here.
Ok I don't really understand how the timelines interacted with each other. However, what I do understand is that you create a new timeline whenever you go back in time.

So what's the point of going back? Trunks doesn't change HIS future. The problems in his reality aren't solved by going back in time. He just basically creates an alternate universe in which the problem is solved when he solves it in the past. I also wonder how the time machine knows which timeline to go back to when there are so many.
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wow. They made Mai super cute
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Uh no.
Something is definitely up with Mai.
First: why is she so young? Did she make a different wish from the current timeline? Maybe the Pilaf Gang wished to be forever young adults instead of just wishing to be young again. FT timeline could be one where they didn't screw up the wish.
If Trunks is going back in time wont they just do the ritual and send him back?
>So what's the point of going back? Trunks doesn't change HIS future
Trunks and co talk about that.
Wow, half an episode, much saga wow
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when he went back to his timeline after Cell, ha was able to turn into SSJ, and defeat cell in his timeline
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>They changed the preview music

Oooooh man
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The GT shippers got BTFO. Its Narusaku all over again.
Here's how the timelines go

First up is the regular timeline Trunks visits. Keep in mind that two different versions of Trunks visits this timeline.

Next its the future the first Trunks comes from, the one we meet in the first place. When he returns to the future he's killed by Cell who travels back in time to the last place the machine went to during travel cell reverts back to the bug thing that left the shell.

Finally there's the timeline the second Trunks comes from, he isn't killed by Cell and manages to come back in time later on to when the androids first appeared in the main timeline. After the events of the Android saga he returns to his time and kills Cell and the Androids.

I think there was supposed to be a timeline where Trunks wasn't present for the Cell games because he was killed by Cell but that's never seen and is pretty much pure speculation. I think, I'm not entirely sure if Tori brought it up or anything.
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God that was glorious.
>So what's the point of going back?
i don't know the real answer. but for me, as shown by cell, villains, too, can return to the past and kill the past people. so pretty dangerous circumstance for future trunk himself
Yep, shit's gonna be grimdark and serious again.
Cell Saga 2.0
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>Goku vs Chi-Chi

man those were the days,they were so young and innocent, that pic really makes goku look old now even if he still fit
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How fucking vindicated to the very few Mai fans that existed feel right now?
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>Keep in mind that two different versions of Trunks visits this timeline
WAIT, WHAT? Seriously? B-but I don't remember this.
>stories can't be both serious and comedic
Which was the darkest? Saiyan, Namek or Cell?

Are you kidding? I feel violated. Mai is my waifu and just to think they are shipping her with that halfbreed disgusts me.
Android saga was the darkest.
If anything the Pilaf Gang is his waifu.
Toriyama probably doesn't even remember she was an adult in the original Dragon Ball. He'll just roll with it with no explanation whatsoever
Maybe the androids killed babidi and his goons, or maybe babidi took buus pod to another planet because earth didn't have enough energy to wake him up since everyone died.

don't you remember that when he came back to his timeline he realized that coming back wouldn't change his own timeline?

He also needed the blueprints to destroy the Androids anyway

The point where everything gets convoluted is when Cell steals Trunks time machine. Dead Trunks time travel created an unseen timeline, while Cell time travel ends up creating the Super timeline, and is thanks to Cell arriving before that the timeline starts to differ from what Future Trunks knew before
>When he returns to the future he's killed by Cell

The Trunks who was killed by Cell lives in a timeline that doesn't have androids anymore for some reason so it couldn't be the Trunks who we first saw.
Because it makes too much sense, also why haven't they done the ritual for Gohan, Goten and Trunks? There's no reason why they wouldn't want a FREE POWER UP.
Android. Complete with a bittersweet ending which none other arcs had, they all had happy end arcs.
even if he is a halfbreed he will always be better than you in every way, you could never defeat him
Thats because Trunks used the emergency shutoff switch.
>it's not like death means anything, anyway
Death meaning something is the entire reason the future is the way it is
edgy dbz is back! We Mexibros gonna celebrate tonight!
Cell => Namek > Buu (conceptually) = Saiyan

I'm not sure whether or not to put Namek over Cell but something about Krillin being crushed to death was unnerving.
Not even Mexican but I'm celebrating as well.
Edgy Ball best Dragon Ball

nope, Dead Trunks isn't the same as normal Trunks because Dead Trunks got the blueprints to defeat the androids.

Since we never saw our Trunks using the blueprints to defeat the Androids that means that he got the blueprints from another timeline.

There are 2 events that end up creating the timelines

Event 1 is Dead Trunks travelling to an unseen timeline in order to get the blueprints, that time travel ends up branching this timeline into the unseen timeline

Event 2 is Cell from that same timeline travelling by stealing the time machine, that ends up creating Super timeline
Why is Toriyama so consistently good at designing waifus?
The first Trunks was killed by Cell and the second one was that Trunks if he wasn't killed by Cell.

Time is complex anon.
You Z loving faggots wanted and dark and edgy will you got it, there's a reason the Android/Cell Saga is the worst. Future Trunk sucks and it had no comedy. Even Freeza had it's funny moment.

yeah, but 1st Trunks or Dead Trunks is never seen in our timeline, if he was, there would THREE Trunks running around on Android Sage
Would you rather see the BLACK GOKU fuck Mai then?
Buu felt like a callback to original DB goofiness.

But there was some dark shit like Videl's beatdown, Vegeta returning to his evil roots and killing a ton of people, Fat Buu turning people into candy and eating them, Super Buu killing nearly the entire human race and Kid Buu straight up destroying Earth.
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sameface, actually

that's the secret

see he works hard on perfecting a certain set instead of mass-producing a bunch of inferior ones
>Goku turns SS and defeats Frieza but dies with the planet exploding
I'd rather not have Black Goku at all.
So will Vegeta enter dad mode and call Trunks to train with him again?
Please die
I think the Cell saga is the worst too but not because it lacked comedy, its because it was just constantly shifting from one group of villains to another, not because of story but because of the editors. The entire arc plays out because someone is an idiot at any given moment that just lets the bad guys do their thing.

However, that has nothing to do with the lack or gain of comedy. That's like the lower tier of problems with the Cell saga
still better than being forgotten like launch
You don't have a waifu, right? That's why you don't understand. I hope someday you will find a waifu and she will be fucked by some faglord, then you will understand me.
Chances are trunks is stronger than vegeta.
fuck you man you can't be a mexican bro if you like edgy dragon ball
So what happened to Gohan?
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>everyone is having fun in friendly fisticuffs and life is lovely
>Trunks live in absolute despair with humanity wiped out and Future Bulma will possibly die
Fucked off into bolivian.
>ssj1 trunks stronger than ssb vegeta
>Buu felt like a callback to original DB goofiness.
That's why I put (conceptually). A lot of the things seen in the Buu saga should be terrifying but because of how Goofy Buu was for the most part it kind of hid it.

I mean, he turns people into candy and eats them but because of Vegito we know that it doesn't kill them and they're aware. So they've just been shrunk and eaten alive.

Beerus saga was OK... Freize and Tournament sagas sucked though. This dark Trunks saga will be the best on yet 2bh.
Yo, Black Goku is going to use bulma to make him a time machine to go after trunks. He was holding a phone in the preview.
>don't you remember that when he came back to his timeline he realized that coming back wouldn't change his own timeline?

So why does he do it again?

>and is thanks to Cell arriving before that the timeline starts to differ from what Future Trunks knew before

What fucks my mind is this:

1. Trunks goes back into the past to warn them.

This ALREADY created a new timeline, right?

2. Then he goes back into the future and then goes back into the past AGAIN.

So why didn't this create a new timeline AGAIN? Or did it? If it did, then who are we seeing? From which timeline are the people who we as the audience see the entire time? The first or the second or somehow both?

3. And then we learn that Cell also went back in time. He went further back than Trunks did. So there were already two different timelines (one with Cell and one without). So how did the time machine of Trunks know to which timeline to go? Did it pick one magically and just happened to end up in the one with Cell? Or did the machine send different versions of Trunks to ALL the timelines, thus doubling the number of timelines AGAIN?
So this is our current TrunksFuture instead of "Now Alternative Future Trunks" since the Original Future Trunks changed the past right?
What makes you say that?
Future Trunks has been probably training the regular way since the androids were destroyed. While Vegeta has been training with Whis.
>but because of Vegito
Vegito put up a Ki Barrier to protect himself. Everyone else is dead.
>implying trunks couldn't have been training.
Don't forget making a guy explode by forcing his way into his mouth.

Why is Future Trunks live suffering?

He gets killed by Cell in one timeline and in the other everything he loves gets killed or destroyed
>kill the dragon ball franchise for good?
>Ratings consistently high
>BD listings confirm it will be going longer than GT with no signs of stopping
>Dragon Ball merchandising has hit an all time high

I mean, quality of the show itself aside, just by looking at the numbers and facts, that's scientifically not true
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If you haven't noticed, Super's been putting down a lot of lampshades, so we'll probably get a little mundane explanation for that.
Oh shit. Forgot about the whis training.
>implying he ever attained ssj3 let alone ssb
>Why is Future Trunks live suffering?
Because of Goku honestly
Timelines aren't created, they all already exist.
The only thing Trunk does is move in 4th and 5th dimensional space to get to the past of an alternate timeline.
I wanted Super to be better than GT, that's what I wanted from this series.

But I guess Superfriend's defense of "this is a gag series, you Z fucks need to get over yourself!" is out the window now that they're retreading the goddamn Future Trunks storyline

I'm positive they won't get the tone right either.
I assume they're doing it to differentiate between the two trunks'
Are you retarded? Puar's powers always worked like that.
How could you forget when we just had an episode with Super Blue?
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>Future Trunks' timeline looks EVEN MORE FUCKED UP AND HOPELESS than before

Jesus christ, what did the kid do to you, Toriyama?
Arale looks super cute with that hairstyle
Yeah but they specifically picked out Puar when Oolong could have done it. Plus they can both do perfect transformations.

You see, the only real problem is from Future Trunks timeline.

Original Trunks or Dead Trunks time machine went back to the unseen timeline.

When Cell hijacked it he ended up creating a third timeline. This third timeline would end up becoming Future Trunks timeline, and then he travelled back (After Cell time travel) so his time travel was self-contained, meaning he can only travel into Super timeline
Is not the same Trunks for god sake
They're probably changing Future Trunks' hair exactly to differentiate them. It seems like Future Trunks will be stuck in the past considering what we've learned about the arc (only charge for a one way travel, humanity almost extinguished in the future 6 months before Trunks goes back). The preview also seems to indicate that Future Bulma is dying.
I suppose future Trunks reached ssj2 at least.
But thats not exactly impressive anymore.
>implying goku wasn't goten's height AT FUCKING 15
Didn't watch it. Was too hype for the Trunks preview.
He's Vegeta's son. That's what.
but it is
that's the price he must pay for having mai as his waifu

if the futuere wasn't fucked up he would be the luck luckiest guy in dragon ball
No is not, this is present Trunks not Trunks that had all people dead.
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I doubt it.
Even though there will be time for it, I doubt it.

We can't break the Goku and Vegeta Are The Strongest! monopoly we got running here.
What do you think this is, the Cell Saga? We can't have 4 SSBs running around!
If Trunks time machine only has enough fuel for a 1 way trip then what's the point? Also couldnt he just refuel in the 2nd time line?
Time travel plots are a lot more enjoyable when you think of the past, present and future as undetermined things which co-emerge, rather than definite things that influence cause each other.
>If Trunks time machine only has enough fuel for a 1 way trip then what's the point?
Duh, refuel in the past.
I mean it's a damn time machine and in the past they have Monaka to ferry alien parts to them now.
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>why is she so young?
Pilaf's crew accidentally wished to be children in the Beerus arc. Neither of you even watch this show, do you?
Base Vegeta would beat SSJ Trunks with ease.

Karma's a beach.
Yeah, and the same thing happened in Trunks' time line?
>Trunks sees Kid Trunks
>Asks how the kid's already a Super Saiyan
>Kid Trunks shrugs
>Trunks falls to his knees, eyes watering
>Even Yamcha looks at him with pity
Talking about this, right? >>142436523
There is no Beerus arc in future Trunks timeline stupid.
If there was, Cell wouldve been defeated by Goku.
>Black Goku is good Goku from the future after having surpassed Beerus and taken his place as God of Destruction. He looses his mind in the process.
>Good Goku is beaten by his Evil counterpart from the future
>Future Trunks is fatally injured by Black Goku afterward
>Vegeta is enraged to the point he ascends to SSG White
>He defeats Black Goku and is now truly stronger than good Goku
>No is not, this is present Trunks not Trunks that had all people dead.
No you idiot. Do some fucking research. One of the first things confirmed for this arc was that it was the same Trunks that we know
read that post again
its clearly FTs timeline
I guess it could be worse and she could be fucking "Black", but I'm still kinda conflicted about it.
I'm still holding in the hope they won't go that angle, but the fact they shipped current Mai with current Trunks in the movies tells me it is over.
I can't believe I lived this long just to watch my waifu be fucked by Future Trunks. I JUST hope he will fuck her in Super Saiyan Blue form, at least.

Better to be forgotten and stay pure than to be defiled, but there is no going back now. I'll watch my waifu being fucked by Trunks and I'll have to swallow it.
There's no reason why it can't.
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Cell Saga 2.0
>in the Beerus arc

You mean the arc that doesn't happen in Trunks' timeline?

Piccolo was killed by the androids in Trunk's timeline. That's why people wonder how she is young in Trunk's future. One possibility is that the wish was made way earlier.
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>17 years after the tournament events between universes
>At that time, trunks was known and respected for defeating androids 17 and 18

nigga those are two different timelines. how can Mai from the main timeline get in touch with future trunks that beat the androids?
Before Goku died.
with as idiotic as the time travel in the DB universe is, what makes the least sense is that Trunks can travel to the main timeline, travel back to his timeline, then travel back to the main timeline again, and then back to his, each trip should be to a different timeline because there's no way to match the physical location, given that it's established the timelines exist on separate planes

in other words, its shitty story telling so stop trying to make sense of it. it never will.
Source of the confirmation.
Yes there is. How is it supposed to happen with EVERYONE DEAD?
this future trunks is probably the same dbs trunks so yeah
Presumably it actually happened before the Android arc, so it'd be valid for both timelines. That would explain why they only had one wish and couldn't fix the situation right afterwards.
Goku & Vegeta still aren't Beerus nor Whis though. Still, I'd like Piccolo or Gohan or someone to get more attention. Hopefully Future Trunks won't be shafted the second he arrives.

It is.
Already confirmed to be the same Trunks.
Did it ever occur to you that the events in that timeline happened out of order?
Do we even know at what point in time they made their wish?

I don't remember seeing them since the end of piccolo saga.

Could very well have happened in the 10 years between Frieza's shotlived invasion of earth and the start of the Majin Buu saga.
>this is what vegetafags actually believe
A bunch of magazine scans, like this one.

And the first hint we had about Future Trunks appearing was the interview about the Super manga with Toriyama and Toyotaro where they mentioned the return of a certain fan favorite future related character.
If Beerus happened when Trunks was still a kid, then Goku wouldve been able to beat Cell in one bunch.
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no magic dragon balls to bail him out and he's the only one strong enough to not get insta killed.
he's pretty much all the future has and even he can't handle this


鳥山明 原作・ストーリー&キャラクター原案の新展開


The “Future” Trunks Arc Starts!

On June 12, 2016, Dragon Ball Super shows a new storyline… With Goku and the gang having finished the tournament against Universe 6, Trunks returns from the future and appears before them.

It’s the start of the “‘Future’ Trunks Arc”, a new plot line with story and characters based an original draft by Akira Toriyama.

After he defeated Cell, Trunks’ future was supposed to be at peace, so why has he re-appeared in the present…?

What is this new enemy in the future…?

The hotly anticipated new chapter starts June 12.
Beerus has nothing to do with their wish. It was implied to have happened some time ago.

>With the threat of the artificial humans resolved, a new menace threatens the world of the future! A man suddenly appears and goes on a rampage, driving humanity to the brink of extinction. Future Trunks resists, but even the power of a Super Saiyan is no match for this man called “Black”. Future Bulma resolves to ask for help from Goku and Vegeta in the world of the past. After taking half a year to gather enough fuel for a one-way trip in the time machine, the formidable foe “Black” bars Bulma and Trunks’ way!
The Pilaf Gang wished to be kids before the Beerus stuff happened. We never see them in the Z so it can have happened at pretty much any time
why would beerus go to earth when there is no goku or anyone strong enough to fight him
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You said during the Beerus saga.
you're an absolute fucking retard. kill yourself.
No one said anything about the actual wish happening then, just that they said they made the wish during that saga.
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here's concept art by toriyama for RoF
I was going to say because of Beerus' dream but then I remembered that Whis scouted out the area before then.
Of course him being the only Saiyan would mean that Beerus would go there anyway and ask about the Super Saiyan God but leaving when he hears the news that the strongest one was dead.
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>Trunks hair is the new "Sonic does not have blue arms"
Oh boy, now you done it. Your insult was too much for him to handle! He is going to kill himself because of you!!!
You cruel monster, are you even human?
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No one said they didn't work out that way. Then, you have the nod to Baby Vegeta in this episode, Ginyu coming back as an alien frog, and Vegeta stating in the manga that Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan was too long and redundant so they should just call it Super Saiyan Blue. They hang lampshades on the little spotlights left out there.
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>people wanting some consistency in DB
really, faggots?
Mai is just a little older than Bulma, and look how well Bulma looks even in the bad future.
Mai is old already, and Trunks has been taking care of Bulma for a long time, he is now a mothercon, do the math.
Time traveling characters are written to have shitty lifes.
Real talk, why haven't they performed the Super Saiyan God ritual on Gohan, Goten and Trunks? There's no reason why they wouldn't want more God tier power houses running around; it's pretty much a FREE POWER UP.

except that most likely the Puar gang made the wish to be younger on the Frieza-Android saga time-skip
Yeah, but Sonic Boom! Sonic is a different Sonic, he's not in the same universe or games or anything. Even on official images, they point that out.

Here, Future Trunks just shows up with blue hair, and now it's TORIYAMA ALWAYS WANTED IT THAT WAY, IT'S TOEI THAT SCREWED IT UP.
How do you think vegeta is going to react when he finds out about Goku killing bulma in the future?
thanks doc
They'd need Pan to get old enough to be able to manipulate ki, I guess, and they don't know that she's already flying around.
Wasn't it only a power up for Goku because he was able to absorb the power in his body? Don't know if the others could do the same, Beerus said it was because he was a prodigy or something like that.
Well that is true
>people wanting some consistency in DB
Yeah, this used to be a concept we could rely on.
Now Dragonball has gotten so big, it's above that sort of thing.
>Retards that don't know how time travel works in dragon ball
>everyone calling each other retard for theories they don't even have any proof for
>arguing about canon colors

I love it, Future Trunks is making Dragon ball fanbase return to form
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why should they
vegeta confirmed that you can get god level by training so if they want to be gods they should train
besides you don't want ssb gotenks running around
Considering how Vegeta somehow acquired it by himself, they might just get SSJG through enough oats & squats.
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What about this guy?
He's had some bad moments but I wouldn't say it's exactly as shit as Trunks'
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No, fuck that!
He's had Purple hair since the the goddamn 90s, if not even earlier than that. Toriyama himself drew him with purple hair in earlier images!

You can't just arbitrarily change the haircolor after years of having it purple! If that's the case, why not change Trunks' hair into purple at the start of DBS, signifying Toriyama changing it to how he pleases? Oh, because Trunks doesn't count because no one cares about him?
What the shit then?

For fuck's sake, how many excuses are we going to line up for DBS?

If we make up some time travel rules, we can make sense of it all:

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>43 minutes
can retards like you just fuck off
Trunks can travel throught the 4th and 5th dimensions.
That solves all your timeline issues.
>For fuck's sake, how many excuses are we going to line up for DBS?
Give it up anon. Remember these are the same people who said Gohan would end up defending the Earth during U6 tournament. The same people who thought Earth would get transported to U6 and we'd have a huge arc in that universe.

They have been wrong at every turn.
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i know right it's like im really in the forum of a litle fanpage in the early 2000

the only thing missing is the usernames like xx_darkssj4broly_xx

here, I made a shitty drawing so you can understand how Future Trunks always comes back to the same timeline. Thanks to the fact that he travels there after Cell travel created the timeline his travels are self-contained
Literally no one said those things outside of what they hope it would have been.
This is some /vp/ tier history revision.

It will be so hard to get these guys up to speed. But knowing Toriyama he'll give Gohan another power up from a juice drink or magic since Gohan is a lazy fuck that hasn't trained since ROTAS prior to Cell Games.

With Piccolo, he'll just say he trained a lot or he'll find some ancient Namekian to dig up from the grave to be his power up. I mean, to create a bigger plothole of how fast he catches up to speed.
>muh opinions!
Future Goku is dead, so does Black use the Potara earring to forcibly fuse with Present Goku? That would actually be an interesting twist to have the real Goku as the villain of the arc.
If though the art was off on todays episode, is it more or are the animators getting better?
Both Oolong and Puar went to the same transformation school but Puar got better grades than the pig. That little flying whatever is better at holding its transformations than Oolong.
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DBGT was a mistake.
spic subs out yet?
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Because this is DBGT under another name, and that super special form is only for the Super Special Goku and Vegeta.

I'm sure they'll also forget to do something about the RoT&S during this entire arc, although I'm really fucking hoping that they do.

At least the Buu Saga remembered to do something about it, but I'm doubting they will here.

Oolong can only transform for 5 minutes while Puar can transform indefinitely
I think he already trained with Piccolo offscreen. We can have some cheap excuse to justify things though. People swallowed the Frieza 4 months stuff.
>female Android 19

What the fuck
fuck off retard

What is this?
>this is DBGT under another name
>super special form is only for the Super Special Goku and Vegeta
I have the strangest feeling I've been time travelling recently. This is exactly what I've been saying since RoF came out.
You know that Goku and Vegeta used the RoT&S in Super before the tournament right?
Fanmanga where Vegeta is the one who gets sent to earth instead.
I don't know which Superfriends you've been talking to, but the ones I have relish Gohan's uselessness, and add in that he's always just been a shitty character that never deserved any of the power he's got.
But cool, Vegeta's gonna get to bash some heads again!

Anyone with half a brain already knew that Gohan's been abandoned as a character, because he could threaten the Goku Vegeta Battle Buddy Power Hour.
Ketsu wo taberu
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But isn't Vegeta older than Goku? When planet Vegeta was blown, the prince was, at least 12 yo but Goku was just a newborn.
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also guys i found a manga about goku fucking chi chi during the cell tournamet, it was drawn by toriyama they must have censored it in the anime
>Serga Game
>Toriyama himself drew him with purple hair in earlier images!
He also drew him with other tones though, like here.
>For fuck's sake, how many excuses are we going to line up for DBS?

I don't get it, you think this is an important complaint? I mean, I agree that it's an oddity for Toei to finally follow the color that Toriyama has been pushing since Battle of Gods but they always refused, but it's hardly what I'd call a problem.

Vegeta is just 4 years older than Goku, 5 thanks to ROSAT
gt fags btfo again
>Anyone with half a brain already knew that Gohan's been abandoned as a character

Only retards like you think that.
>Vegeta is just 4 years older than Goku
But Goku died for 7 years.

oh, yeah, fuck, then he's 12 years older in body
Give it up anon. Gohan joins the ranks of Tien, Yamcha and Yajirobe.
That doesn't even make sense.

For one Vegeta used the full time in there but Goku and Gohan didn't.
After that Vegeta went back in for a while longer.
Then Goku died for seven years.

There should be at least 8-9 years between them now.

yeah, I forgot that Goku died for 7 years, but Vegeta is at least 1 extra year older than Goku thanks to Rosat, so add to that the 4 years from originally being older, so he's 12-13 years older
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>Gohan's been abandoned as a character
Nope Toriyama just understands his character unlike you.
>we will never see best Gohan again

fuck this gay earth
So are subs out for the new episode yet?
>implying we won't get a short glimps of him when Trunks meets Gohan again and tears up because he looks like his Gohan

oh FUCK, also add 1 year from being dead when King Kai trained him, so he's 13-14 years older
I want this.

>Toriyama planned this all along and we memed about it because we doubted him

>looks like his Gohan
>no scar
>a bitch-ass scholar
>two arms

don't you even dare to compare Future Gohan to that shit called Gohan
Hair colour can change as you get older, I was born blonde and now I have brown hair
The key word being "like" anon.
Not "exactly".
From what I've read, Vegeta was like 5 when the planet got blown the fuck up.

But yeah he's older than goku. Biologically he's much older due to taking an extra trip into the time chamber during cell games and having an extra 7 years of living between cell and buu arcs.
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>It will be so hard to get these guys up to speed. But knowing Toriyama he'll give Gohan another power up from a juice drink or magic since Gohan is a lazy fuck that hasn't trained since ROTAS prior to Cell Games.

The entire basis of the newest and greatest power up in Dragonball to date is a ritual with "six pure-hearted Saiyans", and one of those characters wasn't even born yet. Goku borrowed power from a fetus to fight a god of destruction, and at the end the day, Gohan's the shit who gets power ups he doesn't deserve (even though this entire series is laden with people getting power from external sources, Goku included)

And Vegeta? He doesn't have to do the ritual, he just gets SSB, because Vegeta is special, because Vegeta is special and he deserves his time too!

I don't get the fans of this series. I just don't. Characters that don't dedicate their entire lives to training should be humiliated and trashed at every turn, and even though there's methods for them to regain their strength, fuck those guys.

DBZ doesn't have to be consistent guys, you people take it too seriously! BUT, it still has to be consistent enough to make sure that Goku and/or Vegeta are the strongest., because Saiyan blood lockouts and giving anyone else a powerup would be asking for too much.
If the new line up added just Piccolo and Tien, I'd fucking take it in a heartbeat. The last arc with Piccolo jobbing so Vegeta can get a turn had Goku literally tell Piccolo he was cannon fodder for them. How thrilling!

and the 1 year from Goku being under King Kai
>Chichi will never be this cute again
Why are you even here?

But seriously are there any English subs out yet?

learn spanish you fucking bitch, it isn't even that fucking hard
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Sorry to dredge up an old meme but
>it's over 9000 esé!
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Can someone post the DBS manga volume interview?
black star dragon balls
I will never understand why Toriyama can continue to make Bulma look younger and younger, yet make Chichi look older. Literally all it takes to do so would be to give her a different hairstyle.
Bulma is more concerned about her looks than Chichi is.
Toriyama hates ChiChi.
>Future Gohan
>looks like Yamcha
>"Current" Gohan
>Is the Saiyan Yamcha

Toriyama pls
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Maybe DB Super is what people always wanted, and I just didn't realize that until now. Goku and Vegeta punch guys in the face, and everyone else looks on helplessly or cheer them on.
"Their story is over!", "Too lazy!" or "Fuck them, they always sucked!" for characters that could get back into things with a bit of work. We had a filler arc for Goten and Trunks on a space advnture, and we turned it back into more Goku vs Vegeta. Hell, we've just shown that SSJ3 Gotenks isn't even a match for base Vegeta anymore, because 'eh, fuck Gotenks'.
Why did he appear again?

"Not Saiyans!" for the characters that could do anything, but they aren't Saiyans, so fuck'em. Piccolo was pretty cool because even though he wasn't a Super Saiyan, he could get something done every now and then. Shit, a lot of the DBZ Movies, he's the one with the best fight scenes.
But eh, fuck it. He can babysit Pan, I guess. Maybe waste a bit of the new enemy's energy a little. Piccolo has been reduced to a Pokemon.

Man, looking back, the Buu Saga is fucking weird. The concept of trying to pass the buck, can you fucking believe it? Shit, they even gave Goten and Trunks their own movie! Not even Gohan was in it! Even when things ended up back at Goku's feet in the series, it wasn't specifically because "all the other characters sucked too and were just too weak to do anything"
Remember on Babidi's spaceship, when Goku, Gohan and Vegeta were fighting over who got to fight next? What a novel concept that is now!

Wasn't that the big complaint against GT? That everyone else was useless/helpless all of the time, and GT was Goku Time? Well, I guess as long as it's GVT, then that's what's really good.
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>not being Yamcha secret son
>Why did he appear again?
As always it will be for some lame attempt at comedy. That is all that the Buu saga leaves behind. Lame comedic devices in the form of Gotenks and Fat Buu.
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>this is a grandmother
>Wasn't that the big complaint against GT?
There was that, the complete and utter lack of originality, no coherent plot and everything about Super Saiyan 4.
The androids killed Piccolo in the Trunks timeline. In fact, he was the first one killed. That means Kami also died, taking the dragonballs with him. The Pilaf crew needed the dragonballs to wish for youth. A few things could've happened.

One is that the Pilaf crew found an alternative way to get young. It's safe to assume they've been on mildly fantastical escapades à la the original Dragonball.

Another is that they made their wish right before the androids hit, which is before the timelines really diverged. This would make the crew at least the same age as Trunks, if not a little older. Plus, since these were Kami's dragonballs, they would've only been able to make that one wish that made them too young without them being able to rectify it. That also explains why they're surprised when they hear the dragon ask them for a second wish in Revival of F, even though they had apparently summoned the dragon before.
>Dragon Ball thread reach more than bump limit
Is there another thread?
I don't know.
I don't know anymore, trying to make sense of something I liked, I guess.

I'd really hate to shuffle the DB franchise into something 'worse than Naruto', but I'm about to do it.

I came into this series knowing it wouldn't do shit like make non-Saiyans relevant, but I didn't think it would be THIS
>I came into this series knowing it wouldn't do shit like make non-Saiyans relevant
They haven't been relevant since Dragonball anon. You should have seen this from a mile away.
>There was that, the complete and utter lack of originality, no coherent plot and everything about Super Saiyan 4.
We're really not about to say that Super is above this sort of shit, are we?
You're not going to cherry pick the movie parts and rehash your hopeless argument again, are you?
Buu arc*
I hope super doesn't end after 72 episodes.
>implying they did anything but job
>super saiyan
yes we are sure.

Chichi wished for it
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Chichi is always cute.

She looks pretty young in Super.
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>child Trunks mysteriously disappeared during TrunksxBGoku saga
>saga ends, child Trunks pops up with Goten as if he missed out the whole thing
I knew Mai was best girl, but damn, that's going further beyond/10
Of course we are.
Super is far from the level of GT's trash.

Super Saiyan 4 didn't make sense design wise at all and clothes magic wise.
The entire first arc was just a rehash of Dragonball but in space, 17 lifted the hell thing straight from Fusion Reborn and Baby was Hatchiyack 2: Electric Boogaloo.

As for the plot nothing about the 17 from Hell and the Shadow dragons made any sense what so ever, hell now that Super is a thing they make even less sense.
Well, being rich as fuck might explain that, you know. Chi Chi is a farmer, sweatbacks age faster.

Except Hatchiyack was done after Baby, retard
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nah we still have this black goku saga and then we will get the big tournament with a shit ton of new characters

there is no way this could end in 72 episodes

also they are selling a lot dragon ball toys and videogames remember we are gettiung xenoverse 2

and the japanese are getting that fusion game and shit ton of new dragon ball heroes cards
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>Except Hatchiyack was done after Baby, retard
Nothing in GT is original.
Hatchiyack happened in 93 and GT was three years after, retard.

Or did you think he first came about with the games?
Haticyack's playdia was a thing during Cell Games, a lot older than GT's bullshit.
So when they got accidentally young, they turned themselves into actual babiesbut with full grown ups minds? hehe, that is kinda creepy but very Dragonballesque.
And by game I'm referring to Raging Blast 2 that had a redone version of Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans.
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