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Buyfag Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 525
Thread images: 140

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Read the guide before asking any questions:

Face and greasy looking hair ruined that entire figure.
Is that Ciel?
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Thanks Manda, if I hadn't asked why SAL was only 200 yen cheaper than EMS I would have been overcharged by 1000 yen.
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>In order to display her you have to take her apart to fit on the stand
>Give no instructions
>Leave people to pull randomly at parts and hope they don't break anything

Go suck a dick Aniplex. I love the figure and I got mine together but holy shit was this stressful as there is no where you can grab onto without being afraid of breaking it.
>oopsies, looks like I just accidentally jew'd you
only through fear may you treasure what survives
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When will they show the prototype of this really? The other two girls are already in production.

I know the japs love to abuse her "not standing out" gimmick, but this is getting really ridiculous.
Filed a ticket with NY. Are they going to answer or too busy being killed by terrorists?
Aren't the terrorists only killing the french? Our plastic butts should be safe.
Really? I've got mine coming in a few days, how bad is it? Might just leave it in box for a while until I summon up the courage.
Literally the most popular Saekano girl in this universe, and by a really wide margin too.
Any tips?
Her veil still looks like a shower curtain.

I guess they are too busy surviving the earthquakes.
selling asmodeus recolour version for $70aud send me an email if you're interested
[email protected]
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Thank god
Is he gonna come with the middle of the court or is my setup just gonna be fucked forever
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Anyone ever ordered something by commission (not a dakimakura) or know of a place to find decent artists?

I want a custom poseable plushie similar to the Nendoroid Plus line which doesn't have one for this gal. The ones available on the market are all hideous failed abortions.

inb4 - no there are no real details on this in the guide.
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Looks like he's gonna be the middle.
Toru seems like he might have a middle base as well now that I look at it
Get the fabric and plastic off her legs, grab her by her legs and waist carefully and slowly wiggle and pull.
Thanks Anon.
that's going to go into the list of figures that I regret not buying
Why are the HQs so cute?

Owls when
Worth a trawl. I've seeing decent plush 'creatures' but still trawling for decent 'humanoid' makers.
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This figure is literally ayy lmao as fuck how the fuck can people want this?
they're saberfags they abandoned good taste before they were even born
It's saber, no need to ask.
Go away blogshitter.
This is literally the gayest figure I have ever seen
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Went to an arcade today (I live in anime world) Won some shit, any of these worth anything?

are you an engrish teacher?
I know its great right!
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Nope. Burgerland military
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can any buyfag help me, I bought this green tea from CandySan:

but I'm unsure how many teaspoons I need for average size tea cup and how generally should I be making this type of green tea? in the aliexpress it looks like they use milk and not hot water, is that right? I can't read Japanese.

Sorry if its a bit offtopic, I tried to google but can't find any tutorial for this type of tea powder.

nice, thinking of joining the bongland reserves myself.

Unlike the American military we actually train our soldiers ;)
Really how much training you get depends on the job. I'd like to think I was trained properly. But eh, don't matter much to me. Free living in japan. I plan on getting a bunch of weeb shit from here since amiami and stuff has super cheap domestic shipping

doesn't sound too bad at all, would love to be posted in Japan .

If more places could be like Japan i think heaven on earth could be a little closer. Everywhere is clean, most people are pleasant and respectful, no niggers, homogeneous culture, strong cultural identity ( unlike the self-loathing white cunts in the west) , great transportation system , strong work ethic. etc.
>most people are pleasant and respectful
maybe to Japanese people
Well since I'm posted along with other americans theres plenty of blacks and Japanese are nice and all and it is super clean but they are super racist. I'm always getting weird looks and stares. Sure they are nice and helpful but they are always talking behind your back. Mainly because other americans fuck things up for everyone and leave an everlasting impression

> two young dudes who look like there only their for nip pussy

have you actually been to Japan? nobody openly does this in public.


i like to view racism as a means for self-preservation. I mean Japan is such a horrible place to live right? No crime, everywhere is clean and the people are civil. Gee what a horrible place.
Thank god one nation has some god common sense.

how can you blame them for not liking americans? You firebombed their country and nuked it twice.
yeah 70 years ago
>i like to view racism as a means for self-preservation

After seeing what is going on in europe I have to agree.
Dont get me wrong I never want to leave here. Its just hard to leave a good impression on people you meet when every other american they've met is loud and disrespectful of their culture. But regardless one thing as small as racism isn't enough for me to get butt hurt and leave for it. I dread the day I have to return to burgerland. Japan and its people are dope
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Good evening buyfags,
I'm currently trying to make some space in my collection and need to sell some low-priority items.

Pic related is what I have available and you've got first pickings; anything unsold is going on MFC/eBay.
Items not marked "Unopened" were displayed in a low-light and dust-free display case, and are thus in perfect condition. Madokami however has some brown paint transfer on her hand due to GSC being tightfisted (pun intended).

Shipping is $23 flat-rate within continental Aus, $27 for Tazzie and $18 for the Totori nendo (it's a lot but I've had bad luck before so I require heavy packaging + insurance + signature on delivery). I'd really prefer to not ship to the US or EU because international shipping is expensive as all living fuck, but if so it's 33 USD or 31 EUR.

Make your offers with that shipping in mind to

Side note: I have new-in-box Katanako and Hacker but those are going straight on eBay unless someone's willing to offer me 90% eBay prices.
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> omg god it's 2015 and you still have opinions and feelings ;(

do you have any idea how many people died?

you think just because a little time has passed the effects on society have gone away?

it's been 200 years and you burgers won't shut up about the revolution.


an excess of empathy can be a dangerous thing, Europe didn't become a place that people wanted to live by letting half the world live their.


that's one thing the west is lacking at the moment an that is looking after their own.

> tfw no britanain empire
Yeah, a bunch of their people were lined up and shot and the first thing people think is "Oh I hope the muslim's don't get hate for this"

I stop there because off topic
Agreed on off topic, Nobody ever told me if they figures were worth anything>>133552657
I didnt spend much money so I'm not gonna feel bad if they arent worth much
I can't sleep. There is just a few hours until the end of this auction and I'm just so nervous.

agreed. But remember it only takes a few to change the course of history.


their prize figures. Check out My figure collection, i doubt any of them would be worth over a 1000 yen.
Anyway, what you anons got in the post?
Is there a point in getting a scale of you're waifu if you already have one and it's the same?

>tfw waifu only has 1 scale
>that price
holy shit dude I seriously hope you didn't pay that much for a tiny amount of sencha powder, or I'm misreading it and it's a bigass carton of the shit. like, an entire year's worth of the shit if you drink it constantly.

anyway you use roughly 1 teaspoon (5ml) for every 250ml water or so. water temp should be around 80C
For redundancy.
Configure them active-active for high availability.
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>Configure them active-active for high availability
Made me laugh
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Just pre-ordered pic related after spending months fighting with myself over it. It'll be one of my only lewds but despite being full on with the perverted nature of it I find these catgirls still have a some form of refinement in their figures. I look at them and despite everything I find them more classy than many other figures like the sins, megatits in bikinis or a lot of the stuff Daiki Kogyo puts out.

Anyone else getting her?
>I find these catgirls still have a some form of refinement in their figures
maybe by contrast to explicit figures, otherwise you're just making excuses
>She gets secretly announced
>Sells out, anyways
>Gets reprint within 12 hours
>No announcement, nothing happened
>Sells out within few hours again
True enough. This one is the most perverted out of Neko no Wakusei girls as well.
What merchandise it was?
jesus christ, she's finally out.

I maxed out my annual lewd figure meter. Got both Imako System and Native's Vampire Marie and Yui Nitta. I'm not going to buy another R18 fig for probably a year, unless something good comes out.

Trying to control myself and not get PowerPlay! ones. Those three has to be my favorite vanilla H.

I think it was one of her limited time tapestry that was sold on Aniplex. Now that I have no money, they have extra in stock. Fucking AniplexPlus.
Sounds like a legit money printing machine. Why do they treat her like an afterthought again?
i think the suitcase one has a reasonable balance of sexy and style
Think of her as an Akari-n~ but in a non-yuri environment and she's also MC in least competitive way.

Lot of people, including myself, are into this sorta stuff. And I'll also add on that the "who" is kind of overplayed, in reality. She has all of the MC's flag route and in sincerity, none of the other girls really has a chance. People watch it, even so. It is rather amusing.
wow, you really like kirino this much?
worst girl she is fucken boring
Where's the "the catgirls make it extra sophisticated" image when I need it?
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Do you need to buy the forwarding ticket for each item in BiJ when you want to combine those items or do you just pay 500+500 for repackaging?
I was looking forward to seeing this one colored but it actually doesn't look that good. Ciel's hair seems grainy and the cloth billowing on the side looks like a garbage bag.
im waiting too. I hope they answer soon.
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Rin a cute.
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Oh god why can't I stop buying nothing but Nendoroids?
Shit taste would be my guess.
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>tfw the average good quality figure is like 50% of my country's minimum wage
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None of the figures in the set will be able to match kotori
Speak for yourself, I like Eri's outfit more.
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They look so nice together. This set is going to be amazing.
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South Ameri poor, which is even worse, since I forgot to mention the abusive 80% taxes in every imported product.

3rd world is kill. brb gensokyo
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When the fuck is Mandarake allowing credit cards again?

Nozomi's looks great and if Alter don't fuck up Maki then that'll be god tier.
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top keks, SON!



also it says 2 spoons (as big as in that last picture in your link) to 150ml of milk
still better than buying from mercadolibre or ordering through a facebook shop, you have no excuses.
hold up yo, the chinese jew probably bought it in bulks


5492 yen for 48grams * 12 bottles

wow, anon, nice job
I like that translucent thing Maki is wearing.

What the hell? I'm in this to avoid real life. If I wanted people telling me how caring they are I'd go to facebook.
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But anon, Facebook shops have the cheapest price here.
Fuck off cunt.
are you kidding me? they're fucking scalpers, where are you from?
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>Facebook shops

You first.
Some SEA Shithole. It's true though, preordering shits from Facebook shop is cheaper than orderng it by yourself.

The second-hand market is pretty damn good too. I can find Heavy Yamato for $190 here for example.
you should use your own credit card/paypal, is cheaper that way
Argentina? is the only country which I know who has over 80% in taxes.
really, anon?
sorry I read SA (south america for some reason)

I thought SA was South Africa.
it's also South america as I said
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Which of you NicoNicoNiggers took the Nico jumbo plush off of Mandarake
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Who excited for gsc nico here?
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Am I cooking miku right?
why would you do that?
Clean your fucking stove top.
Go on
Please don't bully miku.
add some oil
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to prep for this
Is this Sonico on the oven Anon again? I hope so. I wanna see what happens to a fig when you boil it
to remove volatiles that would kill the fishes?
Yeah, just need to remove whatever happens to be on it.

Since it's pvc, there's no need to clearcoat it.

The base is plastic though, so I coated it with polycrylic.
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how do I deal with algae? I don't see any slugs.
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wow, i liked this.
fucking nice
meant to say "you"
I've got a pleco and two clown loaches in there. The clowns hide under one of the filters all day, and you can kind of see the pleco sucking on the right of the tank
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Auction anon here. Got her.
how much? I've been looking so long for her but 300+ usd is ridiculous
>>133558936 here,
Seems like I can't order anyway.
Can someone confirm for me if BiJ phone is blacklisted on Mandarake or I'm doing something wrong?
I didn't find anything in the archive.
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Hey its spongebob anon, did watching Tanked help in any way?
>$190 Heavy Yamato
PH? I think OOC is the best jap importer here, some of their prices go on cheaper than buying straight from japan + shipping.
A bit, yeah.

The one where they did the dice tank, they mentioned they didn't need to prepare the chips, as they were pvc & clay not plastic.

So I coated the plastic base with polycrylic and didn't do anything but warm water wash the fig.

So thanks!
I just wonder how long till the pleco craps all over it
How would you guys rank mandarake for bluray and cd's? Seems like their prices are sometimes lower than other shops.
Because Mandarake sells only second hand items
why do their sizes differ so much
I want to buy an akabeko, im not sure where I could buy something like that
Ahh I see but on some descriptions it says "mint condition" is it not really or just a lucky find? Never bought anything from these sites before, so it's kinda new territory for me.
Get the fuck out.
Read the guide then, even if they are unopened, someone already owned them before.
That's because they're second hand.
I'll rate them 9/10 for the neat official-like resealed packaging
Why are you forwarding to bij from mandrake?
I believe it's one ticket and a repackaging charge. I would email them and confirm this.
Mandrake credit cards are down so that would be my best best on what's wrong
Plenty of the stuff they sell has never been opened though, their repackagings are really obvious compared to the original.

They deal with second hand items, doesn't mean all the items were actually used , just that someone else owned them before.
That looks great, nice idea.
Yes. In the end I ordered it directly and will pray that I won't get taxed.
Also I did try almost all combinations always got the generic error at confirmation of the order.
I couldn't even register account with address/phone from BiJ. VPN did not help either.
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Should I?
She's very cute and stylish but I'm really not knowledgeable with the series.
Another browser game with little to no plot like Kancolle or Touken Ranbu, so it's ok to pick her if you like the looks of it.
>Browsing eBay to look for cheap weeb shit for my baby sister for Xmas

>End up buying pic related

She's just so /cute/, /a/...at least I don't think I got ripped off too badly
So you would like your sister to die from lead poisoning?
She's a 115 coins so I'll get her.
It's solely for her looks that I find really appealing, it has a diorama style to it.
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>browsing eBay

I am sure your little sister will love you for getting her chinese knockoffs.

I like the look of it and didn't even realize she was from something. I'm a sucker for anthropomorphised girls.
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115 USD is a bit too much, check MFC, there are cheaper alternatives.

Also, she is damn lewd
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>Buying from China

She likes /Hetalia/ which has next no decent merch, so that's not an issue.

They did release some one coin figures awhile back but i don't know how good they are
Hi buyf/a/gs,
I'm going to Japan for work soon and I'd love to go to the Tea Party 2016 Gochiusa event.
If anyone planes to preorder the BD/DVD and you don't need the lottery ticket, please tell me!
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This is the one you bought? That's a bootleg.
Woah, I didn't saw how it was down here and I'm pleasantly surprised, didn't expected to be that good.
I'll take a better look around, thanks for the tip and the pics.
>She likes /Hetalia/
Wow, people are still into Hetalia?[Spoiler] I thought Fujoshits moved to SnK and sports animu[/spoiler]
But as >>133567037 suggests ,it might have been better to buy something different as it's most likely a bootleg. I hope you didn't overpay at least.
Damn, makes me want to buy her since I found one for around 9k on our local store but I'm saving for November and December orders.
Why the censor?
I wish she were less lewd. I love her face and hair, and the whole idea of it, but she's just too lewd for me.
It's just a panty anon, it's not even very visible.
>too lewd
I don't want fags on my /a/.
Solaris Japan has a figure I want for 3/5 of the new price in their used section.
>No missing parts. Everything included!
>figure 4.5/5
>box 3.5/5

I-it is probably too good to be true and I shouldn't try my luck, should I?
I got 3 fujo's this time around, at least they all want the same show and different characters!... so yay for the 5pack of keychain thingamajigs.
Buy the bd yourself then you piece of shit.
If that's the one it's definitely a fake. The seller has the same watermark and one sold, so it probably is.
At least it was only $20.
[Insert SJ copypasta here]
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any update on your order SALfags?
>Solaris is horrible blablabla
>Solaris i awesome blablabla
Their are your answers.
A panty with two giant castle vagina lips almost coming out.

Not him by the way
I'm buying 2, anon. But it's a lottery, so the more ticket the more chance. I did the same for the first kankanshiki (Kancolle live event). Bought 2, got 1 from friend, 1 from /jp/.
And, did you win?
20 dollars for a bootleg is way too much. And giving someone else a bootleg , which uses highly toxic paints, is just a horrible NO
Yup, but I didn't get it for the second one. Had to bought the tickets on Yahoo auction. My wallet still remembers.
He could be trying to kill her, thats why I mentioned >>133566652
misquoted, to >>133567374
Sadly what I gain in yen is offset by the shipping as I'm a yuropoor.
Thanks anyway.
I'm actually planning to go to Japan for a VA event.
Were you in Japan anyways or did you go there for the event? Where did you stay? About how much did food and the hotel cost?
INA, actually.
I hope you told them to undervalue
I'm from France so I can't go as often as I'd like, unlike my seafag seiyuufag friends who are like an hour away.
I generally go once a year, for the whole month of august for Comiket. If there's event during that time, I'll try to go.
I got friends that'll let me stay at their houses, but you can find nice places for 3kY a night. If you want to save on food, 700~1000y a day is easy, though I'd recommend going for 1500 for a more healthy diet.
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Am I going nuts, or is the Sakyou starting to lean more? None of the pictures I've found of her have a level shot for me to compare properly. It just feels like she's leaning because of how the stand is done where she's screwed in and it's already at a slant.
>I don't want fags on my /a/.
If I were a fag or a girl I would be more inclined to get her. They can get away with that kind of stuff.
>panty shot
>Not only lewd, but to lewd
What fucking puritan upbringing did you suffer from?
You're only asking for more of Yoshi's Wild WIlly.
Thanks for the answers, anon,
I'm from Germany so I have the same problem. Travelling will probably cost the most so it'd be better to stay for a longer time to get more out of it, but I don't really have the money for staying that long in a hotel. Food shouldn't be a problem, I hardly eat healthy anyways.

>I got friends that'll let me stay at their houses
I'm envious. Where can I get some as well?

Also, can you speak Japanese? Fluent? Did people ever look strangely at you at events?
Anyone know how easy it is to swap Beach Queen heads? I want to make a custom waifu.
>Travelling will probably cost the most
Well, since you're in a buyfag I'm guessing you're one. Shipping and customs cost a tons, and if you restrain for a year you can save up a lot on those.

>I'm envious. Where can I get some as well?
It's a bit circular, but in.. events. You can get a lot.

>Also, can you speak Japanese? Fluent? Did people ever look strangely at you at events?
I can speak it at an OK level, and understand it very well. I never had proper training in the language, so I tend to search for my words and have inconsistency in my speech level.
Most people will look strangely at you once you're out of Tokyo, but most will be friendly. If you're attending an event, you're "on of them". The ota-bond transcend cultures. You may have one or two experiences of people who dislike foreigners, but as long as you don't act like an obnoxious rapist dick it will be fine.
It's not just a panty shot. I'm fine with panty shots, I'm even fine with camel toe etc, but her vag lips are about her burst out.

Also I'm only saying she's too lewd for me to buy, in the sense that I think she's too lewd to have displayed in my lounge. I haven't fallen quite that far yet. I'm not claiming she's too lewd to look at or something.
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In what sudaca hell do you live?
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Thanks anon. I'll try my best to learn some more Japanese, can't speak at all.
She is leaning, she that gap between the left shoe and the base, you can sorta see it on the right shoe as well.
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Any place to buy older figures? I'm looking for pic related, but the only place they sell it is SJ.
The guide
The Hibiki prize figure is worth at least 4000 JPY. Others are worthless.
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so uh are preorders for that Karen jacket from Kiniro Mosaic ever gonna open again or did I fuck up by missing the deadline?
read the guide
Rule of thumb, consider every piece of merchandise as limited
>open again
It already opened a second time
I'm actually selling her bad eyepatch lady.
Any other figures or characters with japanese socks like that?
That madoka kimono is already on the way.
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How much? Also from?
I still don't understand how I managed to let that beauty slip away.
[email protected] USA
I bought her secondhand for 13k recently, B/B. I don't regret it.
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Enjoy the fifteenth of November.
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>mfw I will never get this and the gsc Sorceress
Thanks doc
Glad the show helped, she's comming along nice.
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A best.
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What's the longest you've had to wait for a package, from dispatch to delivery?
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3 months
I willingly and knowingly paid way too much for a fig at a con. I regret almost nothing.
the word you're looking for is tabi. i think you should be able to help yourself with that knowledge.
Yotsugi fig when
have you at least checked whether it would be available through other channels before making the purchase?
I have too. It's just easier to spend more when you know you want something and it's right in front of your face.
I'm gonna have a field day. Thanks
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Damn, you can actually see her belly button. What should I do with this?
How it is under the skirt?
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I'm planning to buy some stuff from suruga, and using BiJ as forwarder.

Is pic related the correct input?
Yep, she's an Manda, if I consider shipping and taxes I still payed about 40€ more at the con.

Didn't expected to find her there, I just thought "I want it" and it was deal. I'm very impulsive.
Put her in the bin.
jesus christ what a slut
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Okay, so how well would a Sega prize figure stand up against asphalt if it was being dragged along behind, say, a car? This is important.
What is her name? Google is just giving me kanji and muramasa which is hard to work with.
About a three fiddy.
It's fine to buy castles and boats even if you don't paly the games, the visuals are the main appeal of the characters.
Thank you
Shit, yeah figured that. Tried to tighten to screws, but it started to strip. If it gets worse I'll just reinforce with glue.

That's Dr. Wild Willy to you.
What are some of the coolest looking figures out there anons?

I don't plan on buying any, but I like looking at them.
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define "cool"
I don't get it
a week and a half
Anything by Griffon. Top tier quality.
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They didn't do it properly.
>Seams and no bands
Well that's quite the disappointment.
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It is?
I'm always a bit anxious, I feel like I'm not reasoning properly by buying them.
Is there anyone more epic than Kaneki?
Ask your pastor
>tfw still probably gonna buy it anyway because my waifu
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like this?
Is this a meme I missed?
Yes. They look nice, if you like them, just go for it.

That new male fig with the blue patterned clothes. Gay as fuck but he does look sick.
Well I don't know Swedish or whatever that is, but if your moonrunes are in the same order as the ones in the other picture then yes.
>no panties

Where are proofs?
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Just like that girl in kimono from Tony Taka.
Not sure I like that though.
It's surprisingly fitting most of her doujins are about prostitution.
forced memes, like the fatty
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eye am coolest.jpg
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It's FS, I just love the guy's art.
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hello germanfag
[whipcracking intensifies ]
This creature seems to be intelligent. Post more of her.
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>order from nagomi
>herro the weight is 730g. The delivery cost 3000 yen
>check japanpost EMS rates
>Up to 800g = 2400 yen
Volume nigga
Fuck yeah, thanks guys. I'd been looking for an accessible aquarium resource.
>nice doll that needs its hair touched up
>delicious candies
>drawing tablet
>at least 7 loli onaholes nest to it all
Wondrous incongruity.
wink pls go
have you never been to /jp/?
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Hot Pockets.png
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I want to just grab that ass. What's wrong with me?
Shizu pls.
You call that an ass James? Either I've only seen high quality plastic butts in my time or this is the most disappointing butt ever created known to man discovered.

Nothing. Its a nice butt.
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I know this figure
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A true ass lover loves all asses regardless of the size. And out of all of them, his favorites are the ones belonging to the person he loves.
What the fuck is that robot toy. It's great
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I'm a girl and anime butts do something to my vag
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Where is best girl?
LONDfuck off
>I'm a girl
No shit, look what board you're posting on.

this is gold
that looks creepy. would buy unpainted.
Boys aren't allowed on /a/. This is a girls only club.
>butts over boobs
Not even once, sis.
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>I desperately want attention
>this is old
Boobs are just fake asses.
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Is this a type 1 butt?
Boobs are superior
An imitation can never surpass the original.
>not appreciating the whole torso
how small-minded.
No, it's type 2 diabetes
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Stay delusional
The midriff is the only part of the upper body that matters, legs are a woman's real appeal.
Whether I like penis (I do) is irrelevant. Boobs are superior to butts.

Get with the times, boobs are the new model, butts are old and outdated.
legs only serve to hold thighhighs or pantyhose. on their own they serve no purpose
symmetrical docking
>some grandma in the background
Calling it now
Day one this comes out someone will post a hotglue video here.
Thighhighs and pantyhose exist only to accentuate the natural beauty of the legs.
if legs are laid bare you might as well remove them
Lack of legs has its own appeal, but that's a fetish for a different thread.
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Bare legs can be good as well, but yeah.
I'm excited, personally.
I want to watch that disgusting thing get hot glued for some reason.
>Puffy vulva
>mad because you can't grope your own boobs and butt

stay mad baka desu senpai
It's not that puffy actually, it's just her thong is too small an very tight.
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>I want to watch that disgusting thing get hot glued for some reason.

Her noodle stopper comes out in a few days and im sure its going to get hotglued and melted to hell and back.
Cant wait.
Yeah I know, just looks puffy and delicious
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Millions of peaches. Peaches for me.
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Freakin love fruit.
Ho it sure does anon.
That's a pretty good ass compared to some of the crap he's posted. Like the boatslut's non-existent ass.
Millions of peaches. Peaches for free.
Hello buyfag thread, have a question

I work 8 am - 4:30 pm (would be 5 pm but I take 30 minute breaks). I have no way of catching the mailman with buyfag packages (I could send packages to my grandparents house, but ehh).

Should I rent a PO box, and how big? I have no idea how PO boxes work with big packages and shit.
Does your mom dress you up in the morning?
That's your mom's job, she does a fine job at it too.
>I have no idea how PO boxes work with big packages and shit.
For USPS just get a small box. You get a we missed you slip in it go up to the counter, sign, and get your box of shit taste.
depending on your workplace you could just have delivered it there
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How in gods name do you get the wings on this bitch? I'm starting to get really annoyed here.
not sure how it works where you live, but here you can asked for a second scheduled delivery or go to the post office to pick it up.
What's it like having an axe wound since birth?
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but i have good taste
>not your own puffy vulva
senpai please
>Thank you for your message

>We will now contact the maker to see what it is possible to do.

>We will come back to you as soon as we get an answer from them

What are the chances they send me a new fig?
>I bought this green tea from CandySan
I never said I bought it from aliexpress, I just provided the link because in candysan there is no information about the product at all.

So, do I use 1 teaspoon for 250ml water or 2 spoons for 150ml of milk.. I'll try both.
When the fuck is the GUP tank going up on sale?
Just ram it in.
What happened
the only way to tell them apart is hair styles and colors. four of them even have moles in the same place

Chipped paint on hair.
No other man will treat you right. I love you
>On this episode of Tanked, former 4chan owner Christopher Poole wants a anime themed tank with a rare one of a kind 1/1 seamless scale of Asuka commissioned by Alter.
Moot should have sold 4chan for a life scale of Asuka.
I get that moot is an Asukafag, but Rei belongs in the tank.
2.5 years and still waiting.
>clone vat: rei
>lcl-filled pod: red bitch
works either way

Maki when ?
>sameface cowtit beasts
That's pretty gross m8

Soon please. I need more Maki in my life. Shes my secondary waifu.
So many smokin hot sexy babes
>secondary waifu.
I'm going to beat you up, dude.
sup edgemaster
Hopefully, Alter will do another series of them, I'm skipping them because of bird's derpy face and Nico's atrocious dress; either I get all of them or none.
Question, how does a blind person browse the Internet?
You can stop posting now.
I'm a skeleton

I'm inside you

Fuck off.
that account is faker than a 3 dollar bill.
Wait, $3 bills are fake? I just sold a couple of figs to an American guy for a stack of them.
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laughing 8bit tomato.gif
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>I just sold a couple of figs to an American guy for a stack of them.
Funniest anon of the year
Why didn't they make a Suga one?
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I never called anything, anon. Chill.

That said, Nowa does have a nice butt and you need to watch way more pic butts, it's far from being disappointing.
still is a lame ass admit it
Ever since I got into dolls my interest in figures has been waning. Even if I see a new release I like, I think how that money could be spent buying something for my daughterfu.
fuck off, cunt go brag somewhere else
Dolls really scare me. I think it's the eyes. I'm not sure but they really scare me.
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Not even close, nice butt, nice thighs and the black leotard makes it better.
>hurr look at me i'm a dollfucker

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You are pretty easy to scare, aren't you?
I can respect that.
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>hurr look at me i'm a poorfag
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doll hijack? doll hijack
Kill yourself.
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ok gimme email
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Anyone have experience with daki covers from suruga?

It says "中古", but it doesn't say if it's opened or not

the price being almost 50% off original retail price makes me think someone cummed on it
I doubt they would mark something as used if it had never been opened.

You can't honestly have idols as your main waifu. Right senpai?
I'll sell you mine. It's too small and wore it twice.
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>spending thousands of dollars on literal shit makes you rich.

Were not all mentally and socially damaged to the point of buying a doll for the sake of being a unique snowflake on the internet lol.
>makes me think someone cummed on it
Not necessarily. Surugaya gives low prices to unpopular things, or sometimes they mess up.
If it doesn't say there's really no way to tell if it's been opened or not.
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meh. i like the figure but i don't like the stand
wish they had done more with the blood thing
Please someone tell me what doujinshi she's from
Anime series, not doujin
Gorgeous. Illya looks so pretty!
She's the award winner of biggest slut year after year in Japan.
Well, thats actually really cute.
Random picture or actually your own?
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mirai maid.jpg
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I actually like the base. one of the few where the base actually has some use instead of just some random floor.

Also, whens Mirai ver. maid?
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With any luck illya shall be mine this christmas
offa flickr, saved it because photography goals
Is this totally not Tifa by T2?
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Yesterday I got my october order, I forgot to post it here.
>inb4 joint shit gundam shit
Me again.

Kongiku has just been sold (and a warm thank you to the buyer for his great courtesy).

If you've any interest in the remaining figures please feel free to send an offer to the aforementioned email.
Nice. Hope the auction goes well.
Assuming you are the same anon in the /jp/ thread[/spolier]
Yup, I am.
The odds are stacked against me as I'm at work when the auction ends but hopefully my max bid will be enough.
Is it Halloween again?
God damnit GSC announce the delay or release date so my damn november order can be shipped.
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From manda
>Credit card is not available temporary and PayPal does not allow payment
for orders contains adult products. Payment deadline will be extended until Credit Card payment is resumed late
in November.
Then what anime?
I hope it's a delay, my order is going to be 43.9k without shipping if it's not and it's only 3 items.
Google it
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its all over.jpg
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>spent 2 hours trying to get the middle right wing in the slot
>fingers too big
>tweezers too small
>decide to j-j-jam it in
>the bump on that wing broken

I don't know what Alter was thinking when they made all those tiny holes
after hearing everyone else struggle with putting her together, i'm kinda glad i didn't order her now
They were thinking about people without sausage fingers.

How fucking hamhanded do you have to be to fuck this up. Shes not even a fucking model kit and you're already fucking shit up. baka desu senpai.
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fucking usps.jpg
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Why, USPS? I don't live in the south. It should have been here tomorrow.
"inside old" I have no idea what that's supposed to mean, problably used
Come on, even Google and Bing are able to translate 中古 properly to second-hand and pre-owned.
Look for 未開封.
Mio boutique or Nippon-yassan, which one is better and why?
They are the only ones that got what I'm looking for.
what happens if you break it? mine is arriving soon and im scared after hearing other people break theirs too
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Paper is heavy. I prefer the cheaper shipping and waiting a couple extra weeks for it.

But I've never had it go to Atlanta before.
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Try and get this one instead.
It probably came across as me saying SAL is the inferior choice, but I really just meant that it's the reason your package is bouncing around.
image search doesn't do shit
it does, fucking lurk forever
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Well I'm finally gonna bite the bullet and get her
Search harder.
Yes it does.
here it is http://myfigurecollection.net/item/251194
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I didn't really struggle with the other wing parts, just that one section in particular since you need baby fingers to get it in place firmly.

Other than that the rest of the assembly was pretty straightforward.


Well for me, I just took out my soldering kit and reattached it together. Then I shrunk the sides a bit and filled the empty parts of the hole with some dabs of hot glue I know I'm shit. You can't really see the hot glue from the standard view at least and the figure is overall fine.

I don't know what the other anons or buyers handled it but my guess is try to get it refunded or repair the parts.


Well my fingers are thin as the slim asian girls in my uni if you want a reference. I guess it's probably because Blade and Soul CBT started when I got my package that I fucked up.
Ah. I've had packages bounce between NJ and MA before, like some sort of super slow tennis match, but in 4 years I've never had one go south. Decided to send USPS an e-mail about it since I can never find phone numbers that actually lead to people who can help, but I'm not expecting much.

Curious to see how badly it'll be beaten though, since this time I told 2you4 that repackaging the order from Tora wasn't necessary. They never did say if they left it or put it in a new box.
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So do I eat this or did it come with some candy or something? What's going on here
shut up kid

that is ako atarashi from saki
is a styling it cames with a bubble gum same size as one chiclets(just one candy)
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Yeah you eat it they have a delicious cream filling
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up for preorder.
I would like to eat her delicious cream filling
Nigga that's gross
Read the description

>[Set Contents]
>-Main figure
>-Optional head part
>-Gum x1
Milfs are fucking disgusting do you have a fetish for fucking your mom or something?
why would I care about your shit opinion?
The female body is disgusting
>do you have a fetish for fucking your mom or something?
if she looks like that, hell yeah
Fluffy sweaters are cute
Also this
They don't tend to pay close attention to anything that isn't shipped express, so they chuck stuff on the wrong plane or truck from time to time. It gets to the correct destination eventually 99% of the time, it just takes a bit. The delay is usually worth it for cheaper shipping though.
When you are 28 and your mom is 50 you will understand that 38 year old women can be as hot as 25 year old women when you were 15.
how's the angela nendo?
Is this an original design for a figure or is it a character from one of his h works?
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43KB, 534x800px
PVCPre-painted Complete Figure
Scale: 1/6
Size: Approx. H290mm
>*Please cast-off at your own risk. Parts may be damaged during removal.
>*Please only remove parts at your own risk.

>*Please cast-off at your own risk. Parts may be damaged during removal.
>*Please only remove parts at your own risk.
>*Please cast-off at your own risk. Parts may be damaged during removal.
>*Please only remove parts at your own risk.
What company would make a cast off scale that you can damage during the cast off process?
Remind me again: HobbyHeart's bootleg daki's fare how compared to the official ones?
dumb people like you.
Every other company adds that since hamhanded people exist, newfag
Fabric-wise, quite good. Quality of the printing is really laking though, and that goes for every other bootleg printer.
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story of my life
no one cares
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>A whole collection or something would be a different story
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slippery slope.png
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>finished putting together an Excel spreadsheet of all the figs I've bought so far
>have been buyfagging for around 4-5 years
>own 44, have 14 on preorder
>total (with preorders) is pic related

Jesus fuck hold me /a/ ;_;
A bit late, but wouldn't the paint start to fade away?
There's always the chance that a fish poop lands on it and stains the figure too, but I doubt he/she cares much about it remaining perfect. It'll take a long time before the fish swimming up against it and water erosion to affect it.
Yes it'll also kill the fish.
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Pulchra will make this.
Yeah, I'll just have to keep an eye on USPS and Japan Post tracking. I had one get sent back to Japan with no warning a couple of years ago so I'm not really surprised when one goes to the wrong place. It's just annoying and usually when a package reaches NJ I have it 3 days later, but oh well maybe it'll be here by the end of the week.
I've been buyfagging for 3 years and i have 87 figures. No matter how bad it gets remember that it could be worse.
Couldn't he have just covered it in a waterproof wax?
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It cost money to obtain goods sometimes it cost a lot of it. You fixate on that grand total like you would have been able to hold onto it or something like that when in reality you know you would have spent it on other stupid shit.
Don't start collecting doujinshi, BDs or music then. You'll hate the numbers that come with those.
Another guy here, why shouldn't I start collecting doujins. ANy reason aside from the over price?
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Oh, I know. But still, I could've bought a car with that amount of money I could really use a car. I'm happy with my plastic butts though. Don't regret it in the slightest.

That's only what I've spent (will spend) on figs. If I added everything related to chink shit I'd probably have to add at least another $2-3k on there.
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$200 a month for a year and you could get yourself a nice piece of shit car that should last a couple years.
No, I only mentioned it because he seemed to be in despair at spending $4.5k over 4~5 years.

>at least another $2-3k
Easily. And easily more if you buy multiple full series on BD, unless you wait to get them pre-owned or get lucky with auctions.
Not really overpriced but they're really cheap so you'll want to buy more because you don't want the shipping to cost more than the item, and by that time, you already have 10k worth of doujins with 4k shipping. Rinse and repeat.
That figure does amazing things to my penis. I pre-ordered as fast as my mouse would let me.

Even if it wasn't cast off I'd still get it.
Newfag question time-any anon here used YesAsia and gotten good results? It's not listed in the guide.
Which waifu should I get?
do i get this

or the movie version
idk why but Odanon's girls' facial expressions gross me out

art is great though
As the days pass my yearning for dolls grows. I think I'll get myself a 1/3 or 50cm.
As inhuman as these may look, I think that's part of the appeal. If grey AYYLMAOs looked like this, I'd want one in a heartbeat.

Music is great though. Having a rounded out CD collection is pretty fulfilling.
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what do you guys think of this? it's pretty cute, thinking of getting it

It's pretty cute but I can imagine the novelty wearing off after one or two drinks

They should have made re-useable tea infusers instead of that paper shit
So, basically, you are thinking with your dick.
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Yeah no shit, what are you gonna use to buy porn? Your heart with the guidance of Jesus Christ?
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>my slutfu can't be this 3DPD
Dear sweet Jesus.
Those nipples are nice.
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and she has pubes too.
>put that much effort into nipples
>breasts are still fused together

Ok, google didn't help. Which chapter was this?
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because daiki, still who knows that might get fixed, I can't complain anyway since I like the sweater a lot, size is good too 29cm, can't reaaly ask much for 11k
She's cute, but the pose looks stupid without the sweater.
Or maybe the series has a lot of slice of life or gag doujins.

I know, it's weird to buy something that isn't porn, but it does happen.
Light heat did the trick pretty well without deforming anything. A hairdryer set on low for 15 seconds should work fine.
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we dont do rereleases.jpg
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This should piss some people off.

Can't wait till they rerelease quiet for all those people that spent $500 on her in the aftermarket.

>we don't do rereleases.
Why are you looking at, discussing or even thinking about purchasing complete utter shit?
I know he dressed up like a girl, but it wasn't all that convincing.
I absolutely hate USPS tracking, it'll process through NYC and then it won't update again until it's delivered at my door and I missed the package because the website still says the last thing it did was process through NYC.

Also they'll deliver the package and as I sign for it I'll check the tracking and it'd updated saying "Esitmated Delivery Day: Tomorrow" "Delivered: Today"
re-read his post retard
Awesome. Thanks!
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>Play Arts Kai

Someone post the PAK image.
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Holy sheep shit, I didn't realize just how awful they were.
Snake looks like he went on a crack binge.
Is that the Major
yes some guy changed her eyes decals.
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