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/gwt/ - GWENT: The Witcher Card Game General

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>Leaked card changes

>Thronebreaker story campaign teaser

>Official Gwent competitions

>Ranked season ending August 27th

>New cards officially revealed so far

>Leaked Campaign

>Useful Links

>What Legendary/Epic card should I pick?

>All Character Voicelines

dead game dead general
>still posting card art in OP
It's like you're trying to piss me off
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What's wrong with card art?
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we need more dryad units for dryad archetype
>lets add one more sub-archetype into already separated into two archetypes faction
Ehh varu?
Welp, i was 30 mmr from getting to rank 21, but then everyone stopped playing dagon and went back to discard SK, now I lose every game. Dwarves just cant beat that shit vs anyone with half a brain.
> brouver for dwarfs, francesca for elves and eithne for dryads

> playing dwarfs in sub 4.5k MMR
absolute madman
Well I got to 4470 with it, then i lost so many in a row to discard SK because the chance of them not getting coral is like 2% if that
but thats the best mmr to spam dwarf since everybody plays dagon
I really dislike the nerf Kaedweni Siege platformer got. The card looks like trash now.
what nerf
You wont be able to move the targeted machine. It just heals it to full and triggers its deploy effect.
The card got +1 strength too but overall it is a nerf.
does the movement really matter?
In the current state, if you use the dude you would need to have a crewman on another row to be able to move the machine

>you would need to have a crewman on another row to be able to move the machine

This isn't a rare occurrence. Also the crewman doesn't have to be on another row. Currently, you can place a Siege Support next to a crewmen and then drop a machine between the two.
well you could still do that, just drop the KSS next to the machine
the movement matters so you can escape weather on rows and also avoid cow carcasses and the like.

obviously its more thematic now that the siege engines are stuck in one place and cant be just carted around but its definitely a setback.
holy fuck they are nerfing the siege platform, just end my life already CDPR will never let weatherfags go below tier 1. we dagon nao we dagon forever

on a different note:
> reaverfag totally thins his deck
> plays a field medic on a reaver
> it bounces back
> boosts the reavers again while doing a trio effect again too
> repeat times three

i thought it's supposed to play a DIFFERENT unit from the deck. excellent balance CDPR
No, it says choose a different ally to shuffle back. The description is just there so you don't do some stupid bullshit of constantly shuffling medics into medics into medics
So how do you get into the pro ladder again? be above like 4200 mmr? You can only play in an open if you're in the pro ladder right?
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>game is dying
>put new expansion cards behind a pay-wall

explain this gwentards

even adventures in Hearthstone you could grind gold with at least
reaver hunters need a nerf.maybe have them be able to only be buffed by other hunters. not the extra 9-12 points from the sergeants/dandelion/quen.

or remove the buff and just have the trio effect that buffs them by two and damages at the same time.

something to stop them just being xbox HUEG every time
reach rank 20 (mmr no longer matters), or have over 4200 when the season ends. they've said that 4200 exactly is enough in one place, and isn't enough in another so go over to be safe. its all weird and they have to keep clarifying in comments that don't show up on the announcement itself
you can craft the cards though
yeah its unfortunate that you think grinding that game should give you infinite free stuff.

the Gwent campaign is going BTFO anything hearthstone has done since release.

Gwent is stale atm because of slow releases but things will speed up in the next quarter when final release occurs.
>give me more things for free!
for discard SK should I craft lugos or cerys first?
Resilient units reset to base strength between rounds. Dorfs BTFO.

ceyrs, but you need both
dorf will manage, it's still enough to fuck your card advantage if they drypass

not too different from current discard SK with ceyrs olgeird and morkvarg
holy fuck watch this:

dorfs will do just fine!

nah now the dorfs that buff allies strengthen dorf allies instead.
no longer play a dorf, buff a dorf then? will Mahakam Guards finally see play again?
most likely. the new dorf that spawns a dorf will probably mean a rise in tempo/swarm dorfs instead of potion spam.
unseen elder will be the worst leader in the game after the new patch. what in the fuck where CDPR thinking?
he mite do something else.

pray for eldork

wud be cool if he lacerated and/or consumed a row or something.
>Play Henselt up to 4k
>Get bored
>Play meme decks
>Down to 3700
>Play Henselt up to 4k
>Get bored
>Play meme decks
>Down to 3700
>Play Henselt up to 4k
>Get bored
>Play meme decks
>Down to 3700...
And the cycle continues.
how would you guys change the leaders of each faction currently?
Why is CDPR pushing Rad as a Machine leader fucks sake

Give my lad his 8 damage back
I'm trapped on 4300mmr. What can I do to climb? Just play monsters to the end of times? Or should I swap for SK?
Give them more interesting abilities that aren't "search your deck or thin it". More Emhyr and Rad Lad, less Broover and Bran.
he still has it, don't he? He just has a crewman tag on top of it.
I want single target 8 damage, now 4 damage to 2 targets
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>can't get to 4k with meme decks
I know that feel and it is even more grindy after 4.4k.
>I want Roche to be a leader card. But 4 damage and ignore armor.
>Henselt 3 strength, now with new gold rule sergeants should boost golds.
>Radovid should have Baron ability and crewmen 2
>Harald should just deal the damage, unconditionally
>That scoiatel cunt that resurrects a special card should die
Not when I don't have all the golds.
I have more fucking NR gold duplicates than Scoiatel golds.
Self damage get crushed by damage decks, which is half the meta.
Spies sux
Armor sux
Ah, I forget that there are people in this thread who don't have a full collection.
>tfw 400 hours and only half of all golds and silvers
Are you cursed or something? Im 300 hours in and have nearly everything, never gave the kurwas any shekels
He's still three consume effects on a stick.
Plus they woll most probably amek the stick bigger, maybe something like 8.
The control decks will be all the rage after this patch. Welcome back the spelltael and the rad mad lad.

Kaedweni Sergeants will probably get nerfed, that they will most likely only buff units with a soldier tag

eithne(swapped with fran for lore): deploy: at the start of your remaining turns mulligan an extra card. you are guaranteed rarity one higher than the card you mulligan'd if possible.

hoog: while this leader is in play any allied dwarf is restored to full strength at the start of your turn.

francesca: deploy: play two spells from your hand or deck. one after another.

dagon: you may only play this card in the final round. deploy: spawn an impenetrable fog. strengthen this card by 1 for each necrophage you have summoned this game.

eredin: deploy: deal 3 damage to all enemies on the opposing row. at the start of your turn move to the row with the most enemies and repeat his deploy ability.

unseen elder: deploy: consume a friendly unit on the board then return unseen elder to your hand. afterwards add a lacerate to your hand (once per round),

henselt: crewman 1. counts as a trio activator. deploy: resurrect a friendly machine.
yeah that sounds likely.
I think something like tutor for a bronze card in either player's deck could be interesting as the cardpool increases.
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Are any of these getting nerf? I would like the full scrap value.

Almost every card is getting reworked, and we don't even know if they're offering refunds this time around. Pick whatever.

are any of them premium?

shirru is cool. assassination probably cant get any worse so anything that happens next patch is a buff to it.
None of them are premium. I picked Assassination, hopefully it turns out to be useful.
This is the worst general I have ever been on. You guys are even worse than Etrian odyssey general
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There are plenty of generals that are worse than us.
They still havent fixed the cock sucking mulligan bug?
It's a feature.
where you cant mulligan at all and youre just stuck on the screen while the opponent just plays?
Oh, no. That's a bug and it's still not fixed.
Triggered nigger

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Holy shit boys, finally did it. Was rough with queensguard.
>average "cards to the safe box" net decker can't even take a screen cap
is there a reason to play campaign vs stupid AI?
will I get special cards, avatars or goodies in multiplayer if I do?
Movie cards
And __fun
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funky NR mill build
thought I'd share if someone wants to give it a spin.
Running Radovid atm.
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Nice gold card you've got there, would be a shame if something happened to it.
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Friendship ended with Stefan Skellen
Now Xarthisius is my best friend
ffs this is savage
>Aih brediggt victory
I imagine they'll add a shuffle to it. It's just too insane if they don't. When the game launched in open beta Dandelion let you see the order of your deck, and they changed it because that was stupid.
Maybe you don't see the cards
fuckin wut?
what the purpose of milling if you will literally shit your hand with Aretuza Adepts AND Frost at the time and also blue stripe commindos.
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>first light is now weather
Aretuza adept is new elven mercenary?
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It's an even more reliable mercenary. You can also play weathers with Keira now.
What did he mean by this?

You need to buy new expansion cards with real money or what?
>CDPR is so confident in Gwent their shitty e-spurts series last year and a half, requires full time job levels of committment, and constant travelling from the players
How are these fuckers so cocky while averaging ~700 viewers on Twitch?
>Decide to try Axemen
>Suddenly every monster player has scorch and igni

No you dumb fuck, this season's meta is filled with Igni, scorches, locks, resets...

Axeman is more or less unplayable atm, it's not "suddenly."
>switch to dorfs
>have literally only played mirror matchups or damage skellige

Are you 1k MMR? Igni and Scorch from monsters is unheard of above 3k
you pull the sergeant, buffing commandos to 4. then you can pull em fast with adepts or gold->roach. funnily enough the deck wants to thin to 0 cards asap so you can chain avallac'h/nenneke/decoy shenenigans. if you're good you can chain at least 6 extra cards at 0 cards like wtf haha :D
I'm above 4k and Igni is in my Monster deck too. I play four decks.
Why would you not have igni in every deck? Especially considering monster golds suck so much dick. Not having scorch makes sense, but igni?
>These players unironically think igni is good in monster decks not named consume
Lol? Caretaker, Speartip and Ge'els and Spirit. 3 out of 4 are in every single monster deck regardless if it's weather or consume
as long as gw2g exists, you will always be wrong
You keep changing your opinions on the fly, suddenly you exclude Consume monsters. Just admit you were wrong all along and move on.
>I imagine they'll add a shuffle to it
Even with shuffle, seeing your opponent's deck is ridiculously powerful.
And in a game full of netdecks, it will give you an idea of what cards your opponent has in hand.
Oh I agree it's powerful. It's just off the charts if you get to see order aswell. Same with Dandelion before he had the shuffle added, it almost seems intended by CDPR and they don't understand how much that information is worth.
there is literally one guy in the balancing department
he is also lead designer, animator and community manager
T. 500 MMR player
Is it Burza? Whats rethaz responsible for? Bringing donuts to the office?
Burza is the community cuck, rethaz calls the shots
Explain why no Monster deck should use Igni.
>no Hotspurn card with Premium Ciri sucking art
>no Rats Rally cards
>no Ciri: Falka card that spawns Kelpie
Because monsters have better golds than igni, and igni sucks because monsters are 80% of the ladder
>Monsters have better golds
Not really. The fact you ran here to whine about them running Igni when you got BTFO'd by it just confirms it's a good pick.

>Monsters are 80% of the ladder
Nah, just go look at the statistics.
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Kill me please, I just can't reach 4.2k boys. Came as close as 4180s several times only to roll the fuck back. Niflgaard doesnt' fucking cut it past 4k and I refuse to play shitty other factions. I know pro ladder is meaningless anyway, but I want to be there.
>tfw dawn of the first day, 72 hours remain
Nice projection, 500 MMR cuck
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>igni sucks
>against monsters

>I know pro ladder is meaningless anyway, but I want to be there

How is bot life serving you? Has it made you happy?
I don't think you know what projection means. This is not about my psychology but you. You got served by Igni, which is an inclination that it is a good pick, and there is no statistical support that Monsters are 80% of the ladder.

Nothing to do with projection.

I don't think you know what projection means, lad
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What deck is this guy playing?
how many kegs will he get
neutral gold cards should not be better than faction cards
No neutral gold card is better/overlaps a faction specific gold.

Thank you for your feedback.
Pretty sure that's a CDPR guy, nothing to see here
neutral golds are garbage
>CDPR employees get free kegs
>get to have everything premium

wish i was a polish girl desu

What tipped you off?

Have fun playing the game at a smooth 3 fps with the fear that your game crashes
>everyone who sexualised ciri in the books is dead

pottery desu
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Help which one will get buffed/reworked?
Ele'yas will have to get reworked at some point. Sabrina is likely to get reworked aswell.
>there are more than 200 people between the 4500 and 4510 mmr range
jesus fuck
picked Sabrina because of that hot 1/100 rating
Only use I've seen for her is a combo with Geralt : Aard. If you push her and another unit which both die due to Aard, it kills everything on the row. Not sure if they changed that.
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>Geralt: Blaargh and Sabrina in the same deck
Geralt : Aard was my first legendary, because the other two choices were that bad :(
*Gold not legendary. I'm too used to talking to people used to other games and not being arsed explaining Gold / Silver / Bronzes are
all gold are legendaries anyway
Legendaries are exclusive to golds right now, same way epics are to silver.
Ah right. I forget that rarity is a thing now that it's so tightly coupled to card colour.
I prefer the way it used to be. Things like legendary silver Ocvist made a lot of sense but I guess it might be too confusing for people coming from hs
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Kaedweni Siege Support now 6 strength.
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Margarita now 5 strength.
it sounds better as it is now, its consistent across cards and lets people plan having enough scraps for the cards they want
knowing that every silver is 200, and every gold is 800 gives you something to work up to.
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Reinforced Trebuchet now ignores armor.
yeah but before you could actually make semi viable decks with epics only
>boosts units by 9 power instead of 12
>making her a 14 strength gold dependant on having 3x units next to eachother instead of 17 points
>forced to include weather card in your deck if you even want to play her
>draw weather before/and keira and her aeromancy is dead

keira into quen wins games, now you get to lose them instead. the entire card is designed around always providing utility no matter the situation. instead she now forces you to build your deck a certain way and pray you don't get screwed over by draw.
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Rain now damages two random units by 1.
what is the point of armor if everything is going to ignore it, fucking hell
>inb4 CDPR removes it again in the following patch because it's too broken
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Thaler is not an officer, he is an "Agent".
Well I did get like 30 reaver hunters
Retarded change
Next they are going to make this piece of shit agile
nice doomed tag
I agree it's a nerf, but keep in mind first light is now tagged as weather aswell, so that's an option (not that NR usually runs it). I can't imagine she'd be run in many decks after that change though, need to see how other golds are changed.
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Frist Light is now has the Weather tag and the Tactic tag, meaning it can be pulled by Jon Natalis and presumably Aretuza Adepts.
go to /dag/
At least people talk about the games here.
With the doomed tag in the effect box, if you lock it before it dies will it go to the graveyard? Or will it still get banished due to CDPR logic?
i see you've never been to /wtc/
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Reinforced Ballista now 7 strength.
good remark. Since the Doomed tag isn't as bold as the Deploy one, i think it's safe to assume it can't be locked
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Geralt is now 13 strength with no ability.
Geralt: Boring
when gold cards can be targeted this is the worst card in Gwent
probably the worst gold in the game now.
>they are removing brave
thank god
Well then I take back what I said about Keira. If a vanilla 13 point gold is CDPR's idea of good, maybe Keira will still be good after we see what's happened to all the other golds.
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Axemen now only boost when an enemy on the opposite row is damaged. Also veteran again.
why the fuck did they buff axemen?

seriously. what the fuck.
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Avallac'h is still 8 strength despite earlier rumors.

okay nvm
you are a retard if you think card draw instead of a shitty shield effect is a nerf.
Dead card
ok they are still strong vs opponent decks that have cards fixed on rows like this spider plants
now they dont snowball if you run out of control vs a faction that can rezz this shitters whenever they want

Where are you from, friend?
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Whatever the fuck this means.
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Vanhemar now casts Overdose instead of Tremors.

Peter now 5 strength.
Overdose is Tremors now though
is there a reason why monsters want one single card in their or their opponents graveyard other than Gravehag and Caretaker?
maybe it will have a timer and returns to the board

check the last thread. it had a photo of the card.
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Wait how the fuck is Thaler in this NG player's hand?
john natalis

Right, Emhyr, duh.
Emhyr decoying it?
Emhyr makes you play a card first after the patch
Gold card should not rely on other gold card to be good.
9 stregnth by itself is very weak for a gold.
I have no idea what Draugir should be to be useful to you and give no benefit to your opponent.
play queens guard until you get the madman
And I doubt draugir has some weird synergy with gravehag, it should not be consume themed, he is a ghost (wraith, specter, whatever it is called). How do you consume a ghost?

>How do you consume a ghost?

Hold my beer.
could be something like: While this unit is in the graveyard, put a 1 point token in your graveyard
i just explained to you how keira went from being a utility card to 'you have to put weather in your deck and pray you don't draw it card'.

i don't care about your little power levels, i'm tired of cards losing their identity because spells like quen is too complicated for reddit.
What does new John Natalis do?

Pull a "Tactics" card. The only tactics cards we've seen so far are Reinforcement and First Light.
I'm just about to head into ranked mostly using Sk self wound at the moment. I'm having a little trouble with dagon but shit on almost everything else. Am I likely to see a lot of dagon immediately in ranked?
Nothing else?
Wud bout muh crew
how was quen part of keira's identity
are you retarded?
I am pretty sure marching orders, commanding horn and Decoy will be Tactics card.
what mmr
Ida Emean also had Quen Sign, what identity are you talking about you dumb cunt lmao
you'll just play unpredictable meme decks
you can quen to counter coral and other reavers
you inhale
Great..any tech I can include to increase my chances against them?
Gremist is good for weather clears. Lacerate is good for their unit spam.
I'm just about to hit level 10 do you build MMR based on casual games? If not then nothing
>a gold that pulls silver cards
not too bad. the only downside is that Thaler cant be played with Marching Orders
if you are just beginning then you can hit 4k with any deck
Nice gremist was my next craft anyway. I'm running first light at the moment, it's not really dead weight, played late game I have a good idea of what it will pull (normally a priestess or warcrier) so if they are everywhere I'll just run both.
Casual doesn't tell you anything about ranked.
What's the best way to deal with these fucking harpy eggs. Am I better off popping them to prevent carryover or just leaving them alone. Locking them seems like a huge waste but they are getting on my nerves.
depends what deck you are playing

depends on the round.

last round better leave them as is.

other rounds try popping them so they cant set up a potion on them so easily. plus if you lose the round the carryover wont fuck over any card advantage you try to get as much as playing catch up towards free units.

also try not pop them when there is an earth ele with space next to it otherwise you will get really triggered by how they trigger the ele deathwish.or nekkers for that matter.
Baron's dead tho aint he
SK self wound at the moment it's the faction I have the most gold's and silvers for, not much tech in general but the priestesses normally give me a good warcrier combo in round 3 so maybe best to pop them in round one then try to steamroll round 2 and 3
>>187087912 thanks for the tips sounds solid.
if you are winning r1, try to pop them all so you can dry pass r2 and force them to use a card
if you are losing r1, you can afford to leave some of them on the board as long as you know you can win r2 in 1 card
new Truiseach Veteran card is beautiful
I dont mean the effect but the art and animation
>tired of war
>still force himself to sharp his sword for the next battle
>dat sigh
animated poetry

yet in his voice lines he sounds like a cocky asshole

Tuirseach Veteran - Mayhap You'll Gawk At Zerrikania's Marvels Too One Day

Tuirseach Veteran - Scars're All The Trophies I Need

Tuirseach Veteran - Seen It All Already. And Then Some.
he sounds lile a grumpy grandpa
Infiltrator should've been named Framer instead
>assassination over schirru

lmfao whyyyy
>not 'Falseflag'
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Any of these getting reworked?

Rain is getting changed. Also, did you just pull three silver mages in a single keg?
Yes, no animated ones tho
You didn't get refund on any of the mages last patch despite them nerfing weather and certain spells.
Can I get a quick rundown on thronebreaker?

How much will it cost?

Are they going full jew like HS?
we dont know now
most likely yes. if they decide to put cards in multiplayer you can only unlock in capagne made Im out

if they going to make it pay2access it'll be probably around 10 - 15 bucks like Heart of Stone the DLC for Witcher 3 (at least it has this much content according to a game review site)
Would not surprise me if the multiplayer cards are craftable at the very least for F2P.
But this seems like more than an 1-2 hour hearthstone type of adventure where you just fight a couple of AI bosses.
They way they talk about it seems like a full fledged singleplayer campaign.

literally didnt say that you mongoloid.
one of KBT vids

thronebreaker is going to be infinitely better than anything hearthstone has shit out since release. its going to be worth the money.

the amount of work and voice acting/replay value that is going into it is nuts for a card game.
except putting the cards behind a paywall puts a terrible precedent for the game
Nobody knows that.
I'd be pretty shocked if they did that. CDPR is nowhere near as jewish as some companies, they're aware of the playerbase-suicide a move like that would be.
they said 30 cards are coming out with the patch.

the premium versions of the cards from thronebreakers are going to be unlocked in the campaign. its still to be seen whether they allow crafting of the thronebreaker cards.
They said you will be able to get DLC only for money (not in-game currency), you'll receive 20 multiplayer cards as soon as you purchase it, ald premium versions will be hidden inside campaign.
But knowing CDPR, I think cards will be craftable even if you don't own DLC.
we can all hope they aren't
>cards behind a paywall

Why do you idiots keep saying that like it's a fact? What is your source? Just because burza didn't mention if you can get the cards by other means, that must mean that you can't right? Stop overreacting over nothing you fucking faggot jeez
Yeah it would be rather shocking if they did that.
They've been extremely generous so far so at this point people except them to be generous with stuff like that.

Like I said earlier I think they'll make the MP cards craftable. Seems like the easiest solution.
So if you pay say 15 bucks, you get what is it, 25-30ish cards guaranteed instead of 50 something random cards if you bought kegs for that price. Plus you get a what looks like a pretty interesting single player campaign if you enjoy the Witcher universe.
HS didn't demand real money for solo adventures.

If CDPR does, Gwent will be even more P2W than Cancerstone and that's quite something.
Do you think solo adventures will have no rewards? Serously?

you are getting an actual product with the gwent campaign though.

hearhtstone (((campaigns))) are literally just there to spew out more broken ass shit for blizzard's glorified slot machine.
daily i regret milling my premium xarthisuis
they are going to unlock premium versions of the cards only, thats been confirmed already
So CDPR is going to start jewing of cosmetics, what a shit company.
as long as they are cosmetics like exclusive avatars nobody really cares about or premiums

Im ok when they also give extra kegs for achievments for the multiplayer
Quoted the wrong post. He ended up picking assassination though.
he was bound to be buffed at some point, I still have my regular regis and premium birna
> why doesn't CDPR create a card game without making a cent out of it?

because they're not a charity it's a job for them. as long as you can craft these cards for free that's fair

i got a regular one too but his premium is pretty nice and i'm a whore for premiums
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let's play a game,

which copy of Yarpen / Sheldon / Barclay do i get this time ?

How are they supposed to make money?

water hag
speaking of xarthisius, how would /gwt/ balance him?
he sounds pretty disgusting but the ability to piss off netdeckers makes me cream my pants
premium assassination is dank af tho

shame it wasnt.

natures bounty or whatever the blue snek thing is.
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well it was Dennis Cramer, but now i have another problem.


Xarth is not that great against Netdecks, since you can literally open up GwentDB in 20 secs, and you have their whole list (without wasting a gold slot). But he's great against hidden cards, or fucking over combos like Crones, if they are all in his deck
>they are not a charity
>how to make money

Like all the other card games: sell cards and solo adventures for real money while letting free players gain them through in-game grind. All the other games have managed to support themselves this way. With this model, the game is going to turn into a game only paying players can enjoy, making the rest leave for other games.
milva obviously?
remember that you essentialy reveal their whole hand when you are playing against netdecks
He will be good against netdecks though, because in that case you get to know what's in their hand by process of elimination.
the cards aren't going to be behind a paywall dumbass
Premiums are, was that not confirmed after all?
So what poorfags?

You'll spend 300 hours playing, but won't spend 20 dollars?
>oh no, I can't my cards shiny and moving, game's ruined!
when you buy the campaign you get the regular cards on the spot and if you play the campaign you can find the premiums there too, doesn't say you can only get a premium with the campaign you'll just have to transmute shit
Are you always this short-sighted and narrowminded or do you just pretend to be while still a student?
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>i'll receive <20 kegs at the end of the season
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enjoy the 20 Alchemists

>Cyclops is a better Ele'yas
Hearthstone is much better than this game
>eleyas on a bronze card + synergy
This is true at the moment
Not in a few days though
that shit is ridiculous. havent even seen what the new deathwish cards are.
hearthstone sucks dick.
> That card

Fuck off CDPR. You and the other Martins.
You mean when Gwent becomes a lot like Hearthstone, with random effects, polymophing, and everything being vulnerable to damage? I can't wait to play ebin control decks
>play druid or decks that counter him or get fucked
>Ultimate Infestation lmao
>still waiting for the "Control Meta" to come
>majority of games are decided by turn 4 since half the community is playing aggro decks and half is playing jade

nice game you got there buddy. Dagon and bran are dominating gwent atm but there are plenty of decks that can do the job and you can't instalose because you didn't draw the answer on your starting hand.
>ele'yas was literally one of the top 3 worst cards in the game
>it's effect was transfered to another unit which fits the faction and the card rarity now
>people on /gwt/ are assblasted
I fucking hated monsters ever since I've started playing but this card looks okay (until they introduce some pants-on-head retarded deathwish card)
Nice it's your friendly neighborhood doomsayer
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Post your savings for the next patch.

Only people who are collecting all the cards allowed.
In your sandy vagina.
>this means Ele'yas HAS to be changed
t. >>187077548 took sabrina
fuck off
>throwing harpy eggs at people
> squeeze a 20 points nekker. BTFO any enemy unit and boost self by 3,also deathwish so another 20 points nekker will come out from your deck

monsters were a mistake
Don't worry, Nekkers will probably be glitched like this season, it's not like CDPR are competent.
how are nekkers glitched?

here are your leeks
Their Deathwish triggers when some other units (not sure which) are killed.

So if it is round 2 and you were planning to have that next Nekker appear in round 3, the opponent might damage you and your last Nekker just randomly appears on the board, ruining your game.
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My sets. Will be approximately 40% larger when patch and nerfs hit, and I have some movie+non-movie gold cards.
Looks like a very fun card.
Not many units with deathwish in the game though, right?
Nekker can be big, around 10.
Yennefer conjurer 7.
Earth elemental 6.
Cow 2.
Harpy egg 1.

What else?
harpies trigger the deathwish of nekkers but it ain't a glitch

they'll probably add a ton of new cards with deathwish, looks like they want deathwish to be an archetype for monsters, you also forgot Iris
Well you don't want to kill Iris when she is on your side.
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The best Gwent players who abuse the most optimized netdecks still have at most 60% WR. How is this game anything but a glorified coinflip again?
you can kill a deathwish unit on your side and hit iris

>play against the same deck
>the one who has the better hand and / or "wins" (goes second) the coin flip wins
All the card games are glorified coinflips tbqh.
ur mom's a glorified coinflip in bed faggot
>all those shitty streamers going for 4.2k mmr as if it was hard
jesus no wonder nobody watches this game
Will definitely include him in my giant-themed "Big guys" deck featuring cyclops, frost giants, Jotunn and Old Speartip.
Skellige greatswords video.
if this isn't regressing CDPR fucked up big time
Next time try Shadowverse and you might get a (You)
So is it 100% confirmed that you only need 4200 to get into the new ladder?

Second time I get past 4200, but I keep facing counters before I reach rank 20. Getting a little annoying.

sometimes i can only ask myself, how can people be so obsessed with their shitty game, that they come over to other shitty game generals and shill their shit.
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Fucking monster players don't even understand what their own cards do.

>is it 100% confirmed that you only need 4200 to get into the new ladder?

You need to end the season above 4200. Or, if you reach rank 20, you're locked in.
oh god
1600 dust, don't know what golds to craft
don't hurry too much patch is soon-ish

Wait this fucker is a 7 now? Shit was already OP as a 6.
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Wild Boar of the Sea is now 8 strength with 5 armor.
Its just gonna get locked. None of these ongoing effect cards are going to be great purely because silver locks exist. The only way you might get one through is if you run about 6 things that need locking and the opponent runs out of ways to do it.
I just got banned from the gwent subreddit for questioning a mods decision to delete someone's post as "low effort posting" when they asked a question. Is this normal for the mods there? Certainly CDPR has better mods than this, right?
> Ongoing effect

Of course is 8 plus armour, anon. Golds with an ongoing effect need protection or they are automatically trash tier.
You are going to exchange gold for silver or even bronzes.

Reddit is shit, more at 11. Why do you think we endure this shit hole? It's the only place left on the internet where you can speak your mind.
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Ah, Sometimes, I've Had About Enough

lel I got banned there the other day for telling people who downvoted a question without reason to kill themselves.

I guess they take that shit real seriously over there.
the anonymous voting system combined with usernames for posts is absolute aids.i only go on there to see if CDPR has released anything new.
> all the people in /gwt/ that shamelessly bring up their reddit browsing habits

you have to go back
Fuck off and die
isn't this just a literal glorified longship?
Guess I'll just risk it, need 21 points to get to rank 20 so might as well go for it.

I mean, yes, but it's better because it strengthens whatever unit you want it to. The light longship is regressing, so it loses all of its strength between rounds.
the thing is that is strengthen a unit so in the previous meta before the morkvarg nerf it had it's uses, now it's one of the shittiest golds in the game
once again skellige get overpowered shit

fucking CDPR will never let monsters and SK drop below tier 1 ever ever, this is total bullshit

> skelliniggers using swords
top kek
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they exhausted all their good ideas on those 2 factions so of course they are going to come out on top
I can confirm that Nekkers glitch without harpies.

No you can't, dipshit.
the biggest problem with this unit besides the fact it starts with 7 base str which is high for a unit that strengthens itself is the fact these niggers strengthen themselves, having a single one of these modorn freya'd round 3 is like a 15 points swing
Shouldn't you focus on replying to yourself?


We are still investigating a way to ban you from here as well. Stay tuned.

We are all Rand, anon.
it's not the original rand it's someone pretending to be him i can distinguish between them the real rand stopped coming here a week ago after people trolled him
What's the difference?
it will get regressing once reddit complains enough dw
Is that thing on his forehead some kind of a headband or a scar? I always wonder.

Rand just wanted help with his Dorfs, while spending unnecessary money on the game. The other Anons just want to have fun
> reddit
> complaining about WE WAZ VIKANGZ faction
reddit loves SK and MONSTARZ

the real rand was clueless and probably underage, also had bad english
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a pretty Tiara for a pretty Elf
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I just want a MMO where you travel around Velen/Toussaint/Skellige and play Gwent with other people.
speaking of it, why the fuck is regressing even a tag
>here we are going to add a unit that can strengthen itself to ridiculous amounts in a faction that can ressurect its graveyard
>wow turns out its broken who woulda thunk
>oh well let's just add a tag to counter this very specific situation instead of just making the unit boost itself instead

>in charge of good game design

Yeah, I never really understood that either. They could easily just make the light longship boost instead of strengthen. I guess it's worse to resets, but still.
Just play TW3
skyrim sounds the closest to what you are looking for
> gwent matchmaking in an overglorified exploration hub

i too miss W3 anon. best video game over, i'm glad i finished it just a few days before OB started

>win a game
>your opponent kills you and dumps your body into the next ditch and steals your deck

sounds a bit like how swim creates his netdecks
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>these are gwentdb's most viewed decks
REALLY makes you scratch your head
Rethaz on swims channel in 10 minutes
I'm not in the mood to watch these clowns, keep us posted
how long will it take for gwent to become as cancerous as HS?
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> rethaz keeps his identity hidden

Rethaz is actually two burning skeletons.
>rethaz literally whining about reddit's criticism
i cant watch these faggots any longer
Would you admit you played Gwent to anyone with your real face either?
and who's the third skelly?
first of all yes.and i have. but he probably doesn't play gwent which is why they fuck up

he doesn't sound polish at all
there are no good developers in poland so they have to import them
the witcher series with all it's flaws is the best video game trilogy i've played. W3 is game of the decade hands down
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>good developer
>lmao people are overreacting about xarthisius,pretty balanced if 'y'ask me xD
>mfw I just realized that Johnny is relieving himself
>implying polish devs made it
Why is Rethaz such a salty bitch? Holy shit this guy fucking hates his player base.
he's going to be good because card variety is going up, in current card pool he'd still be shit especially with all the rampant netdecking

ciri is dashing in the background in the premium. you haven't played W3 have you?
>he's going to be good because card variety is going up, in current card pool he'd still be shit especially with all the rampant netdecking
you need to have >4200 mmr to post in this general
those flaming skeletons accurately represent what the fanbase thinks of him.
good,i meet the criteria

if you are playing reveal you don't need that
This isn't me btw, I have never said dipshit in my life lol
so you havent killed yourself yet? why's that?
>brainlets such a this are capable of hitting 4200
>this is the current state of the game
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xar will single handedly kill the reveal archetype lmao
how much money do you guys think savjz is making?
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I have fixed scorch premium
>Rethaz goes on Gwentlemen so he can refuse to answer the questions people want to have answered
>expecting anything else
>rethaz says wait for official PR announcement on answer to the question of campaign cards will be locked behind paywall of they'd be craftable

ffs. CDPR have a generous reputation so far but this isn't the kind of shit we want to hear in a stream
what's the point of making a "community interview" if he isn't going to reveal jackshit
>alba will strengthen
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>Tibor is below Igni range
igni at 25 obviously

>Rot Fiend

Have we seen this?
they were gauging people's reactions on the internet, they want the players to buy their campaign and buying cards with scraps is too easy for f2p's but closing sp cards behind the paywall is too slime'y on the other hand
they will probably make us buy them with ore or something
maybe you have to have at least 3 units on that row to activate igni, rethaz specifically mentioned an empty row
he was hinted in the last patch stream IIRC

cockatrice too
People are going to run Operator with Mahakam Agitator, aren't they.
he already posted on r*ddit that people will have to use it differently aka to trigger deathwishes, boost nekkers and whatnot
Rot fiend card art was released ages ago, but no effect and it had 1 power as place holder.
> Agitator into Defender
> 2 bodies
> 6 points resilience
> 15 points on a bad day
> Synergies make the number go up

You tell me.
operator was a mistake
What the fuck is this Unga thing Rethaz keeps mentioning?
shitty reddit meme which mocks archetypes like reveal discard and mulligan
>when you reveal, discard, mulligan/unga - do x
discard is strong though unlike reveal/mulligan

It's a meme that was created in gwent, where "Unga" is something like an archetype

It's meant to represent the amount of mechanics that work exactly the same like
>boats, magonels, neophytes
>spotters, pirate captains, vanguards
etc, power level doesnt really matter here
rethaz is actually a colossal faggot holy shit. what an unwarranted sense of self-importance
Hey let's form a talk show where the hosts are all austistic spergs who can't form a fucking sentence without rambling endlessly.
twitch chat is sucking his dick so hard about his shit opinions too.

what a cunt.
any interesting news from the stream?
What he's saying?

Not really.

>Tibor strengthens
>Igni's floor has been increased
>Rot Fiend is a card
nope, he's not allowed to talk about anything we don't know already
they are just mostly talkinga bout his opinions on things and venting about plebbit
fuck this "show"
no, other than everyone stroking rethaz's colossal ego.

at one point he said that dorregay the guy who spawns skellige and monster creatures doesnt cut into faction identity because he is the one who defines faction identity. as if faction identity isnt something objective that everyone can point out and say this card is bad for watering down faction identity. only him, the most replaceable man at CDPR is able of making such a judgement.

yeah and its shit.
just opened the stream and that's spot on, i can't handle all that autism in one stream jesus fuck
They literally left the only "buff when you do x" card that needed to be changed unchanged.
You are retarded
By your logic Price winning cow should be monster exclusive silver.
i mean the point of dorregaray is to give every faction some very basic abilities
it just turns out monster has all those boring units
I don't know what the big deal with giving the starting play a body is. Rethaz says it could be interacted with, but why is that bad? I think it would be cool if every faction had their own version of the starter card that appears on the board for free if you go first. It could add a lot of flavor to the game.
yeah except prize winning cow is shit so

and i didnt say dorregay should be monster only you faggot I said that letting non monster factions access monster units is a bad thing for faction identity.

dorreguy or whatever his name is could easily spawn tokens that do different things but clearly that would be too much effort to design properly so lets give him access to already existing cards because rethaz is a lazy cunt.
wait what that's about starting play body? is that their solution to the coinflip?

Rethaz said he doesn't like that idea. He prefers "phantom" points that just appear on the scoreboard without a real body.
Every CCG on market have cards which can generate cards which are exclusive to another class/faction/whatever. As long as it doesn't shit out Foglets or something as iconic it is completely fine.
And who gives a shit about Wyvern and bear in general anyway? Just as much as Priced cow and chort I bet.
> rethaz and 2 other devs will play against other people

can't wait to see how bad they missplay
Uninteractive points seem much easier to balance, with a body, it could very easily benefit some archetype and matchups like if you are playing swarm it's one more body you can align buffs and things like yenn. If you are playing against swarm you could just lacerate the body along with their other units and we're back to square one.
>card draw archetype

Okay then make it non-interactive. Sure, it would still contribute to Igni, but so fucking what?
why are you assuming the points would go on a row? You could just start the game with 5 extra point or whatnot
>Rethaz is a monsters main
really activates my almonds
>I already fucking said that 6 months ago in an obscure forum you don't read, but I GUESS I'll trouble myself and say it again, you fucking plebs.

t. Rethaz
he designed consume from what he said. consume is actually pretty fine besides gravehag but i can't say i'm suprised

I don't think you understood this train of conversation.
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>price winning cow sucks
>implying card being shit justifies faction identity desecration
why are you so keen on making the points interactive? or do you think being contrarian is cool
i meant it doesnt matter since no one plays the card so it doesnt have an effect on the meta.

obviously the philosophy behind it is flawed.

Literally what are you even talking about at this point? I think putting a faction-specific body on the board would add flavor to the game. I question whether this would actually be that difficult to balance. That's all I said.
alright fair enough then. I think it's kind of unnecessary but sure
using reddit turns you to an asshole
i thought thats what 4chan did for you, maybe rethaz browses this general??
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>preface a question with 30 seconds of needless rambling
>mumble through the actual question in 0.5 seconds
>overweight autistic weeb faggot in his 30s
he's making me depressed desu
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>to say golems are overpowered is factually incorrect
>it's opinion, and opinion cannot be factually correct
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>that poster
golems are fine right now though
assuming we are talking about NG's of course

Okay but his line of reasoning is retarded.
Did Rethaz just threaten to go radio silent because people are bullying him on Reddit?

Fucking kek.
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now he's bitching about not being appreciated and people not licking his balls
>waaahh i could not talk with you fucking assholes, other devs don't
what a little bitch, holy shit
I like it
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>monster silvers now have names
How can you name water hag?
Grave hag? Fiend? Manticore?
This will be weird.
They could be related to the Witcher 3 quests. Like how a leshen is called Woodland Spirit.
they could call the water hag anna
i listen to this faggot for over an hour and he gave us no new noteworthy information

Literally the only thing I learned by watching that was that Rethaz is a giant dick sucking faggot.
im glad this is one thing /gwt/ can agree on.
So he said nothing newsworthy? Faaaaag
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>ancient foglet isn't a silver
tfw 29 mmr till rank 21
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How many of you can genuinely, truthfully swear with your hand over your chest that you are having fun with Gwent.
>How can you name water hag?
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Which one do i get?
yennefer is very good in current meta and probably will have value in the next one too
john natalis is shit right now but will probably be pretty decent after the patch with his new tactics ability

milva a shit
Natalis is the only one which has confirmed changes and doesn't look shit after the patch
yen is good in most decks.

i would take her over natalis even though his new buffs look good.
>it's not an ignis fatuus
ye he sounded really fucking salty about "unga points" whatever the fuck that is.
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anyone with good photoshop skills willing to crown the newly JUST'd leader
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Aight, bout to download the game, what am in for?

Just fucking play the game.
balance bamboozle every time a new patch comes up right around the corner
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Can I do it boys?
we're all going to make it
I just lost 20 to a discard SK. damn
Do all the challenges then get to rank 10.

I suggest waiting with opening kegs until you do that so you get a grasp of the game. Even better to wait until the patch hits August 27th(Hopefully)


That tool can probably help a bit with the picking to begin with, though it will probably not be up to date when the patch hits.

As a F2P player its generally best to focus on 1-2 factions and as a new player neutral golds and silvers are great.

You can do it!

For the love of god, stop confusing "rank" and "level" when speaking to new players. FUCK.
Yeah my bad, its 2 in the morning so my brain is rather fried.
Can someone tell me why when i play against dagon, random units from my deck enter my graveyard?
what?maybe he plays regis:HV and eats a dude from your deck but dagon doesn't run that shit
was 11 mmr away, now im 66 from rank 21. fuck
I love the new gold rule.
>Who even plays non-deploy golds anyway
All just "power golds" are shit now.
Old memetip
Scorchy dragon
It will be interesting that's for sure. Will be fun to see what decks pop up when the patch hits.
>excited to see if anything gets improved for my favorite faction, ST
>most if not all new cards or leaked changes have been for dwarves, dwarves, and dwarves again
>nothing for mulligans or movements
So did they just forget that 2/3rds of Scoia'tael was still a thing? Why are they ignoring my cute Frannie?
Well apart from dwarves, ST's only realistic win condition is gold strength + scorch in round 3. With the gold changes, that's not an option now, so I have no idea how they are going to function.
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When are they going to nerf this shit?
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ST elves are just gonna be shit next patch.
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This could be done very crudely in a mod like GwentUp, couldn't it? Obviously not with 3D graphics but GwentUp does connect you to a chatroom full of other people, and with simple 2D graphics, you could make avatars for everyone in that chat. Even request friendly matches through that interface. A lot of work tho, for nothing more than a neat experience.
was this like nekker warrior, summoning circle, decoy?

It's a staged game where both players deliberately attempt to generate more Reaver Hunters. But yes.
still how do you get 20+ reavers?

Fuck netdeckers with no imagination.
>7000 point Igni
>Still lose
Igni confirmed for shit gold
I just shit on pumpkin that he rage quit
Anyone got a decent foltest machine deck?
is it dead?
i cant play right now?
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>> reaverfag totally thins his deck
>> plays a field medic on a reaver
>> it bounces back
>> boosts the reavers again while doing a trio effect again too
>> repeat times three
Damn, this is genious, I should try that.
I'm only 3800 mmr.
most new cards are over the top and overshadow already existing cards

new cards should just add to the collection and make new decks possible not make old cards useless

What existing cards are made useless by new ones?
golds can be damaged, weakened, reset, boosted, locked and destroyed, probably moved too.


skip to 3:06

So 4 new bronzes per faction, maybe even 5. That's huge, a lot of new decks.
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>tfw might secure a top 250 win since ladder is bugged right now
why do people even run sarah in their deck? just to mulligan a card away?
Certain decks rely on a certain gold to function. Without that gold, they just cannot win. For instance Sarah is run in mill to make sure you can get Avallach. Sarah can also be used in something like a Bloody Baron deck, where you can put him back in the deck and guarantee a gold, or just get rid of him if forced to draw him through another card effect.
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>-45 mmr for losing at 4k level to a guy a dozen points below
ebic :DD
just climb to 4200 brah ;^)
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>Ah, sometimes, I've had about enough
> whoosh whoosh
> there is NO ESCAPE
> whoosh whoosh

pshh nothin' personal kid
>Eskel can destroy cards of any colour, he is basically the only card they are concerned about right now
>any colour

Eskel confirmed for /ourguy/
> best witcher will be worst cancer
if even they're retarded balance team is concerned about him it's a huge red flag

Well the target needs to be unbuffed, that can make him useless in some situations (aoe buff with yennefer). And a lot of bug guys are boosted.
>bug guys
big guys

Tibor strengthen himself now


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this fucker takes your glitterrocks and gives you four commons and one rare,what do you do?

buy more Kegs of cause, because i support such awesome developers xd
Haven't played since closed beta.
When is the next patch hitting? Should i just wait for it and save my ores/kegs etc?
Is the game good or did it rot away?
right now it's rotting because it's been like a month since (probably more) since the latest patch and the meta got stale as fuck. current ranked season ends on the 27th after which people will get rewards based on their rank, don't open anything since a new patch is coming after the ranked season ends although there's no official date for it yet

30 new cards are going to come out with the next patch. looks quite good
i make fun of the slight lapse in his animation when he moves to open a keg
Do you still do your dailies?
Even casual is boring because dagons are 75% of opponents.
yes. i'm not going to waste scraps on crafting all the new bronzes but i need to get the as fast as possible before a new meta settles in. the first few days after a patch are the best time to play gwent

>play casual Reveal, cause "funny accent man" is best emperor
>face only asshole monster / henselt / discard players
>loose because they have bullshit units, while i have only shit
That's one fucking ugly Yoda
> Monsters are fun to play, so we have no plans to change them

> We are not creating more Ambush cards cause didn't like them

What? What's going on with these guys?
>reveal the doom you cant avoid
NG needs good bronze units
> he wants more ambush cards
ambush cards are pretty bullshit because you have no way of knowing how much str they have, the last thing we need is more of these. winning a game by flipping over a 20 points toruviel is pure bullshit
>play casual Reveal, cause "funny accent man" is best emperor

I forgive you, this time.
That's a damn shame cause I love the way ambush works. I don't even buff them, I just watch people who can't math spend cards to lose by 1 point.

I totally wouldn't mind if they made them unboostable from the hand or something similar.
if more ambush cards would be added to the game you couldn't tell what's what so it's still the same bamboozle. you can manage it right now because it's only morenn and toruviel (no one plays sappers)
whats the point of trap cards if you cant bamboozle your opponent
these cards have no right to exist IMO. how is a new player supposed to approach ambush cards? what's the point of making gold intractable if you have cards that are on the board but hidden? it a bad gimmick
CDPR just started streaming gamescom tournament.
cant watch
are cards pre- or post-patch?
Pre. No new cards during the tournament.
How do you start with a new faction? I've only ever played NR since the release of open beta. I know the basics and tropes of other factions but not enough to feel comfortable playing them. Should I just dive into casual, fool around, get a feeling and memorize the cards' effects?
And then there's the fact that the only extra cards for other factions I have are ones from the kegs - I've mained NR for so long and have all I need, but if I start another faction I'll be back to square one with bum deck (+ maybe some lucky cards I got from kegs), and given how much time has passed since release I'll get shat on hard. I want to escape the reaver meme but the only viable things I see are just more cancer setups like dagon and x-men.
> Should I just dive into casual, fool around, get a feeling and memorize the cards' effects?

yes, it takes like 6-7 games to start understanding how a deck works. or at least it's 6-7 games if you have a tracker and you always monitor what cards you have in your deck without it it could take more
Dive on into casual. The first step is the most uncomfortable, but you'll learn a lot playing different factions and you'll get to have more fun
Never used tracker, I thought it's just for winrate stats and opponents' MMR? Does it also allow you to browse your whole deck ingame? Sounds a bit like cheating.
it shows you what cards you have in your deck because it has a database of your deck. it's not different than writing shit down on a paper except it's faster and more comfortable. perfectly legal and fair CDPR has no problem with it either
It's not cheating when it's the equivalent of noting it down on a pad or having a very good memory. Instantly seeing how many of which bronze cards your opponent has played without scrolling through the in-game Cards Played tab is also hella useful, for example.
> Run into Dagon in casual while playing memedecks
> Close window

I fear I'm gonna get banned...
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> And now something special
> 50 points Keira

Keira best boy.
Any news on the Quen rework?
With how prevalent scorching and wounding will be I can imagine it getting a buff.
no one said quen is getting changed, it's just being replaced by aeromancy in keira's case and with overdose (that will have current stammelford's tremor's ability) in ida's case

vanhammer will also have overdose instead of tremors. so i assume that is getting changed
>no one said quen is getting changed
But it seems the most likely, that's why they are replacing it in the cards that had it.
just got -5 mmr for win
it's likely. but right now it's just words in the air
Your fault playing rankend knowing how is bugged now
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Can you give advice?
Also what monster/neutral Gold or silver should I craft?
>Also what monster/neutral Gold or silver should I craft?
Nothing, wait for the imminent patch
>using tracker because too low IQ

What a brainlet.
why do you have bloodcurdling roar? remove those and add potions
Our guy JJ is playing now in the gamescom tournament.
Too bad he's not lifecoach
29 cards dwarf deck, what the fuck.
I guess he really does not like mill.

They're good for 2nd/3rd round harpy eggs desu
>They're good for 2nd/3rd round harpy eggs desu
Scorch ->bye
Crazy decks he has there.
IIRC the bear doesn't get boosted by the eggs since it's an effect card that consumes them
>gwent open quarterfinals
when did the other rounds happen? i haven't heard anything about this tournament
it started with the quarterfinals. 7th best ladder players + 1 wildcard player
huh cool
poor chinese guy.off by 1
>the wildcard is that autist from HS
the casters are megamogwai and merchant right?
They're rotating them, McBeard was on before.
i think they have pretty good synergy. They are much better than those faggots who casted that big tour before OB for sure
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the fuck else am i going to hit 4200?
you don't because there is no point
>tfw no KBT
>he will never introduce the event with his gentle voice
>We are now at the gamescom - perfect time to play some Gwent
KBT is underrated.
I miss that little rascal...
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>keira wouldn't work in next patch because Dijkstra is at 3 strength
Eh, I've got Aggedonn on twitch up for commentary, I'm finding him better than the two official commentators because they keep talking over each other / cutting each other off.
re-read the egg description and put potions instead of bears...
next patch Kaira wont be able to epedemic above STR 5
and thats how it should be
>bringing a meme deck to a 25k tournament

bye jj
yeah jj is retarded, not only is that deck not up to date but it's unreliable as fuck
JJ is winning right now, 2-0 incoming
nvm he won lmao
Well done JJ
Holy shit jj
How on earth do you bring that kind of 39 card deck to a tournament with a straight face?
>expecting impulsive brainlets of /gwt/ to understand the 4D underwaterpolo chess that is going on in JJs head
How on earth do you enter a goddamn card game tournament with a straight face?
SuperJJ is the greatest gwent player in the world, suck it brainlets
>by writing this I'm above all of them :^)
it just werks â„¢.you'd know it if you would've played highroller foltest

all of you morons that called him dead when it was obvious he was going to win really need to move to a different game even gwent is too sophisticated for you fags
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who /rootingforJJ/ here?
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>plays a very risky deck in a big prizepool tour
>get lucky mulligans
>in a bo5 of a game of luck
>he was the better player
> lucky mulligan
> 3 light cavalry

double kys
can someone edit 'farming' into 'refugee'?
Brainlet monster player detected
>obvious he was going to win
>implying jj won because he played good
>implying he didn't win just because the gook played like a retard

face it, he only won because that chink fuck was retarded, you dont fucking keep 3 cow tossers as your 3 last cards when you can clearly see your opponent row stacking
>he thinks 3 dun cavalry is bad
>when the opponent is drawing him card
you have never played that deck have you?
> No Monsters

Is everyone banning Dagon?
Great balance CDPR....

I played against him a few weeks ago in casual.

He Kambied me
he didn't keep 3 he got some of them from mill
Yeah but I'm a better player then you so i can say, without any doubt, i was 100% confident that jj was the winner of the gane
maybe everyone expected to face monsters and built a counter deck
what the fuck are you even trying to say? whether he got them from avallach or not has nothing to do with him not playing them until the very end
>every player have full movie decks
good goyim
How fucking stupid one can be?
he has a scout. bloodcurling road and keira his rot tossers were dead in the water the moment he took round 1 with witcher you quadriple brainlet
CDPR opens tournament accounts with full premiums for the competitors
not even blizzard does that, interesting
it's their best interest to shill those pretty cards
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>unlock ocvist for no reason when you can get 5 points from cow carcass instead
>these are the top 10 players of the ladder
>this italian guy
they are top players not because they are good but because they bought 100 kegs and started with full decks while 95% of the rest tried to play the game with starter decks for a long time
From what I saw, I think he wanted Morkvarg to die and resurrect so Cerys would trigger, denying her in the next round.

Top 10 players moves are not for everyone, anon.
he was dying either way so i dont see your point?
I really hope you're just baiting
he could have aligned the raider with the mork and olgierd if he had locked it instead of unlocking the ocvist for no reason
cerys ressurects every time 4 units are ressurected
morkvarg comes back to life every time he dies with half his str, morkvarg was 2 str,he died and came back as 1 with ceyrs. because of this ceyrs couldn't come out round 3 because morkvarg died again and got banished

fucking retard
>haven't been in /gwt/ for a while
>posts like these are now the norm
what the fuck happened to this place
Game is too stale, huge patch is coming without a fucking word ftom cdrp

Nigga we all know that. Morkvarg would have died no matter what he locked. Why did he unlock Ocvist when he could have locked the raider and gained an extra 5 points AND killed Morkvarg?
He wanted to block Olgierd while letting Morkvarg die.
I think that the fact that he unlocked Ocvist was irrelevant.
the morkvarg was 4 strength when cow carcass triggered
i literally see no reason why the italian dude couldnt have locked the raider for 4 free points
ok here was the state of the game at that moment for you brainlets


he could have simply locked both olgierd and raider thus gaining an extra 5 point instead of unlocking his ocvist which wouldnt have triggered anyway
is that so hard to comprehend?
Says the brainlet
he didn't try to win that round he was trying to improve his standing in R3. he gambled his opponent had udalryk,with turn advantage it would trigger. he threw round 2 for round 3 the points didn't mean much
>italian dude using coral this early for no reason
he is definitely retarded
the better player won, justice
Retarded play was not unlocking the knight.
He didn't give a shit about the raider.
He didn't have to win the round.
Devstream on Monday, August 28th, at 9PM CEST (12PM PDT)
so patch not confirmed the 27th?

We knew that days ago. Pay attention lad.
fucking hell

It's probably the 29th. Pro ladder starts Sept. 1st, so the patch needs to hit before then. The 29th is a Tuesday, and patches typically come out on Tuesdays.
The incompetence of CDPR is mind-boggling. Time to pray that this game will die as soon as possible.
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>putting casters into medieval tavern setting
>not giving them appropriate clothes
as well as the clearly visible monitors
Welp, at least they look like a pair of inbreeding, malnourished peasants.
They did a great job, all if them
Mogwai is a CUTE
If only he knew how to play Gwent too...
Is this some Arabian/Jewish broadcast?

And why does the setting look like it's made of foam... Very cheap and sad looking.
nobody gives a shit about the settings honestly
hearthstone did the same shit in its early stages and nobody cared
I certainly do, it looks really pathetic. Gives the whole game a really desperate image.
yeah either you do it well or don't do it at all.
and if you don't do it, nobody will give a shit since it's all about m-muh espart
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Give me a single reason as to why the removal of gold immunity will be anything but a complete disaster
I do.
Perfect explanation
never post an image more interesting than your post
where's the dick
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>those winrates
of course the winrates will be close to 50% because you will always be put against the other top ranked players. if every game was against completely random opponent and mmr didn't exist even I could easily have 80% winrate.
goes to show that people at the top don't play better, just more
Gwent isn't exactly a game of skill bruvs. Considering that losing coinflip instantly puts you at insane disadvantage and mulligan can range from amazing to catastrophic, a good chunk of games are decided even before the first card is played. Its always hilarious when poker-grown babbys think they have any significant agency in the outcome.
whether the game requires skill or not is irrelevant. what the anon fails to understand is that it's statistically impossible to maintain winrate considerably above 50% against other top tier players unless the game has very tiny player pool.
Did CDPR say anything about fixing their ass cancer-tier UI and client?
I'm tired of sitting through the loading screen everytime I want to see the decks or craft a card
I'm tired of searching randomly dropping itself
I'm tired of a disconnects
I'm tired of getting vertigo everytime the opponent spins through the graveyard
I'm tired of card history not telling you shit
I'm tired of visual bugs
I'm tired of not having a time bank in a game where you sometimes have to play 3-4 cards in sequence, each with its own effect, sitting through their fucking animations
I'm tired of having to use gwent tracker when this bitch should just be in-built
I'm tired of random farting noise every unit has to make when they come out with compounding effect. The stupid whooosh made by 3 foglets at this point just triggers me to concede instantly and start drinking.
True, however, the "top player" of Gwent has very little edge over even rank amateurs due to variance-driven nature of the game. World's greatest chess player would destroy anyone who isn't a professional 99.999% of times. "Pro" Gwent players like LC, swim, or Mogwai routinely get their shit pushed in by meme decks in casual by people 1000 mmr lower than them.
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What are you playing while waiting for the patch?
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Witcher 3
card history is the worst one, what an absolute joke.
I actually have Blood&Wine unfinished (stopped like a year ago for some reason), probably should play it.
The worst thing for me is mulligan screen.
Its retarded that you have to scroll you hand with only 5 cards visible, they better do mulligan right from the main game ui, when you cards are at the bottom of the screen and all of them are visible at the same time.
The same applies to graveyard UI, it should be more compact and not block the whole screen.
friendly reminder this game is designed for mobile
hit 4200. really excited to not play this esport for a while
Rethaz the Dumbfuck said that they are going to fix some obvious bugs and problems in the ui but making it look nicer and cleaner is not among their top priorities.
Hitman 2016
Only 16 months of endless grinding to become the pokemon champion and win all the moneys, anon, I believe in you!
Starcraft Remastered. God I'm rusty, my 14 year old self would've wrecked me effortlessly.
Total War: Wa'hamma'

Second game in a moth.
First game I've preordered in a decade. I thought Cyberpunk was gonna be the game, but hey, CA show signs of intelligence and we have to reward it.
A year without playing will do that to you
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>tfw barely top 250 on the ladder
hope i will get to keep my rank in 2 days during the ladder reset
thinking about booting up EU4 again even though that game is getting stale too
post a proof or you're a nigger
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mfw 3700 mmr
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just got pop up, anyone else?
there are a few people rank 21 in this general, it's not that surprising anon
>you'll take a third of your mmr into next season
even more kegs hnnnng
I doubt you get kegs again for the rank you already reached in the past, would be too good.
i didn't think about that though it makes sense
>You wanna cum, you gotta pay. Can't let you through elsewise.
>top players blablabla
>pro ladder blablabla
>exclusive shit for 30 dipshits who farmed themselves into grand masters
Why is CDPR so intent on catering exclusively to a small minority of e-spurts tryhards? Does it never hit them that the vast majority of people just want the game to be fun and rewarding and don't give a slight of a fuck about e-penis competitions?
Every rank in this game is just a matter of grinding ranked with a meta deck.

No skill.
>shitters forcing me to play my dagon deck to complete my dailies in casual
fucking hell
Are going to seriously grind pro ladder?
Do you have enough cards for every faction?
up to 4k you can use anything

after that you can't use the absolute worst shit like movement ST but you can still climb
they want to promote gwent as a "strategic experience for smart players" or some such
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>everyone will make a final push the last day
>might not keep top 1000 finish
There's literally no reason as pro ladder would be of interest to 10 streamers and 10 asian autists and absolutely nobody else. The "play all factions" rule is retarded too, why in the fuck am I forced to play factions I don't like just to keep up? My goal for the next season is to abuse Xarthisuis, get unmasked Imlebro and uninstall this timesink forever.
> get unmasked Imlebrot
>the next season
anon, sit down, I have some bad news for you...
But why though? Hearthstone is successful specifically because it never positioned itself as le e-sports, in fact Blizzards biggest blunder was trying to push Starcraft 2 as some kind of pro game for pro players casuls get out, the game is already deader than SC1
If they keep the gwent challenger format the same as they previously did, then 512 players will get to compete. People who were top 3k were able to get in for the NA bracket because the ladder is so lopsided with Europeans. Gwent Open is a waste of time though.
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I get need to place in top 1000, right?
Because people are whining about the RNG in Heartstone and that their plays barely matter because of it
CDPR wanted to capitalize on this, It may be a retarded decision but rethaz and his bunch are no fucking experts by all means
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rethaz was arguing with noxious and some faggots about ladder-locked rewards and it seems that alternate triss, dandelion and imlerith will be available only during this season
i might be wrong but you know how it is
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What a fucking cockfag. All I wanted was that stupid alternate triss but GM is harder to get than fucking imlerith.
unless you simply want to "get him" as a reward for this season and I'm being stupid, in that case just ignore me
if thats the case then we might get kegs again for hitting different ranks next season
Reminder that if you're not already eligible for Pro Ladder, you should get the fuck out of this thread.
Who is the worst leader and why is it Dandelion?
I obviously meant avatar
Geralt has always attracted the cocksure voice spammers, in my opinion. Which is quite delicious considering that they're all fucking horrible players.
It's Dandelion, you are correct. Only smug weed smoking fags or people picking the most annoying character to "troll" pick him
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Toruviel summoning Aelirenn has give 3 wins today.
Is the first time I've made a ST deck in this patch, but isn't people more aware of it?
geez i wonder why you are winning
Yeah, I just got to 4.k
Still, I've won against another Eithne and Henselt netdeck with the same trick
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>Eithné's deck #29
I have 6 decks right now, mate.
Every time I create one it it simply adds another number.
They ever gonna fix this shit? "Redraw cards" and its stuck on the screen. Fucking awesome, i lose round 3 to a shitter because the screen just gets stuck at the mulligan part. Fucking great
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> play homebrew reveal deck in casual
> win because netdeckers playing casual to practice before ranked have no clue what the fuck reveal is or how the game works outside of the two and a half tricks they picked up from paying as and against the most cancerous decks
>this proud of winning in casual you feel the need to report
Revealcucks, everyone
> t. asshurt netdecker 400 hours in dagon pro
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>tfw just shilled gwent to a friend
what have i done
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>world full of giant monsters and magic users who can cause apocalypse or turn you into jade dildo
>biggest empire ever is ruled by white dudes with no special abilities
Am I getting Witcher lore right?
sorceresses are a tiny fraction of the population and most of them aren't as strong as those you meet in the games
that's what got me too
how can people like priscilla ever get caught when they can cause giant meteorites and shit
> priscilla
i know triss does it but i have no doubt priscilla can summon stuff just as powerful
she can summon huge amounts of semen from other men but that's as far as her magic abilities goes
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Mogwai's ego grew so large after Gwentogether he decided to go pro
shouldn't he learn to play ladder without misplay before deciding on anything?
s-so they're buffing francesca and mulligan, right? We just haven't seen the changes for those cards leaked yet, that must be it!
Get the popcorn ready. This is gonna be gud.
His meltdowns are fantastic because unlike pure whiny bitches like Petrify he goes full passive aggressive and tilts on ladder for hours, it's amazing
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>world full of military equipment and generals who can cause nuclear holocaust or imprison you without charges for undetermined time
>the world's most powerful empire is ruled by orange dude with no special abilities
am i getting real life right?
>actual authority
You cant possibly think that
NG also has mages, they are just kept on a short leash
powerful bloodlines like that of Ciri also comes from NG
and the "real" NG, the one core of the nation that has not been conquered and added to the empire, the true Nilfgaardiens are tainted with elven blood
i though NG are proud of their elven heritage?
they are, but so are fat people of their pounds
no new leaks yet?
elfs are superior creatures to humans though. in terms of abilities at least not necessarily behavior wise
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i wonder who could be behind this post
at what time GMT+1 is the ladder reset?
Polish Central Time
why do the elves claim that only humans evolved from apes and are intruders in the world? the fact that elves and humans can interbreed proves they have recent common ancestor an there's also humans in the dimension the wild hunt elves come from.
humans and dwarfs can have children too as far as i know. and gnomes too since kalkstein is some gnome human hybrid decedent

> humans in the dimension the wild hunt elves come from

unless you are referring to something from the books i haven't read they're kidnapped people
So season ends on Sunday, what about the patch? Is there any news or date?

Dev stream is on Monday. Pro Ladder starts Friday. Patch presumably hits somewhere in between.
patch will come ~1 week later
Pro ladder?

That is if they haven't learned that people don't like waiting an entire week between the stream and the patch
anyone have a good consume list?
there are several of those, but it all comes down to having turn advantage round 3 for the gravehag
is there nothing to be said about carry over with big nekkers?
it takes time for nekkers to grow big, and several other cards can fuck them up. they're still very good but it's all about the gravehag in the end

consume is coinflip and silver spies - the deck
that's disappointing, it was one of my favorite archetypes when i last played 5-6 months ago.
it's one of my favorites too. besides the gravehag it's a wonderful deck

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Reaver hunts is so fucking stupid
Dude drops a single one for 28 fucking points

Are you kidding me.
good economy, disciplined army and stable technology beats poor, unreliable magic and uncontrollable monsters.
pretty accurate
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