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Girls und Panzer Thread: What would YOU do to get the movie?

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Thread replies: 526
Thread images: 229

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Girls und Panzer Thread:
What would YOU do to get the movie?
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I would wait months and months for a fansub.
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I'd be the loli slave of a Kuromorimine-SS officer.
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What has science done?
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Is that Yujo Senki?
Why does she not wear the clothes?
WHAT.....where can I buy this?
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Heh, kinda looks like Medicom RAH Miho/Yukari with a new outfit. Wonder if it's custom.
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Why are the Finns so overrated? Their two "victories" against the Russians all involved huge loss of Finnish life and huge concessions of territory.

Even the Finnish school was named after the worse of the two wars.
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"/a/non, we have prepared the virgin sacrifice for you"
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fuck yeah finland.png
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Winning against Finland required a huge loss of life on Russia's part too. The fact that they held their own for so long instead of caving and bending over like the rest of the Baltics and pretty much every other state in the region is pretty badass in itself.
Meanwhile the Poles held against the Soviet Union and gained an outstanding victory in 1920, but they're remembered as being the long-time rape victim of Europe.

Which is true, really. Post-commonwealth days were tough for Poland (or what was left of it).
I'm pretty sure I said she should be female.
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Joke warfare.jpg
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This image is amazin.
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>Two best Glorianas in one photo
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You guys should stop this GuP general after the movie. Its only circlejerking nowadays, if only it has something you could talk about or start an intelligent discussion like some superior movie that I don't want to name.
Delet this picture. This doujin triggers me.
GuP General threads occur now because of movie hype, and they're going to last for a long while after the movie.

Get used to it. Ignore it if you can't handle it.
This never stops being funny
pfff, your "superior" movie can't even get to 2 billion moondollars. That's why people don't talk about it.
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Please make it a war movie.
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>People are posting panels from THAT doujin
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not kill myself
Don't bully.
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I don't even know who the girl in the hat from the movie is but all the H-art for her has been hitting me right in the fetishes.
Only 20 hours away. In fact Amazon jp has already started packing.
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Nice try gatari poster.
When you're outnumbered a hundred to one, anything else than being overrun in minutes is a huge victory and a shame for the opposition.
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Poland had almost as many men as Soviets.
I love this doujin, there should be more stuff like it.
Is Little Army canon or just glorified fanfiction like Oriko Magica? I don't remember any hints to Miho's old friends in the anime or specials.
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>he unironically likes THAT
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You're so low energy.
>50 stars flag

stop posting THAT doujin with shit research and shit story
Where's the problem with a 50-star flag?
GuP der Film BD Unboxing(it's in Japanese though):

>Not knowing U.S History
There was not always 50 stars, but you can look up when the current flag was put into use.

For those who are not as google savvy, Hawaii and Alaska became states in 1950, bringing the count to 50, so that flag in the background is incorrect from a historical standpoint.
Alaska and Hawaii weren't states back then, leaving the flag with 48 stars rather than 50
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The point is - Why should they have a historical flag? Does this stupid doujin involve time-travel?
I'm guessing either tomorrow or around the weekend.
Details, old flags are hard to find.
>Old flags are hard to find
>Meanwhile we can mass produce M4 Shermans with ease
Senshadou isn't ww2 re-enactment
48-star flags were in use for a long time, so they're pretty easy to come by.
And repros are even available, because WWII recreationinists.
Does the Alice war OVA come with the movie or will it air on TV later?
It's a reference to a scene in Patton, or are you just baiting?
Kids don't have credit cards and can't buy stuffs online.
>air on TV

Anon, please
This sounds a hell of a lot better than the English dub.
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Today is the day Anon
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What if they all spoke different languages
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Too bad it still sounds like there are only three people providing voices.
The Longest Day anime, when?
at least she got the dvd out of it...
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>Not Panzerfahren
>trailer that spoils half of the final battle
Too fascist
By that logic, Kuromorimine, its uniforms, and its tanks are all prohibited from viewership in Deutschland.

Ooarai's Panzer IV Ausf. D and Tiger (P) are also forbidden from being used in the show.
They used both in the trailer
>that Yukari
I know dubbing is low budget and pays like shit but the fact that most people in the business can't even scream convincingly is ridiculous.
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At least better than Tankery
I like tankery. It's very literal and straightforward.
Jesus fuck why is 12-year-old Maho so sexy?
Panzerfahren is better because it's German. It's also straightforward because it's literally "Tank Driving"
>Not tankwondo
>Wanting a Gook-sounding name in my Chinese cartoons
Also holy shit these 10-year-old girls with precocious tits are giving me a boner. I never knew I was this much of a lolicon until now.
Miho please.
I'm not fond of tankery but tankwodo sounds so dumb.
Panzerfahren is good in German but putting random German phrases in English is dumb when tankery exists.
Tankwondo is a stupid joke and panzerkraft is nonsensical trash.

tankery sounds like a ghetto girl's name
If they're old enough to tank...
Tankery doesn't exist, it's a fictional word just like all the other options.
You know that they do not teach much of US history outside of US, right?
Shit, I fucking spent a good portion of my life studying history and I didn't know US flag had 48 stars on it, and even now I feel this information isn't something that important.
What the fuck did I just read? Is this trash for real? This is why we can't have cute girls doing military things often, because on the wrong hands it just turns into shit like this.

bloggin time

>last week saturday japan-standard-time
>watched this shit in a overpriced TOHO cinemas @ Nihonbashi
>bought a ticket from a machine with no english menu... went smoothly since I know japanese up to 301 college level
>after getting the ticket I decided to enter the screening room 20 mins earlier
>staff stopped me... [in japanese]it's not your time yet. You're only allowed to enter when I call the screening room number, title and time[/spoiler]


>screening room was around ~80% capacity
>The tank battle scenes in the park was pure bonkers
>jap audience silent as fuck
>no cheering, no hollering
>and no claps at the end of the movie
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forgot pic
Is it time?
Waiting patiently for just a week until the BDs are out
Sounds like movie heaven.
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>and no claps at the end of the movie

Nobody actually does this outside of a test screening.
American audiences, at the end of a movie, will simply stand up and walk out as the credits roll.
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>Nobody actually does this outside of a test screening.
I was watching Civil War a few weekends ago and people started clapping when it ended. In Commiefornia of all places.
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>Stop talking about this hugely popular series that has an ever-increasing number of new watchers, is getting new material monthly and is half of the core of one of /a/'s most active scanlation groups, just because I'm jealous of it selling more than my second-rate cut-and-paste moeshit franchise that doesn't even get threads if I don't start them myself just to prove they exist
Somehow we don't see that happening
reminder to not reply to the bait pornogatari fag
>jap audience silent as fuck
>no cheering, no hollering
Based elevens. They know how to behave.
>I'm a 12-old that hasn't read "Tankies"
I'd post it for your enlightement, but it's /co/, not /a/ (one of those cases where art quality and art procedence are unrelated)
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>and no claps at the end of the movie
Don't want to sound rude but I know someone who's friend watched the Monogatari movie and he said that he said that there were a lot of clapping at the end of the movie signifying it was worth their time and that they are impressed with the film. It's a good indicator if people truly like it and not because of a bandwagoning effect or otaku pandering.
Yeah, good memories of the Haruhi camrip.
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Hot damn.
Can't wait for Yukari.
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>name of anime is literally pronounced Girls and Panzer (ガールズ アンド パンツァー)
>official romanization is Girls und Panzer
>look, Ma, I shitposted again!
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Finally getting good figures
It's &, and how else will you Japanise 'und' aside from ando/&?
aren't there a couple of 1/35 resin figures around?

Seriously if this GuP movie is shown in American theaters or (anime conventions) they'll definitely holler and chuckle out lound.

The jap audience in my screening >>142010691 were like trying hard to be normalfags... If this was in america you'll see movie-goers don their best GuP chracter shirts!
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>17,630 JPY
Okay nevermind

was this in japan or murica?
>>no cheering, no hollering
>>and no claps at the end of the movie

People do this?

nice tits!
and this is truly a compliment
It still feels like yesterday that the camrip was uploaded.
What's with the nipples? Is that even possible? can't wait to hotglue it
Would love tenderly in the missionary position which hand holding and head patting.
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Hot damn, those 82s.

this is an otaku movie and I expected otaku reaction

and the japs being japs in my screening >>142010691 were looking try-hards in suppressing their true feelings (that honne vs tatemae etc etc)

How was the jap audience in that Haruhi screening?
The only person you could hear in the camrip was one guy coughing.
Not all viewers react the same as you would want them to. Also not all the audience in a Japanese theater are all otaku just because its an anime movie.
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tfw the next cinema showing this is several thousand kilometers away.
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Do like most of us, wait for the Blu-Ray.
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are we back?


The movie is near its end though so don't watch it if you don't want spoilers
>open stream
>massive clusterfuck
>what i assume could only be rosehip shooting everywhere
i'm not dissapointed but that's enough spoilers for today
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Calm down.gif
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>Dem nipples
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[BDMV][アニメ][160527] ガールズ&パンツァー 劇場版
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We are alive.
Am I crazy enough t pay $200 for this
How long does Commie usually take to sub movies?
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Time to abandon thread.
Please refrain from posting spoilers
Yukari confesses her love to Miho then gets killed by a rogue tank shell
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mother of fuck

abandon thread
raws when?
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No but you are crazy enough to buy the Yukari one.
Didn't GuP get popular in the Japanese mainstream?
It got attention from people who don't normally watch late night anime.
~10 hours for BDMV at current speed
shit raws any time within the next 16 hours
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After reading this shitfest I think I'm going to be traumatized for a while.
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Who else is gonna watch it first time with movie on one screen, thread and stream chat on the other?
http://live.bilibili.com/80232 streaming of the movie with Chinese fansub start right now
Your fault for reading that shit.
Is it true the movie has boys
are we watching it raw or are we waiting for subs
click >>142013277
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I want to eat out Shizuka!
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>watching shit quality chinese streams
This isn't really true for some
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>open stream
>see Katyusha gets killed
>killed by Nonna
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god dammit kei is so perfect
I'd rather have some 28mm GuP's for my tabletop tanks.
tfw it's not the same without the movie sound
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How are you going to watch the movie? I'll stream it to my living room TV from my PC. I also have popcorn and soda for snack.
In the theatre, of course
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The movie BD is almost there but let me just remind you guys that you can't watch it in a theatre and on your computer the quality of the experience will NEVER be the same
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>these bumper car physics
Why am I not surprised?
Thanks for reminding me, asshole.
Probably put it on my tablet and hook my tablet to my tv through a hdmi cable.
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I see, so this is where this came from
Can't be helped. I wouldn't ever get a passport and travel to Asia just to watch a movie I wouldn't understand.
>no torsion bar levers
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What's wrong Anon
>those untranslated Finns 4komas
Why does nobody love them
Stupid sexy Shizuka.
ready for the hot glue
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1. Win Tournament to keep school from closing
2. School gets closed anyway
3. ??? (Fuck that we have tanks!)
4. FIGHT-O!!!

We don't like mongolboos here.
This art doesn't even faze me after reading Takotsuboya's GuP doujin trilogy.
huh, so Shizuka now has 6 decent pieces of fanart. Better than Jajka I guess.
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Let's discuss Finns.
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Those rabbits :(
They make me want to sin.
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They're a thieving bunch.
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No mikä ettei.
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Abandoning thread.
It's just our way of seeing movies.
It's just that.
We shouldn't.
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>not being in the theatre-going master race who laugh at plebs watching a shitty 480p stream clustered with useless shit in subs they don't understand
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Fuck off, Sodoko loosing the will to live and Boco land alone were worth it.
Please refrain from posting spoilers
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>not watching superior intellectual movies for intellectuals like myself and pondering on the spirituality of life and sales.
Plebs. Don't get too happy because you got baited to watch an otaku pandering movie while others didn't even waste money to get the same shallow enjoyment you don't want to admit that you got.
GTFO if you don't want to hear about the movie this thread is about.
You can post spoilers, but please use spoiler tags when you want to discuss spoilers
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Neither are relevant to the plot.
Fuck off.
jelly overwhelming.
oh the ova?
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Can someone post the movie's KA list if you don't mind
Yup. Arisu War OVA ED.
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Can you help me build my Finn folder?
Estonia was my only chance but they fucked it up.
Bravo Estonia.
dl speed 7.7KB/s, size: 38.4GB, ETA:....
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Doing God's work anon
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I don't want to tempt you to sin.
But it's not a sin to love a Finn.
Clara. ;_;7
>assploding slav
kek'd heartily
By all that is holy (and unholy too), how are you supposed not to sin when seeing that?
I love Finland.
Made for sins.
Do people on stream spam Mad Max memes when Finns are doing Finnish things?
All best girls end with -ka.
>dem legs
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panzer mad max.jpg
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15 more minutes right.
That's the guy's shtick, he takes cute anime and makes it go full grimdark retarded in his doujins.
I would honestly prefer if he just drew normal porn, I find his porn to be pretty damn hot.
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I'm curious about who these two are that is on the GuP Movie booklet provided on the BD set.
wait, KA?
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Yes, KA. "Key animators".
Mika is so fucking dank. It's lovely.
Maybe it's going to be new main characters for a possible upcoming S2
I want to feed Kay.
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But LA2 already fulfilled the "cute delinquent tankers" niche.

I wouldn't mind if they were S2 characters though, they look cool.
>any of the manga only characters
>being a thing in main works

Oh you, main creative staff will never sink that low that would take care about characters created by some random mangaka.
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that Japan Army school doesn't know the meaning of Panzer Vor. Time for them to commit Sodoko.
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I mean the credit list btw, just want to see the namesthat worked on the movie
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go to >>142017519 , the 116th minute
peer list
>All Japanese and American flags
>American flags are softbank
>Leechers: 129
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>0 seeders
>leechers at 129
The wait is real
Where the fuck is the seeder
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Fucking seed you guys
>Go into nyaa for first time in days
>This is just uploaded
I don't even like G&P that much I'm still downloading.
>271 leechers
Decided to play a prank, it seems.
0.0% never forget
No subs lol. I'd rather watch Monogatari.
>it's at 417 leechers
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254KB, 689x1011px
>one week later
>it's 120 minutes of rick astley
Shizuka, Eclair, Nishi and Aung?
Curious mix, where's that from?
>google, exhentai and saucenao can't find it
W-what's this?
>rick astley
>not dolphin porn

newfag pls go
Try harder, troll.
>it's a 0 seeder and 517 leecher episode
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Turn the non-h filter on and everything else off
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Okay, now that the raws are out and there won't be subs in a couple days, I'll have to abandon all /ak/ and GuP threads for a while to avoid spoilers.

It's not that I don't trust you, but I fucking don't. Have fun with the raws, though! Enjoy!

>All those fucking leechers
Eh, the immenent arrival of the movie makes me generous. Search for doujins by "Vagina Dentata" on exhentai.
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25KB, 1342x190px
Raws aren't out, it's amazing anyone trusted this person to provide them.
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76KB, 332x383px
How in the fuck is that non-h

Yeah, found it.
How is a delicious juicy peach h?
>Creditless OP and ED
>In a fucking movie

Is this legit or do I need to watch more anime?
>posters: 79
>leechers: 663
Where did they come from?
0.1%!!!! Praise the LORD
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That's just sex juices dripping through Azusas panties.
Nothing H about that.
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114KB, 1069x1017px
>22.2 MB downloaded
In the movie, Ooarai school be re-abolished.
My life is the same.
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353KB, 500x691px
Found it on Pixiv.
All of the OVA had the anime OP and ED, even the 5 minute ones. The film's released OST also has two pieces that sound very much like an OP and ED.
There's also this
I want it to be real
>all that utorrent
Why do they hate freedom?
It's not that they hate freedom.
It's that they don't know they're being shilled.
>Why do they hate freedom?
They did get bombed twice
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4KB, 804x33px
>up speed is higher
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>that orchestral enter enter mission
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I'm downloading this for my monogatari friends. Extra leechers.
Is that the thing they showed before the movie?
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Step it up, sempai.
someone's at 100
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13KB, 100x100px
This is from a seedbox, I'm throttling upload speed on purpose
What will I do with my life after I watch this?
I want to mate with the Ducks!
Wait for S2.
Watch it again.
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I'll seed it until subs come out.
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971KB, 500x500px
Can we expect subs around this weekend?
It looks exactly like the seedbox that I use. Oddly, the upload speed doesn't really affect the download speed on it. Well, from my account anyways.
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Unthrottled seedbox here because I have unlimited upload and download. Come grab it from me as fast as you possibly can.
Why the Chinese sub did not translate the word "Carbon" for Carbon lining? Is it another material that is not the carbon we are familiar with, just that it happen to have a same name as those carbon we know?
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Is saori as fat in the movie as she is in the serie

the meat needs to be preserved
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you mean thicc
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The only thing missing is spurdospeak. spurdo edit when
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Will be leaving it to seed for a while. Good night guys.
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What is with all that disgusting fat
what a shitty meme tank
Anzu please...
>Have to go to work before I can watch the movie
They managed to make one of the worst tanks ever so exciting.
What are you hiding there, anon?
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>being a wage slave
Anchovy looks like she really wants her womb to be kissed.
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>Naomi is qualified to fly military heavy-lift aircraft as well as gun ww2 tanks

factually a perfect woman
Is she autistic?

But then I wouldn't be able to afford internet to download the GuP movie

It's a conundrum
she is 12
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3MB, 640x360px
Don't underestimate memes.
could... you repeat that please?
Warning: View at your own risk


I always assumed "carbon" was a shitty translation for what's supposed to be some kind of nano-carbon composite

>bullying Pershing
Fuck this movie.
Download it, watch it on (device) while pretending to work?
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>That single Danish IP

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Wait, what the fuck, how is it even possible for Pz. IV to survive that booster shot?
this is all borderline silly even for GuP

those girls should be wearing helmets
It's not even the worst offender for the film.

tbf Pepperoni and the other Anzio tankette crews should also all have broken necks
I want to marry Mikko
>there won't ever be a WW2 themed amusement park.
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One more.
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best girl.jpg
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Mika's too lewd.
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Heart = obliterated
Fuck the constabulary and fuck physics.

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this one did it for me
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Does she even have an official name?
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>Anchovy confessing
too cute
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>mfw I actually watched all these glorious scenes in theatre
Thomas the Tank
That's sweet dear, but you're staying in the prison until you produce the subtitles.
Okay, this one got to me more than I expected
So I can translate the film but I don't have the technical know-how to put subtitles on the movies.
Thomas the Tortoise.

Wait, does that mean he has his own show?
Write it down and send it to someone who can.
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No, sei disgosto come il tuo nome, Anchovy. Amo Pepperoni di più.
well, in dailtly Japanese language, carbon are usually translated into kanji-based word, but they're using katakana-based word for carbon here
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Is this the most highly anticipated movie you're expecting this year, anon?
Pepperoni has an amazing body but Anchovy is the wife material.
>thenewstoryteller is a Filipino senshado athlete in the GuP world.
Without a doubt.
Fuck Hollywood.
>Saori in glasses with her hair up

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За Правду!.gif
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I want to feel this.
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As you command, mistress...
goddamn she's cute
>paying for this shit

Now that's pandering.
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them Oreos
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Rabbit gift.jpg
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Rabbits are for _______
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>the simplest answer of them all
>manages to make me HNGGG
What is this sorcery?
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mukden incident.jpg
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>the IJA-themed school are idiots who keep attacking without orders

its like poetry
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Pls make the water less transparent.
I can't handle this.
>Orange Pekoe but no Darjeeling
Oh my god that Miho

She's fucking reading the minds of every person on the battle field
I'm not the only one fapping to these bath scenes, right?

Like literally right now, enjoying all these Guppies


That girl's serenity is entrancing...
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that hat
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I want to stick it in her and break it off so she'll never forget it.
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How long till subs

I want to book a lecture theatre and watch it there with my friends, I can understand raws but they're not weeb enough to do without subs
Avoiding these threads until subs.
No you. stay here.
A prisoner of war does not simply leave when he wishes
That's the reason the movie is hated by various groups of nationalists.
Fantastic transition.
>Kei-sama will never be your pilot

what even is the point
What a dyke.
Wouldn't be surpsied if it some James Bond homage
In before planes > tonks.
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3MB, 2480x3424px
I want to deposit my seed inside of Shizuka!

>his waifu can't operate fixed-wing aircraft as well as tanks

angry pleb detected
literally who
Planes is for real men, girlie!
Worst offender was that they didn't know the meaning of Panzer Vor.
Would it be possible to fit everything on the C-5? The Porsche Tiger alone would take up half of the 120 000 kg payload.
I only wish there were more good pics of Kei.
Are these from the same doujin?
Then Kay's just being 'murrican by piloting a plane.

I wish all three of them figured more prominently, they're good characters

Saunders OVA fucking when
Yes. Stay away from it if you haven't read it.
Why do Hippo have the best taste in movies?
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Gup Film Reaction.jpg
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Glorious tank porn!!!
You'll have to try extra hard for that Rin.
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Finns F Yeah.jpg
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Nearly fell out of my chair.

based on really quick math, no. It could fit everything MINUS the porsche tiger, though

Either sensha-do sporting tanks weigh less than real ww2 tanks because of modern materials (which would also explain why they go faster), or Kei stripped out a bunch of weight from the plane somehow
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What's Darjeeling's real name?
do I watch the OVA before the movie or after?
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1MB, 1080x1920px
Will it help if they put fewer fuels onto the plane?
Not necessarily, since you would end up with issues concerning center of gravity and structural strength.
Damn, the tank battles are so fucking intense.

My old heart can't take it anymore.
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I assume it would but I have no idea

>tfw kei flew beyond bingo fuel for the love of senshado
>they had to dump arisa on the return flight in order to reach the carrier

what if you substitute with GUTS
Where can I download the episodes with subtitles? All I've been able to find is the awful dub.
I wouldn't
why do they have finnish boys names if they're girls?
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1MB, 1366x768px
stupid semen demon
>they're girls

I don't speak jap, do they explain why Anzio brought a tankette instead of literally anything else?
what happened to Momo?
Aufklärungs- und Beobachtungsaufteilung, Herr Kommandant!
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subs when

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I'll guess about two weeks.
Is this from the film? With subtitles?
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2MB, 1280x7770px
from futaba - not sure how accurate it is, so spoilered because of spoilers. As in, MASSIVE SPOILERS.
Good taste in tanks.
what's this from?
>tfw "za pravdu!"
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THICK Finn.jpg
395KB, 720x960px
Good taste. As expected.
2 things:

1) Do we have an ETA for subs?
2) New thread when?
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>they put a slav into their movie
>she explodes into oblivion
Sometimes I love the nips.
1. No
2. Never
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who Oreo here?
right here

Commence the Oreo dump
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More of a technical question here

I regularly sub from english to french, in a team of course, usually a 50 minutes episode is done in rougly 4-5 hours. setting the subs timefram is another 4 hours.

So, not criticizing or anything, but why everyone seems to expect 2 weeks
weeks ETA? Jap is that hard to sub?

Thx xoxo
>superheavy milk tank
I don't get it.
Did you went to Tachikawa or a 4DX, or standard plebian theatre?
Went like 15 times to Tachikawa, worth very single yen.
Miho being hyped in that scene was extremly adorable.
Miho nerds out about Boko bear as much as Yukari nerds out about tonks.
Boko is quite the role model. He never gives up although being a weakling.
It take quite a bit of time for people to subs in Eng because most of the shows have been licensed in English already and people take subs as granted so there's fewer and fewer people participating in subs, fansubbers also have fewer chance to sub things, which created a brain drain phenomenon and thus now it take a linger time to sub things
Tama-chan and fluffy?
Erika flies a fucking Zeppelin!
That is a tight butt.
Could Tiger P really have such distinct engine sound as is has in the movie?
It's the sound of the electric drive.

I guess it's impossible to say how close the Tiger P is to the original but it would have indeed quite the unique sound.
Damn Anzu. Going right for it.
Thread posts: 526
Thread images: 229

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