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Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

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Thread replies: 513
Thread images: 183

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Holy Shit Shinji is such a faggot
No. I dont think there's any point anyway, the original was funny because of how much more involved with the plot Yuya was than Yuzu, it doesnt work now that Yuyas the main man
A Shun version would work better
Yuzu was than Yuya* I mean
So he did develop and you simply didnt like it.

Development doesnt always have to be nice SJW muh friendship and muh good. People shouldnt develop into that because it is so fucking boring.

Jack developed into more sexist because he realized how useless women are and are an obstacle to his true goals.

Yes he abandoned that whore because he realized she was a useless obstacle and he had BETTER THINGS TO DO.

Also the reason Jack is great is because he never really changed his style to accommodate others, he kept his strong power force style to the end, he was loyal to the end to what he liked
Anon please see >>135236158. Jack's character regressed so much he became a shadow of his former self. Carly's seiyuu becoming involved in sex cults has nothing to do with Carly's character as a whole. She and Jack are a canon pair like it or not. Not sorry it skewers your headcanon of jack being a comic relief jobber than a man trying to better himself.
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Guess who is safe?
Fusion is also the entame dimension, isn't it.
>So he did develop and you simply didnt like it
>Also the reason Jack is great is because he never really changed his style

Which one is it? Did he develop or did he stay the same? Can you keep a coherent thought for a single post, or is bait too hard for you?
Now I know you're fucking trolling because no one can be this damn retarded to think becoming an idiot in exchange for a man that wants to be a better person and was making an effort to become obe.
I cant imagine Jack and Carlys relationship going anywhere even without sex cults. 5Ds was intended to end after S1, which is why Jacks character culminated there and all they could do with him is fuck around. They would not have wanted to have one of the MCs dating a girl
If you know he's baiting why the fuck are you still responding? People have been pulling that shit for the better part of a year, you're just encouraging him
What if Yuushou was originally from Fusion and brought ENTAME to Standard the same way Leo went and took over Academia in Fusion?
YOU consider what he became an idiot because he ruined your retarded idea of him.

YOU are the one who cant handle the canon ending because you wanted some retarded boring marry sue nice ending where they get married and he becomes a better person according to YOUR views.

I like Jack and how he became, i am happy he didnt become just another brain dead normie

I was referring to his dueling style when i said remained the same
Yoshida please.
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Evil quads confirm that Jack x Carly was just ship baiting, not canon.
t. KoG Atem.
>retarded boring mary sue ending

Are you just putting random words together and hoping they make sense? How can an ending be a mary sue?
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Jesus Christ Anons. This is an /a/rc-v thread. You're forgetting the main purpose.

>i am a boring ass nigger who wants le normie typical big movie ending
>Aka character becomes more moral, nicer, has a family and kids
YOU consider such bullshit "good" character development, i DONT
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Every thread until he comes back.
Did we watch the same show? Did we watch Jack grow as a character? Changing and growing as a person is not being a "mary sue". No one said anything about Jack and Carly marrying in the end.

That doesn't answer the question anon.
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i don't live for this.webm
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Fuck you Dennis. You took her. I knew you were a dick.
Nope, hasn't been updated. Someone should add Dennis, Reiji, Yugo, Yuri, Roger and Sergey
I want Moonlight Crimson Fox already.
Fuck off Shun go lust after Yuya or something.
What would he be on the list?
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Reminder Dennis belongs to Yuuri
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I'll duel your pathetic ass now Yuya. I always knew you were fucking gay for me.
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>last thread
>this thread rn
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Found this in my /a/rc v folder from last year, Merry Christmas
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If you people are so obsessed are shipping, name one canon ship in all of the Yugioh series
Protip you can't because Yugioh hasn't had a single canon ship because it caters to young boys who want to see card games, not cheesy romance.
This episode was pretty good, Reira is a beast, he may be even stronger than Yuuya and the music that started playing when Yuuya remember about the dragons was epic. I think its safe to say that we are in full Hype Mode once again
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lol what is this faggot shit? what has yugioh become? ill never forget the day yugioh gx came out and that faggot jayden ruined the series, all outer sequels followed, bring back yugi you degenerate scum!
BDSM freak
>name one canon ship in all of the Yugioh series
Yugi Anzu
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But anon, you are on /a/, a place full of virgin pedophiles whose only joy in life is imagining a underaged girl naked fucking some other underaged kid

Literally cuck pedo porn, that is their entire life
>Liking Yugi.
>Disregarding Kaiba

Fuck off you degenerate scum. Let Blue-Eyes rape you on the way out.
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>Poor people still in denial about Crow being the new MC
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>Implying you aren't fapping to Ruris right now.
Except for that time that Jack and Carly embraced each other, stating their love?
That was a thing.
>being this pathetic
>"I love you Carly. Never forget that."
>"Women would only get in the way!"
Jack and Carly
Yuya and Yuzu
Yep that's it.
That's some extreme BDSM he practices.
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It was nothing more than a stepping stone, a mistake Jack did and learned from it
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>Yoshida apologists
>Forgetting most canon ship of all time.

Yusei x D-Wheel
>implying Yuri isnt a slave and a worshipper of dragon dick and his only other joy in life is making others and especially women suffer
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Hey Yusei

Yusei x Bruno was the only true romance, because he was motorsexual and bruno was a machine. I mean they fucking slept together and spend hours together closed in the workshop doing god knows what
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>not Kaiba x BEWD
I think we all know what Yuri's been doing all this time. He's had 2 Ruri's to himself.

What would /a/ do with Rin and Ruri?
Kill them
kill them
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Why didnt Glasses Aki feature more?

kill them
So, when do we start seeing shit from Dark Illusions? February?
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Make sure they're ok and safe before I go back to looking for Yuzu
Kill them slowly
I didn't know how much I wanted this. Bring on the Serena/Yuzu futa next.
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God, I know,right? We only saw her glasses when she was studying in that one episode and they vanished. Why doesn't anyone understand the true beauty of glasses?!
You fucking blind retard.
My penis can only get SO erect.
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>saving image of 13 year old girls in sexual pedophiles
Why so many mentally ill sick pedophiles...
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>Bring on the Serena/Yuzu futa next
We know Yuya would be all over futa Yuzu, but how would Shingo react to futa Serena?
Please die in a fire or leave this thread. You are getting really annoying.
Fuck off fag.

Not if I have anything to say about that.


Almost every thread until Dennisfag leaves.


Like hell I am, you're the one asking me to quench your thirst ya bitch ass.
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This scene was adorable
Oh i am sorry, does the truth of your sick mind hurt? The rest of the world clearly sees you for what a sicko you are for saving literally pedophile images in your computer.

I hope you get caught with those images and send to prison
Do I ruin your shitty retarded non canon ship? I don't fucking care
Kill yourself.
After Naruto The Last I cant fucking see this as a thing anymore.
Times change. You either evolve and adapt, or stay the same and die.
I like how Aki tried to get Yusei's attention by asking for help with schoolwork, and he blew her off to go play with Bruno.
>Implying there is something wrong with lewd Ruri's.

Please kill yourself.
>the QUALITY of Aki's face
Fuck off fag.
Full force today.
Needs more lewd Ruri.
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They should have spent some of the part 2 filler having Yusei enroll in the academy with Aki, more uniform Aki is always welcome
Agreed, screw dumb whores, focus on QUALITY FUCKING BEINGS.

Wouldnt Yusei live a great life if he was married to Bruno, they are so similar and have so many common interests.

>Tfw no bf with multiple common interests to be as happy as yusei with bruno
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>this thread
Shipping is cancer and only turns discussion into shit
inb4 404.
>holding hands
m-muh dick
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>Serena needing to hold Yuzus hand

>Rin showing off her caboose
And now we're getting lewds.
Truly a rough day.
Better than Yoshida post desu
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>this thread
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Christmas spirit has truly left the thread.
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What do you expect, the cancer of these thread is:

1)Waifufags and shipfags
2)Pedophiles spamming pedophile images(Usually the same as 1)
mmmmm dericious
Just REPORT and IGNORE those pedophile images, they are gonna get deleted if reported
Then she got fed up and went home to bitch about boys to her mom. Don't forget that in the manga she litterally cried tears of joy at seeing Yusei fly back to earth on his flying bike despite her only interaction with him was her beating him in a one shot run and being saved by him while she was knocked out, put in a slutty dress and princess carried to safety.

Aki could of had a shot before, if the new writers hadn't gone full retard come season 2. At least a better shot than Alexis. When your own brother nearly says to the guy you like's face "Bro, you should totally fuck my sister." and he still pretends to be retarded at your confession, then maybe it's time to look for another dude.
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Th-This thread is too lewd
>Don't forget that in the manga she litterally cried tears of joy at seeing Yusei fly back to earth on his flying bike despite her only interaction with him was her beating him in a one shot run and being saved by him while she was knocked out, put in a slutty dress and princess carried to safety
The more I think about it, the shitter the 5Ds manga seems. So much potential ruined

>When your own brother nearly says to the guy you like's face "Bro, you should totally fuck my sister."
To be fair, Fubuki seemed pretty eager for his sister to get fucked in general. He approved of Manjoume too
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Merry Christmas.
>tfw dragon dildos are too expensive
>tfw want to get a soft medium Ridley the Xenogon so bad
>He approved of Manjoume too
Til he brain washed her, He never forgave the guy for that.
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>wanting a dildo when cute female dragons exist
>and he still pretends to be retarded at your confession
To be fair, there was likely a lot of Yubel in that, too. I like to imagine that Yubel was screaming in Judai's ear the entire time, growling about how he needed to "turn that homewrecker-wannabe slut down".
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>a smelly taco axe wound with meaty rotten flaps
Why does a guy have a dilido? what possible reasoning could they have for that!? I mean, some girls use them for pleasure and to practice their hip movement but why a guy?
are you this fucking dense? TO STICK IT UP HIS ASS because the PROSTATE is there.

Only if you live in a 3rd world shithole like Irak you wouldnt understand
Homosexuality is a thing anon
Ok seriously does anybody know who the fuck is this Yoshida apologist faggot so you can throw him in a gaydicks hole?
Also faggot you got reported for derailing the thread with your bullshit.
Announcing a report is against the rules newshit, and you're as bad as him for giving him attention by spazzing out
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You know that the prostate can give a very large amount of pleasure to a male?
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>It is one guy
>REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE not everyone is a straight pedophile on /a/
Shut up Shinji
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Get thread back on track by posting NEO NEW SAWATARI-SAN
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You mean homo sawatari?
This is truly beautiful Anon. Thank you for posting.

Nice one Anon
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Posting Sawatari waifu in twin tails
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>Literally leaving out best Ruri.

Unacceptable Anon. Unforgivable.
Twintails are cute
W-why is something like that in our butts? Sex works with a guys thing in a girls thing yet a erogus zone is in our booty? Why? Why were we made like this?
Ponytail Yuzu is also cute
It is a sign, a sign that women are only for procreation while men are for long term partner material.

Women are just baby making machines, nothing more.
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Serena is cute
Guys, I've had two dreams now that Serena gets with Reiji. The first is she gets captured somehow(don't ask) and winds up in Academia. Reiji literally loses it and fights everyone to save her.

The second I can't remember, but it definitely involved the pair.

What do you think /a/? Will they get together? I mean, young Reiji saved her and he had this look in his eye when he did......
I honestly have no idea.
And Rin is already perfect.
The Serena bowl is a slugfest between Shingo and Yuri, NEETs need not apply
To derail this thread.

Ruri is the definition of perfection.
If Shingo fights Yuri and mentions that he's fighting for Serena's sake Arc-V will have been saved.
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I prefer Ruri, but Ruri is cute too.
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What is this creature?
Dennis a kidnapping shit.
Eita, Level 0, and Futoshi which one do you want to return as a Lancer
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Serena is for Yuri and you should know that by now. Shingo will be carded and ripped into two for Yuri to assert his dominance over Serena
The rivals of the MC never end up with anybody.
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Getting triggered Anon.

There is only one Ruri. Get that fake outta here.
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some sort of yuzu looks like
B-but, my hopes and d-dreams!
Reira is best Lancer and best boy.
Can he beat anime DICHROIC MIRROR
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Why can't we have both?
Fuck off muh pattern fag
What are the best twitter accounts to follow for fan art of Ruri's?
Remember when we all thought Ruri was going to be blonde and then it turned out she had dark hair?
people guessed right in saying that ruri has long hair
thats about it though
so is "shivers" code for diabetic shock?
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Well, thread is pretty much dead now. See you tomorrow /a/rc-v.
>this thread
What the fuck has just happened?
Also this need an update and a hero version with Yuya EGAO.wav
Remember when we were right about her having something yellow on her?
It's the day before the episode, things always get stupid around then.
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Hopefully next episode will be the hypest in all the show and keep as alive during the break
There was porn
So, do we have any info on what the movie feature part will cover? I'm hoping we'll get a legit trailer this time since they're actually dedicating 30 min to the movie. Also, is the movie feature before or after Arc-V?
>majority of the episode is Crow focus
>only DRAGONS is what was shown in the preview and it's right near the end
>There was porn
Nobody posted voice clips of Hosoya, though.
The trailer will play between two episodes of Arc-V, both episodes airing one after the other AFTER the New Year's break. (That is, there is an episode this week, no episode the next, and then two episodes after.)
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That's too good to be true. Didn't those spoilers come from a weird source?
Oh I see, I thought it was one Arc-V episode and 30 min of shilling the new movie. I'm perfectly fine with a new trailer and 2 Arc-V episodes too. Thanks anon.

Level 0 and Eita are too shit
I'm still angry that a black hole didn't appear when Yuto and Yuya overlayed.

Perhaps this time Yugo will turn into a ball of light. Or Yuya, depending on who's the tuner.
>level 0
Two episodes back to back seems too good to be true.
>Still thinks that the nomming was overlaying
>yfw Yuri has a card which allows him to modify the lvls of his monster so he can avoid all the DRAGONS effects
>having to go through all that hassle instead of using glorious ranks instead
Because Mother Nature is a fujoshit
>Glorious Fusion race resorting to Xyz scum tactics
>yfw Yuri uses Grisaille Prison
DICHROIC MIRROR everyone with your duels!
Daily reminder that Anime DICHROIC MIRROR has no OPT clause
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>yfw Sychro will never yamero
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Man this thread literally went to hell, I'm going back to sleeping off this christmas hangover.

To future Shunfag, you best have run off. You don't wanna feel the sorrow of having your manga counterpart get BTFO so hard that the anime version of you feels it. It will be so devastating that when we get to Xyz arc you'll be such a beta bitch that you'll actively avoid dueling Yuya to keep your false sense of a perfect record around, accepting your place as the Crow but never the MC. And then you'll entrust Ruri to Yuya come Academia arc where you go to get carded by the person Yuya will defeat. Ya bitch ass.
just being in the anime is enough for me, he is gonna job that is granted but what it matters is how many or how good is manga support gonna be for ruri raptors since that one is usually broken
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Bitches don't know 'bout mah dancin' cat tats.
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A lot of people want to be the perfect.
Now you can too.
I use this in my Ritual deck :D

Won't stop Sakaki Yuya from laying the smackdown with Odd Eyes. The true power of Standard will overcome Fusion Scum's tactics.

Yes Delusional Ritual fans, I'm suggesting he'll play a ritual Odd eyes alongside Neo New Saber Eyes to Rekt Yuri.
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So Reiji's VA will reprise his role as IV for Xyz arc, right?
So did we get a bunch of newfags recently? People sure do seem to love replying to the shitposter we've had for a long time that doesn't even try to hide it.
I wonder if Reiji's VA wouldl want 2 salaries.
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>the One Piece special got 8.4mil views
>One Piece itself got 8.4mil view
>Dragonball Super got 6.2mil views
>Curious George got 4.3mil views
>Shaun the Sheep got 3.6mil views
>Folktales from Japan got 3.6mil views

>Arc-V is doing worse than all of them

The only good thing I can take away is that Precure finally did better than XY&Z... But then I remember XY&Z is doing better than Arc-V.
Maybe Yugioh isn't that popular in Japan anymore
Something about this show attracts a lot of newfags. I'm assuming they come from tumblr.
Then why do so many memes from Arc-V appear in other franchises?
It's a good show and this is one of the few non-garbage places to talk about it.
It's not rocket science, anon.
>not popular anymore
>DM movie sells 88k tickets in 2 days
>highest ever pre-orders for a Toei distributed movie which includes big name franchises like DBZ and OP
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Does this mean the Nostalgia movie did better than Battle of the Gods?
>Implying they give a shit about views
If people BUY X, then the anime is doing a good job.
No of course not, I'm just talking pre-orders. The overall ticket sales will probably not reach BoG which was like 3 billion yen but it's a damn good start for something like YGO. Plus that was just the first 2 days (Dec. 12-13) It's the 25th now so who knows how much they have sold. WSJ is still shilling BEAWD since there were only 200k of them so obviously all tickets haven't sold out but it's most likely more than half at this point. But the bottom line is those numbers are more than enough to say YGO is still relevant in Japan.
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I would pay for a tag duel of Reiji and his androgynous otouto vs IV and his trap otouto.
Nips must see the show on pc thats for sure. I never watch Tv even if the last episode of my favorite tv show is on. I prefer to see it on the internet
>tfw Zexal had more views than Arc-V and 5Ds
>mfw ARC-V did worse than Curious George and Shaun the Sheep
>mfw ARC-V probably did worse than ZEXAL because the elevens value little girls more than good writing, good plot and good characters.

People make fan work of all kinds of unpopular niche series, it doesnt make it popular
Other good shows don't usually get as bad as these threads do. There are too many tumblrfags here.
So... people who watch Arc-V also play video games? Wow, this is a world-changing revelation.

Seriously though, that doesn't really prove how popular, or unpopular, Arc-V is.

I was thinking you meant something like other anime/franchises themselves make actual references to Arc-V, which would mean a lot more (like all the DB/Z references in, like, everything).
synchro killed arc-v. Konami will never print decent synchros ever again and now thanks to this, they've got even more jusifyication to take the franchise back to zexal style characters and writing.Thanks movie, you just set the series back even worse than post dark signers and GX whole ever did. We'll probably never see a synchro summon on screen ever again. My favorite summoning method, runined because people can't write for shit. Pretty soon we'll be in purge with the ritual fags with the pendulum fags joining shortly after.
To be fair, Synchro didn't have direct relation with the Xyz and Fusion conflict.
>Decent Synchros
fucking retard
Synchros are amazing. What we lack is a decent synchro engine
You fucking autistic piece of shit. Do you know anything about the fucking game? Are you unaware of all the fucking brilliant synchros being printed recently?
>Konami will never print decent synchros ever again
>What is Clear Wing and Omega
Can you imagine a yugioh with a light novel like protagonist his enemies are all dudes but his friends are all female and his rival looks like a girl but is a dude. he'll be the weakest duelist in the school but he'll unleash his real new special summon gimmick and wreck house, likely against ritual,fusion,pendulum and synchro users. he'll use xyz as well as his second trump card.and be so proficient with it while others just can barely get the mechanics right.

His rival/fuckboi will grow jealous, he's just a s shitty tribute user at this point and will give into one of MC's girlfriends evil father's offer of the same power(summoning method) MC uses on the grounds that he does what he says.
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Straight was a mistake. Only Yoshida can fix this.
Chaos Photon Resonator Synchrons is pretty decent, but it pretty much exclusively makes 5s and 7s. Fortunately, that's where most of the good Synchros are, but not being able to reliably make Level 8s without a Delta Synchro is pretty irritating.
Clear Wing
Crystal Wing
D/D/D Avenging King Raiden of the Revenge
Goyo Predator
Goyo Defender

All amazing synchros
>D/D/D Avenging King Raiden of the Revenge
>Can you imagine battle harem YGO

I can, but I would rather not.
Meteorburst and Zeta are pretty good as well
Damn, neither of Yuya's are on the list. Then again, his xyz and fusions aren't anything to write home about either. nor is his tribute and ritual. Poor guy might have a more gimmicky ace than Neos. Meanwhile Yuto,Yugo and Yuri's dragons will be good shit for their archetypes and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon will be surpassed if it hasn't already been. I don't think the performapals even need it it as their boss anymore either.

I actually forgot M E T E O R B U R S T. It's absolutely amazing.
>and Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon will be surpassed if it hasn't already been. I don't think the performapals even need it it as their boss anymore either.
Odd Eyes is a really really good card, but he's never been that at home in Performapals
Meteorburst is from Yuya, I hope it gets shilled in the anime.
A duelist loses to a card.

Unable to win, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the card's anti-thesis. Never minding the summoning method, he immediately summons it, and is overjoyed to find out that it has no counters on him.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's victory, the audience only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the card he summoned is not the same card he lost to. In fact, the card doesn't exist in this universe at all. It is the card's alternate universe counterpart, who has lost to the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of the card.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private stratagems in order to equip the other with the deck builds they need to conquer the deck of their other selves. While the two chase their respective dreams, DRAMA ensues as they begin to duel with each other instead and question the NATURE of EGAO.
>No mention of him accidentally seeing the main female naked
What kind of LN is this
This is still a children's television show, anon.
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What did /a/rc-v get for Christmas or the holidays in general?

I got pic related from my nephew
Why does your nephew hate you?
I got all 17 Dvd volumes of Arc-V, my uncle living in Japan send them to me.
So i'am doing a marathon since morning
i'm a sandnigger, don't celebrate it
did you get anything useful/good from it?
But hey, I'm glad Arc-V is quite popular here is /a/. You guys convinced me to watch this so still glad.
Tickets to Star Wars: The Force Awakens
My first movie of the franchise. Now i'am a fan
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If you mean YGO related gifts, I bought my imouto Raid Raptors. I'll get her Wing Raiders too when it's available here.
I got a blowjob from a persian chick

that's awesome
A bunch of shitty Hero fusions and a Rainbow Dragon
get any neo-spacians?

The set also came with three weird demon angel looking cards
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>Arc-V will never be about tanoshii duels and egao
It would be amazing if he pulls it out in the next two episodes.
what cards could make it decent.
a spell card that shuffles all the neo-spacains in the graveyard into the deck and lets you draw cards to the amount shuffled?
8-bit is so comfy
Am I the only one who thinks Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon in Performapals is just an extra just like Clear Wing, Dark Rebellion and likely,Strave Venom are extras in their own decks? Phantom Knights definity don't need Rebellion nor do Speedroids need Wing They can do bad by themselves. Performapals are actually stronger with just Odd Eyes Pendulum Dragon rather than trying to be flashy and using it's 5 ocg alt forms and the extra deck.
>that bit ED

my heart
Pendulum retrains, personally. With their contact fusion materials going to the extra deck instead of the deck.
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Does everyone agree the biggest crime of Synchro was not giving Jack a remix of his original theme?
I totally agree, and I still have hope we get one in his duel against Yuya.
would the contact fusions need re-trains?

What if Leo is actually really entertaining and charismatic during duels
Just give them an additional monster effect similar to Neos Alius' gemini effect. For the Fusions, I'm not sure. Which ones were the competent Neos fusions and which ones were utter trash?
Fuck those, retrain Neos and Yubel into effect monsters, turn Yubel into a hero monster, release six fusions that can either be contact fused or fused via polymerization, you can choose between them and release a seventh super strong hero that requires Neos and Yubel as its' fusion materials and 1 or more hero fusion monsters. where it negates your opponents cards the turn it's fusion summoned, any fusion monsters in your graveyard can be summoned to the field with negated effects and cannot directly attack and finally, it's attack increases by 1000 per fusion monster material used in it's summoning. with it's base stats starting at 3000/2500.

The neo spacians are too useless,weak, defenseless and slow, even if you had cards that special summoned them from the deck along with a neos card or a trap card that acted as elemental hero neos it's still too slow and the fact that without a specific card the fusions return to the extra deck as well as the fusions not having very strong effects themselves make them extremely not worth it, even in tanoshii duels.
>which ones were utter trash

every single one of them
>Grand Neos
>utter trash
Or did I miss something?

Remember when people insisted Yuzu was Ruri?
Neos knight could of been worth something, then they slapped that NO BATTLE DAMAGE effect on it, basically killing any and all use it could of had and gutting any desire for Neos himself to ever be run in a HERO deck. I'd rather run a Neos Wiseman deck over any neo spacian hero deck.
Just about everything Glow Moss touched (including itself) was solid fucking gold, except Chaos Neos (the Panther+Moss Triple Contact).

Panther's shit would be good if panther himself wasn't fucking garbage.
I still think that during Yuya's duel with Jack, they'll play it as Yuya defeats/ties Jack, as a way to show that Yuya "reflected" Jack's "teachings" back at him. To firmly plant Yuya and Jack as equals. At least, that last part is what I believe this whole arc has been about, to elevate Yuya to the next level.
shit, best I could come up with is Neo-Spacians that play similar to PePe
The biggest crime of Synchro is that new Jack is talking all about the come up and entame

Old Jack always talked about ore no waga tamashii
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>Yuya's duel with Jack
We have tomorrow's perview of the next ep to show us weither or not yuya gets another synchro. Tsun Magician, I'm counting on you to smack Yuyas shit if he doesn't
The summary for 88 says he summons OERD, I don't think he'll make another boss yet.
As far as Yugioh related, I got episodes 1-64 of 5Ds on DVD.
Remember when some people thought Yuto was from the future
Meteorburst is a Level 7. As long as he uses DRXD as one of the materials, it'll still work.
Ah those times. People wanted to believe he was Yuuya and Yuzu's son too
I guess I wasn't in /a/rc-v then. When I joined, we were still calling Yuto Edgeplant
What were the early speculations regarding Yugo and Yuri?
Dennis is Yuri
By the time Yuri showed up we knew the truth.

For Yugo, I think anons had figured out that there were two worlds, one is the one we know, one that was ravaged and is home to Shun, Yuto, and supposedly Ruri.
Did you forget about Fortune Cup? ARC-V Jack is based on Fortune Cup Jack rather than later Jack.
So we'll find out for sure if we're getting 2 arc-v eps tomorrow?
What? Why would we ever get two episodes?
Fake spoilers says invasion starts ep 88 gon and shun meet barret
somoene's trying to get our hopes up.
People are still falling for the bait.
There's a one hour special the week after next since we're not getting an arc-v episode next week. It will have episode 88 and then a special segment on the DM movie, but I'm wondering if they'll dedicate 30 min to the movie or just show us the new trailer and put another arc-v episode to make up for no episode next week.
It could be truth
Hoping they are real because a Cyber archetype comeback is needed
Even if the spoilers are real the one hour of arc-v will be 88 and a movie feature. There's no two episodes. Also we've already gotten 3 breaks and those didn't have one hour specials in them did they?
It's people like you that are getting peoples hopes up for 2 episodes when there is literally no source that suggests it.
It's funny we usually get our spoilers from a well known site, but this one just came out of the blue.
Yuma and Kotori.

And now the series will try to top that with the thirst between Yuya and Yuzu.
You mean it hasn't already?
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How much fun do you think the animators had drawing her legs from behind? They had like 5 shots of it.
Arc-V is targeted to girls too since Konami wanted to bring them to the game.
How many times did she say HANASE, Reira and Yamero.
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They were probably thinking, "Thank God! We get to animate a girl!"
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I didn't count how many times she said Yamero, but I think 2 for HANASE and 7 for Reira.
>tfw dead until Saturday night then it's another week break for the new episode and movie preview.
It's gonna be a long New years isn't it?
Depends on how good this episode is. We made it through Serena/Yugo's duel without too many problems.
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Fake spoiler that say sora beg for crows help how is that possible unless the cup is interuped?
It will be worth it. Just hope tomorrow's episode is good so it will tide you over the week break.
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Seto x Kisara.
Remember how we all thought that "Is crow an enemy or a friend?" was a fake spoiler
Isn't Sora begging for Crow's help because Yuya went Super Egao again?
bitch is literally a card now
Sora begging for crows help is because Yuya's wrecking havok in Egao mode. Plus this was part of the monthly episode summary, so it's real.
Nothing. Instead I treated my mother to lunch.
NAC said that one was real since it was given from a reliable source. This one their baffled as fuck since the image looks photoshopped as fuck.
Not possible unless the cup is interuped thus he is able you double team against him with crow
I wish it had been. Everything about Shun vs Crow was stupid.
Well that spoiler came from a reliable and actual source, people were calling them fake because they didn't like the content.

This spoiler came from an unknown source and looks crappy, so it's better to not get your hopes up.
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Yugi and Anzu were confirmed by Kaz himself.
Jou and Mai were also confirmed, I think.
Jack and Carly were a couple for long enough to make it feasible that Carly's love for Jack would revive her. Jack also proudly professed his love for Carly in the finale duel for that arc. They got precious little time together, but they were canon.
Yuma and Kotori were a thing, even if the end of ZeXal handled it in a hamfisted, one-sided manner.
I think there was also supposed to be something between IV and Rio, and eventually Rio and Tetsuo probably became a thing, but that's conjecture so feel free to ignore that.
Yuzu and Yuya are pretty blatantly hetero for each other.

Checkmate, atheists.
did it make you want to purchase blackwings?
I'm pretty sure the reason Sora is asking for Crows help is because he's chasing him with OERD. It even says it in the official summary for 88.
NAC also said that one was fake but was proved otherwise
>double team against him with crow
The spoilers say nothing about Sora actually joining the duel.
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And the problem is? GX proved that you can love your cards and become one with them.
That sounds a little kinky.
No they didn't, it was /a/ that said is crow an enemy was fake. Since the summaries was revealed in a well-known Japanese stream they believed it.
that's nice anon whatd yall have?
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Serena strong!

He missed out on all da Obelisk Blue pussy tho
Judai isn't homo u faggets
She felt like having Thai, so there we go.
Oh, forgot Misawa and the Amazon, as well as Yubel and Judai.
>Not playing Lio Dancer turbo
Fucking shitter, get out.
>fused with a hermaphrodite
>didn't give a shit about Rei and Asuka
>lusts for Johan
>Rainbow Neos exists
Decklist plz
i suck at moonlight need help
I cannot play them for nuts i even think melodious are stronger i can fusion with them more consistly which is saying a lot
r-rainbow neos isn't gay!
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So the complete list of ships
Yugi and Anzu
Jounochi and Mai
Seto and Kisara(not sure if BEWD counts but Kaz did say that Kisara is the cause of Kaiba's autism)
Pegasus and Cyndia
Yubel and Judai
Misawa and Tanya
Jack and Carly
Yusei and Aki(shit ton of commentary for confirmed this one)
Yuma and Kotori
Yuya and Yuzu
Rin and Yugo
Ruri and Yuto
Possibly Yuri and Serena
Did I miss anything?
You're an idiot. It's a break because it's the New Year. They don't need to make up for it with another episode. Even if there really was a 1 hour special, it would be one episode of Arc-V and 30 minutes of new movie shilling.
>Possibly Yuri and Serena
>Characters that have never interacted and don't know the other exists
>not astral
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While that is true, Judai has undeniably shit taste. Like most protagonists.
>no yuma/rei
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>shit taste

How can u say no to those jugs m8
Yeah, regular Neos is gay enough as it is. He doesn't need any help.
>To make up for the episode
We've already had 3 breaks and none of them had make up episodes. So no.
If Asuka was always White Asuka then she would be god-tier, but the distinct lack of bitchiness in her regular persona makes her pretty meh.
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fuck you!
Judai could only talk to his cards (duel spirits) because he had gentle darkness in his heart. The same power that overcame the light of destruction and gave life to everything when the universe was formed, and that gave life to the stupid neo-spacian drawings he sent into space.

So GX teaches us to not bother trying; just be born with special powers or fuck off. And just like the original series: be the reincarnation of someone powerful (Judai being the reincarnation of an unnamed kingdom's citizen who also had the gentle darkness and was destined to fight the light of destruction).
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White Asuka was even more thirsty for dat Judai schlong than even Johan would admit

white asuka was the shit tho
Same guy. You misunderstand. Judai has no interest in Asuka and therefore has shit taste.

Normal Asuka in theory is pretty great. She's supposed to be skilled, aloof, seemingly harsh but friendly on the inside. However, GX has the worst writing and character development of all of yugioh so she stays stagnate and boring. She deserved better. Luckily there's tag force.
Shounen, old school shounen especially, is really bad about that.
Forgot image.
judai a cute
>Even if there really was a 1 hour special,

There is though. Ebina confirmed it on his twitter.
Manjoume and Johan could also talk with duel spirits.

Also, YGO protag always either genius or have bullshit supernatural power. Hard work and effort mean jack shit
>Ebina confirmed it on his twitter
Link to tweet?
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>Hippo has a Santa hat
>gets sent to academia
>somehow enrolls at academia
>has to hold back yelling out his name everytime someone uses polymerization
>other than that he duels all day every day and gets 3 meals a day
>better than living in city
>finally finds rin
>they fuck like wild animals in one of the academia dorms
I miss our hippo friend
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Ebina loves that Hippo.
Would watch
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>asuka will never come back

why live ;_;
.......a croissant and an anus
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>Not knowing Shun Croissant

It was almost a year ago, I guess.
Any of y'all niggas got info on the sound duel 4 release date?
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I feel you, but it's probably for the best. All we can do is imagine what could have been if the writers had tried even a little bit.
Does this mean acdamica invasion is real?
There was a manzai of Yuya and Yuzu discussing KUROSAKI Shun after he was "revealed" to be an "LDS student" in MCS. Then Yuya got distracted by the idea of eating CROISSANTS (KUROSANT) for breakfast.
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Japanese word for croissant is 'kurowassan', which sounds like Kurosaki. It was a joke in a manzai.
I think it was somewhere around the late 40's, where the Manzai was Yuya and Yuzu. Yuzu was talking about Shun and his duel against Sora, while Yuya kept on saying 'Kuro' (He was trying to remember Shun's surname). Finally he said 'Yuzu we need eat Kuroissaint for lunch sometime!' instead of Kurosaki which made Yuzu fan him.
In a manzai Yuya and Yuzu were discussing Shun. His last name reminded Yuya of croissants, Kurowasan. It spawned a meme of Shun being obsessed with croissants.
dem wacky japs
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Kurosaki Shun is famous Japanese meme.
No idea, probably need to wait till tomorrow to get a legit episode summary.
100/10 keked
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I like where this is going.
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Shun is the king of Arc-V memes.
I thirst for fresh bread now
Go binge watch Yakitate Japan. You won't regret it.
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Rightfully so.
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How would you have made Asuka a little better anon-kun
He literally says that he doesn't know in his next tweet.
Well off the top of my head, I would have made her initially more reserved and seemingly uncaring. You, know have her get the top grades, be regarded as Queen like in the manga but also have her not give a shit and skip class a bunch. People would either admire her for her talent or be dislike Asuka thinking that she's above it all. When in reality she's spending all her time searching for leads on Fubuki, putting everything else aside. I also would've had Asuka be the one to beat Darkness Fubuki as it would have meant more rather than to just have Judai do fucking everything. I would also pair her with senpai Kaiser. After getting Fubuki back they could focus more on Asuka growing accustomed to having real friends and have her figure out what she wants to do now that she has finally saved her brother. Oh and they could have her duel, too, that would help.
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>Yusei and Aki
I'm sorry but Seiyuu's joking about their characters doesn't count. Yusei is now Jack's side bitch.
Why did you list Tanya and not pair her with someone?
this is the kind of people who defend Yado Karu
guys, post the fat kid who says SHIVERUUUUUUUUUUU
Never post here again.

but that's yuzu
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>devinatart watermark


you know who the fat kid is? IT'S YOU!

>tfw there are people out there masturbating to this picture right this very moment
Absolutely disgusting
>tfw there is someone who took the time to create this monstrosity
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I could write a couple of chapters or two over Sunday since I'm bored af anon-san
>Sketch beasts

fuck yeah
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I would be happy to read if you're going to write.
I got a DRXD mega tin! I don't even play the card game but i enjoy collecting the cards, and hopefully I'll actually start playing the game sometime soon

I'm amused that my family recognizes Yugioh stuff now though, after me always talking about it so much. My dad calls Yuya "that tomato kid" and he recognized DRXD and recalled me mentioning that i like that dragon, so he got me that mega tin I'm so touched

>no big brother to love me and buy me Raid Raptors
after i saw fat yukari something like this doesnt suprise me anymore
are you going to say DARK LIGHTENING DISOBEY during your duels?
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My imouto loves Shun and his deck so getting her the cards was a no-brainer for me. She didn't buy me anything YGO related to mention since she knows that I already have pretty much all the cards I want.
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My imouto is a Yutofag, so I'm buying Wing Raiders for her as soon as I can get my hands on it.

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But of course, anon! in my head, very embarrassedly

Aww, that's really sweet! It must be nice to have a sibling that likes Yugioh too.
I think the closest i have to that is my older sister who kinda half-watches the English dub with me on Fridays nights and jokes about it with me while she looks at clothing online, and bought me a mouse pad with a picture insert so i could put a picture of my husbando in it
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My imouto watches the stream with me every Sunday, which makes it a lot more fun than if I was just watching by myself. Last week's episode was an adventure because I can read katakana and she can't, so when Starve Venom was shown it was just
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which is your favourite gay pairing? I am going for Shun X Yuto
Please don't cross that line
We already have enough dumblr in this thread
Yuya/Yuri or GTFO.
shut up you boring heterofag, i want to hear good gay couple combinations people like.

But that is more about mindrape anon
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probably sora and yuya
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Being able to read and understand Japanese must be nice.

I usually wait until the subs are out and then my imouto and I get comfy on the couch and watch it together.
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Gon and Yuya of course, they already had sex
>good gay couple combinations

I thought this was a strategy for a deck for second there
Nah the gay deck out there is raid faggots because XYZ is confirmed for homo rebels.
Plus rank 4 is fucking gay
>tfw crushed to death by your best bud and a pillar weight combined together
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xyz scum
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Literally the only canon gay
Gon's dick must have gone in DEEEEEEP, that is why Yuya snapped out of his EGAO mode
lesbians arent gay, they are straight b8
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who's on top?
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I bet he has seen many dicks in his homo fusion Academia ruled by men in an abandoned island
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dey cute as fug man
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There is only one canon gay couple and it is Yuto being INSIDE of Yuya, Yuto is clearly a TOP and yuya is a bottom bitch, no surprise there
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I can only read hiragana and katakana, I don't know any kanji, and spoken Japanese is pretty lost on both me and my imouto. We still watch the streams anyway though because we're impatient. I stay up afterwards and lurk here until the script comes out, and then I link it to her so she can read it in the morning.

We used to sit on the couch together, but it's more convenient to just sit on her bed because her laptop is there and it has a bigger screen than mine.
Yuto is the bottom bitch since "He doesn't want to hurt anyone."
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Yuri/Dennis. ShunYuto is pretty good too though.
Just 22 hours left. Hype.
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So did gay, they are straight b8 from land whales' perspective ;^)
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no stop that
nah, the amount of men who like lesbian porn overshadows easily the amount of women who like gay stuff
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True Bennis does seem to be close with Yuri
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Good taste.
Cant fucking wait
You've either got the wrong image or the wrong board, m8.
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Ayu is a miracle of the universe
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>Star Wars
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>this thread right now
Everyone, shut up and ENJOY!
If you didn't see the new Star Wars you are scum that should be removed from the planet.
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Marry one. Card one. Kidnap one. Duel one.
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She is only good for porn, like Ruka and Kotori
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>laptop screen
>not watching your chinese cartoons on at least a 40+ inch TV

Get on my level.

But seriously, that sounds comfy too. My imouto only comes to my bed when she wants to play card games or cuddle together.
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Marry Rin, fuck everyone else
>removed from the planet
Burial from a Different Dimension ;)
I dont want to card any of them though
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Marry Rin
Hug Ruri
Kidnap Serena
Duel Yuzu
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Marry Ruri
Duel the rest to make them my imoutos
Card anyone who tries to stop me
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They are all women so kill all
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Ntr then marry Rin.
Card Yuzu.
Kidnap Ruri
Duel Serena.
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We've binge-watched episodes with the laptop connected to the TV before, but it's too much effort to set up when we're not even watching with subs. Sitting on her bed is kind of cramped, but hers is bigger than mine so I just deal with it.
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no big brother to cuddle with
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Jack plz. Still suffering from brain damage after a Grand Slaughter Cannon?
why is Shingo trying to RAPE Serena?
Marry Yuzu, duel Yuzu, be friends with the other 3.
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she was made for raping
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The closest thing I have had to watching Arc-V with my family is when mom came into my room while I was watching the stream, looked at my screen and said something like "Ooh, the funny critters are flying around!"
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your mom seems nice
This reminds me of that one anon's mom who saw Shun on the screen and thought he was cute.
worthless neets, neets everywhere
Stop looking in the mirror anon
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It was him vs Crow episode, but she only saw his Raid Raptors so no comments on the characters. And yeah, mom's nice.
Are you referring to the people talking about their families? If so, i think someone's a bit bitter tonight.

Personally, i like seeing anons talk about their families! It's cute and it sorta makes me feel like I'm f-f-friends with everyone
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This is now a mom thread.
There's been like 2.
Because you are also a worthless normie neet
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>she only saw his Raid Raptors

Pain Lanius a cute.
Yugi's Mom (who never even appeared in the dub, and was only in a single split/second scene in the original anime), and Yoko. Everyone else is perpetually offscreen.
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Rin will definitely make a great mom.

New Assault Blackwing. I guess Crow is using it next episode? I don't get why Konami don't just release Blackwings which is already used though.
>'We commons are poor'
>Plays new Blackwings
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It's seems like a good addition to the deck.
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>"We commons are poor" against Shun
>All of Shun's shit has been common or standard rare.
>Most if not all of the Assault Riflewings have been shiny foilshit.
I don't like it.
My favorite was when he said "enough with the broken cards already".
Blackwing is soul-binded to Crow just like how the Dragons are binded to the Yus.
Cause everytime Crow appears, he must shill.
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But I just posted Yusei's mom.
Also Aki's mom have as much screentime as Anna
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So which mom had the most Screentime?
Yoko since she actually get to duel.
Now I know why the viewer rate of Zexal is higher than Arc-V
>Complains about effects that aren't even that broken
>Turns around and plays shit like "Free Level 7 Synchro Revival+Recycle: The Card"
Pretty amusing.
Yoko, no contest. Aki's mom got a few scenes here and there, but Yoko's had entire episodes where she sat there and watched things.
Yuya's mom obviously. She got to duel him, watch his and his friends duel. She's pretty much part of the peanut gallery.
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ABF-涙雨のチドリ Assault Blackfeather – Namida Ame no Chidori (Assault Blackwing – Chidori the Light Rain)
Level 7 DARK Winged Beast-Type Synchro Effect Monster
ATK 2600
DEF 2000
1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
(1) If this card is Synchro Summoned using a “Blackwing” monster as Material, it is treated as a Tuner monster while face-up on the field
(2) This card gains 300 ATK for each “Blackwing” in your Graveyard.
(3) When this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 Winged Beast-Type Synchro Monster in your Graveyard, except “Assault Blackwing – Chidori the Light Rain”; Special Summon that monster.
Did Crow use this in Arc-V already? I guess this confirms that Dark Illusion will have synchro centric themes as well as maybe a few fusions and xyz.
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>Dark Illusion
I really hope the cover for the Dark Illusion is Starve Venom and not Dark Magician. Yuri is way overdue to duel.
I'll likely be that card but the set will still have a majority of synchros in it because by that time we'll be facing multiple back to back 2 parters and stuff of the various duels breaking out everywhere due to the Reji vs Sergay, Yugo vs Yuri, Yuya vs Crow, Edgy Yuya vs Crow and Sora, Lancers fighting their way out of the underground, various obelisk force duels and Yuya vs Jack. In fact, I'd wager that Yugo vs Yuri and Yuya vs Jack will be happening at the same time and when the synchronization happens it'll be at Yugo's defeat and him helping out Yuya overcome Jack's Scar Red Nova Dragon retrain with Clear Wing.

We're taking a break after this week so 3 episodes in Jan, 3 in Feb, 4 in march so 10 episodes is plenty enough to spend fighting everyone with April being the aftermath and transition episodes into xyz.
They didn't give Blue-Eyes the cover set. I doubt DM will get one.

Dark Alternative Magician or any of movie cards are going to be promos.
Odd Eyes is shit in Performapals, but Dark Rebellion is pretty staple in Phantom Knights (one of the best dark rank 4s to revive with Break Sword) and Clear Wing in Speedroids (one of the best wind syncros)
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