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Can any of you drawfags explain how this panel is done? How

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Thread replies: 243
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Can any of you drawfags explain how this panel is done?

How does he draw this?

Does he take a photograph with a wide lens, and use that as a reference?

Is there an effect he applies in a software?

Did he just free hand this?

I just started learning to draw so this is really mind blowing.
It would take me a month to draw this, even with tracing. Jesus christ.

I'm having a panic attack just looking at it.
freehand perspective construction.

It requires you to make a lot of geometrical bullshit (no calculus, no need to measure distances with a ruler) and be really precise but it can be done by yourself.
>>>/ic/ has a sticky, which eventually links out into a tutorial on perspective. Mangaka is either mastered the shit out of that perspective stuff, or rotoscoped a high school falling into a black hole.
Also helps that the guy is just that damn good at drawing.
Holy fuck, so he did this free-hand?

Do you guys know how long something like this would take for a pro?

and usually these guys have assistants to help with this stuff right?
I would start by drawing freehand perspective line for reference, then start with the room. Then, do draw ref lines on the floor based on the perspective lines for further reference for me to place the seats. after that, draw the first 3 or so rows in some detail, and do the rest of the rows. and and actual detail into it.

But do keep in mind that Hiramoto Akira is a literal god, and he has skills beyond human understanding
He's a fuckin master
He could have just traced a photo taken with a wide angle lens and then stylized the tracing.
Yeah, but on the one shots for some artists, the first chapters, they do all this shit with usually no more than 2 assistants.
usually they do and even for trained people it takes several hours on average. for this one, I'd say at least 10 hours but I'm not sure, maybe a little less, maybe a lot more. Nothing exceptional for guys who make it their job.
Some of the bigger name artists have up to 6 assistants
Or used a photo as reference. Not hard
Remember those matchstick towers L built in the Death Note manga? the ones with thousands of stupid little matchsticks? Those were drawn by assistants, so, yes, the big names definitely have them.

As for the Prison School mangaka? No idea how he drew that, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that he's just that good. Or photo reference.
Well, doing it without any preparatory perspective construction would be really really badass, but most likely he did use perspective construction, which is completely within the realm of human understanding.
There's fucking shadows on the students' jackets and hair up to the back 5th row.

What the fuck.

Maybe it's because I'm new to this, but my jaw is on the fucking floor.
Are you stupid? Of course he didn't draw it from scratch just using his imagination. It most likely happened like this:
>take a fisheye room photo as a reference
>mark some basic stuff like the placement of people and their most basic shape, the bend of the walls, etc
This alone will take you make 30 minutes. Then you can just start drawing using the markers you've just put.
I think only using a photo reference would actually be harder than using construction (+ a reference, possibly).
That's a well-drawn wide angle. It's not exaggerated as much as other mangaka sometimes do it.

I think it's possible he referenced off a photo, but he ultimately did it by hand. There's something about the row behind that makes me think it was free hand. Likely he put down a shit-tonne of lines for the chairs, torsos and where the heads should generally go.
it's simply, git gud
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Okay another question


Is it true it's just a photo with a filter?
I mean, there's just no fucking way he did this without tracing a photo right?
Yup, it's pretty obvious that it's a photo with a filter.
That author uses tons of filtered photos in all his manga.
looks more like cgi to me, or at least partially. I mean the tiles for example are so even and regular (and slightly pixellated) that it looks more like partial cgi than a photo or a hand drawing.
Is it like a easy one click filter you can get in a software, like Clip Studio Paint, or is it some really complicated process to make it look like this.
Definitely a filtered photo traced over. You can usually tell because the traced lines seem a little blurry and nobody would put that much effort doing shading for individual roof tiles.
The art for Prison School is sooo good.
berserk/vinland anyone?
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Thank you for this.
Did anyone else get this as a related video, or does Google suspect me of 3DPD?
It's all about learning how to draw perspective, OP. The mangaka probably knows how to do this (if he isn't shooping it, which it doesn't look like he is). Perspective is a bitch to get the hang of, but there's tons of tutorials out there on how to do it.
Oh, yeah, he drew in some, but most of the fillers in this image are definitely pics with filters. It's really easy to tell.
It's the same channel.
Oh. Mystery solved.
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what about this
I want to draw manga as a hobby, but damn.

It's like I have decades before I learn to draw what I want.

I really want to follow the Prison School art style.
This is another reason why Korean manhwas are the shit of shit compared to mangas.
Where is this from and why is it such a good scan?
He parachuted out of the Boeing so he could draw it as it crashed. You can tell because ?? are never visible from the ground.
It's from Attack of the Ajin.

You're a titan

You're a titan

You get a titan

You're an Ajin

You're an Ajin

You get an Ajin

We're all Ajins
sounds reasonable.
you're a jerk
My best guess is he took a model airplane, drew that, and the rest can be pulled from google maps and a filter.
Professional artist here. There are several ways to approach this depending on your skill level and time limit.

If you have all the time in the world, you can spend a day or two working out the five point perspective grid. It's not so much hard as it is simply tedious. I don't find the process to be very fulfilling so I personally use 3d programs and render with a fisheye lens. Alternatively, you could also take a real photo in fisheye or wide angle lens and trace it, and apply a fisheye lens distortion in photoshop. This works best with wide angel lens and the distortion will look off with most regular lens.

When it comes to making mange/comics, time is very limited, so most artists will either have a lot of assistants to draw the backgrounds for them, or use 3D software/tracing to speed things up. At the end of the day, the goal is to tell a story through art, not how detailed you can make the background so it's very common for artist to not hand draw everything you see. I already have problems with my hands from overworking, so shortcuts that reduces stress and saves time is a huge plus.
Where's my shortcut to becoming amazing at art.
Forgot to mention, you could also just draw with a regular perspective grid, and apply the fisheye distortion in photoshop afterward. That will save time on marking out curved grids if you're to type to insist on hand drawing everything.
Become mentally retarded.

Atleast you'll think you're amazing.
That's true.
Practice your ass off. And do life studies. Don't just watch and draw anime. You have to draw 3DPD as well.
>You have to draw 3DPD as well.

To become great there is always a sacrifice to be made.
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Should have posted this with my explanation. Here's a sample of my work that combines 3D rendering with 2d paint overs. With the proper post rendering work, it can look 100% painted but take only 1/10 of the time.

Nude 3DPD
Dayum son, that's like cheating.
Well, if a nigger can go THIS

>friends over for drink and draw party
>out of paper
>oh well, just use back of figure drawing sketchbook
>"don't turn the pages over. Just draw on this side"
>"okay" they lied
>flips page over to reveal endless drawings of naked 3DPD
>fat, skinny, old, hot, all of them 3DPD
>tfw my friends all scream

I warned them not to flip it over....
Honestly tired of this kind of reaction. If I entered a how well can you draw background competition, that would be cheating. If I'm trying to finish a 60 page mange/comic book before my hand breaks or hell freezes over, I do whatever is the fastest.

You don't drive a car in a foot race, but you sure as fuck will when you're just trying to get somewhere.
Not him but there's no "cheating" in the world of art as long as it isn't flat out plagiarism. >>111120859 could probably the reproduce the same artwork but at a snail pace but why do that when you have the technological know-how to be efficient and get the same job done in a timely manner?
This. It's so annoying to have to explain this to everyone who expects me to draw every pixel and update my work everyday.
How much is the going rate for a commission?
>but why do that
because it's honest and not cheating
and I don't mean in general. I mean you specifically.

I have an idea and I'd like to produce the first chapter and I need an artist. It's be a manga. How much per page?
Next you're going to tell me it's cheating to use references. Pro-tip: Every medium that uses art to tell stories use references and technique for speeding things up. Welcome to the real world, kiddo, sorry to burst your bubble.

I'm an animator so I'm very familiar with using every shortcut necessary to get work done.
Commissions are closed indefinitely. I've been too busy with personal projects. Though for something like the drawing I just posted, I would charge up to $1000 or more if it's for commercial use. Prices used to be lower but as I got busier, it gets higher to make up for lack of time (although commissions are still closed, but this is how much it would have cost if I were still open)
Ching Chong go back to China, you fucking cancerous faggot.
No references are fine. Tracing, CGI, having assistants, etc. is cheating. I understand it's necessary to cheat to survive among the cheaters though.
Manga pages would be priced differently, though I only draw manga written by myself, so sorry about that.

Here's a sample of my most recent work http://tapastic.com/series/fisheye
Gives up forever

>having assistants, etc. is cheating

That's nearly every mangaka.
Says the non-artist. Who gives a shit about your baseless opinion.
>having assistants
Weekly mangaka would never, ever, meet the deadlines without them.
Tracing on the other hand is just lazy.
that's a shame, do you know good places to look for artists then?
>having assistants
Next you're going to tell me that an anime should only be animated by one person. All voice acting and music should be done by the same person too.
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>you'll NEVER be this good.
I'll just stick to drawing cute girls for the draw threads.
I didn't know that Yuumi browsed /a/.
>tfw Berserk didn't have assistants until 2006
>browsed /a/
No, he is just advertising and marketing his jewish art. Report and ignore.
Most art sites have a lot of artists looking for work. I know these sites are hated on 4chan but deviantart and tumblr are a good place to start if you don't speak Japanese, otherwise I'd recommend pixiv. Just keep in mind that most professional artists are very busy and not very cheap, so you'll have to balance your budget and compromise on the skill level unless you get super lucky.
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>tfw you will never be this good
I have some news for you anon.
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This >>111119522 is now cheating. Using photoshop or other digital paint programs is also cheating. If you use a live model that is also cheating.
It's also a question of how much the assistants do. In most English comics they usually have another guy ink the artist's pencil art, and then there's the colorist.
Why the fuck is everyone thinking they need to use photos for everything that includes perspective? There are enough artists who can draw this stuff without copying anything.
Just take Kim Jung Gi, he doesn't even make a rough sketch before his inking. He just draws things straight in without any guidelines.
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I love Samura. Easily my favorite artist.

Fuck, meant to reply to this >>111121622
they still believe there are no grills on the internet
>Why the fuck is everyone thinking they need to use photos for everything that includes perspective?
Where is this everyone?
How much % of pixiv artists do you think speak at least basic english to make a deal?
Unfortunately I am attracted to /a/'s shit taste.
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Look up Love the Brute.
I've always found it funny that Samura's 20+ year magnum opus was never drawn as well as his sadistic porn.
It's still not faster than a 3D model if you're working on a comic with dozens of shots of the same location. In the manga/comic industry, saving time is the utmost important.
That is surprising.
It was nice seeing your booth at AX.
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Maybe not everyone bot at least SOME.
No idea on that one. You can try and find out. I don't speak Japanese and Japanese companies still tried to hire me, either in broken English or flat out Japanese. If they can try, so can you.
ALL of shitpun's backgrounds are photos.
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Why would it be fast with a 3D model? Yuu still have to trace the 3D model. Kim Jung just skips the 3D model and "traces" it from his mind.
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Is that a fucking huge ass vagina?
That's the manga about the mountain climber right? Great art, need to read it

If you break this down to its most basic level, doing this sort of shot is actually quite easy.

Although it should be noted that this doesn't mean anybody can do it right off the bat, you'd need extensive knowledge of simple layouts of perspective and how to do it efficiently otherwise you're better off just using a 3D program or photography to get your results like some other people in this thread just said.
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I find it surprising myself. I use the crude humor here in parts of my comics so whenever someone asks me why I visit 4chan, I just say "research"

It was nice meeting you too!
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technology has done a lot for mango
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Is this traced?
Why? They're drawing MANGA, not single pieces of artwork.
As long as it looks good and you know which parts are the artist's own work (so that you don't get i over your hand salivating over his 5k1llz), there are no problems.
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MC is getting his dick sucked.
The manga has some very interesting visual metaphor.
This one is my favorite.

Efficiency works differently for each person, ya dingus

People uses 3D models as a tool to get a desired result, in no way does this automatically implicate such methods as the surefire "this is the fastest method"
Stuff like that isn't hard at all. It's just an amorphous blob where you don't really need to pay that much attention to coherence and can just add a bunch of random-ass details to make it look good.
Trace? No you just 3D render. That's like saying Pixar redraws their 3D animation in 2D. You click a button that says render, and it becomes what you see. There's still a bit of a 3D look to it but you can just add a few filters and paint over a few parts. I used to draw everything from scratch and boy did that take forever.
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>MC has only one expression the entire manga.

I think the mangaka has a facial recognition problem.

In what way does this make you think it's traced?
show examples of non-scanned, hand-drawn locations.
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Looks nice though.
>Just take Kim Jung Gi, he doesn't even make a rough sketch before his inking. He just draws things straight in without any guidelines.
Do you have any particle of an idea how hard it is to do that and how rare are people that are able to do it well?
I hate this shit. That's the same shit as using tons of photos in your "painting" and call it "painting". I wish this kind of cheating would be forbidden by law.
Which program do you use? I'm only really familiar with Maya. Do you know of any good tutorials to make 3D backgrounds look 2D?
I actually think it was a conscious choice, since his other work doesn't really have that problem.
The MC is literally autistic.
Just because you don't know any others because they're not popular it doesn't mean there aren't many others.
That is true. I should have specified that for the style of art I'm trying to achieve, which is fully colored panels for each page, it's a lot faster to make a model than hand draw and then color and shade them 30+ times.
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What I'm saying is that assuming that an artist does it that way because a handful of such guys exist is stupid.
Also, do you know any others?
I'm not sure i get it. I think i'm stupid or something.
The hands on the tents are the wind.
Your tears are delicious. Please, keep soaking me with your broken sense of entitlement.
Your rage is delicious. Keep hating. Meanwhile you can go hate mail all the animation studios for CGI. Making 3D models is a lot of work within itself and it is it's own form of art. Never watch another show if you think mixing 3D and 2D should be illegal.
That makes me feel physically ill.

This has poor values, sorry mate
It's a feast for all of us.
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Post more art
I actually made a tutorial just for that a while back. It's a bit outdated. I'll post a new one when I have time. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/205/e/f/3d_background_tutorial_by_yuumei-d58fpqc.jpg
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>3D models
You have to train more. That's really just it.
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Jokes on you, I don't actually know what that means.
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Low-poly 3D models is an art in and of itself

don't get me started on edgeflow.

oh wait
>speaking to someone who doesn't know shit about the world of 3D and has only seen it post-production in movies, games, etc.

my bad.
Here ya go anon
The fuck off to your glorious world of 3D. This board is about the superior 2D.
Next you're going to tell me sculpting isn't art.

That's incredibly helpful. Thanks.
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KnH is a great example of using tracing and photo-reference.
I have bad news for you.

Scroll to the pizza part for rage tears
also of portraying autism
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Does it have to be manga?
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Not for long.
>/a/non draws Fisheye Placebo
And here I was afraid it was just a poser weeb.
>rage tears
Why? The image looks like shitty 3D even without the making of picture. It just proves my point. Also, who the fuck plays "Catherine"?
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Hiroe is such an underrated artist.

It's actually easier to draw a fisheye effect completely by hand than attempt to produce it using complicated reference lines or mess with 3D software. This picture is quite clearly drawn freehand, as the walls and curves don't align with mathematical precision, as they would if it were traced from a reference photo/a 3D model. And there's no need to. In a picture with a lot of details, the human eye is more forgiving when it comes to the general perspective.
I love when artist portray shop with all those little details and stuff.
Jesus christ, you were good 7 years ago already. I'm jealous, senpai.
Video's of artists drawing?
Fisheye Placebo has goatse as trojan logo. Where do you think that kind of taste came from?
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i fucking love hayashida's style
A contrast to Samura
Here's a nice video of the Tsugumomo artist building and drawing a gymnasium scene.

I thought we agreed not to post that after a bunch of morons trashed the stream
Work hard, anon! You'll get there!
Truly 4chins is a place for connaisseurs.
This seems like as good of a thread as any to ask. Why is it that (generally) Eastern comic art is drawn with more skill than the Western equivalent? Obviously there's both savants and shitters on either side, but if you compare the best examples of the two cultures, Japan would win by a pretty high margin. Is it just that comics are so much more popular there than they are here and draw in a larger pool of artists as a result?
sorry, I don't really frequent /a/ THAT regularly
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How does he do it?
10 years actually, those fucking dragons.

I'll try, that means a lot seeing you're one of my inspirations.
That's a lot of effort for a handrawn city. looks a bit dull tho
Textured brush filter in Photoshop. There a plenty of tutorials online if you google.

There is skill in the west, you're just not looking hard enough.

And besides, once you start diving into stylistic choices between the two sides, arguments become meaningless because of how subjective the subject of art in question is getting.

We could argue all day long on how manga > comics or vice versa, but at the end of the day both mediums have their pros and cons and everybody has their preferences and must learn to appreciate the many forms of art both comics and manga represent.
oops, not filter, just textured brushes. I should sleep...

Nice colors but Saber has a really awkward looking pose. I thought she was grabbing Lancelot's sword at first.
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That was a very objective and thought-out answer, anon. I appreciate that.
I don't understand.

His artstyle looks good because it perfeclty compliments the world which the manga is suppose to take place in.
Best of luck to you!

I just flew back from giving a panel at Comic Con. All the hard work is worth it in the end. Don't give up!
It's called curvilinear perspective.
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Pretty much. Those discussions usually go nowhere anyway.

I also wouldn't group Franco-Belgian artists with American/English artists even if they inevitably overlap.
That is fucking incredible.
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How did you become a professional artist? I mean what did you do to get work for the first time, and how are you doing it now?

intermediate artists can even accomplish this sort of effort, it just takes dedication and your skill to lay down the detail.

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There's probably a ton of info buried in her dA.
The great thing about doing things like this is that the artist can keep everything consistent when revisiting locations, scaling back the workload massively.
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It's not an edgelord, it's an edgelady.
Isn't that from the mangaka of Innocent? It's the mountain climbing manga, no?

That Shinichi guy is really talented. While I don't really liked either of his works his art is superb; then again this is a monthly series iirc.
Still gotta debind the 5th vol for scan....
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you can land a job easier if you just have a connection to somebody already in the business you're looking for. And with the internet this sort of thing has never been easier.

Just immerse yourself in websites and forums and IRC channels with other people and try to socialize. Don't be a dick and don't be a kiss-up and don't blatantly advertise yourself. Ask for critiques and help other artists by critiquing them.

There was a guy who scored a job at pixar just by emailing some of the people their his work and asking for some critiques up until Pixar thought "hey this guy is pretty good we can use him" and asked him if he was up to the task.

Of course there are other ways of getting into the business, like just showing off your work or some shit. Just make yourself known, don't set up a portfolio site and wait for jobs to come to your feet, you need to go out there and talk to other people.
I started young (12) so by the time I needed work for money, I already had a lot of experience. I gained enough followers online that I could post a journal about commissions and have enough orders to live off of. After posting my online comics, publishers contacted me. Now I just table in artist alley at conventions selling my books and prints. It's a surprisingly good and stable source of income. I would recommend it for all artists new and old. It's a great way to meet friends and gain experience.

Good luck!
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I can't even draw good looking stick men. All I want to do is draw beautiful things.
And they told me getting into art wouldn't work and wouldn't be stable etc.
Goddamit. Thanks for the answer.
Thanks to you too.

Take a look at /ic/'s sticky, it might help you.
That takes practice. Get to drawing now. And start with simple things.
Stable or not you wouldn't know until you've tried it yourself. If this is your dream, you should follow it. Sounds cheesy but you know, your life should be lived your way, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you fail the first time, you can try again or try something new.

Gonna sleep now. Later, anons!
Yeah, very recently I've experienced this for myself so a few regrets appeared. Thanks again.
I can draw well as a hobby but I can't fathom doing this professionally. I would be too afraid of getting a mental block or my fingers suddenly losing dexterity and I suddenly can't draw even if deadline was closing. I already have that fear and I'm not in any industry yet.
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Same here, anon. I got some very talented friends that are pushing their art and getting work out of it (got one friend developing a manga that's showing a lot of promise) but here I am just sketching kiddy shit.

Artistic blocks are easy to get over once you find the right inspiration or motivation (money is a good one), but physical is a lot more difficult. I have a shoulder injury and it's a huge restriction, both physically and mentally. I find there's no point trying to learn new, elaborate techniques because I wouldn't be able to do them anyway.

You're probably younger and fitter than I am though, so I'm jealous. You have a lot more potential and doors open for you and you should be trying to do the most to exploit those.

>Female on 4chan

are you a qt :3c
wait, that's Samura Hiroaki? well shit
Good luck to you. It might be more fun if money is incentive, I suppose.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Hiramoto is retarded good.
I thought you were just shitposting, then I realized you were right.
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exaggerated 4 point perspective. And from the looks of it, due to the cropping of the composition, it wouldn't have to be super precise.

>tfw you're a competent artist with professional experience but don't feel like putting effort into anything unless someone is paying me well.
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goddamn i love that shit
I imagine the background was 3D rendered and then he drew students over top of it. This is completely doable by hand though.


come on man
Hey, if I'm trying to boost my art skills, should I take a beginning or intermediate art class?


if you've got the money to burn, but I'd rather suggest you just look for free shit online

go to /ic/ or something.
I see Hana, Chiyo, Mari, the girl Gakuto is infatuated with. Am I missing someone?

Fucking hell. I now found the comic that I was looking for. I saw your work uploaded in Batoto. Read it by chance and forgot to bookmark. I like your work, pretty cool story. There better be incest vibes between the MC and the little sister.

OK, reverse searched this, found out what it was. Is this shit good? It looks crazy insane, I'm gonna read it, what the hell am i in for here?

an intellectual ride of perversion amongst a group of imprisoned males in a 'co-ed' school with nothing but hot babes.

How are they imprisoned? Is it like torture or what? This is my last question.
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How about this?
Muh style.
Friendly reminder that Isayama Hajime with his chicken scratches is one of the most successful mangakas
You should change your filename sometime.
Are you retarded, it's basic fucking linework.
What the fuck.
It's his noble phantasm.
They're imprisoned behind bars at the school grounds.
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How do you draw this without losing your sanity in the process?
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What sanity?
new chapter when
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3/4 point perspective.
Draw the plane for the chair first.
Use the chair seat as a guide for the legs.
The legs as a guide for the body.

I've done paintings like these it's fun.
I would've personally drawn them in more varying poses once you have the perspective grid down you're 80% done, drawing the figures is the easy part.
Draw the big stuff.
Apply screentone.
Apply screentone.
Apply screentone.
>inb4 you think the grass was actually drawn by hand.
Is it really 3D if they are drawings?
You have strange friends.
Thread posts: 243
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