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/pgg/ - Pokémon GO General

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Thread replies: 314
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Shiny Pikachu In Japan Edition

>Official Pokémon Go Updates

>Latest APK Update


>Pokéstop & Gym Maps

>Nest Atlas

>IV Checking Websites

>IV Checking Apps

>Evolution Calculator

>Trainer Level Speed Calculator

>General Map Scanner

>City Map Scanners

>Nest Migration Countdowns

>Meet Up For Raids

>Spoofing Guide

>Game Master Decoding

Previous thread: >>33240767
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First for ???
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>all these raids but no zapdos
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Gonna take a longass time to find the rest
Why are the fucking Japs getting a third event?
cuz hiroshima?
Because the fanbase is mainly western, so fuck it pander to japan.
They still like Pokemon way more than we do
Pokemon is Japanese and the west are cucks that never get nice things according to the Pokemon Company
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Post what is defending your nearest gym right now
questions for the spoofers

is the game still fun even when you spoof? do you not fear possible permabans?
>fearing bans
>not welcoming them
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Yes, now I can finally get mons in bumfuck nowhere were I live and participate in gyms.

I'm not afraid of bans, it's just a mobile game. I can also spoof a new account in no time too

After being nearly completely inactive since Novemeber, Im finally able to get back into the game. Thank fuck for raid experience, I can actually see myself leveling up now.
The game isn't fun and not worth playing to me without spoofing so if I get banned idgaf anymore.
>Japan gets this
>We got thrown water bottles, ever changing thresholds for rewards, and Dumb Bitch

Every thyme
Is there a live event tied to this Jap shit? Are we gonna get more spaghetti Hanke and feet getting wet from all the Pokemon?
Remittances for getting blown the fuck up
Why is rhydon wearing diapers haha
Nah they're never appearing in front of a western audience ever again
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Thanks nips I finally caught it. Golden razz + great curveball on the second throw did it.
I had an 1888 run out on me in the Aussie outback. Didn't know Yokohama would be this dope now I gotta wait another few hours.
>Go to gym
>3100+ Blissey
>3200+ Snorlax
>3200+ Gyarados
>3500+ Dragonite
>3500+ Tyranitar
>3000+ Vaporeon

What's your team to fight it?
time and patience
wait an hour and then sweep it with one dragonite when theyre all <1000
>ywn have 3k plus fighters
Casuals out
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What happened to Niantic banning spoofies? I lost my first account for spoofing on Nox back in August and never heard of banwaves ever again.
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>shiny pikachu
>shiny raichu
They banned you for using Nox, not for spoofing
hahaha lol u retard
get fucked
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GEE I wonder why you got banned!
Are there any Lugia raids in Yokohama? Any high number of people in those raids? Not sure if I want to spoof to Japan before getting Lugia due to the time zone and potential lack of people in raids.
nigga everyone in japan plays pokemon go
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>using Rhydons in Zapdos raids

Top lol m8s

Git gud and hunt 100% geodudes/larvitars.
We need one for people that user Blissey/Chansey on anything
>git gud
you don't even know how to save a image
The certificates for that spoofing app are all fucked up. It will not load D:
wtf they moved chinchou to 5km eggs now
They should just remove it along Spinarak and all the garbage
>there's a 100% Unown in Russia
>we're all stuck in Japan
Bravo Niantic
>wanting Unown when there are fucking 5 Chanseys spawning at the same time
Where? I've seen bulk Larvitar, no Chansey
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First ball, pinapped it.
Golden Razzing doesn't do anything, trust me, take the gamble
>Realised that I'm standing in the middle of a sidewalk with a bunch of other people/ asians staring at my phone for 15 mins at a time

I can never escape this akwardness
>git good
>use larvitars
wew lad
>Europe gets Kangaskahn
>Japan gets Mr. Mime
>America gets a regional Pokemon that can be captured without leaving the country
America kind of got the raw deal on this one.
>europe gets 1 regional
>japan gets 1 regional
>america gets up to THREE depending on where you are
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>he thinks others care about him
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>start game without spoofing
>start the game somewhere else far from home
w-what the shit?
Corsola does technically spawn in Japan.
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>GPS draft has me walking around a block away
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Welp, I think that enough raiding for the day...
Murkrow edition
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I hatched a Marrill from a 5k earlier. I'm actually upset because they're pretty damn common around here.
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>when gen 3 drops they'll remove decent or good things to make way for even more trash
Two states out of 50 you idiot
Fucking lol at Japan. So many pokemon I've never seen at home o_0 caught wobuffet, mamoswine first try in the raids, failed one zapdos. Filling box with totodiles, larvitars and cyndaquil.
fucking nips getting gen 4 first
Mr mime is in Scotland too, i have 4 from my village
Piloswine fuck, sorry for confusion
who /wendys4for4/ here?
I'm fed up with biking. Getting a car
The only two reasonable options are walking or spoofing, everything else is memes
Might spoof, but I'm going to get some nerd pussy still

Nerd pussy is overrated.
>spoof to Yokohama
>spoofing phone starts running at a comfortable 1 FPS
I might need a new phone
i put all of my mons up here


what do you think of my collection? i'm a walkfag/mapfag
i wanna fug the french girl who walks with a furret
We all do.
Enjoy wasting gas and changing tires.
Bet you she's alright looking.
It's a dude.
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Cutie squad
Doduo dies in two hits against Zapdos while Rhydon can outlive Golem because it has better defense stats.
Would still fug it like a furret
Redpill me on spoofing, flygps doesn't work anymore right?
The ultimate wall.
Men I have spoofed from UK to Japon but I have no raid passes and the shop doesn't sell them? What would happen if I teleport home, baught some then teleported back? Has anyone done it? What happened?
With Yokohoma happening, i'm done trying to be legit.

Someone provide info on how to spoof?
read the OP, dumb spoof fag
>shop doesn't sell them
I can't buy the boxes or coins and only have 91 coins. Raid passes are there for 100 coins each yes but no one wants that. The shop stock ends at more storage space.
These new gyms SuCk!! the payout is crappy nd you cn't stay in them long. I hate this feeding them daily shyt too. Anyone in Paris or Austrialia on? get at me.
Can you see if people are fighting a raid pokemon? Went to a Zapdos but literally nobody was there, I live close so I went home again. Can I see, from home, if people are fighting it somehow so I can go join them?
Non until you start the raid, buy more passes goy
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>0/9 Zapdos
>the last one was a 100% too
She confessed she's a hamplanet during a rant and I see no reason why she would like.
>and you can't stay in them long
oh how I wish that were true

I stuck my best attacking vaporeon in a gym thinking I'd get him back by the end of the day

that was 25 days ago...
Checked for truth.
This feel requires a second account.
Does anyone else go into a blind rage when they see a blissey, snorlax, or a vaporeon in a raid battle?

I just want to punch them in their stupid face if I could get away with it.
*Why she would lie
>Blissy and Snorlax.
I roll my eyes, but no I've never wanted to punch. I've never been in a large raid that failed though, so those scrubs are only missing out on their own damage bonus.
Vaporeon is good though
>out raiding
>end up drinking
>end up going to nightclub
>make out with both a guy and a girl from the raids
All I wanted was a Zapdos
Vape is fine, it's like the perfect balance of Attack and Tank, so I wouldn't blame people for using it
Snorlax is shit and Blissey should only been seen near the end as an anchor
What rant
Fuck off with this (You) bait. This is the only (You) you're going to get.
Here's another (you) just because the other twat said you wouldn't get more
>There's a lickitung at a stop 6-7 minutes away from here

Wew that's pretty rare but I pass. Hatch them sometimes and was able to collect a bunch during the Valentines event. Besides I was about to have a wonderful lunch too.
You'll be getting a Zapdos soon enough alright
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Thats so hot. Mmhmmm. I do the same when I go to the city because no one knows you. Prefer to kiss other men lol.
the virgin spoof
the chad walk
One day I was doing Moltres and someone brought a Chansey. Not even Blissey, just fucking Chansey. I wanted to punch him in face
More like the other way around, walk cuck
>go to raids
>chat with everyone
>make new friends
>talk and laugh about spoofers and how sad they are
Is this the first time heard the word Pokemon?
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They changed the game so that people arent assblasted by spoofers anymore
0/10 On Zapdos
10/10 on herpes
lol literally me
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>Do raid with two accounts.
>The shitty account gets all the good IV stuff.
Trading when?
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It's because TPCJ is paying Niantic for all these events. Because Japan is Pokemon's origin.
>caring about shitmons
Happens to me a lot too.
Attention, lads

the 27th nest migration will occur in exactly 11 hours.
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it's gonna be a good migration this time, i can feel it
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>mfw got a nail in a tire when I was claiming gyms in my area
Someone will pay for this.
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This goy has perfect IVs and is at level 31. Should I bother keep levelling it up when I get more startdust?
Mud Slap is now Mud-Slap.
There's either a faggot multi accounting or some insanely austitic couple playing in my area that keep attacking gyms but not capturing them. Yesterday they took two gyms. After trading enough time/battles to get 50 coins they kept spamming the two gyms to make sure they had control. They knocked out mystic and instinct players within a minute of taking the gyms over.

These/this faggot sat there feeding golden razz after golden razz to the Pokémon despite having enough time to already have their daily coins.

I knocked one of their accounts out of each gym at 11:58 last night. And their other out at 12:12 this morning just to make sure they'd wake up to their coins.

Sure enough, they tried to take the gyms back before 7am.

Why are Valor players such tremendous faggots?
Am I losing my mind or did the incubate button change? It seems smaller.

It did change. Used to say "Start Incubation". Now it says "Incubate".

Same for --> >>33246717

Niantic did a lot of minor text fixes and a lot of model changes last night.

See this post ---> >>33244533
anyone wanna help with zapados@
3429 W McDowell Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85009

> only guy here for the next hr
maybe they dont care about pennies and just like taking gyms
Fucking finally, Niantic fixing game-breaking bugs.
Is there any rules to raid spawns, like only at xx:x5 or a max amount in x radius?
This. I actually think the battle system, despite all the glitchiness, is fun. I have more coins than I'll ever need so I just battle gyms anywhere I go.
How do I get an Alakazam in this game?
The autists dedicated to data collection haven't found any pattern yet. Seems totally random.

Need to trade your Kadabra and hope they trade it back.
Santa hat Pichu is added to the GM.

This probably means Santa hat Pikachu will return at Christmas time, along with Santa hat Pichu hatching from eggs.
Did they add back Ho-Ho?
They did the same thing for birthday hat Pichu, didn't they?
Nah. Their behavior is far too autistic. I'm all for battling despite its flaws. These/this fag is just being a faggot.
I spoof since day 1 and I know that I will never get banend because I don't use emulators or I don't teleport, I just slowly move with my joystick or use routes for hatching and that's it, I also use pokemon go outside for raids, I don't harm anyone and I don't take gyms while spoofing, my account is now 39 and my second account 36 and I NEVER had a softban.
lead with Machamp--will take out blissey and hopefully put a dent in the lax too (depending on how glitchy the game is making it to dodge the inevitable DG)
Poliwrath to finish off the Snorlax (I live in a grass biome and had caught, like, 3 machops before raids started so this guy has been my machamp-lite for a long time now)
Jolteon will take down gyrados and hopefully dragonite too. it he doesn't:
Cloyster for dragonite (still more powerful than my best lapras)
Vape for tyranitar, although i would switch in Poliwrath for this is he still has good health)
Eggman for the vape.
By the time you wrote this they decayed to 10%, anon
Lead with a Tyranitar and then clean up with two Dragonites, it's not difficult. Before I had those titans, I would've used Gyarados, Golem, Jolteon, Cloyster, Vaporeon, and Exeggutor, in that order.
Why do Mystic players travel in packs and creep in the shadows like cowards?
>why do mystic players have friends and hog the shade?
stay mad instinct autist
Mystics are normies, Instinct crawls in the shadow.

Homosexuals naturally travel in packs for safety reasons. They also lurk in the shadows for the same reason.
Does anyone feel that Zapdos spawns less often compared to Articuno and Moltres? Both of the latter spawned multiple times across all times of the day, while Zap spawned only once yesterday and twice before noon today. It's currently 4 PM so there's still hope, but it certainly feels like an uphill challenge to catch it before Monday since I can't leave work early every day.
Look at literally any raid scanner and you'll see Zapdos is just as common as the other two.
They seem about the same to me; all comes down to luck on what spawns when.
>Trading when?
Right after multi-accounters get banned.
Considering that would drive off probably more than half the paying players, never.
How is having multiple accounts a problem?
What's worse: 6 people that always travel together or 1 person with 6 accounts?
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH how can you faggot be this butthurt? how is having multi accounts illegal in any game on this fucking planet you dumb piece of shit?

off yourself you aids kid
One person with 6 accounts will have to spread all the attention between them, never optimizing one account.

6 people traveling together pisses me off more because they get rewarded for just being normies and can easily out compete as solo player for being together.
how do different unown forms and pikachu hats work with the 1 species per gym rule

1 of each, no matter what form.
Is anyone here from Los Angeles near the Santa Monica area know of a group for raids?
Well for starters, it's literally against the terms you agreed to when you signed up for the game, you fucking idiot.
Just go there and there'll either be a ton of walkcucks or a ton of spoofbros, probably both.
Here it's Valor who do that. It's also Valor who try to break raid times set on Discord and who are the rednecks with 6 children.
>take down gym
>fill it with six accounts all owned by you
>how is this a problem? :^)
LMAO you fags talk mad shit about multiaccbros but i ain't seein you bitchin when im smashing the raids for ya
Teleport to Japon. Caught a sweet raid one first try hahahahahah.
I don't want to help you with your shoes
>One person with 6 accounts will have to spread all the attention between them, never optimizing one account.
This is what walkfags actually believe.
Zapdos at
5687 E 139th St.
Garfield Heights OH 44125
I can hold two devices at max so other accounts will not have the attention as the main account. You also can't bring up spoofing, I'm talking about legit playing here.
>legit playing
>multi account
Pick one.
I'm not butthurt at all and run two accounts myself, but they would have to put something in place to keep me from making new label 1s to harvest Lucky eggs from. You're both right that multiple accounts is allowed, but realistically it's a hurdle they have to consider with trading.

Their options are:
A) fix item codes to prevent trading level-up items.
B) just ban people doing things that don't violate the TOS.
C) never implement trading.

You guess which they'll choose.
>that don't violate the TOS

But multiple accounts DOES violate the ToS. Just ban people who log into multiple accounts from a single phone. If people want to carry multiple phones, eh, that's their money they're wasting on a children's collection game.
I don't think anybody said anything about item trading.
>lend your phone to your nephew so he can catch something while you're out
>get banned
>B) just ban people doing things that don't violate the TOS.
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>nephew doesn't have his own phone
Spotted the poorfag. Just let him use your account.
Here you go. >>33246629

The TOS has a clause of "suspicious or exploitative behavior with multiple accounts." But nothing about regular play with multiple accounts.
He's 8 years old, why would he have his own phone?
See >>33247217

Why WOULDN'T he have his own phone? Children younger than him are already using tablets.
Because he's 8, what year are you living in?
You'll need an abra and 125 abra candies. You'll need to catch 32, if you have pinaps that number drops to 16.
Holy shit you're so butthurt lol omg
My 3 year old can use a cell phone just fine. Get with the times gramps.
That's not the TOS and isn't in any way binding. The TOS has much more careful wording exactly because this. >>33247209

Your phone will die in her sleep tonight, anon.
holy shit, i'd hate to have parents as abusive as you. literally worse than being beaten.
>Why WOULDN'T he have his own phone? Children younger than him are already using tablets.
Who the fuck is he gonna call? The parents he's already with?
it is now time for you to return to reddit and tumblr, anon
>your nephew has no friends

I'm really sorry.
>seeing 2 niggas playing GO
>old fat milf (50+) like 250pounds comes around with her phone
>asked with a manly voice "can I join?"
>niggas whisper to each other "damn she ticc bro, I would fuck that ass"

why are niggas in america so disguting? holy shit, can't wait to be back in germany.
Lol is it even possible to get more butthurt than this? Haha dayum
I just got home from Germany and it was the same with your "peaceful refugees"
Who 242 again?

get out
This is an American image board, German bro. You're allowed to say nigger here.
stop lying, you don't even see them , most of them are gone or in their refugee homes.

the refugee meme needs to stop. Germany is still awesome like it was before.
>better check /pgg/ to see what's new
>people arguing about teams in 2017
>people arguing about multi-accounting
>people arguing about what age kids get phones these days
Can't wait for summer to end so you kiddos all go back to school
Haha you niggas is just upset cuz I be slayyin all over your thread lol. Got me all the legendary birds and there ain't nothing you can do cept cry haha
>Germany is awesome
>take a picture of my friend doing a flip of a 10 meter board
>faggot mom and life guard tells me that it's offensive and I shouldn't do it. Force me to delete it or the polizei will come
>be in Munich train station
>refugees acting like monkeys waiting for the train
>start arguing with the ticket salesman
>get on train
>see refugee camp
>be in Frankfurt
>refugee towelhead can't drive stick
>holds up traffic on the ring road.
You guys are fucking delusional. You deserve the nuclear holocaust. And fuck merkel. That communist bitch
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What are you fucking talking about idiot, not him but come on homeless bums in America are the worst and those about to become are even worse it is like a culture of trashy shit. Get the fuck out of here with your pol shit too.
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>that filename

Try it, kid.
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The based water bottle should have hit you.
>lying on the internet on 4chan to defend murrica.

>literally a single city in >merica has more crime than Germany as an entire country.


pretty sure burgerfats see random turkish people and think they are refugees lmao.
Don't worry. I saw plenty of Turks too. They didn't act like retards
>defending America
Most states are shitholes ESPECIALLY mine
Sharing accounts is the true cancer, people are using phones of friend/girlfriend/family members all the time and think they're impressive with their level 30 account.
You are still an idiot.

Raids are gay, half the time you show up and no one is there. I don't give me that get organized with other autists online bullshit, I thought we weren't suppose to use 3rd parties apps? Just to play the fucking game.
Can you get shiny Pikachu while event hours are off?
>kids catch their Legendaries on the first throw, often critical catches
>guy from our raid boss group catches an 100% IV Zapdos for his friend who meanwhile has some quality time with his gf at home

>Requiring social skills is unfair!
Literally git gud, scrub.
Nothing new, you see those cuck nerds all the time. When at raids you will always have at least one girl with her orbiters around her.
kids deserve legendaries more than we do. they are our future.
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You... Yeah, you right there. I like you.
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Sorry not a try hard.
2% catch rate is unfair, I thought this was a kid's game?
Okay, all it means is you stay /nobirbs/ it's not like it's a game-breaking disadvantage.
What is this shiny pikachu thing? What did I miss?
>mantra of the franchise is "gotta catch em all"
>so what if you can't catch those birbs anon, it doesn't matter
You're breaking my heart anon
>What did I miss?
Nothing. Its a shiny pikachu
But you can catch them anon, you just choose not to.
>get added to a local FB group
>finally see that a lot of people keep playing in my area
>start doing Moltres and now Zapdos raids
>many of the people that go are all engaged, married, have kids, or retired

Feels weird playing with veterans and business owners and stuff. I just figured it be a bunch of kids, while it's totally the opposite. I live in a small tourist town and have had people from plces like China, Germany, and other states help in raid battles

Pretty comfy desu
Shiny Pikachu is released in Japan. Literally nobody should care, but they do...
>It's been spoon-fed on here that it can be brought up over 20%, but that requires skills I never bothered to develop because this is a casual phone game for children.
Legendary birds are not casual content. If you have one, children should be in awe over it as a show of your luck and skill, not immediately scrolling to their own collection of them bragging about their IVs.
Why do people say I shouldn't spend stardust until level 30? If I've got good IV pokes why does it matter what level I am?
I dont understand, i thought cp growth capped at 30? Why when I got to 32 did my CP limit keep going and it says Im too low level to continue?
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This is literally me without the often sex, I keep missing the raids or no one is around not even spoofs faggot multi accounts and I live in a million plus city. They will be back or just keep spawning, hopefully, I don't really care I am just trying for Zapados and so far so good.
I'm going to tell you what I told the faggots over at r/pokemongo. They're fucking legendary Pokémon. You're supposed to only be able to catch a few if any at all. They're not meant to be easily obtainable. It's been that way since pokemon red. You don't deserve shit. Nianshit doesn't owe you anything.
Some day they'll bring them back... Maybe.

This is what the game was meant to be. I just hope the groups I've met will keep raiding Tyrannitaurs and Machamps with me after the birds go away.
I like it. You know when you play Pokemon games, and the local trainers you fight are everyday people like electricians, park rangers, and hobbiests? This also gives me the same feel, and I think thats what Pokemon was meant to be in the first place even if its just marketed towards children.
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whatever you say hanke, I will make sure to buy more raid passed right? Because kids have plenty of money lol
Because level of the pkm > IVs, and the level of wild mons goes up as you do, to a max of 30.
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Its a freemium mobile game, of course its going to make you feel an incentive advantage for spending money. Literally it is this by design
After 30, you can start organizing to seek out higher IV and higher CP mons, because above 30, the CP and IVs of mons is the same from one player to others. Before 30, the stats are random.

If you have a really perfect Pokemon, then go for it.
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Why is Japan so based? Spoofing here was the best PoGo decision I've ever made in my life.
Does the game crash a lot for you guys?
Fuck ye bro! Am right there with you. Lets go shag each other in the ocean! None will notice!
>tfw using lures in an after hours, closed to the public theme park.
To be fair, most people with social skill don't play this game in the first place/stopped played when the fad died down so >>33247426 has a point
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Seriously what theme park is this and why is there such a dense concentration of rares/starters/eevee/magikarp? I've found two unown here and more farfetch'd in 30 minutes than 2 previous days of wandering around Japan.
It freezes more often than crashes and I have to force close it.
Still yes, it crashes really often.
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Its a pokemon go theme park and its aaaaamazing. I have barely moved in 7 hours!
how is it a themepark theres like two buildings haha. its great though i just want the rest of the unown here and an 80%+ farfetch'd and im done. back to shiny hunting pikachu.
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I have caught about 200 cyndaquils, only 1 is great. I need an excellent larvitar or 4, or 10.
>I will never know this feel locally
Fuck off
>I have barely moved in 7 hours
>neckbearding for 7 hours
how many piss bottles ya nasty fuck
anyone seen an articuno nowadays?
None lmao. I meant barely moved from that spot in the game. I have moved around my house, for example to the fridge for beer and to the bathroom. I like it when you talk dirty though. Call me more names until I make a sticky mess. Hnmngghhh.
Yeah next to my moltres
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>drinks beer alone at home
It's always the same with your kind.
finally giving in

i want to spoof

been playing for 2 months as a walker and got level 30
now im bored
can i have a guide fit for a retard who knows nothing about spoofing
It's in the OP, puny baby.
I am never alone, anon ;)
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Anyone >>33246699

damn im such a fucking goofy baby
How do you guys get all these raid legendaries? Really, there are never enough people at those raids to even compete. Even if there are, we're either unable to beat it or unable to catch it.

And how is your Unown game going? The only ones showing up here are E, O, R and W.
Don't risk it, really. Got my main banned yesterday because of stupid spoofing. All your work will be useless. Have a little discipline a don't do it. Trust me.
nah im not using my main lol i'll be using an alt
>for spoofing
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That just cost a ton of dust but damn. checkem

Dragonite 98 has DragonBreath/Outrage
>be yuropoor
>too poor to afford a house near other houses
>too poor to afford google
it's sad really
I thought only E,U,R,O,P was spawning
im only finding gen1 pokemon besides unown, what gives?

what the hell were you doing? jumping multiple continents a day? its not that hard to avoid detection. just make it look like youre actually traveling.
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fuck TMs
Bump question
How important is each IV? Is Defense more important than HP, for example?
I read Attack was much more important than the other two, is that right?
Pokemon's level anon. Powering up ur pokemon past level 30 will result in half the cp gainage.

Pokemon can be your trainer level + 1.5

eg. If you're fresh level 29 and and take a pokemom that you had maxed out before. That pokemon is level 29.5. Power it up once it's level 30, then again level 30.5

if it's a 100% dragonite it will go from +51 a power up to +25 a power up
Attack > HP > Defense

Honestly, as long as you have a max Attack stat, everything will be fine. The rest are nice, but not necessary.
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Never mind I forgot about hat johto/kanto park meme. Jesus Christ why is this allowed? It isn't right.
he's just dumb and doesn't know the difference between w and u
This >>33248034
15/13/15 is better overall than 15/15/13 but will be slightly lower cp

The best 98% is 15/14/15 and for dragonite that allows u to hit 420 (shown here >>33247986 )
>tfw 10/15/12 zapdos
well I guess at least I got one
No, I spoofed very cautiously, really. I was fearmongering hard, hence I only 'walked' (literally walked from spot to spot at 5 km/h). Didn't jump around. Didn't go out of town. Didn't catch/spin/fight much. Sucks... Fuck Niantic though. Incapable as fuck when it comes down to the game, but suddenly inspector gadget when it comes down to a spoofer who doesn't even do impossible/inhumane actions.
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>fuck TMs
Why? They're the best thing since the gym update...
Do you use IV checkers? If so, which one(s)?
*rare candies
This shit is broken crashes every 3 min.
Chances of getting banned using IV Go?
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I spent it all...
>he didn't wait for mewtwo
Just found a fuckton of evee and some farfetch'd a little down the road near pokemon go park #5 gym also loooads of blissey and clefairy. Sooo many fugging evees.
where are all the unown? i still need H and M
>not banned everywhere or limited as fug

fuck of with that mewtwo meme
Oh I see. So once I reached 30 wild Pokemon cant be caught at a higher level, but I can still keep raising them past because the max Pokmeon level is proportional to mine?
Dude, I had 503 of the damned things... I was constantly running out of room.
Nope, none. I only did exactly what I described in my previous post. Nothing more.
Lmao legends already cant be put in gyms, Mewtwo will be treated around the same as Lugia but better.
>be instinct so only get 5-6 balls per raid
>0/3 articuno, 0/5 moltres, 0/1 lugia
>keep telling myself it's because I'm instinct and I'll get Zapdos because he's muh team bird
>first zapdos in town
>first to catch him with a critical catch on the first ball
>17/33 Articuno
>6/15 Moltres
>4/5 Zapdos
>9/21 Lugia
I'm Instinct too ._.
how much money have you wasted on this game?
I just stood around the gyms at pokemon go park #6 until they spowned. Watch the nearby pokemon too. Ive used almost 400 pokeballs just standing around there lmao, going to have to move to more pokestops now.
Yeah. Pretty much

For encountering them, i think have to be level 30 to see wild level 30 pokemon (even tho u should see them at 29).

That's why everyone says save ur dust till ur over level 30, because a level 28 89% 15/13/12 eevee > level 7 93% eevee or even a hatch cause it's free cp

Because it's so expensive at higher levels, IVs do matter. For example, this 3420 dragonite cost far more dust and candies to go from level 30 to like 37.5 than it did from level 20 to 30 and gained less than half as much cp >>33247986 only 3 pokemon in this screenshot are level 40 and they're all below 3200
Jesus actual fuck.... These spawns... I almost can't contain myself
Too much, but could have been a lot more... I'd been hoarding coins ever since the gym update so I unloaded all of them (a couple thousand) on the Raid Pass special boxes.
Kys nip censor poster
Not him but I've spent close to 70 bucks on this game this year alone. Probably 100 in total.
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Pikachu can be Ditto, at least in Japan right now.
You must be new here.

No unfortunately not. Ive hate your kind for a year
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2 unowns just spowned in the middle of evees and blissey babies at the gym, park #5
>Spoofing Guide

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