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Is Karen Araragi fully human? She claims that she can squat 180

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Thread replies: 314
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Is Karen Araragi fully human? She claims that she can squat 180 kg (400 lbs), but that exceeds the world record for 15-year-old females.
She's fully human and fictional so unfortunately her records don't count
She is actually the Araragi. The one we know and love is an impostor.
she looks too skinny to squat 180kg
Powerlifting is an extremely niche sport, women powerlifting is a niche of a niche, and sub-junior women powerlifting is a niche of a niche of a niche - the current world records probably don't even approach the actual physical limits.

I bet there are some girls in the Chinese weightlifting camps that could break those records like it's nothing, they just didn't have the opportunity to compete in any powerlifting competitions.
Her thighs are nowhere near large enough for that. Also that would be like 2.5x her bodyweight, which is ludicrous
>not squatting 10x your body weight
man you must have shit gains

only 150kg yeah, but close enough
But at least has good depth and even goes below parallel. Looks like her knees bend inwards a bit, though.

I'd let her squat all over my face, though.
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Fucking shinbo pandering
she did SS so she has functional strength
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>a series with:
>possessed arms growing hair
>vampires and regeneration
>lethal curses
>mythological reincarnation
>immaculate conception
>fully functional head-antennae
>mad stapler skills
>ball-and-socket joint necks
>weightlessness through possession
>something with corpses
>socially accepted polygamy
>socially accepted pedophilia
>socially accepted incest
>socially accepted bloodlust incited by incest
>men and women from various ages, various upbringings and no prior relation to each other all being experts in otaku culture

>expecting realism
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>ball-and-socket joint necks
that's just standard SHAFT fare
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>socially accepted incest
Tsukihi's reaction seems to imply that it isn't socially acceptable.
Her fucking heels lift up, that's shit form
...that's only because Karen was getting ahead of her, Tsukihi wants the Ararararagi too.
It wasn't the incest, it was that she was cheating on her boyfriend.

Which was Tsukihi, because doujinshi are canon
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>I don't want Karen's ass in my face
I never said I didn't, though. It just that it makes my dick hurt.
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>>socially accepted polygamy
>>socially accepted pedophilia
she is muh waifu
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How does it feel having a waifu who is physically stronger than you?
>squatting 4pl8
damn mirin
Tsukihi > Karen
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Insert generic girl character that has an IQ of 5 gorillion here.
Let's not exaggerate, Anon. It's 4 at most.
She's incredible math.
Wrong girl
What episode is that from?

>Not squatting 180 kg
>Using lbs
>Being this degenerate

I should have expected this from a /fit/fag, but you are testing my limits.
But how can she so perfectly squat?
Karen Bee a best.
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Similarly, you may say you are fluent in Japanese, have watched over a thousand chinese cartoons, and are totally NEET if you forget that whole education thing you're following on the sidelines.

Are you fully human?
>4pl8 is lbs
literally what
She is fully best girl.
Are you calling her a liar?
Everybody lies, Anon. She's trying to impress her brother and get in his pants. Most likely.
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You can do better than that
Standard Shinbo fare.
I don't lie.
She's too stupid to lie and Koyomi would fuck her anyway.
It's not pedophile. She's 400 years old.

'Plate' refers to a 20 kg (45lbs) weight in Murricaland, because that is usually the biggest they are using. In more civilized countries we regularly have 25 kg and 50 kg plates and logically announce the total weight.
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do you think he slipped the tongue in?
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Only one girl gets the tongue

I look at Karen's face and want to have blackanese babies with her. What does that mean?
snail is the best girl so that would be fine with me
That you're black?
She's a fucking Chinese cartoon.
Yes, and?
What subs are you guys using for Season 2? The only complete series I'm seeing are Horrible and Commieshit.

Spearchucker pls go
I never threw a spear in my whole life.
Commie because of superior typesetting
Karen BBC aka love
Rushjob, because they're actually close to finishing it.
She probably wears oly shoes when it's weighted

Waiting for Coalgirls.
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Stingy like a bee, speedy like a bee, mighty like a bee.
There is no episode.
I heard that a (fired? i dont really know) shaft animator did that, not as a part of his work, ofcourse. Just for funzies, I guess.
Also, there is no
>socially accepted pedophilia
in monogatari series. It's just the case of two people (a mortal and a hellbound/undead loli aberration) kissing. There is no "society" part. And noone will ever know.
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>just the case of two people
>just two
That scene where she tosses araragi around like a little bitch leveling highways and shit kind of annoyed me. its like hes doomed to not fight after kizu

>"I cant fight her because i'm too strong and I might kill her and shes my sister."
>Proceeds to get all his bones broken and thrown into concrete pillars so hard that they collapse
Two at a time, duh. No loli orgies for you.
Why would he attack her?
I dont think he should have beaten her up or anything but he could have at least held her down until she gave up unless hes an M or something.
If you were about to die and you could fuck one monogatari before you croaked, which one would it be?

Snake for me.
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At least he has the next best thing
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It's a fucking cartoon with vampires, ghosts and other paranormal shit.
Do you smell lithium?
Then what makes you think you'll hit Karen with it?
That girl's scream @ 1:02
Obviously Karen. She's pretty much my ideal girl.
Black or White?
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>Worst girl has lewdest body
Why is this allowed
Snake > Karen > Monkey > the rest
All of Araragi's girl friends acknowledge that he has a semi-sexual relationship with his shadow... including his girlfriend.
Is the whole dying part necessary? I mean, it's still better than just dying, b-but...
Shinobu it is then. After that, I guess I'd let her suck me dry and kill me.
>worst girl has lewdest body
But it's canon that Snake has lewdest body, next to Kaiki.
>You will never force yourself on Nadeko, violently making her let go of her crush on Koyomi, which results in her having a mental breakdown.
Why even live.
It's just a what if, Anon.
Araragi is so lucky ;_;
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tsukihi obv
>Taking clothes off while in the kitchen.

Reminds me of the time my onee-san did it and I scared the fuck out of her.
What the fuck is that ring in her top?
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>She will never be your brocon imouto
>You will never make her feel platinum in your arms
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>even the doujins are filled with references I don't understand
A 180 kg lock out is childs play. If she can walk with that then it's still not as impressive than a full squat. Besides she's probably referring to the leg press as a "squat", which is lies and deceit because the leg press is for pussies. And faggots who want to brag about pressing 300 kg.
Women have godawful genetic gifts for strength.

She decided to put her headband there.
Kanbaru. Not only is she the best girl, with the best body but its also something I could never ever fuck considering she's a lesbian.
Her headband. You've never played twister, have you?
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pls stop...
It's a looping fucking gif, you asshat.
I love how they've animated him being lewd as fuck/kissing with most of the girls except for his girlfriend.
I want to fuck Karen, Tsukihi, Hitagi and Kanbaru all at the same time otherwise I wouldn't die, fuck your "only one" shit.
>semi-sexual relationship with his shadow
when is it actually sexual and not just fan service
Well, his girlfriend is shit.
How often do you take baths with your non-sexual partners?
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On the other hand, Crab is the only one he's actually done it with
Although you have to wonder how far that mental link with Shinobu goes
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>his girlfriend is shit.
I have, what does a headband have to do with twister?
> I heard that a (fired? i dont really know) shaft animator did that, not as a part of his work, ofcourse.
Sometimes I don't know if people here have become that retarded or if they just pretend to be.
Are the Rushjob subs any good?
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>Crab is the only one he's actually done it with

Okay, now who's being Naive, anon?
I really wanted to know what was going on the dinner with their parents.

>We will never see the fire sisters' reactions to Hitagi.
cant an average person do 3x their body weight

this thread is dumb
I want to steal her bike shorts and smell them until I pass out.
>Sometimes I don't know if people here have become that retarded or if they just pretend to be.
I thought he was just fucking with him, in other words
>It was merely an act, I was pretending to be lacking mental faculties to ruse you!
>cant an average person do 3x their body weight

The fuck?
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Thanks for the broscience, bro.
>not best girl
/a/ is shit tier right now
I wonder what the Araragis do. They're stated to be police officers, but I like to think they're devil summoners (or something similar), and watch over Araragi to make sure he doesn't get himself properly killed. I mean, I've met plenty of cop parents who know when something is up with their kids, but just sit back from a distance until their kid fucks up.
>That Snail.
I bet it's all extremely normal and boring.
But I'd still like to see 30 minutes of them sitting around the dinner table talking about school, work, friends, politely passing condiments around, doing the dishes afterwards and sitting in the living room drinking Tea before Crab and her dad leave at a decent hour.
No complaints as off yet.
>not taking baths with your siblings
bat basically is around him all the time, and witnesses his whole life how is it that odd that they bathe together?
White with glasses and long hair
Snail reminds me of AnimeWeedLord420
>retro anime Kaiki
muh dick

Privacy? I mean, I know they share a psychic link and all, but that shit is weird if they're not intimate, which they totally are.
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That reminds me...
wait wut

just looking at things and I noticed that Hanamonogatari is only 5 episodes....
Are you new to Monogatari?
>by /g/

what other proof does anyone have of them being intimate besides bathing together?
>but I like to think they're devil summoners
Rikka pls
no, just haven't watched any monogatari as it has aired since bakamonogatari
>what other proof does anyone have of them being intimate together besides doing the most intimate thing together
They also share a headspace.
There is none, but people will jump to all kinds of conclusions with their headcanon.

Shit, there's people that insist that he didn't have sex with Crab because it wasn't implicitly shown.
I'll let it go when the ass stops being fat, anon.
Each arc has around 4~5 episodes. Well, except for Bake, which has around 3 for each girl.
500 mg semen/day

sounds about right if that body was your goal
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I find Karen sexually attractive.
As usual, snail is best girl.

snake is best girl
yea, but do they always release one arc at a time like this? Or is this just going to be the final arc or something?
/g/ loves traps.
>4chan loves traps
Hana was supposed to air during season 2 but Shaft was too busy to do it then. Now they will release this arc.
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this guy gets it
Not soon enough.
Teenagers exaggerate, and the Monogatari series is very unreliable at times. Like when Karen fights her brother and she's busting up highways, despite the bee not really doing anything to enhance her strength. You can't take everything at face value.
oh, i was unaware. thanks.

you know if they have plans for any more seasons?
Does /pol/ like traps? All their shitposting about degeneracy seems to make me think they don't
Nothing confirmed, but undoubtedly. They're not going to stop printing money now.
I hope they have but nothing has been announced yet.
When did he have sex with Crab? At the end of Bake doesn't she say she doesn't want to have sex because she was still traumatized or something?
implying the world would still be alive if he cheated on her.
How come there isnt complete subs?

Where I can find the manga?
During Nise. She got over it.
says there is going to be a move on their wikipedia page
It was at the end of one of Kaiki's shenanigans

I want to say Nise
>How come there isnt complete subs?
The last BD's literally just came out. Along with this:

Because of the hornet powers?
He did it with what, Karen, Monkey and Bat?
Meh, that was a shitty edit. I meant this:
I see, thanks.
Only when I surf
>this body
>handling 180kg
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>guardian of justice
>saying impossible stuff
>cutting her hair for 'resolve'
Another chronic-chuunibiyou.
I recommend taking oniidick(tm) 2times a day for 30 years.
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I honestly can't decide between Karen, Kanbaru, Shinobu.

And it seems a shame to give up Hitagi femdom, being pedo with Hachikuji, or being smothered by Black Hanekawa's assets.

I think I would have to pick out of a hat. No matter who I pick I'd feel regret for missing out on another. My will isn't strong enough.

I really like Sawashiro Miyuki so my first thought was Kanbaru though
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Those are (non-H) doujin

Monogatari is a Light Novel series
It's far from entirely translated but the most important, Kizumonogatari, has been

phoenix or snake

c-can I have both please? ;__;
asking for 180kg dick is a bit too much... right?
I feel like the worlds on fire man, when I swallow down lithium.
KanaHana a best.
>those photoshopped eyes

Usually this looks terrible but I'm kind of aroused. I don't feel any uncanny valley
Of course it doesn't work.
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I can lift 180kg with my dick just by looking at her
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>tfw in military.
>Really want to try cross-dressing or get into being a trap.
>5'5 130 lbs.
>I finish my time in just one more year.
Why Kizu most important? I was thinking about reading it, but since its so far to finish the translation I gave up
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of course not silly weeaboos
it's a cartoon

The fuck is up with her eyes

Maybe in combination with color contacts
Because it's a really good novel and helps you understand why Shinobu is there with Araragi. If you didn't read, then you don't know.
Her eyes creep me out, her flat chest is cute though
I see, thanks then.

Are the light novels just like the animation? I wonder if the series are actually good because of the studio production.
The LN are surprisingly well written, however they are full of references and wordplay that doesn't translate well to english.
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It's a pretty good read, in my opinion
The translation is complete and pretty good aside from the numerous TL notes that are pretty much necessary because of Nisio's ridiculous writing style and untranslatable jokes/wordplay.
It expands Araragi's character, lets you know a lot about Kiss-shot/Shinobu's character before she was transformed and provides a lot of insight into their relationship. Also prominently features Hanekawa if you're into her.

Most importantly the movie adaptation is coming Soonâ„¢ since 2009 so you might as well read it, since it's intended to have been read before Araragi and Shinobu reconcile in Nisemonogatari.
If they're already using Photoshop, why don't they make her actually look good?
Crab makes my dick diamond hard.

I want a emotionally damaged qt gf to abuse me in front of her father.
>I scared the fuck out of her.
Shaft makes everything look great but its the novels that provide the content. Unfortunately the animation misses/skips some good content from the novels, particularly from Second Season (and of course Kizumonogatari, which still hasn't been fully adapted).

If you like the dialogue and character interaction (and if you don't I'm not sure how anyone could tolerate the series in the first place) you'll like the novels at least as much as the anime.
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no reason to go below parallel. only teenagers and meatheads think you're gaining anything special from going below parallel. squat is a serious lift, it's ego, ignorance, and pride talking if you think you must do anything other than safe and effective shoulder width parallel squats.
I shall try. Oh, and I really like those panels that pops every time in the anime, it feels quite unique.

Well, unfortunately wordplays are a feat in every language, I'll see for myself what I can make out of it.
I'm just passing by to remark that Karen is the best girl.

Thank you and have a nice day.
Where might one acquire the premiere TL for Kizu? Is there just one group that did it or were there multiples?
This is what I used, I haven't looked for or heard of any alternate translations
She come home from sports practice early and thought I was still at school or was out and about since when she got home she said "I'm home!" and I usually shout back "Welcome home!" but this time I didn't cause I wanted to scare her.

>She takes off her shirt and bra cause she thinks no one is home.
>Looks for something to drink.
>I'm coming to the kitchen with a pair of underwear on my head to scare the shit out of her.
>Wouldn't be able to scare her if I tried to sneak up and touch her shoulder.
>So as soon I hear her poor herself a glass of something to drink and rushing out of the corner yelling
>Didn't know she had her top off.
>Made her scream and drop her drink.
>Saw her tits.
>Ended up with scratch marks across my cheek and a ruined pair of underwear and hurt balls.
I'm always kind of surprised when I see people regard the Kizu translation fairly well.

Have you read the complete Otori translation?
>cant an average person do 3x their body weight
Less than 1% of competitive weight lifters can squat 3 times their body weight.
Source: Mark Rippetoe, http://www.crossfit.com/cf-journal/WLSTANDARDS.pdf
That Snail is the fucking boss.
this post is endorsed by everybody with good common sense and self confidence
She could also just straight up be lying or exaggerating.
No need to believe everything she says.
Although she has demonstrated how super strong she is while fighting ararararargi.

sometimes /a/, you're alright
snake a slut

nothin wrong with sluts, but it pretty much excludes her from best girl status
my niggas
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She's not a slut (at least not until she becomes a goddess), she's just incredibly lewd for her onii-chan
Her problem is her shit personality
Just like my chinese cartoons.
that's just a cover because they're tsundere for jews and traps
I didn't yet but I have it downloaded and it seems much better indeed.
Nah, traps are just gay shit.
You don't get the meme. Lurk more.

She wanted desperately to fugg without araragi so much as hinting at attraction, and kept pushing it despite his obvious indifference.


Though I agree about the shit personality.
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You poor thing.
Kaiki. There's no match.
I want to hate you, but god fucking dammit that image.
Snail > Bat > Monkey > Bee > Cat > Crab > Phoenix > Doll > a shit > Snake > Ougi
>400 lbs
americunt pls stop using this shit already

update yourself already
you have good observational skills.
are you some kind of detective?
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Kaiki > Bat=Snail=Monkey > Meme > Corpse=Bee > Cat=Crab > Pheonix > Gaen > Encyclopedia > Snake
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Tsukihi a cute
Too bad she's pretty boring
Bee is best for relationship, but I do love snail in a nonsexual manner.
>cross fit

>that cat cosplay
>also barefoot
So fucking perfect.
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If you really loved Snail you'd love her body as much as her heart
Crab is best in every criteria

Crab literally a perfect
Cat is best in every criteria

Cat literally a perfect

She didn't say squat
She carried him
Black Cat can, nyingen.
That changes everything. I would let black cat use my dick as a scratching post.
For a second there I secretly hoped you were writing "I cum on cat she hiss at penis"
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>no reason to go below parallel.
If you stay above parallel, you're not doing a full squat. Partial squats lead to muscle imbalancs and are bad for your knees.
I love monkey but that pic is just scary.
He's right though.
Boss cosplay
Holy fuck i finally found out what that doujin with the JoJo reference was. I'd really appreciate it if you sauced me so i don't have to browse through all the Araragi x Sengoku doujins.
It's a servant-master relationship, it's not abnormal for them to bathe together. Of course, that's not to say that Shinobu doesn't have feelings for Koyomi.
Proof that he did it with Crab? I call bullshit.
Anon I think you've been watching too many Chinese cartoons.
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>Proof that he did it with Crab?
It's heavily implied.
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For Japanese people it's entirely normal for siblings, parents/children and other close groups to bathe with each other, so long as one party is young. Shinobu has the body of an eight-year-old and to some extent Koyomi sees her as such despite him knowing differently, and their vampire bond creates a huge level of intimacy regardless.
He's very clearly not thinking of her in a remotely sexual way for the duration of the scene. Behind the fanservice it's one of the most serious moments of the series for both of them.

Watch Nisemonogatari
Everything is implied in this series, you'll never have "full proof" of anything sex related. But it's heavily implied, as >>111163932 said, and plausible. And I don't even like Crab that much.
>I don't even like Crab that much.
Why? I don't understand how so many people dislike perfection incarnate.

Something against Tsundere?
Wasn't she the phoenix girl?
She isn't really tsun. Not really.
I don't dislike any of the Monogatari girls, she's just one of my least favorites.
And yes, I don't really like tsunderes, although she's not a "conventional" tsundere.
I have watched Nisemonogatari.
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There are so many other great girls in Monogatari that Crab just doesn't stand out.
I consider Crab to have all the -deres.

She has some kuudere to her, some yandere, etc.

Unless that's just how women are
She's extreme and abrasive
She hasn't really had a tender moment with Araragi since Bake 12, and they've barely interacted at all since Nise
As the canon OTP, she's also between everyone else and Araragi despite this small amount of focus

Also, I think you'll find in general it's not so much "dislike" as "pales in comparison to [best girl] who clearly should have won the Araragib Owl"
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>Wasn't she the phoenix girl?
No, that was her imouto, Tsukihi.
Thanks for the link mate. Shit was pretty funny.
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That's just an image of a sad panda. Huh?
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On Karen: Long or short hair?
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Her bangs are the cutest, so it doesn't matter
10/10 would let snail work Security detail
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Karen is hot.
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Its not incest if theres no baby.
>14/15 year old girl
She's a monster
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She's slightly taller than Araragi who's like 5'3
Pretty tall for a Japanese schoolgirl but she's not an Amazon
Crab is great but her character is underdeveloped in the series, just like snake, snail and phoenix. In the end, Shaft only care for monkey, bee and neko
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your post.jpg
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>Monkey and Bee developed
>Snake and Snail not developed
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>measuring height with an inch precision
Only in America.
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>Measuring height with a decimeter precision
>Preferring less precise measurement
Only on Earth
>tfw europeans still sometimes say their height in feet/inches to fit in
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That was a great read. Also I agree, 100% canon!
>tfw no sweaty Karen to wrestle with
why even live
Crab is my waifu, but she gets comparatively little development and is mostly just "Araragis girlfriend" for most of the series.

It's not a romance series, otherwise it would probably focus on them dating, meeting each others families, having dinner together, going on dates, etc.

But this is a supernatural wordplay fanservice series with some action and haremshit on the side, ain't got no time for that boring ass romance crap.
>decimeter precision
>less precise
I never heard of a person who use decimeter to measure height, you either go with 136cm or 1.36m and if you autistic enough you use 13674mm or 136.74cm
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Would you survive?
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Best girl. Prove me wrong
so you let that arc deceive you huh
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That's not a girl, that's a woman

The courage to lie to yourself
I want to suck on her bottom lip.
Jesus Christ, more Karen. Her toned body and athletic mindset and awesome clothes give me a boner I don't think I've ever had before
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Can we just agree that every character is amazing? Oh except Yozuru.
Yes, that's what makes Monogatari so good.
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This thread needs WAY more best girl.
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I agree
how the fuck did I miss them this year
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Could you beat her at twister?
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hachikuji twister.jpg
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Can I claim victory with my dick?
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I think you bit your tongue because best girl is here. aka monkey.
G. guys. How old was that girl? Looks young.
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Karen wants the niisan.jpg
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i want to fuck karen.
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>this doujin
What is the top portion of the image from?
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Slut showing off her stuff at con.

Her brother's a half-vampire and her sister's a phoenix. Odds are pretty good she isn't a normal human.
You're the best anon in the world.
What the fuck? You're out of your mind.
It was great watching this live

>No more niconico streams with Ryo


>we will never see blue kimono again
I chimed in 3 hours later to say that

1: I dropped the whole monogatari series because he kisses all girls even though he has a girlfriend and it pisses me more off than anything else and I also cannot stand how you faggots like that shit
2: I miss the niconico con stream threads, anyone not knowing who AnimeWeedLord420 is should get off /a/
What does Karen's butt smell like?


I'd drink and bathe in it if I could.
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