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/pgg/ - Pokémon Go General

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Thread replies: 311
Thread images: 85

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Someone make the fucking thread edition

>Official Pokémon Go Updates

>Latest APK Update


>Pokéstop & Gym Maps

>Evolution Calculator

>Nest Atlas

>Battle Advisor

>Combat Simulator

>Best Moves & Movesets

>Best Attackers

>Nest Migration Countdown Clocks

>IV Checker Websites

>IV Checker Apps

>Trainer Level Speed Calculator

>Pokédex Progress Chart Template

>General Map Scanner

>City Map Scanners

>Spoofing Guide

>Master Decoding

Previous Thread: >>32606781
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Blissey did nothing wrong.
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1st for God-Emperor Hanke smithing the heretical cheaters
>they seem to be doing just fine
Ask the snipers and botters
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>needing to spoof
What'd you wanna ask? I'll wait til you catch your breath, waddlecuck.
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My cardio is fine, thanks. It is *you* who I'm worried about. Shouldn't you step outside from time to time?
Did they change flee rates again or have I had a shitty streak? Getting continuous flee after flee after flee. Haven't been softbanned since I'm still able to hit up stops, unless they've changed how that works too
The most common shitmon have a flee rate that can go as high as 20%, so it's not unnatural to have 3 or 4 in a row flee after the first ball.
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>needing to spoof
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>neeeding to spoof
Nice spawn point at your house, anon.
Also, RNGods have blessed your post
This game is fucking dead. Literally nothing but botters and spoofers "playing" now.
it's a pidgey episode
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Then who the fuck am I, a disembodied spirit with an Android?
>3 days without a new trainer tips

i have learned to live without
how am I supposed to know what it's like to be a hip trendy popular vaguely asian guy who plays video games for a living with a vaguely feminine partner?
any sort of rarity list somewhere? I can't find anything good
Today, I was sniping perfect max mons and conversing jovially with family over tea. I watch my children play as a cool breeze drifts through the yard, bringing the smell of fresh cut roses next door and I smile to myself. I power up my eighth zh/dg perfect blissey to max, collect 100 coins, and close my phone. Having done all the bills and other minutiae of the day, I decide to visit the old park I used to walk around catching shitmons.
On arrival my children are reluctant to play, as a roaming pack of waddlers trudge about the park muttering about ivs and daily streaks.
My daughter turns and asks, "May we go somewhere else, father?"
"Yes, we may, let us head back to the car."
As I am turning the ignition to leave, an obese man with a sweat stained pikachu shirt approaches my window. Panting, waddling his way toward us, he frantically holds out his phone with a pained expression of desperation and extreme exhaustion.
"D-do y-you have a battery p-pack I could use? I HAVE to catch an 80% spearow, they're super rare here."
I explain that I have no use for such trivial devices as I have ascended beyond the realm of mortal walkfags and become master of my domain.
His look of desperation turns to that of animal rage as he screams and lashes a meaty fist toward my car. My stun gun always at my side, I draw on the hulking mass and fire. The barbs stick to his left nipple and deliver their charge as he falls to the ground yelping like a small dog. EMT's pronounce him dead at the scene, cause of death being cardiac arrest from stress induced heart attack.
A young female police officer comes up to my window, says "pardon me, sir, but I have to take your statement. Mind stepping out of the car?"
I exit my car and she immediately drops her pants and bends over. With a seductive look, she says, "Plow me like machamp pounds blissey." as I pound her into oblivion, a waddler passes by and proclaims, "really dude?"
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>And I'm legal
Can they really get that high of CP?
I'm going to Cuzco this summer to visit my savage of my aunt so i should be able to catch them, how much is their spawn rate?
In my city the spawn a lot.
See the candy amount
nah me and my crew still out here son.
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Got my first ever relaxo today, I'm ecstatic. How're the IV's lookin lads?
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As much as I pity and look down upon those who take shortcuts in general, that's a nice copypasta. Perhaps the God-Emperor Hanke will spare you in the purge
Since I have no other fucking info it has good attack for sure, a 9 in HP and varying possibilities for defense which aren't great. 68-75%
>dat cp
What level are you? Am going to florida next month, im gonna pinap every fuckin beetle i see. Corsola isnt really good for anything right now is it? I'll just get one for dex.

also, howdy mexibro
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Corsola Is shit. Hope you get a good heracross
I'm level 36
If your ass had been paying attention, you'd know some of us cannot spoof due to smartphone security issues and must therefore play legit if we are to play at all.
Best way to get xp
Nah, I'm still playing. Try harder with the bait next time though.
Funny. I met a ginger Argie earlier today and mentioned to her my interest in visiting her country one day.

How common is this giant beetle bug over there?
No anon, she Is the wrong
>catch Machop
>extremely rare in my region so I have to walk him
>376 km later
>Counter/Heavy Slam
>Heavy Slam

Every Blissey everywhere is laughing at me right now.
Kek i was gonna show you my perfect iv heavy slam machamp but i guess i was so angry i transferred it lmao
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>only spot one Aerodactyl the whole event and don't make it to the stop in time to see it
>Get a 10km egg the last day of the event
>It hatches to this

Neato. How is it
well you fucked up.
>gen 3 comes out
>heavy slam is legacy

Just fuck me up now, hanke.
>they will inevitably add the newest gens
>I will have to inevitably leave
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>gen 7 won't be released in your lifetime
>tfw figured out I can catch mons saturday night at the mall since it's open till 1 a.m. and it's full of cops
Lads..will i ever have a use for my bro?
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this is literally the only non meme wing/hyper shit I have
>these ivs
I don't even care, I'm going to power her up

Transfer that garbage immediately.
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Save your candies, kid
They will add evolutions to these mons?
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What is the new android update version that prevents spoofing on android?
Fuck you, Dan.
These are only in Gen 4. So maybe somewhere in 2020 perhaps
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>city has 22 gyms
>was previously owned by valor spoofers
>valor spoofers dissapear into oblivion
>suddenly mystic autists paint the town blue with gastlystrat
>mystic leaves 7 gyms alone for other people to cash their coins
>instinct team comes and kills 6 level 10 gyms
>mystic comes back, levels up the fallen gyms and takes the last 7 gyms
>in the confusion I slip into 12 gyms because they left open spots in some gyms

this is neat
less spoofers make this game funner

i am eager for the gym rework
Oh I did. Almost have 600 mud rinocerous candies to evolve 6 high level/high ivs ones. I don't give a fuck about anything else, Professor.
Ee, nani?
Today is a nice day in Seoul
why don't you enjoy me?
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This one shows better what I'm talking about.

People won't be taking light of me ever again
>Rhyperior becomes new top gym defender
>Immediately gets crushed by Empolean with SteelWing/HydroPump

What did Hanke mean by this?
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what's going on in santa Monica?
Failed to find location.

play legit
Got my first Counter/Close Combat Machamp yesterday

Already fucked up a 3100 blissey with 20 seconds left, feels good man
Thats not very helpful
Ulan Bator in Kazakhstan only 5 Pokestop and only lv35+ players
Tell me more about your phone
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What should I hope from this?
Already have two 80+ Vapes and all other evos
Same as yours.
Walk it as a buddy for 10k and evolve at night for Umbreon
ok then you're just retarded, sorry man I can't help you
Trading when
Thats not very helpful
I used one as a general prestiger and it was really good.
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Which would you power up?
Already have a 1155 CP Umbreon with snarl and dark pulse. So should I get another one?

Good god, why would you torture yourself?
Start walking then
I will spoof for you too
So many stops in Hong Kong
waaaa no one can stop meeeee
Come over to Australia
I live in Brazil, where Heracross is everywhere but I haven't seen a single Corsola
Are they really available here?
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>evolve two Kingdra
>water/dragon, dragon/water
Another fucking piece of fucking shit Pineco

God fucking damn it
Why don't they change the walking distance of Eevee? Why do I have to walk 5km for a common Pokemon?
Do you seriously need to walk an Eevee?
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>he walks
I don't spoof, could you spoof to Antarctica for me? Let me see how are the gyms over there.
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Why is this allowed? I thought these guys were professionals.
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Concordia station in Antarctica
everywhere nothing
Seconded for
check the gyms. I just wanna know if there's anyone there.
why someone in Antarctica would play a shitty game?
Roses smell like shit, change to another flower for future pasta
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>finally get Lapras
>absolutely shit
>caring about IVs
what's the moveset, doofus?
Frost breath/ blizzard
I've been playing this game since release and still have no idea what I'm doing obviously. What decides how good a Pokémon in this is? I thought it it was the IVs and CP and you niggers are all autistic about movesets. How do I even find out what the best movesets are
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Fucking Dan
Did they assume her gender?
>above 75% IVs
I guess it could be better if you hatched it (which I presume you did), but it's not horrible
>Frost Breath/Blizzard
You got one of the two best movesets ya dingle, that's a good Lapras right there desu
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Tfw want to spoof around town but nothing ever works just a constant failed to find location
it basically goes like this, CP is dependant on level and IVs, the higher the values are, the higher the CP is. however, perfect IVs don't change max CP by a relevant amount. therefore, you don't need perfect IVs to have a decent pokemon. if IVs are perfect, that's a nice little bonus, but otherwise, a 0/0/0 pokemon with a good moveset will do the job. of the two variables that make CP, level is the only important one.
on the other hand, if the charge move a pokemon has is weak, that directly affects the DPS a pokemon can dish out. the general rule is: the most powerfull charge move makes the best moveset.
you can check the best movesets for best attacker pokemon literally in the OP:
>>Best Attackers
>http://i.imgur.com/NrQ6PlX.png (embed)

refer to this post for your lapras: >>32619571
Interesting. Thanks for the help homies
>How do I even find out what the best movesets are
Except in a few rare cases, the best movesets are when you get:
>double typing (both moves are Ice)
>STAB (same type attack bonus, ie, Ice moves from an Ice Pokemon)
>and preferably, but not as important, the charge move is either 1 or 2 bar, although there are some cases where 3 bar moves are still just as good (like Aqua Tail being better than Water Pulse)

The reason for this is that with double Ice, your Lapras is now an Ice specialist and can now focus on Pokemon weak to Ice. If it was Water/Ice, it would be shit, because you ideally want Ice vs a Dragon Pokemon, but Water doesn't work well vs Dragon, rending Lapras half as useless as an Ice/Ice.
Water/Water would have also been okay, but Water is the most common typing in the game, and would probably be outclassed by a Vaporeoon, unlike Ice where Lapras is the number one Ice Pokemon.
>evolve 14/15/15 abra
>land psycho cut/future sight
just ONE point short of perfection lads. ONE
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How am I doing guys?

All crossed out Pokemon means that I have them and all of their evolutions.
>No Chansey
What level are you and how long have you been playing?
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mfw you and your pokegf too busy fuckin indoors all day that you both miss your pokestop streaks
pokeGF (Male)
X-scissor, discharge, dragon claw and aqua tail are the fastest three-bar charge moves
There's nothing wrong with psycho cut, it's fast and you can dodge easily while spamming it.
I think he means the 14 IV, that's a damn fine Alakazam
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Nice. I've got this for now waiting to evolve. 15/14/12
The ass was fat
I'm level 30
When will Niantic deal with spoofers
I don't think you know what shit smells like.
>not caring about IVs

A decent moveset alone cannot make up for poor stats.
Never. If they really wanted to prevent cheating, they would've been able to stop spoofers from the beginning. It's far too late now.
Truth. Should I just do it? I feel like I'm so far behind everyone at this point because of where I live.

Without going into too many details, is it hard to do?
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>Playing Pokemon Go in 2017
It's easy on pc to spoof
7.0 as of March 2017.
How did you toilet train your lapras

Mine still shits on the floor
The fat one
>posting this much
I remember my 1st time cheating in a game.
you missed the spoof train buddy, the novelty of it all wore off a long time ago.
Welcome to pogo and all, but your level is so fucking hilarious that walkcucks are laughing at you, along with scan fags before all the bots went down. They will always have better mons than you.
Max out heavy slam for defender, itll be unbeatable. Hyberbeam could work as attacker simply bc of high cp.
fuck off, how?
>Heavy slam
Fuck no. It's so easy to dodge.
The one that has 99 candies

30 candies isn't enough
Never understood why Heavy Slam is supposed to be a good defense move. I've hatched 4 Snorlax with HS and transferred them all. Not even STAB.
Because the data autists claim it's more DPS or something related. I've always gone by STAB regardless. That's why I keep my Steelix's with IronTail/Earthquake
Charizard, more like Xerizard. Check your poke privileges
I have the same app for spoofing, what settings do you use to make it work
Holy shit dat stardust. Let's see your maxed mons to justify a pathetic lack of resources
I had even less this morning and only have one Pokemon above 3k
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>the valor botter is back
This guys bubblestrat every gym on the city to 10 in 5 minutes and each time brings new 30+ accounts, how the fuck does he do it and more important why?
>my newest Larvitar can "battle with the best of them"
>flawless HP and Atk

Oh boy, then maybe that last stat might not be too shabby eith-


Eh, still leagues better than my last one, will make all this buddy walking more rewarding. Still haven't a single Mareep though, why on earth is that thing even rare?
>tfw my 100%karp got double dragon moves
Actually is all a farce, I want to be banned. I still walk freely probably because no one cares. I should try with Reddit because they are a bunch of faggots. guys report me, please
Is the same as some mystic faggots in my city. I don't get why. Specially this faggot with multi accounts
we still ouchea
>heavy slam on Snorlax
>no STAB
>not very effective on Machamp
Hell, no
this is why I never transferred my magnebros and rhydons who rolled shit moves
the yanma and misdreavus nests have been treating me nicely as well
fedarobirbs are a bitch to catch tho

where is this from
>almost june
>gym dodge/faint bug is still as bad as ever

does niantic do anything other than sit around with their thumbs up their buttholes thinking of which type the next "event" should be for?
Im so glad i didn't transfer my perfect megahorn rhydon lmao.

Meanwhile, i still dont have enough for a fucking porygon2
>amassad 600 Rhyhorn candies during event
>still not a single one above 87%
Anyone in Tampa Bay that still needs omanyte. The largo Central Park has a shit load of them still. The whole Park is a nest apparently. I caught fifty in an hour.
It's actually neutral against fighting, just like body slam, only it's worse than body slam.
What about this Sprint promo codes? Anybody got one?
>500 swinub candy
>only one high IV/level one
>it got the best moveset
I hope I get another one by the time gen4 comes out
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Thought I've been shadow banned since I haven't seen a super rare like a Relaxo or Dragonite for a couple of weeks until I saw my 10th Tyranitar. Was only 50CP, but it was the easiest 20 Larvitar candies ever. Decent IVs and moveset too, but obviously not worth powering up.

Thing is, I used to be a massive Spooferbro, did not have any problems teleporting and catching anything up until the most recent Android security patch (actually just bought a Samsung Galaxy S8+). Now, I'm a complete Walkcuck.
>Now, I'm a complete Walkcuck.
Still makes you a Spoofer and you'll always be one.
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>Still makes you a Spoofer
I don't even use trackers anymore. And I never bothered with IV checkers (since I didn't go for anything less than 80% IVs), which seems to be causing almost all "legitimate" shadow banning.

I'm as much of a Walkcuck as one can be now. Though I just have a couple hundred worth of Relaxos, Dragonites, Blisseys and Tyranitars more than your average trainer.
Not him but the only way to be clean is start on another account. Till them, you'll carry the shame.
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>walk, snipe, bot and drive master race
>bathe in retardditors tears

feels good not being a tard who cares about what retards think of him on a Malaysian anonymous board
>calls others a tard
>wastes fuel on Pokemon: Walking edition
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Popped 9 10k eggs today. Not too bad of a result at all, where the good outshines the bad for sure.

>Miltank is a new dex entry
>Finally got my second Snorlax with Zen Heatbutt/Heavy Slam which is much better than my first Snorlax
>Finally get my second 90+ IV Dratini too. Been literally sitting on 500 candy for months now waiting for another good dragon
>Extra candy to get Gliscor for the later gen

As long as the dodge bug exists, this guy is full of shit. The only glass cannon worth shit is Jolteon, and only because it can smash Gyarados before it can get a single charge move off.
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>Been literally sitting on 500 candy for months now waiting for another good dragon
I feel ya. I have been holding onto my candies for a long, LONG while for a perfect IV candidate...
How long did it take you to walk the 10km? About 2.5 hrs maybe?

Also has anyone noticed that 10km eggs come in shorts bursts then you just stop getting them? It seems like I don't get any 10km eggs for weeks then suddenly I get a lot over a couple of days then none again.
I still don't even have a 100% mon so I stopped giving a fuck about that and just be patient for 90+ IV mons.

>1432 candy
Wew I thought I was doing well already and being lucky to have a dratini/dragonair spawn point close to my home

Honestly I haven't played the game much this weekend so it's mostly been gps drift which let to hatching these 9 eggs. But about the second thing you mentioned definitely applies to me. Have been sitting on 5 10k eggs for a while now but last week I received 4 more, 2 even within a day.

>lucky to have a dratini/dragonair spawn point close to my home
>1432 candy

Are you mentally challenged or something? It's clearly a botted or snipped account.
Nice accusations you got there. Maybe this lad lives in a water biome and has been a more active player than I was.

Why are redditors so retarded?
Where's our updates, Hanke?
Have we gotten an kind of confirmation on the event that is supposed to be going on for Memorial Day, or is it still just a rumor?
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I'm a Trackerbro, so not as bad as a spoofie but not as cucked as a normal walkcuck.

I have seen perfect IV Dratinis on my trackers, but I'm usually too busy to go for them. I have caught a couple of Dragonites, including that pic related, while tracking. I normally live in a desert/rock biome, so they're relatively rarer than the Larvitar family for me.
>believing the hapa
o i am laffin
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Posting a bunch of shitmon...

Not sure what you are hoping for here?
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What's wrong with Snarl?
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First off

>What's wrong with Snarl?
It's not Feint Attack.

both of you are retards, umbreon is useless anyway
>I don't prestige

I prestige real gyms, not gyms that are going to fall in half an hour, gyms full of blisseys, snorlax and dragonites, umbreon WOULD be useful if there were pokemons like alakazam and umbreon in the gyms.
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>game press
Elaborate please. Do their numbers lie? Snarl generates slightly more energy for slightly less damage.
Use this to prestige or counter Psychic pokemon early (no ttar), its really good at doing that.
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>prestige real gyms
>full of blisseys
Lapras 50.319101, 10.226634 IV100 CP2231 L30 [Frost Breath/Blizzard] Capture Rate: 16% 23% 30%
>Pokemon like Alakazam
You mean like Confusion Espeon?
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Pokemon Go Meta 2.png
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I've had to use my prestiging Murkrow only twice, Espeon is almost never in gyms

Only prestigers you need are
>Grass types for Vaporeon/Rhydon/Tyranitar
>Fighting Types for Blissey/Snorlax/Tyranitar
>Water types for Rhydon/Tyranitar
>Electric types for Gyarados/Vaporeon
>Lapras/Cloyster for Dragonite
>Bug/Bug Scizor or Murkrow/Umbreon for the odd Exeggutor/Alakazam/Espeon you see
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Murkrow is the best pokemon in the game fite me
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>mfw someone near me dumped dust into a Rhydon
>he thinks you need more than 4 treeman and 2 vapes for any battle
Treeman is a crap prestiger
I was extremely disappointed at my 1300 Grass/Grass treeman, Bellossom is far superior

Vape has still got it though
CP? Pics? I like a strong don.
My best one. Should be able to break 3k on next level up.
>Treeman is a crap prestiger
That's false though.

A 1600 CP Treeman can easily solo a 3k CP Vape.
Got an 84% vulpix from a 5km egg today baka
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Obligatory Umbreon
Yeah but Bellossom is better
I was very disappointed I got Dazzling Gleam instead of Leaf Blade. I'm still holding out for either Victreebel or Bellossom with RL / LB.
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Just don't forget the three device power up trick.
What is the three device power up trick
Not him but what is that?
>still multi-clienting

It's the trick that gets you banned because it's one of the earliest ban rules Niantic implemented.
I'm still waiting for my ban, by this point I have 6 level 40 mons I use competitively.
You sign in 3 times on three devices, turn them all on airplane mode, and unlock them one at a time powering them up immediately one you get signal, and it'll add the power ups of the other devices you powered up on until you hit level 40, two power ups past the cap. This works at any level.
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>people still use multi accounts to put weak Pokémon in gyms to crush hard earned prestiege
>unlock them one at a time
What do you mean unlock?
Ive noticed that too, the last 10km i got was fuckin four weeks ago. Then i got one today.
Tell us how you play the game
Go from airplane mode to regular service mode
You crush the weakest one until you get to the next weakest one and repeat until killing the whole gym would take all prestiege away. Multi accounting a weedle into a gym is just a sad way to """beat""" a gym.
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>mfw you get fired and don't play for almost a week
New Zealand?
Nope, small town in the heart of burgerland.
Is there a method of figuring out what an Eevee will evolve into?
Randomly chooses between Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon. Walk it 10km as a buddy and then evolve it to get an Espeon (during the day) or an Umbreon (during the night). There are special nicknames you can give to an Eevee that will guarantee an evolution into a specific one, but it only works once per name.

like 20 of my botted accounts
>Almost to lvl 29
This damn game, just want to earn coins
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Git gud
Landed this last night.
does anyone have the chart template?
First for Prof Willow being a sexy silver DILF
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>tfw get caught spoofing

It was fun, sorta

Go ahead, ban me now, Hank Hill
Nobody cares.

Maybe try Reddit.
Nope, I have Pogo on my tablet and phone. I was spoofing on tablet and totally forgot that I loaded the app on my phone 5 minutes ago. Also, I spoof'd to a faraway train station, which is 20 km from my home. Sleep deprivation is a bitch.

So I totally deserve it. If I don't get banned, than Hanke is a super moron
Uhh.. wait 10 minutes you'll be fine.
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Who here extra thicc club?
Finally evolved a Tyanitar. Got some candies left over since my last candies came from a hatch. 90% Iron Tail/Crunch, worth powering up?
Iron Tail/Crunch is its best defensive moveset. If Larvitar isn't common in your area, I say go for it.
Uncommon is understating it, I haven't ever seen one in the wild. Just three eggs, two of which came from the rock event.

Thanks, I think I'll just power it up!
Good luck powering up with zero stardust friendo
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Why must I live in the sticks.
Meanwhile the two steel-types I would like to have with that attack never ever get it.
>218 stardust
Dafuq dude??
>having stardust

ayy lmao
Post your fully powered up mons then
>DnD night with the lads
>it's over, we're about to go home
>I boot the game so I can get my streaks
>"you still play Go? HAHHAHA?"
>tfw got bullied for playing pogo by DnD autists
in other news, I'm almost Lv34
I-i don't have any
>getting bullied by DnDfags
>not bashing their skull in with your battery pack
Trnrtips is disappointed in you
Then what did you do with all the dust?
A vaporeon, flareon and jolteon but they're not level 30 yet
>Snorlax on sightings
>first really rare mon ever besides dratinis
>stop is in the middle of a water park 15min from here
>can't get it

Why even show it to me Hanke
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>all these retards

Sudowoodo is a rock type
newfags get outta my board.
It's cool. You should power up those mons you love and not only the ones fit for the gym meta
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>Live in a small town with only a few instinct players
>Camping tourists arrive to the summer
>Suddenly instinct dominates all the local gyms
I want at least one Gym viable mon
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On which mon do you perform the most successful excellent throws on?

For me Hoothoot and Sentret are often the ones I manage to throw one
Same here

Kinda related to throws; do you guys still bother with curveballs? I always go for great/excellent throws instead.
Always memeball except for Golbat and other great distance shit
I always curveball because it improves my accuracy for great throws
forever and always
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>writing your name/nickname over the picture to avoid stealing
As if anyone would care to save or copy this shitty image italifag
you know he wrote the Fibonacci sequence (the movement he makes to throw the poké balls), right anon?
yes anon, I'm an Italian mathematician from the XII century
could Mozart still be alive?
really dude
Who wrote that?
Once I learnt how to curveball my regular throws went to shit
I still don't know how to curve
literally follow this movement >>32626669 and you're 90% guaranteed to hit it
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>tfw GPS drift hatches 2 eggs.
making the new thread now before this one dies

give me a sec

what pic should I use
post a .webm of you deleting your account
Ur mums saggy tits
don't make a new thread at least until this one hits bump limit, retard
ideally you should wait for it to reach page 9/10
>Caught first larvitar this morning with crap iv's
>meh at least its my first ever, can buddy the shit out of it
>hatch 3 10k eggs
>88% larvitar
>86% dratini
>84% chansey

Today, hanke was merciful and just.
just evolved my first dragonite

14 sta 15 atk 10 def

got iron tail/hyperbeam

powerup y/n (have 25 candies rn and it's rare as fuck in my area)
thanks for the (You)
How it should have gone;

>You still play PoGo? Lol, stupid fag
>Yeah, want to see a strong Dark move?
>*punch them in the gut real fast*
>I just used Sucker Punch. It's Super Effective

You play DnD yet call your 'lads' DnD autists?
Abort, abort!
It's a gym sitter but know it's a pathetic one. You could power it up and leave it in a level 10 gym, but you'd be making it easier to take down so put it somewhere it won't be touched.
Dear god no. Save your Candy and hope for heart scales to someday be implemented. You want at least ONE STAB move.
>playing Pokémon go

Pick one

god I'm retarded today, I meant I got DRAGON TAIL/hyperbeam
Substantial update when
Never. Unless Hanke decides to nuke every gym back to zero to piss off spoofers
Everyday I come back here with no news on this game it just becomes sadder, and sadder.
>still playing meme go
>Actually caring about the game.
It's a shitty game but a great motivator to get yourself outside.
I put Espeon on top of Blissey/Snorlax, Dragonite on top of vape/gary/don, rhydon on top of gyarados, etc. There isn't much skill to winning but the least I can do is coordinate defenders, forcing good players to switch out and take guaranteed damage and punish bad players for trying to mash.
That's a little better, but unless its IV allow it to break 3500, I wouldn't level up past level 30 (~5000 stardust to power up)
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So people with older phones can't get around the spoofing block, great. I completely gave up reporting mutli accounts because Niantic must be some lazy faggots when other players have to, numerous times. I just fuck up their gyms, some either got banned getting greedy or gave up, its part of my morning work out lol
it gets me sometimes
Not him but, first start pokemon go, than the app, than open developer settings then enable mock location, press back, press the play start button in the app, than go back to pokemon go, and move around with that little circle. I think your phone needs at least 2gb ram to do this though or it will auto shut off Fly Gps because it can't handle all the processes. I stopped spoofing because I noticed I am getting fat again, so I just do item runs on a bike at a park or bring my board.
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He is fat, lazy, ugly, and a pussy. Don't let it get to you, control as many gyms as you can, whatever team you are. I don't get the satisfactions with so many accounts, he must not enjoy alot in life or this game.
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memorial day and no snorlax event
>i am not even mad, just not suprised anymore

And I had no idea about the recent weekend Sprint promotion code event I would have checked out some phones and plans too. A dead fucking nigger could have prepared and organized this game better than Niantic. Hope other gaming related companies learn from them in the future and avoid partnerships.
yeah what the fuck is up with that lately i dont want fucking so many 5k's and dont get me started on pokeballs vs everything else you need to gym battle ratio

These are my last 112 eggs:
Egg Count: 112

2km: 35
Golden: 1
Geodude: 3
Gastly: 3
Slugma: 2
Togepi: 3
Exeggute: 1
Pichu: 1
Squirtle: 1
Charmander: 4
Bulbasaur: 2
Oddish: 1
Ekans: 1
Krabby: 1
Slowpoke: 2
Igglybuff: 3
Remoraid: 1
Cleffa: 3
NidoranM: 1
NidoranF: 1

5km: 63
Cubone: 1
Magnemite: 2
Phanpy: 6
Elekid: 3
Seel: 1
Diglett: 1
Scyther: 4
Magby: 5
Smoochum: 2
Yanma: 1
Rhyhorn: 1
Sandshrew: 2
Poliwag: 2
Sneasel: 1
Qwilfish: 2
Staryu: 4
Shellder: 2
Kabuto: 1
Voltorb: 2
Drowzee: 2
Eevee: 1
Grimer: 1
Tyrogue: 3
Swinub: 1
Tangela: 1
Stantler: 1
Vulpix: 2
Girafarig: 1
Ponyta: 1
Tentacool: 1
Psyduck: 1
Koffing: 1
Omanyte: 1
Pinsir: 1
Lickitung: 1

10km: 14
Chansey: 1
Lapras: 2
Mantine: 1
Dratini: 2
Aerodactyl: 2
Pineco: 3
Gligar: 2
Larvitar: 1

It's just your perception, 10k eggs are rare.
can* get around the spoofing block
>evolved counter/dynamic punch machamp on first try

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>83k exp till lvl 30
>one pokestop to play with
>it's almost been a year
one evo spree away I guess
Where can I find people who will take down some gyms for me?
It'll be worth hitting the softcap.
you mean a hitman? post cords maybe someone is bored enough
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If I had the revives to do that I'd say give me a few hours but I've been spin banned and shadow banned so I've been taking it easy. Ask again later this week and I'll probably be able to do it, assuming this is a really bad gym.
Check my captcha
Sad game, sad thread. Sad!

I wish i knew this feel. Machop rarer than rocking horse shite by me, my first machamp is bullet punch/heavy slam
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All shinies when.
>he'll never be disappointed by Naintic again
It's just a prank bro
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Who /Ratata/ here

god rattata is just one of these models I fucking hate

it's stupid fat cheeks, it's retarded open mouth and how they're right in your face when you go to catch one

looked so much better in 2d
Lads help
GPS on my phone is fucked for some reason.
I don't want to get it fixed as it's a needless cost.
I use a mock location app to fix my location for pokestops so i can use my lures and shit.

Since they're going to start shadowbanning what/do, i just need something to correct my gps because my character gets a stroke and just stands 10 meters offset and i can't reach my shit.
I really like the model personally
>it's stupid fat cheeks,

I agree, when it was 2d I thought the fat cheeks were just fur.
Finally, I got my first one today.
Before pokemon Go I feel like it was societally acceptable to wander around outside in parks/trails. People always seemed to look with a "shouldn't he be at work/college, he isn't allowed to enjoy the outdoors" kinda look. Now its just a accepted "oh he is here to play pokemon" if people even notice.
Hanke, please save us.
trips of truth
There is no Hanke, only cold silence.

Nothing personal, kids.
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