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>draw a slut >give her the voice of a slut >dress her

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Thread replies: 417
Thread images: 109

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>draw a slut
>give her the voice of a slut
>dress her like a slut
>call it a pure girl
Who was Japan trying to fool?
She's not that kind of person.
too be fair, pure girls are overrated and a slut is a better fuck
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>inverted nipples
>has a bush
>wants to be a mom
>draw a cow
>call it a girl
Why is this allowed?
>Call him an OP
>Give him the voice of a faggot
>Dress him like a faggot
>Call him not a faggot
But what if she sluts it up super hard for just one guy?
>draw female
>call it a pure girl

Its anime, bub
We don't watch it for realism

Pure slut.
You can't dress like a slut.
That's realistic.
what do you mean fool?

are you retarded?

if a woman wants attention why not take what she can get and act like a slut,yet compartmentalize your purity?
>if a woman wants attention why not take what she can get and act like a slut,yet compartmentalize your purity?
I don't get what you're trying to say here.
>Draw a whale
>Call it a girl

2 nukes is not enough
Speak English.
>draw a semen demon
>not have her getting fucked
>not pure
Who are you trying to fool?
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>draw a guy with a girlfriend
>have him imagine he's fucking Galko when he's rubbered up and pounding his girlfriend

Also big areolae. Galko is perfect.
>draw a white woman
>say she's Japanese
Happy sex with Galko would have all the best tags

>Likes black men
>give her the voice of a slut

She's not voiced by Aya.
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It's called "gap moe" you filthy peasant. It's cuteness derived from the discrepancy between a character's appearance and her attitude. Despite the way she dresses Galko is actually very friendly, a virgin and her lifelong dream is to become a mother.

>a slut is a better fuck
Maybe if you enjoy STDs.
He will be a single mom for a half black kid, I hope she likes it.
You don't go to pure girls for cheap sex, unless you have a fetish.
>Falling for the fake subs meme
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>give her the voice of a slut
Thats Anime for you OP
Stella fags BTFO
Ojou was the slut. Galko is just a friendly wholesome girl.
>smelly armpit
>smelly feet
>Maybe if you enjoy STDs.

>What's a condom?
>What is STD testing?
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Fucking this. It's not a hard concept to get at all.
I still don't understand why she dresses like such a whore.
Because of her sister.
The manga said it is because of her wanting to mimick the girls in western movies.
We made Galko.
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Oh mama
>make anime full of cute girls
>premise is that they talk about getting diarrhea after eating spicy food and retarded sex rumors
Why? If they're going to talk about inane bullshit, at least don't kill my boner.
That was just the first episode though.
Where are her gyaru friends?
The second episode is about their periods and more retarded sex rumors. I think. That's about when I dropped it.
Stop posting any time.
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They're there, they just get little screentime.
This family has breeding sow genes.
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It works.

Galko a cute.
Sucking dick probably.
a tripfag saying something sensible for once
everyone likes moe semen demons
I want raise Galko-chan's son!!!!!
>My wife's son
Have fun raising Jamal Kurasaki
Why is she so fat? Japanese girls should be skinny, not with BMI of a whale.
Top retard a best, I want to tell her really lewd things and watch her flustered expressions
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Fat 2D girls are cute.
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What does this expression mean?
Fat is never cute.
My dick.
It didn't work.
Can't fool the dick.
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>That episode
Thanks for reminding me that I'll never get a blowjob from loli shark-teeth
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She may do other things.
Stuff that makes it not worthwhile. 2d girls don't have this problem so it's okay, 3dpd can go to hell.
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Galko needs more doujins.
One of the best things in life is a girl with the mind of a slut and the heart of a maiden.
Why is this show still getting threads?
You already have Lucky Star, anon.
It was the best show of its season.
At least it doesn't have daily threads for no reason.
Because it was really good.
Not that guy but I've seen like three or four threads a weak, soetimes more.
Not complaining though since I enjoyed the anime a lot but it's kinda surprising.
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I want to marry Galko-chan and take all the responsibility for our resulting blasian babies.
Do the girls in your family have large breasts?
We don't want to ruin Galko's big fat gyaru tats gene.
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>here we see a gyaru on her natural habitat showing her dominance over the weakest cubs
Some of them definitely do. And no, it's not because they're fat.
Chestlets btfo
Shotas belong to cow titted onee-sans
It'd be better if Galko birthed boys anyway, for future /ss/.
Means she's about to /ss/.
>/a/ call someone a slut
>said slut is either pure or only one wants one person's D
Pretty sure /a/ needs to learn english instead of spouting random memes.
The image of a flat gyaru daughter depressed because her mother has huge tits is too cute though.
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No new chapter this week?
I thought it was a weekly manga
'Slut' is a mindset more than just a girl that sleeps around.
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Gyarus are sluts by default.

Just the way Elves are rape material.
She is so sexy and outgoing but also unexperienced like me so I wouldn't have to feel insecure around her!
I almost feel tempted to imagine myself in a relationship with her!
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>Just the way Elves are rape material.
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Is that their mother?
Sounding like a normalfag there.
Says you with your shit taste. Fat girls are fluffy and soft and great for cuddling.
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Draw a Metako and call her a Metako.
Good grief what could she possibly work with other then the sex industry

And her tits are very large and sagy
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I want more manga about gyarus
This needs to get translated.
A lot of things need to get translated
Are raws available? I read the first couple of chapters they put up on Comic Walker and it's great fun, so if the rest of what's been published is available I'd probably translate it.
also pink.
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Not true.
t. incel that settled for a landwhale

Sexhaving normalfags please leave this board.
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Someday you too will see the appeal of 2d fat.
This is what /a/ has become
>he says like he isn't a blight
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Hey, at least she's faithful.
I think tripfags like you are fucking niggers, but you happen to be spot on.
Apparently fooled you, you're an idiot.
I want to live in those tits
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Galko is pure! PURE!
People on /a/ settle for drawings.
Message to guy who wrote comment
I want shark and tanloli
You mean ascend to
Thanks anon, I'll get in touch with them.
Can't wait for chapter 10 translated
What happens?
Is this a slut doing cute things or a cute doing sluts things?
Cute slut doing slutty cute things
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It's about guy and his girlfriend-gyaru, he confesses in first chapter and they start going out
No sluts there
>no sluts
>romance manga about what happens with a couple already in a relationship and there's no dumb drama
Have my pleas been heard?
Thanks for deciding to translate it. I'll be looking forward to it.
You mean like Love Roma, 14-sai and many more manga?
2D fat is the best
A lot of it is stupid drama or mc being a beta with the girl he likes so I stopped trying to search for "romance" all together. Even when the two do get together the manga ends usually.
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WHERE IS THE FAGGOT WITH THE NEW CHAPTER? Or did the last chapter had just 2 pages?
Most of the manga's chapters have two pages.
The most I've seen from this author is four
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An angel.
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personal preference, also depends on what clothes you think are slutty or not.
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Dear lord, MUH
You sound like a fag who can't accept the truth.
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they do have the problem of being 2d. you can only fuck a girl in your mind before you get numb to it
Their being 2d isn't the problem, our being 3d is.
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Otako's brother is the definition of spaghetti
He has good taste in porn.
Is this another pure Gyaru? They need to cut that shit out. Don't get me wrong I like them but the reason why the gap moe works so well is because Gyarus are stilll quite often portrayed as sluts.

Even in Galko-chan, her sister and the other two gyarus in her class are kinda slutty so Galkos purity stands out even more.
>Her face when you slip her aphrodisiacs.
Ojou best girl
>no loli
not even a little embarrassing
>you will never marry galko and give her a child

fukou da
Why is he always carrying those around? Does he go behind a bush and give it a rub or what?
Isn't she little too wide?
Man of Ireland, pls go.
That sounds really low test anon.
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>they don't cum no matter how much you thrust
I forget the actual number, but something like less than 30% of females are actually capable of achieving orgasm from penetrative intercourse, virgin or not.
So she's in the 30% category, obviously.
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woo baby.gif
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>cat ears
>sling bikini
>neko-cutout panties
>thigh-high fishnets
you're checking all my boxes here
Who are you trying to fool?
Sorry anon but only a 2D man can make your 2D gf cum
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>my gf
I need this nendoroid so fucking bad
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>You just gotta be a rare breed of Alpha to occasionally pull it off.
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I need her mousepad.
>all the time
>occasionally pull it off
I don't understand.
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Can't you understand how moe works?
The gap between her appearance and personality generates moe more efficiently you jerk.
What's the process for efficient moe generation look like? What waste is produced during generation? Are there any chemists or engineers around
September, my friend. Unless you're poor.
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>Rare breed of alpha
This artist is a god
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She is pure. She just dresses like a slut to be comfortable.
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whats with the sudden influx of this "alpha" meme? I dont get it
that tongue
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i got stuck on episode 1
is it worth it? seems like you guys like it...
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don't like gyaru /a/?
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She can still make 2 or 3 more Galkos
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galko daddy.jpg
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Dad is a lucky bastard.
You forgot
>messy ass hair
Of course a sluts a better fuck. They have tons of practice. But they don't make great waifus.

Bros, maybe. Haremettes, sure. Waifus, no.
They would just corrupt the rest of the harem.
I'm pretty sure the daughter have different dads at this point.
And maybe not even the gyarumom knows who are te dads herself, as an effect of mostly fucking multiple faceless dudes at the same time or in a short time span.
That's a bad thing how?
>Haremette that teaches the rest of the harem how to be a good fuck without them actually having to go out and get "experience" like her.
That depends. So long as she knows to keep it inside the harem it's fine. If she fucking outside of it there's a problem.
>liking girls with stinky feet
Mc fucking kill yourselves
She is actually pure and faithful
As expected of Galko's mom.
>When in doubt, call someone le cuck!
If this girl can teach the rest of the harem how to suck dick using a dildo, then what's the problem? I mean shit, I even said
>"without them actually having to go out and get "experience"."
You're kind of stupid, aren't you.
>he doesn't like stinky girls
Get the fuck out of here. Smell fetish best fetish.
God damn, I love the lips in this show. They look so soft.
How is wanting girls to be sexually experienced WITHOUT having sex with anyone a cuck thing, retard?
I fucked a really attractive girl.

It's really not all it's cracked up to be. Definitely worse than masturbation, and this was with an 11/10 anime waifu-tier hottie my cousin a couple years ago. We fucked for like, two years on and off, basically whenever she'd be in Toronto. Then she got a dedi boyfriend back home and became the town bike. Now she's a lesbian.

The only good part is the emotional connection, 'impregnation' though she was on the pill and the afterglow cuddling. Totally enough to justify it for me, though.
I want to give Galko to a strong black buck to breed her every day.
I bet you kiss girls, faggot
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>Galko's dad is Duke Nukem.
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No one
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>still not translated
To be fair, early balding men tend to be very high T, which means they have a very high sex drive and are very dominant. Also typically had high T in puberty meaning a big dick.
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translations never
But that's not how it works.
In balding men, the hair follicles are very vulnerable to a specific kind of testosterone, in quantities that every male on the planet has.
Baldness is caused by the weakness of the hair, not by the strength of T.
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I don't really care about this cow but the doujins are great
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Requesting WEG
>Watched Gyaruko-chan
>Expected Energy Kyouka
>Got Azumanga Daioh
>give her the voice of a slut
As it should be.
Rude, thats like saying lolis belong to those with biggest dicks
Oh god I want that to be official art so badly
>I forget the actual number, but something like less than 30% of females are actually capable of achieving orgasm from penetrative intercourse, virgin or not.
I wonder if that's even a statistically correct analysis or just the result of many, many men not being very good at sex

Get me the the whole thing and I'll see what I got.
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I love when she bullies the flatties
Defending a shota from bullies
What did I miss?


Sorry m8, doesn't work on my browser.
is there some sort of unwritten rule that even if tits are already big an h artist has to still make them bigger?
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He's probably the only man who could fully satisfy that wonderful thick woman.
I want Galkos sister to teach her how to fuck.
Stop it Anon; I can only get so erect.
go away
Is there some website where people get these pastas from?
>thinking I'm lying

dude seriously. When I was in high school i was not watching anime, I was playing sports and fucking cheerleaders. When I was in college I wasn't watching anime, I was fucking the coeds.

Then I developed a hatred for all 3d women (different blog post shit story) and left the tv on after futurama and caught FMA 2003 version, thought it was kickass, kept watching right into code geass, blown away, checked online, discovered anime, started streaming and found /a/ a week into season 2 of code geass. That was wild around here.

haven't looked back since. Haven't touched a 3d girl since either. Fucking whores all of them.
If you really weren't new, you'd probably have seen how silly people look when they blogshit about how many 10/10s they fucked
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>If you really weren't new, you'd probably have seen how silly people look when they blogshit about how many 10/10s they fucked
did I say I fucked a bunch of 10/10? the first girl I fucked was a 3d pig, only notable due to the huge tits, otherwise she was hideous. course i was 15 and happy to stick my dick in anything. some chicks were hot, only one of them was completely out of my league, many were plain/normal.

i've been on /a/ for 8 years now.
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What does she do once she's found her prey?
>Still blogshitting
The size of your dubiously existing whore is super relevant to this thread
That is that artists style.
All his women are that extra plump BBW style.
That anon is just baiting you. Don't let it get to you.
>Being against blogshit is now bait
Neo-/a/ everybody.
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>armpits sparkly clean
>giant bush peeking out

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I could translated this. Is there any place where I can find it online?
How it should be tbqh.
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would wife
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My dick turned into pure diamondatonium when she pulled her shota close and stared down those loli skutbags into submission.
would you befriend a galko-chan?
Probably not, she's way younger than me and Japanese. How would we even be friends?
I wouldn't want to get friendzoned so no.
Galko is the kind of girl who befriends everyone she meets, yu probably wouldn't even need to try.
Nothing wrong with that. A little bush is ok but armpit hair is gross
Coming in late here, but I'm the guy planning to translate Hajimete no Gyaru. Energy Kyouka is actually second on my list of stuff I want to translate, since it's my favourite eromanga and I think it's a shame nothing after the first chapter got translated. If there's anyone around who wants to typeset it I'll be able to get to it after Hajimete.
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I want to see more of that shy girl
Yeah only if your from the std riddled states mate.
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>Black gal
Whata waste, we could have seen her with armpit hair.
>stinky feet
>stinky armpits
>stinky pussy

I want to inhale all of Galko's womanly musk.
Is this an armpit thing

She's just tan from all the beach sex she's been having.
>stinky pussy
Tha is the only one that hasn´t been confirmed
If she's got foot odor and pit odor, it's pretty safe to assume she's got vag odor.
Anon, all big/fat/chubby girls have odor, Galko is no exception as the author himself expressed
What does Nikuko smell like?
Are sluts worse than whores?
I forgot to mention that they use a lot of perfume and have a good arome from the outside.
It's when you get very close to them that it starts to smell "weird", not bad, but weird. So possibly Galko and Nikuko DO smell good on the outside, when they pass by near you, but if they take their off their shoes or get a whiff of their armpits, the smell is easily recognisable.
That's how it worked when I was at school at least.
no,sometimes? Maybe,no..the answer's gotta be no

I'm sure there will be a doujin about that. One day.

There literally is already.
Galko shave constantly so actually she's canonically smooth like a baby.
Damn greedy nips never scanned those.
Sluts that are dishonest about being sluts are worse, honest sluts are better.
I don't know about that, proper ladies/innocent looking girls that are actually massive sluts are pretty top tier.
That's different from pretending you're not a slut though.
Is it really though?
But is it really? Think about it.
There is is a difference, but it's hard to define it.
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If only I have meet her before... but i'm glad I get to know her anyways.
You don't know her
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So we just change from healthy to thick?
>appropriate sound effects
Also, nice trips.

Scans when?
What is the manga the author is shilling in his twitter?
Doesn't look like it's from him
>Cute slut doing slutty cute things

that sounds like... the perfect manga
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Why are we still talking about this?
Why not?
This is true. I dated a healthy, fit girl and was surprised how well she always smelled.
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>why are we still talking about the AOTY
Galko-chan is an anime people will talk about in 20 years.
>you will never fuck her sweaty unwashed galkos
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Fuck me.
well you're wrong
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I don't know if I have a problem with this.
So then your mother is a gyaru?
This sounds like an "Aw no, ma caught me fuckin my sister again!" kind of thing.
Looks like some anon finished doing >>142367601
Aw, what the hell? I'm the guy who said in this thread that I'd do it and got in touch with the guy with the raws, and I've just translated the first two chapters too.
But it's true. I wish Galko would adopt me and have missionary hand holding sex with me every night.
I've translated the first two chapters of Hajimete no Gyaru, ready for typesetting.


Waiting for the guy with the raws of chapters 3 onwards to get back to me so I can translate those too. For now the first two chapters can be read at
I want to fuck Otako in this pic.
>hairy anus
Please stop posting this character and reminding me about her.
There's something about the way the artist draws teeth that gets me going
>Kill me.
I want to eat her feet
>dont talk to me or my blue haired daughter ever again, oho
>To be fair, early balding men tend to be very high T
lmfao is that what baldfags tell themselves to feel better?
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>No one has posted the /ss/ pure gyaru hugging little boy scene.

Guys please.
Bro, here you can find the raws, even if watermarked a bit:
He wasn't using a tripcode newfriends
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come on guys, please post it.
If you're still here anon, here, the full volume 1
>draw a fat girl
>call her cute and pure
They seem to have fooled /a/.
Every girl is a slut until she gets claimed by The Cock f.a.m.
I need more Nikuko.

Moe Paradox?

Why not up your game and go full shark girl?
>that taste when it hits the back of your throat.webm
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still looking guys, don't be a jerk.

Seems like those were strategically inserted ero to try and persuade an innocent shrine maiden into doing lewd things.

clever boy.
>it got animated
>the animation was translated

>started streaming and found /a/ a week into season 2 of code geass.

Oh you poor misguided creature... You must have shit taste. When you first start watching anime it's best to just watch what peaks your interest and avoid bitter hellholes like /a/ until you're properly seasoned.
I finally figured it out guys. The people that hate Galko hate her because she isn't a bitch face tsundere. They dont know how to deal with intimidatingly attractive woman when they are nice.
I can't wait until the tsundere fad dies.
Will be nice. Lots of animes i never watched because I'm not a masochist who can self insert into a show and enjoy how bad the main lets himself get cucked
She's a fucking whale who needs to go on a died
Tsundere loli please, if you want to attract Kuseta grow some tits already.
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There's needs to be an anime version of this. I want to save it and use it because it's perfect, but it's not anime or manga related.

Tripfag (n) -- anyone who puts anything in the Name field, tripcode used or not. 2. Anyone not posting anonymously.
No, you fucking retard, "tripfag" is anyone that is using a "trip" for gods sake, it's in the fucking name. The guy you are talking about is a "namefag"

You sound pretty mad... Is that autism? because anyone who posts with a name has been called a tripfag since time immemorial.

Perhaps you're new?
Not him and I don't come to this board nearly as much as others, but on those boards namefags just have names, tripfags have trips, and anons have neither
It is the same here, I don't know whta does anon is talking about.
I know because I've been corrected about it a couple times
>Is that autism?
Maybe, but i'm right, how can you be a tripfag without a trip? It's common sense!
>because anyone who posts with a name has been called a tripfag since time immemorial.
The term namefag wouldnt exist then

>Perhaps you're new?
You got me ;)
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No complaints here.
Who is this supposed hairy goddes?
>literally Galko with different hair
Though this gives a hint on how Galko actually looks like, and the contrast is interesting.
>Galko actually looks like
I think she is a natural blonde though
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I would besexfriends with her
Ah, thanks guys, when I asked earlier no one had any links. I'll should be able to get it all translated over the next week or so. Now I just need to find a typesetter.
Are one of her parents foreign? I didnt think blonde full Japs existed
/a/ please all I want is the gif.
We had like 20 threads this week about her, you can do it.
I honestly dont know. I come here seldom
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I want the webms ;_;
I want either one
The mom of Makoto from School Days. He got her pregnant.
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Why does the middle set of images make me smile?

I feel like everyone has dealt with that in school at least once. Someone not paying attention when you're trying to pass papers behind you.
Aaah. Is it from the orginal episodes or the OVA?
tell us more anon im aroused
>hairy asshole
>stinky feet and armpits
>large areolae and inverted nipples
>broad shoulders
>man hands
Am I forgetting something?
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i want to lick okako's amrpits.
They probably don't even smell.
why do you suppose that?
pd: i haven't watched the series, just lurking on the threads because galko's mammaries.
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a fat cock
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Delicious sweaty pits

I bet you use screen protectors faggot
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You dont really like Galkos mammeries if you wont watch 7 minute episodes of them animated
The showbis great even when it is not being fanservicey.
Anyone who doesn't watch it is doing himself a diservice.
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Look for ギャル子 on pixiv
Is there an anime version of the pic?
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But i'm too lazy.
By the way, is she a bad person?
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>tfw inducted into the /ss/
Dude, it's only seven minutes per episode.
Also, she is part of the misfits but not a bad person.
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>tfw there isn't art of her.
The autgor seems to favor Nikuko and the mothers over her
the girls
Turns out to be a pure girl that haven't had impure thought in her whole puberty.
Does any typesetter/group picked up this? >>142367601
Someone released chapter one, but I don't know if they will release more chapters.
Chapter 2 is also out, and chapter 3 should be done tonight. I'll be doing the rest of volume 1 across the next week or so.

Still in need of a typesetter, though. There's a thread up for it at >>142466226
>smell a bit means stinky
Nothing exceptionally except that they mention it, usually Galko smells wonderfully.
The rest is just good points, so thanks.
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>peaks your interest
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I want to impregnate her but I fear her husband would tear me to shreds.
I want to draw her with those skull-patch in her nipples, but i can't draw, should i go ahead and try? (probably is going to be shit)
You tryin to steal my shota kiddo?
Kurogyaru ("Black gyaru") is a renovation of older gyaru trends (ganguro specifically) popularized by a crew called "Black Diamond", although other people/groups are also doing it. It doesn't have anything to do with being black, they just tan pretty extremely. So basically, >>142425244 is right.

But it also looks nothing like the pictures, so it's possible they are just referencing galko being a little more shaded in here.
someone post the gif please.
Someone should post the gif
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where is this from?
tfw I've been begging and no one wants to post it. ;_;
Nobody will post the gif
Just find it or make it yourselves
I tried finding it and I don't know the episode.
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Sorry, I'm into T&D

Tits and dick?
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She is protecting what is hers.
>that top left panel
>like she's thinking of how delectable her prey is
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Hajimete no Gal chapter 3 translation is up. I might have to start learning to typeset, I may as well since I'll be translating a lot over the summer.

Typest is putting the new text over the text clouds?
How do you use the .docx file? sorry
What color and kind of panties do you guys think she was wearing?
White with teddie bear
Why is she so happy?
Getting impregnated.
Check the scanlation thread that occasionally pops for help and anonblack's typesetting 101 guide.
Thread posts: 417
Thread images: 109

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