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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 480
Thread images: 251

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What happens now that S4 and S5 are confirmed?
We wait.
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Presumably, the anime will eventually be produced and released to the general public through TV broadcasting and disk sales.
>and S5
Aw shit. How the fuck does symphogear do it?
If they reset biki's character arc again I'll leave but other than that I couldn't be happier. I could do with less Maria though, naturally.
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Why is she so cute?
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I'm sure they'll find a way to make her all angsty about not wanting to fight people again.
Please no. I want more biki, who doesn't? But I don't think I can bare doing the same shit a fourth time.
What perfect timing, I haven't been on /a/ in forever and just finished a rewatch of all three seasons.
I just want cute Bikki.
>ChrisxTsubasa shipper committed sudoku

Don't worry man, I still feel your pain
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>bare Hibiki
This is the best you're going to get on a blue board.
Worth a shot
>Implying she won't do it during the 5th season too
Even though GX exists I still count Symphogear as on of my favorites. I'm happy about S4 and S5 but I'm also worried. 26 episodes, 26 weeks ,half a year where they could fuck up even worse than GX.
So how does GX hold up when you marathon it everyone else who does seems to actually enjoy it?
GX was on par with the G, honestly. The only difference was one fucked up half way and the other stopped fucking up half way. Both are symphogear so I had fun but nothing has been at season one's level
after the re-broadcast all the season on AT-X we gon get the further information
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It can't be helped. With no threads to post in he had no purpose in life.
We can post in his honor I suppose
I will post this every thread until they dock.
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That picture was already posted anon
>How the fuck does symphogear do it?
Nana willed it.
It is the act of myself posting it, everyone else matters not.
That's quite the dedication you have there.
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Nana wills it!
Lotta nerve posting that ugly hag there anon.
All Symphogears are worthy of some love. They may have been wrong here and there but that doesn't make them bad.
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I liked G the most
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I want to make Chris into an honest woman!
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Me too dess.
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Maria is cute.
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I didn't know how much I wanted long hair Bikki until I saw pic related
I want Hibiki to make Miku into an honest woman.
hair cape allowed
Wouldn't Miku be the one to make Hibiki an honest woman though?
Is the rest of this show as good as that transformation?
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Becuse Miku took her in as a fix-up job, and Miku is amazing.
That depends on how much you like watching Tsuzuki masturbate to his animal girl fetish.
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Proper scan never ever.
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Season 4 will end in the kissu, and season 5 will end with their wedding.
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call the mods I don't give a fuck
How yuri is this series?
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Same as Nanoha more or less.
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thoughts on this maiden
Lovely and very cool.
flat and gay
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shirabe collage.jpg
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Optimized for headpats.
It's been awhile since I've heard her called that.
I want to do straight things with Chris!
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I have a strong desire to fill her womb with my love
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Can you point me towards where the Bikkibutt is?
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What would you do in this situation
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better but not canon
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Kanade's ghost picking on Maria for moving in on her territory when?

>Chris and Tsubasa won't share the screen even once in S4

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It's all about Maria/Tsubasa now, anon. You cannot escape this fact.
Sword Acceptance has moved on and there's nothing that can be done except hope Maria becomes a woman worthy of the third best girl in the series.
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It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a flood of ChrisxTsubasa fanart during S2.

Now I'm wondering if they will just have Chris play mom/big sister to Kiri and Shirabe
Given Tsubasa is just playing Senpai to Chris and now Chris is doing that to DMJii, I wouldn't be surprised if DMJii started playing Senpai to Elf9
who won
Chris needs more lewds.
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Elf9xBridge Bunny doujins when?
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Tsubasa already has it in her hands.

I know they want me to fap but I can't not see Maria suffering from massive anxiety and fear.
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And the most important part in my opinion.
The flag.
worst character ever written
>ur a hyprocrit for saying you save people becuz some guy in iraq died sum time ago so you didnt save him
>boring non personality
into the trash forever
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Bikki butt.webm
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What is this?
Why is all the Symphogear fanart so disgusting?
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The fuck are you talking about?
I'm not talking about legit bad art, but disgusting shit like >>141842102
Why are you in a Symphogear thread if you only like dudes?
the visual effects in this transformation always makes me think she gets a spanking
fuck lightbeam censorship
I want to pat the Wing's head and tell her she's a good girl.
>tfw S4 and S5 already on the road
>more and more newfags might come in symphogear threads to ruin shit
>they'll never know the love and grace of our Lord and Savior Mizuki Nana
Why are you so gay?
>Stop liking this i like!!!
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Embrace the lewd.
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I want the next villain to be based on Walt Disney (the dude), no more europoors please.
I think it's because the characters' designs are comparitively complex and hard to draw, and there is already plenty of official art.

The real question is why does /a/ keep saving bad fanart? Don't they have any standards?
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Shit the hype when that happened was insane
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What constitutes bad fanart?
Usually it's either poor proportions, poor perspective, poor composition, or just a bad idea.
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Hibiki's everything is her charm point.
Not her dad.
>things I don't like
Got it, I will make sure to keep saving and posting things I like.
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chris floating.jpg
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Just educate yourself and that will work.
He's just excess baggage, hopefully he has been dealt with for good (less screentime in the future).
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what the fuck bitch LISTEN TO ME.jpg
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>says don't avert your eyes
>didn't even clear up the scary blood from your face
GX was really wacky.
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it doesn't have to be flour.jpg
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I still feel bad for laughing at this every time I see it.
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Chris had a hard life.webm
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I love Aoi!
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I want to give senpai the keys to my apartment so when I get back I can have a bro to play cool as fuck games with.
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I love Nana and Aoi!
Only way for Symphogear to be redeemed is the villain to be a hand to hand fighter that fucks everyone up via pure skill.
>Genjuro is the one who defeats the final boss

I dig it
>Ignite was literally fucking nothing
Remember when we were still worried about using dainsleif being dangerous? Remember when we still believed in episode nana?
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This sword really isn't cute.
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It depends on her mood.
If you piss her off, the wing is totally not cute.
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She is a girl, blood shouldn't be that unnatural to look at.
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well rounded.png
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The sword is rude and crude.
>Do you see this motherfucker?
>This is my Hibiki
>I bet you wanted to touch all this phonic gain
>Too bad, fuck off
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ms paint translation presents.png
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She just lacks common sense due to bad parenting. It's not her fault her life was pretty much shit to start with.
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This is your new protagonist.
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>Aoi Yuuki will never call you onii-chan
>Aoi will never [insert word here] you
Every time.
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Kaban No Kakushigoto is too cute. Just like Miku herself.
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Who GENOCIDE here?
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This nigga right here
best lesbians
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Is it normal to take so many photos of a friend like this? Seems to be a bit off, and you never see she doing the same to her other friends...
Yes, if she is a girl-friend.
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That's because they're really really good friends.
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It's normal if you're "friends".
Its really odd that despite being mocked since 2001 (puni puni poemi) the archetype of the lesbian friend would go on to become so big
She's my wife, dess
>tfw no really close friend to fingerbang with at 2am
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She's everybody's wife, Dess.
What I'm saying is Shirabe's a slut.
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The shoulder-ride was funny but I want an actual combination attack in S4/5.
Not sure why Chris has not fired Hibiki out of a cannon for a punch yet seems obvious.
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You can't trick me mantis people
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GX was fun
that is one long assfinger
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I legitimately like G-bate Ignited
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cannot unsee now, fuck
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No geah is safe from lewd, especially not Elfnein.
But anon she doesn't have the sex parts
Before merge, no
After merge, we don't know but will assume yes
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So? You can always make one yourself.
She's the kind of idiot you'd die to protect.
She does now.
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>finally getting a Symphogeah game
>it's mobage shit
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For you.
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Mamacat is useless but still cute so she's okay.
Oh, it is?
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>so... this is the world of Symphogear
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I hope they start killing off characters next season so it doesn't turn into Nanoha where the cast infinitely expands and no one gets screen time.
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nana level shopping skills.png
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it won't happen, r-right?
Post this in the Sy/m/phogear thread m8.
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But we already killed off the dolls.
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But there's gonna be a whole new set of antagonists and useless Maria will get wasted screen time. I'd take the dolls over Maria any day of the week.
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>boy geah is introduced
>says he wants to tell Hibki something important after a fireworks festival in episode 9
>he is never seen or heard from again
>boy geah
I just puked a little.
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>turns out he's a girl all along
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>hating on this
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L O N D O N.png
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How can our eyes be anime if this isn't anime?
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I want dolls for christmas!
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I want a sword for christmas.
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pls go
First season delivered what could be expected of it.

Then it rapidly grows a world left unexplored.

The third season lacks the middle half and a good chunk of the cast is thrown under a bus.

Dog Days.
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Hey. Even if she's weak Maria does her best effort.

Also Best Mom.
Macross Triangle is the Symphogear of the season.
WTF!? Goddamnit Hibiki, think of your mom you selfish brat!
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>Drama of Season 4
>How can you be a hero of justice if your mom is in the jail for killing your dad?
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>you will never rape elf9
>Implying anyone would be concerned about topdad
I would, he was top comedy material and made me feel better about myself. I just wish they had played him more for comedy than for drama.
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chris wedding4.jpg
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I'm going to marry Chris!
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scheming genki idiots.png
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>Macross â–½
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handfuls of zenbu.png
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The wait is killing me. ATX is marathoning the series on the 12th and 19th so maybe we'll get info then.
Clean this up what is this amateur work.
You sound pathetic
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She's fine
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Where's her wife
'Dessing about
Wouldn't make a difference if she was in the show or not.
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Choose your Gear.
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Every fucking day. Every single fucking day this little faggot just sits there and gives me this stupid look on her face
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>tfw you have a physical copy
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Picking best hero of course.
I want either this or a Musou.
I was expecting him to throw her out the Window at the end. What the fuck is wrong with me?
>Tfw you will never have a physical copy of Zenbu
The daki isn't enough
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Who can stop Miku's ever-growing homolust?
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kyaroru elf9.png
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You'll get neither.
Finé's bitch slaps are the only way, but she's kill for good.
Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the handholding pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to attend their wedding.
I know sadface
Considering that Symphogear attracts two of the absolute worst crossboarders on this site (/u/ and /m/) it amazes me that the threads can still be decent.
>two of the absolute worst crossboarders on this site
Pretty sure those are still /pol/ and /mlp/
Don't forget about /v/.
I see you weren't around for GX threads
>he don't wnow how cozy symphogear threads are on /m/
>/u/ shit
>futa shit
>off topic
>people that complain that it's not /m/
Those are the least of your problems when Crack-kun is busy sperging out.
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>absolute worst crossboarders on this site

Onee-sama please.
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/pol/ is the worst but /mlp/ sticks to their own board.
>didn't apply the knee-between-thighs pin
/u/ needs to step up their game. They let that one get away.
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Crack-kun is still alive?
Why did you have to summon him.
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Not really but they have improved since I bulled people out that though GX wasn't shit.

>le /pol/ bogeyman

Someone saying nigger faggot does not mean they are crossboarding m8 stop being new.
GX wasn't shit, just a few important episodes of it were.
/pol/ please, no one gives a shit about saying nigger but you really need to calm down on shitting up other boards with political tangents no one fucking cares about.
GX isn't shit.
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1MB, 2560x1440px
>pretending /pol/ isn't cancer
At least /pol/ is funny as heck. /u/ is just plain annoying.

>>141861841 12:29:40
>>141861870 12:30:16

Timestamps, Cracky. Now take your pills.
Not having alca-grape-kun was a mistake.
>He thinks it's impossible to post multiple times in 60 seconds.
>/pol/ is funny as heck
If you're a 13 year old, it is.
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How? We just love lesbians. Why are you so mean to us, onee-sama? Have a macaron.
Welp, thread is fucked now. See you lads next time.
Here is your response come back to /m/ if you want to try and pretend it wasn't garbage.

Never said is wasn't but if you think there of some secret division of their posters sent out to make posts that offend you you're just retarded and terribly new. /u/ is far worse in this regard as they actually pull that kind of shit and troll threads.
During G everyone called her like that because she was an angry piece of shit.
Is there a normal image of them in that chibi form?
Yup. It's pretty great.
>We just love lesbians.
Right just like /pol/ "just loves politics."
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Thanks, I take they are inspired by pic related?
>secret division of their posters sent out to make posts that offend you
>/u/ is far worse in this regard as they actually pull that kind of shit

That's hilarious, 'nee-chan. Also, unless "posts that offend you" is anything that expresses enjoyment of yuri, I can't see it.
If you were to even visit /pol/ you would know that /a/ fucks with /pol/ far more than the other way around.
That crack doujinshi with Miku, Hibiki and Chris was actually pretty good.
Yurifags actively destroy threads with their garbage.

It's not really even crack since the Tsubasa pairing is dead.
Not even. At this point even twitter normalfags know that smug anime faces trigger people for some reason.
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Mods = Gods. You guys were quick this time.
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Butts are love.
Miku was Chris' first friend which is enough for porn anyway.
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Just so we're clear, you know of the existence of janitors, right.
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Indeed, it's an OT3 I can actually see working. Both Hibiki and Miku dote on Chris.
Her first friend was half the population of south america.
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Glad someone capped that moment. Thanks man.
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Maria killed the pairing dude and Miku and Hibiki both clearly want the Zenbus have you not even watched the show?
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Butts are life.
Cute pout.
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Officially supported OT3.
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That is fucking sick man. Mods please ban this handholding filth as well.
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Everything will be okay, as long as everyone is nice to each other!
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Why not just ignore them instead of ruining the thread even more?
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I have copious amounts of evidence Chris is DTF Hibiki.
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You are watching that through Miku's eyes though.
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chris blush.gif
2MB, 480x270px
I want to melt the snow

tfw some anons will die before s5 is out and you might be one of them
>some fans might not live to ee the higher budget bikkibutts

There is no justice left in the world.
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Mah nigga.
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Why do you want Chris to be alone anon the crazy tentacle monster stole Sword away so it can't be helped. There is plenty of high quality fan art to choose from.
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Thats it Im dead.jpg
105KB, 950x800px

Why do people get so pissy when it comes to yuri shipping?
Any other anons here go to the live show this year?

Carol is shit but Genocide was easily the best live performance.
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You ask him
Chris isn't a shallow degenerate she had a hard life and deserves to be happy. It's not my fault she is clearly eyeing Hibiki's charm point every chance she gets.
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>not posting the canon version
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It's ironic because none of the characters are gay.
What are they gonna do in the bed?
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Cif4_6LUgAAmOAA.jpg orig.jpg
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I wish I was Hibiki in this situation
Melt the snow.
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>it's fitting because all of the characters are gay

I wish I was Chris in this situation
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2MB, 2000x1333px
Needs a pomf-equal-sign-three edited in.
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Why are you so mean to me?
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There's no niggers on my country.
Close friends.
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Best papa-daughteru combo? It's enough to warm a disillusioned anon's heart.
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2MB, 1920x1080px
VERY close friends
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>Genjuro will never be your father-in-law
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Genj better do something in S4
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Which doujin is this
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This part of the OVA's clearly proves they all share time together and probably they share the same bed sometimes.
>Best guess for this image: cartoon
Any of you guys know if there are any other symphogear mmd models or something? I can only find one for hibiki, and I was thinking of porting it to gaems
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charm point.jpg
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It's Symphogear.
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DESSed to DESS.jpg
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It's the official manga which is why crack-kun fighting it is so funny. Also go back to /m/ unyon poster.
Yuri na Watashi to Akuma na Kanojo
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>he reads a manga based on an anime
>gender bender

Thanks anyway.
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every thread until you like it.jpg
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Is good.
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u wot m8 mizuki.png
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>Not liking gender bender
By the way i hope this happen to Chris with DMJii.
I was looking at some random pages, maybe I will give it a chance later.
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Because it's fun and easy
I'm not shitposting I'm posting the cutest pairing

Figures DMJiiFags would be against reading
Report again.
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>liking gender bender
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Can gays make more gays?
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You're a bit off there
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>dess dess'd

pretty easily, thanks
All I got is Zenbus sorry
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Yes. Human evolution at work. Soon the whole species will be beautiful lesbians having more of the same. A glorious future awaits.
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I wish I had a Zenbu
Can i touch your zenbus?
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This is all me
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Not unless your name is Hibiki.

You've been replying to different people as the mods.
Nude x Clothed is so fucking hot.
>3 Marias
For what purpose?
I know right. Not nearly enough.
Because some autists apparently think Maria and Maria with a cape need to be completely separate characters apparently.
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The little fist that could.
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How can you accuse others of samefagging when doing it yourself
Different fighting styles.
Hey ack legit question, do you ship TsubaMaria or TsubaChris
You mean Gungnir Maria and Gimped Capeless Gungnir Maria
Don't try to understand a retard's mind, just report.
Just do it like Melty Blood then where you select a character and then their fighting style, then you would only need Maria once in the roster while still letting you play with each "version".
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I shipped HibiChris from the very start, so I was and am fully supportive of TsubaMaria. Really glad Tsubasa got such a wonderful wife.
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I regret not watching this show for lower plots.
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Tsubasa x Ogawa
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Anyone got the Season 1 version of pic related? (if it even exists)
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chris bikini butt.jpg
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Might as well have S1 Tsubasa, S2 Tsubasa, S1 Hibiki and so on.
And why the fuck aren't Berserk Hibiki, Serena and Nehustain Chris when the actually deserve a spot.
Fuck this shit is making me mad, I'll make me own game one day. AND IT WILL HAVE ONLY 2 MARIAS!
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197KB, 597x2258px
Close enough.
There isn't one
That's still three too many.
Her rising up off the seat was my borner after seeing this. This show needs more doujins.
Do you have schizophrenia
>only two
Gungnir Maria
Capeless Gungnir Maria
Galaxy Cross Maria
Airgetlahm Maria
Berserk Airgetlahm Maria
Dark Maria

Yeah, I count six.
S1 chart is just a bunch of anus jokes, i don't think someone still have it tho.
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Closest I got is this.
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3MB, 2630x3334px
Well I have season 2.
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1MB, 1800x1200px
Miss me yet?
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99KB, 600x811px
Eh, good enough.
>not loli Maria in Ig-alima
>not loli Maria in shul-shagana
>not Solomon cane Maria
>not Gilgamesh Maria
>no pretend Fine Maria
>no mental ward Maria
I hate Maria and hope she dies
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Bikkie Tanoshii red.jpg
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At which episode will S4 go full tanoshii?
>wanting Tsubasa to go through her S1 arc again
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edgy carol.png
2MB, 1280x720px
C-careful with that edge, Carol-chan!
Chris will comfort her as it should be
2 seasons! we need some filler.
Even if G isn't my favorite it will always have the best chart GX was so forced by mid way.
Implying Chris won't say Bang! and then the screen goes "See you space zenbu"
Just looked up the source of that pic and got cancer, thanks.
>comforting anyone besides hordes of mexicans
Carol 2hu game when?
How do you think she learned how to comfort?
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You think she's into butt stuff?
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For Shirabe, she'll do anything.
Live 2016 bluray WHEN?
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>he hasn't already seen it
It wasn't recorded.
You lie.

You're lying, right?
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Are you fucking my ass?
End of the year if we're lucky. If not, well at least sooner than BEEF STROGANOF CD.
No, wanna hug? maybe some cuddles?
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Miku, she got to see that Bikkibutt
Depends, are you chris or shirabe?
Anon pls. Next you're gonna say that Nanoha is making a comeback with new series featuring loli Nanoha and Fate as battling idols.
Even better i'm a ugly mexican! would you?
>i'm a ugly mexican
Well since you fucked Chris already, cuddling with you is like having second hand cuddles with her.
Beggars can't be choosers. So I guess.
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That's the spirit.
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>tell me your secrets
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>not just seeing it for yourself
If I had the freedom to do so, I would have done.
>they won't pick up the memes
>no more charm point
>no more ZENBU
>no more DMJii
>no more buzzkill
>no more topdad

Though the show itself is killing some of the fun, too.
>no more John Wayne Vercingetorix
>no more GENOCIDE
>no more jam since S1k

I can only hope the hero returns, elf9 picks up the mantle, and Satelite once again decides that it's normal for people to leak thick blood from all known orifices and also a few new ones.
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80KB, 1236x695px
We can hope.
I want the autoscorers to come back in S4.
Garie and Micha would be good enough for me.
>there's no big ass cameras around
Confirmed wasn't recorded.
Yeah the other two didn't have as much personality as Garie and Micha did.
There is the third movie coming out. It's called Reflections and quote "won't feature previously animated content".
They probably only recorded one of the two nights.
I think they were shilling BDs for it one of the nights.

It would be sad if anons did not get to hear a 2016 version of First Love Song.
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loli Tsubasa a best Tsubasa.jpg
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I still need to catch up with S3.
Just skip it
>not liking GX
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Ci5sQ-fVAAAuuXF.jpg orig.jpg
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You should hurry up, GX is the best.
Stop after episode six.
Just remember, the dolls make everything okay.
I would fuck all the geahs pretty hard desu
>Shirabe changed her gendum for a fucking roomba
You should blame Fine who thought the ultimate combination of Shul Shagana and Igalima would be a giant UFO made out of blades.
Their asses are built Ford tough.
I want to hatefuck Maria!
I want to lovesex Bikki!

"Maria, draw me like one of your French girls."
I want to be dominated by Fine, have tender loving sex with Maria and rape Carol.
I want to fuck Carol and make her call me papa!
>spanish subs
Of fucking course
I want Carol to turn me into an autoscorer rapeslave and serve as her pet!
yuri is my life
But that's gay, anon.
Miku plz
Shirabe rims that Kiri-butt daily.
She will thou since Kanade is coming back as an enemy and Tsubasa will now have to choose between her and Maria.
Who is nana, and why does she will it?
Don't forget to listen to her song.
This is a fair enough point even if Maria is the worst girl and is actively trying to ruin the show.
Zerker biki would need her own character as well though.
>liking GX
>Those dimensions
My septasides
Nana wills it.
Or like Nu-13 in BlazBlue Chronophantasma and switch between movesets with a input code.
I want to have sex with that transformation sequence.
Same with Mikugear transformation.
>tfw DD used to be fun
>tfw DD'' was just pure shit
At least it has Rico and Nanami.
>Anon pls. Next you're gonna say that Nanoha is making a comeback with new series featuring loli Nanoha and Fate as battling idols.
That sounds way better than Vivid.
Nana is the best.
Can I breed with Nana?
If you have the courage to fight against one million crazy fat sickos, why not?
I hope Yukarin to be the last boss.
>Remember when we still believed in episode nana?
They're the ones that said it was episode nana where nana 'did a lot of screaming.'
They couldn't have lied more.
This was a good thread.
Fuck that guy who lied about that shit.
Hibiki is the sun.
But Shirabe is the Moon.
Thread posts: 480
Thread images: 251

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