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One Piece

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Gear Four thread

who /hype/ for tonight?

also Sanjifag shitposters and epic b8rs and meme'ers please go away
By mentioning them you encourage them.
First for the year of based Sanji
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>eats sweets and drinks cocoa all the time
I want to eat out her candy flavoured pink butthole and her sweet nectar leaking pussy
God bless you.
So is 3-eyed girl/potential Sanji's fiancée going to be a fruit user?
The uglu uglu no mi
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It doesn't Matter as long as he gets the bitch
I actually think that he's going to end up with the fiancée in the long run (as in, in an epilogue).

If his fiancée doesn't turn out to be a hambeast or something like that, that is. Or maybe even then, poor Sanji has bad luck.

MAYBE Sanji can finally put to use his beautifying cooking recipes since their effects won't be very visible on the likes of Nami and Robin.
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I always thought it'd be Viola for an EoS partner. They looked great together, she's loyalty, she actually likes the dude to a degree, his crew helped her entire country, her family is great, everything is perfect.
Yeah I think the same. If pudding is the qirl everyone thinks she is then, i think he will end up with her(she will just have to wit like Kayla).
>she's loyalty
I thought that at first but then after he left it seemed like she actually just forgot about him so I pretty much counted her out now
>sanji rescue arc
Nah, more like Sanji "betrayal" arc. He'll agree to the wedding and tell the strawhats he quit the crew for drama and then later find out it is all part of some scheme of his
Eh, they can rekindle it. I just like their interactions. She knows he's a hopeless idiot but she finds that adorable and it makes me smile. I do think Sanji will end up being married and will still be flirty and shit to girls but gets kicked by his wife
plus viola has an eye df power while pudding has 3 eyes. sanji is upgrading
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>yfw Zoro just says "fuck it, let's leave the dumbass here"
Having an eye DF seems better than just another eye. That shit would throw you off all the time.
I haven't watched the show since Arlong Park, someone green text what I've missed.
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but this is super cute
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I don't care about gear4, but I sure am hyped by the prospect of seeing my husbando fighting in his full gorgeously animated glory.
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>Fisherman Island was inferior Arlong
>Dressrosa was inferior Alabasta
>"Sanji wedding" will be inferior Enies Lobby
Just read the summary on the wiki
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haha, suck on my shlong head you buttplug up the ass having milky licker
>Luffy has a brother
>he dies
>Sanji is a noble and as such is forced into a wedding with the daughter of Big ass powerful pirate Big Mom
>Punk Hazard was inferior Drum Island
I love this meme
Oda forgot to rehash Skypiea

They could've done all that in less than 700 episodes though
Nah, nigga, imagine waking up and seeing a mono eye stare at you at the crack of dawn. Fuck that shit. I'd rather see Viola be all tolerating and shit.
>luffy gets saved by lightning
>whale swallows them
>recruit a reindeer
>fight a sand crocodile
>go to the sky
>fight god
>rescue a crewmate and piss off govm't
>go to a spooky island
>go to a racist island
>crew splits up for 2 years
>Luffy tries to save his brother
>doesn't work out
>crew gets back together
>go underwater
>go to a donut shaped island
>beat up a flamingo with strings
>currently on the back of an elephant with a bunch of talking animals
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Zou is obviously an inferior Skypiea, anon. I mean, it's so obvious.
was ryuunosoke the equivalent to the knock up stream?
more like husbandon't. amirite?
but you cant tell when viola is staring at you

Thanks anon. I might start watching it again, how is the animation and fight scenes. I dropped Naruto at the start of Shippuden and tried watching the scenes from the final battle but the budget was too low and too much talking
>how is the animation and fight scenes.
Amazing on par with One punch man.
Hmmm well we will have to see after this arc and how it goes. If it goes how I think it will:
>he goes there to marry her, sees she's a QT and does his little I love girls things he do for the beautiful ones.
>shes starts crying saying how she's not ready to be married yet but has no choice
> sanji becomes series and tells her stop crying, promises that he will do everything he can to stop the marriage.
>slowly through the ARC she keeps noticed on how great sanji is despite his very little flaw (he will probably show this again when nami and robin comes with the crew to save him)
> by the end she may say something about how it would put be so bad to marry him. So the marriage can just be put on hold. Etc

Well not exactly like that but I picture it close to that. With that done it will keep big mom and the strawhats from having to fight and some more little perks. But as you said sanji will still flirt

And if none of this happens or even show signs she may like him then back to viola it is.
same problem with OP. fight scenes are few and far between. lots of dialogue and shitty animation. Toei seems to get it right when it counts but since the timeskip, the animation loses quality every arc.
Dang, that's some good fanart.

But my husbando is still better than yours.
But we're talking about a guy who would fuck a furry. At least she's closer to human and cute
No, the Elephant's leg was. Ryuunosuke was Merry 2.0. The minks are obviously Angels. Enel was Jack.

Well, you can, she'd be staring at you. It's just that I think a mono eye staring at you is creepy as shit. If she kept it closed permanently, it'd be fine.

I want to believe


That sucks I don't think I can handle 700 episodes of talking
hey hey hey i never said nothing about no furries ya hear?
lets be fair. its like 690 episodes of talking
But he's scared of insects and God knows insects have funky eye regions. Sure, he'd probably still stick his dick in her but given the choice with Viola? Come on.
Doffyfags are cancer.
Fags being obsessed with Doffyfags are cancer
those furries was cute I grant it but still my point was I don't think a third eye will bother him.
>I don't like being called out on how much of an insufferable, delusional loser I am
>I don't like being called out on how much of an insufferable, delusional loser I am
I don't think he would care as long as it pussy
just read the manga

the anime is complete garbage
Link to new episode?
I wanna see how bad it is.
Well meme'd
I forfeit, you are the better man. Be free to write another dissertation on how it's totally unfair that your husbando lost.



But we are already on /a/, dumbass.
Well meme'd
I forfeit, you are the better man. Be free to write another dissertation on how Doffyfags are cancer, deluded and insuffarable.
You just gonna repeat everything I say, or ...?
You just gonna repeat everything I...'m just kidding. I'm a different anon.
Live Stream for the episode where!?
Why don't the Wanted posters talk about what abilities or fighting styles the people have?

People should be able to see a man stretching his limbs and think that it's possibly Luffy
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>Doffy, introduced in June 2002, turns out to have had Royalties™ all alng
>Sanji, introduced in fucking June 1998 turns out to have had Royalties™ as well
>Big Mom is going to have Sanji, who has Royalties™, with her daughter, so is safe to assume she has Royalties™ as well

Who's next? Who will Oda give them Royalts next? Franky?
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no ass
I hope sanji 1v1 big mama

maybe we will see him go full out
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So.... who is the guy in charge of this episode? Any links to more of his episodes? Please tell me is the guy that made the Lao G fight.
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But a cute belly
naotoshi shida

or it could be Big Mom's way of marrying into the royals
Viola forgot Sanji existed when he left. She didn't even mention him when the SH left to meet up with him. Get over it. Viola was just hot bitch of the arc and irrelevant.
I wish Naoki Tate would still be part of the animator team. He is way better than Shida.
I never stuck around /a/ to find out

Was it Pandaman, Poundman, or Boundman?
I never read the raws
It's Ipoundyermomman :^)
Wiki has the romanization listed as "Gia Fōsu: Baundoman," so it seems to be Boundman.
perona is cute!
>two people turning out to be royalty , now oda must be planning to use that on everyone

Calm down anon it's not that serious. It's only two people and plus we don't even fully know the extent of sanji family situation. Plus of course big mom is royalty that what it means to be a emperor of the new world.
what has he done?
what a yummy cococho
Zoro vs Kuma for example
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QJ3UCPw_-A
Oh, yeah, that's plausible. I kept thinking that wedding invitation meant they were going to go with the "spoiled monstrous noble tyrant" with her as a villain like they did with Wapol. But worse. Both of them have even been shown to be cannibals, Big Mom more disturbingly so, and they're also basically creepy manchildren.

Seing how horrible the Word Nobles were in Shabaody definitely reminded me of Wapol FUCKING MURDERING EVERY DOCTOR IN HIS COUNTRY JUST BECAUSE, and the World Government even gave him a fucking kingdom again (So maybe we'll see him again?). So maybe they go that route with her as well if the Charlotte family is already a noble one? She does not look like a nice person at all so far to say the least.

Hah, I was mostly joking with that Franky thing. Just wondering what route is Oda going to go with nobility after this? So far they're pretty much evil incarnate, and the main thing wrong with the OP universe. Will Sanji's family be like this as well?
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Let's not forget that she chose usopp at the end
Gotta wonder sometimes if this is ironic rollplaying or if you are really this autistic.
I wonder what will happen to Luffy healthwise after he uses gear 4 + 3 + 2 nightmare Luffy
Ok and yeah I agree. Every Noble is usually evil, I hope at least sanji family is good but knowing oda. Sanji mom was probably a poor slave or something that got pregnant by a rich a noble and somehow also died and left him with his shitty dad and half brothers
ironic role play. but its no fun now that ive stepped out of character
Sanji isn't a celestial.
Absolutely nothing. The "my ultimate technique will shorten my lifespan!" trope is such a copout, it is used when an ability is supposed to have some sort of repercussion that does not interfere with the plot. Luffy is not just going to NOT find the One Piece because he dies five minutes before reaching Raftel. He will live exactly as long as the story needs him to live. The arbitrary lifespan he loses in the end will not matter.

I think the worst example of this is in Full Metal Alchemist where Edward in one scene uses himself as a stone to heal a lethal wound which is supposed to shorten his lifespan, but it is never brought up again.
Who said anything about CD. Vivi is Royal and not a CD
>NOT find the One Piece because he dies five minutes before reaching Raftel

pls no. Oda isn't that shitty of a writer
Ecactly. He is not going to let this happen, so why bother having that "life span shorten" shit?
Have you not caught on yet? They're going to make him start to "die" slightly before he reaches One Piece. Just like Roger.
nice fanfiction

>>>/arlong park forums/
Does Gear Second even do that anymore? Gear Third doesn't make him shrink anymore, so maybe he found a way around the life span thing as well
japanese livestream link where?

when does it broadcast?
Be patient faggot in about 2 hours 10 minutes
I was under the assumption it didn't have that drawback anymore since he mastered it.
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I see what you did there
you mean 1h 40m
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http://www1 watchopnow com/

Can't wait for Zoro vs Bobbin
It's broadcasting right fucking now you faggots
>Enelfags still say Luffy didn't defeat him

Why? Someone explain?
Said no one ever you mean
Read the manga
I don't think I've ever once seen an enelfag say this.
I think they mean that Enel still went to the moon so he wasn't "defeated" defeated. He got his ass handed to him physically but I don't know. That's my only guess.
There was some fag who posted something a few days ago saying "Enel was never defeated by Luffy, just knocked off the boat"

Or something along those lines.
Like in 90% of the cases when someone talks shit about [character]fags, the [character]fags are not that obnoxious, but rather the people who keep talking shit about other people for mentioning their favourite character a bit too much for their taste.

It's the same group of people that spams "[character]fag BTFO" in every other thread. It's shitposting. We should all learn to ignore it.
When Oda shows off a villain's powers to build them up as a threat, powerlevelfags start stroking their dicks immediately because holy shit this is the end-all, Luffy's going to lose, he can't beat this awesome enemy yet.

But then when Luffy does beat them it robs them of their perfect climax because it shatters their autistic imaginary power tiers and leaves them blue balled so they go into full denial claiming the villain wasn't really beaten or that it was an unfair fight or blame it on Oda's writing skills.

Enel, Doffy, and there's many more to come in the future now that everyone in the New World is strong as shit.
I think a post like this falls under the category described here >>136225822
I have never seen someone deny luffy beating anyone. And when they say doffy lost because law help, well they're telling the truth.
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Only caught the last minute of a livestream, but this page was well done. Preview for next episode looks pretty bad though.
You're doing a poor job of ignoring it, then.

Well, I have, on this very board, too.
And not in here, but in other places where powerlevel shitters proliferate people complain about Enel not really losing because it wasn't a fair fight on equal ground and that Doffy losing was bad writing because he should have become a major villain for the rest of OP because he was way too powerful to be defeated so early.
Shit opinions exist. Though I guess people do exaggerate on how widespread they truly are, and they do it a lot on these threads.
Anon, I am still learning.
Did he have official colorisation of Gear Fourth before?
Yes, cover of Volume 79.
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Toei made it more red.
I expect the animation and pacing will be off after this episode until Luffy uses Gear 4th to finish Doffy off.
That's what I was thinking.
It's supposed to be the color of Iron Sand or Iron like >>136226643 said picture, so clearly black.
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>shit post on /a/
>fags mention Me weeks later
charge your phone
>I wadda liiiiiive
Luffy didn't fight anyone though, so, by shounen logic, it's not an arc.
Nuh-uh. He headbutted that rhino dude. That's all I need.
>rhino dude

Don't know why I said rhino.
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Everyone remember to do your best to appreciate Penguin today!
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Fuck I completely forgot Oda added all this fluff about the birdcage in the chapter Gear 4th was revealed in.
>inferior skypeia

prove it anon! How many things do they have in common to even be a copy of one another
There is no reason why the bride would be ugly, not only would it be a predictable cliche, but now that the hostages are safe there is NO reason why sanji would go through with the marriage unless he wants to. The only other reasons are so much more contrived than simply having a beautiful bride
At the end of the series he is going to lose his devil fruit ability is all. After almost dying of course.

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5 minute warning!

>http://www1 watchopnow com/
The whole thing with the birdcage was pretty pointless really. It would've been way better if they just had the whole fight at once, without interupting it so many times
it's just to show how much stronger doffy is than luffy, that he's able to fight after getting his organs scrambled while keeping up a cage than an entire country including an admiral and zoro can't push back or cut and still beat luffy
meanwhile luffy has to cheat and use steroids

As long as it end with him using python ill be happy.
I'm greatly enjoying this. I figured it wouldn't be bad but this is a lot better than I expected.
holy shit 10/10 episode

They made a good job with the chapter

the vinsmoke are chefs that gained the tenryuubito's favor like Wapol

Big Mom was a top chef for unlimited supplies of high-tier food
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It did
They do, and they emphasize how ridiculous it is. It's amazing.

Get the fuck out
After watching the episode I still prefer the manga version.
It's been so long since i last watched op anime, im glad i stopped
There was some QUALITY but it actually made the episode better.

Oh man




Okay finished. Is Python really supposed to be that powerful? In the manga Oda didn't make it stretch that far where as here it's all over the fucking place. Not complaining though since it goes along with the ridiculousness of Gear 4th.

Wapol's the guy behind the mass production of weapons

the liquourice metal probably tastes "good" so Wapol has fun while making big bucks.
Same. The anime made gear 4th seem too ridiculous
The anime adds the following scenes:

Chinjao commenting on how Sai is acting like a leader.

Leo reattaching Law's arm and Mansherry healing it are shown onscreen.

A flashback to Luffy's struggle to beat the creatures on Rusukaina, which was only alluded to in the manga.

Bartolomeo reacting to Gear Fourth.

When Doflamingo is sent flying into the city, two Marines confront him, but his anger causes them to drop in fear.

Luffy manages to stay in the same place at one point in the air, despite Gear Fourth keeping him in constant motion.

Luffy and Doflamingo exchange more blows in the anime than the manga.

Doflamingo uses Overheat twice. The first one misses, and the second one is destroyed by Luffy.

Luffy's second Gomu Gomu no Culverin takes longer to hit Doflamingo and takes more turns.

I loved the song playing after Athlete bounced off. Gear 4 is pretty much a throwback to early One Piece, with Luffy coming up with ridiculous but powerful attacks. I

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you can clearly see how he uses Kong gun without his sandals

this triggers me
Aww shit I'm so hype, missed the stream and waiting for a 1080p. Was it good?
Besides Python, how? Oda knows how ridiculous it is because the bounce gags are in the manga too (which are only enhanced here with the sound effects) and Doffy openly makes fun of how it looks.


"I" what? I HAVE TO KNOW
I mean, it's got a 1000 in there, that's kinda like 10,000. And you have your history. And uh, you know, minks and angels.

So obvious guys.
It's better this way. He has sandals in every chapter but 784 in the manga.

did he take his sweet time putting them back on after kongo punching doffy
>waiting for a 1080p
Why the fuck would you watch it in 1080p?
That's what I do to make it bearable. I'm watching utter shit anyway, so I might as well make it the best possible shit.
Shit, is this supposed to be an interpretation of the saying "the gloves are coming off" but with sandals because Oda?
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The toei version is better

time to make a new image of this
so will some gear 4th figures be coming out soon, now that its been in the anime? i really love that design
1080p is just an upscale, since it's only aired on TV in 720p, if anything it looks worse
Ok I need the webms.

Need something to spam /opg/ with when doffyfags get too out of hand
Monet When?

It was pretty cool, but for some reason i still like the manga version more.
I haven't seen an actual episode in quite some time. Man, that was bad, all that padding and those still-shots.

But I liked those light bounces right after the transformation. They were so rhythmic and calming. Luffy almost seemed like a Buddha.

I like how the python was actually bouncing off the air, which wasn't so clear in the manga. So is that a confirmation that Luffy has atleast begun to awaken his fruit? It seemed like he turned the air around his fist into rubber.
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Holy shit that was terrible
They butchered it so bad
A lot of the padding with the citizens though was in the chapter. The only thing that I would consider padding that isn't exactly good (padding a fight with more fighting isn't a bad thing to add I would think) is all the characters reacting to gear 4th which you can take it or leave it really.
It was Luffy who said that

>Gia FoOoOoOoOoOoOsu

lmao why did they do this
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i know anon
it was great and the bouncing sound it's perfect
Why is my post autism? I just wrote down my opinions on the episode.
It's a retarded opinion
>Wapol owning a weapon factory

Well shit.
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he went full yoyoi in the transformation, unexpected
Before Wano if in prime story.
After Kaidou if in cover story arc.
I don't think that the sound effect used when he armed his punches works very well. It felt to mechanical. Was expecting a more rubbery and like a balloon sound or something like that.
How low are your standards? That was fucking terrible.
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>mfw no "Dame, Gomu dakara".
The ten minutes is coming soon. I can barely imagine how Toei is going to drag it out.
You just blow in from Arlong Park forums?
It sounded painful, like bones cracking to me.
Nope. I don't usually watch the one piece anime, I just read the manga and discuss it here. But I checked this week's episode out because of gear fourth, and it was fucking shite, even if it is toei
One Piece Kai when?
it's pretty obvious candyland with big mom is gonna be a foil to thriller bark.

and instead of sanji trying to stop the wedding with nami, nami will likely have to keep some girl's ass to stop him from getting married.

What was so bad about it to you?
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>people actually defending the anime
The animation
The sound effects
The voices
The character designs
The Q U A L I T Y
The pacing
The goddamn filler

I compared it to the manga as I was watching it, and it literally took three minutes to cover the first page of the chapter, which was just people running away from the birdcage
>Gea foooorsssseeeeuuu
Fucking japs lmao
>Complaining about the voices
I haven't watched the episode yet, but OPs VAs are great. Some of them legends.
Doffy got tossed around like a fucking ragdoll.
And Luffy's VA replicated the deeper Nightmare Luffy voice.
nice super saiyan 4 reference
i like it
oda is a fucking hack
this is why dragon ball will always be better
Yeah, people have been singing praises to the Voice Actors for ages. It's the one thing the anime gets right every time.
2040s when we're finally done and can process all this shit.
Filler arcs removed, cover stories all get one episode due to importance in the story.
New World is WAY shorter, none of this 'episode a chapter' bullcrap.
No but you don't get it higher numbers, bro
>but OPs VAs are great.
Frankys VA isn't trying anymore
I don't like them, other than the voices of the actual straw hats themselves
And I don't like how they were saying things like "gear fourth" and other names of attacks and things
I wouldn't mind if the anime started going off air, and returning for maybe 2 cours then going off air again.
Pretty bad adaptation desu

>doesn't even activate gear fourth until halfway into the episode
>terrible animation
>sound effects are pretty bad

Man, what the fuck? Remember Gear Second? That whole scene with him beating the shit out of Blueno is one of my favorite in all of anime. This is what we get for the much-hyped Gear Fourth episode?

It's kind of impressive how poorly done the anime is these days.
The way Luffy said "Gear Fourth" wasn't what I expected at all
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Gumo gumo no punch!

Just wait till One Piece Gold.
Oh shit will he be using G4 in Gold?
Shit was a bit of a let down
The animation was better than usual at least but it still looked pretty bad for the most part
They've been meaning to do the kabuki impression with the Boundman pose for a while if the Burning Blood trailer is any indication.

Everything just felt so weak and lacked any sense of force or impact.

In the manga, I got the sense that Luffy was primarily just using the immense pressure in his body to launch attacks. Him actually throwing the punch in the anime during the Kong Gun made it looked weak; I imagined it basically just fucking exploding like an actual cannon and launching Doffy like he'd been hit by a huge firearm.

I did like the music they used for the transformation and Luffy's Kong Gun, though. Why has the quality dropped SO drastically, though? Isn't One Piece a money-printing endeavor at this point? Do they just figure it's impossible to lose viewership or something?
He said it twice, the first time is the regular Luffy voice and the second one is the kabuki actor voice, which the form is clearly referencing.
>Why has the quality dropped SO drastically
It was a really slow process, which started at the end of Skypiea.

What's with the people complaining, don't you watch the anime usually? This is a thousand times better than usual.
>don't you watch the anime usually

uh, no
>Do they just figure it's impossible to lose viewership or something?
Yes, One Piece has higher ratings than pretty much every other TV anime in Japan, so they know people will watch even if it's shit
How is he already going gear 4th in the anime, didn't it happen just some months ago in the manga?
>Do they just figure it's impossible to lose viewership or something?

Yep you answered your own question. It's too popular for them to care and it will always rake in the cash.
It happened like 9-10 months ago.

Time to write a petition, but yeah i was expecting the same thing.

>panel related

Instead it seemed kinda plastic

Even this scene seemed more like what g4 should of been.



Nah, not usually. I just see how they adapt the big fight sequences.

>this is a thousand times better than usual

Jesus Christ, really? That's pretty bad man.
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I can't believe there are people who unironically like this design.
It's terrible. Let's just hope they do an Episode of Law sort of special that revamps the second half of Dressrosa with new animations for the important scenes.
We need Episode of Bellamy
>Yes, One Piece has higher ratings than pretty much every other TV anime in Japan
Except for Doraemon and Sazae-san and those sure as fuck ain't known or watched for their good animation.
Isn't that when OP started to blow up in Japan? Be less obvious with your jew tactics Toei.
I don't think Doraemon has an anime currently. Sazae-San, Shin Chan, and Detectice Conan sometimes get better ratings, but they also have much better time slots.
Exactly, because most people in Japan don't give a fuck about animation
People who have been following OP since the beginning and not Marineford Babbies expecting something akin to Getsuga Tensho.
>there are people who think this episode had QUALITY

better animation tan usual you cherrypicking faggots
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>tfw the korean slaves that did this episode weren't allowed to get as drunk or snort pills like usual but they still messed it up
>tfw feel bad for the slaves
>Toei will still use it as an excuse to not give them their monthly chicken wing bonus
>better animation than usual

Doesn't mean it doesn't have QUALITY, comrade.
They're still airing the Doraemon anime from 2005, and it usually has higher ratings than One Piece
One Propane

>Bobby I thought I told you to put down that akumina no mi
I was expecting this to be an overwhelming display of power, with Luffy going into unobservable speed, and Doffy spiting his inner organs like Croc at the end of Alabasta. But what the fuck was that? G2 always gave me much more of an impresion of strenght; I mean, just look at it's debut:


Why couldn't the Kong Gun look like this?
>wanting an edgy aura powerup for gear four
Did you not watch the episode
Quick reminder that if you didn't like gear four or this episode you are not a true fan of One Piece
>Doffy spiting his inner organs like Croc
Can't have that simply because Doffy still has a lot of fight left in him, he wasn't disposable like Blueno or on his last legs like Croc.

>taco language

Yeah... no. Trump will return your ass to Mexico
Gear four is okay. The episode is complete shit.
I see arlong park is flooding the thread.

Quite unusual for a saturday. Usually they only come on chapter release day
Wow he thinks this

Gear Fourth is the successor to Gear Second. Why the fuck wouldn't you expect it to act like an upgraded version of it? Are you trying it fit in too hard or something?

The manga itself gave an entirely different impression of G4 anyway.
>taco language

Why did I laugh so hard?

Why did punk hazard look so much better?

With out the purple red shit it looks cool.
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Oh boy here we go
It didn't look nearly that good
Epic simply epic
The Gear Fourth defense force are going all out tonight. Just accept it's shit and move on already.
g4 is amazingly designed but the anime depicts it as a mucle power up and not much else

anyway i liked that moment when its presented in full form and luffy bounds with his day skipping legs i think that captures the spirit of g4 but the rest yeah hardly
>waaaaah it wasn't a combinatution of Tailed beast mode six paths sage mode naruto and final getsuga tensho. I hate good writing!
Epic give me more memes
>there will never be a scene this good again

googling ways to kms rn
Is that what people wanted it to be
I dan't want the exact same execution, but Luffy just throwing a punch is not Kong Gun and you know it, also, you know the representation of speed and strenght of G4 in todays chapter was very underwhelming.
? If something, I actually digged Luffy's way of presenting the gear. The bouncing-by-townspeople scene could have been great with a bit more of a reaction instead of just the drops intheir heads.
Yeah, I went overboard there, but I was expecting a bit more of that. Also, Doffy might be the character that Toei draws with QUALITY more frecuently. Even todays episode had tons of that, and I'm not even that skilled in spoting it.
still glorious
G4 shitters, everyone. They don't have any arguments as to why G4 is good. They're just a bunch of meme contrarian faggots.
Would it be too much to dream that toei put more than 1 day animating this fight to actually make it matter?
I like gear fourth. But the episode was complete horse shit. It's sad how bad the animation is, makes the anime unwatchable
Yes they're mad because Luffy can't throw out energy blasts and 10000000x kamehameha waves
Give me more this is fantastic
Again, the concept of G4 and execution in the manga are great.
The adaptation of that into anime sucked.
and its never getting better
>yfw Gear Fifth is Luffy stretching his butthole out and putting people in his butthole and then squeezing down and then they bounce around inside his butt and makes them get sucked up through his intestines and tummy and then coughs them out like a reverse poop
Did thay forget about gear 3 or something
Why are you so devastated that people don't like the episode? The quality is very clearly bad. This isn't something you can deny, this isn't an opinion, it's something every single viewer can very easily see. It's bad. Period

I don't understand why you people take it this personally, as if an attack against the episode was somehow an attack against you
I don't like Gear Fourth, it didn't have an impact on me.
No i don't read Naruto nor Bleach.
No i don't want an edgy design.
One Piece is almost the only shounen i follow because of how goofy it is. I love how silly bad guys looks and how weird can some attacks be.
Franky is my favorite SH. I even like her post TS design.
I read OP since Water 7.

Some people can dislike G4 without being edgy marine ford babbies. Deal with it already, no one is telling you to stop liking G4, some just happens to think it's boring. That's it.
It's not going to happen ;_;
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It's shit in the anime because of the red colour scheme and retarded Toei proportions. The design itself is great and unique. If you want some edgelord magical aura power up go watch Dragon Ball or some other crap.
>If you want some edgelord magical aura power up go watch Dragon Ball or some other crap.
Almost every post here is about how the episode (anime) sucked. Also the red coloring I could forgive, but aside from the transformation, the bouncing (I like the sfx), and culverin flying around (not it's actual impact), Toei fucked it up, hard.
Is Python a sub-move of Culverin like Shotgun?
they didn't even try did they
I'm guessing they went with the red outlining so on the shittier looking shots it wouldn't look "so bad" and they wouldn't have to put much detail in.
>and culverin flying around (not it's actual impact), Toei fucked it up, hard.

Are you so autistic that you want everything to be 100% exactly like the manga?
It's pathetic how Toei had only budget for 30 seconds of the whole episode
It sucks more because the music/sound effects of the bouncing are actually so perfect, but there's just things like BoUWouuOOUUuunuuuDman that ruin it.
After seeing your replies I am absolutely convinced that 96% of the people in these threads have severe autism. You catch things that a normal person wouldn't care about.
The bouncing sound effect could have been better. Kong Gun should have been paced faster to show the true power of it like the manga did. Luffy flying should have been highlighted more through his legs pumping.

Some of the fillerish parts were okay, I did like that Doffy used Overheat twice, but then again I also liked in the manga how he didn't even notice Luffy on time for the Rhino Schneider whilst in the anime Doffy seemed at least some what more perceptive (and therefore stronger).

I can appreciate both versions to an extent. I realise in the future when I look up the Luffy vs Doffy fight on youtube it will probably be logner than 2 hours thanks to Toeis stupid pacing. Luffy vs Lucci was around 55 minutes.
>that one fag who keeps going on and on about dragon ball and naruto and his power auras and what not whenever someone say something negative about g4
now this is autism
He said the Culverin looked good, what the fuck are you even asking here?
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>baaww Toei ruined Gear 4
How can you ruin something that was never good?
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Learn to read retard. I said I LIKED Culvern flying around. I excluded the actual impact because it feels weak and slow.

The things I mentioned, are the things I like, again:
>Tranformation scene
>Bouncing sound effect
>Culverin flying and bouncing
>Literally all the good animation in this episode was already shown in the preview
Of course, that's their way of luring us in
Fuck I never even considered that the movie will likely have Gear 4th in it.
That was the best part you shitter
Not only the animation but the directing is absolute horseshit.
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It's ok guys, Toei is just saving their resources for KINGU KONGU GAAAAN

36 episodes of fighting is a bit generous
No, my faith in Toei is destroyed after what they have done to One Piece, Toriko and Dragon Ball Super.

Toriko suffered the worst by far, video related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_rKByu3FE8
If watching that, it feels weaker than a G3 attack, I'm blowing up a synagogue.
It's pretty obvious that Toei doesn't give a fuck anymore. At least the movie will probably look good
It shouldn't considering it uprooted half a city
I still can't believe how badly they fucked up Zoro vs Pica, and then keep replaying the awful finisher at the start of each episode
So what's next? Gear 5?

Or will Luffy strengthen his previous techniques with an awakening? (Unless G3/G4 is already attributing to that?)
Gear 80th

Luffy becomes a god
The latter, Gear 5 would just be stupid and unlike Super Saiyans, Bankai and Sharingans Luffy still needs his previous gear transformations.
I like the kabuki thing they were going for. Thought it was pretty funny. I think they understand how goofy/powerful G4 is, but it's not reflected in the animation. This episode should not have had as many still shots as it did.
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maybe it'll look cool in the recap movie

Or movie gold?
So is the anime worth watching at all, or should I just go back re-read the whole fucking manga yet again
Manga. Isn't it colored now too? Maybe try reading it that way.
The episode and animation was kind of underwhelming but I still fucking loved it.
Yeah read the colored version for a reread. Some stuff is even more detailed in it
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re-read my m8...

I skipped to the parts where luffy was gear 4. Episode was enjoyable as fuck, it could've been worse.

>that new soundtrack that plays when luffy is flying towards doffy
Didn't know that was even a thing. Is it a fan-color or is it official?

Guess I'll wait 40 years and watch the remake/Kai-version of the OP anime to see it all animated properly.
It's official
Lffy will likely Awaken as his enxt upgrade. but that be tough. Turning surroundings to rubber doesnt have much of a different effect than what he can do already.

so likely it wont be that. so what will it be? turning his blood into rubber?
More official than the anime
>Let's get ready to burn rubber
it was odd hearing something unfamiliar.

There were some well animated parts of this episode, im satisfied. Lots of garbage but what can you do.
That's the worst cover ever
His blood cells are already rubber.
>Lots of garbage but what can you do.

I wish Toei would just do filler. There's been enjoyable filler episodes before, and I'm sure they could figure out something to do other than just drag out chapters into entire episodes.
>posting that fat nigger
Literally kill yourself.
They can just make OP seasonal and realease 24 episodes a year.
>There are people that don't like Gear 4th

I pity you edgemasters that desire 2cool4school sleek things and can't appreciate the style of it.
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>Gear 5th:Awakened Fruit:BOUNCE HOUSE
I miss pre-time skip animation.

Why can't they go back to that.
We like Gear 4th, but we'd prefer it to be well animated at least. Then again this is Toei, they couldn't animate anything well if they tried.
Or they can pump out an episode a week because it's One Piece and it prints money regardless of episode quality
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I totally would not mine this. Tho Toejew would never do this.
Gear 4th looks like a failed attempt at looking 2cool5skool though
Like a shitty deviantart design
I heard it got pretty bad around Impel Down and Marineford.
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Do you even kabuki
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I'm going to do it guys. I'm going to watch the entire anime from the start! What's the worst that could happen?
Nah, it clearly had several things it was taking inspiration from.

Also it reminded me of mobile armor and that amused me
You lose almost 300 hours of your life that you will never get back
If you've read the manga?
You'll be disappointed
Fresh start?
You'll consider dropping it at arlong park but then absolutely love everything else
Though you might get bored at Alabasta, Impel Down and Skypea
Ha! Fuck you it's a great episode (for once)
Colored version is amazing, so much better than watching the anime imo, it just takes some time for the current chapters to get colored but its worth the wait
At least go with One Pace
Its so fucking bad it hurts.
You have to be shitting me, Toei did a decent G4 transformation just to return to shit animation right before kong gun, less than a minute of real work, biggest let down since Nightmare Luffy.
So is it wrong to be excited because Sanji finally gets backstory?
Are those actually any good?
Sanji already had a backstory.
So is it wrong to be excited because OP fans finally get a 3 eyed waifu?
we have no idea who purin is
Well we get his origin story.
She's the three eye QT don't jinxes it.
Her name is either Pudding (purin is japanese for pudding) or Purin (french for manure)
I watched with shit-tier expectations so I came out satisfied.
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Why's that?
>Didn't know that was even a thing. Is it a fan-color or is it official?
It is digitally coloured by One Piece's publication company Shuiesha.
So which strawhats has the best future waifu?
Luffy-Hancock= older women who can cook, clean,has plenty money, will take care her man no matter what, can fight, and Plus extremely loyal.

Usopp-Kayla= childhood friend who will sit their and listen to her man BS lies, is well off and becoming a doctor. Plus she's also loyal

Zoro-tashigi=future VA (maybe even admiral), knows a lot about swords and can make sure you don't get ripped off, kinda a tsundere. Pretty sure she's loyal(at least to smoker for now)

Sanji-pudding/viola=not much is known except for her mother is fat and you know how that old saying goes "look at her mother, that is how she will look later on" so idk. She may also have three eyes.... On the other hand viola forgot him after he left and moved on to God usopp, so she isn't very loyal, plus you will always have to text or put in your passwords 4,000 km always or else she will be able to see it, oh beware, if you cheat she could stab you and she loves to kick
It got bad, but post-timeskip anime is REAL BAD. So many more voices over still images, "Avengers Assemble"- tier movement ie: still bodies moving up and down and all around instead of actual bodily movement, a lot of reused scenes. Holy fuck they used the same crowd cheering cut for the coliseum for over 10 episodes.

And on the same topic, the new movie special with Foxy was some of the worst I've seen of this show, and that was an OVA. And it was surprisingly boring too.

I can at least go back to Impel Down and Marineford; they are tolerable in terms of animation, but goddamn this anime breaks my heart. Watching Dressrosa and rewatching Baratie is like watching two different shows.
Maybe some day, when if the manga is finished and when the anime has been done for awhile, we'll get a gorgeous full on FMA:B style do-over.
Luffy isn't going to get with Hancock.
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What? I barely browse /a/ but just because some people shitpost about a certain character makes you hate him? You are not a fan, you are the shitposter.

Kill yourself.
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>Luffy turns the air into rubber
>sends opponent flying
>bounces hard back towards Luffy
>Luffy King Kong's the nigga in the face
>head explosion

>turns everything into rubber
>highspeed bouncing resulting in Luffy Spring Hopper Punching the shit out of someone or everyone

>someone tries to punch Luffy
>Luffy turns the air in front of him into rubber
>opponent ends up punching himself in the face
>"why are you hitting yourself lol?" antics

Awakening will be enough to carry Luffy through to the end, though I'd like to see him get some other, unexpected powerup.

I'm betting on Luffy beating Blackbeard with raw strength, though. Haki beatdown.
The jump was around the end of Skypeia, honestly. Davy Back Fight, Water 7, and Eneis Lobby had plenty of recycled animation and terrible cuts. The true downfall for the anime has been adapting one-chapter/episode after Skypeia, and now onto the half-chapter adaptations we're getting now.

I really wish Toei would just give the anime a rest for a year or two, but that'll never happen as One Piece (anime) is a ratings giant. Pretty much a weekly staple for Japanese families at this point.
Your greentexts didn't give give the needed attention to Enies Lobby and Going Merry
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Toei long since stopped caring

Gold is being written by some hack whose previous movie was the typical Japanese live action adaption that was lambasted (the director has some promise but who knows)

It's depressing. You can't do anything about it, just sit and stare, think about what could've been.
They didn't start doing one chapter an episode until after Thriller Bark
He turns into rubber molecules, like a logia.
Not as long as Toei still hold anime rights which will be forever. And they are the Activision of Anime: put in the least amount of effort for the max pay off.

I'd honestly take any other animation studio. If I had my way I'd go Madhouse since they've yet to fail me was a good action sequence
The last well animated and directed arc was the childhood flashback around episode 500.

The exchange between Sabo and Dragon was incredible.

The reuninion was also made great, but from Fishman Island onwards, it feels like something's lacking. It doesn't feel as romantic as it did.
Doffy's organs are literally held together by string at this point, it is impossible for them to get more fucked up

and he did fly at unobservable speeds

did you even watch the episode?
They lost my views, you know.. I dropped the anime a few episodes after God Usopp.
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The punch should've set Doflamingo flying on impact.

But at least bouncing sound effect was pretty neato.
Toei? Bad?

No way, anon!
Oda went too far with a Buddha zoan. Is there also a Jesus Christ zoan? Or a Satan zoan?
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Only Toei show you should be watching is Precure.
I didn't have a problem with any of those. In fact some of them were really good. The anime needs good quality fillers these days.
>Luffy manages to stay in the same place at one point in the air, despite Gear Fourth keeping him in constant motion.
That's not true though. He's clearly shown to be ascending in the air, it's just an optical illusion because the camera is zoomed on him too much and the backgronud is very far away. Seconds later it's shown that he uses G4 to stay afloat.

Last arc I watched was Arlong Park on Cheez TV morning cartoons
I always thought this series was pretty straightforward adventure
>I always thought this series was pretty straightforward adventure
It is.
Also, Luffy is just a simple rubber man making the most of being rubber.
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Luffy has been inflating his hands ever since Enies Lobby (200 episodes after Arlong Park, if not more)
>and he did fly at unobservable speeds
Just look at the video for G2 debut. He disapeared right before using Rhino Schneider, but it's not the same. Everything Luffy was doing seemed less impresive than, say, his fight with Caesar before Monet interrupted it.

You know what I mean, anon.
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They ruined the whole Gear Fourth in the anime.. guess it's time for me to stop watching it.. after 15 fucking years..

fuck...half my life... waisted

>inb4 Oda follow David Bowie and Alan Rickman this month and dies from cancer. and never see the true OP manga ending.
Hey..you should stop..typing..like a faggot..
Sure anon keep believing that
make.. me... you.. fagg..ot..
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>Inb4 Enel descent and reclaim his rightful place as the Ruler of the Universe
>Inb4 Enel kills all male pirates and enslave all the female pirates.
>Inb4 Enel Slave Harem
>implying enel could defeat luffy after losing the first time

He more then likely would be taken from behind by Ivan
>Implying Luffy can defeat awakened Enel
>Implying Luffy can defeat any Awakened Logia without plot armor
I fully believe Enel will return. He was inspecting spaceship blueprints on the moon. Also a lot of previous villains came back.
>I fully believe Enel will return
No need to guess, Oda confirmed it long ago.
B-but i'm not a little girl anon-sama.
> implying enel has awakened
>implying his lighting would work on luffy
Then what are you doing on /a/?
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Ha we're still waiting on this fag to come out
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>Luffy going into unobservable speed
that's how gear 2 is in the manga thought, you don't even see him stretch

all these fools hating on gear 4 are likely enies lobby bandwagon jumpers
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Just saw the episode and I liked it. This is why we need an anime for One Piece, it explained the Bound man and its abilities a bit better, since the manga's panels don't give enough of an idea exactly how it works or the finer details. Having said that, One Piece anime is beyond shit.

I got the clear distinction that Doffy is still stronger than Lucy when both of them are in their neutral state, but that Lucy's Bound man bumps up his peak strength to be equal to that of Joker at his peak. However, both of their prowess is still very different and distinct. Luffy is raw physical, while Doffy is high special. Oda's ability is not only being able to write a good story, but also sticking to the bounds and logic he imagines, in his contained world. He is a master at making you believe his bullshit.
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Awakened Enel is our lord and savior

Enel will cleanse the world of the Tenryuubito and the will of D.

Enel will bring ultimate peace.

>Implying Enel didn't achieve Awakening on the moon
>Implying Awakened Enel electricity will be the same as on skypiea
>Implying lightning can't get hot enough to the point of altering Rubber on a microscopic level and completely transform it into another material
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I like being around little girls.
>all these fools hating on gear 4 are likely enies lobby bandwagon jumpers

That's 8 or so years ago? Kinda long time ago to jump on the band wagon. Even Marine Ford babies that latched on when /a/ was flooded with threads and stickies on the front page, have 4 years under their belt by now.
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You are quite the physically and mentally impaired guy not to understand what you saw in the manga..

I feel sorry for you anon.

If anything.. the anime made Gear 4 underwhelming compared to the hype the manga generated.
For the longest time I thought that a jet attack was Luffy pushing air at a high speed at his opponents but when I read the wiki it said he's moving so fast you don't see it.
Enel would shit on Doffy. All hail God Enel
Is this the Madara Uchiha everyone talks about?

Enel did it first and did it better.

>Those stylin' earlobes
>That I'm God and will fuck you up attitude
>Doesn't technically get defeated
>Goes to the moon and comes back on a swaggin' boat

>comparing a GOD to an edgy narufag
>he gets his gender changed
>figuratively becomes Mikasa
>he releases sparks when he's angry
Well it must be true then. It was on a fan-edited wikipage, the highest authority in the land.
>comparing some fake as nigga to Eminem
>implying luffy won't awaken by time he returns
>implying his lighting is somehow different
>implying luffy wouldn't laugh at his non exist shocks and BTFO of him without using a gear or haki
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>If anything.. the anime made Gear 4 underwhelming compared to the hype the manga generated.

The manga killed all tension itself when it took a break from the final climatic battle to tell side stories while Ruffy rested up.

>You are quite the physically and mentally impaired guy not to understand what you saw in the manga..

I understood, there was just too much side clutter in the panels to enjoy. Its a weakness of Oda, that all manga reader can see. Action should flow; one panel to show intent of movement, the next to see the follow through. Oda's style is to show everything at once, both the movement, follow through and reaction to it. I personally don't like it, and its a majority of the reason why One Piece falters compared to other past, present and future action manga.

Sorry, but if you could just pull your face from Oda's cock, you could see the light too.
>The manga killed all tension itself when it took a break from the final climatic battle to tell side stories while Ruffy rested up.
Too bad the anime will draw it out 5 times longer and since it'll take more than 10 minutes to actually experience (like reading the manga), it'll be drawn out over 3-4 episodes, making it 2 hours or so.
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Reminder that Enel found one of the Ancient Weapons on the Moon.

Reminder that Based Enel will be back stronger and more powerful
>The manga killed all tension itself when it took a break from the final climatic battle to tell side stories while Ruffy rested up.
I'm really looking forward to when the anime takes 4 months to cover the 10 minutes it takes Luffy to recover
Did you even see the Culverin in the anime?!
What took 1 panel because it was too damn fast,
Took fucking 5 minutes in the anime.
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He's also discovered the true history of the world.
I still believe that Enel will come back and will either be with Uranus or he will turn out to be Uranus itself.
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>Too bad the anime will draw it out 5 times longer and since it'll take more than 10 minutes to actually experience (like reading the manga), it'll be drawn out over 3-4 episodes, making it 2 hours or so.

When the dust has settled, I wish they would faithfully redo the anime, with high quality animation. Shame that will never happen with Toei having sunk their claws deep into it. Japan is dead set on this voice acting dedication where no characters can be voiced by other actors.

The shitty one piece anime is the #1 reason why One Piece hasn't taken off outside japan. It'll go down as the best manga of our century, that no one likes.
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>Cheez TV

Cheez TV ended in 2003/4.. One Piece didn't even air until 2008 after Naruto on TOASTED TV in Australia
>blackbeard steals his fruit in their last battle
>the one piece is the time travel fruit
>he goes back in time and becomes Roger
it's like poetry
>One Piece didn't even air until 2008 after Naruto on TOASTED TV in Australia
Australian here. I used watching OP on Toasted TV in 2006.
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>Australian here. I used watching OP on Toasted TV in 2006.
>Australian here.

I'm so, so sorry for you. Here's hoping luck is with you and the spider overlords allow you to live an old, ripe life into your 30's.
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>Australia here

Well top kek because I am 18 and used to get up every damn morning before school to watch One Piece, Naruto and Yu-Gi-Oh/GX. Naruto started at the start of 2007, and One Piece started in 2008 after the first run of Naruto. The only other place One Piece would have aired, would of been on Cartoon Network and other foxtel related cartoon channels, Yu-Gi-Oh and a few other shows were the main ones in 2006 on Toasted TV.
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Arab here..
The possibility dying from an ISIS in my country vastly overshadows the small change of dying by an Australian spiderlord.

I just hit 30.. Should i be worried now?
One Piece Kai 10 years from now when they feel like reviving their cash cow.
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Hopefully Oda doesn't take too long.
It first aired during 2006 because I remember the exact daily events I used to undertake that year. Wikipedia states they began airing it in 2006, and if you check the official Australian OP site, it says that they chose to re-air it in 2007 due to popular demand from 2006. I could have sworn I'd seen a glimpse of it in 2005 but that may have been elsewhere.
Would be cool, but he would want to be only with his nakama, not roger's.
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>Animation for the transform looked good
>"aww shit, can't wait for the figh-"
>animation immediately goes back to shit the moment the fight starts

Is Toei that fucking thrifty? They couldn't afford decent animation for at least the first blows?
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>This is why we need an anime for One Piece, it explained the Bound man and its abilities a bit better, since the manga's panels don't give enough of an idea exactly how it works or the finer details

Oh look the speed readers are hamstering again
That punch should have sent Luffy flying across Marineford and wiped him out.

But I guess when Sengoku says he's going to execute someone himself, he forgets to use haki.
>tfw watching Ice Age makes me want to see more Jack already
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I seriously want an entire arc of Mafia/family stuff/underworld brokerage with Mr. Prince
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They only did the first parts of transformation right then fucked the whole thing till the end.

And faggots in this threads are fucking defending the Animation!
I loved these two panels, just a pure stare off checking each other out.
get lost you underage faggot

Its fun to watch but if you want quality go read the manga and stop being a fuccboi anon
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>less blood

Why live?
Newish One Piece fan here

Is Chopper best straw hat or is Chopper best straw hat
Fucking furry
Do not sexualize Chopper
I'm glad the animation team shares my opinion the gear 4th reveal was never that great in the first place. Only wasted some money for 5 seconds to shut up the fanboys and dropped all effort afterwards.
Hopefully they kept the money for the last seconds of the fight and Doffy being a scary ass motherfucker.
I always thought that those of you who prefered manga versions of anime were nerds. But toei is a nazi company and it has destroyed the anime I loved so much but I still get hyped from the manga so I get it now. Utter disgust and disrespect on how they could do this to a legendary series and many others. How do they sleep at night?
Are there more edits like these?
The top brass rest their old, grey heads on piles of money uncaring
>the down syndrome is real
good luck with your life
honestly they made gear 4th seems so fucking retarded

not sure if that was their intention
Welcome to the world of nerds
luffy realizes that rubber has the potential to absorb energy and retain it for a while

so like the dude punches it and then luffy punches him back with his power+luffys

this of course makes all his gears stronger
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Probably, but I don't have any more.
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I'll take it you haven't reached Thriller Bark yet?
Just wait this is the year of sanji
fuck you toei
>chopper the best
Has chopper gotten a year? Nope but sanji has
they've had worse

Orlumbus' knees collapse under his own weight according to Toei
It took me a while to warm up to Brook

It's likely partially due to his abrupt entry after the incredible saga of Water 7 and then prompt exit only an arc later.

Seeing him post timeskip with the crew for a longer period of time has helped
>Anon still watching OP
I drop that shit when the naruto anime went into the war arc. They both just went to shit along time ago but I finally decided to free myself then.
Chopper didn't become a joke post timeskip- a mascot but not a joke

I believe that by 2017 Sanji will be respectable again
>1st chapter in "The Year of Sani"
>already jobs to worst supernova

He lost because a Woman was involved

Does Nami even like Sanji, or just use him as a waiter and human shield?
Was it his fault that nami and chopper was so weak? And plus it's not like he lost a fight he left to get marry.
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>Seeing him post timeskip with the crew for a longer period of time has helped
Even then though, he got shafted for the Dressrosa arc even though he could have played a good part. At least he and Sanji got some time on their own at Zou, and he might get a chance to shine alongside Zoro at Wano.
is that.... Asriel?
Wait what does her liking him have to do with anything? Chopper also was at fault
Oh I get it! Python is like the classic game snake.
>Does Nami even like Sanji

No, she just uses him. We all know she loves the V. Big, furry, V.
The main question is what's Doffy's sunglasses are made of?
Fuck One Piss and fuck all of you. Why haven't we seen Black Beard in centuries?
I want to see how he looks now for fuck sake.
I'd suck a fart outta that ass
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I don't think I would
Just ignore it. All the reddit anime-only fags always flow in when there's a new anime episode.
Reddit leaking in.
Wapometal frame with haki lenses
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Guarantee he'll look like the bottom sketch here, based on how Burgess' den den mushi to Blackbeard looked.
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>Enel literally and canonically is the most powerful being in the One Piece universe
>Only got beat because Luffy, the one person in the entire world is literally immune to his overpowered as fuck devil fruit that would reduce anybody and anything to ash

Put it this way, if Enel was at Marineford, he would have wiped out everybody. Whitebeard, the marines, Blackbeard.

Anybody else waiting warmly for this glorious bastard to return?

Look at him. Look at his fucking visage. Does this look like the type of person you would want to fuck with? No, I didn't think so.
Go suck his kintama.
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He could have dropped a Raigou on Marineford and blown it out of existence; a much better way of doing it than with the Gura Gura.
>Enel is the Perfect Cell of one piece
I like to think Garp would have thrown Buddha Sengoku into it to stop it
We got a glimpse of his new beard with the den den mushi
is there any reasoning with enelfags?
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Meh it's not entirely true, his devil fruit is insanely powerful but if someone with insane speed/strength e.g bounceman luffy (without rubber resistance) could probably beat him due to the fact that his body is weak as shit, he got beat by luffy who was barely out of diapers in terms of strength/speed, obviously he had the rubber resistance but still.

Enel if hes trained over the timeskip and increased his speed/strength would probably be nigh-impossible to beat though.
what would a conversation between Enel and Doffy be like?
both are powerful, arrogant and believe themselves to be above everyone else. How long would the conversation last until Doffy was smited?
Enel got deus ex machina'd by Luffy, it's true, but Oda said his bounty would be around 500M at one point. That's probably gone up since that was based on when Skypeia was airing, but he's not unstoppable tier; he could probably beat most of the warlords/maybe admirals but nothing above that rank. He didn't even have any ability with armament haki, only observational, and without armament haki most logias will get wrecked in the new world if they go up against the wrong person. Albeit, his fruit is one of the strongest logias, but still, a strong enough haki can beat any fruit user that has no ability with armament haki.
Don't reply to obvious bait holy shit
Crocodile also got beaten by an even weaker Luffy. Why don't people rag on him so much?
Crocodile was cocky and didn't have Enel's specialized observation haki buffs from his fruit, he underestimated Luffy as most people do. Even given that, he beat him multiple times before Luffy won.
Enel put up a decent fight considering his logia, one of the most powerful was literally useless on Luffy. He was a logia who had to face someone with physical combat, and Luffy is a really strong physical combatant.
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>crocodile also beat luffy like 2-3 times if I remember, literally got saved both times by robin and luck.

Still though, people do overestimate crocodile.
>People always bring up the fact that he's not very strong in hand to hand combat

Literally the most irrelevant shit ever.
Did you see what Enel did to anybody that wasn't a fucking rubber man?
He 1 shotted everybody. That is a fact too.
He ended Robin, Zoro, Wiper, Sanji.

If you don't need to train physically to kill whoever you want, then why bother?

His fruit is enough to deal with everybody but Luffy.
Now he knows about Luffy though, he will hone his physical skills.

When he returns, he will be tenfold as strong as he was on Skypeia.
/a/ would be very quiet if everyone did that
>would of wiped everyone out at marine ford

Haha except luffy would of been there and he would of been BTFO again
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Dressrosa has been the shittiest arc that had the most hype in their fights

>ennies lobby
>luffy shows a power up before the fight and foreshadows another one before the fight ends
>fights with lucci 1 to 1 with all his might
>no exterior help, franky only shows up and does nothing to lucci which shows the power difference
>after a long fight luffy reveals gear 3
>Still doesn't defeat lucci
>secondary effects kick in and he tries to hide but lucci still finds him
>luffy regains his normal form and the fight continues
>lucci reveals his last power and presumably defeats luffy with a trump card, his tail
>blows luffy out
>luffy defeats lucci in a last stand

>hurp durp gear 4
>fuck doflamingo's anus
>oops le I need 10 minutes to recover, throw the canonfodder to distract doflamingo!
>after 10 mins luffy regains his normal form and beats doflamingo without breaking a sweat

Makes me specially mad since doflamingo revealed cool powers that could ahve made for a really nice fight.

Dunno how the anime handled it tho, I stopped watching it since this arc sucked so bad.
Crocodile still was "untouchable" to Luffy for most of their fighting though, and he could properly use his logia.
Enel improvised quite well vs Luffy, considering he was the first enemy he had faced that he couldn't destroy with his lightning.

He used his fruit in an interesting way to combat luffy.
This. However no matter how well he improvised he was not as skilled/trained as Luffy in that fighting style.
>no jiggle
>Enel fries zoro and co with a weak little 10k volt
>Some people are delusional enough to think that anybody else could survive the abilities he threw at Luffy (60-100k volts), nevermind his Raigou and other named abilities.

Am I on bizzaro /a/?
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All this Enel talk has made me nostalgic for Skypiea. Time to go reread it again. Pic related to Gear 4.
really liked the transformation and that bit with the devil fruit, it was sakuga tier
>200 million volts

Enel, please...
that volume cover is great
They only had to make Doffy fly away faster after getting punched for me to love it. After I read the chapter i got the impression it's a mix of high speed and strenght, but i dont know. overall it seemed slow-ish in this episode +. blame the animators for dragging it out? I hope Gold has gear 4th, it wil be glorious
>Robin, Zoro, Wiper, Sanji
>Implying they were near the top of the food chain
there's no reason for Gold not to have Gear fourth now that it's shown in the anime, it will be amazing
ola guys xD
would doffy in his prime defeat luffy when law didint wound him :D ?
I hate that animation. I don't like all the waving about and shit, it looks so bad.
total trash, why does he jump
fuckin faggot

He is so bouncy he can't stay still.
yes because his glasses are made of diamond- the strongest metal of all
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wish luffy wasnt such a faggot with his lame power
who /cheersfortheenemy/ here
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It makes me heat feels warm when i see other Enel enthusiasts.

Reminder that:
1-Enel already acquired one of the ancient weapons on the moon
2-Enel learned the true history of the world on the moon
3-Enel is Awakened Logia
4-Enel is the only person Luffy didn't technically beat, even though Luffy got Deus Ex Machina'd as fuck with plot armors.
5-Oda put a 500 million bounty on Enel's head during Skypiea arc
6- Pre-Timeskip Enel can easily shit on all Post-Timeskip Admirals, Marines, Shichibukai and Pirates.
7-Post-Time Skip Enel is AWAKENED GODMODE ENEL
8-Enel is our true Lord and Savior
9-Enel is love, Enel is life
10-Fuck Toei's half-assed animations.
so where exactly (not in games) does enel show up after the skypia arc?
In his cover stories on the moon. Rest assured he'll be back and come to the blue sea to dominate it soon enough though.
Speed reader detected.. go back and read the short cover stories of Enel
tfw no overtaken theme
i know its been used to death but come on just one more time for gear forthu would've been perfect
ok, i belive you
>haki coated sandals
never change Luffy
except he has no reason to go to the blue sea.
At all
he doesn't care about people and he's got the little moon men worshiping him if he did
he doesn't need an ancient weapon for power and if he did he has the Ark Maxim
doesn't even need air, he's got everything he could possibly need or want
He's bored of smiting pitiful peasants. He'll have a whole sea full of them once he returns.Plus he said himself he'll come back.
What a shit episode. Haven't watched the anime in months and this didn't exactly convince me to come back next week. And the sad thing is, it's literally the best they can possibly do with the format they're going with. The fight in the manga felt explosive and quick, but that's literally impossible to achieve when you're trying to stretch out a dialogue-light fifteen-or-so-page manga chapter into twenty fucking minutes.
one word anon.. one word

where are they
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>enel awakened

Stop making shit up anon or did you want a (you) that bad? Plus if he is the only person luffy didn't technical beat well. This is the only guy who luffy couldn't beat by his self after training for two years. So let that sit on you.
See this link >>136245286
they dont link to online mangas on wikis
They have each page of the cover story there.

The Volume and chapter numbers of Enel Moon arc can be found in that wiki link.. Google is your friend.
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Doffyfags just got BTFO by a mongoloid balloongorrila, back to your sad little hugbox

>Implying Post-Timeskip Enel is the same as Pre-Timeskip
Doe snot compute.
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>mfw patiently waiting for Moria and Enel to return
Moriah is a definite for Kaido arc, not sure about Enel. Maybe some end-game arc? If he has uranus then he's end-game return will be it.
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Hoping Moria kills Doffy on his way to Impel Down
enel got beat by a newbie luffy
As did Crocodile and Lucci and Moriah.
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Luffy got Deus Ex Machina'd as fuck
Plot Armors everywhere

Also Enel was not technically beaten, go back and read the manga
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>mfw waiting for monet to come back
luffy is literally the only person immune to enel's lightning.
he got the better of him purely because of that reason. anybody who isn't rubber (aka anybody else) would get ruined by enel.
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>ever coming back

Reminds me of this Edit i did a couple of months ago in /opg/
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Original Image
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someone write something lewd in the panels
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Here you go Anon, with everyone most loved font.
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i dont know this font
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Actually I have, I thought he would be my favorite based on design before I started then series but I find him really flat and kinda boring
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