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Bleach 670 and 671 Chapter named after hentai

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>Doujinshi Artist Thinks That "Bleach" Author Might Be Sending Him A Message

bleach has completely gone to shit, I had hopes this final arc would be at least decent, but it's bad writing everywhere.
>gone to
Bleach never has any good doujins
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What was the point of identifying the war potentials if Yhwach doesn't take any effort to neutralize them? This is the same guy who launched his invasion into seiretei early the moment he learned Ichigo wasn't there, yet he doesn't bother incapacitating Aizen when he refuses or killing Kenpachi or kidnapping Ichigo. Seems like

Also, for a guy who claims "everything you do is according to my will" he seemed pretty shocked when he saw Ichigo's Blut Vene.

It's been better then post-time skip One Piece, but that's a pretty low bar.
Fuck off
So, was HitsuGAY's transformation just a general buff? I didn't see anything that seemed out of the realm of his former bankai
the freezing effect nullfies magical effects/attributes.
Who is the last one?
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Suuuuuuper Ichigo sameface my dude.
Bleach has had its fare share of good doujins. It's just that there's been a lot less lately ever since the anime ended.
>freezing effect literally freezes special effects/attributes
Thats pretty significant. It just didn't seem it because the opponent is "nothing works against me". His overall power seems to have been increased, and he has no time limit.
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Name 3 times where a bankai was a perfect counter to an enemy's gimmick. You cannot.

Urahara because keikaku
I thought HitsuGAY could always nullify reishi0 that he could overpower with his reiatsu + coldness. There are no magical effects/attributes just reishi and reiatsu in Bleach
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>No Matsumoto around to get wet over this

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>All those delusional Rukiafags in the previous thread who thought she could even compare against Hitsugaya
I always considered myself pretty straight but adult Toshiro is doing things to my dick, Jesus Christ.
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It was glorious. They reject canon that Shitsugaya's sword is the strongest ice-type.
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Hitsugaya had an erection the previous time he transformed and it scared him
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Why did I laugh at this? Fucking old school levi jeans advert tier
>I don't like being painfully attractive and having the ability to age myself up at will

What a fucking idiot. Anyone else would be capitalizing like a madman.
I think his adult character design looks great, he can pull of the levi jeans look.
Hitsugaya literally freezes concepts like hope.
Could Hitsuguya's super bankai freeze Rukia's bankai?
Yes, but it would raise the temperature.
HitsuGAY doesn't freeze the concept of hope, he freezes Thor's "hope power"
Captain Shota likes being shota-sized because it puts him chest-height with Matsumoto, and the view is spectacular.

alpha shotas are made to dominate busty onee-sans
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twitty and crunchyroll click bait topics, ever a good way to start off a thread.

Stay classy neo /a/
Don't worry she'll appear after this is done. We don't know how much it takes him to get out the adult form.

He said he hated it maybe because Matsumoto molests him?

Well it could be because things freeze when touching him too which is dangerous.
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Someone post that cycle of bleach
> training arc
> hitsugay
> rescue arc

and so on
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fuck off speed reader.
One cannot be this stupid. It's a play on Guren in Daiguren Hyorinmaru. The dragon even has crimson red eyes.
I want to marry Rukia
Yhwach still seems to want to recruit him. Every time he's encountered Ichigo he was refrained from going all out and tried to talk him down/persuade him to join

Aizen was strapped to a comfy chair, not able to do anything meaningful. He wasn't an issue

When Yhwach encountered Kenny, he thought he was so weak that there's no point in even having him on the list.
So mad at this stupid fucking transformation.

I am POSITIVE there have been at least one or two points in the manga where he has stated his bankai FUCKING DISAPPEARS when the petals run out. Like during that fight with Grimmjow's fraccion. Bullshit pandering.
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...it's fucking Ichigo with a cowlick
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Kubo's artstyle is headache inducing because of all the white. the lack of shading and thin stenciled lines are really starting to get on my nerves.
Additionally, Yhwach DID make attempts to kill Kenny.

First off, he sent his most overpoweringly strong Steinritter at him, Gremmy to fight him, and just in case that wasn't enough, he sent four other Steinritters to finish him off. Panty, Lolichomp, Trapzombie and MissMuscle were all sent specifically to kill the weakened Zaraki, but only failed due to Ichigo, Mayuri, Byakuka and a bunch of others showing up to stop them, as well as FatCupid turning them on each other.
Grown up Yachiro when? Seriously, I been eating this shit up for 400 chapters just to see grown up Yachiro, what are the chances of Kubo delivering?
you know, thinking about it makes a lot of sense why Yhwach launched his first invasion when he did. Both Ichigo and Urahara were tied up in Heuco Mundo, Aizen was literally tied up in prison, and Ichibei was still in the Royal Palace. Kenpachi was literally the only War Potential available in the SS, and his power was even more gimped than Ichigo's
none, since she remained the same when Kenny used Bankai
But he's not using her whole power yet, HA!
Yachiro in a 17 year old body would give me such a boner.
oh, well I guess there's still hope then
Kubo is telling him to start making those Rangiku dojins.
Zaraki is a Shinigami, and is the Red Oni, Yachiru is his Zanpakuto Spirit.
Yachiru is a Shinigami, and is the Blue Oni, Zaraki is her Zanpakuto Spirit.

Best possible outcome?
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that's exactly what I would say is a magical effect/attribute numbnuts.
I'm struck by how frantic quickly these battles seem to be going. The story itself is dragging on and on forever, yes. But each chapter is basically HEY I AM GOING TO DO A MOVE. It fails. NOW I AM GOING TO DO A MOVE. It fails. Eventually someone succeeds but is injured.
Some teamwork happens but its frantic and is just an unbalanced pace of throwing out new tricks in each chapter which are destined to not work anyway and not as much actual fighting, just hey here's a new trick, oh no he tanked it its his turn to do a trick now, okay cool I have to tank it so I can take my turn to do a different trick for him to tank until eventually one of us dies.
Its devolved into such a basic pattern and little other fighting actually happens and its just trick winning but not really losing but not really etc and its become so basic, despite the fact that there are now so many new characters and despite reading every week like I have been for over a dozen years, they've all been forgettable and I have no idea what any of their names are. Not that some of these chapters haven't been cool or been visually cool to see some of their powers finally revealed but its just sad to see the state its in.
Anyway at some point he'll run out of side characters to kill off and we'll get to see a full out Grimmjow battle and Chad will probably be completely ignored along with a bunch of the earlier protagonists and eventually he'll remember that Ichigo is the main character and he has to figure out what to do with the story and how many transformations he wants to do to wrap things up. I can't imagine Yhwach and Ichigo being an interesting final fight as things stand because in all honesty it just looks like it'll be a really boring finale because Ichigo's been out of the game for so long and neither of their powers looks like it'll make for a new or exciting battle.
Its just fan service now, the concept of this war and that there's anything at stake and who our main cast is long forgotten.
If Grimmjow ever gets a real fight, I fucking hope Kubo doesn't have the audacity to give him gimmicks instead of just being a straight-up brawler.
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I can't believe it still holds true.
Kubo has a life sized statue of Cell
>Crimson comics is still a thing
Holy fucking shit.

Who still reads that?!
No wait, that's Kishi. Kubo has booze though
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Quick, you there! Yes you! Post pictures of Cell!
Slip of the mind. I saw the shitty Cell pasta in a DBS thread yesterday and it stuck. Frieza, yes I know.
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Sasuga LoN. The most retarded tripfag bleach threads have ever seen.
Freeza is Cooler anyway.
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No, but this guy is.
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Rukia's sister > Rukia
>5 years and fails to produce an heir
>instead gets her brother stuck with her clone who he can't fuck
you mean Grimmjow
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He was fucking her for 6 years straight famigami.
Yes but you can still fuck her and get and heir. In fact one used to fuck to get an heir back in the old days. Now Byakuya will eventually have to remarry to continue the bloodline.
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He merely used his first release, shikai on her. He felt like using his second release, bankai, would be too much on her petite body. He loves her that much, you see.
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Bleach: everything but the NTR
It wasn't really NTR. I think they were both pretty uncomfortable with the whole arranged marriage thing. Ryuken clearly cared about her as family, while marrying your distant cousin is legal in Japan, that doesn't mean it happens often.
Byakuya. I think I'm gay for Byakuya.
Do you think Ichigo's capable of learning Kido or will he just be shit at it like Renji? He's learned to control his spiritual power a lot better now, especially after his training with the Royal Guard, but it's hard to imagine him being very good at Kido.
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They're not cousins? Masaki just told her humans they were cousins, but really she was another quincy from the Kurosaki family. They're two different Quincy clans whose only relation is Yhwach
that doesn't actually prevent them from being cousins of some degree. It would actually make sense that there is a lot of intermarrying between Quincy clans, to keep the blood lines pure. Having said that, it is highly unlikely that they are first cousins, since Ryuken's mum doesn't appear to be Masaki's aunt, and Soken is definitely not her uncle
They were engaged, so by definition yes it is NTR. While Masaki may have been uncomfortable with Ryuken, he did appear to have feelings for her. Him getting over her and noticing Katagiri and her devotion to him was character development on his part.
He doesn't wanna grow up to be some lanky femboy. Probably wanted to be more manly.
I dunno. He seemed pretty uncomfortable with the whole thing too.
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He's playing it cool.
Intermarrying definitely happened "within" families, but seeing as these two families have their own separate clans implies they were the only quincies exposed to the "dark" - the human world.

If they're all children of Yhwach, then they're as related to each other as I am to you, or to make it more accurate, as related as a Native American is to an Ainu.
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daily reminder that kubo actually did this and it was hilarious
i though that was an ugly girl at first desu
He's just naturally stoic. Like Uryu he too has a stick up his ass. From his actions you can see that he cared about her a great deal. How he was willing to disregard quincy laws for her, or how he rushed out of the house and literally up and into the sky to get her help. Or how he almost left the family when he failed to save Masaki.
Can someone post that chapter where it was implied that Aizen was banging Hinamori?
Here's to another zanpakuto that breaks the "shikai and bankai can't have different powers" rule.
Gigi has good taste in clothes.
Except it didn't.
>shikai: ice
>bankai: it's still ice, but he ages to use its full power
And now it also nullifies his enemies' powers, which is an asspull.
It's just so cold that it stops things from going into effect.

think of it like how Rukia froze her body so the fear thing wouldn't be able to affect her. Except this is in reverse, so cold that the thing can't do its mystical shit that affects people
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The fear couldn't affect her for a different reason, and then it started working when As used Vollstandig. (Even though it still should've been ineffective as far as Rukia's explanation of her immunity went)
I actually like Hinamori as a character, yet I found this funny as hell.

Aizen was a fun villain for moments like this alone.
>The fear couldn't affect her for a different reason

She said why, cause her body and nerves were frozen so the Feat couldn't affect the body parts it touched on.

And do you know what reverse means?
You're right
It's not like another elemental control bankai had weird powers only vaguely related to their element.
Her nerves weren't frozen.
with all the powerups we've had so far, how many times stronger are these captains compared to when they first appeared. seems retarded that they get 50 times stronger in the span of 3-4 years bleach time when they've lived for hundreds of years. were they sitting on their asses the entire time and only got motivated to train after meeting ichigo
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Oh my bad, it was that her body's in some suspended animation so the "Fear" has nowhere to go
didn't understand it at first because i read it right to left
so why the fuk is this hitsugaya kid trying to act tough and talk cool when he's triple gang banging on the bad dude? does ANY fujoshit actually think that's cool
ayy let me pretend that i'm in control here and just toying with you because victory is assured > proceeds to job
fucking corny japs
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They're fighting the heart of a god. I think a 3v1 is okay, this time.
Yama's power had a theme. He was the gatekeeper of hell.
How long until Gerard goes into some second or third stage of his Volstandig and starts punishing people with god powers?

Cause bible has smiting, plagues, people being made blind, fires, getting turned to salt and more
Only ones that have powered up permanently were Hitsugaya and Kenpachi. And Hitsugaya has had access to this form ever since the timeskip. Komamura's power came at the expense of his humanity, Byakuya merely did things differently. It's mostly VCs that have powered up and they're being hyped as the next generation.
Oni Dao Ni
Casual reminder that Rukia froze "fear" in SHIKAI mode.

at the very least, I think we can say rukia shikai > hitsu shikai.
Byakuya's skills and techniques have improved. That counts as a powerup.

Senbonzakura never needed a powerup. What was important was Byakuya's skill and mindset.
No she froze her body thus preventing anything from moving through it.

Not that it matters considering her shikai is nowhere near Hitsugaya's level. Their swords are classes apart
urahara due to keikaku doori.
no, that would be his brother.
The first six layers are hot as hell.
Who is this Byakuya?
She was sick as fuck though, I'm betting she was outright infertile.
This just in, the Japanese flu causes your ovaries to dry out.
>using logic on Bleach
>using ''science'' on Bleach
Stop. Utter BS like Yamamoto's bankai should've caused nuclear fucking fusion in his immediate surroundings, but it didn't. It also should have immediate obliterated anything within a few few thousand kilometers and the shockwave from the sudden heating would've powderized shit far beyond. Rukia's 'muh absolute zero' would've basically broken reality apart and have done all sorts of bullshit to her surroundings, and her moving at absolute zero requires that she's manipulating space itself to move her physical coordinates without giving any kinetic energy to her particles. Bleach uses cool powers as cool powers, stop trying to analyze them.
She had an extremely weak constitution though, which can often make you infertile or at least make it incredibly dangerous to give birth.
>religious canon
One would think that a civilization that has perfected cloning and organ reconstruction would be capable of fixing the ghost flu, or at least allowing the ghost flu wife to have a child with her husband.
One would think a civilization that has perfected cloning and organ reconstruction, is well on the way to creating perfect artificial life, and has literal fucking magic wouldn't have 99% of the population in literal shitslums and have rampant crime as a thing, and have moved past Central 46 aka 'completely helpless chucklefucks who are obeyed for literally no reason' being a thing, but there you are.
You almost sorta described America there. Does Souls Society have jews?
Around ch 100. I think 98 or 99
Mate the Muricans are still 1st world, the hovel slums are nowhere near the SS level and the population proportion that lives in literal mud huts is pretty small.
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Cease your japes.

>This doujin by BANG-YOU
>The Lisa doujin also by him
>The mosha doujin where Gin rapes Rukia
>The Musashi-dou doujin where Futa Matsumoto gets raped
>COUNTLESS Matsumoto doujins in general

Bleach has/had a good fucking run with doujins.
I'm not sure if the living conditions in the big cities can be called civilized to be honest. And of course America is first world, they are the very definition of the first world.
Civilized and 'not a hovel' are two completely different things.
Americans in general are not civilized, speaking as an burger, but fuck if they live in the Zulu mud huts that Rukongai 50+ districts seem to be. Apparently 60+ or whatever don't even have fucking shoes.
>Harribel literally in a rape dungeon
>no doujins
>top MILF Unohana with clear waterfall for MANLYMAN Zaraki
>no doujins
I don't understand.
Bleach is fujos now. Straight Bleach fans are dead, or moved on.
That varies depending on the district. The innermost districts are quite well off. America has a different kind of poverty because it is urbanized, while SS is set in sengoku era Japan.
Letting Yhwach run things might be improvement. At least he creates proper houses and furnishing.
Every civilization needs a centralized government. Political anarchy only ever works with a very small populace.
No one is interested in improving the lot of the peasantry though. The amount of power that the bigger shinigami wield is absurd, they could probably make fuckhuge palaces for every family in an instant.
Yeah and the thing is, logically speaking a senate house type government fundamentally depends on the idea that men are actually more or less equal.
When you have Central 46 being able to get blown the fuck out by a captain sneezing and someone like Aizen probably imploding the entire government district by swiping his finger sideways, there's no reason that the corrupt, ineffectual and more importantly weak Central 46 should have retained power for any period of time.
The bigger shinigami are all nobles. It's rare for anyone not a noble to have any sort of power in SS. Spiritual and otherwise.
So? So what? I'm sure someone like Tessai or Byakuya has enough kido skill to make shit better for the peasants, Aizen and Yama don't need to be mentioned.
Physical power is not a factor in governing ability. No one in Congress or any Parliament needs to know how to fight to run a country. That's what the Gotei 13 is for. The reason the Gotei 13 is not the major governing body of Soul Society is most likely the same reason most other first-world countries aren't ruled by a military body: fear of giving too much power to that military in question. You never want to give an army general too much power.

The Central 46 is the centralized government that oversees Soul Society, and the Gotei 13 are the primary military force that protects it.

As for the issue concerning the slums, that's partially due to physical distance. Soul Society is huge. Considering the "lifespan" of the average ghost in this series, and how anyone who dies in the Living World either ends up going to Soul Society and Hueco Mundo, there must be a tremendous amount of souls living in both. Yamamoto himself was as old as Christianity when he died. It's simply not possible for even a competent governing body to help everyone in such a huge world. Getting from the Zaraki District to Seireitei must take forever.
No, that's not what I mean.
See, the reason why organized governments work is often because one person is actually worth, more or less, one person. You'd need to convert a shitton of people to your side to have a chance in a coup, because even the best fighter is only worth maybe ten or twenty other fighters.
In Bleach, converting a few stronger captains is literally all it takes to obliterate everyone but the RG. Captains are often worth many times the rest of their squad combined, and the bigger captains (Unohana, Shunsui, Ukitake, Yamamoto) can be worth three, four, or more regular captains combined, and Aizen was likely worth as much as the first three by himself.
I'm not saying it shouldn't be the ruling body, but that it's completely unfeasible that it remains the ruling body.
Yeah. The problem with such long-lived people is that it takes that much longer for change to take place. The easiest way for things to change is for the old generation to step down or pass on and for the new generation with new ideas to take their seats. As long as the oldest of the old fogies stay in power, it's harder for the younger generation with the more "radical" ideas to enact change. Also, centuries of peace with zero conflicting factions and cultures is also a major issue. Soul Society has literally no one else to compare themselves to, especially since most of them rarely visit the Living Realm.

Change is definitely happening, though. Ichigo's had a tremendous influence on Soul Society (or more specifically, the Gotei 13), and with everything that's happened, things may really start changing for the better soon. He's also had a positive effect on Hueco Mundo, too.

Well there's also the fact that most of the Gotei 13 is comprised of more or less reasonable individuals. And the most powerful of them, Yamamoto, was loyal to the Central 46, and his presence alone was enough to keep everyone else in line.

Well, if you want change, then it's definitely happening, all thanks to the protagonist.
What about this one?
RIP mosha.
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>I froze your Hope
>can see that he cared about her a great deal
that doesn't necessarily mean that he loved her as a woman
I stopped reading Bleach a long time ago but from what I'm gathering here is that Hitsugaya's new Bankai is basically a rip-off of Yoh's Mumumuyakumu
He was uncomfortable because it was evident that Masaki did not want to marry him. Also the dude probably had self-esteem issues with how much of a nitpicker his mom was about "muh quincy pride", but anyways

Dunno if the dude ever thought about actually trying to court her with flowers or some shit like that, but it's apparent that looks weren't the issue because all her friends were crushin mad hard on him.
>file name
Woke up my roommate from laughter
>get an asspull powerup
>still can't kill miracle meme man without help

for what purpose
i miss mosha

what happened to him

is he dead
I'm like that with Aizen

Ukitake no longer has lungs Mimihagi took them away and took their place

So unless you want Mayuri messing around with the left arm of the Soul King, there was nothing the Shinigami could do
>Last two chapters titled "The Perfect Crimson"
>have absolutely nothing to do with "crimson"

you guys think kuba was planning to make more kenpachi chapters, then was forced to shoe in hitsugaya instead, but forgot to change the titles?
"Crimson" is part of Daiguren hyorinmaru's name
Grimmjow Ichigo?
>fighting against all three of the fanservice characters at one time

If Gerard won it would be a miracle
This chart is bullshit, Bleach doesn't follow this pattern.
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Don't raise your voice at me, Kurosaki.
Good job anon. Now all I'm thinking about is Aizen's voice saying "Kurosaki Ichigo"
He's now able to get every woman in a radius of 200km wet, while as a shota his area of effect was only about a 10km radius. It's a significant buff.
This made no sense whatsoever

Ichigo who jumps into battle to rescue people all the time instead just stood there and watched Hinamori get impaled

Ichigo would've jumped in the middle and blocked it but instead he stood still and waited after she was impaled to say Aizen was trolling them
Depends who used it first. Hitsugaya would win either way since he could make an ice mirror hologram while Rukia has to stand in place
He could have been shouting at them the entire time but Aizen didn't let them hear
Not to mention ichigo had to stay back for a reason.

Aizen could have easily turned Ichigo into the pseudo Aizen and watch him get beat.

His shikai is incredibly broken.
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Saved for posterity.
If physical damages just end up empowering Gerald more and more, how did Nimaiya killed him with a sword?
little shorty is 1 hit 1 kill. Unless you're a cheating bastard like Askin
Since when were you under the impression that Bleach had continuity?
The the bottom right panel should've been even more appropriate.
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Here's your reply.
Was it ever stated that the sheathless sword was one of his sword five?
anon, people checked last week. Every single fight Hitsugaya has been in. The information about it fading when the petals run out was never directly stated by Icefag. Shawlong Qu-Fang makes the assumption in their fight, and Hitsugaya never refutes him.

Kubo also made mention in an interview that he couldn't control his bankai pre-time skip, but he can now

but as far as I can tell, Hitsugaya never directly states that his bankai ends when the petals run out
not that I can tell, haven't bothered re-reading it yet though
That goes for most of the male characters in the series.
>In what way do I resemble Kurosaki?
eh, the only characters that actually look like Ichigo are Kaien (who's related) and Uryu, which is drawn attention. older toshrio has some similarity since he's meant to be young and attractive, but the shape of his face isn't as narrow/long as Ichigo's and he has different eyes and hair.
W2c Kubo's /fa/ shirt
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>the shape of his face isn't as narrow/long as Ichigo's
Ichigo got hit with the bishie stick the hardest out of the series, even accounting for the general art shift overall. The guy used to be a square faced, shifty looking fuck, and now he's pretty shonen fuck boy number whatever. Ishida used to be the one with the narrow long face out of the group.
I want Ichigo inside me.
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Ichigo's progression is gradual people note that he became very good looking. The biggest shift in style came between the first arc and the SS arc. Ichigo was already a prettyboy by the time he fought Kenpachi. He was significantly less blocky even when he trained with Urahara.
Next chapter, it's revealed that the one who got Senkei'd by Byakuya was her.
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No less than 7 chapters later and he's much closer to his HM arc self. It's like Kubo changed his mind on the design of most of his characters midway through the first arc. Orihime's face and eyes became rounder too. Ichigo's face used to be much pointer. He has a stronger jaw nowadays.
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Not even Gekka Tenshou is working!
It's all in the eyes for me. His face is pretty obvious comparing the earliest chapters to now, but it's his eyes that really change the face.

They look super shifty early on because of how beady they look for not touching the bottom. He even still has it in the first image posted, making him look significantly less good looking. But they're pretty full in the second image, which is about as bland, standard handsome shonen I've ever seen Ichigo. Even compared to his later appearances where he just flat out pretty.

Do y'all niggers forget that Hyorinmaru is literally said to be the Ryujin Jakka of Ice?

No shit its gonna be OP as fuck
That should be due to a change in his overall demeanor. It was said that at first Ichigo was only putting on airs and that he was actually scared and cowardly. His eyes reflect genuine confidence now.
Fucking hell LoN
>My request shows up again

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Or it might've just been puberty.
>His eyes reflect genuine confidence now.

He still is making the same mistakes and getting himself killed, just look at his fight against askin.

Ichigo never learning anything besides bashing people with getsuga, all those fights against Aizen, and he still gets himself tricked into death every time.
Near death, keeping in mind that Askin's ability is cheating to win and assassination. And also Ichigo never had the opportunity to properly learn kido, so he uses what he knows. Which is getsuga and hitting really hard. He is just like Kenpachi in that regard. We also haven't seen him fight seriously in years.
>also haven't seen him fight seriously in years.
when's the last time we have seen him fight anyway? I faintly remember him going against the female Sternritters, but it's been some time since then
He was dicking around back then and he soloed all them with ease.
The Linda Project ones are good.
why does crunchyroll always lead me to a 404 page
Because CR is complete garbage
Did Cube Tit have a stroke? This last arc's chapters have the worst writing I have ever seem.
I see ignored baits on3 after the other
Nic3, people are learning
Looks like the shitposter takes brakes to take a shit or eat and then comes back to post weak as shit baits
>the shitposter
>he thinks there is only one
Explain the "bad writing" you claim exists. You can't can't you?
Which version of Ichigo is your favorite, lon?
Cause he and the other Schutzstaffel exccept Askin (since he was new and was not a previous member) couldn't unlock their true powers before Yhwach did his Auswählen
seems like its going on forever
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I'm glad to see that the sternritter looks like he's going to get killed with teamwork, I feared Kubo would have Icefaggot one-shot him.

>I froze your "hope"
Oh wait, KUUUUBB-
Freezing your enemy's very power is nicer than what I was expecting.
>Negative Kelvin
>Sub Zero
>twist/corruption of some scientific explanation/theory
>freeze time itself

I hope Yachiru continues to "physically" manifest after all this.
Yachiru a cute. A CUTE.
Is askin the liver of the soul king?
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or appendix
The manga is atrocious. I facepalm after each of last 20 chapters. Shunsui's reveal was average, but stylish, everything else == garbage. Asspull powerups, shit matchups, silly fanservice reveals, dialogs are trash. I want it to die.

Then they maybe can release condensed remastered hi-budget version.
bleach is jojo done wrong
Could Mayuri have taken Askin on the first time they met?
I want this to end already.
No, only Pernida and Gerard are parts of the Soul King out of the Schutzstaffel
To think the said drawing Ichigoo was hard and he never realized he's been doing it so easily in almos every "handsome" male character.
>that filename
I don't even have a dick but experienced the biggest boner in my life

Then don't read it you fucking retards. Don't you think that's the easiest option, rather than whining and complaining like a bunch of helpless autists. Jesus fucking christ every Bleach thread there are little faggots who complain about every little thing DON'T READ IT IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT.
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Yeah, i remember bitching to my friends how fucking shitty the fights have become lately. When i think about fights, especially in manga's, i categorize them as follows:

>Tier 1(Good)
Fights have tactics in em', and both combatants use a wide variety of moves. A match can be ended with a simpler technique also, even though it is a bit rarer.

>Tier 2(OK)
The combatants fight each other by slapping better techniques or abilities on the table. The match ends when the other combatant can't top the winning move.

>Tier 3(Shit)
Bleach right now. Combatants fight each other by slapping a better form(or asspull) on the table. The match ends when the other combatant can't top the winning form( or asspull).

It's utterly ridiculous. Sure Bleach fights have been Tier 2 the most of it's running time, but this is just pathetic. These godly quincy fights have paradoxically been the worst fights in Bleach, even though everyone pretty much is bringing their A-game to the table. The fights should be amazing right now, but week after week they just make you sigh.

...Maybe Kubo just doesn't give a fuck anymore.
jesus christ, this. this isn't even a matter of you souring it up for everyone else, this is just the rest of us looking at you guys and asking, "why"? Why stick with something you don't enjoy or appreciate in the least? Go do something you'll enjoy and stop wasting your time.
So bleach just turned into asspull after asspull. I mean I know he's been doing that a lot since the beginning but now it's every 2-3 chapters. Next chapter's gonna be histugaya and byakuya's attack seemingly defeating gerard, gerard gets back up, blast histugaya away and as he is about to deliver the finishing blow byakuya reveals he's the only one to have ever mastered the second bankai and we are set for another 2-3 chapters.

Also where did the ability of sternritters to steal bankai go? I thought they all had that medallion that can steal a shinigami's bankai. How come they no longer use it?
>Also where did the ability of sternritters to steal bankai go?

They nullified it by giving the shinigami's a vaccine that contains hollow in it. Quincies can't hollow.
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Would you buy Rukia chappy's?
So many speed readers in this thread
Not only that but the quincies can't use their vollstandig while having a stolen bankai.
Which makes me wonder if quincies have an inner worlds like shinigami, and that stealing bankais is replacing/co-occupying their own inner spirit with a shinigami's inner spirit
he's the immune system
Makes sense these two would love each other. They're both same-face masters of the highest level.

i have no words for this retardation

Yama was so strong he beat espada to death with his hands. IF it were yama fighting gerard now the fight wouldve been over in 3 pages.
At this point, you really need to adapt a different way to consuming Bleach.
You need to enjoy the utter stupidity of the ride.
It doesn't make it any better from an objective standpoint, but at least you can enjoy it?

Dub a dubs confirmed

Also pay them no heed. Threads have been flooded with Hitsugaya fangirls frothing all over the place.
He didn't beat any espada though. Wonderweiss was made to counter his sword, he wasn't a serious soldier like the rest of the espada.
You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means. What exactly are these so called asspulls you talk about. There none since quite some time.
>implying Gerard wouldn't just regenerate and grow larger from the damage Yama inflicts
he would be ashes before he could do a thing. he beat the shit out of yhwach remember?
Did Yhwach even have the Almighty back then?
funny way to write 'asspull'
*And Gerard doesn't need to "do" anything. He gets damaged, he regens and gets bigger and more resilient, Yamamoto damages Gerard's sword, Yamamoto gets sliced the fuck up.

And freaking Lloyd using just his own strength (since he only copies likeness and memories) was able to last a while against Yamamoto and get him to go through all four cardinal direction moves, Yhwach
no idea but my theory goes that yama battered yhwach back into a childs form and couldnt kill him. remember when yama said to wonderweiss that he was glad he had taken a monstrous form 'because now i can kill you without regret'. I think Yama spared yhwach.
I came here for Aizen post and I am not disappointed.
Yamamoto would probably just incinerate Gerard down to his very atoms. He can probably burn "hope" too.

I mean, if Hitsugaya can freeze "hope", then Yamamoto sure as hell could burn it.
Hitsugaya froze something so solidly it can't activate, doubt Yamamoto would be able to burn to ash literally the whole blade, especially if he doesn't know about the damaging the blade damages you thing at first.
Did you guys think the fight vs the left hand of soul king was an asspull? If so how?
Why not? In theory, he could destroy the entire world. What's one blade?
Cause he's not gonna know to burn the whole blade and has never tried to burn up literally every single atom of someone when killing them, not even the guy who killed his lieutenant

He wouldn't know to try and burn all of Gerard's blade before causing such a huge "nick" or cutting it completely in half that he'd be completely fucked.

He wouldn't know to burn all of Gerard either, nor would he probably be able to, even his sword thing to kill Yhwach only took out the area of Lloyd's torso and midsection, leaving plenty for Gerard to regenerate from, especially if he gets much bigger, and ambient heat isn't gonna kill off all of Gerard either, Lloyd already showed blut vene is enough to survive around sun like temperatures
And I want Aizen inside him...
Yamamoto was okay with the Quincy massacre, which definitely included innocent children and infants. And he was even more ruthless 1000 years ago. Yamamoto didn't fail to kill Yhwach because of a lack of trying. There is something else that allowed Yhwach to survive. And as long as Ichigo doesn't figure that out, he won't be able to defeat Yhwach.
Wonderweiss shit on Bankai + Mask Kensei, he was obviously Espada level.
i think the evidence is there. Yhwach said yamas heart grew too much. he loved shunsui and ukitake as sons. he interacted with kids a lot.
>Yhwachs grows with war
>Trying to defeat him is war

and then Yhwach was defeated by the power of friendship, becoming Ichigo's friend and then vanishing.
he didnt though. we didnt see the fight. he probably just kicked him into a building or something and then kensei knew better than to join in yamas fight
Not that anon but I think that the pieces of the Soul King and his progeny, can't really die die.

Like their consciousness can be put out of commission, but the power or being itself will always exist, and it'll just take time for it all to come back, unless absorbed.

Would explain why Yhwach has the Kaiser Gesang thing, and may even be why the Soul King seemed like he wouldn't/couldn't do anything even when getting threatened with death and then getting slashed, he too might've been in a Kaiser Gesang type phase where he wasn't fully back yet, and the missing limbs could tie into why he wasn't fully back yet.

And so now anyone who manages or hopes to defeat Yhwach, will have to absorb him to fully beat him.
I really liked Bleach, maybe because I have tremendous tolerance for arc-fatigue, but during the soul-society arc it was my favorite thing to read. That said, its bad. But its bad in a way that I feel is worth discussing. I feel like many anime have similar problems to Bleach, but Bleach embodies more cons than pros, and that really disappointing because even now I see flashes of awesome in the middle of the mess that is Bleach.

1) Scatter-shot focus: This is largely a function of the characters, mainly that there are far too many of them, and they continually show up way after their relevance has come and gone. Namely the Gotei 13, they are more or less pointless after the Soul Society arc. There are some that are important enough to warrant further appearances. However the story continually invents reasons to drag the ENTIRE Gotei 13 EVERYWHERE, which means that screen time gets spread so thin no one really gets a chance to shine. The main cast really should be reduced.

2) New powers invented for the purpose of not having a point: this isn't really a new phenomenon, but this is particularly weird. Kisuke has an ability that lets him put his spirit energy in his opponents and ignite it if they touch him, causing massive internal damage. This is actually a cool ability, and in a better manga it would have involved characters thinking and planning their way around it. In Bleach it was brought up and used against Aizen, just so he could shrug it off. That's the main problem with Bleach's fight scenes, they suffer from DBZ syndrome, where certain people are just more powerful than others and that's the end. It also shares the problem with DBZ where a lot of abilities are just the same generic energy beam with a different appearance and name, but no distinguishable functionality differences. Some abilities like Kira's Wabisuke, and Gin's bankai are notable and refreshing exceptions.

You really think Kensei would just let Wonderweiss leave their battle?
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I stopped liking bleach a while back. Started to feel I was missing out so I caught up again.
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nigga wat
Good doujins stopped existing in the 90s.
His grew soft after the war, not before. The Yamamoto Yhwach knew was a heartless beast and Yhwach admired him for that. The original generation was a band of criminals.
You're crazy, it's beautiful.
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daily reminder that ichigo's sword has not yet hit it's 'final form' and he will dual wield sode no shirayuki with his with the fabric combined and the form will be called 'THE HEART and Soul'

he got his powers awakened from rukia but she also put too much of her own to help his do so, he has control over Sodenoshirayuki
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and to add to this

Shunsui and Ukitake both had Zanpaku-to wielded along with their own that were from other shinigami
>wan piss fag
fuck off we don't want your delusional kind here. We at least accept that bleach is shit.
Go on.
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Stop forcing your shit headcanon
>they're both using bandages so they must go together
Reconsider your life
cap that shit then and prove me wrong next year
Ukitake's two swords are both his. He has one sword when unreleased that turns into two for shikai.

Shunsui always has two swords, even when unreleased.
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but Shunsui's other sword did not belong to him
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Did somebody ask for RIPPED PANTS?
I really liked the "quincy-hybrid"-theory that they dual wielded cause they were some freak children who Mr. Yuujinyakka trained to become Shinigamis. Sadly, that wasn't the case. Certainly could have given them an interesting side plot that would have crossed Ichigo's origins nicely.

And now they are both all but confirmed dead...
damn Ukitake had a shitty ending.
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Yeah. And Bleach's version of the fusion dance was gay as fuck.
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>he didn't like dark rukia
Right. I agree that Shunsui uses a sword he took from somebody else. But Ukitake does (did) not.
Can't say i have seen that. Movie or filler?
>the very definition of the first world.
Are you high? That would be several European countries, starting with the Scandinavian ones.
His sword made another sword in order to hide the ritual sword, which is the third sword.
Out of the espada, which were Vasto lords? The top 4 for sure but the rest? Nnoitra proves that the numbers could change
nnoitora was a pushover and was only good for his armor

The only Vasto Lorde was Hallibel

What exactly do you think "first world" means? Because it doesn't mean "developed country".
>nnoitora was a pushover
No, Aaronierro (never know how to spell his name) and pumpkin ghost were pushovers. Nnoitora was a beast with tremendous offense and defense, though no clever tricks.

He just happened to go against another guy with tremendous offense and defense but no clever tricks. And, unluckily for Nnoitora, that guy was Zaraki.
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Here's what we know about Vasto Lordes:
>They're much, much stronger than any Hollow
>They're extremely small for Hollows, comparable to the average human
>They're humanoid

So based on that, we can assume that Barragan, Harribel and Ulquiorra were all Vasto Lordes. Harribel was explicitly stated to be a Vasto Lorde, and we know for a fact that Barragan and Ulquiorra were small humanoid Hollows before they became Arrancar.

Starrk is difficult to guess since he was an Arrancar before he even met Aizen. But considering his spiritual power is above even that of Barragan and Harribel's, it's likely that he and Lillynette were a Vasto Lorde before they split apart and became Arrancar.

Yammy was a worthless shit, but he had a quality that could theoretically let him power up indefinitely, so it's even harder to guess with him. In his initial appearance, he was pretty weak, but he got stronger the more he simmered in his anger, so even if he wasn't a Vasto Lorde, it didn't really matter.
What was the biggest KUBO moment. I thought the hollow being Zangetsu was retarded but brilliant.
>What exactly do you think "first world" means? Because it doesn't mean "developed country".
And yet, it does. Well, actually the original meaning of First, Second and Third Worlds is now meaningless because the Cold War is over.
Now there's only 1st and 3rd (no sense), and others who think that, based in level of human developement, we should consider using 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Worlds (makes sense and it's useful for some statistics).
>Didn't you notice? Everytime you were gettign your shit kicked in it was your hollow that showed up to save you.
Should've seen it coming since most of the other zanpakutos are douchebags
Databooks said the majority were Espada. There was also a panel of Nnoitra, when he was a hollow. It was the one where he standed under the moon. He was very humanoid, but looked different from his Arracar and Release form. Nnoitra was definitely a Vasto Lorde.
He's not wrong

Do you have that picture? I've never seen it before.
no it said most of the espada were vastlordes

not most of the vast lordes were espada

that's an entirely different statement
Or you could use the unambiguous and generally understood term "developed country." Just because something's irrelevant nowadays (and, by the way, first/second world is not yet irrelevant), doesn't mean it's free game for redefinition.
It still doesn't make sense to me.
Since he did go through the hollowfying process his hollow is a real hollow. And when he found out old man Zangetsu was Yhwach he didn't reject it, but accepted his quincy heritage. So now his Zanpakuto spirit is actually a combination of his hollow and quincy powers? It's supposed to be a shinigami ability, but he has no spirit that represents his shinigami powers.
White Ichigo is his Shinigami spirit, though. I know it's weird, but that's the explanation.
This one.
Sorry, I should have checked what I wrote. But that doesn't change that Nnoitra in all liklihood is a Vasto Lorde.
What makes you think shinigami aren't just spirits which did not hollowfy, but instead use asauchi to feed the hollow spirit that resides within themselves? Instead of letting the hollow merge with their soul (like a visored), they contain it in a sword.
Because that's too complicated even for Kubo. He already gave a lot of background on the nature of Zanpakuto through the Squad 0 guy. We're not going to see any more big details before the end of the series.
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Neliel is probably a Vasto Lorde as well

>nnoitora coming back to life
kubo why don't take her away from me
If Masaki died, didn't her soul go to SS? Where the fuck is she at?
Are you sure that's Nnoitra as a hollow/vasto lorde? Seems to me that that is just a naked Nnoitra with the waning moon symbol of his Resurrección.
If the Quincy died, shouldn't they just pop up again in Soul Society?

Stop asking questions m8
Well he left a corpse for Mayuri to zombify, alongside Starrk. Though I did hear theories, that Unohana saved him and Tesla alongside Grimmjow, because they were just five meters away, while Ichigo was busy with Ulquiorra. And that Nnitra was the Arrancar Orihime was surprised to see in the Negar Ruins and that this is why Grimmjow kept Nnoitra's scar. Though, I think Nnoitra coming back as a zombie seems to be much more likely.
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problem is kubo foreshadowed their return

I suspect he will find something like he always does in order to inset them where he sees fit
He lacks the extra arms, the scyths and the crescent moon. He also has some weird insect mouth, which he lacked in Release.
Long haired hollow Ichiigo with the darkened sclera.
With how OP the captains and everyone are getting right now, how will the Hollows ever compete?

Or is it gonna be like the first generation of Captains where they create and start treasuring peace so much that the generations after become weak?
How does that image prove that Kubo forshadowed their return? It just shows Ichigo's main opponents.

>He lacks the extra arms, the scyths and the crescent moon.

It's his unreleased form, he is just naked. The waning moon is a symbol for his Resurrección, not his Resurrección itself.
Next chapter will literally be Gerard trying to regenerate after Byakuya's attack, and the three of then realizing that the key to kill him is to break the Quincy seal we saw last time he regenerated.

Yama's bankai would have burned that thing from existence alongside Gerard's body.
it's a new picture
Tripfags, not even once. Fuck off faggot.
Pretty sure the Quincy seal we saw was just a symbol to show him going into Volstandig, not his core.

Askin also showed a quincy mark for example on his eye before triggering Volstandig.
The picture also foreshadowed Yhwach and the Soul King. Nnoitra still has that weird insect mouth. He didn't have that in his unreleased form.
The picture of Nnoitra? But the one you posted is from a manga episode. If you have the new picture, could you post it or tell me where I can find it?

I also don't think Nnoitra was a Vasto Lorde. I mean, he started as the Octava Espada. He probably was a very powerful Adjucas, not unlike Grimmjow.
*Äs Nödt

Not Askin
>that weird insect mouth.

I don't see that. Isn't that his hair?
>replying to a 19 hour old post
that picture I just posted with ichigo and all his enemies is a very recent work of Kubo
That wasn't Vollständig. VIZ and other translation didn't said that this is called Ashetonig, but rather that Gerard is Ashetonig. Gerard also had the wings before he transformed and deactivated them again after some time. And I highly doubt his Vollständig is a helmet and some tatoos.
>The picture also foreshadowed Yhwach and the Soul King.

Indeed, that is why Ichigo is going towards them. The people below him and Aizen are his past opponents. I really don't think it foreshadowes Nnoitra's return. He was killed by Kenpachi, and we even got to see the corpse, unlike with Grimmjow.
Hair doesn't work like that. It has the form of an inect mouth and also a crescent moon. That's definitely not hair. Nnoitra's hair is too long for that and was too short in the past.
His outfit transformed and he got a helmet and suddenly has a "Power of God" thing, it's more likely volstandig than not.

Probably just has different stages to it kinda like how he and Lille had regular white wings in Volstandig after Aushwalen, and were still able to progress and transform more after that
Well, zombie is a good possibility and there was that chart that said Nnoitra and Starrk have a small chance to return. Question is Tesla actually He was last seen crying because Nnoitra lost. You could say he died afterwars, but we have no definite confirmation and this is Kubo we're talking about.
Fair enough. Your satanic trips also confirm it.

I see what you mean. I'm still not entirely convinced because we don't have a clearer image, but I guess this is the closest will get for now.
His outfit did actually transform severals times. His boot for example or also fist. I just think it's strange that a Quincy without a Schrift has Vollständig, since Vollständig is always related to the Schrift. But maybe having a Vollständig without a Schrift could be called a miracle.

The Mircale, Yhwach's soul piece and the Hogyoku do work the same way interestingly. So maybe like how Yhwach gave the Sternritter and the Hogyoku gave Aizen wings, maybe the heart of the Soul King can give himself a Vollständig too.
How else can we ask Kubo?
He'll probably draw a Databook with the design for all the Espadas when they were hollows, and all the Bankais that weren't shown and all that noise. Hopefully that will happen.
I meant the satanic trips. I don't think we will get much infos about the Espada, unless they return like Grimmjow. Next databooks will be all Quincy, Shinigami and a little bit Fullbringer I think.
She got eaten by a Hollow, mate.
does anyone even die unless eaten by a hollow?

Hollows get purified and sent to SS right?

What happens if you die in SS
>Hyorinmaru is literally said to be the Ryujin Jakka of Ice
Being the first to actually use Getsuga in bankai was also a nice little callback. It was consistently shown that the Hollow knew how to use ichigo's abilities far better than he did.
But isn't a shrift apparently related to some kinda innate power you already had and is just a recognition of that power?

And volstandig is just a perfected Quincy Left Stil, so it's just another technique, it's not related to the shrift except named in reference to that Quincy's innate powers and their servitude of Yhwach.
Yhwach literally stole all their souls.
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>When you fingered her the night before and it still smells
No, Yhwach stole their life force and powers, not souls.

yhwach can't steal souls, only get back the pieces of his own soul that he lends out to people.
Masaki was a pure quincy, so she only lost her powers, but only because of the hollow inside her.
Aizen "I have planned everything since your birth" moment.

Yhwach "Everything you do is because I want it" was another one.
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ichigo being part hollow, quincy, visored,soul reaper, soul king, ,kono ,dio ,da,and part kubo
Ulquiorra was not a Vasto Lorde. His seven brothers, who he killed, were Vasto Lordes.
sword logic
He fits all the descriptions of Vasto Lordes.
Yes, but he was never a menos type hollow. He was born from Hueco Mundo itself and his power far outclassed any other hollow to date.
Its dumb when you think about it, Hitsuguya stated that 10 vasto lordes would be the end of soul society yet the captains had equal difficulty with the fracciones as they did with the espada.
Hitsugaya just happened to have good compatibility against Harribel. Komamura's a dumbass brute.
>and his power far outclassed any other hollow to date
was that date 2009? because he got shrekt pretty hard
Ichigo is a cheat sheet hybrid he doesn't count.
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In the espada there were only 4 vasto lordes.

He's a vasto lorde retard. The outline of a vasto lorde was very similar to his silhouette. He just doesn't remember his life before being an adjuchas since it takes hundreds of adjuchas level souls to beomce a vasto lorde anyhow.
They mostly do OC now (or rather, have been for years). I still like 'em. Actually probably more so over time, so I think they're an acquired taste.
It would probably stand to reason that Starrk, Barragan and Uliquiorra were probably Vasto Lordes, since they were the three strongest.

I'm not sure about Yammy though. I mean, yeah, he has the potential to get obscenely strong if he's pissed enough, but in his first appearance, he was pretty shit. Definitely didn't seem anywhere near Vasto Lorde class. If he WAS a former Vasto Lorde, wouldn't that mean that he'd already be really strong in his initial state and got even stronger from there?
It's irrelevant how many souls make up a VL, because a VL needs to either have superior power and a bigger ego than all the parts that comprise it to remain in control of itself. The moment he fails to recognize himself he will regress into a gillian. Ulquiorra was a single hollow with power far beyond any other who was born from HM itself.
So basically, Ulquiorra wasn't a Vasto Lorde due to technically not being a Menos. Fair enough.

Since Starrk and Barragan were stronger than Harribel, they were probably also Vasto Lordes. But who's left then? Nel? She was the former #3, after all.
There's not a single hollow that can be that strong without consuming strong souls. They're all made up of thousands of hollows, You can't deny what's canon and replace it with your own. Ulqi is a VL hollow.
Why do you think that?

I mean, if you really think about it, there's not that huge a difference between Hollows and Shinigami. And it's not like Shinigami consume souls to get stronger. Maybe Ulquiorra was just a freak of nature like Kenpachi was.
Ulquiorra has a different origin than other hollows. He was unique
Because that is the nature of hollows. They have no heart, so they consume to try and fill that hole to no avail. This is literally canon.

You can say that about any hollow, even Starrk. That coldsteel-tier post is terrible.
Good thing there were only 9. Also, I doubt Hitsugaya actually knew how powerful the old guard was: Yama, Shunsui, Ukitake, and Unohana.
No, Ulquiorra truly was unique. Starrk and Lillynette didn't recall their previous life for a reason, but the very nature of their power hints to them being VL. Ulquiorra however was born from HM. The only other hollow in his league was over a thousand years old and had feasted on countless other hollows before becoming an arrancar.
>thinly veiled request for good bleach doujins
keep up the good work, anon
How come the Vizards' inner hollows are so strong despite not consuming any souls?
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Kubo is fantastic with DESPAIR. That and the SoL moments is what I loved about the Fullbring arc
Hollowfication is several times more potent than arrancarization. The resulting power from a perfect hollowfication isn't additive, it's multiplicative. That said the vizards are massive fuck ups.
It's a shame she's dead.
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Man Yama was one of my favorite characters too. I'm still a bit salty he got off'd like that
>that expression
Hitsugaya is too sexy, man.
Their's was the best fight in Bleach imho
he will rise like a phoenix

Kubo writes some genuinely fantastic fucking characters, and what people don't ever seem to give him credit for is that Bleach is his first real Foray into a full Manga. The fact that Bleach ended up as popular as it did is something.

I'm pumped to see what he does with his next work, if he can pull a Togashi and learn what he did wrong then improve on the next.
>if he can pull a Togashi and learn what he did wrong then improve on the next
That's a tall order.
Or I should just say, forget about it.
Man, if he pulled a Togashi for his next work, it'd never fucking end. Togashi has the work ethic of an obese sloth with cancer.
>Implying there are any Momo x Rukia doujin where she fucks Rukia into the lieutenants' club.
>Implying this isn't a more thinly-veiled request than the other guy
At least a fanfiction, anyone, please.
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Man I loved this guy. Shame he was god's arm or something
Kubo will bring back Yama, his old squad plus the zero squad as enemies.
Otherwise this manga ends in 30 chapters and i'm sure kubo still wants to milk it.
Maybe it's just my Ukitake fanboy wank, but I see him coming back, desu. Maybe even as the final villain.
he'll just die again
i wish we got to see Stark come back, he was so cool and we didn't get to see much.
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>Rukia will never look behind you like this on the night of your wedding
Not that anon but I don't think Ulquiorra was unique.

Pretty sure he got to be a Vasto Lorde just like everyone else.

He says he was born in a dark place where no light shone, but the next memory is him in a place with light where he can identify other beings that are eating something and he can even see their teethand he can tell his own features like skin color, unless these are bioluminescent toothed hollows, Ulquiorra probably wandered around before he ever got to that lit place. So I'm guessing and it'd make more sense, that as a hollow he lived in that place, ate, kept on eating, kept on progressing and evolving, until he got powerful enough and as a Vasto Lorde, could crawl out out that pit.

Born in it, molded by it, he didn't see the light until he was already a Vasto Lorde.
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>this manga ends in 30 chapters.

I recall people saying it'll end in 2013.
>other hollow in his league was over a thousand years old and had feasted on countless other hollows before becoming an arrancar

Who was this exactly?
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>that subtlety at the end
I think he meant Barragan.
How the heck can that anon think only Barragan is in Ulquiorra's league?

Starrk for example would demolish Ulquiorra

>Hitsugaya finally accepts he's a kid and doesn't want to rush his youth

Character development, I guess.

Now Kubo, stop being a faggot and move on to the next shit.
Questionable. Ulquiorra's Lanza Del Relampago caused a pillar of light that dwarfed Las Loches. And Las Noches has the diameter of Seireitei + all Rukongai Districts.

That's easily leagues above the missile Soifon wounded Barragan with, and Ulquiorra can regenerate lost limbs indefinitely unless Barragan hits his internal organs.
Ulquiorra's Lanza would never hit Starrk, his speed feats guarantee that thing's never getting close to him and Ulquiorra admits he has a hard time aiming that thing.

Regenerating limbs means nothing when Starrk's wolves will blow the fuck out of Ulquiorra over and over again and Ulquiorra can't kill them.
Starrk's wolves didn't even blow the fuck out of Rose and Love. They slightly bruised them. To be honest Starrk didn't show the ability and powerlevel to be the Primera in the manga, his rank is what we would call Informed Powerlevel.
The wolves blasted them out of Hollow modeand then onto their knees, not to mention and Starrk intentionally let up cause he knew he won and wanted to give them the option to leave instead of dying, and Ulquiorra still has no way of destroying them and only one never gonna hit weapon to wound Starrk.
It is pretty weird that Kubo kept hinting at Ukitake's importance yet seemingly let him die a meaningless death doing absolutely nothing. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to throw him back in, maybe having his two 3rd seats carry out some last ditch effort plan of his, assuming they weren't offscreened along with half the lieutenants.
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Yea, I'm not going to attack your opinion of this further, but I will tell you exactly why I disagree with you. There wa a point during Starrk's fight with Shunshui where Shunshui asked him if his guns shoot anything other than Cero's, and I believe that at that point Kubo still had an even bigger power for Starrk, becaue i know how Kubo's mid works, and it wasn't "soul wolves". But he pussed out because he realized that he doesn't want to blow the big guns out in this arc, or because the studio rushed him in some way.

X-axis is literally what Starrk was supposed to have. The power to shoot the abstract concept of projectile that simply pierces through all matter, and the other powers of X-axis also fit into the theme of Starrk, especially his energy form which fits right into Starr's soul splitting/manipulation powers. And that is also why Kubo put Kyouraku up against him, because he wanted to draw the bankai in the same context he had originally written it.

I believe that Starrk was grossly depowered in the manga in comparison to his original idea, even if his objective informed powerlevel is implied to be larger than that of the rest. He was supposed to be much stronger than what he has shown, because Kubo is a poet, and the only power he will put above Time Powers is the power of energy and abstract concepts.

Starrk is one of my favorite characters because of his dynamic affiliation with the "bad" side, but I believe that the second half of his character arc was scrapped.
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>kubo has 9 assistants
>says he doesn't rely on them much

What the hell do they even do?
Clean the place and get him coffee? maybe splash some ink on the pages every once in a while, or he's drawing another manga on the side tokyo ghoul, ishida said he looks like this character
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A lot of assistants are actually mangaka padawans. Oda was one for Toriyama himself.

By the way, they draw speedlines, sometimes cityscapes, furniture, or other things, to the extant that the mangaka allows it. What Kubo said is that he never lets them draw explosions those kind of effects because he thinks that some of the soul of the manga (his style) is in that. I somewhat agree.
tfw Hyounmaru was so tired of being a manlets Bankai that he force aged him
I always forget Rukia even had a sister.
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Literally the best

He clearly doesn't allow them to draw backgrounds either.
Not that anon but the wolves thing was pure pottery.

He had a literal pack of lone wolves.
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Kubo drew atleast 95% of that pic, it doesn't justify 9 assistants for some minor drawings and screentone.
His and Ichigo's lovechild
He has 4 you autist
This was taken before August last year, because that was the time 13Blades was out and Kubo was shown drawing the cover in that video
I remember reading about how after the tsunami in japan, mosha suddenly stopped posting online and no new works were made since. Everyone came to the conclusion that he was one of the many that died on that day...
Third time is a charm
I can just imagine this development.
>What was the point of identifying the war potentials if Yhwach doesn't take any effort to neutralize them?

With Ichigo, Ywach tried to recruit him. When that didn't work, he avoided Ichigo until he was successful with his plan.

With Kenpachi, Ywach tried to kill him with Rroyd Lloyd but Captain General saved his butt. Then the Quincy girls tried to kill Kenpachi but Ichigo saved him

He actually did blast Ichibe away, but he brought himself back to life with his name power.

Ywach tried to recruit Aizen. But when that failed, he could not kill Aizen (immortal, remember), he left him in his chair

As for Urahara, he never really made contact with him.
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Go on.
Hol up... so you be saying Ulqiorra is som kind of a big guy?
Oda was not an assistant to Toriyama.
Oda started out as an assistant to Nobuhiro Watsuki.
Wasnt Mashima assistant of Oda?
If i take this mask off will you die?
It would be extremely painful
You are a big hollow
[Teleports behind back and fires cero] FOR YOU
Where is it that you speed readers keep saying he is dead when he is just out of commission. This has been the case for a long time. He is not dead. He is left alone hanging by a thread down below with Azien in recovery.
Nah man. I too remember that it was said at some point that "Hyorinmaru is literally said to be the Ryujin Jakka of Ice". The thing just was that Hitsugay's sword's abilites haven't reached their peak yet, because of his young age.

I agree with you on the part on that Mr. Yooyinyakka was The Motherfucker though , and it's doubtful that Hitsugay or any other Shinigami reaches his level of physical fitness in ages, maybe never.

What i do not remember on the other hand, is that the series had stated anywhere that Yama's abilities to beat people to death with his hands would have been anyway related to the fact that he had an extremely high-level elemental zanpakutou.

So no... i don't think he said anything that retarded. Or maybe i understood him wrong too.
That anon was talking about Lynette. Lynette is definitely dead. Only way she could ever come back is if reanimating Starrk as a zombie resurrects her
except another ice ability does the same thing earlier in the manga......
Oh shit I now remember reading about that holy shit
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Why did she spurt her drink?
So, according to CNet's translation of the actual release, Gerard doesn't have a Vollständig. He himself is a Vollständig. He himself is Aschetonig.
Look no further than the latest chapter, mate.
>"I froze your hope"
Wwhat is the meaning of this word?
hey, I remember you with that here's your reply bullshit
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Those were the days.
*THANK YOU*- meme insert here.
"Your power only works on living things" vs. "my ice stops your power just because".
You honestly can't compare the two. Rukia's explanation at least makes sense.
Dunno, sounds like how one would write the sound of someone sneezing in german.
I'd like to think Ichigo liked it, and wiped the smirk from his face a second after trying to act horrified and shout to them.
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What would have happened if Chad had straight up beat this motherfucker to death?
This. So much this.
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>Kubo's art will never have style again
>Bleach is his first real Foray into a full Manga
No it's not. Zombie Powder was his first dive into creating a serialized manga.
I wonder if he were to wield both Zans what would happen

>the fabric comes together and covers his body
>icy moon
>spirit ribbons everywhere
gonna look cool
feels bad man

If he could use both, it would mean that their souls are one.

These threads would blow up. Just for that reason alone I want Ichigo to use her sword. That is, after combining his swords in bankai. Masculine's words would be a good foreshadowing of it too. Why else would Kubo go out of his way to write Masculine say what he did?

>fans go apeshit over some of the espada who get killed off

>'Lets bring back the shitty ones nobody likes!' - Kubo 201x
Isanefag i know youre here. Pic for you
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j-just arf my shit up bro
Captured the chronic helplessness in her eyes pretty well

Otherwise 3DPD
What is this meme?
finish your homework
tell me
lurk more
help me out man
>Gerard doesn't have a Vollständig. He himself is a Vollständig

Sternritter ä, ö,ü and ß confirmed!

Like a Böüß
well, we already had The ςtigma
it's not a discernable word at all.
>a shu to ni gu
More likely it ought to be written Aschtnig, but that's still not a word.
I thought that midget was already an "adult" just that he's a fucking hardcore manlet.

I don't even know why I bother reading this shit.
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Deep down you enjoy it.
>I thought that midget was already an "adult"
>I don't even know why I bother reading
apparently you don't
excuse me that I forget things about a manga I pick up and stop at random times because it just gets exhausting to deal with all the asspull nonsense

>pick up and stop at random times

thats why you dont understand it.
I don't remember, did pupper die?
He transformed into a full dog after he defeated Explosionsbitch.


>not squirterquincy
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I think it was implied everyone with Quincy blood has an inner Ywach spirit like Ichigo.
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Google filename newfriend.

Now this advice is not for free. Post me same more Ichiko.
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Dude, ever since Aizen told Ichi up over burning Karakura that each and every fight along his way went Keikaku doori i am reading bleach almost solely for KUBOOOO. I ain't gonna project on all of present fags, but i do believe i am not alone for pic related.
yeah but it was also implied that everyone who's a visord has an inner hollow like Ichigo, but look how that turned out
him being a kid is literally his most defining feature, the only other one is "ice"
>asspull nonsense
There is no asspull nonsense though.Everything is explained but forgive Kubo for not being into shonen babbies and explain every single thing until you understand everything.

how many years has it been since the rape dungeon scene? how many tears have been shed and sleepless nights waiting for a doujin?
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Not that guy, but i must say that i might have used the "asspull"-word wrongly.

What's basically happening when reading Bleach, in a figurative way, is that it's like i'm playing this weird drinking game where the host keeps slapping new rules in, seemingly at random.

Now getting drunk isn't bad in itself, cause i sure as fuck wouldn't be playing the game otherwise, but the way the game is going i'm well on my way to an alcohol poisoning, and i don't consider that as a good way to end a night of drinking.
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Trips speaks the truth.
Because I've been reading it for this long, and I may as well see how it ends. And it's not like it takes that much time to read, with 90% of the chapters being textless reaction shots to this weeks asspull
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186 chapters ago, plus there have been various hiatus, including the big 5 week one, so that's around 3 years and 7 months+.
Maybe no new ones but no good doujins? You gotta be joking.
>Timeline for ants

Fujo landwhale spotted.
Man, Urahara's bankai was the most underwhelming shit ever.

Im not seeing it. Can you outline it for me?
you realize 4chan has an file size limit right?
You mean Kenpachi's. He jobbed instantly and his bankai litterally consisted of cut harder after a shikai that involved cutting hard.
Doesn't change the usefulness of that pic, you could aways do some image compression or split it the image up
His Bankai's only purpose was to counter Askin. Kubo keeps writing himself into these corners.

Yup and yup.
oh you only tried to open it in the thread like a retard and not at full size
So the physical Gerard we see is the volstandig of the Heart of the Soul King?

It wouldn't be quite as bad if right after he wrote himself out of a corner he didn't go "Phew, almost lost it there! Now let's raise the stakes EVEN HIGHER." to then write himself straight into a new corner.
Tensa really looks like teenage Haschwalth
They have inner hollows. Mashiro in particular was good friends with her inner hollow, which is kinda creepy. She also had never do the Vizard training and when she got infected, she already had her Hollow mask. Everyone else had something that covered the entire head, like a helmet. While it resembled the mask, it wasn't quite the same. Only exception was Mashiro.
Reminder that Yhwach's powers have broken the narrative so his plot is to gain a meta understanding of the series.
>He keeps Uryu close to him because he doesn't know why he survived his Auswhalen in the past (Plot armor)
>He wants to convert Ichigo to his cause, becuase he's the main character and never permanently loses.
>Identified the people who weren't fodder in his war to annihilate the shinigami
>Absorbs the soul king, ensuring that he cannot die
The heart of the Soul King/The Miracle functions the same way as the Hogyoku. The Hogyoku functions the same as Yhwach and the special Quincy. Hogyoku can give powers and Aizen's butterfly form does resemble a Vollständig. Yhwach can give Schrifts and Vollständig. The Miracle and give himself more powers and wings.
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Why didn't Nimaya craft multiple super sharp swords and give it to the one with multiple arms?
kek out of all of them Mashiro looked like she had the least self-esteem issues
Well he was pretty androgenous after all.
But if Tensa looks like Haschwalth, then does Haschwalth look like teenage Yhwach?
>Aizen's butterfly form does resemble a Vollständig.
I've been saying that for months but everyone laughed at me. Also the lines around his neck look like Blut. The hogyoku healed his shoulder slash (caused by Ichigo in FKKT) in the form of Blut Vene, and everything was looking like the thin nerves used by Pernida.
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If it has minor people like Nnoita, why doesn't it have Quilge Opie?
Because it's from 2010?
What was the cell pasta?
He's already stopped using sode no shirayuki since SS arc
You're not alone, Anon.

I also believe that the Hogyoku and all its powers are directly related to the Soul King, who, in turn, is related to the Quincy.
All "handsome-type" males in this manga look alike, they all have a slightly elongated face and narrow chins, with similar proportional features.
Well, it's not like you expect a magic-type ability from him, do ya?
>tfw 8 years ago i found bleach ANIME in fucking school
>watched to "bounto" arc and dropped
>three days ago finished reading entire fucking bleach from the very beginning in 3 days
i don't know what to feel anymore
more plotholes than real holes i saw in my life
Explain you fucking memer.
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