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So, who is the traitor on board?
Wait why is there an assumption a traitor is on board?
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My money is still on Ritsuko.

Someone did mention however, that it would make for Kouko to be the one, hence why she throws around conspiracy theories (she knows they are true).
I bet it's Kuro, who knows she's going to lose Shiro and makes a deal to take Mike out of the picture.
Why Ritsuko? I don't remember her even appearing.
If there's a traitor they're not doing a very good job seeing how the Harekaze already managed two easy victories.
I don't trust her profile pic. She also has access to the tube and torpedoes, so she could have done the switching around without arousing suspicion.
they're doing a good job of wearing it down. A few more "surprise attacks" and we'll have ourselves a crisis situation.
Harekaze's victories is according to keikaku.
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you post the wrong version anon
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Mike : Moka? Is that you?
Moka : You tell me.
Mike : I'm done playing games, Moka-
Moka : I assure you, this is no game.

Moka : It seems that reports of my... survival... have been greatly exaggerated.
Mike : This isn't possible.
Moka : Oh, I assure you, it is.
Mike : How?!
Moka : Not how. Why. You were never meant to come here.

Mike : What happened here was out of my control.
Moka : Was it? None of this would've happened if you'd just stopped. But on you marched. And for what?
Mike : We tried to save you.
Moka : You're no savior. Your talents lie elsewhere.

Mike : This isn't my fault!
Moka : It takes a strong man to deny what's right in front of him. And if the truth is undeniable, you create your own. The truth, Mike, is that you're here because you wanted to feel like something you're not: A HERO. I'm here because you can't accept what you've done. It broke you. You needed someone to blame, so you cast it on me, a dead man.

Moka: I know the truth is hard to hear, Mike, but it's time. You're all that's left, and we can't live this lie forever. (points a gun at Walker) I'm going to count to five, then I'm pulling the trigger.
Mike: You're not real, this is all in my head.
Moka: Are you sure? Maybe it's in mine. One.
Mike: No. Everything... all this... it was YOUR fault!
Moka: If that's what you believe, then shoot me! Two.
Mike: I... I didn't mean to hurt anybody...
Moka: No one ever does, Walker. Three...

(Mike has just shot Moka)
Moka: It takes a strong man to deny what's in front of him.
Mike: Stronger than you were.
Moka: Whatever you say, Mike. No matter what happens next, don't be too hard on yourself. Even now, after all you've done, you can still go home. Lucky you.
So, when do we get the next PV, again? And is this on any regular place's streaming schedule?
Why not Harakaze, you fart?
PV somewhere between Wednesday night and Thursday morning.
Could someone link me the previous thread for reference purpose? (Not link to archive site)
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>he doesn't know
>not feels jammed up her rear tube
The man whom the cartel sicarios killed was the President's friend, and he had an excuse to send an operation to Colombia.
Japan time right? Soon then?
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its the teacher she's unconcious so she can't say anything yet
Mike = Nanoha
Moeka = Hayate
Wilhelmina = Fate?
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Mike and her girls.

She was tasked to kill the Chairman's daughter. Unfortunately, Shiro didn't take a bite on her curry which might be poisoned.
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I'm going to be really disappointed if German girl ends up being shit. She has very high best girl potential.
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There is no traitor
Nobody will die
>very high best girl potential
>very high
>look like meat
>voiced by a hentai VA
Really? She has the typical blonde slut written all over her.
The cat. It has a tracking device.
>the entire situation was caused by mike stealing notgarfield and the owner contacting the police to get him returned from the dangerous cat thief
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11/10 My prediction says she'll be "desu wa" type.
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Nah, she looked too intense for that in the episode and too open for that in all of the artwork.
the cook
Why would the cooks teach Mike and Moka cooking if they were traitors?
They are going to teach them the wrong way to prepare pufferfish.
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Oh no you don't.
What artwork? She doesn't look all that intense in the OP.
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> I would like to have seen Montana
Desu wa doesn't always mean they're retard-oujo, anon.
Nishinoshima is Nippon clay.
It does usually indicate being less down-to-earth, though, and that might not fit her presumed role as the only one with any idea what's going on.
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Shiro chan is mai boifurendo
Mashiro is the best girl in the show.
Poster maker made a corrected version but people wouldn't stop posting that
Moka is the cutest and prettiest and sexiest girl in the show.
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>So wrong in so few words
Moka is the creamiest, sweetest, most full-flavoured girl in the show.
So in the future this is going to become like GUP threads where autists circlejerk and post their waifus?
What you mean future? Every /a/ thread is like that.
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Why is Torpedo so popular?
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I want Moka to cream inside me every night.
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Her shtick is actually cool and likable unlike many other of the crew. Plus blowing shit up is always cool so of course the resident torpedo officer would gain some extra popularity.
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Fine, she can cum inside me too.

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She is cute
What is she thinking?
>what's poking me in the back of the head?
>those aren't my legs
>'I wish that she was in front of me rather than behind me
>is she wet?
>something smells fishy
>my hair is heavy all of a sudden
With all these sexual responses now I'm wondering how feasible it would be for a girl to masturbate using another girl's neck.
I don't see how it would be any different to say grinding on her thigh, although the owner of the neck would probably find it a lot less comfortable.
"Why did I end up with these people?"
You can't be picky. The captain only has so many thighs to go round.
Nona, pls. The GuP thread is that way >>140398452
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I still hope for a best for Mike.
Even if it's episode 3, this don't mean she will lose her friend one way (death) or another (betrayal)
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I cannot wait.
As long as they can make up at the end I Won't really mind the Moka as enemy plot tbqh.
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Neither can my dick.
>episode 12
>each captain stands on the bow of her ship as they charge
>the ships collide
>both girls are thrown into the air
>time slows as the girls embrace in the air
Moka's ship is several times larger though.
This meme would've made more sense if this was a submarine anime
>implying that matters when you're an anime protagonist with a burning heart
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Just watched the first 2 eps, the plot is interesting but I'm really puzzled by this and would like some explanation if possible
>ships were put to civilian use as a symbol that they wouldn't be used for war, but somehow still fully armed and little girls are already well-trained to use them
>massive warships are left for high school girls to control and not a single teacher/supervisor
is on board
>the girls are apparently strong enough to operate the ship's equipment, yet a single person is too heavy for them to carry
The little girls in warships thing is just tradition, there hasn't been an actual war for like 100 years so the culture is that they're just operating a peacetime ship with military capacity.

The ships were also retrofitted to allow operation by little girls, or rather retrofitted to allow a smaller crew, automating the heavier tasks. Ships like that running on 100 man crews is silly, so they've done some technomagic to get it down to 100 people at all.

The girls passed their tests, the part we're seeing is the part where they're first allowed out on their own after all the training.
I am autistic enough to tell you that the original crew compliment for a Kagero class destroyer was about 250. A modern day LCS would have about 50-60. The ship could operate on less number than that.

These ships are ridiculously automated. Surface scan radars are available with PPI, see pic.
>The little girls in warships thing is just tradition, there hasn't been an actual war for like 100 years so the culture is that they're just operating a peacetime ship with military capacity.
But what about them being so skilled at firing torpedoes? As you said it has been peace for a long time, and they are pretty much operating a civilian ship, so I don't see any reason for them being taught about warfare.
You know that the Japanese developed homing torpedoes by 1945 right? Captain Hara specifically mentioned in his memoir that the Yahagi was provided with homing torpedoes by that point in time (Yahagi's designed to handle the oxygen type 93 61cm torpedoes)
Just because there's been peace for a long time doesn't mean their navy won't maintain some weapons and train with them. You never know when you suddenly won't be at peace anymore, and if you're not at least somewhat prepared, you're not going to be much of anything for much longer.
Somebody needs to keep godzilla & co subdued.

There's no denying that we don't have dedicated torpedoman like that anymore. That girl's essentially a true blue Torpedo officer in IJN style.
Honestly, given everything else about the setting, there being a dedicated torpedoman is the least of the things tugging at suspension of disbelief.
Mike will probs be on Yamato at that time.
>You know that the Japanese developed homing torpedoes by 1945 right? Captain Hara specifically mentioned in his memoir that the Yahagi was provided with homing torpedoes by that point in time (Yahagi's designed to handle the oxygen type 93 61cm torpedoes)
Interesting, but I thought the series is set in an alternate timeline where most of Japan's land mass was lost and there was no WW2?
But the ships in the maritime school are all used for civilian purpose right? And they said only most not all warships were converted, so wouldn't it be better to keep a regular navy force (no matter how small) with those ships on standby for defense purpose instead of training little girls to learn warfare skills which they might never use? Seems to me the "we won't use them ships for war" thing is just in name only.
Is Mike even going to move to bigger ships in this show though? Not that I mind that, but I've not seen featured ship getting replaced with some other ship ever.
These gunboats are armed to the teeth, not vessels that you would use for coast guard cutters. I don't really buy the whole 'non-military' use, and it's hard for me to think the same for Blue Mermaid as an organization.
Well, it'd have a poetic "sister ships and best friends battling each other" sort of a vibe.
You aren't wiggling your way out of this one. Japan here still followed much of the naval developments after the Washington Naval conference in our time. The Kagerous are descendants of the first 2000t destroyers armed with 61 torps, being the Fubuki class, and we saw Takao-class cruisers, who made their debut in 1931.
To a certain extent, you just have to roll with it and enjoy the schoolgirls-operating-warships ride, or give up and watch something that makes more sense to you.
>but I've not seen featured ship getting replaced with some other ship ever.
Didn't the One Piece gang get a new ship at least once?
I want to have a quickie with her in the crow's nest.
>what about them being so skilled at firing torpedoes?
Which part of "school where they teach them (among other things) how to fire torpedoes" has been unclear, Anon?
>wouldn't it be better to keep a regular navy force (no matter how small) with those ships
those ships are obsolete and the navy find no use on them
I don't think the girl had any real-life experience in firing torpedoes. This looks to be their first-ever ship assignment.
Not everyone is the decrepit Philippines Navy. I am pretty sure that Japan doesn't need to rely on world war 2 tincans that ran on very fuel hungry steam turbines by this point in time.
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Guess I'll do that since the plot and characters are fairly interesting. I'm just trying to see if the premise makes any sense or if it's just another convenient excuse to feature a cast of cute girls.
>Japan here still followed much of the naval developments after the Washington Naval conference in our time. The Kagerous are descendants of the first 2000t destroyers armed with 61 torps, being the Fubuki class, and we saw Takao-class cruisers, who made their debut in 1931.
That's what puzzles me, they said Japan had been at peace since the Russo-Japanese war which is 1905 but somehow still developed shitload of warships for god knows what reason.
Does that mean there's already a Navy force in the series with even better and more modern ships? Then I don't see any reasons to teach people who civilian ships how to war.
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This is a German Jack Ryan.
>I'm just trying to see if the premise makes any sense or if it's just another convenient excuse to feature a cast of cute girls.
It might come to make a bit more sense as the series goes on and we learn more about the world it's set in, but it's pretty likely it's just an excuse for cute girls.
This is just one of those shows with settings you shouldn't think too deeply about, just like GuP with the whole aircraft carrier town thing.
Those things. Those things are fucking awesome but jesus christ they are like fucking space ships that don't fly and are home to all girl high schools with tanks. You ask any questions and the whole thing falls apart, and that is before thinking about the tank sport thing.

So fucking weird but I love them. I would have loved to have seen below the deck more.
Japan has sunk. They are collection ships nation now.
*collection of ships
I can see it happening like this:
1. Japan sinks
2. They chill the fuck out with invading China and antagonizing the US
3. Britain as an ally sends help
4. US has no reason to embargo them, also sends help
5. Japan rebuilds with international support
6. Washington Treaty Lite et al happens with fewer restrictions as Japan isn't a belligerent naval threat anymore, the in-universe version is probably where female captains only starts
7. No embargoes mean Japan is free to build the ships they want, no wars also means they don't need to build an enormous fleet either
8. They build only a few of their historical classes and focus mainly on upgrading them through to the present time
So Arpeggio of Blue Steel?
And be the bitch of international superpowers since they have literally zero GDP.
They also have the excuse of using military-grade ships for civilian use as long as they have female sailors.
>how did you know I'm a lesbo and was going to rescue you?
>well it was a guess but it seemed logical
death on two legs
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Hopefully not.
Spilled Mocha
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No you chuckle tits.
Is this from the same as that manga where there is a chapter about an ignorant American who thinks that America is stronk, but then spends a semester in Japan and finds out that it was really Japan who was stronk all along?
it's from GUP guy
Even if the show turns out darker than I expect it will and Moeka dies, there's no way it'll happen this early. We know so little about the characters that any death at this stage will not have anywhere near the impact it should.
Just saw some mentioned, those 30000, 40000, 50000 mentioned in the anime are actually referring to 3, 4, 5 nautical miles, i.e. 10000=1 nautical miles
and thus 3000 = 562.5 meter
Personally I've been getting Yuuki Yuna vibes from these first two episodes.
The part where everyone on the bridge is making light of the situation while the captain is blankly staring off to the side was pretty foreboding.
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I'll hold you to that, anonymous.
Moeka's not a main character so it's not like we would learn a lot more about her either way. All we need to know is that she's the MC's childhood friend and they share a dream of becoming Blue Mermaids together. That's enough to justify killing her off for some quick drama and character development for Mike.
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>there will never be a military anime with a initially large group of girls who slowly get killed off one by one
really what the fuck is up with this show. it went from 0 to 100 in one 15 god damn minutes holy shit.

And what idiot in their right mind decides to put first year students inside and ship and then expects "oh nothing could possibly go wrong"

what the fuck japan.
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If only.
Depending on how much previous training they had, teenagers as young as 14 could serve well in the military.
This is of course assuming they've gone through intensive, strict military training for years. It seems that all the girls in the show went through some form of training or another for years. Its not like they are plucking random teenagers from a bag and throwing them onto these ships.
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They don't even have a live torpedo to switch with. But don't let me stop your wild theories
I want to be in lesbians with Macchi!

Lone Survivor anime adaption with lolis fucking when?
I know.
That's one of reasons for large cast, to have casualties but nope.
>I don't see any reason for them being taught about warfare.

Even when a nation is demilitarized like germany after ww1, they still gonna be training up arms n shit. The treaty required them to staff ships with girls, so naturally they're going to make them the most battlehardened girls they can be. This is japans way of subverting the perceived weakness of their navy.
During the first episode Mike specified to fire a dummy torpedo implying that they also carried live ones. Then how in episode two did they end up with none left? Doesn't episode 2 happen a few hours after?
large casts nowadays are to fit in as many archetypes as possible so that as many people can waifu one of your characters and will buy your merchandise.
Killing characters is killing sales, unfortunately.
This can only happen in manga because manga does not really on waifu sales, just book sales.
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It may be implied they wanted to fire another dummy torpedo, which they don't have anymore. My wild guess.
The rice cooker broke so they have to use torpedo shell to cook rice.
But killing characters make them more popular, especially if they died in good way.

Also I was talking about large cast in military story with real conflict where people die.
I'm just saying why this show has so many characters; to fill as many archetypes as possible.
Why isn't Mei put up on the block and shot when she obviously has ADHD and is an embarrassment to glorious nippon?
The senpai are probably on bigger ships.
I could see this being true. They brought up torpedoes before even considering using their guns.
I'm assuming it escalates as: Dummy torpedo < guns < torpedo.
I hope that they end up throwing potatoes at a submarine.
Look at it the other way around, you need at least that many people to crew a ship of that size so for anime purposes you have to fill them in with archetypes so they aren't all just mob characters.
Shiro has done nothing wrong.
Being the worst character on the show is wrong enough.
I liken the crew to space battleship yamato or soyokaze from Tylor.
Could rest of the ship's crew stop Meki from driving the ship away from Japan mainland?
Shiro in a nutshell.
She's a bitch to every single one of the bridge crews though.
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Probably none. Threat is probably external, from what we've seen so far.
If I had to say for certain tho, I'd guess best girl Rin. She was the one who got them lost in the first place, putting them behind schedule, thus making the ploy of "Our teacher is attacking us because we're late" seem legit to the students. So she could be in cahoots with that external force.
>ignorant American
>honor student stuck with the lowest scorers

You'd be annoyed too.
scriptwriter and military advisor are both same as GuP - which is a good thing.
But someone exchanged the dummy torpedo for a live one, so maybe it's Torpedochan.
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ITT: Faggots who think you can't have drama, dark conspirations, depth, character development and PTSD without character deaths.
Hint: It was made by Aniplex, too
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>The rice cooker broke
Never forget ;_;7
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I can't shake that feeling that she might be one of those annoying brat type characters that are known in most anime these days.
Rin and Torp-chan in cahoots?

Mebbe, anon.

Still tho, this feels more like something along the lines of an external threat. Maybe Teacher has some vendetta, or this is just the entirety of the Blue Mermaids training that is SUPAH SECRET. Get everyone involved in actual naval warfare and the survivors become Blue Mermaids.
Will we get this show Yukari Tank Corner version?
I don't think anything of the sort but the idea of cute girls dying awful deaths in an anime appeals to me none the less.
The whole thing was probably set up by one of the higher ups.
The captain of the ship is some hyper-active dipshit while the honor student is second in command
The engine was probably sabotaged so that the ship would arrive late
And either the dummy torpedo was switched before they set off, or it really was a dummy torpedo and the other ship sank itself as some kind of political maneuver.
Its likely that the low scorers on the ship as being used as pawns to justify some kind of political action
We don't have a Yukari-clone in Haifuri, so unlikely. But I'd be 120% glad to be proved wrong.
It'd probably be something like Coco doing an explanation like she did for Spee
But the script for GuP was terrible. The main crew had plot armor 2 feet thick and everyone they faced came off as incompetent imbeciles.
They kept switching between 'this is how tanks were in real life, much different than video games' and 'wow look at this crazy bullshit, pretty cool huh?' that it became boring.
It never felt like the main characters won because they were great, it felt like the main characters won because everyone else was terrible.
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>plot armor
You don't understand what that word means, it seems. Pic related - incidentally, from an /ak/ thread, but not talking only about GuP
>Killing characters is killing sales, unfortunately.
That's why killing Moka is perfect. They get to raise the stakes and drama because Mike cares about her, but the audience doesn't lose anything because Moka doesn't get any screen time or attention either way.
>That's why killing Moka is perfect. They get to raise the stakes and drama because Mike cares about her, but the audience doesn't lose anything because Moka doesn't get any screen time or attention either way.
Then you don't get it; killing a character the audience don't care about, is a waste of a death. If the audience don't care, if we can't feel what Mike feels, then it failed as a story telling device.
Welcome to Simoun, enjoy your stay.
Mamiina ;_;7
Plot armor is when something that is outside the main characters' control somehow ends favoring the main characters. It's basically luck, but it's so convenient and sometimes it happens so often that it breaks immersion. The stormtrooper effect is a typical case of plot armor, for example.

Now, talking specifically about GuP, the most obvious case of plot armor was at the beginning of their match against Kuromorimine. Kuromorimine shoots at the flag tank and was going to be a clean hit, but then another tank suffers some inconvenient and somehow ends up getting in the way, coincidentally saving the flag tank. Way to convenient.
My brother of African descent.

Time to rewatch.
Sorry for digressing about another series, but this is relevant:

>everyone they faced came off as incompetent imbeciles.
- Darjeeling spoted and dealt with a trap vby-the-numbers
- Kay lost because of a deliberate, sportsmanslike decision - her defeat is treated as AWESOME
- Anchovy used a VERY cunning envelopment plan that almost worked
-Katyusha made an excellent trap to envelop the enemy, and also made a very good second trap that didn't work because crazy plan, that's why (even pointed out in-universe)
- Maho lost because of rigid doctrine, but that was the series' whole point, not she being incompetent
TL;DR: none was defeated by own stupidity, but by MC actios. See below.

Relevance for Haifuri: when a rival does what is to be expected, and the MC wins because he did the unexpected, it's not that the rival is imbecile.
Case in point, the Spee not evading. Thta was not "imbecility", that was "they're in a destroyer and we're in a pocket battleship, our armor should protect us well enoygh without our evasives ruining our own aim"
You don't get it. The audiences care because the main character cares. It's like when Mami died. It was too soon for the audience to care about Mami in particular, but we did care about the suffering Madoka was going through because of Mami's death.
Good point.

In Hai-furi's case the plot armor is that the Spee can't hit neither the Harukaze, nor Mike when she takes her newly aquired harem member and runs back, but they could hit the escaping girl's boat. They hit when it's convenient for the narrative and miss when it's not. Textbook case of plot armor.
>What's this moist feeling in my neck?
Who dropped Simoun because Mamiina died a hero's death?
>It's like when Mami died. It was too soon for the audience to care about Mami in particular

Mami had enough development and was present in the three episodes enough that people cared for her. Mami was the undeniably the most popular character up to the point of her death. The reason why it was such a shitstorm was because people cared for her.

This is unlike Kisaragi from Kancolle where literally no one gave a shit and thought it was hilariously bad when they tried to make it dramatic. And despite Mutsuki suffering no one still gave a shit.
>Thta was not "imbecility", that was "they're in a destroyer and we're in a pocket battleship, our armor should protect us well enoygh without our evasives ruining our own aim"
Some anon said they didn't use their secondary armament. Isn't that imbecility?
>Plot armor is when something that is outside the main characters' control somehow ends favoring the main characters.
No it isn't. As stated, you are mistaken about what "plot armor" means. Read the second red-squared box in the image. Note that the text I quoted is clearly part of the "something is implausible".
Luck *always* favoring the MCs instead of sometimes helping, sometimes hurting, is *usually* a sign of poor writting unless it's central to the story like Captain Tylor; done right it's also a tool, but it's not plot armor; it's a different thing.

Staying in the series we're using as example (and again stating the relevance is that it shares screenwriter with Haifuri), MC gets super-lucky twice (the secen you say and the the screencap says), runs out of luck once (end of first battle, they aim for turret side but because of lucky enemy movement they hit main armor), and gets simple bad luck once (ricochet on their main armor jams their turret).
Given that, I vaticine we'll have a similar mix of good and bad luck in Haifuri.
Good point.
In scriptwriter's defence, they didn't get direct hits against neither evading target and only near-mises against both. Just that such near-mises were ignored by Harezake yet capsized the boat.
It might not even be plot armor, but if it is, it's a minor case... for now.
>Mami had enough development
She got some screentime, but we didn't know anything about her except a little bit about how she made her wish. If that's enough for you too care, good for you. But I still think what most people really felt was Madoka's reaction.

>This is unlike Kisaragi from Kancolle where literally no one gave a shit and thought it was hilariously bad when they tried to make it dramatic. And despite Mutsuki suffering no one still gave a shit.
I didn't watch Kancolle, but if nothing else, this shows how some writers think they don't need to spend a lot of time on character they're gonna kill.
>Captain Tylor
He's to "MC is always lucky" what Roberta is to plot armor
>But I still think what most people really felt was Madoka's reaction.
You're wrong, simple as that.
Sure, whatever.
Maybe it's "lack of enough gunners with our 30-strong crew to woman all the ten turrets"
Twice, although the first one was just a fishing boat
Or maybe not. We don't even know how many people they have (it's another school and all) or how automated their equipment is.
What if the dummy torpedo was just a real one? No way you can know right
Will there be more shitposting if she dies or if she stays alive?
>But someone exchanged the dummy torpedo for a live one
It was Sarushima.
>Or maybe not
hence "maybe" instead of "surely", Anon. Even if my money is on that.
There's gonna be shitposting either way. It's not like not dying in episode 3 means she won't die in episode 4 and so on. She will keep being the most likely to die.
If that battleship-simker Type 93 had been real and had actually worked, you'd have needed an Ocean Cleanup Array to pick up Sarushima's -err, sorry, EX-Sarushima's- pieces
episode 3 EDGE incoming
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I want to cosplay this show. I figure it'll be easy to make the school uniform first then pick a character since they're all wearing the same thing.

Which girl should I pick?
>not picking Mocha
I will love you eternally for it
None. Go be fat somewhere else.
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this tbqh senpai

Torpedo-chan because cute hoodie.
I'll take them into consideration

She's wearing a very different uniform

There are at least 3 torpedo girls, which one did you have in mind?

> There are at least 3 torpedo girls

But there's only one Torpedo-chan.
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Don't you dare forget Smug Torpedo.
>not going for the superior uniform
The Rice cooker
>She's wearing a very different uniform
That's the point. If you're gonna cosplay, it should be something more than a typical sera fuku. You see that everywhere.
I just noticed that aniplex are huge dicks if your IP isn't from Japan.
inb4 ep 3 pv is just more slice of life content again.
The double bait+switch.
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>expecting anything else
Its a new Type of SoL
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>Genki Torpedo
>Smug Torpedo
and what kind of Torpedo is Ritsuko?

Shit's automated, you see nobody in the Haukaze's turrets. When it's automated to that degree the only humans during operation are at fire control, the number of turrets doesn't matter.

The likely reasons are plot armor and to save money by not having to build a moving model and animate the secondaries on a ship that only appears a few times.
That's exactly what I want.
The Germans deployed a Maus in the middle of the city. That was completely idiotic. Its far to slow to chase any of the other tanks and its vastly superior range was completely taken out of consideration because of how close-quaters city combat can be. All the MCs team had to do was leave the city and the Maus would no longer be a threat.
When they fought the russians, they were all backed into a warehouse with only one exit and the Russians had plenty of time to set up around them. The fact that they escaped without losing a single tank, just because they did a special friendship dance, was complete bullshit and ruined the other wise awesome trap they set up later. Before this, most of the fights seemed pretty good.
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This wait is killing me.
The ship.
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Marko Ramius
I have been late for school several times and the teachers were never this cunty about it
Feel free to move to the GuP thread to discuss this further if you want, that's a bit over simple examples used for reference.

The TL;DR of it is,
–urban combat (read: over hard concrete) was actually best usage for that tank, ANY OTHER usage of a 188 Tn, slow-as-fuck, underpowered, no-real-cross-road-capability tank is what would have been imbecile, and leaving the city would have been suicidal (imbecile itself) with a large, superior enemy force in open field - they were trying to HIDE in the city to begin with, and the tank's only purpose was to deny them that. In fact, the "German" commander had been studying the MC's tactics and knew they were skilled in urban combat and would likely try it - placing a nasty trap to deny them their likely tactic is anything but stupid;


–they escaped not because the encirclement was badly set up --in fact it was VERY well done, with a fake weak point to act as an easily-closed "trap for imbeciles" kill zone--, but because they avoided the deliberately set up kill zone; moreover, the "friendship dance" had nothing to do with that - they used a sacrificial tank to break through the hardest point (in fact, the operation name was a BoBoBo reference to him often hiding behind a friend!). inb4"they didn't change positions", you don't when you're leaking your position to the enemy. inb4 "they missed all shots when exiting the building" (church, not warehouse, BTW), because you do NOT supress enemy movement TOWARDS a kill zone - you funnel them to it.

I'm aware that many actual tactics look "he made a mistake" to the amateur, but that's the whole point of traps and set-ups.
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Having the same scrptwriter and military adviser, I bet on more traps and setups that look like a mistake in this series. Just giving fair warning that we'll have flamewars over them
Will the Blue Mermaids find Mermaid island?
It's this girl, because who the fuck
I would expect mistakes too. No script writer and supervisor is perfect, after all.
>In fact, the "German" commander had been studying the MC's tactics and knew
>Having the same scrptwriter
I bet on whoever is the main antagonist will have an "I wonder if the weapons at my disposal will be enough" moment, seen from behind, "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" style, much like Maho had in GuP.
Why is the World Meme Database's text displaced backwards?
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That, too. But that's a given.
Also I expect some of pic related
>I bet on whoever is the main antagonist will have an "I wonder if the weapons at my disposal will be enough" moment, seen from behind, "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" style, much like Maho had in GuP.
I doubt it. That kinda thing usually comes from the director, not writers or advisers.
Will we see more cool ship DORIFTO next episode, /a/?

It was specified as a training torpedo and not a dummy torpedo.

Training torpedoes used on target ships are still explosive to give visual feedback in training, somewhat akin to what one would see in a real torpedo explosion.

But it's not enough to pierce through the torpedo belt (on larger target ships) or go through the torpedo bulkhead (on retrofitted destroyers and light cruisers).

The ship shouldn't sink. Meanwhile a torpedo hit would absolutely fuck that double hull up and likely capsize it in less than a minute. If it wasn't a training torp, the long lance would have absolutely shrekt that side of the hull and likely knocked it off.
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Maron a cute

>shouldn't sink

Well yeah, but I can't shake the feeling that the ship WAS meant to sink.
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All ships "drift" a little when they turn fast, so probably.
The sarushima was not sunk by the torpedo. They scuttled it to make it look like it.

Definitely. Likely assumed the torpedo would have been live and the hit (or near hit) that flooded the engine room and broke the rice cooker caused casualties.

Training torpedo or not, an explosion is bad for the ship. Any failure to have the ship purposely built for that or failure to have even a single shred of damage control will still cause the ship to sink.

Or in that case, because of the double hull catamaran design, lost very heavily.
>lost very heavily
you see exactly that. Someone post the cap, but when you see it from above, leaking oil, the impact's side is taking water
You can also see the ship listing to the side in the next shot.
Yeah, reminded me a bit of a Walkabout. Throw the freshmen to the fire and see who comes out the least carbonized.

I would have thought to see senpai on as the Captain of every ship, presenting the XO with the majority of their duties and acting in a supervisory role. Teachers would be a bit of a stretch given their own number and availability. The military integrates.
I've been trying to decode the message Furushou sent in the last scene of EP1.


Does anyone here know enough morse to decode it?
so we have better morse /k/ode in fucking Ponyo?
"We got rekt'd by a renegade class of 14 yr olds. plz halp"

It's generic morse code sounds that doesn't mean anything
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(and continuation cross-thread)
Congrats, Anons, for having an interesting discussion with no namecalling. *Some* others should learn how to.
We had this moment with Haifuri just now. All of our discussion have yielded that:

the gunnery accuracy of the Spee exceeds what would've been done without some form of radar assistance
the fact that surface scanning radar gives a good PPI readout on these ships
the difficulty for a capital ship to engage a destroyer at this very close range
the lack of incentive for the Spee to change heading in order to counter the Harekaze
the critical strike on the screw shaft is able to cause very threatening machinery damage to the Spee

It leads to the conclusion that the plot armor here is not the implausibility of the whole engagement, but in Captain Mike's unnatural aptitude at command under fire.
I feel like the show doesn't know what it is right now.
It's trying to be both a SOL comedy and an edgy drama, but is unable to pick one or the other.
>Captain Mike's unnatural aptitude at command under fire.
As expected of the MC of an Anime series
That being par for the course, and the rest being better than average, I can't complain
"GuP + SnW with ships" seems to be an amusingly accurate description.
You forgot the Spee didn't fire the secondaries
The secondaries were shooting at Mike
>The likely reasons are >>140427960 and to save money
The secondaries should have engaged the Harekaze (wing turret guns were actually designed with this task in mind), yet they weren't used for that. It's a tactical blunder, a very costly one at that.
In both episodes when she makes up her mind on how to attack and starts closing in, the enemies ships stop firing at her. Before she has a plan its constant bombardment, once she starts with her plan the enemy ships seems to stop firing
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>but in Captain Mike's unnatural aptitude at command under fire
>As expected of the MC of an Anime series

I honestly was expecting Mike to whine about not knowing what to do from how she spoke with sensei and her general surprise at becoming captain. I was more impressed that she was actually capable. She manned right up to do what was best for her crew.
>She manned right up to do what was best for her crew.
and rightfully so. I'm so fucking tired of beta MCs
They should double bluff and show the girls crying/saluting so you think someone has died but then it's just the foretold rice cooker funeral.
I would like a middle ground more myself though.
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Indeed it is.

Also, you must remember that the Graf Spee is the same way as the other ships in the Japanese fleet, but German. This is of course a very anglosphere dominated world, but as if world war 2 did not happen due to the circumstances extending along the pacific rim from the tectonic shift. That's likely the explanation. The British, French, and American territories along the rim would have felt the effect.


But of course it's an anime, so the Japanese ships are of better technological advancement than the German ship. The Graf Spee being used for the exchange students is likely the original Graf Spee, and like all things given to foreign exchange students in outreach programs (I'll use Samoa and football as an example in that regard), the equipment is of lesser quality. The Spee was never meant for this purpose, but he exchange outreach brought her back into this use.

The radar guidance is top notch, but the 15cm guns are world war 1 era. The 28cm guns likely need a desperate refit as well. For the purposes of foreign exchange one can assume the secondary turrets only number one per side and are not apart of the same firing suite. Likely there is little to any amount of ammo in reserve for them, as they fit no goals in the training. The shot that destroyed the ship from the captain is most definitely a training shell. Likely a very light and cheap AP. The standard shell is APHE or HE for all guns.

It's like the torpedoes on the destroyer. There is one for what they would use it for.

The Graf Spee is not carrying torpedoes, carrying a few training shells for the 15cm, but carrying a full load for the 28cm guns, as the main guns fulfill the purpose of their training in foreign exchange. Gunnery trials and training with the main guns is pivotal, especially because it's so early in the year and training.
You're making a whole lot of assumptions, you know? Doesn't make for a convincing argument.
That took more than just manning up. Mike quickly realized what was at stake, and she acted with decisiveness and a degree of professionalism that is not universal among skippers. Many career officers would fare no better than Mashiro has.

I don't see a little girl wearing a peaked cap; I see a seasoned Japanese Destroyer Captain on that bridge, a man from the very navy that produced the Asian Nelson.

Wing turret guns were not designed for the task in mind.

They were designed only for that task in mind. She was built as a battleship but the construction was watched over (lazily in regards to displacement) by the allied parties of the treaty of Versailles. They permitted the 11 inch guns, something incredibly paltry for what was looking to be a 16 inch standard for the pre Washington naval ships built just pre treaty. The weak armor as well.

The 15cm guns ripped straight from world war 1 era cruisers (and the Emden class post war cruiser) were permitted as close in weaponry. They really didn't have the range to be used as a proper secondary battery, and if even used as such, would be nigh ineffective at such ranges. The Spee was unlike the Bismark and Tirpitz, as she was used for engagements at far ranges with the inability to brawl like a real battleship.

The 11 inch guns had an extremely high muzzle velocity, Great range, and a fast reload (reload post refit) just for this niche.
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>I don't see a little girl wearing a peaked cap; I see a seasoned Japanese Destroyer Captain on that bridge, a man from the very navy that produced the Asian Nelson.

>yfw she read pic related that she got from our world
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No traitors here tovarisch )))))
Someone edit this.

It's assumptions at least made with evidence.

The destroyer only having a single torpedo at least points towards this.

And the main firing battery being the only one with proper ammo makes sense. The main battery on the destroyer has a full load but 1 training torp. A Kagero class without torpedoes is as useful as a long range dildo. It's still used to fuck something, and can still properly fuck something, but with much difficulty.

So that's what I am basing it on. The same way the dummy torpedo explodes like a real long lance but with a very small explosive load (for the feedback), the training shells are just that. They're weak steel and scrap metal. They give a feedback with splashes around the water, where the tracer and spotter gives feedback to if you hit the target.

The point of a target boat in its usage for gunnery practice is to make sure gunnery practice can be done repeatedly and over long periods of time without the target sinking.

That's just how I explain it in universe because I'm an autist /k/unt.

It's to save animation costs. The Spee will either return with a full load or not be seen again. It makes sense if it's a one scene ship.

But I hope they spend the wasted money on the large battles with capital ships in them. Musashi's secondaries from her 155s to the 127s better be going off.


I didn't look too closely but did you see how the anti aircraft guns were non existent?

I think it's a cool touch for the in universe design change. Need to go back and look at the musashi.
And make it Shiro in the picture.
give me a good picture of mashiro to use, and i'll do it. a screenshot would work fine
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This is the best one I have, but it's more annoyed than threatened.
How long until she breaks?
probably if moeka dies
>Musashi's secondaries from her 155s to the 127s better be going off.
Can the Harekaze do anything against Musashi? They don't even have torpedoes now. What can they do?
What if she's a traitor?
Harekaze actually has what look like single-mount Hotchkiss 25mm guns, however, I think those are more for point defense against armed speedboats and whatnot than for anti-air duty, if there really are no planes in this world.
That too. Specially if the Musashi engages the Harekaze and kills some of Mike's girls.
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>Musashi is going to join them.

>They're going to run at full speed and the engine nearly explodes. Someone dies

>Musashi is found sinking and they gain another crew member. That crew member might be dead.

Pick one. The last one if death kills the mood.

Also, in news about my throbbing erection.

>AA and AAA batteries are taken out of the Yamato class ships
>the ball range finders in the same shape as the secondaries are still there with their original purpose intact
>the AA suite on the side is replaced by a triple 155 turret like the original design called for before they hot glued the Googly eye anti aircraft in response to early war learning
>she's more streamlined to reflect this, and is missing some of the extra firing control and rangefinding also like the original design

These nips did some research. My dick is diamonds.
The 15.5cm guns on the Musashi has been called the finest cruiser guns that the Japanese came up with, maybe the finest guns from their navy. Many have voiced out some disappointment from Mogami moving to the 20.3cm guns instead of keeping to these triple 15.5s.
>military anime with a secret bad guy
what are the stakes for the big badie being American?
So, if the Musashi doesn't join them (or is already sinking for some retarded reason), then you're saying the Harekaze doesn't have any way to win. Is that it?
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Indeed she does. You can catch them in some shots, but she has 2 25mm cannons in single mounts for point defense.

She would likely have more for proper point defense against the fast boats in the universe, but the 127mm cannon fit into that role well whereas the 25mm makes up for what it slightly lacks, but not enough to break the in universe explanation for why the blue mermaids exist.

The Yamato point defense is more 155 cannon in triple mounts akin to the pre naval treaty ships with the hull covered in casemates.

The design is making me moist.
Small guys don't win.
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It's not that they did their research, it's that they're portraying the ship in her original 1941 armament. The AA gun castle would be installed over several refits to Yamato and Musashi through the course of 1943-1945 (Musashi obviously never got as maxed out as Yamato). Check it out, purple circles are 25mm AA fire directors, while the red circles show the shielded 25mm AA guns and shielded 127mm dual purpose guns.
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So this here is what you see?

Among other things, her sweatshirt actually makes her far easier to remember. People made fun of harems with a character each with different hair color, but now we get this and I can barely remember anyone.
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I'm hoping some people die so these girls stop acting like obnoxious children.
I bet your mom wanted that for you too.
So Sarushima was an inside job?
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I wouldn't want Moeka to end up like Admiral Thomas Phillips when the Prince of Wales went down.

>James Milne (rank unknown, a pom-pom gunner from Prince of Wales), told Japanese reporters:

>Admiral Sir Thomas Phillips stood on the bridge from the beginning to the end. A destroyer drew near just before his ship sank and signalled, "Come aboard". But he answered, "No thank you". Raising his arm in salute from the bridge, he went down with the ship. Captain Leach stayed with Admiral Phillips at salute [sic] and... they disappeared into the sea as if swallowed by it.
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Which girls would love getting impregnated?
Mike definitely.
Depends on who uses the Pleasure slaves in the bowels of the ship the most.
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Well they were also strengthened as well as given armor, something they had to do with most other cruisers after the storm issues where they nearly lost the ryujo.

She was far too light as built and was stressed heavily even when sailed in standard (not typhoon level) seas. The turrets were too large and heavy with the 3 guns, and there was a crippling issue with the way the guns had to be reloaded in combat, basically ruining the firing rate and making her less effective than the already tried and tested dual 20cm gun turrets. They had to lower the gun elevation drastically with every shot fired, something that should not be present on a cruiser using brass cased ammunition. (unless I'm fucking up and the japs didn't use brass cased rounds on their light cruisers like the Americans)

It's ok on a battleship, but on a cruiser where firing rate and continuous firing accuracy is a key point, it kills the purpose and effectiveness.

The issues were fixed on the Yamato. Those turrets had the room necessary to operate, the structure beneath them, and a loading mechanism with the degrees of solidity and wiggle room that was not afforded to the Mogami CL.

The triple 155 turrets on the side of the Yamato as she was designed would have made her a far more effective battleship than she was. She would have had more armor afforded to her hull and superstructure, and she would have been more accurate without the mess that was her jerry rigged fire control and rangefinding for the hastily put together AA suites. It would have run as a smoother operation in total.

They never used her or her sister properly to begin with. She never got a proper chance.

>here's a pic of the Yamato in construction with the 15.5cm gun turret
Is Mashiro the homosexual in denial of this series?
One wonders why she signed up in the first place.
Because she wanted to be a BURU MAMEIDO, not munch on beef curtains.
Tsunderes are often in denial.

Oh shit.

Thanks for the correction.

I assumed those 25mm balls were still rangefinding for the 127mm and 155mm.

I guess you can call that a 1939 fit (if it was any fit at all and not just original design proposal). I'm still confused whether or not she was purpose built with the 25mm balls however. I know the 127mm was more for point defense than anti aircraft pre 1939.

It would make sense if they were purpose built, but makes even more sense if they were added on in response to the hype surrounding the 28mm anti aircraft gun and the Pom Pom development. The 28mm with most of the bugs worked out was being fitted to ships. Arizona only got hers properly to be fitted a little after Pearl Harbor, so they never got there. Not like those pieces of shit would have made much of a difference.

Thank god the bofors became standard.
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Kek'd, good work anon.
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What can a destroyer do against the fucking Yamato class? Its127mm Point defense guns are the same size as the Kagero class main arnament.

The 155's dwarf the Kagero in number of guns alone, much less size. And of course 18 inch fuck you Washington Wilson cannons.

There is no asspull they can use with the Harekaze beating the Musashi and still stay realistic in the slightest. Unless the live torpedoes are onboard and they were only out of dummy torpedoes.

Musashi is going to be in trouble and joins the Harekaze. I can imagine a group of light cruisers or a light cruiser and a few destroyers attacking. That's the likely outcome.

>mfw Motel Musashi joins and is its own resupply port for the fleet
>they resupply the Harekaze with parts and ammo as well as fuel and food
>Hotel and Motel will never get rid of their nicknames
The only time the Yamato actually battled, it was chased off by destroyers and destroyer escorts, all this while it was in a company a few battleships, heavy cruisers, light cruisers and other destroyers.
Its weapon aiming systems were really outdated, so even though it had really big guns that could shoot far, a mobile target could get in very close. I believe that some destroyers in that battle got so close that everything the Yamato shot at them just went over their head because she couldn't aim her guns any lower.
battleships aren't meant to be alone
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>Pom Pom firing from atop turret 2

>not the ungodly awful and useless UP mounts

Ayy lmao.

I'm still upset about that damn weapon.

>spend money mounting and developing the UP
>use the money that was to be used for the HMS Hood refit, the 5.25 inch DP gun fix, and quality control for the construction and fitting of the rushed KGV class
>ignore the older battleships and battlecruisers in this time as well where you're not exactly in a glut of cash
>find out they don't fucking work and just add extremely volatile explosives on the ship with no way to reload them or the DP without exposing the magazine during operation
>continue mounting and being retarded
>now have to refit the UP carrying ships with Pom poms because the UP is trash
>more neglect

>HMS Prince of Wales, HMS Repulse, and HMS Hood are sunk directly because of the fuckery and lack of glaring issues being addressed


Don't get me started on the cruisers either. Its criminal negligence and neglect.
Things like aiming systems should be totally different in these ships considering how automated they are. Isn't the crew of the Musashi just 30 people? That means the ship must be like totally robotized or something.
The torps on the Kagerou class may not even be enough to take down one of the tomato yammy hotels. The Sushi absorbed more than 20 as I recall.
>tfw moka is panicking because the ship has achieved sentience
There's more officers at combat bridge on the real-life Musashi than there are students for one whole class. The flotilla commanding admiral's direct staffs, all senior officers, would alone account for a dozen men at least.
Based burgers.

Yeah, check out the screenshot of the Yamato-class above. There's clearly modern radars mounted on top of the fire control, I wouldn't be surprised if it was as computerized as Iowa's was, if not even more, considering how far in the future they are.
Are they in the future though? I though it was modern day with alternate history.
New episode preview when
That thing Mike was riding to save German-chan looked pretty futuristic to me. The automation on these ships isn't normal either.

That was the Yamato.

We are talking about the Musashi, which never encountered an enemy surface ship.

And Admiral Kureitas cowardice has nothing to do with the ship herself. He also surrendered to the Americans and was nearly assassinated for cowardice. He was absolutely hated for what he did, but was impossible to replace after Yamamoto died.

The Yamato nearly blew a Casablanca class (or Sangamon, likely the former) escort carrier in half with a single shell from her 18 inch guns.

The actions taken at the Guadalcanal naval battles (where Atlanta and Junea got rekt and McCain senior did the first cowardly act of the McCain lineage) and Samar, Leyte gulf, Midway, as well as a few others were disgustingly terrible.

The Japanese were looking for a decisive naval battle where they would beat the Americans.

In their search for such a thing, they ironically failed to capitalize on situations that ended up being the decisive naval battles they were looking for. There was multiple, and in their blind hunt, lack of proper leadership which was full of fanatics, and nostalgia for the battle of Tsushima, they forgot that decisive naval battles are not something born of fate, but something that is created by you and your enemy clashing together. Small battles turn into large battles in the blink of an eye.

The Japanese didn't have a snowballs chance in hell because of this.
It's a fancy jetski essentially. Nothing too far out there. Also automation details are mostly unknown. Gun loading is about up to modern standards.
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Yeah, the jet-sky is really futuristic. And take a look here, they clearly have modern radars.
Yep. Both S band and X band surface search radar that plot ship position on PPI as in >>140415975
So who else is laughing at the waifushitters right now that though this wasn't going to be a yuri show?
I'm laughing at the moefags who thought this would be the next KinMoza
Type 93 torpedos have a 40km range.

Yamato's main guns have a maximum range of 46km, but you're not going to hit anything smaller and more mobile than an airfield at that range.
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Do you even know what a 'waifu' is?
US aerial torpedoes were small and had tiny warheads.

Japanese ship torpedoes were huge and could sink even a modern super carrier with a few hits.
>I believe that some destroyers in that battle got so close that everything the Yamato shot at them just went over their head because she couldn't aim her guns any lower.
Her CA escorts, not Yamato herself. Yamato landed a near-miss on one of the CVEs before spending the rest of the battle trying not to have depth charges dropped on her deck.
Then the Center Force retreated because American reinforcements were en route and Japanese fleet cohesion was nonexistent since the commander had simply ordered general attack.
It's what hetshitters make pretend that a girl is some kind of sex toy to them. That's why you have so many of them making rape comments about girls that already have female lovers.

The Japanese used a much more powerful torpedo when compared to the allies, especially the allied air dropped torpedoes.

The Japanese used the type 93 long lance torpedo. It packed a 1100 pound warhead while standard torpedoes of the allies packed about 600-800 pounds.

The Mk 13 air dropped torpedo of the United States was 600 pounds of high

The Kagero could carry 16 on a full load, so it could likely sink the Musashi. The American torpedoes also had problems and failed to detonate quite a bit. Air dropped torpedoes also cannot be adjusted for depth like torpedoes from surface ships. The nazis and Japanese were good at this. The US didn't get the hang of it until later in the war, as their torpedoes were awful and had teething issues. Type 93's can be set to explode after piercing the torpedo bulge, doing far more damage than a surface detonation to the bulge.
Moefag here, cute girls in cute combat situations is pretty moe.
Is this bait? It smells like bait.
>since the commander had simply ordered general attack.

WWII was Japan Missing Opportunities: The International Conflict.
You should ask them.
I think she got stuck in the wrong show this season.
If the OP is to be believed, the Musashi in the anime carries torpedoes as well.

That's why I stated unless she had a full load of live torpedoes. Seems unlikely however.


Yamato was actually able to score a hit on a CVE. Kureita who got cold feet because they were raking Yamato with 50 cal rounds (maximum lel) gave up after Chikuma, Chokai, and Suzuya had their long lances detonated and saw heavy cruiser Kumano get its bow blown off by a torpedo.

Maximum lel for the whole battle. 2 Japanese losses were directly caused by Japanese weapons. A near miss detonated Suzuyas torpedoes.

That's just comedy.
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
Imagine if the Yamato actually sortied at Guadalcanal instead of chilling at Truk. RIP US Marines.

...I should reread Zipang
I was gonna ask who the hell would put torpedoes on a battleship in light of events like >>140444519, but I guess without airpower torpedoes on a battleship is less of a risk. I mean, dreadnoughts did carry them in underwater tubes until the 20s.
Ok I did.
Theoretically they might have some live torpedoes. They did specify a training torpedo against Sarushima, though I'm not sure if it actually was a training warhead given the way Sarushima got shrekt.

Since they had to specifically unlock live ammo it's possible that they're only out of the training fish.
That's why you gotta check every 5 or so questions.
Honestly it's surprising that she even passed like that.
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Kurita couldn't help it. How was he supposed to know that Halsey was going to leave the Strait completely undefended like a retard? It's not like Japan had any recon.
Fukou Da
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The shrouded launchers that are launching the torpedoes are found only on destroyers.

The explosion next to the Musashi is a magazine detonation of a ship next to it (likely that).

I'm hyped to see that scene in context and fully animated.

>pic related
>the HMS Queen Mary whose magazine detonated
>picture taken a split second after initial powder sublimation
>It's not like Japan had any recon.
You mean aside from the floatplanes that all the battleships and cruisers were carrying?
Is there a webm for the fight against Graf Spee?
Why are you being hostile towards yuri posters?
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Lads, I'm scared. This show started out comfy, but I've been tricked before.
>The explosion next to the Musashi is a magazine detonation of a ship next to it (likely that).
Forget what you know about warships just for a second and watch the OP again. Watch that scene frame by frame if you have to. If you aren't blind, you'll see the Musashi launches 4 torpedoes, which collide with the torps coming from the Harekaze, resulting in the big-ass explosion you see in the following shot.

If you're not blind, you'll see it.
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>yfw one of them ties a hachimaki around their head in a death charge

By god, this show needs a Tougou.
The show is getting darker and darker. By the last episode Rin will be begging Kouko to make a joke, but she'll be too stunned to answer.
>you will never watch a comfy sol about cute kamikaze girls doing cute kamikaze things

Because that was the entire plan. The basis of the plan was that this was going to be the decisive naval battle and the carriers used as bait are assumed to work. That's the order given with the mission.

Also, anybody that wasn't retarded (i.e. Not Kurita) has knowledge of the enemy they are fighting. Even with total identification failure, a battle group would not have only 3 cruisers and a shitload of tiny carriers. Fletchers weren't pint sized and could not be confused with DE's the minute destroyers got into visual range.

Japanese submarines before had given Intel on what the fleet would look like, it's composition, it's size, and even the type of ships in the main fleet.

Kurita took all that information and failed to learn any of it. He was not only a coward, but a retard whose egotistic optimism killed his men, sunk his ships, and lost them the battle, assuring the pacific war would be the steamrolling loss failure upon failure to act created.

Yamamoto would not make that mistake in a daylight battle. Fucking Halsey went after fleet carriers. He knew what he was looking for.

Kurita was loyal to the fanatic Japanese military but lacking in everything that makes a good commander. He believed the fanatical bullshit the commanders were spewing. Having good men die so early in the war left these people to lead.
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The moments in that show that made you cry your eyes out were the best parts of it though. Especially due to how comfy things were before them.
Speaking of which, the show's Musashi also seems to lack the quarterdeck seaplane catapults.
Somebody's going to get an eyepatch in this show, they just have to.
Right here
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A best friend of the genki main character who despite appearances is actually weaker and who because of that temporarily makes a bad choice that could doom everyone until the main character defeats and comforts her?

I don't think it's going to happen, Anon. Who in this show could possibly be anything like that?
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>getting darker and darker
>two episodes
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>the traitor is actually your favorite girl

>open video
>see title
>close video


The way the men on the side of the ship vaporize when the magazine goes is sickening. You can see men on the outskirts flying even with the smoke obscuring most of it.


The scenes are clearly split. It jumps from the Kagero class launching torpedoes to the view of torps in the water toward a battleship. It's clearly not the Kagero itself. Then it cuts to Musashi next to an explosion which can only be made by a magazine detonation.

The show has been fairly realistic so far. Let's all hope they don't jump the gun like that.
Fucking asshole fairy.
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Mei is pure.
If that happens, it's going to be shit. It worked in YuYuYu because Tougou was a main character and we got to know a lot about her. Moka on the other hand is a literal who.
My favourite is Mike though.
For now

>jump the gun

*jump the shark
>cock goes here
Hope that's the answer that you deserved.
>torps in the water toward a battleship
So you're blind after all. But let's try again. This time watch only this shot. Watch it carefully. You should see not only the torps going towards the battleship, but also some other torps actually coming from the battleship.

Pay attention. Go frame by frame if you have to. You should be able to see them.
Which of these girls has the largest pubic hair bush?
She's the only non-Harekaze girl to get an OP spot and place in the character chart. Thinking she's not going to end up with a significant role is lying to yourself.
This is worse
She seemed important because she was the bait and switch character. After the twist she's not relevant anymore. The most you can expect now is having her play the damsel in distress for Mike to save or some shit like that.
That's nowhere near as bad since you can't see the entire crew scrambling around on the hull before it blows.
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Which relationship is best?
She's the only non-Harekaze girl to get an OP spot and place in the character chart. Thinking she's not going to end up with a significant role is lying to yourself.
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Don't be surprised if there's actually a Touhou in this story, as in this very Tougou. Mikasa showed up in ep1.

It's off topic, but Heihachiro Togo would have been very disappointed in Minori's unwillingness to be highly curious of the west despite being grounded in the Japanese past. Togo was a proper Samurai's descendant of the Satsuma domain, carrying all the weight and the glory of the domain, yet he knew the west from his British naval education down to even the level of maritime legislation, and the man wrote his diary in English.

Oh god, I see exactly what you're talking about.

If there wasn't a good explanation with how the underwater torpedo tube meme didn't end in this timeline (Jutland blame meme) this show would be fucking dropped immediately.

I'm still hoping that's actually a heavy cruiser and the explosion is something completely different from torpedoes hitting each other. Maybe it's another German exchange?

pls don't break my heart anon
The relationship of man and wife that exists between me and hime.
Wow that's pretty disgusting.
Wow that's pretty rude.
All the posters and ads featuring her were removed. She only gets one shot in the OP and none in the ED, and was dropped down from main character to minor character in the cast list.

She's a bait and switch character. She was never truly meant to be important. Sure she will have some significance, but don't expect any big role like Tougou. Tougou was a main character. Moka will only appear a few times because she's not part of the Harekaze's crew, which is the focus of the anime.
You know shitters like you were already told to stay off these threads. Respect yuri love or leave.
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Both the OP and the new website's character charts came after the switch.
Just accept it. It's less painful that way.

Besides, it could be an OP-only thing. Maybe the actual show won't have anything like that.
Stop false flagging.

Or at least make it less obvious.
mugino please
Ships and yuri girls is very beautiful! We need to protect their love!
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Holy fuck that explosion.

The Barnham is worse however. At the very least, everyone in the ammunition ship was vaporized.

The crew on the Barnham weren't so lucky.

British ships are made of magazine detonations.

>get hit by torpedoes and capsize quickly
>magazines still somehow manage to explode

Fucking Royal Navy.
At the end of the OP there are three silhouettes of red, blue and yellow. Can we all agree that these are Moka, Shiro, and Mike?
And that's the point. Before the twist she was supposed to be the co-star, listed second in the character chart and the cast list. Now she's at bottom in both lists.
Because planes do not exist in this setting.
Yes, but Moka will be replaced by the blonde German girl.
I have read is that once the ship tipped over, cold sea water was able to get at her boilers causing a chain reaction explosion.
But childhood friend always wins in yuri.
but yuri harems is always welkome
Moka-chan confirmed dead
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Do any of you expect Moka to carry out her duty as she salutes her bridge officers for the last time by the end of episode 3?
What did she mean by this?

Like this?
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I bet that the distress call is fake, and it is just bait to lure them into an ambush. Also German girl a cute.
Reading about the Japanese navy towards the end of the war is just depressing. They ran out of planes because they kept sending them on kamikaze attacks, then the US could just bomb their shit. More people died when the Yamato was destroyed than people died on titanic, similar in that neither ship fulfilled its purpose. The biggest battleship ever made didn't even get to fire its main guns before it was sunk by planes after its magazines detonated.
She won't die, but Mike will think she has for half the series.
What if German girl is a spy but then turns gay for Mike and becomes a treator?

That was a myth. The enclosed tube boilers were not standard boilers like the coal fired ones of old.

Yamato was previously hit by armor piercing bombs before exploding. The fires were because of this in the deck.

The Barnham was just poorly built. People used to smoke near the ammo storage and the oil used for the boilers used to leak out and start fires in the lower decks. She was an old gal. They also used to use kerosene safety lamps because the electricity was fucked up.
Wouldn't surprise me. It's the kind of shit cliche you could expect from this series. But if she's a spy, I hope she keeps being an antagonist till the very end.
This doesn't make any sense. The show doesn't have any romantic implications at all, only friendships and camaraderie.
Don't you know? The only reason girls can exist near each other spatially is because they are hardcore dykes.
look --->

A bunch of girls on a boat for weeks/months. It's ok to get a little close. Human contact on the wide cold sea is a good way to stay warm.
You are delusional. She's checking whether the German girl still breathing normally or not.
I don't get what you're saying. You're not make any sense either.

Yamato actually fired its guns and saw action against enemy ships at Samar.

The Musashi never fired its guns. It also never actually came into contact with an enemy ship throughout its entire career.

The battleship was such a secret thing for the Japanese that they failed to use it when they could have used it, and then sacrificed it doing stupid shit in the end.

The Taiho, their armored carrier built to withstand multiple torpedo and bomb hits, the most modern and advanced carrier built during world war 2, was sunk with a single torpedo.

The Shinano, the carrier built off the base of the third Yamato class carrier was sunk by 2 torpedoes due to lazy damage control, much like the Taiho.

The Battleship Mutsu was sunk by a suicidal crewmember who was accused of theft and went off the deep end when she was in port. They removed the type 3 battleship shells from all ships in response. These shells were used for AA and usage against soft targets as well as shore bombardment, a duty that was unfortunately missed greatly, especially at Samar when the heavy APHE shells passed through the light taffy 3 ships.

Also at the battle of Samar, 3-4 ships were lost to long lance torpedo detonations from small bombs while another got its entire bow blown off from a torpedo hit, Japanese post treaty ships being legendarily unstable and weak structurally. The refits that fixed it weren't enough for combat damage like that.

It really is a sad story.
>They ran out of planes because they kept sending them on kamikaze attacks
They ran out of trained pilots long before that. Kamikaze was a brutally desperate tactic born from the knowledge that the rookies that were being thrown into cockpits wouldn't be making it home anyway.

But that's really the Pacific War in a nutshell.
This a Japanese cartoon with an all girl cast. Of course they are gay.
How new are you? You are talking with a yurifag. Any show with girls is considered yuri and gay. They're absolute retards that you ignore or they start spouting their garbage more.
The inconsistent damage control was something of note, Musashi had to be absolutely brutalized by aircraft before she finally sank.
For what its worth, the Musashi was far less strategically useful than her attending fleet, which managed to escape mostly unscathed because American bomber pilots concentrated on the big ship.
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>>The Taiho
>One of Taihō's strike pilots, Warrant Officer Sakio Komatsu, saw the torpedo wakes, broke formation and deliberately dove his plane into the path of one torpedo; the weapon detonated short of its target and four of the remaining five missed. The sixth torpedo, however, found its mark and the resulting explosion holed the carrier's hull on the starboard side, just ahead of the island.
He tried.
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And actually in the same topic but more anime related, the bravado and egotism shown by the Japanese during that war, especially in the lack of planning and underestimation of their enemy, mirrors perfectly with the ignorant bully/villain anime cliche.

They were the smug "heh what can a brat possibly do to us?" before getting viciously raped.

They became the Russians at Tsushima. The lesson of the fanatical smugness and the dangerous aftermath when you take that position in actual war hit them hard.

It was a cliche in their culture before, but it propagated heavily and is now apart of nearly every fictional entertainment medium that has come out of Japan since.

Smugly losing the Taiho and Shinano are the worst examples of this.
The Musashi was such a pain to sink they purposefully torpedoed the Yamato from one side to ensure it capsized.
Why are you in this thread if you don't accept that this is a yuri show?
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Can't we all just get along?
Yuri undertones don't make it a yuri show.
Irrational yuri haters would need to leave before these threads get better.

That was at Leyte however. Musashi was with Kuritas fleet, and his failure to capitalize on halseys mistake like his orders told him to do doomed Musashi, most of her crew, Kurita who left the ship to fend for herself instead of being a fleet like a normal functioning admiral would have done, and made Leyte gulf and Samar basically a giant fuck you to the Japanese who had just seen victory slip through their fingers.

Their fingers greased with tears from their inability to replace the admirals they so hated before their deaths. They actually giggled with glee to put the fanatical puppets in charge.
Where do you think you are?
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No.. Tanks are in the Gup thread...
/u/ degenerates shitting about another thread.
It's also important to remember that it took the combined aircraft of 19 carriers to sink Yamato. More than 400 planes.

I don't care enough to look up Musashi, but I believe it was a similar circumstance.

tl;dr if the Japs had used their hotels in battle before the US had begun mass production of carriers, they might have won.
Yuri is good, and all, but yurifags have deteriorated into a tumblr-esque "ew heterosexuals are icky," mentality.
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A hero if there ever was one

Rest in peace nip. You would have won the Medal of Honor for that if you were on our side.

Instead the crew half asses the damage control due to their smugness about it and it sinks anyway.
but there is no guy in the ships.
A decisive victory at Guadalcanal may have given the Japanese another 6 months of free reign while the US rebuild their carrier force.

Instead they failed to realize the opportunity presented to them. Hindsight's 20/20.
I was just stating why people have an immense hatred for yurifags.
Most of our previous threads were fine, it seems like right now people are intentionally trying to start shit for whatever reason.

I don't really understand it. I guess this is what happens when people don't have episodes to discuss.
Yuri is the only option, stop being deluded.
People like that should just be removed from these threads and there would be no problem.
Musashi was hit from both sides which meant that the water flooded in equally and kept the ship upright. It was a sinking ship, make no mistake, but would have sunk slowly.

It wasn't a lack of planning or intelligence. Plenty of Japanese commanders had both.
The problem was that the political climate of both the military and civilian government had become self-destructive and chose to go to war with an enemy that they couldn't defeat even in their own simulations.
I like MCs who are experts at something and have some confidence, but I do think there's something wrong with someone who is supposed to be a below average novice being a natural.

But the show is entertaining and I don't think Mike being too good is a serious flaw.
Guadalcanal may very well have ended the war entirely. They weren't planning on a long drawn out war with the US and intended to hit hard enough fast enough that they could force a peace agreement before the US could get its shit together. They failed that three times, most decisively at Guadalcanal.

If the commanders at Coral Sea had a bit more balls and sense, they could have ended the war there. Same story at Midway, though after the big propaganda victory at Coral Sea it would have been difficult.

Guadalcanal was just the final straw. Once the US beat them there, there was no way to break the resolve of the Americans to continue.
I'm pretty sure he isn't even a yurifag. He's just the same retard who trolls every thread because he thinks he's doing some epic level trolling in his retarded brain.
Classic 'book dumb' protagonist who has good intuition in the field.
Pretty much this.

Most of these posts are single sentences designed to look retarded on purpose.
Except that they even admit that those people are from /u/ in their own threads.
>I don't think Mike being too good is a serious flaw
It is a bit of problem for me. But I guess this is that sort of show so there's no way around it.

Kuritas inability to distinguish Halseys fleet from taffy 3 cannot be explained by anything other than lack of planning and lack of intelligence.

They had a report of exactly what halseys fleet was made up of from Japanese submarines.

He failed miserably at distinguishing them. While his fleet sat back being chased by destroyer escorts, he let his cruisers get rekt hard and didn't send the destroyers out in any meaningful way.

He lost complete control over his fleet. The control he had at the beginning was negligible at best.

You can't explain away midway when the capital fleet didn't arrive. They fucked that up and the battle began at a massive disadvantage.

The naval battles of Guadalcanal all could have turned the war around. The Japanese destroyed the Americans there and went home because shelling the target is stupid, muh low ammo, and need the type 3 shells because HE is a meme.
Only the best things in life.
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Why are there still people trying to defend the thought that a show with an all girls cast isn't yuri? It's really problematic that those people still exist here.
Take a look at that guy's post. It's nuanced; the guy shows he's actually intelligent and isn't the type to be some retard that spouts his likes everywhere. Now take a look at these posts:

None of it's nuanced. None of it has any semblance on intelligence. They're one-liner garbage troll posts.
It took you less than two minutes to reply to that post with a link to the middle of a /u/ thread with nearly 300 posts, meaning you were already there and had read the thread.

The hell are you doing anon?
Well no shit I read the thread since it was already posted here, it's kind of scary to see what goes through their heads.
The >>140447446 post was mine and I was doing it to mock yurifags, but Poe's law I guess.
That's a bit misleading. The 400-something planes were launched in a single overwhelming strike, not because the Yamato was proving difficult to sink.
The Fast Carrier Task Force didn't fuck around.

It wouldn't have. Even if Japan had won every major battle for that first year, they'd still be completely outnumbered within the second. The difference in industrial power was simply too great, even with most of it dedicated to the war in Europe.
Nothing short of Japan invading and occupying the West Coast would have ended the war.
The only reason why I posted >>140448479 was because there would be less fighting if people who vocally oppose yuri being posted here just left.
>Nothing short of Japan invading and occupying the West Coast would have ended the war.
There's still the east coast to take care of.
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How many years of your life have you spent having these stupid yuri arguments over and over?
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>Go into bathroom
>See this
It's sad to see people so delusional. They'll see the true form of love one day.
>it's kind of scary to see what goes through their heads.
What? Could it possibly be any worse than "I want to see this 14-15 year old girl gangraped by a dozen faceless somali pirates" or "I hope everyone starves to death slowly and dies one by one"?

If that is the only /u/ Hai Furi thread then there isn't shit except for the no men comment.
>Hold her hand to give emotional support
>Put dick in her mouth so she can get her mind off of her explosive diarrhea
>look around
>no one is around
>kill Rin because you can't stand this bitch
>throw her lifeless body over the ocean
>"Guys, Rin was the traitor"
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None, because I ignore yuriposters and do not respond to yuriposters, like any sane person should. Let them believe what they believe, arguing about it won't change anything.
Rin-chan, how's it going? Are your bowel movements okay? Make sure to see Minami-chan if you're having any problems!
Except if you applied it to what is going on in this thread they are already trying to make it happen with the "yuri haters should just all leave" comments. They're the ones trying to actually make that happen but no one bothers to actually read their threads to figure out what is going on in their heads except me I guess.
Why are you even here then?
That guy is just an obvious shit-stirrer.
People can discuss the show in a non-yuri capacity you know.
I hate how Mike-san calls everyone X-chan. She's too informal for a captain.
I want to fuck a lesbian

Any lesbian
Winning Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal would have all but removed the Allied navies from the west Pacific. It would have been a simple task for the IJN and IJA to take Hawaii after Midway, and if Guadalcanal were taken it would have made New Guinea isolated and then with New Guinea gone Australia would be shit out of luck and probably be either invaded or forced to capitulate.

The US Navy wouldn't have been able to challenge the Japanese in the Pacific without Hawaii and Australia as advance bases. All the industrial might in the world wouldn't have been able to let the USN realistically fight the Japs after having to launch their ships across the entire Pacific Ocean.

Even if through some miracle the USN were able to continue to fight to some extent after being forced back to the US west coast, it would have still meant the complete end to US submarine action in the Pacific, since their subs barely had the range to sail between San Diego and Hawaii and back. It would be a one way trip to try to attack all the Japanese merchant convoys between the East Indies and Japan, and the loss of all that shipping, more than anything else the USN did during the war, is what really ruined the Japanese war effort.
I'm looking through the thread right now. Some of them honestly talk like tumblr, safe space faggots.

>the CPR scene was so yuri!
>yeah, I would have exploded in happiness if she actually kissed!

>/a/ made that fetish image and I refuse to go there (when they made their own /u/ image and it's the same shit)

>people in /a/ shitpost about futa they're asses (like people don't shitpost with yuri?)

>why is /a/ full of anti-yuri posters!? they're all assholes and places like Mayoiga even have them! (when it's not yuri but general shitposting /a/ gets angry about)

The thread reeks of babies who seem to act like their board is a safe space. If you were to show me those kinds of posts without the 4chan background, I wouldn't think those people were from 4chan. I would think it was tumblr or some obscure anime yuri fansite.
Those are just trolls trying to make people argue for kicks. Taking them seriously will just feed them.

It would be impossible to remove either yurifags or antiyurifags from any thread on /a/ and this should be extremely obvious to anyone with half a brain. Anyone who attempts to do either of those things is either pretending to be retarded or actually retarded.
I'm lurking in case people want to talk about the technical or plot-related aspects of the show.
Maybe is Japan wasn't a complete asshole they could have successfully sued for peace.

Too bad they were dead set of conquering the entirety of East Asia.
I find it more irritating how she doesn't give a fuck about people not liking it. She basically flat out ignores it. She could talk to them, give an order, but no, she just goes on the happy go lucky way she does.
She does that to memorise all their names quickly. She is 15 and not in the actual military.
She's the captain. She could call them Slut#1, Slut#2 etc. and they'd have to deal with it.
A captain is the father of the ship.
Kuro-chan please.
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Thanks, I guess.

You and all the other /k/ goblins posting naval info really do make these threads worthwhile.
>"Do you want the nicknames on or off"
>"Off please"
>"Too bad"
The fact that you had to heavily alter every single one of those posts to make them look much much worse says quite a bit.
If you're going to complain about how people post, rewriting what they say isn't really a convincing argument.
It's just jarringly different from her personality in general.
Begin discussing current geopolitical struggles
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Ancient ally sure was shit. Next time without Italy and Japan.
She is just a little girl, what do you expect?
She probably does it to make everyones name easier to remember, in her attempts to be the best captain she can.

Much better to say 'Shiro-chan' than 'Hey You'.
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I strive to be somewhat informative, or failing that, post neat boat-related pictures.
>act like their board is a safe space
That's because it is, I dare you to try posting anything there that is even slightly off topic or even hinting at being non yuri related without getting a week's ban.
Again, I'm not arguing against the concept itself. What bothers me is her attitude.
You are assuming far too much by thinking that the Japanese could take even Midway, Hawaii would be impossible.

Talking about taking over midway.

The Naval Infantry forces of the have to be landed before June 8th, or the landing has to be pushed back another months because the tides simply aren't high enough for landings. These time table problems are going to provide problems for the forces Japan used to reduce the American troops on Midway.

The two things the Japanese planned on using to reduce the forces of the defenders at Midway were the 4 Fleet Carriers, and Cruiser Division 7.

Every time the carriers are used to launch a strike against Midway they are:
1. spending time that could be used to prepare strikes against enemy aircraft carriers(that they don't know are actually in the area until its too late, in the real battle) trying to reduce the defenders on Midway.
2. Sustaining losses from the aircraft and AA guns on Midway.
During all of 1942, Japan produced a total of 56 Carrier Attack aircraft(this total does not include the A6M Zero). The more strikes they send against Midway, the more planes they lose for other operations during 1942, like trying to take over Hawaii. The total number of aircraft on the 4 Japanese Carriers at midway was 248. The morning strike on Midway led by Tomonaga had 110 aircraft involved. The losses for the mission were 11 aircraft lost, 14 heavily damaged, and 29 damaged in some way or another. The more the Japanese try to reduce the forces on Midway, the weaker overall they make their carrier force.


I hardly altered them.

>the CPR scene was so yuri!
>yeah, I would have exploded in happiness if she actually kissed!

>/a/ made that fetish image and I refuse to go there (when they made their own /u/ image and it's the same shit)

>people in /a/ shitpost about futa they're asses (like people don't shitpost with yuri?)

>why is /a/ full of anti-yuri posters!? they're all assholes and places like Mayoiga even have them! (when it's not yuri but general shitposting /a/ gets angry about)

I simply added what they expressed in words like "asses." If you think this is a huge rewrite you're incredibly autistic.
Wow, it's almost like the entire board is dedicated to yuri.
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I am actually worried if Moka is really facing an assault by a flotilla, or air attack. Part of me wonders if what happened at Sibuyan Sea with the Sanshikidan blowing out the A turret's elevation will repeat itself in ep3.

If it's a surface action, then maybe Moka could achieve what Ito was initially asked to do in Ten'Ichigo at the worst case, being to run the ship aground and use it as a battery platform at ascension island.
The 7th Cruiser Division consisted of the Cruiser Mogami, Mikuma, Suzuya, and Kumano, all Mogami class Heavy Cruisers with 10 8inch guns each. The same timetable problems are going to effect how long they can bombard Midway for, and it's questionable if their bombardment would have been effective at all. During the Island hopping campaign US Battleship guns (typically 14inches or larger) had trouble digging how Japanese defenders on their Islands. Not only is the size of the guns going to be a problem, but also how accurate their fire is going to be. The IJN had not spent much time doing shore bombardment, which could limit their effectiveness while doing it at Midway.

So either they have to attack a Midway that still has decent defenses on it, and presumably the troops get slaughtered trying to land(The Japanese would have their rifles, and not much else with them vs the dug-in American defenders), or they delay the landing a month, which puts all of Operation MI and AL behind as the IJN simply cannot wait around Midway like that for a month. A month later the IJN could try again with taking Midway, and possibly sustain more losses that would make trying to take Hawaii harder.

>nothing short of Japan invading and occupying the western coast would have ended the war

Speaking of extreme retardation on the Japanese side, the declaration of war failure to go through before Japan attacked pearl, another thing that mirrors the Russo Japanese war and the Japanese reliance on the decisive naval battle doctrine.

Yamamoto failed to attack the key targets at pearl. The ships were not it. It was the harbor itself and the oil and ammo depots.

But you have to remember that the occupation of a nation post war and total capitulation was something that really did not happen before. World war 1 was not total capitulation. The allies barely got into Germany itself before the war ended. The Japanese did not occupy Russia. The Americans did not invade Spain. The Prussians did not take over France.

War was won when it became untenable for one side to continue fighting. Suing for peace was the standard for colonial powers. It's napoleonic. You defeat the enemy and then they sue for peace.

But Japan never defeated the United States. They inflicted losses and won some battles. Just like Napoleon in Russia, they never inflicted a decisive defeat upon their enemy. The search for this battle also doomed them both. The Japanese did not attempt to create this battle, as they assumed it would fall into place.

Striking pearl properly would have gotten them halfway to doing this. Destroying Henderson field and the marines at Guadalcanal after destroying the defending fleet as well as making the transports run with the carriers before most of the equipment was unloaded would have done this. Having the entire fleet at midway on time, heeding yamamotos warning about the enemy breaking their codes, and using the newest battleships in 1941-42 instead of letting them sit at truk would have likely done this. They refused to make up for their losses at coral sea.

Suing for peace was the only outcome where Japan could have been victorious.
Yes, you criticized the tumblr-like style of the posts, by changing the grammar and phrasing. If your only contention was that people on /u/ would have liked to see a CPR scene between girls and think that writing random fetishes on a character chart is dumb, I don't understand what point you think you're making.
That is not what autistic means you stupid fuck.

If you are going to say "The posts here are tumblr shit" then adding words and changing grammar to make them look like garbage just shows that you are already know your argument can't stand on its own and must be strawmanned in order to be in your favor.
The point is that you can't even make a joke there without being immediately expunged.
You shouldn't blame that part on Yamamoto. Ask Shuuichi Nagumo why he never authorized the third and fourth wave to go in and why he didn't aggressively sought the carriers out on that. Nagumo's asked not to risk the kidou butai in this operation, and the man was rightly concerned about maintaining operational strength to repulse British counterattacks that were to come to Indochina, Malaya and Indonesia.
You can't blame all of /u/ for its idiotic isolationist janitor. S/he gets plenty of criticism there, it just all gets deleted right away as well.
You can make plenty of jokes provided it's on topic.
that is very true.
Shame on them for having effective moderation.
I for one, enjoy posting on a board populated by crossboarders and newfags.
>The allies barely got into Germany itself before the war ended.

In fact, no Allied soldier entered Germany until after the armistice was signed. Thus, you get the legend that Germany was not defeated in the field of battle and that the defeat was the fault of the Jews and communists (though the communists who revolted right around the time of the armistice were indeed Jews).
Let's not fight...
Why worry about Moeka being threatened into baiting Mike by having her entire crew held at gunpoint?
>Someone actually wrote something factually true
This is a bad omen.
Considering all of the other larger, better defended places the Japs took during the opening stages of the world, I doubt very much that the US could have prevented them from taking Midway and Hawaii if they'd won at Midway and effectively erased the USN from the theater for a while.

Midway isn't really the kind of island you can fortify well. It's basically just an overgrown sandbar with an airfield on it. Tidal issues aside, they could have overrun the island with ease once they'd established naval supremacy and air superiority in the region.

Hawaii wouldn't have been super difficult either. The Japs were hard to root out because they were going out of their way to dig in and fortify, but even when on the defensive the US Marines never did the same. Otherwise they wouldn't have gotten rolled so easily in Luzon. More importantly, the Americans didn't have that same "fight to the last man before giving up an inch of clay" mentality the Japs did. They would have defended Hawaii for a while, but with no help coming and constant Japanese air and naval bombardment, they would have capitulated within a few weeks.
Her mind-controlled crew ARE the ones holding her at gunpoint, silly.

It was a major fuckup on all levels.

Unfortunately for him, he never had the operational freedom to control entire fleets.

Yamamoto knew there was an issue with the carriers not at pearl. The minute such a thing was discussed, it was out of his hands.

So in that regard, his only failure at Pearl is still believing in the system that failed him miserably on all levels before. He was going to be assassinated by radicals pre war. He had to be forced to work on pearl.

And then, he didn't get the command he needed to actually make it effective like he wanted. Between that and the declaration of war fuckup, he knew the war as they planned it back in Japan was completely lost.

From then on it was failure to capitalize until the Marianas turkey shoot.
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I said they're like tumblr because of how safe space they are, you weapons-grade autistic retards, not their prose.

4chan is a website that as a whole uses faggots, kill yourselves, retards. In other more shitposting boards people use nigger, praise Hitler, make fun of school shootings. In places like /a/, /v/, /tv/, people consistently talk about fucking little girls, rape, hardocre doujins, etc. And if you complain about these kinds of things, people laugh at you and tell you to fuck off because your sensibilities are too sensitive for 4chan.

Now here we have a thread that complains about /a/ because someone made a fucking fetish image. Complaining because we have that one shitposter that talks about Moeka and penises. A whole lot of posts that say /a/ is on a witchhunt against /u/, when it's general shitposting that /a/ hates and yuri happens to fall in to said shitposting if you look at heavy, popular threads where yuri is contested. When they aren't complaining, they're attempting to draw every ounce of yuri in Haifuri and taking absolute joy when there are scenes that have Yuri-esqpue fanservice.

It's not about the grammar and pose you autistic fucks.
Midway could go either way.

Hawaii would be very, VERY difficult to take. The Philippines, were close to Japan and next-door to Japanese-controlled Taiwan. All troops involved in a Hawaii operation would have to be shipped across the entire ocean.

The US would have to have literally 0 naval presence for Japan to even get troops close to Hawaii, and once there they would have to fight the American troops who by then would be dug in.
>Now here we have a thread that complains about /a/ because someone made a fucking fetish image. Complaining because we have that one shitposter that talks about Moeka and penises.
I know right, I hate when people complain about what people post on other boards. Only a faggot would do that.

The Japanese didn't have the ability to sustain their fleet to the extent that the Americans could achieve. As a matter of fact, the Japanese fleet could not put out to sea to even half of the fleet's endurance as a whole. The entire doctrine of the Japanese navy centered around decisive fleet engagement somewhere over the Philippines with a torpedo spam massacre, and that is not thing the United States will give the Japanese, especially not if Japan is making a concerted effort to strike at Pearl.
Then why did you change the grammar and prose to make them sound stupider? If you weren't trying to make the posts you chose sound more like they came from tumblr, you certainly did a very good job by accident? It's because none of those posts actually demonstrate any of this without your editorializing.

The fetish "image" is grade-school levels of puerility without even the effort a lewd greentext takes, and whoever keeps trying to force it should stop. Even you call the Moeka stuff shitposting, and the thread doesn't exactly go on a furious rage against it.
Playing the IJN campaign for Battlestations: Pacific made me realize how difficult it would be for Japan to win the war.
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>A whole lot of posts that say /a/ is on a witchhunt against /u/

This is literally exactly what you're doing right now.

>admitting you browse /v/ and /tv/

They didn't have to take past midway.

They needed to destroy the vast majority of the American fleet, the airbase at midway, and all of (or most) their carriers.

They could siege midway while bombarding Hawaii and getting rid of Pearl Harbor as an effective harbor (mainly just blockading the main naval base in the pacific from use). From there the Americans would sue for peace because war at that point is untenable. Without Pearl, the pacific fleet is fucked. Without the carriers and the capital ships of the fleet, Pearl is fucked.
Hawaii wouldn't have been as difficult to take as you think. Being smack dab in the middle of the Pacific it's as far from support by the US military as it is from Japanese bases. The attacker has the advantage there when the USN is in shambles and will take months or even years to recover after losing at Midway.

Additionally, once the Japs take one of the many smaller islands that may not be as well defended as Maui and Oahu, they now have land based aircraft to run close air support without needing to devote carriers to the task. The US can't exactly fly in new fighters from California to replace the losses, so the Japs would eventually get complete air supremacy over the island before too long since they can keep shipping in new Zeros.
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>/his/ derails another thread completely
You have a board for this, take this shit there.
>/u/ derails another thread completely
Japan should have negotiated with US, but the army warmongers' attitude was that it would not suffer that sort of national indignity and give into American demands, especially when the American were thought of as softcore pansies that really wouldn't go all-in and take no prisoner in war.

The navy knew better generally speaking, but the army held the balance and the popular opinion ever since 1937.
Honestly, they're talking more about the show than this inane pro-anti /u/ argument is. At least before it was actually talking about pairing characters in the show and not /u/'s stance on gender politics or whatever the fuck this is now.

And that caused them not to capitalize at Guadalcanal, Pearl Harbor, and then coral sea as well as fuck up midway hard.

But if they managed to do any of that, the Japanese could have won the war. Especially Guadalcanal.

If they had taken the hotel and motel out of truk and used them to assault the carriers and landing forces at night, but this time actually went through with it, the entire invasion force who had just showed up to Guadalcanal with no time to dig in would have been wiped out. The Japanese soldiers needed artillery and air support they did not have.

Heck, you could even leave the carriers and McCain the coward alone. The transports, surface ships in iron bottom sound, Henderson field, and the marines on Guadalcanal being destroyed would be a massive setback. The Japanese get Henderson field as an airbase and the Americans are left with their dicks in their hands in one of the most crushing defeats of the war.

But expecting them to use surface ships correctly when they just fucked up their carriers is stupid. Decisive battle in a war of production and attrition. Surely they were all brain dead but a select few. Those select few died.
I like this conversation it's interesting.
>pairing characters in the show
We need more of this!
/his/ content is directly relevant to this show.
So is /u/

Can't we just agree to tell /pol/ to fuck off?
Because I wasn't assed enough to copy+paste what they said after I went through the thread, until you wanted to go one autistic defense about their prose and grammar for whatever reason. I was making a point of what posts stood out to me, and even then, even then, the posts are hardly fucking altered. They're shortened and add a slight insult at the end.

If it would really help your autism, the next time I cross-examine another board for the sake of discussion that is currently "is /u/ a group of strange people or not," then I'll copy paste the exact words and not add little quips like "ass." I hardly ever do this though so whatever.

>stuff about shitposting
The exception being, while I recognize their shitposting, I don't hide from it and use the 1% shitposting in the threads as triggers to what I like. Hence, my point about a group of people who seem like they want a huge safe space and are offended by things that are in line with yuri.

>The fetish "image" is grade-school levels of puerility
I still find this hilarious. How does this stand apart from the yuri image about which girls like which?

Because I can't even fucking remember the last time I gossiped to others about who likes who. I think it was in grade school. They both are just pictures with words. The only difference is what content they hold, and you (if you are from /u/) are offended by one.
/u/ is not like /v/ and /tv/, and this is a bad thing for /u/? What the fuck?

>4chan is a website that as a whole uses faggots, kill yourselves, retards. In other more shitposting boards people use nigger, praise Hitler, make fun of school shootings.

"Retard", "faggot", and "kill yourself" do get posted on /u/. Hitler and school shootings are not even close to relevant so they would not get posted, except, well, there is actually a post about how Hitler did nothing wrong in the Hai Furi thread due to the alternate timeline.

>people consistently talk about fucking little girls, rape, hardocre doujins, etc.
/u/ talks about those too. They have entire threads dedicated to them in fact, usually even multiple threads for rape at once, and that shit gets discussed in franchise threads for shit like madoka pretty often.

The post about the fetish image is just "I stopped going to /a/ when I saw that". The post about Moeka is just saying the posts about Moeka having a dick are shitposting. The thread is not collectively complaining about those, it is like two or three posts total for those.

> they're attempting to draw every ounce of yuri in Haifuri and taking absolute joy when there are scenes that have Yuri-esqpue fanservice.

How strange for a board focused on yuri to find joy in yuri.

I also don't understand why you complain about the lack of shitposting on /u/ and then complain about shitposting on /a/.

You are being way more sensitive about what is being posted on /u/ than the handful of people on /u/ are being about /a/.
It doesn't look like a conversation, it looks like a Wikipedia dump honestly.
Why are you bringing /pol/ into this? Do you want these threads to be shit?


>a board

Sorry we are discussing the highschool fleet and the ships in it.

The yuri anti yuri shitposting is all you guys. Just keep shitting up the thread with non bote autism and let the naval fags stay comfy.

Thank you
Sora no Woto. Anime about a group of girls in the military in a post apocalyptic setting.
You are autistic if you think I'm asking /u/ to talk about those things and you miss the entire point, which is again, that what I observed from their Haifuri thread was that it was a group of people making a mountain out of a mole hill and said people seemingly to want a safe space from that mountain. This is in response to the guy who responded to another guy that linked the board, which is why I took a glance at the first place.

Just stop posting.
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>Wikipedia dump

You picked the wrong show lad. I'm wondering if you even watched the cute and bote autism combo that we are discussing in this thread.
Returning all of this to the show's context.

I made some estimates a few days earlier which states that Musashi should have the endurance of 7200NM in all, and she would be able to reach Asuncionin 80hrs at cruising speed of 16 knots. It is not unreasonable for us to assume that the Musashi and Harekaze's been out at sea for longer than that.

A run of the mill Kagerou class should get close to 6000NM with say 400hr of endurance at cruising speed, so the Harekaze should still have enough fuel to return to Yokosuka or head to Asuncion , but it is a little doubtful if the Harekaze will be in the position to return to Yokosuka after that, for the ship has been running her machinery under combat demands.

Harekaze is getting really short on ammunition, with no torpedo left and having Y turret knocked out of operation. The closest possible anchorage that may be of any help is Guam, provided that it's friendly to them. It is very unlikely for the Harekaze to find any relief over Asuncion whatsoever.
>Because I wasn't assed enough to copy+paste
>They're shortened and add a slight insult at the end.

The sentences you cherry picked you completely rewrote and in some cases even added shit to. I don't understand how this is easier than copy paste.

>If they did, though, I think I would have exploded.
>yeah, I would have exploded in happiness if she actually kissed!

>I stopped going to the /a/ threads after that fetish table image was done.
>/a/ made that fetish image and I refuse to go there (when they made their own /u/ image and it's the same shit)

Also note here, the relationship chart was made by /a/, not /u/.

>People in the /a/ threads shitposting about Moeka having a dick.
>people in /a/ shitpost about futa they're asses (like people don't shitpost with yuri?)

And I don't even know which mayoiga post yours was reframing because they are all too different from your version.
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In any case, Moeka won't ever die or become a damsel in distress.
She's gonna try, and kill Mike. One of them will die eventually.
She'll leave earth and return to her home planet.
>Because I wasn't assed enough to copy+paste what they said
You couldn't be bothered to copy something, so you rewrote it from scratch instead? If only plagiarizing college students had similar levels of laziness.

> I don't hide from it and use the 1% shitposting in the threads as triggers to what I like.
See above about the fact that the futa was only an aside in a post that otherwise boiled down to "calm down, it's basically fine over there". But for that matter, if you mostly want to discuss yuri and don't want to discuss futa, what's wrong with sticking to the board that just does yuri? I mean, isn't that what all of the ">>>/u/" crowd want anyway? /u/ does have an overabundance of thin-skinned safe-space idiots, but I'd call this more looking for threads specifically about stuff you like than looking for a safe space.

>They're shortened and add a slight insult at the end
And with worse grammar, tumblr like phrasing, and the insults do actually change how it's read completely, such as fact the post you summarize as "people in /a/ shitpost about futa they're asses" actually saying that /a/ threads were broadly fine.

>I still find this hilarious. How does this stand apart from the yuri image about which girls like which?
Speculating about pairings is related to the show and hardly unique to /u/. Are you SURE this is the first time you've seen fans discussing who will fuck who since grade school? Posting arbitrary fetishes onto characters without even trying to make them connect is not, especially when you force it into every other thread as if it's some impressive piece of OC or a dank maymay; it's just a kid who's learned the word "penis" and has to say it at every opportunity.
Could you mark a circle on this map with Yokosuka as center and 38 hours × 18 miles per hours as radius?
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Doesn't look like it's a viable setting for the obligatory beach episode.

You really need to stop using words you don't understand. Alone it would make you look stupid, combined with all the other retarded shit you are spewing it just seals the deal when you say it every goddam post as if it somehow helps your argument.

>that what I observed from their Haifuri thread was that it was a group of people making a mountain out of a mole hill and said people seemingly to want a safe space from that mountain.

This is literally your posts. The posts on /u/ are not even fucking close. You are purposefully trying to make a huge deal out of a few benign posts and then when people point out how flawed and stupid your argument is you shift to a new one.
How long would it take for the Harekaza to get to where the Musashi is? Because if it takes like a full day for them to get there then the Musashi and therefore, Moka and her full crews are as good as gone assuming the distress call is real.
Why are /u/fags so defensive about their fetish?
The argument was never about actual yuri though.
I have some suggestions to make the anime better.
1. Moeka needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine.
2. Whenever Moeka's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Moeka?"

The Harekaze has only fired a single shell of ammunition for the 127mm guns.

The Y turret may be able to come back online with emergency repairs depending on the extent of the damages.

The Kagero should have replacement parts for the most fragile engine components as well as enough spare parts (more if you want to assume they have more room due to less crew and training load without torps) to make emergency repairs and likely fix the turret. The engine components are the least of their worries, as it's something planned for above others with the class.

The Harekaze will have to find resupply on the high seas with a friendly ship. I believe that's what the Musashi will be for.

World war 2 warships, especially cruisers and destroyers, are very good at repairing damage short of hull reconstruction. Turret issues and engine issues are generally done at sea.

We'll see how it works out soon.
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I don't even know if you're trolling at this point. Maybe just plain stupid. Hard to tell.

Again. Read this fucking sentence. I went through the thread. I then agreed with a poster here saying /u/ was strange. I posted lines that I remembered from going through the thread, because I didn't want to go through it again and copy+paste.

If you really think those two set of posts are so altered they make a huge difference, then fine. Holy shit. They're totally fucking different to some autistic people like you, not for me. And I again reiterate I couldn't give a shit about their grammar and prose.

Read above, and I'll just end the whole debacle by saying kill yourselves and this is my last post.

My only contention is that /u/ is strange, as >>140448855 this user said (S-Sorry if I'm changing that user's prose and grammar too much by not copy + pasting and posting his underlying message from his post!) . /u/ is strange because they seem to be offended by things that go against yuri and it triggers them when a few shitposters talk about penises and men fucking girls. This is strange when they are highly other offensive shit rolling around in 4chan. They also seem to have a victim-mentality and consider /a/ a den of "anti-yuri" because a number of people on /a/ hate shitposting where yuri happens to fall in to at times.

That's it. /u/ looks awkward form my point. I don't give a shit what they do over there nor am I telling them to change. I am agreeing with one user, disagreeing with another user.
And you're being disagreed with by being told that the examples you give for them being strange don't stand up without your alterations and explanatory interpretations. Stop retreating into this "it's just my personal impression" shit - you gave concrete examples, and they don't work without the changes you made.
You would agree with them since you're the same shitter trying to badmouth yuri and the people that post on /u/. Do everyone a favour and don't post in this thread anymore.
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My estimate is that at least 44 hours, more than 2 days really at 16 knots. You wouldn't want to go higher than cruising speed at this sort of range, and that Harekaze has to conserve fuel.
The level of automation on the ship is very high. I don't know if that would affect serviceability. At any rate, the Harekaze is quite toothless without any torpedo, as that's the real deal with Japanese destroyers, for they were meant to be the tip of the spear during decisive fleet battle at night.
Oh, forgot to post what my estimate is.
>The chief navigator reported that they were about 600NM away from Yokosuka at if they were to sail back at cruising speed before the engagement against the Graf Spee. Assuming if that is the case, and that Harekaze received Musashi's radio in roughly the same water or if they moved eastward, then we can assume that the Harekaze is about 700-800NM away from Asuncion.
>(S-Sorry if I'm changing that user's prose and grammar too much by not copy + pasting and posting his underlying message from his post!

>people in /a/ shitpost about futa they're asses
>Overall a lot of people are okay with it being somewhat /u/ in the threads (despite the futa stuff). Threads aren't that bad overall but time will tell.

Same basic message though, right?
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Although if it's a straight line, then maybe that's too pessimistic an estimate. I should amend that.
That's just the problem. You can't "destroy the vast majority of the American fleet" when the American shipyards are pumping out ships even faster. A scenario where Japan won all the major battles up to and including Midway would simply turn the Pacific into a naval Stalingrad until the Japanese could no longer keep up.

New Zeroes from where? Who's going to build them? Who's going to build the ships to transport them? Who's build the ships to transport the supplies for the pilots?
Japan's wartime economy had already plateaued and they were already stretching themselves thin with their historical expansion, fortifying Hawaii against American counterattack would be a nightmare.
>If you really think those two set of posts are so altered they make a huge difference, then fine. Holy shit. They're totally fucking different to some autistic people like you, not for me. And I again reiterate I couldn't give a shit about their grammar and prose.

Fun fact, being unable to understand the basics of communication is an actual symptom of autism.

You said posts were straight from tumblr, then rewrote them to sound offended and straight from tumblr when the original posts were nothing like that. How you cannot see the problem here is beyond me.
umm i mean overlay the circle on top of the previous layer 1 route
>Japan didn't have the capacity to capitalize
>Therefore Japan should have capitalized and won
I don't think you fully grasp just how fucked the Japanese were in both resources and manpower, nor how rich America in the same.
They were cranking out Zeroes until the end of the war, and with the US fleet destroyed at Midway they won't be facing much else in the Pacific.

Transporting them is really easy. You just take a carrier, even an obsolete carrier that isn't much use in actual combat anymore, load it with planes, and send it to Hawaii to resupply the garrison.

Without US subs wrecking havoc in Japanese shipping lanes, the Japanese war machine would have ramped up instead of peaking. All the materials of the East Indies would be put to good use in Japanese factories, which is something they never managed to do with Salmons and Gatos fucking up all their cargo ships before they reached Japan.
I'm laughing at you all who though the show was gona be about the meatbags
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>the US fleet destroyed at Midway they won't be facing much else in the Pacific.
How are they going to destroy the American fleet at Midway? Look at the amount of damage it took to sink they USS Yorktown took before sinking. Now you have to do something similar not only for the two other American carriers at the battle, but also all the other ships.
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Here you go.
Midway was lost mostly because of bad luck.

If the Japanese scout planes find the US fleet first, the Japs win. The US scouts found the Japs first, and that's why the US won.
If the preview is dark and ominous, does that mean a full SoL episode about repairing the rice cooker?
It means nothing. They know that we know that they tried to trick us.
But do they KNOW that we know that they know we know?
>44 hours
So I guess unless the show does another short timeskip or cuts to Moka's side, we won't know what exactly is up with the Musashi next episode.
I am not really sure if it's going to be just a mere 500NM to get to Moeka right now. At any rate, even at earliest, it'd be more than a day at cruising speed to reach Moeka.
>If the Japanese scout planes find the US fleet first, the Japs win
You have no idea what you are talking about. The time it would take to rearm the planes from the morning attack, even without the debacle of what to arm the planes with, means that by the time the carrier strike against any American task force is launched, the American strike is already in the air and on the way to Kido Butai. It is physically impossible for Japan to get the Midway decisively baring the Americans simply throwing their carriers away "just because."
Thanks...and again, which torishima did you used?
It's hard to imagine Mike participating in goofy SoL antics in the meantime. Maybe well will get a focus episode one of the non-bridge departments.
The only reason that the US fleet was able to fuck the Japs so badly is because they found the Japs first and the carrier decks were loaded with planes armed up for another run on the island.

If the Japs find the US first that doesn't happen.
I can testify that (pic related)
By the way, this is how it actually sounds like when command relays order to the captain, and then it's given to the conn and the helm.

The fleet commanding officer will give his order, and then the captain would issue the command to execute the order, and this is carried out by the helm with the helm verbally repeating his move while the conn officer also relaying the helm command.

Rin unfortunately doesn't bellow out the command in response to
I agree that the japs should have taken pearl. but at any point other than the opening attack it was impossible.

If they landed troops after the initial air raid then they could have taken it.

If they didn't land troops the least they could have done was destroy the fuel reserves and ammunition reserves on the island.

Either way would have helped their campaign in the pacific. The first by giving them a base. potentially some american ships if they could get them salvaged. the fuel stockpile and an airbase, some pow's and american territory and citizens to leverage peace with. at the very least they could have forced the carrier squadron into a pre-emptive retaliation and drawn them out.

If the latter they would have slowed american operations in the pacific for a bit longer potentially saving themselves at midway.
forgot link

>Rin unfortunately doesn't bellow out the command to confirm Captain Mike's helm command.
>all of 4chan is /b/
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