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They're getting more active every day. Not a good sign.

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 511
Thread images: 242

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They're getting more active every day. Not a good sign. You know what would be a good sign? Free /ai/ - Idle Activities. Who wouldn't like that?
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Ran is so cute.
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The guide: http://pastebin.com/iDebHQu6
Aikatsu and Working have the same music composers so it explains why both their second openings are so similar.
I was wondering about that but now I know.
I want to fuck Lala.
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hinaki a cute.gif
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I hereby claim this thread in the name of Hinaki. Please don't post unpopular dead idols here.
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Dead idols you say?

Shion is alive and well.
Thoughts on the rainbow manzai bear?
Is there something in particular that made them decide to finally CG Shion instead of giving her fans the middle finger like always?
>Shion fans complaining when Hikari hasn't shown up in ages
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I'll only post popular ones then.
>Anyone complaining when Splash fans have never had their idol get a performance.
At least your ded idols like Yuu, Shion, and Hikari are somewhat relevant.
I want to fuck Ran-kocchi.
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I love SpLasH! but c'mon.. you're grasping at straws there.
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At least splash actually got lines.
She had a line in episode 12.
I thought she might've. Oh well.
Oh I remember this episode.
No I'm not. Yuu gt a whole episode about her even without a performance, Shion got a perfrmance and most drama episodes involve her in some way, and Hikari still gets referenced and the rare line or two. All we get are lines and even then when was the last time either of them spoke?

I'm sure your favorite idol has had them as well.
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You realize she's a low budget tourism infomercial star, right?
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ran is the cutest.webm
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Ran a cute.
How is /ai/ spending their Thanksgiving?
Damn, didn't realize Start Dash Sensation/Lucky Train had been out for a month already.
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Just like any other day for around 3 months now, either at school or looking for a job and taking intermittent breaks to lurk here or other fun stress relief things.
Post idles in wedding dresses. Please?
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absolutely no plans. go about my day as usual.
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Nothing. We don't celebrate turkey day.
Get out of the way, Akari.
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Spent the morning coloring a thank you card for my secret santa, and now getting ready to go spend the rest of the day at work. I wish I could spend the day with you, /ai/.
we don't have thanksgiving day here, but I will play the Boatcolle event and GG Xrd later
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Come to think of it I don't either.
>GG Xrd
Good taste
How was the episode?
>doping your soccer team to artificially improve performance
>turning the opposing team gay to throw them off their game
>getting gang-banged by both teams at once after the match
All as expected from Kokoro.
I want Kokoro to manipulate me into doing her bidding.
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When will her gods start demanding human sacrifices?
can someone stop this semen demon?
Is this show good? Is anyone subbing it? I didn't want to pick it up because the girl looked so bland, but all these screenshots are changing my mind.
I think someone was planning on subbing it, don't know if they've actually produced anything yet.
Why is Seira so gorgeous?
Wasurenai did the first episode at the start of the month.
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It's hard to say.

She's grown on me a lot since she stopped appearing though. I'm not even sure why I disliked her so much whilst S2 was in full swing.
Tiekatsu and someone on par with Ichigo after America.
What would sex with her be like?
Bubblegum-flavored Regret
Like Ajimi, but blue.
And worse
Can't really argue with that.

Here are some of the new aikatsu songs. I'm not sure what to make of them.
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Being a manzai idol is hard.
Not if you're Serena and Kanon, who own the solar manzai hand and the lunar titanium harisen folded 1000 times,
each heirlooms of their family passed down for 2000 years of history, made of tragedy, love and undying sisterhood friendship, under the guidance of the stars.
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All Day I Dream About Sumire
I want to marry Cosmo.
Wow I only got it now.
I want to marry you.
I appreciate the thought but I can't accept.
Why did you spoil such a cute non lewd picture. Miduki and Ichigo are great together.
Me too dude.
I want to marry Aoi just to spite Raichi
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aoi rare.png
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I want to fuck Aoi just to spite Shin.
I want to marry an idle so I can be happy
I pray one day you find that which you seek my friend.
I want to meet a real friend and not just an acquaintance.
Goodnight /ai/
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I'll do my best anon.
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I wish to be covered in potatoes.
Good luck comrade. I hope you find that sort of a special person. Never give up.
I want to self-destruct.
Don't, there's still so many more beautiful things to see in life.
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Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Listen to better songs.
Apply tasty food.

It's not like they're naughty or anything. I can easily bribe them.
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Fuck the police
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this sandwich shall suffer.png
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This is my favourite of these images.
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ran's roommate is dying.png
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Which sidle is the sidlest of them all?
Probably Dragon Dining.
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I want to steal Shion's puppets and pretty remake them into pretty cures.
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I want to teach Shion how to cake. Then steal her cake and make it into a cake monster.
Evil Kokoro.
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Evil Kokone.
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These images do not please me. They do not carry the dignity and pride of Osaka. It's been a very long time since Osaka gave us something like this. I wonder if she'll become popular.
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Dafuq is with this "idle activities" crap? Is it some underhanded campaign for a new board? Or are you really giving /titles/ to recurrent threads like a redditor?
Why is this sexist pedophilic thing allowed?
Greetings newfriend
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Welcome! Please read the guide >>134003746
>Akari: Wow...
>Hinaki: She's so fresh...
>Sumire: That looked like it hurt

Sumire is always the most unintentionally (?) funny. That was much more of an episode than I expected. I thought Nina was going to be genuine, but she ended up being a Mirei-style calculation type, which really is pretty new. She's different from Yurika too, who's a vampire even when she's alone in her room. And not just that, but Nina also isn't from Osaka; she intentionally puts on a fake-sounding (but actually fake) accent because of her goal to combine comedy and Aikatsu. Then they brought back the original purpose of the Luminas Japan Tour (giving/getting energy/power) organically into her own story, gave her a full CG performance, and they're going to continue with Nina next episode too. The preview even showed a bunch of the idols at Starlight doing their own thing. If there's one thing I didn't like about this episode, it was the forced Luminas performance. That's just going to bloat the filesize for no reason.
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Holy fuck, you people really are like a tumor. Pack your bags and GTFO.
>a whiner near me

Stick around and you'll turn into one of us sooner or later.
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It may be the eyes, because this coord is legitimately horrifying.
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What's a good $100-200 /ai/ related figure I can buy?
I'm debating that one, only because there's no guarantee of a Shion fig or PR figs in the future.
That and the fact that I haven't seen any news about figs for the other 2 salamis.
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>Boasting about how new you are.
Kokoro is an evil manipulative slut
She's the little girl /a/ aspires to be.
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thanks comrade
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Do you have Akari too?
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thanks anon


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Looks like they're up to over 260 000 preregistrations now. Sounds like a lot to me, but I don't really know anything about phone games.
Well considering some of us are included in that I'd consider it a success.
Fate/GO had more than 700000 before release.
>Little Girl Show

Aikatsu is doing pretty well for itself.
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pafes will dominate

Whoa, did she also perform in the anime?
>Stop posting these!
I'm out of lewd screenshot clips
Kokoro is guardian of our innocence now? That seems wrong.
Kokoro doesn't want us to focus on other girls
A number of shots during her big jump struck me as somewhat lewd.
I'm getting the exclusive. I'll tell you how it looks when it gets here.

It's either the 1/7th or the Sega prizes for the rest of Solami. There is no God.
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Peridot is best pet.
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>this entire thread
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>trying to shame little girls who openly like little girl shows.
Everything went down hill when Ranflakes died
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ran kiss.gif
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I wnat to hug Ranflakes back to life.
There is literally nothing sexual about Kokoro.
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I agree, we should stop sexualizing characters in little girl shows.
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Are there any gameplay videos, is it pretty much just the arcade game?
It's a shoot-em-up.
Card collecting plus some kind of rhythm game I think?
>we want the Pripara audience
>Japan has the same thoughts as me
What the fuck, am I inhaling drugs or some shit.
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How do I pre-register for the Aikatsu mobage? I can't decipher moon, but I want to play my little girl games.

Thank you
I dropped Aikatsu a few months ago unfortunately. How was the new season?
1st few episodes were great, 159 is goat. Other episodes were kind of bland.
It's amazing every single episode. Best series of our generation.
He's asking about Aikatsu, not Pripara.
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What a coincidence, so am I. We must be soulmates.
Go here:
Click the gold/red banner
Check the box
Select either LINE, e-mail or twitter sign-up
Choose your OS
Overall, its a great time to be alive.

It would be fucked up if little girls came to this thread because this was the only discuss shows their weeaboo older cousin got them in to
Real little girls already have a place to discuss the show with other little girls.
Why would it be strange for little girls to be on a little girl picture board?
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>Real little girls
Oh, don't be like that. Their body matches their spirit is all.
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>Not being real
>covering Hinaki's forehead

Why would they do this?
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She got reported to JTSB for multiple incidents of blinding the pilots of low flying aircraft.
I want to marry Maria for her money

Yuu must've been in one of the planes that crashed.
You'll regret it.
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sixty cows.png
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What's so bad about living in a farm in the mountains with no one but a few maids, thousands of cows and a crazy farm girl idol?
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You should marry for love, not for money.
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>Hinakifag just got himself one way ticket to Guantanamo
Good grief.
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I thought you were on my side, Kaede.
Remove Smug forehead
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It didn't have to end like this.
Yes and it was better in the anime.
Is this the short haired aikatsu club?

It's a chart going from the most dead to barely living, then revived, then alive.
well Yuu appeared more recently than Kaede and Shion unless I blanked something out in the past couple of episodes, so the order is pretty off.
Kaede and Shion have had performances which is the only thing that actually matters.
Not true.
I'm re-watching Aikatsu when suddenly Akari appeared. I'm really fucking surprised.
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Shion, Kaede, and Yuu are the ENFORCEMENT.
The other one is Shion's fan, or something.
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I thought that was Falsetto
slow internet, not enough disk space etc etc
/pc/scum villains are not welcomed here.
Oh look here she is again.
That's called good planning.
They sure got their stuff right. They even managed to emulate the trying too hard to be crazy factor. If I still watched Aikatsu I probably wouldn't like her just like Ajimi.
I'm pretty sure at least one real teen girl or two will end here one day or another
This episode if full of QUALITY.

Not even taking into account her story and episodes and personality, Shion is good.
I genuinely think Shion is the best character visual wise in Aikatsu. Well it's actually Ran. But Shion got something just really fun about her. It's not cuteness. She's just... interesting. She makes interesting faces.She has Go Nagai
sideburns. And thick eyebrows, but they aren't valorized like "eyebrows lovers plz buy merch" like Mugi in Keion. And she always makes funny or intrigued faces. And her haircuts are always great.

I need to work harder to achieve my dream so I
can marry Kamiya Shion and stare at her face.
What is she wearing on her neck? It's awful.
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Looks like some sort of amulet to ward off the living dead.
Looks like festival decoration for me.
I want to Balala Lala.
I hate her already.
I want to eat her hair.
It's poisonous.
I'm so proud of myself, for the first time, I wasn't fooled, and I knew what this thread was about before I hovered above that spoiler.
It's multiflavored.
Worth it.
It probably tastes of cotton candy.
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otome overpowers yurika.jpg
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Vampire for Sale!
You're beginning to know us anon. The spiral will soon aspire you as well.
I'll take it!
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They should actually make it a feature that Hibiki does suffering faces when she's close to Worst Mireille.
Why is Akari such a Mary Sue?
Ne ne, Battle Spirits-senpai? I just finished Toppa-kun's Season. Did Dan's ever get subbed?
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They are up on youtube, each episode split in two videos.
Fucking google it you shit.
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Well sorry if Youtube isn't my first stop I tried Nyaa and Baka and my other places first.
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I'd get the torrent from nyaa and the rest from yt. Quality is ass and it doesn't get better until late Brave.

I want to forget Bashin season and watch it all over again, all those cute girls.
Strangely lewd.
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Please don't sexualize Hinaki.
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"imagining what kind of clothes Hibiki would wear if she was a normal girl"
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I want to marry Akaii Meganee
Just found out clicking on post before the 1min countdown runs out makes it autopost.
What to do when I sont speak japanese? Is there /will be any english translations?
Nope, you'll have to figure out how to play on your own. I'm sure someone will make a handy reference guide to help out.
Mostly it's not overly difficult to understand mobage. I'll probably guess together a guide for the basics
but since I don't speak moon either I'll have to miss out the finer points

I want to be a mascot, too.
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Seeing this dog suffer makes me happy.
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Do we need to use the email associated with the google play account? Because my regular email is different than the one i use the VPN with.
The shitty quality of this stitch annoys the shit out of me every week.
Actually what episode is that even from cause I'll remake it properly.
Just like playing a T0 deck.

It's the same for Heroes, right?

Which version?
>Which version?
All of them.
It doesn't seem to say that it needs to be associated with an account. I haven't tried it myself since I don't have a smartphone.
Yeah. Big leap in image quality though.
Well I found out part of why it looks so shitty, they tried to remove the steam from that shot.
Also the background pans at a different speed so it's even worse (evident by the ghost part of the couch in the background).
Oh and the colours also vary, probably because of the steamy effect making it even more effort.
So yeah never mind not remaking this.
I think that's been there ever since we got the quick reply window.
fucking autism dog. It looks hilarious and terrible at the same time.
Holy shit Zazie's such a faggot.
Rude as fuck. He just wanted to watch the world burn.
>He just wanted to watch the world burn
Isn't that a valid reason to call him mean names? It was actually a reference to Arc-V's Shinji, someone who tried to do something like Zazie with the society but lost.
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Oh, I see. I should catch up on Arc V some time.

Pls no bully the kid.
It doesn't sound like gibberish.

You should, this arc has been pretty slow paced, but now it's becoming faster and more interesting.
why is anime mini skirts always cute instead of sexy
Because they're so frilly.
Smooth as always.
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Non is a good girl.
Why is there no detective /ai/ show
Too naughty.
If you're willing to stretch the definition of "detective show" and "/ai/ related" there's Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo.
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She's so fucking cute hold me /ai/
Nero a best
You really like Bokuko.
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Who is this sperm worm
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Those outfits on them look like pure sex
Don't kill the Yurika

A Pripara refugee hiding in Aikatsu.
Akari is kinky.
>Luminas sees your dick
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miyabi a cute.webm
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Truly the Hero of Kansai. I can't believe an Osaka girl isn't a best girl.
Anyone have any more cute webms like this?
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I remember when Miyabi didn't dress and act like a whore.

Look at what the idle life does to people.
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Don't you dare talk badly about Miyabi. I will fight you.
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The truth hurts.
Death to those who insult Miyabi-chan.
I used to love her too, but I don't think anyone can love what she's become.
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So if the standard dimension has actual weaponry, why the fuck aren't they just shooting Academy shitters on sight?
It's like they want everyone to get carded.
Akaba Leo didn't do any weapons research. He only cared about the Children's Card Game. Since Reiji can only go as far as to control City government command of the military would be far out of reach. Furthermore JSDF, and finally The Academy has a ridiculously mobile force that can deploy Super heavy weaponry that can cause more damage then conventional weapons with stupid ease.

Finally, why are you asking this thread that question?
Why doesn't anyone get comically literally deadly serious in girls kids shows?
>weapons research
There is literally no weapons research needed, military weaponry clearly exist if there's a war torn country using them.

>military would be far out of reach
If your country is being actively being assaulted by an outside entity, the military is not at all out of reach, especially for a company large enough to lobby the government and scientific resources sufficient to prove invaders from another dimension.
It's called a defense force for a reason.

>Super heavy weaponry that can cause more damage then conventional weapons with stupid ease
Not a single monster summoned up to that point in time has anywhere near the efficiency or destructive power of a conventional carpet bombing, missile strike, or nuclear payload.
In the first place, academy troops don't even wear body armor or bother with guerrilla warfare.
Add to the fact that they have to abide by turns when engaged in a duel and you have an easy target.

>Finally, why are you asking this thread that question?
Because I feel like it.
Pretty much this if Akaba really had any intent to stop the invasion he would have gotten the military involved and it would have ended up like Gate but with slightly more casualties on their side.
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We doge now?
I'd dress and act like a whore if it made me popular.
>Jewelpet Magical Change 35 [ai-raw].mkv
I keep lurking around here and I'm starting to feel like I might want to get into Aikatsu and Pripara.
Am I turning into a little girl?
Sounds like it. You try one of our awesome coloring books.
>exposed armpits
Yeah she was much betterbefore. This is Slutification.
That outfit is kinda cute though. Maybe need better gloves and not a bland skirt
I want to fuck Miyabeam
Does /ai/ approve of inter-species romance?
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I want Aoi to sit on my face.
Did he make the watches just so they could be together in human form forever?
Remind me again when did the power hour died. I stopped watching Jewelpet and PriPara at that point and I'd like to catch up.
pripara switched to monday as of ep 65, october 5 2015
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"Hmph! Sena-san, all you care about are my armpits."
Because big bad Machines, that are real, have a greater psychological effect than a tank, also they're cheaper to produce and manipulate for the trained people.

In Arc-V there are still real life parallels when it comes to war, I mean, Reira is from a country that's in constant war.

I have been waiting for this.
Headlines: A young man who had never been rocking climbing before was rescued after he attempted to climb a mountain without any equipment

It's a American Fag! Identify yourself!
That's not odayaka.
It will. Do it.
I have some meat to go with those potatoes.
They're vegetarians.
For real?

I really want to eat meat these days. Even dreamed about it today. Even though I ate some yesterday. I wish I dreamed about eating meat with one of my favorite aidle

Which Aidle would you go out eat meat with
Sounds like something you'd do with Shouko to be honest.
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Pretty Rhythm
This, she'll enjoy it more than you.
The best option.
But she'd go with an old man, not with you.
Besides Rizumu of course.
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Oh my. How handsome.
I wouldn't mind being Ran's girlfriend.


Fuck Kanon, even onii-sama agreed that she was worst girl.
You're not being the little girl that Ranflakes knew you could be.
Sora pls.
Yurika pls.
I'm sure both of them are already dating Ran in the afterlife

Yurika's undead, an abomination like her isn't allowed in the afterlife.
>We want all the PP audience
Yurika is a good girl though so she got accepted.
It seen Argentina isn't part of South America in the 2600.
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That creepy goth designer is grooming her to be his perfect waifu. Once she's out of Starlight that's gonna be her life. She's only gonna delve deeper into vampirism and help that guy groom more girls.
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You shut your mouth. Yurika would never whore herself out like that.
That doesn't sound like a bad life, she's pretty much his Muse at this point anyway.
Please stop saying such retarded mean things.
How is it retarded?
Idol hands are the devil's plaything.
>Yuu is there but no Shion
Not even the Shionfag but wow.
I didn't even realise.
Used the word retarded because I don't want to use cruder words or insults, but it is retarded.
Because Yurika would never do something like that. Not even speaking because I like her, this would just never happen and shouldn't be mentioned in the first place. Not because it's rude to her fans but because it's stupid and leaves a "bad end" awful aftertaste after reading something like this. In other words it isn't meruhen, isn't odayaka, and feels bad.
But it's odayaka as fuck, those things don't happen in the Aikatsu world as far we know, so it's odayaka. What's grooming anyway?
>But it's odayaka as fuck
How is that in any way calm?
Nevermind, I forgot you didn't write the janai, carry on.
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yurika's wishes destroyed.webm
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It was just a silly shitpost mate, relax.
How the fuck was this allowed in a kid show?
I don't think a little kid would get it. His fucking face in this pic is priceless.

The part where the guy fucks with Dan's arm fucked me up more than this though. That was insane.
He never changes.

Yeah, it's hard for a child to understand that Zazie and his henchmen were selling their bodies to get out of poverty while being tortured with ancient magic and yeah, that scene was pretty brutal.
It's just it made me feel bad.
Like getting a really bad end in a game.
They're like a family.
Yurika is a very good girl who cares about her fans.

So is she the Miley Cyrus of Aikatsu
The one I'd most like to frighten and molest.
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Rinne seems to enjoy meat, but I'm not sure she'd be a very fun dinner companion.
Dan is such a cool dude.
but at least she'd be next to you.
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Thanks to Banrise, Shion is being only brought up, when PowaPuri is brought up. Other than that, nobody cares about her.

And it best shown, when they didn't even thought about making Shion the Starlight Queen, to make the PowaPuri group of three Queens in the row. They prefered to stick to their "Shion is too busy with her acting" meme, and Sakura automatically inheriting the title as she graduated, was blatant slap in the face.
What? Sakura didn't get the title automatically.
What /ai/ show is best to watch when you're sloshed?
I'm sure the meat is what made her get back her self, so eating meat with her would be fine.

Any of them with CGI performances. Even the crappy CGI looks awesome when your brain is halfway gone. Nice quad zeros.
Rinne would make the perfect dinner partner. I want to take Rinne out for dinner and sit eating in silence for 95% of the meal.
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But she would make tricks with dishes and stuff.
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Maybe I'll rewatch some early aikatsu then. I'd watch PR, but I'm still hoping for an AD bluray release.
Shion is Otome's age, and Otome had the title right up until she graduated. It was impossible for Shion to have unless she could out-idol everyone else, but she can't because she's actress specialized.
I Guess you mean RL Bluray release as AD and DMF have bds already.
They should announce it soon, bd box 1 should be out around june or so.
They're first waiting to sell out all the dvds they have left to people who will get into RL with Kinpri.
With how many times "Shion is busy with acting" got brought up she should be Japan's number one actress by now.
well I meant for someone to encode and slap subs on the BDs really. O
It'll happen, I'll allocate way too much free time to it some day...
But doing 52 episodes is not a quick slap job if you have standards.
If I had standards I wouldn't be watching average quality magical change subs.

no /pc/ scum please.
You not having standards doesn't make me faster though.
And I doubt many other people would even consider putting in the required time to do this for a show like PR.
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I know who you really are.
Wait a second, they didn't summoned all the Zodiac cards.

Best girl.
Yeah no one will except one of us here. As in you.
Otome was the Queen, and after Otome, Shion should have become the Queen, and after Shion, Sakura should have become the Queen. But they ignored Shion, like always. Because "she is the secondary character" after all.

I was happy when they finally let her to perform, but the damage was already done.
Man this fucking ending, I didn't expect them to go all out like the way they did, BRAVE is easily one of the best cardgame shows I have ever watched.
Hi, don't ignore me: >>134090746
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>Thanks to Banrise, Shion is being only brought up, when PowaPuri is brought up. Other than that, nobody cares about her.

Nobody would remember her if it wasn't for PowaPuri dude, she was just an ascended extra. She was so unimportant that they didn't even hire a new VA for her and just gave her Raichi's.
Be glad she got brought back and even got a CG model, fans of other one-shot characters could only wish they got the same treatment.
Ok ok ok
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It was great.

>win the Danbowl
>doesn't matter guy is gone GONE
>everyone at the end has found a purpose and hope
>except her
>she just found a granny haircut
She had a good duel against Dan but she deserved so much more Mai ;_;
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Hinaki channelling another shit character.
Semen demon

And I'm not even a foreheadfag
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She's going to end fucking alone for sure, her dreams were crushed, her boyfriend is dead, 2 of her friends are dead and all the world still see the Bearers as their enemy thanks to Iluminatti and other groups, and it gets worse because Kenzo is gonna be a person without free time in the future and Suzuri is somewhere else, being Mai is suffering.
But, of course. With Sakura becoming the Starlight Queen off the bat, Shion won't ever become one. She will graduate, and Sakura will still be the Queen the very next year. But Shion will graduate as the only PowaPuri, that wasn't the Starlight Queen.
I want to eat her hair
>Green Otome
Except Shion is so popular because she got multiple episodes dedicated to her in s1 alone and they're among the best Aikatsu episodes. Episode 21 is probably my favorite Aikatsu episode and a great anime episode in general everyone should watch.

By your reasoning that nobody should remember Shion if not for PPP still showing up every now and then, I should have forgotten her long ago as I stopped after s1. And yet I still remember her. Which shows how much of a good character she is and how incredible the episodes she was in were.
She was designed by fans I think. There is something about it on the Aikatsu website.
I'm pretty sure that was a Youkai watch reference.

More like DangOtome.
Yeah it was from youkai watch.
New episode of Ghost just started airing.
Ray lucked out, got wife and a less hostile society. Are you moving on to seasoning Heroes?
Are you for real? Shion was introduced as the game guide and default rival, right after her episode aired. Just like Sakura was before that, and I think Otome was the one in the first collection. She was never some background extra.

But because Soleil, Tristar, and PowaPuri would be nine people, she was never allowed to become the main. Because Star Anis is eight people. Simple as that.

Everybody expected once Mizuki graduated, that Shion will become the main, and Risuko will take over her. But instead Risuko remained Mizuki exclusive, even after DreAca got introduced, and half of Star Anis had to double for them, while Mizuki returned with Mikuru.

So what I have to be thankful for? 134 episodes of waiting?
>Everybody expected once Mizuki graduated, that Shion will become the main
What? Nobody ever thought that.

I didn't post that image, but you've crossed a line here calling Kii a shit. Come fight me irl.
>But because Soleil, Tristar, and PowaPuri would be nine people, she was never allowed to become the main. Because Star Anis is eight people. Simple as that.
I really disliked that as well.
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Is Kirara still ours?
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Mai should have stayed in the future, in place of being alone in the past, yeah, gonna watch Heroes soon, I expect it to be lighter than BRAVE, and I'm trying the DS game now.
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The QUALITY was so bad here that it looked like Luminas phased in from another dimension.
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Kii is worst DreAca. I will fight you anywhere.
You are nobody. Risuko was expected to become the singing voice of Shion since her debut episode.
But Yuna is fine too, because she is SV for Kaede.
Go and show me anyone thinking that ever.
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Kii is the best DreAca and the best pre-Hinaki character. The only bad thing about her is that she ever sat this close to Yuu.
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>Shion was introduced as the game guide and default rival, right after her episode aired. Just like Sakura was before that, and I think Otome was the one in the first collection. She was never some background extra.

Anon you are very confused but I think we've talked about this a hundred times.
Remember when Shion was in the very 1st opening?
I think some people are confused about a lot of things. They seem to be under the impression that if you're not THE main character, you're "literally who". The world does not work in such extremes.
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>lighter than BRAVE
Definitely. Thirty episodes in there's no big baddie, I don't think Hajime could even handle a villain.
I remember when I used to think all four of them would be introduced started episode 14 as the Shitennou aidols that Ichigo Aoi and Ran will have to beat before tackling the Water Tree.
I was pleasantly surprised with how it turned out in the end anyway.
Early Aikatsu was so fun so fresh so everything.
I think Aikatsu s1 is one of the only 50 episodes show where I enjoyed the first half more than the late half.
Goodnight /Ai/ time to sleep.
I think you mean Beautiful Moon.
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I don't even dislike Kii, I just put her bottom of the DreAca tier lists which classes her as a shit by default.
There's no need to have any shit in your heart. You can love someone less and not be forced to classify them as "shit". It might even make you happier.
What are you trying to say, again? I know that Shion became the secondary character in the anime. I'm telling to you that she is the secondary character only thanks to the limitations of Star Anis.

And she had many opportunities to become the main character IN THE SECOND SEASON. Opportunities, that Banrise brought up, just to let them die in vain.

Same way Kaede became irrelevant, once Sunao graduated, and Yuna has to focus on Ran, because by the end of the day, Soleil was all that mattered back then, being the only real opponent to DreAca.
The ultimate insult.
That just proves you have shit taste.

Yuufriend can't be happy, all his happiness is as dead as his idle.
Was that dress used in the show?
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>all his happiness is as dead as his idle.

this hits a little close to home.
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I'll now proceed to take a drink and think hard about what I said and sign up for a sensitivity class or something.
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>Yeah let's dance duel this guy again what are the odds he obliterates us again
No you're fine, Yuufriend lost a lot of points shitposting about Kii-sama.
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Vol2 of FANTASISTA DOLL has been de-bound
I should be able to get some scans done today
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I'll proceed to take a drink and question how much of my happiness actually depends on the number of appearances of an idol in an anime.
Though I'm already pretty fucking sloshed.
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After Ranflakes I'm not willing to take any chances with anybody. Every single /ai/ poster should be appreciated even if they have shit taste. I also haven't seen Yayoi around, I wonder what happened to her.

Cheers. I'm not drinking much, I can't seem to get comfortable enough to get sloshed lately.
if no /pc/ scum, then no mr. scum, then no yayoi-chan

she normally shows up to patiently wait for daily inspection.
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Uh, it's not a bad anime. I thought it was ok to talk this on /ai/, bye I guess.
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I posted last thread when senpai posted.
soryr, meant to quote >>134101414
I haven't even had a drink and I'm already being dumb.

Then senpai is the one dead.
Senpai is in a different time zone, I think. He normally posts around 3am EST and sleeps around 11am. Senpai isn't dead!
She's so fun.
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I meant to take more than 1 week sober, but this week fucking sucked
This was a huge surprise. I had hoped Kii would be in since I liked her but Aoi and Ran not winning was completely unexpected.
I assume the next episode will be another time skip.
From less edgy to most edgy:
Burning Soul
Shounen Toppa
Sword Eyes
Gekiha Dan
Hey, they did just save the world last episode.

Also dis fucking show.
And here I thought people were joking when they said it was edgier than YGO GX.

>Burning Soul
>less edgy than Toppa

Is Toppa darker than expected or is the modern Sengoku setting not that big of a deal?
>Introducing new character not in OP/ED.
I wonder if this mean there will be changes on the OP/ED.
Toppa's second half was surprisingly darker than expected.

By miles.
Don't you remember the mass brainwash and people getting killed left and right in the final arc?

I'm asking because I've yet to hit the double digits for Toppa's episode numbers.
It gets darker as the show goes on, but it's pretty cheerful at the beginning, if you don't mind Bashin being a huge asshole.
Carry on son, it's a fun ride.
No. Miyabi is a pure maiden.
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Lady Jewel didn't do anything wrong either.

It was the spineless men who refused to give her the D because she was stronger then they were. She just wanted to be loved and became yandere for Diana.
but he does
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Apparently he is going to voiced by Kanon (TriCool) seiyuu. Air Beat has different seiyuu though.
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Scans are done
upload will not be done until tomorrow
They had the help of everyone on Earth dancing. Dancerian friend needs to tone down the pride because that's what got him in this mess to begin with.

I want more Maito scenes.
I just want to see all the rest of the Dancerians that they're combining with.
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which one's better?
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This but .webm is the preferred form these days isn't it?
Neither. Stop messing with the saturation.
This. Why do people who make gifs on Tumblr always think they can anime colors look better?
The faggot with more filters and changed shit gets more notes, and they'll do anything for those.
Oh I only noticed the second one was longer. I don't actually see any color differences. Sorry for replying to cancer.
The entirety of DreAca will need a memorial as well. Didn't Shion get one at some pint as well?
Soon Star*Anis will join that too.
I want to die along with them.
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ded soon
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Times passes and things fade, but through it all

Märchen~ is always with you.
Shion was the first one, then I did Yuu and PR after Shion became alive.
I'm still holding on.
I like their designs and I think they are cute.
Can the next OP be fantasista doll themed?
We've got new FD content so sure!
How about this quote?

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's /ai/ - Idle Activities
Leave /ai/ alone, /pc/scum.
She is half-idle, half-/pc/scum. I don't mind her staying with us, but she should behave herself.
Good morning, Yayoi-chan.
I don't remember ever seeing a PR one. Either way they always make me laugh when they pop up in threads.
Cosmic ded
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Thread posts: 511
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