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Madoka Magica

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Thread replies: 537
Thread images: 197

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We're getting a happy ending this time around, right?
Right guys?

Homura will ruin everything again. It's in her nature.
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"this time around"
what do you mean?
Yes, it'll be a happy end followed by a timeskip 20 years in the future where Madoka has a husband and they have two kids.
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But you already got your happy ending.
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I may have bad new for you.
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>implying she "ruined" anything
Not sure I like that look Homu's giving me
Homura doesn't look to happy to me
If it includes Mami, it's not bad
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I might not even be Mami. It might also be Sayaka.
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I want to stick my dick in crazy.
What about Mamis Everyday Life?
Is there a new movie or something?
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I want to stick a spear in you.
Of course she's happy, she got everything she wanted.
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Except the ability to be around Madoka.
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It depends on Urobuchi and Shinbo.
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She's closer to her now than she was at the end of the series!
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And fans.

I'm off. Bye.
All the tripfags are already gathered. Should only take a few posts until ACK appears.
If your definition of happy is they'll all live fulfilling lives, be friends with one another, and eat cake and drink tea at the end of the day, then no.

If your definition of happy is Madoka giving up her family and friends again, but now having Homura to share the eternal burden as the law of cycles together as wife and wife, then most likley.
She's suffering on the inside, but claims she's fine with it. Madoka wouldn't want her to suffer though.
I'm hoping for a happy end for the two best girls.
Madoka put her there to start with.
Hence why it's Madoka's responsibility to save her from herself. Madoka would be a terrible friend if she didn't try to put in as much effort as Homura did to sve her. Maybe she can be the protagnist in her own fucking series for once.
Why did you quote me?
... What?
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Is Mami a best?
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Calm down, senpai. Take a chill pill, no need for this level of hostility
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>Rebellion had Nut Cracker motif
>New movie has Swan Lake motif
Well, it looks like we'll atleast get MadoHomu.
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Meant for >>141365676
Mami a best indeed. Wish she wasn't paired with a cardboard character that was ony created for fan pandering.
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>Cardboard character that was only created for fan pandering.

When did they pair Mami with Mami?
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Homura being around Madoka might awaken Law of Cycles.
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Madoka should just settle down and enjoy her life in the cage.
That was unnecessary and you know it.
Those are two different people, friend.
Just let us post in peace.
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Rude, Mami is a good girl.
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Not more unnecessary than Mami
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>Madoka regains her pwer when close to the dark orb
>Dark orb constructed with part of Madoka's power and Homura's soul gem

So it's pretty obvious that Homura is now the other half of the Law of Cycles, right?
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Kyouko a lewd
That's dumb.
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Why are you so mad?
I agree anon. But Homura will be sad until Madoka tells her it's okay.
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We all have autism, why can't we just united to become an unstoppable force in the world?
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You do know that you don't fool anyone with your samefagging because your typing style looks exactly the same in every post you make, right?
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That's her natural state so it's fine.
You're the cancer killing Madoka threads. Stop ban evading.
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Is it wrong?
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Go away, no one likes you.
So this is what we've come to...
I thought ACK was a KyouSayafag.
Didn't we just do the exact same thing yesterday?
>the ride never ends
He's just fanatical about canon pairings and does this in threads for every show with hints of yuri.
Yeah he is more into kyousaya though.
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No, but she is very powerful.

Can you not.

>yfw ACK-kun like boku no pico
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Do you need proof that the sky looks blue?
God damn relax. It was a joke.
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Makes sense that braindead retard has shit taste
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Thanks for, most of the time, containing ACK, madoka generals.
You have to get me out of here
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Why is she such a masochist?
>tfw missing on your amazing full page rants
Truly terrible, indeed.
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Holy kek
This is now ACK's theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyC7WBuyQYo
Yes. Madoka will murder Homura and create a happy ending for everyone in a world where she can be a goddess (with a bf) and everyone else returns to normal.

Reminder that Madoka never loved Homura at all and never considered her a friend. Homura has literally, LITERALLY, never done a single good thing for anyone. She ruined Madoka's wish out of an abusive unrequited obsession. Madoka hates her. Homura ruined everything because she has no love in her soulless body, she deserves to suffer for once and DIE.

Madoka will enjoy killing her. Then she'll be happy at last. Madoka never needed Homura. Madoka regrets saving her.
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I am the people's champion.
>this time around
is there a new project
i thought urobouchi was busy playing with dolls.
Where do you people keep coming from? Try to keep up.
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Anti Crack-kun reminds of me of Nadeko from Monogatari. He can't let go of his delusions because that would mean admitting he is autistic, his opinions aren't facts and that there's several people who disagree with him. So he creates a illusory reality where the only person arguing with him and calling him retarded is his ultimate rival, his nemesis, the tripfag Akemi. He rather believe that his beloved tripfag has the time and disposition to change IP several times, change his typing style for each post, use several devices to fool the post delay and reply to himself in every thread just so that he can torment poor anticrack-kun while tricking people into thinking that he isn't samefagging at all, than believing that there's actually more than one person replying to him.

So it isn't that ACK can't see reality, it's more like he can't accept the reality he sees, so he creates an elaborate fantasy in his head to justify his preferences and way of thinking, and letting go of that fantasy would be the same as admitting he was acting like a autistic piece of shit this whole time, and that he can't allow.

Shutter Island asks the question of whether it would be worse to live as a monster, or to die as a good man, and in the case of ACK, the former will always be the better choice.
Madoka never loved Homura.
i thought that was an april fools joke
>i thought urobouchi was busy playing with dolls.
they're not dolls grandma they're puppets.
Well, you're probably stupid.
He's messing with you.
but they HAVE done a fake concept trailer in the past as an april fools joke , what you expect me to put my guard down after that?
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Madoka never loved Homura.
Mami thinks Homura is a disgraceful failure who ruined her life.
That one was so obviously fake, come on. And it was around for years.
The concept movie was screened at actual Shaft events, that's why I tell you to try to keep up.
Wouldn't he prefer to die as a hero?
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>all this hate
Why do you guys always have to be mean to each other?
Learn to love one another instead!
What a silly thing to say
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Mami is the worst. The worst!
Yes, I messed that up. It was supposed to be ''latter'' and not ''former''.
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Mami's pretty great.
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Madoka isn't gay. Homura became the embodiment of masculine power. The feminine eternal shaking up with the eternal masculine only makes sense.
Homura is canonically the worst. Madoka never loved her.

It's canon nerd.

Madoka will never care about Homura.
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Madoka NEVER loved Homura.

Homura has an unrequited abusive obsession with Madoka being her property.
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You take that back. Mami a best
You're the most unfunny shitposter I've ever witnessed. Saying the same shit at every thread has no effect on people and it isn't funny either. Try to change the repertory
>What is Mami Tomoe's Everyday Life
>What is Mitakihara Anti-Materials
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Who is best witch?
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>official ship of Jeb Bush
It's fact. I can't control fact. I will end degeneracy with facts.

>being this mad Homura is hated by all
I've been under a rock. Was the new concept movie confirmed to be a full movie like Rebellion, or are we getting a second season? Either way, I just want to see Homucifer vs Madokami on a fucking crazy "throwing galaxies at eachother" level.
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>"throwing galaxies at eachother" level.
like gurren laggan?
>Movie or season

Most likely movie. It looks pretty high budget and intense.

>Throwing galaxies

Fuck off shonen shit.
It's not really confirmed to be anything yet, aside from we know it's going to be a thing.
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please clap.
Republicans have great taste as always.
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Anti-Materials is crypto MamiHomu. It's written by a fucking MamiHomu shipper.
Rude and mean

Oh. Well at least it's happening.


>Fuck off shonen shit.

Come on. A fight like Rebellion's Homu vs Mami would be fantastic if they put it on a grand scale with two gods clashing.
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Why anticrack-kun tries to hard?
>shonen shit.
isn't that at least a third of madoka's demographic?
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Why does it even matter? Crack or not, no pairing will ever be canon.
>Q: Is Homura in love with Madoka?
>Urobuchi: It is a very twisted love, but it is love nontheless. It is kind of scary to be honest.

>Q: Does Madoka like her back?
>Urobuchi: Madoka never loved Homura. From the beginning is was just Homura's obsession. It's that kind of tragedy of never being cared for that makes you evil. In this case, Homura is evil because no one has ever loved her or ever will.

>Q: That sounds horrible! (laughs)
>Urobuchi: Some people deserve loneliness. I think Homura is one of those people. (laughs)

Homura is not loved. Homura is a mess. Homura is a waste.
How do you think their first time was?
awkward , embarrassing and joyless.
First time I've seen this. Link to the article please?
Madoka hates Homura.
I think it was fun for both of them
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Madoka never loved Homura.
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>you will never have this much love for a tripfag
whats it like knowing i at least go outside instead of spending my whole day inside a room worrying about people's opinions on fictional characters over the internet
>hatting shipping cancer like you
i dont see you bitching in the mayoiga threads, you only pick on us cause we are low hanging fruit.
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So much love.
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For everyone!
Madoka never loved Homura. Madoka wants a husband.
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Why does this pairing trigger his crack sensors? Isn't it the Urobuchi approved pairing?
for first their time? no , it really is something they would have to work at for a while until it become enjoyable.
Why do you think Mami will be a central character in the new project? Because Madoka can't fight Homura. Her god tier powers are only applicable to witches, which Homura is not. She's a concept, not Gurren Lagaan.
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It's because it confirms that Mami a pedo
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so do you, you and me are equal in terms of cancer, nobody likes us, we wont amount to anything, we both spend time together on this board, its like we're meant for each other.
>Because Madoka can't fight Homura.
maybey she can use her feminine charms on her
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Everyone's first time is sloppy, but that doesn't mean it can't be fun
Anti-Crack-chan? ACC
Madoka hates Homura.

Madoka longs to send Homura to hell.
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Viewers at the actual event said her and Homura are standing way too close to each other for it not to be skinship.
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Looks like the global rule about the quality of posts really is useless. I mean, look at this thread and tell me if it isn't the epitome of garbage
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Reminder that Madoka and Homura will climb the stairs to adulthood next movie.
Madoka hates Homura.

Literally mind control and rape. Fucking sickening!

Didn't the viewers also say the outfits were showing off a lot more skin than what we've seen in Rebellion/etc?
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You didn't accused me of samefagging this time.
Only one of those is me, again
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They were refering to Madoka's new magical girl outfit. I dont know what they were talking about to be honest.
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Why is posting Madoka pictures in a Madoka thread bad? I'd be more than willing to discuss the show. I don't see how your spamming is any better.

>I dont know what they were talking about
>new outfit shows Madoka's shoulders completely

Absolutely haram. Maybe they saw something we didn't, or they're just a bunch of puritans.
The first concept movie is up on YouTube.
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Do you think Homura's going to finally go to Heaven, or is she going to have to die?
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No, I've seen the movie. They were saying that during the Tokyo event.
I mean it's more skin than she's shown before.
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Here's a ship we can all enjoy.
No, all the shitposts in this thread are mine. In actuality there's only two people posting here, me and you.

So if you're gonna quote me, at least do it right.
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Nigger what?
I don't think she'll die. Urobuchi already undid all the deaths in Rebellion so I don't see anyone dying again. Unless something crazy happens like everyone dying and going to Heaven.
That's not her magical girl outfit anon.
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Or maybe it's the stairs to suffering
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It's still pretty off topic to the thread. I'm not sure I've even seen you post any pictures either.
Yeah, Madoka has never had a crippling bad ending.


You're a fool if you think this will end well. I'm fucking calling it right now that either Homura or Madoka (or both) is going to end up dead by the end.
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Kevin is very loved.
Why does pink and red go so nicely together?
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Homu would be happy for this Het ship because NOPE. Madoka was born when Junko got pregnant as a teenager. It's the only way the ages work out. Mr. Kaname a chuckle cuckle.
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>He actually thinks that there's more than two people posting in this thread
No, he isn't. All tripfags are hated.
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mean and rude
>What is Swan Lake
They'll both "die" and ascend to heaven togetehr.
Actual best pair incoming.
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Would you a catbunny?
Because it's too much fun teasing you. If you didn't post I'd have no reason to do this. But you can't stop because you like it, just like me.
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Will the person who's entire arguments have been wiped from boards by the mods please stand up.

The rest of you post Madoka pics.
>Why is it so impossible to deal with you?
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detective mystery series never.
I don't even need to look through all this to know that this is relevant again >>>/wsg/1059012

!bebe and !PMMM are cool. Apple is a mixed bag since he enables Kevin and gets stalked by LoC
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Would I what? Barbeque him? Sure.
What's wrong with the pic I posted though?It's an official art.
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Crack posting isn't against the rules. If mods agreed the crack posters would get banned, not you.



I want to worship Homura's thick thighs.
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Very important poll here:

but i thought official images weren't considered shitpost?Why are you contradicting yourself?
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You've got a track record. You can stop any time. Keep calm and post Madoka.
>Mods have never banned people based on their personal feelings
>Mods have never banned people without caring for the rules
How new?
Homura is a good girl who deserves love and eternal salvation.
Except those aren't in the actual board rules for /a/. That's just power hungry mods that hate shipping of all kinds because they ruined their perfect SnK threads. Screencap Hiro saying something and we can talk.
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>you are still trying to use it to bait people. You trying to bait people is the action
Prove it.
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Homura is an evil monster who Madoka never loved and deserves death and eternal damnation.
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So you're turning against ACK too.
Time for an actually relevant poll. Of all the cancers killing meguca threads, which is the WORST?

If you get to many autistic people in a single location the caches of murder increase exponentially. The equation looks something like this
Y=(3(H+0.85)^(L÷1.15))(A÷300) where H represents the number of High functioning autistics, L represents the of low functionin autistics, A represents the total area in meters^2, and Y represents the multiple of the everyday chance that some kids gonna go apeshit and start the most pathetic mass brawl in the history of thin-skinned nerdom that such a gathering would require to actually determine the odds.
>I said that this mod is clearly doing it, so I don't know why you think that proves you are in the right.
You're posting the conversation of two hotpockets like it was proof or evidence of anything.
>earlier thread got deleted for being cancer and degeneracy
>this thread hasn't been deleted yet
Mods please
TDS is canon.
This is really dumb
Except those aren't the rules. Just because they don't like shipping doesn't mean they can delete threads. I'd be surprised if they are even still mods thanks to this picture.
Is that official art?
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>Crack has nothing to do with Madoka. No where in the series doe crack realtionships show up, thus you are not posting about Madoka.
Pic related also never shows up in the series. This means I can't post it?
Madoka being a cute trap is fine too.
Homura's a big girl
Madoka hates her.
You aren't getting it. I'm saying that the conversation of two mods are in no way proof, or even something that supports your argument about shipping since it's known fact that mods constantly do things based on their personal feelings. Of all people, you are one of the least qualified posters to use what mods say as evidence since you constantly shit on another mod for being a fag who abuses power.

>o you honest think the mod that stalks these threads is doing is job correctly?
Of course not. He would ban you, Homuhater and other shitposters if that was the case.
For you
This is what I call double standards.

What about this pic, I can't post it?It never happens in the series.
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Madoka just needs to eat out Homura already. Her sexual frusteration is really showing itself in the sequel.
>eat Madoka out

Anon stop. These two girls are too pure for such a lewd and depraved act.
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>Too pure

They're pretty lewd. At least Madoka is.
Madoka never loved Homura. That is Homura's true face, ugly and lovless.
Too bad Madoka already said she would love her no matter what happened to her.
Homu is a very lewd girl.
I want it, but my mother always tell me that I'm not stick in crazy, so no
Never happened. Madoka lied when she called her friend and intends to abandon her. She knows Homura is the embodiment of all evil without hope or love.
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you're the one that is causing the problem
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It's Madoka who initiated the mating ritual.
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>complain about madoshitpost general #20457
anon, these threads didn't have sense not reason anymore, so don't be salty
Someone posted a very lewd black and yellow in the earlier thread and I'm upset that no one ever provided a source.
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I want to lick that bulge
It's pheromones, Homura couldn't help herself.
>saying something that is accordance with the rules
It isn't in accordance to the rules though. In order to be efficiently applied, rules have to be CLEARLY stated, otherwise they can easily be twisted to accomodate the whim of other people, like it is happening right now. There's no rules on 4chan that explicitly say shipping is forbidden, the only way you could say shipping is bad is by using the global rule number 6 on your favor, but by doing that you would be opening precedent for people to ban several things they don't like. For example, I could easily twist global rule 6 to say that Fate threads and best girl threads shouldn't be allowed because the quality of posts in them is terrible. Not to mention that I could pretty much ban almost every Lain thread considering that people do nothing but meme post there.

>What kind of reasoning is that?
I just said that you shouldn't post that pic as evidence since what those mods said has as much relevance to me as what you're saying.
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>It depends on Urobuchi
Welp, we're screwed.
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>Art done by key animation director for Rebellion
>Shit-tier tumblr nonsense
I agree, but there's no rules saying that I can't post it.
Well, that's a matter of perspective. Like, you think that your posts are good and worthy of someone's attention, while I think they're garbage that do nothing but derail threads.

I could post several fanarts that never happened in the main series and by your logic, they shouldn't be allowed because it isn't canon.
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If you don't think there are mutual feelings of affection between Madoka and Homura then you're watching the show wrong.
The Urobutcher meme was based on Saya no Uta and his earlier days. None of his anime have ended horrifically and his two of his recent ones had full blown happy endings.
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No one cares about happy endings for Sayaka.
I big to differ.
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Do you
>It is CLEARLY stated. It is CLEARLY stated low quality posts are against the rules.
It is clearly stated that low quality posts are discouraged.
It is not clearly stated that shipping is considered a low quality post.
See the difference?

Same applies to my examples. I think that Lain threads, where people do nothing but repeat memes and quote parts of the opening, are the epitome of low quality posting, but I can't prove that because it isn't CLEARLY stated in the rules that posting tired memes and quoting an OP over and over again isn't allowed. That's just my perception of what shitposting is.

>You mean as evidance that pretty much everyone hates the crack shipping shit bags
>Two hotpockets
Yeah no.
Amazing how almost no one is in here when crack spamming meta kills the Madoka discussion.
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Fred Gallagher, of Megatokyo, couldn't finish the series, because he couldn't take all the Sayaka bullying.
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Except for Homura, ironically. She cares.
Happily by Kyouko's side is Sayaka's happy ending.
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Homura's too nice for her own good.
>Sayaka watches Kyousuke play in her death and sees the fruits of her wish
>Sayaka gets to be with Kyouko

I hope that bitch stops getting happy endings.
That's an interesting way to spell Homura
She is.
She's like an angsty, teenage girl that think's she's this "shadow of darkness and evil", then turns around and watches where she steps to she doesn't kill any of the bugs, or feels genuinely concerned when she sees someone upset.

Also Homura has a reason to be angsty

She just needs a hug, honestly.
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Does Madoka like feeling helpless?
>That's an interesting way to spell Homura
Nah, Homura belongs with Madoka.
Here's an idea though; stop shitposting and get off the web for a few days.
It'll do you good.
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>Let me hug you as I tell you why you irredeemably fucked up by letting me become a concept
how fucking ironic, same can be said for you.
It was exactly what she wanted to hear. Not that she needed to be told.
>Homura tricked Madoka into saying she regretted being a concept
This meme.
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But why?
I didn't say that. She didn't need to be told because it was something she already believed. Whether it was really Madoka's feelings or not doesn't matter at all to Homura, that's the point.
>Yes, global rule six.
Read my other post. Global rule 6 doesn't say state that shipping is prohibited, at most It implies, and as I said, rules have to be clearly stated in order to be really followed. You can't just leave things to interpretation and then expect that everyone will follow what you want.

>Nothing is EVER a matter of preservative. Ever.
Yes, it yes. In fact, I could argue that literally everything is a matter of perspective, even math.

>his is a cop out excuse retards like you try and use to get out of making valid arguments
No, is a valid statement that anyone who doesn't have the mentality of a teenager can understand.

>You can factually prove the absolute state of any topic or subject if you put enough into it.
No, you can't. You can't prove the existence of God. You can't prove that what we're living right now is real. And you can't prove that shipping is bad. What you can do, is present your argument and if it's good enough, you will convince people of your point, but this doesn't mean that your argument is a fact. It just means that it sounds logical to you and other people. Logic is based on personal experience and perspective anyway, so everything you a person says is subject to at least some sort of bias.

>While I have proven countless times how your posts are bad.
No you haven't. Read above. They're only bad based on your personal perspective/logic.

>No, because it's off topic, not the same thing. Try reading what people actually say.
Why shipping is offtopic but fan art isn't?Also, nice back paddling there, you did list not being canon as one of the reasons why shipping should not be allowed.
Oh boy, this isn't gonna be pretty
Why do you say that?
Have you really never had this conversation before?
Except it wasn't. At the end of the series, she accepted Madoka's wish. The point was Homura realized Madoka would never have had to make that wish if she hadn't fucked up in protecting her, which is true. She's well aware Madoka can and would make that wish.
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Yeah she accepted Madoka's wish so well that she burned out into a witch what, a couple of months later? If that?
do you ever just look at how much of a loser you are, it's so obvious that you are probably a virgin in your moms basement, your parents probably boarded up the door and you probably haven't even noticed because you don't want to step out of your room to go outside, i assume the only part of the outside world you see is outside that tiny little window above your bed, but you probably covered it anyway, its too distracting and it doesn't allow you to type autistic statements. I assume the only friends you have are the ones in that shitty debate club of yours, probably 1 or 2 that can even agree with you, better question is how can you even make friends when you think everyone on the internet is one singular person, as if just you and one person browse the internet. Its funny how you even managed to make a living for yourself as being a faggot who translates doujins, like how do you talk to someone without being looked as arrogant and repulsive, i mean come on dude, grow up already, go outside and get a girlfriend, anons here maybe degrading your shitty anime characters but all you're doing is degrading the youth you have. I haven't been on here for too long but ever since i showed up you have been here for far too long. why do you even continue to argue with people, nobody cares what you have to say anymore. all you do is complain like a man child because someone has a different opinion than you. You aren't debate at all, all you are is a bully on the internet who thinks that because nobody can see you over the internet, it can justify what you say and do. does it ever go through your head that not everything you say is right? I mean honestly jokes aside, you really do need to just stop being a bully and actually debate, you've been on here for so long that the word debate and bully have become so blended in your thought process that all you think is that you're debating and people are bullying you when its the other way around
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>you're just trying desperately hard to twist semantics in your favor
I'm not the one who's trying to claim that a rule as vague as ''quality of posting is encouraged'' CLEARLY states that shipping isn't allowed.

>By your logic nothing is low quality because the rules doesn't specifically state anything.
No, by my logic what is and isn't low quality is a matter of perspective. And it's up to mods and the rules to ban things that the majority of people consider low quality.

We're on a public imageboard, so public opinion matters. If enough people want something banned(and there's at least some sort of logic behind it), most of the time they will succeed in banning it. So if you've issue with shipping, go make meta threads, send email to mods or something, but screaming over and over again about it on Madoka threads won't solve the issue.

>it's literally none stop with him.
Stop replying to his fucking baits and maybe he will stop. Can you not see that people are just trying to annoy you?
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What is this relationship called?
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>Implying you can only despair by being sad

The last scene of the series is her going witch while fighting an army of wraiths.
I love how you cry over and over that if we would stop posting crack you would behave with the rest of us, but you throw more fuel into the fire. You don't seek compromise and don't even bother to tell me that you have, all you do is bully people into having to agree with you. There's no discussion or anything, its just shit being flung back and forth, you talk as if you're some kind of intellectual who knows everything there is about madoka magica, you think that because someone has an opinion it "degrades the character", who the fuck cares its a fictional character they aren't real, they probably are in your shattered reality where they probably encourage you to do what you're doing, but i feel like from the stand point of the creator he probably wouldn't give a flying fuck about what you do or say to the characters, and you know who else doesn't care? The so called characters that we supposedly degrade. There isn't any degrading of the characters, that's just your defense mechanism for your fragile mind that is kept together by this one anime that the creator doesn't even care much about anymore, rather he's more concerned about keeping himself alive in that god forsaken country known as japan.
And if we want to pretend Wraith Arc is canon, a wraith fucked up her memory and made her forget if Madoka was real or something she just made p.
Charlie, pls.
Were you at the back of the line when the line breaks were handed out?
No one wants to read your shit in a giant block of text
Press return every now and then
Madoka threads were a mistake.
That sounds really dumb
Madoka crack content are a mistake.
It makes sense. Homura said she forgot if Madoka was real or not. That doesn't really make sense in the context of the ending given Homura's deification of Madoka and Urobuchi referring to her as an evangelist in a new world.
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Yes, yes. I want Homuhomu to awaken my true character.

I saved the pic. Thanks!

>Apple gets stalked by LoC
No, he is just a shit.

No, TDS and Wraith Arc were written by Magica Quartet (Shinbo, Urobuchi, Aoki and Shaft).

I'm afraid of further open-ended. Yes, I know Shaft wants to make more money.. The more popular movie 4 is, the more movies Shaft wants to make.

MadoHomu 4ever!

ACK was a mistake.
Are you having a bad day anon? Because it seems like you care way too much.
It made plenty of sense for her to begin doubting herself as the only person in the world with those memories. Adding some extra magic bullshit to it just muddies the whole thing.
How come out of all the horrible things in the world, you are choosing to launch a crusade against a crack shipper on an anime board?
I presented this issue to you before, but didn't really get a straight answer.
Don't puppy mills piss you off?
How about corperations destroying the middle class?
Equal rights for woman?
Shit, I don't know, anything.
The question is: Is there NOTHING that is more worth your time than this?
It just perplexes me is all. You are obviously a very passionate person, and part of me respects you for that, but at the same time it's like... why THIS?
So.... why this?
I'm not saying you're wrong. Blame the inability of the fan base to understand things like that. There are still people who belive the "she tricked Madoka into saying it" meme.
>I literally JUST explained that going by your logic global rule six
I give up. It's like talking with a broken record.

>might as well not even exist because it doesn't specifically state anything as low quality.
Like I said(and you ignored)It's up to mods and public opinion to decide what is and isn't low quality when it comes to 4chan. If you've issue with the current state of things try to convince anons and mods that shipping should be banned, as it stands now, you're nothing but a single person screaming about your opinion.

>because you don't know how to argue.
I'm not the one throwing insults in the place of arguments though.
> present a statement as fact and in no way back it up.
This lack of self-awareness is staggering.

>is a valid line of reasoning.
Learn what subjectivity actually means.

>Yes, you can.
Prove to me that God exists, I'll wait.

>And I can as a matter of fact show there is nothing at all that prove god exists, thus meaning its factual state is nothing.
You're basically showing that the existence of God is a matter of perspective, thus proving that what you said earlier is wrong. Nice job.
Your quote:
>Nothing is EVER a matter of preservative. Ever.

>Kill yourself.
You look upset friend. Chill out.

>It would help if you actually read what was said.
Again, I give up. You're indeed a lost cause.

>thus degrading them, and making the content low quality.
You could say the same about lewd fanarts, it treat characters as objects and I didn't saw you complaning about them.

Man, it's hard to argue with someone who uses nothing but his feelings as evidence. Really tiresome.
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wrong thread and love live was better
Looks uncomfortable
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wrong thread and Nozoeri was better
what answer from who? Sounds to me like you are just dodging the question.
Anyway, I'll ask again. Out of all the other horrible things in the world... Why THIS?
I guess I'll just keep asking until you give me a legitimate answer.

>And tell, right now I'm fighting against a pedophile claiming he going to attempting to fuck children. Pretty good cause.
Yeah, that's something actually worth your time I guess. I don't have much details on exactly what you are talking about, but you should direct your passion towards more stuff like that rather than these Madoka threads. Because these discussion on these Madoka threads feel really pointless... don't they?

The anti-crack war just seems like a waste of effort for everyone involved. Feels like there are much more pressing things in the world that need to be dealt with, and it's rather short sighted to put your focus on THIS.

>Of course pretty much everyone hates you, so there it's never really just one person telling you off.
>Not to mention that you are literally ruining this whole fandom, that's a pretty good reason to for people to taking issue with you.
Indeed, we have established that I'm a terrible person and people hate me. Doesn't really answer my question about YOU though.
I assume we were all just posting pairs from separate series now.
That one is my second follow by KotoUmi and TsubaHono.
>Implying any of the ships are healthy
>Implying I look to anime for healthy relationships
>Implying MadoHomu isn't more believable than 80% of the canon het ships anime throws out
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Reminder that Homura called Madoka a two timer in an official work.
Why are you wasting your time with this shithead though?
Out of all the horrible things in the world... why THIS?
>Again, it is hilarious how bla bla bla bla
Man, change your repertory. Accusing everyone of being the same person when you've no way to prove it just makes you look like a idiot.

>"quality of posting" is not vague, it clearly states that low quality posts are against the rules, clear an simple. What's low quality is absolute.
>What's low quality is absolute.
You've no way to prove what post isn't and isn't of low quality, therefore it isn't absolute. How is that even hard to understand?And no, presenting a half assed reasoning isn't the same as proving something, retard. Einstein didn't prove the theory of relativity by screaming his opinions and presenting weak statements, he had to scientifically and mathematically prove that what he was saying was indeed true.

>>clearly understood by both the users and moderators
How is that a argument in your favor?If they're clearly understood, and no one is complaining about shipping, or is being banned because of shipping, then my point about shipping being permitted stands even more. Thanks again.

>Can you not see that is the exact reason you should be taking issue with it?
If you reply to obvious bait, you're just as guilty as the guy baiting you. By replying to shit-tier baits you're encouraging people to keep posting baits, therefore you're being part of the problem.
Nice, saved.
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I hate to do this, but I'm having a hard time understanding this post because of typos. Can you try rephrasing it please? I find it difficult to respond because I'm not 100% sure what you meant to say at some parts.

>Now not only is there not place to discuss the series,
The series can be discussed here. You tend to not want to do that though, and just start yelling at the crack shippers.

Here, I'll discuss the series with you. Which aspect of it would you like to discus? Any theories on the concept trailer you feel like getting into?
>your time with this shithead though
Why are are you giving fuel to his delusion?It's not like needs it.
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Does Homura "Homu" when you fuck her?
>Why wouldn't I want to protect and defend a place for quality discussion and content production in the fandom.
Of course you would want to protect it. I'd just think after a year you would come up with a better method.

>And it has been ruined thanks to you.
Yeah, and you helped me do it. It happened in a kind of roundabout way, but you spending hours upon hours arguing with me day after day as effectively ruined this fan base, because no one wants to shift through the walls of text we have created.

>Self moderation and userbase rule enforcement has also always been supported by the mods.
Then why is it your posts are usually the ones to get deleted? Hate to break it to you, but I don't think the mods support you.

Anyway, I still think this is an enormous waste of time. You could probably do more good in the world by protesting against puppy mills or something.
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Do you speak out your name when a man fucks you?
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Only after you mindbreak her.
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>No, you're basically saying victim blaming is a thing and it's actually the victim's fault.
So you're the victim? Then that means I'm the assaulter, and if the victim continuously provokes the assaulter, than the victim most definitely is partly to blame.

>It's because the mod does not bad people based on the actual rules.
Then why ARE you getting banned?
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Crash these threads
with no survivor
That's not Karin.
>See? Told you it would "trigger" you.
>replying means you're "triggered"
Nah, just responding to something not even directed towards me.
He who fights with imaginary monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.
>hey, stop attacking me
I recall the words retard, mongoloid, autistic, among others being used quite often
>Because the mod bans people based on his personal views rather than who is actually in the wrong.

Ok, what is that personal view he is banning you over, and how is it that I am also not offending this personal view of his?
I never pretend that this >>141375261 post wasn't mine though, that's just your having delusions as usual.

>were pretending to be?
I was arguing with you about two different subjects, but I'm not the person posting shipping/crack, that's what I said. Work on your reading comprehension skills.

>u call something half assed yet you can't even come close to proving it is. You literally do nothing but STATE everything you claim. You never go further than that.
I literally gave several examples, analogies and logical explanations to support my points, you either don't know how to read, or you're retarded, probably both. You're the one who keeps repeating the same shit over and over again without being able to support what you're saying.

You claim that what is and isn't low quality is absolute and yet, you can't for the love of your life post empirical proof to support that claim. And you also can't post empirical proof to support that shipping isn't allowed. All your points were already refuted several times, you just refuse to acknowledge that. And really, even if you think your points weren't debunked, you still didn't manage to prove anything you said, you just posted the reasoning behind it.

Get this straight, what you're presenting isn't absolute until you prove it is, and the only way you can do that is with empirical proof and not with statements that can be easily contradicted.

>Because it means the rules are not subjective
Nice job reading my post.

>be universally understood, that means it is absolute.
>It is written in the site so it must be absolute
>The rules are clear because the site says so
Sorry man, I quit. I shouldn't have tried. The very fact that we are arguing over the rules is proof that they aren't universally understood, clear or absolute. Dear God, what a retard.

Also, nice job ignoring what I said yet again. You don't deserve to be taken seriously
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>Self moderation
You aren't self-moderation anything though. Moderation implies that it has at least some sort of effect, when in fact everything you're doing is making matters worse. Why do you think even people who self-moderate have a policy against replying to obvious bait?Do you give attention to bait OPs or you report/sage them?If the first, then you're cancer.

If you want to self-moderate/make a point, than do so and go away, you already said what you wanted to say so why are you still trying?
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And you have spent at least as long fighting something that won't change, going on a crusade against the site administration, and completely destroying the ability of anyone to have a reasoned Madoka conversation. I like the canon pairings, indeed I prefer them, but your very existence is nothing but a bad joke.

>Nothing is a matter of preservative
I beg to differ. See pic.
A'ight, glad you got a laugh out of that.
Though you do need to watch who you're replying to.
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What's wrong with Karin/Fuu?
>And you are not getting banned because you take issue with people who are against crack over people who spam crack.
Can you prove this is the case? My guess is you are getting banned for another reason. I don't think you are getting banned simply for being against crack.
You are likely being banned for how you handle your dislike of crack, which is the real problem here.
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No, you are still pretending you aren't >>141372498

>I was arguing with you about two different subjects
Nice try, you're not fooling anyone. You replied to the same post twice at one point.

>I literally gave several examples, analogies and logical explanations to support my points
Feel free to go ahead and point these out.

>You claim that what is and isn't low quality is absolute and yet, you can't for the love of your life post empirical proof to support that claim
I have done so more times than I can count. So have other people, for example anonscans.wordpress.com

Literally spells it out from every possible angle.

>Nice job reading my post.
Thanks. I know.

>Also, nice job ignoring what I said yet again
Literally never happened. See how you still refuse to address that you only make opening statements and conjecture?

>being this upset and triggered
You're so mad. It's so funny.

>my god is a my little pony shippers who has medically diagnosed mental illness
Middle was me, Fluffs, actually.
It's fine.
Remove this thread, mods.
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The same thing that's wrong with every Karin pair. It's crack.

See how you literally REFUSE to actually prove something is an opinion and you just endlessly throw the word opinion around like it's your shield? That's what makes it obvious who you are.

Yes. Pic related.

Self admitted shitposters and troll goes 100% unbanned while only people who are telling him to spot shitposting get banned.
Yeah? Fluff anon said this >>141375924
Prove to me that the post from the pic isn't you samefagging.
For >>141376436
>The same thing that's wrong with every Karin pair. It's crack.
Off-topic but this thread's already meta enough.
Pairing her with Yuuna or Tougou aside, Care to elaborate?
Go to [8]ch. Find the /irc/ board. Go to that post, and read the thread. It's still active. Follow the post string and posting IDs and it is self evident.
Uh, there's not a single case every where she has romantic interaction with any character, duh?
>This pic
>Guy tried to get rid of one of the most annoying posters in the site
I don't see anything wrong with that.
No, the same as always. Everyone hates you.
>claims a person is the most annoying on the site
>refuses to actually give any reasoning and proof behind this statement
Where has this pattern shown up before?
>threads still up
It's crack, yeah, but it's harmless.
You once told me it was fine to pair a character with another so long as none have a respective partner.
Sorta how people pair a pair of friends.
You're right, no poster on 4chan ever made a statement without explaining himself. Your tripfag boyfriend is the only one who does this.
The only character who isn't paired off his Sonoko.
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>Usually only jerk it to MadoHomu
>All this crackship discussion
>Try MadoMami
>Love it
>Feel guilty for cheating on MadoHomu
>Dick doesn't care
I don't know why he keeps posting that image. It certainly doesn't help his case.
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>raging yurishitters everywhere after Rebellion
Right, and when repeatedly told they need to validated their claims it is totally the common reaction to just keep making baseless claims. You got it.
>Yes. Pic related.
uuummmmm.... That pic isn't from 4chan you fucking idiot. So no, pic is not fucking related.
>spot shitposting
Sonoko is lonely.
>complaining about yurishitters in a Madoka thread

Anon pls.
>majority is crack content spammed as a means to bait
>rarely any actual official pairings posted
Awful, ain't it?
Yeah, because no one ever tried to argue with you right?It's not like people are tired of trying because you refuse to acknowledge their points and think that your opinion is fact.
Why do you think it has to be from 4chan to contain information about 4chan you stupid fucking mongoloid.
I normally only fap to Homu or Mami. Doesn't need to be any specific pair, just having one of them is already enough for me.
You're fooling literally no one. You can stop.

No, it's you who refuses to accept that opinions aren't your cover all shield that prevent you from ever being wrong.

Hey, you got your empirical proof that crack is low quality and you ignored it.

Oh and you STILL refuse to prove anything I said is an opinion and will only call it an opinion then stop.
Why are you replying to yourself?
Leave it to /a/ to have awkward masturbating conversations.
>this thread will never die until the bump limit is hit because autsitc crack shitposter has nothing else in his life and will stay away for days just to bump his own threads
Isn't that, like, /most/ of what /a/ does?
we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.
You fucking idiot.
No wonder you think people don't acknowledge your posts, your comprehension is so fucking bad. You fucking 'mongoloid'.

So, I'll say it again, maybe your thick fucking underdeveloped skull will let it get through to you this time.

You are not getting banned for being against crack, You are being banned for how you handle your dislike of crack.

The way you handle crack is ruining these threads...

It's sad that you are too fucking dumb to understand how this is YOUR FAULT.
>oh b-but I'm teh one trying to help teh threads!
Please go away, no one wants your fucking help. Your version of help is the equivalent of sticking someone head in a microwave to 'help' them get rid of a brain tumor.
It's sad that you will never fucking understand this though, because you are too fucking stupid... That's it, stupid that's all I can say. I can't even excuse you. You are just fucking DUMB!
>crack shitposter thinks this behavior is acceptable
Welcome to the 'general thread' mentality
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So are you really just one of those anti-generalfags who wants to completely destroy these Madoka threads entirely, and have just found crackshipping to be a convienent method to do so?

Wow, if only that could work on those fucking Umaru threads.
>this post
Was this typed by a butthurt 12 year old?
>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.
Yes, and? What the fuck does that have to do with information from another site?

You didn't even go and look at it. It was in a thread for discussion about 4chan /a/'s moderation and the IRC logs.

What the fuck is wrong with you, other than being a crack spamming shithead who can't think straight.

>Your version of help is the equivalent of sticking someone head in a microwave to 'help' them get rid of a brain tumor.
I would pay so much money to be able to do this to you.

No, I'd be glad to have threads. Just not ones that are literally nothing but shit.
and actually, don't you find it strange that two separate mods BOTH don't want to deal with your shit? Hmmmm odd coincidence, don't you think?

Do you know the term 'least common denominator'? If not, go look it up...
...oh wait, nvm I forgot how mentally deficient you are so you won't even understand what I mean by that.

Fucking retard, please go away and stop 'helping' this fandom, because you are doing the opposite... I just wish you were smart enough to understand this.

Oh, here's another term for you to look up 'integrative complexity'. I know that one will definitely go over your dumb fucking head though.
>You're fooling literally no one. You can stop.
Why are you so retarded? I was the anon arguing with you before if that is what you're trying to say. Even then, forgetting spaces after periods is pretty common, you need to stop being paranoid.

>Hey, you got your empirical proof that crack is low quality and you ignored it.
Learn what empirical means, you fucking mongoloid.
>Empirical evidence, also known as sense experience, is a collective term for the knowledge or source of knowledge acquired by means of the senses, particularly by observation and experimentation
>The senses are the primary source of empirical evidence. Although other sources of evidence, such as memory and the testimony of others, ultimately trace back to some sensory experience, they are considered secondary, or indirect.[2]
>In science, empirical evidence is required for a hypothesis to gain acceptance in the scientific community. Normally, this validation is achieved by the scientific method of hypothesis commitment, experimental design, peer review, adversarial review, reproduction of results, conference presentation and journal publication. This requires rigorous communication of hypothesis (usually expressed in mathematics), experimental constraints and controls (expressed necessarily in terms of standard experimental apparatus), and a common understanding of measurement.

I'll only engage in another discussion with you when you give me actual empirical proof that shipping isn't allowed.

>Oh and you STILL refuse to prove anything I said is an opinion
You can't prove it, so it's just a opinion.
Yeah, I go the Homu route 99% of the time. I usually go with MadoHomu because Homu is vanilla as fuck in those.
>person is blatantly shitposting
>second part says "hey, stop shitposting"
>first person goes "lol xdd u mad dfur ufurr lol maaad! spamms crack until image limit"
>second party gets banned

Please tell me what drugs you take that was I can go get some as well. Because they must be pretty strong for you to think your reasoning is rational.
>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.
>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.
>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.
>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.
>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.

How can you be this dumb? I mean seriously. HOW?
Know what, I'm done.
Arguing with an insane elitist is one thing, but I refuse to waste any more time with someone who has literally proven himself to be mentally deficient.
>Even then, forgetting spaces after periods is pretty common, you need to stop being paranoid.
No, it's not. In fact, it hasn't happened at all in years in Madoka threads. And happens almost never as a whole.

Yeah, that's what you got. You just don't want to read that essay on anonscans.

>I'll only engage in another discussion with you when you give me actual empirical proof that shipping isn't allowed.
You already got it. And oh hey, guess what? Even if it was allowed, you're still a subhuman shit bag for liking it, because you shouldn't like things that shit on the strong romantic relationships and innocent girls.

>You can't prove it, so it's just a opinion.
You can't prove it's an opinion, so it's not.
You have suck strong mental defects. Please end your life.

>both of these posts are saying "lol xdd im done"
Again, your samefagging is so obvious.

>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.
I have addressed this many times over.
What are you even trying to say. The post in this image >>141376488 is discussing 4chan mods.
>You just don't want to read that essay on anonscans.
An essay written by one person based on its subjective perspective about a subjective matter. No empirical proof there, just opinions, and reasonings behind those opinions. I want you to present me irrefutable evidence that shipping isn't allowed and you aren't doing that.
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>people are posting images
>second person says "stop posting what I don't like!"
>first person ignores him
>third person also posts
>second person posts walls of text accusing the first and third person of being the same individual, insulting them, ranting against the mods, etc.
>fourth person says "shut the fuck up"
>second person continues to repeat the same shit, also accusing #4 as being the same person as #1 and #3
>janitor finally comes around to deleting the walls of text
>second person jumps on a new proxy
and around and around we go

See how this gets really annoying, really fast?
>because you shouldn't like things that shit on the strong romantic relationships and innocent girls.
>jerks off to innocent little girls
>preaches about morality
fucking mongoloid
>........... xddd.....ddd...
Why do you always do this when you are trying to "change your posting style".

>don't you find it strange that two separate mods BOTH don't want to deal with your shit?
What are you even talking about here?
Troid and VCR_Working? The two MLP mods and both have medically assigned Asperger's?
>both of these posts are saying "lol xdd im done"
>Again, your samefagging is so obvious.
Yeah, it has nothing to do with arguing with being a testatment of patience at all. It's actually because everyone is the same person
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I get what he says about crackshipping though. The pairings are pretty much set in stone and it's one thing to discuss the level of homosexuality between the characters, but it's flat out retarded if you have some MadoMami or MadoSaya shipper act like their ship is relevant to the plot.
>suck strong mental defects
further proof that you are retarded. Or are you just so 'triggered' you can't type properly anymore? I think it's mostly the former, but probably partially the latter.
>I have addressed this many times over.
by posting a pic from another website...
seriously, are you trolling me right now? How can you be this dumb?
Point out where someone tried to act like their shipping is relevant to the plot.
Kill yourself.
Please, fucking kill yourself.
As painfully as possible.

Like, what the fuck is wrong with your brain. Just because something is written by a person does not instantly mean it is subjective. Literally any written by some person.

There is no "Word of god" that says crack shipping is bad. It's deductive reasoning works. You spell out the process in which you use to reach the conclusion. And the process is flawed then it's not a fact. It's as simple as that.
Yeah, that's not the problem though. The problem is this https://boards.fireden.net/a/thread/141365676/#141376488
Look at how much time he wasted arguing about basically nothing in his retarded pseudo-intellectual speech. This guy is a mentally deficient asshat who has been ruining this fandom for years. He is too dumb to see the damage he has caused and has a fortress of defense mechanisms built up to avoid facing the truth of what he is.
Literally the first day of the concept movie announcement back in November. MadoSaya shippers came out of the wood work for like a day or two and then quickly disappeared like the cockroaches they are.
>people are posting images
>second person says "stop posting what I don't like!"
No, it's "single person posting an shit" and it's "multiple people telling him why what he's posting is shit".

Again, your kind has always been hated on this site.

That funny coming from you, rape spammer. It's not about morality. It's just about you factually being in the wrong and taking negative action.
Good taste.
>by posting a pic from another website
No, but I'm pretty sure you are trying to "troll" me right now.

I seriously need you to fucking die for me. You're not worth the oxygen it takes to keep you alive.

It does not matter that it is from another site. The information IS ABOUT this site, 4chan.
You should just ignore him. It's like having a comversation with HomuHater.
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>ACK thinks he's multiple people
Have you considered speaking to a psychiatrist?
>Claiming it's not factually wrong to jerk off to innocent little underage girls.
>b-but its ok wehn i do it cuz im moar morall than teh crack shippers.
fucking retard. Go kill yourself.
See, that's funny because you are the "homuhater". Everyone knows the real Homuhater has been gone for a long time and it has just been !Akemi (you) pretending to be him.

And there is not even really anything to say to your whole post here >>141377637 as it is literally nothing but a list of you name calling and "downvoting". You have been proven wrong constantly. And now you are trying to claim that information from another site can't be used here even though the information is ABOUT this fucking site.
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As always, you will just have this IRC log shoved in your face. Which proves that not only is a vast majority of the user base against your cancer, the mods used to ban you shitbags for it as well.

Rape spammer, just stop.
What's this from?
>And now you are trying to claim that information from another site can't be used here even though the information is ABOUT this fucking site.
STILL missing the point.
Holy shit, you only see what you want to see don't you.
Ok, fuck quitting this to go save puppy mills. Quit logging on this website and go back to fucking school and get a brain.
You don't be nice to people who don't deserve it.
That's the retard soccer mom mentality.

When people are inferior you crush them mercilessly. I'm not even kidding. Darwinism is how life works. And by protecting the retards you only bring down everyone else.
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Madoka Magica Anthology 1.
No, I'm not missing the point whatsoever.

>we were talking about a 4chan mod, and why he bans you and not me.

And you got your reason. Because he bans people based on if they do things be personally likes or dislikes.

Then you wanted proof. Which you got.
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Yeah, there are mods that want to perma-nuke this thread, and several others like it. Whoop-de-fucking-do, is that supposed to be news? Meanwhile, you're only serving to confirm their beliefs and making it more likely that those mods *will* get their way.
>Rape spammer, just stop.
Here's one of those defence mechanisms I talked about before.
God, don't you realize the kind of person you are? I mean, I'm kind of a piece of shit, but so is most of humanity but I at least am aware of my flaws.
You hide from yourself like a scared turtle who has a ton of gay sex inside his shell when he invites over all his shelless turtle fuckboys.
Actually no, the only mod for /a/ now is Troid. And he wants to protect crack shippers. The old mods are gone, and you were already told all these just a little while ago. But you are pretending not to know it so you can act like you are someone new.
Is this true, and can you prove it. Where did you get your information from?
Because I'm pretty sure /a/ has more than one mod.
This is another one of your delusions to hide from the truth that what you are doing is wrong and no one wants you here.
Everyone hates you. You are ruining the fandom. please go away.
>turtle who has a ton of gay sex inside his shell
Hahaha. The way you worded this just made me laugh.

14 is over the age on consent in Japan and most states in America.

I don't ever masturbate or whatever to yuri, some stories just happen to have sex in them. Which is a normal part of a romantic relationship.
In fact, you even see that right here >>141377894
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>I don't know what empirical means
>I don't know what empirical proof is
>I don't know subjectivity is
Go read a book, you're needing.

>Just because something is written by a person does not instantly mean it is subjective
Actually, it is. Pic related.

>It's deductive reasoning works.
And that's why it's subjective. The only way it wouldn't be subjective is if it was clearly stated in the rules, like
>Shipping isn't allowed
>You may not post shipping/non-canon pairings in any circumstances
Or something like. Doesn't matter how hard you try, anon. Rule 6 will never be proof that shipping isn't allowed, that will always be open to interpretations and you know it.

Again, I'm still waiting for the irrefutable proof.
>Is this true, and can you prove it. Where did you get your information from?
Leaked IRC logs of the 4chan staff channel. You already know this, again.
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This problem has a simple solution. If there are so many people against crack-shipping and this mod, it should be easy enough to get hiro's attention and fix the problem. It even applies to the actions of mods. When nipplemod enforced his definition of "work safe", it was reversed in less than a week.
Fuck, love how an arrow from Sayaka to Kyouko was actually pointed out (especially by Kyouko) had that on my mind when I saw the first image.
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>the only mod for /a/ now is Troid
I hope you don't seriously believe this. And I wasn't talking about crack. Those mods don't care about crackshipping, or canonshipping, or any other kind of shipping. To them it's all cancerous, and they think that Madoka threads should be prohibited until and unless new material comes out. We have these meta threads literally every week.
So we are letting one autist be the ultimate authority in Madoka threads just because he's really, really annoying?

>re so many people against crack-shipping
Everyone knows it's just one guy. Why do you think he never tried to actually contact mods to fix the problem? He's in the minority.
From how long ago?
Point out the parts of these LLC logs that prove this.
Because I think your fucking delusional if you think this WHOLE board only has one mod.
So basically, ACk can get banned if everyone complained to hiro.
I know it's basically official doujinshi, but I seriously don't know how anyone thinks they're straight. Homura literally said Kyouko fucked Sayaka and Quartet put a stamp of approval on it.
He already has been, repeatedly. The problem is he's a proxy jumper and trying to ban him is probably like trying to play a game of Whack-a-mole.
>ACK can get banned
He will just change his IP.
You can't even link posts correctly.

The image in your post in no way says that because something is written by a person that it is subjective.

By your logic "2+2=4" is subjective because I just wrote it and I'm a person.

>The only way it wouldn't be subjective is if it was clearly stated in the rules
Again, you refuse to address this. With your logic, the rule can't be used at all for anything, because it doesn't specifically state anything.

Fuck, I want to stab you in the throat. God damn, you are stupid.

When something also exists it is not longer only in a person's mind. The results of your actions, objects, events, anything, all these things actually exists as a matter of fact. That means that can be qualified and measured. Thus they are no longer subjective and have beome objective.
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>Fuck, I want to stab you in the throat. God damn, you are stupid.
Now you know what we feel like each and every goddamned day.
yeah, plus the fact he is the only one who ever gets banned.
It's clear who the least common denominator is, but he will never see this or understand it.
He built this nice little safety net around himself where there is only one person who doesn't agree with him who has the support of one mod when everyone knows this is false.
He is fucking delusional and can't admit that his efforts to save the community have actually been destroying it.
Actually kind of similar to Homura's repeats in a way. Every time she went back to save Madoka she increased her fate and thus made Madoka's witch more and more powerful. If Homura admits this to herself however, she will succumb to despair.
I suppose that's why ACK can't admit to himself that his efforts to save the community have actually been damaging it... it would cause him to despair and blow his brains out (which wouldn't be such a bad thing IMO)
I know, people who say that are obviously wrong and missing out on great relationships.
You realize Hiro is wrong and was mocked for that, right? Because using that reasoning posting CP on /b/ is okay even though it's against the law. "User satisfaction" is not the point. Read this post >>141374013

All the same person.
>When something also exists it is not longer only in a person's mind. The results of your actions, objects, events, anything, all these things actually exists as a matter of fact. That means that can be qualified and measured. Thus they are no longer subjective and have beome objective.

>he thinks he is making a good point
>look up 'pseudo intellectual'
>also still has gay turtle orgies
It's up to the audience to decide for themselves.
Why do you keep talking to yourself and replying to yourself?

People did try talking to the mods, but all the old mods who cared bout the quality of the site ar gone.

This image

It flat out proves there are many people against crack. Along with the other images from the mods.

You keep getting all the proof thrown in your face and you keep ignoring it. You know you can't actually prove this post >>141376488 wrong, which why you went on your hissy fit about it being from another site.
Hiro owns the website. He can edit or change the rules to whatever he wants because it's his website.

Furthermore, You go on about how crack is objectivity low-quality. It should be simple enough then to get it banned then.
>You realize Hiro is wrong and was mocked for that, right? Because using that reasoning posting CP on /b/ is okay even though it's against the law

>being this fucking dumb
I'm sure there are certain implied limits to what Hiro was trying to say that he probably felt it wasn't necessary to point out. He probably assumed most people who read it wouldn't be half retarded as you are doing an impressive job at proving you are.

The fact that you don't understand Hiro's post makes me understand why it is you still can't understand how you are destroying this fandom.

Please go away. The fandom doesn't want your help. It just wants you to GO THE FUCK AWAY.
>he can't actually prove anything wrong
>he just insults people instead
>literally has nothing in his live other than attacking people on 4chan

No, you're wrong. The story clearly spells the girls and their realtionships.
Oh no, I'm more than sure troid stalks these threads whenever he can. And these threads are basically the only ones that get mod attention.
>which why you went on your hissy fit about it being from another site.
Still... doesn't... get... it...
Wow... WOW!

I mean... dude... WOW! I'm not even joking when I call you retarded anymore.
Care to provide any ground breaking proof?

>It should be simple enough then to get it banned then
It already is. Global rules six and global rule three. They just aren't enforced because the mods are My Little Pony watchers with asperger's.

>being this fucking dumb
I could say the same to you considering you refuse to actaully address how you are wrong about everything you have said. Like how you refuse to address this >>141376488.
Or how you refuse to address that your "posting style" is obvious. Or anything really.
>The image in your post in no way says that because something is written by a person that it is subjective.
That's because you're brain dead retard who can't interpret anything that isn't stated in a obvious/clear way, which is a sign of autism. Pay attention to the image, I'm tired of playing teacher for you.

>By your logic "2+2=4" is subjective because I just wrote it and I'm a person.
2+2 being 4 is a known fact, proven by observation, extensive testing and common sense. Not to mention that mathematics is something that already exists in nature/universe instead of being originated from our minds/perspectives. Madoka and 4chan were created by human beings, which is why they are subjected to human subjectivity/perspective rather than universal laws. If you think that

mathematic isn't in any way or shape comparable to a discussion about whether shippings should or shouldn't be allowed, and you need to go back to school if you think otherwise.

>With your logic, the rule can't be used at all for anything, because it doesn't specifically state anything.
The Mods are the ones who decide how the rule will be used. Their(or hiro's) judgment is the thing that will decide whether shipping is or isn't shitposting. Until then, saying that shipping is shitposting is just your subjective opinion.

>When something also exists it is not longer only in a person's mind.
But it originated from their minds. That's the point.
>xddd dfgsdgsdg..........sdgf......
Just stop, you're not fooling anyone.

And no, I get it fine. You are the one trying to side step and refuse to answer.

As obvious by how you keep saying "durrr u dont get it!!!" but refuse to actually say what I don't get.

And proof? Just read the thread.
please take your meds
The point of my post was that it should be simple enough to get it enforced, whether a mods wants too or not.
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I will go into hibernation for a while.
Please wake me up after we got the winner.
Oh it's you, It is, but hey, those that deny are missing out.
Story builds their relationships and people support that.
Ok, explain to me how that post proves that mods are only out to get you.

The question was, 'why do mods ban you and not me', and that pic does not prove or disprove the sentiment in any way shape or form.

So, please explain why you are wasting my time by making me read that stupid post again. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, please don't disappoint me and prove even further how much of a retard you are (you will anyway)
I'm not going to read the entire thread just because you're to lazy to provide any proof on your claims. I'm not even sure your worth my time. Anything else?
Kill yourself nameshit.
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I've been browsing 4chan since 2009 and I never witnessed this level of delusion and autism. That's actually pretty impressive ACK, you managed to be more autistic than everyone else in a place that's widely known for attracting autists.
>mods are only out to get you
people against his personal taste*

>The question was, 'why do mods ban you and not me',
I told you. Because the mod does not ban people based on the actual rules. He bans people based on whether they side with his personal taste or not.

That post shows someone who is flat out admitting they are breaking the rules on purpose and that person goes unbanned.

If a person who is not breaking the rules is getting banned and a person is breaking the rules isn't there is clearly something wrong. And that something wrong is the mod banning based on what they personally like or dislike.
>I've been browsing 4chan since 2009
No you haven't.
You just want to keep pretending to be more and more different people because you honest to god think this is about majority vote.

But all the people you pretend to be all refuse to actually say anything of substance and all just reddit tier "downvote" posts by showing their disagreement.

There is proof everyone is against crack shit. It's ignored by every person you pretend to be. Obvious pattern.
Great argument. That probably took a lot of time to come up with considering who I'm talking with. Go upstairs and tell your mom what you accomplished here.
I'm wondering if you will stop replying to ack. I think worse of you just because you feed him, you contribute to the problem this way.
See >>141378656
you know that's bullshit

you know just like everyone else here, that no one in these threads ever agrees with you. there are 48 unique posters in this thread, and 1 of you
>I told you. Because the mod does not ban people based on the actual rules. He bans people based on whether they side with his personal taste or not.
Doesn't matter, this place is public and majority's opinion is what matters. The mods keep banning you because they know no one will oppose to that. If they were banning you unfairly, I'm sure most people would side with you and try to boycott them, like it happened several times in the past, but that's not actually the case here. The case is that everyone hates you and finds you annoying, they don't want to deal with your shit and mods banning you is a God send in this case.

Also, based on rule 6, they have every right to ban you.
Well, don't know about him, but I know I have. Even got the emotional scars to prove it too!
>ACK can't keep up with the posts because there's several people arguing with him
He's probably having a headache right now.
>this place is public and majority's opinion is what matters
This is what makes it so, so, so obvious you are samefagging.

On top of the fact every single person you pretend to be ignores this

In this image there are IRC logs that flat out prove there are many people against crack shipping. Including the older mods. And it always gets ignored. Why do you think that is.

>Also, based on rule 6, they have every right to ban you.
Yeah, that would be for your posts. Which you have been told why they are bad, again, another subject you ignore.

All your posts are short and meaningless. They have no substance to them at all. Which is why you put out so many.
>But all the people you pretend to be all
Except for all the times that you have been BTFO in this thread.
You really should wonder a little more before you post. You realize the argument started over the characters of the show.
Just show the evidence to Hiro.
To chime in here, let's just point out one more thing.

You, the shitposting crack spammer, have made every single person in the fandom lose out on new content because you attack and harass scanlators. Again, everyone. And everyone sees you do this. So answer this, why do you think the many people who you are making lose out would not take issue with you for it?

This another topic you always refuse to address.
You mean literally zero times?

He doesn't give a suck and hardly speaks English. He wouldn't be able to understand the evidance anyway.

All he wants is to make a profit with this site.
you can't argue "everyone is against this" along side "everyone disagreeing with me is fake" at the same time man

no one steps in to give a shit about this because its lame as fuck
>On top of the fact every single person you pretend to be ignores this
There's nothing to talk about. A mod is a faggot, so what? It's a known fact that most mods on 4chan are retards, this isn't any surprise.

>In this image there are IRC logs that flat out prove there are many people against crack shipping. Including the older mods
And there are many people, including mods, that aren't against shipping. Wow.

The rest of your post is a waste of time, just like your existence. Do a favor to humanity and hang yourself.
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>You mean literally zero times?
He's the owner of the site whether you like it or not. Either talk to him, or to a mod, or just fuck off and never come back. No one likes you.
Maybe you could use all those translators/scanslators that get attacked by the crack-spammers to translate the evidence for him.

If Hiro just wanted to make a profit on this site, when why did he reverse nipplemod's decision?
You also go so try hard with your "lol xdd i changed muh posting style" that it becomes obvious.

>you can't argue "everyone is against this" along side "everyone disagreeing with me is fake" at the same time man
Sure can. And people always spell out your obvious tells.

And just before multiple people where telling you off for shit. But then Troid pop'd in for a second and banned everyone against crack.

Not everyone can ban evade as fast.

>And there are many people
Wrong. Crack shippong shitbags are always the minority. Just look at pixiv and see how crack is literally less than 5% if the total pair fan art out there. You don't have "many" on your side, which is why it's so obvious when you pretend to be.
>On top of the fact every single person you pretend to be ignores this
Just like you pretended to ignore this >>141378446 post.
How does it feel to have your anus so devastated by someone?Honestly, humiliating you is so easy that it doesn't even make me feel good about my own superiority.
please point out some posts of people that agree with you in this thread
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Nice reaction image, you sure proved your point.

>No one likes you.
That would be you. You, for making everyone in the fandom lose out because you attack scanlators.

And again, this is not matter of Hiro agreeing with anything or nor. You are wrong, clear and simple.

>If Hiro just wanted to make a profit on this site, when why did he reverse nipplemod's decision?
I fail to see how one thing has anything to do with the other.
Look at the thread?

Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
I find the anon fine in my book.
>Wrong. Crack shippong shitbags are always the minority.
The number of people who care about this shit are even more of a minority. You're basically the only idiot who's so obsessed over this shit.
link them please, I don't see them
You aren't fooling anyone.
Hiro is the ultimate authority on this site. If he writes a rule saying that we MUST post ships at every thread, than that rule must be enforced because he's the fucking owner of the site.
>2+2 being 4 is a known fact, proven by observation
And do you think you can't observer other things as well? You know, like the result of actions.

>Madoka and 4chan were created by human beings, which is why they are subjected to human subjectivity
Wrong. Every action is absolute.

If you raise your left hand then at that exact point in time, space, etc, you have raised your left hand. That action you have taken is absolute. You will have always taken that action at that exact time and point in space. It doesn't come undone. This ca obviously be done in a more complex way as well, so you can observer whole events.

>The Mods are the ones who decide how the rule will be used
>They're also written to be clearly understood by both the users and moderators, to ensure both compliance and consistency in their enforcement.

>clearly understood by both the users and moderators
>clearly understood by both the users and moderators
>clearly understood by both the users and moderators

>But it originated from their minds. That's the point.
No, that's not the point. The point is that once it's out of person's mind it is no longer subjective as the result has become tangible and quantifiable.
>You, for making everyone in the fandom lose out because you attack scanlators.
Why I would attack someone who helps me fap?
>I fail to see how one thing has anything to do with the other.

Nipplemod enforced his own definition what was considered "safe for work" on /a/. The issue was brought to Hiro by a numerous amount of people and ruling was eventually reversed. If there are a great deal of people against the cancer that is Troid and crack-shipping, these issues can be brought to Hiro's attention and removed.
>ultimate authority
You really like this phrase for some reason.

And again, what's right and wrong is not based on authority you stupid mother fucker.

>The number of people who care about this shit are even more of a minority
>IRC logs about mods banning crack shippers.png
I don't know, you tell me, shitbag.

>If Hiro just wanted to make a profit on this site, when why did he reverse nipplemod's decision?
>If Hiro just wanted to make a profit on this site, when why did he reverse nipplemod's decision?
>If Hiro just wanted to make a profit on this site, when why did he reverse nipplemod's decision?
The fuck is wrong with you, you mental defect.

How does nipplemod's decision have anything to do with if he makes a profit.
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he's trying to argue that he's super important because he scanned a few things before, so anyone that makes fun of him is 'hurting the fandom' because he doesn't realize that no one cares if he stops and he's replaceable and the people that replace him won't put a giant rant page about 4chan mods at the end of their scan
No good threads. Ever again. Because of crack shippers.
This is one of the things that proves how new you are.

Madoka threads you used to have tons and tons of inthread scanning and translations. But ever since you showed and started spamming crack you have driven all of those people away.

Everyone hates you, rape spammer. Everyone.
Hiro cares about the majority because they give him money. The majority was upset about nipplemod's decision. Hiro reversed nipplemod's decision because the majority was upset.

This too can happen with Troid's decision on crack-shipping if the majority of people against him and crack-shipping speak to Hiro.
>tfw !Akemi will never accept my challenge to a game were we bet our lives
It's sad. Because I know I could beat !Akemi at anything and any game. So it be a guaranteed win for me.
if there were any good mods on 4chan they'd nuke this thread and give everyone at least a temp ban, him for being...him, and the rest of us being stupid enough to try and argue for the 1000th fucking time with a dude who's probably in a psych ward
Your reasoning is so backwards.
"If Hiro just wanted to make a profit on this site, when why did he reverse nipplemod's decision?" is not the correct phrasing for you statement. You mean "then why" obviously, and the reason is obvious, because undoing nipplemod's decision would make more people happy, thus give him more profit.
>still refusing to address anything people actually say
This is why you are the cancer.

>delusions are false beliefs that a person holds on to, without adequate evidence. It can be difficult to change the belief, even with evidence to the contrary.

>even with evidence to the contrary.
>even with evidence to the contrary.



So who needs to be in the mental ward now?
I'm glad somebody finally admitted it everybody's fault for once. Your post made my day and gave me hope that other people understand the problem. I've really never witnessed anybody admit guilt for actually talking to that thing before.
Fine my reasoning is backwards. You're right.

I'm telling you, you can solve the problem if the majority of people just talk to him. Just fucking talk to Hiro.
Imagine waking up every morning, and spending the rest of the day arguing over the same thing for the millionth time
what's weird is that right after I made that post I got a deletion icon on it, made me think some janitor finally decided to do something or I said a secret unspeakable phrase that autobans (like "good mods") or something but I guess it didn't actually get deleted
Talking about it is just as bad as talking with it as well.
It's your own post, just give it up.

I have tried talking to Hiro, do you really think I haven't. He doesn't reply, or otherwise fed lies by Troid and VCR_Working.

And this has been something they have long been trying to cover up. Publicly admitting this long running mistake is something they would never do.
Hey, remember that time you pretending you were since 2009, and then remember that time you pretended didn't know what the archives were?

Talk about obvious contradictions.
What happened to the majority of people against crack-shipping?
It's a sign from Goddess Madoka. I'm glad you understand how these threads actually work.
Multiple people can't do the same thing?
Yes, even if multiple people did something, I still did it as well.
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>nd do you think you can't observer other things as well? You know, like the result of actions.
Like I said, there's a clear difference between phenomena that exist within nature or actions that happen within our reality, and abstract matters, such as anime, music, film and so on.

>If you raise your left hand then at that exact point in time, space, etc, you have raised your left hand. That action you have taken is absolute
Congratulations, you just understood what empirical evidence is.

When you raise your hand in front of everyone, they all realize and understand what just happened, because it's an simple action that could be proven by observation.You however, cannot prove that shipping isn't allowed by observation. Shipping is an abstract concept that only exists within the minds of people, hence why it's entirely subjective. It's like claiming that a fictional character being better than the other is something absolute, when it's something that can be refuted in a infinite number of ways.

>>clearly understood by both the users and moderators
If they're clearly understood, than why everyone is arguing with you about them?To me, it seems like you're the one who doesn't understand them. That, or people here don't understand them. Either way, the fact is that the statment you just posted is clearly wrong.

> it's out of person's mind it is no longer subjective
That's not how it really works anon. Pic related.
>so anyone that makes fun of him is 'hurting the fandom'
This is a whole new level of faggotry.
See >>141379247
And stop replying to yourself.
>what's right and wrong is not based on authority you stupid mother fucker.
You can't be this retarded. This isn't about being right or wrong, is about whether there is or there isn't a rule prohibiting shipping.

>>IRC logs about mods banning crack shippers.png
>The opinion of a few faggots prove my point
>On a board with one million monthly users.
Sure thing.
>and abstract matters, such as anime, music, film and so on.
No, not really. Because just like lifting your left hand, the events that tale place in the film, series, comic, etc, are all happening in absolute real time. The character raises their left hand, etc etc.

>Shipping is an abstract concept that only exists within the minds of people
Wrong. Dip shit. You see all that crack fan art you have spammed? That's a tangible object. They have messages, implications and information attached to them.

>It's like claiming that a fictional character being better than the other is something absolute, when it's something that can be refuted in a infinite number of ways.

Wrong, it's nothing like that at all. Which you would know if you actually read that anonscans page.

The character as they are in the series is at their whole value, and the fan art can either portray them well or portray them badly, and that's where they get degraded.

>If they're clearly understood, than why everyone is arguing with you about them?
Because retards usually have a hard time understanding simple and clear things. You can't argue your mental ineptitude is the reason something is wrong.

>Pic related
Done nothing to disprove what I said.
You're probably right. I should really apply what I said about ''people who reply to bait are just as guilty as the ones who post bait'' to this situation and stop replying to a guy who's literally insane.

Only reason he keeps going is because people give fuel to him, just let him scream alone and the problem should solve itself.
>This isn't about being right or wrong
No, that's literally what this whole thing is about.
Because guess what? If you are in the wrong, you are low quality.

Thanks for admitting you were wrong all along.

When you are going to stop using this word? When you are going to stop saying things with no reasoning supporting them?
When are you going to stop saying "it's an opinion because I say so."?

And again, stop ignoring posts, >>141379365
Many, many people are against you, and it's not opinions, it's facts.
Look at how many times you are replying to yourself. Holy shit, seek help.


Your obsession with thinking majority matters is what makes your samefagging so obvious.
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>posting crack
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This is how I imagine !Akemi at his computer.
Why are these threads still allowed? It's just /u/ dump and useless arguing over non issues.
Because mods are fucking useless. I mean, this thread wasn't deleted despite being the epitome of shitpost.
>non issues
Leaving your obvious samefagging aside, it's not a non issue. Because it literally ruining the fandom.
Go home kid.
This is a war zone.
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My weapon of choice.
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While the cuts in the chocolate grips might be makeshift checkering, it'll simply melt too fast and will end up ruining your grip.
0/10 would not operate with.
i don't know what they can do at this point
Does homu still use modern firepower even after she has gone full devil?
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Gotta stay true to your roots. Like how she kept using homemade bombs after she robbed the military base.
Besides, we all know that the Desert Eagle is the weapon to surpass Oktavia
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