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Is there an anime that depicts Otaku/NEETs in a really bad light?

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Is there an anime that depicts Otaku/NEETs in a really bad light? NHK is the only one that does it right.

>Death Billiards had an episode where there was a 29 year old NEET that committed suicide (29 y/o) and a single mother of three. But of course, they had to pander to their viewers in some way and they sent the NEET to begin life anew.

Hell, some anime (such as Umaru and NGNL) are straight up NEET masturbation fest.

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Though it was only for a moment, it was undoubtedly negative.
>waaah why aren't they pandering to my normalfag anti-intellectualist retardedness
Because Japanese people are smart, unlike Murrikans like you.
I'm not anti-intellectualist. I'm just saying spending their time watching claymation isn't something smart people should do. They should put their smarts to use - whether it's doing science, engineering or just working towards a better society.
b8 thread

Is that bait? No one can say something this retarded unironically.

This is /a/, anon. Where intelligence comes to die.
Space brothers, there was couple of episodes about NEET brother of one semi-important side character.
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Why are you saying this on /a/ though? It's full of fucking dumb faggot weebs here.
I'm trying to make people realize that NEETdom is harmful - both to society and to the neets themselves. Because this is an american (or a non-japanese website) I believe actual NEETs like the ones in Japan do not really exist here, but oh boy, are they gonna be a big problem in the next 20 years. I'm trying to prevent people from entering that dangerous lifestyle.

Economies will drop. Old NEETs will start committing suicides because they can no longer enter society; or they will die earlier than that - because of depression and people who feed him false "truths" - they they will never do x and will be better off killing themselves.

To the NEETS here: Do you really want to sit motionless in the springtime of youth?

>they they will never do x
that's supposed to be in commas

i'm not a native english speaker, so please forgive me if I don't write clearly enough
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>Because this is an american (or a non-japanese website) I believe actual NEETs like the ones in Japan do not really exist here
Yes good goy, wageslave away. Spend the springtime of youth making money for someone else, barely scraping by, eating almost nothing but ramen, and coming home every day stressed out and wanting nothing to be docile.

Work is going to be done by robots. When your job gets taken by robots you will become a NEET and all your effort will have been for nothing.
A lot of NEETs become like that in western countries because there's no employment.
You're deluded if you think they don't exist outside Japan.
>I'm just saying spending their time watching claymation isn't something smart people should do
Says a faggot anon on /a/.

Tell me, what have YOU done to help society, big guy?

How much could you have done in the time you spent shitposting here on /a/ and watching mongolian shadow theater clips?
Nah I'd rather be a NEET. Doing things sounds hard.

But anon thats the masterplan of glorious nippon. Nobody cares if they are depressed or if they suicide. In fact, nobody cares about them at all (only when they go psycho and start killing/raping people) in that case they just get caught and kill them with capital punishment.

Havent seen a case like in Japan in the US, but i've read some cases in latin america's shit 3rd world countries. Since their economy isnt strong and jobs are almost non-eistant for these kind of people, they end living with their parents and the case I read about was from a 40 y/o man still living with his parents.
You do understand that there's a strong correlation between being a NEET or Hikki and mental disorders, don't you? It really doesn't have anything to do with being smart.
I remember that Ito comic where only the neets survive since they don't conform to established norms or some shit like that.
I work in a mental health clinic and I am a helper of one of the physicians. I see an increasing number of NEETs who are unable to connect with society after years of isolation.

Some of our patients did see the light and are relatively successful; some even got girlfriends in about a month (his confidence increased and this attracted women more?) , but some committed suicide because it was "way too fucking hard" (it was written in some suicide notes)
I've been a NEET for a few years on end, finally escaped it. It was depressing and I pretty much watched anime to block out the reality of how little worth I had. NHK is pretty spot on in that regard and I feel a certain attachment to it, and I can say nothing about NEETdom is like kamisama no memochou or other anime where you see your friends and have riproaring adventures.

I can't think of any other anime that do it well, but there are plenty of manga. Try Me-Teru no Kimochi first
Every post in this thread is awful and I hate all of you. Especially OP.
Sounds like they would have been better off without your 'help'.
Fuck off back to your shithole then?

Yes, fuck of back to your shithole disgusting neet.
Quit your job right now and spend a year in your room then come back and post about this on /a/.

Do NEETs still live with their parents? if no, how can they make money if they dont work?
>being this mad

Stay butthurt, trash of society
Smart people can watch anime and do smart things like science and engineering bruh. They are not mutually exclusive.
I'm happy for the suicide bros. Glad they decided to do things their own way instead of listening to some fag about how life is good or something.

Protip: It's shit, and so are most people you'll meet.
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Yet you are typing on people on 4chan concerned of their wellbeing and health?
>ITT: butthurt weaboo NEET

i hate this place
you're here forever
>I see an increasing number of NEETs who are unable to connect with society after years of isolation.
Amazing, who would have thought about that mister Sacks?
Then again, no surprise that you're just a "helper".
>some even got girlfriends in about a month
>but some committed suicide because it was "way too fucking hard"
And what does that have to do with chinese cartoons and their portrayal of neets? What does that have to do with me enjoying a form of entertainment? Do you think I give a fuck about all those people?

You know, in case you haven't noticed, the vast majority of those NEETs especially in the case of Umaru or garbage like that is an evident parody, if you wanna talk about stuff like SAO or that things you could say that of american comics too wince a lot of those capeshit garbage are pretty much the same thing, starting with Spiderman.
Not to mention, a lot of classic literature already had NEETs as protagonists that despite their flaws were also seen in a sympathetic life, Oblomov is probably the most famous example.

And worst of all, you come here, on /a/, and try to convince us that Animu with explicit NEET references or pandering are made to nurture NEETs and make them feel safe AND tell us to steer away from it?

You're probably the first one here in need to see some psichiatrist considering your delusions.
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So the alternatives are
- Working as a slave for the rest of your life just to get a little amount of money and a used-up, cheating whore who's too old for the cock carousel

-Stay at home in your own fantasy world where at least you can stop thinking about how awful life is

Geez, I wonder why NEETs don't want to give up on their lifestyle
I sold everything I had.My whole CDs collection, car, even my mangas and aneemays. I basically don't own anything besides my PC.
Normal life isn't as boring as you try to picture it.
claymation is awesome,fuck you

Agreed, it's worse.

Only britbongs love claymation. Are you a filthy britbong?

Welfare for pretending to be a high level retard.
why only britbongs
Of course being a Neet is a bad thing.

No one will be there for you once your parents die. The only way to get over it is a bullet in your brain.
I'm no longer a NEET, but this is pretty much how I was.
Pretty fucking miserable now, but I want money, so I put up with it.
I keep seeing people say they're miserable being NEETs, but I was honestly happy with that lifestyle. There was barely anything to do, but I had all the time in the world. It was fun.
People fill their heads with all kinds of nonsense like their "worth" and "making a mark on the world" stupid shit like that, and I just don't understand it. As long as I could relax and have fun, I was happy.
The only reason I got a job was because I wanted money to buy more fun things to do, and not upsetting your parents is a nice perk too.

I hate myself I wanna kill myself every day


Well anon, money is not free. You have to earn it using skills you learned.
..oh wait, neets have no skills to begin with.

How long will that money last? You know you have to fucking eat and buy stuff and shit.
Working 8 hours at a Mcjob doesn't require any skill, only hatred for your own life

Because the popularity of Wallace and Gromit and all of it's spinoff and sequels.
Who the fuck are you trying to talk to with this?
Every single NEET knows that it's a bad thing. Why do you think that they kill themselves so often?
Spoiler alert: it's not because they think they're living their lives correctly.
Literally all you're doing is kicking someone who has been repeatedly kicked by society and yelling "WHY AREN'T YOU MORE LIKE ME?!?"
> a silent yet intelligent anthropomorphic dog


I thought of the Family Guy dog for some reason but he's not very silent, isn't he?

NEETs are dogs living in a claymation world full of Europoors? That does not sound very pleasant.
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Cooking burgers is so fucking easy even a retard can do it with the proper training.

People have to show their worth. If you have no skills to begin with, you are in serious problems. Thats how life and society works since the beggining.
Its funny to think NEETs would be dead already if we had a spartan-like society.

Not OP, but yeah the thread is somehow pointless.

By default otakus are depressing manchildren.

They're already unpleasant by nature.
>How long will that money last?
It was about 10 000$ and I live in a pretty cheap country so maybe one year and a half if you're ok with making your own food. It's 250$ for an apartment here.
W-what is in that bag?

I-I'm curious
>Its funny to think NEETs would be dead already if we had a spartan-like society.
I seriously hope for you you're not implying that the Spartan society model is desirable.
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