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This is you wife tonight.

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Thread replies: 81
Thread images: 43

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This is you wife tonight.
You mean forever.
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It's been a long time since I wanted something animated this badly.
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I like her new artwork.
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Is Tamamo the biggest meme waifu of Fate?
She is giving a lewd look. Even though she is used goods I'd marry her!
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Sorry, but I'm already taken.
>brown hair
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I don't care at all. She is cute as fuck and I would be really satisfied to make her happy.
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Scathach 11.jpg
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>Not her superior dirty red sister
>Not her superior Scathach clone

It's like you are not even trying.
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Isn't the point of her character that she's really easy to keep happy?

>pat her on the head occasionally
[happy ear wiggling intensifies]
It's a shame she's bottom tier amongst 5 stars. Tamamo CAT actually ends up on more teams despite being 4 stars because lolberserkers.

Liz is also a low tier 4 star. She was my initial roll and I stuck with her for a long time, though.

Cute Extra girls get no love from GO.
She will act like she is the happiest wife in the world, but it's only an act. You'll need way more than headpats to make her fall for you.
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She is low tier in most case because Waver is a fucking great support, but within the right team composition (Jeanne, Vlad, Void Shiki or Nero Bride) she actually outshine Waver and turns a great team into an unkillable NP spam machine.
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Such as?
Her olev stat is overpowered, though.
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You mean my wife forever?
You can keep her.
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Thread soundtrack, as always.
But I faped to her last night. I just wish she had a better model I could use for VR.
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Casko golden.png
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Who the fuck is this character? I remember her clothes from a Skyrim mod but that's about it.
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Tamamo no Mae, the Caster classe Servant from Fate/Extra.
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I'm sure if you don't ignore her advances like Hakuno does, she wouldn't have to act.
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She will always put the perfect happy wife act, you need to be special for her to drop it.

But what if I want her to be my happy wife but it not be an act?
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What would be her "real" personality, then?
More "evil", she is willing to do anythig and everything for the one she loves, even is it means for her to become a monster. She also sort of despise herself for killing many human during her life time, even if she is mostly innocent.
Yeah, I don't think I'd want that. Neither would she.
>drawn by takeuchi
>instant saber-face
Like a pottery.
I reject.
There is only one wife I want, and Tamamo isn't her.
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I'm not a furfag.
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Sorry anon but this is Wadacro's design, pic related is Takeuchi's.
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Why is she so great

What kind of idiot get hitched for only a day? That unnecessary alimony disputes you're bringing yourself.
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What ?
And if you really don't like her fluffy tail and ears, she can get rid of them.
>she is willing to do anything and everything for the one she loves, even is it means for her to become a monster.
but only if her master's intentions are good.
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It's okay if you don't respond to bait. You'll be fine, I promise.
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i am not worthy
nor will i ever be worthy
>but only if her master's intentions are good.
This is necessary for her to fall in love in the first place.

Yeah I shouldn't have responded.
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Just don't be a dick, that's literally the only thing she asks for.
If you want to talk about meme girls look how many versions of there of saber.

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We like both Fox and Cat, right?
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Still missing MHX, Santa Alter Saber and Saber Alter Lancer.
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Retard Cat.jpg
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A cat is fine too.
Mostly Fox.
I should have expected that.
Cucks Hakuno with GO MC, slut.
Used goods.
She literally turns down the GO MC in her valentine event.
You expect too much from posters like that to know anything.
Real her is said to not be likely to answer summons in the first place, 9 out of 10 times she might hate humans if summoned.
[citation needed]
Really, I'm curious.
She's said like a dozen times before that the real her is likely malevolent, rather than the nice side of herself that you summoned. Here's an example of her saying the summoning could have easily gone a different direction.

I'd rather have Nero
Nice one.
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Can I have this Caster instead?

>wanting a monster that betrayed and murdered her family

How about no?
My nigga

Nero is best Fate/Extra

Tamamo is too heavy with the pandering
She was being controlled. It wasn't her fault.
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>Chiwawa Saito
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And Nero isn't?
Nero was true love, not fake fox love.
Its like Kohaku

You start playing Tsukihime and "Oh man what's this smiling overt bitch about, I know what she's like automatically, genkishit. Fuck that, Hisui is clearly the correct choice, since she's true kuudere"

Tamamo seems overt, there's a layer or two underneath it though that you don't see. Also like Kohaku, they become more flanderized joke characters later on just a bit

It's kind of stupid that Servants somehow establish singular romantic relationships with only one master across literally infinite timelines.

Different Grail Wars should summon different Servants, with no memories of prior wars or prior masters.

It's really stupid and nonsensical otherwise.

Berserker Tamamo is straight up evil, and IIRC it's implied almost every other class is the same due to her being an anti-hero, not a real hero.
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Taking her out to dinner at a nice restaurant? Couples book reading (sounds annoying, but is actually comfy af)? Take baths together with candles and bath oats? Tennis? Sleep in a big bed with your wife (her)?
Get creative.

Nero doesn't bend herself to conform to anyone else's ideals. She's an unabashed slut who will sleep with anyone and fulfill every fetish in existence, no matter how disgusting. Unlike Tamamo, who bends over backwards to be a flawless waifu, Nero is risky because in all likelihood, you are not going to be the best lover she's ever had. In fact, you won't be in her top ten. Or top one hundred. You probably won't even top some of the animals she's fucked.

Nero isn't very pandering at all. She's pretty psycho and has a bit of autism.

Holding both hands.
>Berserker Tamamo is straight up evil

Far from it, nutbag. She's offbeat and strange in the head, but not really evil at all. She's very attentive of her masters needs and wants to help around the house as much as possible. Although she is very wild and animalisitc regardless. You can read about her personality here.


Is she evil? Probably less evil than normal Tamamo, who is neutral evil alignment. I don't know where you got any of that.
I'm already in love. Don't do this to me.


Well fuck you too, asshole. Like it or not, she's fucking evil. Otherwise, her alignment would be neutral or good. She hates people. She fucking says it outright.
>She hates people. She fucking says it outright.

Says the opposite though, she's a house cat by nature who doesn't hate anyone. She's just berserker because she's feral and wild.
Nero is my waifu forever and always, but I never understood why so many people want to try a shitposting war between fans of Nero and Tamabros. Even if you prefer one, the other is still great.

Tamamofags are insufferable, especially in the fucking drawthreads.

They deserve every criticism and insult towards their waifu that they incur.
What do you mean? I don't go into drawthreads often Since when I ask for Nero art I'm ignored most of the time.
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Why choose?
It's my delusion, so I'll enjoy delicious smugness and touch fluffy tail simultaneously.
Fuck the system.
Nice sourcing you got there. Also grow thicker skin.
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