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/div/ - Divination General

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Thread replies: 340
Thread images: 50

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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussion of theory/practice.

Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
Rustig wrote this to help beginners on how to choose a deck and start with the tarot:

Thoth, made his own tarot and rune guide:

The Reader's MEGA resources and notes:

Hijink's revised divination guide:

>Some useful tips before posting:
-If you're a reader post that you're offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
-Look for their posts in the thread to determine if there's an active reader, what's needed and before posting, check if they finished reading already;
-Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice.
-Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of a trade. Free readers have the options of picking their queries.
-Bullshit queries will get bullshit answers;
-Making an air query (not addressing a reader in particular) is possible but doesn't guarantee an answer;
-Avoid making the same question over and over and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion than clarification;
-Please refer to the Dream General threads for dream interpretation
-Provide feedback when applicable. We're a growing community, and many readers are starting.
Let's help each other to improve.

Respect your fellow readers and querents!

No meta-posting, please. Keep questions and comments about the threads off the threads.

Previous thread: >>19208910
tell me why I don't like mondays.
Air query

I don't expect someone to read for me but in the off chance that they will. Is C worth it. Is she worth the effort or should I just give up.
Because you're a syndicated, mildly obese orange cat that eats lasagna and has a dimwitted owner named John Arbuckle.
Looking for a reading. I just purchased Crowley's Lesser Key of Solomon for a friend/mentor. Will he be down to practice ceremonial magick with me?
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learn from your mistakes
you'll break a sweat
The readers may still be in the old thread. You can go there to ask them.
Strength rev, 3 of swords, V of wands rev
No anon chasing C has made you really have problems with self-esteem and just making your heart hurt a lot. It's causing you a lot of sadness and despair and honestly think it's best for you to just let this girl go.
I'm so sorry
I'm new to giving readings and have a Thoth tarot deck. Who wants to be my querent?
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She is keep going.
Lelz.... Magic is best done alone. He isn't as into it as you think.
What spell was your go to yugioh ones?that you were going to coax his inner degeneracy out?
What's your favorite?

Genuinely interested. Asking for a friend.
So misleading... If your Einstein you do make mistakes.
Plus wouldn't he be more a frontman there smarter in a band. Or so I've been told.
Can you answer >>19213090 I'll give you a reading too if you'd like
Obviously I want to start a sex cult with demons and shit. What better way to do it than to bring religiously knowledgeable people into the equation and corrupt the innocent? If worse comes to worst, we'll get some good stories out of it.

he doesn't deserve to be on as many really highly academic phenomena as he is. bose-einstein. einstein-rosen. bose condensate sounds 10x cooler than anything, and he gets to keep his pride anyway, he's fucking einstein. the one with the name everyone uses anyway. we don't need his name. we have to namecall each other "einstein" to just get to where he is
I get the sense that your friend is less inclined towards esoterica, perhaps coming from a more conservative upbringing. He may be initially resistant but secretly interested, but not comfortable expressing this interest. More than likely eventually he will become comfortable in his own skin.
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I like your ultimate goals op. Use mirrors to be super succesful.
Honestly tesla was better in everyway. Without electricity there would be no phones or computers.
>>19213116 reading
You are preparing to battle for this one, as the card which represents you is the Knight of Swords. The venture will actually lead to a conformation, the Seven of Swords Rx, but the outcome is questionable. Swords are literally thrown up into the air, out of balance and strewn about. The third card is the King of Pentacles, literally an old man who has walked in your footprints before. This could man that you have in turn become a wiser, more mature person as a result of your situation, but it could also mean that you appeal to the guidance of an older father-figure. Last, the Hermit Rx is your outcome. While some suggest that this card may be further isolation withdrawal, the image that I receive is having a final point of enlightenment, that in the end, this girl really doesn't matter, but the circumstance regarding your experience with her are critical to your growth as a human being. This realization does not come easy and may come with emotions you'd prefer not to deal with, but it is all part of the Divine Plan.
Should I talk to Uriel?
Would our meeting be productive?
>This could man that you have in turn become a wiser, more mature person as a result of your situation
Meant, "this could be the man that you become through the pressure of your experience; that you become a wiser, more mature person as a result of your experience."

You want tarot or scry?

I gave it to him, did he deserve it?
I got you senpai, give me a second to get my computer loaded up. I owe you from last thread
>Should I talk to Uriel? Would our meeting be productive?
Yes and no. I see success but there will be some sort of bad there. It will be more bittersweet than entirely sweet. I would suggest to do it but there will be some hardships that come.

Will my pursuit of money be a success or failure?
If I don't get a steady mixture of bodily fluids between me, him, and his lady and at least the summoning of one succubus, I will be disappointed. Sex magick with mirrors is the only way to pierce the veil.
Can ayone give me a read?
I changed your query to "Should I summon Archangel Uriel" and strangely enough, I pulled the Knight of Swords again. In my deck, he is represented by Osiris and 2 Eyes of Horus. Again, it's a card of physical, active communication. Talking with him will bring your clarity, but it will be a draining session.

I'll scry since I don't scry angel stuff a lot.

Seeing boba fett's helmet on a t-shirt that's out drying. Spattered paint makes a heart on what looks like it could be anything from a black t-shirt to an album cover. The heart becomes perfume, a thing of perfume. Hands move papers around as the arrival of information interrupts workflow. After a pause work on something else begins.

Seems like it's going to shift around plans. Productive, but not in the fashion that you mean. Seems like you're going to get a knowledge bomb dropped on you.
Am i going to be forever alone?
Tarot, pls.
I see some sort of creature that is clawing at a wooden box. It's trying really hard to open this box yet when it's opened it's almost kind of like Pandora's Box. black mist and spiders come out.

I don't know if he deserves it maybe he does. It seems like whatever it was that you gave him with something out of vindictiveness and anger
Could someone give a read for a hopeless drunk Aquarius girl? I'm friends with this guy I loved and maybe it's just the fact that I can't let go but I still feel something between us ...recently we really opened up to eachother but I wonder if it's meant to b
first loves are motherfuckers it's a tale as old as time
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It's neat how Osiris was rezzed by his kids eyes... I mean I know it's all about the pineal gland and how Horus was Jesus.
But it's fascinating he would sacrifice power for a father he never knew. And it's strange anpu never took up the set mantle and went after him and continue the murder.
I wouldn't... He's not a friendo
I dunno I'll trade.

Why am I having shitty luck with dead white soldiers.
Nothing says it's meant to be then sucking his dick.
Possibly how's your cousin BTW.
>He's not a friendo
Most accurate thing I've ever seen you say.
Please tell me, will I remain happy by the end of the year?
Last thread's OP pic was ophanim.

Isn't that the name of your oracle deck?

That's an eerily accurate description of what happened. Wew. I dunno if it was anger I gave it to him in, but vindictiveness might have played an unconscious role. Guy definitely took a reaming.

Let me draw a spread to supplement >>19213340

The Hierophant
The Hanged Man
King of Cups

Feels like you're going to get asked or otherwise morally compelled to do something, or told to stop doing something. The Hanged Man is no fun here, but it comes out okay.
Air query

Could someone please give me a general? I've been in a bit of a rough patch.
Query is just a fancy word for question, I think that's what you were asking :)
I see a cat playing with a pearl necklace it's playing with it like like a ball of yarn. Accidentally it's swipes the pearl necklace too far and it falls off the table that it's at. A wiener dog takes the necklace and runs off with it.

Yes but you need to be very careful around others who may Envy you. Once they see you drop the ball they'll go and take it for themselves
Yes you nub. We are trading. What is your query?
Does C still think about me?
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Stop masterbating change your life.
Trading. I scry and tarot.

I'll like to know my job propsects for F, F2, and C.
Did an intuitive reading. The image that I got was a girl with short brown hair on a blue backdrop of a field with mountains in the distance, it is night and there are thousands of stars. She stands to the left of a stream which divides the scene. She is uncompromising in her feelings.
>Feels like you're going to get asked or otherwise morally compelled to do something, or told to stop doing something
Yup that is basically what it is like to work with angels.
Ok mom! <3
Oh! Okay, thank you :) What do see with regards to J and M?
I mean I have. But that's only cause I don't really care about my afterlife anymore. It's more of a nightmare goggles thing after you have a chat with uriel. Even pokemon shax is friendly half of the time.
Still trading btw?
We now must post mystical Albinos.
Is this a romance thing?

Hmm, I'm not entirely sure how to interpret that. Could you help?
Yes and no, if that makes sense. It could be something sexual, but it couldn't be anything romantic. J is someone who I admire very much, M is J's significant other. I'm curious how J feels about me.
I feel like the stream is a barrier against something. The bank of the stream which she stands on represents herself, everything on the other side of the bank (including the mountains) represents the world beyond her. She is guarding her well being, she is putting up barriers consciously, esstentially she is weary (but not afraid) of her emotions disappointing others, does that make sense?
Okay that makes more sense.
I'm seeing a lot of Duality here.
A big Willow that is clearly aged next to a sapling. A larger koi fish next to a little koi fish.
J sees you almost like a little brother or sister kind of deal. Someone who is less experienced and innocent.
If you want to fuck them they would laugh, but not in a mocking way more of an endearing way.
Not anymore, dear.
Brb putting on the radiation suit
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>If you want to fuck them they would laugh, but not in a mocking way more of an endearing way.
... but it could still happen, right?

*cues up for readings*
This does make sense indeed, thank you so much for that. Now I'm trying to figure out whether this could possibly represent my ex or maybe my current state. Hmm.
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The energy was definitely feminine. The figure was svelte and kind of Germanic looking in the face, that's the best way I can describe it. Something like this, but with dark brown hair and an upturned nose. Very elegant looking.
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I wonder what a albino would look like in scarlet.
Oh beloved I'm not doing readings right now. I already did em today.

Tis a shame :(


SENPAI(ily) gets changed to senpai :P

Aww dude
What is your query, darling?
Angel I have one. What should I do tommorow

I'm wondering how I'm coping, if I'm worse or better than I think I am.
I guess I'm also wondering if I can expect an old friend to realize their faults any time soon.
I'm seeing a lot of regular mundane stuff. A lot of cleaning up a bunch of stuff in your house.
Regular housework clean up kind of stuff. Chicken feathers and blood?
Are you sacrificing chickens for diety chest, Chess?
I also see foggy water.
This calls for Ophanim. Give me a sec, beloved.
Do you want your reading? I am drinking and having an awesome friday
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Yes please!
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What do you need?
Please can someone do a reading for me? Im 29, aquarius, male, my favorite color is green. I want to know if the relationship I'm is futile or what I should do to save it

but it's Wednesday Gary.
Not mine, technically I got work again tomorrow but wednesday is my usual friday
A bullet to the head. Haha just kidding
Yo you remember that situation we talked about a whIle back?
I want to know how my healing is doing after all that mess.
Will anything good come after this situation?
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>A bullet to the head.
Yeah.. chickens are sacrificed. For Peter though.
Foggy water I just changed it though....
I already cleaned yesterday.
>babe it's crestfall Tuesday....
Air query
Honestly I want a general. I feel like I have a strong engery around me 24/7. So if anyone helps me pinpoint it, I'd appreciate that! Thanks in advance!!
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Hey angel Chan have you seen headshot yet.
It's a great movie.
Yo how is your fishy friend? Did you figure something out?
When will I meet my next girlfriend? I'm not sure what a good question is for somebody new to reading, if love is too hard to read, when will I get a fuckin job?
>74% on rotten tomatoes :O
No I haven't. Looks spooky and actiony. Right up my ally!
Air Query

Am I cursed? Haha, but really…
I can read for you if you like. I do tarot. Would you rather wait for Angel-chan, or can I read you?
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Going to get a tank and put snails in it. 20g

I guess? I'm hoping Angel-Chan goes get to it, but I understand if she doesn't. She was finished when I asked afterall. And while I know that asking for multiple reads on the same thing can be a bad idea I guess I am curious about what would come out of it.

So, please?
Air query. If anyone can do time readings please help me here. When will I get the call I'm supposed to get? And if you can see how will the call go? Will it go in my favor with what I'm hoping to happen??
>How is coping? Is it going better?

If you’re asking a yes or no question, this is your “YES” answer. This card is a sign that you should trust your intuition. You already know what to, and you’ve been envision the future unfolding with your choice. Maybe you’ve been holding back because you’re looking for a bit of validation. Well, here’s your validation! You are doing well, beloved!

This is a wonderful confirmation that things are going to move in a positive direction for you. You may have been going through challenging times, and this card indicates that those challenges are behind you, and you can look forward to the future. There will be new opportunities and positive experiences for you. Sometimes, after experiencing hardships or challenges in life, we gain a lot of wisdom in the process. Often, as we go through these phases in our life, we gain strength, courage, and create a new or different perspective.

Thank-you Angel-chan. I'm hoping so. <3

Much love darlin'. You are a sweetheart.
>Stop picking at the scab. Stop re-bandaging it. >You will find healing when you leave it alone and allow nature to do its thing.
>Lack of action will actually help you in this situation
>mfw Uriel said the same thing
Wow I'm surprised from this. I guess being over protective and cautions is counterproductive. But you are right obsessing over it wont help me at all. Thanks, darlin!
<3 <3 <3
I'm rooting for you!
Me and your bro Uriel are on the same page. Just relax and enjoy your life, fretting about it wont help anyone, least of not you=
Dont worry he will be ok. He is a strong boi!
I'm glad you got your reading. I don't think you'll need my reading, though. I knew Angel would pull through.
But really thanks for everything you have helped me so much.
Alot of peeps are mistaking others for GD. How peculiar!
Hey, empath, are you doing readings for randoms?

Would you be able to scry my guardian spirit, please? Been seeing some vivid things in my dreams and need to know which to look out for in the future. Purple square and Travis for the name.

Cheswick you should get the snails that the Phoenicians crushed for purple dye.
>I guess I'm also wondering if I can expect an old friend to realize their faults any time soon.
I think that old friend of yours has.

Knight of swords, 8 of cups, 9 of swords

This person must have done something extremely impulsive and fucked up big time. And I guess you're calling this person an old friend because he just upped and left. And the last card shows that they have a hard time with themselves, like they can't sleep or they have nightmares over what they did, or how they fucked up.
Anyone want to trade?
Is it possible to scry during the day? If so how?

Yes I do. I do tarot.
I like a guy a lot, will we be together?
The same way as at night. How are you doing it that requires darkness? Are you doing candle and mirror in dark room?
Asked this in the last thread, I've been rooting around the library and unable to find cartomancy books for using a standard 52-card playing deck. Does anyone have any recommended reading on non-tarot cartomancy?

Would you happen to still be reading? If so, would you mind reading me? Please let me know what information I should provide, I've never gotten a reading before.

If they realize it, they're repressing it really hard. They did do something very impulsive, but what was less impulsive was how they handled it afterwards. I was the one who cut off contact, but they still keep trying to lash out at me. It's subsided recently, and I hope it stays that way.

I feel bad for thinking it.. but I really do hope they lose sleep over it all.


Surprisingly the answer is yes, according to my voices which are my cards, this will blossom later than expected and will involve some real schmoozing to his parents/friends I think you know what this will mean and you should be happy for this. Perhaps try to impress on his feminine side, whatever that means it is a strategic approach.

I just want a general.
Yes precisely.

I am using a bowl and water, just like explained


thanks, I'll bookmark this for later!
Still trading for this.
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Also, thank-you for reading for me. Have a cute chipper.
Thanks for the autistic mouse.

And after what this person must have put you through, they better feel regret for their actions. And they better stop lashing out completely. It's best to live and let live, you know?
Thanks do you think itll happen July?

Five of cups, the sun, the hermit
Leading to six of wands and the knight of cups

So it seems like you are in a big rut right now because of something that has happened in your recent past that makes you feel sad quite often. Its like it is zapping the happiness out of your life the way you focus on this, remember not all is lost and you still have many things to focus on that are positive in your life. Its never good to self isolate because it takes away necessary distractions such as social interactions which makes life more exciting.

There will be a victory for you on a romantic front in the future that brings you out of this rut and make life fun for you again. Perhaps you take a shot with a girl and it works out for you. Best of luck.

Still trading? I want to know what's going to happen between me and Julie in the future?

Let me know you're here and I'll get started on yours.

I'm crying literally.

Ok July, it is my birthday month I see an inversion to this month as it is when I celebrate so the general feeling I'm getting from July is a negative one for you, it won't be until around September not on September and you will need sunscreen so that's positive news, perhaps a beach trip is expected or some other outing that involves heat and the sun, you must be in the USA for a reading like this so stay positive good things are going to happen between you too.
F: five of wands
F2: knight of cups
C: six of cups

Your prospects for the last two are a lot better than the first one especially on an emotional front. Whatever circumstances you encounter would be good for your mental health with these while F you would be being mentally beat down, so to speak, with no returns. I think you would enjoy the journey of F2 better than C because there is more determination and stamina involved in this one while C you would encounter some kindness but its not as exciting you know? I definitely would go with F2.

Id like a scry romance reading for next month please what do you see?
There was an anon who traded in the last thread who told me they would take 10, took longer than that and then didnt post their query. Their scry involved animals and an argument. Link me to the post and your query and Ill answer it when I see it now.
i would like you guys to lend me an answer on my thread, if possible, thanks.
I'll start yours.
Air query. If anyone can do time readings please help me here. When will I get the call I'm supposed to get? And if you can see how will the call go? Will it go in my favor with what I'm hoping to happen??
I see a woman at the pier with a man and some ice cream, in a Michael Mann Miami Vice skyline. Very deep purples, reds, and oranges and whatnot. But the woman seems bored, hanging over the rails. Wondering, is this it? Like, the passion has been revealed, but she wonders if it'll simply remain like this. I sensed that much more was to come, a lot of cool, unexpected quirks from her partner. She should stick around and dig deeper.
Understood. If you can, find a room with an adjustable light (ie, a dimmer) and gradually increase the light across multiple practice sessions. You could also try covering the bowl and candle, like making a fort when you were a child.
i'll not get in a discussion with you, actualy i just solved what needed to be solved, will post results later on not today, not tomorrow but one day.
Still there?

Yup, same query or different one?
Same one. I'll start yours.
I see a shy girl kind of being flirty with a guy, but is way too shy to start dating. I think she has a crush on you, but would dating you weird. A kind of odd familiarity. I keep seeing repetitions of that same flirting scene, as if it would keep going on like that. Then I got a real anxious but fleeting feeling, as if you might have an encounter but it not go any further than that. Like, ONS. On the other hand, you can remain (or be) very good friends.
>I'll like to know my job propsects for F, F2, and C.


>Page of Pentacles, The Devil, Ten of Pentacles

Good news in getting a job in about a month but you're going to work yourself to the bone here, you'll get money out of it though but end the day feeling exhausted and tired.


>Two of Cups, Page of Cups, Four of Cups

All cups here, expect to meet someone who can turn into a potential mate here. You might start out on this path expecting to do A for the rest of your life but might end up doing Z instead, you should definitely consider this one and might possibly think about changing your career if you pick F2.


>Seven of Swords, Six of Swords, Queen of Pentacles

You would be doing a lot of traveling and moving with this job. It would work out really well in the end for you though. Queen of Pentacles speaks about finding fame and fortune if you're into that sort of thing.
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W-Will she ever teach me scrying?

plz say yes ;___;
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can you tell me what my moral compass is? sorry if that is a completely horrible query
Someone please do my query. It's number 269
Please let me know the outcome of Thursday's test.
I caught a glimpse of blood and fire while asking a question and scrying... could this mean progress or just my imagination?
Are you still learning? Your first like 10 to 20 successful visions are just your unconscious flushing itself out.

Her and I. I just need something to go on. I'm at a rest stop right now praying that she will call me in the morning. She's slightly crazier than I am, could have slept next to her tonight but spoke when I shouldn't have, felt low, and acted low. Sure enough I'm thinking about her questioning if I'm the man for her. Feel like dog shit.

To you who reads into my query, thank you.
Is it better this way? I've had a crush on her for a while, our time was short yet intense with still more yet to be seen. Fuck it's only been a couple hours and I miss her already.
Bump of shame
Anybody want to trade? Basically I want to know if I should become a stoic or a buddhist.
Systems of any kind are an information shorthand, helping you organise your thoughts around certain tenants that the system espouses. The fact that you called out buddhism and stoicism shows that you are drawn to ideas of non-attachment.

If it were me, I’d take the things I like from both and merge it with my value system. If you absolutely must choose, pick the one that best aligns with your values.
Who reading nah?
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When I drew the tarot cards I had in mind that you wanted to follow one or the other, although, >>19215071 offers a good idea on integrating.

The answer I got was: Buddhism moreso. Either way you should join a group to achieve your goal, and Buddhism offers better support in that aspect. Aren't too many Stoics out there.

The bigger picture I see is that you need to integrate your effort to attain enlightment with your individual idealism. The two may clash if not tempered properly. Failure to do so means falling into the belief system of your father or patriarch. Maybe Christianity? Whichever religion this is doesn't seem like a good fit for you.

My question. I'm a bi male, should I date men or women next?
what's your query?
Anyone could do a reading for me and this girl im really into?
Will anything happend between us or should i just drop it?
Thanks in advance
>Classic 4-card cross spread. Tarot de Marseille. Reading good for 3-4 months.


Left=You=The Popess; Right=The Question=Strength; Top= General Climate= The Judgement; Bottom=Answer=The Emperor.

Quickie for you m8o:

You will need to be discrete and take your time seducing this lady as it will take quite some time and effort, but persistence will pay off. You'll have a chance very soon to put your plan into practice, and the outcome should be good (as long as you are looking for a stable relationship). You'll need to man up though when the moment arises (Emperor).

That's all for now, good luck!
Air Query

Am I on the right path? Life has been pretty chaotic the past year or so... Do I keep with it or make a change somewhere?
I need to trade with someone who is accurate, this is important and not a bullshit love query.
>Stoic: 3 of Cups, 3 of Wands, 6 of Cups rx
>Buddhist: 8 of Pentacles rx, Ace of Wands rx, 6 of Pentacles

The choice of becoming stoic seems to be based on a painful experience you're going through, perhaps a wish to heal from that grief, to see what lies ahead than life's suffering and how can you learn from it. But by seeking it you're clinging into some unrealistic expectations, because you're looking in the past, wanting to move on, escape but not truly healing from it.

On the Buddhism path, you're not motivated enough, because you know that would require a lot of discipline coming from you, and given your daily worries you cannot afford keeping the focus and the energy up and other things gets in the way. Yet the lesson given here is the compassion explained by the 6 of Pentacles, you will learn to be generous, not only with others, but starting with yourself, learning that the true compassion starts within. Into healing and forgiving, when that happens, you're able to move and heal others around you, improving your life quality. The past won't bother, you were once down, but now you made the turn up and can help lift those who once were found in the same situation as yourself to overcome.

>8 of Cups, IV Emperor, 4 of Cups
The 8 of Cups alone would tell you to leave the illusions behind, definitely something isn't working here, but what? And why? And by doing so, you'd feel you're abandoning an important part of yourself. That also means you can take over the situation, the Emperor here is telling you to be more assertive on your path, bring some structure and security to your decisions. You're the boss here. Most of the time you might be just spending and thinking on the what ifs this and that, but you're missing out the experiences life is bringing you for being too focused on one thing. Take the lead and appreciate the gifts life is sending you, the little things ignored during the day are conveying a message. Look around.
what is it?
will t ever go away?
Hello can i get a general reading please?
I feel kinda lost...
help me friend
will t go away or am i fucked for life
Hi there, can i get a reading please?? It´s about me and my best friend, we have been really close but it's like drugs and other shit got between us and didnt seen each other almost for a year. She's sort of a homeless now, i'm now well stablished thanks to my family who gave me a flat and a job. She came to me like 3 days last week to be with me and we ended up sleeping together and kissing but nothing else because she was on her period and also she is known for going with the first guy she gets(i m not a fuccboi, i am a gent with the ladies), basically durg dealers and squating punks. I know she´s getting readings from an old woman and she told me that the old woman was so persisting in contacting her because she got a upside down demon card drawn and it seems its a very bad thing. I'm so worried because i think i love her but i dunno if i do it in a romantic way, its just i care about her and i want her to be okay. Surrounded by good people and being able to be herself. I wanna help her since the day i met her but i feel like the other people is drawing her out of me and we are reallly compatible, i never got this kind of relationship with any other girl and my query is, we are going to be something more? is she going to leave our friendship or i´m on the right way to have something more serious with her?? It's just i don't wanna fuck it up anymore, already did with all my other relationships but this gyal means so much to me. Thanks and peace!
Oh fuck sorry for the late reply but thats really great news, it just made my day. Thank you anon
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>4 of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, 9 of Cups, 0 Fool, 9 of Swords rx, 7 of Pentacles rx

The root cause of you feeling lost could be a fear of losing what you've worked hard to maintain, or something that is precious for you. As much as you sound determined to make things happen, you might be using a too excessive force, instead, take pleasure in the things you have acquired, give them purpose. This advice feels similar to the other previously given, but you must also open yourself to new opportunities coming your way if you let go of the negative thoughts, they are what they are, just thoughts and they can definitely hinder your progress. Take it easy on the force you might be applying to get things right and don't give into fear.

>8 of Swords, King of Wands rx, 2 of Wands rx, IX Hermit, Ace of Cups, VIII Strength

This seems self-inflicted, if you believe you're fucked, then you will be, the trap is in your mind and your impulsive actions might just exacerbate that perception. With that being said, what can you do now is to first calm down, what you did previously didn't work and this worries might be caused because of that lack of organization, but since this is an internal struggle, your own fears playing here, the Hermit tells you to step back, recollect yourself, again calm down and withdraw from the situation if possible, you must empty yourself from this trouble, emotionally wear off. The Strength as the outcome I see as a positive sign, yes whatever this "t" is will be gone, but again it depends on you and how you're handling all of this emotionally, you cannot force it out, but find a balance in the situation, if you try to hit it upfront you'll get hurt, but if you "tame the lion" you can win their trust.

I'm off to lunch now, but I'll read for you when I get back, ok?
I tried scrying for you and got weird imagery whose interpretation would vary wildly depending on who or what "T" is. Is this a person, spirit, occult work, health condition, status, concept? What is it?
can I have a romance reading for July please ? Im sing f
Bello can you do a reading? I'm 19 and my question is: what does this guy think of me? Thnks
Will be waiting! Enjoy your meal!
This makes it strange, then. The imagery I initially for was of two figures connected by a thick substance. Pardon the gross, but the texture seemed similar to sexual fluids, but thicker and has a strong hold.

This condition is something you've invited in, the result of your actions, not your circumstances. I tried running a number of simulations to see whether you could just cut it off, but nothing seemed to work.

This is going to suck, but it will work. Pull from it, and see which direction it pulls. Calculate the exact opposite direction, and make a similar (and equally strong) attachment to something that pulls in the exact opposite direction of this "T." The opposite pulls will tear you apart (I saw skin being torn off), but you'll be rid of it. Up to you.

Make sense?
Yes its been by my actions sadly. Is there any hope for it to go away on its own? Also Whats your query? And thanks
>Is there any hope for it to go away on its own?
Nope. I don't want to say 100% impossible, but /extremely/ unlikely.

>Whats your query?
What is the gypsy's message?
correction: Ace of Cups rx

I'm well fed and rested to read through your post now, and without trying to sound judgmental, there are some red flags screaming at me that I couldn't ignore. Obviously this girl needs help and her situation with drugs and being homeless is quite harsh on you. I understand and appreciate your affection towards her, not many would do that to another in similar position. And I agree that someone needs good people around to help them thrive, but they also need to want that by themselves, not imposed.

The "demon" upside down card could mean a lot of things, if it was a serious tarot reading, that 'might' signify in fact her release from this sort of lifestyle, drugs, sex, etc. since the Devil card upwards (If we're talking about a tarot deck) would signify, pleasure and indulgence into vices you can't break free. Inverted the meaning change and tells about regaining control of her life and being sober. That is an analysis solely on one card, would be nice to know the whole context and spread to speak further on the reading this old woman did.

Will you have a future with her?
>2 of Wands, XI Justice rx, 5 of Wands rx
You have a lot of ideas in your mind of how can you help her and how things can be good, and how it's all slowly moving but not really solidified. The reversed Justice here isn't a good sign, as some dishonesty and hidden acts would sour and you might see all your efforts gone to drain or giving a blind eye in hopes that everything will get better, but this behavior will only delay some conflicts. And they must be addressed to not let things to get out of proportion. Sadly on the cards I don't see a positive interaction between you two as a couple, but if you want to help her, be her friend and know that you cannot do everything for her if she's not willing to change. Wish I had better news for you and good luck.
10 swords, 6 swords, 10 wands

Ouch.. To say she is foreboding doom is an understatement. There is something that you will break from that will cause you sorrow and it will be hard to move on from. That's her message does not mean it is legiit.

May I have a quick reading?

>Will my love spells on Y succeed?
May I ask how old are you?

If it is information required for a reading then I will
Yes it is
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Available for tarot readings for the following hour, readings performed at my discretion.

>No foreveralone/lovesick teen shit
>No health/death shit
>No yes/no/binary choice shit
>No vague/unintelligible shit
>No queries that involve anyone but yourself
>One query/thing to be read for only
>Query must be 140 characters or less

>A Number From 1 - 39
>A Primary Colour
>A Basic Geometric Shape

How will my plan of leveraging my camming following into a youtube career pan out?

I'll trust you cause I'm not joking here actually. I'm 26


How will I be feeling after my present adventure?
Much apprecciated! Will try my best to just be her friend and will be doing the same as always, being here for her and that's it. I think these relationships just happens always tought it could be great to have a little more influence over her to help her out this messed up situation. I will say it again, she's one of my best friends and will do anything for her but its hard to see her going with bad people and harming herself. ( I did it to myself too so i know it´s hard ).

And again, thanks for your reading! It helped me a bit to calm my mind because im a bit of an overthinker hahaha

>considering love spells in the first place

I hope you do realize that love spells at least require something to latch onto to work, right? If there's no chemistry right from the get go, then unless you completely screw with the person for the duration of however long it works, it's just going to fade out or worse so, blow up back in your face.

This is without taking into consideration the fact that you're using love spells in the first place and fucking with a person, clearly showing you're someone who doesn't deserve any kind of love from that person anyway.

Just a reminder with these things.


In these difficult times in my life, where is the universe leading me?

I am lost so:

What will be the essence of my next purpose? Like, what will it be about?
Sorry can't answer those now.

I understand where you're coming from anon and I feel the purity of your intentions, and she definitely needs to be put out of this situation indeed. Use your experience to guide her as a friend.

I believe in her current state won't be suitable for a relationship now. Wait until things are more stable for her, and for yourself as well, don't let this drag you down.

I wish you both all the best and will send some good vibes, bless you anon.
Can I get a reading about how to approach my ex ? I need to get some stuff back from him soon as he owns my winter clothes (I'm moving back home to his city) but I'm afraid that approaching him again would undo all of the healing I've done....or maybe I can get something out of it, even more closure? I'm over him romantically but I think he's an energy vampire and does spiritual attacks against me. So, should I just say "fuck it" and not get my stuff back, or should I face him? We are on awful terms. Thank you. <3
Air query, a general occult would be nice since things went into a sudden turn due to some disturbances


What's the best thing I can make with the new friends I'll be making in graduate school?
I feel like im fucked up in the head. what´s wrong with me. Feeling like i know something that average people dont but cant explain what.

Yes, I know, I'm not just quiet waiting, right after I casted it I took action and things began to move in a positive way. And yes again, I think it is backfiring now, that's why I would like a reading, to plan what's next

Thank you anyway, good vibes.
Moonie breaks my fucking heart and makes me want to cry
What is god/the universe's stance on divination?
Be more patient in general next time around, because you're giving the vibe of someone who's almost seeming desperate or wanting for things to move more to his end as best as possible. It's just not how it works, especially with feelings of other people.

Three of Wands rv, Three of Pentacles rv, Page of Cups rv. Advice: Seven of Pentacles, Empress rv.

My cards weren't certain on the reversals, however, I got the message clear enough from the advice part; it'd be much better for you to wait without rushing. Be more considerate of the other person and do not allow your feelings to take over your head, the latter one most in particular. The cards show that you're looking for some kind of a way, at least trying to craft your way with the spellwork, but it's not going to end well. It'll more than likely lead to either a disappointed Page of Cups, in this case you, or one that will learn from his emotions and perhaps raise himself to become a well-collected Prince of Cups.

Plant your seeds, preferably ones made with a sound mind, be considerate of the other person (love spells are really the bloody opposite of that), and just see what happens.

Have fun, but just be careful with what you're doing.

Which god? Abrahamic? He won't like it. Anything else? Won't either care or not mind it in the slightest. If the capability for a person to do such things is there, then whomever decided to make us like this should have clearly expected people to use the capability, nurture it and potentially abuse it too.
Generally, unless sous intention is to be born that way or eventually develop extradimensional connection

Souls will usually opt out to deactivate the portion of their DNA that gives them ability to view future potentials, preform remote viewings, empathetic linkings ect so they can be more immersed in life and so it feels more real to them
(If i actually took a second to think about these is that bad?)


So I've got life choices to make within the next year or so that I'm not currently prepared for.

What's probably the best choice I should make about my life?

Thank you anon. These are a lot of reversals. Actually yesterday I got some desperate with this. I know it's my biggest flaw, to rush the things at the way I want and (specially accurate thing here) my tendency in feelings taking my mind.

I've casted spells before (not for love) and one in particular backfire so strong I ended up almost in hospital. I learnt to be very careful with this.

Thanks for the advice, I will have all consideration with this person, I really care about. I think I've planted these seeds, although I am aware of my desperation to see results.
What is up?
Doing one trade
Does he care?
That's pretty fucked up and spoopy. Good thing you're okay now.
dem dubs

>Four of Cups Reversed, King of Swords Reversed

Not a single bit i am afraid.
We care!

... I care :3
4 of swords
Yes he does, but he's also taking his space to recover, not the time to move forward.

What my crush (m) thinks of me (f)?
Air query
How will A react if I ask for his approval?

I have proofs (conversations) of this and I still have the 2 figures.

I'm now having some emotional anxiety for my situation with the person to whom I cast the love spell and I want to know how far I can go with this and what the results will be before it is too late again and backfires.

Love is not an easy thing however and I know it. Not is only the spell, it requires active job and I'm doing it with more or less good results. Just my desperate nature wants to know what the outcome will be.

If you're the reader thanks again. I hope to succeed by not rushing the things.
> Temperance, Empress

Pretty good. You should go for it
I see. Query?
I care about you too, Anon!

>dubs again


I have none, but i hope you get better. As anon said, we care <3
Air query
Love reading for Jult
Nothing felt romantic in this spread instead it was more school work and like work oriented. They see you as someone who's organized and driven so that's good. They do like you.
Thanks could you tell me the cards you got?
Thanks, I agree that it doesn't add up for something like this to be condemned. As for the sort of god, I meant to refer to who/whatever is in charge. To a larger extent, I was curious whether or not this is also capable of negative influence, regardless of the diviner's intention
Nine of wands, Two of Swords
Hes feeling beat down anonette, i think he does but he does not know what to think or do after whatever happened. Id give him some space to breathe for a bit.

Can you give me a love gen for next week
Air query I guess.
What does she truly thinks and feels about me ?
Ah I got prince of pents, fuck I don't remember them all but there where alot of pentacles.
Sorry Anon
Yes let me get Ophanim
Np, thanks and good luck
>Can you give me a love gen for next week
Have Courage To Ask For - And Accept - Help

Have you been trying to do everything on your own, Dear One? Because this card is signaling that you need help but have been reluctant to ask for it.

Asking for help takes courage. Often we feel that doing so is a sign of weakness, or that it burdens someone else. This unwillingness to ask for what we need can have a negative spiral effect. The longer we go without asking for help, the longer we go without receiving any. If this pattern continues on long enough, we can even come to the erroneous viewpoint that there is no help to be had at all.

God and the angels reassure you that they are without limitation. They can be in as many places at once as they are needed. You can never bother them. No problem is too large, and no issue too trivial. They don’t have physical bodies, so they can never tire.

Having the courage to ask for help— from God, Jesus, the angels, or another person—is an important step toward manifesting abundance. It is such a powerful step that it is almost instantly rewarded by an answer. Tune in to how your body and mind feel immediately afterward. You may be receiving on-the-spot guidance as to how you can co-create the abundance you are asking for. Flashes of inspiration, sudden invitations or job offers, and other signs present themselves to those who take this leap of faith.
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Its not an air query if you tag me...

>World Reversed, Four of Cups Reversed

>Most readers will have little need to attend to such details of Thrasyllus’ arrangement, but one point is important. Except for Laws, as just noted, Thrasyllus’ tetralogies do not claim to present the dialogues in any supposed order of their composition by Plato.

You may get stuck on some pointless thing from your past, or well pointless for most people but you. Drowning in a glass of water.

Just relax and go with the flow anon~ Nothing is perfect
hi are you doing more? It would help me out to knoe if ill recover from this disease
hi guys
I need a reading please..
Hello. I'm anon from yesterday that was testing some technique of reading. Are there anons here that would be interested in that kind of "test" reading? Even if it might be not accurate at all? I'll be doing some in 4-5 hours so don't post your query now, just let me know if there will be people that will be part of my practice.
me anon, let's try it
I'm curious, count me in
Thanks. It's not bad. It's not particularly great either.

Would you mind pulling cards to see if my other idea towards dealing with this is better?
I'm here for you anon <3
just reply with your query and I'll give you an ES; no guarantee on accuracy as it's still a new-ish method, but the results so far have been promising. Give me about 5-10min to reply as I need to put clothes on
Interested as well

Hey Empath can I get a reading? Basically I want to decide between 3 females who have shown interest in me and like me but I'm not sure which one I should pursue the most?

Which girl should I pursue and why?


I can give you a reading in return if you'd like?
great! don't worry about the accuracy, let's try your way

>27 march 1996

So, I'm moving to Berlin with my gf (with whom I've only been for about 2 months) just out of a coincidence we're going together, she's going to study, and I'm going to work and seek a proff. career as a musician.

My question is-- Will things go ''well'' during this time? (for what I understand by ''well'', not my expectations, wich I try to limit).
Basically, when i come back, will I be happy with life in general? will I regret what I'm about to do?

Thanks Anon, let's see what you can read

Btw, can you describe your metho? or is it private?
I would like a reading
Since my ex broke up with me back in February, I've been really sad and i miss her. Will we talk like friends like we use to and will i be happy again anytime soon?
hi empath can do this for me?
Yo, Empath, are you streaming tonight?
Hey Empath, can you tell me what will happen with my crush and I next month?
Sure thing. Will do these and get right onto it. Just realised my phone is at 15% so if I suddenly stop I'm driving on my way home to charge. As for my method anon, it's basically a less focused empath reading (as per the norm) but I discovered by reducing the effort and "grip" on the meditative state I go into (basically marking it more casual) it allowed visions or Scrying to flow into the reading, therefore I dubbed it ES/Energy Scrying.
That I am! In about ohhh 1.5hrs. I'll be starting at 7am AEST/5pm EST.
Heeey Empath. Is something love related going to happen in next couple months?
Hi there! Can tou do this query
Please? You need an additional info?
Hey, would anybody like to give me a general life reading?
I'll post more info if needed.
A very mechanical feeling, like a relationship is a set of rules, regulations and expectations. I saw one of those switches where it keeps going around in a circle, catching the little nub and advancing the switch with each rotation. I get the feeling this choice will be your "safe bet" so to speak, and that you'll always know where you stand, and the relationship will have a gradual steady growth. Excitement levels will be at the lowest.
I...don't see anything sorry. Like nothing. If they're occult inclined then I'm hitting a shield/block.
Feelings of unease, uncertainty and overall just a distinct "I don't wanna be here" vibe. There was a cave, not a safe cave, more like a storm drain sorta thing. You're standing on the outside of it, and it's pitch black inside. Something calls to you, but you don't wanna enter. Actually it's like being egged on by mates to do something scary/dangerous/stupid; there's an external push for you to go in, but you yourself don't want to, but are hesitant to drop it for the sake of your ego/face.

Three readings aren't you greedy! Phone has dropped to 3% I'll pick up the rest when I get home
May I have a reading too?

I just want to know what will happen between my love interest and me innthe future, I'm starting to feel stuck with her and I want to know what the outcome will be if I continue my efforts
I scry tarot and books

I would like a scry on my next gf pls. What does she look like, do I already know her and where do we meet?

Query? I'll do a horseshoe spread for you.
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Alrighty back home (or at least the place I'm house sitting). Pic related is why I was out; it's a 5min walk down the street. Will continue momentarily
Shes an asian girl with bangs, long brown hair which is that red dye type style they like to do. Single lidded but beautiful and thin lips. Pale skin and an hourglass figure. Maybe a half asian girl? For the meeting I get a place surrounded by books. School or library.

I guess a love general for the rest of summer
I might go out but I'll read it as soon as I get home.

JD is an ex that has admitted she has very STRONG feelings towards me still. AW is a classmate who messages me from time to time. We share a lot in common and she seems interested but I haven't asked her out yet. AT has admitted she likes me but was seeing someone else at the time. Now she's single and I don't know whether I should contact her and see where it goes from there, thanks for the reading.

It looks really nice, I'm jelly. Part of me wants to go to the beach which is an hour away and part of me feels like I have no place there.
A sense of balance, equilibrium. There was also a pull from 2 sides, trying to drag you into them and wholly commit yourself. I saw a circle split into three equal parts by thick, black lines.

I get the feeling these three sections represent career, girlfriend and yourself. Career and Girlfriend were the two that seem to pull the hardest, each vying for more and more of "yourself." The advice here is to not give in and keep your balance, each must learn to accept their 33.33333333% of you, and that "you time" is just as important. I can't tell if things will "go well" but this felt more like it picked up on the "will I be happy in life general" part of your query.
>Tfw almost 20
>Never had a real relationship
>Never had sex
>Lonely as fuck
Will things get better for me divination anons?
Thanks in advance
Thanks for the feedback. With this info I'd say if things with JD ended amicably then give it a tentative chance and take it slow if you want to rebuild bridges. AW seems like there's nothing to see there, maybe give it a push and ask me again after some developments? AT, yea no don't go there...that's bad mojo; I get the feeling either her ex will make things dangerous/complicated or she's a literal crazy

Be safe man <3
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Doing some readings for practice, keep in mind its just that, practice. Anyone interested all i need is


As always, note that i do the readings along my day, which means its going to take a considerable amount of time between readings and i never know how many i will perform.

All that said, good luck to you all!
The connection seems like it's all but severed; it's the thinnest most minuscule connection I've seen. Most of the connection on her end seems to have been retracted and (i'm assuming as I won't go there) the energy is being put to better ventures. I can't give you a definite yes or no on future re-connection but I can tell you that holding out for that connection is a waste of time. Take that energy, repurpose it towards something better, something that WILL make you happy. That way if you do stumble across one another in the future, you'll be able to restart the connection on even ground, and not give her all the power by hanging on for it. Plus, that repurposed energy? If put to the right ventures will make you a lot more interesting as a potential mate; gym, an instrument, a hobby, career, whatever it may be!
>Shes an asian girl with bangs, long brown hair which is that red dye type style they like to do. Single lidded but beautiful and thin lips. Pale skin and an hourglass figure. Maybe a half asian girl? For the meeting I get a place surrounded by books. School or library.

I'm in a college surrounded by Asian people, I've had a couple girls show some interest but it's never amounted to anything serious. I'll be on the lookout for this girl.

>I guess a love general for the rest of summer

>Eight of Pentacles, King of Cups, Five of Wands, Ace of Swords, The Lovers, Knight of Pentacles, Six of Wands

A very interesting spread, basically you're going to have to start following your intuition and using it more. You detest conflict in your relationships and would rather have someone who shares your hobbies and is a rather chill person. What you need to do is broaden your dating horizons, don't be myopic with your dating choices. There can be great partners out there that you might not have ever considered because they're not your usual type, this is a big mistake on your part. You're going to need to change this, there are people out there who see you as a great partner but you never considered them before, probably a friend who isn't too close but you do know them a little. Before the end of the Summer, heading towards Fall, you will get some great news, while the 6 of Wands is the victory card meaning you will get exactly what you're aiming for before the end of summer. Whether that's a new partner or something more serious. You're summer is going to be pretty active, don't waste your time at home in front of a screen.

Am I going to get the money I was promised anytime soon?
What can I expect to happen between this guy I like and me in the next two weeks or so?
are you me?
Oh, I'm almost 21 already... lmaoo
Apologies anon but health/death readings always give me the heebie jeebies. Maybe another time (when I'm not about to do my stream) okay?
Will I be with E or M who are males?
should I do it?
Is he hoping I talk to him?
Will this go ailment away?
>Thanks for the feedback. With this info I'd say if things with JD ended amicably then give it a tentative chance and take it slow if you want to rebuild bridges. AW seems like there's nothing to see there, maybe give it a push and ask me again after some developments? AT, yea no don't go there...that's bad mojo; I get the feeling either her ex will make things dangerous/complicated or she's a literal crazy

JD is actually the crazy one, things didn't end too well between us but we both have some very serious feelings towards each other.

AW shows interest in me but she's live far, doesn't have a car but has expressed interest in hanging out together.

AT is actually really, really nice. Have you ever hugged someone and felt their feelings through the hug? She's actually really sweet and does like me but the timing was really bad for both of us. Her ex bf is an Asian twig though, I could break this guy in half easily. Thanks
What a gorgeous view, makes me want to go down to the beach myself. My question is of low priority so feel free to focus on others first, however if you have the free time I could use some insight on the matter.

I've recently started to doubt my artistic abilities and suffered a bit of a quarter life crisis over it. I only pursued a career in Art at the encouragement of those around me, but now that I've been meeting with writing and art blocks more frequently, I'm concerned that this might not be truly where I'm meant to be. Your thoughts?
How can I become more confident in my studies?


In these difficult times of confusion and pain in my life, where is the universe really leading me?
Okay, because you got in before my "i'll do these" post I'll grab you too. This will be my last reading but I'll be reading more over on twitch.

I saw a rose...which you'd think would be good no? But remember, its beauty hides the sinister thorns beneath. I saw a hand clutch the rose hard, and blood trickle out and onto the soil. A feeling of martyrdom, like "it's fine, the pain is fine, I have my rose, I don't care that I'm bleeding out." From the soil a new bud bloomed, not a rose, but a frangipani. It budded slowly, unseen by you beneath the rose. However, it would soon wilt if not tended too with water and its own soil; the blood would kill it.

I don't think this "rose" is a good person to chase anon...however, there is someone nearby, someone close to you and the rose who is a much better candidate, someone who is a more vibrant, but softer and smaller than your crush
I see. In short, it may be hard to forget her but by doing so, it will help me and probably the both of us. Thank you
will my emotional situation improve?
Interesting vision, i dont think I met the other one yet. But youre right empath. The crush cucked me
Well like I said, IF things ended amicably. If she's a crazy then why would you consider going back there? AW seems like a lost cause purely because of 1) the lack of built emotional grounds and 2) Distance relationships are hard to maintain. AT sounds sweet, and from my reading it may be there's nothing actually to be afraid of within the cave but...if you go there just be careful, darkness hides all sorts of dangers, ones we can't see or prepare for.
>I could break this guy in half
I wouldn't say violence is the best solution, and if she's sweet then it may be counterproductive. Just be wary, something is afoot there...or I completely fucked up and got it all wrong kek
Where is my waifu Angel?
Keeping them hopes up anon
>The crush cucked me
ouch....ouuuuuuuch. I've been there man, my ex had 10 guys in 12 days while we were dating...it's not a nice feeling. I don't think you've met this frangipani yet, it seems you need to let go of this crush so see it; your hand clutching the rose is in the way, and your blood is drowning the poor thing, you can't see it beneath your own efforts to hold onto the rose. Step back, let yourself heal, and see what develops

I think you might have mixed up AT with JD, happens. It's weird but me and JD are connected, even knowing that she's crazy and that I deserve better than her, she does love me more than any other person on the planet and she'd put her life on the line for me. Me and JD are connected even if I don't want to be, JD and I will be back together but this isn't till a couple of years from now. I can push it to make it happen sooner but, what's the point if it's going to happen eventually anyways?
Can you do it after the stream man? Its not that serious but it has made my quality of life worse.
Air query.

Apologies for the poor excuse of a query, and the vague details, I rather prefer incognito so whatever is revealed that be it if you see it fitting.

Will she take me back?
Is she worth it?
Did I let someone who potentially enriches my life pass by?
Am I better off?!?

Had a crush on this woman for a while and out time was short and intense.. I miss her.
Alrighty, I mixed up times and I'm an idiot. I'll be starting my stream in 30min at 5:30EDT. Look forward to seeing you guys there <3

>Mixed up AT with JD
I mean...they phonetically sounds similar so it's entirely possible (and which is why when I try this method I usually ask for a single, concise query to focus on). Look, at the end of the day I'm just some guy from the ass end of the world on a Atlantic Whale Song Forum; you're the one right there in the thick of it and know best, I believe in you man <3
I'll give it my best okay? I'll end my stream a little early (as I have DnD right after it today) and get right onto your reading; swing me an email at [email protected] so I don't miss it

>Knight of Wands, Devil Reversed

>You rascal! So you want to be a tyrant over us, and that’s why you criticized your father all along for refusing to send you to some tyrant-teacher!!

I have a feeling that you will not get it any time soon. Seems to me that you did something reckless and ergro the debt is considered paid.

Alternatively, the chains have broken and you should be getting it at any time this week.

I think its the former however, good luck either way

What are you streaming? i dont mind supporting a /div/ bro
Literally what I do here; readings. I figure i usually do them by voice anyway and divination is something I love; a fun little side-project to enjoy. If you search my name you'll find me.

>Five of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles

>Now, is the bad thing he gets rid of the most serious one? Consider it this way: in the matter of a person’s financial condition, do you detect any bad thing other than poverty?

Eh... Considering we got all pentacles and the quote talks about poverty... financial issues between you two? Its pretty clear (not sure if accurate tho).

Support through hard times, be it literally financial or of a material nature (health, job, and so on) It might involve some plans and budgets.

However, if you two work together, one might be at risk of losing his job.

Funny reading. I do get a positive vibe as the outcome, but i could also be completely off... would like feedback for this one.

For the stream, what would you need to do a general reading for my day? I'm >>19214116 and >>19214134, and did a general reading for myself about what my day is going to hold, and I want to compare results.
Anyone here proficient in necromancy? Looking for tips/

Go talk to /omg/

Measure twice, call once.

In all seriousness, spirits have a habit of trolling the living, especially those of the deceased. The afterlife can be boring in comparison to life, and many have become slightly less friendly as a result of enduring the drudgery. It doesn't take as long as you might imagine to forget what it's like to be human. So take anything they say with a grain of salt.
We dont work together no. Im not sure how he is doing financially. He has a job. I have a job. Its similar pay.

>who are males?

Well... i can only talk for myself since this is an anonymous board, but i guarantee you i am one :^)


>But when one of the other parts gains control, it won’t be able to secure its own pleasure and will compel the other parts to pursue an alien and untrue pleasure.

>Four of Cups, Ace of Swords.

Nah, one of you will get bored down the line and go for another one. I am guessing you since yo already asking about it... Alternatively you might just not be his type.


>Nine of Cups, Page of Cups

>They used poetical forms which concealed from the majority of men their real meaning, namely, that Ocean and Tethys, the origin of all things, are actually flowing streams, and nothing stands still.

He is going to sweet talk you, there are higher chances with this lad. It sorta looks like attention seeking more than anything from your part.

Meh, good luck!
You are accurate about me attention seeking from him but a girls gotta do what shes gotta do to win his affections after he plays hard to get and pines over others. Let's say he does sweet talk me, should I try to build something between us or just find another guy?

Welp, thanks for the feedback. I feel off today, might take a break of reading if i keep being inconsistent.

Anyhow, it does seems like something related to the material and planning. Perhaps a simple date? He will pay for something since you forgot your wallet? Something on those lines perhaps.

Or i am simply off... some people dont connect well wit some readers
>>19216893 >>19216896 >>19216897 >>19216906 >>19216911 >>19216950

Welp, seems like i am having a rough time reading (kinda tired) so i will rather stop instead of leading you lot astray.

Hope another reader gets to you.
I can scry and use tarot
Is he hoping that I talk to him today?

I'll trade you, I want a scry telling me how my birthday will go next month? Will I be sitting at home by myself or out with friends having a good time?

Starting yours
Starting yours!

>The Magician, Seven of Cups, Ten of Cups

I get the feeling of excitement and giddiness emanating from two people. Basically both of you get butterflies in your stomach when you talk to each other. He's looking forward to you talking to him, go out and talk to him. I see a good union coming out of this, enjoy.
I see you walking down thesidewalk with some friends maybe three or four people not too many. See them going out to eat and after that they just seem to wander around cracking jokes and laughing.
After that I see you. You're at home all snuggled up in a blanket watching a show or movie. Spending some much deserved alone time.
All in all your birthday feels really nice and comforting.
How wonderful !
Ha......... I can't do that. He is past lover. Going back would not be good.

He likes the sweet talking, and feeling on top. Dont know how to take it however, but i would not approach if he is not willing to do his part.

Guys dont really play hard to get if they are interested (or want you to be interested) btw... dont get me wrong, there might be a reason for it and it might work down the line but those are my two cents.

Ill do the reading later tonight if you are going to check. For now i better rest and distract my head :)

Just talk to him and see where it goes. 7 of Cups speaks of being taken advantage of, but if you are psychic then it's something you already know and nothing to worry about. 10 of Cups speaks of peace, comfort and unity. I'm not saying this is going to be happily ever after or anything, just keep an open mind when talking to him is all I'm saying.
Okay, I'm here. If anyone is interested in reading by me just give me:
>Picture you feel connected to.
All feedback is appreciated.
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Love general for the next month please :)
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Max (myself, Male)
Dalia (Female)
How does she feel about me?
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what will be the consequences if i do it?
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I'm feeling so alone,will i find a girl soon?
Did someone hurt you? I got very angry vibes like you want to revenge on someone. Loneliness appeard too. If you got in fight with someone you actually did good thing. It now allowed you to go different way and probably a new way to meet new people and perhaps love.

>Revenge, Anger

Nope, not my style. I do want to get over someone tho, perhaps the confusion was there.

>If you got in fight with someone you actually did good thing.

Just to clear this out, this hasn't happen yet right? I mean the whole thing about moving on is on spot but not the fight or anger tho, it was my fault i deluding myself on the first place. She did not wrong me as far as i can tell.

Thank you for your time.
You know this playful feeling when two friends pouch their arms just for fun? It feels like it. Very friendly energy, she probably have a lot of fun with you. She likes you, but really can't tell if it's "this" way. Try to ask her out?
Love general for the next few years I'm in graduate school.
Thanks for a feedback anon. I'm doing practice on this, so it can be very unclear and not accurate in some parts.
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Giovanna (myself, female)
Miguel (Male)
What does he think about me?
How does he feel about me?
Why he don't talk to me?

O my god i love that doggo <3
Well, the thing is we haven't heard from each other in a long time. The last I heard from her, she was hurting emotionally. We were good friends, but I don't know if she still considers me her friend.

Thanks for the reading. I guess you need to work more on your intuition.

Thank you for your time anon.
yeah he's so cute <3
should I stay or should I go
There's a tension to do whatever you're thinking on. You want to do it so badly and you're thinking that consequences are nothing. If you do it you will have this "I knew it" words in head. At first it may look good but as time pass you'll see the true nature of it.
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General please
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I want to know if my emotional situation will improve
Yeah, there is a lot of emptiness.There won't be much for some time. There was some feeling of person that worked on you like an medicine, but it's not going to happen soon. You're staying too much in home with a lot anxiety and depression.
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M. (me, male)
M. (unrequited crush, female)
Will I ever forget and move on? any movement in love life?
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You may need to move to a bigger can.
Ok, but will i get better, could you at least answer me that?

That's was very precise what you said, thak you anyway.
You're waiting for some big adventure to happen and you're watching at every opportunity to catch someone attention. This is not bad, you're going for it with enthusiasm, but can't tell for now is anything going to happen. Few years is a long time, but you have a right attitude for searching and this is always something.
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Call me Johan
I'm a male

There's this girl at the gym I've my eyes on. Tell me, do I have a chance with her?
Can anyone help me understand the significance of the number 77 and Belmont?
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I'll be offering H.P Lovecraft tarot for the rest of the night I will do these throughout the day. I make no claims to their accuracy.

I do have one request if anyone wishes to indulge me. I have a query I would like someone to answer for me if they can. Doesn't have to be done but it would be nice.

Tomorrow I will see/talk to her how aggressive should I be with her?
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that's something new and exciting! can I have a general read please
Gib love reading
Advice on it would be appreciated
if i do it,what will be the consequences?
New thread:

>general read please
Old One, Seven of Tomes/The King in Yellow, Queen of sites Reversed,

You should save up money there will be something you wish to buy in the near future that will bring great value to your life. Perhaps a new car or something innoccuous that is entertaining.

Five of man revesred, Yog shogurath, Knight of Sites.

okay.. your past failures have left you scarred with fear and insecurity. If you can just go for it... put yourself out there no matter what you think you have the potential to find someone or have some manner of success.. but this reading was not a you will find love soon outcome to be honest,

Night Gaunt R, Seven of Artifacts. Cthulhu awakens.

You will suffer grave consequences unless you are able to be steathy the Nights Gaunt heavily implies Secrecy regardless of reversed or not.
What will happen if I approach her?

i'd like a general read too, please.
I will be moving to new thread

Can I get a general, senpai?
nice reading anon, I like how you focus things.
I was also thinking about these 3 parts of my life, so this is quite reassuring. I'll try and balance there aspects of my life, and not let any of them limit the rest

Sorry for late response but thank you man :)

good luck.
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