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Raildex NT15

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Thread replies: 606
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Yuiitsu and Mikoto's wild ride continues. Waiting on translations.
Frenda a shit.
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Why is sniper-chan so perfect?
The best part of Frenda is hanging out at this girl's rape cave >>140039092
Niang niang, I miss you so much
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Wait, so Mikoto is going RELIGION OF PEACE again?

I thought she just de-edgied Touma, now SHE'S edgy?
This was just the image I would have used
>de-edgied Touma

He has a person telling him to kill and he is still fucked in the head. Don't think edge was ever the problem.
I want off this wild ride.
I hope Yuiitsu lasts a while as an antagonist. I could use some more Kihara fuckery.
She isn't edgy at all, she's just having an epiphany
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Mikoto isn't going terrorist mode, she's going full Thelemic goddess mode, complete with cosmic psychobabble.
Do these magic gods have power or are they Dark Matter replicas made from residual information inside World Rejector, like Kakine did with the Sisters in NT6? Still a good way to fuck with Kakeru and Touma. I guess we will have to see
Yuitsu best kihara? Anyone?
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>mfw she goes back to a little grill and hangs with Touma the next day during a school day next Vol
>mfw she only goes antagonist after school day is done
Every Japanese comment I've seen says "Mikoto's fall into darkness" so yes she's edgy unless everyone on 2ch and Amazon is lying
Who is that girl? Did she appear in NT14? It's the only one I didn't read.
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>its Touma spending the school day trying to think how to win

I can dig it.
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Yumiya from Railgun, she was in the past 3-4 chapters.
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>Not knowing best girl
Step up, anon.
Living the dream
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She can't be best girl if she can't give blowjobs.
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Can someone explain World Rejecter please? How exactly is the polar opposite of Imagine Breaker?
She can still give you a pretty good titfuck. I bet that cunt is undamaged, but who's to say
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I have to catch up then. For once Kazuma is not drawing a blonde and she is top tier.
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Are all these pictures coming from someone here that bought NT15 and got their volume today? Or from Japan
So first Mugino and Othinus and now Spaghetti-chan. Does Kamachi have a cyclops fetish?
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She can.
Not without a jaw she can't.
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Liars. I have brought peace, freedom and security to my boyfriend Kamijou Touma.

It's probably too early for that, we have to see what she does next volume. For now it's probably noukan or kagun, with enshuu being best girl.
She still has a throat.

Her face can regenerate through medicine though, and it's highly doubtful she lost her whole jaw.
You'd think Mikoto would have more self esteem than to change herself just to impress a boy.

Shes the most proud level 5
Lucifer confirmed
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He has good taste.
Mikoto right now
>retarded shippers actually think this
She wants to be strong, it was inevitable. To be strong in the Index universe you have to be insane.
Would Mikoto resort to violent, electrified rapes to prevent Touma from being seduced and wiled by these harlots?

Mugino was arguably the most insane yet she jobbed twice.
How are we supposed to read it? from right to left? Because I can see the illustration Mikoto AAA in those pages, those lines came from before or after the illustration?
That's because she's retarded and her power is shit.
Doesn't matter as Othinus is always around Touma whispering to kill.
...how? I thought Mikoto was the most sane and level headed aside from being rather childish
You miss all the threads?
She woke up from her dream.
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>her power is shit

I wonder how they're going to convince secondaries that she is the same person that fought mikoto with all of those flashy moves in railgun S.
She's just a little high on power right now, we'll see where it goes.
Magic fucked with her mind due to the AAA
She went beyond Mugino-tier crazy.
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my biri biri is gone
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>most sane

Not exactly.
Mikoto always had sleeping demons inside of her. Did you forget when she tried to murder Accelerator? She's been brooding on her uselessness for a few volumes now, she was bound to break.
>not childish
Gekota anon, She has always had a complex when it comes to, she wants to be useful
>Othinus tells Touma if he needs tranquilizers.
>It's Mikoto the one that needs them the most
Sasuga Kamachi.

>she went beyond mugino-tier crazy

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, mikoto hasn't threatened to burn off a girl's vagina with a laser arm while taunting her boyfriend asking if he's going to jerk off to it.
How long until Gunha goes crazy? Almost all Lv.5s have gone mad at some point now.
Our Biribiri, anon. Our Biribiri
All the time. Constantly.
no she just straight up exploded someone while gibbering incoherently.
at least mugino had coherent thoughts, even if they were all of a murderboner bent.
>going crazy
>when he has GUTS

Nigga get out of here
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>implying that gunha isn't already insane
nah gunha is far too much of a superhero for that one, hes gonna probably join up with touma when touma finally gets his shit together enough to slap crowleys shit in for causing all kinds of problems in academy city.
I think only Misaki and probably the Number Six never went crazy. Comes with being the less relevant ones of the Level 5, I guess.
Why doesn't she just help Touma with his homework then?
Gunha is already certifiably insane.
>All those DM'd Magic Gods
>Yuiitsu is OP as shit
Powerlevels don't make sense anymore.

Funny how what he is saying there holds true right now.
Sadly we all know deep down that this will change nothing for marketing reasons, and all craziness will be laughed off or justified.
We don't know they have power beyond DM puppets
I don't mind, I just hope next volume is Mikoto's wild ride.
>implying insane when his abilities work as he says they do
i'm still convinced hes the only certifiable reality manipulator of the lot of level 5's whos simply unable to realize it since hes too busy doing touma's job of smacking bitches who need their shit kicked in AC.
I believe that Touma will end up dealing with more relevant things from the Mikoto shit which would be a laugh as its more relevant than her situation. Nothing like being sent on another adventure due to the previous event.
>Yuiitsu summons Dark Matter Magic Gods for whatever reason
>Touma gets a PTSD attack
>She wins without fighting
What were their names again?
Except for Niang Niang and Yuitsu
So was it Misaka who made Salome into S alome or Yuiitsu?
We don't know yet. Previous chapter made it look like Mikoto fights Yuiitsu too.
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>gets PTSD
>instead starts doing irrational actions that are near suicidal to win
>she gets really really confused
>with WR brings one back just to see what the fuss is about
>immediately gets her shit slapped since that one would be running around at full power.
There's also Chimera, the mexican god and I can see Angry Manjew there on the left.

>fixing broken bones and lacerations with nothing but Guts
What a madman.
Now that is the Touma I want next Vol.
Trying to murder Accel was legit, he was a dick killing her sisters like that.
a translation in the previous thread*
>it's murder to fight off a psycho trying to kill your family
Misaki became suicidal and probably suffers from severe depression. She may not have gone bonkers like the rest of them but she's still not a picture of perfect mental health.
that was seriously the best arc in that entire manga when you actually sit down and read it in one go.


Reminder that clones aren't people.
Etzali is so lucky to get delicious Kongou
>gets PTSD
>proceeds to get super murderous like he did with HP fully hellbent convinced shes a magic god.
>proceeds to slap her shit so throughly even if she highjacks an AAA model that even crowley gets slightly scared.
>cue laura laughing her ass off at this entire mess.
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Disagree.I hated how liitle gunha we got.
They're nothing more than guinea pigs that can be replaced with the touch of a button. They willingly went to their deaths, and even once the experiments stopped they aren't really people, they're more like ants with a hivemind. They have no real individuality, no thoughts to themselves, and they have a will that controls them and can make them do anything it wishes.
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>Othinus is probably with him when the day goes to shit
>Probably amused out of it all
Anyone who has emotions, abstract thought, and personal opinions/desires is human

I bet you're an edgelord who wanted Kazakiri to get punched too

>Etzali liking anyone with a rack

He would have just settled for his kouhais then. What he truly wants is DFC biribiri.
Man, Touma hasn't been living his life correctly since the end of NT9.
Have you even read the books?
nah he was doing just fine in NT 10 and 11, it was the St. Germain bullshit that finally fucked up his shit.
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You rang?

Stay there
othinus probably whispering kill em all to him

what better way to see the world burn in the shoulder of a spiky haired boy
Dork Matter is the best raildex
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Can someone tell me what the real Unabara is doing right now?
>implying the think pattern of a normal kamijou isn´t already to much for a kihara.

>“I understand, Touma-oniichan.”
>This time, a chill ran down Kihara Byouri’s back. This was different. A possibility she
>had not expected had just bared its fangs. Her body froze in the fear only a Kihara could bring.
>“At a time like this, Kamijou Touma would do this!!”
>The thought patterns she had analyzed had not stopped at only Kiharas.
>That announcement had been the worst one possible for someone of such great
>darkness as Kihara Byouri.
>Kihara Enshuu mercilessly attacked with the very Kihara-like means of misusing good.
More like hiding in his hood because people with WR are around
Homura a shit and did everything wrong.
And forcibly taking away people's free will like its no big deal
He's still saving everyone like your average higschool student. Can't get more correct than that.
Not giving a shit about any of this.
Xochitl, anon
Eating some Tokiwadai pussy.
Yes, the LN's only further enforce the idea that the clones don't have any real individuality. They are much more like ants connected through a hive mind. In fact, that's exactly what they are. Their thoughts and feelings are controlled entirely by the Will, they will never be real humans. They can never have thoughts to themselves, and they will always look exactly like their original, they will always be defined by the fact that they are mere copies of a real person. Even WORST and Last Order aren't free from this, and they appear to have the most individuality out of all the Sisters.
>implying toumas not gonna scare her so shitless that he gets all the information he wants out of her regarding who got her to pull this shit
>implying this won't end up starting the great Academy City civil war.
why is hoody-chan a best girl?

all these shit touma gets himself into and hoody is the only thing that sticks with him and protects him
>implying the hoodie isn't some super divine artifact from some brand of mythology
>implying we will find out about this before the end.
>the hoodie is the manifestation of IT to be even closer to Touma
He wasn't even planned to show up in the first place, it was a Haimura original idea.
>If your inside him
>Why not be also on the outside

Bit spooky there
The Will itself is a creepy idea.

"/I/ am what you really really feel even if you think you might feel differently!"
>tfw she'll end up as a shitty female villain like the last ones
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Never.He has something what every normal highscholl studend has..
I would laugh if he asked if there is a way to get his attendance rate reset along with his bad grades.
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>clones aren't people.
I want this meme to die. better yet, kill yourselves
>implying it's a meme
Fuck off
The Will herself refers to them as units and their memories/experiences as data

Will is also a tool used by Aleister to manipulate Touma and Accelerator.
Reminder Yuiitsu is an unforgivable cunt for killing the hopes and dreams that existed bunny loli. I hope Touma or Mikoto wrecks her good.
This is also likely true. There's probably more than one use for her, too.
never trust a bunny character in any kamachi series
This. Usagi-san was super cute and Yuiitsu killed her.
That doesn´t even makes sense.
In fact, if Will is a tool for Aleister to use, I bet manipulating Touma and Accelerator is actually only a side thing she can accomplish and her real use is something else
>That doesn´t even makes sense.
Are you retarded?
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There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
She could be something like Divergence Meter in Steins;Gate since she can retain memories even if the world has changed. If Aleister wants to change the world, it makes sense to have something like this around
I was under the impression that his end game was to cause all of humanity to ascend. Simply phase rewriting wouldn't accomplish that.
I'm not quite sure? Maybe it's both? Maybe he IS trying to do a "move the world so far it moves to a higher phase" kinda like Okabe wanted to move from Alpha to Beta? Except in Aleister's case "Beta" means all of humanity has ascended and not "my friends live". Who knows?
Because she saved her one and only Frenda
They started it and continued it

Accel didn't even want to finish off the first one, she killed herself on him
More cosmic monologue Mikoto when? I need this Kamachi.
You can´t kill something which was never alive.

Where did this meme come from? I know they said that the dream cards can hold the essence of people back in like 80 or 81 but if frenda was preserved that way, you'd think that Item/fremea/saten would find out.
Then he started torturing & cannibalizing them in gruesome ways

I'm shocked that nobody brought up the rape scene again

Did you forget he was trying to murder them even after they expressed the will to live? FFS he even tried murdering Mikoto and Touma for fun
>hopes and dreams that existed bunny loli
She was real, faggot. She WAS real.
>Hopes and dreams that existed a bunny girl wasn't alive
Speak for yourself.
Clones are lifeless robots.

Accel did nothing wrong with killing those that can be remade.
>rape scene

Post completely discarded
>FFS he even tried murdering Mikoto and Touma for fun

Wish he was atleast successful with those 2.

I'm still mad i never got to see the plasma bomb destruction for fuck sake.
Apparently they're mostly volunteers or attacking her so it usually falls under self defense or consent.
In all honestly it's something I'd let slide simply because that sort of power in the hands of anyone should be a thousand times more horrifying than it turned out to be.
Can you imagine even a lv 2 version of her power in the hands of an edgy teenager in a place like AC that's (from what I can tell) trying to drive em bonkers on purpose?
>rape scene
Wow so now you're completely making shit up.
The clones have personal preferences and even hide things from the other clones
The only rape with Accelerator is what WORST does to him every night
Take it back

WORST is a pure virgin flower
He chewed a clone's finger and said it was disgusting. But the "rape scene" is legit made up
Well it either happens or Kamachi created all those plot points including Sniper-chan considering Frenda her best friend, after getting disfigured by her and having to wear an ugly mask that makes her look like a pokemon no less, for no reason.

But it's Kamachi so who knows.
Who gives a fuck? They weren't made for that purpose. They are just mere tools and distractions.
He didn't technically rape them on panel. It's just that alot of the stuff Accel says and compares things to is extremely suspicious in a why the fuck do you have that as an analogy in your head sort of way.

Cannibalism is like Accel's first resort for everything
They can't hide anything for long, not even Last Order, only proving that they are simply the extensions of one Will
They're living beings with feelings and lives of their own

In Hinduism everybody is a manifestation of Brahman. We all reside in Brahman and at the same time Brahman resides in us.

But it doesn't make us interchangeable robots.
Wasn't it implied that the edgy sex comparisons Accelerator does came from Kihara-kun?

Meaning Kihara-kun likely spoke to him like that?
So it's baseless

Fuck off autismo. It's fine if you don't like edgy accel but making shit up to justify your dislike of a fictional character on a Ugandan acrostic poem appreciation forum is chris-chan level autism.
Why didn't anybody just poison Accelerator?
Kihara is a rapist? Makes sense

They seem like they'd only allow the most genetically superior and oral members breed
Considering his life was one assassination attempt after another at one point, someone probably did

>yfw someone tried to poison him with sugar in his coffee once and ever since that experience he drinks it black
If you'd tried milk coffee in japan you'd know why he drinks it black.
I"m not the anon you were talking to. I merely chimed in with a possible explanation as to where that idea came from.
Not to knowledge?
I suppose it's not too much of a leap but all the information I know of simply is summed up(and about as explicit as) as Kihara acted like a Kihara. Did you get that idea from the accelerator manga? I don't bother reading it so that would explain why i've never heard that before.
I've always felt it was implied Amata was a rapist but I've never posted that opinion here.

Accelerator isn't a normal teenage boy. He didn't learn what "giving head" and "climaxing" is from his older brother's dirty magazines that's for sure
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>They're living beings with feelings and lives of their own
The Will of the Misaka network completely shits on that idea. They CAN be if they're ever disconnected from the network permanently, but until then they're just avatars for Will-tan to experience the world in almost 10k bodies at the same time.

If there is any kihara that deals with sex it's gotta be Aogami.
Or how to compare things to smearing semen all over the inside of LO's brain
Considering he can't even go outside without people attacking him he probably spent alot of time in places like 2chan
>Yuiitsu confronts Misaka
>Uses Dark Matter to make clones of her friends and says something among the lines of "the real ones have alreayd been taking care of" and makes Misaka go way crazier but it was actually a ruse
The fact he compares sex to bad/violent stuff is very suspicious. Did anyone keep an eye on what Amata was doing with his students? Amata may have deserved his death for more reasons than we'd thought
>Implying people wouldn't be shitposting about him all the time on Academy City's 2chan

I want to see mikoto take control of all the railgun five overs and let them loose on facilities and whatnot. Like a larger scale version of what she did in the sisters arc.
If something like that happened Kamachi would have already rubbed it all over our faces while masturbating Accel's DARKNESS.

You're going deep into fanfiction
Maybe. But he doesn't exactly mention hobbies. He never talks about video games, manga, or being on the Internet. Which is weird cause you are right about him not going out much
Clearly penises and semen are the only things allowed to go past the vectors unharmed.
>clones aren't people
>amata was a sex offender

I don't like these memes.
>Delusional imoutofag who hasn't read the LN
IB destroys their illusions, world rejector creates a new one (plus their origin's are opposites as well)
Uncle Amata bad touched him

He repels more than vectors: the pain of human contact
>Delusional Aleisterfag who hasn't read the LN

No no, let's ignore the clear autonomy of 10032 and all the rest
Honestly if it were true do you think Kamachi would come out and say "gay rape" happened? I'm not saying it totally happened either. The idea of it happening doesn't "excite" me either, it sickens me and makes me glad he died.
Accelerator wasn't edgy until after an army went at him and he surrendered himself to shady labs
He already had his reflection power by then.
If you're honestly theorizing if he got raped you're retarded
>the clear autonomy of 10032 and all the rest
It's like I'm talking to someone who only watched the anime.
I was honestly only theorizing Amata used sex language around him and might have been sexually shady. Someone else brought up it happening against Accelerator.
> implying it wasn't part of his personal reality development to increase his ability to maintain the repel field
I know that feeling
His reflection was always on since he was a child, which is why he grew up albino and androgynous. According to the anti-skill teacher they had Accelerator locked behind several really thick steel walls like a monster when he was a child. Amata probably just helped him with the more refined vector control.
If "make him hate human contact" really would strengthen his powers, that'd definitely be one way of getting him to despise human contact.

I still don't buy it though. Amata would have to have had a way to completely disable his power completely
That kind of treatment combined with Amata just having a shitty personality would be enough to fuck him up mentally whether Amata was a sex offender or not
In the novel I'm pretty sure it was heaven canceler who thought that whether the clones realized it or not they were already (soon after touma beat accel) showing more individuality. They all had the same knowledge programmed into their heads so they would be able to act like a normal person despite being alive for not even a year you have to remember. On top of this they have the same DNA so their nature can't be much different. They are different, very similar, but different people. You are saying that Will proves they aren't but that's the same as saying all the people Misaki control's are the same people because no matter what they have to do what she says. If all the clones weren't clones, just random people born at the same time but they still had will controlling them I'm sure you would consider them people.
Probably running from people that are attacking him for things Etzali did with his face.

Comparing him to Yobou feels weird in terms of their powers.
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>has all these interesting varied powers
>only shows up in railgun for a few chapters
>getting physically ill due to trauma whenever kakine gets serious
>dies off screen in the LN

Goggles lived a hard life.
On top of this the clones are shown to communicate with other clones with their words. Like when touma needed help (dont remember the novel) but most of the clones were outside of Academy City so the one in the hospital insisted she would go when another clone said it might be dangerous considering she was still recovering.
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Are Dark Matter clones people?
aren´t those two getting along too well? A lot of fanart appeared after NT15 so that means that they reached a truce right?
At least one clone has demonstrated the ability to disconnect from the network for the purposes of hiding information.
Doesn't that same clone also say that information can't stay hidden long
Is Beetle-kun a real human bean yet? He needs to explore his old relationships first.
>Touma has to go to England for some reason
>after all the bullshit with Academy City, Laura feels that the best course of action would be to get the Necessarius female dorn to try to win Touma over to the magic side with love and seduction to contrast the grittiness of Academy City
I can't think of all of the possible hilarious situations that could come from that, but it would make for a great volume. Especially since it would trigger some premium Index jelly that she must contain because it's to her advantage to win Touma over to her faction. Then you can even throw in Birdway, Oriana, and New Light shenanigans as well.
Is it a Mikoto book?
Not too sure since it's been a long time since I read but you can say the same about alot of regular lies. You can't hide something from a bunch of people that you're normally constantly feeding information to easily and they would soon actively realize something is up.
It was Fuyukawa, and. It was the only one thing he did good on his life doing the manga.
His kouhai bodiies were turned into dust.
More likely a non - aggression pact.

That unlucky boy shirt always cracks me up though
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I've been saying this almost every thread, never trust a Kamachi bunny girl.
Yobou? More like Jobbou, amirite?
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Will we ever see this smile again, /a/?
It sounds like Kamisato got over his irrational hate of magic gods and mellowed out after losing WR.
I'm waiting for more translations before posting what I think.

Stiyl where are you

But he got killed by mugino, so it technically wasn't jobbing.
Not like there are any Magic Gods left anyway. That aren't made of Dark Matter, it is.
When she's on a date with Touma's head
What if Kamachi is pulling a Nadeko on Mikoto?
You mean Snake?
We Tam-Tara hard mode now?, be careful of wedding invitations I guess.
What the hell is going on with the archives lately?

We've got people posting unintelligible English and now someone actually disrespected Js06
what are you talking about? what archives my nig nog
The archives have been shit all year.
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>someone actually disrespected Js06

A new low
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I thought moe is gone?
Seems like every time a new novel comes out these past few years there is always one idiot that disrespects js06 and gets jumped. Maybe it's the same guy?
I can't even find the archive discussion anymore.
Just search for 'ded' some idiot makes sure the message gets posted there consistently
We entered the bizarro world. Archives became shit and live threads are mostly civil.
Not seeing any ghost posts at all on the site. Although it seems like I'm not missing anything at all.
You're not. Everything important gets a live thread anyway. I wonder if we will eventually just stop using the archives
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>now someone actually disrespected Js06
Oh wow.
Stiyl we need you
What does AAA Misaka smells like?
Why doesn't someone just google translate 2ch? Even fake rumors will be fun to discuss.
Is Mikoto crazy enough at the end of this volume to go full yandere for Touma?

It would fit with the apartment being destroyed next volume.
Like dog
Gunpower, burned metals, ozone, seared flesh and the faint smell of teenage hormones oozing
teenage hormones don't smell like anything though
If she goes yandere or decides to attack Touma for any reason, it'll come with a ship sink
She is well respected here, though.
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AAA misaka can beat saints.
Poop and sweat?
>misaka can beat saints

no, poop and sweat smell like poop and sweat which most teenagers are able to prevent by maintaining proper hygiene (my nigga). If anything I think the hormones would smell good
She's a little girl.
Where does this meme come from anyway? Or is it just from the general everyone on /a/ is a little girl joke?
To be fair, I think it will be a situation in which Touma invited Kamisato to his apartment, and then Yuitsu / Aleister make their entrance
Someone do the Stiyl summoning
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>disrespected Js06
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Does Stiyl even know hes needed
He needs a bot like Daiz.
Stiyl simply doesn't have Style.
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Will Misaka recover? How?

A quick dose of guts should do the trick.
A punch from Touma, that works most of the time
>someone actually disrespected Js06

I might not be a Kamachifag, but I am a Kawakamifag, and that shit right there is some heresy.
A good breaking of her illusions should do the trick. She's overdue for a good ol' fashioned IB punch. But before that, I want to see AAA Misaka vs 8 Dragon IB
Touma's kissu.
She will be saved by Misaka Papa
i agree as a kamachifag, what the actual shit?
I cannot wait for that one "Touma kissu" fag's illusions to be destroyed when he punches her and doesn't even get a comforting hug after, never mind a kiss
>NT16 is the last NT vol
>At the end, Touma kills Misaka
>Index: Revelations is about Demon Lord Touma
Touma will fail to save Misaka and he will feel pretty bad after that, then Laura makes her next move which involves his last sanctuary, Index
Yuitsu goes berserk? (Like NT14?)
This is a possibility. I don't see whatever happens with Misaka advancing her relationship at all.
He has to fail sometime, the copped out on othi, the last few volumes with frenda, not misaki, and PH the teased it as him failing by not knowing it was happening. I expected it to be Kamisato taking out Othinus but this thing with Mikoto opens another route.
He failed just last novel actually.
But him failing with Mikoto would be a definite, glaring failure. Something that is even more likely now that Kamachi has outright said he's fucking Touma up
Neph sacrificed herself to save worstway It wasn't something touma could have stopped. It's like how he couldn't have stopped Bersie from his suicide.
She only had to do that because they failed to plan carefully.
What do you think Js stands for? Hint: JS, JC, JK
Unless there was a delay of some sort surely js06 has his copy by now. I wonder if he will start translating tonight
How much until the index manga reaches Avignon?
Kamachi is misleading you guys, in NT13 the one mocked down was Misaka but she was there helping anyway and even now it's clear obvious she isn't totally "lost", Touma still can save her and the fact that Kamachi cheated with Salome being seemingly inmortal lrooves it.

When it comes to failure that despite knowing can't do anything then it must be his last Sanctuary, and it can't be Othinus because she has avoided a lot of flags lately.
I think we're midway through the invasion now, so not long.
She is John Kennedy?
I don't know if you guys always answer this, but there is any guide of how to read Raildex? It is in realesed order, or something?
>No Index III announcement at the end of the Heavy Object anime
>5 months gap since NT14 was released
How badly will NT15 sell?
It depends on how hype the spoilers made people.

>Index LN
Start from volume 1. You can go the meme route and start with volume 13/14 and SS1 if you want to start right where the anime ended and get into the action immediately.
>Railgun manga
Start from the beginning. The anime only covers up until the end of the sisters arc. The following arc is great so you should definitely start with this if you want to try one of the manga.
>Accelerator and Index
These haven't really been up to date, but some good lads here have picked up index again. I say hold off on reading these because the first two are better.
~5 month gap has been the usual for a while, though.
I originally assumed NT16 in August but I forgot to factor in Virtual On crossover. So NT16 probably in September
with THIS
its only a matter of time friends, INDEX III IS UPON US
For Index: If you've watched both seasons of the anime, you can jump to OT 14 or SS1 (whichever you fancy since there's one chapter in the SS1 that wasn't adapted) of the LNs and read SS2 after OT 16. Before starting NT, you can read SP Volume, Kanzaki SS, Necessarius SS, and Index NTSS. From there, you can start catching up up to the latest NT volume,

If you're the type who wants to know the difference between the anime and the LN, Just read everything from OT Volume 1 onward.

For the Manga, It's not up-to date, but some anons here are working hard to catch up. The only downside of reading the manga is that it skipped Deep Blood Arc and Angel Fall Arc.

There's also an Endymion SS that connects to the movie, if you're interested.

For Railgun: If you've watched both seasons of the anime (even the god awful fillers), Read Railgun SS1 before you jump to Chapter 40 of the Manga. Railgun SS2 can be read in your own convenience. You can also start from Chapter 1 of the manga for the same reason above.

For Accelerator: Not so updated since the raw provider arrests, so you'll have to bench that for now.

It really depends if you're the type who likes Battle Harem Shounen Until World Building Happened (Index) or Cute Girls Doing Cute Things until Edge happens (Railgun)
I really just want Index III to keep me occupied until NT16 comes out. But it would be nice to revisit the older NTs in anime form. How many arcs do you think we can cover in S3?
Definitely not enough to reach NT
Probably gonna be two courts, if we're really lucky 3, so a decent amount. I'm just hoping its rail gun s quality, if we got that I would legitimately be happy with just getting OT animated
S3 if it were as long as the others would most likely finish just after Britain
Will we at least get around the Vol 17. part?
Depends on how they pace it. They adapted 13 volumes for 48 episodes, with missed details that are crucial for the later volumes.

It would be nice if they pull a Durararax2 for Index 3, with 36 episodes enough to finish all OT volumes.
Considering Britain ends in Vol18 I'd assume so. They might even cover vol 19 depending how rushed they make it
There's also SS2 they might have to adapt, meaning more episodes.
Little off topic but I'm wondering if anyone here reads index fanfics? Shows more of the amazing index world and side characters that don't get enough focus so I'm thinking about it but I'm unsure
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Index III is never happening, get over it.
As much as I might want to see more of Index's setting that doesn't mean I'm about to read fanfiction. Considering that it's quite literally not the same world and they're unlikely to pay the same attention to it that Kamachi does.
I feel like the most popular ones should at least be decent and explore things kamachi couldn't or wouldnt but still reading fnfic I guess
We need this Touma more often.
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He's dead Jim.
My problem with it is I'd be just as well served making shit up in my head and wondering where that goes myself, as I would reading what some random guy decided he wanted to write, almost certainly doing some dumb shit like throwing in an insert, shipping for the hell of it out of character, being an animeonlyfag who doesn't know the setting right. It's not worth wading through the tripe to find the one guy who might know what he's doing when I can think it up myself.
That's just the fanfic wrter's perspective you're talking about regarding the world.

It's okay to read it for fun, but I hate it when it gets serious and/or characters get too OOC, which happens all the time.
That was when he still only had to deal with mundane things like 8 fucking dragons on his hand.
>that hotdog scene
I kinda miss the cute SoL moments but I'm fine with what we have
True my dudes, thanks for saving me some time
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>implying Biribiri wasn't already showing the telltale signs of becoming a yandere
>implying they weren't cute
You have a easily satisfied definition of cute
Maybe you're just a jaded faggot.
I'm bored so I'll spoondfeed. Js06 stands for Josei Shougakusei 06, which translates to 6th grade school girl.
Stiyl where? Js06 where?
What's the next step of Sniper-chan's master plan?
Both dead
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>clones aren't people
>Accel is just a bloodthirsty murderer
>this entire thread + the archive
Find an Indian Poker with Frenda's presence and keep it with her forever.
Any time now.
Everyone knows those memes aren't true. Stiyl, js06, or both will likely show up soon and give us more to talk about
Get her face and eye remodeled by Dark Matter
Probably ignoring faggots like you who keep begging them for translations.
>Kamachi makes her appear in NT16 as an Alesiter henchmen to kill Misaka
>She gets killed again
Wanting translations makes you a faggot now, huh? Hmm, I wonder what YOU are doing in this thread? Surely it can't have anything to do with wanting translations?
I'm not going to pester them about it, if they feel like translating it they will. For all we know Stiyl is shitposting in this thread anonymously so no one bothers him.
You know, Accelerator might not be a bloodthristy murderer or even as bad of a person as he once was, but he is still a huge hypocrite. If he truly felt regret for his actions he would expose everything about the clones and face a tribunal for his crimes.
Also, the fact Touma and Mikoto didn't expose that shit as well is simply alarming.
>Expose everything
>The clones get decommissioned for being illegal experiments or arrested for hiding the truth as well
Yeah I'm sure that would make him feel much better and erase all those regrets of his.
No translations today. I spent all my time reading the entire book instead.
>Hey world! This powerful city state is regularly engaging in crimes against humanity!

Meanwhile at Aleister's lair...

>Looks like we've been compromised somehow. Turn them into ground beef.
Must be a fun novel. Any hints you can give us?
Was it good? Also, thank you for letting me go to sleep.
How was it?
As has been pointed out, Accelerator taking the fall alone for that project is unfair. For starters, he did not make the clones, nor did he put the idea of an experiment in which they they were killed. There is absolutely no way he can be blamed for that part, even if he can be blamed for agreeing to a plan like that. You can't punish him for "agreeing to a plan he did not create" without also punishing those who made the plan. At least one person involved, Aleister, is unpunishable.

If you're really this autistic about him getting punished, just look at like his terrible childhood was fate itself punishing him for agreeing to it before he even did it
That's fair enough, I wouldn't expect you to translate it before ever getting to read it. Even programs have rights.
Is it true that it's basically NT9 but for Misaka instead of Touma?
Just comment about the afterwords I can wait for the rest.
What are your thoughts on it so far?
Tell us
You wat m8.
Mikoto will never go through that shit ever, even now the most damage she got was a nosebleed.
Was it any good?

Tell us oh js06, is it shit?
>Getting exposed to magic as a new side of the world and going a bit loopy is the same as getting murdered thousands of times and feeding yourself to your friends to stop them from starving.
I liked it. Then again, I've enjoyed the majority of NT, so YMMV.

Not even close. She's honestly not even in the novel that much.
Care for a quick lowdown on which spoilers are true?
>At least one person involved, Aleister, is unpunishable.

I feel like the only reason he is unpunishable is because the rest of the world is playing dumb while he commits his crimes freely. Proof all the other governments are just as corrupt as AC. I would love to see what US's President is hiding inside his closet.
What released spoilers can you confirm?
Can you tell us what is Salome's power? Is she really related to Kamisato?
He's not unpunishable because everyone's playing dumb but rather because there's basically no government on earth that could stop him and bring him in. The guy literally kicked down the front door to the magic god club and survived, what the hell is resident Rider going to do to him?
>Aleister can't be punished

I'll be laughing at you when Aleister is screaming


While Touma comes at him with his fist and a gigantic dragon aura behind him while the entire battle scarred city watches in awe
I avoided the spoilers, so I don't know what spoilers you have.

>Can you tell us what is Salome's power?
Sacrificing weapons to gain their power.

>Is she really related to Kamisato?
She's his sister, but they're not blood-related.
I only have two questions.

Does Accelerator appear?
Who blows away Salome's body?
Touma is probably the only person capable of punishing him.
>Sacrificing weapons to gain their power.

What the fuck...Kamachi does it again.
I thought her power was time-related, considering her watch.
Does mikoto still have AAA
Why does she have a pocket watch?
>they're not blood-related.
Well, that was obvious from her skin color.
>Does Accelerator appear?

>Who blows away Salome's body?
Which part of her body?
Arm? Accelerator
Lower body? Yuiitsu
Everything but her head? Mikoto

I don't think so.

Her Onii-chan gave it to her.
>Sacrificing weapons to gain their power.

Okay, and this explains what she did to gain Rensa's power.
Did she sacrifice a weapon to gain clairvoyance or some sort of time related power?

She could've been a step-sister.
So she can regenerate? Or were Accelerator, Yuiitsu, and Mikoto all there at the same time?
Fucking Savage.
>Which part of her body?
>Arm? Accelerator
>Lower body? Yuiitsu
>Everything but her head? Mikoto

Something is wrong when a Kihara and Accelerator of all people are less brutal than Mikoto.
Shit this is going to be a hell of a novel
>Even Salome lost just her arm at some point
Kamachi must get the biggest hard on for this
>Arm? Accelerator
>Lower body? Yuiitsu

Oh boy, she is suffering from Mugino Syndrome and Frenda Syndrome.

>Everything but her head? Mikoto

Good job, Mikoto.
>Okay, and this explains what she did to gain Rensa's power.
There's nothing about Rensa in this novel.
>Did she sacrifice a weapon to gain clairvoyance or some sort of time related power?

>So she can regenerate?
It's funny. Two girls get Frenda'd in this novel and neither of them die.
Frendafags BTFO.
>Rensa thing is fake
Based Stiyl trolling the shit out of us.
Tell me about Mikoto

Why does she wear the AAA?
Two girls? Salome is given, so who's the other one? Yuuitsu?

>yfw Frenda could have survived Battle Royale
Dam son. You have to wonder what Salome had to sacrifice to be able to survive all that.
I assume the other girl was Yuiitsu?
So that was Stiyl translated? I thought it was just an unsubstantiated spoiler
Did he even mention Rensa?
>There's nothing about Rensa in this novel.
B-but muh Rensa's power
well he was reading off a turned page

It was Claire. Being a plant apparently makes you hard to kill.
Yes, he translated this passage

>Misaka Mikoto’s signature move, Railgun, was nowhere to be seen.
>”Usually, my “External Attendant” can only be used on things that could be destroyed empty-handed… but if it’s boosted this far by connecting Rensa, I guess anything’s possible?”
>”And now, I just ate Number Three’s Railgun and (cut off)
Please no
That was...Unexpected. But I'll take it. Is it true that there's more that 40 new characters introduced in this volume alone?
>There's nothing about Rensa in this novel.

But thank you, Js06.

Did Kamisato lose WR?
if stiyl was lying what did this page>>140054683
really say
If there is it was probably in much the same manner the magic gods were last time, with someone just spouting off a few names of people they know and not much else being said beyond that.
If you see this while scrolling you have been visited by Stiyl Magnus

Based spoilers and shitpost-free threads will come to you, but only if you post "AAAGHH HELP ME KANZAKI!"
Just let him get to translating the novel whenever he does, why would you have him sneak peek the end.
If "mentioned in a list of Kamisato Faction girls" counts as introduced, then yes.
I was under the impression the first fight with miko and salome happened early on
Final question from this anon before going to sleep. How close are Kamisato and Kamijou at the end of the volume?
Looks like he mistook "chain" (pronounced rensa) for the name Rensa.

Salome chains sacrifices together to accumulate more and more power.
>people doubting Stiyl
What the world has come to be.
It's all Laura's fault
So is that how she survives? Or am I wrong about regeneration?
That slut
Several things.
That ups things to conspiracy charges which actually means that under most judicial systems he gets MORE punishments so uh great job at showing accel is even more guilty of crimes than before?
Noone is blaming him for making the clones or coming up with the plan. They're usually blaming him for being the stupid fuck that said OK to mass murder when the very concept of twins existing is a massive hole in the logic the sisters are given and use to justify that they aren't real and enjoyed doing so.
Going wah wah muh childhood is a bullshit excuse for mass murder once you're old enough to know better.
Even discounting every single clone from any murder charges (although realistically manslaughter is the minimal charge at this point) until he "realized" they were real there's all the acts of attempted murder at the end of the project that would shove him behind bars for a while.

> You can't punish him for "agreeing to a plan he did not create" without also punishing those who made the plan.
Has it ever been implied in any of these "debates" that Accel is the only one deserving to be punished in this? He's just the most mentioned since most of us don't know the name of retard scientist #645. What is this nonsense about if the others don't get caught then he's totally exempt from punishment? Do you think that if only one person in a group gets caught that the police have to let him go because the rest aren't being prosecuted?

I'm personally not going to sperg out(this is my only post on it in the thread and will probably stay that way) about his lack of punishment given that noone in charge or it is capable of or willing to but to hell with any delusions that he's remotely deserving of absolution.

Touma and Mikoto had already figured out that there was noone to expose it TO. The entire city is publicly known to be watched via satellite. There are no authority figures in AC to turn to that will give or can give a single fuck.
His honor is restored
Stiyl I will never fully doubt you again, I will only take your words with a grain of salt
>Last Index Fan

Three things

1. Your trip is wrong
2. Stop tripfagging immediately
3. Index is best girl
I'm gonna laugh hard if he only ends up in Juvie.
You're already sperging.
>Sacrificing weapons to gain their power.
She's going to find a way to sac the AAA somehow.
Programs are better translators than humans
Neither you nor I have the right to decide whether he deserves absolution or not. That's for the clones themselves to decide.
Nobody's been asking the real question here, is Usagi kill?
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Another friendly reminder that clones are not people.
I'm posting from a phone, deal with it until I'm freed from working.

Patrician taste
The clones that have an avatar of their rage which decided he deserves to die and was only turned from the path of brutally killing him for revenge via pointing out targets for her to hate more?
The same clones that have a collective will which has not forgiven him at all?
>it's not just me and the tripfag who still likes Index
Ah, salvation
The clones hate him for hurting them
I never said the clones wouldn't choose to NOT forgive him ever. If that's what they choose, fine. It is their right. It's also their right to forgive him they want.

I'm saying that they are the only ones who have the right to make the choice of forgiveness or not. Not you or I.
See >>140055592
Index is too kawaii

She's like a pet gf almost, and cuter than all the other girls when she's not in her burka
>referring to the clones as "they"
They're basically one entity. No single clone can forgive him, only the will can do that. They have no individual choice in the matter.
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>tfw you've been shitting on misaka here for having a flat chest and she even gets bullied in her manga for it


Still pissed BR was skipped for this shit.
Smash the Network! Free the slaves!
If you want to go that route, NT10 suggests that Will has already forgiven him, it's just he needs to reach and grab it by treating her as a human being instead of a victim he owes an impossible debt to
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>isn't a Mikoto volume
>It's Let's cockblock Salome volume
Poor Salome
If the clones were males no one would give a shit.
Congratulations, you've discovered the first secret of Japanese media.
They can. It's just that the individuals are so similar that whatever individual choice they make will generally be the same.
A reward for good taste
Hol up

You sayin

You be sayin?

You sayin the human males are instinctively more protective of young females? Shieeet
You can't honestly believe Railgun would've ever tackled Battle Royale
Nobody sheds a tear for all those dead Kakines and beetles
And the Will can change any one of their thoughts to fit whatever narrative she likes, so their choice doesn't matter either way.
>that shower in Endymion

Index is a goddess
This. I agree
I hope Kamisato was there to see that. I want to see him losing his shit.
For a long time I thought that Railgun would cover what Misaka and Judgment Branch 177 were doing during Battle Royale.
It's amazing isnt it?
>Misaki bullies Mikoto and gets off perfectly fine
>Salome bullies Mikoto and gets her arm blown off by Accelerator and later the rest of her body blown off by Mikoto
Thats because Dark Matter Kakine a shit
I love how "the clones hate Accelerator" and "the Will hasn't forgiven him at all" completely ignore both Will saying "Worst is bullshit" and her conversation with Accelerator in NT10 which boils down to "you are doing fine, we are fine, just stop acting like you have to treat me like a victim"
I'd shed a tear for backpack Beetle
I expected like there own version or something like how they did the sisters arc or festival one.
> Bisected Claire
> S alome
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Why did Misaki start bullying Mikoto anyway? They barely know each other
>No depth perception
The Will is just trying to dodge the blame for marching 10031 of her units into a meat grinder, WORST tells the truth
I don't get why niggas actually like the clones legitimately anyways, they aren't funny and talk retarded.

Atleast with LO it's kinda cute.
because of their retarded crush on Touma
>They barely know each other
Nigga the fuck you reading?
Looks like it's time for a new Lead Up list if events for NT?

Yes, I was the one who added half of th Railgun's lead up version.
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Her tracking should have been like a level 2 or 3 power anyways, I doubt lack of depth perception will stop her.

And she had both eyes before her fight with frenda.
19090 has more feelings and personality.

>Impilying will isn't Aleister
Dark Matter Frenda any year now.
Okay you keep believing that retard.

I get you have a hard on for Accelerator getting an edgy end where the clones punish him because they hate him but it's not canon. Go write a fanfic, calm your autism
Why she just doesn't put a cybernetic eye? Mugino did that and she is just fine.
Accelerator will never get the bad end he so richly deserves because the clones are emotionally stunted beings incapable of negative emotions.
The clones are cute and entertaining

Their monotones and quirky behaviors are endearing

Plus autistic girls being overtly forward is my fetish
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Remember, Mikoto is usurping Misaka's former place yet she is wasting all that Touma with tsundere antics instead of doing something like she would had Touma's brain be able to remember her.
They've been enemies since before Mikoto knew T-man
Accel saved the whole of russia. He's on a CLEAN slate.
Tell that to 19090. Cutest Clone with her own individual personality
Not just Russia, he saved the entire Eurasian continent.
It is not about what the clones want nor Accelerator. The only ones who should be allowed to decide anything regarding that case are judges, but the problem is that the world of Raildex is a crapsack world without any real serious justice system.
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>No ability to use SD carry
>No ability to use lascom
>No ability to amby on the fly
Nah, she's chaff that would wash out in fucking premed

That subload looks like hot garbage too but it's fucking Kamachi what did I expect, this is children's fiction.
>You have to wonder what Salome had to sacrifice to be able to survive all that.
I'm super intrigued about this. That's an interesting power that Salome has.

What kind of powers does Salome get when she sacrifices a weapon? The value/power of the weapon surely determines what kind of power she gets.
>Implying justice systems actually care

I have no idea what you're saying /k/-kun but her "sniper" isn't even conventional. I don't know why they called her that when they just could have called her an assassin.
I guess that's what the duffle bag is for? It seems contain a lot of things, though gotta wonder why she has a rattle and a baby cube in it.
Go write your edgy fanfic of the end you so autisticly believe he "richly deserves" and fuck off.
*tips fedora*
True. That just makes em easily susceptible to mind alteration as opposed to them actually lacking individuality. We don't hear everyone saying anyone Misaki used her powers on isn't a human being.

That wasn't that many arcs ago.
Misaki remembers Dolly and she blames some/alot of it on Mikoto for being such an idiot combined with the fact that she can't actually manage to hate Mikoto or be malicious due to her resemblance to Dolly.
Additionally Misaka keeps on trying to force herself into the role of Touma's sidekick so Misaki is basically watching Misaka try to constantly NTR her.
Put all of it together and you get "friendly" bullying.
Wasn't there a few lines stating(Not the kakine ones) that they totally will hate accel in a few years once their emotions fully develop? Plus ya know... the fact that worst EXISTS is a massive hole in any argument about them not hating him.
Process Frenda's two halves into powder mix, hunt down and extract the essence of her Dream Ranker cards, top it off with some Dark Matter traces from her hideout in the Dianoid and have Mugino bake herself her a brand new Frenda in the EZ-Bake oven she got on her birthday.

It's perfect.
Reminder that when Accel dies LO and Worst will confess that they never liked him; they only stuck with him out of mere pity and convenience for AC, and that they always loved Touma.
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>mfw he's saved more actual lives directly than Touma but still gets the stick for killing a bunch of replaceable dolls
I shedded multiple tears when backpack kakine got hacked
They don't need to care. In fact, they shouldn't care. It is their job.
Here is a good question: if posed with the opportunity to face a clean tribunal, one which isn't corrupt and would judge him fair and square, would Accelerator accept it?
Ignore for now about the other people involved with the clone incident, I'm just thinking about what would Accelerator think about it.
How does kamachi manage to get frenda involved so often, even if it's so indirect? Why does the absolute madman do it?
How would the project have gone if they had succeeded in uploading the ability to show fear and sadness to the clones?
Truly the hero we need
You answered your own question.
I can fap to this.
Touma saved the world fairly early on. Accel ain't got shit on Touma's rescue count.
Doesn't matter since they aren't people.
Clones would be scared to die, Accelerator will give up on the experiment.

Not sure about the implications with Accelerators plan and Academy City's Darkside
Accelerator wouldn't have done it? Watching idiots attack him and cry in fear once they get BTFO was why he thought getting so much power "fighting him would be a sin" was a good idea in the first place
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>Accelcucks on full damage control

*I Meant Aleister's plan
The clones only have a couple months to live left.

Accel still gets the last laugh.
They'd have Kakine "The spare plan" Teitoku do it
>Touma saved the world fairly early on.

And Kakine would be even more cruel

It didn't matter who did it, 10,000 girls were going to be butchered so the rest could spread AIM globally
I don't get why he keeps bringing the Fre nda business back like that.
Let her rest in pieces already.
You don't remember that angel getting ready to obliterate the planet to get back into heaven?
Frog doctor already enhanced their lives. They will cuck Accel and you will like it.
"This is Heven Councilor" the radio crackered. "You must protect the Misakas!"

So Accelerator used his vectors and created a wall.

"HE IS GOING TO KILL US" said the Misakas

"You cant stop me" said Demon King Toma and unleashed the dragons. Accelerator throwed white wings at him and tried to blew him up. But then the phase collapsed and they were trapped and not able to go back.

"No! I must save the Misakas" he shouted

The Will said "No, Accelerator. You killed the Misakas."

And then Accelerator was Kiharas.
To anyone who will start a new thread, please don't.

Create a new one once Js06 officially starts translations.
That was Tsuchimikado saving everyone's ass.
The uploading didn't work because they already had those emotions.(not fully developed but still existent) They are just really bad at displaying em properly.
The fuck did I just read? I keked anyway
Oh wait nevermind. You were referring to WWIII, right?
>Frog doctor already enhanced their lives

A few weeks won't matter.

Without accel they'll be vulnerable to kidnaps for testing and such.

Dafuq did I just read?
Accelerator will die and recieve Will-chan's final forgiveness before his brain stops working. She will then take him to her unknown place and keep him there with her forever where he does get his "I wanted to be with you forever too"
>I don't think so.
Explain this. Touma needs to be wary of Mikoto now, and that implies that AAA is still filling her head with cosmic wonders so shouldn't she still have it?
> Not knowing your ancient memes
Lurk more.
DESU there were multiple occasions so I picked a random one and forgot that my example happened multiple times.
He's at least saved the planet during WWIII, "saved" it via convincing othinius to put it back although that's a can of worms for a bunch of philosphy majors to splooge over, and I swear there was an incident or two more but can't think of it atm. In the end Accel hasn't saved nearly as many people as an ordinary high school boy.
can you give us summary pls?
Why summary when she can just give you the full novel once she starts translating?
I don't know that you can call NT9 saving the world, technically it would still be around, he only saved the world he knew.
That's why there were quotes and mentions of it being up for debate.It still puts him at a higher saved count.
Man, that one Accelerator hater is almost as autistic as both sides of Misaka shitflinging at once.
It got destroyed in the fight, and the brain damage is permanent. going by what stiyl said she is now convince that there is a power beyond and wants to pursue it. She is looking for the level 6,
Did they all attack her one after another or something? That's some high level bullying.
Fiamma wasn't really going to kill anyone, and if I remember although Gabriel was fucking shit up he was about to disappear anyways wasnt he?
Not sure about that and anon did say Directly too.
Gabriel was about to disappear, but he was going to take the North Pole and most of the Northern Hemisphere with him.
I dunno whether they were all three there for some reason or if they happened separately and she can regen
Accelerator's was early on when Salome was wrecking Mikoto.
Convincing a god to let everyone live is pretty direct.
>Misaka is more brutal than Accelerator and a Kihara
What went wrong?
Possibly separate occasions.
Lack of vitamin D.
Didn't Stiyl just want Touma to crash the Star somewhere and let it blow up? I seem to remember that being a perfectly valid option that would have worked. Still would have been him saving a lot of people but it'd put him around the same level as Accelerator.
Othinus wasn't going to murder the planet, she just wanted to change it.
>More brutal

So she gets off to eating fingers now huh?
Gabriel fucked up that option so Touma had to step in and stop the angel.
Gotcha. I'd still argue they're about the same though with that.
More like she killed him and then changed her mind after.
touma murdered agnese's parents again

never forget
That's what happens when you use a weapon to kill gods on a normal human.
Index seems like the sort of waifu Accelerator would want
Too bad Accel will die alone and sad. Probably suicide.
>implying they aren't siblings
>She is looking for the level 6

I like where this heading.
Sort of off topic, but what music do you guys listen to while reading manga?
I'm going to spam frenda threads if accel being in this volume was complete bullshit
It wasn't? He blows off Salome's arm

Please don't, other frendafags like me are already on suicide watch having two more girls suffer the same fate yet come out alive.
Accel is confirmed to be in this volume.
Darude Sansstorm

Just Awake by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Edgy guys like him tend to love sweet childish rays of sunshine like Index
I listen to this while reading Accel

Well for the LN and railgun manga specifically, the openings and OST are perfect. Someone posted this in an earlier thread and I loved it .


In general though, just some ambient shit.
He's literally been talked out of suicide twice. In the same volume.
In volume 13 she was an annoying shit that didn't listen to him and just ate constantly.

Pretty sure she's not ideal.
I listen to Stand Still whenever Misaka and Touma interact

Makes my heart soar
>more brutal than Accelerator
Pretty sure Accelerator did the same thing to Kakine.
Yare yare

And then she saves LO
Actually I used to listen to the Spice and Wolf OST while reading Index, made some tense scenes a little weird.
>accel literally getting beaten the fuck up
>completely ignores him as in not even a peep at him

That was pretty insensitive yo


You don't tell me what to do senpai
If one gets made anyway just ignore it if you don't like it
You're not my dad
Someone post a new thread just to trigger that guy
Do it yourself faggot

You don't tell me what to do either.
Don't wanna
I didn't say "you". I said "someone" dingus
>589 Posts
>61 IPs
I keep Yuru Yuri songs on repeat but sometimes I turn them off when shit is getting serious as it doesn't always do wonders for the mood.
Why is Accel getting NTR'd the hottest thing out there?
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Sasuga raildexfags.
Oh so Accelcuckposter/hater just has a fetish and not an intense hatred. Makes sense
Videogame music
Sora/Ao no Kiseki for action parts
Barney is a dinosaur
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>implying there isn't more of us who enjoy seeing Accel getting cucked
If Accelcuckposter/hater shows up next thread, reminder he just has a fetish and do not engage
What a weird fetish

Worst wants nothing to do with touma and accelerator deflects her advances.

She's just yuri bait with umidori now.
>implying Accel doesn't wants to be in their place instead
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Reminder that Accelerator sexually abused 10031.
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I refuse to let the thread die this way.
Thread posts: 606
Thread images: 64

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