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Monmusu thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 528
Thread images: 191

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Best girl is in the EYE of beholder
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No Bully best girl
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I want to take care of this plant.
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Cerea > all other girls

They are inferior compared to her.
Does not compute.
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I want to marry this fish.
Orc rape isn't bullying.
> ywn get cucked by another monster girl who become draco mistress
I dont want to smell that fish.
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Remove cuckfish
I want to watch her get off to me putting my penis in her gills while you watch sobbing out tears.
I'd rather have that then have half of these sick twisted anons dreams come true of Draco being raped.
Tbh seeing Cathyl riding reverse cowgirl with her tits swinging would be breddy cash
Well, the Spiderfags are here. Thread was good while it lasted.
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Manako is olev
> draco cheating on you with another girl
Slice your veins open please.
This is the reason I moved on from Mero. The cuck fetih.
But horsefags were here before spider.
Its funny how he gets made as spider, but horse started shit.
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Threadly reminder that Cathyl is protecting this thread from spiders and that she will provide milk for the thirsty.
I dont get this meme. What does cow have to do with spider?
Except they weren't shitting on anyone in this thread, unlike the Spiderfags.
An excuse to spam bad art of a shit girl.
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Doppel's Arrival.png
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Doppel is the Superior Girl
(Spiders are disgusted with paint fan arts of cathyl)
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Patrician taste
>Horsefag doesn't directly attack any Anon, says his opinion
>Spiderfags directly attack Anon and his best girl
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Doppel doth be the primest wench, for she can transpose herself into any other wench

> Cthulhu fhtagn
> Is she nary an Elder God?

You went missing for 3 days doppelnon
Thread is 29 posts in and already flinging shut around. Can't we just all get along and talk about our waifus peacefully?
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Daily reminder that Manako an one-shot her entire crew in the blink of an eye if she feels like it
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I peacefully dislike your waifu and i think she is the worst girl.
No, one anon is trolling. He has been trying to start a waifu war for 5+ threads now.
Which post is the anon?
I love this Spider
>Can hit 4 targets
>For 140% damage total each
>Has four other girls as a part of her crew, including Smith
> nipples
Not until people out grow the need to keep a thread up 24/7/365.25 anon.
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Doppel-chan REC.jpg
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True, these threads really lacked the Primest Wench.
>spiders have standards

Yea, sounds about right.
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EYE couldn't agree more.
The one who keeps complaining about spiderfags.
He accuses everyone of being "spiderfags" and that they are "ruining the thread" it is more obvious in the last thread
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Ok I'll argue this one.(poorly)

Tio: Her armor will stop the bullet, or at the very least it wont be an out right kill. Then Manako gets a Tio sized Power Bomb.

Zombina: No head shot, no good. Hosed by dual P-90s.

Doppel:...Can transform into...into...hmmm. Something thin enough that nothing vital will be out right destroyed. IDK, like sniping the Flood in Halo CE.

Smith: Drinks 100 cups of coffee and becomes like Fry.
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pop pop pop watch them bodies drop
Nope, completely wrong Anon. I didn't even post much in the last thread.

But it's pretty crystal clear who are the ones spreading hate.
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Is it this Beholder?
Is that fmg? Manako really does know her shit
Which wolf wins, anon?
The one you feed. Let's try ignoring him this time.
Mother snek is better... hot reddie milf.
Seems like a creature that escape from doppel pus pus >>140903240
Post moar primest wench plz
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Not a FMG.
But I already did that, anon.
Now, it's your turn.
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What happens to her when winter comes?
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This is a picture of best girl.
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It looks like fmg to me
Don't you worry... we're getting there...

Well, how effective can she be against the White Walkers?
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There you go
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Friendly reminderooni that Polt is the best at frisbee
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I imagine her leaves start to fall off her head and she gets long twig like hair. That's why you give her love, warmth and support. How a real plant is supposed to be treated.
New Kii art!
My Man!
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I wanna fuck that pooch!
I bet she gets lonely in her forest.

Of all the universes I could have been born in. I was born in the one without my Kii waifu.
Fapping to your waifu is wrong, you dont do that to her. Its like defacing her purity
I can't stop myself.
But when you fap to your waifu, you desire to have sweet sex with her, show her your love. Wouldn't fapping to other characters be consider cheating?
>Friendly reminder that Kii is a plant and will happily scarf down a pile of minotaur manure without a second thought
>"What do you mean, 'not when we have company'? It's nutritious and 100% natural"
You're a dumbass. What if you want to have kids with your waifu? You'd never have sex with her just so she's a virgin? Fuck off both of us have needs.
I'd be there with emergency nutrient supplies. Just incase we're walking in the park and she sees some dog shit.
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Crabman do like guns
Learn to show love to your waifu without fapping to her

Fapping to other characters is not cheating is like a training for you to get ready for your waifu

You dont understand
dog shit is bad for plants, it's too acid for them
Bolt action magnum lapua?
>You dont understand

Oh I understand perfectly. You're either a cheating faggot or a cuckold in which case I have no desire to further converse with you.
I told you. Agree to disagree I said. You said "No! Fuck me in the ass. I'm going to bring it up in the new thread." Now you're the only one being so puritanical about this.
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>Kii will die if Polt poops on her
Have kids when you and your waifu are ready anon. If not just fap to other characters first

> not protecting your waifu purity
>Have kids when you and your waifu are ready anon. If not just fap to other characters first

You are so irredeemably dumb. What if my waifu cant have children? What if she's say a vampire or is simply infertile, am I supposed to never please her and have a stable sexual relationship with her? If you answer this with yes than you're officially retarded.
Would you fuck your waifu without proper preparation? Other girls is your preparation in order to be ready for the main course
I would fuck my waifu because I love her and thats why she's my waifu. So what If id be inexperienced at first? Love is what matters, she's mine and im hers, slowly but surely I'd get better, she could teach me I could learn so that I can please her in a way no one could. And it would be something born between both of us out of love.

Why would I wanna be a faggot like you and ruin that entire experience, the entire beauty of it by ignoring her and just doing it with whoever like no one cares?
Waifus arnt just for sex anon
No but the current topic we are discussing is having sex with your waifu (or as close as our earthly limitations can allow us to) So dont try to change the subject on me faggot.
Aka Fruity Tooty Pointy McShooty
Don't boil it down to that's his argument. It's a misrepresentation. Sex is one facet of love that you share with your waifu and that includes fapping to her. Fapping to your waifu =/= the only thing you do with your waifu.
Whatever floats your boat.
Why are you sexualizing your waifu in the first place? Is sex with your waifu is really that important? Its not anon, you bang sluts and whore but you wouldnt bang your waifu like sluts and whore rights?
See what >>140906128 said. Having sex with your waifu is a natural and beautiful part of being married to her and that was the topic we were discussing.
Probably the most pathetic argument in exsistance. Concidering chads are getting mountains are pussy as we speak.
Nigga, have you seen where we are? If we abandon our waifus what do we have left?
You make it out like fapping to other girls is more pure than fapping to your waifu because they are whores and sluts. Your purity is backwards. If you were pure you would only fap to your waifu and nothing else.
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but you can't have Smith in the game
I guess you have a point. I am on this site with you guys. And I wish my waifu existed.... I need to kill myself.
Instead of killing yourself rush into the sweet embrace of escapism. Imagine all of the wonderful things with your waifu.
We still have each other anon.
It's only temporary. Soon you wake up and have to go to work where you'll slave away for the rest of your life, never getting to live with your waifu. Hopefully I will be united with her in heaven.
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out of my very bad firearm knowledge, I think it's a CheyTac M200
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Why not?
She has the superior pussy
Hey you know anon, where I am its 40 minutes until sunday, and sunday's easter in my religion. Make a wish, who knows maybe someone up there will hear you.
Your life is temporary. There's nothing in the void after death. It's not like you go off to sleep and dream of good things. Those good dreams are a part of life. Live long enough to dream more.
You have absolutely no way of proving what happens after death
Now that she has hotsprings, she'll either spend the winter in a barely heated greenhouse so she can keep awake, or go dormant in a shelter near them where MON can monitor her.
Thanks man. Made me feel better.
I'm going to leave this one alone. We're getting way off topic here.
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Can we all just please get along? I think that's what Tio would want us to do!
This is one slippery ass slope to a shit storm
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Tio is so lucky... I want a lap Kii.

But we're actually having an interesting discussion about death and our waifus. Would you rather some horsepussy discussion for the umpteenth million time?
After you die I'll take your waifu for myself
That looks comfy.
My waifu is mine. MINE.
because y'know, fags can't get over a superior human
oh man i wonder what would happen if she and cathyl hugged each other :D
I wouldn't mind suffocating between Cathyl and Tio
> :D

I know this must be difficult for you but please dont be a faggot.
Do me a favor. Stick a toothpick under your thumbnail and kick a wall really hard.
Big bang.
Now he has a broken foot and a thumbnail with a toothpick in it. I don't think you thought your statement through otherwise you could have told him to just kick a wall really hard.
My apologies; I meant to say: stick a toothpick under your big toenail and kick a wall really hard.

>Bringing out Cathyl's insecurities so she starts crying she could never pull off the cute outfits Tio does
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and then tios instincts kick in and she tries to make cathy feel better by hugging her and telling her shes pretty
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Then she gives Tio some of her outfits to try on but they end up being too small to contain the cowtits
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I want to go camping in Kii's forest.
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Who doesn't?

I want to plant myself in Kii's garden.
And proced to milk her to reduce her breasts.
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Would you rummage through her bush?
I know i would.

with her mouth
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What a coincidence, I'd like to lap Tio.
I want to inseminate Kii and take responsibility
>winter is coming
>rooting down in darlings garden so he can tend to her
>darling, in a thick sweater, looking outside from the kitchen
>kii smiles and waves
>darling goes outside
>she is defoliated and gnarly
>she is still waiving at the window. actually frozen in her position, swaying a little in the wind
>he brushes off the snow and pats down the thermal mats that were rolled up by gusts of wind
>I want to pollinate Kii and take responsibility
Blahblahblah, ends in a savage tribadism.
Muh deeek....

>not a horny 69
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>Fluffy, blow dried Cathyl when?
>ywn experience a life with Kii
That just makes me think early 90s Dolly Parton

>big titted minotaur dolly Parton
Make it so
I'd prefer soaking wet hair going everywhere Cathyl as she pulls her upper body out of a trough of water with her coverall top undone and her bikini top straining to keep things contained.
Whipping her tails back and forth sexily.
I actually would enjoy camping in her forest, no innuendos or anything. Having someone there who isn't much of a talker and keeps some distance would be nice. Like having the illusion of being alone when you actually aren't
I never knew that was something people actually LIKED
Oh no! Your monster waifu gets swarmed by SJWs, will she succumb to their ideology?

Also, leave.
No. She would rape them for their sweat. I would hose her off after she's done to not bring the stench into the house.
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>she absorbed too much nutrients during the day
>later, that night
Kii body pillows when?
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>slime mercilessly rapes waifus

Would you defend your waifu's honor, fellas?
Slime is my waifu. I would defend her honor to rape whomever she wants.
Camping or solitude?
with a plastic bag, leaving Suu trapped there for a while
Solitude. While someone is watching.
What if my waifu lived in the Atlantic Ocean?
>suu would rape a girl in a wheelchair

She has no limits.
That's tough but doable. She would need a wetsuit and it would have to have especially stretchy parts to it for her tentacles to envelop your waifu.
She's probably better at defending herself than I would ever be, but I'd try my hardest to protect her anyways
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I will never understand why anyone would think Doppel a best after all she's a terrible frenchman
I would protect Tio with my life.

Just because she probably can doesn't mean she should have to. She's a girl after all.
> Ocean dissolves her and all the salt dehydrates her
And there she dies
You must not have read what I said. The wetsuit encapsulates her from dissolving in the ocean.
is that a condom?
If she has no depth perception. How does she reload a bolt action sniper rifle?
That's nice.
It looks like trash.
Not really. Do you see a reservoir tip?
Of course. I'm the first line of defense, and hopefully the only one necessary
Thanks you too senpai
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fyi, nipples from official source is A-OK
>While someone is watching.
When you put it like that it feels weird, but solitude in moderation can be quite wonderful. And while it can be nice to be alone from time to time, humans are still social creatures and that's why I think it would be nice to have Kii somewhere within few a kilometers
That guy was great...
Nice digits btw anon
God that guy, what a faggot he was.
Which girl is most likely to win a game of Jeopardy?
What's Jeopardy?
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she's perfect!
I mean, if you want a chubby monstergirl just give her a lot of nutrients and water, if you want a loli monstergirl, you have suck the nutrients out of her body through her boobs
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Cuckfish a shit
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Suu isn't rapey, she just an aggressive negotiator for what she and her adopted family need.
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Absolute perfection.
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Parpi dera heerrrpi!
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Which 1-note 4th tier tertiary character will this thread obssess over next?
Mantis Shrimp/Centaur girls. Upper half human, lower half mantis shrimp. She's a cheerleader with more air in her head than a hot air balloon.
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I love her too but she raped the shit out of Draco for attacking Master. She also raped Oct and Rachne indescriminate of who was on her side. Then there's just your general thirsty raping. Give into it. She's the cutest rapist ever conceived.
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I want to marry this snake.
Miia is cute
She really is.
Reminder to discipline your homestays and teach them proper respect.

>ywn have a cute weeb kitsune girl stay with you
I would never beat my waifu. I'd teach her manners.
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Reminder to calm down it's just a meme.
Shut up and let me give some love to your sweet thighs.
I think we need more reminders to calm people.
Updated my image yet again to keep up with the current Monmusu thread shenanigans.

God, the Cathyl and Kii fags just showed up out of nowhere
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Disciplining someone doesn't mean to beat them.

This shit wasnt funny and by now its just getting annoying.

Its like the tongue meme.
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This one?

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> Polt is best catgirl
It's amazing how Mero fags have been able to stay shitpost free for all this time.... But maybe... What if Mero fags are the shitposters trying to taint THE OTHER FANDOMS SO THEY CAN KEEP THEIRS CLEAN WHILE EVERYONE THROWS SHIT AT EACH OTHER! #9/11NeverHappened

in all seriousness though. It's nice to see Kiifags getting noticed, we try our best not to shitpost
Suu Rapes Everything Around Me
'll give you Draco, because yes that was intended to establish dominance. Although I could argue that she was aggressively pursuing her Kurusu's safety. With Oct and Rachnee she was clearly putting an end to the fight without regard for an ally's discomfort. Again though, she's defending her Kurusu, while reminding Rachnee who the alpha mon musume in the house is. As for thirsty raping, even then she did her best to give pleasure in return for the moisture she needed. She's not a taker or a giver; she's a naive trader.
For the rest of the thread I can't call out people for being apologists for their favorite girl.
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You caught me redhanded. Look at this face, thats the face of a moblord underground criminal that wouldnt hesitate to burn your whole family alive if youd cross her.
Being unable to post here properly feels bad man
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I understand what you're coming from but it's just downplaying the fact that all of that was rape. She's a rapist but that doesn't make her a bad person. She's a delight. There's no need to apologize for her. She is who she is. Here have an edit from before we knew what her hair color was.
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I used to be a Merofag. Mostly because of her adorableness and pure. innocence.
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If people start shitting on Mero, we just cross our eyes, stick out our tongue, and move on.
I want to kiss Miia as she wraps her tail around me and squeezes me.
>used to

What changed?
What a twist this would be
why is she cross nippled?
Some people already do with the "tongue chan meme" and "cuckfish" meme. But it has no effect because Merofags have unlocked true enlightenment. Must feel good being the purest.
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which monmusu would make the best operator?
the ones that don't die when they're killed
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Pls no judge.

I just simply lost interest. She was cute and amazing but like I said she got boring. Then I moved to Cerea, which again I got bored with. Then I found my favourite girl. I still have respect for Mero.
The perfect form shapeshifter with special forces police training, /k/ommando.
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Anon pls
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I aint judging. The only way Id judge is if you changed your waifu if she was mero. You're free to chose if you just liked mero or anyone else, thats perfectly fine.
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Kurusu's a pervert.

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So second side when?
Thanks anon
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It's okay. Just like with normal relationships, sometimes it just doesn't work out. Glad you found your perfect best girl, she is very cute!
>Then I moved to Cerea, which again I got bored with.

>got bored with

There's no helping you.
This level of politeness in a Monster Musume thread is disturbing.
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Holy shit, i can't believe people still use that picture i took from a youtube video.
Those are some thick hips.
Newfag spotted. Merofags are always nice guys.
In that case, I wish they posted more often.
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monster threads.gif
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Nah, that's boring.
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Well I do try to post every now and then. I dont like shoving Mero down everyones throats, which is why I dont.
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I never really wanted kids before, but for some reason I would be happy raising a family with Miia.
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Personally I'd want at least three snek daughters.
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I-is it bad that, after playing God Of War i wanna read a fanfic where Kratos tires and kills/fucks all the monster girls? Am i a bad person?!
>I wish they posted more often.
It's better this way, a little bit of less would be nice though IMO. There was a sudden surge at one point which increased it a little.
Only if more fan bases could be like Merofags.
The googly eyes amuse me to no end
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Spider Babies would be pretty cute~
Nah. Everyone and their waifus are alright. The shitposters that ruin it for people are the ones that need a chill pill.

Less popular girls like Mero and Lala and such dont have many fans, so they tend to be more mellowed out.
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I remember how Luzfags were around and people shunned them in these threads and started calling Luz a slut to pick on the Luzfags... I feel bad for them.
People can be mean
Is the world of Monster Musume the start of the sixth world?
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BOO! :3
seeing this, i thought when was the last time we had a GeGeGe no Kitaro Thread? if ever?
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There is only one girl made for vanilla love

>all that supple sheep flesh under her wool
I want Tio to cum on my face.
I want you to die
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I can't express how much I love this sheep.
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She got overshadowed by Cathyl, but she's one on the sexiest mon musume Crab's drawn.

Pure farm waifu that doesnt want to burden a man in a relationship. She's also no ot a jealous slut like Cathyl.
Pls don't fight! Our waifus love us, their is no need for name calling other peoples waifus!
>Our waifus love us
No they don't
you shut your whore
>you will never get a small wheel of homemade Pecorino Romano from Merino for Valentine's day.
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> Boob socks
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To bad if you want a kid with her, you'd have to get another Centaur or an actual stallion for her.
Centaurs are compatible with humans. Furthermore, since Cerea is already half human you have a 50% chance of producing human offspring with her
B-but, how would you shoot ANYTHING in her womb?! Wouldn't you need about an 13' dick?
Nipping the butt is part of equine foreplay, such as it is. Oh man do I want to try that on Cerea and see how she reacts.
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>the origin of satyrs
So you want that to happen, followed by edgeanons' dream of orc rape come true?

Seriously, internalize the difference between "then" and "than"
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Ask her dad. Personally, I think that either her mom spent a lot of post-coital time with her forelegs folded and her butt in the air or dad wanted to be sure and followed up the money shot with fisting her to drive it all home.
>He doesn't have a 13' dick

Or it was a delusion she constructed to overcome the trauma of having sex with an ugly mantaur.
Most impressed.
No doubt she is best girl.
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All girls are best girl.
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This is the kind of Cereafag i can like!
Or they fucked multiple times while the cum traveled through her pussy.
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The concept of "best girl" has always been subjective
>pic unrelated
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I dunno why people fight about who is best and who is worst. In the end all are best.
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In most cases I'd agree, but that's not true as long as Miia and Cuckfish exist.
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And this is the kind of Cereafag that i fucking hate.
I just want to see you dead.
It's less about which girl is best and more about anon's ego being challenged. They can't handle someone being told their opinion sucks, so rather than turn a blind eye to it, they insist on criticizing everyone's taste compared to their own.

It's a 'sperg thing, apparently. And to think I used to chalk it up to an overblown victim complex.
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You dare speak ill of those born from the ink of his heart?
Sorry, but I just don't like anything about them. I don't know what people see in those girls.
I want to lift her skirt and preform oral sex on her.
I'd love to take you home with me and tuck you into bed
I'd love to see what makes you tick inside your pretty head
I'd love to hear you laugh tonight; I'd love to hear you weep
I'd love to listen to you while you're screaming in your sleep
I'd love to see inside your mind, to tear it all apart,
To cut you open with a knife and find your sacred heart
I'd love to mess your pretty hair; I'd love to see you dead.
I do. Cerea is a good girl and she would be very loving and loyal to her lover. She is cute and her stupid moments are really funny. Overall she is a nice gal.
finds a way
>>140906969 >>140907490
G.Ape Pussy
Cut that out.
I see what you did there
She's not black
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Nice post. Too bad it doesn't make Miia and Mero not shit girls.
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I totally get the ego thing. The internet is the only medium where they can talk without being drowned out.

I just like to ignore the shitposting and shit flinging and enjoy the pictures and chapters.
Those usually start because some micropenis closet fag looks at a picture of a beautiful woman and can only reassure himself by claiming he wouldn't have satisfied her anyway because
>her race has huge cox, yo
Why do you try so hard to live?
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Or, they fucked, but the sperm never reached. The Male Centaur woke up from being knocked out and saw Human and Cerea Mom all snuggled up. Male Centaur killed Human and raped Cerea Mom, so Cerea's a rape baby
Everyone's taste is okay
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Touch and muscle memory.
Miia: sexy snugly passionate redhead who wants you to take her now and keep her forever.
Mero: beautiful regal pink-haired paramour who will provide for and assist in your affairs.
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teeny nipples
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Reminder that Draco is for hugs and kisses, not bullying
I think we ultimately need to blame Smithfag.
k nerd
Just upload to puushy or imgur and link.
They are big, just small in proportion to her body.

Girls can have small or big nipples. Both are good.

Innies and outties too.

Though long ones are odd.
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but I'd feel like it would be an insult to God if I was responsible for sending a sorry sack of shit like you to him.
We can't help it. It's just too perfect.
Orc. Rape.
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Probably overload of kitsunes in all media, coupled with cosplay tier.
>spiderfags shitposting right on time
When his creator died.
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> Cott and Ton spitroasting Merino/Cathyl
Come on Moonland, the doujins write themselves!
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What about mine?
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I'm pretty sure whatever girl you like wouldn't like to have such a hateful faggot lusting after her
I bet Cathyl cheats in Candyland and Chutes and Ladders
Didn't we already prove you'd need more than a 2m vagina before every last (human) sperm died? You could have a 13cm chode and still fertilise her.
>using each new load to surge deeper into foreign territory
Cerea's biological dad is a military tactician(for medieval warfare, at any rate)
Cathyl first. The rest doesnt matter.
Excellent list.
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that's one big ass
It seems you like big soft girls and dislike Lolis
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Kut Ork Ballz
>Rach-nee so far down
Otherwise the list is solid. I'd move:
5. Papi > the rest
Wait what? What chapter was this?
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don't need your balls to deflower a potential slut.
It's fine
why are orcs so kawaii
I honestly don't have any problem with Rachnee. After I did the sorting test, I was just as surprised as you are that she was so low.
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She didn't get raped, right?
At what point did the bullying become too much?

When did most switch from 'couldn't have happened to a nicer bitch' to 'that's going too far'

No rape, only molest
Well I'm relieved. Draco isn't my favorite girl, but I'm glad nothing happened to her. No girls in the manga deserve that.
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good thing that she didn't
still, I bet that she hates men even more now
Nah, she just hates Orcs even more now. Then again, everybody hates Orcs.
We haven't had a canon rape in the series since the readers got raped during the fallout of the Oct chapter.
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Sensitive too.
>Doppel makes a better Lilith than Lilith does
>Draco didn't get culturally enriched
Damn shame
>It's just some extraspecies culture exchange!!

>No girls in the manga deserve that.

I don't know. Miia, Mero, and Cathyl exist.
I want her to scowl at me while blushing furiously.
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hmm, sensitive
This plus her wiggling around in embarrassment after was the best
>just one finger in
How much of her is girl? Maybe she's got male replacement parts stitched in.
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I need that beef
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Darling wants to Culturally enrich lilith, too!
futafags will be fascinated by this
Lilith has bad breath I'm sure, not waifu or even gf material
>No depth perception
>Eyeball that size must mean her brain is absolutely tiny... no space left for the frontal cortex

Have fun protecting your dumb klutz from herself.
I want to make lots of babies with that girl.
Obey the cow.
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We all do.
Take it from a "Muslim" that only the shittiest of our people tend to migrate and be fuckers; good ones assimilate real fasr
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I would never let Zombia take me. I'd only ever let Tio or Cerea mount me. I'd make her watch.
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Damn pervert cow

>"Oh no, I need someone to milk me and collect it"
>"Couldn't you get a breast pump or something? Probably easier that way if you have a boyfriend"

Damn pervert unfaithful cow
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What does this liquefy tool do?
She isn't any thicker, this is just a cobra snek girl.

She flares out her side to scare off potential mates.

don't centaurs eat a fuckload?

how are you going to afford all that?
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This desu
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>Damn pervert unfaithful cow
Contrite, ashamed, bashful cow. Think of the makeup sex.
Good taste for best girl, anon
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Cuckfish a shit.
Grain isn't that expensive, get a field.

If she eats human food, even vegetarian, she won't need as much. Horses are terrible at digestion.
You seem like the kind of guy who would get back together with a girl after being cucked...

I mean, the other guy dumped her and she never really apologized or admitted... but she seemed embarrassed and you were desperate to get back with her.
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I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl.
Fuck you
Tell it to the whole world
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Have a farm. Lots of open space, a forge. I can deal with it.
Spider a best. But there are so many other fantastic girls as well. I would love to give kii tons of water. Suu is a very cute rapist. Cathyl has literal fat milky cow tits.

Crab knows how to craft some waifus.
>Spider a best
Edgy 14 year olds belong in >>>/b/

Have to get it trending.

>choose a sweet monster girl for a homestay
>she keeps getting lewder each day
>suddenly tries to rape you in your sleep
>you manage to get her back to her normal non-rapey senses
>she storms out of your room pissed
>says she may not be able to control herself tomorrow
>you've grown fond of her but you also don't want to get raped

w-what do?
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I actually love Mero
So, nobody got Manako yet still? Maybe I'll break my OCD rules and roll for her right now instead of every 2 gacha rotations...
For you
(labored breathing)
You better... go get the flower and... the Astroglide first, cowboy...
...and them cookies...
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Snek crab.png
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Give her the D

It's the only way.
Truth hurts
Anon, i don't think it's rape if you're willing...
dumb snake

can't even make a sandwich without fucking it up
Miia truly is a shit girl.
My mega busters.
>Apply for a monster girl homestay
>It's a shit girl
>Like, a literal girl made out of shit, a shit golem
>She has nowhere else to go and you technically legally are responsible for her
>Scenario from above occurs

Honestly, I had to make it look like there was a reason you didn't want to get raped by a monster-girl
Try to develop a scat fetish.
Give her the Alabama hot pocket anyway.
Hey, when the world hands you lemons, try to fuck the lemons
>Like, a literal girl made out of shit, a shit golem
God dammit, I don't want rachnera in my house
Can I just poison her with bug spray and stow the body under my deck?
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Is the Luka event still random drops? If so did they at least adjust the drop rate?
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True, but the worst that fucking lemons will do is make your junk burn for a while.

Fucking a shit girl can lead to pink eye, intestinal infections, skin lesions, uncomfortable family get togethers, and death.
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>Miia truly is a shit girl
At least she loved darling without needing him to jump on her back like some dumb horse ass bitch.
K. Tell that to the ppl of Alabama.
Or don't.
Cerea a shit
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Reminder that femdom is a bad fetish
What? Are you retarded anon?! That's the purist form of love!
That's truly a shit meme.
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She was all over his dick just because of a shitty blanket. Miia's just a dumb slut.

Cerea has good reason to love him unlike the seven meter shit that is Miia. Saving her life is no small thing.
I don't know Anon, the woman taking control over you and being a little rough could be a pleasurable experience. But yeah BDSM is shit.
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Dude, Cerea would literally went for ANY guy that climbed on that smelly ass.

At least Miia like Darling-kun for being nice and caring for her, even though the rest of town treated her like shit, as she got mocked and picked on.
Is brisket the most perfect cut of meat in the world?
The answer is yes
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He treats everyone he meets nice. That's a shit reason to fall in love with anyone, but I don't expect a Miiafags to understand that.

Most guys wouldn't jump in front a sword for a girl. That a much better reason than some dumb blanket.

Cerea > shit > Miia
Enough flirting anons, get a room and screw each others brains out.
Mmmmm hate sex.
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>miia vs cerea instead of people trying to out do each other with increasingly esoteric waifus

It's good to be back home.
Stop being gay.
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I like girls who have enough confidence and sexual desire to do both.
Some nights she rides you dry and some nights you pound her til she walks funny the next day.
If sex plays out the same every night it'd eventually get boring.
Though that'd probably take a few years.
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And you ignored the part where i said "Cerea would literally went for ANY guy that climbed on that smelly ass". Why did you not say anything about that, huh? Is it because you know it's true. And come on, if Cereas' mom is willing to fuck a centaur before her actual husband, what makes you think Cerea won't do the same?

At least one can be safe knowing Miia is a trustful girl and doesn't need a horse dick to satisfy her.
Kill yourself Snakefag. Your kind is a plague on these threads and nobody would miss your constant shitposting.

You are the worst fanbase for a reason.
I thought those were the Horsefags...
Reminder that horsefags can't even wait a whole 20 posts to start shitting on all other girls >>140902121
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Horsy reminder that Cerea has anti snek-spider armour.
The seven meter shit is popular around these parts. Of course they point fingers at other, smaller fanbases.

Don't listen to their garbage.
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I heard someone say spooder snek.
She needs to purge these threads of Snakefags. Maybe then we can have some peace.
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Arm Wrasslin
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Wh-where did it go?!
Even us Suufags think cereafags are the cancer that's keeping us apart!
>Read that as "cuttlefish"
Cuttlefish girl when? I know we already have Oct, but still.
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Why must we fight? We're all the same sort of creepy fucks who want to fuck monsters. There's no need to be upset.
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>Rachnera please, we're in the middle of a soccer match, this is not a good time for bondage lessons
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Because Spiderfags and Snakefags exist.
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Threadly reminder:
Horsepussy is heresy son
all but one are dumb luck drops. I have no clue on the new rate.
Kill yourself Snakefag
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You can be mad, anon, but I'll still love you.
Ilike my boots with snake skin and my spider curshed with them.
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See, us Miiafags can be nice~

Now, what about you Cereafags?
Thank you. I still need 3 drops, so I'll have to put some days aside for running that event.

Those GW tickets are tempting, but having Luka stuck at 40 triggers my autism.
Go ahead and get more Luka copies. GW tickets can still be obtained on the next 2 events.
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People will like you more when you stop constantly shitposting.

just tell her to turn around and wink that horsepussy at your dad.

then show him online just how superior horsepussy is to that old humanpussy he hits once a month.

he'll come around.
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Can we all just stop fighting! We're making papi scared and confused!
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>GW tickets can still be obtained on the next 2 events.

I didn't know this. Thank you very much, anon.
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Rape her first
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>you will never get to gently caress Cerea while she winks in anticipation for you
Why live?
Or a month if you have sex every night.
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>Whay papi fans do
Fucking really?
Snakefags are the worst fanbase. One, because the Anons who like her are the type to succumb to first-girl syndrome. Two because once Cerea showed up, they started bombarding any Anons who liked Cerea withe the HORSE PUSSY and HORSEFUCKER memes. Of course Cerea fans would become defensive. If Cereafags are cancer, it's a cancer the Snakefags created. So congratulations Snakefags, this conflict is the fruits of your labor.
>inb4 Papifags in an effshell.
come to think about it, Rachnera would be the best goalie for a soccer match. She could use her webbing to prevent all balls from entering the goal by making a wall out of her webbing.
I wonder if anyone could certify that Cathyl is made 100% Angus beef. At least Cathyl has an excuse if her vagina looks like roast beef.
B-but mom snek is hot.
nice trips, btw what ever happened to chicken poster anyways?
I haven't seen him or her post recently.
So you saying the Snek Cancer metastasizied into Horse Cancer.
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Preaching to the choir here.

Can't talk about my favorite girl in these threads because of their bullshit.
No one likes them. Why can't they take the hint and fuck off already?
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Banned probably.
Why is Matt so based?
I really should stay out of these baittles, but the amount of hadcanon in your post is enough to fill an Oct-sized sack.
>"Cerea would literally went for ANY guy that climbed on that smelly ass"
Conveniently igoring the fact that she lashed out with a kick when he tried the first time.
>And come on, if Cereas' mom is willing to fuck a centaur before her actual husband, what makes you think Cerea won't do the same?
Completely the opposite of canon.
>if Cereas' mom is willing to fuck a human before her legal centaur husband, what makes you think Cerea won't do the same?
He is based because he has a healthy taste for the beef.
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Snakefags are full of shit and are awful shitposting retards. What else is new?
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Does anyone have Manako yet?
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Do all zombies have tight booties?

Horsefags went at it on spooderfags yesterday and today its miiafags. What your next target then?
If they stopped shitposting maybe people wouldn't call them out on it. Think about that.
Pretty sure there's rules against obstructing the goal with anything other than self and regulation uniform equipment.
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>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
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Shapely anyway.
I want to put my dick in Bina's butthole
Reminder smith is a coffee brand
Who is this Jiangshi? I want to see more of her
Ya know, I actually want to do an illustration of the girls playing soccer, Darling-kun as the manager and Polt as a referee.

I do want to know how good would each of the characters in Monmusu fare in soccer though, how good would they be?
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This is true.
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Miia and Mero would be poor, Centorea would be pretty good, and Rachnera and Oct would be exceptional.
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Suu and Mero would be awful as soccer players, since the ball would just pass through Suu and Mero has chicken wings for legs. They'll be better at cheerleading instead I think.

Can Miia be a goalie though? She's a pretty good leaper and it's not mandatory to be exceptional at kicking as a GK.
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>drinking muscle milk

Enjoy your lmao no gainz.
Her thighs are amazing
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>Reminder Suezo is Best Girl.
The webwall could be still attached to Rachnera's body and thus still count as a part of her body
Its all that hopping that keeps them in shape.
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So I got an SR 10% Ticket and I managed to get Raincoat Suu.
This is lucky as fuck.
So now I have all 6 main girls as members of my team, and 4 of them as SRs.
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That's pretty nice.

I hope I also have good luck when I get my 10% SR ticket.
Congratulations on your luck.

I have an SR ticket as well but I'm too cowardly to use it at the moment.
Suu would actually be pretty decent as long as she toughens her membrane. The only issue would be her running with the ball inside her. While the rules as is don't rule against it, I could see a specialised rule similar to "travelling" in basketball, where you're not allowed to run around with more than say, 20% of the ball inside of you.
While larger objects can definitely be possible to gradually stop, considering the average speed of players kicking the ball and the surface area of the ball versus momentum, I doubt a tougher membrane can do much to stop the ball from completely passing through Suu.
I decided not to chance it and went with 2 HR last month. Got a Rubero with one, and I can't recall who the other was.
Gonna need the full image boss
Nah, you toughen the contact point a bit, before allowing it to pass. Once you hit the gel-like inner substance, it quickly loses momentum, and you just thicken the "back wall" so to speak, and then pass it through to the floor.
They might make rules against bodily excretions obstructing the goal.
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Isn't that one of those creatures that destroy dimensions or something along the lines. It destroyed /co/ then yet again they might done it to themselves too.
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Hey Imperium those two Polt Frisbee pictures got picked up by the crab.

Congrats man.
>The crab likes a good Frisbee toss

Did he comment on them?
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Not yet, they're blowing up pretty well on twitter right now though.

>mfw my cameo goes through and Crab draws me playing Frisbee with Polt.

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