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Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1513

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 537
Thread images: 63

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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous Thread:
>make your mother proud guy is Sakura autist
Why am I not surprised
Is this the right way to say, I was happy because I had my own guitar?Or is there another way I should say "my own?
Yeah it is actually, but only if it's in manga. The normal way would involve more complex 文法.
Ignore and report the other thread.
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Are we posting cute anime girls at the beginning of every thread now?
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I think you need to reread about how ので works
Has anyone tried getting earlier versions of Pokemon (or some other japanese game) and emulating them? Has that helped you?
Yeah, I had it backwards.
Is there any real reason to play older games over newer ones? I guess for the nostalgia factor, but as a general rule newer ones will be easier to find, install, play, and if necessary texthook, so you're really better off playing newer games.
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I don't think games are the best for learning desu. The gameplay motivates you to not read as many things or to skim over stuff.
The earlier versions are all kana, so unless you have a decent amount of vocab and pretty good listening comprehension, they won't help too much (though one could argue that they're helpful in a way to listening comprehension / being able to guess which word something is without the kanji being there to help you). The newer ones have kanji but no furigana, so looking up words is a bit annoying if you don't have a firm grasp on kanji yet since you'll need to manually look it all up via radicals/handwriting tool. Overall I'd say reading something with a text format like VNs or LNs or the news would be more beneficial, but you could probably play it on the side as a reward.
are the shitty artifacts and grey splotch edits a reference to the really badly made sakura image
Unless you /really/ love Pokemon to death I would say no. It's written entirely in kana but its main problem is that there's a ton of made-up attack names and Pokemon names you have to remember which is kind of obnoxious when you don't really have a grasp on the language yet.
Of course, since Pokemon is such a cultural touchstone (especially in Japan) you're gonna have to learn those names at some point if you want to hang out anywhere video games are discussed, so it might give you a head start.
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Help how do I fix my RIkai
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Look up what keys do or just press random letters
press o
Learn to do J-J you absolute fucking pussy. Download the EPUBs in the cornucopia and get good.
are u masaaki yuasa
Is it possible to add both the J-E and J-J definitions at the same time with Realtime import? I know it's possible with using Save and then feeding that file to Epwing2Anki, but I'd much much rather being able to do it directly from Rikai.
Yes but you have to say the same lines the characters do to 発動 their power
I recommend reciting Cain's 創造 at your local Japanese conversation lunch.
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I finally found VN for little girls and it's a pretty fun read to boot.
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I wonder what would happen if we just started responding to anime autist with tricky sentences from VNs and LNs and stuff and asked him to explain bits of grammar from it, because surely someone who has such a fine grasp on "anime" grammar is capable of answering such simple questions. If he answers correctly, it contributes to the threads, and he if doesn't or can't then he's just outing himself as someone who knows nothing about Japanese and is just here to shitpost using set phrases/words that beginners in their first week would be capable of.
sakura autist btfo
You guys got any tips on getting used to tenten and circle kana? I'm still reading them as the base form and flashcards and pneumonics aren't helping.
So anime grammar is even harder than regular grammar? I guess that makes all of us much more advanced level than you.
I have an even better idea. How bout we don't reply to him.
Just continue what you're doing. There's no real trick.
>not replying to bait
good one
>the complete absence of particles/complexity
I mean I know it's bait but come on dude you can do better than that if you want to try to come up with an argument someone might actually believe. Even hanahira has pretty much everything in Tae Kim, and you'll find basically everything in all 3 volumes of DoJG / basically any grammar resource at some point when reading "anime" shit.
see >>140364192
see >>140364224
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Thanks immensely, mods. I love you.

By the way, he's likely to come back after a while under a new ip, so if you could check back every now and again that would be fantastic.
はい はい はい えええ はい はい ええ!

I can't finish watching this because of the guy hovering over the poor lady and making these stupid incessant 相槌. What a horrible distraction.

It's a shame, because I was actually enjoying it.
What is the best personal pronoun to use if I am a male (sex and gender)?
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That's too girly isn't it? Sorry if I offend anyone, just saying that I don't like that pronoun, anyone can use it if they like.
That's the samurai pronoun, I think it can't be used in modern Japan?
Whats it called anon-kun?
what is wrong with 私?
ぼく Should be fine.
It's too gaijin-learner sounding. But there nothing wrong with that if you like to use it, just saying it's not my cup of tea.
I though about that, how young do you need to be to use ぼく?

おいら should be right up your lane
I'm sure I read somewhere that using さん or 様 for your name is very arrogant, I presume you are just joking.
Can you explain the nuance please? I vaguely get what 俺 is, but isn't おいら just おれ+ら(the plural suffix)? So it's not a personal pronoun?
It's not about age. Boku is a pronoun that shows humility. Many male writers and educated Japanese in general use it especially in editorials and such where ore is just too crass and in-your-face to be used seriously. There should be no problem with using that in a casual setting if you like it though, but for the love of god don't use ore if you're a stammering idiot who talks softly. It'll make everyone in a half mile radius cringe.
Oh, that seems pretty nice. I don't want to be aggressive or offend anyone unintentionally, so as I understand 俺 is made just for that? And ぼく is for more intellectual and sophisticated people?
Or you are talking just about the voice, I have a pretty deep voice.
Something like that

I also heard that boku is used in work situations. Not first hand of course since I swore never to exit my mother's basement (笑)
I guess I'll go with ぼく then as I'm a kind of more sophisticated gentleman-type. Thanks again.

And does anybody know if there is an even more polite version of ぼく? That would be good to know for very polite situations.
Just use 私, you can't go wrong with detached politeness of the default.
detachment is love of life
this is some pretty fucking elaborate bait, i bet you're just waiting for someone to call you a cuck aren't you
Not necessarily a language question but, how likely am I to be mixed in with unsavory characters if I'm missing part of my pinky?
自分 probably
Relax, you're already ahead of 99% of japanese learning shitters by using anything other than watashi
what are your thoughts on using anime to learn japanese?
わたくし is about as polite as one can get
Usually said by people like hostesses
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Guess if I ever go, I'll have to be a weirdo with gloves, or invest in a prosthetic.
It can be used both formally but also respectively polite in a way that you feel someone is higher than you on the social ladder or they're your guest, stuff like that.
If you behave as an unsavory character or hang out around them - yes. If you're just a normal dude - no. You're not going to be taken for a blood if you wear a red bandana, unless you do so in the hood or wear all red and behave agressively.
How to use さえ with になる
you're the anime shitposter why are you even trying to hide it, every non-shitpost you make is just wasted time.

Might just learn french desu, surely easier

happy now? please just go back to shitposting about less boring things like anime


On the offchance that you're being serious, we've had a shitposter for the past few threads who fills up literally more than a quarter of the threads with shitposts about anime and ぼく and stuff like that, and a couple people are forcing a ぼく = cuck meme. He got banned earlier in the thread and hasn't come back yet, but people are pretty on edge about it right now and are pretty suspicous of trolling, and some of the wording your posts came off as a possible troll, like
>I'm a kind of more sophisticated gentleman-type

If you ARE just shitposting/baiting, then fuck off, but if you're being serious then I wouldn't pay much mind to it, people are just on edge right now.
Alright, I guess you WERE the shitposter (unless you've misunderstood my post or something). I'm a bit disappointed, but at least there was some productive discussion that came out of it.
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>I see a lot of deleted messages I just opened this thread
Yeah, that's the shitposter he was referring to having all his posts deleted. We have a serious problem, don't be offended if people are suspicious or rude to you.
>I saw it talked about on another site.
That reddit post was posted on reddit by our shitposter. He intentionally spammed this thread with "learning from anime" posts for several weeks. Then he posted about how we "learn from anime" on reddit. Then he posted that reddit post here. It's not hard to understand.
That one guy was just meming you. Anime is just for some listening practice. We use textbooks (or Tae Kim) just like anyone else to get to the point where we can start reading with a dictionary and then the bulk of our study time is reading/watching/listening a lot of content with Anki as a supplement to help with vocab and such. Heavy input method like Steven Krashen or Kaufmann use.
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That's incorrect, I just got up a second ago.
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>But isn't anime discouraged because of it's lack of complexity bot in story and linguistics? That hurts listening practice too I would think?
Not at all. At the end of the day it's all Japanese. If you're watching a braindead simple slice of life anime it's possible some of the children characters will use simple language or if you're watching something like Utawarerumono where most of the characters have weird speech quirks or dialects it can be a bit troublesome if you're too much of a beginner to distinguish it and try to imitate it, making a fool of yourself in the process (which is mostly an issue of speaking too early), but for the majority of anime it's not a problem at all, and there are plenty that have "mature" settings that don't have quirky language/words in it etc. If you can follow most anime then you can follow most drama or reality TV shows and likely most news (though news is mostly difficult because of names and stuff). If you plan on speaking early on then balance it out with some non-anime content and you'll be fine.

>It looks like you are defending your inferior methods and I have heard you despise RTK here,
We don't. It's used and encouraged quite often here among other methods. If anything a lot of us despite WK, but that has less to do with the content itself and more to do with the fast pace most of us go at that isn't possible with WK, our preference for customization, and the fact that we create our own vocab decks using words from things we're reading. You shouldn't believe everything you hear about 4chan / DJT on reddit.


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>Wow so you even shit on WK? No wonder you are so stupid here
>arguing with a troll
Yeah, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt one last time, but after >>140366823 I'm fairly positive it's just the shitposter with a new IP. That or he hasn't actually watched much anime. Plus he ignored like half of my post and assumes stuff people have explicitly said is not the case multiple times. Even if he's not just shitposting he's not really worth responding to anymore anyways.
Is there a way in Anki to have a line break but only if a field actually has info in it? I want a hint field for some of my cards but I don't want to have a blank space there for the other several thousand cards.
i called it
Check the anki manual for selective substitution.
Thanks, I didn't think to look there, I guess it was a dumb question.


For anyone else wondering.
あは 今一気にシ__が広がりましたよ

What's the missing part?

This game is destroying my confidence in kanji knowledge.
Fucking neck yourself

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You really suck at detecting bait. It was obvious from the very first post, you don't really think someone would come to 4chan and sincerely write "I am a male (sex and gender)"?
I mean, up until then I think people suspected it but played along since it was at least producing a pretty decent on-topic discussion.
Thanks meido-san
What's best to learn first: romanji, hirgana, katana, kanji?
Just read Tyler Kim
That was fast.
Who is he? Can you give a link please?
are you really that bored m8
You could say that, just want to learn Japanese to appreciate my favorite medium even more.
see >>140364192
>mfw burnt out on playing VNs to mine words
What is the best 2ch board?
Probably /a/ there's a lot of good vocab to mine there I think. Personally I'm not at that level yet since I've been reading manga only.

>はい はい はい はい っはい はい ね はい



Why is 2ch so ugly? It's so hard to read
Is 詩 here read as し or うた? Tried looking around on google but couldn't find an answer.
Listen to that fake アニメ日本語, ugh I can't stand it
I'm pretty sure it's uta.
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Guys what's that K inside a circle supposed to be?
It's a Japanese piece sign like the V.
Japanese people don't know how to innovate when it comes to these things, so they're still stuck in the 90s.
Didn't read further.
After I finish 平仮名 should I
>focus only on katakana
>start kanji while learning katakana
>read tae kim and learn katakana
>start anki
Or some other combination of these
Do half of katakana at half effort, drop kanji and do a little bit of Ty Kim then start reading a lot of VN and Manga.
You don't change something that isn't broken.
I decided to do kanji before katakana is this right?
Is it? Do you have a link or something?
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I assume this says "カクレカメラ" based on the context it's used in, but I don't really see how that second kana is a ク, am I missing something?
Use hellotalk it's less bloggy so it's easier to think of casual shit to talk about, and you get to flirt with Jap schoolgirls
It's slang for okinawan "かもしれない"
see >>140369143
What the fuck happened to this thread
I studied 沖縄語です


Ah shit of course, that line's just from the か

I don't know how I'm so retarded sometimes
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Hey, Japanese writting anons.

I need this in romaji, that shouldn't be that hard for you, right?

Nobody needs romaji. But incase you need it my google powers found this
>everything good gets translated
>the country is dying and the language is going down with it
What the FUCK were you thinking
>everything good gets translated
Who's gonna translate the good shit if no one's gonna learn the language, duh
robits very soon
I learned kana, hirgana and katakana, romaji (it's shit though) now I learn 100-200 kanji for beginner manga and then the rest kanji?
Based filter.
More like never.

Natural language processing is a literally impossible computing problem.
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Hey anons, specifically the one who downloaded Axanael the other day. I'm having some trouble installing it, does anyone know how to get it up and running? Thank you.
bahahhaha are you a C nerd with no social network? Have you not heard of RCCs?
We will have QA algos for training comptroller neural nets to train the lango-servers on RCCs. I don't care how difficult the problem is if you throw a big enough library at it it will work.
It says you need to pay for the software I am afraid.
Run setup directly instead of using autoexec.
How do I determine when to use Hanzi, Hanji or Kanji?
>there are EOPs who actually believe this
>they don't realize that even if the translation is literally perfect in every single way there's still a ton that gets lost in translation and is impossible to convey without translation notes, and even then there would be times where using a translation note would be spoiling stuff
I mean, anime gets translated pretty consistently, sure, but the majority of manga, LNs, and VNs don't get translated and never will (at least excluding shitty machine translations), including the good ones. Hell, I'm sure there are some pretty good untranslated games too, but I'm not /v/ so I wouldn't know about that.
Hey /a/, how do you make your own deck without spending too much time on it? Whenever I add a new word, I will also read the J-J definition and include several examples from weblio to make sure I fully understand the word (except it's too straightforward), but it seems to be quite time-consuming. Do you guys have any tips? Spending 1 hour a day to add about 8 words doesnt seem very appealing.
So how do you guys get to the point of reading text with the help of dictionaries and other stuff from the point of not knowing grammar and barely any words/kanji?
Anki Realtime Import takes a single button press to make new cards (most of the time; sometimes there's a little bit of manual work to do for audio or when the entry you want isn't the first one), but as far as I'm aware you can only choose one dictionary at a time when importing, so you can't import a J-E definition and J-J definition at the same time on the same card (you'd have to save it and then process it with Epwing2Anki, but that's still fairly tedious and not always reliable).
>current state: don't know grammar & words
>to do: ???
>goal: know grammar & words
Yeah though question anon
I guess that's better than nothing, thank you anon.
So just sit down and look at sheets of words and read language books?
You have to get intitiated into the mysteries of the Rising Sun cult and undergo a ritual that opens your mind to your latent, hitertho sealed, knowledge of the Japanese language. Many people fail this process and are forced to dedicate their life to a quiet study of texts instead, hoping that hard work will eventually get them to the same stage. It's doubtful whether this method really works, though, as many posts in this thread will point out.
Look up vocabulary memorization techniques. Discover anki. Come back here and see the OP. Notice we have a bunch of anki decks.
Read the fucking guide newfag
Why am I even replying
>believing most translations provide anything approaching what you are describing
you realise the most you get out of even serious academic works is a proviso or introduction and that further meaning is entirely inferred, or gleaned by cross reference?

i don't play VNs i read shitty childrens wap books

>believing neural networks are the basis of our intelligence
Yes i do believe this; if it requires that we faithfully reproduce enough cortical layers with machinal aspects approaching cell contraints (microtubule regulation in LTP + shape a mitigator of force, etc ) Google will get it. And within the next 2 decades.
I used anki for months. I know 3-400 kanji, present and past tense but no more. That's what I mean by barely anything. I can't seem to go forward with just fiddling with anki and Tae Kim. But thanks, adhd-kuns.
Read and do flashcards. If you can't do that, you certainly can't learn japanese.
Read the guide again and do as the guide says. You appearently do many things wrong. Read the guide.
from now on just assume any and all posts that have even the slightest chance of being a shitpost are the work of the anime shitposter

Thanks. Took a bit of fiddling with DirectX and stuff but I got it up and running.
You're welcome. I couldn't get the game itself to run properly without glitches so please post what it's like to try playing it.
>anime poster
>on the anime board
I did Remember the Kanji for 6 months and now I've started core and Tae Kim, and I understand that I lost interest for the language. I am now contemplating suicide.
Just look up more doujins/porn that is not translated.
>lost interest for the language
Do you mean lost interest for any Japanese-related content? Or are you just someone who was learning Japanese because "you thought it might be cool"?
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What is this kanji? It looks like 快 without the little side dots on the heart radical.

Are you trolling me Anon?

No, I have never seen the three dots of the left water radical all combined into one line. Thanks.
I don't read that stuff I'm not a retard after all.
What do you mean by Japanese content? I was learning mostly for the culture.

epic reading skills anon, just look at what all that anime has done to your brain.
7/10 just drop "anon" and you'll be fine ( you will learn nihongo)
its too late to stop now anon, dont put those 6 months to waste.
>I was learning mostly for the culture.
Alright, so "you thought it might be cool", you weren't learning it because you liked reading/watching/playing Japanese stuff.

>I don't read that stuff I'm not a retard after all.
Oh. You're the epic anime shitposter aren't you.
I'm too depressed by this shit.
I enjoy Japanese Medieval culture and that kind of stuff, modern culture too. Or I'm allowed only to learn only for anime/games that are not true culture?
Alright I think that's おやこ
FFFF okay は like in はち I got this easy

I got you now you bitch, はおちょう
>cool video
Where did you 買う this ビデオ? Can I have it for 無料?
PS I'm from reddit too :D
Yeah I'm done now, just wanted to make sure it was him first. Apparently learning the language for the purposes of using the language means you have to be an anime fan or whatever.
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Bestiality is my fave, thanks for recommending this sick VN guise.


It seems to be running okay except for the fact that text appearing is really stuttery and bad. I'm not sure if that's a glitch or just my computer being slow.
Kanji only have one reading remember that, you'll pick it up through vocab trust me it works I've done it and read NihonShikiMonogatari 2 times already.
I'm an edjy teen to that likes taboo stuff. Any good VNs about bestiality and being a mass murderer at the same time?
is this hatsu hatsu or hahha hahha ? i'm guessing the latter but why add the little guy, is there a difference between haha and hahha
It's ha.ha.ha.ha like sexual thrusting I assume. Where . is a stop
i regret posting this

>>140373991 is right. っ indicates a pause. Sexual pants from the dog.
Guys I arrived at the land of Nihon three days ago. I was in Akihabara just now and there isn't a lot of romanji anywhere just saying to all people who don't want to learn kana. It's so cool here I'm glad I started learning this great language ٩(ε )۶
Can anyone answer this for me? I can't tell what answers are legit or not because of that mentally retarded guy that seems to have made this thread his home
It's a peace sign.
Maybe, it simply means "K", doesn't it?
The circle K mark was added to clarify which person is speaker, maybe?
Hmm I did think that, the characters name does begin with a K, but it's pretty obvious that it was him talking so I figured it might have been something else, but I guess that makes more sense than anything else
How retarded do you have to be not to get the deep symbolism of OK? I guess that's what reading fake grammar does to you, huh?
You're supposed to already know 八百屋

This post is ironic considering 十八番 is ateji
I can't learn Japanese.
How many kanji is needed to read Japanese?
all of them
2000 for most things
3000 for literature
1000 for daily usage
500 for manga
That's like 500000.
I mean real language of course not otaku stuff, thanks.
Thank you.
>kanji for manga
loving these memes
just read the furigana kouhai
Wait, you mean his answer was wrong? I don't even need kanji for that stuff? I'm tempted to try it now even though I kind of despise it.
all the 2000 Joyo Kanji
B-but Seinen manga doesn't always have furigana, senpai.
>B-but Seinen manga
wow what an adult
I meant it as 青年漫画 (not ero manga), but you read it as 成年漫画 (ero manga). The both are read as Seinen manga. A bit interesting.
A lot of manga will have furigana for every single kanji. Relying on this too heavily will cripple your progress though as you might end up ignoring the kanji for the furigana and thus not learn to truly recognize the kanji themselves.
I read it as the former, actually. I was just jesting.
I guess I'll just stay away from manga then, I'm not an otaku nor do I plan to abandon sanity in the near future.
>I guess I'll just stay away from manga then
That would be the other extreme
I guess he has switched his approach to just pretending to be a dumbass and then saying his usual shit when people actually respond to him seriously, that way he's walking right on the line of technically not easily bannable just by seeing the post itself with no context.
But I'm not interested in mass media garbage with stupid grammar. Sorry if that offended you, but that's just what I believe in.
Fair enough
>responding to trolls
My kanji deck has 6355 kanji, because why the fuck not.
Thanks for the info, really, didn't mean any disrespect.
Do you learn that many too learn about the true culture? I'm considering doing many kanji too.
I don't mind that. Maybe people will learn not to respond to dumb questions then.
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I want to visit Japan soon, will I be able to operate autonomously in アキハバラ with this knowledge of core? It'll be more when I go to Japan obviously. And of course I know a lot more words that are used in anime often, I think that might help since I'm going mainly for the アキハバラ culture and whatnot.
I'm working through the deck and it will probably be another year or maybe even two years before I review them all initially. It is basically a huge kanken deck. Doubt I will see many of them in native texts.
Don't give him ideas. He might move on to asking good questions instead. What are we to do then.
It's not like I have a 脳 and a テクストファイル with all kinds of stuff in it.
He's right though. The Kanji tests at the end of high school test you on all of the 2136 Joyo Kanji. Don't you want to be able to read at a high school level? I sure do.
If you can express your thought in Japanese, you are totally okay. Enjoy your visit. people will make fun of you because your Japanese sounds like anime
I don't mind sounding like an anime because I'm only interested in anime culture and how anime talk usually. I'll try to emulate them, why do you think people in アキハバラ would look weird at me? I'm going to the anime region of Japan.
You have deep meaning and sophistication, sir.
Anime are truly an art form.
>I mean real language of course not otaku stuff, thanks.

oh its just the anime shitposter
Uh... Why is there that much kanji?... I think I have a strange feeling about this...
You mean the boogeyman you've created to help yourself sleep? The boogeyman you blame every single problem of this thread on.
you ok shitposter kun? im just trying to watch my cartoons in peace here
cartoons aren't just sounds and pictures. They exist somewhere between the sounds, between the pictures.
How do you pronounce these letters?
its like how a spooky ghost would say them
its easy, just go read tyler kim
Why do you write akiba using katakana?
Also if your Japanese sounds off, they'll probably just talk in English to you, at least that's what happened to me all the time till I just gave up stopped trying.
Isn't that how it's always written?
I guess I'll stop learning core now since Japanese people are known for their proficiency in English.

No. 秋葉原(あきはばら)
What are synonym translations of というか in the sense of "I mean,....." / "Like, ......" ?

So not "or rather", since that isn't the same.
>missed 4 days of reps
so what do I do today, do anki for multiple hours? I didn't only miss vocab but also kanji.. is there no way to go back in time in the program ;_;
Don't study phrases through translations. Search for it in grammar textbooks or just google it and check the news tab.

Have you checked your back up folder?
>is there no way to go back in time in the program

just limit your reviews
Do your reps.
What do I do when I see a new kanji first I right it down on a paper and the readings?
>missing 4 days of reps
You aren't dedicated enough anon, if you can't find an hour per day to learn you probably can't learn Japanese.
>Don't study phrases through translations.
I'm not studying this phrase. I am asking for another way to phrase the translation in the "I mean, / Like," sense.
No backup from then. I guess I'm just gonna power through them...

I literally didn't have access to my PC unfortunately, and I didn't sync with my phone beforehand.
Only write the difficult ones down, unless you want to be able to write every kanji.

I wrote everything down at first, but it was too bothersome so I just tried harder to remember them without writing them.

If there are kanji that are similar it might help to write them down as well like 万 and 方 for example.
as in, for example, what I'm saying is, well, basically, how should i put this

Idk man, would be easier if you had some more context we could work with. "I mean" and "Like" can't exactly be used interchangeably either.
>Have you checked your back up folder?
Wait you can do backups? How?
ŋä, ŋʲi̞, ŋɯ̹˕, ŋe̞, ŋǭ̷̟̲̰̙̗̻͔͌͒͋̓
Good english sound effect for translating オロオロ into?
Context would help

Vietnamese detected.
It's generally used in a situation where someone's flustered or troubled at something
Is this Crazy Diamond's punch effect?

(1) SFX for confusion or a bewildered state of mind, such as when looking around, not knowing what to do;
(2) SFX for bewilderment for the changelessness of the situation.

Which is all well and good but I don't know how I'd convey that as an english sound effect
*Shock* maybe?

Nevermind, too much. Finished all the kanji and limited vocab to 50 reviews.. gonna do 100 reviews tomorrow and then 150 after etc until they're gone.
hello amateur translator please dont try to translate it because it is going to suck ass

im sure its a sound effect thats actually plastered across the entire panel and my advice to you is just fuckin move on and leave a tl note

your readers will learn something and you can get back to mangling the actual dialogue

TL notes suck ass harder than just translating the sound effect loosely into something that sounds good
youre not gonna do it trust me and yes in a professional product you must bite the bullet but if youre just doing it for fun dont do it thats my advice
by the way just translate it "wew wew" for maximum topical meme application directly to your forehead
Where is the old guide?
its ded rip
you can find it if you follow the "old guide" and "new guide" links
Or maybe *Panic*, depending on the situation.

Mmm thanks, those are okay, I always just feel like using words like that as sound effects sounds weird but I guess it's not too bad in the right context
what about wobble wobble also is this how were going to talk now
its actually real fuckin ass though

no actually this is real fuckin ass

much like my posting however ive seen far too many boys waste their time on these efforts of futility

if you absolutely dont have to in order to keep your job please dont
hm cool whats your take on goethe "the first of the three methods makes the foreign land familiar according to our own shithead way of thinking [uns in unserm eigenen schrecklichen sinne mit dem auslande bekannt] in the second, one indeed attempts to place oneself in the circumstances of the foreign land but really is only concerned with appropriating [aneignen] the ass [arsch]"
idk what that is
It's a long process mate. And it isn't supposed to be your only method of learning, when you encounter the words while reading they'll stick better.
Is it weird to use the polite form of a phrase with somebody's given name? I want to wish somebody a happy birthday, and I want to express affection but also respect. Would お誕生日おめでとうございます 瑠璃 seem strange?
Try reading the guide. You'll need grammar before reading.
what do you think of seidenstickers translations of the chapter titles in the tale of genji like 桐壺 → the paulownia court vs waleys kiritsubo
would you have just literally copied it like waley or are you more inclined to say with seidensticker that "the thought of having ugly italics in the very first chapter title was very distasteful to me"
Make sure you don't become too reliant on fashcards, if you only ever encounter words in a program like anki, and never see them in the wild, you're gunna have a really hard time retaining them, anki's useless in the long run if you just use it on it's own

The general rule is you should spend at least twice as much time reading every day as you do going through anki, obviously if you're currently a beginner you're not gunna have much opportunity to read, but just keep it in mind for the future
>The general rule is you should spend at least twice as much time reading every day as you do going through anki
First time I've seen this "general" "rule" mentioned.
Words learned doesn't matter as much because you're going to have to get into the habit of looking words up in a dictionary like Jisho anyway, so just keep going through Core at a leisurely pace I guess

In terms of grammar, what you encounter really depends on what you're reading, the best thing I can suggest is just to spend as much time as possible reading grammar guides as you can, at least until you think you have a solid grasp of all the "basics", and then try reading something and see how you get on

There really isn't any concrete answer to "how much X should I learn", you just have to throw yourself into reading when you feel like you're ready, and see how it goes

Keep in mind that the first time reading anything is always going to feel super hard, no matter how much vocab and grammar you've learnt, so don't get discouraged and think you're doing something wrong, just keep striving to progress and you will
It's all right if you add -sama after it.
how would you translate the "zaru o enai" from 吾輩は人間と同居して彼等を観察すればするほど、彼等は我儘なものだと断言せざるを得ないようになった to make it sound natural in the context of the "sureba suru hodo" that basically forces you to have a comparative correlative
do you think its acceptable not to be too literal with the "doukyo shite kansatsu suru" part for example would you accept "the more i see of the human race, the less room there is for doubt that they are selfish creatures" or would you insist on the "doukyo" and the "kansatsu" as in "living as i do with human beings the more that i observe them the more i am forced to conclude that they are selfish" or "since coming to live with human beings the more that i observe them the more i am led to conclude that they are very selfish"
oh my god i desperately need your advice
I need some advice. I finished learning hirigana and katakana about two weeks ago but since then my learning has hit a roadblock. I'm really lost on where to go from here. Each time I decide to study either vocab, grammer, or kanji, I can't understand it because it's like I'm missing so much info from the other two paths. Now I'm in a rut and my kana is starting to get sloppy to boot. Please help. I really fucking want to learn this language.
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While loitering nearby the local elementary school I noticed a sheet of paper on the ground. It turned out to be what seems to be a school assignment to write a play involving many characters. The thick slang was interesting to me since a 5th grade maximum must have written it, so getting to see how children's language is affected is interesting. Imagine how a Japanese elementary schooler must speak! Examples below. Slang on left, proper language on right.
Look gurl (Look girl)
Me and him is friends (are friends)
Dere really aint nuttin between us (There really isn't anything/is nothing between us)
You don't got 2 worry (You don't need to worry)
Cuz he ain't you man (Because he isn't your man)
Juss stay away (Just stay away)
Ion give a damn (I don't give a damn?)
She don't neva back it up (She doesn't ever back it up)
They wait for Quan and his boi (his boy)
Whatz good (What's good)
Wuz good ma? (What's happening, man? (I don't actually know what ma means))
Nuttin juss waitin (Nothing, just waiting)
Yea (Yeah)
Dey roll out (They roll out)
2gether (Together)
You download the anki deck and read taekim. It isn't hard
If I'm gonna use an honorific I might actually go with 陛下
sorry can you use an eroge reference thats all i know
That guy actually was right, I watched some anime and really did get back my motivation for reps, that's pretty cool
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Naturally, exposing yourself to Japanese you want to understand will motivate you to learn, which is well done through reps.
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駄目な人間 is one of my favourite expressions in Japanese, along with 十人十色
Sounds like a black hood school, I didn't write shit like that in 5th grade.
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>days studied: 100% (30 of 30)
Getting there
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anki stats.jpg
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It's closer to 500 in a row but I skipped 3 days really on for some dumbshit reason so it's 549/552
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>Days studied: 100% (667 of 667)
Get on my level.
My mining deck currently has a backlog of 500 words, because I'm only doing 10 new words per day, but adding ~20 on average. I really don't want to spend any more time on Anki though, so I don't want to increase new cards. I will never catch up.
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Starting to read Rance01 as my first VN now. What is the best/fastest way to import words into anki? I can get instant translations with chiitrans, but the import options doesn't seem to be that great. Any alternatives?
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I caught up to a backlog of 1500 words simply by adding 40 new cards a day for a month or so. Don't sweat it dude. Once you know the kanji 40 words a day isn't a sweat.
Copy word from chiitrans, paste into firefox, press R. Or, do that thing firefox reads from your clipboard and skip the pasting in general.
you forgot the step where you just copy and paste all of japanese into your brain and emigrate to japan
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>23 cards per minute
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It's all about reading the kanji.
When you recognize each kanji at the same speed you recognize English letters, it'd be weird to go SLOWER than 20~ cards per minute.
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don't sweat it.png
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>do reps every single day
>move around for a bit, timezone changing happens
>Days studied: 97% (325 of 333)
DJT's esprit de corps is admirable
There's quite a bit of shitposting and arguing in the threads, but without the motivation from DJT, I don't think I would've been able to stay motivated for long enough to get through Tae Kim and RTK and stuff and get to the point where I can spend most of my time reading. I'm sure if I started at some other community I would've gone way too slow since DJT generally calls you out and tells you you're a retard or whatever if you're going too slow.
theres actually like no arguing in fact i see it more like this

There are one or "two" black sheep though
Wow it's like a Japanese Yung Lean
Yeah I mean lately the threads have actually been super chill outside of a couple obnoxious spammers. I joined when the whole RTK/KD vs Vocab "war" was still in full force and was the main topic of every single thread with pretty much the same shit every time.
actually i think its more like 真っ白な支配者
I actually watched the whole thing
This was pretty good, anon. Thanks
its 落ち着く as fuck だろ
Best motivation for me was spending three weeks in Japan. Noticed a lot more trash everywhere though compared to previous trips.
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Speaking of the auto-scrolling page, I made this edit of it for myself where it keeps a count of how many lines and characters have been text-hooked so far, if anyone else wants to use it. It just puts a box in the corner that updates as lines are added like pic related. I've been using it to keep an eye on how much I read every day.


Post more Japhop
What exactly makes you say so?
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Can anyone help me figuring this dialogue?
Posting the previous line for context.

> オレでも見つけちまったんだよ
And then I found it...

> お前が奈々に書いた手紙
The letter you wrote to Nana.

> 奈々がこっちで就職探したのも
When Nana came around here looking for a job

> お前に会いに来たのかなって思ったら
I thought she came to meet with you

> でも聞きたくても聞けなくて
I wanted to ask, but I didn't
(I'm not sure here)

> そうこうしてるうちにこんなだろう
(what the fuck is this?)

In this last sentence there's also some kanjis next to the hiragana, isn't it supposed to be backwards?

Any help in figuring this dialogue is appreciated.
そう こう してる 内に 事故死 だろう
but he doesnt know what そうこう comes from here which is pretty valid but can also be googled
I didn't know
admittedly im reading his mind based on his response
>Wuz good ma?
ma = girl
how much does it cost to buy more room for ships, I need to check my moms credit card
what would be a good translation for とりゃ?
Context: people throwing things.
>My guess is そうこう is 倉皇.
そうこうしてるうちに is kind of a phrase so theres a reason why its in kana

とりゃ is the sound i make when i press the post button
dang there was no reason to delete no one was gonna freak out i think it could have been useful for the discussion
>> お前に会いに来たのかなって思ったら
>I thought she came to meet with you
Shouldn't it be 来る then
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>とりゃ is the sound i make when i press the post button
>not 行けぇぇ or 当たれぇぇ
are you getting confused with tenses in ways that you shouldnt be perhaps

ok i do shout out the occasional 送信んんんんんんん as well
This is cool, thanks.
>are you getting confused with tenses in ways that you shouldnt be perhaps
I don't think so. Doesn't it seem more like it's saying that she searched for a job there because she went to meet him.
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Don't give a shit about character counters but going to use that because I like the look, thanks.

Ignore this post bros hehe
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Do you really think $200 worth of Japanese bullshit warrants posting your god damn shelf here every day?
Wieso hast du so viel Müll im Regal?
dude calm your bunghole theres no reason to get triggered because someone posted a picture

think about it
>every day
I think you're exaggerating.

Weil mein Mülleimer voll ist.

Und ich müsste mein Zimmer verlassen um ihn zu leeren.
>Und ich müsste mein Zimmer verlassen um ihn zu leeren
Wäre schwer zum part-time job zu gehen wenn du das nicht machen würdest oder?

What do you read now anon?
What is the book underneath the watch?
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>Wäre schwer zum part-time job zu gehen wenn du das nicht machen würdest oder?
Stimmt. Könnte vielleicht sogar mein part-time job mitem müll leeren kombinieren.

Unfortunately not reading a whole lot of manga as of late since I have to read a whole list of books for my soon-to-be-over education. Though I've been watching raw anime, mainly さばげぶっ! and other stuff I've seen already. Started 青い花 yesterday and it seems promising enough. Finding good anime that suits your level of vocabulary is hard when you've already watched all the good stuff.

A picture book. It's a depiction of a route around Tokaido by Hiroshige.
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How are you supposed to know when one word ends and another begins?
Would probably be a better example.

figuratively indistinguishable
How do humans know which noises constitute speech in general? It's just a natural thing, man.
I meant while reading a sentence. Does it only work if you know all the words beforehand. In English the spaces make it clear when one word ends, do the Japanese have any system like that?
what the fuck

who thought that was a good idea
Particles usually show it pretty well.
木 vs 天 the best way to distinguish them is to come up with mnemonics or relate them to radicals until you know them by heart.

送 which means to escort or send, looks like a person walking on what could be a road. The two tails of 天 are legs. Come up with whatever works for you.
Spot the core-only plebs.
I did RTK, genetic kanji, realkanji, namasensei, AND a modified jouyou+jinmeiyou deck, punk.
Then you just have a low IQ.
Oh look, imouto is a degenerate nigger who listens to rap music. Who would have guessed?
wow dude chill it down a bit
Your reaction image is completely off-point, さらにindicating that you do indeed have a low IQ.
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How about you chill on your avatarfag worship?
are you sure youre not talking about yourself here dude

blinded by hate too dense to see the truth in front of him
Why will anki say that I have 250 cards to study and 35 new ones, but when I'm done, it says I studied like 600.
Is it counting every time I get them wrong or something?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm talking about you, faggot.
Each time you press a button is a card studied.
wew, I'm not doing too good then....
Is there any way to force an anki lesson from a certain day again? Or take tomorrow's lessons today?

I came home this morning from my night shift, decided it was a good idea to do anki reps and forgot everything I was taught today because I'm mentally challenged.
im pretty sure your posting is actually 自己暗示 dude

im gonna need you to recline a bit and just be cool

being hunched over your keyboard is bad for your posture

You can make a custom study session to "review ahead" by 1 day, you should get all the cards that you learned today, and a few others that are going to be reviewed tomorrow.
You can do custom study, and study forgotten cards, but if you do 3 days ago it's an accumulations of everything in the past 3 days.
Then I know you can review ahead, but that doesn't mean those cards for tomorrow are not there anymore. You'll end up studying them the next day no matter what.
So to answer your question, no, I don't believe so.
Since you're mentally challenged, you can't learn Japanese, so you should just uninstall anki and free up space on your HD.
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How we have advanced, thanks to the Machine!
too bad you couldnt bring some sweet anti alias technology with you
Her arm looks pretty fucked up.
Anti aliasing is for nancies
Does anyone else get secondhand embarrassment for VN seiyuus sometimes. It never happens while watching anime but for VNs there are definitely scenes I can't get through without thinking about how awkward it must have been to record.
i just dont want her to cut herself on those edges while shes 頑張るぞing
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She's in for much worse than getting cut
i liked cross channel a lot romeo is a god to be Honest
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No argument here fampai.
Reading the shitty translation of this is the biggest regret I have.
which one

ghs still ruined the game but holy shit i love that guy for that giant wall of text he wrote about it its probably the greatest thing ive ever seen about eroge in general in english
How can you call others retards when it's current year and you use this obsolete technology?
Are solid state drives not hard?
That one, the one where he likes to interrupt a moving powerful scene to throw in a long TL note.
One day I will read the original and it will be glorious.
>not living on the edge storing everything on ramdisks
i store mine on ramdiks personally
The "hard" in "hard drive" refers to "hardware", not the "hard" in "hard disk" in "HDD"
sometimes its hardware but sometimes it turns into floppydiks
This conversation is giving me a hard dick
its good to have dreams i have no doubt one day you will be able to read it

but hopefully youre also able to whats in between the lines of heavenly text as well
Source: How people use it.

Backup: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_drive_%28disambiguation%29

Hard drive may also refer to:

Solid-state drive, a computer storage device that has no moving parts
But there is no such thing as soft drives so it should be the other way.
Do you know what tape storage is?
>soft drives
actually there is i sleep on one

ill leave it to you to get the joke from there
Is it worth trying to read easy VNs with text hook when I still only know around 500~ words and 200~ kanji? (Like really know, not counting stuff I've only done a few reps of so far.) Or will I just kill my motivation if I try? Feel like it would be nice to get some real exposure besides my reps though.
Yeah but it will be hard. I don't think it'll kill your motivation but you WILL be seeing multiple new kanji every line, so... yeah.
maybe can you list all the words and kanji you know here so i can confirm
Yeah, I'm under no delusions that I'll be able to read much with such a small vocabulary, but I hope I'm not glued to my text hooker so tightly that it just feels like I may as well be machine translating the thing either. I guess I'll try it for 15-20 minutes and see how it feels.
trust me youre not going to be able to separate your lips from the teat for quite a long time

how long that is depends on you and what you do

for some people it could be their entire life
>but I hope I'm not glued to my text hooker so tightly that it just feels like I may as well be machine translating the thing either. I
You will be. Like I aid, multiple new kanji every line. Bare minimum for reading and not relying extremely heavily on tools is Core2k. At that point, it's just very heavily.
Just get kanjitomo and pick up a manga instead, the hardest part about VN/LN/Literature is narration and manga is almost all dialogue.
Ah well, at least I'll be learning some new kanji/vocabulary anyway. Also I've been kind of worried about how I tend to be not internalizing the readings as well as I should be. Like I see the kanji and the English meaning always tends to pop into my mind before the reading does. I feel like being exposed to stuff with voiced dialogue might help me associate the readings more strongly.
I've tried this with porn before and noted that the results tend to be kind of hit or miss. Didn't much mind when I was just trying to get some vague context while simultaneously stroking my dick, but actually trying to follow a story seems like it would be hard. I like VNs because at least everything can be hooked directly from the game memory so I don't have to worry about OCR issues.
I disagree. Manually looking up words, even with kanjitomo, is endlessly more tedious than just mousing over a texthooker. I read a couple manga and jumped straight into VNs without looking back and I'm glad I did.
With kanjitomo it's not manually at all, you hower over a word and get a definition, which is exactly like it is with texthooker/rikai.
I prefer VNs myself but trying one before I finished 2k completely broke me so I switched to manga for a while.

If you can't follow the plot of a hentai manga then VNs are hopeless.
I must have an old image of Kanjitomo, I remember having to make boxes or something.
My point exactly.
I would argue that not reading easy content from an early stage is a huge mistake.

Reading is what gives understanding of grammar and sentence structure, provides motivation in the form of interesting content such as Yotsubato, and creates contextual comprehension of words that is essential to really understanding dictionary definitions. You should be reading ASAP.
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I honestly think you all are exaggerating VN's difficulties. The narrative style writing is simple and clear. The vocabulary is high but fuck everything will have a high vocab for a beginner. I've read manga harder than VNs. I've read VNs harder than manga. The only reason manga is more beginner friendly is that the chapters end faster whereas it will take a month or more to finish a VN.
what about about stuff written by literary legends like romeo and maruto and meteor
As always, I'm speaking generally.
You don't understand the concept of waiting?
Yeah I just downloaded the latest version to try it out, I haven't heard of it before. It works just like rikaisama pretty much, hover over the text and it gives a list of words pretty accurately.
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Is anyone else watching Flying Witch here? I started with the HS subs and ended up watching it raw because of how easy the Japanese is.

So I recommend it to anyone who's not good enough to watch anime without subs. It won't help you much but it's good for motivation I suppose? It's also pretty cute.
It's great.
Can someone point me to Yotsuba raws?
Hello everyone. I've got a question.

I want to say something like "I am tired of being a short person" or "I am tired of being short."

How exactly would I go about saying something like this? The part that I'm really confused about is how to properly say "To be short" in this context.
this image is probably my magnum opus as far as OC goes
if you want to make memposts with it pls pick something adorable
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i'm still mad that i couldn't make a good umineko one
maybe i'll try again
It's right over there...
Don't know sorry.
so like for 2 months now trying to setup going to school in japan, holy fuck its stressful


whats the best apps to get for an iphone for learning hiragana/katakana preferably one that will actually sound out the phrases/words/kana

i tried studying on my own but got really hung up on pronunciation so thats a big deal fo rme
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>can't learn kana
>going to school in Japan
Best of luck, friend. You'll need it.
Perhaps 背が低いでは飽きている
Japanese pronunciation is the simplest in the entire world. Just learn the five vowel sounds (ah, e, oo, eh, oh) and you have all the pronunciations down.
I won't spoonfeed you anymore.
It's easy if you have money.
It's comfy as fuck senpai.
Thanks guys. I'll write these down for now and ask my teacher tomorrow. They sound about right.
that show looks gay af
Works for me.
You're welcome.
Is it normal to be struggling with grammar after 2 months of studying?
I misinterpret half of the sentences I read.
jealous much? i have the means to go for free
you arent spoonfeeding me by outright lying
no pronunciation is not that simple
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she hates this.png
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>planned to watch everything this season with no subs
>can't set up raw downloads on shanaproject
>setting RSS filters manually is a pain in the anus
Is there a way to stop MPC from auto-loading subtitles? Because I sure as fuck can't find any.
For "being short" in this context, you'd probably want


though this sounds a bit stiff. You could go with the noun version


but this may sound a bit silly as it does in English ("my shortness").
Can't you just download raws from nyaa like a normal person?
Has anyone tried doing exchange in Japan while at university or anything?
Not I.
Why not use Taiga?
I'm watching 25 shows this season, I'd rather not search for every episode manually.
Yeah it pretty much is, alongside of easy intonation and a few sound changes like the r's. Listen to natives and try to replicate, that's all there ever is to pronunciation.

And no if you don't even know kana you're going to have a rough time. How about you read the guide before asking for help?
IS there that many?
Wasn't aware of it, I'll check it out, thanks.

There's even more, I'm not watching the bad ones, like all the homo stuff and LN adaptations.
If you include all full length TV shows there are like 40
>I'm watching 25 shows this season
>coprophagia of these proportions
i dont wanna hear about no 三次元 shit
I'm learning english words too, nice
I download stuff from Nyaa automatically all the time. I use the RSS Downloader in utorrent.

And the vast majority of shows are softsubbed so you can just turn subtitles off. In MPC you just hit S, sometimes you have to hit it a couple times if there is more than one set of subs.
ok ill help you out dude ちっちゃい子もういやよ
What do you mean with 3D? I'm talking about anime shows only.
oh well you said tv shows and 40 sounds like a lot so thats what i thought you meant

no harm intended if youre staying on that 2d path like god intended
>you arent spoonfeeding me by outright lying
It's really that simple. The only confusing one is ふ and maybe を (it's pronounced "o" not "wo" more often). Other than that, the pronunciation is piss easy. The "hard" parts would be pitch accent and flow which you'll learn over time through exposure not through a beginner app.
OK, that's it, Japanese is muri for me. I will never leave intermediate hell. I'm just going to stick to scanlations and localized media from now on, and find a more productive hobby. I guess Dekinai-chan can add another name to her book.
whats it like to get to a point where you just rage quit japanese
> intermediate hell
One day you will open a vn or something and not need to look up any words. Stay strong skeleton.
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>I guess Dekinai-chan can add another name to her book.
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Did i get his point correctly? The last sentence im not 100% on.


"This trail is pleasant enough to recommend to beginners. Please definitely come and try. However, a point of warning, going down the initial switchback, you can't come back up. Its very painful to. Spend a hour to making a full circle back might be more enjoyable, I think "

This season is pretty good, actually. The only shows where I feel like I'm actually eating shit are Mayoiga, Kabaneri and Kiznaiver but I feel obliged to watch all original shows and those are my punishment.
I read トレイル as タイトル and was like, why the fuck would one walk on a game?

Anyway, it's not "one hour", he's just saying take the time to do a full loop.

Once you go downt he first set of switchbacks you shouldn't turn around because it's easier to take the full loop then try to go back up the way you came
>57 strokes
>you can't come back up

It's saying "don't come back up that way," not "you can't."

Also I don't see anything about an hour there.
What are the shows you're enjoying?

It's fine.
>hating on based kabaneri
Shit taste detected.

お前の言うとおりですね。 What I meant was, Japanese tend to not like the male protagonist being voiced or showing up visually very often or being too interesting.


I fucking hate kanji when i see one kanji i have a tendency to autocomplete with a compound.

Also when i see kanji that look similar I mistaken then, even though I can write them fine.

I really should slow the fuck down when reading.
Where are you going anon?
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXmZgSobI0o

Jesus christ China.
Flying Witch, Kumamiko and Macross are the most fun so far, but most other shows also have their strong points.

No, I'm actually hating on those. The ones shitting on me language wise are Kuromukuro and Haifuri.
Especially Haifuri, fuck.
Is doing core 10k worth my time at all? A lot of the words seem relatively obscure.
The words in general aren't obscure (if you leave your weeb bubble) but it's not worth the time no. After Core2k, or Core6k if you really want to, a mined deck is 100% the way to go.
>What I meant was, Japanese tend to not like the male protagonist being voiced or showing up visually very often or being too interesting.
I'm doing 6k and I feel like that too. I think I might lower the new cars/day and pick up vocab from this LN I've been wanting to read

Why are there a million different words for "road" and "street"
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Well, even my friend fluent in the language is surprised by some of the vocab, in terms of usefulness. Maybe I'll switch to a mined deck then.
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Just wait until you get to the synonyms for "operate" and "manage".



I wish I had a friend fluent in the language....
People mistake him as being a hafu, it's hilarious. He isn't Japanese at all.
ちょっと自信が付いたらWhite Album 2 がオススメ

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