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Thread replies: 547
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jesus christ

>english manga

enjoy your Barns & Noble you hairy monkey
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I collected what I could in the early 00's but stopped because I had a lot of shit mangas at hand suddenly. I have some under my bed too. They are too expensive to throw away but take up needless space. Naruto was the breaking point. Chobits is my biggest regret.
You should probably regret your whole life.

At least you aren't a fat hairy faggot like OP, tho
But it's not manga, it's gookshit.

>wearing your outdoor shoes inside

If it is in English it's a comic, regardless of origin. You can't remove the language and still call it Japanese nor can you the same for Korean comics.
Something EOPs don't like to accept.
that's a big hand
>Buying manga
Why? Get a tablet and read it like a normal person,for free
Yeah, sorry.
>At least you aren't a fat hairy faggot like OP, tho
If you think so.
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>Get a tablet and read it like a normal person,for free
more like poorfags amirite?
stupid hamsterposter
>paying for free shit

I bet you also buy music.
For you.
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>If it is in English it's a comic, regardless of origin
>regardless of origin
Do you know how cheap it is to produce a tablet nowadays?
>wearing shoes indoors
I want Americans to leave
what is that retarded americanized spelling
I own around 400 volumes, half of it is shonenshit.
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>Living in a country where products like electronics are cheap
>Call someone else an poor fag
Also production cost is a fraction of the tablets price.
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just got this. Someone explain why the later volumes are grossly overpriced?

Wanna know where I can get them for less than $20?

It's good stuff btw. Everyone should own atleast one Lupin manga or they're probably not real manga fans
>not supporting the shit you like

You're the problem
No thanks.
The translation is superb though.
I hate manga and anime.
>good translation
Gently kill yourself.
I can't tell if that's your hand or your foot
what the fuck am I reading?
>I have read everything they have published
get that dick out of your mouth.
Ww2 marines landing in japan manual
how is that supposed to help anyone?
If you like anime, why are you on a board made to complain about anime?
>critisizing people for buying physical manga in their own language
>kissanime gif

Does anyone remember the name of this manga where a guy who lives in a village suddenly got attacked by a bunch of vampires, and he sets out on a quest to kill all vampires together with a blonde girl?
R8 my minor collection Senpai
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>wearing shoes indoors
Get the fuck out you fucking primitive gorilla.

Nice arms and hands, would fuck even if you do wear your shoes inside the house
no joke.

You're boing as fuck.
Kooroy meeds motty koy and dye this book unreadable.
Didn't know vol 4 of Tokyo Ghoul was out. Those Vinland covers look pretty nice too.
I'm behind on Vinland Saga too. I feel kind of bad about not having bought the latest volume yet.
Haha, thank you for bringing us such a fresh meme! Straight from /v/! I'll be laughing for days.
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What a nice thread.
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Not bad except for Toriko.
I'm too embarrassed to post because I only have 7/12 of the Yotsuba volumes.
Don't worry,Yotsuba is trash anyways
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>moots moots moots
>6 6 6
How's Medaka Box in french?
Seeing that french's luck to have it released in french must be a blessing for you.
>reading manga on a tablet

not lying down in bed with a laptop on your stomach and infinite scrolling with a Logitech mouse with a manga script
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France is the first manga consumer right behind Japan. So we have tons of translated things.

It's decent some joke are lost in the translation but that to be expected since it's kinda hard to translate Nisio playword in anything other than Jap so I give them credit for at least trying.

Such a shame that the manga don't sell here but I'm not surprised it's kinda niche.

>They are too expensive to throw away

>requiring unnecessary peripherals
not being a brain in a jar hotwired by electrodes to /a/ and digital manga library
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Hnnng. So many things I want to buy too. But I already have series to finish before.
>Spice & Wolf
>Knights of Sidonia
>A Silent Voice
>Afterschool Charisma
Manga is a ruin.
Fucking weebs
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>You must be a weeb to have a basic level of hygiene and not wanting dirt in your whole home
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My most recent purchase.

I'll try buying the other volumes after I finish my finals.
>actually buying Index

Aren't they on track to catch up by like 2030?
>Don't live in US
I thought about it, but the quality worries me. I was a kid who read them a lot and always carried a few with me so the side of the pages are yellow and some of the covers cracked and I can't sell some of the series as a set because some of the volumes are worn down completely. But if I set the price to $1 or $1.50 and add a warning could it work? They don't sell them anymore in my country so someone might just need a few to complete their own collection. Is that fair then?
>France is the first manga consumer right behind Japan.
Source on that?
Source: they're publishing tokyo ghoul: re and America just got tokyo ghoul vol 4.
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First couple volume translations of index are literally garbage since and JS06 never even did them either.
That's still better than how Gintama's doing in every country except Japan itself. Publisher in Germany can't even say how many years they'll continue, cause it's doing so badly.

I don't see why not. As long as you give fair warning, and provide a picture or two, I don't see why not.

You can also see about donating some of them to a library. A lot of public libraries have small comic sections, and might be looking to expand them a bit.

Personally, I just threw most of it out. Chobits was the first in the bin, in fact. The only manga that I have in print is the complete Rosario Vampire boxset, most of the Jing: King of bandit volumes (I still regret losing those) and the old Azumanga Dioh collection.
>Where is the nearest lighthouse
>Jiggy jiggy fooney high kin serampan nai rosokoo doko
What the fuck?
You do know that doesn't prove anything, right?
I remember I used to buy the Spanish volumes of Negima! because they were published earlier than the French ones.
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2 poor and cheap for shelves
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Jesus, what is with those hairy hands.
Like I didn't even know you could even get hair on your hands, that's disgusting.
>a guy with hairy hands
>You can also see about donating some of them to a library.
Thank you. I forgot about those. That sits better with me. I'll ask if they can use them. If not it will be the neighborhood youth center.
keeping One Piece for now until complete

>Personally, I just threw most of it out.
That's great. It's good to have the capability to throw out stuff one doesn't enjoy having around anymore.
Excellent taste
Wearing shoes indoors isn't normal in the US you fucking europoor. Enjoy getting raped by mudslimes.
>inb4 "but im not european!!
then you live in some third world country and no one gives a fuck about you.
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>2 poor and cheap for shelves
Nigger, first price shelves are like the price of 2-4mangas function of the size.
Or just nail few planks together.

1. i'm not black and 2

>function of the size.

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>Being this hairy
Besides the trash on the left next to ghoul, pretty good.
If I ever bought manga I would feel way too obligated to buy the whole set in one go. It'd just look way too shit to only have a few volumes sitting on a shelf.
I just saw a ton of volumes of this in a used bookstore nearby. Maybe I should buy them to resell.
>Ladyboy vs Yakuzas
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>pics for ants
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Looks pretty good here to me Tbh
I like your collection but I hate the omnibuses. They're so hard to read.
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Waiting for the best volumes to come out is part of the fun. Empty shelf? Just buy more series.
Flowers of Evil has such beautiful cover art. I like how it changes in the first three sets.
>Girl friends
good taste, anon
Is this manga all from France? Some look very different from the English releases.
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Agreed, it really fits the shift in tones
They're from Italy
I'm sorry in advance.

Chobits is good, faggot.

I sold all my early-teens purchase mistakes. Didn't make back what I spent, but better than nothing.

I like you. I would sit around reading your manga taking up space in your house.

In case you didnt know they have released 7 of Toradora now. That shits taking forever to come out.
My favorite covers are 7-9. When I first bought 7 I was so surprised. It's nice to see a man gala switch it up every once in a while.
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Unfortunately, everything is stored in boxes in an attic now
>released 7 of Toradora now
Neat. They really are taking forever, but at least it's a good read.
Don't be. I own HxH up to 23. Does the story get better or worse after that point? I assume the art is continually going to be... spotty...
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>Wasting money on pointless figs
Same here.
Four boxes worth plus 3 boxes of the entire run of English Shonen Jump
So do you just not read your manga often, or do you just have to move your figs around constantly?
Chimera arc is an incredible arc. Get the fuck out before you get spoiled.
>Issiue 12 is black
>Everything else is white
That pisses me off.
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Demo you fat fuck, stop shitposting on /a/ and make another YouTube vid.
>Chobits is my biggest regret.
>not DNAngel

what a faggot
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Counting all of my idya, I had around 12-15 boxes. I had to store everything in my grandmother's attic (including a fucking DDR metal platform) when I moved out of country

superb like "Battle vixens"?
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Now for some animu
It pissed off a lot of people. In fact, it was supposed to be white, but the shitty publisher messed it up
>Medaka Box
Infinitely jelly.
>tfw no Aria, Mushishi, or GTO
There are loads of others, but some are finally getting releases.
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>not being a filthy mongoloid
>he must be a weeb!
Drown in your own dirt and die.

>calling people weebs on 4chan
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>typically intended for adults
>gameboy micro

nigga please...
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>Buy couple volumes of a manga
>Enjoy it
>Get to impatient to order more volumes so I go binge read the scans
>Get caught up to the scans and now don't feel like buying volumes

Happen to anyone else?
A long time ago with Kenshin, but I still bought them.
I only buy manga I already read.
Usually reading online makes me want to buy it more.
That's a fucking good strategy. I have a few series I bought for the art or the first volume's story that I now regret. Like Rals Grad, or the Wolfs Rain manga.
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I agree, its worth the wait.

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>not having a goat ereader
>Wolf's rain manga
Huh, so I take it's bad?
I don't know man, reading a few chapters to see if it's alright is cool but if i read the whole series already through scans then buying it would feel pointless to me and would just be a collection.
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>would just be a collection
Tell that to my 21 TB of anime.
If I feel like blind buying a manga I usually stick to 1-2 numbers at first, so that, in case it's bad, I won't waste too much money
Usually if I strongly feel the want to read, I also feel like buying the thing.

Do you also say tadaima while leaving your shoes at the entrance?
Sounds pretty american.
How is the Madoka manga? Are the spinoffs decent, or fanfiction-tier?
Slowly running out of shelf space
>local bookstore suddenly have 10% discount on all mangoes for a whole month
>sweet, they got that deaf girl mango, gotta buy em after payday
>payday comes
>all of em are out of stock
A very good start for my mango collection.
They're pretty short, so they aren't terribly deep. But there's a lot of them.

TDS and Oriko hold some popularity as direct extensions to the main story, while Kazumi tries to get a new angle with new girls.

Homura Tamura is pure comedy.
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I've been out of shelf space for a while. I've been moving books to the top of the bookshelf to make more room.
It's a mixed bag.
Madoka Magica - Good short retelling. dont read before watching anime.
Madoka Magica a different story - probably my fave.
Oriko - Good but short.
Kazumi - Still havent read this fully. Keep giving up.
Please consider getting the Girls und Panzer and Strike Witches manga. /ak/-moe is really an uphill battle.
Be grateful, that manga goes to shit anyways.
Horimiya. Ma nigga.
Sacrée bric à brac mon ami nègre.
Have you ever calculated how much you have spent in all those things ?
My nigger.
I'm enjoying the hell of my Aura H2O. Maximum comfyness to catch up on all of those old SF series that I missed.
>Girls und Panzer
Want to pick it up at some point, maybe next month.
>Strike Witches
Watched 2 episodes of the anime a while ago, didn't really like it.
Chobits is good motherfuker, i am disgusted by those yellow pages, YOU HAVE TO STORE THEM IN A MOTHERFUCKING BAG

yeah a black bag.
damm that looks great, how much they cost there?
in spain most are 8-10€
>not having read mangas or watched animes in like 10-15 years
>trying to reconnect
>walk in store
>look at manga section
>I don't know any of these things
I want to just walk in and buy a manga, but I can't because I don't know any of this shit, so I just end up watching Ranma 1/2 at home over the internet
This is all I have right now, sorry

>suddenly realising your local colloquialism for refuse sack or whatever isnt going to make any sense here.
According to manga-news, manga+animu combined would be around 10k€. It's not really accurate though, I didn't update this list for a long time.
It's also using MSRP, which I rarely paid(bought a lot of stuff second-hand, especially long series, DVD were almost always bought during sales), so I really paid less than this.
And I don't know how much I may have sunk into vidya, got hundreds of games, and somewhere around 40 games systems at most. I sold for ~1500€ of stuff last year, and it's still taking a lot of place.
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Sorry for the amount of photos. ;_;

who /washopingtowinpowerballsoicouldaffordphysical/ here
>Assimil Jap
hahaha I have the first volume and I've hardly ever opened it. ....I should.

>Guide Phenix du Manga
>Americans actually believe not wearing outdoor shoes inside in a thing exclusive to Japan
I don't understand how to pronounce anything.
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I can't fix the rotated images, I'm retarded.
>Max et Compagnie
Good ol' French names. If only you had Lamu instead of Urusei Yatsura, it'd have been perfect.
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I only buy manga made for little girls such as myself.
but what if the terrorists come and they have to run away?
>A Beck whatever that thing was called
Where the hell did you find that?
That's what you have guns for, is it not?
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Well IIRC it's a short history of manga in Japan and France, and a listing of every series released in French as of 2005.

Look up the second row, Beatiful Dreamer is using the French name. The manga used both.

Brand new at launch IIRC. I don't even remember unwrapping the DVDs. Downloading stuff is way more faster and simpler than watching the DVD
>8k€ only for mangas
Bon sang !
Since how many years are you into it ?
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>Having carpet floors
>In 2016
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And that's all. Sorry for the images, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my phone camera. I rotate the images before posting them.
I took them vertically, I swear. ;_;
>No Dessert
>No LaLa
>No Betsukomi
Are you proud of yourself?
I'll forgive you just because of Ciao
Christ, could have at least added that he meant a specified number of things not the number itself.
Nothing wrong with Mafalda.
I spent 3k in the first 6 months when I started buying, so thats not too bad
First series I bought was Chobits, so around 2004-2005 I guess ? I started reading and watching way earlier but it was the first time I actually bought something. I then bought older stuff, either second-hand or during promotions (like J'ai Lu Jojo's when they were expensive as fuck at 2€/piece in my local shop)

I think I stopped buying stuff around 4-5 years ago.
Wait, Chobits was late 2002, not 2004
Most of those have boys on the cover. A little girl such as myself isn't interested in boys.
> buying manga when you can read them for free on your tablet and comfy in your bed

top kek
Good luck getting scans or translations of older obscure stuff
You don't have to keep trying because your bait did not work the first time.
hnggh all that hxh
such as?
>buying a tablet
Damn, I went to Fnac and I couldn't find it. Only found these Bride Stories >>136203626

I have yet to fill the Medaka box they offered with the first volume, so I just used it to stock Haruhi light-novels

We've got similar tastes, I like that.

Maybe your phone is rotated, anon?
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my small collection. been trying to buy more manga and anime lately because muh industry. also theres some /co/ in there too. ignore that.
whats wrong with reading manga or watching movies or just browing 4chan comfy in your bed instead of sitting infront of a computer? You obviously don't know the pleasure of owning a good tablet.
It's literally die job
I have two seperate collections but heres the actually good ones
Sorry go act /v/ here, but if you want to be taken serious, don't talk like a peasant.
>those hairy hands

I knew Robin Williams was still alive.
Tablets are under $100 now, and they're good for reading/watching shit. Just because your mommy won't buy you one doesn't mean they're shit.
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>la malinconia di Haruhi Suzumiya
I need to hide my powerlevel so I read only digital editions
my pc is set up in a way where it's comfy enough
Your argument is that buying manga is shit and reading it on a tablet is better, and suddenly the next thing is that people that spent thousands of euros on manga are too poor for a, like you said, cheap tablet.
Just pulling from >>136206164, I cant find Golgo 13, Seirei tsukai , Sasameke or nori taka scans
Anon-chan, I think you got the wrong board >>>/c/
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I hope none of you people actually buy localized shit.
Emma novels come with the anime in the Limited Edition Box. I found the box in the Salón del Manga in Barcelona. The Emma manga is hard to find nowadays. I found the Shirley manga in Barcelona too.

Also, it happened to me too. When I bought the first Medaka volume, I filled the spaces with Haruhi novels.

About the phone, I dont know. I will try again later.
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>dub mangos
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>nail a few planks together

THIS, honestly.
I never said that at all. Reading physical and digital material both have their own advantages and disadvantages and I enjoy both. Mocking someone because they own a tablet these days sounds like someone who couldn't afford it even if they wanted one.
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I would like to return this tobacconist, it is scratched.
Should have thought of it. Madrid hardly gets any good stuff.
Reading manga on tablet is just too good. It's like I have a gigantic manga library online and I can pick whatever I want. I used to buy manga but I stopped it because in the end it's too expansive and once I have finished a volume I don't ever touch it so it's a waste of area too. Buying mango is a waste of money and place.
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Thanks, but there are plenty of little girl threads on /a/ as well.
I can clearly affort if and mock everyone that ones one. You can do everything with your phone that a tablet can do.
And if you are concerned about muh screensize, why stop with a tablet? Why not a laptop, a 50" touchscreen mounted over your bed?
If you want a tablet, get a graphic tablet that is actually usefull.
> And if you are concerned about muh screensize, why stop with a tablet?

because it's basically the same size as a manga volume.
>Medaka Box
I want to buy it too, but it doesn't have a release here, so it's either english or japanese import. Later one would be a good oppurtunity for practice. Maybe even too good.

Does anyone know if tankouban releases of jump manga have furigana too?
There is no english Medaka Box, so that kinda narrows it down.
>only 21tb

step up your game senpai. this is why japan is dying
Aside from the touchscreen, I already own all those and more. It's more convenient to read manga on my tablet than it is my phone, and read books on my kindle than my tablet. Just because you're okay with reading manga on a tiny screen or sitting in bed with a laptop doesn't make reading manga on a tablet wrong.
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>normalfags and plebs: the thread
Throw A Centaur's life in there too
I don't care about the cosplay shit, I buy only manga. 28-29 of november.
Yeah, went to lille once and saw way too much manga. I wanted to get a few volumes of the one piece manga but the french language sucks and we can't read it
The struggle is real for this anon.
I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune anon, but you do not need money to not be a pleb.
>I don't care about the cosplay shit, I buy only manga. 28-29 of november.
I think you were trying to say something, but unfortunately I couldn't get it. Could you repeat that again in a different way?
Sorry, my shitty english.

I only go to the Salón because of the manga. I don't care about the cosplays, games or the bonsais. There are "mini-shops" where they have used manga at a good price.

The Salón del Manga starts in 28-29 of november and it's 4 days long.
> Haki tatoos for no reason
> dark rounded eyes
> bulked

how is this shit not edgy lol. b-but it's goofy because it looks stupid i-it's not edgy. Yay go fuck yourself and enjoy the taste of Oda's cock.
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But there are also many manly threads, Will you be ok, anon-chan?
calm down tryhard go jack it to tokyo ghoul
Sorry too, I thought it was a different anon, so I kind of replied in a rude way. (I tried looking for the 28th-29th of November in Madrid and couldn't find anything)

Unfortunately, Expomanga in Madrid takes place in May, and I've finals during the whole month. There's also a Japan Weekend in February, but as you've said, it looks like there'll only be a lot of cosplay, so I doubt I'll go.
I only have all 38 manga volumes of Ranma ½ in swedish ;(
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>Buying battle shounen.
They are trash and take up way too much space. Just read the scans you retards.
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I'll be safe. Thanks for looking out for me, onii-chan.
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Are those lighters in front of the PS Vita games?
Yes. I don't smoke though so they're just collecting dust.
Interesting. Where did you get them?
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How does buying manga make you either of those things?
What's pictured on the fan?
Just look at >>136208066 he's got both covered.
You get those once you become a man.
Little boy.
Nice subhuman hand.
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My collection. I wonder if anyone can notice a general theme.
I don't think having 3 shelves worth of manga is something a normalfag would do.

Holy shit... are you wizard?
>The Big Bang Theory
I'm not even going to touch anything else there. Especially not all the localized shounengarbage.
>Ken Akamatsu
>Ai ore
You like your ecchi, don't you anon.
Batteries are temporary, Manga is eternal.
Nice shojo sempai.

Never apologize for Kenshin senpai.

I've been meaning to pick up the Gundam manga but because it's hard cover it's stupid expensive. Zeon for live though.

How is Uzumaki?
Shit taste sure, but no normalfag would have that much manga. He's one of those annoying weebs at best.

All that's missing is To Love Ru and Rosario Vampire but I'm not even going to touch those.

You also forgot Witchcraft Works sempai.

Wait... Ai Ore is ecchi?
>Le Seigneur des Anneaux
Found the French.

Unlike >>136210638 , I like you.
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>Dragon Ball kanzenban

muh dick
Bull shit. Chobits could be done in one or two volumes. There was nothing in that story that warranted eight volumes. None of the plot points, none of the character development none of the pretentiousness. Nothing.
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What does Freezing, Negima, Witchcraft Works, Air Ore, Black Lagoon all have in common......
Well, it'd be considered smut, so I kind of put it in the ecchi bag.

Add some Air Gear in it, and it'll be perfect.
>muh niche hobby
Not him, but you just need a job for that. Or rich parents.
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No need to say sorry. And yes, I know about the Expomanga and the Japan Weekend, but never went.

Good luck with the exams, senpai.
This nigga gets it. One tablet does not even compare to shelves full of chinese porn comics
Fuck Air Gear.

I live Air Master but I can't find it anywhere.

Its worth getting. I like this complete version too.
>Fuck Air Gear.
At least the fanservice isn't bad.
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>muh niche hobby
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>A child
I ded.
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A friend of mine has a regional distribution site for all smoking related shit. He found these when opening a box of 5k lighters (no idea how these 2 got mixed in) and he passed them to me

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Only fan service I'm in is tall women with short men.

Sorry to disappoint you familigia.
Anon please buy more Vinland Saga, the sales are so low they don't know if they'll translate past v7.
>ATLA artbook
You're a good guy.
Oh fucking wow.
It's actually funny trying to find out what the fuck did they mean with a couple of them
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Senpai has taken a liking to you.
Wait, how the hell can that screenshot be from Seitokai Yakuindomo. Isn't that the captain from Treasure Island wearing a sailor uniform and making a thumbs up (which is really out of character)?

That's George, kohai.
Holy shit I have the same fucking chair
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Back end
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Front end
>Jiggy jiggy fooney high kin serampan nai rosokoo doko

My fucking sides are hurting
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B-but we can't, anon-kun! We live in differrent places...
One of the editors mentioned that in an early volume of Ranma 1/2. I was 10 or 12 and found it too troublesome because then I would have to take them out of the bag every time and in between reading volumes. If I had known manga would be available on the internet I might have.

>Chobits is good motherfuker
Even Princess Ai is better than Chobits.
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I don't have nice shelves so here's just what's on my desk at the moment.

>Reading manga in Japanese.
Great collection, almost no shit.

too bad you are never going to finish your berserk and HXH ones

i think you should hide those nasty figs with the manga
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Excuse the mess

This is the manga buyfag thread, right?
How many of you french fucks got One-Punch Man?
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Just started.
Sure, if you read like 10 series over and over again. Same shit with books.

Physical books/manga/anime/movies are a waste of space. I rewatch maybe 1-2 shows a year, and manga I only reread if I haven't read it for years and need to catch up on the current translations.

But there is so much out there, rereading is a waste of time.
Shit taste.
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That mess is inexcusable.

>Full Metal Alchy

Basic bitch
What the fuck is /9/?
>But there is so much out there, rereading is a waste of time.
And 99% of it is shit. I'd rather reread the same 3 or 4 series that I like that waste my time with a shitload of garbage. Quality of quantity.
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Anon, do you have a tall girl fetish or something?
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Good luck anon.
Actually it's /q/
Naruto is a good manga. Maybe the anime sucks but I thoroughly enjoy the manga.
>I'd rather reread the same 3 or 4 series that I like that waste my time with a shitload of garbage. Quality of quantity.
That's the dumbest thing I've read in a long time, thanks.
Meant for
>All that wasted space for series you might reread in a few years
>un poing c'est tout
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>Naruto is a good manga
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>having standards is dumb
I wish translations would hurry the fuck up.
Ah. Is this one of the "meme replies" I hear so much about?
Rereading the same thing over and over again is. If you don't like manga, get another hobby. Do you watch the same 10 anime as well?

Why even have the hobby to begin with?
Definitely the best pun they could have come up with.
Holy shit! Also, how rich are you?
>consuming media is a hobby
Who are you quoting?

looks old as fuck, are you a grandma?
golden boy released in french and italian, not in english

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French thread? French thread!
Where is Cloé Lemaaaaiiiire when we need her?
France has so much good shit that doesn't have an American release.

i wish i was french

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Manga thread? Oh boy
There are three things I unconditionally hate, footfags, cyberpunk and France.
So shup up and leave this manga thread alone.
There's plenty of shit too.

But what matters is the volume of sales and domestic productions that aren't only capeshit. This naturalises the view on manga that isn't action or melodrama.
Wow cool blog how do I subscribe?
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Alors que je m'enfonçais goulûment dans son anus malpropre, une onomatopée inopinée me surprit. "Glop", entend-ire. Telle une œuvre céliniènne, l'équivalent de deux printemps de fluides viriles dégringole subitement dans sa cavité anale. L’afflux irrémédiable de ce fluide triviale était sans équivoque. Lubrifiant jusqu'à l'os la joueur émérite, personne ne pouvait plus l'arrêter dans sa course folle.
Thats the reason i have the japanese version honestly, plus it cost me 5000 yen orr something for all of the volumes
I can understand hating footfags and France, but why cyberpunk?
>la joueur
I do speak some french, but I strongly dislike reading in french
Why do you have 4 of the same biscuit hammer volume?
Zetsubou no Hantou - Hyakunin no Brief Otoko to Hitori no Kaizou Gal
Spare copies to share or give away. Spreading the joy of Biscuit Hammer.
Same here.
>not a terrible neologisme
>implying girls players
I'm french too and drooling over your perfect collection.
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All I have for manga.
I have those jojo volumes, they're great but I wish they didn't rename the characters
Like how they call Santana "Santviento"
I'm actually quite broke right now, I'm preparing to move to NZ, so I have a lot of stuff to pay for (like visa, paperwork and parts for my car). A friend of mine gave it to for free back in HS. I also got an Amiga 1200 and a Commodore 128 from another friend.
I bought most of this stuff while I was working night shifts in interim, so I had quite a huge pay for a non-skilled worker.
I blew everything into manga, vidya, a trip to Japan and a Miata
Livin' the dream.
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>had a whole steel closet filled with manga
>this thread made me nostalgic for them
>remeber i put the closet over in the cabin when i moved
>there was a leak in the cabin
>all i could see was green moss
There were manga for at least 2,5K in there
>berserk and HXH
Agreed, licensing is a bitch though. I've been tempted to get the JOJOVELLER for a while now.
Why are there so many goddamn Frenchfags in this thread?
Nice. I wish I had more space and bigger shelves. Having things separated feels wrong.
Looks cozy. I agree with the bigger shelves.
>Why are there so many goddamn [people from the country who buys the most manga that isn't Japan itself] in this thread?
Paint your walls
Get a framed animu poster if you still have the wall space.
Lupin will have a new edition this year in Italy, plan to buy it.
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It hurts.jpg
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I want this room you fucking gay.
>it's missing koots-pon-pon-otoko
There's nothing wrong with being hairy but wearing shoes inside? Fucking degenerate.
agreed, that's one nice room
I was about to buy the Witch craft Works manga until I read the reviews that said they have the poor physical quality of archie books, that if you even touch the page you will smear the ink, but those look fine.
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I also have Gunsmith cats revised 1-3 in a box, been looking for years but still haven't found 4 at a sane price.

I like your style.

Oh god, you even have those manga player prepublication magazines from 20 years ago. Drooling hard.
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Lewd corner

Chobits is good the anon is right!
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I have a little.
Even my potato from 2010 takes better photos
What PS Vita games are those
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Well there you have it. Another reason not to ask for recs on this site.
>that desktop

My niggah.
>implying normalfags ever read historical manga.
let alone that /a/ don't even read them.
Here's the full stuff
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Admit it, even Europoor has better manga publication than the US itself. Murica fags are doomed to produce cancerous anime fags with shit taste while the average Europoor has better quality through manga.
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>reading manga in english
The line-up can't be that different. I know France gets more shit than everyone else, but no idea about other countries. Actually surprised me to see Italy and Spain to have Medaka Box too.
/lit/ fag here, just started a manga collection myself. Not sure what to get next, though I was considering Evangelion, FLCL, and KLK. inb4 angry haters.
Seeing that you have Railgun, you might aswell get the Accelerator and Index mangas.
anything from Naoki Urasawa

Considered it, but the English version of Index is really far behind. Accelerator was on my "perhaps" list.


I'll look into it, thanks.
who the fuck starts Dragon Ball at the Namek arc
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1/4 don't have big shelves in my room, so everything's separated.
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2/4 having some one piece volumes of key moments, cause it's too blue and dull
start with Monster or 21st century boy. I'm reading Monster right, so I'll say Monster first if you like murder and conspiracy drama.
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4/4 is just korean berserk.
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Hello, hairy ape man. I like your Gameboy Micro.
Is the Viz release of Master Keaton good?

Thanks for the recommendation, I will look into it. Though I am not sure how I feel about murder and conspiracy, since my cup of Tea revolves around science and philosophy.
>my cup of Tea revolves around science and philosophy
You say that, but the only manga you seem to own are Railgun and Yotsuba.
this, I gave up collecting Eng volume because it's taking forever to catch up. Since I'm learning moon right now, so I started on the JP volumes instead. for US fags just go to to Bookoff if you can find any near you, they sell the JP volumes really cheap, and sometime the sales for the collection set is quite worthy.

I have LoGH character index by the way.

Railgun got my attention because of the science aspects to it (obviously a lot of things in it are unscientific, but that is science fiction for you).

Yotsuba I picked up for language acquisition because it is written in simple Japanese and the kanji is spelled out.
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>Big bang theory
>The middle
>Plethora of shonen shit
Sure is pleb up in here
I thought about learning french and buying french manga, since they have just about everything I want. This is mostly due to the fact that I do much better with a teacher than self learning and there are no Japanese classes around me.
>dragon ball
>one piece

>dr. house

how does it feel to be a fan of one of the most plebian series? does it hurt?
You leave Slam Dunk out of that. Its great. The rest is pretty bad though.

Lets be friends

But I agree with you on everything else
I think Moon has the upper advantage for self-learning due to the abundant internet resources comparing to French. Or maybe it's just because native English speaker flow more fluid to French while Moon is entirely a different concept.
my nigga
>assassination classroom
why anon, why?
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That's a nice sweater OP.
do you own Barnes and Noble or something?
Absolutely fantastic.
From the hand I want to say your either max jew or guido. Are you wearing a gold chain?
give me that dango
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do any of you have doujin or hentai manga?
Look at this
What a sad waste of money.
Got one bl manga as a birth day present and won another at a con twice. First one can be seen here >>136219044
But the later one is hidden behind everything else, because it's so shitty.
This dude knows where its at honestly. I have a couple of autistic friends who always say "Why the fuck are you buying books? Just read them online you faggot." And also "Books are gay. Who reads." When yes I do read Manga online but I also gotta buy them when they come out in the US.
This thread makes me want to buy more manga. Should I get Uzumaki or Tekkon Kinkreet? Also debating on house of five leaves since I liked the anime.
please forgive me
>only one person calling out localized manga

What has happened to /a/? When did this board change?
And waste of life.
Kill yourself.
Great taste /a/non.
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Nice taste.
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I got mines at yaoi-cons
Being a filthy caucasoid is an American tradition. Wearing shoes indoors is a must.
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many thanks, friend
Nothing if you're still here. And everyone else keeps posting.
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Well, I won my at vidya contests. No idea who thinks shitty bl is a great prize for someone who wins at vidya.
>Drafts at the end of the volume look better than the clean shit in the story.
ganbatte gorilla-man!
But he's right tho, France is years ahead in terms of manga publishing, for example Jojoniums are relatively new in the US, while most parts have already been published in France, with SBR volume 19 coming out this February.
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>It is simply a question of Mexicans and if you make it worth my while I will very quickly

How do you even write this and expect anyone to understand it. Good for a laugh though.
Hello, french brethen
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I've even got one printed upside down. I noticed it and had to buy it. Not sure why.

any of you mangafags come across stuff like this?
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Speaking of

I need to read literature for once. I don't want to pick up A book that I'll never read or waste money on.
I used to buy a lot in high school, I stopped pretty much by college, now ive gotten into figure buying.
I need a goog large bookshelf for manga keep in mind I probably have double to triple, this
amount in picture


first 4 volumes are up for preorder
Anyone? I'm thinking about picking up the first volume as my first Urasawa manga.
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Hohoo, I think I've spotted you frog anon, who sent me my last /ss/.
lmAO enjoy oxidation and acid decay
ewww hobbit hands

>Six paintings of seals are at least 42,000 years old

It's okay, mate. I don't plan on living longer than 42,000 years.
I once bought a manga that had the wrong cover, if it counts. I think it had a Cowboy Bebop cover, but actually it was the first volume of LIN3, or something like that.
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Eng Mango first.
Gotta catch up with Railgun, S&W, CCS & Vinland Saga.
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Catching up with My lil'Monster and Barakamon.
Also I hate 'Murica's omnibus editions.
By this time next year I'm going to need a another bookcase for these.
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Now Spa mangos.
>Kenshin KZB and Liar Game
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>pokemon adventures
just recently picked these up, such a fun read
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your autism astounds me.
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I doubt I'll read 20th and index stuff but Vinland is on my backlog and I have read/like pretty much everything you have there. 8/10
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that fucking hand
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>that one piece spread
>I don't want to pick up A book that I'll never read or waste money on
Unless you're buying several books at a time try to start every book you buy the day you buy it. Buying and not reading books becomes a really bad habit. I have several hundred books I bought with full intention of reading but never got around to. It's like having a massive anime backlog but feels worse because you actually paid for all of them and unlike most anime reading is actually good for your brain.
Would you rather pay
>$100 for a tablet
>$10'000 for all the manga volumes you will have to buy
I stopped collecting manga 10 years ago. I cant imagine how much money I would have spent had I not.
What shitty country does this? It's even worse than the Euros using decimal points as commas.
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chinese cartoon books.jpg
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I'm American and I don't wear shoes indoors. Shits gross.
My body is so fucking ready

Now if only someone would license Ika Musume
I think it's just for lazy pigs. Realistically, maybe only about 1/3 of Americans do it, probably much less.
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Sorry for the relatively bad lighting, the manga is up high so I can't get the white light up very much.
What's that series under Gundam The Origin? The one with the comic panels on the spine?
I'm fairly certain it's Black Jack.
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This is absolutely amazing, especially because its from the 1800s and so you know they're being 100% serious
I only have some I am a Hero volumes, bought some hellsing, berserk and 20th CB too but sold them because they're shit
>Right to left

Keen powers of observation, friend.
Anyome waiting for anything in the mail?
>Kizu from Vertical
Only retards and wapanese fags do this.
>Nearly 2 weeks
>Amazon still haven't dispatched it yet
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>they didn't preorder Kizu
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I did. Bookdepository are slow cunts.
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Felt good getting one from a friend then finding out they were out of stock on Amazon.
>Falling for the Pre ordering meme
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Getting Kizu for 7 amerifat dollars isn't too bad.
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I also ordered mine for a cheaper price compared to the standard LN prices here without pre- ordering
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>He doesn't have volume 8 of Hidamari
I went on an art book binge recently, bought six on ebay and one on Amazon JP.

I also went to a used book store to get rid of some old stuff and found Inio Asano's artbook there.
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>Appleâ„¢ 3DS
>lecturing other people about saving money
I was thinking about getting the omnibus of Negima! is it worth it /v/?
Fuck off.
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Still a long ways to go... When you have 200 items on wishlist it's a long way to go
>Fuck off.
Fuck off.
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>Not getting it digital

Hunter x Hunter Starter Pack :^)


>Blood Lad
why only 4-7?
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Been a bit less than a year since I actually started collecting
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Don't worry anon I get the joke.

ZTD can't some soon enough.
>The whole thread is localized garbage

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What the fuck are you doing
Why aren't you placing them on a decent shelf? seriously Conan doesn't deserve that shitty table anon.
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Something highly illegal.

>Avere Fairy Tail e One Piece in libreria

Cristo, non ti vergogni?
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Super messy/out of room, getting a new book case this week
kill me
>2016 still no english Medaka Box

Fucking pleb
How far along do they go in the English version? I know I read them online years ago but scans only went to the beginning of BW.

I actually joined a scanlation group doing BW only to have them mysteriously vanish.
Somebody knows if there's a non jap version of Danshi Koukousei?
There's no english release :/
I can read spanish and french tho
I've seen them go up to BW, I think, on Amazon.
Viz is releasing XY now
I heard the manga of Toradora was different from the anime, is it still good?
>painted nails

>all these people with Biscuit Hammer

I'm guessing it's good then? I pasted it to my list I'll never get to but seeing all these people with omnibuses has piqued my interest. Do they sell them as individual volumes? I love the feel of holding the book but those just look too damn fat.
>Case Closed
My fucking nigga. That's the only series I still buy the manga for.
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>such a fun read

Until Emerald happened. They had such a cool way of giving different personalities and backstories to nameless, silent characters, and then this OC Donut Steel shows up. Just fucking copy Wally and be done with it.
>not liking thick books
What a pleb.
Can you actually turn the pages though? Seems like they would rip near the beginning and end. Spreading it in the middle seems like it would destroy the spine.
one thing I hate buying manga online is that I never know if it is a manga or if its a shitty LN. I got baited into spice and wolf thinking it was a Manga, but it was a LN.
what is
You can't read the descriptions, nigga?
There's also a manga version, but I think I get what you're saying. I'm personally torn on whether to get either the manga or the LN since I don't really want to read both.
It's better than the anime

I'm missing about half my collection. I loaned them out and never fucking got them back. Sucks.
>It's better than the anime
is it finished and did some other translator pick it up?
Your taste
It might not be finished, I actually don't know. It follows the light novels more closely though, which is why I think it's better. Feels more comfy.
amazon doesnt say anything.
what about it
I'm guessing Nisekoi did you in.
IBAN research maybe?
Whoops, mispelled ISBN*
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It might not have when you bought it, but it says it now.
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I don't have much manga since giving most of it away because reasons.

not every series has that. and not every single book is listed as (manga) in the title on amazon so you never know.
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Is Kizu worth the wait?
>giving most of it away

Did you give it out to family members or just post "ayy who wants mango" on craigslist?
I gave it away to anons on DJT.
Have you ever read Negima! before? I'd say it's worth it. The story's a solid read. It's probably the most "dense" manga I've ever read, with side-conversations and illustrations packing the corners of every scene and a fairly deep lore.

I hate omnibuses so I'd say get the original volumes if you can but eh, whatever.
>amazon is the only place where I can buy books
>I'm too retarded to tell the difference just from the cover
>why do I buy stuff I don't want
>shitty LN
this is bait right?
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i found you.jpg
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heh pretty comfy desu
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Some omnibuses are literally not made to be read without damaging the book. The worst one I know is the Chobits' omnibus, which tried to cram four volumes into one book. It's really easy to crease the spine on it.

Some of the newer omnibuses are great because they're higher quality. Color pictures, nicer binding, larger print. Like the new Monster re-release, or Gundam Origins.
I stopped loaning out manga for the same reason. If someone's interested I just invite them over.
Do you like anime and birds?
I like anime and birds.
If the owner of this room is still around, I love your bird stuff.
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The fuck is this?
It means that the release date has been pushed back?
Are you fucking retarded?
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