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ITT: it's 2020 I can't believe Kentaro Miura died

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ITT: it's 2020

I can't believe Kentaro Miura died this week, guys. RIP
Take you stupid shitposting back to >>>/v/
The 3rd Free movie was great, based KyoAni.
>Anime threads are still allowed on /v/
Thank god, the best thing the new admin did was allow /v/ to post anime.
Now /v/ can leave us the fuck alone.
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While a part of me is glad that incest laws in anime and manga are looser I feel like it isn't as enjoyable now that every show has a brother and sister going at it now
Haruhi S3 is finally coming.
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Nihei is making his own version of EYE Divine Cybermancy. How can one man be so based?
I can't believe Oda died before finishing One Piece, RIP.
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HxH still on hiatus
Why has every year been so disappointing since 2015?
Can we all celebrate the fact that Anno died this week? I mean thank god, what he did to 5.55 was unbelievable.
Eva 4.0 sucked ass, but 5.0 is fucking great.

Anno got back on form after he joined Aum Shinrikyo.

Sucks that loli got banned for the olympics though.
Wait, doesn't Araki look younger ?
I can't believe Miyazaki died in that crash.
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>new admin
I heard they'll be animating JoJo Part 4 soon.
Dangit, now we'll never know what happens when he gets off the boat.
more like SJW admin.
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I wish Naruto Gt would end already, it's weird that Mini Lee gets no screentime, but hell Shikadai is the best character, just wait until the Arc in which his sensei dies starts next week. My body is ready
Banner of the Stars IV was so good. Based Sunrise, it was worth the wait.
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Moot has been gone for 5 years anon. At least he occasionally posts here to say hi. He just got back from his trip to space sponsored by Axe, maybe he will stop by soon r-right?
It's been four whole years but he's still the new admin to me and will likely always be. Moot may be dead now but he lives on in our hearts.
I can't believe they skipped it
Shingetsutan Tsukihime is a fantastic anime.
Today, We celebrate the 4th anniversary of Nana Mizuki and Yukari Tamura wedding.
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YEAAAH, Murata finally began the battle between the Heroes and the MA ! Can we expect Garou in god mode to appear in 10 years ?
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>sunrise original anime is mecha AGAIN
literally who
Why is everybody dying?
Who's Moot?
Nice to see Gonzo is still alive.
Who is moot?
I was born after 9/11 and can post here without being underage b&.
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Can we expect a 3rd season for Tsugumomo ?

Seconding this, is this some channer lingo or something? Pretty new here.
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When will kamachi finally stop touma´s endless suffering?

I can´t believe we thought the stuff with Othinus way back was the worst of it, when it only started there
Do you think they will leave the boat this year ?
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Issuing a reminder that Nishino is the best girl.
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I agree since the release of the cinderella girls ps4 game the franchise is bigger than ever, but who the hell is pic related?
Guts is now the captain, we won't leave the boat.
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I'm so hyped for the 5th season of the Ayame spin off.
Last chapter of rotte finally translated.
I'm new here, I want to learn more about Japanese culture before the olympics. Recommend me anime.
Where were you last week?
/pol/ successfully trolled the world into believing that WW3 had begun. I still can't believe that RobotObama was so naive about things being said on anonymous image boards and would actually start bombing the Chinese colonies in northern Europe without checking the facts.

Well, at least /pol/ won't have time to celebrate their one success before everybody dies.
Why am I still here?
>still talking about the old "admin"

This site got a whole lot better after Lelouch bought it.
just a tripfagging admin who woulds shitpost on /a/ about his waifu and fuck up entire boards for "fun"
Liar Game BD subs when?
Boku no pico 3D remake
These season's new Korean anime are quite good. We're not too far from those Korean studios surpassing Japan's dying industry.
That live action Cowboy Bebop was terrible as expected but at least Keanu did a good job.
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I'm hyped for the american remake of Kill la Kill, new designs are neat as fuck.
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March 26, 2019.

Exactly one year ago today, Ikeda Shuuichi died of a heart attack.

He's in newtype heaven now. ;_;
KyoAni finally finished adapting Full Metal Panic.
>/a/ will never again be good
Very soon kids that were born together with 4chan will be shitposting legally.
Getting Urobutcher to write the second season of NGE was a horrible mistake
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You know what I hate? tsundere
Darker than Black season 3 when
Expecially after Griffith has gotten his own boat. Prepare for a boat battle.
Next cour of LOGH when? The last four were so much better than the OVAs!
Season 3 confirmed.
Can you believe that Kishi actually pulled a TTGL with Kaguya backstory and the TotallyNotAnti-Spirals.
Remember when people were complaining about CGI? I have no idea what their problem was, I couldn't imagine Madhouse's PunPun adaptation any other way. Too bad Trigger went under after that subpar Biscuit Hammer adaptation, they should have accepted CGI as the way of the future.
>korean's in charge of moe
>islamic state of russia and the middle east in charge of shonenshit
do nips even have a niche left?
>I'm still watching cartoons
Wizard status is almost mine.
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The Gunnm adaptation movie of Cameron is confirmed to have Scarlett Johansson as the main role.
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Daily reminder that Meruem and Komugi had sex before they died.
We didn't even arrived at the dark continent yet, fucking togashi, at least this yyh remake is pretty good
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Season 3 was great, can't wait for S4.

I wish Tanigawa got off his ass.
I regret Horriblesubs.
So, Kora is really trying to be BadJapan hard.
>islamic state of russia
Spent the whole day going on a picnic with my waifu
God Bless virtual reality
>>korean's in charge of moe

How do they do it?
Have fun getting banned, it's against the rules to speak of things that stand in the way of money since Lord Daiz took over in 2018.
Who's ready for the Olympics to take away the loli?
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>loli actually made illegal
>Akihabara is no more
>SJW influencing anime content
Fuck the Olympics.
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>You can find video footage of Anno committing suicide hidden in 4.44.

I can't believe we're still finding stuff, thank goodness that the final Rebuild made up for everything and wasn't a crushing disappointment.

A man can dream.
What do you think Ikuhara's next work is going to be? It's been five years since his last project, don't you think it's about time he shows up again with a new project? Or maybe he's gone for good this time, considering the underwhelming reception YuriKuma had. Is he losing his charm? I don't want to see him fade into obscurity.
Still no anime thats hyping the entire board again
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Ever since creation of that all-powerful shader that makes 3DCG look like hand drawn animation everything looks unbelievably good.
Not to mention daiz developed his own video codec.
what anime is this?
I'm glad Modoka ended the way it did. 2 hours of lesbian orgy. They got all the hot steamy energy they needed that way and lived happily ever after.
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Man, the concert scenes of them all grown up in the movie are amazing

It's about time KyoAni got another big hit as K-ON
Well, it's all those idols anime that sprung off Korea's idol culture. I heard Yamakan gave a hand in the beginning, but they fired him after the umpteenth flop.
He's probably in India right now
Glasslip of course, newfriend.
I like the increase of popularity for gyarus in the last years.
RIP in peace Miyazaki.
A show about airplanes as little girls.

A show about ships as little girls.

A show about tanks as little girls.

A show about trains as little girls.

A show about rocket ships as little girls.

Is there anything they CAN'T do??
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Can anyone defeat Uchiha Madara?

And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Madara Uchiha. I’m not even talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu). I'm talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
A show about autists as little girls.
>Or maybe he's gone for good this time, considering the underwhelming reception YuriKuma had. Is he losing his charm? I don't want to see him fade into obscurity.

I don't know about underwhelming but it split tumblr in ways I would have never expected
I still can't fucking believe Miku is going to be doing the opening ceremony song with a holographic pikachu.
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Your waifu just joined the Japan National Team for the 2020 Olympics!
What sport is she going to play?
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Who else wants to see an anime about cute overpowered characters doing cute things?
Holy shit guys, Haruhi s4 anounced!
anybody else having trouble fapping since japan got rid of mosaics? I almost think I didn't want to see it now
Hey guys let's have a "ITT: /a/ in 2025" thread!
I can't believe he never got off the boat, Togashi never got on the boat, and Bastard! still hasn't finished.
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Remember when anime was still good? I haven't seen any good ones since 2017-ish.
>Is there anything they CAN'T do??

I heard someone gaijin did moe-fied the 52 states of the United States and was a huge hit on Devianart

Guam-chan, was their favorite
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I know man, especially with the last chapter he left us off with.

>The 2nd eclipse happens
>Femto ascends in to his TRUE final form
>Femto re-rapes Casca, this time putting it in her ass
>After he is finished with her, he has the apostles strip Guts and bring him to Femto, where Guts is then mouth and ass raped
>But he's not done yet, He then grows a 2nd cock and rapes both Schierke and Farnese at the same time!
>Crowd goes wild
>Skull Knight crashes the party, but falls off his horse and lands in a face down ass up position
>Femto of course takes this opportunity to rape that bony butt
>Femto decides to take it to the next level
>He takes his dick and bends it around between his legs to his ass
>Starts raping himself

To add insult to injury, it was the first chapter we had in like 5 years.
Too bad we need to register to post now.
Twintails S2 was pretty good, looking forward to S3, I honestly never thought I would like Aika this much

Also to that anon who recommended my Symphogear, I really liked it, glad I marathoned it just in time for Symphogear EX Ultra
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Ataru is the best male MC in anime by far.
I can't wait for the last Rebuild of Evangelion movie. Think it's coming out this year?
>Homuhater blown the fuck out
Ready for K-On s3?
I'm still around. Yep.
The fuck is a moot?
Toxic community the thread
It's amazing how Anno coined the term Reconstruction of a genre
Seems like the Hollywood adaptation of Prison School got confirmed.
The Ghost in the Shell manga was better than the anime.
see >>123088805
Madara is fodder tier now
I just watched Madoka s2.
What the fuck did I watched, /a/?
I can't believe issei still hasn't fucked, next ln release when?
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>forgetting about Kyoukai senjou no Horizon S3 in 2018
But 4chan got a lot better after that... all the racism, homophobia and misogyny is finally gone :)
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>guam chan
>not delaware senpai
gwayeon gook shit taste
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>[UTW] Tsukihime – 01 [720p][A8G975DC].mkv

You said this day would never come, /a/.
Kizumonogatari when?
I love this new meme!
Well considering everything loli was censored this year I guess you just watched a bunch of black lines and sun beams and a voice over.
Shaft has really dropped the ball.
So guys, what did you think of Nichijou S2?

It was honestly way funnier than S1 imo.
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Sakura best gurl
>mfw UTW is just commie now
At least Skiddiks sempai is still best
I wish F/SN never got a remake.
>[Commie-Vivid] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Vento Aureo 35 [2160p].mkv

It's time
Based slut.
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Glad that modern medicine allowed us to revive Akinari. Season 3 was great.
8K Monitors when?
>3rd GIG this year
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Hello myself.

If you are still alive to read this, I hope you have been well over these past 5 years and managed to survive your difficulties.

I also hope that you have enjoyed many series and that staying alive solely for the sake of watching Anime, funposting and occasionally playing Hyperdimension Neptunia has payed off.

I also hope you are still living the NEET life and taking it easy every day.

On a last note, I hope that the Rozen Maiden reboot was worth it, as well as the Heaven's Feel movies and Kizu.
I also hope that you enjoyed Sunrise's 3 new mecha shows that managed to be more stupid than VVV and Cross Ange put together, and after going through 4 more LOVE LIVE seasons, you finally get to watch Accel World's 2nd season.
Continue to stay away from moeshit, nothing good has come of it.

Best regards, me.
By 2020 4chan will be dead due to failed monetization attempts by Gawker.

All moeshit series, seinen, and anything remotely lewd will be banned from discussion by 2017. Only interracial, homosexual, slice of life shoujo discussion will be allowed. This is it, friends. The second Moot's new admins hand the reigns over to Gawker it's all over.
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>asking me to see 5 years into the future
Sorry, Anon. I don't have 20/20 vision.
Is GER time?
>all sub groups dead except for Commie
It's all your fault /a/.
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What did everyone think of pic related?

I personally loved it.
We'll always have 8ch.

Fuck you Zoe Quinn.
>not just watching funi streams
Wow, there are still autists that download anime?
I still can't believe that they got Hatsune Miku to perform the opening song. I mean, Olga's gone and all and there's no hope that we could ever find a suitable replacement for her contribution to the series, but I can't help but feel that this is a poorer fit than we could have managed. They could at least have gotten nano.RIPE or something.
They fucked up the designs of the Berserk remake. Seems like 5 nukes wasn't enough.
DFC > Cowtits
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If you 2020fags are looking for a good alpha MC, watch Getter Robo Armageddon.
Did you really think we could save fansubbing after google bought crunchyroll last year?
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UnderNyaa is down again.
>mfw that OVA series for Zero no Tsukaima to adapt the final novels
>/v/ still doesnt know its place
>all the newfags itt

Jesus christ if you haven't been here since 2015 then you're a normalfag.
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I'm more hype for the third movie next year. Looks intense. The whole net is in danger and the Major is more involved in this one.
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>this man managed to collect more post mortem accolades and awards than many better directors will do in their lifetime

How does it make you feel
Reminder that there are people in this thread that STILL don't know how to get onto madokami or neo-exhentai.
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Launch is the best girl.
I don't mind having to register with my SSN and Facebook login to post here. It really cut down on the trolls that were triggering me.
At least Kishi keep his word and Bolt was the MC unlike Toriyama(RIP) and Gohan
Y'all thought Bleach was bad, you should look at this week's chapter. Fucking KUBO
Itt; the thread
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Well brother, I just hope by now that Stone Ocean doesn't get as shitty as Jojolion's villain reveal, and THAT doesn't cost us the glorious SBR adaptation.

Goddamit, now I know why Josuke didn't have the dignity of showing up at Pucci's fight, who knew he was actually Kira who impersonated him after he actually died?
>I also hope that you enjoyed Sunrise's 3 new mecha shows that managed to be more stupid than VVV and Cross Ange put together
Ascended kek
I waited so long for Despera. So fucking long and it sucked ass. It could have been great, if ABe hadn't got hit by a truck and Konaka hadn't died of a cold.
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So what are folks going to do to celebrate America's 52nd State's anniversary of joining?
Strange how it's only been 4 chapters since 2015
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Just now, we're having an advent of vs (power level) threads on /a/. Once the One Punch Man Anime comes out, they'll become heavily entrenched in the culture, and I'm sure we'll have plenty by 2020.
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Man, that Yotsuba& anime was really great.

It's just such a shame Kiyohiko Azuma had to die for it get made.
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Cuck will only get bigger and bigger.
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