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Anyone following Wakabayashi's 4-Koma?

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Anyone following Wakabayashi's 4-Koma?
Delinquents a cute!
She was cute, although the president got everything for free
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I wanna bully that delinquent
Most of the guys on the 4-Komas are completely calm to any romantic situation
The latest one in Rumor isn't.
Bully Prez and Delinquent are best tsurezure. I want an entire manga about just them.
I did say most but almost all of them were completely calm even when a girl was confessing to them
>There will never be a better romance where the boy just really likes the girl and takes her with his authority and by bullying
That chapter where he and love master are bros was the greatest
You're reading the serialized version too right?

That one has extra strips that the pixiv version skips over.
Wait, does she mean a thousand yen or the equivalent to a thousand US dollars?
I actually liked the chapter about the senpai bothering his kouhai, especially the end
1000 USD.

You can see he's holding 10000 yen bills.
where can l read that?
Probably yens, I don'y think there is a place that gives a student 1000$ as payment
>I don'y think there is a place that gives a student 1000$ as payment

That's the point, she's naming a ridiculously high price.
You're right, it does say ten thousand. I wasn't looking close/sideways enough.
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Love Master a best
Saw someone dump a page of one of these couples about to fuck, does this mean there is character development too or was it an edit?

Disgusting. Just read it off the scanalator's website.
His expression at the end is priceless
Chiaki and Kana almost fucked but then the mom interrupted them.

Gouda and Kamine are probably fucking like rabbits. They're like one of those couples that has 5 kids.
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Best couple
Now that I think about 1000 Yens was a low price for what he was asking for
Who? The one where Love Master runs into confession guy in the bathroom before yandere tosses him out of a window into his own best chapter?
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I was really confused about this chapter. How could they have never kissed if they were 2 seconds away from fucking each other like 20 chapters ago.
>What's your fetish?
The one that was posted some minutes ago
Student council pres and delinquent probably fuck each other, he's super physically flirtatious with her in a way that couples would usually only do if they'd have had sex before.
>Asian girls are cute
I sushi Patti
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Cause they're idiots. Their original chapter had her thinking that they were actually dating for a year.

That's why they broke up
If the story was about this it would've been better.

I like yankee girls falling in love, they're ultra cute. Yandere Kanojo a best
Prez Lite and Fatty need more chapters. I forgot all about them.
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Super Kuu are top tier. Right up there with Trolldere and whatshisname.
The sex chapter was about fixing how much they pussyfoot around with their relationship, and yet he's still doing it? He's literally a Seo Kouji protagonist goddamn.
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>Shibasaki's fetish? Dicks probably
>crazed masochist
>huge perv
pls no bully the wabisabi
God, art sure has improved over the time.
because that's the future
dude wrote some chapters that are WAY off in the story chronology
Does Kaji even have any friends?
Prez is like the only interaction she's had while the other girls all spend time with each other.
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I really wanted to see "the troubles of dating a university student" not "accidental cuckoldry" from her.
This does not work without the buildup. Can't be doin that man
Kaga (the light haired guy who joined the astronomy club) is the worst boy.

He's such a dense fuck.
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They fucking did it, mates.

The absolute fucking madmen.

Comic 1
>"...then try it. I'll dump you a hundred times"
>".....g, got it...."
>"Put your heart into it"
>"Kana, I don't want to lose you anymore. Will you... will you please go out with me"

Comic 2
>".......this is troubling..."
>"Then I have no choice... but to buy a swimsuit for the beach.......!!"
>"........me too...!!"
>Note on the right: Summer's gonna get hot.

Your face when?
That's because most of the characters are second years and from the same class. She's a third year like the council prez.
Imagine him as the protagonist of a shounen romance/love triangle manga.

>He spends 20 tankoubon with his childhood friend crushing on him, all while having his own crush on his senpai.
>He joins the same club as his senpai, and spends the next 3 years slowly building up their relationship to the point where he can confess with any chance of success
>Flat-out rejected, "I've been dating a university student for 4 years"
>Scene mirrors the confession she gave to her senpai 4 years ago, except his tears are of sorrow and not joy
>Childhood friend reverse rapes him in his despair

how much would you kek?

Takano is the superior neutron star.
What kind of dere is Rumor-tan?
She's too spastic to be traditional tsun.
Neurotic tsun.
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Top three stories?
1. Student council president's worries
2. Bruised angel
3. Patricia
they fixed it??? thank god
1. insincere girl texting sis
3. presidentxdelinquent
You didn't show how he did it, dump the whole thing. It's worth it
To be fair, she was only a bro until a little while ago. They are in different stages in the relationship.
1. wabisabi
2. takano
3. love master
You know there are about 9 new covers right? That should be updated
I had no idea people actually liked Mask chapters. Tsuredure's got something for everyone but guitar bully is literally worst boy.
Guitar and Mask's relationship reminds me of Hori and Kashima from Nozaki-kun.
I'm pretty busy, mate.

But feel free too if you're keen.

1. Contacts (anything involving this couple, really)
2. Unsentimental
3. Re:
So, I'm reading through this thing.
It's so fucking good!
contacts is my favorite because of all the snuggling
trolldere, kaichou + delinquent, and sensei are also among my favorites
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Watching Nanase get blown the fuck out was amusing.

Almost as bad as the texting couple ruining themselves.
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>That record-scratching third panel


There are few social situations where you can be considered justified in throwing a flashbang and running the fuck away, but that's one of them.
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Seriously, I only found out about it a week ago and missed out on a bunch of stuff.
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Nanase getting un-btfo was even better
I like the stories where everything goes horribly wrong than the ones where it ends happy.
>Flat-out rejected, "I've been dating a university student for 4 years"

wouldn't happen in reallity remember Kannagi? ... yeah
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Local girl not so tough after childhood friend's announcement of severance.
wabisabi ubukata
takanon sugayan
unsentimental pairs

this salvage the ships, senpai only wish was being worthy as club president to brag it on the former one
>Your girlfriend seduces freshmen to keep your club alive
all of the stories with Gouda and his girlfriend
There's probably a ghost member of the astronomy club that's really pissed because the club president is only doing it to honor her boyfriend's legacy, one of the freshman is only doing because they love the president, and the other freshman is there to form a love triangle.

Poor nip just wants to watch stars not a romcom.
Densedere and soccer-kun had the strangest progression. He spilled all his spaghetti on the bus and now he's not proactive at all while she's going maximum over dere.
You can only lift density for so long, mate.

There comes a time when its time to let go. Thankfully Takano is picking up the slack.

he just decided one day being offensive was not the best approach for NotRei. Next summer vacation chapter will probably have takano on the offense
densei straight up told sayaka to give up on him recently
I skipped all stories that are not glasses and delinquent.
You're missing out man. I liked the delinquent story the best too but Spica and it's progression are pretty good too.
Wrong dense. He's right, though.
Wabisabi confirmed for BEST GIRL
Too many damn characters I often forget which is which. Seems like some girls have more than one crush but I'm not sure.
Astronomy club is a little meh thanks to the pale kid.

Besides Prez and Delinquent, Patti chapters are the ones to look forward to.
Kuu couple is the new hotness.
>Nerdchaser and fatty walk into yandere and textdere catfight
Freshman tsurezure are all over the place
i want to se more of chiba and the teacher, i dont think she gonna give up so easy
she totally btfo tho
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yeah i know
Seems Tsurezure Scans is releasing Volume 4 chapters.

They're on batoto.
Really? I guess I'll have to check it, are they posting the extras?

1 tankoubon chapters every day. you might want to wait for the extras
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TZS said he'll be on it in the last thread. Bless that man.

Excellent taste, mate.
Where is Lovemaster?
far left column?
Man, this shit would make a great short anime.
Add it to the troll chart. Once it's settled in wait for some bored production committee staffer to eventually find it when 2chan brings it back over to their side during one of their bring something back from the gaijin board raids.
I mean I'm laughing at it as much as I laughed at Nichibros and + Tic Nee san. They were great.
>Dicks, probably?

Is that him? Almost all the guys look the same
can't you tell it's him just from the things he says?
There's like 3 blond dudes who get chapters, and they're all pretty distinct.
It would make a good 6-7 minutes anime.
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Can you imagine the scenario that will lead them to kissu?

Absolute madness.
Tied best couple with mysterious masked guitarist and the Judo captain
He's just tsundere anon.
>all the answers about Shibasaki
EVERYTIME. Furuya and Uchimura are also pretty good.
what chapter is this from?
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Something new.

Your least favourite couple(s).
the astronomy club 4-way
light music club
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