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Top 20 Most Wanted Sequels

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Thread replies: 382
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Pool of 10,000 people
51.5% - Male
48.5% - Female

Teens-20s - 71.5%
30+ - 28.5%

1. Raildex Series
2. One Punch Man
3. Nozaki-kun
4. Gakkou Gurashi
5. Mahouka
6. Himouto! Umaru-chan
7. Hyouka
9. Prison School
10. Starmyu
11. SAO
12. Barakamon
13. Overlord
14. Akatsuki no Yona
15. Owari no Seraph
16. Free!
17. Rakudai
18. Gochiusa
19. Tokyo Ghoul
20. Shirobako

Source: http://www.charapedia.jp/research/0101/#taishou
Male Top 10:

1. Raildex
2. Mahouka
3. Hyouka
4. One Punch Man
5. Overlord
6. Nozaki-kun
8. Rakudai
9. Yuyushiki
10. Himouto! Umaru-chan

Female Top 10:

1. Starmyu
2. Akatsuki no Yona
3. Prison School
4. Nozaki-kun
5. Gakkou Gurashi
6. Free!
7. Owari no Seraph
8. One Punch Man
9. Himouto! Umaru-chan
10. Hozuki no Reitetsu
>gakkou gurashi
Fucking why?
Fuck, nip girls really like Starmyu.
An Index sequel is pretty much only a metter of time at this point, right?
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>Prison School
>Females top 10
>3. Prison School

Is it actually more popular with girls in japan? It's not even in the male top 10.
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Index will never ever get a new season while Shokugeki will.

Eat shit raildex fags.
>20. Shirobako
Jesus, get it together nips. Raildex has 4 fucking seasons.
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According to Miki, no.
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>2. One Punch Man
>3. Nozaki-kun
>7. Hyouka
>12. Barakamon
>14. Akatsuki no Yona
>18. Gochiusa
>20. Shirobako
Nice taste.

As always males have the superior taste.
Fucking based.
Do people really not understand how the anime industry works? Half of these shows will never get sequels because the adaptation's only purpose was to promote the source material.
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Am I stupid for thinking it's weird how OPM is overall ranked #2, but it's ranked #4 and #8 for males and females respectively?
>Source material is selling well
>Anime BDs is selling well
>"Oh well, better not touch it ever again"
Meme poll. OPM sales are garbage tier, it's not going anywhere but the incinerator
It's some statistical shit they taught us in high school.
Who are you even responding to? The only person here who implied a sequel was coming is the Index guy, and Index's anime makes plenty of money on its own.
>Volume 1 almost at 10k
Yeah anon, ok.
You can want something while knowing that it's never happening. 'Most Wanted' doesn't directly mean they don't know how the industry works. It's just that, a poll asking people what they would have wanted.

Quit being an autist.
I won't say that this don't happen. It does sometimes. But you are saying its common, which it is not.
>2. One Punch Man
Not surprising since the anime just finished airing. Will most likely drop pretty quickly.
>6. Himouto! Umaru-chan
I agree, Nippon. S2 when, Dogakobo?
>7. Hyouka
Didn't know many people wanted this.
>11. SAO
And we will eventually get this.
>12. Barakamon
I agree with this as well.
>10. Hozuki no Reitetsu
I'm surprised they remembered it honestly, it's completely dead in the west.
Koutoura-san S2 never.

Based Japs.

There are other volumes, and they will be nothing. Especially since the show was only worth watching in the episodes on V1.
Strong dominant females cast
It was never alive to begin with, most just knew it because it was that one show that aired after Kill La Kill
>Akatsuki no Yona
I'm not alone, thanks fujos.
Enough men in japan want raildex sequels, but other than that both males and females had more votes combined than anything else. None of the female's choices coincide with male top choices over OPM. I'm more impressed that raildex is at the top without even being on the female list.
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Why no Rokka?
god damn i don't want to have to actually read raildex, why can't they just make more seasons.

That aside, didn't japan learn to abandon hope on tokyo ghoul after root A?
Because they didn't ask chinks or westerners.
If the yuusha series that actually sold is not there imagine the one that flopped
>it's completely dead in the west.
Because it s a show about japanese mythology and folklore and the premises work on the assumption you are already familiar with said folklore and mythos.

I, on the other hand, am surprised why you would even think that the lack of presence in the west would have any bearing with the presence in japan.
>rokka no sales

That's interesting, actually. Men are more unified. Their top three aren't in the women's top ten and still do better overall than Starmyu, which is women's top one.
What is "Raildex" in non weeb format.I find nothing with "Raildex"
Why would you want the other yuusha to get another season? Didn't the story pretty much end? or are we not thinking about the same other yuusha?
Railgun and Index.
Even if they did, we need about 4-5 seasons only for Index to catch up to where we are now. In the time 4 seasons are finished, Kamachi writes about 6 seasons worth of novels. You should start reading now.
Fuck off.
Fuck off, newfag.
It was probably an almost equal split for women, That's probably the only way nozaki-kun could be third instead of over OPM when OPM is actually two places under nozaki-kun on the women side. Considering both are mirrored for fourth on their most popular side.
> It was probably an almost equal split for women
What was?
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I'm still hoping.
No, just no.
Owari no seraph rip
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>rokka no sales
Don't remind me.
>all that seasonal shit
Japanese really have a memory that doesn't span more than 3 months.
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Nips love Stella who was best girl of last season.
It surprises me it's actually listed. I thought nobody gave a shit about it anymore.
As if /a/ was any different.
where the fuck is sakura trick?
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>6. Himouto! Umaru-chan
>11. SAO
>16. Free!
>17. Rakudai
>we want a sequel
>but we don't want to buy the bds
These polls are painful.
The votes are most likely split almost evenly on the women's side.
>OPM for men's side is fourth.
>Nozaki-kun for women is fourth.
They're mirrored position wise but
>Nozaki-kun is sixth for men
>OPM is eighth for women
Meaning that the votes for the top women side are more evenly spread throughout otherwise nosaki-kun would be higher on the chart than OPM because just adding position wise it should be ahead of it.
It's actually a clever trick-word made by a brainsurgeon and a psychiatrist in a psychology lab from the works of mutant history teachers. It's function is to easily identify braindead people. "Raildex" if you see a seven letter long word that ends with an 'x', I suggest you find a psychiatrist. Also eave this site, it makes your symptoms worse.
I never realized how many Yuusha titles past the Manabi-line existed.
Was there any rules to this? Like last season had to finish in the last few years or something? Cause

>No Haruhi S3.
>No Nichijou.
I think you're just agreeing with me.
>>No Nichijou.
no one but /a/ wants a sequel
>But we don't want to buy the BDs
You can pick on one hands the ones on these list that are around 5k

Just let it go.
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Probably, but the scale of how insignificant any higher place on the woman side is ridiculous. I's probably less than a single digit percent spread for every title on the woman's side

They want more Railgun. Not fucking Index.
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>We'll never see Accelerator air strike.
>We'll never see Fre/nda
>We'll never see end of century emperor BTFO Mugino
>We'll never see Kakine BTFO Uiharu
>We'll never see Accelerator utterly destroy Kakine
>We'll never see Itsuwa being pure waifu
>We'll never see double Jesus
>We'll never see Touma surfing on a sword to punch hot British princess.

Just fuck my shit up familia.
Doesn't matter either way, since they're going to get Accelerator.
If we're going that way where is my TTGL S2?
It already exists.
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>Gakkou Gurashi
Two nukes weren't enough.
>We'll never see Touma surfing on a sword to punch hot British princess
This hurts the most. He fucking surfs on a sword thrown by double jesus and lands a punch on princess holding dimension cutting sword so hard that she gets sent crashing onto the roof of a two story building.
You are a cheeky cunt, aren't you?
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13. Overlord
Remove SAO and obviously reorder things around and this isn't a bad list.

>No Spice & Wolf
it's shit
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Am I alone in thinking that Index had a very solid first 5 episodes (covered the first volume, I think) and then had a huge dip in quality after Touma loses his memory?


And we've got enough original material for another 24 EPs, madhouse pls animate my American waifu.
Serious question, what the fuck is Starmyu?
this is now a touman thread, touman bros report in
>nips want more Yona
Pierrot, please deliver.

Index was up and down, the second season even moreso. But the source material for season 3 would make for some consistently good episodes throughout but it seems like they're comfortable milking the LN money.
a pokemon I think
Something only me and two other anons finished last season.
This has been proven wrong time & time again.

Index novels are selling worse and worse. While Railgun manga is selling better and better.

Nobody cares about Index anymore.
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>3. Prison School
>Female top 10
Western females have spoiled you
Male idolshit from last season. Threads had 20 posters max.
If I win the lottery Saturday, i'll give Nichijou another season, anon. I promise.
I've heard people say similar stuff before, so not really.

The second arc of Index is a bit of a step down compared to the first.

But if you didn't like the next arc, the Sisters Arc, the series probably isn't for you.
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Where the fuck is haruhi season 3!?
>Akatsuki no Yona
>Prison School
>Gakkou Gurashi
Women have better tastes than men.
>Prison School
>Akatsuki no Yona

Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only one.
It's because their dicks don't control them that they can make better judgments. They want quality anime and boobs rather than just being content with boobs.
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At least 3 of those are women focused.
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Keit-Ai Season 2.

>Taken in the middle of last year
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>hating on Nozaki-kun
Mikoshiba had good moments but overall it was unfunny shit
I tried reading the first LN and it was so cringe worthy I had to stop.

Does it get better? I really like the settings and characters but holy shit it was hard to read, and I've read quite a few LNs.
It's one of the most overrated shows in the last few years, just a mediocre comedy with a cuter than average main couple.
If all 20 of those got a sequel, I would watch 2 of them.
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>no Spice and Wolf
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>mfw a railgun-onlyfag says people don't care about index any more
There's your problem, the first couple of volumes translated were horrible when it wasn't js06 translating them.

Just start at volume 14 which is where the anime left off.
Yona is fucking fantastic and the anime ended right before the best arcs of the manga.
Yona was fucking awesome, fuck you nigger.

ITs anime also ended right as it was getting good too.
Hope they wait on a railgun s3 and just do index. It's just gonna be Daihaisesai+bad filler episodes.
I hate doing that. Even when I go from anime to manga I always start at the beginning.

When did js06 start translating? I'll just start there.
How did One Punch Man get 2nd place overall but neither 2nd place for men nor women?

I call shenanigans
>After the author mocked another author right before he died

>After Hirano had sex with her band

You people are delusional
I think it was 3 or 4. Someone else might be able to give you a more precise number.
Are you dumb? The Male and Female entries above OPM are very different, so its natural that a show which is high on both can do higher once you mix up the results.
Imagine you have 10 men and 10 women being polled.
4 men say X is their favourite. No women choose X.
4 Women say Y is their favourite. No women choose Y.
3 Men and 3 Women choose Z.

With Men and women separately Z loses to X and Y respectively. But taken generally, Z has 6 votes and wins.
>one punch meme
She voiced Haruhi on Yuki-chan, you stupid fuck.
what is this
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Yuki-chan is the last thing we'll get from the Haruhi franchise.
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Who gives a shit who she had sex with? Just voice the fucking character.
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But they're boys.
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Asteriskfags BTFO again
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kind of ok, but missing

High school of the dead
Natsume's Book of Friends
Nichijou (and -bros)
They still have penises.
It's for women, what do you expect?
>Male Top 10:
>2. Mahouka
And people said it was a fujobait.
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We saw double Jesus save bento though.
>Who gives a shit who she had sex with?
People who can make or break her career.
Who the fuck said that?
She already voiced Haruhi again in Yuki-chan. That's not a valid reason anymore.
Haruhi is as likely of getting a S3 as CM Punk is likely to sign another WWE contract.
Is this a newfag thing?
Who gives a shit about Yuki-chan?
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>he can't even get the meme right
>No Baby Steps

Nobody wants Haruhi S3?

The fact that 3D women have such shit taste is one of the reasons why being a NEET with no girlfriend is such a valid means to exist.
Doesn't matter.
The fact she's a slutwhore doesn't have anything to do with the lack of Haruhi S3.

I still feel bad for the Bass

Fuck off newfag.
Nobody likes regular tennis.
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Already got my sequel. Waited 7 years for this shit
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DES won
Except for me, apparently. Such is life.

Guess the fujos were all busy voting for Prince of Tennis instead.
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Yeah, and people said AJ Styles and Nakamura wouldn't sign for WWE and that Brock was going back to the UFC AND GUESS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED

Punk's return is just a matter of time. When his UFC contract runs out with a 0-0-0 card, he's gonna sign back to the WWE
Look what happened to FMP.
Oh wait, Tanigawa is a lazy fuck who can never get anything done unlike Gatoh.
why combine railgun and index for that poll
railgun s3 would be great but don't give a damn about index s3
>people said AJ Styles and Nakamura wouldn't sign for WWE and that Brock was going back to the UFC
Who the fuck said this? AJ Styles has been planning to come to WWE ever since TNA's contract with Spike shit itself. And Brock made it clear he wasn't going back to UFC after signing Vince's contract.
Personally I'd like Index s3 and found railgun to be shit. Index s3 explored the world more while railgun was literally just about the shitty tsundere.
Because it said Toaru series which covers Railgun and Index. Also Index 3 is more wanted in general since its season will be better than Railgun.

What's with all these people hating index 3? It's going to contain a lot of Railgun S' cast anyways.
You can't have one without the other. If one gets made, the other will follow.
get the fuck out
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>Implying they still wouldn't want Index 3 more than Railgun 3.

Asspain of 2014 by Miki never forget.
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>1. Raildex

>tfw 5 years since Index II
>tfw almost 3 years since movie and Railgun S
>tfw had the opportunity to announce Index III at 10th anniversary fes
>announced Heavy piece of shit instead

Why is being an Index fan suffering?
They're filthy casuals who have never bothered to read the LN and auto assume Railgun is better because it has more girls and looks better. Most of them probably watched the first episode and dropped Index.
Not really. It will only feature several Mikoto scenes and a few seconds of Frenda. Mugino, Rikou and Saiai are pretty much Index cast.
HO is better anyways. NT15 is last novel, and at the end of it Kamachi announces HO season 2.
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Index 3 will happen before Railgun 3. JC Staff already confirmed this a few years ago. Question is when. LN sales are already dipping fast. Latest novel didn't even reach 100k before falling off the charts so Miki might put in the decision to announce a new season to keep it somewhat relevant.
>after signing Vince's contract.
If it wasn't for the Reebok deal, Brock was going to sign for UFC as #1 contender for the UFC HWC. When he went on fox sports, all their graphs were prepared for his UFC signing announcement.
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>Prison School

>No. 3 Female

Is there any reason for this?

I mean the top 10 for male doesn't even have it.
Moe fags
Why not?
All male lead cast.

Strong independent women who don't need no maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI'M BECOMING A FOOOOOOOOOOOL
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Because they have better taste than you and don't have "muh manga" autism.

If the Slayers novels were ever translated before the anime came out you guys would all hate the anime for not following it.
>1,122 Heavy Object vol. 1 2015/12/23 BD/DVD

Index 3 soon
At that time, Velasquez would have had the belt. There is no way he would have won that rematch. They would have put him against Barnett or Werdum. He'd have probably lost to either of them.
The manga is still pretty big I think.
>>After Hirano had sex with her band
Not the bassist, though.
One more nuke should do it
I'm pretty sure it was the drummer.
Source or no source, the show was shit.
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>fan service of the dead
I don't know or care about the LN, but the Railgun anime is much better than the Index anime, and I watched both.
> not liking HoTD
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It was enjoyable and made me want a S2
No S2 because the dog is dead.

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They ended it on a pretty good note, I think.
>1. Raildex Series
If only. Well now Heavy Object flopped I guess they need to do something about it.

>7. Hyouka
>9. Prison School

This should be higher.
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I hope to god TG doesn't get a sequel. We need at least half a decade for things to cool and for it to be handed to not-Pierrot
It's probably happening according to the US president of Funimation who might've leaked it early. He said s3 in 2016.
Index has very inconsistent quality. Although to be fair, Hunter x Hunter does too.
Split into Index and Railgun and count again?

I love you nippon.
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Dammit, I still have hope for Hoozuki's second season. Though just some new scanlations would be more than enough.
>nobody gave a shit about it anymore

/a/ has daily threads >>135784759
mondaiji never
That's a cute name to call a general.
>Expecting otakus and fujos to watch Shirobako
>Expecting otakus and fujos to change their taste
>Female Top 10:
>3. Prison School

Only men watch this they said. It's a show only men would get they said.
Not sure if I'm surprised that TG is that low or disappointed that it's even there after how awful Root A was.
>Gakkou Gurashi
>Not even top 10 in male's ranking
So /a/ is basically full of little girls?
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>no Haruhi
I fucking hate you Japan, i really do, you are the worst kind of country filled with the worst kind of people. I hope your mothers die a cruel death baka-kun
If you wait long enough you'll lose your chance.
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>No Horizon S3.
I's over, How can we just Japan with this utter shit taste.

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>we will never see Angel Accelerator animated
>we will never see Misaka WORST animated
Why live

Why the fuck? That show was incredibly boring aside from the dancing. Does idolshit sell no matter what?
>Not having seitokai yakuindomo season 3 on that list.
Nobody appreciates top tier taichous and suzus
>Natsume's Book of Friends
It's just a matter of time before the Brains Base S2 algorithm adds another Natsume season.
There's an event at AnimeJapan in March. I'm sure they will announce a new season before then or at AJ.
So it's safe to say than all the people voting for OPM are underaged and should instantly be banned.
So it's safe to say you're retarded and cannot read.
>4. Gakkou Gurashi
Now this. This is the epitome of shit taste.
They said they wanted Index before Railgun in interview so fuck you.
gril !!!!
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We will get Index 3 before 2018.
Mark my words.
I can't justifiably consider railgun better due to all the filler. Only parts I honestly liked where the level upper and sisters arcs, everything else was meh as fuck.
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lol pathetic anime only railfags
Railgun S finale was CRINGE
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How many seasons until we can get to this?
Why doesn't JC Staff milk index like how Shaft milks the monogatari series?
Railgun S had the most gay ending ever

All it needed was 70's saturday morning cartoon music
Because Monogatari is anime original so SHAFT has a lot more to gain from milking it.
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>all this Nozaki love from the Nips



>how many seasons

At least three more seasons. Forget NT, if we can't even get a third there is no reason to even consider the possibility.
Are you serious?
Because the end of Railgun S was filler. The actual story is great.
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>Railgun S had the most gay ending ever
and it wasn't even the good kind of gay.
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>Because Monogatari is anime original so SHAFT has a lot more to gain from milking it.
most of Railgun is basically filler.
>she's a slutwhore
Stay mad
I'll never have a season 2

fuck angel links
fuck zegapain
>No Haruhi

Finally its dead.
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>Railgun S

>not impeccable masterpiece by the master himself

Nagaispace was literally perfect.

>reminder that there was one episode where they literally all cried for ten minutes straight (like literally) about Uiharu's dormmate, who she knew for like two days, was moving to a new apartment like 5 feet away from her
she is but I don't think there's anything wrong with that since she's 3D.
A little less than half is filler. Looking at most of the reviews of episodes the railgun manga arcs are a lot higher and the filler arcs are generally not liked by anyone.

The problem with starting the anime before the manga was further along and probably a reason for the delay.
That's just your opinion, man.
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Friendly reminder that saten became a mecha pilot thanks to nagai's genius.

Railgun's future is dark if they don't bring him back.
>1. Raildex Series
>4. Gakkou Gurashi
nice taste desu ne
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>the final episode where they're all singing and literally beating up robots with bats and JUDGUMENTO DESUNO

literally perfection you could not ask for better
isn't Railgun a side story? aside from the sisters arc.
For one, it's not the studios' choice, and for another, Raildex had 50+ episodes in four installments over five years, what the fuck do you mean they didn't milk it?
They could have like another 5 season of both Index and Railgun with all the material, up to 10 if they just do what they did with Railgun S and plug half the anime with original crap

The lowest it sold was an average of like 17,000.
>How many seasons until we can get to this?
Going by the usual 7 volumes per season, OT14-19 + SS1 + SS2 in Index III, OT20 - OT22 in a movie trilogy, NT1-7 in Index IV and NT8-15 in Index V. So only three more not including Railgun or Accel seasons to go!
I agree with 8/10 on Male. 3/10 on Female shit.
Side story, yes kind of. Index is already focusing on multiple protagonists and the further you get in the series the more it becomes less about just Touma and more about the city itself and the world conflict. Railgun which starts as just focusing on Mikoto becomes action packed but focuses on fleshing out many characters that appear in Science side of Index.
And that's if they go at that retarded 7 volumes, 'rush the shit out of everything' pace.
japan doesn't give a fuck about haruhi anymore
As it should have been aparent for you a long time ago the whole fujoshi controlling the market or being some gigantic thing is retardation on par with /v/
friend of mine told me to watch this, got 5 minutes in and now im pretty sure hes a pedophile at heart
Isn't that a promo image for season 1? Did they actually bother to go back and edit Endymion into old promo pictures?
>Isn't that a promo image for season 1?

I can't find any season 1 promos that look like that so I'm guessing it's an original for the movie.
Because JC Staff is a good studio and is branching out and doing different projects so they're not labeled a one-trick pony like SHAFT who's only famous for two anime: Madoka and Monogatari.
Hyouka OVA when. Hyouka OVA when!?
Literally the all male cast and the antics they get into. Highly doubt most females are watching it for Mari and co.
And Pani Poni Dash
and Hidamari Sketch
and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
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This was the season 1 promo
It needs a remake.
Ur shit
>Implying JC would turn down at least 10k sales guaranteed
It's not even guaranteed 10k sales anymore. They missed their chance and Raildex isn't anywhere near as popular as it was 5 years ago.
They had a movie and a tv show come out two years ago they are doing fine.
When the source material sales drop is usually when they start producing anime versions to promote the source material.
>It's not even guaranteed 10k sales anymore

It is pretty much guaranteed at least 10k. If they do it properly instead of rushing the material and being idiots, they can make up to 20k easily. The fanbase is pretty dedicated, hell even the movie sold for 10k
>hell even the movie sold for 10k

The movie did like 40k in it's first week which is crazy.
Guys March dengeki event has a heavy object stand
Do you think index III can happen?
Actually for a movie that's barely 'ok'

Not that breaking above even is a bad thing.

But look at something like LL 110k+ like it was nothing.
>The fanbase is pretty dedicated,

That's why novel sales are declining right?
>Actually for a movie that's barely 'ok'

Where are you getting that from? Is there some proof that 40k is barely breaking even for a movie BD? It seems like quite a bit to me. 10k for an OVA is usually a good sign and movie is basically a glorified OVA.
They fucking tricked us in 2014 event
My heart broke that day
>le 10 things event over a spa of months

>its a pachinko machine and an anime reveal for a not-index series

Felt like NTR
Mind providing sources for that?
It's legit, NT14 didn't manage 100k before it fell off the chart.
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>index 3 happening in our lifetime

not so fast bud
Comparing any anime movie to LL did 110K+ is like comparing any movie to Star Wars or any Manga to One Piece. Yes it isn't as good but so what. Not being the best selling movie of all time can still make a lot of money.
>500M Yen

Looks like it did more than 'ok'
>both LL and Madoka can't even come close to touching Redo or Advance

That stupid website is still up and running too, almost 2 years later. I never would have imagined when it first opened and we didn't know the 7 remaining projects that one of them wouldn't be Index III.
Yeah, it's not really a contest.
Can't find specific volume sales, but 2014:
>*8. *,545,890 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index

compared to 2015:
>13. 187,250 Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index
yeahh..nope. refine your shit taste anon.
Those are casuas wanting their shipshit.

Mikoto volume sold less NT12 showing that even nips don't buy the ship bait.
Notice how NT 8 came out in 2013?

Ya that year we had Railgun S and the movie.

Then there was nothing after that and there's a decline in sales

Therefore we should get another fucking season of index or railgun.
It got the sales it deserved
Sure those numbers are correct? Those numbers seem high for individual volumes and low for yearly sales for the series.
If that's the case NT 14 should have sold more but it sold less than NT 13. It's not even a matter of Mikoto. Nips are just getting tired of the novels and pissed that they're way too ahead of the anime now.
It really is infuriating that we haven't gotten a season 3. The nips are in the same mindset as many of us. Just give us the fucking anime and we'll feed into the series.
1. Meh
2. Sure
3. Gay
4. Lame
5. Derp
6. Cancer
7. Ok
8. Eh
9. I guess
10. What
11. shit
12. Alright
13. Please
14. dunno
15. herm
17. Really? Pfft
18. humdrum
19. for babies
20. Yes

6 out of 20...isn't bad actually. It's too bad that people forget about old series that really need new seasons, like 12 Kingdoms and Full Met-oh wait holy shit FMP actually is getting a new season, almost forgot i've wanted it so long.
They're from Oricon, so I assume they're correct. It's total yearly volume sales.
go to 2ch and if you find any raildex thread, all the content will be how they felt betrayed and waifu postig
its fucking 2016

how long does nips stay mad?


Yearly can't be right unless it is from random mid part of year. Each volume of NT is selling around 120k but used to be in the 180k during first week. But sales of all media have been declining why it doesn't mean that much.
they wouldnt be mad if miki doesnt stop baiting

like seriously the fuckig nico douga stream was full of s3 when that the nigga had to fucking dogeza to appease them

which didnt help at all and made them more angrier

Huh. Wasn't expecting that.
Pretty interesting, though.
>raildex sequel

Only if they can do something about Index's god awful kitten strangling voice
>no mention of Haruhi

Her voice isn't that bad. It'd be better if her character wasn't fucking annoying and useless though.
>google it
>it's the one that osomatsu-san riffed on hard on the first episode, even with the fucking hand thing

I love pretty guys as much as the next fag but this "high school music superstar" shit was overdone years ago when disney did it. It's just lame now.
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I'll just sit here and enjoy my coffee. I am content already.
Anyone could explain to me why Spice and Whores doesn't have a third season? So far I know the LN is over.
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>mahouka anywhere
>prison school in female top 3
If I remember right she doesn't even show up that much after Index II.
We're not out of the clear yet. Still need to confirm Horiuchi will be back for char designs, Shimokawa will sing OP and ED, Director will be good (please be Takemoto through some miracle) and studio will be good too.
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so much shit taste
just goes to show shit taste is a normalfag trait worldwide
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s2 never...
no hype
no following
as much as I love the show I don't think the series ever had all that much momentum, just a small gentle slow burn of okay sales and a small cult following.
>Female Top 10:
>1. Starmyu
>2. Akatsuki no Yona
>3. Prison School

>3. Prison School
Fucking what
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I'm also pretty surprised. There goes my world-view. Shattered by a Japanese popularity contest.
Mahouka IS BASED
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>Am I alone in thinking that Index had a very solid first 5 episodes

iirc Index was originally planned as a one shot, hence the series title despite Index playing minor roles in over half the books

since you come off as an anime only anon, the WW3 plotline that covers the next ~10 LNs after where the anime left off is probably the most popular in the series
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>4. Gakkou Gurashi
>5. Mahouka
>6. Himouto! Umaru-chan
Crap that high

>18. Gochiusa
>20. Shirobako
Masterpieces that low
This show looks like shit.
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>No Haruhi

It's over.
Yes, it is. Kind of like Hellsing and Drifters which have a majority of female following.
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>Gakkou Gurashi
Hopefully not after that trainwreck of an adaptation.
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>no Horizon S3
J-just believe, right?
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Tumblr is literally even here. Just fuck off
Tfw you're raging so hard at how shit japan's tastes are that you just lose it and accept that some people have shit tastes. Sometimes it can be a whole country.

No Noucome
No Nichibros
No Nichijou

people just can't into comedy
>people just can't into comedy

Neither can you it seems
Mahouka sales LN is worse, not even reach 100k.
Mahouka is always over 100k.
>mediocre comedy with a cuter than average main couple
So, better than 97% of romance anime.

So it boils down to romance fans starving for decent content?
>9. Yuyushiki
A man can dream.
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I still believe.
>No Noucome

The only thing in this thread that redeems the taste of male Japs at all.
Mahouka Vol 18 sales until today is 201,102
Well it's certainly better than the three he listed above.
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>no Haruhi S3

This is upsetting even though I shouldn't be surprised.
>2. One Punch Man
Yay, great to hear given that Murata is working hard.
Pretty much agree with all of this, except 11, 15 and 16
>no horizon
Shit taste, Japan. Shit taste.
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>3. Nozaki-kun
Make it happen, Japan.
They want a sequel because of the boys.
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>11. SAO
>13. Overlord
Why do nips have shit taste.
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>male top10
>3. Hyouka

>female top 10
>3. Prison School

what's wrong with nipponland
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Hyouka is great, fucking kill yourself
You should ask yourself the same thing
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You talk about how "bad" Japan's taste is

Just think to yourself for a moment what a random pool of 10,000 Americans would want
Index > Railgun
Deal with it.
Nobody wants cute girls doing cute things and disgracing Misaka.
You know most of the Railgun characters appear in Index.
The opposite doesn't happen: I still haven't seen Stiyl or Kanzaki in Railgun.
Mein neger.
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I guess that's why Railgun always sold much better.

Because years old interviews matter.
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>Female Top 10:
>3. Prison School

What the fuck?
>48.5% - Female
Irrelevant list then.
It's a bit late, but here are a few comments for the top 3. Haven't watched or read Nozaki-Kun, so no idea about names etc. there.

There's still source material left to do!
God's Right Seat isn't over yet.
Daihaseisai is my favorite arc

One Punch Man:
I wanna see Saitamas relationship with King, Fubuki and other heroes animated.
I wanna see the clash between the S class heroes.
The mysterious being arc is interesting too

It had good pacing for a gag anime and was stable. That's why it was interesting.
I wanna see this gag at this nori(?) again.
Chiyo-chan is too cute. Of course i want a continuation.

>272 out of 295 votes for Raildex were from guys. Meanwhile first place in the female list had 150 votes
>6. Himouto! Umaru-chan

>Male Top 10:
>10. Himouto! Umaru-chan

>Female Top 10:
>9. Himouto! Umaru-chan
True depression when no oregairu 3

>Gakkou Bakushi
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Anon pls, no GG mangafag wants that.
>There's still source material left to do!
God's Right Seat isn't over yet.
Daihaseisai is my favorite arc

i agree with.the nips for once
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>tfw Daihasesai/Battle Royale 2 cour season in 2019
>3. Prison School
2ch trolling polls again?
Worst volume selling this much, next book about Oniisama wreaking havoc probably will sell more than 300k


I'd rather have the anime ending for good at WW3 and leaving in a high note
>Hyouka more popular with boys
Honestly this surprises me much more than Prison School being more popular with girls.
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if there is season 3 of index

for some reason i want it to end with touma sitting on a bench in a dark world.
Are you retarded when you google raildex its literally first link
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>1 would be Bleach: The Final Act or OPM
>Others would be battle shonen or just half the same shit as the Japanese list

Eh. Can't be worse
I don't like the adaptation but Prison School is high quality and deserves it
It did though. The reviews are even better.
>The reviews are even better.

My half breed nip friend told me doing dogeza on tables, desks is a sign of lack of respect or mockery.
Source for this study or do nips really have this bad taste
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